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Annals and Magazine of Natural History: Series 1 Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http:// tnah07 LI.—Floræ Insularum Novæ Zelandiæ Precursor; or a specimen of the botany of the Islands of Allan Cunningham Esq. Published online: 15 Mar 2010.

To cite this article: Allan Cunningham Esq. (1838) LI.—Floræ Insularum Novæ Zelandiæ Precursor; or a specimen of the botany of the Islands of New Zealand , Annals and Magazine of Natural History: Series 1, 1:6, 455-462, DOI: 10.1080/00222933809496630 To link to this article: http://


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LI.--Flor~e Insularum Novm Zelandi~v Precursor; or a Spe- cimen of the Botany of the Islands of New Zealand. By ALLAN CUNNINGHAM) Esq. [Continued from p. 381.] POLYGONE/E, Juss. 1. PoLz~onv~, L. 355. P. (Itelxine) australe; eaule arhoreo, ramis flexuosis scabriusculis, foliis ovato-cordatis acuminatis obtusis integerrimis lmvibus, racemis axil- laribus terminalibusq.ue compositis. JEndl. Prodr. El. Nonf. p. 42..4. Rich. JFl. Nov. Zel. p. 178.--Coccoloba australis. Eorst. Prodr. n. 176. Willd. 8p. Pl. 2. p. 457. Puha Incolarum. New Zealand (Middle Island), Dusky Bay.--1773, G. Eorster.--Cook's Straight.--1827, D'Urville. (Northern Island), Bay of Islands, on the Keri Keri River.--1834~//. Cunningham. Obs. Folla polymorpha, in eodem ramis eordata aeuminata et basi eequalia ac obtusa; unde nequaquam duplex varietas quemadmoduln..4. Rich. loc. cir. innuit~ erit admittenda. JEndl. 356. P. ad19ressum, Br. Prodr. 1. p. 420. Zabill. Nov. Holl. 1. p. 99. t. 127. Bot. l~lag, t. 3145. Ilernan, iueo]. New Zealand (Northern Island). In thickets on the hanks of rivers, Wangaroa, Kana-Kana, &c.--1826, ,4. Cunningham. Bay of Islands.-- 1834, R. Cunningham. 357. P. eomplexum, glabrum dumosum, caule fruticoso flexuoso, foliis (semuncialibus) subrotundis petiolatis subcordatis margine integerrimis, racemis axillaribus terminalibusve, floribus polygamis ? ramulJs volubilibus implexis scabris. New Zealand (Northern Island), sandy shores of the Bay of Islands, where it forms dense bushes.--.1826, 2/. Cunningham. 358. P. proslratum, Br. Prodr. 1. p. 419. Rich. El. Nov.Zet. p. 177.- Vat. cattle reetinato glabro.--Tutu naou6, Ineol. (D' Urville.) New Zealand (Northern Island). In low humid spots, Wangaroa.-- 1826, .4. Cunningham. Bay of Islands.--1827, D'Urville. 2. RvMzx, Z. Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 03:49 15 March 2015 359. R. crlspus, L.--Campol. Monog. Enum. p. 95. `4.//ich. El. Nov. Zel. p. 177.--JE~gL Bot. t. 1998.~Poon, Ineol. New Zealand (Middle Island), Astrolabe Harbour.--1827, D'Urville. Obs. Valvulis nudis cordato-orbieulatis integerrimis. 360. //. Brownianus. Camp. p. 81. Schutt. Syst. Peg. 7. p. ~35.-- R. fimbriatus. ~Br. Prodr. 1. p. 421. Smith in/lees' Cycl. n. 19.--R. flex- uosus Sol. l~lss. Eorst. Prodr. n. 515 ? New Zealand (Northern Island). In low situations, in the Valley of Wangaroa.--1826, .4. Cunnlngham. Wytangy and Keri-Keri Rivers.~ 1834,//. Cunningham. Obs. Valvulis nudis venosis ovato-acuminatis pulehre fimbriatis. 456 Specimenof the ;Botany of New Zealand.

