Côte d’Ivoire Monthly Humanitarian Report October 2011

www.unocha.org The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. Coordination Saves Lives • Celebrating 20 years of coordinated humanitarian action

October 2011 Côte d’Ivoire Humanitarian Bulletin | 2

Côte d’Ivoire Monthly Humanitarian Report

Coordination Saves Lives No.1 | October 2011

HIGHLIGHTS ■ The number of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) on 35 sites across the country is gradually decreasing. ■ A National Committee for Coordination of Humanitarian Action (CNCAH) was established by ministerial decree (Minister of State, Employment, Social Affairs and Solidarity) on 5 October 2011. ■ Ivorian refugees in Liberia are spontaneously and gradually returning to their villages of origin in the Moyen Cavally region. ■ The Humanitarian Coordinator and the Ivorian Minister for Employment, Solidarity and Social Affairs visited several European capitals to mobilize support for humanitarian action in Côte d'Ivoire. ■ The Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in Côte d'Ivoire took office on 24 October.


During October, violent incidents took place in the towns of Issia, and Bangolo in the West of the country. These incidents resulted in the displacement of an estimated 450 people according to the Protection Cluster. In the , there has been an upsurge of security incidents: several cases of armed robbery, home intrusion and theft are reported to have been committed by armed men in the districts of , and , in . This situation is reportedly due to the free circulation of firearms and to escapee- prisoners since the post-electoral crisis.

On the political and economic front, a relative stability is being observed since the past few months. Legislative elections are planned to hold on 11 December despite of the opposition's wish to have them postponed. This relative stability has encouraged the return of several hundreds of thousands of Ivorians to their habitual places of residence. Nevertheless, the humanitarian situation, described as “manageable” by the Humanitarian Coordinator during his trip to Europe, remains fragile in the various sectors: Protection, Education, Health, Food Safety, Water, Hygiene and Sanitation, etc. The displaced, returnees and repatriated populations are still facing difficulties in accessing basic social services such as safe drinking water, health and education.

The Coordination and Camp Management cluster and its partners have noted a considerable reduction of the number of IDPs on sites during this month. The number of IDPs has decreased from 25,109 at the end of September to 16,667 people on 25 October on the 35 sites in the country, i.e. 8,442 people less, representing more than one-third of the total number at the end of September 2011.

The IDPs registered in host families and communities by the Protection Cluster are estimated at 169,486 people at the end of September. This figure remains unchanged because no additional verification has been carried out over last weeks. Parallel to the reduction of the number of IDPs on sites, there is also a gradual and spontaneous return of Ivorian refugees from Liberia.

Moreover, a National Committee for Coordination of Humanitarian Action (CNCAH) was created on 5 October 2011 by a ministerial decree signed by the Minister of State, Minister for Employment, Social Affairs and Solidarity. The Committee is under the authority of the Minister and “stands as a platform for collaboration between the State and national and international humanitarian organizations, which is intended to ensure the consistency of initiatives, as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of the response by actors and partners in the humanitarian sector”. The Committee held its first meeting on 14 October. The meeting was chaired by the Minister of State himself, and co-chaired by the Humanitarian Coordinator in Côte

www.unocha.org The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. Celebrating 20 years of coordinated humanitarian action

October 2011 Côte d’Ivoire Humanitarian Bulletin | 3 d'Ivoire. Several representatives of the humanitarian community, including representatives of UN agencies, national and international NGOs attended this first meeting.

Besides, the Minister of State, Minister for Employment, Social Affairs and Solidarity of Côte d'Ivoire, Mr. Gilbert Kafana Koné and the Humanitarian Coordinator in Côte d'Ivoire, Mr. Ndolamb Ngokwey, visited several European capitals from 17 – 22 October to mobilize funds for the humanitarian action in Côte d'Ivoire. The delegation met the British Secretary of State for International Development in London, the French Minister for Foreign and European Affairs in charge of Cooperation, Mr. Henri de Raincourt, and representatives of Member States, Turkey, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UN agencies in Geneva, and finally the Belgian Minister for Cooperation as well as representatives of humanitarian and EU development support organizations, in Paris and Brussels respectively.

