WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT WEATHER FORECAST i'olumbla—The Pilgrim. For 86 hours ending 5 pm., Friday: Capitol— The Marriage Cheat. Dominion—The Arab. Victoria and vicinity Moderate tn xmt Pantagea—The iiovemor'a Lady. fresh southerly winds, continued fine and Playhouse—Legally Dead.


AEROPLANE PILOTED BY ARGENTINE AIRMAN Bets at Willows PROMISES SLAYER PROGRESS AND PROBLEMS ON ROUND-THE-WORLD FLIGHT IS NOW IN INDIA WILL BE PUNISHED; 200 MISSING AND EXTENSIVE *.» Total f429,723 PRESIDENT 0BREG0N Beta wageyed at the Willow* OF SCIENCE DISCUSSED AT during the race meet which ended DAMAGE DONE BY FLOODS IN yesterday totalled $42 J,723. The pari-mutuel tax on racing liets made here and In Vancouver dur­ ing the Aral half of the racing NORTHERNPARTOF FORMOSA BIG MEETING IN TORONTO season amounted to approximately 1150.000. It l* believed that a similar amount will be collected tn the last ttaif rtf—the -roaron, Thousands of Homes in City of Taihoku Inundated; Number of Papers Read by Leaders at To day’s Sessions which starts at Col wood to-day. of Sections of British Association for Advancement Railroad Traffic Stopped; Southern Part of Japan of Science; Development of Railroad Transportation Visited by Typhoon; Flood Losses in Philippines^ in Canada Described in Paper Prepared by Sir REGRET EXPRESSED Henry Thornton. HUGHES DID NOT Tokio, Aug. 7. (Associated Press'!—Two hundred person* are PAY ROME VISIT missing and many are believed dead as a result of flood* along Toronto, Aug. 7. Business of- the various sections of the the Tamsui River in Northern Formosa, according to dispatches Rome. Aug. .7.—II Mondo. com­ British Association for the Advencement of Science at the annual menting on -the departure of received by the .Japanese newspapers here. meeting here began this morning with the reading of twenty- Charles E. Hughes, Secretary of Railway traffic has been stopped and the city of Taihoku Htate of thv United Htates. for six papers which dealt with widely diversified subjects. home after his European trip is practically isolated, these dispatches said. They add that One of the most interesting papers was the report of the com­ complains that while he visited thousands of homes in Taihoku have been inundated. mittee on educational training in the secondary schools of Great London. Parla. Brussels and Ber­ The aeroplane In which xLjnr Zannl and hi, companion are at­ lin. he skipped Home. Britain for 1H> in the Dominions. The work of the schools is The paper say* That perhaps tempting III encircle the earth I, pictured above. The «tartXa» made Nagasaki. Aug. 7.- A typhoon yesterday sxv^pt the southern one in which the Prince of Wales is deeply interested and lie the 'It Allai n ambassador in Wash­ part of Japan, including the islands of Kiusmu, and Formosa. from Amsterdam. The latelt report «aid the flier» had left A\ahat,ail ington will be able to explain why .Th*' Mexican Government has" particularly referred to it in the cable which he sent to the for Calcutta. Mr. Hughes skipped Borne. stated Its intention of running to The railways everywhere are In­ tinuing for several days have flooded thousands of acres of farm lands opening meeting at Convocation Hall last night. earth, the men who murdered terrupted and the telephone and Mrs Rosalie Even* a" British throughout the island of Luxon. on I", a C Haddon presented a sug- telegraph lines are down. A flood which this city ia located, and done subject, near her ranch, in the tested arrangement of the rac**t* of is reported at Taihoku, capital of immense damage. iinn w hn lw had possibilities, w hilt* Htate of Puebla. President PROF. H. LAMB OF BRITISH PARLIAMENT ADJOURNED Obregon bas expressed his own Formosa. Great injury has been done to the Professor M. Wrong. In a treatise The seaport* of Onake and Kobe, rice an«l sugar cape fields. Many keen regret. >n education, declared no. uniform CAMBRIDGE, IS GIVEN in Southern Honshu, the principal miles of wagon roads and railroad* tlondard could be set for the teach- Island of the Japanese group, were have been washed out and a number ng of history and geography of the not affected. I of bridges have been carried away, ’ritlsh Empire in the schools of the HONOR BY SCIENTISTS TO-DAY FOR SUMMER RECESS AND 1 stopping traffic in several province*. . a rions Dominions. TO 61 OLIVER Manila. Aug. 7.—Heavy rains con­ The segregation of racial characters Toronto, Aug. 7.—Professor BRITISH NOTE SENT ri n population held the attention of Horace Lamb of Trinity College, Wiseler's audience. Cambridge, who yesterday was PREMIER TO SIGN SOVIET PACTS elected president of the British RAILWAY HEAD'S VIEWS SEAT IN NELSON BRITISH GOVERNMENT WILL Association for the Advancement TO MEXICO CITY Sir Henry Thornton, president of of Science for the year 1925. ia lie «’anudluh National Railways, hy­ one of the most outstanding fig­ London, Aug. 7.—Parliament adjourned to-day for the Summer —— droxy, gave to the scientists his Premier Almost Certain to ADVANCE NEEDED FUNDS TÙ ures in the intellectual life of recess to a date not later than October Should the occasion U.S. CODVCyS R6pr6§6nt3tl0nS tnuwledge pf Canada from the rail­ Great Britain. He has written Accept Invitation to be waymans view point and expressed extensively and has published arise. Parliament will he reassembled not later than September on Murder of Mrs. Rosalie iis confidence that the system which several standard volumes dealing Candidate in Interior NEW SETTLERS IN CANADA xe directed would become one of the j 30 to ileal with the Government's bill on the Irish boundary Evans Vient publicly-owned utilities in the I with hydro dynamics, infinitesi­ mal calculus, ctatics, dynamics * orld. Nelson Liberals Confident He ‘‘"'V.'/rthor considérâtioo of the Anglo-Russian Treaties will go Washington. Aug. 7 A Communi­ I-arge audiences listened to the ad- : and mathematical physics. In cation from the British Government Ottawa. Aug. T.—A new agreement whereby British settler* his particular field he ie recog­ Ire*» of iTofessor J; W -lit^ory mi f Will Have Big Majority; over until next session, ami in thv meantime thv Premier pre­ in connection with the killing of Mrs. eouiing tn Canada will receive finaneial assistance from the- nter-racial problems and white col- i nized, according to the visitors to May Get Acclamation sumably xvill sign thv treaties immediately. Rosalie Ex ans in Mexico was received mization in the tropics in the geog- 1 Toronto, as one of the greatest In Washington and forwarded to British Government in actually settling on the land has been no- -...... I------VIGOROUS ATTACK •aphy section, and the address of Dr. j intellects of the present century. Mexico City for presentation to the go! late,I in London, it was staled unofficially here to-day. In •*. <*. Shrubsall on health and phy- He is seventy-five years of age. That Premier Oliver will he a London, Aug.. 7. The propos?) of Mexican authorities by United Htates tique through the centuries. In the th7 past the British Government has shared with the Canadian Premier MacDonald to sign forthwith \ Charge Hchoenfebl. inthropolngical section. eamVuldto for the legislature m Government half the cost of the transportation offer made to THEORIES OF LAUGHTER Foresters to Hold ! the trr.ni»» betwwn Orel HMLIn j , Th. lm,.r,..i„n pr,v»ll. th»t th. Nelson «luring thv next few «ntl fkivtM KU..I. -irown up t-y Ml, I ltrl“-h •--nmuHjt.Uon tn of th, settlers, but under the new" scheme which is said to have been In the physiology section IT. J. I Anglo-vonf,r,»« yeetertley I ",uel cl.-r.ut,-1 In ,uvh .^rrum- *rever discussed many novel theor- PREPARE TO GREET Convention Here entered into between the Immigration Department and the British weeks and the Nvlaon seat will I ttr,w a vtgorou, «.Utt k from th. I tn« ront»ie«l r,pr,*.nt» os of laughter which tickled the ris- « «pposition when debate was resumed tion* an to the stepe the London Overseas Settlement Board, the British Government will extend lulities of his audience, and m the he opened for him almost imnu - Government deem* it necessary the >hysldlog> section Professor A. T. «’olumbla District of the Ancient In the House of Common* to-day. its assistance and advance money to enable the immigrant* to tilately appareil practically cer­ ih-der of Foresters, comprising Mexican authorities should take to Tameron. i>r. Tingwaln the nature of speech and >oice Empire to the Ontario capital, stituency. Mr Campbell, it is under­ It. or to reject It. However, the Ottawa After Consultation dit for the success of the negotiation production, and (he anthoropologiets stood in absolutely confident that Premier said, he insisted upon sign­ SHAVING BRUSH WAS of the agreement. Mr. Robb will leard Profeesor 11. J. Rose tell of the the local committee which has in his chief could be returned In u Nel­ ing the trestle* immediately. on Aboriginal Matters probably return to Canada early In Bride of Hades charge the reception here for the son by-election by a big majority. The debate In the Commons was CAUSE OF A DEATH September. The engineering section of the, as- j He has so adxised the Cabinet. opened by Sir Robert Horne with an No New Aaent to be Named Any ««reement of this nature Is of distinguished guests is steadily Safe Place For U.S. World Iamdon. Aug. 7.—A ahgving brush X.U mew «yCMl ire isenreu particu|ar „gnifiCance. following as UH-iation took a trip round the harbor POSSIBLY BY ACCLAMATION attack on the Premier's procedure as guests of the Toronto Harbor W- rking out details. leading Liberals believe that it i* Planes to Alight There is believed to have formed part of the it does upon the announcement thet and a characterization of the treaties , Canadian Red Cross Society s surplus For the Queen Charlotte rotnmiselon. and at four o’clock Four hundred will comprise the quite possible that the Premier may as an Illusion there will he no movement of British .here was a reception to the princi­ party which will arrive In Vancouver Chosen store* which were purchased by a Islands harvesters to Canada this year. It Ie l»e returned, by acclamation In Nel­ In the House of Lord* Marquis ! guidon retailer 1» Indieved to have pal officers of the organisation at the about August 23. and about two son. as the people of that city showcil Curgon maite an address along ; believed the new scheme will facili­ -'Ity Hall by Mayor Hilts, the t'on- hundred of the |«arty will come -on to caused the death of a man here from tate the bringing to,C«n««U the beet In the recent election that they are Major Zanni. Argentinian, similar lines anthrax. Medical suspicion was cast Ity the pansage «»f au Orden-iu- ■.rollers and members of the City Victoria on Monday. August 25. They behind the Government and are par possible type of settler* under the | “FAKE." SAYS LLOYD GEORGE on the brush at the inquèst. Council. will he received by Lieut.-Governor ticulurly Interested in Mr. Oliver's Flies From AllahabaY to Council by the Federal Govern­ most favorable circumstance*. WHITE INDIANS Xichol and Government officials, and freight rate campaign. London, Aug. 7.—“This is a 1 ment on July 20, the settlement Home of the Rrltish scientists hav- will tie shown ox-er the Parliament Whether the fonsertatlxe Party Calcutta, India faks—a contract in which every rem le red possible by the Indian Mg seen some of the “white Indians'* Buildings, the Museum and provin­ will oppose the Premier In Nelson, it essential figure is left blank," from Central America ami having cial archlx-es. is experte*^ will depend largely upon Washington, Aug. 7.—A safe exclaimed Former Premier Lloyd I^and Conunusion has been made, pronounced then, albinos, it is un- CIVIC BANQUET «Concluded on n«X* M landing pises for the two United George in the House of Commons and ratified by both Dominion ikely the association as a whole will States world aeroplanes on their last evening in the course of sharp CROW'S NEST RITE ft Is planned to hold a civic dinner 71alte further 1 nvestlgaliod of fire- next hop hag been located by the criticism of the proposed agree- and Provincial Governments. Tn tfi> evening oil th* tuai d&}. and_ ment with Soviet Russia. Hie natter. This is the opinion expressed on the following day^there wi|l be * army advance party on the cast Vommiiwioncr W. E. Dilehburn, j y representative scientists. coast of Greenland et Ekaluti. the phrase is endorsed by tb* major­ drive, followed by luncheon at the ity of the morning newspapers, 1 who was called Ottawa tn con­ CANADA’S RAILWAYS Dominion Astrophysicsl Observatory, Army Air Service wee Informed L17 which fully share in the «mate­ sult with th«- Minister of Interior Sir Henry Thornton is at present and a visit to ButcharCs gardens. rnent with which the Conserva­ Prosecution Insists Lay Wit­ as Superintendent General, and the on tour tn British Columbia. so tils As a member of the Observatory The proposed base is alwiut 75fl tive* arid most of the Liberals | Deputy Superintendent General of Railway Board Will Hear paper- was read on his behalf to the staff. W. E. Harper Is attending the miles from Reykjavik, in Ireland received the announcement by nesses Testify at Leopold- Indian Affaira, announces that this sessions of the association in Toron­ engineering section to-day. It gave DEFAULT STATEMENT where the filers have been awaiting Arthur Ponsonby, Under-Secre­ order finally settles outstanding Freight Complaints at to, it la certain the delegates will «be «1 of the eiH eeee of tary for Foreign Affaire, that a Loeb Hearing points recommended by the -Com­ a very complete sketch of the de­ fully posted about the Dominion ob­ velopment of railway transportation commercial treaty end a general mission's findings, together with euch Sittings in Ottawa servatory. Allied and German Delegates 5= treaty had been arranged with adjustments a* wen* recommended in Canada. In the afternoon there will lie .t the 26.000-mile air line around th#i [Defence Suggested Blanket Hlr Henry first dealt with the part in London Approve New the Soviets. by the two representatives of the garden party at Government House world will now he made. government*. Mr. Dltchburn and Sessions in Western Canada railway 'ransportation plays in mod- Efforts will be made to arrange a DAILY herald approves Statement of Witnesses’ Reparations Plan ARGENTINE FLIGHT and Major J. W. Clark. 'em social and economic life, and the public meeting at which prominent There 1* some lavornhie Comment If Interested Sections De­ Allahabar. British India, Aug. Evidence be Accepted PROVISION FOR FUTURE great difficulties In communication scientists will speak. The Canadian The Dally Herald, Labttr. naturally between different parte of the coun- 'flub will also prolxabiy entertain the 7.—The Argentine world flier, Mr. Dltchburn has Just reached sire Them Efforts to Find Compromise welcomes the happy reeult with the home by way of Chicago, bringing a «Concluded on page 2.) Ullstingulshed guests. <, Major Zanm, who arrived here great «i*t satisfaction. The Daily Chicg^o, Aug, 7—The prose satisfactory report of the mission for | A descriptive booklet of Victoria Is Scheme For Evacuation of j from Naeirabad yesterday, left (Concluded on pige i.J Ottawa. Aug. 7—A g-ncral being forwarded to the visitors, so for Calcutta thie morning. eution to-day refused to accept which he was çalled to the capital. Ruhr Under the settlement. In cases where •that they may select the places they PLANE FOR,WADE a proposal by the defence for hearing will be held here by the desire to visit. Newport News. Va.. xAug. 7 tribes are almost extinct, on the London, Aug. 7—Thv Ailiv*j Lieut*. „George U. McDonald and V sludrtcning the hearing before disappearance of the hands the land Board of Railway (Vimmiasinner* K. Bertvundlnas hopped off frum POUND STERLING Judge-John R. Caverly to fix will revert to, the Crown tn the right anil the Germans heve reavheil a I of th«> province, a* the Dominion commencing September 17. when VANCOUVER PROTESTS Langley Field to-day for Plctou. N.H, | (1 tunishment for Nathan F. I«eo- complete agreement on the man­ 141 the Douglas cruising aeroplane tn j AT $4.50 IN U. S. authorities are trustees for the abor­ all parties interested will have * TIMBER TRACT SALE ner in which defaults are to be which Lieut. Wade will resume his I Jr. hii«1 Riehar«l Loeb, eon- igine* meanwhile. In leasing and RECORD FOR YEAR selling reserves the titles will now right to attend ami lie heard re­ dfrefared under the Da we* plan. 1 round-the-world flight. j (eased kidnapper» ami slayers of Vancouver. Aug. 7.—Mayor W. R. SEATTLE WELCOME be able to be handle*! more freely garding complaint* received by Owen, with the co-operation- of sev­ The vonferenee lestler* on thvj Heat Me, Aug. 7. Arrangements ! fourteen-year-old Robert Franks. without the reservations which for­ He and Another Charged New Ydrk, Aug. 7.—Heavy buy­ merly had to he ma«lo. the hoard from all *ertion* ot eral of the City Hall officials, is bmg: Allie«t si«l«* met fir*t this morn­ have l»een made for the official wel- | ing of sterling exchange, appar­ “Our answer was a blanket 'No,' to-day drafting the resolution of pro­ come ^to Lieut. Lowell H. Hmith. *?ld Robert R. (’row*, state attorney, The increasing value of the timber Canada against the existing With Having Smuggled ing and shortly afterward the ently based on the announcement on the reserves, which is imrticularly test to t>e forwarded to the Provin­ commander of ^he United Htate* that the Allies and the Germane who lndi<3SUfd the defence*» Ides was freight rate conditions due to Alcohol Into Canada cial Government against Hon. T. D. Germans wer«i a«lrtiittv«l to take globe-encircling iyjeroplane expedi­ lo dispense with lay witnesses pro (Concluded on pexe 2.» had reached e complete agree­ \ ided th*' state would swept a blan­ the reinstatement of the Crow e Neat Pattullo's pro|*>sal to sell a tract of tion. «nd his companions at the Heat- ment en the manner in which de­ timber just above the city's water­ part in the f at the Ottawa sit­ porter. is charged with smugging Loan For German this subject Is considered probable. when they arrive, owing to the pos­ higlj record for the year. A jump I which the stÀte attorney and hi* three tings. the announcement continues alcohol Into Canada and with con­ French circles expressed them­ sibility of personal danger, declare* of two cents occured between 3 I assistants considered the proposal Southwest Ontario but should the representatives of spiracy to smuggle drugs, swore that Steamship Company selves quite satisfied with the.morn­ a statement Issued by a committee1 end 4 o’clock thie afternoon. the hearing was resumed with M other portions of Canada, especially * he had never discussed smuggling ing meeting. They said the German* in charge of the fete plans. I Hchrsyer. a student of the Uhlver the West, frol It necessary that they j slty of Michigan, na the defencc'i Windsor. Out.. Aug. 7. Two th be given an opportunity to express xvlth Brown and Dufresne, members Berlin. Aug. 7.—The North German presented their propositions In a moderate way and the tone of the first lay witness. «Iren. Bernice Woolleon. thirteen, lr views locally, the board will en- of the Royal Canadian Mounted Lloyd Line Steamship Company has . i>td- to meet them as far as pos­ Police. discussion was most courteous. YESTERDAY'S SESSION and her brother. Brneet, sixteen, been granted a ten-year Ic^an of £10,- were injured by flying debris in a sible and as shortly after the Ottaw* In ekplanation of his alleged smug- 000.000 by London financiers. CAPABLE OF ADJUSTMENT At waterday'e session, the revela­ windstorm which reached the ve­ sessions ae convenient. _____ gilng with Rublno. alias Sergeant One of the French epqkesmen ns RadiumNow / sed W ith tion that Richard Loch, through the locity of sixty miles an hour, and Hrowh. the accused said he was most serted that n>any of the points put mental examination of him. Had In­ MANITOBA HARVEST anxious to Increase the trade rela­ forward by the Germans w*rc cap­ swept this city late yesterday. Dam­ dicated to I»r. Bernard Glueck of age in flattened buildings, uprooted tions between Canada and Spain and able of adjustment and reconciliation New York that he. I»eh, had struck Winnipeg. Aug. 7.—Wheat cutting WORK STARTED ON tree* and broken windows is esti­ when he was told the detectives, with the agreements reached by the Success inlnoperatable (Concluded on ptir 2. > will be general in Manitoba by who owned several millions betwet> I C.N.R. BRANCH LINE i Allies, it kuh said that in some in-' mated at over $25,«X00 ____ August 23. according to a crop report them, were about to Interest them* ; ! stances only a slight explanation of 1 he Manitoba Department of Agri­ selves In the Importing business, he j IN SASKATCHEWAN l seemed necessary to make the Ger­ culture. ______thought It w ne his business to « man and Allied views coincide. Ailments, State Doctors ^cmmian!*ke FOUR KILLED AT encourage them.as much as possible. . Winnipeg. Aug. 7.—Work has The conference experts In' Downing been alerted on the Canadian Na- Street resumed their consideration RAILWAY CROSSING £. J. Fisher, US. ALCOHOL FROM SPAIN. 1 tonal HMTrthnin rrt.nttmv ac- of th# question of thé restoration- of Toronto, Aug 7.— Fleet use of "The patients were entirely free ENTERING U.S. NOW Arensed saM there had been lot ! cording to announcement made by Germany’» eeotwmir tmtty gnif*' the IN LAST TWO DAYS of talk of exporting alcohol to the I problem presented by the transfer «if rad 14m a* a *a«'dlrln<* in the treat- from pain after the third treatment.'' Washington, Aug. 7.—Large Professor, Foret official* of the company. On meat or inoperatable ailment» of the the dispatch saye. "Then ttoenty Brunswick, NJ;, A ng. 7 United States via Canada from completion of this section, opera- reparations receipts number* of Canadians are coming New mop1 anri.Jhroat has ..been made at the patiente were treated. The action of I Three rkMuy.-ttUl 4» ,R£RQ8T, A D O.P.T E:Q, 'fftlBfir^www^nwfiP wtwm To leave Ti posed that an. Importing company authorlzetl branch lines of the The Council of fourteen Mo-da> cording to a dispatch The Tor oh to until, the tonsil* w#re completely A among^r^i^^fîlfngo^con- '«tiw • .. _ r_, ...... » Ma'tr’Anfl’r.nipuy am tnyi qpitr pht e d ; •WWW* 1 Railroad passenger train at the Voor- « ’onsta ntinople. Aug 7.—Dr; In addition to these lines, five Jt-Usher, profesi «”« wmmttlw <.f lh- tht-r- t ,, ,.ov,r„, ,.f m.llitl* e g ret II there ie nothing in the now im­ hees crossing to-dg> ne* t up with the scheme the name of others will be constructed In Al­ Allied Conference. The round! will f it WF|, n# r.nrfr i The victims went out of curioelty Robert <*ollcge b Achille Berge vin., ex - M.P.P. meet again at Ô p4u. to maJtc up the : And of *oitre H" a" C" ' r -ing. but not decisive aa yet.t. fleveBëveral migration lew to prevent native- bert* and British « oLumbia. further ••( the goilre* show u decrease i* born Canadian worker» feem Th* hearing is being continued report of th* third committee. with results to encourage 1 research In this direction. si/e."...... enterinfl'Thî» country. * to tbe. grade crosalns, .where a, woman (Ueacluded on peg* *.> waa killed and two Injured yesterday. VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGÛST 7, 1924

the secretary of the International and that Irregularities have occurred Conference, according to The in comparatively few cases. Daily Chronicle, stating that re­ Replying to The Colonist’s asser­ COMMITTEEMEN IN FIFTY-YARD DASH AT GANGES HARBOR presentative» of the United 8tatee tions. ! do say that the vdter himself QUAKER are in accord with the French (and the party scrutineer#, if any. as proposal to hold a conference of well as the returning officer), is re­ finance minister» in Parie im­ sponsible for the disposition of th* mediately after the close ot the ballot paper and for seeing to it that meeting here. the presiding officer performs hii This propyeal was contained In duty in a lawful manner. I contend resolutions submitted last Saturday that the main difference between the for adoption by the \Allted delegates. voter and the presiding officer is that The first of these resolutions per­ the latter Is dhaiged with the duty of tains to the allocation of payments performing certain acts and punish­ In luscious received from Germany since Janu­ able if the fails to perform them, ary It, 1823, and to payments to be whilst It is the duty of the voter to full bodied Five Hundred Members of received during the first year tho see that the presiding officer per­ Victoria Staff Enjoy Dawes plan is in operation. forms his duty ; in this manner tr»w Syrup SEVERAL CLAIMS voter Is protecting the vote which he Annual Picnic Ambassador Kellogg’s letter, ac­ has then given, bqt there is no pen­ cording to the newspaper, states that alty for the voter who failli to protect Helved or Sliced ; in handy-eised his ballot paper. cans to suit your needs. Your Inasmuch as the question of reim­ Pure Wholesome Trip on Princess Adelaide bursement for the cost of the United . In respect of ballots with counter­ Grocer ha» them and States army of occupation in the foils attached being dep«jaitV‘«l in the Economical^ Through Islands Thoroughly Rhineland and certain United States ballot box, 1 see no connection be­ claims for war damages are involved tween this irregularity and absentee Enjoyed and as the programme will Include voting. As far as I know, this ques­ the question of allocating German tion did not arise in connection with payments for t ht» first yew» under the the absented vote, but with the votes - Photograph by Ooedenovah. minds of 500 members of the staff of I'Hi we* programme, the United States as counted on election day. David Spencer (Victoria) Limited as The committee Jn charge of the annual picnic of Me„r. David Spencer Idd. ye.terdjy at Gang,. Harbor should participate In the proposed There was no such organized the occasion of one of the most en- >>n here , Heading Irom left to right IV* Wllkin.on, Kred Smith. \v R «rant W alter J Laver, Lionel conference. clamor in 1916 when the final results ■ joysble outings in many years. The Locke,•kc. John Akins,Akin». FredProd G.<1. Harper,Harper. Dave Spenver. Perdval A. Hawkea. and F. h. Weacott. The group *■■ taken of the election were held Up on ac­ The race that followed was one of the most exciting events of the day count of*the soldiers' vote. AS far as l rendezvous was Ganges Harbor, the just at the start of the egg and spoon race, beautifully located vacation spot on 1 know, there was not a single com- paint about the delay in VS21», SOL DUC HOT SPRINGS Salt Spring Island. jy woman who said she was Mrs Other People’s Views Thfre may be reason* for recon­ Vnder idea! weather conditions, 881^749288 Anna Laurie, wife of a Jewish rabbi sidering the advisability of contin­ Two hours' drive from Port Angeles, Wash. the picnic proceeded from its open­ H>f Houston. Texas. She urged that ADMIRALTY DECREE a Jury of rabbis be called' to "Rear the uing the provisions of the Elections ing event to the closing number Letters addressed to the Kditor and In­ Act, providing for absentee voting; Largest Hotel, Concrete Swimming Pool, and Dancing without hitch, and with added de­ trial. She was taken to the psycho- tended for publication must be short ana legibly written The longer en article the there may be reasons for shortening lights that from a wise choice of Judgment in The, Paachena vs. IMthic hospital for observation. Pavilion in Olympic Mountains 'A* members of the Loeb and Leo­ shorter the chance of Ineertlon. All com - the time between polling day and ths playground. At the Island the large The Griff has been handed down munlcattoi.e must bear the name and ad­ pold families left the criminal courts counting of the absentee vqte, but Music, Dancing, Swimming, Fishing, Hunting and easy mountain party found diversity of Interest that by Mr. Justice Martin. Judge in dress of the writer, but not for publication ARE ALWAYS FILLED building, a tall, frail young woman unless the owner wishes. The publication there can be no good reason for mis­ appealed to every taste. Boating, trails. the B.V. Adihtralty District, to­ dashed to their automobile-and stood or rejection of articles la a matter entirely representation .of facts, nor for attri­ swimming, rttmhles in the shady day. on a piutlon to set aside ap­ In tho discretion of the Kdltor. No respon­ Two Stages Daily from Port Angeles bareheaded In a driving rain trying sibility la assumed by the paper for MSS. buting to the system of absentee vot­ Wjoods, field sports and «lancing, praisement value of the salved to gain attention until policemen ing irregularities in no way con­ added to the hospitality of ielami Capt. J. W. Troup, of C.P.R., submitted to the Editor. Hates on application. scow Griff. The Judgment finds ordered her away. nected therewith. residents, left no room for dis­ Mrs. GEO. UPPERT, Manager. Declares Prospects Brighter ( against the defendant with costs NO "MODEL VILLAGE" In the 1920 elections, the absentee appointment. In any event. The value of the vote was approximately ten per cent, Nothing occureit to mar the corri- seow as appraised was given as of the whole. In the recent election, pletenes.s of a perfect day. It was Has Hopes of Great Future $10.000 from which the owners ap­ INDIAN RESERVES To the Editor:—With reference to the special from Montreal in your the number of absentee Votes cast a contentedly happy departmental pealed by way of motion. The ISSUE SETTLED was approximately eight per cent, of family that returned to Victoria For West Coast of Island full Judgment wilt be.cited shortly. Issue of July 29. which quotas Capt. Vince as stating they have con­ the whole. shortly before 10 o’clock last night. e teed. . the voyage and made the heat of Troup, Manageri of the British held out of use by technical causes. little short of criminal. 1 would sug­ ironing as well. This is what we (In'- we rake your entire cloudless day enjoyable from every Fine work by the crew of a freight Columbia Coast Steamship Ser­ During his stay in Ottawa, in ad­ gest that Vince get some Information Butte^-Inslst on the beat local family bundle. MVe wash everything in our modern way, angle. Younger members of the train which wits' passing through dition to the department officiais from Scotch flsherfolk who have been fresh made Salt Spring Island party made full use of Flhdler’s or vie*». to Tho Times this morning ('owtehan Station saved the «i*-pot named. Mr Ditch burn met Hon. J. in this district for years. 1 think he creamery. ”* with the purest of soaps and water. Next we remove all "We ha\ «• had hopes f«>r the develop - «■hestra. dancing on both the out building from a fire wrhich partially H. King, and Hon. Senator Rostock, will find most, if not all. wopld ad­ + + + ment of the west coast of Vancouver the excess moisture. Then we nicely iron your flat work—• hound and return trips |uf _>tie boat, destroyed two adjacent building!». as well as a number of officials In­ vise their friends In Scotland to get Pendelbury & Fisher, Tailors and Inland for many > oara. and things table cloths, sheets, pillow eases, napkins, etc. the other and at the pavilion the Pair The train crew worked well, and re terested in aboriginal welfare more reliable Information than con­ Breeches Makers. 617 Fort Street.^ Grounds at Ganges ullrhor. To are now going ahead there," he veyed in his proposal before ventur­ lnforced by residents, effected the QUEEN CHARLOTTE AGENCY pieces we return damp, ready for you to hang up. All the others It was a delIglit*' to watch added. control of a fire which might other­ ing further. + + + washing done, and a big part of the ironing. wooded Islaml* enhanced by a. Sum- Captain Troup said that he had wise have caused peril to the whole During his visit th«* question of the PETER McGONIGAL. Razor Blades Resharpened—F. D. oner roiruge.-a* th* boat wound her realized the vast possibilities of the vacancy In the Queen Charlotte Bainfield, B C., Aug 4. 1924. Cox. 637 Fort Street. M# Pacific nide trf ttus Mttntifvr many jrmlcmenl. ------—------way in and out of the channels. Islands agency, owing to the resigna­ -r - — EVERYTHING WASHED. FLATWORK IRONED. The party landed at Ganges at noon tion of Thomas Deasy. was under dis­ Notice to Housewives—Buy Free* The world was steadily appmai’h- cussion. It has been agreed not to ABSENTEE VOTERS tone Preserving Peaches now. Later and proceeded to the Fair Grounds Ing that place in its history when it NO SHORTENING OF OTHER CLOTHES RETURNED DAMP for lunch. make an appointment, Utst to estab­ arrivals will likely |>e higher In would call fur Vancouver Islands TRIAL IN CHICAGO lish it ns a sub-agency unde* W. E. To the Editor : —rl'nder the heading Basket lunches shared in com­ natural wealth, < ’aptaln Troup Re­ of "Absentee Voters." The Colonist price. ^ a' +' *** munity, with hot tea and coffee pro­ Colliflon at Prince Rupert The field lieved. and the tttn*» was not far dis­ "(Continued from peg#! » matrons and medical men at Mas- yesterday morning supposedly gav Dr. Irene Bestow Hudson has vided by caterers, proved a welcome tant when th* greater part of tpe re------—— , , . , . . , ~r>7i7v reasons why they favor dispensing .OUI V,-» ,.f the I.UI..I I.» . «II.-.I ! >h- with «he V..I.I .•bl« I •*>« « sett and Skldegate will be in resi­ moved to 639 Harbinger Avenue. No Economy Steam Laundry break In the programme. In the with the provisions <«f the Eli Into u»e and brought unav<«dnhty ' h»d eauged the d-m "f ««-.hl.y dence for the purpose of immediate change of telephone. Office in Sto- afternoon an excellent card of field Act permitting absent voting bart Building as before. ••• 607 John Street Phone 3339 events wras staged, prizes being into the market», of the world. Cup- I « rank, .pporentls waa assistance. The reason for the de- «-islon is the marvelous progress made frankly admit the responsibility of given In the form of scrips ex­ lain Troup wn* firmly onvenred that crowded rourtrimm. It come with by the Haldus. who are the most ad presiding officers for irregularities, See the big American Fleet at Port change Me for merchandise. the people of this so far neglected | unexp«M'r*«l suddenn**»*.... Just as the lK>rtion of the continent would ben« - 1 doct«»r had settled nt i what promised v anted of the British Columbia and àl*o that they are Indirectly ap­ Angeles. August 10. * Special low The children were given- twenty- rit «cordins to th. peremptory de- to !.. htrth.r vlWltmtion of thehr Indian, rrqulrtn* lose supervision pointed bV the Governrtient. who are round trip fare only $1.00. Steamer five cents each in ticket coupons. m«nd« made upon them, thr hlggrr youth. peraonalltle. monk Mnr. ; than any nth.r., responsible to some extent for their "Olympic" sailing 9 a.m. and 3.30 hich translated itself In countless the demand. lh. „ the grrator would I brought out t*H- pr.vtou.ly b> Dr Mr IMtchburn announces that appointment. It would be well, how­ p.m Tickets at Puget Sound Navi­ ice-creams ami delectable candy. W A. White ’of Washington and Dr Eneas Small has been apiminted to ever, to point out that there were gation Co„ 912 Govertiment Street, The enjoyment of the children was the people of the west coast prosper "Already there Is a sign of In* William Mealy of Boston. the Kootenav agency, vacant by the some hundreds of presiding officers and C.P.R. Wharf Ticket Office. ••• summed up by one little fellow Upon « rose-examlnatiun. Robert E transfer of II. F. llelmsing to Kam­ when th|c A«lelaide docked on the re­ creasing stability In the ftshtng in - Crowe, state attorney, launched n loops agency. turn trip at Victoria. “Had a great dustry and the pulp manufacturing Can Fruit Now ,kuiOucsa.hn_.LU$..l»kl »A'.' raid Captain vigorous attack upon Dr. Glueck, but aakail.Ma. XaLber.-tit tk* 1 h Be- Troup. ‘There-Ts no reason Why fellow who lay curled up In a limp This is th* lime of all the year you can preserve #ioUten peaches these things should not be exploited that refused to be flustered. CONFEREES AGREE ON roll over his shoulder. Home Day." for all they are worth " He jmlnted The prosecutor forceti an aiimiseion In rich syrup—pears spiced to an Autumn brown with cloves and murmured the child, and was in­ out that there was ample water power from the psychiatrist that he did not DEFAULT STATEMENT cinnamon—quince and jelly conserve. stantly alMep to run the biggest plants and that ha Vi» in his vtiluminous notes whb-h The sports programme was wisely there was talk of extending the plants lay in his lap any direct reference to (Continued from p»|« 1 > SALE! SALE! varied *o that fixtures were pro- of some of the major concerns «>per- striking with the death Implement. How good they'll taste this Winter! Rut the hot ‘day* are still vtded for everybody. TujLpf.-wjLr "Read vh*~4n>U»* -ihax Lueb tuid..you VIEWS EXCHANGED *Bmr tir stirh- ptirrer its Pnrr~A1trr. London. Auo. 7 (Canadien here and you dotft want t<. spoil the last days of Summer work - team headed by Mr. J. W. Spencer, Port Renfrew and other points. he< actually, , ^ struck the blow," de* j closed the programme by vanquish­ B|*e*king <»f th*; tourist travel. I munded the prosecut«>i. Press Cable)—Chancellor Marx, ms over a hot stove. We can make a quick installation of a Foreign Secretary Stressman end ing that headed by Mr. D. H. Spen­ Captain Troup admitted that the j LACK OF RESPONSE Finance Minister Luther o4 Ger­ clean, convenient gas.rang* which will make your canning oper- cer In straight pulls. One of the west roast trip Was «me of the most -probiund lack of adequate emo- many, according to the semi­ »tIons a pleasure besides ensuring perfect results. We havf ranges most exciting races of the day was (►eautlful In Canada, ami that It rl- tlonal response in preserne of intact official Haves Agency, arrived nt the egg an«l spoon rare va led the grandeur of the cruise mt<>| intelligence." read the spe< lalist and at various prices and will arrange terms of payment to suit your the Hyde Park Hotel at 1.30 to­ Re-embarking at 6.30 the party Alaskan waters fh«*m this port along maintained under a rapid fire of, day and paid a visit to Premier convenience: Com*» In and see about it to-day. enjoyed the return trip to Victoria the east coast of the Island, ami in questions that "it conveys to my Herriot of France. in the cool of the evening lam ­ •the t.piuluns of some avtually sur­ mind the absolute convi< lion that . The visittiBtv of the German______Govern... - ing and singing were kept up until passed it. The «'«msequen-e was that this note refers to that when I uL The state, arguing the importance | but ,t lw evldent It will be followed by ! smooth working of aT^««-rangements and the demand for passage on the of the point, forced a recess, for Dr. inn exchange of views on the prtnei- C.P.R. vessels was increasing an- , iw due to a capable committee corn - Glueck to seari'h for further refer- qU<.Htlon of interest to France f ntially.------— onve to the actual murder but when o*Frojmy in connection with the B. C. ELECTRIC * posed of Messrs. l/ovkr, Wescôtt, It was learned from the ticket of­ he took the stand at the aftern«»«m | international Confcrehce now~beInr A kina. Latver, Whiteman. Hawkes. fices of the transportation concern session he reported his Inability 1 , held In London. Harper, Wilkloson and W. R. Grant. to-day that application* for arrom- find any further information. SPORTS RESULTS modatlons to th* North Is far In a«1- COMPROMISE PLANS Following are tpe complete results vance of applleathms for space In DISORDERED PERSONALITY , Au, 7._<.omproml„ SALE of the sports programme: August, 1925, were being received Dr. Glueck concluded fr«»m hi* ex* [ general among «lelegates to the Tiny Tots. 60 yards—1. Ruby amination of the defendant*, he tes - , ]nt(»r-Allied (’«inference and strong Foyer; 2. Eileen ,Dunn; 3. Kenneth h'or the past months the northbound t if led, that Loeb was "disintegrate.!. ,.ffortg ar^ h<.,ng made at private Campbell. ships have sailed with «’apaetty num­ suffering from a disordered person- ftnd unofnoIal meeting* to effect an Shoes for the Children Girls’ 5 to 1 years, 60 yards handi­ bers of passengers, officials declared allty, the nature of which primarily ^reement on military evacuation of -OF— We take time to fit the little ones and our prices are cap 1. Eileen Sparks; 2, Mary to-day. and the Indications were that Is n profound discord between , his lhe ltuhr whlch will satisfy the Ger- right. See our windows. the tourist travel was on the In- emotlonal and intellectual life, and is manH tmd enable them to return to Smith; 3, May Sparks Incapable of endowing his surround- | Hprlin to fiice the Rechstag w ith the Girls 8 to 12 years. 50 yards handi­ «rease. tngs with an adequate emotion. ’ and hope of getting ,the Duwes plan en- G. D. CHRISTIE, 1623DouglasStreet cap— i.i Eileen Bruce; 2. Gladys that Leopold Is "of a distinct para- Allen: b. Eileen Thomas. dorsetl. Tt would be impossible. It is Girls 12 to 16 years. 75 yards PROGRESS AND PROBLEMS fl;"1 »*"»'“"«>' ”nd *• d*xelo«,in* *• agreed, to have the military evacu «•finite course of paranoid psycho­ at ion of the Ruhr begin before the English Goods handicap—1. Barbara Grant : 2. Lil­ OF SCIENCE DISCUSSED sis." inter-Allied Military Control Com­ lian Mackenzie; 3. Eileen Baynes. Testimony yesterday brought out mission has completed the Inspection BRITISH PARLIAMENT AD- ^£S‘ ™yn Boys 6 to 8 years, 50 yards handi­ IN TORONTO that "psychosis" is the modern defi­ which It is now conducting in Ger Purchased hy • Our. Buyer While in England cap 1, Billie Campbell; 2. Billie nition of "insanity." many to decide whether Germany Is JOURNS AND PREMIER TO SERS Herbert: 3. Billie Hill,. («Tontlnuaq frsm psf 1 » EARLY ADJOURNMENT actually disarmed In accordance with Boys * to 12 years. 50 yards handi­ This Sale Is Purely An Advertisement with the Soviets. Parliament will try before railways were built, con­ The brevity of Mr. Crowe’s crosn- t lie Versailles Treaty. SIGN SOVIET TREATIES cap 1. Jas. Cralgdallie; 2, < *haa not sanction a loan on any terms to trasted with the conveniences of to- examination left the d«.-fence unpfe WITHIN ONE YEAR a defaulting Government." Preston. 3. Jack Laver. pareil to continue Its case and caused We have English cloth made up in this country's ______«Continued from 1 > Boyrf 12 to 16 year* 76 yarns This inspection probably will end INDIGNATION EXPRESSED The history of (^anadian railway Judge (,’averly to stop the proceed­ about September 15, and *ince the sews. Liberal, thinks that "to have handicap 1; Sum Mackenzie; 2. R ings an hour and a half earlier than style. i The Daily Mail expresses indigna- development was then dealt with In Germans apparently are’ quite un- j u-rived at an agreement tfrlth the Hibbard; 3. Jack Foyer. usual. Mr. Crowe hammered at the willing to accept any arrangement i | Uon. and recalls that Mr. Ponsonby Married ladles. 60 yards handicap detail. $11.00 Soviet delegation is a considerable witness along lines previously em­ which does not fix a definite date for 15 (lent*3 Suits, a suit .... on May 20 announced that it was out —1. Mrs. rçosie Hlppwell; 2. Mr» FOUR PERIODS ployed In his efforts to belittle the ic Movement, for which praise isjofth the beginning of the evacuation, an $14.00 question for the Government Brunei 3. Mrs. Plain. Sir Henry divided this history into value of the testimony In mitigatioA 25 (tent’s Suits, a suit ... to guarantee a loan. effort is l>elng made to get an agre»»- lue," hut It withholds definite opinion Married men. .100 yards handicap four main chronological period* - of punishment. megt on that date with a provision $15.00 4 the merits and possibilities of the The Daily Chronicle, a supporter of — 1. N. L Maynard; 2. T Ross. 3. R prior to Confederation, the Confe«l- :W) (tent's Suits, a suit Lloyd George, can not retail "any DOZEN WITNESSES thitt the evacuation be completed In' reatlea pending fuller explanation of Mllburn. «•ration period, the. balance of the one year. heir terms. Government ever treating Parliament Clarence 8. Darrow. veteran chief 75 Pairs (tray Flannel Trousers, usual price in worse in a great ifcsue of foreign af- Single ladles. 75 yards handicap - Nineteenth Century, and finally, the of the defence counsel, said upon ad­ The French are strongly insistent The Westminster Gasette, Liberal, 1. Dorothy Thomas; 2. Miss M. V. Twentieth Century that the military evacuation of the rithout condemning thé agreement, journment that a dozen or more lay the city $8.50. Our price ...... $4.50 The astonishing and sudden change Cox; 3. Beth Campbell. The fact that great obstacle* had witnesses, including students from Ruhr 1* not » subject for discussion wye the terms will need to be cn re­ Single men. 100 yards handicap—1, to be overcome In the laying of here, but the opinion is gaining alty scrutinised. from on announced breakdown of ne­ th* University of Michigan and the gotiations to the reaching of an Mr. Wylie Grant; 2. F. Freer; 3. O, trana-CanaiJa railway*. said Sir University of Chicago, or which Loeb ground in official circles that the SPECIAL VALUE IN BOYS’ ODD KNICKERS ICORNFUL AND ANGRY agreement Is attributed to the special Fraser. Henry, was a credit to Canada when and I^opold, respectively, are the Fren« h wi.ll yield this point as they it was considered there waa a rela­ are standing practically alone. 100 pairs, any size, per pair...... ^ • • .$1.10 The other newspapers are either efforts of Premier MacDonald and Indies’ potato race 1. Lily Mac­ youngest graduate*, would he called eornful or angry, or both The the trkde unions. kenzie and Barbara Grant (draw > ; tively small population to carry the before the final expert testimony was GERMAN OBJECTIONS rimes doubts that Parliament will 2. Mias Chisholm; 3. Beth Campbell burden «*f expense. Introduced London. Aüg. 7.—In à lengthy sum­ iver agree to the proposals and Ada Smith (draw». The laying of railways was, how­ "The defence does not intend • to mary of the German ipemorundum to CAMPBELL HERE have the boys testify." said Mr. Dar­ "The arrangement." It says, "not Mens potato race—1; F. Freer; 2, ever. the foundation of national in­ the international Conference, the LADIES mly leaves the main Issues practl- TO GIVE OLIVER Cecil Thomllnson; I. Lionel Loqkw dustry. and there was no doubt that row. "We may flnti we shall want diplomatic correspondent of The ladles’ ra«'e (open). 76 yar«!s | railway development would lead to *«>me member* of their families to Dally Telegraph to-day stàtes that Ask to have a look at our new Clmrmonette SEAT IN NELSON handicap—!. Miss M V. Cox; 2. Ml»' great and greu(jpr prosperity, he nab!. i take the witness stand to connect up *ome of the objections raised by the Chabbell; 3, Miss Mackenzie. Slide* were *hown. comparing the I definite phases of th* ir lives or to Berlin delegate* are serious, espe­ I identify exhibits already put into the Voile, just arrived in from the Old Country, also «Continued from pegs 1.1 Men’s race (open). 100 yards | Canadian transportation system with cially that regarding the protocol of Makes Wrinkles Go the conference of elected Conserva­ handicap— 1. O. Fraser; 2. W. Grant; that of Grqat Britain. The lumber the Third Commission, which deals Vevlon Flannel and Pyjama Cloth, yard ...40^ I "In that event we shall call Fore- with deliveries in kind and trans­ tive members In Vancouver Satur* 3. F Freer. Industry, the pulp and paper, indus­ I man Leopold, brother of Nathan, and «lay. At this conference the Con -a Wheelbarrow race. 40 yarçlg^tman try. the handling of grain, and other fers of reparations. “As If By Magic’ I Allan Loeb. brother of Richard." The German criticism in this res­ serval Ives will choose a temporary for barrow, with lady wheeler)-r-1, Interests were also illustrated on the Mr. Darrow indicated that the de* pect. he say*, "goes amaxlngly far floor leader to succeed M'r. Bowser Jack Foyer and Mrs Foyer;' 2. Mr. might reach the point where it * Want to banish every wr nkle-from and map out their future plan of Griffin and Miss Clarke; 3, Mr. L and Is wholly destructive of the con­ dee. neck, hands easily, quickly, com- could rest its case next Monday. clusion* rmrheed by the third com­ ~~~TteTely? Try the famous saxoiite campaign. The Nelson situation, of Freer and Misa Yule. It w'fts the first day Htatb Attorney course, will be one of the chief topics Thread the needle. 60 y^rds (lady AMERICAN TENNIS TEAM mission and the conference. ’ % orniula. Nothing else so nearly meets Crowe had not at some Interval as- MINISTERS’ CONFERENCE ,very requirement Why? Because It of discussion. " I and gentleman)—T. Mr. (irjffin ano H*rted the hearing had reached a m correct in principle and really. tHHy Vancouver Island Conservatives are Miss Clarke; 2, Gyrll Orlffttb* and New York. Aug., 7. William T. stage where Judge Vaverly should London, Aua. 7.—United States The Clarence issists Nature. Possessing remarkable said to favor a vigorous fight in Nel­ Miss Chisholm; ». Mr. Mllburn and Tllden II., national ^champion, and sùimnon g Jury and.have the youths Ambassador Kellogg hae written «stringent and tonD properties. It both William M. Johnson, iormer national Ightens the skin-- thus Mturtlrf son but that they will have the sup­ Miss M. R. Cox tried upon a plea of insanity. unoothing out the lines—and Improves port of U>e Interior members In this Men's three-ieged race. 75 yards champion, will form the nucleus of HUNDREDS OF LETTERS MLlmSrnrr clrculatlo* —- tending • to|______attitude is considered ___doubtful.______t. Freer and Mllburn; 2. L. Osborn the Davis Cup team which will deJ itrengthen loose t.sspe *nd hrlag abouy TThefve laianaIslah«J membmemberser* sreare expectedexpecieo , vrm,ams. "3 , j‘ LeasonLe A»}dnd fed the*tr«rphy this aeaaon, according Judge Caverly took advantage of -■»- ’•‘-y > —-LT.. ;-e-pv>*eev.-o# »>■ ptliwUi °««iww»iwüF “By—w*' ■ be wax oil to I**.- It won t hgrm f,„- ,f their party. J. and snoon of several hundred letters bearing nirvrnrS.race 60 and Davie CUp committee* of the dGMl ^Ttmh»rnir*h#hltTW' twMrtmwde*’ „t sU - th* • ably will be .supported generally uy Two additional players to complete country advising him as to -what his Itching, Bleeding, or Protruding 706 Yates Strèët “ .... IrugS let's and so easy to mix them — Piles or Hemorrhoids. No Just dissolve on* ounce erf, pure JH>w- Uie Ulterior men. U wiU . be made the team will 1*» chosen from the fol­ doFClelun eliould be Be said they Tùg-of-w«r SpenW* team were a nuisance and every writer surgical operation required. Dr. Chase’s - tiSBnwai—Nf fer ibi waif pf w wWtt j r-teer At the conference, however, lowing stars; Vincent Iti ve David Rpencer’s team)- Wlnnlnt was In contempt of court. Ointment will relieve you at once and vsxel—that's all. Bathe your face ill that the leader «rhoeen now will act Francia T. Hunter, R. Norris Wil­ fifford lasting benefit. 60c a box; all When you feel the goods you will say they are English :hls- immediately every wrinkle and only temporarily and that a perman­ team. II. Willis«nè. A. Stafford, C. 'Êd* ai mease are affected, even the deepest Tomlinson. G. Scott. W. Bradley. J. liams 11., Watson Washburn, Howard JURY OF RABBIS Limited.dealers, orTurvnlk Edmanson, Bates ik Co., ent chieftain will be elected at a Kinsey. RoLort Kinfev »n«t Clarence The judge’s chamber/ were In­ ...... a* male box free. Fou are perfectly astonished, and de- provincial convention some time next Robinson. J. (Vay, W. GritnL J. " tghted. with the result . You l«x>k Jlke J. Qrtfti- vaded after adjournment by an elder- iAaruj rvu'TS teat years from jour age! yeaG —------L Üpeucer (captainj \