CHENOPODEtE, DC. R. ;Br. 1. CHENOPODIU~,Z. 361. C. tr~andrum, taorst. Prodr. n. 129.- Willd. ,7~v. Pl. v. 1. p. 1299. tl. Rich. Fl..Nov. Zel. p. 180. Recto. et Schult. Syst. Veg. 6. p. 252. Poi- TaTa, Ineol. (D'Urville.) New Zealand (Middle Island), Astrolabe Harbonr.--1827, D'Urville.-- 1773, G. Forster. (Northern Island), Bay of Islands.--1834, R. Cun- ningham. 362. C. JBotrys. I~illd. Sp. Pl. 1. p. 1304. TI. Grwc. t. 253. New Zealand (Northern Island), sandy shores of the Bay of Islands.-- 1834, R. Cunningha¢z. 363. C. glaucum. IVilld. Sp. PL 1. p. 1305. .Engl. Bot. t. 1454. New Zealand (Northern Island), shores of the Bay of Islands, 1834.-- R. Cunnlngham. 364. G. maritlmum. Willd. ST. P1. 1. p. 1307. ,4. Rich. t7. Nov. Zcl. p. 181. Engl. JBot. t. 663. New Zealand (Middle Island), salt marshes, Astrolabe Harbour.--1827, D' Urville. 365. C. frutlcosum. Schrad. Roem. et Sch. Syst. Veg. 6. p. 265.--Sal- sola frutieosa, L. Forst. Prodr. n. 131. Willd. Sp. P1. 1. p. 1316. .4. Rich. Fl. _Nov. Zel. p. 182. Engl. JBot. t. 635. New Zealand.--1773, G. Forster. 2. SALICORNIA,.~. 366. S. indlca, IVilld. Br. Prodr. 1. p. 44. .4. Rich. Fl. Nov. Zel. p. 182. --S. australis. Sol. Mss. t'orst. Prodr. n. 487. New Zealand (Middle Island), shores of Astrolabe Harbour.--1827. D' Urvillc. (Northern Island) on rocks washed by the sea, Bay of Islands. --1834, R. Cunningham. AMARANTHACE2E, Yuss. ALTERNANTHERA, Forskat. ~67. .4. denlleulata. .Br. Pr. 1. p. 417. R~em. et Sch. ~yst. Peg. 5. p. 556. Nahuwle, Ineol. New Zealand (Northern Island). A procumbent , growing in bogs and open marshy grounds. Bay of Islands.--1834, R. Cunningham. Obs. Closely allied to .4. 2rostrata, Don. (Prodr. t7. Nep.) ; but that

Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 03:49 15 March 2015 species differs in having the foliola of the perianth nearly as short as the utrieulus. PARONYCHIC2E, St. tlil. Juss. DC. (ScT.~-RANTns~, Link, Lindl.) M~IAauM, Forst. Br. 368. 1]I. b~orum, laorst. Gen. t. 1. Linn. SuppL 18. Br. Prodr. 1. p. 412. De Cand. Prodr. 3. p. 378. .4. Rich. Ft. Nov. ZeL p. 319.--M. pedunculatum, Labill. Nov. ItolL 1. p. 8. t. 2.--Ditoca muscosa, Banks et Sol. Ms. G~vrtn. l(ohu-Kohu Ineol. insul~e septentrionalls, ~. Cunnlngham. --Na$-r$or$, Indig. ins. medim. D' Urv~lle. New Zealand (Middle Island), Astrolabe Harbour.~1827, D'Urville. --(Nortl~ern Island).--1769, Sir Jos. llank~. On dry banks among fern, 8peelmen of the Botany of New Zealand. 457

1834, R. Cunnlngham. Rocky head of Wangaroa tIarbour.--1826, A. Cun- ningham. PLANTAGINE2E, Juss. Pr, ANTAGO, L. 369. P. major. L. ~l~lld. ~p. PI. 1. p. 641. Rozm. et Sch. Syst. Veg. 3. 1). 111. A. Rich. F1. Nov: Zel. p. 184. Engl. JBot. t. 1558. New Zealand (Northern Island). Banks of the river Thames.--1827, D' Urville. 370. P. varla. Br. Prodr. 1. p. 424. Rozm, et Sch. Syst. Yeget. 3. p. 150. New Zealand (Northern Island). Between the villages or" Ngaire and Wainal, on the east coast, upon dry banks near the sea-shore.--1834, R. Cun- nlngham. PRIMULACE2E, Yentenat. I. ANA6ALLIS, Z. 371. A. arvensis, 15. Willd. S~. Pl. v. 1. p. 821. Engl. J~ot. t. 529.-- A. phcenicea, Lain. DC..Fl. .Franc. New Zealand (Northern Island), among fern, far fi'om any European settlement.--1834, R. Cunningham. Perhaps scarcely indigenous. 2. SA~OLUS,L. 372. S. littoralis. Br. Prodr. 