Lastly, the month was marked by the arrival of the new Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in Côte d'Ivoire on 24 October. Mr. Albert Gerald Koenders, has now assumed duty as Head of the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI). Many challenges to be addressed include the organization of the legislative elections of 11 December and national reconciliation.


1. DISPLACEMENT According to the CCCM Cluster, as at 25 October, the number of IDPs on sites is estimated at 16,667 people distributed over 35 sites in the country. IDPs in host families and communities are estimated at 169,486 people. The Western area (Moyen Cavally, Montagnes and Haut Sassandra) hosts 69 percent of displaced people living on site. Threats of eviction remain high. Over 15 percent of the entire population living on site is under threat of eviction.

Compared to the statistics published at the end of September, the number of internally displaced people on sites has decreased in October, from 25,109 to 16,667 people, i.e. a reduction by 8,442 people, representing more than one-third of the total number at the end of September. This reduction is due to the following factors:  Relative political stability;  Verification of populations on sites;  Second phase of return started since the beginning of September.

The number of internally displaced people in host families and communities remains stable due to the fact that no verification exercise was carried out over the last weeks. On 25 October, they were estimated at 169,486 people versus. 221,000 people on 30 September, i.e. a reduction by 51,514 people, representing 23 percent of the total number on 30 September. As at 31 October, the total number of IDPs all over the country is 186,153 people as against 194,566 people on 13 October, i.e. a reduction by 8,413 people within two weeks.

In addition to post-electoral crisis IDPs, new internally displaced people were registered in Issia, along the Issia-Duékoué axis, in the Western part of Côte d'Ivoire, following violent clashes between villagers and national security forces on 13 October in Koffikro. The clashes resulted in the displacement of 450 people in Issia. The affected populations need assistance and have expressed the desire to return to their areas of origin via humanitarian convoy.

www.unocha.org The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. Celebrating 20 years of coordinated humanitarian action

October 2011 Côte d’Ivoire Humanitarian Bulletin | 4

The graph below show the evolution of the situation of IDPs since September (Source: CCCM).

2. RETURN As at 13 October, the number of returnees was estimated at 422,055 people. Trend analysis cannot be done as the data is yet to be updated.

Obstacles to return include: - Loss of goods requiring assistance for return (return kit), - Insecurity in habitual places of residence; - Lack of information on the availability of assistance and the presence of humanitarian actors.

The number of Ivorian refugees in neighboring countries as at 24 October was 181,997 people, with 156,724 in Liberia, as against 203,723 people, including some 176,293 in Liberia on 19 September. (i.e. a reduction of 21,596 people, representing a 10.6 percent decrease in the total number on 19 September.

Table of Ivorian refugees as at 24 October 2011 (source: UNHCR) Burkina Guinea Sierra Country Guinea Mali Ghana Togo Benin Niger Senegal Gambia Fao Bissau leone Refugees/ Asylum 2 480 120 972 15 810 4 761 742 96 58 78 94 62 seekers Liberia The total number of Ivorian refugees in Liberia stands at 156,724.

Overall, the number of people who spontaneously returned from Liberia since mid-April was 132,913, with 59,000 confirmed by the UNHCR. In the same context, there are spontaneous and gradual returns of Ivorian refugees from Liberia. Between 14 September and 23 October, when the conditions for the reception of voluntary returnees, 7,914 people, i.e. 2,983 households, have been registered and transported by UNHCR and its logistics partners to their zones of origin.

.According to a survey intended to dress the profiles of this category of people, the main resettlement departments have been identified as Bloléquin, Toulepleu and Zouan Hounien. www.unocha.org The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. Celebrating 20 years of coordinated humanitarian action

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These spontaneous returns were motivated by the following reasons: - Elections in Liberia, - Beginning of the 2011-2012 school year; - Harvest season

Lastly, as part of the tripartite agreement on conditions governing the voluntary repatriation of Ivorian refugees from Liberia, signed on 11 August 2011 in Monrovia, Liberia, between the governments of Côte d'Ivoire and Liberia and UNHCR, a first repatriation of 114 Ivorian refugees from Liberia was facilitated on 22 October by UNHCR. UNHCR representatives in the two countries continue to work together on repatriation of refugees. Two other repatriation exercises involving 165 and 47 Ivorian refugees were facilitated on 29 and 30 October 2011 by UNHCR and its operational partners. Other repatriation convoys are planned to take place in November.