VICTORIA DAILY TIMES. THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1924 FOUNDING OF HALIFAXIREV. T. J. DOWLING TbGMSml (ihoun 4tin) IdenUfitl It* ftnulm gmatmrtttd Gold-S—l C—goIrntm Art-Raft SUBJECT OF PEE pud Gtld-Stol Congoleum By It*- Yard ll gloot g— It* protection of put moot} tec* People Yesterday Saw Nova Was in Eighty-fifth Year; guarantpp. Scotia Scenes of 175 Years Oldest Roman Catholic j Ago Re-enacted Bishop in Canada

Halifax. Aug. 7.—An historic scene Hamilton. Aug. 7.—Right Rev. was re-enacted here yesterday in Thomas J. Dowling, fourth Bishop of connection with the anniversary Hamilton, died last night at the carnival, when the founding of Bishop's Palace after a lingering Halifax by Hon. Edward Cornwallis. Illness. In failing health for several years, he had suffered during the 175 years ago was carried out in last three yeans several very serious pageantry on the campus of Dal- illnesses, each of which, it was housie f ntverelty, near what is be­ feared, would end in death. On three lieved to be the exact spot upon occasions he had been anointed for which Cornwallis planted the British death. After the first two he recov­ flag in 174». l Shortly after noon n tall sided, ered sufficiently to he able to be stumpy little craft, gaudily painted, about, and last Christmas attended swung up the quiet waters of the the midnight mass at St. Mary's Northwest Arm and sent a boat Cathedral, an event which, when ashore loaded with red-coated physically able he -never missed. A officers and swarthy sailors The few days ago he took a turn for the craft was a replica of Cornwallis worse and on Tuesday pneumonia de­ •Sphinx" and the landing party In­ veloped. At noon yesterday physi­ Right out, Jack— cluded men impersonating Corn­ cians announced death only a few s\t* wallis and his staff. On hours away and his condition grew they were met by two friendly gradually worse until the end came. Indians, who guided them to a grassy I’m all cleaned up glade a short dletance Inland But Thomas Joseph Dowling was horn whereas the historic landing 1 « a February 28. 1810. in the County of years ago was witnessed by only hair Umerick, Iceland. At the age of All Summer F rocks Have Been Still early in the morning and her Popular Rug Sixes—Low Prices a dosen French and Indians, the route eleven yettrs he moved td Hamilton \ <>f march yesterday was lined by j Ontario, with his father. There he kitchen is “tidied up" I Thanks to her 9x3 feet $ 5.25 9* 9 feet $14.00 thousands of people and the grassy received hia elementary education in easily cleaned Congoleum Art-Rug this glade" was galled in. not by the j a select school. 9x4» feet 7.50 9 x10* feet 16.50 forest of Cornwall,!"’* time, but a j in 1855 he entered Rt. Michael's housewife has time for play. throng of cheering people estimated C■ the myaterloue , weakness. Ottawa, Aug. 7.—Canada*.repre­ count that ahoilgert .Mrs. Maurice, sentation at the proposed Conference Now on. See us for some of the best bargains In town in Furniture, Dunne from her slumbers. _ U.S. CANADIAN TBAOE..... -nï-¥i**v*re-ir*4jnndon MB* Kwti Twwtt»» - —Carpets. Liauteiun.1 etc.—if"— —1— STTC TWrrttnT-TTgtrTn ------undecided The facts that the date Frantically she awakened her hus< SEATTLE INVITES « c.mram.m,. «h* -ctebr.U.m -r <*>* Amer.cn Washington, Aug. 7.—Exports frorn^ for the conference has not been fixed band They listened together. and that the possibility of holding a MAJ. STUART MacLAREN who abandoned the world flight when flier*. ____ .______the United Stales to Panada «hiring Burglars! , . the last fiscal year, valued at $61$.- representative Empire conference the rxr «.lrd£ïïe?"£y“d j See ,h. b.„ America FI... a. Poe, Cautiously they advanced to tne 815.000. showed a decline of nine p« f this year has been questioned prob- Seattle. Aug. 7.— An invitation to living icom. whence the sound came. vent from the previous year, sn ably impelled the Cabinet, which held 20 00U0VA» UMITEOl .attend a celebration to he held in repair laat Saturday off Berin* Anxelea. August 10. Special low They expected to find a burglar at analysis by the Department of Com­ morning and afternoon-meetings yes­ I .land In the Komandor.kl group, are ' B(, ,rlp flr. oniy *1 00. Steamer Seattle about the last of this month work. . , . . merce shows. The t nite' 'V' '.'-."f. ' 'T I » -V "V'V. -it1 IwwpaBWawaaiim»*» v- •• V*- sal Pa**,*»* Tickets Issued and baggage checked!" ,reatv any commlraloner « “f T^^oortT 3 l*,.--wHontated rti *tl • be• -deemedv to--b*- a. -than. -• ALtXkt*1» >4«b-v.,.AAPvTU*.W,.. L products el The Quaker Mill». Saskatoon and Peterborough. tpjrtTluitru n,*»«*■.* - . . ---- greasy__l.. .eA4e. wool J huIncHAkedT riiaMT City Ticket Offioe, Canadian National cômmleeloner appointed by. The Northern Government. L 3.404,444, while the exports of Railways, §11 Government SL The Mil *ay* nothing about scoured wool decreased by £ 3,504.44*

j. v a i \ \\ 4 jnOTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1924

cycles, musical instruments, watches, and films. Only in a very indirect way would they in­ Btrtnria latlg tiJimrs volve a great steel industry. And it should Dr. Frank Crane on not be forgotten that the duties were not actually » THURSDAY, AUGUST 7. 1924 “Doumergue” KIRK’S repealed until the first of this month. «Copyright# Published Eyery Afternoon Except Sunday by \ If The Montreal Star and its high protec­ SAVE MONEY THE TIMES PRINTING AND PUBLISHING tionist friends want to make political capital COMPANY, LIMITED AN the thirteenth of June, M. Gaston Dou- WELLINGTON out of the McKenna duties they ought «V least Offices: Corner Broad and Fort Streets " ’ mergue was elected President of the to remember what articles were taxed. .It s French Republic, by the National Assembly at too much to expect them to recall that when Versailles. This National Assembly consisted ON DRUGS Business Office (Advertising) ...... Phone 1M0 WB SELL FOR LESS Circulation ...... Phone 334» Mr. Austen Chamberlain renewed these im­ of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies com­ WE SELL FOR LESS Editorial Office ...... Phone 45 bined. 139 posts in 1919 he was insistent that hencefor­ At. Doumergue received five hundred and For over Thirty Year* our'’Low Price* and courteous Service have won Public Confidence. Try SUBSCRIPTION RATES ward the renewal date should be May 1 in­ fifteen votes as against three hundred and nine U* for Your Next Drxlg Wants. 1 To Prance. Belgium. Greece, etc.. .$1 Oh per month stead of August 1 in order that their strictly by his nearest competitor. City delivery ...... V...... $1 00 per month By mall (exclusive of —k'anada. provisional nature should be the more easily M. Doumergue is considered a radical So­ DRUGS Great Britain and UnrtBff States l« 00 per aimum recognized from permanent duties—renewable cialist but a mild one. So mild Indeed that the TOILET GOODS on August I each year. The date was altered bulk the Socialists and Radicals were op­ $1.00 Liquid Petrolatum ...... $ .75 $ .50 Pond's Cold Cream ...... $ .38 posed to him and he_was' elected by the more .75 Nujol...... 62 .50 Pond's Vanishing Cream...... SHOULD RECONSIDER accordingly. Mr. Snowden extended it to moderate votes of the Assembly, by those who .38 August I in this yeàr of repeal "to give manu­ considered it necessary for the traditional 1.50 Nujol ...... 1.10 .50 Lambert's Shampoo ...... 38 facturers a breathing space." policies of France to be maintained. It .50 Painkiller ...... 30 .50 Pompador Slay Fix...... 38 E hope the Provincial Government should not___be- forgotten that M. Doumergue 25c Fluid Magnesia...... When British Trades Union employment voted for and defended M. Poincares foreign ... .10 .50 Pepsodent...... 45 will reconsider its decision to con­ The Triumph of Expert Tea Blending .60 Listerine...... 48 .25 Vinolia Tooth Paste...... W figures are issued twelve months from now' it |M>U’cy in the Senate and approved of France’s Sold by Grocers Throughout Cenade .10 tribute nothing more substantial than a hand­ will be discovered that the repeal of the Mc­ entry into the Ruhr. t 1 20 Listerine ...... 96 .25 Listerine Tooth Paste...... 10 shake to the arrangements for the entertainment Kenna duties will have had just about as There were only three candidates. M. Dou-* 1.25 Eno't Fruit Salts ...... 08 .50 Tarira Dent Tooth Paste...... 38 mergue, M. Pain le ve and third, M. Vameilnat. of the British Association for the Advancement much effect upon the industrial condition of .60 Cald&clCs Syrup of Pepsin. . .38 1.25 Coty's Face Porvdcr ...... 08 The result of the voting was that M. Dou- See Ho— sod fee Better .50 Bromo Seltzer...... of Science on its visit to British Columbia this .Britain as even many lories expect it to have raergue received 515 votes. M Painleve 309, .44 . 1 5 Baby's Own Soap, 3 for...... 25 —precious little. and M. Vameilnat 21. Having polled more 1.50 Wilson's Port Wine...... 1.25 .50 Palm Olive Shampoo...... 38 month. The Governments of Ontario, Sas­ than half the votes cast. M. Doumergue was 1.00 Lysol ...... 75 .35 Palm Olive Shaving Cream.... .27 therefore declared elected. katchewan and Alberta, with a proper appre­ AFTER THE CONFERENCE Take Care of .50 Cm Pills...... 33 .60 Forhan's Tooth Paste...... 48 M. Francois-Mar sa l announced to M. Dou • 1.00 D.D.D. . . ciation of the importance of the Association, m&Pttii**. in a private reception room called the ... .88 .10 IVinsome Soap, 3 for...... 25 the greatest aggregation of scientific leaders in OLITICAL WTiters in, the United States Salle Marengo, that he had been elected Presi­ Your Eyes .50 Castor .Oil...... e e ... .38 .85 1-lb. Hospital Cotton...... 68 are speculating upon the possibility of dent. and M. Marsal, who during the interre- .50 Olive Oil...... 38 .50 M fr L Toilet Water...... 38 the world, and the advantages which can be gum had been constitutionally charged with all You know what a priceless PPresident Coolidge calling a new disarmament .50 Aromatic Cascara...... t.. .38 .25 Peroxide ...... 10 derived by their provinces from its tour, have executive powers, handed them over to the possession your eyes are so conference before the presidential election. new President. .15 Canned Heat. 5 for .... .50 .50 Ingram's After Shave...... 38 taken an active interest in the activities of the lie careful that you do not They contend that such a move on the part After thanking Mr. Martin and M. Marsal .35 Milk of Magnesia...... 24 .27 wear glasses that do not suit party and have given tangible assistance to of the chief .cxASfiive would appeal very for their congratulations, M. l>oumergue said 1.50 3-lb. Tin Molt Extract . . ... 1.15 .35 Odorono ...... 22 the preparations for its visit. The amount strongly to that growing élément in the coun­ that he would endeavor to put into practice you. at thé RIy&ee the same principles of fidelity HOUSEHOLD RUBBER APRONS sought from the British Columbia Government try which would sacrifice a good deal to help to ideals' and love of country which had been If you have reason to doubt $ 1.25 Vacuum Bottles...... $ .80 Saves hashing and ironing. Regular $1.25, is fifteen hundred dollars, about half the pro­ the cause of permanent peace. his. during a political life extending over thirty the accuracy of your glasses Genuine Thermos Bottles, 1 pint. A limited If the présent International Conference had .wars. - ' —let me examine them to­ for ...... 80 number only. Regular $1.50 .... 1.00 vision which has been made by the Govern­ After shaking hands wltjt $he Senators and not taken place, and if the reparations ques­ day. .1 make glasses from as STATIONERY SPECIALS ment of Saskatchewan. This is a very modest tion were not as near a settlement as it ap­ Deputies and. thevjnembers of the French and foreign press, and thanking them all for their low as $ .20 Ye Hum W ritmg Tablet...... S .14 EBONY HAIR BRUSHES pears to he at the moment, it is fairly safe sum considering the purpose for which it is congratulations, M. Doumergue drove off .35 V'ellum IVriting Tablet...... 27 From $1.00 to $6.00 desired, and contrasted with other outlays, to say that President Coolidge would hesitate , through the troop-lined streets in an open car bearing the Presidential 'flag to the Elysee, or $4.50 .15 Envelopes...... which we could easily mention, not half so before taking any action which his opponents . 50 Papetrie* ...... 40 Friday and Saturday 25 Per Cent Off. might charge to political motive. But if the official residence of the President. useful. It is not often the Government has What M. Doumergue will -do with his new business which is now being transacted in Lon-^ position is as yet uncertain, but he is the dis­ Always a Graduate Pharmacist to Fill your Prescriptions. Mgil orders despatched same day as an opportunity of helping to impress so many don shall be as successful as it promises to be, tinct choice of the’majority of the deputies se­ J. ROSE Optician and Optometrist rece ived. world-famous people with the attractions of one there is very good reason why the world might lected by the people and the reign of a con­ stitute.nal head of the state is always followed Registered under HU Optometry Act of Canada's greatest provinces at so little ex­ look to the L-nited State* to call another gath­ with “Interest. 1013 .Government Street pense. The people of British Columbia, it is ering and give the nations an opportunity to take full and practical advantage of the set­ WE SELL FOR true, desire proper economy in the administra­ tlement which is now expected. First Ship on the Great Lakes Halls Hall’s CITY MANAGER ------LESS ------tion of’their affairs, but they do not want any Our neighbors are interested in the Dawes 1304 Douglas St Phone 201 penny-wise-pound-foolish application of it. plan and Ambassador Kellogg and other IT was on August 7, 1679 that the first ship to sail the waters of the Great Lakes ànove Vancouver. Aug. 7.—Proposal to J Certainly they are not petty enough to balk American representatives in London have con­ Nia gar Falls breasted the waves of stormy broaden the duties of City Comptrol­ ler Pllklngton to a point where he j at the expenditure of so small a sum for so tributed in no mean fashion to the success of Lake Erie. She was the Griffin, so named by would be virtually city manager was , by the council on Friday. The ex­ the Conference to date. On that accoun1 her owner and builder. R4frte Robert Vavaller, approved by the city finance com- I useful a purpose. Sieur de la Salle, in honor of his friend and tended powers Include the right to I alone the completion of the inevitable treaties mit tee yesterday afternoon, and a by­ supervise all current or contemplated patron, the great Count Frontenac. Governor law to that effect will be dealt with expenditures in every department, to \ TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO TO-DAY might well be followed by another effort, on of Canada, whoee family —entchooa bora the SHUTÏINC OFF BUSINESS demand information from all depart - ! Victoria Times, August 7, 1899 American soil, to encourage a higher quality of device of three talons of the fabulous bird- mental heads about expenditures tn i international trust. animal. their departments.-and in case of dis- | WO Californian motorists got out of > Actual discussion of armament reduction It had cost a fortune to build and rig her pute to refer the matter to a com­ Alexander- Henderson. Q.ÇL, M.P.P. for New Westminster, was sworn in the wilderness throughout that long Winter Sidelights on a Great mittee of the council. In to-day as Attorney-General, succeeding Hon. Joseph Martin, resigned. their car on Douglas Street ^yesterday and the carrying out of demolition programmes Tafternoon and asked if the town was always of 167V1679. I„a Salle of the iron will had had Industry D. R. Ker. who has been In the Yukon, visited Atlln on his way may not prevent war, may not even put an end enemies In wind and wave and weather to try YOUNG LIBERALS * down. Mr. Ker estimates that $750,000 worth of gold will come out this as quiet as it appeared to be to them at that to competitive building of the more modern hiji courage, but worse than these was the Summer. time—between three and four. The Yrictorian engines of -destruction, but every international treachery in his own camp. His pilot, prob­ Vancouver. Aug. 7.—Young Lib­ Dan Godfrey's famous hand will visit Victoria. Vancouver, New ably In the pay of the Interests who were erals base hall team qualified to Westminster, and Nanaimo this month, and plans are belfig made to seat who satisfied their curiosity explained the half interchange of view on this subject serves to seeking to compass his ruin, had managed 5,000 LUMBER meej Vernon Saturday afternoon In 4.000 persons at the concert here. holiday, the races at the Willows. and the Gar­ emphasize the utter futility of human conflict to wreck the vessel which had brought La the provincial playoff series when den Party, at Government House. He sug­ and helps to disarm men's minds. As that pro­ Salle over I.ake Ontario from hi* selgneury at gested to the. visitors that these were three Fort Frontenac, where Kingston Is to-day, after Hec t’ann rajna across the plate cess succeeds so will lasting peace be nearer. I-a Salle had gone ashore All the equipment direct causes of virtually empty streets and a WORKERS IN with the winning run In the ninth and supplies Tiad gone down except some tackle against Carleton Centre last night, THE SHOES FOR more or less general stoppage of business. and the anchors for the Griffin Moreover, his before another bumper crowd at Ath­ Mr. Bowser will get lots of fun by separat­ men were mnUmtaHy Incited tn mutiny by “Well.” said one of the prosperous-look­ letic Park. The score was 3-1. FLORSHEIM WELL DRESSED MEN ing Californians. "I should have thought that ing the "wheat" from 4he "tares" as the dele­ paid agitator* among Them, arid he" could FRASER VALLEY hardly trust his officers. Then, new equip­ at this time of the year the stores would have gates to the Conservative gathering come up 1300 OoTerament 3k to him to offer their regrets next Saturday. ment being necessary, news arriving that his NEPTUNE FASTEST PIGEON been open all the day time to ease us of some creditors in Montreal were already pressing, FIVE FOLD INCREASE IN THE Modern Shoe Co. Phone 1866 of our holiday money; We got m this morn mg and attacked with snow-blindness, hack In TIMBER CUT IN ELEVEN San Francise». Aug. 7.—Neptune, Does the Vktorian who is for ever saying February to Fort Frontenac on snowshoe* owned by Gqorge Murrl* of lievke- YEARS and thought of doing a bit of shopping. Any­ "the Town's dead" stop to think that his own along the southern short of I«ake Ontario he ley. was returned the- winner to-day way, I guess we'll be here a couple of days effort to make it more lively is often equalled, went with two of his men. leaving Tonty, the of w'hat is believed to have been the Over 100 Big Freighters Lead Lumber first overseas pigeon race ever held. FOR RESULTS USE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS. or so." This conversation is very probably by the energy of a dead mouse. only man he ever fully trusted in the wilder- typical ofÜôzem of others of a similar nature. r.t-Hs, to command the shipwright operations. in Fraeer River in 30 Menthe On the east. the present Vnited States — It is one morje illustration of how to lose busi­ British Columbia's goods should he in the side of the Niagara -River, six miles above Hti Fraser Valley provides an­ window t in every sense of the term when the ness. Niagara Falls, at the mouth of Gayuga Creek T other very striking example of Surely the time has come when Victoria British scientists come to thiô Province towards and behind the shelter of Cayuga Island, the what the British Columbia forest In- j DAVID SPENCER, LIMITED camp was made, trees were felled,, stocks set Store Hours: 1 a.m. >.m.; Wednesday, 1 p.m.: the end of the present month. It will lie a dust ries are doing to assist the de - ; should do something on its own account to us, and the ribs begun La Salle was there increase its business and extend its payrolls. splendid opportunity to give first hand in­ to drive the first holt Then Tonty carried on. velopment of the province. It can not expect to prosper as it has a right formation to men of great influence. In spite of interruption and peril from hostile Approximately 9,00t).000.000 feet of j to prosper if it subscribes to a condition which Seneca Indians, who prowled Incessantly about. the fijiest merchantable timber on tl.« A contemporary remarks that "democracy Hie work progressed, PUdsof the savages to Pacific Coast represents the stand of \ advertises the town as quite satisfied with five never yet won an empire and its capability bum the hull were foiled. In spite of near the Fraser Valley from North Rend and a half days' business each week." Vic­ starvation through the loss of the supplier to the sea. of keeping one has yet to be tested." Our aboard th«* wrecked vessel, the men were he'd toria's trouble is'too many channels of expendi­ In this district there are over 70; impression is that the recent unexampled, war to their task. Fresh Meats ture and nothing like enough avenues of saw and ahtngh- mills. Including the ; was a pretty good test of the capacity of a revenue. LMNALLY, the Griffin was finished. There largest plant in the province, also I democracy for keeping an empire. The only J was a ceremony, half military half relig­ in.-re than 40 logging < amps with 100 j CASH AND CARRY miles of logging rallroatf 'aeUially j great empire heavily subjected to that test which ious. for her launching She was a staunch built and under const ruction. - little craft of forty-five tons burden, and. If HIGH PROTECTIONIST FICTION was not destroyed was the one based upon These concerns employ over S.OfiO Shmilliers Mutton, half or whole, lb. 17C Rolled Pot Roasts, per lb...... 13C her timbers were not seasoned, they were st democratic institutions, while the Russian. Ger­ workers, with an annual payroll ex- : Legs Mutton, half or whole, per lb.. 27 to 7 lbs., per lh,...15ç Sirloin Tip Roasts, per lb. 17er cut of the Fra .«ri­ been based upon autocracy were destroyed her portholes frowned » five little naval guns val h* y was 29.000.000 feet, in 1921 it ! Loins Pork. "J to ,*> lbs., per lb...... 25c Rump Roasts, per lb. 20< and...... 18r lb...... 12C Mince Steak, Oxford Sausage, per lb. IOC it would have fallen to pieces years ago. A -the little vessel away, from the menacing Iro­ In 1923 the timiter revenue collected ready having a very adverse effect upon little touch of German autocracy in London quois upstream to. the vicinity of the present by the New Westminster agency of 1 economic conditions in Great Britain. lost for our Empire half of this con­ city of Ruff,«In. there to await La Salle. the Dominion Government exceeded ! "So serious has been the effect already on Month after month till the first days of Iioo.ooo. Regular Counter—Delivered tinent. and the other half was retained only August sht thy waiting for her Indomitable During the first six months of this 1 the trade with the Dominions"—says a spe­ because it was given self government — a commander. His enemies and creditors had year over 45.000.oo» feet of lumber i Shoulders Spring Lamb, per lb...... 25<* Kilet Roasts Veal, |ier lb. ., .32# has been exported overseas from the j cial .dispatch from London to The Montreal won In Canada, had seized all his property Centre Cut Loins Pork, per lb...... 29<* 20# democratic measure. About the most impos­ Fraeer This was mort than the • Cambridge Sausage, per lb. Star- "that one of the biggest Sheffield steel including his selgneury at Fort Frontenac. He Prime Ribs Cut ShorVper lb...... 25# sible thing in this world, according to the was virtually ruined, but, nevertheless. he whole of British Columbia shipped i firms has completed negotiations with a com­ teaching of history, is the maintenance of auto­ by water in 1917. pany in Vancouver to establish a plant there, brought supplies and allowed no hostile action The revival of the port of New : cratic rule beyond a very limited period over nor any misfortune tq check his course. Westminster is due almost entirely to and it is more than likely that many other any enlightened liberty-loving people—and ITp tjie current they towed her till the wave* the lumber Industry. In 1921 five ! English firms will follow this example." most particularly the British people. # beat in from the open lake Then her com­ vessels loaded lumlter In the Fraser. | - GROCETERIA SPECIALS ...^British Columbia will welcome as many mander on the poop, her crew greeting the During the last two years and s half , future with the Te Deufn for the past, as the over a hundred big ocean-going 1 British firms as may care to establish branch OR PERHAPS A LUMP French In Cana<$A were wont to do. her guns steamers tiavr berthed st Its wharves. | Roman Meal, per pkt...... 30# I II.P. Sauce, per bottle...... 25# All these vessels were lumber 1 King Reach Strawberry dam. 4-lb. tin 50# I Finest Shelled Walnuts, per lb...... 30# factories in this part of the world. Reasons firing in salute, all sail set. she moved out on carriers. for such a course will be immaterial to the After the Semite has blocked the construc­ the uncharted waters of * reacherous Lake Erie, The progressive authorities of the ! Suclz Washing Powder, pkt...... 3*é# I Del Monte Tomatoes, large tin ...... 20# people of the Province as Jong as industrial tion of western branch lines for two consecu­ gan. ran for four days before the breeze to the “Royal Clly'H are realizing that a Hulk Coeoanut. per lb...... 16# • Libby's Potted Meats, per tin ...... 6# tive years. Senator Willoughby's statement that Detroit River. stabilized and freely operating, un­ progress shall be advanced thereby. But there these lines will receive careful and sympa­ harassed lumber Industry Is the "best AN Green Ray on I«ake Michigan the Orif- bet" of th«* Fraser River. was another dispatch sent from London on the thetic consideration next year must be taken f fin was loaded with a great cargo of fur* col­ with a grain of salt. same day as that on which The Star receive 1 lect eil by La Sa !!♦*'* m ti sent on ah^ad. Thèse This urits of articles communi­ its message from its own news source in Great pelts were the explorer’s last hope. JMÉwe INSULAR OF NECESSITY cated fcy the Timber Industries Britain. The other cable mentioned the samî would pay his creditors, restore his proepèr- From The Toronto Mall and Rmplre i*yk', PJV)vlde an earnest of ^achievement to Council of British Columbia Provision Counter Specials firm as that referred to by our Montreal Con­ Britain continues to act upon her own view » i-mt Rut he would not himself delay his DELICATESSE^ SECTION temporary. of thkde policy, "and it is not to he wondered at i«regretta of discovery to take them to Niagara. We refer to the Canadian Press dispatch if Australia and mother dominions take the His pilot, .whom he miist have believed a Spencer’s Fresh Creamery Rutter, per lb. 36<* Spencer’s Own ilulled Ham. per II»...... R4><* hint and put, their own r -onomic Interest first, 4 traitor, "would have to do that. I^ate In Sep­ . Spencer's Own Raked Ham, per lb...... B3f m which the Managing Director of this com­ flhdl an insular . mav I.e the tember the Grlfln set her sails and fired her Spencer'* Pure l^ard. per lb...... -17# Spencer's Own Veal l>»af. per lb...... 300 Short -« tu to the Adoption of .in « mpire tr**lo pany is quoted as saying that the reason a de­ parting salute. La Salle pressed onward In 3 lb*, for ...... *$8<' Spencer’s Own Jellied Ox Tongue, per fb. . .86* cision had been reached to establish in- Britisn policy that will conserve empire markets for canoes southward on Lake Michigan, seeking Spencer's Own Roast Veal, per lb...... 76* empire countries. Coal Spencer’s Own Roast Pork. p«*r lb...... 60* Columbia WaS solely a result of high taxes the Mississippi". The Griffin left On the eve of a storm. She Kgg*. B.C. Fresh Firsts, per dozen...... 38<* Spencer's Own Weenies, per lb...... 30* NOT GARDEN HOSE and the unreasoning attitude of Trades Unions err led the first cargo on the Upper Lakes and Pure Hdney »n bulk, per R»...... 22* towards improved machinery methods. In fact A flapper, with rolled silken hose. she was destined to become the first mystery. Best Wellington Spencer's Superior^ Brand Butter, per lb. BO< Went walking Yuid the garden i tws ■ For netver again was heard any word of ship | Preserved Ginger tn Syrup, par lb. . 26* | he said "if the proposition fails to improve her- Spencer's Prime Brand Butter, per lb. .,. . .46<* or ère w. I a Salle believed to the end * that Lump, per ton...... *12.25 -meaning Sheffield-—%ve shall have another. Potatoes Ailed their eyes with dirt. 3 lbs. for ... i.f.o...... f...... #1.32 the treacherous a assisted Jgr the Nut, per ton ...... $11.75 Jellied Veal, per lb...... 45* -----, . - v frtpetngftssa Bnmd- #u4*wys pe*. 4bs 30# , ; .•*' ' ' 7: It wifi be seen that no reference was made the rocks. But none can tell Perhaps fhe Victoria Fuel to. til. Spencer’s Pure ResF^^BpBsTTX'r lb. 'XlC Ythnëles* Hcklèd 1*îgs* "Wet. per sealer * TT by this important official of tlje company to Cabbages covered up their heads. secret still lief among the granite islands of Spencer's Prld» Side Bacon, sliced, per lb...46# —Lower Main Floor The lettuce cowered in their beds. Georgian Ray and may yet be brought to light. 1203 Breed St. Phene 1377 While all the loaches who had McKenna duties. Why? The McKenna His brave short career carried an epitome of A. R. Or.hem E. M. Brown duties were imposed on motor cars, motor the future cruelty of those fair waters. VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1924

x. DAVID SPENCER, LIMITED Store Heure: • e.m. te • p.m.: Wednesday, t p.m.: Saturday. • p.m. August Homefurnishings Sale A Sale of Boys’ Clothing

August is just the time to fix up your home with new cosy cheer-for the long Winter months to come. This August Sale'gives you an opportunity to do it at the lowest cost. and Furnishings Friday and Saturday

