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I. The

Baron von Steuben, a Prussian , trained ’s soldiers at , instilling military discipline that had been lacking in the


Benedict Arnold, Traitor had a brilliant career until his ego got in the way. He had served with distinction during the assault on in 1775 and the Battle of Saratoga in 1777 and earned the rank of general. He was given the com- mand of in 1778, and in 1780, the fort at West Point. The latter was an important link in the defense of the western frontier. However, Arnold believed that he was the victim of unfair criticism. He schemed with Major John Andre, a British agent, to hand over West Point to the Cross-curricular . The plot was uncovered, and Andre was hanged, but Arnold escaped. Teaching Idea He fought with the British and at the end of the war sailed for . Ever since, Have students review their journal among , the name “Benedict Arnold” has been a synonym for “traitor.” entries about the American Revolution and , Heroes and use this information to write an There were far more heroes than traitors enrolled in the Patriots’ cause. John essay answering either of the original Paul Jones joined the Continental in 1775. His most famous exploit questions: involved command of the Bon Homme Richard (French for “Poor Richard,” the • What caused the colonists to break name of ’s almanac), an old merchant ship that the French had away and become an independent given to the and which was refitted as a small warship. nation? • What significant ideas and values While patrolling off the coast of in 1779, the Bon Homme were at the heart of the American Richard came upon the HMS Serapis, a British warship. A fierce battle ensued, Revolution? with Jones maneuvering the Bon Homme Richard close to the Serapis. When asked to surrender, Jones refused and called out, “I have not yet begun to fight!” He and his crew grabbed the Serapis and fought its defenders for four hours. Finally, the

186 Grade 4 Handbook CK_4_TH_HG_P087_242.QXD 10/6/05 9:02 AM Page 187

Serapis surrendered, and Jones and his crew boarded it as the Bon Homme Richard sank. 41 Nathan Hale was another hero of the American Revolution. A schoolteacher by profession, he joined the and was sent to spy on the British on . Caught behind British lines in disguise, Hale was hanged as a spy without benefit of a trial. He was only 21 years old. On the gallows, Hale is said to have announced, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” The French Fleet, Cornwallis, and the British orktown

The Big Idea Review in Review Disagreements about Below are some ideas for ongoing assessment and review activities. These are principles of government not meant to constitute a comprehensive list. Teachers may also refer to the led the colonists to seek Pearson Learning/Core Knowledge History & Geography series for additional infor- independence from Great mation and teaching ideas. Britain. • As a review of the important people during this time period, play a version of the game “Concentration.” Have pairs of students create a set of cards for the notable figures studied in this unit. Students should write the name of one of the figures on an index card and on another index card, list a fact about that person. After making all of the cards, students should shuffle them and lay them face down on their desk. Students should take turns turning two cards over to find a match, and the student with the most matches wins. • Have students brainstorm a list of men and women who acted heroically dur- ing the American Revolution. Assign each student one of the heroes and have

History and Geography: American 187