Shelters and Non-Food Items As part of repatriation assistance, distributions of non-food items are on-going and stocks are being prepositioned. Cooking utensils, hygiene kits and mosquito nets have been distributed in Bloléquin, a major resttlement area.

Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM)

Between 30 September and 7 October, Protection cluster partners, in collaboration with site managers, organized sensitization campaigns on Gender Based Violence (GBV) in the sites in the West.

Following the mediation carried out at the beginning of October between IOM, personnel of Association Secours Afrique (ASA) and the proprietors of the Abel Center in Abidjan, the displaced people in this site, under threat of expulsion, were finally relocated at the Harriste Church in , near Abidjan. This operation was facilitated by the CCCM Cluster and its partners (UNHCR, IOM, Afrique Secours and Association de Soutien à l'Auto-promotion Sanitaire et Urbaine and SAARA).

At the same time, new arrivals to some sites came from host families. Presently, this phenomenon is common occurrence in the region of Lagunes-Abidjan. The CCCM cluster is actively involved in the strategic response planning, in the West and at the national level, to increase support for return and withdrawal from sites. Registration of return candidates is still going on. An initial mapping of major resettlement/rehabilitation areas for people living on sites is on-going with the aim of assessing the main constraints preventing these populations from voluntarily leaving the sites.

Return Strategy for displaced people living in sites: During the first meeting of the new CNCAH, the Minister of State, Minister for Employment, Social Affairs and Solidarity, had informed the participants of the government's intention to close the sites hosting internally displaced people by the end of December. Toward this end, the Minister had requested the humanitarian community to come up with an action plan. Thus, a task force was set up under the leadership of OCHA, to develop a strategy intended to facilitate the voluntary return of IDPs to their areas of origin. Different approaches were developed according to the geographical areas of displacement, The task force identified four operational phases, by emphasizing the need to collaborate with national authorities and to get the IDPs informed:

 Preparatory Phase: analysis of return intentions and resettlement zones;  Facilitation of the voluntary return of IDPs in sites: transportation and assistance;  Site consolidation;  Identification and implementation of alternative and sustainable solutions for IDPs in sites.

www.unocha.org The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. Celebrating 20 years of coordinated humanitarian action

Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) In the West of the country, in the Montagnes and Moyen Cavally regions, WASH response in October involved the following activities:  Continuation of water trucking service (254,000 liters of water) as a supplement to the provision of drinking water to 4,529 internally displaced people in the Nahibly camp in Duékoué, to compensate for the deficiencies of the national water company (SODECI).

 Strengthening of hygiene promotion sessions for the 4,529 internally displaced people in the Nahibly camp in Duékoué following the increase in cases of diarrhea revealed by the health cluster (WHO).

Concerning the WASH response in favour of host and returnee communities in the Montagnes and Moyen Cavally regions, the WASH project started in October is implemented by UNICEF's operating partners (DRC, CARITAS and ASAPSU) who identified 80 target villages and 160 pumps to be repaired for the benefit of 80 target communities comprising 40,000 people.

In the Lagunes region (Abidjan and surrounding), the following WASH activities were carried out in October: - 9 latrines were rehabilitated and drained while 4 showers were rehabilitated for 300 displaced persons in the Maison Carrée camp;

- New electric pump was installed and connected to two (2) 20 m3 bladders to provide drinking water for 300 people at Maison Carrée;

- Volunteers were trained in hygiene management and promotion for the benefit of 300 displaced persons in the Maison Carrée camp;

- 150,000 Aquatabs were distributed to 370 families in the Beaux-Art, Assemblées de Dieu and Maison Carrée camps;

- KAP (knowledge, attitudes and practices) survey was conducted by Association de Soutien à l'Auto- promotion Sanitaire et Urbaine (ASAPSU) in the Maison Carrée, Harriste, Beaux Arts and Assemblées de Dieu camps;

- Workers were trained to construct latrines in the Harriste and Assemblées de Dieu camps;

- Two (2) 20 m3 bladders were installed to supply drinking water for 924 people in the Beaux Arts and Harriste camps;

- Hygiene committees were set up in the Maison Carrée, Harriste, Beaux Arts and Assemblées de Dieu camps.

