Sant Bani Magazine JU~~/AU~.'95 the Voice of the Saints V~I.20 - I a 2
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Sant Bani Magazine JU~~/AU~.'95 The Voice of the Saints v~i.20 - i a 2 With the Master in South America Sant Bani Magazine The Voice of the Saints 1 July / August 1995 - Volume 20, Numbers 1 & 2 3 The Company We Keep Sant Ajaib Singh Ji a Satsang of June 9,1995 15 Miracles of Love Ricardo Moreno, a personal experience 18 Concentration is a Great Force Baba Sawan Singh Ji reprinted from Sniritual Gems - 21 With the Master in South America photos from the Tour 26 Pray to Him Wholeheartedly Sant Ajaib Singh Ji meditation talks from June 16, 17, 6 18, 1995 - 26 The King of Our Hearts Sant Kirpal Singh Ji reprinted from the April 1976 Sat Sandesh 41 Feed Your Soul with Meditation Sant Ajaib Singh Ji the farewell talk in Venezuela,June 7,1995 44 A Vey Precious Hour Sant Ajaib Singh Ji questions and answers, August 19,1977 Photo credits: Cover (Bombay, January 1995) Pat Brown; all other photos of Sant Ji from South America, June 1995; pp. 7, 17, 22, bottom, 23, 28, 36, 37 (both), 38, 40, Jonas Gerard; pp. 9, 21, 24 (top), 26, 27, Joe Gelbard; pp. 12, 43, Charlie Costa; pp. 22 (top), 24 (bottom), 25, 39, Gunnel Singh; others unknown. SANT BANIIThe Voice of the Saints is published periodically by Sant Bani Ashram, Inc., Sanbornton, N.H., U.S.A., for the purpose of disseminating the teachings of the living Master, Sant Ajaib Singh Ji, of His Master, Param Sant Kirpal Singh Ji, and of the Masters who preceded them. Editor Emeritus: Rus- sell Perkins. Editor: Richard Shannon, with kind assistance from: Debbie Asbeck, Randy Budington, Joe Gelbard, Edythe Grant, Amy Kaufman, Lelia McIlwraith, Phyllis Roy, Elvia Rubald, Rebecca Shannon, Susan Shannon and Mary Tulin. Annual subscription rate in the U.S. is $30.00. Individual and back issues $2.50. Foreign and special mailing rates available on request. All checks and money orders should be made payable to Sant Bani Ashram, and all payments from outside the U.S. should be on an International Money Order or a check drawn on a New York bank (with a micro-encoded number). Correspondence should be addressed to Sant Bani Ashram, Sanbornton, N.H. 03269, U.S.A. Articles, including stories and poems, on the theory and practice of Sant Mat, are most welcome. Views expressed in individual articles are not necessarily the views of the journal. Articles are edited for clarity and may be cut to fit available space. The Company We Keep Sant Ajaib Singh Ji alutations unto the feet of Su- In the writings of the Masters, four things are always mentioned. preme Father Almighty Lords Sawanp and Kirpal, Who have had Those things are that the liberation mercy on this poor soul, and have does not lie in performing the wor- given the opportunity to do Their ship and the austerities, the libera- devotion, and allowed this poor soul tion is in Naam. Mahatmas even tell to sing Their glory. us that the Naam, because of which Saints and Mahatmas, the Be- we can achieve the liberation-that loveds of God, no matter whether Naam cannot be seen with these They came in India, or in the Per- eyes, it cannot be written in any lan- sian countries, or in other parts of guage; it is an unwritten law, an un- the world - it doesn't matter where spoken language. Even though we They came, nor in what age They have this tongue, we cannot speak came. Nobody came into this world that Naam, so we are dumb. Even to break the existing religions, or to though we have the eyes, we cannot form any new religion. They did not see that Naam. In our within God come to this world to give us the Almighty is calling us; even though sticks in our hands and make us fight we have the ears, but still we are not with each other. listening, we are not able to hear the Even though those great Masters Sound of God. God, after giving life are not among us in the physical to, and creating the whole creation, form, we do have Their writings is sitting in Sach Khand. We are the with us, Their teachings in the form crippled ones; we cannot climb to of the books and scriptures. You may Sach Khand, we cannot reach Sach read Their books, and you can find Khand using these legs. for yourself whether enmity towards Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj says anyone is written there, or whether that those