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Cambridge University Press 978-1- 107-10982-7 - Hemingway, Style, and the Art of Emotion David Wyatt Index More information Index Anderson, Sherwood, 203 The Portable Hemingway, 88 A Second Flowering: Works and Days of the Lost Baker, Carlos, 27, 84–86, 182, 187, Generation, 5 198 Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story, 84–86 DeVoto, Bernard, 119 Balassi, William, 154 Didion, Joan, 128 Balzac, Honoré de, 211 DiMaggio, Joe, 183, 192 Barthes, Roland, 115 Doctorow, E. L., 150–151, 201 Battlefields of the World War, 83 Billy Bathgate, 150–151 Beegel, Susan F., 114, 125 Dorman-Smith, E. E. “Chink,” 99–100 Bennett, Alan, 95 The Uncommon Reader, 95 Eliot, T. S., 113 Berenson, Bernard, 187 “Tradition and the Individual Talent,” 113 Berg, A. Scott, 160 Ellison, Ralph, 165–166 Bird, William, 102 Shadow and Act, 165 Bishop, Elizabeth, 2, 63 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 164 Blake, William, 23, 198, 201–202 Esquire, 115, 180 Boni and Liveright, 29, 33 Evans, Robert, 164 Bordeaux, 83 “Hemingway and the Pale Cast of Borges, Jorge Luis, 18 Thought,” 164 Bouchard, Donald, 114, 119–120 Brague, Harry, 203, 220, 222 Faulkner, William, 148, 162–163, 170, Brenner, Gerry, 6, 185 179, 186 Concealments in Hemingway’s Requiem for a Nun, 162–163, 170 Works, 185 Fiedler, Leslie, 16 Burwell, Rose Marie, 5–6, 8, 64, 197–199, 205, Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 50, 56–62, 64–65, 185, 223–224 223–224 Hemingway: The Postwar Years and the The Great Gatsby, 58 Posthumous Novels, 5, 197 Fitzgerald, Zelda, 60 Flaubert, Gustave, 112 Caporetto, 70, 83 Fleming, Robert E., 61 Castro, Fidel, 1 Florence,
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