Other activities include the following:

 Programmes to repair 416 manual pumps are on-going in the Montagnes and Moyen Cavally regions: - Save the Children repaired 12 pumps in 12 villages in the South of Guiglo; - IRC rehabilitated 50 pumps in 30 villages in the Sub-prefectures of Duékoué, Diéouzon and Zou; - ICRC repaired 100 pumps in the Sub-prefectures of Sangouiné, Logoualé and Bangolo; - Under The President's Emergency Plan , 37 pumps have been already repaired in the departments of Duékoué, Kouibly and Guiglo out of a 254 target while two (2) new drillings to be used as urban hydraulics were constructed in Kouibly and Tienisiably;

 CARE International is continuing its WASH project in Man and Duékoué, with 320 latrines drained out of 450 planned latrines; 699 m3 of mud was removed and discharged; 882 tons of garbage was collected and disposed of, 204 wells chlorinated and promotion of hygiene in favor of the vulnerable households in the peri-urban settings.

www.unocha.org The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. Coordination Saves Lives • Celebrating 20 years of coordinated humanitarian action

October 2011 Côte d’Ivoire Humanitarian Bulletin | 7


Activities carried out at the national level

Survey on the intentions of return with respect to beginning of the 2011/2012 school year The Education Cluster has published the findings of a survey conducted between 3 an 5 October on the communities' opinion about the reopening of schools. 87 focus group discussions were conducted in 32 communities. The results of the survey show that 3 weeks before the reopening of schools, 53 percent of the parents and children interviewed were unaware of the 24 October 2011 school resumption date. 53 percent of the men and 62 percent of the women interviewed were not sure if their children would be going back to school this year.

The most frequently cited obstacles to education already worsened by the crisis are the lack of financial means and insecurity. On the issue of the school uniform, 95 percent of parents were favourable, but indicated that they do not have financial resources to buy uniforms. 78 percent of children interviewed did not wear any school uniform last year. The report makes several recommendations to the Ministry of Education with the aim of ensuring effective return to school.

The Cluster has been interviewed by RFI, ONUCI FM and IrinNews about the reopening of schools. Further information and the complete report can be obtained on our website: http://ivorycoast.humanitarianresponse.info

Advocacy efforts directed at the Ministry of Education to guarantee access to education The Education Cluster advocated to the Ministry of Education to take all measures necessary in guaranteeing access to education for all the children who come back to school. The purpose is to make heads of schools and inspectors of national education address problems related to lack of space in certain schools, absence of teachers, birth certificates and collection of illegal fees etc.

Consolidated Appeal Process (CAP) 2012 The 2012 CAP for Côte d'Ivoire was concluded on Thursday 27 October. Overall,, 7 education projects were submitted for funding. The requested amount for the education sector stands at US$ 13,755,470 million. The areas covered by the projects include priority humanitarian areas and those with poor attendance rates: Lagunes – Abidjan, Bas-Sassandra, Haut-Sassandra – Daloa, Moyen-Cavally, Montagnes, Denguele, Savanes, Zanzan, Vallée du Bandama - Bouake.

Field Activities

Social mobilization UNICEF has developed television spots which are being aired on the national television, 40 community radios and nine newspapers.

Psychosocial support training 4,800 teachers and 604 educational administrators were trained on “psychosocial care and treatment” at school in eight targeted DRENs. The training focuses on five topics (impact of emergencies on children, trauma detection and referral, recreational activities, life skills, and education on peace and tolerance).

Improvement of learning conditions through distributions of school materials UNICEF and the Logistics Cluster have prepositioned school supplies in 18 regional DRENs to be distributed to 1 million pupils in 3,334 schools. Out of these figures, 500,000 children will receive individual school kits. In practice, kit distribution would be completed by 30 November. WFP is planning to support school canteens for 568,000 pupils, three weeks after the official date of the reopening of schools.