1. p. 428. .4. Rich..Fl. Nov. Zel. p. 185. _Roem. et Sch. Syst. Veg. v. 5. p. 1. JEndl. Prodr. .Fl. Norf. p. 48..--Shef- fieldia repens..Forst. Prodr. n. 67. l~Iahoako, Incol. O'Urville. New Zealand (Middle Island).--17?3, G..Forster. Astrolabe Harbour. --1827, O'Urville. (Northern Island). On rocks washed by the sea, Bay of Islands, &c.~1826, .4. Cunningham.--1834, 1L Cunningham. SCROPHULARINEIE, 12. Br. 1. VERONICA,i. Juss. 373. 77. speclosa (1L C. l]lss.) glaberrima, racemis terminalibus brevi- bus erectis confertifloris, braeteis ovato-laneeolatis pedieelli dimidio brevi- oribus, laeinlis calyeinis ovatis acutiuseulis tenuissime ciliatis dimidium tubi corolla~ sub~eqnantibus, i'oliis (oppositis) planis obovatis obtus~s coriaccis deeurrentibus, apieulo ealloso o])mso marginibus integerrimis incrassatis co- loratis, eaule frutieoso erectiuseulo vel diffuso. _/Ill. Cu~n. in Bot. Alag. sub t. 3461. Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 03:49 15 March 2015 Napuka ab indigenls vulgo vocatnr. New Zealand (Northern Island). South head of the river Hokianga, West Coast.--1834, R. Cunningham. ~rutex spectabilis, 3~6-pedalis, eaulibus pluribus robustis adscendenti- bus. JFolia 3--4-pollicaria. .Flores speciosi, cyaneo-violacei, fete faeie Lys'imach~¢ atropurpureee. Stamina exserta pistillum ~equantia. Capsula bipartibilis, elliptiea, acuminata, glabra, ealyee duplo longior. 374. It'. saliclfolla. .Forst. Prodr. n. 11. FahL Symb. 3. p. 4. R~m. et Sch. Syst. Yeg. l. p. 103. ,4. Rich. _Fl. Nov. ZeL p. 186. Endl. in Ann. des Wien. Mss. band l. App. t. 14. Kololdan, Incol. Med. Ins. D'Urville. Korokio, Indlg, ad flum. Holdanga, R. Cunnlngham. 458 Specbnen of the Botany of New Zealand, New Zealand (Middle Island).--1773, G. Eorster. Shores of Astrolabe Harbour.--1827, D'Urvillc. (Northern Island.) On the skirts of dense humid forests near Hokianga River.--1826, A. Cunningham.--1834, R. Cun- ninyham. .drbuscula lO--15-pedali% A. C. (2--3-orgyalis ex _b'orstero)~ ramosa, rami elongati~ graeiles, glabri. Eolia opposita, d.eeussata, palmaria, lincari- laneeolata, aeutissima, integra; petioli vlx ulli basi dilatati semi-amplexi- eaules, t'lores albido-eceruleseentes, spieati. Splcce elongat~e, axillares, folio longiores. Corollce tuhus longitudine calycis. Stamina exserta. Cap- sula bilocularis, lmvis, ealyee duplo longior. 375. F. ligustr~olla ; racemispeduneulatisterminalibuspubigerisfolium sub~equantibus, bracteis oblongo-lanceolatis pedicello duplo brevioribu% la- ciniis ca]ycinis ovato-laneeolatis acutiusculis longitudine tubi coroll~e, foliis (oppositis) ovali-oblongis angusto-lanceolatisve obtusiusculis integerrimis glabris~ eaule frutieoso. All. CuTm. in Bot. ~[aff. sub t. 3461. New Zealand (Northern Island). In close woods on the hills in the vi- cinity of the Bay of Islands.--1833, R. Cunnlngham. Erutex graeilis, bipedalis. Eolla ovalia, vel attenu~to-laneeolata, sessilia. Elores albidi, spicato-racemosi. Calyx persistens, laciniis ~equalibus. Co- rollce laclnke acutiusculoe. 376. /z macrocarpa. Vahl. Symb. 3. p. 4. Roem. et 8ch. Syst. Veg. 1. p. 103. New Zealand, Fahl. _Prutex glaher. Eolla quadripolliearia, laneeolata, integerrima, enervia. tlacemi erecti, laterales, longitudine follorum. Calyx parvus. Coroll~e tuhus calyee duplo longiore, limbi laciniis obtusis. Capsula ovata, aeuta, ealyce triplo longior. 