Cretonne „ On or about the 15th of August we open an exclusively Boys' Store, when we expect Wilton Rugs Clearing at, a yard 29c to look after the boys as they should be looked after. This Boys' Store will be opened Cretonne and Drajwry with a new stock purchased for the Fall season, therefore we are selling at reduced Marked at Prices That Chintz. 36 inches wide, and shown in fine selec­ prices the balance of oar present stock we do not want. Will Mean Quick tion of designs. An extra special value. Reg. 39c. Clearing Two Lines Of Clearance August Sale, a yard 39«t —Drapery, Second "Floor m Wilton lings, 4 ft. li x 7 ft. 6. Reg. *22.7.» for ...... 915.00 BOYS' SUITS Wilton Rugs. !) ft. x !l ft. Thesè -I ? an- shown in attractive designs Colored anil are excellent grade. Value to *59.50. August Sale I‘rive. Scotch $4.95 and $7.95 each...... $39;75 Wilton Rugs, size 9 ft. x 10 ft. li in. A rug of fine quality with blue ground. Regular A Selection of Fine English Made Suits of grey value *69.00 for ...... "...... $40.75 Madras flannel and light colored, all-wool tweeds. These One only, Wilton Rug. 9 tt. x IV. An hnglisih made rug of siljierh grade ami attractive Outstanding Values for are well tailored -with plain backs or in half belter design. Reg. value *99.50 On sale for ...... "...... $60.75 August Sale model. The pants are plain. Eaeh DZ Qf —Carpets, Second Floor Suit and a real bargain at...... tgAsVtf Scotch madras 36 inches wide; grey- and black Bov*’ Suits in Tweed Mixture, each with two pairs Dundee Brussels Rugs—August Sale, Each $150 grounds with' pretty col­ of bloomers made in belter models: very neat and ored borders. On sale, a , dressy ; well tailored and shown in brown mixtures, Genuine Frame Made Brussels Rugs. 27x34 inches, made of jute yarns and each an out­ yard .. !...... 50C ’llie wants have Governor fasteners. 95 standing value a: ...... $1.50 Special clearance price, each * —Carpet», Second Floor SeotcR Madras, 36 inches -Boys’ Cloth!ns. Main Floor wide with plain colors of Some Handsome Bedroom Suites For August blue, brown, rose and green ; attractive designs. Clearance Keg. a yard *1.00 for 75r* Boys’ Pants at Boys’ Jerseys and Sweaters Boys’ Overalls -—Drapery. Second Flout Special Clearance Prices, per These Bedroom Suites are of a Superior Type, All Well Constructed and Superbly Finished 50c and 95c Clearing Friday and pair, 85c and 98c Five-piece Walnut He'd room Suite, made Four-piece, Bedroom Suite, in mahogany- Boys’ i’aiits of excellent Boys’ Overalls of khaki and up of bowfoot tied, dresser, vanity dress­ finish, consisting of bowfoot bed, dresser, 36-In. Curtain grade khaki drill, made n Saturday blue denim, of excellent ing table, ehifferohe and bench. Sale ehifferohe and vanity dresser. August Sale. sixes for the ages of 4 to 6 grade and in sizes for the complete for ...... $170.00 ages of ,3 to 7 years. <\11 price ...... $330.00 years. They are well made Boys' All-wool Jerseys, light weight, with buttoned shoulder or A Six-piecj>3Vory Knamel Bedroom Suite, Scrim f ami ordinarily sell for polo collar; navy blue or grey with cardinal trimmed collar; sizes sizes. Reg. *1.25 for . ,85< A Three-piece Black Walnut Suite consists made lip W dresser, dressing table, chif­ *1.00 « pair. Clearance 24 to 26 only. Regular value, each, $1.17, for...... $1.00 Boys' Bib Overalls, made of August Sale, a Yard, 22c of


mired, though no prises were offered Kirkham’s for this class of work. MEN!— Lieut.-Governor and Mrs. The llower exhibits showed bril­ And All Perishables Handled Through Our Cooling System. liant-hued gladioli and some line Buy EDMONDS FOOT FITTERS Nichol Entertained Large dahlias, also some woll-cared for Agent—THORNE'S SHOE STORE house-plants. 643 Yates Street Clark's Veal, Ham and Tongue, Kellogg's Corn Flakes. Number of Guests The room set aside for made In per pkg...... 19f tlrltl.h Columbia product». In charg­ Look for the Big Shoe Sign Outside reg. L’Oc tins for ...... 13# or Wm. Angus, dlyptavçd «dnsy Shredded Wheat, pkg. 12*/n< With ideal Slimmer weather to rooting. Bapeo paints. BjHIShCoI Argood Chow Pickles, give the final touch of perfec­ umbla brushes and tweeds, basketry Collection of hJbe—1. Mr, Ranns. reg. 40e j*r for ...... 28c Pacific Milk, large tins.. 11# Inlaid work and furniture made by tion to a delightful function, the disabled soldiers in the Red < rose TomatOM—1. J. Hutchln«on; 2, Happy rale or Solar Sliced Pine- Puffed Wheat, pkg...... 12' j# annual garden party at Govern­ workshops. Mr. Butler. Blue Grass Belle Molasses, ment House took place yesterday Mr...... Booth, assisted...... by Mrs. Kelly. Division E—Fruit applerreg. :t5i- tins for 25# convened tTSe exhibition, Raspberries—1, J. Hutchinson; S« Or 5 tin» for ...... *1.00 extra quality, J tins ... 25£ when His Honor the Lieutenant- of the different divisions were Mes- Mrs. Stevens. Governor and Mrs. Nichol en­ dame, Lockley. I^vle,. Wallace. Mc- Logans—1, E. Bailey; 2, Mrs. Farlane. Elton. Hotllgan. Putt. Ap- Walden. . . _ B.C. Sugar, ‘JO lbs. $ 1.60 Royal Crown Soap, tertained several hundred guests. plehv. [ticket». Hroaker. Cave, Gray Blackberries—1. J. Hutchinson; 1, *1 liars in pkg. for...... 20# The gardens are unusually beau­ and Ml„ Steven,. E. Saunders. , , ____ Tea was served throughout the Rowat's Onion Pickles, s tiful this year and made an Rhubarb, large—1. Mrs. Applebjrj afternoon in the grounds, where 2. Mrs. Ranns. „ __ , 2 in 1 Tan Polish, 2 tins... 15C idyllic setting for this mfost popular good trade was also done in ice­ Rhubarb, small—1. Mrs. T. WSl* bottb-...... 35C the Hummer social functions. of cream and candle» at the respective lace; 2. Mrs. Holllgan. Rail to Tuna Fish, large tin 40# The Lieutenant-Governor and Mrs. Orange Pekoe Tea, lb....54# FI A-list of prise- winner» follows : Apples—1, J. Harper; 2, Mr. Butler. Nichol, who were accompanied* t»y Peaches—1. Fred Ricketts; 2. Mrs. Or 2 Ihs. for ...... *1.00 Quaker Strawberries, their daughter. Miss Maraquitu Division A—Horn» Cooking A Heald. reg. 35c tin for...... 25# Nichol. received their guests on the Bread, white—1. Mrs. A. Heald; Christie's Soda Biicuita, lawn before the Hummer house and Pears—1, Mr. Butler. Or 5 tins for ...... *1.00 —-Photograph t / dfswsovsh Mrs. A. Ixickley. Division F—Plants end Flowers l*e# tin ...... 42# as the guests paraded across the ve Bread, brown—1, Mrs. Elston; t. The accomvanyln, pleure .how, . .««bn of the large crowd of .he David Spencer Untiled picnicker. In- vet greensward the scene was a gay 'Best collection of house plant*-* Mrs. A Ixockley. .. .. » Mra. Ranna; 2. Mrs. Booth. Brown Sugar, 3 lbs. .... 25f terested hi the sports programme. The tug-of-war team Is holding the centré of the stage. one. Seldom have Hummer frocks . Dinner 'rolls—1. Mrs. A. Heald; 2. Rogers' Syrup, 9-lb. tin.. 18# been prettier than this season and i Mrs. J. Hutchinson. Bouquet of cut flowers—rl, Mrs. the colorings at yesterday's gather­ Saddler; 2. Mrs. Booth. lain biscuits- 1. Mrs. Davies; z. Sweet peas—1. Mrs. L. Hall; 2, Oood Cooking Apples, Mild Cheese, lb...... 24# ing vied with Nature In brilliance of Mrs: Rhodes. Scotch Mrs. Saddler. _ .e shortbread—1. Mrs. A. Wal­ Gladiolas—1. Mrs. W. Saddler, 3, 4 Ihs...... 25# Reception Mincemeat, lb. 20# After the formal’ reception the lace; 2. Mrs. Williamson. guests wandered through the lovely Cookies—1, Mrs. Elton; 2, Mra. L J. Hutchinson. ... _ Ripe Tomatoes, lh. .. . 15# Ripe Olives, lb...... ,40# SOCIAL AND PERSONAL grounds and later enjoyed tea which Dahlias ( cactus)—l. Mr»- Saddler, was served from a spacious marquee 2. Mrs. Jacklin. _ . fresh Roasted Peanuts, lh. 15# Peanut Butter, lb;...... ,18# Layer cake—1, Mrs. McFajlanc; 2, Dahlias (collection)—1, Mrs. Jack* erected on the tennis lawn under the Mrs. Goodwin Miss Knox has returned home from Mlss Nonle Cutler has left to lln; 2. Mrs. Saddler. New Potatoes, 13 lbs...... 25# Sugar Cured Bacon, spend a few weeks’ vacation as the shade of the fine old trees. Through­ Sponge cake—1. Gladys Hutchin­ a visit in Vancouver. out the afternoon music was dis­ Roses—1. Mrs. Booth; 2, Mrs. F. piece or half, lb...... 28# guest of friends In Vancouver. Before son; 2. Mrs. J. Hutchinson. Preah Corn, ...... 35# Pretty wedding was solemnised on Between 1.80Ô and 2.000 attended the Mr*. Poole y. _ . « each lO# ami ...... 5# Miss Willy Rlankievoort of the UJellv roll—1. Bessie lablster, 2. f'ancy xvork—1, Mrs. Beard, 2, Ayrshire Roll, sliced, lh.. .35# Tuesday at the home of the bride’s Mr. J. W. Hough of Courtenay. Is garden party. Pure Lard, lb...... 17#' parents. when Florence. eldest nursing stuff of Ht. Josephs Hos­ Mrs N. Kelly. Mrs. Pejlow. . a guest nt the Dominion Hotel. pital. left this afternoon for Seattle, Table centre-—1, Mrs. Dawley; z* Or 3 Ihs. for...... 50# Cooked Ham, lb...... 55# daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald * -t- -r Fruit pie—1. tie, Mrs. Kelly Nicholson became the bride of where she will spend a few weeks Mrs. FTaser. [ Mr. and Mfs. C. D. Smith of Van­ Mrs Fred lxxcke. Sofa pillow—1, Mra Hunter; 2, Thomas, eldest son of "’Mr. and Mrs. couver are spending a few days in Vacation as the guest of her parents I Lemon pie—1, Mrs. Rhodes; 2. Fresh made Alberta Butter, lb. Mrs. Pellow. Government Creamery Butter, Thomas Strang The ceremony was Victoria. , , Mrs. Kelly. Miss + + + Mrs. H. Bray, who has been visit­ FINE DISPLAY BY I Meat-:*>!*—1. Mrs. Kelly; 2. Mra I’lllow slips, embroidered1—1, lh. 38#, or 3 lbs. for *1.10 40# nr 3 Ihs. for.. *1.17 |.erfuFm«*d 4»y R#\ \V. Graham in the Raymond ; 2, Mrs. Hutchinson. drawing-room under a large hell of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Gillespie of ing in Victoria for a short time as Ricketts. „ T , Nightdress—1. Miss Roger; 2. Mis» flowers, only the Immediate relatives Calgary, are registered at Hie l>o- the guest of her parents. Colonel and Cooked meat—1 ■ M r». * • I»cke; 2, Mrs Kelly. ” Eileen Gray. of the bride and groom being minion Hotel. Mrs. Peters. Esquintait, is returning Drawn work—!.. Mrs. Booth. + + 4 to her home in Vancouver the end ESQUIMAU WOMEN Pancakes—1, Mrs. L. Hall ; 2. Mra present Child’s dress, cost 11.00—1, Mrs. la FRESH MEATS AND FISH Mrs. E. C. Wroot-Franklyn of Seat­ Rhodes. To the strains of the Wedding of the week. Scones—1, Mrs. Goodwin; 2. Mrs. Hall. , w . . March played by Miss Martha Foster, tle. is a visitor in town a guest at the + Knitting, any article—1, Mrs. JacK- Fresh Red Salmon, i to 5 Ihs. each, James Bay Hotel. Mrs. Daniel Day of \*ernon arrived Fourth Annual Flower Show F. Ricketts. 10c the bride entered the room on the Special prizes for best collection lin; 2. Mrs. Saddler. whole or half fish, per lb. .. ;...... arm of her father and was attired In the city on Sunday night, and will And Exhibition of Women’s of cooking—l. Mrs. Kelly; 2. Mrs. Child’s knitted coat—1. Mrs. Sad­ In a fawn satin f’anton crepe dress Mrs. H. Rowley ne (Eva Matthews) proceed with Mrs. Jameson to Port­ dler; 2. Miss E. Phillips. of Lamçson Street, Is leaving for F. Locke. . _ . with hat v> match She carried 1 land. Oregon, to attend the vocal Work at Esquimau Special prize donated by Brackman Knitted shawl—I, Mrs. Hemiplngf! Rump and Loins Veal, lb. 27# Veal Roasts, lh. 20r and 17# shower bouquet of roses and carna­ Toronto, Ont. to-day. master classes of Y eat roan Griffith Ker Milling Co. for beat loaf made 2, Mrs. T. Scott. \ + +■ + Bead work—2. Miss Pooley. tions and was attended as bridesmaid Mrs Melville Parry of Vancouver of New York. The fourth, annual flower show from B. A K. flour—Mrs. Elston. Buttock RoasU No. 1 Steer Shoulder Local Spring Lamb, 4- + + and exhibition of women's work Crochet—1, Mrs. Brown; 2, Miss by her sister. Miss Euphemla Nichol- Is a visitor In Victoria and is a guest Division B—Produce per lb...... 24# •Hon. who wore a turquoise crepe de given under the auspices of the Es­ Rogers. Beef, lb...... 22# at the Empress Hotel. Mrs. Goodwin of Seattle, after Hens’ eggs—1. Mrs. Ranns; 2. Mra. Chine dress with a fawn satin hatx spending a few days in Victoria has quimau Women’s Institute took place Stencilling—2. Mrs. Jones. Legs and Loins, il>...... 40# McFarlane Division H—Arte and Crafts Rump Roasts No. 1 Steer Beef, ond carried n bouquet of sweet peas x esterdav afternoon in the Parish Mrs. F. C. Ball of Vernon, and her left for a motor trip up the Island Ducks’ eggs—1, Mrs T. Wallace; Rug-making—1, J. Kelly; 2, Mrs. Fancy Light Fowls, lb... .24# and * carnations. The groom was and was accompanied by her daugh­ Hall, St. Paul’s Anglican Church. l>or lb. 22# and ...... 18# three children, are v isiting during the The proceedings wrere opened by 2. Mra Brooker. supported by his brother, Mr. Alex. ter, Mias Ruth Goodwin, who has ' °Valntlng In oils—1. Miss HarCourt; Hummer In Victoria. Reeve Lockley, who congratulated Division C—Home Csnning snd GOOD SUPPLY BROILERS AND ROASTING CHICKENS Hiring. ’4- ¥ *0 been the guest of Miss Monica Davie the Womefi’s Institute on the dis­ Preserves special. Mrs. Hunter. \ Miss Nicholson is a native daugh­ Mr. W. J Mooney, after spending for the past week. play The Rev. F. C Chapman, who Best collection of pickles—1. Mrs. Water - colors—1, Mrs. Hobson ; A ter of Ladysmith and Mr Htrang Is a week In Victoria, has left for his ***+■ ’ -♦ Mr. Hicks; special. Miss Harcourt. acted as chairman, also "Poke «3 few *r!e*t collection of jams—1. Mrs. well-known In local sporting circles. homo m Edmonton. Dr Walter Thompson and his wife words. Mrs. Booth, the president, Special, coloring pictures by hand , The popularity and esteem in which of Hamilton. Ont- and Dr. Clark and presented the prises awarded in the Walden; 2. Mrs. Garrett. —Mrs. Keighley. Mr. Cantell of Vancouver, formerly H. 0. KIRKHAM & CO., LTD. these young people are held is well his wife of Toronto. Ont., who have baby show. Best collection of Jellies—1, Mra Snap-shots—1, John Roger. testified by the numerous and beau­ of the cableshlp Restorer, is spend­ been attending the Dental Conven­ Silver cups donated by Mrs. Builen Ranns. . . _ , Children's Work tiful gifts received. ing a few days in Victoria. and Mrs. Mavnifrd for the beat boy Best collection of bottled fruit—1, Carpentry and Joinery—1, Jack 4-4-4- tion In Vancouver, have arrived in Mr. and Mrs. Htrang will spend and beat girl bnby in the Show were Mra. Kelly: 2. Mrs. Ranna Oliver; 2. Ian Wallace. MIs» Lannox and Miss Jean Lennox the city, and are the guests of Mr. Beet collection of bottled vege­ sarcra"* “ ”«'2 Fort st-to s their honeymoon visiting thé Hound and Mrs. Thompson Kirby. Gorge won by Mferf Dbrwdn Brown, aged Cut flowers—r. Christina Saddler.’ have * returned I from spending a table—f. Mfs. Kelly ; 2. Mrs. Ranna cities, and uf*>n their return will Road. five months. 6n«f Arthur Francl* Map drawing—t, Tom Tkme; 3, make their home In Ladysmith. . month's hoTITlay at Parfcsvtlle. ■r + + Wingert. six months, Orange marmalade—1. Mrs. E. Ia- Florence Elston. + + bleter; 2. Mra Ranna. ,Iri .. r. On Monday a pleasant little mir other awards were: Penmanship, girl under ten—1, Mr. and Mrs. H. A Gilroy, accom­ MiasMr,. Helen G. M Rogers Roger* of ofEdmonton, Ottawa, andare I prise party In the nature of a Girl under six months—1, Diana Division D—Vegetable* Lilian Elston : boys over ten—1. Al­ Potatoes, early and late—1. J. Hut­ panied by Mrs. A. A Moore, motored .MISS Meieri i [reunion was given to Mr. and Mrs. Perry, two months. ^ fred Young; 2. <\ Eva: girl over ten to Victoria to-day. guests at the Emprew Hotel. ijoeeph Patrick. Michigan Street. * Boy under six months—1, Arthur chinson; 2. Fred Ricketts. —1. Jean Hansen; 2, Annie Kennedy. Raymond Knowles, four months. Potatoes, any variety—1. Mr*, fil­ Drawing—1, Chas. Eva; 2, Walter Mrs J W Dobbin of Quallcum all their sons and daughters, ler; 2. T. Wallace, KEATING iio.rh" iV a Visitor in Victoria and is;occasion Was doubly eventful, lnas Girl six to twelve months—1. Ellen Putt. , ^ SStfWSlSiBwVrTlSér twiicir-Wit wns BiUabeth Dutiman. eight months. tifable turnips—». Mrs: Ranns. Wktercolor painting—1. Dapnns Carrots. two varieties—1. B. Mr. and Mrs George Stewart have m ieuo« day. and it w as the first time in ten Boy »lx to twelve months—1. Glln _D0ley; 2. Eileen "TComls. + Halley: 2, J. Hutchinson. gone for a -holiday to Stewart. B.( £fr. Tierbert Lrtser, wtm for the jy-ears that, the whole family had been Charles Matthews, eight month*. Children's Cooking Mr Stewart has a large Interest in Girl one to two year»—1. Berplce Carrots—1,’ W. Saddler; — M. Baking powder biscuits—1. Annie past two weeks has been a visitor In ; reunited at the family table. tba DunwoU -Mloe I», that district 4- -r — Waldron, one year; 2. Janet Mary Gutllemaud. „ , _ Kennedy; 2. Lily Ockenden ™ St e-wart, returned home on Tuesday. Summer cabbage—1. Mr. Butler; 2. , Cw'%' Mr W Ip. Finley of Portland. Mr Henderson, twenty-one months; 3. Cooklee-v-1, Lily Ockenden. Mr arid' Mrs Woodcroft and Mr Muriel Ross, seventeen month». J. Hutchinson. Plain cakes. Iced—1. Keith Me- Mr. A. G. Vale of Brandon. Mani­ Arthur N. Pack, president of the Cauliflower—1. J. Hutchinson; 2, and Mrs Smith of Cedar Hill Road, American Nature Association and Boy one to two years—1. Paul Farlane; 2. Sybil Craven. k V .vTi : » toba. In spending a week in Victoria Stromklns. nineteen months; 2. Jack Mrs. Ranns Marble v&ke—«1, Betty Elton ; X, were visitors in this district on Hun- and in a guest at the ^Balmoral Hotel. editor of Nature Magazine, and Onions,.whLte—1. J. Hutchinson; 2, Mesdames Finley and Pack, TBrve re­ Perry, twenty-one month»; 3. Julian Phyllis Lockley. McGrath, nineteen months. Mrs. Ranna. .... Candles—1. Roy Jacklin; 2. Muriel Mr Valentine Quinn, rompt roller turned from a cruiMV during which Onions, yellow—1. Mrs. Jacklin ; 2, they took a number of motion and The enlarged hall lent itself admir­ Rudd and Lily Ockenden. of the Granby (’uneolldated Com­ ably to the display of the various Ben Jacklin. still pictures of native fauna and Special for beat Iced layer cake—1. pany. was In the city yesterday from exhibits, delicious looking cooking Onion*, red—1. Mr». J. McDonald; Keith McFarlane; 2. Phyllis Lockley. | Nanaimo. bird life «.f B.C. They are now in YOUR HEALTH being shown here, also needlework 2. J. Hutchinson Children's Needlework the city for a brief stay. of all kinds and work done by chil­ onion», pickling—1. Mr». Ranns. I Mins Dorln Pltmley. Fort Street. In ■f + 4 Plain sewing—1. Christina Saddler; , dren. Among the latter, some car­ Eschalots—1, G. Brooker: 2. J. Hol- HERE’S A GOLDEN IDEAl the guest of her cousin. Mien Grace Miss Louise A. de W. Moore and 2, Florence Elston. EAT LESS AND GROW RICH pentry showed good work. There Hemstitched article—1. Dorothy !• Pltmley. at her Hummer home at Mrs. Mary McCoy Jameson were Joint were creditable maps and specimens Hcarlet runners—1. J. Hutchinson; Cordova Bay. hostesses on Tuesday evening at a Scott; 2. Christina Saddler. By Royal 8. Copeland, M.O. of penmanship. Home very neat sew­ 2. E. Saunders. Dressed doll—1. Dorothy Scott; 2, delightful musicale in Mrs. Jameson's ing was entered by the little girls, Dwarf bean»—1. J. Hutchinson; 2, Canada’s Train de Luxe Mr. and Mr McClellan of Van* studio, given In honor of Mme. Ellis Isabel Hunter. . „ snd tK>ys and girls alike showed a T. Wallace. Darned sock—1, Muriel Rudd; •• a few weeks in Brown of Calgary Those contribut­ surprising proficiency In the art of Beans, yellow—2. W. Saddler Fastest Train Across Canada kr^a'^r;. y£ï i î.—. «• z*?? guests at the Beans, broad—1. T. Wallace; 2. W- hyllls Lockley. ______any one who liken good. foot!. He will j Victoria and are ing to the musical programme were cooking, specializing in cakes and Empress Hotel. Mesdames Day of Vernon. Mac lure candles. Saddler. tell you that Oscar In one of the In­ •»• t* Beets, long—1. W. Saddler. stitutions of the great city and is be. and Jameeon. the Misses I* A. de W. The beautiful Oriental embroider­ Child Played With j Mrs. F. n. Gregory, (’raigdarroch ies and curios shown by Mrs. Ham­ Beets, short—1, W. Saddler; J. loved of all his friends—an endless Moore and Justine Gilbert, Major j Rond, is spending a week at Parks- Watts of Edmonton and Messrs. Jus­ mings added greatly to the decorative Hutchinson. Vancouver to Toronto (86 hr$.) 2. W. number. ville as the guest of her sister. Mrs effect of the space allotted to art» Lettuce, 1. Mr». Ranns Matches; Lost Life The other day ! read this in one of tine Gilbert and Ira Dllworth. Mrs. F. E. Winslow. Jameson and Miss Moore are leaving and crafts. Other interesting ex­ Saddler. the New York papers. Vegetable marrow, green—1, this afternoon for Portland. Oregon, hibits. mostly treasures from the Quebec. Aug. 7.—Five-year-old Vancouver to Montreal (90 hrs.) “Oscar attributes his good health Mrs M Holman left yesterday old Lund, Included a shawl 150 years Walden; 2. Mrs. Ranns. w here Mrs. Jameson will further pur­ to limiting his meals to one a day. morning on a month's visit to her Vegetable marrow, yellow—1, Mr Antoine Barrll died last night as the sue her studies with the Internation­ Id and a piece of silken embroidery All sleeping-car equipment, Including His fortune la due to the fad that his Gulllemand; 2. Mrf Rann*. result of burns received when his : daughter. Mrs F. W. Cost In.,“Mount - ally famous vocal pedagogue. Yeat- from llonlton. Devon. In this bec- guests don't follow his example.' I Mew." MoUnt Arrowsmlth. Cucumbers, outdoors 1, Mrs. clothing caught fire while ploying compartment and observation car. roan Griffith of New York. tlon. besides paintings In oils and with matches. The tragedy occurred la g brow—d,. husky. pAnl 4- **..w water-colors, some dainty miniature» Saves a business day each way. Green peaa—1: Mrs. Filler; 2, Mrs shortly after his grandfather had lipped, hard-muscled example of • Among the arrivals at .the Km- The choir of the First Congrega­ were shown. These were the work died in another room of the house. Ne extra tare health 'As I have watched him mak- I press Hotel yesterday were Mr. and of Mr», ward, and were greatly ad-»J. McDonald. tng a survey of one of his artistic { Mr„ A E. Tregent and Miss Tregent. tional Church and their friend» held Fee leterwatle* regarding tickets and reservatlene apply Pt a moat delightful picnic yesterday TICKET OFFICES: and delicious dinners. 1 have wond- « an))(| Mr, K n Klp.ey and Mr while some of the more sedate ad­ IN but whether you eat once or three , rharleB A Harkins of Portland. Ore.. 1 WILL MANAGE TEA journed to the billiard room. The , times. I beg of you to eat moderately are spending a few days In Victoria guests before departing #xprr#sed trunks, bags, j You cannot K*t along without a and arc guests at the Balmoral Hotel. their hearty *ppreci»tlop of the hos­ l reasonable amount of rest and sleep. pitality of Mr. and Mrs. Clorke. SUITCASES « but you can get* along on a much Captains Stewart and Otell, U.S. + + + smaller Intake of food than yhu In­ steamboat ln*t*'ctor", who have been For the last day of racing at the and Fancy Leather Good, dulge In every day. ...In Victoria------a few dayw-on -business. Willows for this meet a large num­ W« carry a complete aaaortment Women’s Institute Prepares There is no surer way of extending have returned to their homes in He- ber of guests were present, among Inspection Invited. For Participation in Fall the span of life than by reducing the | attle. whom were noticed the Hon. T. D. We do all kind, of repair». number and size of the ’ helpings'’ at I j. a. Pattullo and Mrs. Pattullo. the Hon each meal. Try It and see how much I Mrs. Gordon Hunter end Miss Fair l^ake are John Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph better you feel. I Mord en of ^haw nlgan Victoria at Hunter. Dr. end Mrs. Douglas You need not tell me about Mr. A. ! spending a few days |n Hftinter. Dr. and Mrs. Bechtel. Mr. Jas. McMartin Members of the Victoria Women’s n Belleville Institute are Invited to attend the and Mr B.. notoriously enormous ’ Mrs. Hunter’s home < and Mrs. T. R. Jones of Ix>s Angeles. rii Yatee Et. Phene 1Z78 I Street. arrangement of the exhibit and the eaters, who lived to be a hundred. Mrs. Jordan of Los Angeles. Mr#. There are some human beings like tea rooms tit the Willows I*ark on ,nm, auV.nv.hll, .ngln.a—alHmlutely Mr. »' « >_*" "h f . Harold ‘ Eberts of Montreal. Miss Haturdny week, the Institute again r.fining lo .top in .pit* nt outrage- been a visitor In Mctorla vir a tew Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wil­ having charge of the te« rooms. ou.!r‘.tment If II wer. not for days, left to-day for hi, home a, son. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Gordon. MK $100.00 On the previous day the monthly and Mrs Jack Rlthet, Mr. and Mts. business meeting will be held on Fri­ the exceptional caa«. there would be , J’ort tAaaliingtun. . o no need of Issuing warnings to big j,B,an<1 + + Walter Burton. Dr. and Mrs, F. M. Spring’s Smartest day. when the hostesses will be Mes­ Bryant. Dr. and Mrs. Jamfe* Grant. dames Kerr. Wilkinson, Johnson and eaters The continued existence of j Mr and Mra ç* a. Robson and son Mr and Mrs. Russell Ker, Mr. and „Thew Console Grafonolas have been reduced from *125.00 to »1(W.OO for quick Shoes N P. Macdonald. one violator of all the rulee of of KEdmonton,dmonton whoWh«. have beenbeep visitors i M r». Aqstln of Seattle,. Mrs. Fuller sale. Buy now and save *25.00. We are,selling them on terms of *10.00 Cash Meanwhile the members are trying hygiene appears to be more impres- |_|n •'<-*Yictorla •- -f or the jp**past week. Wl* ton. Mr and Mrs. Johnston. Mr. and MtJTRIE & SON’S | to' make lKith their exhibit and the sive than the. untimely deaths °* - yesterday their return to their Mr* Boxvker. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. and *10.00 Per Month. im wmMv «-■ — ! tea room* a success. Members hav- hundreds who died young Just be- I hom<1 ln Alberts, Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. <>wen Copes. | ing fancy work are Invited to bring cause they paid no attention to the i ^ ,+ > rules of hygiene and common sense | Mise Winifred Htghm.m. on the Mr. and Mrs. W. Munete. Mr. and J R to the roc^ims, and Mrs. C» L. Camp- Mes. J. C. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Me- Overeating has done more harm | teaching staff of thg, *’rince George PHONE ; hell, tlie convener, will look after if. Cleave. Miss Pearce, Mis* Pattullo. 641 YATB8 .HcnvVcJrs of ,||G JC I Members with jam. pickles, meats or than alcoholic intemperance, and In j *vhoola. la spending the holidays with making this statement T am fully | her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John High Mia* Mary Rattenbury. Mise Irt* 3446 iefoctoru ^ln* f f 0 ' , canned vegetables are also invited to ... SSB-fîBÏ,.. ■ymi—‘IImw r*e -Mv4aAi -eMtaMi^Dieeis.v.. ^teem.orw -.zMMl-, JjAsg,. , now to get drunk. - Jessie Dunn of Victoria are spending couver. Mr. and Mr*. E. W. LAy|| of PHONOGRAPH STORE |NU 5 52 I Re\ . E. D Braden, of Kerriadale [OlBif.'V imitate Lh* personal example of a two-week’s vacation* as tK> guests Vancouver. * Ml** McCleave. \Vn R. MçthodiSl .Church. Vancouver, con- Oscar Bat moderately and be rich j of Mr. and Mrs. F, W. Cost in. Fiorlmm. Mr. Eric Burton and many 1 ducted the services in the South 1 I Hatinlch Union Church la— Sunday. la health If not in money. l/ Mopntvlew," Mount Arrowsmlth. others.


