Semiparametric Identification and Fisher Information∗ Juan Carlos Escanciano† Universidad Carlos III de Madrid September 25th, 2019 Abstract This paper provides a systematic approach to semiparametric identification that is based on statistical information as a measure of its “quality”. Identification can be regular or irregular, depending on whether the Fisher information for the parameter is positive or zero, respectively. I first characterize these cases in models with densities linear in a nonparametric parameter. I then introduce a novel “generalized Fisher information”. If positive, it implies (possibly irregular) identification when other conditions hold. If zero, it implies impossibility results on rates of estimation. Three examples illustrate the applicability of the general results. First, I find necessary conditions for semiparametric regular identification in a structural model for unemployment duration with two spells and nonparametric heterogeneity. Second, I show irregular identification of the median willingness to pay in contingent valuation studies. Finally, I study identification of the discount factor and average measures of risk aversion in a nonparametric Euler Equation with nonparametric measurement error in consumption. Keywords: Identification; Semiparametric Models; Fisher Information. arXiv:1609.06421v4 [math.ST] 26 Sep 2019 JEL classification: C14; C31; C33; C35 ∗First version: September 20th, 2016. †Department of Economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, email:
[email protected]. Research funded by the Spanish Programa de Generaci´on de Conocimiento, reference number PGC2018-096732-B-I00. I thank Michael Jansson, Ulrich M¨uller, Whitney Newey, Jack Porter, Pedro Sant’Anna, Ruli Xiao, and seminar par- ticipants at BC, Indiana, MIT, Texas A&M, UBC, Vanderbilt and participants of the 2018 Conference on Identification in Econometrics for useful comments.