Bethany Sketches and Records
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Pass FiOU- BETHANY y- -^^ \^> S'ii^/ Sketches and Records COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY \A/v6ffeHARPE, SEYMOUR, CONN. RECOHD PRINT, SEYMOUR. 1908. /itf; PREFACE. This book is intended to put in convenient form for handy reference sketches, transcripts of records and otlier data which have been collected for some years and which seemed worthy to be embodied in book form. The writer is especially ii.debted to Wallace O. Humiston for assistance in the work. While errors may be found in the names and dates it should be remembered that most of them are probably in the original records, as any who have had experience in similar research knows that names are variously spelled at different times, and dates are not always correctly entered, as fur instance the writer has sometimes found on careful investigation that the date of a marriage license has been recorded in place of the date of a marriage, aud a date of burial Instead of death. The writer has collected largely of genealogical data of many Bethany families but is unable at present to devote the time necessary to carry them to such a degree of completion as would warrant their insertion here, and the work is therefore of necessity brought to a close. CONTENTS. Andrew family, 123. Deaths and Burials, 64. 94. Baptit^ms, 55. Downs Family. 115. Beecher-Wheeler homestead 99. Marriages, 49, 81. Births, 89. Methodisi Church, 33. Carrington family, 122. Representatives, 114. Christ Church, 25. Schools, 104. Church Bells, 46. The Hills of Bethany, a poem, 78. Congregational Church, 2. The Todd family, 85. Hotchkiss Family, 126. Lounsbury Family, 129. Doolittle Family, 132. ~ ~ ILLUSTRiTIONS. Floor Plan of first Cong'l Church, 5. Downs Street Schoolhouse, 105. " Present Congregational Church, 22. Smith 107. " Interior of same, 23. Beecher 109. " Christ Church and Rectory, 27. Center 110. " Interior of Christ Church, 29, Gate 111. Methodist Episcopal Church, 83. Cemetery near res. of A. G. Sperrj', 113. Perkins Hotel, two views, 43. 45. Original Downs homestead, 119. Carrington Cemetery, two views, 94,95. Portrait of Jerome A. Downs, 1st, 120. Center Cemetery, 97. Portrait of Jerome A. Downs, 2d, 121. Beecher-Wheeler homestead, 99. Portrait of Abram E. Carrington, 122. '/ THE FIRST ECCLESIASTICAL SOCIETY. Bethanj' was incorporated as a town in chosen societies' committee. It was "vo- Msiy, 1832, but as an ecclesiastical sor-iety ted that the meetings shall begin on the and hold it has an honorable record which ante- second Sabbath in December dates the Revolution by twelve years and until the last in April." coiitribued liberally of men and means "Vo ed that a raight be laid of a penny for defraying during that t>reat epoch of history. halt-penny on the pound ensuing " It was in May, 1762, tint a petition was the charges of preaching the year presented to the General Assembly, siirned The next winter the meetings were to by "Joel Hotchkiss and others, inhabi- begin on the second Sabbath in November tants of the northern parts of the parish and application was made "unto the llev- of Amity, in the town of New Haven, erand Association for a minister to be set- praying to be made a distinct ecclesiasti tled among us." At the meeting of the cal society with proper limits and bounds;" Association of New Haven County, con- and a committee was appointed to liear vened in Waterbury May 31st, 1763, Mr. the parties interested and to report at the Stephen Hawley was recommended. He next session of the General Assembly. was called on probation for the first Wed- At the October session ("on the second nesday in June, 1763, for three months, Thursday of October") a favorable report and on the 3d Wednesday in August it settle in the work of was made, and it was enacted that the was voted "to him "inhabitiints of the parish of Amity living ttie ministry amongst us," and to allow north of an east and west line drawn from him 200 pounds settlement, "100 pounds the south end of the widow Hannah Sper- the first year after he is first settled, one- ry's dwelling house, as prayed for in said half of settlement, and 50 pounds yearly memo'ial. shall be a distinct ecclesiasti- the next two years, with 50 pounds salary cal society, with all the privileges ami a year the first three years, then 65 pounds powers naturally belonging to such socie- a year." ties in this Colony, and shall be called and "On the Fecond Wednesday of Decem- known by tLe name of Bethany.'