of the patient shows that the investi­ PHONE 1670—PRIVATE EXCHANGE CONNECTING ALL DEPTS. 5^65 gators early set aside Ehrlich’s the­ ory, although fired by his Ideas, Dr. E Dels polned out. The search started with the aim of securing compounds with a maximum affinity for the pro­ toplasm, or body material of the An Unusually Breakfast at the Bay OISEUSES MAY BE parasites, and thus exerting a maxi­ Restaurant Opens at S.30 A.M. mum poisonous action on them, but Attractive List of at the same time, without affinity for the organism of the host. The FRIDAY BARGAINS ; Tl lew which now prevails Is that In many case» there Is some reaction with the body fluids or tissues of the Friday is our weekly Bargain Day when all departments make a point of offering one or more lines of seasonable merchandise at Progress in Fight is Described sufferer, which Is essential for the successful combating of the Invading special low prices. To-morrow the bargains are exceptionally good as you will realize after reading this advertisement. Some of By Dr. H. H. Dale of germs, but which is without harmful London influence on the human body. » the lines are limited in quantity so early shopping is advisable. Store opens at 8.30 a. m. MECHANISM OF CURES Leader Addresses Physiolo­ That the exact mechanism of cures The Coolest Store hus not yet been worked out. al­ Home Furnishing Bargains For Friday gists at British Association though many of them are used widely in the City Meeting and successfully. Is illustrated by the state of knowledge as to the means The other day when the Final Clearance of Wash Frocks Shoppers by 'which quinine controls malaria. thermometer registered 94 In Four Groups $2.95, $4.95, $5.95 and $6.95 Toronto. Aug. 7—Do Germane hold "Although it was one of the earliest outside the store the Our August Homo Furnishing Sale is your opportunity to the secret key to East Africa? le of chemotheropeutlc discoveries, the. temperature on our main GROUP 1—Values to $6.66 for $2.96 Drug 205 the combination which will cure of malaria by quinine has never floor was a little less than buy good furniture, good rugs and other furnirhings at op’en the door of the Congo to civi­ been satisfactorily explained,” the 76, while on the lower main oral voile, checked and plaid gingham Dresses In *11 new greatly reduced prices. If you do not care to pay in one speaker reminded his audience. Those lization? These were the questions It was only about 70. This ades, trimmed with organdie, muslin and lace; QFC asked to-day by H. H. Dale. C.B.E who are probing the question are amount down we will gladly arrange terms to suit your Was because of our modern Sall sizes; values to $6 95. Sale Price...... iUM. t M.D., F.R.B.. head of the department again driven to the view that though v e n 11 ! ating equipment, convenience. of biochemistry and pharmacology of the quinine haa no hurtful effect on GROUP 2—Values to $8.86 for $4.86 the Medical Research Council. Lon­ the body. It does react with the tis­ which provides for a com­ LIVING-ROOM FURNITURE AT BALE PRICES plete change of air In chambray, crepe, metallic spot voile and ratine. All the don. In his presidential address to the sues. 6 Only, Tall Pedestals physiology section of the British As­ TASK FOR CHEMISTS throughout the store every newest styles with dainty collar and cuffs, long waist with 10 Floor Lamp Shafts sociation for the Advancement of three minutes. Why not narrow belts. Trimmed with drawn work, organdie and self In fumed oak and mahogany Fitted with long allk cords and While the chemical treatment of <8clence here. come to Hudson’s Bay and material; In fleeh. green, orchid, flame, yellow, sand, peach finish, substantially made and disease Is still on not a altogether tassels. Regular $21.00. Bale Germany has a key. Dr. Dale ad­ shop in cool and comfort, and white; all sizes; values to $8.95. <£4 well finished ; regular $12.00. mitted. but so have the French. Drug satisfactory basis, the time for trial Sale Price ...... $7.96 Price...... $17.56 and error method* In developing no matter how warm the 109. developed at the Pasteur Insti­ day may be? tute. Is equally efficacious as a cure medicines df this kind has passed. GROUP 3—Values to $10.60 for $6.96 6 Only, Fern Stands 2 Only Mahogany Finished for the dread sleeping sickness which Dr. Dale pointed out. Many of the In fumed oak and walnut Music Cabinets results which 4he research w'orkers VerV becoming styles In fancy ratine, straight line models wreaks havoc In tropical countries finish, complete with metal have obtained are conflicting, but with hip pocket or slight fullness at eldes. Some have Regular value $12.50. Sale and in their arsenical drug “Trypar- order Is gradually being brought out embroidered organdie collars and fronts, others are trimmed pan; regular $13.60. Sale Price $•.60 samido,” workers at the Rockefeller Price ...... $8.95 Institute have revealed another of the chaos, and concrete achieve­ with linen collar and cuffs and leather girdle#, In all the ments are already to the credit of Hosiery Bargains • Only, Walnut Finiahed means.by which Africa Vnay be made newest -shades; "size# to 42; values to $10.50. QPC 1 Only, Closed Desk those who are doing the work. Paul Sale Price ...... «DÜeVtJ Windsor Chairs * habitable for white people. In walnut finish,’ with large Ehrlich’s first theory would still ap­ Speaking of “205," developed after writing surface and good locks, With shaped seats and bow pear to hold Lu modified form, in the fifteen years of continuous work on For Friday well finished; regular $50,00. backs, well finished; Tegular light of the latest studies of Avery GROUP 4—Values to $12.50 for $6.95 the part of the scientific staff Of the Sale Price ...... $37.50 $12.50. Sale Price .. $9.76 and Heldelberger. of the Rockefeller Lisle Hose Beautiful dresses In basket weave, drawn thread, checked Bayer Dye and Chemical Corporation, Strong quality Lisle Hose with ; and striped ratines, also fine voile with embroidered panels, Dr. Dale said. “There seems to be no Institute, who have been attempting to analyse the structure of a pneu­ reinforced heels and toes, deep pleatings, side flounces, etc. All new models In dainty com­ reason to doubt that this substance hemmed top. In black, brown bination colors Including black and whiter; sizes Jg has cured a number ef cases of Afri mococcus, a pathogenic type, with the object of determining the exact che­ and white; Mizes 84 to 10. Sale to 42; values to $12.50. Sale Price... Exceptional Bargains in Carpels can sleeping sickness In man. even Price, 3 pairs for ....$1.00 some In which the disease was well mical machinery W’hereby combina­ —Second Floor >1 Only Axmlnster Bus. *tze 6.9 by 9; 1 Only Wilton Rug, size 11.1 by advanced and In which all previous tion with the remedial drug takes Hudson is Lisle Hose regular $33.50. Sale Price. $21.75 13.6. regular I102M. Rale Price place. They forecast, lo this way. the ...... $$5.00 known remedies had failed.” Made from specially selected 1 Only Axmlnster Rug, size 9 by 9; day when all Infectious diseases, bac­ yarns, with deep hemmed tops, regular $45 00. Sale Price. $35.00 Mohair Rugs PROGRESS FORESHADOWED terial and protqxan. will resolve reinforced heels and toes, In 1 Only Axmlnster Rug, *txe 9 by 6 only English Mohair Rugs. In The development of this compound themselves Into a matter * for the black, grey, brown, camel, black or gold shade. curl centres Is an earnest of results which may Extra Special Bargains in Cream Sports 10.6; regular $52.50. Sale ^rice with self border*, else 24 In. by chemist, 'who need only solve the polo, sand; sises 8% to 10. shortly be expected In the way of 48 in.; regular $6.25. Sale Pries equations which tell what reactions Sale Price, per pair...... u46< treatment for Infectious diseases of are taking place between the bodies 1 Only Plain Seamieee Axmlnster man, following upon Paul Ehrlich’s —Main Floor Skirts Rug, size 7 6 by 9: regular $65 00 Wilton Door Mate of the invading organism, the tissues Sale Price...... $55.00 Good quality Wilton Door Mats revolutionary Ideas on the subject of of the sufferer and the curative Cream Flannel Skirts Cream Flannel Skirts 1 Only Wilton Rug, else » bv Î, with fringed ends, size 18 In. by chemotherapy. In Prof. Dale's In wrap-around styles with slit 33 In ; regular $3.95. Sale Price Made from good quality cream regular $65.00 Sale Price. $55.00 ...... $2.96 opinion. Chemotherapy, or the spe NEW CONTINUITY Glove Specials pockets, finished at waist line flannel with side pleats, narrow 1 Only Wilton Rug, size 9 by 10.6; clfic treatment of infections by che with neat belt and trimmed waist hand; waist sizes to 29. Hemp $talr Carpet mical remedies, alms to poison the “Although In the action of almost Broken Assortments in regular 185.00. Sale Price. $75.00 Reversible carpet, suitable for with buttons, also In box and minute animal or bacterial forms every record which ..has proved Its Chamois Suede Gloves Sale Price...... ‘... $6.95 hall* or stairs, 224 Inches wide. 1 Only $eamleee Axmlnster Rug, Sale Price, per yard ...... 6#e which are parasitic on the human value In the specific cure of Infection Gauntlet Gloves with fringe grouped pleated styles; sixes Cream Crepe Skirts *ize 9 by 12; regular $115 00 there are features which cannot be to 29 waist. Sale Price, $6.95 «slightly Imperfect). Sale Price •rueoels Stair Carpet body, by the agency of compounds and novelty embroidered cuff, Very fine Wool Crepe Skirts Serviceable Bru*»e!a Carpet, In which have no toxic effect on the Interpreted by a strict application of in colors of pastel, mode, grey Cream Crepe Skirts In knife and t>oz pleated styles, ...... $$5.00 Ehrlich’s hypothesis, Jhe discrepan­ nice designs and colorings. 27 in. body of the afflicted person. That and brown; sizes 8 to 7%. not In box and noveltjr pleated finished with belt at waist, 1 Only Wilton Rug, size 9 by 12; wide. Sale Price, per yard. $2.*5 cies begin to show a new continuity regular $98.50 Sale Price. $$5.00 cures of this sort, safe and sure, all sises In any one coles but styles on cotton camisole top, also 811k Crepe Skirts on cami­ —Third Floor among themselves.” Dr. Dale" de- should be synthesized in the labora all sizes In the loi ^4 4 Q made from fine wool crepe In sole top; sixes to 30 waist. All Summer Hats tory for all dread infectious diseases, Sale Price, per pair cream only; sizes 1$ to 40 bust. Sale Price...... $11.95 was Ehrlich's dream which has sti As the biological complexity of Sale Price ...... $7.50 —Second Floor mulated science to the- discovery of the problem is realized. It becomes 12-Button Length SAVE ON DRAPERY FABRICS “205.” Increasingly a matter for wonder and Chemoieette Glovee Greatly Reduced admiration that eo much of practical 50-inch Cretonnes A FAIRY TALE With three dome fasteners, Trimmed Hats, Including straws, 25-inch Cretonne» value has already been achieved. fancy embroidery on forearm. silk fabrics and braids In a Serviceable quality Cretonne The invention of this drug and its "When such results have been oh Double width Cretonne# In In colors of beaver, pastel and Mover Sweaters and Jacquettes good variety of colors and and just wide enough for the two competitors is in itself a fairy talned In a period during which prac­ reversible prints and decidedly grey; sises 6 to 7%. dj| y|Q shapes. Many of these are average side curtain; in a good tale of science. The German firm tice has often and Inevitably-outrun Sale Price, per pair tpl.#***/ new patterns and coloring#; published the results which had at theory, we may well be hopeful that pattern hat* and are trimmed selection of designs. Sale —Main Floor tended Its use of the new compound a fuller understanding will make for x Values to $4.95 for $2.95 with flowers, fancy ornaments Price, per yard...... IS* value# to $1.3$. Sale Price, In 1120. but it neglected to give out more orderly progress In future.” Pullover Sweater* of fine quality wool with long sleeves, round neck and ribbons. Come In brown, per yard ...... 89* Its formula. The chief faction which and narrow belt fastening with pearl buckle. Choice of plain anÿ grey, navy, black and combina­ 1,200 Yards of Cretonnes to other Investigators. anxious to learn $1.50 Bead Necklets fancy weaves. Also Wool Jacquettes with long roll coller fasten­ tion Shade*. Value» to $12.50. Clear Hand-blocked Cretonne* the composition of the material, had ing at side with three self-colored buttons, checked fronts. In Friday and Saturday. Including some of the best Fine quality Hand-blocked and to work were to the effect that It dis­ pretty contrasting colors; sixes 36 to «2; values to $4.96. (PO Qf? solved in water easily and was color- English and French Hand- v Linen Cretonnes suitable for less, and that It was a, salt of a com for 89c Sale Price ...... blocked Cretonnes, also heavier loose covers, drapes, etc.. In a —Second Floor $3.98 quality Cretonne# 36 Inches plicated sulphuric acid. Scrutiny of An assortment of head necklets good assortment of designs; the German patents revealed that It wide. An unusually wide in Jet and colored beads, long Also Pattern Hats In georgette, values to $1.78. Sale Price, must have an Intricate chemical for AND APEBBQMPADED selection of designs and color­ per yard ...... 98* and short strings nicely muta of a certain type, but there fancy straws and silks. These ings to chooee from; values graded. In Jade. rose. Chiu*, were an immense number of ways oi 150 Dimity Blouses Offering Friday, $129 are beautifully made and come tp 85c. Sale Price, yard 3B* —Third Floor grouping the components of the drug, Changes in Anthropoids’ blue, crystal and ember; val­ }y> the wider t>~rfmstyles, suit­ any of which might be the successful Skulls Greater Than in ues to $1.60. Made from good wearing dimity with able for the remainder of the Beyer product.------Sale Price ...... 89c Summer. Shown In black, FACTOR OF SAFETY Man’s, Says Mitt-Toot — ------—îtEtlTFTOôr'mmi ...Peter pan end roll collars, long and_ white, sand and other light Clearing Odd Lines of Enamelware at 98c Fourneau and others attacked the shades; values to fTJT.TIO: Fri­ problem at the Paeteur Institute, and Toronto. Aug. 7.—"The conclusion short sleeves with turnback cuffs, day and Saturday, High-grade Grey Enamelware including two-quart tea and coffee having first ruled the dyes from the Is forced upon us, contrary to what pots, flat bottom range kettlee, eight-quart covered pall, two and has generally been held, that the Stationery Specials finished with lace and contrasting eeries. since they evidently did not three-quart lipped saucepans. An ^ Include the compound required, they anthropoids and not man have de­ Highland Linen Stationery colored stitching, in overblouse and Special at ...... parted most from the ancestral type $7.98 ...... 9oC proceeded to put all the ! possible In boxes containing 24 sheets In respect of skull characters.” This of notepaper and 24 envelopes. tuck-in styles; sises d»"| OQ Genuine Thermo# Bottles Screen Doors combination* to the test, and the re­ —Second Floor sult was the preparation 309, which summing up of the new trends in In white only; regular 75c. 34 to 46. Sale Price.... «D 1*452/ Pint else Thermo# Bottles and Size 2.8x68 and 210x6.10. Appeared to be as efficacious as the anthropology was mad»* by Dr. C. Hale Price ...... 69* r Thermos Lunch Kit. complete Special at, each...... $2.1# original. Commenting on the nearness Hill-Tout, F.R.8.C., to the Anthro -Second FI (Kir x for ...... $1.98 Window Screen» pology section of the British Assn Ssnico Pienie Sets of the match, Dr. Dale said: “If M. Corn Broome 14 Inches high, opening to 28 Fourneau has not identified Bayer elation here this morning. Containing one large table­ The earlier conceptions which con­ cloth. six napkins, six cup*. Children’s Underwear Five etrlng. full stock Corn Inches. Special at, eech. 49* 206, he has discovered another com Broome. Special at...... 6S* pound having very similar, and prob­ sidered man to have evolved from *ix spoons, six fork* and *ix Greatly Reduced Sterno Canned Heat Steve# ably as valuable properties.’’ Both the apes were based upon erroneous paper plates; regular 50c. Wash Fabric Bargains, Values to 50c for Wash Boilers A handy little compact stove. have a high factor of safety, as the comparison» of the skull characters Hale Price ...... 19* Silk Lisle Vests Instant heat always ready for of primitive man- with skulls of No. 90 S.M.P. all-copper heavy dose, which Is lethal to the patient. Envelopes With short sleeves or shoulder Wash Boilers. A limited num­ camp or kitchen. Sale Price. Is at least 100 times the quantity mature anthropoids, when the com­ a Yard 29c straps; sides 4 to 14 years. Values to each ...... 29* parison should properly have been Good white woven Envelopes ber only at, each ...... $4.B6 whièh Is needed to fight back the 96c for...... 46* made with the skulle of Immature for business use. size No. 7. Excellent fabrics for women's and children'a wear. In­ —Lower Main Floor npes, said Dr. Hill-Tout. Sale Price, 4 packets for 36* Fine Cotton Combinations USED AS REQUIRED cluded iij the assortment are best quality English prints, Man hlmaelf. recent Investigations —Main Floor English galateas in neat stripes, English Oxford shirtingp. With shoulder straps or short sleeves “The remarkable property of ”205' had shown, retained very closely the tight knee and closed crotch; size# 4 Art Pottery at $1.00 a Piece Is the long persistance of its effect,' skull-form of the ancestor common etc. Values to 50c, SSale Price, 2A* to 14 years. Values to $1.25 for 69* Dr. Dale told tfle physiologist# to both man and the apes; while the Purity Groceries and per yard A number of pieces of Jspanese Art Pottery 4n dull bronze. Inch dose Injected Into a mouse, a rabbit anthropoids, the apes which most —Main Floor Ing flower vases. Jardinieres, candle sticks, bulb bowls, complet*omplete^ or a rat. will not only free the ant closely resemble man. had departed Princess Slips, Special, with holders and other useful articles, all clearing at QQ mal. If already Infected, from trypa farthest from this type. one price, Friday nosomes—the causal organisms of Provisions $1.69 —Lower Main Floor sleeping sickness - In a few days, but SPECIAL PRICES FOR will also render It resistant to such Novelty French Crepes Clearing at 98c Made from good quality satinette with FRIDAY strap shoulders, hemstitched at top, * infectioin for Weess, or even month# ' Hudson's Bay Company’s “Seal This property, possessed in copunon SOUTH AFRICA HIS gathered at sides; In shades of orchid Drug Sundries at Savings of Quality" Creamery Butter. with other specific cures, leads to the and pink. ^*1 per lb ...... 44* a Yard Reudel Beth Saltratee, value 76c. Dr. West’s Tooth Brushes, 25c, belief that the chemical 1* stored In Special ...... tPXeVe/ for ...... 63c 35c. and the body tissues when It Is first ad­ 3 lbs. for ...... $1.30 Beautiful fabrics for late Hummer wear. They come in white grounds with multi-colored stripe*. Will make up Into dainty Soda Phes. Effervescent, value 60c. English Teeth Bruehee, value 85c, ministered, and Is put into action NEW DIAMOND FIELD Finest Quality Alberta Creamery fur ...... 30c for ...... 00c frocks; 38 Inches wide; regular $l’.50. QQ_ only as required, possibly in a modi­ Butter, per lb ...... 41* Taffetine Underskirts Cascarats, value 60c. for ...... 37c Ebony Nail Brushes ...... 50c fied form as a result of coptact with 3 lbs. for ...... $1.20 Hale Price, per yard...... VOU Aromatic Casesra, value 26c, for 17c Lemon Shampoo, value 60c, for lie the body tissues. Rush Reveloped at Zeekoe- Pure Bulk Lsrd, 2 lbs for 3B* —Main Floor Special 89c Squlbbs Aspirin Tablets, value 50c, La Belle Shampoo, value 60c, for for ...... 30c REACTS WITH TISSUES fontein, on Banks of the Prime Smoked Pienie Heme, per Good wearing Underskirts, finished Shaker Beracle Add ...... 15e Melba Febe Powder, value 7$c, for The realization that the drug must lb...... 18* with pleated flounce; Beet Borax, 4 ounces for ...... 10c Vaal Riper La Belle Cold Cream, value 36c, for react In some way with the tissues Prime Smoked Cettege Rolls, black only. Special . 89c Palm Olive Shaving Cream, value per lb ...... 18* Friday Silk Bargains 35c, for ...... 27c ...... 27c —Second Floor. Woodbury's Shaving Cream... 35c —Main Floor Discovery Was Made by a Sweet Pickled Pienie Heme, per Heavy Black Duchesse Sstins Printed Silk Crepee, $1.00 a Yard lb ...... 17* $1.98 a Yard Dainty Printed 811k Crepes for Farmer, Whose Income Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls, per A remarkable offering In Black dre*ses, blouses and dress tops. Was Large lb ...... 17$ Duchess»* Satins, woven from A wonderful collection of de­ Friday Bargains in Mens and Boys’ Section Swift's Peameal Beek Bacon, pure silk yarns with a rich signs and colorings to choose Art SHk Tiee for Men or Boys Men'» Genuine Panama Hate ■eye* Oliver Twlet Khaki Suite per lb ...... 40* luetroup finish. Friday, per from; 86 inches wide; regular G{ape Town. Aug. 7.—One of the The popular narrow Lanky Bill 18 Only, In emart full crown and Made from eporte neck and long greatest diamond rush** in the his-» Finest Quality Mild Canadian y*d ...... $1.88 $1.95. Friday, per yard $1.00 ■leevee. very serviceable as a etyle In blue, black, grey and 'Fedora shape: values $3.95 to tory of South Africa has Just taken Cheeee, per lb...... 24* —Main Floor play suit: sizes 2. 4 and 6 years. place at Zeekoefonteln, on the banks Little Pig Pork Sausages, per brown with stripes In con­ $6.00. Hale Price ...... 91.96 Sale Price ...... $1.39 of the Vaal River. lb ...... 23* trasting color#. Price...... 19* ■eye* or Girls' Strong Kheki Thf owner of a farm In that dis­ 2 lbs. for ...... 46* Men'» Cream Cotton‘Trousere Coveralls trict named Tramp, discovered dia­ Hudson's Bey Company’s Spe­ tylon’s Soft Straw Hste Made from good wearing cream monds a few weks ago and hns been cotton with black stripes; well Made with long eteeves and but­ cial Breakfast Tee, lb., 56* A Big Value in Womens One-strap Cool and comfortable tor Hum­ making an average of £2.000 to 3 fbe. for ...... $1.60 cut and made with cuff bottoms, ton» rlvetted on: else» 3 to 7 £3.000 a week. On the day when, in mer wear, made from fine braid belt loops and pocket#. Twenty- years Hale Price ...... $1.90 accordance with the la*. the neigh­ Hudson's Bay Company's Freshly four pair# only. Bale Price, per Beys' Multi-colored Wool Jazz boring area was thrown open. 3,000 Roasted Pur» Coffee, 2 lbs. Shoes •oft straw. In large else# only. pair $1.39 Caps men and hoys. Including well-dressed for...... rmt Sale Price ...... 19* All shades. Hale Price.. 16* clerks, students, poor white diggers Finest Quality, B.C. Granulated They are made from aoft patent leather'with trim­ Men’s Dark Cotton#^# Wbrk Men's White Cotton Athletic Beys' Summer Hste and penniless farmers, prepared Sugar, 20-lb. paper sack for Straw Wash Cotton and Tweed stake their claim* ming* of black auede ; smart Louis heels and light ...... $1.60 Jersey» Hate in a good assortment of They formed a long and tremumue turn aoles. A very fashionable shoe fof d* <4 QF Made' with top pockets, double Cubcora Quickly Relieves Finest Quality Bulk California The proper athletic cut without shapes; values to 75c. Hale line between two flags about a mile Seedleee Raisins, 2 lbs., 26* dreas v;ar ; all aizea. Per pair «P^Xeî/t# sewn throughout with buttons from the desired land. All clutched sleeves, all else»; regular 75c. rlvetted on; all else#. Sale Price 19* Itching Skim iron pegs and hammer*. Then at 11 FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Hale Price ...... 49* Price, per pair...... 91.96 —Main Floor o^clock the Government proclamation California E I b • rta Freestone was read which allowed them to Peaches, heavy pack' and In end hot m, dry and apply Cod- start the race for a fortune. A shot excellent condition, per case, QB was fired, the flag lowered arid the ...... ;...... $1.72 For acormoa. re,Sea, hchinga. tori. excited rush began. Extra Fine Cantaloupe#, each. Boys In ‘‘shorts’' and Tootball Jer­ they ere wonderful 20* and ...... 25* sey* .competed with hardened dig­ Nothing eo ineoreo a dmr akin and Fdncy Grapes, per lb...... 55* gers, while Kaffirs and flanking - La»$d BtœKbœiffiÀœ**yrer• ItiO* M Oe*! ddlttruum FWWrrmW.’ Wrqt ~ Sweet Valencia Oranges, per doz , mtdOL WK - 25$* 30$* «49$* *«d 59* —Main Floor trouser* on thornbushes. Many run INCORPORATED 2nd MAY. 1670 nera fell exhausted. The police had to settle a nurfiber <»f disputes during ===== the pegging <*it claim». T- VICTORiA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1924 TONS OF HEK ALONGSIDE WHARF AT GANGES HARBOR 1 JAPAN El PACKED MALLY (E LIQUOR BUT PIOTY Industry Aids Other Branches Canadian Manufactured Heavy Shipments and Specu­ of Manufacture on Island • Cereals to be Shipped on. | For Infraction of the Spirit of lations Cause of Busmess Coasting Law $111,000 Prospecte for the herring season, Empress of Canada which starts in < tctober. are being Failures Is Fine surveyed with more than ordinary When the Empress of Canada sails When British Scientists interest this year as the >%lue of for the Orient next Thursday there w ill be a large shipment of Canadian- Recent advlcfea received by the A Boston. Maes.. Associated Press Passed Through Canal They this Industry to the province was made breakfast foods aboard the ah Ip Victoria Chamber of Commerce of a dispatch some days ago. read;— particularly noticeable last year, Were Suspected manufactured from prairie grains. revival of lumber orders from Japan1 "For alleged violation of the shipping when 65.339 tone of salt herring That the purchasing power of the laws forbidding ships under foreign were shipped to the Orient. Chinese masses is higher than Is In the form of Japanese aqua res, flags In engaging In commerce be­ Officers of the steamer Stlckel- Of this quantity about 45.000 tonu generally supposed Is effectively de­ 1,500,000 feet of which were shipped tween United States ports, a fine of stad, which sailed, from Vancouver wer*' shipped from the wesf coast monstrated by the quantities of fancy * ■■ . within a few weeks, are supple­ $111,000 was placed by Customs au­ Tuesday for Antwerp, told of having of Vancouver Island, 17,500 tons foods that move through this port to thorities here to-day against the mented by a further report on busi­ from the east coast of the Island and the Orient. TV British steamship Voltaire, which, sighted the British barkentlne Su the balance from northern packing One Canadian firm manufacturing ness In Japan and information on last Monday, brought 600 members George West of the Panama,Canal. a cereal product Is meeting with con- the attempted boycott of American of the Philadelphia Ixtdge to the T<» make this export of more than According to Inforonatbm gleaned j aiderai de success In marketing tne goods. The attempted boycott, a Benevolent and Protective Order of at Balboa, on this barquentlne, the 15,000 tone, it required 22,000 ton:: small packages In China by having heavy unfavorable balance of trade, of salt, 9.200,000 feet of lilbiher for Elks’ National Convention. The Vol­ boat carries a party of English scien­ all labels and cook books .printed in a surplus of imported stocks on taire, owned by the Lamport ana tists. and belongs to the Royal boxes. 176 tons of nails, and 4,000,- .the Chinese language, and even the hand and a depreciated yfn are Holt Steamship Go., stopped here en Thames Yacht Club. 000 feet of wire, besides the her­ pictures of the Chinese cooks on the factors of Importance contributing to route to Halifax, N.S., and St. John’s, This ship came through the canal ring. labels and advertising matter are the general depression that prevalla Newfoundland. The allegation photographs of Chinese men and some time ago and created a sensa­ All this material goes with the After the earthquake Inst .Septem­ charges that the Voltaire, by coming fish and helps constitute the total tion, as It was thought she was a ber huge orders were placed for all here from Philadelphia at least vio­ temiage moved from port. In the.past three years there has rum-runner, but on investigation It. manner of products, but {mrtleularly lated the spirit of the law. Appeal An endeavor Is being made to have been a marked effort made to edu­ wnis found that all she had was a supplies for rebuilding the devastated from the fine may be made to the the herring fishing season closed cate the Chinese to the use of Can­ party seeking strange bugs, birds and areas. There were, of course, those Commerce Department at Washing from February 1 each year, as It la adian products with the result that beetles for the Scientific Expedition­ the manifests of boats leaving here firms who saw an opportunity for ton.” claimed that the fish market after advantageous speculation with the ary Association of London. England. that date are not good for the mar­ for the Orient show a big Increase Criticizing the action of the The expedition la In charge of —Photograph.- ,ty floodennugh. result that in the case of lumber, American authorities, the Canadian kets In foreign lands. In the number of commodities mov­ Commander D Blair, R.N.R., F.R.O. C.P.R. steamer Princess Adelaide, which carried the Spencer dmlted picnickers to Qanges Harbor yesterday. Iron and zteel products, building and National and Marine World Maga­ ing and the expansion Is always with 8.O.B.E., and the other members of The vessel Is shown landing her passengers at the wharf. roofing papers, nails and even food zine, write*:—"Rut in spite of such firms making a special effort to the council,on board the ship are products of various kinds tharf- was an arbitrary Imposition of a fine, for please the taste of the Chinese Miss I| E. Ghees man. Major J. A. SEATTLE SHIPPING a surplus impt-r|te-d over actual r*- purely technical offense, the Do buyers. c----- as the Queen Charlotte Sound. Douglas. Lieut. F. W. Kealey, C. L. qu Ire maw ta whidh has caused con­ minion Government has taken power The Berenà. Capt. G. Evans, is also Collenette, Col. F. 8. Penny, C.M.O. Seattle. Aug. 7.—-After a voyage siderable consternation and embar­ to suspend the Canadian coasting SAN FRANCISCO SHIPPING sailing this week to land oil supplies D.8.O., and the scientists are James from New York In the Seattle-built at stations In the .Gulf of'Georgia. rassment to the,«ttrade In general, law at any time it may see fit. and Hornell, late director of fisheries In freighter Walter A. Luckenhach. to allow United States owned ships San Francisco. Aug 7. The Siberia particularly as the goods were Madras. India- Dr. Cyril (’rossland. admitted duty free. to carry grain between Canadian Richard D. Wrigley. Jr. university Mans of the Toyo Kaisen Kaisha SUNRISE AND SUNSET late director or pearl fisheries for the ports. It also winks at U.8. ships studenti Robinson SchlUaber, Prince­ Steamship Company Is due here to­ DUTIES RESTORED Sundan Government; P. H. Johnson ton University student: Charles A. Time of sunrise and sunset (Pacific carrying grain from Fort _ William day from Japan with a cargo which IT standard time) at Victoria. B.C., for the SAYS NEW BOUTS After April 1. when all duties were of the zoological department, Lon­ and Port Arthur, Ont., to Buffalo, Reppello, .treasurer of Robinson's Includes 1.450 hales of raw silk va 1 lied h of August, 19Î4 don; Col. H. J. Kelsall, director of restored, importers were practically N.Y., and then reshipping it In other Process Company, New York, and C. at approximately il.600.ovo. The ethnology, and Alfred. Duggan, eon of J. Flnnenan, of Pitt A Scott. New Sunrise Sunset at ^ standstill, unable to put through U.8. ships to Montreal, which the silk shipment is consigned to New Lighthouse and Wireless Day Hour Min, Hour Min. further Indents while there wAs so Deputy Minister of Justice has the Marchioness of Curzon. York freight forwarders, have arrived York. In addition the vessel carries These names were all registered here They ere the guests of M J. -1 ...... 4 48 7 50 much stock on hand. This condition stated Is a clear evasion of the law; fifteen boxes of gold coin consigned Necessities Carried by 2 ...... 4 at Balboa, where members of the Wright, district manager for the 49 7 48 has been maintained practically until and the Western Agarlan Press, to a local bank. 3 ...... 4 61 7 47 the present time in some lines. To party Intimated that they might visit Luckenbach Steamship Company. Ss. Estevan 4-...... 4 62 7 45 headed by the Manitoba Free Press, add to the confusion many of the demands the total abolition of the British Columbia and Alaska before The Pacific Mall steamship Presi­ 5 ...... 4 64 7 44 Sir Henry Thornton Will Re­ returning to England. 6 ...... 4 65 7 smaller importers could not afford Canadian coasting law. <■ The U.8 When the steamship Victoria sailed dent Cleveland. Is scheduled to arrive The lighthouse tender Estevan 42 yesterday for Nome. Alaska, she steamed out of port this morning 7 ...... 4 56 7 41 commend Construction of to hold so much stock and being Government enforces Its coastal law, here to-day from the Orient with n * ...... 4 58 7 40 pressed by the banks have been cut­ and no one can blame it for doing so. carried on board Mr. and Mrs. Hgrry bound for the lighthouses and wire­ 9 ...... 4 fsS large passenger list and cargo. The 7 38 Two Craft For B.C. Coast ting prices to get rid of som<> which The Canadian Government pussy­ Edmund Roose of Kirkland. Wash.", Cleveland 1» carrying a heavy silk less stations which lie along the coast 10 ...... 5 01 7 37 35^9-^jre married Wednesday night ... 6 02 has affected the market adverse!^, foots with Its coasting law and dis­ shipment from Japan consigned to of. Vancouver Island, where she'will 11 ...... 7 35 ^andwgll stop at Nome en rout'1 to land supplies of oil. lumber and food­ 12 ...... 5 03 7 -3:, although it hç* helped to make room courages Canadian shipbuilding and Eastern markets. 13 ...... 05 Prince Rupert. Aug. 7.—Sir Henry mteof the Diomede Islands, near stuffs. She was loaded practically ...... 1..... 7 32 for fresh Imports. ship owning." Coast 1$,14 ...... & 0*.- - a 1H Thornton, president of the Canadian Unntlnued heavy arrivals of lumber FÜ # r la where they will teach. The steam schooner Saginaw of the fh capacity, and lumber was "pftp.f . 5 07 7 28 Mrs. Reese was formerly Miss high on her forward deck. About JW 1* • ...... 6 09 7 26 National Railways, addressing a after the earthquake caused prices to TRANSPACIFIC MAILS Steamship Nelson Steamship.. Company, which 17 ...... 6 10 decline quickly and by March <’ana- Maude Kelsey of Seattle. Roth dropped a rudder about fifty miles barrels of oil constituted her cargo 7 24 Board of Trade banquet last night of fuel for the stations. 18 ...... 5 11 7 23 dlan lumber could be purchased In August, 1924 attended the University of Washing north of Eureka on Monday while 19 ...... 5 12 said he had concluded that In order ton Summer School. T.he Estevan is under the command 7 21 Japan for about the same price It China and Japan Service en route from Portland, was taken In 20 ...... 5 13 7 19 to take care of American tourist, po* of (’apt. H. R Hilton, and the voyagt could be bought In Canada. British tow yesterday by the steamer Wilm­ ‘21 ...... 6 15 7 18 slbllitle*. on the Pacific Coast the Achilles—Mails close Aug. 7. 8 30 a n9 ; Bringing close to 1.000 tons of East will take her afound the Island. Sh« 122 ...... 5 16 7 16 Columbia mills accepted business at du«* at Yokohama Aug 21. ington of the same line and ta due National system needed two new Coast cargo, the Dollar Steamship will call at every lighthouse and wire ! 23 . :...... 6 11 7 14 prices much below those paid for the President Madison—Mails close Aug to arrive here to-day. . 6 19 steamers. Sir Henry eald he would, 12. 4 p.m.; due at Yokohama Aug. 24 Ss. Prince fieorge Company's freighter Margaret Dollar less station from here to Triangle 7 12 large orders just after the earth­ . 6 21 7 10 on returning Eaet. take this up with Empress of Canada—Malls close Aug. arrived here yesterday. After dis­ Island, and will then proceed to the ...... quake. For a time dealers In Japan San Francisco, Aug. 7.—The •26 ...... 5 22 7 08 the Minister of Railways, recom­ 14, 4 p.m.; due at Yokohama Aug. 25, charging. she will load Oriental con­ East Coast. 27 ...... 5 24 7 côuld Ayy new lumber from Canada Shanghai Aug. 29. Hongkong Sept. 1. Japanese steamship Ryujln Marti has o« mending that the steamers he built In Ss. Prince Rupert signments brought here by the steam­ been chartered, lumber. North Pacific The stesmer Newington, working 2* ...... 6 25 7 i»t cheaper than the lumber already In Arabia Maru —Mails close Aug. 17, 4 29 ...... 5 I*rinçe Rupert. On this question the ship President Madison for New to the Orient, $1.50. September load- out of Prince Rupert also lending 24 7 02 the market. Many Importers and p.m.; due at Yokohama Sept- 1. 10 ...... 5 28 7 00 Government had final authority. President McKinley—Mails close Aug. Lesve VANCOUVER Midnight York and Atlantic porte. lighthouses, comes only as far south dealers holding high-price stock went lug------31 ...... 6 29 • 68 He looked forward, sajd Sir Henry, 24. 4 p.m.; due at Yokohama Sept. 6. under. Similar experiences are Shanghai Sept 10. Hongkong Sept. 14. MONDAY WEDNESDAY to making an Immediate start on the reported in other lines besides Hmpress or Russia—Malls close Aug To Prince Rupert To Prince Rupert first steamer for Alaskan traffic, as lumber. There are one or tw’o thou­ 28, 4 p.m.; due at Yokohama Sept. 8, and Anyox and Stewart well as for Government sanction to sand rolls of roofing paper still un­ Shanghai Sept. 12, Hongkong Sept. IS. SATURDAY start on the second next year. It used In Japan which cannot he Alabama Maru—Malls close Aug. 30, 4 p.m ; due at Yokohama Sept. 14 To Prince Rupert only was the Intention of the company to utilized, the latest Government re­ President Jackson—Malls close Sept attack aggressively for a greater strictions preventing the use of any­ 5, 4 p m ; due at Yokohama Sept. 17, share of the American tourist trade, thing but fireproof felts. Shanghai Sept. 22. Hongkong Sept. 28. City Ticket Office which would also Involve the build­ EARTHQUAKE RELIEF Australia and New Zealand •11 Gov't Street Phene 12*2 ing of a hotel here. He said he Maunganul (via San Francisco)- *3 would do all In his power to get an .Much of the foodstuffs sent to MaIIs close Aug. 10. 4 n.m. ; due Welling appropriation In next year’s budget. Japan to relieve the masses after the ton Sept. 1. due Sydney Sept. 6 Sir Henry and the accompanying earthquake has found Its way to Ventura (via San Francisco)—Malls snUll grocers and it 1s possible to­ close Aug. 28. 4 p m ; due Sydney Sept Iierty leave for the Eaet on Thursday 16 morning. day to buy Australian Jams, New Makura (direct)—Malls close Aug. 27. Zealand corned beef. Canadian 4 p.m.; due Auckland Sept. 15, due Syd­ salmon and tinned milk and Ameri­ ney Sept. 20. can canned vegetables cheaper than The WEATHER the wholesaler must pay for new Victoria Mstoov- Elec- LATEST MOVEMENTS Canadian Vletoria, Aug 7 —5 a m —The baro­ OF C.G.M.M. SHIPS meter remains high on the Coast and PAC I FI has fallen over tne Rockies Rain is Canadian Importer, at Vancouver, reported in Alberta and Saskatchewan B. C. COAST SERVICE Reports to sail August 20. Victoria—Barometer. 36 01; tempera­ Canadian Freighter, left Panama ture, maximum yesterday. 66 minimum. Canal July 2e, to arrive Vancouver 54; wind, 16 miles 8.W.. weather, dear October 26. as x... Vancouver—Barometer. 30 00 terhper- Canadian Inventor, left Panama Special ature. maximum yesterday. 71: mini­ Canal .July U, to arrive Vancouver mum. 52. wind. 4 miles H K , weather. a mysterious force August 16. Kamloops—Barometer. 29*11; tempera­ Canadian Highlander, to sail from puzzles the experts ture. maximum yesterday. *6. minimum. Vancouver August 10 Fares mmmm 54; wind, calm; weather, fair Canadian Planter left Vancouver : • Barkervllle- Barometer. 29.94; temper­ July 30 for Australian porta; to ar­ To but ature. maximum yesterday, 76, mini­ rive Vancouver October 26. mum. 44. wind, calm; weather, c earl Canadian Prospector left Victoria the traveler via Prince Rupert—Barometer, 30 06; tem­ perature. maximum yesterday, 62; mini­ July 20 bound for Taku Bar; to ar­ mum. 50; wind, calm, weather, fogg\ rive Vancouver September 17. Estevan Barometer. 10 04. tempera- Canadian Seigneur arrived at New VANCOUVER lure. maximum yesterday, 58; minimum. York July 21. 56. wind, 12 miles S.E.; rain, trace; Canadian Scottish left Melbourne Cadillac Owners Endorse Union Non-Detonating Gasoline weather, cloudy. July 16. to arrive Vancouver Aug. 21. Tatooeh—Barometer. 30.06; tempera- Canadian Skirmisher left Liverpool lure. maximum yesterday. 54; minimum, EXHIBITION .60. wind. 20 miles S . rain, trace, weath­ July 21: to arrive Vancouver Aug. 30. er. raining. Canadian Transporter arrived Portland. Ore —Barometer. 30 01; tem­ Avonmouth July 29; to arrive Van­ perature. maximum yesterday. 80; mini­ couver September 252\ Aug. 9—16 mum. 56; wind, 4 miles E . weather, Canadian Traveler, arrived Fraser cloudy. Mills August 2. Seattle—Barometer, 30.08: tempera­ Canadian Winner left for Halifax, Going dates August 9. 11, 13, 15. Just What Is ture. maximum yesterday. 78; minimum. Final Return IJmlt Aug. 18, 1924 sits back and revels 56. wl,id. 16 mllea 8 ; weather, cloudy Montreal and Quebec. July 25. San Francisco—Barometer. 29 94, tem­ Canadian Farmer to sail from Van­ erature, maximum yes­ Canadian Rover left Nanaimo Aug- “Good Gasoline”? terday. «8; minimum. 38; rain. 04. Edmonton — Temperature, maximum use 4; to arrive Vancouver August 28. its use. yesterday, *2; minimum. 62; rain, 26. Canadian Trooper left Fan Fran­ Qu’Appelle —- Temperature, maximum cisco August 2: to arrive Vancouver yesterday, 74; minimum. 44; rain. 04 August 7. ^ PUGET SOUND NAVIGATION CO. ECAUSE Union Gasoline is a highly scientific product, the real Moose Jaw—Temperature, maximum Canadian Volunteer left Ocean B yesterday, 80: minimum. 46. rain. 07 Falla August 3; to arrive Vancouver story of its qualities would b* clearly understood only by a Temperature Mid-week ... Max. Min. August 21. scientist, and the telling would require several thousand words. \ Ictorla ...... 66 54 Vancouver ...... 7* 5: Excursion Fares / In general, therefore:—good gasoline results from a combination Penticton ...... *6 to of circumstances involving ample capital in the company that pro­ Grand Forks ...... 87 I rr n Nelson ...... 87 duces it, highly developed scientific experience and skill, and the Port Angeles Siijilllij W Winnipeg ...... 7.Ï. .7. 78 64 most modem facilities for efficient manufacture and exhaustive Regina ...... 78 47 Every Wednesday Toronto ...... 14 chemical research. Ottawa ...... 7* aim I Montreal ...... *2 $1.00 Only $1.00 The Union Oil Company is in a position to employ all of the St. John ...... 64 Hound Trip 170 hours to Chicago necessary means to the most desirable end. L Its reputation—made HaUfax ...... 82 Going vis steam "Olympic" 9 00 by its products—is its greatest asset. am. and 3.30 pm, or "Sol Due" TIDE TABLE 10.16 a m. Returning vis stesmer v All for Research • In the protection of this asset it is simply good business to give SAILINGS •^Olympic" at 11.46 sum. and 9.00 i The Research end Development De­ you the thing that will maintain it—the best fuel this company (TlmeHt’TImeHt'Tlme Ht'TimeHt partment of the Union Oil Company knows. Ih m. ft lh. m ft.|h. m. ft.lh m. ft TO EUROPE Week-end Summer is an institution in iteeif. 1.16 8 31 9 85 1.1117.34 7 1121 4$ 7 6 Mek* Reservations New 11 49 8 lllO 12 1 7117.51 7.3122 84 6.6 It watches end guard! processes, Union Gasoline has the quality of non-detonation which means 12 21 7.7H0 5O 2 1118 18 7 4128.24 6.2 FROM MONTREAL Excursion Fares less tendency toward "knocking" on hills, and in slow, heavy pulls, 13 24 7..8Ü1 29 2.7118 43 7 5!...... , cher boors - deuthemptos - Antwerp Victoria to Port Angeles and Sidney Tourist Fares checks the porformanco of Union Oil to Anacortee product», testa and compares fuels and quicker acceleration, and a smoother, more vibrationless speed. 10.22...... 5 7.4 36 6.6 12.07 3.4119.14 7 6 Au». ie Sept. 17 ...... M inn-doe* Now in Effect 1.27 5 1 6 28 6.1 12 43 4.S 19 46 7.8 Sept. 1 Meltta lubricants made by others, devises im­ 12.31 4.3 8 16 5 9 13.14 6.0120.11 8.1 Sept- 19 ...... Marburn Sunday, August 10 provements. end suggests savings by You may take our word for this much—it is good gasoline. 8 29 3 9 10.02 5.9 1141 $.7 20 51 8.4 Tn B.lfs.l l assesJf 4.25 1.1 Round $1.00 Trip with Liberal Stop- which quality may be raised at no i 1 1S1.H 1.7 98 Sept. 18 ...... i a.. Marloch 5.20 2 2 22.08 8 9 11 Oct. 9 ...... Montreal For tickets and information call on greater expense to consumers. 6.18 1.7 22 57 8.9 overs, Diverse It is the “Insurance Department" of 7.## l.i __.M ... 18.40 7 3 21.51 $.9 E. E. BLACKWOOD. Agent 7.61 1.2116 6* 7 6 19,44 7.0 Aug 99 Sept. 24 ...... Montcalm 912 Government Street Phene 7106 the Union Oil Company—insuring the Union Oil Company 6 46 8 $ *851.2 16 54 7.4 20 42 6.7 Sept. 6 Oct. I ...... Montrose Routes, Final leadership of Union Gasoline to the 1 I.! MM ‘ 19 Oct. 10 ...... Montclare Or H. S. HOWARD, Agent of Canada , no. v 1.40 9 T6 1.6 16.46 7 5 21 11 I 3 Sept Ç.P.R. Dock Phene 121 benefit of ha users. 2.18 1.1 9 66 t 1 17.11 7 6 22 33 5 7 FROM QUEBEC 3 30 7.6 10 37 2 8 17.40 7.7 23.27 6 3 Te Liverpool E. F. A. COOPER Limit October 31. i4 84 7,0 n il 3 6 1$ 11 7 7 99 Sept. 19 Montrorel Agent C.P.R., Sidney, B.C. 6 45 6.6 11 61 4 4 ié.44 7.8 Cherbeu nr-Southampton. Hamburg Consult 1.20 4 6 7.14 6.2112 88 1 2 19 19 7 9 Aus 97 Sept. 24 .. Rmpreee of Scotland 2.21 4.1 $.10 6.0!11.19...... 6.9119 68 7 9 Sept 10 Oct. « ... Empress of France 3 20 3 1 ..120 43 7.1 Te Bel fast-Glasgow F. O. Finn 4.14 8.6 J21.ll 7.7 ...... Montlaurler '5.05 3 2 .. 22.17 * ‘ UNldN ' STEAMSHIP COMPSANY General Agent NON- 15.64 3 0 .J21.02 of É.C. Limited ___- . ’RU’ffftftrPjfidfrll â fWif nttvY'r fW' ‘ * -.1 tiRVM-wnaot tit. • 27 . . 17 20 2 4116.60 7.4'19 tt 7.1|...... all East Coast and Mainland Points. .DETQNATINÇ Cfrmt* ewdr,Ci ■ 1 1”—iaSi 8pi Made in Canada 30. ... 1.37 7.$J 9.07 2.3115.56 7.2121.23 6.7 as^Prlnce Rupert and information apply : 22 7 $1 9 44 2.7116 20 7 3122.05 6.2 At Your Service The height le In feet and tenths of a GEO. MCGREGOR. Agent foot, shove the average level of lower 1929 Ne. 1 Belmont Houee MIL lew water. VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY. AUGUST 7. 1924 9

