Côte d’Ivoire: COVID-19 Situation Report – #11 Reporting Period: 30 May to 5 June 2020

Situation Overview and Humanitarian Needs Côte d’Ivoire has now passed the 3000 COVID-19 cases mark. Out of the 3,110 confirmed Situation in Numbers: COVID-19 cases, 64% are male and 36% female, 1530 people (49.2%) have recovered, 1545 cases (49.7%) remain active and 35 people (1.1%) have died. Côte d’Ivoire’s 3,110 confirmed lethality rate (1.1%) is relatively low, especially when compared to the average in West COVID-19 cases Africa (2.2%). and 35 deaths In Côte d’Ivoire, the spread of COVID-19 follows a community transmission pattern with as the epicentre of the outbreak (over 1000 cases in the - Over 6.3M district, followed closely by the - and districts with approx. children affected 900 and 300 cases respectively). by new school • The UNICEF Representative and religious leaders met with the Minister of arrangements Communication to present him with the Faith-in-Action Initiative Roadmap. due to COVID-19 • UNICEF is working together with the Ministry of Education to develop a community mobilisation plan that promotes local initiatives to address the lack of masks and US$ 6.6M in handwashing devices funding required • 1,000 new vulnerable households in Abidjan were identified to receive cash support

to prevent family separation and help children, particularly girls, return to school, bringing the total to 1,600 households, including 1,450 women-headed vulnerable households.

UNICEF’s COVID-19 response Health and Bagoué Regional Directorates of Education are met. UNICEF began its process to train Community Health Workers (CHWs) using the online training platform hosted by UNICEF and the National Institute for Public RCCE/C4D Health. The first step of this process has been On 28 May, the UNICEF Representative and religious completed with the master training (training of trainers) leaders met with the Minister of Communication to in the 24 UNICEF-supported health districts. This will be present him with the Faith-in-Action Initiative Roadmap. followed by the training of health workers who will in turn The Minister gave his full support to the Initiative and train 2,123 CHWs in surveillance, detection of suspect the dissemination of its key messages. The U-Report cases and contact tracing. To enable CHWs to hit the SMS-based coronavirus information centre, available ground running, adequate equipment has been through the 1366 short code, is now being promoted procured to allow them to work safely (masks, hand and its information disseminated through religious sanitizer, soap). networks in the Greater Abidjan area. Regarding contact tracing in Abidjan, UNICEF, WHO UNICEF continued its COVID-19 awareness campaign and IRC supported the distribution of kits to the new 190 with a cumulative total reach of over 297 million hits, out of 400 contact tracing teams to reinforce the including a 4 million reach on traditional media (TV, capacity of their respective health districts. The kits radio and print), 100,000 reach on social provide essential items such as Personal Protective media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) Equipment, hygiene equipment and tools to measure and 15,000 consultations of the U-Report coronavirus temperate, collect data and monitor cases. information centre this week.

WASH UNICEF’s campaign has generated a cumulative total of 840,464 engagements (likes, comments, shares) on UNICEF continued supporting the implementation of UNICEF and U-Report’s social media platforms. To health and safety protocols relative to the reopening of date, a total of 411,245 people engaged in COVID-19 schools. 62 additional hygiene kits for schools were actions. This includes young reporters, young delivered to the School Directorates in the western bloggers, Voix des jeunes, journalists, U-Report regions for the benefit of 2,375 boys and 2,635 girls. communities, religious leaders and people giving their UNICEF’s Korhogo warehouse is being restocked with opinion through U-Report polls. hygiene kits to ensure that the needs of the Tchologo


A U-Report newsletter amplifying U-Report poll Child Protection results on coronavirus was sent out to all Ministries by 35 new children living on the street were supported this the Ministry of Communications and published on the week, bringing the total to 180. Thanks to UNICEF’s Government’s website. intervention, they are now benefitting from temporary accommodation, medical care and training on life skills. Education Family tracing and reunification efforts are ongoing. Students and teachers are back in school across the 1,000 new vulnerable households in Abidjan were country in accordance with the Government’s identified to receive cash support to prevent family plan. Although administrative and pedagogic protocols separation and help children, particularly girls, return to are mostly followed, handwashing devices and masks school, bringing the total to 1,600 households, including meant to be distributed by the Ministry of Health and 1,450 women-headed vulnerable households. Public Hygiene have not reached all schools yet.