377. V. angustlfolia (Rich.) spiels graeilibus peduneulatis axillaribus folio duplo et ultra longioribus, peduneulo puberulo, laciniis ealyeinis ob- tusis tubo coroll~e duplo brevioribus, foliis (oppositis) lineari-angustis acutis integris glabris glauceseentibus, eaule ramoso frutieoso. A. Rich. El. Nov. Zel. p. 187. New Zealand (Middle Island). North Coast, "Bassin des Courans, Passe des Francais," &e. on the sea-coast.--1827, D'Urville. Suffrutex bi-tri-pedalis, ramosus. Eolla vix biuncialia. Elores eoerules-

Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 03:49 15 March 2015 centes, spieati. Calyx persistens, laeiniis in~equalibus eiliatis. Corollaela- einiis obtusis. 378. 11. parv~ora. Vahl. Symb. 1. p. 67. R~em. et Sch. Syst. Veget. 1. p. 103. New Zealand. Oas. Caulis frutieosus. Eolia sessilia, approximata, lincari-lanceolata, rigida, mucronataj glabra, integerrima~ polEcaria. Racemi sesquipollicares, erecti, tlractece minutm. Corolleelaeiniis obtusis. CaTsula ovata, calyce tetraphyllo duplo longior. 379. /1. elliptlca. Forst. Prodr. n. 10. Reem. et Sch. 8yst. Veg. 1. p. 104. A. Rich. T1. Nov. Zel. p. 189. l~Iew Zealand (Middle Island).--1773, G. Forster. ~pedmen of the Botany of New Zealand, 459 Caules fruticosi, ramosi, biorgyales. Folia elliptiea (Daphnis) subpeti- olata, opposita, decussata, glabra, avenla, apice obtusa, integerrima, polli- carla. Racemi (spic~e) axillarcs, laxe paucittori. Zacinice calycis subulatze, tubo corollm duplo breviores. Filamenta staminum eorollm longltudine. 380. /I. Catarractw. ~'orst. Prodr. n. 9. ~cem. et Sch. Syst. Fe~. 1. p. 104. .4. l~ieh. ~l. Nov. ZeL p. 189. New Zealand (Middle IsIand).~1773, G. Forster. Caulks suffruticosus, bipedalis, simplex, prostrato-adscendens, leevls. Folla lanceolata, serrata, petiolata, serraturis apice callosis. Racemus terminalis, flexuosus. Calycls lacinice lanceolat~e, acutm. :Lacini,v coroll~o subrotund~e, lateralibus majoribus. Stare. corolla breviora. Capsula inflata subrotundo- compressiuscula, calyce cincta. /~x ~'orst. 381. V. diosmifolia, (R. Cunn. $fss.), oorymbis axillaribus termina]ibusve multifloris bracteis ovatis pedicello duplo brevioribus, laciniis ca]ycls ovali- bus obtusis dimidium tubi corollm eequantibus, foliis decussatis petiolatis lanceolatis aeutis integerrimis serrulatisve serraturis simpHcitcr incisis re- motis supra concavis l~evibus snbtus discoloribus, caule frutlcoso erecto. .4. Cunn. in Bot. 1]lag; sab foL 3461. P~riti, Incolis. New Zealand (Northern Island). In dense thickets at the head of the Wyeeldy River, and at the fall of the Keri-Keri River, Bay of Islands.-- 1834, R. Gunnlngham. ~Frutex gracilis, virgatus, 3--12-pedalis, cum habitu omnino Trachy- menes, t~ami stricti, erecti, foliosi. I~olia9 lineas longa, avenia, subtus earinata. Flores albi. Ca2sula elliptica, acuta, eompressa, bipartibilis, ealyce ciliato triplo Iongior. 382. /I. calyeina, raeemis lateralibu?J pedunculatls paucifloris strletis folio multoties longioribus, folils late ovatis subcordatis rugosis inmqualiter ser- rato-crenatis petiolatis eauleque hirsutis, calyclbus pilosis ciliatis capsula longioribus. _4. Cunn. in Bot. Mag sub t. 3461. Br. Prodr. .Fl. Nov. Itoll. 1. p. 435. 