ESTABLISHED 1S85 NEWS IN BRIEF Five Thousand Have Overnight Entries Its Here! Visited Auto Camp New Early-Fall Inquiries for rented property • Fifth race—Daffodil claiming; First race—Fancy purse; purse 0MM being made at the city land office. $500; three-ye&r-Qlda and older; purse $500; three year olds and older A meeting of the public works com­ The five thousand mark at the maidens. Five furlongs: One mile and severity yards: . mittee will be held to-morrow after- Victoria Auto Camp was reached Golds! ream ...... 11J Little Gink ...... l\*\ Footwear last night with a heavy da*'s reg­ Chile Con Carne ...... Ill Prospector ...... H4 istration, bringing the number of. | Maud Kennedy ...... Ill Princess Ned Bird...... H< Provlnclal Normal School at Vic­ cars for the Summer to 1,460, with i Kula Kula ...... 108 Jerry Britain ...... Q2 toria will open on Tuesday. Septem­ a total of 5,000 passengers. H. P. Rube ...... 109 Mary Fuller"...... H- JUST ARRIVED Jewell City* ...... 109 j ber 2. It was announced to-day by Johnson, trustee of .the camp, who Vibrator ...... *..'106 New Wonder Saxophone Miss Lucas, secretary. » relieved the hard-worked care­ Shadow Spark ...... 104 Al Wick* ...... 109 Naa-Ta-Baga ...... •... 102 Medford Boy* ...... 109 taker for a epeU yesterday regis­ Skookum ...... 107 Applications from pupils entering tered cars from Reno, Nevada. For Ladies and Gentlemen on courses should be sent In to D. L. Second race—Rose purse: purse American Maid* ...... 107 I MacLaurln, principal, before August Fargo, North Dakota and one from $500; two-year-dlds; four and one- Perch* ...... 107 20, it was also announced. Minneapolis, a fail1 sample of the half furlongs: Annette Teller* ...... 107 View Windows far-flung area , from which the Bill’s Hope ...... 113 Also eligible: It is understood the reverted lands Curtis Point camp Is drawing its Hweeptona ...... 110 Very common ...... 112 committee i^p ready to make a recom­ visitors. The tourist from North Recover ...... 110 Carpathain ...... 112 mendation to the council with regard Dakota described the camp as the Bethpage ...... 110 Kiel Diamond* ...... ^^.105 to the clerkship in the lands depart­ best he had seen. In the last thou­ Rebate ...... 110 Lady Monmouth . . .\...... 110 No greater tribute can be paid MAYNARD’S SHOE STORE ment. for which there were eighty- sand miles. Jie said, he had met Byron G...... 103 Sixth race- -Carnation claiming; to the excellence of Conn Silent Pardner ...... 10< purse $500; three year olds and 849 Vîtes Strut Pheni 1242 five applicants. many automobiliste who had vis­ Saxophone# than the fact that ited Victoria and spoke of the older. Six furlongs: Third race—Mignonette purse: they are used by ninety-five At the close of the hearing in City beauties of the camp by the Carrie Moore ...... 115 ■WHERE MOST PEOPLE TRADE Juvenile court yesterday Herbert purse $500; western Canadian bred per cent of the country's most Gorge. horses; all ages; five and one-half Hobby Allen* ...... 112 Killam was committed for trial by Olympian King* ...... 112 famous artists. higher couiLxia & charge of gross in­ furlongs.------Sir Frederick ...... 115 Some Baby ...... 112 decency. Henry C. Hall, K.C., _ap,-_ Billy Connor ...... 112 The Conn New Wonder Saxo­ pearvd for the accuaed and C. I* Calgary Lad ...... 112 phone with the new "Quick- ■ -Catrttano...... ; : ...... Ill Black Top . 112 Harrison for the crown. The accused Jack Fountain ...... 112 attachable" vacuum pads Is Is on ball in the aullYtif $4,000. VETERAN GETS LONG Mamma ...... 112 Ellen Terry ...... 110 Needy ...... 119 an instrument that will de­ ELECTRIC FIXTURE SPECIALISTS ! Black Monkey* ...... 107 The Good Roads League of B.C. has SERVICE DECORATION Sunset ...... 106 light the musician. In nickel 615 Fort St. York Belle ...... ^103 | Deertrall* ...... 107 or silver plate. Priced from Phone ÎS05 MURPHY ELECTRIC CO. asked the council to renew its sub­ Tom Brooks* ...... ,112 scription to the membership, which Quartermaster-Sergeant W K. Fourth race-ce-VViolet claimlnjF^pui Cap and Gown* ...... 9$ is representative of public bodies, Mitchell, of the Canadian Scottish, $500; three -y.ein'-olds HiWTnder. FI Also eligible: $100 automobile associations, and good • ir more than fifty years a mem­ and one-half furlongs Canny Lady...... 110 roads enthusiasts of the Province. ber of His Majesty’s forces, was Mac Beth ...... 110 Vesper Bells ...... 110 ON EASY TERMS The meeting will be held at Penticton presented with the coveted Long Caliban 109 Hot Muffin ...... 110 September 2, the day before the Service Medal by His Honor, Nebraska ...... 10J Quota ...... 103 Vnlon of B.C Municipalities opens hs RADIO STATION—CFCT JJeutenant-Governor W. <*. Nlchol Nellie Wltwer ...... 107 Seventh race—Sweet Pea claiming, annual meeting. this week. Sergeant Mitchell has I " H .iIIe ...... 107 purse $500; four year olds and older. On application made by E. H. M, been connected with the Canadian Boerne* ...... 107 One mile and one-sixteenth: Scottish since that upit wan Miss Liberty* ...... 105 Toreida ...... M2 Foot in City Police Court this morn­ Velvet* ...... lo”) Bernice E...... 112 ing. Archibald E. Hood was remanded formed here. Expressive ...... 105 Pirate McGee*...... 109 further. Previously the accused FIETCHÉUBKOS HIGH CODE OF ETHICS She Will* ...... 105 Topmast.* ...... 109 pleaded guilty to a charge of theft Pueblo* ...... 104 Pembroke* ...... 109 LIMITED from the Vancouver Milling and Ruth Wehle* ...... 102 Bill Head ...... 108 VICTORIA Spread of Better Business drain Company, Ltd., and was re­ Also eligible: Orleans Girl* ...... 107 manded for sentence. Magistrate Jay El Roble ...... 112 Willigan ...... 104 Methods Fostered by Club agreed to an adjournment until Tues­ Joe Joe ...... 112 Miss Paige* ...... 102 "Everything in Mutic" 1110 Doublai Street day next. 1 PETIT! FILED Sky I.ark ...... 112 Regal Ixxlge* ...... 101 Daydue ...... 115 • Apprentice allowance claimed. LIMITED Rutarians attending to-day's lunch­ At the close of the hearing of Re* eon at the Chamber of Commerce vs. Gerald O’Neale in Saanich Police heard with Interest the first of four Court yesterday the accused was prvgrammes to be presented by K. committed for trial on a charge of In­ Hayward's business methods com- decent assault. Stuart Henderson ap­ Vancouver Store peared for the defence and E. L Tait CORBETT EXPECTED Can You Afford Rotarian Hayward characterised for the crown. Evidence given tra­ Purchase is $117,000 the effort of International Rotary to versed, in the main, that given at a V To Buy Anything but the Beet Feeds at Present PrieeeT Sweeten Up! codify business ethics for various former hearing in which the accused Vancouver, Aug. 7.—Woodward De­ Then Phone "Two nine oh eight" four your next supply. commen ial activities, as the first at­ was sentenced but later released on a partmental Stores Limited has pur- II LIGHT SENTENCE tempt of the kind. "The club as a North Vancouver Interests Ever hear of our Jam Depart­ writ of habeas corpus. t baked the‘Métropole Hotel, at the VICTORIA FEED COMPANY LIMITED club can do little save give moral corner of Cordova and Abbott Streets Phene Twe-NIne-Oh-Eleht (Hugh Allen* 1901 Government St ment? Our Jama-and marma-- support to a necessary and growing Th# weekly Tuesday card party Asks Declaration That J. M. here, at a figure of $117,000. The Commutation of Death Sen­ lades are made after the "home­ movement, the question is ohe for the held at 704 Pandora Avenue by the Bryan be Unseated property laces "eighty-six feet on Individual members."' he said. Native Sons of Canada la becoming Cordova Street and 132 feet on Ab­ tence to Life Term Dis­ made" gtyle. We put tn only T. R. Myers outlined the history of very popular. A large number of bott Street, which make* the front­ what mother used to use—pure ethical'codes and their growth from players had a very enjoyable even­ A declaration that John Melvin age price on Cordova Street approxi­ appoints Him sa\agv taboo* through Homan citl- ing Tuesday,' the winners being as fruits and cane sug^r. David Bryan, Liberal member-elect in North mately $1,360 per foot. senshlp requirements, the overcom­ follows: First prize, Mrs. O'Connor, Vancouver, was improperly returned Courtenay Man Will be Rut in Spencer, Ltd., having tested and ing of the middle ages lapse to the Mrs. Holmes. Mrs. Rldgard, Mr. as a result of the Provincial elections NINTERESTING proven these goods has decided rule of "might is right." up to the Sunders; second prize, J. Jones. Mr*. of June 20, 1924, is sought In a peti­ the New Westminster LIFE WITHOUT | international commercial treaties ef Kenney, Mrs. Williams, Mr! Poulard; to handle our entire output. Ask tion filed through Victoria agents of NPROFITABLE to-day, founded on confidence In good third prize, Mr. Hammond, Mrs. Man- William Easton. 131 Fifth Street, Penitentiary faith. for the "Star People s Jam." solo, Mrs. Gyptell. Mr. Henton; ten North Vancouver, —In the Supreme "Every man in the past has taken bid, Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Spoffopd. New Westminster, Aug 7.—Alfred . WORK IS care that his neighbor shall not cheat Court registry here yesterday after­ Corbett, who was to have been UNBEARABLE him. but the day comes wljen every noon. The petition asks that Mr. hanged to-morrow morning in Oak- Bryan be disqualified and his elec­ We can provide continuous employment for disabled soldiers ONLY man shall take care that he does not CLOSE T0-MDRROW aila Prison, expressed genuine dis­ with YOUR support. cheat his neighbor," he summarized. tion declared null and void. In n twenty-five folio statement thé j appointment when Sheriff H. P. Mc- We need rfYders right now. % ^ VARIOUS VIEWPOINTS VICTORIA TO SEE Maçttn of New Westminster In­ J. Cr M. Keith spoke of the archi­ petitioner allege* wrongful practices Public Invited to Entertain­ formed him his life had teen spared. THE RED CROSS WORKSHOP tects’ code. H. J. Pend ray told of the on the part of Mr. Bryan, his agents, When the sheriff entered the death and persons tinknown. The Lilx-rul ment To-night in High 684-6 Johnson St. (just below Government St.) Phene 2169 pledge behind the reputable paint cell yesterday . afternoon, accom­ member-elect, continue* the petition, manufacturer’s product, Harry Door­ School Assembly Hall panied by Deputy Sheriff Frank Cot- man touched upon the bond dealer's BREEDING RESOLTS was returned as the result of the tin. Deputy Warden C. Belle and necessity for strict reliability, inci­ addition of 188 votes on the count of Although classes will he held to­ Provincial Constable Paul Corrigan. dentally praising Hon. John Hart for the absentee voters ballots. This morrow the closing ceremonies at the hi* strict impartiality in awarding Corbett was reclining on a sofa, addition. It Is alleged, was incorrect, Summer School, which ha* been con­ reading. When the news was broken Provincial Issues and condemning as alleges the petitioner, who goes on to ducted fin- five week* at the Victoria to him that he was to1 escape the unfounded rumors of favoritism. P. give the result of a private check-up High School, will be hekl to-night. hangman’s noose and that his sen­ B. Schmeelk outlined the code ob­ Public courses demonstrating the he made of the votes cast on ab­ Many of the 360 teacher*'who have served by progressive resta u rail leur». value »*f pure breed* will tw given at b**e« in-at tendance will receive cer­ tence had been commuted to life im­ sentee ballot*. prisonment. Corbett became visibly Mrs, MelviUe 8, perry, of Vancou­ the Provincial Exhibition which will Tha official figures, by: returning, tificate* for the, special studies they ver, sang delightfully during the affected as tf he had been told the Optra owe on August IT, it was ah- officer Percy T Master man showed have taken up before returning to luncheon, being accompanied by reprieve had been refused. nouneed by 8. C. Mclxmnan, of Ot­ the gains from 270~ absentee' votes their home* In all parts of British Horace Plimley. Miss Hayward also tawa. chief of the exhibits branch of Columbia. HI3 EXPECTATION contributed a piano solo. the I>epartment of Agriculture, on cast as follows. 8poiled ...... 15 The number* eligible for certifi­ “I kind of expected that I would get Many visiting Rotarian* were wel­ his arrival here to-day to complete cates in the different classes are as comed by the members. Cruise...... 26 off entirely, or with a light sentence," Horse Races itrrangemeiltts for the demonstra- follows Rural science. 20; primary lH»ucon ...... 15 rade teaching. 87; preliminary art, he said in a shaken voice. COLWOOD Uve animals, bred from various Hanes ...... 24 1: advanced art. 40; technical Guards of the death cell said yes­ types, are being brought here from Orchard ...... $ Ïcourse. 14; home economics, first and terday that ever since hie Incarcer­ USE THE the prairie* for the demonstrations. Balance ...... 1K8 second year sewing, 20; vocal music. ation. May 12 last, Corbett had had This will be the first time live From answers received from half 24, history. 20; civics and citizen­ a "hunch" that he would get off. Ap­ August 7 to 14, Inclusive FIFTY TONS 6D " animals have ever been used in such of those who voted on the absentee parently buoyéd up with the feeling ship. 10; public school geography. 60; HOTPOINT an exhibition educational exhibit ballots, declares Mr. Easton. the high school geography, 13; special that he would not expiate hie crime In the Government’* horse, exhibit standing should have been ns follows, class, entrance and normal school on the scaffold, he never appeared to RAIN OR SHINE NEW MILE TRACK heavy draft team of gelding*, a he alleges; geography, 36; general science, 12; he worried, but alway# maintained INTO VINTAGE saddle horse and heavy delivery Spoiled ...... »...... 15 English literature and reading. 40. a bright and cheerful disposition horse, which are the classes most In TURNOVER Cruise...... 60 physical training, Strathcona B cer­ TO PENITENTIARY General Admission Loganberry Crop of Peninsula demand in the market to-day, will I>eacon . .,...... 30 tificate. 17; folk dancing. 90; writing be brought here. Hanes ...... 73 and penmanship. 100. I^ast night he was removed to a In the hog section, the exhibit will Including Grandstand Will be About 175 Tons ïrchard ...... ^...... 3 The school will be open to visitor» cell in one of the prison wings, where 1m to show the various types of from 7 o'clock this evening, and there the prisoners waiting trial are held. « TOASTER bacon hogs required for the market. Balance ...... 99 About 175 tons of loganberries will The returning officer's count will be exhibitions of work in the He will remain in his new quarters There will be live hogs and the classes. Display# of art. manual art. C. A C. cars leave continuously between 11.30 a.m. and 2.16 p.m. be picked from the plantations in the showed Mr Bryan’s total vote at until Saturday, when he» will he tnd make that Golden Brown Toast dressed side of bacon, showing Just design and applied science, pottery, daily. Leave Colwood between 5.30 and 7 p.m. Saanich Peninsula, according to H. 1,283, that of R. P. R. Cruise. Pro­ transferred to the New Westminster what the dressed side of the carcass woodturning, furniture making, ipotaj Penitentiary, where he will serve his Commutation Tickets $2.25 right at your elbow on the E; Tanner, manager of the Saanich looks like. vincial, as 1,160; George 8. Haines, work and other of the manual train­ Fruit Growers’ Association. Independant, as 1,163. W. 8. Deacon, life sentence Including transportation, admission to trick and grandstand, ob­ In the sheep class, the progeny re­ ing lines, penmanship, botanical and For the third time during the |«»t Dining Table. Of this about fifty ton* Will he em­ sulting from a poor ewe t russed with Conservative, a* 439; and James tainable at C. it C. Taxi Stand. horticultural exhibits, geography and twelve months Arthur Ellis, official ployed for wine making, the balance a poor ram. which Is a scrub lamb, Orchard. Iatbor, as 55 vote*. The history, sewing and dressmaking are Commutation Ticket# will be on sale at United Service Cigar On Display at our Salesrooms. being used for Jams and similar pur­ will be shown. With it will be the total for Mr. Bryan, as on the re­ executor, will return East Without among those the visitors are Invited Storq, cor. Yates snd Douglas. pose*. The growth In the demand result from the crossing of a poor ewe count, included the 188 absentee to Inspect. carrying out his commission. He will for logans for wine making Is one of with a good ram. votes credited to him by the return­ Commencing at 8 o'clock a musical leave New Westminster to-day. 6 CARS WILL LEAVE DAILY the most significant developments of Arrangements are being made with ing officer, and this was incorrect programme wM be given in the As SURPRISE AT OTTAWA t Pari-Mutuel Betting Vnder Supervision R.C.M.P. the Industry on this peninsula. The various breeder* to have the winners claims petitioner. sembly Hall Vto-night. where the Ottawa. Aug. 7 (Canadian Frees)— Hawkins & Hayward of the championships and the reserve Growers' Wine Company 1* organized In enlarging on the statement of Hon. Dr. MacLean. Minister of Edu­ Some surprise was expressed at the championships put in the Government Electrical Quality and Ssrvics by individual growers) for the pur the petition Mr. Easton declares that cation. will preside. The teachers Department of the Secretary of State pose of marketing vintage, for exhibit, where experts will publicly Mr. Bryan made use of corrupt prac­ who have been attending the school demonstrate on them and explain here this morning regarding a dis­ Storsa which there la increasing popularity. will take part and the pupils of the noticed something fluttering on the their good and other points. tices, by himself, and through his patch from New Westminster. B.C., Wilson Loudoun; 2, Maurice Loudob; agents, and persons unknown Demonstration School under the di­ track ahead and called Griffin's at­ 1607 Douglas Street, opp. City Hall. There will be an exhibit showing rection of F. Waddington. After the in which Sheriff McMartln was 3. Clifford Kirchen. Paragraph five of the petition de­ Girls, seventy-five yards—1, Bever­ tention to It. the various grades of eggs under musical programme an exhibition of quoted as saying he had not been the new regulations put into effect clares: "Your petitioner says Nat w... notified directly that the death sen- ley Brlen; 2. Amy Richardson. At first he thought It to be a news­ phon. 643 Banfc Clearings Here gymnastics and folk dancing will be paper but when the train came 1103 Douglas Street near Fort Street - - last June, with experts there giving the said John Melvin Bryan was. by _jvrn jn the ^mnaelum. tence passed upon Alfred Corbett had Bovs’ sack race, seventy-five yards a candling demonstration and talks himself, by hi* agents, and by other , (jnbert. 0f Toronto, addressed | been commuted to life Imprisonment. —1, Sydney Young; 2, David Mowat. within a few hundred feet of it, both men decided It was a child. Phone 2627 , More Than Doable cm prices. persons on his behalf, before, during, the teachers last night on the work Consequently, according to the dls- Girls' skipping race, fifty yards The engineer applied the A small exhibit of silver black foxes at. and after...... the said...... ■ election,j ok mo guiltyv aiimimnof theinanimé Canadian lur Instituteim for the patrh. he had no authority to stop handicap—1, Elsie Mowat; 2, Mar­ Is being brought here. These animals om>er*onation. bribery, treating and ; mind, dealing with the special meth preparations for the execution. jory Farris. emergency brakes tghlle Griffin Those of Last Year are now registered In the Canadian undue Influence a* defined by the i 0<■[> Ray yesterday "the general eueTnnyndent Province has plied up n sinking London. Aug 7.—The price of n will conduct the service, after which the quartern lost of bread (four pounds) PRODUCERS ROCK remain* will be laid to. rest In Royal fund of $18,064,668. while the afternoon. The prlte Hat was aa fol- j of the Canadian Pacific Railway was increased yesterday a half penny Oak Burial Park: VANCOUVER PEOPLE Fed*c*4 Government's winking lower ...... — I covering the Inquiry Into esuee of THIS tZfunds,are listed as $35.890.934. Twenty-five yard, handicap. *‘r'« | to «lid.______■ & GRAVEL CO.. Ltd. The remains of the late Louie Jew were forwarded • by the Thomson DISCUSS PLANS FOR • The'«Inking fund* nf the other under five—1, Mary Ixmdon; 2. Jose­ Puberal Home thl* morning on the 8s provinces are as follows: Prince of heiylifh. almost unparalleled In A 668TLV FIR* phine Flack: S*. J. Chesworth; con- the* history of the company whieh Achilles en route to the Tong Wah Hos­ MID-EMPIRE F4/R Sktwafd Island. $282;625; Nova Meridian. Cal.. Aug. 77—The large WINTER pital. Hongkong, where Interment will solattoh. Beatrice Chesworth. but for Inquiry mlgh have paseerf un- Sand and Gravel Scotia, $2.164 472; New Bruns- warehouse owned by the Rklrvlng -eper-r Prie» *nd> mseount m itiHwQUwAwti wsmMmmsmHÉumMSSMSBS ■' LarwofUV'MY-Aasu JUAU Vi­ ■Peru AV a rehouse rompane-heeer-ai fof *11 ItWM »H«'Wasb»d wmowiEtr — ns : iXiMrlw wenflnh*. Xvenue. Montreal, la fo*1 hS *1'6*g (SflPSBfltt’lflW 71T,«W'l with fresh water and representative citizens, will $2.971,912: Saskatchewan, $1,624.- in..inly Hough ; 3. Ronald Karrta. barley and seeks of beans were Fifty yards, glrla under eight—1, hero In the Incident which rivals ( . Pari*. Aug. 7— Monalgnor Emile discuss the proposal to hold ft 193; Alherta. $1.606.618; British destroyed hy Fire yesterday. It In Largest Capacity, In Canada Marjory: 2. Thelma Richardson; 3, that of the moat lurid movie thriller. PHONE 5000 } Grotiard. Bishop of Athabasca, has mid-empire fhlr here In 1927. Columbia. $1’*,064,669. While approaching Versa!Ilea at a estimated the barley and 1 1902 Store »L Phene 305 i been permuted with the uLlhe ; Alfreds Hughe*. worth Syi Crues I ■ Fifty yard*, boya under eight—1, fairly high rate at speed, the engineer I Legion of Huoor, 10 VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY. AUGUST 7. 1924


Marjorie Leeming St. Louis Browns German Champion Alberta Cricket Want No Changes fis Seth Rounds Sister May Be Thirty Per Cent. Less Wins Her Game But Defeats Paddock Effective, But He Has His Team Going Môve Up Rapidly Team Wins Third h Amateur Rules Her Sister Loses Off Willows Meet Over 100 Metres Berlin, Aug. 7.—Churl,, W. Straight Victory Meeting Decides Tacoma. Aug. 7.-—All visiting With Big Victory And Seek Laurels Paddock, the American running plsyers came through without up­ etar, yesterday ran 200 metrea set in yesterday’s play in the 1992 ever a curved traek in 21 2*6 Pacific Northwest tournament Sister’s Boys Take Five eeconda, defeating Houben, the Scored Very Narrow Victory Local Branch of B.C.A.A.U. Only Real Longshot of Final German champion. Mouben, In the women's singles Mias Over British Columbia at day Pays $22.75 to Win Straight Games From however, took the 100-metre Agrees to Reduction in Irene Stephens. Seattle, defeated race from Peddeck end Loren Mies Hope Looming. Victoria. Washington Senators 'Peg Touroey - > ' J., y Sentences 7-5, 6-3. and Mrs. Henrv defeated Seventh Race loot Murchieen in the time ef 10 4-6 Mies Stephens later 6 0, 4-6, 6-3. eeconda. Mies Marjorie Learning defeated The American ethletee who — etopped here en reute from the local star, Mies Alberta Edtls, Detroit Defeats New York and Saskatchewan Defeats Mani­ Amateur Boxers Are Warned; 6-1, S-7. ______Short Prices Paid With Sweden, captured moot,of the evente on the programme ef » toba; Bowlers Have Great Favorites Doing Well; Sunny Evens Series; Vance Tames special meet held under the eue- Arthur Manson is Elected pieee ef the Berlin A.C. The Canadian Davis Ways Wins Again Pirates ehewing of the Americano ieeen- Day; Small Scores to Rresidency eidered remarkable because they hed traveled all night end ent­ Cup Team Plays AMERICAN LEAGUE ered the meet ehertly after their Winnipeg, Aug. 7.—Alberta secured Tls Seth, the three-year-old geld­ arrival here. The yieitere were Delegatee to the local branch of the ing from the Armstrong stable, pol­ Cleveland, Aug. 7—Cleveland made a narrow victory over British Co­ British Columbia Amateur Athletic cordially eppleuded by a large lened off the meet at the Willows It four straight from Boston yester lumbia. scoring 64 to their opponents* Union, which was In annual session day. 8 to 6. when Plercy blew up in crowd ef epectetyre. Japanese To-day track yesterday afternoon by winning 19Q4 68 while Saskatchewan puxxled laet night, refused to endorse pro­ the final event ftom a classy field the sixth Inning, allowing six runs, posals advanced by the New West­ Manitoba, putting them all out for and paying $22.76 on the nose. the result of five two-base hits ami minster branch for a change in the an error. Boons of Boston made his It was a hard race fur the bettore 7°f- the email total of 34 againet their 76 rules dealing with the mixing of Brown Men Are Favorite to third homer of the series, hitting to settle on as there were four horses* Corinthians Lose In yeeterday'* matchea of the Western amateurs and professionals this ball over the right field fence. Canada Cricket Association's tourna­ Win Round; Australians Mary Jane Baker, Emma Williams* R. H. E. | The delegates felt that the present Bernice E. and Eugenia K.. all splen­ ment. It was a great day for the rules should stand, although they Boston ...... 6 7 1 bowlers. Meeting Mexicans did performers ’over the mile and Cleveland...... * 10 1 Their Second Game went as far as to support the re­ seventy yards, looking about equal on By virtue of their victory yester­ commendation of W. E. Finlay, presi­ Batteries—Plercy. Murray and Pic- paper. Added to this quartette was Inlch; Hhute and Myatt. day Alberta has obtained the possible dent of the Canadian union, which the unknown quantity carrying the number of points, this being their will be presented at the annual gath- Montreal. Aug. 7.~r-The Davis Cup DETROIT COMES BACK To Toronto Team tie between Canada and Japan this name of Joe Underwood, and Tls third win. British Columbia stand» eripg of the national body. This re- Seth and Mess Kit. Detroit. Aug. 7.—Detroit evened the second in the point* on the Hat with • ■ i-ummendati«m int«*nds 10 do away afternoon starts at 3 oclock, with the Mary Jane Baker went to the post & series with New York here yester­ three out of a possible six. while with the life sentence Imposed on an first single match between Jack Wright. of Canada, and * Hunao «light favorite over Bernice E. .The day when rain stopped the game at Visitors Forced to Play With Saskatchewan and Manitoba claim athlete who takes money and be­ field proved fussy and Joe Under- the end of the .fifth with the Tigers one and two pointa, respectively. comes a professional. A sliding scale Okamoto. Japan. The second singles wood, always a bad performer, de­ leading, 6 to 2. Detroit drove Bush Ten Men Most of Way; Not one of the- 44 batters could is proposed. The local union advo­ match will be between William layed the start through breaking too An. the first inning to the showers touch the bowling, all being content cates a minimum sentence of at least Crocker and Zenso Shlmzu. the cap­ soon and completing a third of the and hammered Mammaux for three Score Was 4-2 to remain on the defensive and only two years. tain of the Japanese team. more runs before the game ended. The Japanese are still favorites for oval before he was pulled down. eight of them reached double1 figures. BOXERS ARE WARNED Mess Kit led f-.r a short distance, Ruth made his thirty-sixth homer in Ideal weather favored the games the event, but the splendid showing the fourth Inning. R. H. E. The delegates were Informed that and the wicket seemed in good order of both Wright and Crocker at the but Tis Seth came up fast on the New York ...... 2 2 1 Toronto, Aug. 7.—Toronto achieved at a recent tailing .tournament held Seabrlght tournament last week has back stretch the first time around, Detroit ...... 6 » 1 honors in the soccer world last night, and. If anything, advantageous to here amateurs appeared on the same increased Canadas chances and took the lead on the turn, hold­ Batteries—Bush. Mammaux and when a Toronto and District all-star the batsman card as professionals. A resolution okamoto plays a game similar to ing out until she reached the wire. Schang. Whltehlll and Bassler. aggregation doubled the ecore on the! The match between British Colum­ was passed warning amateur boxers Shimxu. very steady but without a Mary Jane Baker closed with a tre­ Corinthians of England, four goal* bia and Alberta was a real sporty that a repetition will result in their great deal of speed. Against the mendous burst of speed, l*aden rid­ BROWNS CLEAN UP to two. The- Corinthiansnave not yet one and Interest was maintained in «truck their beet form, but neverthe­ suspension. The union did not wish steadiness of the two chosen Japan­ ing the mare for all she was wtwth, St. Inouïs. Aug. 7.—The Brown* the game right to the finish. Alberta to bring the boxers on the carpet for ese. Harada. the champion of Japan, but lost the decision by a short head. made a clean sweep of the five-game less the team that represented To­ was dismissed before lunch for 64 their first offence, but will do so it looks In practice the best of the Bernice E. was third. series with Washington by winning ronto did not suffer by comparison and the hard hitting of the British with them yesterday. Toronto opened they appear at future events where yesterday. 6 to 5, thus moving within Columbia teqm wa* expected to team He hits hard and plays a GOOD PRICES the scoring and led all the Way. with pros are performing. beautiful all-round game. He will three and one-half game» of the reach the figures without much ex­ Arthur Manson. who has been con­ Tis Seth was the only real long leading Yankees who were defeated the play favoring neither side to any ertion. but again the unexpected hap­ play In the doubles with okamoto on great extent. The Corinthians had nected with the amateur union for shot to come through with a win. Sir by I»etroit yesterday . The victory pened. and in a very lively flnieh the Friday height and weight on the blue many years, will fill the presidency Frederick, who surprised the fans by was the sixth straight for the locals. Pacific Coast men found themselves running third earlier in the week and sweater Torontonians In almost every of the local union for the first time Baltimore. Md.. Aug 7 - The Aus­ Jacobson |>ounded out a homer in the six run* worse than their provincial paying $18.65. appeared right yester­ instance, but the Queen City repre­ He was elected to succeed Percy tralian Davie Cup team will enter sixth with the bases empty. neighbors. day ami romped off with the fifth sentative* proved by far the nimbler Watson at last night’s meeting. W. G. Ita aevQnd round of American sone For the winners. Barnett played a race. He went to the post a third ; One rather regrettable feature of Hurd was elected vice-president, and play this afternoon, meeting the Washington ...... 5 11 1 very useful Innings, collecting 2* favorite and Just managed, by his St. Loula ...... 6 9 1 the game was the fact that the visi­ SWBter McGuire remains the secre­ Mexican team on the courts of the tor» played the second half minus the run*, of which sere single», with tary-treasurer. The registration white nose, to keep Skookutn. a real Batteries — Mogridge and Ruel; steady batting. Baltimore Country Club. Davis, Wingard and-Severoid. services of Morgan. their outside committee will consist of Messrs. Two singles matches, the first outsider, from winning Sir* Freder­ right. Morgan was injured after When the British Columbia men Redman O’Sullivan. Hurd and Mc­ starting at 3 o’clock are on to-day’a ick paid $12.40 on straight tickets, NATIONAL LEAGUE twenty minutes of the first period went to bat they must have felt while Skookum was worth $12.SO to Guire. card. had elapsed and retired. He reap­ pretty sure of a win. but Johnson plate. Sheik II. the favorite, was Brooklyn. Aug. 7.-—Vance won his peared after a few mlnutee. but was ami Timms had deemed it otherwise DELEGATES CHOSEN Gerald Patterson will meet Ignacio eighteenth game of the season when Borbolla In the first game, and Pat third. plainly not as effective as before. He and Eaton-Shore and Chamberlain, The annual meeting of the provin­ Brooklyn defeated Pittsburg yester­ O'Hara Wood and Francisco Gerdçs Sunny Ways, of the Sunflower did not play after half-time, and the the first wickets combination, were cial union will be held on August 16 stable is proving a very popular and day. S to 3. after Pittsburg had taken Englishmen rtfu*ed to replace him, both beaten when they *had collect­ will furnish the second contest. the first three games of the eerie*. bi Vancouver. The Victoria delegates consistent performer. Yesterday the although the Tgronto and district di­ ed six and seven rune respectively. Wi*l be Percy Watson, retiring presi­ trim little mare tore over six furlongs The Robin twlrler struck out ten rector* expressed a willingness to men. He haa beaten the Pirates nine Sparks tried to save by playing" very dent; Arthur Manson. newly-elected and won the feature race as she allow a substitute to play. careful cricket and to some extent president; W. G. Burd. vice-presi­ straight gamfs, beginning late in Although the Toronto and District Norton and Kinsey pleased from a smart field. It was This picture gives some Idea of how the baseball pitchers rwte the 1922 R. H. E. he was successful. When eight dent. and Dan O’Sullivan, who la » her third straight win of the week. famous George Staler, manager and first baseman of the 8t. Louis Browns, players scored the same, number of wicket» had fallen the batting team Pittsburg ...... ?...... 3 4 3 g«>als in each period, their beet abow* governor. _Pinehurt and Home Baby, outsiders, lu 1122 he was the greatest ball player in the American League, but the Brooklyn ...... 6 12 2 still required a doxen runs to win ran second and""ttSrii respectively. log was made m the second half. and with the advent of Hooper ft Play Fine Tennis following year he was forced out of the game by eye trouble and staged a Bfttnrtt* ■ Ktonarr Meter and PAMKC outside left for the "Pride FAVORITES FAILS comeback ?hie year. The pitchers say that SSsler to-day is equal to "n Gooch; Vance and Deberry. seemed as though they would get * of England,'' was the outstanding them, but Barker came on the bowl Hillcrests Are The opening race provided an upset per cent, of the Fisler of 1922. GIANTS AGAIN BEAT CUBS player of the game. His footwork and made abort work of the tail-end And Win Matches for the public, which flocked on A glance over the American league balling averages since the opening was pretty to watch and his shots when the score was still six runs Chevalier. The Foster entry after of the season bears out the opinion of the pitchers. New York. Aug. 7.—The New York were made with tremendous power. Giants again defeated Chicago here short of the Alberta tally. Victors in Final staying with the carry pare welt Ashton, right back, was also promin­ Hlsler, Instead of betng-up- among the Us*4ers. with a mark close to yesterday, S to 2» The league cham­ The ecoree were as follow»: dropped hack badly In the stretch. .400. has been far down the line, most of the time hovering around the .306 ent for the Corlntbtene. ------:— San Francisco Star Springs pions won in the first inning when British Columbia of Indoor Series Ella Waldo, an old favorite, came mark they scored five rune on three hits, Surprise by Defeating through the pay $13.80 to win. while "Staler Is Just about 70 per vent, efficient.'* remarked a veteran pitcher two errors and two bases on halls. Eaton-Shore, b Timme ...... • Coming from behind in the seventh laintern’s place bets were worth $9 60. recently in discussing the status of the famous player. Wheeler held the Giants to one hit In Hudsons Bay Win Chamberlain, e Hodge*, b Timms 7 ind eighth Innings the Hillcrests in- Welga. the Kmmert entry, was thlrtL the remainder of the game. McQuil­ Peers, c and b Timms ...... 7 Carl Fischer "While still a good hitter, he la far from the dangerous batsman he once Corbett, c Falck. b Johnson ...... 7: loor train defeated the Y.M.C.A. at and paid $12.70. was. There l* a lack of snap to hi* swing. His hits art mure often Texas lan "pitched a strong game for New hj* Royal AtlUetlc Park laet night xMltlue Miss, a rare little runner, took York. Home runs by Cotter and Sparks, b Johnson ...... 1* 11-7, In the final game for the cham­ the second race without much trouble. leaguers than line drives Grantham gave the visitors their Opening Match In Wenman. Ibw. h Johnson ...... 8 pionship pi the second halT at the Southampton. N Y.. Aug. 7.—Brian She was a hot favorite, and Baden "In pitching tv Slsler I have noticed that he does not follow the hall as two runs. R. H. E. Bruce. Ibw. b Higgs ...... * Victoria and District Indoor league. 1. C. Norton of St l»ul*. and Robert rated her well all the way. Runaway closely as when he was leading the league in hitting. As a result, he hits Chicago ...... 2 8 J Harrison, c Thompson. Barker 2 As a result of their win last night Kinsey of California, reached the was second and Flypaper third. late, many of his drives going to left field, seemingly lacking in power New York ...... 6 4 1 Hooper, not out ...... 3 he Wlllcrcsts will meet the Garrison semi-final round of the Southamp­ » A favorite fell by the wayside in “Slsler is still- a great player and a good hitter, but far below his bril­ Batteries—Kaufmann and Hart­ Leighton Ibw. h Johnson ...... I for the Clearihue Cup. emblematic ton tennis tournament at the Meadow the third race when Silent Pardner. liant form of other years.” nett. McQuillan and Snyder Kirkup. c Falck. b Barker...... • >t the indoor trail championship of the Club yesterday. Norton defeated who broke well Into the lead In the It Is really remarkable that Staler, after being out. a year, has done as BRAVES PLAY FINE GAME Extras ...... » ;ity. The Garrison had no trouble Defeated Cranleigh by 102 to Howard Voesell of New York. 6-3, first furlong. Insisted In running well as he has. He has had many otietacles to overcome Boeton. Aug. 7.— Boston gave John n winning the first half of the 6-3. in the fourth round, while Kin­ wide at the first turn despite Molter’e Total ...... «ague, but they lost out in the ^ec- In addition to his eye affliction, he haa carried the managerial burden Cooney faultless support yesterday 75 After Very Interesting Analysts -Johnson, four wickets for sey furnished an upset, defeating efforts to keep.him at the rail. This >n«! half lu the play-off series be­ as well as the worries of a bus:nee* reverse. and they defeated Ft. Louis Cardin 20 runs; Timms, three for 27; Higgs, tween the Hillcrests and 'Y.M.C.A. Carl Fischer of Phllldelphla. who Is gave Bill's Hope and Recover, tw To-day the Browns are only three and one-half games behind the New ala. 5 to 3. Bob Smtt h scored i ranked*three postilions above him in Game one for 2. Barker, two for 4. the latter team won the first game other horses that were well fancied, York Yankees who are leading the American League. They have come up homer in the second and fielded per­ the national rating fectly at whorl. Powell banged out J Alberta Dut lost the next two. a chance to get through, llapsburg very fast lately. Many fans all over the country would like to see Fisler 3-6. 6-1. 6-3. Miss, at 40-1. won the show money two doubles In three times at bat. Gurnett. c Harrieon. b Lelghtoi\ 24 I*a»t night th«i "Y” boys led for bring the Browns to the championship. iix innings, but in the seventh frame Norton aet too fast a pace for Miss Herrmann, with 1‘aden up. R. H E To the Hudson's Bay went the Ella by. Ibw. b Leighton * lie Hillmeti drove six rune across the Voshell. The lx>ng Island man never scored a easy win in the sixth race Ft. Louis ...... 3 9 1 credit for winning the flret match Thomson., c Cobbett. b Leighton « ..late and______In the______next EEstanza______they_ *ave a true account of himself ex- ______the______mile route. Half way Boston ...... 5 10 1 ip the new Wednesday Cricket Falck. c Eaton-Shore, h «Wenman • icBred the same number of counters, j ceçt early ln^ the ^second set. when^he j ar0und Fhe moved to the front and Batteries—Belt and Gonsales; J. League, the schedule of which opened Walker, etpd Bruce, b Leighton.. 1 1'he ' Y" boys had a bit of' Hitough i gained~ a lead of 3-1. At“ "*all other** drew away from the field. - Hemlock French Net Teams VA.S.C. To Stage Cooney and O'Neill. up yesterday afternoon. The Haye Barker, b 1-elghton ...... 1 uck In thrlr half of the eighth. Af- stages he was outclassed, remaining was second and Yermak third. Ruth CATCH STOPS RALLY disposed of Cranleigh House, which Johnson, c Hooper, b Wenman.. 3 ter scoring six runs and with the at the base line, while Norton bom- Harrigan took a bad spill near the Philadelphia. Aug. 7.—The Cin­ tied with the Tllllcums for the Curtis, b Lelgrton ...... tying run on third base the umpires J Larded his court with streaking To Seek American water tank on the second time cinnati Reds won yesterday's game in leadership- in the old Wednesday Higgs, b Leighton -t...... " yelled the game on account of dark- drive* around «and threw her Jockey, Garner Annual Gala At Philadelphia before a heavy rain­ Cricket league, by the score of 102 Timm*, not out ...... • Ness. Doubles Laurels Fischer started well against Kin­ i('oncluded on pas* III storm stopped the fray in the fifth rune to 75. Hodge*, b Cobbett ...... * Whether or riot last Monday's play- sey. hut his-failure to go to the net j Inning as Walker eprihted and The Bays batted very well. IJnd- Extra* ...... »ff game will be played over again is cost him the second and third sets Boston. Aug. T.—The entries of two Gorge Saturday caught Williams' drive for the third ner with 18. Harrison with 17. and not known, as the Y.M.CA Lave Kinseys baffling chop strokes and , French teatna. including Davis cup out with a tying run on second. Four Total ...... *4 protested the game on the grounds Pltton with 15 being the top'scores. greater steadiness won him game j players for the National lawn tennis solid hits scored the Red*' three tal­ The Cranleigh batsmen did not get Bowling analyst*: O. M. R. W. .hat the umpire changed Hie decision. after game in the second set. In the j doublée championehip starting on the lies and gave them the lead in the Leighton ...... «« » «* J The teams were as follows: Three B.C. Championships at very far against the howling of third set Fischer made numerous courts of the Longwood Cricket Club third after Harper had made a homer Verra 11 and Lindner, Kinch doing the Cobbett ...... -Vi ! • Y.M.C.A^- Moore. Brindley. V. on August 18 were announced yes­ in th*« locals' half of the opening tones. Seilers, A. Jones. McKinnon, double faults which spoiled hie op­ best with 28. Hewitt was second Wenman ...... 1° - 9 1 portunities after he had broken For First Western terday. Henri Cochet and Jacques Stake; Vancouver Swim­ round. R. H. E Saskatchewan Zlark. White, Lewis and Redgrave. Cincinnati ...... 3 7 0 with 17. Hlllcreets-Dr. Poynts. Passmore. through Kinseys service. Brugnon will be paired, apd the other Verra 11 took four of Cranleigh'» Strutton. c Buchall. b Speck...... 1* mers Coming Philadelphia ...... 2 7 0 Butler. Fulmer, Mulcalhy. Wachter. The Summaries: team will be composed of Jean Bor­ wickets for 14 runs, while Lindner al­ Webstar, run out ...... J* Singles, first round —Robert Kin­ otra and Rena La Coate. Batteries — Donohue and Har­ Fes. Banna and McLennan Golf Tournament grave; Carlson and Henline. most performed the hat trick, get­ pike, c Kelle. b Newaome ...... 11 sey. San Francisco, defeated <"arl The Mexican Da via cup combin­ ting three wickets for one run. Foster, not out ...... e — _ e - Fischer, Philadelphia. 3-6. 6-1. 6-3; ation of F. Gordea and Ignacio de la •Final preparationa are being made COAST LEAGUE Martin with two wickets for five Wilson. Ibw. b Meston ...... * Borbolla. also has entered. by the Victoria Amateur Swimming Seattle. Aug. 7 - Seattle easily won run*, led the Cranleigh howlere . Wtmmllaims, b Newsome ...... 3 h.u. N?w\odrk.ra«-t Pros and Amateurs to Play at Among the American entries re- Club to make their annual water gals’, the second game here yesterday from The scores were as follows: Buckley. Ibw, W. Meston ...... • Pans Olympiad reived are those of R. N. Williams 11 Sacramento. 15-6 driving the- vet­ Hudson’s Bay Smlthurst. h Weston ...... ” Doubles, first round—Fred f*. An­ Saskatoon Next Week; and Watson Washburn, champions at to be held at tl^lr pool at the Gorge eran. Charley Hall, who started on Parker, b Newaome ...... ■ Booth, c Kinch h Knight ...... 13 derson and 1* W. Folbelmaa, de­ Wimbledon this year; R. Llndley next Saturday a great succès*. It ie the mound for the Scions, to the Holme, runl out ...... ‘ Verrall. c lia neon b Qualnton ... 0 Witnessed End Of feated Stanley Mdrtimer and Good- 300 Entries Murray and N. W. Niles; Willigm M. expected that a largi- entry list will showers in the fourth inning, and Ross, b Newsome ...... ”, Johnston and C. J. Griffin, the Kin­ be recelved from the local clubs adding six more rung on Bill James Linder, b Qualnton ...... 18 hue Livingston. Jr.. 6-2. 6-2. B. 1. C. Haine*, ibw. b N. Martin...... I Extras ...... * i Norton and,H. M. G. Kelleher de.- sey brothers; Vincent Richards and while ft number of swimmers will be in the seventh. Seattle, by winning yesterday. Jumped to within half a Pillar, c and h Qualnton ...... 15 Athletic Careers j feated Georg* Crawford and Perry Saskatoon. 8asl|.. Aug. 7—t’loee to Francis T. Hunter, the Olympic over from Vancouver to compete. Total ...... -m . ; ...... 75 game of the league leaders Edmond», c Knight h Martin .... 2 Bowlin* anllyile— O. M. «■ w. ______Pease. 6-0. 6-2; !* B. Bailey. Jr., and 360 golfers will compete In the flret champions. Three British Columbia champion­ R. H. E Harrison, h Knight I ...... 17 I Allan Herrington defeated C. M. annual tournament «*f the Western ships will he at stake, the 440 yards Shrimpton. h Knight 4 ÎÎÏÎ",...... 10 3 II 0 Canada Golf Association which Is to Sacramento ...... 6 H 2 Many Members of American , open. Junior relay and men s water Seattle ...... 16 1* * Parke, c Kinch b Hewett ...... II tee played over the coure» of the Football Proved polo. At present the Lee tup. em­ Batteries—Hall and Shea; Dell and Redman, c Hewett b Knight l .. f ■pwcR • • • * r* f * its i Team Likely to Quit; Pad- Waller Weahronk won from 8. M- Riverside Country Club next week. blematic of the water polo champion­ È. Baldwin Mason, hot out ...... <1 Meston ...... 1 2 0 6 4 Burke ami W. I'lrraon by default: The entry for the professional ship of British Columbia. is held by San Francisco. Aug. 7.—Los An­ Extras ...... %...... II dock Going Into Golf Krill M.rrur and T. 8. Mengan de- championship was considerably aug­ Best Attraction at the Vancouver Amateur Swimming gels* gathered In fourteen hlta off Manitoba rented Phillip and I.udlow Vende- mented yesterday when eight Wlnnl- Club, and they ar«j sending over a Mitchell* offering* here yesterday, Total ...... 102 Me*ton. not out ...... V.«...... !• peggers arrived here Their ranks venter. 4-1, 7-i; 8. Howard Voehell Olympic Games etrong team to defend the title. The and gave the Seals s drubbing, 7-4. Cranleigh House Feletead. Ibw. Buckley ...... l and Kred O. Hegga defeated A. M. will be swelled by numerous prof** following members .will make up the Griffin, replacing Mitchell in the slonals from Saskatchewan and Al Hewitt, h Harrison ...... 1" chase ibw. Buckley -«• — ;vr; 9 Hyde and Walter Ktoke., S-4. 416. Vancouver team: Goal. Jorthny Cam­ eighth, wa* nicked for another base Or^nwood. «tumped. Webster New Tork. Aug 7—The Parle berta. and It is likely Phil Taylor and Parla. Aug. 7.—The receipts of the Martin, b Haine* ...... f eron; beck, Mcl>ermott; half-backs, hit R H. E Dlygiplca marked the end of com - Dave Black, the noted coast pair, will Olympic Game* amounted to 6,464.- Kinch. b Verrall ...... 21 Buckley • V. ,...... J pelltive career* of a number of Bert. Kirkup and Bob McMillan? I#os Angeles ...... 7 16 1 Reynold», howled. Holmes ...... 0 play Ih thla event also. 610 franca, according to L’Auto. ..As­ Butterworth, h Harriwon ...... 11 American athletes,, notably Charley Earl Sande Will forwards. Chuck /Jills, John Iiartay San Francisco ...... 4 14 3 Qualnton. Ibw be Lindner ...... If Turnbull, bowled. Holme» ...... 6 Paddock. Jackson Scholl. Clarence PRO PLAY 36 HOLES sociation football drew the biggest Batteries - Root. Bayne and .Spen­ Neweome bowled. Buckley ...... 0 gate with 1.800.000 francs, the track and H. McKay. Hannon, h Verrall ...... J lieMir. Alfred LeConey, Jole Ray, The professionals will play off Bayley, Cameron and Hills, three cer; Mitchell. Griffin and Yelje. W. B. Knight, o Booth h Vermll * Birr ha M. c Webster. Holmes ,y 3 Ralph 8 pea row. > ’ Not Lose His Leg (their competition Saturday It will | »nd^ldrhamplonahips were second At Lo# Angeles— R. H. E Spick Ibw. Holmes ...... 3 i consist of 36 holes medal play. Th«* ; wlt*1 *n<* e*lmmln* third of Vancouver’s track swimmers, and Milton, b Verrall ...... ;...... « Paddock, once famed as the faet- rated as among the best in the l*ro Oakland ...... 7 10 0 Vaughan, c and b Lindner ...... • Keel, c Feeler. Buckley ...... 4 nt human," may grace an occasional ThroughBad Spill I tournament «proper gets under way with 416,666, ^ ______Vernon ...... * * 1 R. Knight, not out ...... : Lowe, howled. Buckley ...... 6 vlnce, will compete in the 440-yard Batteries—Malls, Kuna and Baker; exhibition In the futufe. but every- Monday when ttfe first IS holee of " _ championship event. Extras .•••• 4 wne Is certain the colorful Californ­ the open championship is played. I Roroiinf/nrc Thomas and D. Murphy. Extra* ...... 6 ian has taken his last gay fling at Saratoga Springe, N.Y., Aug. 7 The amateur championships start W CTTlOn* DQ5€UQlltTS YOUNGSTERS COMING At Portland—: R. H. E. —Eerie Sande, premia* Ameri­ -Salt Lake (Tty ...... 7 13 1 Total ...... nig-time competition. Thla has not can jockey, seriously injured the following day and will be com­ I The Junior relay team from the Total ...... ^.... 75 Analysis—Buckley. for oeen what you might exactly call a pleted with 36 holes semi-final and Mainland City will be composed of Portland ...... « 4 * 4 hi a spill at the raeotreok « Hera Think TheyW ill Win Batteries— Kaltio and Cook, Peters; Bowling Anal rets Hglmes, 4 tor 10. glorious season for the Coast crack. final rounds Friday and Saturday re­ Bob* Mc M Utah Jr« . Don Mantle, yesterday will not have to suffer Cranleigh Houoo— °» I‘adder k ie a golfer and plans to go spectively. Ffelph Fuller and Jim McMillan. Bedtent and Cochrane amputation of his leg, it was Qualnton ...... r U 3 ifter tournament honors on a seri­ Two amateur*, close to scratch Vernon. B.C.. Aug. 7—Arrange­ These youngsters will make a big AMERICAN ASSOCIATION ous settle. stated by attending surgeons player»—Alfred Bull and E. M C. ment* have been completed for the St Paul 12, Toledo i$„' Knight ...... 28 3 • today. * • e*. all*ro*>, u> take tke title over to.the Martin ...... $ 3 3 GOOD, CLEAN L Scholx. veteran of ten years' run- Mr Lor g—are entered from British, Vernon Raaeba.ll team to go to Van- i Columbuo $ __ ^ ; ... . 0c*Qe*igiee. £>. Marietta* «see- Iw d» aerteevaf w ska »*ramw|s|tiMeV *- «A: track physician, aft** visiting the fMtomuta chamrp»ouah1p A wumoer-of «tiiar. evaau. xt; lie- Milwaukee 4, ‘Tjfttiiivlne 6 ...... K-sdgtot >ik. y a--» jockey at a hospital said that Vancouver. The local team qualified by win staged and, with the Vancouver Hewett ...... 6 i * making the Olympic team. It wan INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE " probahjy * good thing for Uncle Sant the left leg had been cet satis­ nlng the interior championship. A swimmer* competing, the gala should Hudson's Bay— R. w. O. Delivered le the City strong team will go to the coast and be a great success. Lâat year the 40 2 6 ti*t the Missourian had this thought factorily end there appeared to Phil Taylor, pro at the Victoria Rochester 7-6. Jersey City 6-0. Harrison ...... Phene tU Golf Club. Informed The Times thla the opinion Ie expressed here that club staged une . •»' the best water Buffalo 1-6. Baltimore 7»16. Haine* « ...... 13 l 6 gfc** Otherwise the showing of the Star j be ne reaeon why Sande should Th# Meere-Whityagton Lumber Co. Spangled entry In the flat races | net have entire uee ef R ev«ntw- mhrftlng'that he would not make V VeAion'* chaflees for carrying off the event# of The -year; trot sh*y' Intend Syracuse H. -Newark y- '• Verrall 14 v-*> .. A «Concluded os page 111 l elly. Ulp lu Saskatoon. honors are very good. to surpass kll by this year s affair. Toronto 6-1, Reading 4-2. •Lindner .. .1’...... i 3 21

