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The Anchor, Volume 113.01: April 28, 1999

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Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 113.01: April 28, 1999" (1999). The Anchor: 1999. Paper 12. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1999/12 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 113, Issue 1, April 28, 1999. Copyright © 1999 Hope College, Holland, Michigan.

This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1990-1999 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1999 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. April 1999 The end is in sight:

Hope College • Hollandancho, Michigan • A student-run nonprofit publication r• Serving the Hope College Community for M 2 years check Common Relief bond action • Student leaders' ^Students encouraged to organize to choose new assist in relief eff orts for Director of Student Kosovo crisis. Activities SARA E LAMERS SARA E LAMERS campusbeat editor cam pus beat editor

Members of several student organi- The Kosovo crisis caught the atten- The year in zalions have joined together in hopes tion of Brent Merchant ('()()). who review at Hope College that their voices will he belter heard hopes to raise awareness through a Infocus, in tho final selection process of the refugee drive on Wednesday, April 28 page 4. new Director of Student Activities. and Thursday, April 29. "After talking with several students "I wanted to help somehow and de- about the process of how we are se- cided this would be a way I can give lecting the new director. I got the sense my time," Merchant said. that many students fell our voices were Donations will be collected at Phelps Anchor photo by Nikelle Johnson not being heard by merely an evalua- and Cook Dining Hall entrances from tion," said Michael McCune ('99), G AV E L P OW E R: Vice President Malt Scogin ('02), 11 a.m. to I p.m. and in the DcWitt Director of WTHS. President Louis Can fie Id ('01), and Comptroller Kelly Morrison ('01) Center lobby from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. McCune invited leaders from other prepare to lead Student Congress. on Wednesday only. student organizations, such as Greek Merchant stressed that donations of Take a closer Life, Social Activities Committee, the all sizes are welcome. look at the Students elect cabinet Milestone, the Anchor, Fellowship of "1 want to emphasize small dona- shared lives of Christian Students, Women's Issues tions," he said. "Everyone can afford twins Organization, Nykerk, Pull, and RISE, and representatives to donate at least a dollar, and even if Spotlight, to discuss each of the candidates. Each "I'm very excited and grateful that half of our students gather a small page 8. MEREDITH CARE of the students was a member of one students are giving me another chance amount of their change it will make a staff writer of two interview teams who have met to represent them," Brax said. "This difference." with each of the candidates separately Next year's Student Congress presi- cabinet has a lot of potential and ex- Donators will be able to choose to beginning on Tuesday, April 20. dent and vice president were both perience, which can do nothing but have their donations sent to one of On Monday, April 26, the students elected after receiving a substantial good things for Student Congress." three agencies. The agencies selected met to weigh the qualifications of each amount of the votes. President Louis With a new cabinet comes new plans are: Oxfam America Kosovo Relief candidate and reach a consensus of Canfield ('01) received 396 votes and for next year. One of the main concerns Fund, American Red Cross Interna- which would be the best for all orga- Vice President Matt Scogin received is better communication between Con- tional Response Fund, and The Chris- nizations. 457 voles on Thursday, April 23 and gress and students. tian Children's Fund. Richard Frost, Dean of Students, Friday, April 24. Kelly Morrison ('01) "We're going to do just what we said "I picked what I thought were three feels the interviewing process has been was named comptroller by an internal we were going to do," Scogin said. worthwhile organizations," Merchant effective and values student opinions. selection committee. "We want to keep students better in- said. Provost "There are strengths to all of the can- "My biggest goal is to restore the formed, so that they learn about a de- Oxfam America provides water, Nyenhuis didates and we will look over the trust of the student body to Student cision before it is made, and they can clothing, and shelter for the refugees honored by evaluations from faculty and students Congress," Canfield said. "We'll do voice their opinion if they want. We while the American Red Cross helps Mortar Board and take their views into consider- that by improving communication be- want to make more of a representative meet their food and medical needs.The Campusbeat, ation," he said. tween the two." type of Congress." Christian Children's Fund specializes page 2. "Wc were very impressed with the Scogin feels he and Canfield will Canfield and Scogin propose to im- in programs dealing with children's' candidates and their qualifications," complement each other well. prove communication by implement- trauma. said Nikkellc Johnson ('99) Co-Edi- "I'm really excited that Louis and I ing an e-mail system, in which repre- Donations received not specifing r tor of the Milestone. "Wc were excited were elected together," Scogin said. sentatives would send out an e-mail to one of the organizations will be divided ii about what each of them can offer "Since we ran on the same ticket, I their constituents after every meeting. equally among all three groups. Hope." know we will work well together." Avery and Zimbleman agree that The event is co-sponsored by the Final candidates for the job include Class representatives were also communication needs to be improved. Political Science Department, the His- Diana Breclaw, Assistant Director of elected. Emily DuBois ('00) and Eric "Most of the people I talked to didn't tory Department, the Chaplain's office, Student Activities at Elmhurst Col- Goodman ('()()) were elected as senior feel connected to Congress, which is the Fraternal Literary Society, the Pan- lege, III.; Ann Comerford, Special Pro- class representatives, Paul Bush ('01) sad to me," Avery said. "I want to make Hellenic Council, the Hope Republi- grams and Center Events Graduate As- and Megan Brax ('01) as junior repre- people feel that they know what's go- cans and the Hope Democrats. sistant at Southern Illinois University, sentatives and Amy Avery ('02) and ing on and that they can have a chance In conjunction with the drive, a and Melissa Yonan, Advisor and Fra- Jessica Zimbleman ('02) as sophomore to voice their opinion." panel discussion on the Kosovo crisis Student dance ternity/Sorority Specialist at the Uni- representatives. more ELECTIOMS on 2 more RELIEF on 2 concert takes versity of Wisconsin, Madison. center stage After reviewing the candidates, Intermission, McCune and the students decided Fiedlers to speak at commencement page3. upon one of the candidates which they feel would be (he best for all student dren, to a group of about 15 six-year and 1 was enjoying it. MIKE ZUIDEMA old children. Fiedler has come a long Fiedler organizations. McCune declined to editor-in-chief comment on which candidate the stu- way from his days of discussing the will con- dents chose. A Hurry of small hands sprouted in motives of Captain Ahab in Moby tinue to "We wanted to agree on which of front of John Dick. teach at Lin- the candidates would be the best for Fiedler as he Fiedler has spent the last year stu- coln through all of the students and fell this would asked if there dent teaching in Room 6 at Lincoln the end of be a more effective way to choose a was any dis- Elementary School. He had been a the school candidate, instead of merely filling out cussion on member of Hope's English faculty year when an evaluation," McCune said. "The the book he since 1986. His training began more his student director will be directly involved in had just fin- than a year ago, as he began taking teaching will ished. many organizations and others will education classes with other students be complete. J Fiedler need her on an ad-hoc basis." Fiedler had at Hope. He has al- Women's tennis From this meeting, McCune drafted just finished "I was tired of doing what I was do- ready sent applications to various em- season draws to a letter recommending the candidate reading ing. I wanted something new and dif- ployers. a close the students have chosen. The letter " A m a zing ferent," Fiedler said. "I had been work- "I'm glad I was in a position where Sports, will be sent to Frost, Kristen Gray, Grace," a ing with kids for several years through I could make this move," Fiedler said. page I I. more STUDENTS on 2 story about accepting disabled chil- Big Brother and other volunteering. more FIEDLERS on 2 ampus Beat the Anchor April 28. 1999 Nyenhuis receives honor " A. s a suppor. ..t. figurer- , hl e. worke_l di ThTUe„ group planned to officially AMANDA BLACK with the group throughout the year, bestow the honor on Nyenhuis dur- production editor according to Norden. ing the induction ceremonies, but ^ Provost Jacob Nyenhuis hr.s been "He's always held the could not. named an honorary member of the group in high regard. "I was Alcor Chapter of the Mortar Board Whenever we hit a snag or out of town Honor Society. a shortcoming, he's been of College The group of seniors granted there to discuss our prob- business," Nyenhuis the award. According to lems and figure out way to Nyenhuis Andrew Norden ('99), this is the help us. He's a great bene- said. "I first lime the group has welcomed factor to the group," he wasn't able an honorary member. said. to receive "This is the first time that our Since Mortar Board is the award." chapter has done anything like part of a national organiza- Guse this," he said. "Because of our na- tion, the honor must go to sent a letter ture of being made up of seniors, it someone whose influence t o is different from year to year." is felt outside of the cam- Nyenhuis Anchor pUoXo by Nikelle Johnson The group felt Nyenhuis was the pus as well, according to notifying FINAL M OX E S: Robert Ritsema directed the a perfect candidate because he em- president Lori Guse ('99). Nyenhuis that he was orchestra on Tuesday, April 27 in Dimnent Chapel. This bodies the same ideals as the group, "The honor goes to the newest concert marked Ritsema ys last one. He will retire this year after those of leadership, scholarship, someone with notable service over member of Morlar board. 31 years of teaching. and service. a period of years whose influence "I sent him a letter and he said it "I've long supported the ideals of works beyond just Mortar Board," was a delightful surprise," he said. the group," Nyenhuis said. 'They she said. Their impact must reach Nyenhuis is pleased to be an hon- campus brief have marvelous ideals for which out into the college and the com- orary member of Mortar Board. students and life-long learners munity." "I was completely surprised and Hemenway awarded for teaching excellence should have." As a group, the national organi- very pleased that the students gave Norden felt Nyenhuis did more zation urges individual chapters to me this honor," Nyenhuis said. played on the Y2K abbreviation. Stephen Hemenway, Professor of than reflect the ideals of the group. make honorary members and ap- During the honors convocation I focused mainly on how we as English received an award for "In- "He's been our biggest supporter proves the choices. on Thursday, April 29, Nyenhuis educators need to have the ability novative Excellence in Teaching, and backer this year," he said. "I get "We are all encouraged to give will officially receive his award. to change constantly," he said. ,4I Learning, and Technology." The that feeling that he has been in- honors to people in our commu- He encourages younger students feel that Hope en- nomination was volved in the past as well. He held nity" Guse said. "It was mentioned to think about Mortar Board as they courages its educa- made, by the a dinner for the current officers and at our national conference. Because get go through their college careers. tors to take teaching Dean's Council always wants to get involved. The Nyenhuis has been so involved with 'The Mortar Board ideals are im- seriously and look for and Hemenway kind of person who best embodies us, we thought he was the perfect portant for all students. I encourage methods to improve was one of 64 the leadership, scholarship, and ser- candidate when membership came every student who qualifies for teaching." educators world vice, these all fit him well." up second semester." Morlar Board to apply." wide to be hon- Hemenway gave ored. examples of teaching ELECTIONS from I The award was techniques he has presented at the used in his own class- Zimbleman agreed. "I want to es- "My main goal is to promote di- housing costs, meal plans, and tenth Interna- room, such as "non- tablish more contacts between me versity and tolerance," she said. phone bills." tional Confer- paper" projects and and my constituents, to let them "We're going to have to find ways With all of these different goals ence on College interactive learning know what's going on." that will work to do this, and it's and plans, the new cabinet members teaching and experiences. Other representatives raised dif- something I'm going to have to all expressed excitement and enthu- 4t Learning at Hemenway l tried to show ferent concerns that they hope to learn a lot about." siasm at working together to serve Florida Commu- how my classes can address next year. Goodman wants Congress to ad- the students* concerns and needs. nity College in Jacksonville, held vary from day to day," he said. "I "I hope that there will be clarifi- dress money issues next year. "Everybody in the cabinet will from Wednesday, April 14 to Sat- think the classroom should be open cation and a redefining of parts of "I would like to see Student Con- work well together," Canfield said. urday, April 17. to new opportunities in learning." the Student Congress constitution gress address the over inflated costs "We all have experience at least in "The theme of the conference Hemenway has been a member that were interpreted loosely this of long distance calls," he said. 'T student leadership, and some have focused on technology as well as of the Hope faculty since 1972 and past year," Bush said. want students to become more experience in Student Congress. We innovative teaching methods," has been honored as Michigan's DuBois would also like to see aware of the different ways in which have a mix of viewpoints and gen- Hemenway said. "Professor of the Year" in 1991, and some changes from things that hap- Hope extracts money from them der on the cabinet, and I think we Hemenway gave a presentation "Hope Outstanding Professor Edu- pened this past year. once they are on campus, such as will represent the students well." on creativity in the classroom titled cator" in 1977. He has also led the "Why Two K Concepts May Spark Vienna Summer School Program RELIEF from I New Millennium Teaching," which since 1976. will lake place on Wednesday. April should help increase awareness of "My hope is that those who at- 28 at 5 p.m. in Vanderwerf 104. the issue." tend will develop a deeply reflec- tive attitude about what we should FIEDLERS from I Members of the panel will include Each member of the panel will Professors of Political Science Joel briefly share their personal assess- or should not do in this situation," "I'm always happy to get up and go gelling to know student's parents, Toppen and Jack Holmes and Pro- ment of the situation and audience Kennedy said. grandparents and other relatives. to work. I'm loving it." fessors of History James Kennedy, members will be able to ask ques- Toppen also hopes students will It's an aspect he missed at Hope. Moving from college faculty to Janis Gibbs, Earl Curry, and Larry tions after the presentations. take advantage of this opportunity. the elementary classroom has been "I'm working wilh students in a "This will be a great opportunity Penrose. Panel members will address the community," he said. "There's a new experience for Fiedler. Ev- "I think that wilh the relief efforts historical background of Kosovo for students to raise questions and much more of a communal web that erything operates on a much smaller being done the panel will compli- and the potential of ground troops hopefully get some answers," he scale and Fiedler is now forced to extends beyond the walls that Hope ment things well," Toppen said. "It entering the conflict. said. teach all subjects. had." "I get to teach everything, and by Working with elementary chil- STUDENTS from I getting to teach everything my ho- dren has been a drastic change for includes students in this process," "I think the process went very rizons are broadening," Fiedler Fiedler, but he is aided by the Assistant Dean, President John said Jill Pierson ('00), President of well and it was nice that the students said. "I'm going back and releam- school's close proximity to Hope Jacobson, Provost Jacob Nyenhuis, Women's Issues Organization. "It could be involved," she said. "I ing stuff I was a little shaky on." College. He is able lo use his wife's and incoming president James has been helpful to have the stu- would have liked it if we could have Last year, Fiedler was forced to office and remain in contact wilh Bultman. dents meet the candidates since they had more involvement with them, lake classes with students he had former colleagues. While each student interviewer is are will work with the director." but I understand that the candidates once taught. Now he is attempting Julie Fiedler has been a member required for filling out an evalua- Kate MacDoniels ('00), Pan-Hel are only here for a limited time." lo communicate those lessons to of the English faculty since 1986. tion of each candidate, McCune Vice President echoed these Currently Frost and Student De- six-year old children. She also serves as divisional recruit- stressed that the meeting was orga- thoughts. velopment are in the process of re- "It really is a whole different ball ment coordinator in the humanities. nized completely by students and "I liked having this opportunity," viewing each of the candidates and game. My confidence level has John and Julie Fiedler will speak the drafting of the letter was not she said. "I'm looking for an indi- then will proceed to make offers to been shot," Fiedler said. "You have at the graduation ceremony on Sun- required by Student Development. vidual who will be approachable each candidate. to ihink back to where they are de- day, May 9 at 3 p.m. In Holland Mu- "We are writing the letter with- and that will not work with us to "I'm pleased with the process, it velopmenlally and that has been nicipal Stadium. Their speech, "An- out the approval or disapproval of solve our problems but acknowl- has been long and grueling, but a one of the hardest things and one chors Aweigh," will focus on lift- the administration," McCune said. Many students commented on the edge the good things we do." positive experience," Frost said. "I of the most rewarding." ing weights and making decisions. Jenny Trask ('00), of SAC feels appreciate the student input and it Fiedler has enjoyed working Fiedler believed that this will be importance of student voices in this it would have been helpful if more has been very helpful throughout closely with students six hours a the first commencement that two process. time was spent wilh the candidates. the process." day, five days a week. He enjoys speakers will share time. "I think it's impressive that Hope

