DAMAGE DONE by FLOODS in Yesterday Totalled $42 J,723
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WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT WEATHER FORECAST i'olumbla—The Pilgrim. For 86 hours ending 5 pm., Friday: Capitol— The Marriage Cheat. Dominion—The Arab. Victoria and vicinity Moderate tn xmt Pantagea—The iiovemor'a Lady. fresh southerly winds, continued fine and Playhouse—Legally Dead. PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. <S NO. 32 VICTORIA, B.<THURSDAY, AUGUST 7. 1924 Va AEROPLANE PILOTED BY ARGENTINE AIRMAN Bets at Willows PROMISES SLAYER PROGRESS AND PROBLEMS ON ROUND-THE-WORLD FLIGHT IS NOW IN INDIA WILL BE PUNISHED; 200 MISSING AND EXTENSIVE *.» Total f429,723 PRESIDENT 0BREG0N Beta wageyed at the Willow* OF SCIENCE DISCUSSED AT during the race meet which ended DAMAGE DONE BY FLOODS IN yesterday totalled $42 J,723. The pari-mutuel tax on racing liets made here and In Vancouver dur ing the Aral half of the racing NORTHERNPARTOF FORMOSA BIG MEETING IN TORONTO season amounted to approximately 1150.000. It l* believed that a similar amount will be collected tn the last ttaif rtf—the -roaron, Thousands of Homes in City of Taihoku Inundated; Number of Papers Read by Leaders at To day’s Sessions which starts at Col wood to-day. of Sections of British Association for Advancement Railroad Traffic Stopped; Southern Part of Japan of Science; Development of Railroad Transportation Visited by Typhoon; Flood Losses in Philippines^ in Canada Described in Paper Prepared by Sir REGRET EXPRESSED Henry Thornton. HUGHES DID NOT Tokio, Aug. 7. (Associated Press'!—Two hundred person* are PAY ROME VISIT missing and many are believed dead as a result of flood* along Toronto, Aug. 7. Business of- the various sections of the the Tamsui River in Northern Formosa, according to dispatches Rome. Aug. .7.—II Mondo. com British Association for the Advencement of Science at the annual menting on -the departure of received by the .Japanese newspapers here. meeting here began this morning with the reading of twenty- Charles E. Hughes, Secretary of Railway traffic has been stopped and the city of Taihoku Htate of thv United Htates. for six papers which dealt with widely diversified subjects. home after his European trip is practically isolated, these dispatches said. They add that One of the most interesting papers was the report of the com complains that while he visited thousands of homes in Taihoku have been inundated. mittee on educational training in the secondary schools of Great London. Parla. Brussels and Ber The aeroplane In which xLjnr Zannl and hi, companion are at lin. he skipped Home. Britain for 1H> in the Dominions. The work of the schools is The paper say* That perhaps tempting III encircle the earth I, pictured above. The «tartXa» made Nagasaki. Aug. 7.- A typhoon yesterday sxv^pt the southern one in which the Prince of Wales is deeply interested and lie the 'It Allai n ambassador in Wash part of Japan, including the islands of Kiusmu, and Formosa. from Amsterdam. The latelt report «aid the flier» had left A\ahat,ail ington will be able to explain why .Th*' Mexican Government has" particularly referred to it in the cable which he sent to the for Calcutta. Mr. Hughes skipped Borne. stated Its intention of running to The railways everywhere are In tinuing for several days have flooded thousands of acres of farm lands opening meeting at Convocation Hall last night. earth, the men who murdered terrupted and the telephone and Mrs Rosalie Even* a" British throughout the island of Luxon. on I", a C Haddon presented a sug- telegraph lines are down. A flood which this city ia located, and done subject, near her ranch, in the tested arrangement of the rac**t* of is reported at Taihoku, capital of immense damage. iinn w hn lw had possibilities, w hilt* Htate of Puebla. President PROF. H. LAMB OF BRITISH PARLIAMENT ADJOURNED Obregon bas expressed his own Formosa. Great injury has been done to the Professor M. Wrong. In a treatise The seaport* of Onake and Kobe, rice an«l sugar cape fields. Many keen regret. >n education, declared no. uniform CAMBRIDGE, IS GIVEN in Southern Honshu, the principal miles of wagon roads and railroad* tlondard could be set for the teach- Island of the Japanese group, were have been washed out and a number ng of history and geography of the not affected. I of bridges have been carried away, ’ritlsh Empire in the schools of the HONOR BY SCIENTISTS TO-DAY FOR SUMMER RECESS AND 1 stopping traffic in several province*. a rions Dominions. TO 61 OLIVER Manila. Aug. 7.—Heavy rains con The segregation of racial characters Toronto, Aug. 7.