An Averaging Estimator for Two Step M Estimation in Semiparametric Models Ruoyao Shi∗ February, 2021 Abstract In a two step extremum estimation (M estimation) framework with a finite dimen- sional parameter of interest and a potentially infinite dimensional first step nuisance parameter, I propose an averaging estimator that combines a semiparametric esti- mator based on nonparametric first step and a parametric estimator which imposes parametric restrictions on the first step. The averaging weight is the sample analog of an infeasible optimal weight that minimizes the asymptotic quadratic risk. I show that under mild conditions, the asymptotic lower bound of the truncated quadratic risk dif- ference between the averaging estimator and the semiparametric estimator is strictly less than zero for a class of data generating processes (DGPs) that includes both cor- rect specification and varied degrees of misspecification of the parametric restrictions, and the asymptotic upper bound is weakly less than zero. Keywords: two step M estimation, semiparametric model, averaging estimator, uniform dominance, asymptotic quadratic risk JEL Codes: C13, C14, C51, C52 ∗Department of Economics, University of California Riverside,
[email protected]. The author thanks Colin Cameron, Xu Cheng, Denis Chetverikov, Yanqin Fan, Jinyong Hahn, Bo Honoré, Toru Kitagawa, Zhipeng Liao, Hyungsik Roger Moon, Whitney Newey, Geert Ridder, Aman Ullah, Haiqing Xu and the participants at various seminars and conferences for helpful comments. This project is generously supported by UC Riverside Regents’ Faculty Fellowship 2019-2020. Zhuozhen Zhao provides great research assistance. All remaining errors are the author’s. 1 1 Introduction Semiparametric models, consisting of a parametric component and a nonparametric com- ponent, have gained popularity in economics.