1~em. et Sch. Syst. IZeg. 1. p. 119. New Zealand (Northern Island). Banks of the Keri-Keri River, in grassy places.--1834, R. Cunnlngham. Caulis herbaceus, elongatus (s,-epe 5--6-pedalis), in locls gramlnosis late repens vel decumbens. Folla opposita grosse dentata, subtus discolor]a, his- pida. Calyx quadripartitus, capsula Iongior, laciniis obovatis obtusiusculis nervosls. Capsula rotundata, compressa, emarginata, seu obeordata, poly- Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 03:49 15 March 2015 sperma, dissepimento contrario. 2. GaATIOLA,Z. 383. G. se~dentata, (1L Cunn. Mss.), caule glabro procumbente ramoso, foliis ovato-lanceolatis sessilibus extra medium paucidentatls pedtmculum ~equantibus, laciniis calycinis lineari-lanceolatis obtusis capsula subemargi- nata Iongioribus. New Zealand (Northern Island). In bogs at Manga-lnuka on the Ho- kianga River; also between the Waimate and Ker]-Keri Rivers.~1834, R. Cunningham. 3. EwnaAsla, Z. 384, E. cuneata; corollm laciniis inferioribus trtmcatis, calycibus obtusi- 460 STecimen o/the Botany of New Zealand. uscu]is glabris eapsula duplo brevioribus, spica multiflora, folils euneat[s obtusis erassiusculis, hinc illinc lateribus 1--2-dentatis, caule ramoso seabro. _~orst. Prodr. n. 234. IL Rich. ffl. Nov. Zel. p. 191. l~ata, Incolis. D'Ur- ville. New Zealand (Northern Island). On rocks upon the sea-coast, Tolaga Bay (Lat. 88 ° 22 t S.)--1769, Sir Jos. Banks.--1827, D' Urville. CYRTANDRACE/E, Jack in Linn. Tr. v. 14. p. 23. I~HABDOTHA~INU$. Calyx ovario bast adnatus, profunde 5-fidus, subbilabiatus. Corolla tubu- losa, bilablata.(seu limbo quinque-lobato), labio superiore bilobo, in- feriore trilobo sub~equali. Stamina quatuorj didynamia, et quinti rn- dimentum. ,4ntherce omnes in discum lobatum cohaerentes. Annu- lus l,ypogynus carnosus. Stylus longitudine staminum. Stigma bila- mellatum. CaTsula sicca (venosa) rostrata, unilocularis, bivalvis, valvis medio fissis, marginibus valvularum inflexis, placentis duabus lanceolato-lamellatis pedicellatis parietalibus demure liberis. Semina numerosa. Frutex ramosissimus, dumosus, virgatlsslmus, ramulis gra- cillbus pallidis pilosis. Flores tubulosi, striati, sordide rubri sen rubi- ginosi. Calyx tubulosus, persistens. Folia subrotundo-rhomboidea, sub- cuneata, petiolata, scabraj grosse serrata, venosa. Peduneulus uni- florus. Obs. Nomen genericum e Grmcis voeabulis ~d~0¢ virga, et $dl*~ocfrutex, oh virgatissimum fruticis habitum. 385. R. Solandri.--Columnea scabrosa. Sol. Mss. in -Bibl. Banks. New Zealand (Northern Island).--1769, Sir Jos..Banks. In dry woods, in the vicinity of the Bay of Islands. Wangaroa, &e.--1826, `41lan Cun- ningham.--I 834, Richard Cunningham. SOLANE/E, Juss. SOLANn~, Z. 386. S. lacinlatum. Hort. Kew. ed. 1. Br. Prodr. 1. p. 445. non t?ulziL R~em. et Sch. Syst. Veg. 4. p. 578. Curt. -Bot. 2~lag. t. 349. 1Villd. Sp. Pl. 1. p. 1030, et Enum. Pl. 1. p. 284.--S. aviculare, 1,'orst. Prodr. n. 107. _4. l~ich. Fl. Nov. Zel. p. 193. New Zealand. In damp woods. Cook's Strait.--1773, G. Forster. (Northern Island.)--1769, Sir Jos. _Banks. Bay of Islands.--1826, .4. Cun-

Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 03:49 15 March 2015 ningham. Poro-Poro, Incol. 1)' Urville. Some botanists, and, among them, Dunal and A. Richard, doubt the identity of the plant of Hortus Kewensis and that of Forster. The latter says of the plum-like fruit of S. avlculare, which Cook's sailors ate when they observed that the birds did not refuse them, "' hujus baeem fulv~e, pruni majoris magnitudine, aeid~e, panlm dul- cescentes, subnauseos~e, ab Incolis Novae Zelandi~e avlde vorantur, avieulis etiam gratissim~e, neque nostratibus omnino rejieiendec." Solanum tuberosum, L., is enumerated by A. Richard in his ' Flora,' p. 194, although admitted to be a plant introduced by Europeans, and now generally cultivated by the natives, who call it Tihon. ~joecimen of the Botany of New Zealand, 461 MYOPORINEzE, R./~r. I. MYoPoRv~, Banks and SoL--R. Br. 387. 11I. lecture, laorst. Prollr. n. 238. Willd. ~72o.Pl. Pers. Syn. 2. p. 144, A. Rich. El. Nov. Zel. p. 195.--Citharexylon perforatum, fforst, l]lss, conf. Steud. nora. New Zealand (Middle Island).--1773, G._Porster. (Northern Island.) Rocky shores of the Bay of Islands.--1826, A. Cunnlngham. 388. 11t. pubescens, Forst. Prodr. p. 239. Willd. Pers. Syn. 2. p, 144. New Zealand (Middle Island).--1773, G. Forster. 2. AV~CENNIA~Z. 389. A. tomentosa, L. Br. Prodr. 1. p. 518. TYilld.Sp.PL 3. p. 395.~A. resinifera, Forst. Prodr. n. 246. A. R~ch. FL Nov. Zel. p. 195, Manaova~ D" Urville. l~_ranawaab Incolis dieitur, R. Cunningham. New Zealand, on the immediate shores of both the Northern and Middle Islands. Ons. I. This is the Mangrove of New Zealand, of which For- ster says, to justify his name, "Gummi ex hac arbore exsudans forte idem est, quo barbari Novae Zelandi~e homines veseuntur, ut patet e diario navarchi gallici Crozet (p. 67. Voyage deM. Marion.). Ons. II. M. Ach. Richard insists that Forster's plant, which that voyager believed had produced a gum which the French observed the natives using as a masticatory, is different from the Linn~ean spe- cies, notwithstanding that Mr. Brown, upon comparing authentic specimens in the BanksianHerbarium, had seen no ground to separate them. Richard's characters are as follow: A. resinifera, Forst., corolke laciniis acutis glabris. A. tomentosa, L., coroll~e lobis obtusis emarginatis villosis. VERBENACE2E, Juss. I. VIr~x, Z. 390. V. llttoralls : foliis ternatis quinafisve, foliolis elliptieis obtusls cure acumine petiolatis glabris~ paniculis brevibus racemosis axillaribus termlna- libusve, ramis dichotomis, ealyee campamdato subedentato, staminibus ex- sertis, corolla extus tomentosa.--Ephialis pentaphylla. Banks et Sol. llIss. el Ic. ~ned. ~n B~btioth. Banks. Puredi s. Puriri, Incol. ,4. Cunningham. Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 03:49 15 March 2015 New Zealand (Northern Island).--1769, Sir Jos. Banks.--1826, A. Cun- ningham. A tree of very irregular growth on the rocky shores of the Bay of Islands, growing frequently within the range of salt water. That able missionary, the Rev. W. Yate, observes that "this tree from its hardness and durability has been denominated the New Zealand Oak, and indeed it seems to answer all the purposes of that prince of . The wood is of a dark brown colour, close in the grain, and takes a good polish ; it splits freely, works well, and de- rives no injury from exposure to the damp, twenty years' experience having proved that in that period it will not rot, though in a wet soil 46~ Specimen of the Botany of New Zealand.

