Geology and Refractory Clay Deposits of the Haldeman and Wrigley Quadrangles, Kentucky

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Geology and Refractory Clay Deposits of the Haldeman and Wrigley Quadrangles, Kentucky Geology and Refractory Clay Deposits of the Haldeman and Wrigley Quadrangles, Kentucky GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1122-F Prepared in cooperation with the Kentucky Geological Survey and the Kentucky Agricultural and Industrial Development Board Geology and Refractory Clay Deposits of the Haldeman and Wrigley Quadrangles, Kentucky By SAM H. PATTERSON and JOHN W. HOSTERMAN With a section on COAL RESOURCES By JOHN W. HUDDLE CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC GEOLOGY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1122-F Prepared in cooperation with the Kentucky Geological Survey and the Kentucky Agricultural and Industrial Development Board UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1962 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D.G. CONTENTS Page Abstract..._____________________________________________________ Fl Introduction. _____________________________________________________ 2 Location and extent of the area________________________________ 2 Previous investigations.________________________________________ 4 Present investigations._________________________________________ 5 Topography and drainage____________________________________ 5 Acknowledgments ____________________________________________ 6 Stratigraphy. _____________________________________________________ 6 Mississippian system.--_______---_--_-__-_-___--_----______-___ 7 Lower Mississippian formations_.____-____--_-_________-___ 7 Brodhead formation_________________________________ 7 Muldraugh formation___.___-_______-_-______-___._-_ 11 Upper Mississippian formations____________________________ 12 Warsaw(?) formation_________________________________ 14 St. Louis limestone.....________________________________ 17 Ste. Genevieve limestone..---.-------------------------- 18 Paoli limestone of Elrod (1899) and Beaver Bend limestone of Malott (1919)..____.___-__--_--_-----_-__--__----_ 18 Reelsville limestone of Malott (1919)-_______--_________- 19 Beech Creek limestone of Malott (1919)-__----___-___. 20 Haney limestone of McFarlan and Walker (1956) __________ 21 Glen Dean limestone.._________________________________ 23 Pennington(?) formation-...-.-------------------------. 23 Pennsylvanian system..________________________________________ 25 Lee formation_____________________________________________ 26 Shale facies.___-___________-___-_____-_____-_----_---- 28 Cliff-forming sandstone facies__.__-___--____-_--._____ 34 Conditions of deposition of Lee formation__._________--_ 38 Breathitt formation_________---------------------__-------- 39 Transition beds..______________________________________ 39 Strata between transition beds and Magoffin beds of Morse (1931) ._________-____-_------.-__---------------- 40 Magoffin beds of Morse (193l)_____-_-.__-___________- 43 Strata above Magoffin beds of Morse (1931).___________ 44 Petrology of sandstone beds in the Breathitt formation. _ _ _ _ 45 Geologic structure..-.____________._-___-___-_---_-----__--___.--- 47 in IV CONTENTS Page Mineral deposits__.._-_--___-_-____--_____-_-_-_--___--..__--_-__ F48 The Olive Hill clay bed of Crider (1913)------------------------- 48 Mining.. ----__-_--___-_____________--__----__------__-___ 49 Stratigraphic position, distribution, and lithology___---._____.__ 50 Types of clay..__________________________________________ 52 Flint clay..____________________________________________ 52 Semiflint clay_...______________________________________ 58 Plastic clay-_-____-_-____-____-____--__-___--_--__---_ 58 Mineralogy.._ __ _________________________________________ 59 Clay minerals..___-_______-_____-___-_--__--__________ 59 Analytical procedure.._____._____-__-___-_-___-_-__ 59 Kaolinite...-___-___--_-_-----__------------------ 60 Hlite__ ___ __-_--__ __--__-- _---___---_-_ 62 Mixed-layer clay minerals.------------------------- 64 Nonclay minerals___________-_______-_-___-_-_---_-_- 64 Texture and hardness of the clay_.___-______--_--__---__-___ 67 Refractory tests.__-__--_____-_______-__-___--__---_-_-_-__ 71 Resources of clay in the Olive Hill bed.__-___-__--_--___----_ 76 Origin of the clay__________________---____-__----__----__ 79 Clays and shales exclusive of the Olive Hill clay bed of Crider (1913) _ 81 Limestone.____---_--________________________-_-____---_-_---_ 87 Silica sand..__-_-____--____-________________--_-_____-_--_---_ 89 Asphalt._____________________________________________________ 90 Oil and gas.____________________________________________________ 91 Coal beds and coal resources, by John W. Huddle.____________________ 92 Coal beds of the Lee formation._________________________________ 93 Coal beds of the Breathitt formation...