Basic Keyword List

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Basic Keyword List NOTICE TO AUTHORS 2008 Basic Keyword list A Antibodies Bismuth Chalcogens Ab initio calculations Antifungal agents Block copolymers Chaperone proteins Absorption Antigens Bond energy Charge carrier injection Acidity Antimony Bond theory Charge transfer Actinides Antisense agents Boranes Chelates Acylation Antitumor agents Borates Chemical vapor deposition Addition to alkenes Antiviral agents Boron Chemical vapor transport Addition to carbonyl com- Aqueous-phase catalysis Bridging ligands Chemisorption pounds Arene ligands Bromine Chemoenzymatic synthesis Adsorption Arenes Brønsted acids Chemoselectivity Aerobic oxidation Argon Chiral auxiliaries Aggregation Aromatic substitution C Chiral pool Agostic interactions Aromaticity C-C activation Chiral resolution Alanes Arsenic C-C bond formation Chirality Alcohols Arylation C-C coupling Chlorine Aldehydes Aryl halides C-Cl bond activation Chromates Aldol reaction Arynes C-Glycosides Chromium Alkali metals As ligands C-H activation Chromophores Alkaline earth metals Asymmetric amplification C1 building blocks Circular dichroism Alkaloids Asymmetric catalysis Cadmium Clathrates Alkanes Asymmetric synthesis Cage compounds Clays Alkene ligands Atmospheric chemistry Calcium Cleavage reactions Alkenes Atom economy Calixarenes Cluster compounds Alkylation Atropisomerism Calorimetry Cobalamines Alkyne ligands Aurophilicity Carbanions Cobalt Alkynes Autocatalysis Carbene homologues Cofactors Alkynylation Automerization Carbene ligands Colloids Allenes Autoxidation Carbenes Combinatorial chemistry Allosterism aza-Baylis-Hillman reaction Carbenoids Computer chemistry Allotropy Azapeptides Carbides Conducting materials Alloys Azasugars Carbocations Configuration determination Allyl ligands Azides Carbocycles Conformation analysis Allylation Aziridines Carbohydrates Conical intersections Allylic compounds Azo compounds Carbon Conjugate addition Allylic substitution Azomethine ylides Carbon dioxide fixation Cooperative effects Aluminosilicates Carbonyl ligands Coordination modes Aluminum B Carbonylation Copolymerization Amalgams Baeyer-Villiger reaction Carboranes Copper Amides Barium Carboxylate ligands Cracking Amination Basicity Carboxylation Crop protection agents Amine oxides Baylis-Hillman reaction Carboxylic acids Cross-coupling Amines Beryllium Carbyne ligands Crown compounds Amino acids Betaines Carotenoids Cryptands Amino alcohols Biaryls Catalyst design Crystal engineering Amino aldehydes Bioinformatics Catalyst recycling Crystal growth Amorphous materials Bioinorganic chemistry Catalytic antibodies Cumulenes Amphiphiles Biological activity Catenanes Cuprates Analytical methods Biomimetic synthesis Cations Cyanides Angiogenesis Bioorganic chemistry Cavitands Cyanines Anhydrides Biophysics Ceramics Cyclic voltammetry Anions Biosensors Cerebrosides Cyclitols Annulation Biosynthesis Cerium Cyclization Annulenes Biotransformations Cesium Cycloaddition Antibiotics Biphasic catalysis Chain structures Cyclodextrins Adv. Synth. Catal. 2008,19–22 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 19 NOTICE TO AUTHORS 2008 Cyclooligomerization Enones Grignard reaction Intercalations Cyclopentadienyl ligands Environmental chemistry Group 13 elements Interfaces Cyclophanes Enynes Group 14 elements Intermetallic phases Cyclopropanes Enzyme catalysis Iodine Cyclotrimerization Enzyme models H Ion channels Cytochromes Enzymes Hafnium Ion chromatography Cytokines Epoxidation Halides Ion exchange Epoxides Halogenation Ion pairs D EPR spectroscopy Halogens Ion-molecule reactions Dehydrogenation Esterification Heats of formation Ionic liquids Dendrimers Esters Heck reaction Ionization potentials Denitrification Ethylene Helical structures Ionophores Density functional theory EXAFS spectroscopy Helium IR spectroscopy Desymmetrization Exchange interactions Heme proteins Iridium Desulfurization Extremophiles Heterocycles Iron Deuterium Hetero-Diels-Alder reaction Isocyanide ligands Diamines Heterogeneous catalysis Isoelectronic analogues Diastereoselectivity F Heterometallic complexes Isolobal relationship Diazo compounds Fatty acids High-pressure chemistry Isomerases Diels-Alder reaction Femtochemistry High-temperature chemistry Isomerization Diene ligands Ferrocene ligands High-throughput screening Isomers Dienes Fibrous proteins Homogeneous catalysis Isotope effects Dihydroxylation Flow chemistry Hormones Isotopes Dimerization Flash pyrolysis Host-guest systems Isotopic labeling Dioxygen ligands Fluorescence Hydrates 1,3-Dipolar cycloadditions Fluorescence spectroscopy Hydrazines J Directed evolution Fluorescent probes Hydrazones Jahn-Teller distortion DNA Fluorides Hydride ligands Domino reactions Fluorinated ligands Hydrides K Donor-acceptor systems