t 9 VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1924 =.!■ U ■'-!!!-. L'1 .. '^1 ■[ , ■ Il"-» SSSBSL 1 SI.—■-SSa.^-21 LNIGHT tien for Metro, which Is playing at the Dominion this week. The«4 are no Sheika, in the real meaning of the SHOWING THIS WEEK AT PANTAGES THEATRE Word, in this picture, whlcit was AT THE THEATRES filmed among the Arabs of North Africa; but Ramon Novarro as a Dragoman la a romantic enough fig­ ure to start a new vogue of film Thrilling Fist hero. A Dragoman Is a native guide. AT THE THEATRE» A number of real Arab Sheiks, Fight Is Feature however, play extra roles in the pic­ Columbia—TV Pilgrim. ture. Five Bedouin tribes were used, Of ColimUa Film pitching their encampment at the Playhouse—Legally Dead. oasis of Gabes. This càmp consisted Capitol—The Marriage Cheat. Frank Mayo. lead, and Jim Mason, of 600 Bedouin horsemen, with their heavy* stare a terrific fight In George Ikmalnlon —The Arab. women and children, their herds of An-haJnbaud’e new William Fox pro­ Pantagee—The Governor’s Lady. goats and sheep. 600 head of horses duction. “The plunderer.” the story of and a similar number of camels. Does early morning find which deals with clashing mine in­ “The Arab” la a screen version of you sprinting down to the terests. stalwart men. and romança Mason lying prone and unconscious Edgar Belwyn’s stage play. beach for a bathe? Jim Alnson Is right hand man ts Tom on the floor. Santscht. the other heavy of the The fight Is one of the thrills In a Do yon come back glow­ story. Frank Mayo, head of the mine picture replete with fast moving ac­ which Is being plundered by Santschi tion. Both Frank Mayo and Jim Ma­ Orchestra To Play ing with vigorous health and Mason, is nearly killed as the re­ son know something of the fisticuff and with a colossal appetite sult of being deliberately entombed art and t.belr knowledge and stalwart At Dominion _ In the mine by Mason When he phvslques contribute a great deal to for breakfast? « *4nes to the town's only dancehail making this scene intensely realis­ Theatre To-night and sees Mason playing faro, he goes tic. "The Plunderer” comes 10 the If the first splash of the s after him. The onlookers make no Columbia Theatre to-day. Marking the fifth concert of the day leaves you cold, it’s effort to prevent the fight. Frank, senes, the Dominion Symphony jOr- because you're not as fit as 11 livid with rage, battles them down chestra will again be heard to-night and by force of mental and physical Dragoman Threatens playing a very tuneful and pleasing you ought to be — and can force, subdues their peaceful tend*n- To Supplant Sheih musical Interpretation for the fea­ be, if you do as Grandpa Xo longer protected. Mason, a ture attraction. “The Arab.” Rex does. coward at heart, fights as ferocious! v By Ramon Novarro Ingram's super production starring as such a type can. Mayo throws Ramon Novarro. and Alice Terry. Here’s his secret "as him on the roulette table. They roll The feature being Arabian In tone The word Dragoman threatens to will give the orchestra ah opportun­ much as will cover a ten­ oxer and over, until the table, unbal­ supplant that of Sheik In the popular anced, upsets, scattering chips all ity to render a very fine selection of tent piece every morning.’’ oxer the place. The fight ends with vernacular mince the release of The numbers In keeping with the atmos Mayo disheveled but victorious, and Arab.” Rex Ingram's newest produc- phere of the picture. A few of the Each tiny dose of the every veto. * It primes ever) numbers picked at random Include; magic Kruschen powder is a fibre of your being with “Three Arabian Dances.” Ring; “Song of India.” Rimsky-Korsakoff, perfect blend of the six salts tingling vitality. and “A Lover of Damascus.” by Fin­ essential to bodily well-being. That’s what Kruschen doel ite n. The ■ overture or featured num It keeps you in perfect trim, for Grandpa and the rest oi 9461 l*er for to-night Will be a novelty- because it stimulates the liver interpretation of The Sheik," by the the Kruschen Army of Opti­ -TO-NIGHT and kidneys, gently but surely, orchestra apd -- combined concert mists. That’s what Kruschei organ. Handley Wells will preside %e GOVERNOR'S LADY - WILLIAM FOX SPECIAL PRODUCTION -x. to a proper performance of st ths Console. Another item of In­ will do for you. terest to music lovers will be the their duty. It frees your Symphony Orchestra atmospheric interlude to the feature system of all the waste You can buy 160 doees oi production in which Handley Wells, Five Escaped King and others playing in support.1 matter that collects to clog “that Kruschen feeling” from the popular basso will sing The The story was adapted by James Big Craze Picture your inside and poison your any druggist for 75c. Get a A. Prescott. Director Bedouin Love Song” and "Less Than Drowning When Creelman from the Saturday Eveg- the Dust.” This in Itself should lng Pont seri.ll, "i'uce.” hy Lu» y BtOtl# Coming Attraction blood-stream. It sends clear bottle Unlay and start to- Playing a Specially Selected Programme for the Feature prove to be an exceptional offering Terrill. It tells of a young man who morrow. Wave Hit Ledge gives up the girl he loves to marry vigorous blood pulsing through Presentation. by this talented artiste. A very funny comedy titled. “Political Pull.” another for whose social position he At Royal Theatre featuring the famous Spat Family, Director John Griffith Wray and, feels himself directly responsible. ATMOSPHERIC INTERLUDE and a very interesting news reel in­ four of his camera crew experienced The story Is only too well known cluding the first and exclusive views a real' thrill and at the same time to the readers of The l'est. It liter­ “The Covered Wagon" With , &cW ally overran with picture possibili­ of the reception of ths British Special narrowly escaped drowning, during TO THE FEATURE ATTRACTION the filming of exciting sea shots for ties. and Paramount took advantage Ernest Torrence in Lead Due Service Squadron at San Francisco, of each and every one of them In round out a very entertaining show. “The Marriage Cheat," Thomas H. Here Monday ! nee’s gripping dramatic, feature. In making the screen version of the tal«*. HANDLEY WELLS, BASSO which Leatrlce Joy. Adelphe Menjou The scènes are laid for the most Toeteleee tn Coffee part In the land of romance and ad­ and Percy Marmont head an excep­ BUI JarkNon wa* a great scout In or Te* kru^lts Ann Lather Says tional cast. venture. Then. too. there are scenes A Fiery on Long Island." scenes of the ultra- thv old days of the pioneers and Actually The scene of the accident was prillrlo schooners, lie appears With Gam Chewing “Coffin ledge,” near Laguna, Cal., fashionable smart set. with its beau­ Filmed Romance tiful homes' and gorgeous gowns; other notable characters of history Not a Bad Habit where the sea extends far back be­ Alan Cors land, who made "Enemies In James Cruxe’s Paramount produc­ in Tunis of Arabian neath the rock éhore line, forming a of Women." "Vnder the Red Robe.” tion. "The Covered Wagon," coming Desert death trap for swimmers. Director "Three Weeks” and other pictures to the Royal Victoria Theatre during and "Chewing gum is not a bad habit.” Wray, his first camera man. Henry equally as successful, produced "Un­ the week of August 11 with two per­ d^BMWNnMPO Lore pronounces Ann Luther, prominent In | Sharp, and three others were working guarded Women." It is his first formances daily at 2.30 and 8.30. "The Algiers' the cast of The Governor's Lady,” I on this narrow ledge, about five feet Paramount~~ picture, and a fine ex­ role is played by Ernest Torrence, Good Health for Half a Cent a Day Alice itimv at the Pantages. above the water line, when a huge ample of what I» to be expected from who was seen In “Singed Wings'* its oi "Of course, if one chews to excess SHINTY for bMithy life. Yw Mr mus- ALSO—THE SPAT FAMILY IN -POLITICAL PULL" wave swept hi from the sea. the same source in the near future. wherein he was a feeble minded of mniwfty. steels thee* lagMoau from It Is harmful, because It works the Backed by a steep cliff, they were clown. Some Jump—from a clown to ■ usMwtisn. or you could ootTlro. Normally, glands In the mouth too much. The unable to escape. The wave crashed an Indian fighter, but Torrence Is a your lyetem should extract them vital supply of saliva la more than doubled ■alts from your food meat, broad, fruit. onto the ledge with tremendous splendid actor and bridged the gap of giving now life end and this la harmful for the stomach. force and as it washed out again. It Story Branded veoublsa sslfc. acn sad so «a : b«t Furthermore, chewing gum outside without trouble. when, owing to impaired digootleu. errors «entices millions of milt carried the five men along. Aided by of diet overwork and worry, anxiety, body is ccemosod Bob. the home, or the homes of one's i end nerve, .are all friends, is a social faux pas. and other members of the company, they As a Dream Last •odes tory Mimpsti*. s*d many other massa, your Uftswi dees net v»tract from really dreadful. But Just to Chew succeeded In clambering back to safety. your food the correct proportions of theee gum—pshaw, it’s my favorite in­ Year Now Big Hit scorn tic! Hfewtvtac salts, than yen coffer for Its healthy Ufa. Capitol—To-day door sport,” she said. One camera, which went to the bottom between jagged rocks, was SCIENTIST REPORTS SOLE IMPORTING AGENTS: CHARLES GYDB 4 SON, MONTREAL Them.. M. Intel hroauette* recovered by one of the Hawaiian boys working In the picture, who News .value sometimes make the dove at great personal risk and at­ value of , photoplays. Statistics Branch of the Dominion tached a rope to IL EYE EXPERIMENTS DR. BOURQUE PLEADS As an Instance—-take "Legally Bureau of Statistics pleaded guilty lg Both players and technicians Dead," the sensational Universal pro­ GUILTY TO CHARGE The Marriage Cheat found plenty of excitement during police court here yesterday to obtain­ the Aiming of* the “The Marriage duction. now pTayfnjr at the Play­ Manitoba Professor Confirms ing 14.000 by false pretences from Dr. Starring novurn* •> Cheat." at the Capitol Theatre for Its house Theatre. In which an executed Ottawa. Aug. 7 —Withdrawing hie Edmund Bourque of Ottawa. He was TRICK JOY. PERCY MARMONT. The Theory of Perception of remanded to jail for one week for setting Is on an island in the South convict 1» brought back to life, after election for a Jury trial, J. A. Schry- drama hie entire company went te the CAPITOL hanging, by the aid of science. burt, former assistant chief of Indian sentence. South Seas to him. The drama that Sens, calling for many thrilling Colors will startle you because It darse give a water sequences. Leal|ice Joy. who Charles Furthmann. former deputy wife the rights a man never*n 'would! has one of the roost forceful char­ district attorney of Chicago, wrote Next Week acterisations of her career as the story two years ago. after read­ Toronto. Aug. 7—Fellow feeling be­ tween men’s two eyes comes into play "Octavla Canfield.” said it was the ing of some strange experiment phy­ In the researches of Professor Frank " most strenuous role she has ever sicians had performed In restoring Allan, of the University of Manitoba, been called upon to play. Uf« In bodies after the heart had which were reported to the Physio­ ceased to beat. logy Section of the British Associa­ "It’s too faftciful—a pipe-dream!" tion for the Advancement of Science Fine Romantic said the producers. here to-day. Professor Allan finds Then—Just a few monts ago—the MacFarlaneDrugCo. that If the left eye. for example, is Picture Drama medical world was electrified by tho fatigued with a pure color from the Formerly Known as Coming To Capitol news that life had actually been re­ spectrum, the right eye be'comee more COLUMBIA stored by the» use of adrenalin—not sensitive to all of the fundamental Victoria Owl Drug Co., Ltd. oece, but a doxen times. News dis­ colors. The sympathetic result Is In "Unguarded Women" Is the title of patches had borne out the prophesy Present, TO-NIGHT, FRIDAY and SATURDAY the picture scheduled tor showing at the nature of a reflex action, or In Phone the Capitol Theatre next week. It In the attorney-playwright's story. other words. It is caused by the Cor. Douglas and Johnson Sts. Big Double-feature Attraction features Bebe Daniels. Richard Dix transmission of a message from the and . wl(h Walter Mc- left eye to the brain and the relaying COMEDY GALORE Ormll. Frank I»eee. Helen Llndroth. McMillan Muir hack from the brain to the right eye. Our Prompt and Dependable Mee- Harry Mestayer. Donald Hall, Joe "Similar experiments. were tried •engera are at Your Service (1) by confining fatigue to one side of Kodaks Is Visiting City the retina, and measuring the reflex Try Our Drug Store First effects produced on the other side.” said the professor. Here he compared Charlie Chaplin McMillan Muir, one-time resident the two halves of one eye, rather of the city, and well-known in local than two eyes. "The results were pre­ Unguarded THE GORGE | musical circles, is spending two cisely the same wS in binocular weeks’ holiday In the Capital city. vision," said the speaker. FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS Mr Muir is now a resident of Port­ land, Ore., and since leaving here has CONFIRMS THEORY WOMEN' been very busy In the sphere of his This research is important in that DRUG SUNDRIES aiNUINE THER­ “The Pilgrim” ■A At choice. He is at present supervisor it confirms the theory expounded by MOS BOTTLES of music In the Portland High School, Thomas Young to explain the pro­ 30c Reecham’a Pills...... 32# Pint el*e; Special A RIOT OF FUN “VENETIANS” and is choirmaster, and organist of cesses hy which the brain perceive# $1.19 Bebe Daniels the Centenary Wilbur Methodist different colors. According to types 35c Sloan’# Uniment ...... 26* sX (2) Church, his choir ranking as or#* of "photochemical” substance, cor­ 25c Setdltts Powder#...... 18# LUNCH KITS Richard Dix VAUDEVILLE of | the beet In the big Oregon­ responding to the three fundamental ian city. Resides these duties he has colors of fled, green and violet. “Pho­ 60c Zam Buk ...... 82# #2.60 to #6.00 66 MaefAttor a large teaching connection, his sub­ tochemical substances" are those in Matinee Dally 3 30 P M. 25c Cascara Dandelion Pill# 16# STATIONERY THÉ PLUNDERER” jects embracing vocal and pianoforte which a change In composition takes aiAN otofuae tuition. During the past season one place under the Influence of light. •Oc Phillip#* Milk Magneela 44# 40c Linen Writing Every Evening at t.30 P.M. of his engagements was tenor solo­ When any of the three color sub­ Tablet ...... 28# Featuring FRANK MAYO, EVELYN BRENT, TOM ist In Mendelssohn’s "Hymn of stances Is stimulated, an Impulae la $1.00 D.D.D. for ecsema... .79# 10c Linen Writing 'J'HERK is s certain type of Praise." Before leaving for his next Sent along the corresponding nerve 86c Syrup of Flg*« •••••••• «87# Tablet ...... 14# S0NT0CHI and PEGGY SHAW AMATEURS EVERY THURS­ season's duties a recital Is being to the visual centre In the brain, and ... woman who needs * DAY 60c Pure Glycerin# ...... S2# 16c Package Envel­ A gripping story of Gold Mining and Human Hearts arranged for next Sunday week at it Is there that the actual fusion of opes ...... 9# man to love her or she is the three types, of stimuli takes place. $1.00 Lieterln# ...... 88# the Centennial Church, when Mr. •0c Package Pa pa­ Also “SPEED,” Featuring Charles Hutchison hopeleesly adrift. Suvh Muir will he heard in some of his In this way. any shade of color can 35c Blaud’e Iron Pille. 100 #. 20# TWO CONCERTS SUNDAY own compositions for voice during he transmitted to the brain, the pro­ tries ...... ,47# Bebe Daniels in "this su|terb 26c Tube Catarrhal Balm.. 19# Prleee—Matinee 16#. Children 10# All Day. Night 26# the evening's service. cess requiring merely the stimula­ CUT THE COST OF drama. tion of the three types of nerves In 35c Til ...... 27# the correct - proportion to give the SHAVING color desired. This, of course, la de­ Valuable Coupon termined by the amount of activity GRAHAM'S ANTISEPTIC given FREE with every Durham LAYHOUS In the photochemical facing of the FOOT POWDER, Duplex Safety Rasor. retina, and hence, hy the color which SCREEN Soothing and Cooling 36c Mennen e Shaving Cream, the eye la,viewing. The behavior of 26# Per Tin ...... 28# Reginald Hlncke Presents the two eye» towards mixtures of 16c Menthol Shaving Lotion 28# Milton Sills the primary colors la such as would TWICE DAILY. ALL NEXT the Amusing Comedy $1.00 Gillette Blade#...... 73# IN be predicted In tne light of this 76c Nujol ••• »•••##••••••• »B8# WEEK “The First Mayor of theory, Prof. Allan reported. 2.30 and 8.30 ROYAL "Legally Dead” 76c Pint Tin Vltuecl Olive Oil. Victoria" ...... *...... »•# VALET AUTO STROP Matinee, 30c, 60c. Night, 66c, 86c, $1.10. SEAT SALE FRIDAY OF INTERLUT TO AUTO RAZORS For a good laugh, do not miss The most amasing plot ever TOURISTS 76c Sugar of Milk...... 68# \ this unfolded With strop and blade. 4C* Perfect Realism, Strong Love Theme, Colossal Outdoor Scenes, Dramatic Action and 60c Gin Pilla ...... 31# While they last...... Ttlv HALL’S ORCHESTRA EVERY NIGHT In arranging your Summer trlpt 26c Carbolic Salve 18# Thrills, Romantic and Soul Stirring You Will be pleased to. learn that ef­ fective July 3. there will be two sail­ $1.26 Eno'e Fruit Salt...... 98# TOILETRIES ings of the Motor Princes» between 16c Hutax Tooth Feet»....IS# Coming to Thrill and Astonish You ! Bellingham and Sidney, leaving aid. DERMOL HAIR TONIC 35c Calvert'» Tooth Powder IS# ne-, for Bellingham at 10,6 a m and 60c Pond’» Cream...... 48# Antiseptic and germicidal, (.10 p.m., from Bellingham to Sidney 60c Pear. Brilliant!»»...... 38# at 7 a m. end 1.36 p.m. dally, includ­ removes dandruff, atop# fall­ lie Pear's Soap, 3 for...... 87# jun lui» munm a JAMES CRUZE ing Sunday. ing hair, stimulates new PANTAGES—To-day 60c Walkin'» Nullified Cocoenut If you have not mnde the circuit, growth Clean and easy to Oil ...,...... 38# 20c, 26c, Children 10c — Mitinee 16c, 10c which you can do by aleo Including apply. Sprinkler Bottle# 78# the trip between Vancouver and It, 8ta FI id for hair...... 37 # Nanaimo, with sailings from Van­ no Tooth Brushes ...... 16# u€0veredWagon1 cm Life as It le. With Henter, Petite» end Action couver at ! Am- and 1 p.m. ( foe all­ WM. FOX Present» ai zeA' W «feed eerier. From Nsfiafma «Tiw.: err Me* your- EUme aed-RhAte. i»r f Wd.tstif- -Vnt.ro,tveè at T h.» diifiy egeept Sunday and Monday (for . small ' All-Star Cast. Including Robert F. Balnea, Jane Grey,'Ann Luther ears), 1.15 p.m. dally except Sunday Juat a:—MaePARLANI DRUG CO, VICTORIA, B.C. ~ COMEDY NEWS (for small cars), I am. and I pa (for all-ataad cars) dally. -Including Sunday. — VICTORIA DAILY TIMES. THURSDAY. AUGUST 7. 1924


Mm 1*4» L

Mmi. ■wit

UOE« SUMMER HOME IN MICHIGAN. The home of Rlch.nl Lo.b, young ehown

rrzzi°v:combination of Spanish,'rr palace. ^bou, California"ve m,iM bu°ui n*alow °f and lusurlona*»<*.. Summer*• «»». ofcottage. r„uRh

RICHARD LOEB ENJOYS NEW THRILL—"Dickie" Loeb. nlneteen-year-old co-killer of Robert 're.nk*’ Î* *een »bove bcln. examined In the presence of hie attorney.. Left to right: Welter Bach- | rech. defence counsel: Richard Loeb.1 self-confeeaed kidnapper.and alayer; Dr. Karl Murdoch Bowman, of Boston; and Dr. H. s. Hulbert. Oak Park. Chicago, defence alienist.

PICKED BY LOEB AS VICTIM,—On the afterWbn when Loeb and Leopold kidnapped and slew Robbie Pranks, they had at first intended to make ten-year-old John I>evinson (shown above) the subject for their experiment in obtaining a new thrill by means of taking human life. The lad is the son of a millionaire Chicago cor­ poration counsel, whom Loeb and I>eopold believed would readily Prince congratulates Canadian marksman—t»i. Prm« of wm.. u .hown eat.diii„. pay the $10,000 ransom which they planned to extort from him after they had murdered his son. FOR DEFENCE/—Dr. Bernard « ",r,*T..";r " “• *'“• *• »...... Tilueck of New York is one of the chief alienists for the defence in the trial of Nathan F. Leopold Jr. and Richard Loeb. HAS HAD GREAT CAREER. SCIENCE LrCADERv—O. J. ~^rr------9 —David Be las co, dean of Ameri- Howarth, O.B.E , Secretary of the »sn theatrical producers, who British Association for the Ad­ celebrated his sixty-fifth birth­ vancement of Science, who haa day laid up In bed with grippe arrived in Toronto for this week's •nd bronchitis. convention.

•TV.-dS-dr * S&'^fP1 MAY RUN/—Charles. Hanna, ALL HAD TO BK VACCINATED!—Nearly every one of the twice mayor of Belleville end 2,(m inhabitants onthe village of Deer Park had befn exposed to well-known Liberal, will likely be rnfallpox, the health authorities figured. A grocer,, it was found, « candidate In the West Has­ had been conducting business as usual though helping nurse his tings by-election. . ti*1.. ...î*..' A StTOrtY WITHOUT WORDS FIGHTING SENATOR ILL— wife, suffering with the disease. So every man, woman and child Henry Cabot Lodge, United in the town were vaccinated. Here Dr C. A. Neal, health commis- States Senator from Maasachu- sionfr, is seen at work. ssaa - setts, whe is ht t crttloâT condT- . . w**» JWl,j_TINPS IN OltHKT—An arehawlnglcni party tlon following an emergency headed by Carl \\. Bishop of the Smithsonian Institute has die- c.vered many ancient Chinese oarvtnge In Shenshl. which will operation performed in a ho*-' prove of vast value to the world of art and aclen, e Many ancient pital at Cambridge. Mass. tomba were found, notably that of Ho Chu Pin., an hletorlr Chinese cavalry leader of olden days, who drove the aava.e Huna from Chinese terrttery.


vsd'l, Thats rec shxo€*-, mcAttw* un ii VtBaT T*£ t-hh«IC 60GSi.es. Ht wuteo m M 60$» t>w< 6vwD mm Cpom Tea sTwtef Tae. oiee pal VTN DCir'7 mo HE Give Urn "Them 60G6UCS a«0 Waert who IS "MaT * i v«>s «or ’em on, re* liiRNep iwfd seuo iron , Ht was A MMiCim. LOOKOUT, 6u7c.lL ; irs MV Thru

WARNING TO PARENTS— INVITED BY TORIES.—Win- Judge Ben Lindsay, Denver's ston Churchill, stormy petrel of -V !.. British politics to whom a formal famous -juvenile court Judge, Invitation to Join 'the Conserva­ ■•ys the Loeb-Leopold case is a tive Party has been extended children’s story with a warning by ex-Premier Stanley Bald- to parents bringing up families. V


OUTDOORS PUN-Th. uninvited gueet. which enliven oUr plcnk-e-urhe Paealn, Show Londo

* WANTS ULTIMATUM ON 1 • Mu A—In Bsaa imr^ - ■ ■ -■ ^ BABE RUTH, THE EMBRYO DETECTIVE, IN DISGUISES HE M IGHT Utdfc-Babe Ruth eludVin, k. ley, who has asked Moscow to shown above in five different disguises he might affect during trie sleuthtn* FronVief? •ludyinE-t<> » lawyer and a detective, la serve an ultimatum upon Greet i^rr»»e=mth,.dlt^, „,y. hlwhatt.ng eye 2. , Secrellrv Huïhre nM he wHh . fuî. SL *-««•» ■'»r- J A. Ix.rd Dundreary. fenturlng a 7epecl.l type of winddeaaer < A. xv.i.w . whlekere of the popular whlekbroom Britain. - euUV,tnUner th“ * ‘1’P‘c.l of g.t. craeher, who been i ml.aed a big .portId, .ventTtlL 'ù? twJh”^ th* lon* carle4 M