and underground. For ship building it is (like the teak, which belongs to the same order) a most valuable wood ; as the injury which it has received from being perforated in various places, by a large grub peculiar to the tree, does not essentially diminish its value for the timbers of ships or for the knees of boats. It grows from fifteen to thirty feet without a branch, and varying from twelve to twenty feet in circumference." L ABIAT~E, Juss. MICROMERIA~ Bentham. Calyx tubulosus, 13 rarius sub-15-striatus, 5-dentatus. Corolhv tubus ~equalis, rectus ; limbus bilabiatu% labium superius integrum vel emar- ginatum. Stamina a, dldynama, inferiora Ionglora adscendentia, apice perparia appproximata, vel rarius subdivergentia..4nther~ ]iberm, bi- loeulares. 391. 31. Cunnlnghamll, (Benth.) caulk herbaceo prostrato tenulter pube- scente, foliis petiolatis rotundatis sublntegerrimls, pedicellis elongatis nudis, ealyelbus hirsutis, dentlbus ovato-lanceolafis, fauce intus nuda. JBenth. Lab. Gem and Sp. SuTpl: p. 730.--Thymi species. R. C. l]lss. New Zealand (Northern Island). At Manga Muka, on the IIokianga river.--1834, R. Cunningham. Obs. Calyx magnitudine 1][. Douglasll et pari modo post anthesin ovato- globosus. Dentes inius villosi, sed faux nuda. Corollatubo incluso, mag- nitudine et forma 31. salureoides et australls. (Alenthee sT. R. JBr.) A very remarkable species as belonging to the American section Hesperothymus, and indeed very nearly allied to 3I. Brownel (Thymus ~rownei, Swartz) aWest Indian and South American plant. Benth. in litt. BORAGINE2E, Juss. l. ANCItUSA,Z. 392..4. spathulata, eaule fillformi procumbente, foliis petiolatis ovatis ob- tusis piloso-hispidls distautibus, pedicellis taterifoliis solitariis~ nucibus l~evi- bus. Rosin. and Sch. Syst. Feg. iv. p. 100.--Myosotis spathulata. 170rst. Prodr. n. 62. lVitld. Sp. PL 1. p. 748. A. R;ch. El. Nov. ZeL p. 198. New Zealand (Middle Island).'--1778, G. Eorster. Astrolabe Harbour,

Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 03:49 15 March 2015 --1827, D'UrvHle. (Northern Island), dryrocky elevated spots. Wangaroa. --1826, t/. Cunningham. Obs. Veram esse .4nchusam plantve recentis indagator. .R..Br. Prodr. T" 4:94. 2. MYOSOTIS,Z. 393. 3I. lVorsteri; foliis obovato..spathulatls strigoso-hispidis, racemls ebracteatis, pedicellis in fruetu erecto-patentibus longitudine calyeis, laeiniis ealyeis oblongis obtusiuseulis trinervibus. Zehm. ,4sper. p. 95. Rcem. and Seh. Syst. Feg. iv. p. 779. JEndL Syn. t7. InsuL Oce. `4ustr. in ,,Inn. des Wien. 14[us. Band i. p. 174. n. 1221. New Zealand (Middle Island.--1773, G. Porster). End]. [To be continued.]