> • April 28, I 999 the Anchor I ntermission Students explore expression through dance slon, and a solo lo "Don'l Speak" for inspiraiion for her K/VTE FOLKERT" & by No Doubl. piece. After breaking up JAMIE LADE MAM intermission editor & "The piece is aboul saying wilh her staff reporter goodbye," she said. "Parting is such boyfriend —O sweel sorrow." she read a Dante professor Maxine While looking for ihe perfeel cos- book by Dr. DcBruyn feels thai choreographing lume, she found four dresses lhal John Gray,. gives sludenls ihe chance lo im- her dancers and friends owned lhal called Mars and prove iheir skills. depicled ihe people perfeclly for ihe Venus Starting Over. "Il's a chance lo help sludenls piece. In it, he slales lhal improve iheir choreography/' she Wilh only ihree weeks lo re- there are four slages said. ,4Wilh encouragemenl and as- hearse, ihe piece came logelher in people go ihrough — sessmenl, one begins lo shape a way bolh rehearsals and in Enos's free after a relation- lhal you'd like lo presenl ideas in lime. ship ends; anger, SXRIKEA POSE: Dancers perform movemenl, noi words." "The firsl lwo [segmenls] came fear, sadness, Melissa Clancy's ('01) "Jazzy Jig." This was For more lhan 20 dance majors, idgelher really well, ihe lasl one and sorrow. The one ofover twenty pieces performed during Ihe Spring Sludcnl-Choreographcd came randomly," she said. 44I was piece revolves the Monday and Tuesday performances Dance Concerl was a chance for home on a Friday nighl dancing in around ihese emo- of the Student-Choreographed I hem lo showcase iheir ideas ihe living room." tions. For Spalding, il Dance Concert nelic solo. The ihrough dance. Jen Spalding ('99) reached wilhin brought further healing. Having choreographed in high "I had closure before I started two dancers join for school all ihe lime, ihis was ihe firsl working on this piece, but this the lasl segmenl. where the lime Rachel Flolkoeller ('01) cho- brought even more closure," she est, they're not hiding anything." opposites come logelhej. A French and dance double ma- reographed for Hope College. said. Choreography is about looking The piece Flolkoeller Many of the feelings inside for Spalding. jor, Vendramini spent last year in worked on was lyrical, a Spalding had fell al the "Il gives you a chance to explore France, where the difference be- DANCE combinalion of mod- time of the break up your own movement qualities," she tween sally and sugary foods is im- ON AIR: portant. This is where the idea to ern dance and jazz. came back while re- said. "People who slay away from Sarah Anders use food lo represent ihe opposites For Flolkoeller, hearsals were going this might be afraid to face them- COO) performs a choreographing is on. selves. You have lo look inside came from. ballet piece on "The emotions yourself lo do this." "They make a big deal between like an. Monday night. came back. It was Putting this piece on slage was a sugary and sally," she said. "Al "i love lo walch Amy Weis ('99) weird; not as in- bit of a challenge for Spalding be- McDonald's you can order the sug- my dancers. You. choreographed tense, bul like a re- cause il is so personal. ary or sally breakfast." could compare il lo the dance to cap," she said. "It "Basically it's my soul shown for Although she has choreographed arl class, when selections from was crazy to go the audience," she said. "I try not before, Vendramini feels lhal she people say 'ihis is "Sleeping lo think about what others think. I learned lo explain her ideas better whal I made,"* she Beautyyy by through it all again." did this for me." Ihrough working on this piece. said, "ll's an experience Tchaikovsky. Spalding has choreo- "I learned how lo communicate 10 pul lhal much lime inlo \ graphed two other pieces Peanut butler and jelly gave ideas lo dancers," she said. "You 11 and be able lo walch il before, but feels that this is movemenl ideas for the dancers in \ have lo learn how lo explain il for progress and come logelher." her strongest. Reina Vendramini's ('99) piece. each person so they understand and In conirasl lo some of ihe olher "Thisjs the most solid, most "We looked al the textures to see can recreate the image you have in dances, Flolkoeller's inspiraiion honest," she said. "The feelings lhal how they move," she said. didn'l come from personal experi- come from the movement are hon- The piece is a combination move- your head." The concerts were held al the ence. menl and personality study. It be- Knickerbocker Theatre on April 26 "The mood [of ihe concerl] was gins wilh a slow, mellow solo, and 27. very deep, wilh a serious lone," she THE BEST JUST GOT BETTER. which is followed by a fast and fre- said. "Some people were pouring oul iheir souls, and I jusl picked ihe music I liked and choreographed lo Midmte il. I wenl lo Targel and picked oul ihe coslumes and il worked greal." Flolkoeller was pleased wilh ihe work her dancers did during re- hearsal. Wesf Shore Center Y EAR HMD "They were good. They picked il up quick," she said. "I was ihrow- just expanded to 22 units with 3 orbits! ing sluff al ihem and ihey were prac- HELP US CELEBRATE APRIL 26 THRU MAY 2 licing il unii! ihey gol il." ONLY AT THE WEST SHORE CENTER. Caroline Enos ('99) dedicaled her piece lo her four besl friends who MONDAY APRIL 26 * Buy 6 tans get 6 and get 2nd for $10" are graduating wilh her in May. She free FRIDAY APRIL 30 *$35 of Midnite choreographed ihe piece and TUESDAY APRIL 27 *Buv a bottle of Memberships: 1 Month VIP: $45, danced in il also. Cal Tan get 2nd for S10* I Month VIP. SIS SALE Enos explained ihe piece as be- WEDNESDAY APRIL 26 *Buv 6 Power SATURDAY MAY I •To be announced ing divided inlo ihree segmenls: Tan™ upgrades and get 6 free Friday April 30. Call West Shore refleclion of ihe synonyms of ihe THURSDAY APRIL 29 •Buy a bottle for details Friday word big, music from George Win- of]A (formerly Swedish Beauty) •2nd bottle must be of lesser value


