Parents’ Information Booklet 2019/20 General Information about the school Eastrington Primary School Portington Road Eastrington Goole East Yorkshire DN14 7QE Telephone: (01430) 410219 Email:
[email protected] Session Times Key Stage One – 8.50am – 11.45am 1.00pm – 3.30pm Key Stage Two – 8.50am – 11.50am 1.00pm – 3.30pm Headteacher Chair of Governors Mrs Heidi Gallagher, B.Ed (Hons) Mr Alvin Fernandes Eastrington Primary School c/o Eastrington Primary School School DCSF Number: 811/2720 Teaching Staff Mrs Heidi Gallagher Headteacher Mrs Caroline Butterwick Deputy Headteacher Mrs Emma Stewart Mrs Lynn Ellerby Mrs Rachael Kay Mrs Donna Goodwin Mrs Lucy Hardcastle School Office Mrs Joy Barker Mrs Gill Lamb School Business Manager Admin Officer Non-Teaching Staff Mrs Leanne Clarke Mrs Christine Brough Nursery Nurse HLTA Mrs Emma Martinson Mrs Amanda Dudding HLTA Teaching Assistant Mr Bryan Chafer Kitchen Assistant Miss Sarah Pearson Teaching Assistant Mrs Dot Stroud Miss Olivia Sellers Caretaker Cleaner Mrs Mary Kay Mrs Karen Neville Lunchtime Supervisor Lunchtime Supervisor Miss Clair Allerton Mrs Lesley White Senior Lunchtime Lunchtime Supervisor Supervisor Eastrington Primary School Eastrington Primary School is a special place full of learning, laughter, friendship and fun where children are happy, valued, feel safe and respect others. Enrich Enjoy Although we put great We believe that every value on the teaching of child is entitled to enjoy reading, writing and his or her childhood and mathematics, we also we believe that happy believe it is essential to children learn well. give our pupils a broad Therefore, we aim to curriculum which teach an inspiring, challenges their interesting, varied and creativity and creative curriculum for imagination.