UNICEF is working together with the Ministry of Education and school management committees to Social protection develop a community mobilisation plan that promotes The Ministry of Planning and UNDP have released the local initiatives to address the lack of masks and results of a study on the impact of COVID-19 on small handwashing devices and help protect students and businesses, the informal sector and households. teachers. According to the study, 24% of the household heads surveyed said that they were unemployed in April 2020. UNICEF is supporting the Ministry of Education with the In Abidjan, this figure reached 34%. 30% per cent of launch of a national survey on distance education and women in Abidjan said that the curfew had a negative family engagement during school closures. impact on their businesses. 40% of the households surveyed reduced their education expenditures as a Nutrition result of COVID-19 and 18% of the population from the To help respond to COVID-19, UNICEF is supporting poorest quintile have increased their health the nutrition training of approximatively 2,123 expenditures, mainly due to the need to buy masks and Community Health Workers (CHWs) in the northern part hydroalcoholic solutions. of Côte d’Ivoire. This training is part of the larger training The Solidarity Fund transferred 3.469 billion CFA in on the detection, referral and appropriate management cash transfers to 69,396 beneficiaries affected by of COVID-19 cases. COVID-19, mainly in the Greater Abidjan area. UNICEF developed videos for mass media and digital medias on nutrition in the context of COVID-19. These HIV & Adolescents videos notably promote optimal Infant and Young Child Feeding practices. UNICEF is also planning to develop UNICEF produced a COVID-19 awareness video for the more similar content for community radios. This will ‘Miraculous’ channel which reached 2,021 adolescents include ready-to-be-broadcasted radio spots and and young people aged 10 to 24 from four of Abidjan’s programmes featuring expert interviews. health districts. The U-Report coronavirus information centre also In Gagnoa and Divo (central-western region of Côte integrated new messages on nutrition, notably on d’Ivoire), 3,078 adolescents and young people aged 15 breastfeeding and best practices relative to nutrition. to 24 attended an awareness session to prevent social discrimination against people infected by COVID-19 and promote social cohesion.

Adaptations to ongoing UNICEF programmes UNICEF’s implementing partner, CASES organised 800 communication sessions (physical meetings and live chats) on menstrual hygiene for adolescent girls and their parents in four health districts. Thanks to these sessions, CASES reached 1,010 adolescents through WhatsApp. UNICEF published prevention messages on HIV self-testing and HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for at-risk youth. The messages were published on Facebook, where they garnered 5,144 and 2,913 views respectively.


Funding Overview and Partnerships Funding status Out of the USD 14.8 million programmatic budget needed for UNICEF’s COVID-19 Multisectoral Response Plan, Under negotiation USD 8.2 million (55%) has already been mobilised. An $3.1M (21%) important contribution from the Government of Japan has been Available received this week, covering an important part of the previously $8.2M registered gap. The mobilised funds include the reallocation of a (55%) portion of existing grants from C2D-AFD and Canada as well as incremental funding from DGIS, DFID, UNICEF Spain, UNICEF United Kingdom and USAID. Clear progress has been registered in Gap $3.5M the negotiations for the mobilisation of incremental funding (24%) from UNICEF France, KOICA, Canada, the World Bank, USAID amounting to approximately USD 3.1 million (21% of the funds needed).

External Media

All photos and videos are available here: https://weshare.unicef.org/Folder/2AM408X0E416. All graphic design content is available here: https://bit.ly/39eynLd.