2011/2012 school year The 2011 - 2012 school year began on 24 October throughout the country. The return to school was considered slow in almost all the Regional Directorates for National Education (DREN) due to the high absenteeism of pupils, particularly in the Western part of the country. The high absenteeism seems to be due to lack of resources as parents preferred to wait until the end of the month before sending their children to school, and also to lack of information: the Ministry has not officially announced the reopening of schools.

www.unocha.org The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. Celebrating 20 years of coordinated humanitarian action

Protection The Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Sub-Cluster in the West has consolidated its figures on prevalence rate of gender-based violence covering the period from August to end of September on the. These incidents remain significant with 26 percent of cases of sexual assault recorded, particularly in Danané and Duékoué. Moreover, the figures also show that in 67 percent of reported cases of gender-based violence, the alleged culprits seem to be armed men. Only 38 percent of victims of sexual violence have access to medical care within stipulated 72 hours deadline after the assault. Lastly, GBV sub-cluster members are concerned about the fact that Taï is not covered by GBV actors while the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) has begun protection monitoring which integrates some aspects of GBV.

With a view to supporting the Government of Côte d’Ivoire in its desire to have all IDP sites closed by the end of December, the cluster is working with the task force to find alternative solutions. Two missions were conducted by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Holland and the Danish Refugee Council – in Taï, 80 km south west of Guiglo, in the West of Côte d’Ivoire and 500 meters from the Liberian border. The main outcomes of the two missions are as follows:

 Perceptible tensions within the communities following the attack perpetrated during the night of 14 September by armed individuals;  Many inhabitants of the town and surrounding villages have not yet returned to their homes;  It is reported that the Dozos (traditional hunters) are extorting money from landowners in return for protection. They allegedly require FCFA 25,000 (US$ 51) in exchange for protection. These non- native populations are obliged to accept this "offer" from the dozos as the cocoa harvest season is drawing near, cocoa being among the most important cash crop in this region;  Persistence of road blocks by armed people and presence of such people in the forest;

The cluster recommends increased joint patrols by the UNOCI and the Armed Forces of Côte d’Ivoire to reinforce security.

With the legislative elections of 11 December drawing near, the Protection Cluster has prepared an advocacy note connected with updating of the voters' register to be submitted to the Ivorian government, the Independent Electoral Commission, UNOCI and donors.

Health The World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has supported the Ivorian Ministry of Health and the Fight against AIDS for the polio vaccination campaign targeting more than 7 million children aged 0 to 5 years throughout the country. The vaccination campaign took place from 30 September to 3 October.

Since 26 September, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in collaboration with NGO Mouvement pour le Développement et la Cohésion Sociale (MODEC) is organizing, in Abidjan and its suburbs, blood collection. The exercise has set out to collect 3,500 blood bags.

Since the beginning of October, UNFPA is supporting NGO Association Ivoirienne pour le Bien-être Familial (AIBEF) in reproductive health activities in the displaced people site of Nahibly, Duékoué, west of Côte d'Ivoire.

Amid cholera epidemic currently ravaging Western and Central Africa, humanitarian partners are taking preventive measures against cholera in Côte d'Ivoire.

Between 3 and 7 October, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) has distributed building materials to 16 villages in for the construction of emergency family latrines. UNICEF is supporting activities in the sector of water and sanitation.

In June, the disease surveillance system managed by WHO detected 42 cases of cholera and noted three deaths due to cholera in Abidjan. This early detection system is still operational in the country. It facilitates a rapid response, helps in preventing transmission to a larger population and reducing the number of deaths.

In addition, seven suspected cases of cholera were reported in Abidjan in four health districts (Port Bouet, , Western Yopougon and ). Laboratory analyses are in progress to confirm the cases.

www.unocha.org The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. Coordination Saves Lives • Celebrating 20 years of coordinated humanitarian action

October 2011 Côte d’Ivoire Humanitarian Bulletin | 9

In the West, six cases of meningitis with one death were reported in Duékoué and Bangolo. Two suspect cases of yellow fever were notified in Zouan Hounien and a suspect case of measles in Duékoué.

The Ministry of Health and the Fight against AIDS, in collaboration with WHO and UNICEF, has organized between 30 September and 2 October a polio vaccination campaign targeting children aged 0 – 59 months. On the whole, 7,200,000 children have been vaccinated throughout the country.