who have become blind it teaches us to have love for every- in the Will of the Lord are not the one. blind ones; in fact, those who are not seeing the Light of the Lord This Satsang was given June 9, 1995, which is manifested within them, at Sant Bani Ashram, in Subachoque, they are the real blind ones. Day and Colombia. night God Almighty is creating the July /August 1995 Sound of Shabd within us. Those form. And once that ant becomes a who are not listening to that Sound bhringi, it does not remain an ordi- of the Shabd are the deaf ones. Guru nary ant, it also becomes a bhringi. Nanak Sahib says, "Do not call them When the swanti drop of rain [pure blind who have become blind in the rain], falls in the ocean, it becomes Will of the Lord; Nanak says, Those like the ocean-salty. But when it who do not see the Light of (3od falls in the mouth of the shell, it within are the real blind ones. Nanak becomes a pearl. The iron floats on says only they have the true eyes the surface of the water in the com- who see their Creator within." pany of the wood; in the same way, On behalf of God Almighty, per- by going in the company of the per- fect Masters come into this world to fect Masters, we do the devotion of give eyes to us the blind ones, legs God Almighty and meet with Him. to us the crippled ones. They come Masters call that place or that en- into this world to break the seal of vironment as Satsang where They our ears. talk about God Almighty. Through Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj says, Their talks, Masters touch our heart "Even the cripple climbs the moun- and divert our attention towards God tain, and even a foolish one speaks Almighty. God is that Truth which like a wise person. When one meets doesn't perish, which isn't destroyed, the Pure Master, then even a blind He always remains. So the real Sat- person can see all the three worlds. sang is the union of our soul with Listen, 0 Brother, to the glory of that Truth, God Almighty. the company of the Master. The dirt Bhagat Namdev Ji says, "Look- is removed, and one becomes very ing at the body of the Masters, do pure in his heart. Such is the devo- not remain under this illusion, do tion of God Almighty, that even an not forget, do not think that They ant defeats an elephant." are only the human beings. They The second thing is: the Masters have a different position. They are sing the importance of the glory of one with God Almighty, so when we the Satsang, or the company we are having Their darshan, when we keep, in Their writings. The com- are spending time in Their compa- pany which we keep has a very deep ny, we are doing the true Satsang." effect on our life, just as in the com- Some dear ones asked Guru Ar- pany of a philosophers stone Iron jan Ji Maharaj, "What is the true turns into gold, and the gold does Satsang? Whose company is the true not change back into iron again. The one, and in whose company should bhringi is a kind of insect. It brings we go, and in whose company should an ant and makes it hear the bhrin- we not go?" So Guru Arjan Dev Ji gi's own sound, and makes it its own Maharaj replied, "You should always 4 SANT BANI go and sit in the company of those where some Beloved of God is re- who meditate on the Naam of the siding, by going to that place and by Lord. Never go in the company of being with that lover of God, we get those who are involved in their own the true understanding and knowl- pursuits." edge and we get peace from Him. Kabir Sahib says, "God Almighty Guru Nanak Ji Maharaj says, sent me, and I have given out His "There is no difference between the message, weeping and with much Lord and the Saint." Kabir Sahib difficulty. The happiness which I get says, "No one should ever criticize in the company of the Saint, I do not the Saint, because the Saint and the get that even in the heavens." Lord Almighty are one." Kabir Sahib says, "0 Kabir, the The third thing which the writ- company of the Sadh is very good; ings of the perfect Masters describe it cuts millions of our sins. The com- is the necessity of having the per- pany of those who are not the Mas- fect Master. Because by going in the ter, those who are not the sadhus is company of an imperfect master we very bad, because always in their get nothing but confusion and diffi- company you remain restless, and culties and restlessness.