For more information, contact: Marc VINCENT Sophie LEONARD Bruno AHOLOUKPE Representative Deputy Representative and COVID-19 Team Lead Emergency Coordinator UNICEF Côte d'Ivoire UNICEF Côte d'Ivoire UNICEF Côte d'Ivoire (+225) 04 80 89 44 (+225) 04 27 83 94 (+225) 04 13 83 16 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]


Annex A Summary of Programme Results UNICEF and IPs Response Sector 2020 target Total results* Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) RCCE 1: Number of people reached on COVID-19 through messaging on prevention and 14,000,0001 14,000,000 access to services. RCCE 2: Number of people engaged on COVID-19 through RCCE actions. 500,000 411,245

RCCE 3: Number of people sharing their concerns and asking questions/clarifications for 2,000,000 1,360,707 available support services to address their needs through established feedback mechanisms. Provision of critical medical and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)

supplies and improving Infection and Prevention Control (IPC) IPC 1: Number of people reached with critical WASH supplies (including hygiene items) and 100,000 31,5102 services. IPC 2: Number of healthcare workers within health facilities and communities provided with 3,513 0 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). (HF staff: 1,390 + CHWs: 2,123) IPC 3: Number of healthcare facility staff and community health workers trained in Infection 12,123 9,733 (HF) Prevention and Control (IPC). (HF staff: 10,000 + CHWs: 2,123) Continuity of Care for women and children Continuity of Health Care 1: Number of healthcare providers trained in detecting, referral and HF staff: 12,123 9,733 appropriate management of COVID-19 cases.

Continuity of Health Care 2: Number of children & women receiving essential healthcare, 389,050 Data not available including prenatal, delivery and postnatal care, essential new-born care, immunization, Children: 325,617 + treatment of childhood illnesses and HIV care in UNICEF supported facilities. Women: 63,456 Continuity of Health Care 3: Number of caregivers of children aged 0-23 months reached with 1,200,000 144,898 messages aiming to protect breastfeeding in the context of COVID-19 through national communication campaigns. Continuity of Health Care 4: Number of children 6-59 months admitted for treatment of severe 33,000 2,3243 acute malnutrition (SAM). Access to continuous education, child protection and GBV services Access to Continuous E, CP and GBV Services 1: Number of children supported with 1,247,097 839,9354 distance/home-based learning. Access to Continuous E, CP and GBV Services 2: Number of schools implementing safe 1,000 0 school protocols. Access to Continuous E, CP and GBV Services 3: Number of children without parental or 500 134 family care provided with appropriate alternative care arrangements. Access to Continuous E, CP and GBV S. 4: Number of children, parents and primary 100,000 6,880 caregivers provided with community based mental health and psychosocial support. Access to Continuous E, CP and GBV Services 5: Number of UNICEF personnel & partners 50 20 that have completed training on GBV risk mitigation & referrals for survivors, including for PSEA. Social Protection Social Protection 1: Number of households (affected by COVID-19) receiving humanitarian 2,000 0 multi-sector cash grant for basic needs. Social Protection 2: Number of households benefitting from new or additional social 200,000 48,717 assistance measures provided by governments to respond to COVID-19 with UNICEF support

1: Target and results have been revised with HQ. The results indicate the number of people reached by SMS. 2: 7,844 boys, 7,139 girls, 7,983 adult women and 8,544 adult men. 3: 1,342 boys and 982 girls. 4: 0 children in pre-primary school, 391,022 in primary school and 448,913 in secondary school. 4

Annex B

Funding Status

Sector Funding requirements ($) Funds available ($) Funding gap ($) Gap (%) C4D / RCCE 713,644 440,900 272,744 38% WASH & IPC 3,568,218 3,043,410 524,808 15% Nutrition 594,703 1,028,250 (433,547) 0% Health 8,388,881 2,011,900 6,376,981 76% Child Protection 487,657 200,000 287,657 59% Education 603,029 450,000 153,029 25% HIV/AIDS 0 518,000 (518,000) 0% Social Protection 463,868 0 463,868 100% Coordination 0 511,350 (511,350) 0% Total 14,820,000 8,203,810 6,616,190 45%