The Ministry of Health and the Fight Against AIDS, with the support of WHO and UNICEF, has organized from 28 – 31 October a measles vaccination campaign for under-five children as part of the fight against the polio epidemic. Approximately 700.0000 children were vaccinated. It should be noted that since the beginning of the year, 35 cases of poliomyelitis have been confirmed in Côte d'Ivoire. This campaign was associated associated with vitamin A administration and de-worming.

WHO continues to provide drugs to the health districts of Bangolo (through its implementing partner IRC), Guiglo, Bloléquin and Toulepleu (through Save the Children).

In order to increase access to care for the populations, MSF France has begun the rehabilitation of the hospital of Bloléquin which was destroyed during the crisis.

Lastly, Save the children continues the implementation of its strategy to reach certain remote populations in the West, staff training and support for care and treatment of malnourished children at the hospital of Man.

Helen Keller International has supported the Ministry of Health and Fight against AIDS during the sixth round of the polio vaccination from 28 – 31 October 2011 in collaboration with WHO and UNICEF. In total, 7 million children below five years were expected. The seventh round will be organized at the end of November.

ACF has supplied drugs and equipment to pediatric services at the hospitals of Danané and Zouan Hounien to provide medical care and treatment to malnourished children.

Nutrition The Vitamin A supplementation and de-worming campaign, coupled with the polio vaccination campaign, took place from 28 – 31 October. Organized by the Ministry of Health and the Fight against AIDS with the support of UNICEF and HKI, the campaign targeted 6,414,212 children from 6 – 59 months (Vitamin A) and 5,621,104 children from 12 – 59 months (de-worming) throughout the country.

The Nutrition Cluster has submitted eight projects during the 2012 Consolidated Appeal Process (CAP) for Côte d'Ivoire. For nutrition sector, the total amount requested for this appeal is US$ 15,797,320. Projects cover the areas of nutritional care and treatment, nutritional education, building the capacities of national actors, prevention of micronutrients deficiencies, as well as strengthening of the early warning system. Covered areas include (Bas Sassandra, Moyen Cavally, Montagnes) and sectoral (Zanzan, Savanes, Denguele-Bafing and )

From 9 – 15 October, Helen Keller International, UNICEF and National Nutrition Plan conducted a joint mission to supervise HKI's nutritional care and treatment, malnutrition detection and Vitamin A supplementation activities in four health districts in the . The purpose of the mission was to reinforce the involvement of the health districts in order to improve the implementation of the activity.

ACF continued to support care and treatment for children affected by severe acute malnutrition in the districts of Danané, Zouan Hounien and Toulepleu, with 37 health centers and two hospitals supported on the whole. Community health workers were trained on the detection of malnutrition cases, the use of sensitization tools and household visits. ACF also opened and supervised eight learning and nutritional centers in Korhogo.

Save the Children continued its activities to support nutritional care and treatment and community mobilization in the districts of Bloléquin, Guiglo and Duékoué. Health workers in the districts of Man and Kouibly were trained from 20 – 21 October in preparation for the opening of 16 new UNTA/CNS in these areas. Save the Children continues its support to therapeutic nutrition units in Guiglo and Man.

www.unocha.org The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. Celebrating 20 years of coordinated humanitarian action

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The reproduction of harmonized management tools for the nutritional care and treatment of children affected by moderate malnutrition, pregnant and nursing women and people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWA) was finalized with the support of WFP. As part of its emergency project, WFP is continuing and extending its partnerships in the west for nutrition activities and has strengthened nutritional care and treatment for malnourished pregnant and nursing women.

Food security As part of the FAO-funded “Emergency Agricultural Support " project for assistance to 4,000 vulnerable households in the Lagunes, Agneby, Bas Sassandra and Vallée du Bandama regions, an official ceremony was organized on 4 October in Agboville to distribute agricultural kits to the beneficiaries. Within the framework of an extensive programme meant to provide agricultural support to affected populations, the organisation has assisted more than 34,000 vulnerable households to date.

