Epping Forest District Council Local Highways Panel Meeting Agenda
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EPPING FOREST DISTRICT COUNCIL LOCAL HIGHWAYS PANEL MEETING AGENDA Date: 16th January 2018 Time: 17:30 Venue: Committee Room 2, Epping Forest District Council Offices Chairman: Cllr V Metcalfe (ECC) Panel Cllr C Whitbread (Vice Chairman - ECC), Cllr C Pond (ECC Members: Cllr A Jackson (ECC), Cllr G Mohindra (EFDC), Cllr P Keska (EFDC), Cllr C Roberts (EFDC), Cllr E Webster (EFDC) Attendees: Cllr R Gadsby (ECC) Cllr S Kane (EFDC) Essex Highways Officer Sarah Alcock- Highway Liaison Officer Officers: Essex Highways Officer Sonia Church- Highway Liaison Manager EFDC Kim Durrani, Assistant Director Secretariat: Jackie Leither (EFDC) Page Item Subject Lead Paper 1 Welcome & Introductions Chairman Verbal 2 Apologies for Absence Chairman Verbal Declarations of Interest 1 to 4 3 Minutes of meeting held on 12th September 2017 to be Chairman agreed as a correct record 4 Matters Arising from Minutes of the previous meeting Chairman Verbal 5 to 10 5 Approved Works Programme HLO Report 1 6 Potential Schemes List HLO Report 2 11 to 26 - Potential Schemes 2017/18 - Surveys 7 Appendix HLO 27 to 34 - Highways Rangers Report 3 35 - Section 106 Schemes Report 4 8 Any other business Chairman Verbal 9 Date of next meeting: Tuesday 20th March 2018 Chairman Verbal Committee Room 2 at 5:30pm 16th January 2018 Epping Forest District Epping Forest District LOCAL HIGHWAYS PANEL MINUTES 12th September 2017, 17:30 Committee Room 2, Epping Forest District Council Civic Offices Chairman: Cllr V Metcalfe (ECC) Panel Members: Cllr C Whitbread (Vice Chairman ECC), Cllr C Pond (ECC), Cllr A Jackson (ECC), Mrs M McEwen, Cllr G Mohindra (ECC), Cllr P Keska (EFDC), Cllr C Roberts (EFDC) Cllr E Webster (EFDC) Officers: Sarah Alcock, Highways Liaison Officer Essex Highways Sonia Church, Highways Liaison Manager, Essex Highways Observer: Cllr S Kane (Portfolio Holder for Safer Greener and Transport, EFDC) Secretariat: Kim Durrani, Assistant Director EFDC Item Owner 1. Welcome and Introductions: The Chairman Councillor V Metcalfe welcomed the Members present and those attending as observers. Apologies The Chairman received apologies from Cllr A Jackson 2. Declarations of interest: None 3. Minutes of meeting held on 16th March 2017 to be agreed as correct record: The Panel agreed minutes of the meeting held on 16 March 2017 as a true record. The Panel also agreed the minutes of the special meeting held on 20 June 2017 to consider the schemes to be approved for the £50,000 match funding contribution from EFDC. 4. Matters Arising from Minutes of the previous meeting: None 1 5. Approved Works Programme Update 2017/18: The HLO updated Members on the schemes and reported that the approved scheme budget was £449,774. Panel discussed the approved works programme for 2017/18. The HLO pointed out that the schemes in green colour have been completed. Progress against the schemes as reported by the HLO: Scheme no 12 LEPP162034: HLO to liaise with Cllr McEwen on how to SA proceed with this scheme, as objections have been received during the informal consultation period. Scheme no 20 LEPP172005: information was submitted too late and programming this means that another scheme in the 2017/18 would have to be removed. Panel decided to remove no 41 LEPP162069 to be delivered in 2018/19 financial year. Scheme no 24 LEPP162008: the engineer has expressed some concern over the use of guard rails as it could risk visibility. No action is proposed. Scheme no 29 LEPP151009: the allocated budget of £3,000 is inadequate and more budget allocation is required, Panel agreed to consider an SA increase in budget. Schemes 33,34 and 35: these are all casualty reduction schemes and are currently awaiting target costing, the process of getting three quotes from tenderers. Scheme no 47 LEPP162004: Panel noted that more land will be required from the Corporation of London and discussions are ongoing between SA Essex Highways and Corporation, an update will be available at the next meeting. Schemes 43 to 52 are for 2018/19 financial year. The Panel agreed to view the priority ranking in January 2018. It was noted that Scheme 48 may be part of the Loughton Broadway Parking Review being undertaken by EFDC. 6. Potential Schemes List for consideration of Panel in 2017/18: The Panel considered the status of Traffic Management schemes that are against ECC Policy or where there is no appropriate engineering solution. The Panel agreed to carry forward Scheme nos: 1, 2, 7, 13, 14, 18, 20, 21 and 31. In respect of Scheme 33 Cllr Mohindra will take that up with Cllr Grundy The Panel agreed to remove Schemes 1 and 2 from the Passenger Transport Schemes list as these were against ECC Policy. No change in Public Rights of Way, Walking and Cycling schemes 2 7. Appendix Highways Rangers The HLO updated the Panel on the work of the Rangers from April to July. It was reported that the list of works for Rangers included all the tasks from the Database. The HLO reminded Members that all tasks for Rangers should be reported through the LHP Rangers email address. Section 106 Schemes The HLO presented the Section 106 Programme for 2017/18. SA Cllr Pond enquired if the contributions from the Golden Lion PH in Borders had been received. 