—Professor BRITISH NOTE SENT ri n population held the attention of Horace Lamb of Trinity College, Wiseler's audience. Cambridge, who yesterday was PREMIER TO SIGN SOVIET PACTS elected president of the British RAILWAY HEAD'S VIEWS SEAT IN NELSON BRITISH GOVERNMENT WILL Association for the Advancement TO MEXICO CITY Sir Henry Thornton, president of of Science for the year 1925. ia lie «’anudluh National Railways, hy one of the most outstanding fig London, Aug. 7.—Parliament adjourned to-day for the Summer —— droxy, gave to the scientists his Premier Almost Certain to ADVANCE NEEDED FUNDS TÙ ures in the intellectual life of recess to a date not later than October Should the occasion U.S. CODVCyS R6pr6§6nt3tl0nS tnuwledge pf Canada from the rail Great Britain. He has written Accept Invitation to be waymans view point and expressed extensively and has published arise. Parliament will he reassembled not later than September on Murder of Mrs. Rosalie iis confidence that the system which several standard volumes dealing Candidate in Interior NEW SETTLERS IN CANADA xe directed would become one of the j 30 to ileal with the Government's bill on the Irish boundary Evans Vient publicly-owned utilities in the I with hydro dynamics, infinitesi mal calculus, ctatics, dynamics * orld. Nelson Liberals Confident He ‘‘"'V.'/rthor considérâtioo of the Anglo-Russian Treaties will go Washington. Aug. 7 A Communi I-arge audiences listened to the ad- : and mathematical physics. In cation from the British Government Ottawa. Aug. T.—A new agreement whereby British settler* his particular field he ie recog Ire*» of iTofessor J; W -lit^ory mi f Will Have Big Majority; over until next session, ami in thv meantime thv Premier pre in connection with the killing of Mrs. eouiing tn Canada will receive finaneial assistance from the- nter-racial problems and white col- i nized, according to the visitors to May Get Acclamation sumably xvill sign thv treaties immediately. Rosalie Ex ans in Mexico was received mization in the tropics in the geog- 1 Toronto, as one of the greatest In Washington and forwarded to British Government in actually settling on the land has been no- -...... ............. I--------------------------------------------- VIGOROUS ATTACK •aphy section, and the address of Dr. j intellects of the present century. Mexico City for presentation to the go! late,I in London, it was staled unofficially here to-day. In •*. <*. Shrubsall on health and phy- He is seventy-five years of age. That Premier Oliver will he a London, Aug.. 7. The propos?) of Mexican authorities by United Htates tique through the centuries. In the th7 past the British Government has shared with the Canadian Premier MacDonald to sign forthwith \ Charge Hchoenfebl. inthropolngical section. eamVuldto for the legislature m Government half the cost of the transportation offer made to THEORIES OF LAUGHTER Foresters to Hold ! the trr.ni»» betwwn Orel HMLIn j , Th. lm,.r,..i„n pr,v»ll. th»t th. Nelson «luring thv next few «ntl fkivtM KU..I. -irown up t-y Ml, I ltrl“-h •--nmuHjt.Uon tn of th, settlers, but under the new" scheme which is said to have been In the physiology section IT. J. I Anglo-vonf,r,»« yeetertley I ",uel cl.-r.ut,-1 In ,uvh .^rrum- *rever discussed many novel theor- PREPARE TO GREET Convention Here entered into between the Immigration Department and the British weeks and the Nvlaon seat will I ttr,w a vtgorou, «.Utt k from th. I tn« ront»ie«l r,pr,*.nt» os of laughter which tickled the ris- « «pposition when debate was resumed tion* an to the stepe the London Overseas Settlement Board, the British Government will extend lulities of his audience, and m the he opened for him almost imnu - Government deem* it necessary the >hysldlog> section Professor A. T. «’olumbla District of the Ancient In the House of Common* to-day. its assistance and advance money to enable the immigrant* to tilately appareil practically cer ih-der of Foresters, comprising Mexican authorities should take to Tameron. i>r. Tingwal<l#en an<l J. SCIENTISTS HERE The Premier refused to yield one estnbttsh themselves In agriculture. apprehend and punish those respon some twenty-four court*, will hold Inch to the onslaught ami finally The Canadian Immigration Depart armichael wrestled in turn with the tain to-day. Final Cabinet von- sible for the murder of a British tctlvitles of lodothy roglohulln and Its annual gathering tn Victoria scored a victory when an amendment ment under the new scheme will ts digest fractions compared with August IX and IS. Delegate* and proposing adjwirnment of the House subject. probably lend -Its machinery to cerry Part of Organization Wiil be frffBCti <m the Nelson situation In view of Premier MacDonald's their friends to the number of until to-morrow for further discus on the administration of settling the will he held to-morrow morning,1 statement in lamdon. it 1* regarded The women of the aseociatUm.wcer*- Welcomed in Victoria over lWriua* expected In the city.