VICTORIA DAILY TIMES,.THÙRSDAY, AUGUST 7. 1924 NIGHT States. Yet he has always been an unkempt flop In the international games. ' Four years ago he finished Retail Market SPEAKS OF DISEASE eighth in the 1.600 metres after lead­ NEW YORK STOCKS ing the field three-fourths of the way. A sore muscle may have had some­ Vegeta Men thing to do with his defeat. He ran Wall Street NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE, AUGUST 7, 1934 Garlic, lb...... ,...... with his left leg firmly bandaged. Cauliflowers ...... PREVENTION EFFORTS Clarence DeMsr said before he Parsley, bunch ...... fSepplted V twe loeal etætbrabere ever *»• *•#« New Terk wire» I-oral Potatoes. 14 Ibe. for sailed that this would be his Inst Green Peas. 3 lbe. for . , marathon. The Boston sprinter, Hothoue* Cucumbers, each... 24. .14 thirty-eight years of age. finished H 1ER Lew FM United Alley Stool...... - Ixtcal Hothouse Tomatoes, lb. Sir David Bruce Delivers TODAY Green Corn, per doeen ...... third, leading all the Americans. The Halted States Steel . .144-3 147-2 Mint ...... ;...... race went to Albln Stenroos, of Fin­ Atch . Top * Santé f%.144-3 144 1«‘* Do-. l»re(...... 121-4 121-3 Atlantic Coast Une .1*1-7 133-7 lit Carrots. 13 lbe...... Presidential Address to land. De Mar thought he was a vet­ Baltimore, Ohio ...... IM Sf-I <*-• Vanadium Corpa...... 24 Leeks, per bunch ...... eran. Htenroos, it developed. Is forty ASH put Into invest mi Lut Minute News on Stocks Canadian Pacific . . . .144-4 14* 14»-« Oil» * uetrallan Grapes, per lb. - • British Association years old. This may i»ersuade De- Chesapeake A Ohio . *1-2 *4-4 *•** Fruits Associated Oil ...... 23 • • .35 and Mar to race two more years. and Financial Chlcaso A Alton . ..» 4-4 4-6 4-4 California Pete...... *2-4 22-4 Pineapples, each ...... sufficient returns to make t Vhlvago Ureal Weetern * Cantaloupe Melons, each .16 and SPEAROW A DISAPPOINTMENT Affairs Chic.. Mil. A St. H. . . 16-4 16-1 16-4 Coadeu Oil ...... - 2» Table Ratalna. Spanish ...... 46 and venture profitable will nex • Houston Oil ...... 74-4 74-1 Ralph Spearow. Oregon sky pilot. Chicago Northwest . . 42 «1 <1-4 Uvlodble Oil ...... lt-l ll-t Dotes, per lb...... People Must be Educated in Chic.. R I. A Pac. .. 3-3-4 32-4 31-6 Marlaad Oil *»-I **-• 31-4 Bananas, per lb...... Is expected to renounce his pole make money for you. Do.. To . 1st pref...... 4 Phillips Pete .. 35-4 *6-1 Grapefruit. California, four for experts. A new record was pre­ facts, undervour expert advise California Peaches, per dosen ...... Toronto, Aug. 7.—Acting aa préai­ tlreat Northern, pref > Producer! A Refînera . 31-4 *4-4 dicted. But Spearow showed little New York—R. p. Clark & Go.- Illinois Central Ut-I Pure Oil ...... 23-4 *4-1 Cnllfernla Plume, per lb...... dent at the rneetlng of the Brill eh “Private Wire Cennestion»* WH h the exception of a few epeclal- f*>«« t'Ur «outhern Honey Dew Melon*, per lb...... iorm, falling far below the average. Royal Dutch ...... Cal. Plume, lb...... tiee stocke moved within a 1 tltè i N.whvltte Shell Union oil ...... 17-$ 14-7 Association for the Advancement of 17-T- n-7! Peaches, per desen ...... • • narrow range to-day and the market | Une .. Sinclair Oil ...... Watermelon, lb...... Science In Toronto la Major-General Skelly Oil ...... 19-X 19-1 R? Clark l-Co Ltd generally had a tired appearance. In Miss.. Kas A Trias 69-3 69-a Local Raspberries. 2 boxes ...... TIS SETH ROUNDS Standard OH—Calif !-ocat Loganberries, t boxes ...... Sir David Bruce, eminent parasitolo the industrial list National Lead was Missouri Pacific Standard OU— N.J. 34-1 36-7 INVESTMENT SECURITIES l>o.. pref...... 41-1 'uocal Cherries, per lb...... M. G. CAWeaB*.L gist and chairman of the governing again conspicuous making new high Superior Oil ...... OFF WILLOWS MEET O.. Tex. A Met . .. 44-i Valencia Oranges, per dosen. .44. .64. body of the Llater Institute of Pré Phone 5600 VictornxJK levels at 157. Qen. Elec, sold up to Texas Company 41 44. .34 and ...... , Who has been rl«ct«d to the Board New York Central . 187 Texas Pacific C. A O.. yen live Medicine. WITH BIG VICTORY 280 but lost its gain towards the N il. A Hartford 27-4 *4-1 Washington Apricot a. per box ....•» 1 of the Northern Uf. Assurance Com- Member* Oh leas® Beard of Transcontinental Oil . . 6-1 Washington Pears, per doMB--**...... — "Medicine In fpture must change Trade. B.C. Bond Dealer* close. Davison Chemical was sub­ Ontario * Weetern • 21-2 White Basle Oil ..___ •• pany of t'anada. Mr. t’ampbell is Norfolk & Western .124-1 loduetaloh. awd Mina. Tomatoee. Kelowna, per lb...... It* strategy. Instead of awaiting (Continued from page 14) A sen.. Etc. jected to heavy selling and lost nearly Cal. Gravenatetn Apples, per lb...... General Manager of the Kelsey Northern Pacific . . . «4-4 Allied Vbemlval ...... 77 4 74-1 attack It muat assume the offensive four points. In the railroad group Pennsylvania ...... 46-1 63-4 Local Apples. 4 lbe for ...... - Wheel t’ompuny of t’anada, Windsor, Alita Chalmers Mfg -t. 55 *• It must no longer he said that ‘the who. though shaken up. went out and Delaware A Lackawana and Norfolk Pare Marquette ...... 46-4 American All. Chen» 13-6 1**1 Nota Ontario, and is prominent in the Ptttehurg A W. Va. . won the last race on Tia Seth. A Western ware bid up. the former Amn. IntL Corporation 36-3 24-4 Almonds, per lb...... activities of the border cities. The man wa* no alck he had to send for 41- 3 44-2 American Can ....134-4 12-» Walnuts, per lb...... The results were: gaining over four and the latter about Louis A Han Fran California Soft Shell Walnuts, lb Northern Life Assurance t’ompany a doctor,' '* said 8tr David In hla 42- 4 »;-l American Car Kdy...... presidential address at the opening First race, the Elk Lake Claiming, two points. Oils and coppers were l .outs A S W American Drug Synd.. Brain*, per lb...... 26 and of t’anada report a substantial in­ , dull and featureless while steels were Southern Pacific . .. 94 7 31-1 31 Filberts, per lb...... session last night. purse for $500, for three-year-olds 44-1 4*-» American Ice ...... 41-4 crease in the amount of participating heavy. 17.8. Bteel common closing Southern Railway . . American lav France ... It «acted Peanuts, per lb...... • and older; five furlongs- 1, Ella Texas Pacifié ...... 93-7 IS 13- (Voanuta ...... »• end business written since the first of the PROGRESS DESCRIBED at the lowest of the day for a net Union Pacific 142-1 141-4 American Linseed .. 24-1 Waldo (Molter). $13.80, $5.95. $4 35; American Metals Chestnuts, lb...... year as compared with the first six taking as his subject "The Pre Ions of 11* points ’nltetl Railways Invest 13 lu­ 2, Lantern (Greenwood). $9.65, $6.50; Wabash . . ~ 16- American Radiator 113-2 111-- Dairy Produce and Eggs months of last year, also a reduction vention of Disease." Sir David There was very little In the news Amerlvan Ship A Com H-T «» ll-' Welga (Cowan), $12.70. Also ran. abaah A "A." ...... 41 In the expense ratio during'the same items of consequence with the excep­ American Snuff 145 No 1 Alberta, lb...... showed how fnedlclne had changed Lucky Muck, Cheovlier. Snlvely. Isidy estern Maryland ... 13- Icon Tgh A Tele. 136-2 124-4 125- Comox. lb...... NEAoeuASTEne re* tion of the statement that Germany ~Paul. " pref.ef. . . period. Its outlook after the memorable re St. At rick and American Maid. Time American Woolens . . 74-4 74-1 v I M P A. lb...... searches of Louis Pasteur; how die had acceded to all the allied de­ Meiers American Zinc l»end fowichan Creamery, lb...... 69 4-6. mands In full which the market Ig­ Chandler Motor Co. .. Associated i>r> »i«.«d« 114-4 112-4 Salt Spring Iaalnd. lb...... rases have succumbed to the Second race, the Gorge Claiming, nored or has probably discounted. Continental Motors . . » Gulf W I 16-4 Pure Lard, lb...... onslaught of scientific Research, and purse $500, for three-year-olds gnd j Dunweil General Motors Atlantic Refining »4 *l-« Eg*» From the appearance of to-day’s have been conquered one by one; •Bi market It looks as though we will llupp Motor» ...... Austin . Nicholls ...... 24-4 I»C. fresh, extras ...... older; five furlongs- 1. Blue Miss Hudson Motor Co. ... Barnedall A' ...... 24-4 13-» B.C. fresh, firsts ...... how the recent war. while giving a (Paden). $4.25. $2.90, $2.45; 2. Run­ have to see a further lowering of Mark Truck ...... Beech Nut Packing ... 61-4 B.C. fresh, pullete ...... T setback to many branches of Investi­ 4-i away (Gibcon). $2.90. $2.60. 3. Fly­ prices before buying of the proper Maxwell Met ore ...... Booth Fisheries ...... -»• gation. provided a stimulus along sort will make its appearance and Maxwell R...... itrwalya e.u«evn ...... 1 *5-- **■» C. Cream Cheese, lb...... paper (Molter). $3.60. Also ran. Glacier Creek Moon Motore Burns Bros. ‘A.” ....147-I other lines which resulted In a com­ we wouhl advise buying only on sharp H.C Solid*. Ih...... Perch, Victory Won. Galway. Miss •tasks Packard Motor Co. . . Butterlck ...... •• .Finest Ontario Solide, lb...... pete understanding of certain Criton and Bookworm. Time 58 1-5. tlifrs as liquidation 'has apparently Pierce Arrow Motor Co. calif Packing 44-4 Finest Ontario Twins, lb...... AND RATES LOW l1 ublesome diseases and in the pro­ Call In for latwt^news of develop- not run Its cours Htudcbaker ...... Callahan Zinc Lead /. Edam Dutch Cheeml. lb...... Third race, the Bhoal Bay Handi­ White Motor Co...... Cblr. Pneumatic Tool. . •• Gouda Cheese, lb...... ng of knowledge which would not cap. purse $500, for two-year-olds, XVII l ye-Overlaad ...... Central Leather • 14-3 14-1 Gorronxola. lb. . ,...... e been obtained in many years five furlongs- 1, Bills Hope (Petx- WALL STREET MARKET Cluett Peabody Up. 53-4 6» Salas Gruyere. In portions, box .... under normal conditions; and finally IRREGULARLY LOWER English Stilton. Jar ...... oldt). $9.85. $3.70. $3 10; 2. Recover Stewart Land Co., Ltd. Coda Cola ...... 74-7 t 74-4 Stilton*...... he drew attention to the enormous (Greenwood). $3 15. $3.05; 3. Haps- Ajax Rubber ...... 3-3 Cola Fuel A iron 63-3 *4-6 New York, Aug 7 s tivt- TFtICT AT SAANICH inclined to narrow somewhat. In the Timken Roller Bearing 31-9 Kastman Kodak ...... • * Cod Fillets, lb . torte. As July I* one of the month* of 1th redoubled efforts science will railroad group Lackawanna and Fere U.8. Rubber ...... 31-1 Kndlcott Johnson 41-4 Halibut, lb ...... the year when the holiday spirit la gen­ xoldt), $6 35, $4.50. $3.36 ; 2. Plnehurst Players-Laeky 33-7 t»*-< Sole*, lb. IS; 2 lbe. for ...... erally expected to operate a* a market eventually eliminate this waste. «Gibson), $7.80. $4.10; 3. Some Baby MArquette easily led in point of Black Cod. fresh, lb...... Application, will b. recnlv^d by the Freeport Texas...... »-• *-* dlaadvantagc the Letter feeling which HONOR TO WORKERS (Garner). $4.90. Also ran. Slmilka- strength and activity. Other carders American Beet Sugar . 40-4 General Asphalt 43-3 41 und.r»i«n^l up (n noon on American Sugar Ref . 44-4 wa» Indicated by the tra»llng la all the meen Boy. Jos. B. Brown. Delhimar simply marked time, but showed no General Ewetrl# 231 275-3 more remarkable <>>u;»1ed with the Sir David Bruce is Intimately nit IS. for th, po.HI .n of School Henlth Cuba American Sugar. . 30-7 Mile A Leather pref. 41-1 6» _ Kippers lb ...... «...... and Col. Boyle. Time .59 3-6. llfffcH- and Medical Officer of Hwlth weakness at any time. There wa* Finnan Haddlee. lb ...... ll fact that buxine** condition* have not associated with this progress as It inord or less strength in the indus­ Cuba Cane Sugar .... 13-4 Industrial Alcohol . 74-2 73-7 Fifth race. Union Bay. purse $500. for the Municipality, rartleulara may Ik»., pref...... ». . . 41-6 Inti. I’m bet l Knglne 34-* 26-4 Smoked Black Cod...... • •-* been encouraging there wrere few ex­ was largely through his efforts, dur­ be obtained from the undersigned. trial list. but gain* were not main Punts Allegro Sugar . 50-4 International Harvester 34-4 33-4 Whiting ...... ;...... • pectations that »hare buying would de­ ing his long connection with the for Western Canadian-bred horses, tamed In many market leaders Inti Merc Marine . . Smoked Salmon, lb ...... •••• velop anything like interesting propor­ British Army Medical Corps, that a all ages; five furlongs—1. Sir Fred - There are many traders who believe Do., pref...... 3s-4 3.-7 Red Salmon, lb . 36. or 1 lba...... tion* until the Autumn, and even then «• "• ,tw,Lcl,c. American Sumatra Tob 8-4 White Salmon. 2 lba...... number of parasitic diseases erlek fCorbattb $12.40. 6.35. $3 60; that the present irregularity should American Tob. Co. —133-4 Inti Paper ... 64-2 63-4 It wa* felt a gr.-at deal would depeftd ■ Kayeer Co. .... 22 21-1 Small Whole Salmon, lb...... on the success of the important Cana been brought under control, especi­ 2. Skookum (Taylor). $1290. $6.20; nevelop into a substantial reaction, Liggett A Myers...... Small Red Salmon, lb...... R. J. Re>nolda Tob. Co. 7 4-3 Loowe Incorporated . . 14-6 14-4 dian crop in the Went ally during the war During the 3. Sheik 11 (Petxoldt). $3.30. Also r^n. but so far efforts to depress the mar artln Perry ...... *4 13 Shell Ft eh "Notwithstanding this an Improved Tob. Products ...... 44-5 Crab/ 1». »• te course of his address, he Interpreted York Belle. Miss Gay. Sunset, Miss NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ket have been met with good buying Do. A...... 31-3 May Dept. StoresStore tone ha* devet-qu-d., even In the face of Pharmacy and Brig. Pendino. Time and very Utile headway has been Coopers Montana Power 46-4 Shrimps, lb...... indication* that weather condition* will his election to the presidency of the ACT Anaconda 14-6 Montgomery Ward 34 Freeh Meats cut down the wheat yield This. association not so much as a mark .59 3-5. • tnadf Anywhere In depressing values National Biscuit Ip»** R.S.C. Chapter 119 No doubt many people have realized American Smelters . . . 43-7 Pork — e\er. Will he offset by better price* than of distinction to himself an an honor Sixth race, the Rock Bay Claiming, Butte A Superior .. 17-t National Enamel Trimmed lolnk, per lb...... last >snr as ha* been apparent by the profits At present levels, but it is not National ’Lead ...... 27 paid through him to ail army medical pure $500. for four-year-olds and Cerro 4» Paecd*Copper 45-6 l.ega. per lb...... sharp advance* in the Chicago and " ln- The Minister of Public Works. Gov­ apparent that stocks have gone into Chile Copper Co...... 11-4 North "American Co. Shoulder roasts, per lb...... officer* for the magnificent work older; one and one-eighth miles—1, orpheum Theatre nlpeg grain market*. The outlc«»k for ernment of the Province of BRU**1 weak hands. Taken a* a whole the Chino Copper Co...... *1 Pork Sausage, per lb...... the world* wheat crop l* bullish <>n done by them during the Great War Misa Herrimann (Paden). $4.15, 1»ome Mines . —...... Owens Bottle Works 41 $3.10, $2 66; 2, Hemlock (Lafferty), Columbia, hereby gives notice that; he present irregular setback should iranhy Cone. Mining 17-3 Pac. Gan * Klee. Co. Sirloin steak, per lb...... Canada • prim li»al agricultural produc- In the prevention of disease and the has. under Sect ten 7 of the abnve Act. etrengthen the market technically. Great Northern Ore 34-2 I’wple e Usa Round steak, per lb...... tfon »•> that the farmer» aa a whole alleviation of pain and suffering. $686. 13.55; 3. Yermak (Molter). deposited with the Minister of Public Greene Cananea Copper - - Pittsburg Opal ...... Pet reset* '*•• • • • • •:.*...... may benefit LOSS OF TIME $2.64 Also ran. Kiel Diamond. Fash­ Work* at Ottawa, and in the ott\ice «r Inspiration Copper Co.. 24-1 Philadelphia <\» Rump re* at a. per 13...... *‘Tn it* general aspect*, therefore the ion Girl. Ruth Harrlgon and Very the District Registrar at Victoria, H.CV International Nickel . . 18-1 puT^c*Service N J . . Spring Lamb— local market ha* acted differently from Drawing attention to the preva ileacrlptlon* of the site# and plans of GRAINS RALLY AT CLOSE McIntyre Mines ...... Shoulder*, per lb...... what wa* expected some week» back lence of disease In elvtlleed countries, Common. Time 1.53 2-5. Ferrv landing*, proposed to be built vv Miami Copper Co. .... 23-5 Savage Arme ...... Lege, per lb .... • ...... and it ha* ohee more demonstrated that the president said : Seventh race, the Hamper Bay the waters of Saanich Inlet, at_Tod Sears Roebuck . I.olne. full, per lb...... 15 Chicago A up T (By R. TV Clerk A Motherlodv ...... »-2 it la no easy matter to diagnose It* "Upwards of 20.000.000 weeks of Claiming, purse $500. for three-year- Inlet, and in the vicinity of Camp Nevada Cone. Copper 13-7 Submarine Boat Prime Mutton - future conduct far in advance. The Co. Limited)—Wheat- Late buying Ray Con a Copper ., .x 12-7 Texas ilulf Sulphur 76-3 Shoulder*, per lb...... work are lost every year among the bids and older; one mile and sexenty Point. United Fruit ...... 221 feeling which ha* been expressed in yf wheat on rumor that the !»awes Termes*** Copper »-« Leg*, per lb. - -I ...... these reviews from time to time sug­ insured workers of England, which x-ards— 1, Tis Seth (Garner), $22.75, And take notice that after the ex­ Utah Copper ...... 61-3 US. Cost Iron Pipe ,.10|-7 Idoine, full, per lb ...... piration of one month from the date ef report had been accepted caused a US. Really 44-1 gesting the Inadvisability of aacriflclng Is an equivalent of the work of $8.60. $4 45; 2. Mary Jane Baker Kennecott 44-2 i Paden), $4 40, $2 95; 3. Bernice E. the first publication of this notice, the •harp rally. In late dealings market Kqulpwopte Virginia Chemical ...... Standard Grades. 44-lb. each ...... stocka at times when there was poor 375.000 people for the whole veâr lost MlnUl.i of Public Work». Oovernment was choppy but buying wa» of 14-4 Vlvadou Talc...... buying power and holding out hopes for to the state. When to this Is added (Cowan). $3.20. Also ran. Mess Kit. 11-4 Woatlngtkouee Wee. 44-i Feed of ItrUish Columbia, will, under Section was better opportunities later on. appeac* rood charactec^MÜlEiàt^ itrm. 124-7 114-6 114-6 Western Union ...... 112-4 Per ton Per 1 the corresponding figures for the Eugenia K. Emma Williams and Joe 7 of the eald Act. apply to the Mlntater A bearish gÜXHTimîmt crop report Baldwin I»comotl»e .144 04 12 „ to have been justified aa there ha* been Gen Amn. Tank Car. Wilson Co...... 7-4 WPjH|r JSSvJL,W< 19 mors demetiff End better prlce* lately. non-Insured population, ymi get some Underwood. Time 1.48 2-5. of Public Works at his office in the City was expected, but ther^ was a dis­ -THT WoofwofTRT’T'o. ”TTtrr TltTinT trw T of Ottawa, for approval of the said site* Worthington Pump...... 27 Ground Barley .. «2 44 3 Idea of the importance of preventive and plans and for leave to construct the position to buy on the theory that N Y Air Brake 42 . . 41 49 2 PLENTIFUL SUPPLY OF MONEY d Steel Car...... «1 Columbia Gas ...... 44-4 44-1 49-1 work. said Ferry Landing». the decline had gone far enough, Total sales. 417.2#4. Crushed Oats . 46 44 2 "That the market la In good technical Pullman Co. . 134*5 . . 44 •* 2 Estimating the value of -preven­ Country offerings were somewh xt Hallway Bteel Bprlnga^lll-4 Whole Corn ... ahape for an upward ewlrg in price* la W. XH. SUTHERLAND .ighter. but the market had to absorb Straw ...... 22 4* I unquestioned provided anything like a tion In money, the direct loss In Eng­ APPLICATIONS Minister of Public Works. Alfalfa tla> 94 0* 1 land and Wales from sickness and tjulte a lit»le hedging saies. American Steel Fdy. - 35-4 «1 0« 2 substantial demand for stock* develop* Bethlehem Bteel 43-7 Feed Corn Meal In the next few month». The floating disability amounts tu £ 150.000.000 Wilt he accepted for the position of Province of British Columbia. General Northwest conditions were . it has been mid that **a man may Alfalfa Meal . «« 04 2 Crucible Steel ...... 64 I love his houae and yet not ride on the supply of our prominent issue» I» In year, and in the United States the Librarian of the Victoria Puftitc_ Library favorable except in Canada, where Gulf States Steel 74 u§> to September i—State qualifications, • - *1 I " II-Ha msinay v r.wown n a Irvtlot ofuf hullhouil lM. strong hand* and It t* aafe _to ggy that annual—nsii-----H—put—down—«4- -eport* do rot indicate any particul ir Reyloale Steel - ÎtII I ind still -not wlah to Hrrln xtt of them weak^speculative holding* are now at a' training. cxi>erlen«-e and salary expected. Republic 1 A S .47-4 îhange for the better with Mack rust it • himself. Want ad* FIND TENANTS. minimum Money la In plentiful supply £ 6'HI.OOO.OOO Address Secretary. Library Board, 1916 scare still to the fore. Sloee-SheffleM Steel • 47-4 owing to low rates In other market*, The medical practitioner of the Stanley Avenue, Victoria. B.C. UTILIZE TIMES WANT ADS In the event of any decline in the Wholesale Market and the reduced amount now required future must frequently examine •nornlng as a result of government |.» carry on general business In it* people while they are apparently ;rop report we 1 relieve purchases of present glow state That unemployed money finds its way Into the higher well In order to detect any Incipient wheat will prove profitable for the TO-DAY’S EXCHANGE WINNIPEG GRAIN Egg* Freeh extn»*. ceee lots, nnxen .... grade of stock* after the more desir­ departure from the normal and to ong pull. Freeh first*. e bearish, but toward today's close Cxeclio-Slovakia Demand 2.S6. Cash Price* Drv ealt back, lb...... • umtinient shifted to the constructive Hama- No 1. lb...... predicted to-day upon his return their universities, the General had Jngo-Slavla 1.23*». Wheat—I Nor.. 144%; 2 Nor . 142%; Cooked, lb from Kurope. earned his laurels in the wilds of side of values. Wheat was strong all Nor 144»*; No 4. 1*2% No 5. 121% Boneless lb. " ...... lay. contrasting strongly with the Austria—.0614 A6. n « 111%. feed. »»% . track. lli% Hpeaking of trade conditions In the Africa and on the battlefield*. Rumania—.46%. Plcnl<*. lb. nlted States. Mr. Grace said ; "I am Markets of the past few days, when «>!!!-.’ C W 53%. 3 v W 61 \ extra Rolled Shoulder. Ih ...... Argentine- -33.26. feed. 61%; t feed. 4». rejected. 14%. optimistic bout the outlook and ex­ MESSAGE FROM PRINCE a heat lost ground and corn neld Vegetables. » track. 63%. Beet*, new. per *a»’k > ...... 3 2» pect to see business forge ahead In This afternoon's government report Hraxll —10.05. Barley S C W . 95%: 4 C.W 81%; re­ The presidential address was pre­ Toklo- 41%. ^ Cabbage, per Ih 04 to 65 the Fall. Steel bookings. I under­ ceded hv the reading of a cable from naturally will be the .principal factor jected. «7% feed. 77. track. 89 Carrot*, new, per *ack — BONDS — »t to-morrow'*: opening. Montreal—$9%. Flax—l X W.C.. 225. :• I' W *21;- 3 Cauliflower i*rer«e>. do* t 64 to 1.44 stand. are picking up. and that l* a the Prince of Wales, and a formal «'all money steady; high 2; low 2; C.W and re^ected^J34. track. '** Cucumber*, hot hour», don ...... 44 good Ivarometer of business." welcome to the members of the asso­ Maturing at an early date should be eachanged at once to others (’lost Rya 4SS Open ruling rate 2; closing bid 2; offered Green Pea*, per lb. ciation by Bir Robert Falconer, presi­ 127% 129% 127% 1-29% Head lettuce, local, crate of longer term. You will make money by such an exchange. 133 166% 111% m% at 2%: last loan 2; call loans against Onions, green, doeen ...... dent of the University of Toronto Consult u« for particulars. There Is no obligation on your part. 11<% 196% 164% 138% acceptances 1 V onion*. Wall* Walla, sack in which he referred to the bends ol If you advise ue of your holdings we will tell you whet you can do. Time loan* enwy; mixed collateral Rhubarb, local ...... kinship which united the British and 113% 116% 11 i 60-90 days 2% ft 2%; 4-6 montha VICTORIA STOCKS Potatoes, new. Back ...... LEADERS OF FASCISTI * PHONE OR CALL 142% 143% 140% Turnip*, sack ...... American people In the cause - 143% 194% m% 3 fi 3%. Tomatoes, hm house. No. 1 . . humanity *n and November 144.8V Atlantic Huger Silversmith ,...... * .. carrying with him delightful mem­ >*f*?^JIuii *1ind December 144.35 141 33 Howard Smith Standard Silver Lead . declaring that no difference existed* ories of his two record-breaking day* $10,000 OAK BAY, 67. due 1!U3. Price 10Ü.93: To Quebec Railway Sunlorh Mines ..<... . .24 between the Fascist I and the soldiers at the Cambridge stadium and his ;»31 let AP#1 *»d Octets - i«o 75 leiNI Hhawlnigen Surf Inlet Gold ...... BAIL OF $1,000,000 yield 5.50% 1 . M7 let Mar. h and Sept 142.36 143.36 because the flower of the army hud subsequent triumph In the 200 lr.otfee Spanish River Pulp Terminus ...... met together under the Fascist en­ $9 000 WEST VANCOUVBB 5% du* 1930. Price 94.91. .Payable New Da., pref. L A L. Glacier...... * FOR MOHAMMEDAN in France. Schols may compete In \ irlwry Loan Steel of <*»" One— sign. the A.A U. races later in the Summei 124 let Ms r and November 49 10 149 14 Boundary Bay Oil ..... To yield 5.70% »27 let May and November I4L3> lei.il Another resolution affirms the ne­ If he does It xvlll be his swan song. NEW YORK COTTON Empire Oil ...... ■*»" IN CITY OF DETROIT 182 1st May and November 142.5* 141.54 knertan «HI , .. cessity ng the Fas You can never tell what Jote Ray $12,000 WEST VANCOUVER, 5%% due 1940. Price 1*1 lav May and Nbvember 192.34 143.44 gime and realising the more essential (By BA. Bond Vorp. Uratted) Sweet gras* ...... Detroit. Mich.Au*. 7 —Ball of will do. The Chicago mtler Is through Vr**7*th"AT*rlT"/td October 99.35 194 15 97.95. To yield 5.70% 1 Open High Is* Clee* Utility oil ...... v. $1,000.000. said to he the highest Imnd parts of the Fascist programme by anUnited • hoirt blL* 3% per rept. : three rhontUe taimed granulated. 6.444,< la 6 66. mover in the slaying. •Gla. 9 19-14 per c*aC i£t ...... $%

108 44 14* - » 19» 94 VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY. AUGUST 7, 1924 TELEPHONE YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS. TO 1090 TIMES—WE WILL DO THE REST BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued) (Copyright 112*. By H. C. Fisher. Yes, Count Clutts is Very Much Like Augustus Mutt Trade Mark R-g. In Canada) SCAVENGING MUTT AND JEFF iriCTOMlA SCAVENGING CO.. 1SS4 v Government Street Pkei e 4*2. II TAXIDERMIST TOW. taxidermie i and fur TwZll, e ju$r met' He'S A LOT Like You. P. ew. wer. 1617 HI.n.herd, phene S484 [Yes.' uuRat l Him Down THe- You DON'T . tase-**-if> Mutt, 'fou rsmeiwB£R WHAT kind IN FACT, MÉ6TING HIM] 'res'. He hadn't WELL, 50 LONG, iSATl WCLL, COUNT CV.UTTX-ThC ABOUT STRE6T! He known we Five TYPEWRITERS jerel it has introduced OF A reminded me OP TA TA, f we uve* g to MceT HIM? V vucll".___ Minutes xaiHen mrPKWRlTErtb—New and aecend-haadi iMbeen BcpM X GUY <* y the first time count HiMSeuFl-He 1 repaire, rental»- ribbon» for eU ma­ IN HAMBURG BuT , H=?y He TovjcHeD chine*. United Typewriter Ce. Limited, kNCuU MC FROM y E MET You*. Tea Fort Street, Vtrtorla. Phene I7M. li JoY tb Me e r I For A DIDN'T i j— Hav pict use v: You'. l F we SPOT." ) WINDOW CLEANING WINDOW AND CLEANING CO. Pioneer Firm W. H. HUGHES %H-T2.r.y. uU PROFESSIONAL CARDS BA.1RISTERS

fXs DUNLOP A FOOT Barristers, Solicitera, Netarlea.1 Members of NOVA SCOTIA. ALBERTA and B.C. Phone *1» \ «1$-* Forward Bldg. Vietnrla. BtL CHIROPRACTORS Nervous Disorder» Chronic Alimenta 11. H 1.1VRET. D.C . SpC. Chiropractic Specialist Graduate of 'he «"anadlan ChlropractM >12-2 Pcmherl->n Building. Phone *>$1 SPECIALIZES IN CHRONIC AILMENTS Let him explain how aad why he can help Coneultatlon and . Spinal Analywle Free Hour* Sforrlnge Tfl-12. Aft-rnoona 2-6, Kver.lwga. Wedneeday 7-x.______Li Z A UkL'rtl Ü WIGHT — ConeuUetlea EL free. Phene 14** er 444*Y. ill Pamharion Bldg. tf-6> L ky M C rutwrv DENTierc