----.------.-.------------ 96 Zachariah(?) coal bed.________-____--____-_--_-_---___--_-- 96 Howard coal bed.__________________________________________ 97 Grassy coal bed.__________________________________________ 98 Tom Cooper coal bed.______.__-___---___-_--___---__--__-- 102 Gun Creek coal bed________________-___-__---__----__------ 103 Fire Clay coal bed___________________-__-__-____----__---_- 104 Hamlin(?) coal bed._________________-__________-.-__---__- 105 Haddix coal bed____________________-__-____-__--__-_-_--_- 106 Index coal bed-___________________________________________ 106 Nickell coal bed_-_______________________________________ 106 Summary_ _ ________________________________________ _'________ 107 References cited.._--__--__-______._____.____-__-__--_____-__------ 107 Index_______._._._._____._._____.._._._.__.._.._._.___.._.____ __ Ill ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates are in pocket] PLATE 1. Correlation of Mississippian and Pennsylvanian rocks in the vicinity of the Haldeman and Wrigley quadrangles, Ken­ tucky. 2. Geologic map of the Haldeman quadrangle, Carter, Rowan, and Elliott Counties, Kentucky. CONTENTS V PLATE 3. Geologic map of the Wrigley quadrangle, Rowan, Morgan, and Elliott Counties, Kentucky. 4. Sections and correlations of the Mississippian and Pennsyl- vanian rocks in the Haldeman quadrangle. 5. Sections and correlations of the Mississippian and Pennsyl- vanian rocks in the Wrigley quadrangle. 6. Graphic sections of the Olive Hill clay bed of Crider, 1913, at points where samples were obtained, Haldeman and Wrigley quadrangles. 7. Geologic sections of the Olive Hill clay bed of Crider, 1913, enclosing strata in an area 2 miles south of Haldeman, Kentucky. 8. Isopach map of the Olive Hill clay bed of Crider, 1913, Halde­ man quadrangle. FIGURE 1. A, location of the Haldeman and Wrigley quadrangles; B, page position of the Haldeman and Wrigley quadrangles and their relation to the western boundary of Pennsylvanian strata____________-_____-_________-___---___-_--__ F3 2. Limestone quarry operated by the Kentucky Road Oiling Co. along the North Fork of the Licking River._____________ 15 3. Photomicrographs of limestone and sandstone. A, Beech Creek limestone of Malott, 1919; B, Glen Dean limestone; C, sandstone from Lee formation; D, sandstone from Breathitt formation._______-____________--_-___--_-_- 21 4. Lower beds of the Lee formation in high wall of strip mine on the east side of the Open Fork Valley, Haldeman quad­ rangle ______________________________________________ 31 5. Drill core of Lee formation from holes on ridge extending along county boundary north of Route 173, near northeast corner of Wrigley quadrangle.______________--__-__--_- 33 6. Magoffin beds of Morse, 1931, exposed in road cut along Route 173______________________-____-___--__-_------ 43 7. Stigmaria from the Olive Hill clay bed of Crider, 1913, show­ ing main rootstock with rootlets attached and nodular root scars ________r __________________________________ 53 8. X-ray diffractometer traces (Cu K-«i radiation) of flint, semiflint, and plastic clays from the Olive Hill clay bed of Crider, 1913__._-_____________. ________________ _ _ _ 61 9. Differential thermal analysis curves of clays from the Olive Hill clay bed of Crider, 1913__.____________--.._--_-- 63 10. Electron micrograph of carbon replica of flint clay_______ 69 11. Thin-section photomicrographs. A, flint clay ;B, semiflint clay; C, sand grains in flint clay_________________-_-__---_-_ 70 12. Graphs showing the influence of variations in content of alumina and other oxides on the refractory properties of clay in the Olive Hill clay bed of Crider, 1913.___.._.._. 75 VI CONTENTS TABLES Page TABLE 1. Chemical analyses of limestones from the Haldeman and Wrigley quadrangles________________________________ F16 2. Estimates of mineral composition (in parts of ten) of red, green, and yellow ocherous shale in the Lee formation below the Olive Hill clay bed, Haldeman quadrangle. _ _ _ _ 30 3. Grain size and mineral composition of sandstone beds in the Lee formation.______________________________________ 36 4. Grain size and mineral composition of sandstone beds in the Breathitt formation._________________________________ 46 5. Mineral composition and chemical analyses of clays from the Olive Hill clay bed of Crider (1913), arranged according to pyrometric cone equivalents.__________________________ 54 6. Refractory tests of samples from the Olive Hill clay bed of Crider (1913), Haldeman and Wrigley quadrangles, Kentucky.__________________________________________ 72 7. Estimated mineral composition (in parts of ten) of clays and shales, exclusive of the Olive Hill clay bed of Crider (1913), Haldeman and Wrigley quadrangles, Kentucky._________ 83 8. Chemical analyses of
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