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• bcJcdlflj lutkcdti H ewftfUf joflw. Mo idiillofld or mpnt ON it wifi 3 p.m. • SAC Movie • n ommy • Exams Boy" • Winante Auditorium Exams Have a (5KEAT eummerlll In focus ^Anchor April 28. I 999 Hope at the end of the millenium: y/#*? llf« r- ivr-itwiv w

isn't a place that is perfect, and this DANA LAMERS challenging year of my teaching ca- well-known, some barely recog- infocus editor reer," said Heather Sellers, profes- nized. year 1 have discovered that 1 can- sor of English. 'This was a very difficult year for not ignore the struggles that Hope Hope College has been While every individual student, me—Hope College has stopped be- as a whole has gone through." stretched, pulled, and lugged in faculty member, and administralor ing so new to me as it was as a This page is designed to offer us ways never imagined as freshman can point to challenges in their per- freshman," said Jen Frayer COl), a chance to take another look at the and returnfng students poured sonal lives, it is evident that as a and this year I have begun to see school year that has shaped our lives back onto campus in the end of college community we have faced that Hope isn't the happy valley over the past eight months. It's an August. an unusual number of battles: some filled with smiling faces and skip- opportunity to reflect, remember, "This has been the single most silent, some very outspoken, some ping people in the Pine Grove, it and learn.