Between 8 and 9 October, FAO in collaboration with the Agence Nationale d'Appui au Développement Rural (ANADER).distributed lowland rice kits to 250 households (1500 people) in resettlement villages situated in the department of Duékoué. Beneficiary villages included: Niambly: 100 households; Dahoua: 25 households; Bahé B: 75 households; Gbapleu (host village): 50 households.

The World Food Program (WFP) has launched a monetary transfer project in two municipalities of Abidjan. The project targets 10,800 beneficiaries including 6,732 in Abobo and 4,068 in Yopougon. After the identification of vulnerable households by the operating partner, Action Contre la Faim (ACF), the registration for the Mobile Money service of the telecommunication company MTN began on 20 September.

9,870 telephone chips were distributed to the heads of households who came to ceremony. Each beneficiary's Mobile Money account was credited with FCFA 33,700. Cash distribution to registered beneficiaries at MTN retail outlets began on 5 October. On the whole, 9,817 households including 3,767 in Yopougon and 6,050 in Abobo were served. The second fund transfer is planned at the beginning of November.

The decrease in the number of people living in the sites in the West of Côte d'Ivoire has been accompanied a correlative reduction of food distributions, which is very likely to increase dissatisfaction among excluded people. Sensitization and clear communication on the distribution reduction strategy will be initiated with the support of the authorities.

WFP conducted post-distribution monitoring from 12 October to 21 October in 20 western villages, in the areas of Zouan Hounien, Bin Houye and Toulepleu. The survey was intended to assess the impact of food assistance on the beneficiaries' living conditions and evaluate cross-border movements.

Food distributions on sites started in Guiglo where 2,769 people received complete rations at the Nazareth site and in Doke and sub-prefectures located along Blolequin-Pehe axis where 16,940 returnees/repatriated people in 14 villages were assisted with reduced rations

UNMET NEEDS Shelters and Non-Food Items In the Moyen Cavally and Montagnes regions in the West, the Shelters/Non-Food Item Cluster has identified 13,000 houses destroyed following the post-electoral crisis. Nearly 7,800 houses prioritised for rehabilitation by international non-governmental organizations such as the Norwegian Refugees Council (NRC), the Adventist Agency for Development, the International Migration Organization, Solidarités. The International Red Cross Committee plans to rehabilitate only 2,000 houses, which represent a little above one quarter of houses earmarked for rehabilitation.

Protection The constraints and challenges faced by the Protection Cluster are related to poor coverage by humanitarian action in certain emergency areas in the West, and insufficiency of funds to implement income-generating activities in favour of victims and survivors of gender-based violence.

www.unocha.org The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. Celebrating 20 years of coordinated humanitarian action

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Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Needs are differentiated by area and expressed by IDPs during discussions with site managers:  In Abidjan, the needs expressed by the IDPs include healthcare assistance and support for returnees;  In the West, most IDPs have expressed the need for relocation and return assistance.

Health Shortage of drugs in the health facilities of Abidjan and in the West remains a source of concern for the partners intervening in the field of health. Although this situation existed before the post-electoral crisis, it has worsened as a result of the crisis. An advocacy note has already been drafted in this regard and a delegation has also been set up to discuss this issue with the Minister of Health. In the Moyen Cavally region, 500 health facilities are being rehabilitated to facilitate the return of displaced people.

Since June 2011, the vaccine coverage of the routine Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI) for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B and influenza B is 49 percent in the country. The cluster will continue to support the government in reinvigorating the EPI. According to a recent evaluation conducted by UNICEF, the low vaccination coverage is due to deficiencies the cold chain system.. The sixth national polio vaccination campaign is in progress following the detection of 25 new cases of type 3 polio virus.

For further information, please contact: Mr. max Hadorn, Head of Office OCHA-Côte d'Ivoire, [email protected], tel. +225 46 01 91 10 Mr. Carlos Geha, Deputy Head of Office OCHA-Côte d'Ivoire, [email protected], tel. +225 46 01 91 11 Mr. Ansoumane Kourouma, HAO-Reporting Officer, [email protected], tel. +225 46 01 91 30

For further information on the humanitarian response in Côte d’Ivoire, see: http://ivorycoast.humanitarianresponse.info .reliefweb.int. www.unocha.org The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. Celebrating 20 years of coordinated humanitarian action