* ber, 1767, it was voted that it is necessary also The first- meeting of the new society to build a meetinghouse." It was was held Nov. 13, 1762. The record voted to make it 50 ft. long and 40 ft. wide reads, "At a Lawful Society meeting of and a rate of four pence on the pound the inhabitants of bethany in newhaven was laid to defray the expense, "the rate and milford held at the schoolliouse in sd to be laid in flax seed or some other spec- bethany," etc. she that will answer at New York." Deacon Joel Hotchkiss was elected At a meeting of the society held on the moderator, James Sherman cleik, and last Wednesday of April, 1768, "it was Timothy Peck, John White, Isaac Beecb- voted that this society will make applyca- er, Daniel Toles and Joel Hotchkiss were tion to the honourable general assembly BETHANY for the one bit purchis in milford bound Timothj' Ball was one of the committee that lyeth snuili of the top of beacon hill in 1766 and two years later is referred to «nd also tor that part of Daiby that lyeth as Lieut. Ball. The use of military terms between bethauy and nawgetuck river to had become more common in 1778 as be annexed to sd. Bethany." The peti- shown in the record of tne choice of the tion was Granted at the January session of society's committee, Capt. Ball, Capt. E. the General Assembly, 1769, in the fol- Sperry, Ensign Jacob Hotchkis<5. Jared lowing words: Sherman and Ensign Joel Hotchkis. A "Resolved by this assembly, that the rate of two pence on the pound was then said lands belonging to the first society voted. At this mee ing it was also "vo- of Milford which lies noith of said Beth- ted j't ye Sotiety shall pay Mr. Hawley's any south line extending westward un il Sallery in Provisions, Labor & other Spe- it came lo said Derby east line be, and cies accordiu;; to ye first stateing of pro- they hereby are, annexed unto the said visions by ye general assembly, wheet at society of Bethauy and made part thereof." 3-6 & other things in Proportion, & those At a meeting in Decembei, 1768, it, was yt Doant pay in ye afforsd Species of Pro- "voted that we will get timber this winter visions &c., shall paj- monej- equivnlent." and set up the meetmghous next spring "Voted yt Deacon Peck, Capt. Ball & and cover it as last, as we conveniently Ensign Jacob Hotehkiss should be a com- can. Dea. Hotehkiss, Dea. White, Capt. mittee to seat ye meetinghouse." Hitchcock, Capt. Lines, Mr. Jesse Brad- "Voted yt ye Committee shall have re- ley, Mr. Hez. Clark and Mr. Timothy gard to age & what each one has paid to Peck shall be a committee to carry on the ye building of sd house & according to building abovesaid." their discression with all." "Voted, that those that skoar timber A diagram of the church with names of for the meetinghous shall have two shil- pewholders as assigned ill 1791 has been ling and sixpence pr day." preserved and from it the illustration giv- "Voted that those that hew shall have en herewith has been mnde. The original three shillings and sixpence pr day." drawing is 13 3-16x18 inches, on hand "Voted that we will apply to the made paper 15^xl8j, with two water- county court for a new committee to marks, one a crown over G R, (Georgius stait a plase for the me tinghous." Rex) and the other the name Taylor. In The location finally decided upon was it the pews are not numbered, the names on the hill a little south of where the beins; written in the space representing church now stands. There the church each pew, but in the reduced copy given was erected in 1769, and enclobed so herewith numbers have been inserted and that services v?ere held iu it, though not the names are given below. completed until some years later. 1. Deacons. "The sum total of Bethany' rate book 2. Widow Ruth Brisco, Lydia Peck, in the year 1776 is 4:7524-8-1. Then take Hannah Sperry. out ye Churchmen's list, and there re- 3 and 4. No names given. mains on the list 6720:11:0, at 2d half pen- 5. Capt. Ezra Speiry, Mr. Daniel Tolles, ny on ye pound makes 69:17:5, then take Mr. John Thomas, Capt. Joel Hoteh- out one penny on New Haven side whicti kiss, Widow Mary Ball. makes 23:9:3; then remains on ye book 6. Mr. Roger Peck, Lieut. Medad Hoteh- 46:8:2." kiss. Mr. Valentine Willmott, Widow Ensign Joel Hotoiikis, Collector. Sarah Andrews. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. BETHANY. 7. Mr. Timothy Bronson, Mr. Benjamin Collins, Mehetibal Sanford. llotcliiiiss, Mr. Eiam Sperry, Mr. Tim- 23. Mr. Linus Lounsbury, Mr. Noah Ai- othy Lounsbury, Jr., Mr. Jesse Terrel. ling, Mr. Nathan Beer-, John Russell. 8. Widow Hannah Beecher, Mr.