• "The chaplain staff seems too dents doing all the work, but I can "I think that the fact that November 18: September 9: big on pushing controversial issues. tell you that she pushes and inspires many people were very Chapel Program New Program to I felt uncomfortable being there; it us to keep improving. She has unsettled is a sign that increase campus diversity felt so strict, so closeminded. At the undergoes review due taught us the meaning of the word we may need more • "Some students don't find a chapel I feel like if I don't do some- to Campuswide debate. leadership." —Michael "Norm" Mc conversation on niche where they feel like they be- thing the way they want, they're not • "The events and the discussions Cune, WTHS station manager. these difficult and long. This is not «a program for just going to accept me."—Miriam of last spring have brought into even emotional issues." —Alfredo students of color. Expect a major- Khadija ('01). sharper focus the question of how Gonzales, Assistant Provost and September 23: ity of these students to be majority we are to carry out our staled insti- CIS committee member. students. The students involved will February 24: tutional mission."—Provost Jacob Conflict Sparked: October 28: have made a conscience choice to Men's basketball cap- Nyenhuis, in his address to the fac- Chapel review team Governor's Race be involved."—Charles Green, di- tures fifth consecutive ulty on Aug. 27. holds open forum Visits Hope rector of the Phelps Scholar Pro- championship September 16: • "1 feel, as others do, that there •"Signs gram. • "This is the kind of thing you Parties attract police will be no easy solution. 1 think that for Fieger dream about as a coach. You win, the chapel program has great and Engler January 20: attention. you lose, you win, you lose, and 4 strengths, but 1 am concerned about can be Board selects Bultman • i understand then our guys made some definite what 1 hear from students whose found all that they have to • "Dr. decisions to practice harder. Our experiences suggest otherwise." over the enforce the law, but Bultman guys felt they could be a pretty good —Maura Reynolds, Director of community it seems like the brings to team and we ended up winning Academic Advising. and election I police are only fo- the presi- A fighter seven straight games and that has talk has dency . of |J,| Jjl'-'j K cusing on the pur- October 30: for You to do with the heart of this team."— crept into v suit of underage Hope Col- Coach Glenn VanWieren Survey unveiled everyday conversation in classes drinkers."- Kelly lege not • "Most differences of opinion are and among students."—the Anchor Buwalda('Ol). only a deep March 3: not between believers and unbeliev- •"Students often ask: We're off- love for his Student Congress to ers, but between devoted Christians November 4: campus. why is this the college's alma mater, host Mel White who disagree on the effectiveness business? But it is a reflection on New Member Educa- but also • Student Congress votes to sup- of the Chapel Programs in recent Hope College and it interferes with tion Policy approved by professiona¥l experienc e and per- port the visit of Mel White to cam- years."~Frost Research Center Stu- the community, and the community Campus Life Board sonal qualities that equip him well pus to give a personal testimony on dent and Faculty Evaluation of the for this important position of lead- being gay and a Christian. expects Hope to take responsibility • "It's not really a policy because Chapel program. ership."—Provost Jacob Nyenhuis • "Hope is a liberal arts institu- for its students. And secondly, Hope in essence it's a promise. With this • "Our motivation in these con- tion and students deserve to be ex- has high expectations for its stu- policy the administration won't cerns, our deepest desire, is to up- January 20: posed to all aspects of any issue, be dents."—Derek Emerson. Director make any major changes each year hold the holinevss of God's name and Lewis Event: Art and it homosexuality, pluralism, what- of Housing and Judicial Affairs. without really looking at the to care for the precious lives of the ever."—Dana Marolt ('99), Student policy."—Adam Hudson, President Faith Intersect September 23: students entrusted to us. Jesus said, Congress President. oflFC. •Veritas End of an era: Anne 'If anyone causes one of these little Forum March 10: Bakker-Gras, director of ones to sin, it would be better for November 4: him to be thrown into the sea with featured A campus divided student activities resigns. Review team submits t h e a large millstone tied around his • Student Congress rescinds in- report on chapel Lewis neck.' We think the issues we have vitation to speaker Mel White. • "The team cited aspects of event raised have 'millstone' signifi- • Student organizations pick up Hope's environment that they re- with cance ."—Chaplain^sSel^ where Student Congress leaves off. ferred to as 'tears in the fabric of concerts "It's a sad day for Hope College October 7: Hope College,' saying, "We lament and when Student Congress fails to sup- the pain and polarization within the work- '01 captures 101st Pull port the ideals of a liberal arts edu- Hope Community in relationship to shops cation."—Eric Goodman ('99), the Chapel Program."—The Anchor from artists such as Sixpence None RISE co-president. the Richer. Three months later November 11: Sixpence's debut single, "Kiss Me" March 17: • "That's why I love my job. and Tradition Continues: cracked the top of the pop charts. Chapel Series hosts the hardest part of leaving. When 1 Even Year wins Nykerk February 3: healed homosexual look around my office, at the pic- RISE constitution Mario Bergner lures on the walls, and the years of students I've worked with, I real- approved • "We provide a place that is sup- ize where students have gone and • "There's half an hour left, your portive and inclusive for students what they have done with their body is shaking, the voices of the to discuss religious issues in less of lives. Things like that make me ex- crowd seem to disappear, the sky a confrontational manner and more cited about what student can do turns a different color and all you of an intellectual manner. This is a because of extracurricular activities. want to do is end it. But for some place of refuge where we would Being part of that is really special." reason a rush comes over you from hope anyone would feel comfort- —Anne Bakker Gras your head to your toes and an in- able speaking his or her mind."— • "Anne has more impact on my stant shock wave is sent from Pit Amanda Schneider ('99). life than any other person 1 have one straight to the Anchor. It's a • "Homosexuality and Christian- met." —Jeff Whitmore ('99), direc- feeling only a puller can under- February 24: ity are in opposition because homo- tor of Orientation and Director of stand." —Drew "Machine" Mackay Chapel series: "Setting sexuality is one of the sins that Jesus Kletz events for SAC. COD- • "This is one of the best years of Love in Order" came to redeem. I'm not trying to • "Over her 12 years here, Anne competition we've ever had. Both build a bridge, I just want to show has fought for the students and October 7; year's have learned and grown from announced • "The series is about understand- that we can live with our differences helped us reach levels that most Critically speaking: the experiences we've enjoyed to- ing the order, foundation, and struc- and love each other." —Mario thought never'possible. If you ask Annual symposium gether."—Roxanne Pascente ('99), ture God laid when he made us."— Bergner. her she will say that ii is the stu- Nykerk General Chair. addresses women's issues Dean Ben Patterson. (Photos courtesy of Anchor Archives) April 28. 1999 the Anchor I nFocus The Year- in -Review, continued from 4 • "It's always nice to get together Mario Bergner, con't • "A col lege can't be afraid of any April 14: the sense that many students felt our •"I Ihink he was graceful With his issue. It is where we go to open our and remember all the battles won, voices were not being heard by leaching as anyone I have heard on minds and hearts Right now we Katie Koestner raises and to celebrate, and be happy." — merely an evaluation—We wanted ihe subject. I trust that God has have to lower the volume of our campus awareness of Jane Dickie, psychology professor to agree on which of the candidates worked through his life and expe- argument. We have to quit yelling sexual assualt and director of Womerr's Studies. would be best for all the students, riences to leach others; I agree with across an ever-widening chasm."— April 21: and felt this would be a more effec- his position."— Emily Ratering Rev. Dr. Mel White. tive way to choose a candidate." — Candidates compete ('99). • "I think that it was important to Michael "Norm" McCune ('99), • 'I found a lot of what he said hear both views. (White) wasn't try- for power of Student WTHS Station Manager. to be at odds with the facts. 1 found ing to scare anybody, his focus was Congress that a lot of his discussion of male love. It encouraged me to do some To be continued: • Louis Canfield ('01) and Mall and female sexes, as well as the more reading and thinking on it." Scogin ('02) claim the presidency Class of 1999 nature of sexuality, to be stereotypi- — Kathleen Gazda ('02). and vice-presidency. graduates cal. The characterization of women • "It hasn't given me any answers, • "Student Congress is in desper- was truly offensive." — Deirdre but a lot of good questions."— Brad ate need of change. The events of Johnston, Professor of Communi- Chassee ('01). • "We all have a responsibility to the past year have convinced me prevent sexual assault and the way cations. that it is no longer enough for the to do that is to become educated organization to continue doing busi- March 17: April 14: about it. We need to be changing ness as usual. What is needed is Rev. Dr. Mel White Campus prepares to attiudes, changing beliefs, confront- more communication between Stu- say goodbye to ing others, and taking a stand on shares personal dent Congress and the student these issues." — Christa Collins, experience retiring faculty body."—Louis Canfield ('01). C.A.A.R.E. advisor. • "The retirements of Nancy April 28: Nicodemus, John Wilson, Robert April 21: Ritsema, Sylvia Boyd, Jeanne Student Organizations Outstanding Hope Jacobson, and Marcia Smit will be band together in selec- effective at the end of the semes- Women Honored tion of new Director of ter."— The Anchor • "For the first lime, Hope hon- Student Activities • "The classroom for me is the ored ihree women for their contri- most important and what I'm proud- butions to the campus: Kristen • "After talking with several stu- est of." — Nancy Nicodemus, pro- Gray, Jane Dickie and Amanda dents about the process of how we fessor of English. Schneider." —/he Anchor are selecting the new director, I got

Overheard: Final thoughts on another year in Hope's History

•President John Jacobson the Chaplain's office. ... It is my • Heather Sellers (English) my last time." lives bear witness to what they pro- 'I continue to learn more of optimistic hope and prayer that "The coolest thing T saw during • Marc Baer (History) fess." what I have been learning for somehow Hope might be able to this exceedingly difficult year was "1 believe that teaching is a • Amanda Schneider twelve years; the talents and en- learn from this year and see that we this: a group of graduating senior moral enterprise: you. should not "This year has been an explosion ergy of Hope faculty, staff and don't have to be carbon copies of women passing down their strength, take me seriously merely because of growth in a rain of voices. On students, and the love that Hope each other to be a community that wisdom, and support, to next year's I have a Ph.D., have published a the tide of this cacaphony, the clear alumni have for their college." impacts others, a community that women." book, have taught for two decades inspiration of the mountainlop has •Jen Prayer (VI) makes a difference." • Adam Hudson ('99) or am a tenured, full professor. rolled down into an equally dark "I have been somewhat stuck •Nate Hart ('01) "Through the tears and the laughs You should respect me because of and trying valley. I feel I have lived in the middle of of many impor- "This year I learned that God puis I have gained much from my exlra- the above, but you should only and died and begun to breathe again tant issues on Hope's campus: I troublesome times in our lives (and curricular involvements. 1 found pay attention if I walk the walk time and lime again over the past have benefitted from Hope's on this campus) for a reason: we myself delving into the politics of as well as talk the talk. The fac- year. I am left with hope, bul I am chapel, but also fell alienated by can't have struggle-free lives with- this school very often, bul there was ulty would be wise to spend this left wondering how many lives I persons and issues that represent out growing. one main difference this year: it was summer pondering whether their have left to live."

THE PA PER: The Anchor staff finishes off another year of late nights and constant deadlines. (L to R, top to bottom): Julie Green {'02), Andrew Kleczek ('02), Kate Folkert ('99), Meredith Care ('02), Tiffany Ripper ('02), Amanda Black ('99), Stacey Slad ('00), Dana Lamers ('01), Dong Sweetser ('00), April Greer ('02), Carne Arnold ('02), Christine Trinh ('00), Sara Lamers ('01), Mike Znidema ('00), and Paul Loodeen ('99). Opinion //*

our voice. A WORD FROM THE EDITOR...