______L- JpRASRR. DR. w. F., *41-2 Stebart- Pease Block. Phene 4144. Office. • S» TIMES SUBURBAN SHOPPING L • nm it-41 ROOM AND C3AHD AUTOMOBILES TOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS BASKET HâiUTE. Deitlat. Office. Ne. HEL0 WANTED—MALE AUTOMOBILE 4Î Pemberton Ri-lg Phone 7167. 41 2E______*663.16.61 HELP WANTED—FEMALE OVERLAND TOURING. Cut t# ■ • ■ * Ing. one of the beet. ~RY a Turkish bath. Violet Ray and Rem. Article» for Sale. Loot or f M") ,*'3 MTAR Touring, run» like a 11ARKEK. 276 2 Cedar Hill Ro*d. Spe- ISc per word per Insertion. Con KURD TOURINO. Cut to û. . . i ANGES BOUGHT- < 'ash 1 rial work lUmta from *4 up. Full 1 TiO Yates Street. other modern treatments. Madam on application 'OMAN, to cook; other help kept; must y-T -1*1* FOR*» Touring, shock ab- NEW BEVERLEY BUILDING line «if can's* ah«.e*. Phone 013. Unne. ■ 747 », No advertisement for lee* FORD TOURING. Cut to ...... 724 Yates Street r sleep In; referem ee. B®k,Timers. •'•A sur hers. etc. new tine. ' K I Minimum number of sor1». Ie KoRl » ROADSTER Cut to 1 and Mount Yblmte Ave. Phone Oer VOÜ WILL HE SURPRISED when you In computing the number of w»rd* ,n *, ÇHK' ROI.ET TOURING. Cut to 1 aee our nice, clean, home-ilk* apart- HILLSIDE QUADRA MATERNITY HOME And Many Others on Easy MAFTRHF MOTOR CO LIMITED don Head 241- adv et i teement. estimate groups of three or PECIAL CLASSES for Fupplementarr - — — —n— phone 3. ' end single rooms. All arranged for light lHl figures as <>nq word Dollar marke and T24 Johnson CARTIERStreet BROS. >15 Yatea Ft., Cor of Quadra St EaV HLKUrr^TuKSlNU mÛme."'tîm S Examinations for High Fchool. McGill LX»r SALE Monarch tange and IIOI'SKRKKPINO. Unlimited hat water ell abbreviations count as on# word ■ stove'iu match. good condition. F Klexaior every day. Gas. electric light, DRUG STORE Advertiser» w ho »o desire mar have re­ and He Matriculation etartlng July SI. SOME SNAPS B Cook. Mm E. Johnson. C M B . phone Fpeclal Commercial and Secretarial Courses USED CARS eieam heel Several private bathe Build­ plie» addressed to a box at The Time* ing * «tories, large room*, light and alrv YTILL8IDB PH A RM ACT—Quality sia- slso. Telephone 2* for psrlleulers Hprott- eaeellent 1SÎÎ OLDS MO BILE FOUR, repainted "had fine quality, fic* and forwarded to their private an drew. 1S22 CHEVROLET Touring ear. overhauled. Juet like new ...... **»• BN BBT. real cigar. me. f Several occupied now. Select your WIN­ 11 tlonery at reduced price». Phone A charge of 10c la made for this servies, Shaw School. James II Beatty, manager rendition ...... ;...... McLAUGHLIN FOUR a splendid buy in good enough for anybodyy. very mild. TER APARTMENTS now for September PHYSICIANS f Bum Notices. II #* per Insertion Mar­ l»-4 DODGE Touring ...... a email ear ...... I4S» delivery This la a nice, quiet, etrictly ^tT^DA vYr) AÎNÛCS- Woméa e dmerderB* riage. < ard of Thanks and In Memorlem SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE 1>1* FORD Touring ...... QRAT-DORT SPECIAL in splendid con- ; first-vlase place to live Managed by MEAT MARKET |1 64 per Insertion Death and Funeral MODEL «•* l iVKRLAND Ivganberrlrw fur wine J AS. A GRIFFITH D specialty; 26 year»' experience. Suite Notices. II 54 for one Insertion. IM* for FORD Sedan, good as new Phone l»»Ht «4». Pantagee Bldg . Third and University jXXPBl DODGE Touring, a good buy at two insertion*. ______is Others—Term» ABY 1 livery to all parte of city. Phoae 2264. rr. tsnltnrrwants position at once FURNISHED SUITES reference* Box 924. Time» TAIT A Mc R A R EVE BROTHERS Street, corner of Foi Phone 4*1SR2. TIMES TUITION CARDS Phone llll MS Tatee Street Distributers Paige and /COMPLETELY furnished two-room OAK BAY Births, Marriages, Deaths SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE 1 > .MtrtKLS. hand-ms EDUCATION \L X * |H eultee. ad ali* Dane» Court. Tate* [Street 1471-tf GARAGE sour own large «.n** Barrels repaired PECIAL CLASSES for Supplementary OVsBWORK wanted, all day 2Ac hour, I TTLMBOLDT APARTMENTS—Two and fXAa It lor ueed Kurds, starter moae«a BORN Wilkinson, cooper. 241 Gorge Road. Examination* for High School. McGill half dav# 3«r. Bog ?44. Tknpw^ AUGUST FALK OF USED CARS O three-room aultee to rent. Phone 143» V/ The Mechenical Meter Werke Llm- S Kathleen USED Market Phone *>S2R and B.C Matriculation starting July 11. HUMPHREYS FTUDKHAKER Ited. 241* Oak Bax Ave. la :«»r Balden SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS 1594-tf Special Commercial and Secretarial Courses EXPERIENCED colored girl want* work aleo. Telephone 2* for particulars Sprett- Humphre 19» 1 1 « A D1 l.l.v ■ five - t»ae*eng*r Touring -4 b> hour. 47*91- J465 Blanwhard Smell Cash Payment Easy Terms HK ENZ1ES APARTMENTS—Partly fur­ Shaw School. James H Beat tv. manager. • In r*al goo . shape for 126* nished. fireplace, either etov* or was BUSINESS DIRECT0BY A REAL GOOD VRLIE CAR. only run a M HORTHAND Svhoot Ull Govt. Com­ •n August «. a(, Ihe famllv resi- No Term Charge few thousand mil»» >2Se Guarantee ANOE for aale. in aplendld condition, mercial subjects. Successful grsduate» • . 2211 Quadra Street there passed 1#:4 STUDERAKKR Extra Special Light Ssur recommendation. Tel. *14. E. A. Mac­ Mrs Nlu* H>rd. beloved wife of AGENTS WANTED almoat new. Phone eere. a CHEVROLET TOURING . l ion only at a great reduciloo. Come In .X)R SALE—Grey collapalble baby buggy. gn*. James Bar, reduced rent •!) e of Brockvllle. Ontario. an7t chair, f'hone .IStiSR "_____ on-tt VICTORIA LAND DISTRICT ver. Herbert Clark* of Seattle, SITUATIONS VACANT FORD TOURING! 1»2t SUMMER RESORTS La n3 District, h She wa* a member of Victoria OVERLAND FOUR Chemainue i the Ideal soft drink flavor OVERLAND Her No 17 Eastern Star A>.K - Exckxaas. U6n>ry, ..W gg —Ren reft eshioa. satisfying.., LeaUUfa Ttfc Hearanh* eele «»4 ett eaaia, Pl'RS'làÀIlT cottage!" wl1th boat, for phone 17*7, The.remain» are reposing at III* T» 11.25» cloth and silk dreeeee. akin», sweet­ itfulh teat. . —HR at— home.------... - PORD SEDAN—This clewed car he* had » August |*S. J. L. son Funeral Home. 16.". Quadra Ft rest enormous demand, promise to anllclt ens. knitted eulle. aleo flannel suit» and Take notice that the Empire Lumbar » th* very heat of care, la mechanical!#" dreasee. Tour credit le good If Inconveni­ Shawnlgan Lake. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOR# Company our territory and s?.,nd •• $.v>o ned 721 Tatee Street______l< ,M RMHIRtt mltagea for rent ; elae NYTHING II building or repairs tered under tha law* of the Province of when the semaine will t-e laid to r*»t in money hand over fi*t ihla Summer —------■_ . ------—z—______"m l « room and board, lovely beach. »n«i ^phone !•>*. Roofing a specialty. T^ British Columbia, with head office with­ P.EVERCOMB MOTORS LIMITED OOOERS cruleerr and sportemen » be|h|n|. Apply Mr# Simpson. Otter Bs A Royal Oak.Burial Park. Rex K M «'.-ok g experience or capital uonereaaarv I clothing tents, pack sacks, blankets, in the Province at 706 B.C. Permanent e>-Garretsen. Brantford. Ont J -l.tWIi.. I.nta Mark aaaka klaakala ..Pender ■ - -leland. - —BC — Ixian Building. Victoria. BC.. Lumber of Chematnua will conduct the service Ford Dealer» etc. F. Jeune A Bros Limited. 674 John- OUSES built, reimlrlns. any six» Job. eoo Bt»e«-t It Pa> meats arranged Green Lumber Company. Intends to apply for permis­ «Winnipeg and Re«*l»fok# paper» pleas# Phone 37» H sion to lease the following described >21 Tatee Street Call and Have a Demonstration alleable and steel ranoef. UNFURNISHED MOUSES Compati). Phone 5»>7. . tf-6> LOST A.«D FOUND land; Commencing al a post planted on M >7 per week. Phojie <•». 1434 high water mark of Osborne Bay. at the Douglas Street. CARPET CLEANING OFT—A mink neckpiece, on Douais» or.I JIOR RENT—1 » e-storey house. *16.H . Intersection of the south boundary of FUNERAL DIRECTORS i Yates Streets Phone 3M3R. 34Q-1-H t BEOQ MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED eliable mamas net# of xictori# and I per month. Tatee Street, near Cook ; . f ,Lot 104. Chemalnus Olatrlct; thence east R Vancouver leland homes, business men. Thee Pllmley Limited. 34jg-tf SLAND Window 5&h?*Kl H along the south boundary of said Lot OFT—Two flxe-dollar bills in enx elope : •IT View Street Phone# 2451-245) aula owners, etc.; also complete liste of I Co,. >17Ham.-ton Fort a£ïï; metlmd. si ' 104. nine hundred and sixteen (616) I l7j« Pembroke Street and professional men. retailers, wholesaler# NFURNISHED. 4-room, modern houae. Hsmi.ton-ae.ch metaou. »> fee$; thence south twenty-two degress ‘ P.R Wharf Pleaee return to above and manufsvturers throughout Canada 3S46 Carroll Street, with uee of gar­ and twenty-six minutes east (S.22-16* AMDS FUNERAL CO address Phone <2S6R. *646-*-** Postage refunded on undelivered mall mat­ U 1>.'3 ROADSTER, complete with a*.f- age adjoining, rent $26. Apply *044 Al- CEMENT WORK E ) one hundred and forty-two and OFT—Yeeterda*. on Government. John­ ter. Newton Advertising Agency teeteb- bany Road, or phone 2246R.______o-tf Office and Chapel starter Haeelet shock atwerher* four Itehed !•••). Suita 24. Winch Bldg Phone eight-tenths 1142.6) feet more or lee» to son nr Ikvuglaa Streets Cord tir-* and manv other extras run* JUST THESE THREE I.EFT AT OUR IS16. ______dtf.M f|) BUTCHER—Cement floors and drain­ the northeast corner of Lot 107. Che- 1*12 Quadra Street phone «TS11 and look* exactly like new. Come and SACRIFICE PRICES FURNISHED HOUSES ing. Phone 72411- mainus District, thence west along the 12*-3 *►• |thi* car. Aak for a SI O* GENTLEMEN S DISCARDED CLOTHING north boundary of aaid Lot 107. nine Call» Promptly Attended #o Day or Night OFT—Black and while epaplel demonst ration. Price...... CADILLAC Fight In fine shape and de­ BOUGHT hundred and ninety (090) feet more or Best Prices Paid—We Call .IOR SALE Small furnished houe-* and DRESSMAKING Phone»: Office 33M. R*e. «**> J I'lesae phone » ll verlna exceptional power . . *7 4* __ I leaa lo the northwest corner of said Lot I NATIONAL MOTOR COMPANY HUDSON 8ui«er-8l*. 7-paejKBger The SHAW A CO 2 good lots at Patricia Ba YFT About jfulV 15 or 20 In Victoria I it ESSES end aklrte made to order 167; thence meandering along high water biggest bargain In town jp® . *6 Phone 441 ______716 Fort Street itaynen! Jr.. «27 Pandora Ate mark of Osborne Bay In a northerly Ford Dealers The f L trinity, a pocket wallet contalnln* ORA» - DORT Touring, undergoing over­ 2077-3-24 D direction one hundred and thirty-two B.C. FUNERAL CO., LTD. wo bank book*, a cheque and a not*. *H haul ...... 1376 Tatee Street >31 Yates Street TIMBER -KUl BAT waterfront. *-r«om. fur- (132) feet more or les* to point of com­ earing name Joseph San-Vrenn Reward, mencement and containing two and iHaiwardei. Eat. 1MÎ ortimtinlcate with E J. Righ> 2421 Fern- A W. CARTER A I nlalahed cottage, modern. Phone 734* DYEING AND CLEANING eighty-eight hundredths (2.8S) acres , 1*4 Broughton Street «16 Courtney Ft. Telephone *4* lluilaon Super-Fix and Eae*x Motor Care ! Rim IMF complete, plero. garage, ever) more or les*. Celle Attended to at All Hours j*) ^no'snlenr* to reeponelble part' $25 1TY DYE WORK#—Geo. Me Caen, pro Dated at Vlctofl». B.C., this 25th day Jy NIT—In Jams* Ha' district, fox terrier L Dltfc.ol.su and malllna circulars t# 7*0R SALE—l.eto.ese F B.M.' crown oriel or. »44 Fort Phone 76 6 of June. 1924. Moderate Chargee. l^idy Attendant iHiut 7 months old. ahite with per month Phone 724S or 6Î47L1 llalf^ car o w r.er*. >V# bate name» and ad- 1/ granted timber, on main road, fifteen acre. »*î-*-*T EMPIRE LUMBER COMPANY. ^mhelming for Shipment a Specialty black spot* Reward Box >4*1 Times. \dreasee ef Victoria and \ ancouver Island mire* from Victoria, at II 40 per M. Clarence C. Yount. AgenL auto owners. Newton Advertising Agency. Alfred Carmichael A Co. Limited. *24 ENGR^VEr.2 Phone» 22*5. 221* 2227. 1773R USED CARS OF MERIT .TOUND— Auto rue Can have earn* by Suite 24 Winch Rida, phone 1>l> dtf-l* Fort Street. HOUSES FOR SALE X EN ERA L ENG HA V EK. Stencil Cutter THE BANKRUPTCY ACT pro'Ing ownership and net In* for this RIVING leseone by the hour by ex I l)2* FORD SEDAN ...... T and Seal Engraver Oe.v Crewther. Apply Parfit! Bros. Memorial^ 14a ^77.1 pfrlenced driver. Phone 4224R1 OUB TASK D ZXWNER leaving Fdan. selling flvf-room Green Block. AÎI4 Broad St., opp. Colonist In the Estate of T. N. Hlbban 6r. and mi overland reer ™ - liou*e_»4ie«p located widest pert Pan- It la nur task to eer*e our patron» In a $425 Y AN. MclNTOSH. HIBBERSON. BlaAIK T. N. Hlbban Jr., Trading as Hlbban SAXON Roadster, cheap, would make dora Phone 4321T *39-.'-32 A Son, Authorized Assignors. manner that beapeaka a fitting tribute to. MISCELLANEOUS 1919 OVERLAND TF ... 1>HOTU ENGRAVING— Mai*-tou* aau their dead, carrying out all detail» of the \ a c la way hu* Funaet Auto Paint Timber cruisers, valuator» and consulting | . K TOU uo NO~ #KK wbait you sre , ...... $275 juet what you are looking far and o« glad FURNITURE MOVERC the City of Victoria. Province of British 21*. ______how bou at school bicycle IS** Quadra Ft phone 4M Night er Day 1919 WILLYS SIX ...... ^T ^FTÎÏ ? lo eel I at a reasonable price. tf-* 4 rake, 7412L2 age Off ne phone 1647. night 2641 !.. McCALL BROS. will pray on the beach at !lam*terl*v 1423 PACK AR^ '*•“ ...... l1 lure land In Faskalyhewan going official Receiver. Victoria, has appoint­ T Box’s ”Da> ton"' Bicycle. 24 in 'frame SIX*» 2*24L. ______*'* ed us to he Custodian of the estate of iFermerly of -Calgary. Alta. > Lakeeld* at 3 p.m on Fundav A enappv $1700 heap or rxjrhwng- f fdr eufmnoblle or HOUSES BUILT ON INSTALMENT PLAN dance orchestra which haa been much en- THOF fl.lMLKT LIMITED Dent* \ let or" Bicycle. 22 In. frame some property In Victoria. Apply *ftrr « ODERN home» for sale, easy terme the I>ebtora until Ihe creditors, at their •The Floral Funeral Home of the West tnve«1 h> patron» will play Wednesday and ■ „• Hnck wt 3223 Harriet Rna«1 »«.f.-3-35 M I>. H. Balk.- contractor. Fort and FURRIERS first meeting shall elect * trustee to We are winning Ihe tonfldeme of thi Saturday evening* #1* to II 34 Six of Dent* Mae** ' Bl<>. I-. 24 I* fram- Siedatona Phone 1141. tf administer the estate of the debtor people ef Victoria and vicinity through our our bathing boxe* have electric light. We Broughton St. Phone *>7 Victoria. BC 111 NOTICE 18 FURTHER GIVEN that methods of conducting our business. take moonlight runs In our speedboat :Sc Girl * "perfect'" Bicycle. 24 in. frame $7.4 04 TO LET—MISCELLANEOUS TMJSTBM. FRED- Highest price /or ra# Lady a "Indian Bicycle. 23 In. frame the first meeting ‘of creditors In the each around the l-ak* FOR SALE-LOTS : h shove estate will be held at tha Court Office e»d Chapel. Cor. Vancouver and ...... 123 0» rpo RENT—Well-appointed hall. *utt- I16*1. aws ^tpels. knives, actesore put In mm ‘CADILLAC. S-paewenger electric Vady s ' Victor ' Bicycle. 22 In. frame *1>,64 I alii# for church or lodge, centrally lo- House. Victoria. B.C.. on Monday, the Johnson Sta Phone II*. light» and «tarte- *164 1»;» B-iIck OTS for eale on Quadra, coat *1.644, 11th day of August. 1924. at 16 36 o clock S aba \ ated. Phone .'6*9 or 419Y. 3041-24-54 will take *644 ce eh for one week. Ap­ stone Avenu*- 6.pa*eenger 1*5* Cadillac Sedan. 7- We Have Many More All In Oco<| Order- L GENTS FURNISHINGS tn the forenoon. paweenger >*5*: l^ro Sedan. <-omt |i *04. Guaranteed • A few nlghte In email A.O.6. ply to owner. )4# Port Street *419-24-61 To entitle you to vole thereat, nroof MONUMENTAL WORKS Established 1>4* our price 1764. onlv run 14.4»4 mile* also large and small halle for ORDON ELLIS LIMITED-Mena fur­ of your claim must l»e lodged with ue USED PARTS for Cadillac "I." Stud-baker PLIMLBT A RITCHIE LIMITED POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK G nish Inga and sport» wear. "Latae* before the meeting la held •'Advertising Is to buelne Bl* Fix. Grav-Dort. Overland 71. *1. *6 and Hast 1 IIH I^eugla* Street 63 Proxies to be used at the meeting must tewarts monumental works as eteam Is t<> mach^sery ahd *4. rw.de-, Chevrolet. Brlecoe. Paige «II Mew Street Phone 1701 Faxon l> and 24. Bulck. Commerce and FURNISHED ROOMS EFT price# paid for poultry. Feavlew be h'dged with u* prior thereto. , __ S LIMITED. Office and yard, corner w Poultry Farm. 422 Dalla» Roa«l. Phone ANP KVRTHKR TAKR NOTK'R Mar and Eberts Street», near Cemetery WHO PAYS Met well truck*. '•‘W'here the Other Fellows Deal" OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING 0 that If you have any claim agslnat th# phone 4611. ______PACIFIC AUTO WRECKING CO. LTD. . 30*0-tf LHI HOTE' ROOMS—\ lo.ieekeepin* ,« . AUX ERTIFINO? ------Aak for Mr Junkie*'» end hedrenm* >1* Yaf« vaST IRON, oraae. steal and aluminum debtor for which you are entitled to I »41 Vleef Street Phone 1314 MONEY TO LOAN rank proof of such claim must he filed PERSONAL » with us within thirty days from the COMING EVENTS placed date of this notice, for. from and after QUALITY USED CARS GREEMENTS end mortgagee pur­ ELECTRIC and oay-acat>lane wciufng. will not he reiponalble for the time fixed by eub-sectlon I «‘f section .mnetent NOTICE chased. Money to lean on Improved J ehlp repair», boilermaker», blacksmith T'klOOdNISM—‘Time. tide and mall t$ia_poRD SEDAN. Fleher body and » contracted In mv .name Aproperty. Dunlop A Foot, barrister». 11rJ 17 of the said Act. we ahall distribute work, braee and Iron cast Inga. etc. Vic­ the proceeds of the debtors eat Ate hav­ 1" i raina wait n«»t fr.r man or steno­ * extras In dandy shepe TO OUB bayward Bldg.______tf-*« toria Machinery Depot Cai Lid. Phone 6 74. grapher/* Dtggon'e. primera, station-re I |500—STUDEBAKER SPECIAL ROAD- >16 Market Street. >11-1-33 ing regard only to "the claims of which and engraver». 1*16 Government street. 1 FTER. lust overhauled and painted, SUBSCRIBER» we have then notice. Cerda—Blrthdax. Wedding. «iraduatkm. j *761- MrLAUGHLIN. 7-paeeenger. In flret- manufacture Regal Dry Ulngai TIMES SUBURBAN Dated at Vancouver. B.C., this 30th Bympethy—Carda for every occasion. * 1 « lee* whape None better. Fold at all vendor* day of July. A.D. 1924 ilgei*—CHEVROLET «»» TOURING.. Limited. p>one JIÎ PATENT ATTORNEYS II is the deesre os SHOPPING BASKET THE CANADIAN CREDIT MEN’S ILITART five hundred to-nlghl. I2*e >644-DODGE TOURING. Y. BOYDEN. M.I.U.E. registered TRUST ASSOCIATION LIMITED M The Victoria Dal'.y Timas . patent attorney. 41* View 8tr«#t. Custodian. 347>-1-32 E HUMPHRIES' MOTORS LIMITED ■OATS I.H. ESQUIMAU Phone *14 11 222 Pacific Building. Vancouver, B.C. Phone 47» Cor View and X’anceuver Sta to give It» eu beer l be re an JJANCB—Calw6*ela Hall, every Saturday j IT LINDER met orbe» t motorcar repairs, marine OARAGE PLUMBING AND HEATING and Tuesday AUTO SNAPS Armstrong Bros, 1 >4 Kingston Ft Al delivery service. TENDERS—WOOD AND COAL Four-piece jaxx orchestra. oW about tuning up your «erf >4>-3-84 i 192’ FORD BUG. 1164 worth of extras .$326 RACTICALLY new 2> ft dory launch. If your newspaper I» not . Thoburn's for sped résulta E. HASENFRATX—Plumbing, heat COAL fxrxjzt------— ANOTHER BUG. Juet overhauled >116 P 6 li p. Fairbanks-Morae engin* with lire alt kind# 1644 Yatea Tenders will be received up to Wed­ IT’HIST drive. Thursday 'night. at j 11.*4 FORD TOURING, good rubber, lop Baldridge clutch; an Ideal salmon trolling delivered In n reasonable Phow* *74. rea 4617X. nesday noon nest, the 16th Inatant. for » orange Hall. » *• Go^.,Brl,eV ! and starter ...... *376 FEENWOOD boat. In perfect condition. Phene *>*>K OCKING. Jams» Bay plumber. the supply of screened lump coal In Adalwlea 16c. ______3447-2-3- j business McLaughlin 4. a beauty...... «...lis» time after publlcntlen. ANOTHER McLAVOHLIN 1 ...... *4*4 a-a. lull •••MS Toronto• »■ V..- Street.- — ---- euantitlee as may be required at any N Instrument of some Wad le ladfc- VH4LMERS «. muet be eold ...... 1*66 pleaee phone *146 and DAIRY tanka Inatalled. rangea connecte* of the the school Quotation» are peaeable at camp. Wa baeaethe beet FORD LIGHT DELIVERY, owner nesde WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS FARM DAIRY. 1S»7 Gladstone A the money .....*»e another copy will be deelred it tin «mi tlmli on unaereeaed nC*1' Fiddle Shop. Î21 Yert- re. Our dairy produce moderate. We Have e Buyer for Tour r#r Give us » trtal. Prempi Phone We Specialise In Repair Work KF WANTED Furniture. dispatched Immediately. dally. RCAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WOOD tr Naval Brigade Band. * p.mu. Sun- , NEWTON CAPITAL SERVICE GARAGE a k:tj Woollatt ». 1»3> Fort H- GARAGE Tenders will he received also up te 1 ADVERTISING l»62 Fort Street Phene *«4 Phone 616 INVESTMENT' AGE.NCY, the 16th inatant. for day, at Hamsterler Lakeside ,tOR SALK—Home On yarn meat Phene tit. ■it*»* aitiLtOtMSesv.-j>-"- JRsI* TW****» 1 bring It to The Jewel Boa »»♦ Fort A<|vefltiWHIent Wr1l>f» AdveyrTsIng Ford. Fee Rélf* Elect fie CIRCULATION SASH AND DOORS Street, ear. Government Street. . Wore Contractohe Limited .h—. :4aa$H 64>47 Tât K lut DO ht/l hat you are loo. MEAT MARKET guaranteed Cleeatrwr >1. mainsprings. »l MuRIgraph and Mtnteoaraph circular. Let- i Ing for advertlaed here, whv not stiver- * j tere and Poetcardy^ Adefryssing. Mailing ttae your want*? Someone aihongat the DEPARTMENT P DRYSDALE COMPANY •antbd -Cars and trucks for wreck. NERNWOOD MARKET First-riaee Sacretarv. Victoria School Beard. ttoaueanda of readers will most likely have U1UOW» »**<■*—D.i»« ..... w«i. i' c.(« Qv-'M w »«* jeat what you a,e toeing >r add be »r*d perk ItreeL City MAIL >V b.*!», snd Ssturd,,. ,.*• to 11 1* I For.Ur CuMIcrlon. to ae.l at a reasonable price Olflcee Ull I Am. j. Water» phene tied- Phone 1666. Diamond Trie. *441-tf 1 Suite 24. Winch Bldg VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1924 REAL ESTATE HOUSES, LOTSTaCREAGE, DAIRY, FRUIT, and CHICKEN RANCHES FOR SALE REMARKABLY C«*AF RANCH AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE 2UVE ACRES of good land, light Mil. A GEN UNE BARGAIN T>LACBP only In the Best Canadian or 1 very suitable for chicken farm ; new PHOENIX ASSURANT*.. ^.JRUTB -L British Companies. Special attention bungalow, containing two bedroom» kit­ « MINIKIN. EN<»LA> VI Attractive modern bungalow cent chen. living-room, large open fireplace, le given to automobile Insurance In this CHEAP ACREAGE AT FIVE KINK ROOMS office. Call or telephone for rates. pantry, bathroom, wide veranda. z»< ing Consisting of atutng-room. lergafl south ; city water and telephone: large COLWOOD. ITS PER AC % room, fine kitchen, two good h*»1 A. A. MEHAREY chicken house, brooder and Incubator separate bath and toilet. I>ry ba« house Price. Including house furnishings fpilEKE ere about 4\ acres on ^ 1 highway. Heavy timber hna' W , *uh new niycLEes furnace ttMl-9 Hayward ISldg. Phone S3S9 200 chickens, tools, etc., 13.606 Property Love Stakes faces on main road, nine miles out. moved Home of the land I» a nee light brush., making clearing Ka, Agent for 1-onden A Lancashire lna. Co. J. GREENWOOD Houe# la In fleet------«cl- see condition i Limited, General Accident Assurance Ce.. tastefully decorated. Hun Insurance Office of I^indon 1?M Government Street City water within ehert dlMance_ phone and electric light le procura on.

•20 Fort Street Phone 1466 ~~j By MILDRED BARBOUR Numerous stages pe« ttV?e., dally. About als. miles From cento# But 1 11 say this? You’ve given the social separation was on Its. trial at and Situated In centre of'the beet can rest of the world a darned convinc­ the present day In the United States. ing performance!" There, In spite of "all efforts to pro­ 12.60». It was difficult for Natalie to re­ mote good feeling and co-operation AGES* truth about that little Incident at LAND A IX%EHTMEXT BEDTIME STORY She glanced at him apprehensively, press her amazement at Amory* between the"two races, the negro LIMITED MUHGRAYE Financial Agente he didn't like his tone, his-aseur- laet." question remained a continual men­ BWINERTVN Natalie went cold. confession. He had seemed so hard, tilt Be tied Street ance. Shc foresaw trouble. so ruthless always. She could scarce­ ace, an apparently unsoluble prob­ 9 9S Government Street Winch Building 640 Fort 84. Was it too late to save Harriet? "I challengeienge anyanyone ’s right to pre- Had Jeannette Amor y already car­ ly credit him with altruistic Impulses. lem: To cope with this alarming sit­ Uncle Wiggily’s uation Dr. Gregory said three drastic vent me t.«from— „going - where, or as, 4 ried out her threat and told ? “Who told you the truth about that —that night you came home and proposal.! had been put forward. not to together, and were much cooler. But 1 ‘Tie smiled deliberately” into her Trent joined them at that moment,, Lemonade Straws don't any of you try to blow dust before she had an opportunity to put found Barry In >ovr home?" she put disfranchisement of the negro popu­ the question she had been im­ lation. exile or segregation, all of in a bear's eyes, l$nly rabbits are her question. patiently waiting an opportunity to which proposals he proceeded to rule Copyright. 1924, by McClure News allowed to do that. > “The trouble with you I* that They made their way Into the ui LVlIMlil11WI* «• * »• -r- - , And if the piafio doesn't go up In out of court. He suggested that the paper Syndicate. you’re too young and too attractive crowded restaurant, where, at their present tendency for the agricultural | tries by a white papulation. He cited the attic to ride on the old spinning appearance, a number of persons l He shook his head. Î several examples W the control of to realize that you can’t twist every work in the Southern states to pass ! wheel, when It ought to be playing | "That, you will never find out. disease by public health administra­ (By Howard R. Claris) man In the world around your slim Into the hands of South European with the phonograph. I'll tell you next little finger. Were not all chivalrous Truth manifests itself in mysterious tive measures, which made pheaibl* about Uncle Wljfglly and Bunt y e...... ir-a it #»» eu v that it was immigrants might lead to the forma­ for instance, the building of the Pa­ Isn't it hot!" grunted Mrs. Twisty- Barry's, vou know. If you marry me tion of a hybrid reee UhN, to which tail. the lady pig. as she slumped no. when you marry me." he cor­ nama Canal The fact that white In course of time some measure of colonies had existed for long periods down in a chair on the shady stoop rected himself, "(for there's no doubt I home rule might be granted. of Uncle Wiggily’s hollow stump bun­ about you doing it in the end! you 11 in some parts of the Tropics, foY galow one day. find that you've found your master. SOUTH AFRICA "It is rather warm." said Nurse 1 know your jyort. You require an Professor Gregory next dealt with Jane Fuzzy Wuzzy. “Still I don t iron will to manage you. And you II the situation In South Africa, where, seem to mind it so much." love nr , he said, the system of segregation "No wonder—you aren’t as fat as 1 •'Will I?" hhe laughed, "I doubt It. was one of the main political Issues am!" laughed Mrs. Twistytall. who But 1 do know- that if you succeeded her breast, and her hands Icy with at the.present time. An overwhelming was jolly enough to joke about how in breaking iny spirit, you’d prornptly fear and foreboding, she made a pre­ majority of the population of Africa big she was. "Oh, but l^m *<> hot:" cease to find me interesting and he­ tence of eating, wa* laughing, was colored and the future of the failure of the adjacent northern ter­ she sighed ur victim. flushed, vivacious, apparently the white colonisth was very uncertain. ritory to support a white population Dr. T. W. Todd. Cleveland. moat carefree of all that chattering, had., he said, an economic rather "How would you like a cool glass You see. 1 k The policy of segregation was in­ carefree gathering. of lemonade"" asked the muskrat pad and cluded in the Nationalist programme than a climatic explanation. ladv housekeeper. Addresses Section of British He flung and it appeared to offer the only plan WHITE AUSTRALIA “It would be lovely!" grunted the laughed. A STARTLING DENOUEMENT Association in Toronto "Natalie, It's a crime really to put by which the European race could In èoncluslon Prof. Gregory «aid: huly pig "Have you any?” find‘ ia permanent home In South "No. but l can make some, said two such perfect products of sophis­ "The policy of co-residence with Toronto. Aug. 7,—A mans bin In tication into the some household. It's Trent's little dinner party had Africa. Nurse Jane. So she squeezed the reached the coffee and cigarette racial integrity has failed to secure juice out of some lemons, put the cannot be judged from the size of his rather cornering the market. More­ TROPICAL COLONIZATION harmonious progress In North head Th» Is tho conclusion of ITof. stage, when a bell boy came to sum­ •nice In a pitcher with some water, over. you surprise me. 1 have always Turning to the question of tropical America and South Africa. The de- T. Wingate Todd, of the Western believed you to Vie as naive and de­ mon him to the long distance phon« the beet qualities of sugar and chunks of ice from the Trent was none too pleased. It even colonization. Dr. Gregory said that velopment of-----— cave of Mr. -Whitewash, the pdar Reserve Medical School. Cleveland, mure as a kitten." these races requires their separate Ohio, who has made a study of cran­ seemed to Natalie as though his care­ in the case of Australia, undoubtedly hear gentleman. "I've been at some pains to give existence as a whole, with opportu­ ial capacity. He reported his re­ less Indolence was stabbed with a t(ie wisest measure would be the "Oh that sounds good!" sighed Mra you that impression," she acknow­ occupation of the entire continent by nities for individual association and Twisty tail. »a Misa Fuzzy Wuzzy searches to the anthropology section ledged. "As a matter of fact. I'm ns momentary apprehension. DECLARED BEST PLAN the European race. Much had been co-operation. In >'-teW of the inter­ stirred the lemonade, the ice mak­ of the British Association here to­ old and wise as Egypt. I’ve been act­ When he had excused himself, mur­ day. and explained that four type* muring something about "infernal written, he said, concerning the un­ racial difficulties that have deve­ ing a cool tinkling sound in the ing a part for your benefit—and for loped wherever the races are inter­ of male white crania have bwn rec- nuisance*," Amory turned to Natalie Problems of White and suitability of tropical climates for p.tcher. «•gnlied upon a basis, "not of cephalic a larger audience as well. Europeans, but it was now Jhe ac­ mingled, Australia will throw away "1 hope It will taste as good as it . He bent toward her. flushing a with a grim smile. Colored Races Discussed a unique opportunity if It falls to Index or thickness, btit of relation of "Couldn't have been better, if 1 my­ cepted medfnrr crphftDfî' that not one sounds." said Nurse Jane And then, little. make a patient effort to secure thq capacity to linear dimensions. ■ self had arranged to have that long By Dr. J. W. Gregory of the supposed unfavorable? factors all of n sudden, she thought of some­ "Unfortunately the only individ­ "You mean-—?" in a tropical climate,1 —heat, hu- whole continent as a home of the thing and exclaimed: "We havea't Natalie was saved » confession by distance call put in. As a matter of tried uals whose cranial capacity can be midlty. monotony in temperature, or white race." any hollow straws to sip our lemon­ Halt'-’ the Bear. their arrival at the hotel where fact, 1 rather believe 1 set the ball completely studied are those social In motion some days ago when 1 British Association Delegates ade through! Oh. 1 must have koitv? ineffectives who have so completely Amory was to meet them. straws’ Uncle Wiggily will get them ears, would you?" laughed V ncle happened to be in the neighlrorhood Are Told About U.S. and Wiggily. Wait a minute'.' With failed in life that they are ultimately Site slipped out of the car and into found In the dissecting rooms.’ 1 Tot. the foyer before Trent could repeat I of Boston. "I'll w ager you Any amount “Why must we haveristraws'"' asked that he Jumped out of his auto. From vou care to name that Boston’s <>» South Africa the road he gathered some fine, TmSa said. "The prtq*>rtlo»v «* rep­ his- question Amory. Who was pager have handed over 'Riley were*recovered from the lake their contract for cutting cedar poles yesterday afternoon, following exten­ on the James timber limit, near Met- sive dragging operations. The re­ satchle I-ake, to Grant Oolbourne. mains have been sent to Duncan Dominion Express agent at Duncan. where an inquest will be held. Mr. Oolbourne hss already shipped several carloads to points In the l nPetl States. Rumors of an improvement In the logging situation are being heard. It BY-ELECTION TO is stated on good authority that t»oth the Jami's Logging Company and the NAVY CUT Charter lagging Company will re­ sume operations as soon as there is PLAYER any appreciable fall of rain. Vacancy in Duncan Council to be Filled August 1*

Duncan. Aug. S.—Miss May Tombe was the fortunate winner of the car CIGARETTES raffled by the Elks on Kiddies’ Day. MOVE TO CLEAR Owing to the resignation of Alder­ man A. S. Hadden, a by-election must LAKE OF SNAGS now be held In Duncan. Nomination Cowichan People Sign Petition A little higher Asking Removal of “Dead Heads’’; Bodies Found

in price, but — (Special to The Times) With regard to the first of these, Lake Cowlchan. Aug. 7.—A peti­ controversy had long raged, many tion asking for the removal of par- what a wonderful authorities holding that the effect of t tally‘submerged logs from the Lake inter-racial breeding was to lower tho is being widely signed here, follow­ physical and mental level, and others ing the sinking of a launch after it asserting the contrary. Apitft from had struck a floating tree Tuesday difference a few scientific opinion in the matter, said and the drowning t»f Mrs. William Dr. Gregory, there still remained a Trott arid John Riley. The petition large mass of prejudice among Teu­ actually was in circulation before Tuesday's fatality but_ ,the accident tonic peoples against sue!) race am­ Mrs. Lauder and Miss Waldon de­ cents make. algamation, especially in the United has served-to stimulate interest in feated Mrs. Share and Miss K. Rob­ States, where Inter-marriage between the movement and focus attention on ert eon. 6-4, 6-0. whites and negroes was almost ill­ the danger of snags in the water. The petition urges that a syste­ Miss Geoghehan and Kingston de­ egal lrt South America, on the other feated Mrs. Wald y and H. T. "Mann, hand, no such prejudices existed, and matic effort Ue made to remove the so-called "deed heads," which are the 6-4. 6-2. only a small proportion of the pop­ -----" •• Delightfully Cod end Sweet Smoking." natural results of logging operations Mann and Lund le defeated Hood ulation was now of pure European on a large scale. From time to time arié Heggte. 6-5. 10-8. descent. The policy of co-residence with


THURSDAY, AUGUST .7 KFI—Earle C. Anthem Lee An. I V/iBH the MUWC WHAT"b THE MO - WALKED getes; 469 M__ COT UbTEN From « 46 to lam —Y M C A. lecture I TOLD TOO THAT ELLA OHANT - V/OOLD NEVEU». t>TOP MATTER.- j over.: ,— KPO—Hale Ores . Radio Station, Sen mac ie Francisco; *SJ Metres and Bon Ton Orchestra. YOU VE COT TO ,___ , ,C, - I WANT YOU TO MEET ID C>E L— been run over From 8 to 9 p m —Amis .dor HirtH From 4.30 tox5 30 p.m.—Rudy Selger * Cocoanut Grove Orchestra Fairmont Hotel Orchestra, broadcast by OANCE AMO I'M MT HU^tbANO - HE DELICHTED From 9 to I» p ni ­ CRAZY TO DANCE • wire telephony. gra mine Jose Aria's M COtNC TO PICK OUT to dance I'M t>ORRT From 7 to 7 36 p.m —Rudy Reiser's Orchestra; Knthervne ------— A PARTNER WITH Hll-v THET EVER Fairmont Hotel Orchestra, broadcast by prano. accompanied by JMSvFOR YOU - I MUST started wire telephony. , Dow From * to 9 p m -T(>rgsn recital by From 10 to 11 p ra — Inst be: Theodore J Irwin, official organist, at gramme the Wurlltser K GW—Morning Oregonian. Ferttandi From » to Id p.m —Musical programme «62 Metres From 10 to 11 p m —JE. Max Bradfleld s At 16 p m —Dance music by Georgs Versatile Band, Playing In Palace Hotel Olsen* Metropolitan Orchestra of Hotel Rose Room Bowl. KHJ—Los Angeles Tintes, Los Angeles; S99 Metres From 6 to « 30 p m - Art Hiokman> Concert Orchestra from the Biltmore H From 6 46 to 7.10 P-m —Children’a pro­ From 8 to ' i« gramme presenting Prof. M . 8-. Hertsog Weekly Melt of Dickie Brandon screen Juvenile Bedtime story.by t ncle John FRIDAY, AVGUST 9* ■ •22»,fteL..wn.r.£S îÆmm Bros* Radie Station, From V O1924 ev INT Fiatum Scnvtcc, Inc renting Ü. Allison ml Schiller, pianist. Great Britain nghte reserved. From 10 to 11 p m Dance orchestra the Biltmore Hotel, .VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1924

troubles him; he is content to wait on opportunity when school days are Don't Go Through over. Few boys up to sixteen have any definite ideas or desires on the Pickard & Town, Successors to subject. Unless their parents ' or Another Winter Without a friends have place* already marked out for them, they tend to follow tiome prescribed couru of study lead- BENEFIT THE EMPIRE jOmHrndt Alberta Scheme to Teach 150 British Leaders Advocate the into the various professions or into Dr. W. J. Humphreys, U.S, CÂLCIftSC; commercial life. Thus the school Weather Bureau Authority, Boys From Britain Starts Training of Boys For Life curriculum very often determines a THE POPULAR YATES STREET STORE boy’s career. In the case, however, Tells of Tests Slowly A hundred and fifty homes in Victoria ate now heated with in Dominions of the many boys who show no power the fuel-saving Caloric furnace. These home owners KNOW «>r liking for any special (Chool sub­ i Toronto. Aug. 7.—Rain making on that the Caloric actually save* one-third to one-half on fuel ject, their future occupation depends I/ondon, Aug. 7 PCanadtyin Press a commercial scale is an unadulter­ t’ahle). The bitter complaints of •7consumption and gives a better, more even heat throughout Views Laid Before British As­ often on. some chance opening. Banks and other offices are full of such ated fake. This is the opinion of many of the British harvesters in the house. Get more Caloric facts from us to-day. sociation Delegates in City W. J. Humphreys, professor of Western Canada last year after the I young men, yet many of these would Clearance of Summer from their character|____ , and physical .meteorological physics at the United- harvest season then- are not, for- j of Toronto qualities he far better suited for the States Weather Bureau. gotten here and even if the stories j Dr. Humphreys, who reported hie of unfavorable conditions In the j Drakeüardware Co., Ltd which more vigorous and freer life on the Toronto...... land overseas. researches to physicists at thv Prairie Provinces were exaggerated, j ail"Douglas Street Phons 11 Is of the., greatest .interest to Cana1 Millinery COMMITTEE INVESTIGATED British Association here, to-day, has as doubtless many were, the stories j dians was presented to-day to the Investigated tjhe more persistently "At the Headmasters' Conference are regarded as likely to have a ‘Educational Science section of the urged schemes for producing rain British Association for the Advance- in December i emphasis was laid somewhat deterrent effect on the j from the point of view of the under­ ment of Science here by a committee on the need for a scheme of settle­ complete carrying out of the scheme j Values to $15.00 consisting of Rev l>v. L ment on the land, and a resolution lying scientific principles they in­ of the Alberta Government to train chairman: C. K. Browne,. secretary: was passed instructing their com­ volve. and they have also been sub­ 150 British youths In the Provincial lh\ Vargas Eyre Sir Richard Gre­ mittee to investigate the possible jected to quantitative experiments in Agricultural School at Vermilion. gory. 1>. H.~ lai er and Sir John* order to try them out practically. with a view to their settling down as. Winterhâsno chdxceiowm ___ The outcome of the study Is the con­ Canadian farmers. In dealing with efforts that can or boys In the oversea clusion that artificial rain is a magar MONEY IS REQUIRED should be made to prepare Imyft and "The bead mawte i zinc-cover myth. girls In Great Britain for careers in in moving the resol' Among the methods speedily de­ Probably a stronger deterrent, how - ! Ifourcnaiisijiymrim the Immlnlons or colonies, the report a healthier, more hu spatched were the production of loud ever, than the "hard luck" stories *aid in part: useful life to be g noises, the use of chemicals, mechan­ sent back home by the British har­ "in recent years the congested wool for the needs ical or forced convection and the vesters from Western Canada last state of the various professions and wind, sunshine and use, of fog-collecting screens. Later, Autumn is the stipulation that each industrial oc< u pa lions in Great Bri- calculating percent* dusting the sky with the idea of pro- of the 150 boys selected for farm life tain ha* contributed a serious prob- trjc light and with a tiding nuclei for the formation of in Alberta under Government aus­ Including the celebrated Caven­ IKIHftc lent alike to parents and educational ,tf central heating, drops of water In unwilling clouds pices shall i>osaess :.bout £ 60 at the dish. Itemhrandt and Grannard authorities. Boys on leaving our doing more than we failed. Spraying liquid air on cloud­ models. All one price to-morrow. secondary schools are finding it more |nR boys to go out banks did not chill them sufficiently This is regarded as a large sum for and more difficult to obtain suitable to cause precipitation. Finally, a lad to get together, hence the emi­ openings in offices <-r works, and thins to familiarise them with the sprinkling the clouds -with electrified gration agencies arc not over - irti-n that to go overseas Is a natural sanguine that there will tie a rush conclusion of public sand with the hope that there might and ' ordinary be some electrical phenomenon of eligible youths under the scheme, school education.' ■' ' iifVolved, did not produce the desired although the boys' passages .will be" OPINIONS INVITED^ Shirts, Exceptional Value, $3.95 "The coinnxitte Invited expressions "None of these ruin-making , , . A Iberia - ;..v < i nm* nt - -• hi mi of opinion from head masters and method* are practicable in the com­ to train : *■" fti u lsh j out he in tin- other authorities who have had ex­ mercial sense of the term," concluded Provincial Agrtrultral School was l'lcsted wool crepe in pleasing variety, pleated stjles in perience of providing school occupa­ Dr. Humphreys. ndVftrated in this country recently by tions for boys and girls from the age The research, however, did have Hout George Hoad ley. Minister of Idaek. cream, grçy and sand ; regular sizes. ■ . -if fifteen upward as to 4 1) the ad­ the result of recovering data valu­ Er- C O . Agriculture of Alberto. vantage of allotting part of the able from the meteorological point of LIMITED hours to a plan of work in J.KINCHAM though the outlook is voea- view. Phone &4-7 which, ANNOUNCE WINNERS 1004- Broad St Pemberton Block ttie training is really eduen- MONTREAL FINANCES Our Mlthod 90 sirrks ro , 12> the practicability of In- OF FOREST ESSAY trbdticlng a scheme Where work on and Sheila Tait, ten, Monterey Ave­ -disarmament conference which would Montreal. After nue School, Oak Bay. . discuss limitation of arms by land the land forth* part of the school all Its bills for administration, for Vancouver, Aug. 7- Prize winners Curriculum, nt least for a section of and sea. It is said. It is explained loans and special expenditure*, the in an essay competition conducted that the President will call the con­ tiie school, or In the absence of any city of Montreal had a balance on by the Forest Branch of the Pro­ facilities for such operations, the férence after the reparations settle­ hand on January 1 of $1,182,875. ac­ vincial l>epartment of i^ands are C00LIDGE TO CALL ment and before the presidential cording to the annual report of the announced to-day. The gold medal elections. Provincial Exhibition City Treasurer The total receipts n( winners were Victoria Hendelt. fif­ DISARMAMENT PARLEY teen. Convent of the Sacred Heart. The result of such a move, it la Vancouver: Eva Firth,» twelve, Washington, Aug. 7. — President said, would greatly strengthen the August 18 to 23 BROAD EDUCATION Kingsway West School, Burnaby ; Coolidge is to call tm'hftéTnat tonal president with the voters. "It apt»ears from the replies- that An office wifi «he opened at J. C. NoftY, 674 Yates Street, for the the attitude of the farmer varies RC-, purpose of talcing entries for the Provincial Exhibition, from Mon­ J.S. KENNEDY cording to the neighborhood. Gen­ day. August 4 to Saturday, August ». Entries close positively erally It seem* to he his wish that QUADRA and NORTH PARK STS. his boys should have a good broad general education...... HE SELLS CONCLUSIONS STATED The conclusions reached by the Our Own Brand committee are as follows: "A demand exists on the Part °f BUTTER the overseas Dominions for boy* of LEADING INFANT ihe right type with an agricultural 3k Idas, if not with training, and coin­ cide* with the home country's need of finding healthy employment , With­ Notice to Breeders of in the Empire for a large number of her sons. "The public schools and other large secondary school* of Great Britain into thv world every, year a considerable number of boy* of the right type who love wide open spaces Livestock and dislike intensely the over­ crowded city life. "There has. been no serious attempt In the majority •<( acMMte t<* r.ieet Mr. Erick Bowman, the discoverer of The Bowman Remedy, tils demand Schools hitherto ha\ e prov ideose, the observation of natural phenomena, the keeping of- records, and adds considerably to the npore- With pride you’ll watch his ■■BÉ Thus the school farm, when properly used, is a growth, noting his steady pro­ valuable means of education and Ap­ peals to boys on whom the older gress, week by week. For Eagle make no Impression. "Experience shows that the school Brand—endorsed by doctors— curriculum1- does have an important Influence in deciding a boy'* career. builds sturdy babies, healthy The school farm would. therefore, bring to ttie notIc. . - — ... babies, happy babies. sibilities of a caieet On the land. H would give them sufficient experience ofw: what „„agriculture____ r.r.ri, means. and so enable them to decide whether they are fitted or not for such a life. We've two books every mother LAND IS AVAILABLE "The extension of the experiment E-2-24 appreciates, one a Baby Record, to other schools is not prevented by luck of land in many cases Fifty the other a Baby Welfare Book. To the acknowledged su­ per cent of the schools have access to suitable land, but only nine per cunt Just send a card for the two of "Development of n school curricu­ premacy of Dominion Royal lum In this practical direction for a them. They are free. Address section of a school needs encourage­ ment because (a) It la educational Cord Tires has been added the in a vmy wide sense, tb) Empire considerations demand It ; (c) Little increased dependability and is being done officially- either by the %t,rfonàH,etx4mdui Board of Education or by thethv maT jorlty of local examination authori­ VANCOUVER mileage of the Web Cord and ties. "There Is need of some organiza­ tion to encourage overseas life, to Sprayed Rubber processes, ex­ link up the seconder* schools with those societies which are able to look otter thv interests of the prospective clusive features at no added emigrants. NOT TECHNICAL "Whatever agricultural training a boy may receive at school, it should l.e clearly emphasized that the train­ ing Is not technical, such *s is given in an* agricultural college, and that it can be In no sense a substitute tor a definite apprenticeship on a farm, whether In Great Britain or in one of the overseas Dominions. Manual training as an education^ Instrument does not appear to r$l- reive the recognition It should In the majority of schools, Uomparatlyely few have facilities for metal work. itnd In the majority even wood work is optional and taken during out-of­ school time, or at most only In the lower forms." DominionTires 2»* MONTREAL BANDITS Dominion Cord Tire ESCAPED WITH $20,000 include»:- are GOOD tires :• Ax.it .«IBrSc-v wntmmfmmmmtm -Royal Cord scouring this city Mfrir wagon and looted a registered mall hag here Tueedav night <*nsh Hmoqntjng to $20.000. consigned to mmm mils) Ottawa hank®, was Included -in the