8. AOB Cllr Pond enquired about the street lighting schemes and the role of the SA/SC LHP. 9. Date of next meeting: 17:30, Tuesday 16 January 2018 Committee Room 2, Civic Offices 3 4 EPPING FOREST DISTRICT COUNCIL WITH ESSEX COUNTY COUNCIL LOCAL HIGHWAY PANEL – 16TH JANUARY 2018 REPORT 1- 2017/18 APPROVED WORKS PROGRAMME BUDGET SUMMARY It is envisaged that the 2018/19 Capital budget for the Epping Forest LHP will be the same as that in 2017/18 (£349,774), though this will be finalised by ECC at their full Council meeting in February 2018. The Panel will need to review those schemes within the Rolling Programme and agree those for inclusion for delivery in 2018/19 Members are reminded that the costs supplied are estimates only and there is the possibility that a final scheme cost could change significantly dependant on issues which may arise especially during detailed design and construction. The estimated scheme costs on both the Rolling Programme and the Potential Scheme List have been reviewed and adjusted as necessary to reflect this. Additionally at this stage, we have not been notified of the Safer Roads schemes that will need to be progressed within the District in 2018/19. Our Safer Roads team are currently preparing their 2018/19 programme with a view to finalising it by the end of January 2018. The 2018/19 Epping Forest LHP Capital Budget summary is as follows: Budget Summary 2018/19 2018/19 Capital Budget TBC £349,774 Schemes prioritised by Rolling Programme £128,000 Re-profiled schemes from 17/18 to 18/19 TBC Safer Roads Schemes TBC Feasibility Studies & Detailed Designs TBC 2018/19 Capital Budget still to allocate £221,774 5 6 Epping Forest District Local Highway Panel - Approved Works Programme 2017/18 Schemes Key Completed Cancelled Update Ref Cost Code Scheme Raised by Parish Finish Scheme Stage Works Description Allocated Budget Comments Approved Schemes - Prioritised for 2017/18 delivery Introduce warning signage on the approach to the bridge and 1 LEPP162060 B172 Abridge over River Roding - TMI Cllr Maggie McEwen Abridge Quarter 4 Total Scheme upgrade lining £8,000 Work scheduled to commence 15th January 2018. Loughton Way j/w River Road, Buckhurst Hill - Feasibility study to look to install dropped kerbs with tactile 2 LEPP162015 Cllr Metcalfe Epping Quarter 4 Feasibility £4,000 Feasibility study on schedule to be completed in quarter 4. Dropped kerbs paving and a pedestrian refuge Feasibility study to look at the options to prevent the verge 3 LEPP162027 Tidy's Lane, Epping - TMI Cllr Whitbread Epping Quarter 4 Feasibility £3,000 Feasibility study on schedule to be completed in quarter 4. from being torn up along Tidy's Lane A detailed design be created with a view to look into installing 4 LEPP162061 Hoe Lane, Nazeing - TMI Parish Council Nazeing Quarter 4 Design kerbs and appropriate drainage from Tayness and opposite £5,000 Still on schedule to be completed by end of quarter 4. Parkers Farm. To include a topographical survey Powdermill Lane j/w Leaview, Waltham Abbey - Detailed design to determine whether an overrun area could 5 LEPP162032 Cllr Lea Waltham Abbey Jan-18 Design £3,000 Completed Overrun area be constructed 6 LEPP162063 The Street j/w Crown Close, Sheering - TMI Parish Council Sheering Quarter 3 Total Scheme Upgrade mini roundabout and signage £18,000 Completed. A feasibility study to be carried out to determine whether the Feasibility study on schedule to be completed by end of quarter 7 LEPP162028 Willingale Road, Loughton - TMI Cllr Mohindra Loughton Quarter 4 Feasibility build outs can be improved or replaced with other traffic £3,000 4. calming methods Due to objections to the informal TRO, HLO met with Parish Parish Council/Cllr Maggie Detailed design to Install a 40mph buffer zone, carry out the 8 LEPP162034 A113 London Road, Stanford Rivers - Speed limit Stanford Rivers Quarter 4 On Hold £8,000 Clerk and County Member, scheme on hold whilst Parish liaise McEwen Traffic Regulation Order and formal consultation with community to ascertain how they wish to proceed. 9 LEPP168006 Footpath 18 – Staples Hill, Loughton Cllr Pond Loughton Nov-17 Total Scheme Resurface the footpath £10,000 Completed. Surfacing works are required along the path to the rear of Works are due to start mid January but will be weather 10 LEPP168007 Public Footpath 109, Loughton Parish Council Loughton Quarter 4 Total Scheme £15,000 Harwater Drive dependant.