A real student union Hope's newest chapter It is about time that the student organizations at Hope Things become hazy when I look completely subsided, we were in the College banded together. - back al the events of ihe year. I'm thick of it. A group of students have taken it upon themselves to not sure if it's the blur of events We were able to put out a special Michael Zuidema unite in an effort to be sure that their voice is heard in meshing together, or my bloodshot issue devoted to the controversy. the selection of a new Director of Student Activities. eyes. We were able to cover all the major apart of their lives, they have al- This year has been one of the threads that were involved with it. lowed the readers into their lives as The idea of organizing students is long overdue. There hardest years of my life. Early first And 1 believe, quite frankly, that we well. has long been a rift among several groups of individuals semester I battled a bout of major outperformed the local newspapers. The issues that are important to that have existed due to personal beliefs and lack of depression. During Winter Break I Our coverage of the religious con- this campus will continue to flare interest. It is time for these differences to end. fought to maintain a "decent" GPA. troversy was more in-depth and and burn in the next year. But by The voice of the students can always be heard on And this semester, Hope College more researched than the Holland letting us into their lives, they are and I have been battling perhaps its Sentinel or the Lakeshore Press. reminding us that we are human. campus, if one listens close enough. Most of the time it biggest issue to date. And that was because the Anchor We are each other. And we are to- consists of random students grumbling, mumbling, And the Anchor has been there staff was forced to deal with the gether. complaining and not voicing their concerns in a manner through it. same issues the campus community Hope College has had to deal that would help them. Through every single event, the was. with major issues throughout the The reality that students are finally banding together Anchor staff has been there. I am After working with this Anchor year. There are several individuals confident and arrogant enough to staff, I know that there is not a topic who won't be able to return to fight should be welcome. Students at Hope need a strong voice say that this newspaper was on top that we wouldn't be able to handle. the battles that need to be handled, to express concerns, thoughts and ideas. There is no better of virtually everything this campus As the issues continue lo boil on and that is unfortunate. place to turn than the representatives of the organizations did. the campus (no matter who tries to I, along with most of the staff, are which represent so much of this campus. And while this staff didn't always deny their existence), the Anchor devoted to staying with this college. Students need to be able to express these concerns so like the workload, the leadership, will be there. This is beginning to As journalists we are dedicated to or the late nights, we persevered. sound like an advertisement, but the communicating to the readers the that the campus and community understand these. The We beat the laziness. We beat the Anchor has become a voice on cam- thoughts, the feelings, the issues, of atmosphere at Hope is such that these concerns are deadlines. We beat the nay-sayers. pus. Hope. We are dedicated to telling muffled. The college should always be intended for the Buzz words fill my head, describ- In some small way, hundreds in Hope's story. students, unfortunately the concerns of those students ing the staff this year. Terms like the Hope community has let us into The Anchor is not about the writ- are rarely heard. Learning. Digging. Quality. Re- their lives. Members of the Anchor ers that script the articles. It isn't spect. Improvement. have gotten close to individuals about me. It isn't about making By unifying these student organizations, it will ensure It was never the easiest thing to within the faculty, staff, administra- Hope look good or bad. It isn't that the students are unified and offer a collective voice deal with. At the height of the reli- tion and students. about raising hell. that faculty and administration cannot ignore. gious controversy, which still hasn't And in allowing us to capture The Anchor is about our lives. The advantages of organising student organizations are endless. The amount of resources that each organization your can add are endless. The mass number of bodies that organizations hold, ensure that events would go off Student leader explains intention of organizing students without a hitch. To the Editor, administrator in the room while we WTHS, Pull, Nykerk, WIO, HAPA, The students that organized the meeting to voice their were allowed to ask questions. It C.A.A.R.E, Orientation, FCS., Being an educated individual, was my opinion, along with others, R.I.S.E., and the Hockey Club to opinions should be commended. one of my favorite activities is to that this process was set up to the participate in the recommendation The current voice of the students is either sift through a magazine and read the students disadvantage and we de- committee, and that is what we have misrepresented or ignored. The current system of voicing interesting stories. Last summer, I cided to take action. given to the administration. student concerns is either ineffective or inaccurate. came across an engaging tale about On Monday night after the appli- At first, we considered that this It is obvious that the administration, faculty and a small Christian college in the cants had been interviewed, a group issue could be keep in a private con- Northeastern United States that was of student leaders gathered together text between the committee and students are working on three different levels. By not much different from our won- in a classroom and had an open dis- Dean Frost, but as we moved on, organizing and unifying, students are making sure they derful school. The main gist of the cussion forum about the three can- we felt that a more public forum are protecting the rights of the most important individuals article detailed their Dean's require- didates. After all was said and done, should be explored. It was our wish on this campus; the students. ment that all administration mem- we had come to a consensus about that the Hope's students know the bers refer to the students as "cus- the best applicant for the position recommendation of it's own repre- tomers." What a superb idea! and sent an official recommenda- sentatives; that is why I am writing When you think about it, we are tion to the Dean of Students, Rich- this letter. We have given Dean meet the press customers. We shell out $20,000 a ard Frost. Frost our recommendation to con- Although we feel it is inappro- sider while the final decision is be- editor-in-chief Michael Zuidema year to have a great learning and social atmosphere. For that much priate to release the nam^ of the in- ing made. I hope in the end that the production editor Amanda Black money, don't you think we should dividual we placed at the top of the administration makes the correct campusbeat editor Sara E. iMtners have a serious opinion in what hap- list, we would like to assure the stu- choice, the student choice. After all, sports editor- Paul Loodeen pens at this school, especially when dent body that we have recom- the customer is always right. intermission editor Kate Folkert it concerns student activities? mended someone that will fulfill spotlight editors Carrie Arnold We are in the midst of choosing their needs and motivate us to reach Julie Green a new Director of Student Activi- new goals in leadership. infocus editor Dana Lamers ties to replace Anne Bakker-Gras I would hope that the Adminis- photo editor Johnathan Muenk who resigned from the position last tration accepts our recommendation copy editor Jennifer Schwieger fall. A number of students were for Student Activities Director be- business mgr./ad rep Stacey Slad asked to participate in the process, cause we are the ones that will be ad designer Dan McCue but our only input was in the form working with the director on a daily of a vague evaluation form that basis. A strong group of student distribution mgr. Doug Sweetser could easily be ignored when the leaders speaking with one clear production assistant Christine Trinh final decision came around. Many voice was my goal when I gathered faculty advisor Tim Boudreau of the students involved were also individuals from SAC., Greek Life, Michael "Norm" McCune ('99) staff photographers concerned with the presence of an The Milestone, The Anchor, April Greer • Nike lie Johnson staff reporters Meredith Care • Andrew Kleezek • Jamie Ladenian • Tiffany Ripper Ad Designer Dan McCue says:

The Am hiir is a jinklua«»/ Mmlcni cffuri ami is fuiulcd llirongh the Hope College Simlenl "Join the Anchor! I was just some skinny Congress Aitpni/malioiis Coinniiilee. Leiiers in the eililnr arc enaiuraged. ihuiigh due in space liniilaiions ihe Anchor rescu es die ritflil lo edii The opinions addressed in die edilorial punk before I joined the Anchor. Now I have are solely those of die edilor-in-chief. Stories fnun die Hope Colleee News Service are a prndiici of die Public Relations Ojlhe One-year .snhscriptions lo die Anchor are available for my own nickname and horse. The Ank is Sl< U'c lesen e the rifiht to accept or reject any advertising. still looking for photographers and can Vol. I 12, Issue 25 always use good eggs. They are done for the this year, but get involved next year!" April 28. I 999 the Anchor Opinion your voice. Congress president reflects on year To the Editor: stairs. Any way you cul it, Ihe fac- ully versus the Chapel, the Chapel Just so you all know. I wasn't sil- with ihe administration's help GUEST COLUMN ling in the Sludenl Congress office against the staff, ihe student orga- Amanda Black thinking lhal 1 didn'l have enough nizations against the administration, on my plate with graduation, gel- the Chapel against ihe students; ling a job. saying good-bye lo my what this all means is lhal ihe slu- sorority sisters, finishing my dcnls lose. The battle lhal has be- classes, and 80 million other things. gun. and I claim my fair share of its For the record. I didn't randomly initiation, is at the students' ex- Making Memories say, "I think I need more to do. why pense. I am at a point where I can don't I invite a gay minister lo speak honestly say that I am grateful for lhal strange time. The people Sludcnls learn a lot in the The mysteries of lime manage- in the Chapel to mix things up a the education I have received at make this job so wonderful. classroom. ment, money doling, computer bit?" This was Ihe last thing I Hope, both in the classroom and Some of the best friends that Bui mosl of us sludcnls don'l repair, working in groups, thought that I would be dealing with especially outside of it. I would also I've ever had came from my plan on spending ihc rcsl of our returning messages, respect, at this point in my life. It hasn't been like lo say lhal the mosl incredible stint as part of student organi- lives in classrooms. Even dependability, caring, and fun. it hasn't been nice, and lo be resource at Hope College is the fac- ihough many want lo be leadership became more than zations. quite frank it's been a living hell. ully. Shame on all of us who do not They've made me cry too. leachers, ihere are some lhal concepts. At my internship, they Bul 1 have no regrets. I completely realize this. They are fighting for Some late nights when I stayed will slep inlo a classroom for are very concerned about recent believe in this college and have all the rights of students to get the edu- up struggling to make an ihe lasl lime ihis week. No college graduates because they are the confidence in the world that cation they deserve. They struggle Anchor or Milestone deadlines more homework, no more too green. I have made decisions things can get better so that we all with Ihe same issues that have con- have been less than pleasant. papers, no more lesls. that high-level management have can move on and develop an envi- fronted the students, the adminis- Fixing problems, doing work Then ihe real challenge made. I know it is a much smaller ronment for the students, facully tration, the Church, the nation, and for several editors, ignoring my begins. scale, bul I have been faithful and staff where tolerance and com- yet they still remain faithful lo their free time, and being dead broke We gel lo join ihe ranks of with lillle. When a lot is given lo passion and understanding and responsibility to the learning pro- were not the best times in my adulls. I've pul in my applica- me, I intend to use the skills that I hell's bells, and maybe a little bit cess. When we are taught some- life. They taught me lessons lion, iried on my cap and gown learned as part of a student of learning can lake place again. thing and lake it to be true, it is easy ihough. I am ready to deal with and signed away ihe nexl 20' organization. Since my freshman year, I have to spit it back out on a test. Bul the problems to come. years lo repay my loans lo ihe When 1 look back at my college been concerned about the "reli- when we are encouraged lo chal- For those of you lhal still Uniied Siales governmeni. experience, that time 1 spent being giousness" of this institution. I lenge it, discuss it, debate about it have time left at Hope College, I'm a lillle scared, bul I have a part of student organizations came to Hope with the understand- and struggle with it, then believe it make the best of it. You still had experiences lhal mirror ihe will always come lo mind. 1 ing that this was a religious college, to be true, then we will hold on lo it have the chance to get in- "real world." I didn'l learn cannot separate those experiences if and when I wanted it to be. This and cherish it. Faith is far loo im- volved. Don't worry about the everything lhal I know in ihe from the whole. 1 won't forget mosl certainly is not the case, espe- portant. It is not a fact that we difficulties or being under- classroom; ! was a sludenl that taught me so much. cially this past year. Maybe this should learn lo regurgitate for an qualified. You are talented; leader. The Milestone, Anchor, (A word of warning: seniors means we need to re-evaluate the exam. The lime has come to reward there is somewhere and WTHS, AIM, Nykerk and FCS tend to gel a little sappy when the methods used by the admissions of- those who have enlightened us. someone who knows the have filled my time, bul calendar turns lo April. An fice to recruit potential students. challenge those who impede this opportunities. The lessons lo be provided an invaluable experi- episode of that will follow.) Maybe that means we should stop process and get rid of those indi- learned will change who you ence. Somehow, those idle Those times have made me and think about the kind of person viduals who condemn it. We can- are. Memories await, as do hours seemed filled with things laugh. For years. I will tell stories Hope wants to recruit. When the not sit on the fence any longer. This plenty of good friends. You yiq do. Those hours outside of about media conferences in Chapel hosts a series that is offen- is our school, the place we will never know what can happen. the classroom became filled Orlando and Chicago. The sive and hateful lo some, maybe we graduate from, the institution lhal Take a chance. with decisions lo make, things Milestone staff made an appear- should challenge the chaplains that will be affiliated with and the home I did. I will never be the lo get done and have some fun ance in the audience of the Jenny allow this to happen on our cam- we will have had for four years. loo. Jones show. 1 will never forget same. pus. If the students have a problem What happens in the nexl few trusting the administration, maybe months will determine the destiny they should look lo the one man of hope. How do we want this story who has more contact with students lo end? than any other and ask him why the student body does not have faith in tKonks to- oiL wKo- the college. When the administra- tion cries diversity and turns its back when it is challenged, maybe Dana Marolt ('99) we need to question the men up- Student Congress President helped! Professor clears implication To the Editor: former Chaplain was not evangeli- cal. He was a man who went about • ihe. zeeLand record Much of the praise for the cur- being there, not for a thousand at rent Chapel program includes some once, but for each of us one or two • provost jack, nyenhuis cruel - even if unintentional - im- at a lime. He embodied the deepest plications regarding the former understanding of "where two or •torn, renner and the. Chaplain and his program. We hear three gather together..." of a "revitalized" chapel program, puWic reLa-tions staff one where "more than 1,000 people attend chapel regularly." • tKe mit&stone staff The implication lhal ihe former Jack kid! program was not vital is unjust. 'Hie Department of English • andy Kuisman. and tKe Students thanks CASA helpers mail room, staff To ihe Editor: Bigelow ('01). Amanda Peters ('01). Krislyn Sundsedl ('01). Sa- • steven. dejong, pauime rozehao* Thank you so much for your par- rah Werner ('01). Ben Kapenga ticipation with ihe CASA parly on ('00). Andrea Apol ('00). Brian clave eisbury, and tKe c.Lt. staff Friday the 23rd. We greatly appre- Grabinski ('()()). Andee Spaman ciated your enthusiasm and willing- ('00), Chris Winkler ('02), •student union cteslc staff ness lo help: Stephanie Johnson ('02), Sandy Betsy Gibbs ('00). Glenda Bos ('02). Mary Klokkerl COO), • anne bakker-grous and katKy Barnharl ('00). Amy Champaigne and Lisa Purcell ('02). ('00). Katie Sine ('00). Tina waterstone Damphuis ('00), Kayrl Stead ('00), Belli Artman ('00), Betsy • and finaj[iy...tKe students of VanderLind (*01), Laurie Hutchenreulher ('99). Melanie Hall Kcmbcrlcc Pease C00) Kope coiLege ('01). Melissa Millet ('01), Seth Llcna Durante C00) Palmer ('02). Mike Rusk ('02). Jim Co-Chairs of the Student • and anyone else, we may Kave forgotten.'.'.' Hull ('02). Mall Nchs ('02). Rachel Social Work Ornanization Spotlight the Anchor April 28. I 999 Mirror Images: twins reflect different sides

If I'm by myself, people don't really notice me," CARRIE ARNOLD about her twin. Mary Anne. "We're so much alike. Our interests Lindsey said. "But if Lesley and I spotlight editor were the same— we didn't want to ex- walk in a room, people are always clude each other. So we would do the like 'Wow! Are you twins?' It's re- For twins Lindsey and Lesley Woodall (*01), life has same stuff anyway." ally fun for people to ask questions." always been twice as much fun. What each pair of twins shares, how- Through it all, Lesley and Lindsey Born in Holland. Mich., they have always been together. ever, is the common experience of col- love being twins. "It was really cool because you're allowed to share ev- lege life. "We've changed so much since high "I'd be on my own and I would erything," Lindsey said. have a different perspective on life Since they lived in a neighborhood where there were not school," Lindsey said. "I think I have [if I didn't have a twin]," Lesley said. many kids, the twins always had somebody to play with. an advantage in having Lesley around. "There would be no unconditionally "That's the best thing about being twins." Lesley said. If she were a few years younger, our loving person. I wouldn't want not "I feel God has blessed me with the gift of a special friend relationship would be different. I would to be a twin. I'm so grateful for the who is always there." be going through college alone." closeness." As they were growing up. Lindsey and Lesley were con- Although the girls treasure the simi- Lindsey has found that her and her stantly mixed up. They would have the same outfits, but in larities they share, the twins have also sister are so close that they have what different colors, so people could tell them apart. This sys- found being identified as only one of a she calls the "twin connection." tem. however, led to an easy way to trick people. pair to be frustrating. "Sometimes she knows what I'm "We would go into the bathroom and switch clothes at "People are constantly asking me thinking or feeling," Lindsey said. "I elementary school and at birthday parlies." Lindsey said. who I am." Lindsey said. "I'm paired guess we have this closeness that no* Although the twins.are very similar, they also stress that in a clump- we're different people. I Anchor pftoXo courtesy one else seems to have." they are totally different people. don't have my own identity some- Lindsey Woodall Lindsey has found the best part of "People expect us to be the same- but we're not." Lesley times." DOUBLEXROUBLErAvZ/fs being a twin to be being able to con- said. "Biologically, we have the same DNA. but we each While Lesley is also questioned Lindsey & Lesley Woodall ('01) share fide in her sister. have a distinct personality." about who she is, she has turned it into life at Hope College. Being a twin has taught Lesley and She attributes some of the similarities between her and something she can identify herself with. Lindsey lessons that no other experi- her sister to the fact that they both grew up in the same "What bugs me is that people see one ence could have. house. While both of the girls were active growing up, they person and not two individuals," Lesley said. "It's enhanced my friendships," Lesley said. "I know each played different sports. Now that Lindsey and Lesley Kaminskas has run into similar questions about her identity, what it means to really love somebody. It's helped me see have entered college, Lindsey has decided to seek a psy- which is one of the main reasons she and her twin opted to at- what true friendship is all about. I'd do anything for chology degree, while Lesley plans on specializing in so- tend different colleges. Although both the sisters elected nurs- ing majors, Mary Anne attends Calvin College. Lindsey." cial work. Lindsey agrees with her twin. Identical twin Christina Kaminskas ('99) disagrees about Even though being a twin can cause confusion and frustration "She understands me better than anyone else," she said. for the girls, they also enjoy the attention it has sometimes brought being so different from her twin. "It's nice to have someone who shares your life." "We were best friends growing up," Kaminskas said them. l Hope swaps students with sister university