Fluorination Hydroamination Ketones Dopamines Fluorine Hydroboration Kinetic resolution Doping Fluxionality Hydrocarbons Kinetics Drug delivery Fractals Hydrocyanation Krypton Drug design Fragrances Hydroformylation Dyes/Pigments Friedel-Crafts reaction Hydrogen L Dynamic kinetic resolution Fullerenes Hydrogenation Lactams Furans Hydrogen bonds Lactones E Fused-ring systems Hydrogen peroxide Ladder polymers E-factor Hydrogen transfer Langmuir-Blodgett films Electrochemistry Hydrolases Lanthanides Electrocyclic reactions G Hydrolysis Lanthanum Electron diffraction Gallium Hydrophobic effect Laser chemistry Electron microscopy Gas chromatography Hydroquinones Laser spectroscopy Electron transfer Gas-phase reactions Hydrosilylation Layered compounds Electron transport Gels Hydrostannation Leaching Electron-deficient com- Gene expression Hydrothermal synthesis Lead pounds Gene sequencing Hydroxylation Lewis acids Electronic structure Gene technology Hyperconjugation Lewis bases Electrophilic addition Genomics Hypervalent compounds Ligand design Electrophilic substitution Germanium Ligand effects Electrophoresis Glasses I Ligases Electrostatic interactions Glycoconjugates Imaging agents Linear free energy relation- Elimination Glycolipids Imines ships Enantioselectivity Glycopeptides Immobilization Lipases ENDOR spectroscopy Glycoproteins Inclusion compounds Lipids Ene reaction Glycosides Indium Lipophilicity Energy conversion Glycosylation Indoles Lipoproteins Enolates Gold Inhibitors Liposomes Enols Green chemistry Insertion Liquid chromatography 20 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Synth. Catal. 2008,19–22 NOTICE TO AUTHORS 2008 Liquid crystals Multiple bonds P Polyoxometalates Liquids Mutagenesis Palladium Porphyrins Lithiation Pauson-Khand reaction Potassium Lithium N Peptide nucleic acids Preparative-scale synthesis Low-temperature physics Nanoparticles Peptides Prodrugs Luminescence Nanostructures Peptidomimetics Proline Lyases Nanotechnology Perfluorinated solvents Propargylation Nanotubes Pericyclic reaction Propargylic alcohols M Natural products Perovskite phases Prostaglandins Macrocycles Neighboring-group effects Peroxides Protecting groups Macrocyclic ligands Neon Peroxo ligands Protein design Magnesium N-heterocyclic carbenes Phage display Protein engineering Magnetic properties (in- Nickel Phanes Protein folding cluding magnetochemis- Niobium Phase diagrams Protein models try) Nitrides Phase transitions Protein modifications Main group elements Nitriles Phase-transfer catalysis Protein structures Manganese Nitroaldol Phenols Proteins Mannich reaction Nitroarenes Pheromones Proteomics Mass spectrometry Nitrogen Phosphaalkenes Proton transport Materials science Nitrogen fixation Phosphaalkynes Protonation Matrix isolation Nitrogen heterocycles Phosphane ligands Pyridines Mechanical properties Nitrogen oxides Phosphanes Pyrroles Medicinal chemistry Nitrogenases Phosphazenes Medium-ring compounds N ligands Phosphite ligands Membrane proteins NMR spectroscopy Phospholipids Q Membranes Noble gases Phosphorus Quantum chemistry Mercury N,O ligands Phosphorus heterocycles Quaternary stereocenters Mesophases Noncovalent interactions Phosphorylation Quinodimethanes Mesoporous materials Nonequilibrium processes Photoaffinity labeling Quinones Metabolism Nonlinear optics Photochemistry Metal-metal interactions Nonstoichiometric com- Photochromism Metalation pounds Photoelectron spectroscopy R Metallacycles Nucleic acids Photolysis Racemization Metallocenes Nucleobases Photooxidation Radical ions Metalloenzymes Nucleophilic addition Photosynthesis Radical reactions Metallomesogens Nucleophilic substitution Phthalocyanines Radicals Metalloproteins Nucleosides Physisorption Radiochemistry Metastable compounds Nucleotides Phytochemistry Radiopharmaceuticals Metathesis Pi interactions Raman spectroscopy Micelles O Pincer complexes Rare earth elements Michael addition Olefination Plasma chemistry Reaction mechanisms Microporous materials O ligands Platinates Reactive intermediates Microreactors Oligomerization Platinum Rearrangement Microwave heating Oligonucleotides P ligands Receptors Mixed-valent compounds Oligosaccharides Pnicogens Redox chemistry Moessbauer spectroscopy O-O activation Pnictides Reduction Molecular devices Organic-inorganic hybrid P,N ligands Regioselectivity Molecular diversity composites Polarized spectroscopy Retro reactions Molecular dynamics Organocatalysis Polyanions Rhenium Molecular electronics Osmium Polycations Rhodium Molecular evolution Oxazolines Polychalcogenides Ribonucleosides Molecular modeling Oxidation Polycycles Ribozymes Molecular recognition Oxidoreductases Polyhalides Ring-closing metathesis Molybdenum Oxo ligands Polyketides Ring contraction Monolayers Oxygen
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