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ISSN 0542-5492 Second Session - Thirty-Second Legislature of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba DEBATES and PROCEEDINGS 31-32 Elizabeth II Published under the authority of The Honourable D. James Walding Speaker VOL. XXXI No. 166A - 2:00 p.m., MONDAY, 23 JANUARY, 1984. Printed by the Office of the Ou-.s Printer. Province or ManitOIHI MANITOBA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Thirty-Second Legislature Members, Constituencies and Political Affiliation Name Constituency Party ADAM, Hon. A.R. (Pete) Ste. Rose NDP ANSTETT, Hon. Andy Springfield NDP ASHTON, Steve Thompson NDP BANMAN, Robert (Bob) La Verendrye PC BLAKE, David R. (Dave) Minnedosa PC BROWN, Arnold Rhineland PC BUCKLASCHUK, Hon. John M. Gimli NOP CARROLL, Q.C., Henry N. Brandon West IND CORRIN, Q.C., Brian Ellice NDP COWAN, Hon. Jay Churchill NDP DESJARDINS, Hon. Laurent St. Boniface NOP DODICK, Doreen Riel NDP DOERN, Russell Elm wood NOP DOLIN, Hon. Mary Beth Kildonan NDP DOWNEY, James E. Arthur PC DRIEDGER, Albert Emerson PC ENNS, Harry Lakeside PC EVANS, Hon. Leonard S. Brandon East NDP EYLER, Phil River East NDP FILMON, Gary Tuxedo PC FOX, Peter Concordia NDP GOURLAY, D.M. (Doug) Swan River PC GRAHAM, Harry Virden PC HAMMOND, Gerrie Kirkfield Park PC HARAPIAK, Harry M. The Pas NOP HARPER, Elijah Rupertsland NOP HEMPHILL, Hon. Maureen Logan NOP HYDE, Lloyd Portage la Prairie PC JOHNSTON, J. Frank Sturgeon Creek PC KOSTYRA, Hon. Eugene Seven Oaks NOP KOVNATS, Abe Niakwa PC LECUYER, Hon. Gerard Radisson NOP LY ON, Q.C., Hon. Sterling Charleswood PC MACKLING, a.c., Hon. Al St. James NOP MALINOWSKI, Donald M. St. Johns NDP MANNESS, Clayton Morris PC McKENZIE, J. Wally Roblin-Russell PC MERCIER, Q.C., G.W.J. (Gerry) St. Norbert PC NORDMAN, Rurik (Ric) Assiniboia PC OLESON, Charlotte Gladstone PC ORCHARD, Donald Pembina PC PAWLEY, Q.C., Hon. Howard R. Selkirk NOP PARASIUK, Hon. Wilson Transcona NOP PENNER, Q.C., Hon. Roland Fort Rouge NDP PHILLIPS, Myrna A. Wolseley NDP PLOHMAN, Hon. John Dauphin NOP RANSOM, A. Brian Tu rtle Mountain PC SANTOS, Conrad Burrows NOP SCHROEDER, Hon. Vic Rossmere NOP SCOTT, Don lnkster NOP SHERMAN, L.R. (Bud) Fort Garry PC SMITH, Hon. Muriel Osborne NOP STEEN, Warren River Heights PC STORIE, Hon. Jerry T. Flin Flon NOP URUSKI, Hon. Bill Interlake NOP USKIW, Hon. Samuel Lac du Bonnet NOP WA LDING, Hon. D. James St. Vital NOP LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANI OBA Monday, 23 January, 1984. Time - 2:00 p.m. Leader of the 0 position urged this Chamber to spend six more mont s debating the French language issue. OPENING PRAYER by Mr. Speaker. Now the Leade of the Opposition is asking us to move on and deal ith other matters of concern in the MR. SPEAKER, Hon. J. Walding: Presenting Petitions province. Reading and Receiving Petitions . Presenting I agree with t e Leader of the Opposition insofar as Reports by Standing and Special Committees . getting on to eal with other matters. I just don't Ministerial Statements and Ta bling of Reports . understand ho that is consistent with his plea to us Notices of Motion . Introduction of Bills . in this Chamb r as of last Friday to spend six more months debati g the French language issue in the ORAL QUESTIONS Province of Ma itoba. Economic recovery MR. G. FILMO�: Mr. Speaker, I know that the Premier has difficulty u�derstanding at the best of times what MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable Leader of the is going on in t is House, but if he'd only read the .. Opposition. 1 HON. l. DESJARDINS: There's the bright boy, there's MR. G. FILMON: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question the genius, the e's another genius, the Boy Wonder. is to the Premier. In view of widespread concern i throughout our province for issues dealing with the MR. SPEAKER Question. economy, the unacceptable high levels of � unemployment, the need to attract investment income MR. G. FILMO : . motion, Mr. Speaker, he would in the province today, in view of all these concerns, �� understand tha our intent was to lay the matter over when is it the intention of government to bring in its for six months s that we could deal with these matters. Estimates and its Budget so that the people of Manitoba My question to the First Minister is, Mr. Speaker: and this House can deal with these important issues when will he a ow that to happen; that these other to date? matters be lai aside so that we can deal with the issues that con ern the people of Manitoba - jobs, the MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable First Minister. economy and t e future of our province? HON. H. PAWLEY: Mr. Speaker, we would be delighted to be in a position to move expeditiously to deal with HON. H. PAWLl Y: Mr. Speaker, again I am surprised at the Honourab e Leader of the Opposition's comments the matter of the Budget and Estimates just as early ' and as soon indeed is possible. when I heard hi report, either in this Chamber or in the press, as in icating that all 22 members across the way want to de ate his motion to put the matters that MR. G. FILMON: Mr. Speaker, in case the Premier isn't aware, those are decisions that are made by the are before us a way of business over for another six government, not by the opposition. months. All 22 f them, Mr. Speaker, want to continue to speak. Mr. Speaker, if their record of last week is any SOME HONOURABLE MEMBERS: Oh, oh! precedent by w ich we wasted 14 hours of bell-ringing time and if all 2 members of the opposition are going MR. SPEAKER: Order please, order please. to speak on t eir hoist motion, we will be in this Chamber for an ther six months wasting our time when MR. G. FILMON: When last I looked, he was the Premier and the leader of this government and that decision-, we ought to be� dealing with the matters of the jobs Mr. Speaker, is within his power to make. So my and the econo y in Manitoba. I question, Mr. Speaker, is: in view of concerns that are R being expressed throughout the province that we ought SOME HONOU ABLE MEMBERS: Oh, oh! to be dealing with the real issues of today, the economy, the high levels of unemployment, when is the MR. SPEAKER:l Order please. government going to bring in its Budget for the coming year and its Estimates for the coming year? That would Bilin ualism - hoist motion facilitate our opportunity to deal with those issues. � MR. G. FILMO�: Mr. Speaker, my question to the MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable First Minister. Premier then is: "f the opposition agrees not to debate the hoist motio , will the government then agree to HON. H. PAWLEY: I really don't know whether I am pass it expeditio sly so that we can get on to deal with hearing accurately - my ears fail me - because I am the important p iorities of the province? hearing words from the Leader of the Opposition that f . demonstrate another flip-flop from Friday, when the SOME HONOU ABLE MEMBERS·. Oh oh' � I Monday, 23 January, 1984 MR. SPEAKER: Order please. order please. Order HON. H. PAWLEY: Mr. Speaker, if there is any urgency, please. If the Honourable Leader of the Opposition indeed any emergency, it is that we cease permitting would care to rephrase his question so that it is not the opposition to attempt to hold this House to ransom, hypothetical. and let the government of this province get on with its The Honourable Leader of the Opposition. business. MR. G. FILMON: Mr. Speaker, I will not make that MR. G. FILMON: Mr. Speaker, we now know where hypothesis. I will tell the Premier we will agree not to the government stands and we now know where their continue to debate the hoist motion. Will the Premier commitment is. Mr. Speaker, in view of the fact that agree then to pass the hoist motion speedily, so that the Premier said today in Thompson in his speech, and we can get on and debate the important issues of the I quote, "The economy is our government's priority. House? We are moving ahead with those priorities. We are getting on with the business of the economy while the MR. SPEAKER: The Honourable First Minister. Conservatives continue to obstruct and grind the House to a halt." HON. H. PAWLEY: Mr. Speaker, I remind the Leader Mr. Speaker, if he really believes these words, if they of the Opposition that it was not indicated on this side, are anything more than empty words being put forward but it was spelled out clearly by the former Leader of by some of his speech writers that he doesn't the Opposition - sometimes one wonders if he is still understand, if he really believes these words, when will not the Leader of the Opposition - who indicated that he allow for those issues to be dealt with in the House? it's going to be a long winter and he would speak many Why is this French language issue the only item that times on the resolution before us. Mr. Speaker, we want to deal with the matter that is before us expeditiously we have before us on the Order Paper? When will we so that we can discuss the Jobs Fund and the success be able to deal with it, Mr. Speaker? Let's have an that we've had pertaining to the Jobs Fund in the answer from the Pre.nier.