Tower and out to eat. The Japanese Engineering or Math, and Science June are Katie Gipson (-02), Andy The program is jointly sponsored students also went to classes at departments. JULIE GREEN French ('02), Steven Molesa ('0!) by Technos University and Hope The program has been going on spotlight editor College, so Hope. and Laurel for about seven or eight years, and the students "[We make) an atmosphere to They don't know the language, Monette ('00), so far has had good results. are totally create the better understanding of and they don't know the culture, but and the advisor "Our relationship with this Japa- funded. crosscultural education," Gonzales that isn't stopping four Hope stu- will be Jon nese institution seems to be a very "As a said. dents and a Hope professor from Peterson, pro- positive thing," Peterson said. "It's group we When the Hope students travel to taking a summer trip to Japan. fessor of Geol- one more chance to build bridges went to Chi- Japan they will also be sight seeing Every year. Hope has a trade-otl ogy- and make connections with Japan. cago. We and staying at the college. with its sister college, Technos Uni- This year, the It's wonderful to be part of making tried to show "For one week we get to sit in versity in Tokyo. Japan. The two Japanese stu- relations." them some some classes," French said. colleges have set up an academic dents have al- This will be the first time that typical The rest of the time will be spent agreement. ready visited Peterson is an advisor. In the spring American in other places. "As a result of that agreement, we Hope. he met with Tsutomu Miura, the things," "It's two weeks there, taking receive each spring four students "The girl who advisor this year for the Japanese French said. lours and living their way. We're and an advisor," said Alfredo came to stay with students who came here. The group staying in a hotel and for a couple me majored in Gonzalez. Assistant Provost. of days at a home with a family," Miura and Peterson connected yAncAior photo courtesy went to In the summer, the group and an English and e through their common backgrounds Katie Gipson hock . y Gipson said. advisor go to Japan for two weeks. Tourism," in science. CROSS CULTURE: games, the The students will be abroad June "They will be hosted by the same Gipson said. "It "We have things in common in- Yoko Kikugawa experiences mall, the Lan- 4 to 19. They were nominated by students who were here," Gonzales was so interest- directly, but not directly," Peterson America with Katie Gipson ('02). sing state capi- their teachers to represent the Com- said. ing to learn their said. tal, the Sears munications, Foreign Language, The students going to Japan in different cultural habits.'


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Must be In Hope Campus area FmBms:ExAK Wmlhrni 26 TO MA Y7I April 28, I 999 the Anchor Sports Tennis nears win record Gorno did mention however that He also adds, "We will look back ANDREW KLECZIEK on the season and be satisfied. Win- staff reporter the difference between themselves and Kalamazoo isn't that much. ning 15 games would be a very sat- With a win on Wednesday night. "The difference between winning isfying accomplishment." the Hope College men's tennis team and losing a match to Kalamazoo Kevin Gingras ('02) has a differ- will lie one school record and set is fewer than a dozen points. The ent highlight of the season. another. reason we continue to lose, is we're "Beating Calvin, this year we re- Defeating Cornerstone would losing the majority of those key ally beat up on them," said Gingras. give them a school record for win- points, that's the difference between There have been players who ning percentage during the regular winning and losing." Gorno said. have surprised Gorno this season. season, and they would lie for the Defeating Kalamazoo wasn't "Raj (Malviya) ('02) has sur- most wins in a regular season with something the coaches and players prised me with how consistently he the 1997 squad with 15. set as a goal. has excelled. He has made tremen- Despite having been unable to de- i think we set ourselves on a dous improvement over where he Rhoto courtesy of PR feat Kalamazoo once again this two- year plan. We're just looking was last year in high school," Gorno LEADING XHE TEAM: PaulUllie ('00) leads year, head coach Gorno by no for one match. Any person on the said. the men ys tennis team as the.nUmber one seeded player. means considers this an unsuccess- team can step up and play for us to The biggest strengths that Gorno ful season. He does mention, how- reach our goal," Gorno said. sees in the team is unity and youth. Ullie sparks Dutch ever, that winning the mental game The coaches and players are He stated that "these guys hang out is the biggest hurdle the team will pleased with their performance so together" and that they have a team tent of Lillie's abilities. ANDREW KLECZIEK have to overcome before they can far this year. that believes they can win. "In the first match of his fresh- staff reporter defeat Kalamazoo. "We've maximized our potential The lennis team will be in action man year against Western Michigan "It's very difficult to win a match and beat all the leams we should at the Michigan Intercollegiate Ath- University, Paul played number five From his favorite spot along ihd when you can't see yourself win- have, minus one," said Chad letic Association finals this week- base line. Paul Lillie ('00) has been singles. Paul gave their number one ning one match," Gorno said. Bollinger ('00). end in Kalamazoo. calmly making short work of player the set of his life, he (Paul) Hope's opponents for the last three was in it stroke for stroke. He came years, while being a strong leader darn close to taking that first set," Scott making run at record for the men's tennis team. Gorno said. Larzelere ('99). and a half with mono, she one "Paul is the cornerstone of our Lillie has another moment from ANDREW KLECZIEK Gina Zanin ('99) referred to Scott hopped a 230 foot fence. Most of program. He carries himself with his freshman year that sticks out for staff reporter as a "role model of how to work the fences in the NCAA are 200 a maturity beyond his class stand- him. With DiMaggio-like fashion Car- hard." feet, and that ball had to travel ings. The team consider^ him un- "My freshman year on Spring rie Scott ('01) has been hitting. Wolters about 225 feet, which is over most flappable, in that when he goes out Break the match was lied and I was If she continues with her streak saw of the fences we play on. It was then on the court they have a confidence the deciding match out there against of consecutive games with a hit she strong hit- I had a feeling she'd be a good hit- that he's going to win," said head Wisconsin-Oshkosh, I ended up will surpass the NCAA Efivision III ting po- ter," Wolters said. coach Steve Gorno. winning that in three sets, it was a record of 33 held by Angie Adams, tential in Breaking the streak would mean Gorno also added: "He's not real close match," Lillie said. during the Ohio Northern Tourna- Scott's a lot to Scott, however she isn't afraid to voice his opinion, espe- The ability to remain calm is one ment on April 30th. It's been a long game placing it over team goals. cially with the coach. I cherish the quality that Lillie feels is an asset and hard road for Scott, who tore prior to "I don't like to focuson personal fact that Paul has confidence to dis- to his tennis game. her ACL (anterior cruciate liga- her arrival goals, I hit to get the team runs, if I agree with me and challenge me in "I'm fairly laid back on the court, ment) late last season. at Hope. get walked to get on base and that situations where he doesn't feel it fairly calm. I think for me I've al- "It think it's a shining example I c. scoxx ends the streak it won't matter to will benefit the team." . ways been able to perform best of how hard work has paid off. How watched me, what's more important is what There's no shortage of praise for when I remain calm," Lillie said. something that wasn't in a very her play Lillie's abilities as a team leader Besides his calm nature, good situation, tearing up her knee, when she was coming off a week more SCOT T on I 2 from his peers either. Bollinger is quick to point out has turned into a positive one," said "He's always got the best inter- Lillie's skill as a mental player. head coach Karla Wolthers. "It ests of the guys on the team at "He's not only physically gifted, shows how God works in very mys- heart, he's our protector, he's al- but he's mentally gifted, his mental terious ways." ways looking.oul for us like that." strength and endurance set him apart There was some question after said Kevin Gingras ('01). from other players. He's incredibly the injury if Scott would be able to Teammate Chad Bollinger ('00) smart," Bollinger said. play softball again, much less play agrees. While Lillie set winning a con- catcher. Through hard work and dis- "Paul is not a very vocal leader, ference championship as a goal for cipline Scott was able to beat the but when he speaks he means what the team to accomplish before he odds and return to play. he says," Bollinger said. graduates it's not the wins and losses According to other players, Scott Lillie's potential became clear that he will remember the most, it's is no stranger to hard work or the early on in his collegiate career. the camaraderie. Graduation weight room. "I think at the first practice I re- "What I'll remember of tennis at "She's very, very driven, she's alized I could be competitive with Hope, it's not so much what hap- FicR-up Menu probably put in the most hours of It's graduation time. A time to gather family and friends to the rest of the team," Lillie said. pened on the court, it's what hap- anyone. She puts 110 percent into honor those who graduate. Whether you're planning a Gorno remembers a different pened off the court with the team, " home party or outside party, Pietro's food is perfect for it. Her heart's in it," said Lisa moment when he realized the ex- Lillie said. your event. Try these items on for size.

Tennis maintains MIAA lead APPETIZERS Half-Pan Full-Pan Tuscan-style Meatballs $20.00 $35.00 or Sausage w/ Marinara (30 Pieces) (60 Pieces) ANDREW KLECZIEK cess this year has been their good Page agrees. "We have a lot of Antipasto Platter $40.00 staff reporter team chemistry. team unity, good leadership from PIETRO'S SPECIALTIES Pietro's Lasagne $40.00 $75.00 "This year our team's gotten our seniors, and great commitment Blustery weather and opponent's Four-Cheese Manicotti $40.00 $75.00 shols couldn't deter the Hope from all ten of the girls." Fettuccine Michael $40.00 $75.00 Women's Tennis team as they de- In looking back on the sea- Fettuccine Alfredo .$30.00 $55.00 feated Aquinas Tuesday evening, to son Page sees a solid season Penne Marinara $25.00 $45.00 (Meat sauce add S5.00 and S 10.00 extra) bring their regular season record to and some surprising players. We're at our peak Mini Chicken Caesar Sandwich $7.95 each 15-3. "The one that sticks out in DESSERTS The team is looking forward to and we want to stay my mind is Jessica Mulder Homemade Tiramisu $40.00 $75.00 (24 hour, required) 05 Slices) (30 Slices) taking on league opponents in the ('00). She didn't see a lot of there through this SALADS Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic action last year, and she's Pietro's Insalata (House) $72.00 $20.00 Association tournament this Friday. weekend. playing number four singles Pietro's Insalata Caesar fCaesar) . $12.00 $20.00 Despite dominating the league for and she's picked it up and Pasta Primavera Salad $15.00 $30.00 the last few years, Page warns that —Karen Page shows great promise and she's Serving Sizes - Half-Pan approx. 10-12 guests, Fu l-Pan approx. 20-24 guests All food packaged in insulated containers. Hot food served hot unless specified nothing is certain. women's tennis coach looking forward to a great "There's a few matches yet to be tournament. She's improved played. We have to stay focused, all season," Page said. we want to play focused. We're at along better than ever. It's a lot of For Green, as with many colle- our peak and we want to stay there fun to see how 10 girls can get along giate players, seeing the end of their 2780 Birchcrest Dr. SE (OH 28th Street) 616-452-3228 5301 Northland Dr. (Near Plainfield & E. Beltline) 616-365-3550 through this weekend. We want to so well and have so much fun even careers is a bittersweet moment. 175 E. 8th Street. Holland (Downtown) 616-396-1000 keep pushing ourselves," Page said. though we're all different." said Joy One of (he keys to the teams suc- Green ('99). moreXENNIS on 12 Sports the Anchor April 28. I 999

THE END Paul Loodeen

Time flies fast

This is il. The end is here; the outstanding season, what's new? nd of the school, ihe last issue of The men thought this was the ihe Anchor for the year, ihe last year to knock off Kalamazoo, but sports page edited, and the last they couldn't quite do it because column I will writen for the of the lack of depth and not lack )aper. of talent. In addition to regular A lot of has happened this year season success both teams sent a in the Hope sporting world. number of competitors to the Teams that were once dominate NCAA Division III champion- became not so dominate, some ships. continued their streak of excel- That brings us to where we are ence and some teams improved now, the spring. The sports of to a new level of excellence. It summer like track, tennis, softbal Anchor p\-\oXo by Nikelle Johnson has been kind of weird if you ask and baseball. BATTER U P: Sean Bateman ('01) steps into a pitch delivered by an Olivet pitcher on April me. Thus far the Softball team has 26,14-4 win at the baseball fields. Let's look of a recap of the been up to the usual season on the year. way to their sixth straight 20 win The football team was picked season, after wining eight straight Baseball struggles in the MIAA to win the Michigan Intercolle- games. The only thing in the way tion the Flying Dutchmen were end up in sole possession of first in PAUL LOODEEN giate Athletic Association crown of the Flying Dutch is Alma who downed in both games of a double- the MIAA. staff reporter or the second straight year, but is unbeaten in the MIAA. header against Olivet. "We have a chance to tie if we It was a warm, overcast spring were beat by those Britons. Baseball has struggled this The losses throw the Flying take care of our business," Klein day, with smell of pollen in the air njuries hurt the team throughout season after being favored to Dutch even farther away from first said. as the Flying Dutchmen went to the season and that hurt them in repeat as MIAA champions. They in the Michigan Intercollegiate Ath- If Hope sweeps their weekend Grand Valley for an afternoon different games. just haven't been able to click like letic Association, putting them be- series with Kalamazoo they could baseball game. The volleyball team had they did last year. hind Alma and Defiance who are go into the Alma series a game or a The Flyjng Dutchmen struggled another great year, a year in Both of the tennis teams, men's tied for the lead in the conference. game and half back with a little throughout the game as the Lak- which they built on the success of and women's, have been excellen The finals of the two game series luck. ers beat Hope 16-4. ast years team. This year the thus far. The men look to the were 6-4 and 8-6 respectively. "We need help from some people, "We didn't play well," Matt team finished with a 33-8 record, runners up in the MIAA to Pitching in the loses were Adam but we're in good shape," Gasper Klein ('99) said.44 Tonight's game, an MIAA championship, and a Kalamazoo. The women seem to Labbe ('99) and Kevin Kittle ('02). said. you can't say much about." birth in the NCAA Division III be on their way to winning in the Hope got revenge for these loses The team and the coaches are re- Grand Valley is a Division II tournament. MIAA. when the two teams met Monday, ally starling to focus on these next program and play tough. How about the Flying Dutch- Track has a little different story April 26 by crushing Olivet 14-4. two weekends. "It's Grand Valley " Jeremy men basketball team. They started as the men struggled in dual meet r With the three loses in four "It is in our hands and we have Gasper ('00) said. "They're a off slow but came on in the end, action to a 3-3 mark. The women games, Hope's overall record stands to go out and just do our thing," pretty tough team." not expected to be as good as are going to be runner-up to at 13-16. In Michigan Intercolle- Fritz said. In the game, Hope fell behind they were last year but it they Calvin in MIAA dual meet giate Athletic Association they The seniors are also looking to early but stayed close through the proved in the end that they have competition. stand in second behind Defiance go out on high note after having bottom of the fifth inning. Going heart and that to beat them the The excellence can be seen all and Alma going into their weekend expectations of returning to the into the fifth inning the score was other team would have to play the way through the year. It has series with Kalamazoo. NCAA tournament this postseason. 5-3, Grand Valley until the Lakers their best game. spread to every sport. However, it "We're still in the hunt for our "We are really focused," Klein went on a tear, scoring three runs The Flying Dutch basketball is not something new to Hope. third consecutive MIAA title," said said. " We have a lot of seniors and in the fifth and then finishing the team raised the bar of expectation Since I have been here 1 have head coach Stu Fritz. a chance to go out on top." Flying Dutchmen off when they this year. They improved in the seen athletic and academic With a little help the Flying Dutch Hope's games against scored eight runs in the sixth. regular season wins category, and excellence that is difficult to could end the season at least in a Kalamazoo start Friday, April 30 at In this weekend's baseball ac- made Ihe NCAA Division III match at any institution of higher tie for the championship but could the baseball fields at 4 p.m. tournament for the second learning in the nation. TENNIS from I I straight year before losing in the So, the last thing I have say as some, I'm gonna miss them. "We feel good about the season, first round to Capital University. this year's sports editor is that it " The season went as good as can They're great as coaches, leaders we're really proud, we know we did The team seems a little hungry has been fun to write about and be, but it's just kinda, of sad that and friends." Green said. the very best that we could and we for next year with their early watch all the sports this year and it's coming to an end. I've learned Page is happy with the teams per- hope it shines through this week- tournament exit. years past and I hope that, if you a lot from our coaches, both Coach end," Page said. Now what can be said about the have not had a chance, or if you Page and Coach Teusink are awe- formance. men's and the women's swim frequent events, that you get out SCOTT from I I and cheer for the orange and blue teams? The women had another happens to the team," Scott said. where the releasees, and if it will She does add however that it be a ball or strike," Scott said. |W would be "awesome" to break the She also added that the different

streak. Her coach and teammates Hope pitchers with their different 5liC e/i Z lt Feeling a little StnSStd Oft? Then visit the U. D - agree surpassing the record would speeds and styles helped her be- be significant. come a better hitter. "We celebrate together, and we The last game Scott went hitless support each other in our troubles in was a matchup during her fresh- and so I think it would be a great man year against Division II Grand thing for the team to celebrate if she Valley State University. At the time could get the record," Wolters said. Scott was splitting time with an- Scott finds that being a catcher, other catcher. and being part of a team with such Zanin eludes to Scott's future role strong pitching has helped her to as a team leader, regardless of beat- develop her skills as a hitter. ing the record or not. STRESS FREE ZONE "Being a catcher has helped me, "Next year she'll be a cornerstone In the Counseling Center I can see what kind of pitch it is and of the team," Zanin said.

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