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Monday, August 7, 2017 World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 21

Above, artist Jacqui Beckett displays a commission painting of a canola field she made for the office of Moosomin MLA Steven Bonk. At right, some of Beckett’s paintings currently on display in the MLA office on Main Street in Moosomin. They will be on display until the first week of September, after which other local art- ists will take turns displaying art in the office. Constituency office doubles as an art gallery


SANGEAN TOUGH BOX Glasser’s RADIO RUGGED CONSTRUCTION 14-BB100 • REG: $179.9999 TV Service $159 OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. • MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3040 • WWW.GLASSERSTV.COM • WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GLASSERSTV 22 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, August 7, 2017 Brooks Laich makes cover of People magazine Barta and their children; Making the cover of Peo- ObituariesGerald Barta; sister Mary ple magazine is something Sanderson, her children; that happens to a select and many nieces and neph- few, but Wawota’s Brooks ews. Laich was front and Jim was predeceased by on the magazine’s July 24 his mother Vilma, father cover after marrying Danc- James and step-mother ing With the Stars judge Clara also several aunts on July 8. and uncles. Laich and Hough were Jim spent many years as married in an outdoor a farm machinery and au- wedding on Lake Coeur tomotive mechanic. First in d’Alene, Idaho, where their own business in Ken- Hough spent summer holi- nedy (Barta Farm Equip- days as a child. ment); then a move to The couple announced Moosomin in 1966 where their engagement in Au- JAMES W. BARTA he worked for Gillis Mo- gust 2015 after dating for a JUNE 13, 2017 tors, Bradley’s and lastly year and a half. Jim passed away peace- at Celebration Ford until Laich grew up in Wawota fully surrounded by his retirement. and is a professional hock- family on June 13, 2017 at Jim enjoyed spending ey player. Laich played 11:45 pm. time with his family and with the NHL’s Ottawa He will be sadly missed having visitors. He loved 6HQDWRUV EULHÁ\ EHIRUH EH- by his loving wife Betty music and singing and ing picked up by the Wash- and their children Cindy, was crazy for game shows ington Capitals—a team he Jim (Iris) Barta and Tracey on the television. When he played with for 12 years. (Brian) Raymond: grand- was a young man he al- He has also played for the children Matthew (Mat- ways drove a great car, and , and thew Myers), Amy (Evan had a motorcycle that was is currently an unrestricted Graham) and Samantha. his pride and joy. free agent. Also survived by his A private interment will Hough is a professional brothers Richard (Doris) be held at a later date. dancer, singer and actress. She is a two-time profes- sional champion of ABC’s receptionist and she would Dancing with the Stars. In return home to the farm to September 2014, Hough begin her second shift as joined Dancing with the ‘the farmer’s wife’. Marilyn Stars as a permanent loved life on the farm. She fourth judge. She has also was keen to be involved in released a number of songs the farming operation and and has acted in a number helped out with the nu- of movies. merous jobs that go with Family and friends were farm living. There was no on hand at the wedding in job that she was not will- Idaho. People magazine ing to tackle. Both she featured the wedding with and Carl loved wildlife, a number of exclusive pho- especially birds, so they tos in the July 24 issue. planted many trees to cre- Laich also received na- ate a sanctuary for the wide tional media attention The July 24 cover of People magazine featuring Julianne Hough and variety of birds who took when he stopped to help Brooks Laich, who were married on July 8 at Lake Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. MARILYN JOYCE JACOBI shelter there. Marilyn had two stranded Capitals fans AUGUST 4, 1940– a special fondness for ani- FKDQJH WKHLU ÁDW WLUH DIWHU apologized for the club’s AUGUST 1, 2017 mals–she especially loved a Game 7 loss in the 2010 early loss in the playoffs. Marilyn Joyce Jacobi was her horse Velvet, and any playoffs. When he came Laich was hockey analyst born on August 4, 1940 in stray cat who wandered across the woman and her Michael Farber’s nominee Moosomin, Saskatchewan. into their yard was sure to teenaged daughter strand- for the 2010 Sports Illus- She was the only child of be well fed. ed on the Theodore Roos- trated Sportsman of the Steed and Ethel Archbould 0DULO\QORYHGKHUÁRZHU evelt Bridge, Laich stopped Year that year. (nee Mills). Marilyn is pre- gardens and took pride in to install their spare and deceased by her daughter KHUPDQ\ÁRZHUEHGV6KH Denise, parents Steed and was known for her green Ethel, grandson Clayton thumb, a trait she inherited Pollock, daughter-in-law from her father. Together Melissa Tippett, and her Carl and Marilyn spent husband Carl Jacobi. numerous hours mowing Left to cherish her mem- grass in their large yard. ory are sons Doug Tippet, In the fall Marilyn would Ken (Mary), Bill (Trudy), be busy making jam and Terry (Paula) Jacobi, and preserving fruit. There was daughters Carolynn (Jim) always more than enough Pollock, Lorna (Garth) food put away to last them Woods, Shannon (Rona) Ja- through the winter. cobi and seventeen grand- Marilyn’s last years were children and fourteen spent dealing with the de- great-grandchildren. bilitating effects of Parkin- Marilyn married Keith son’s disease. She passed Tippett in 1961 and togeth- away peacefully in her er they had two beautiful sleep on August 1, 2017. children, Denise and Doug. Funeral service was held Following their divorce from Bethel United Church Above: Brooks Laich and Julianne Hough Marilyn worked tirelessly on Saturday, August 5th at surrounded by family as they say their vows. to provide for her two chil- 10 am with Reverend Joan Right: The couple kissing after cutting their dren. In August of 1981 De- 5HQQLH/DLQJ RIÀFLDWLQJ nise was tragically killed in Interment was at Moo- wedding cake. a car accident. This was a somin South Cemetery . sorrow that Marilyn lived She will be greatly missed with for her the rest of by those who loved her. If her days. She found hap- friends so desire, memorial Are you new to Moosomin? piness in April 1984 when tributes may be made to she married Carl Jacobi the Parkinson’s Society in Do you have a new baby? who brought with him a memory of Marilyn. ready-made family of six “May thoughts of you not children. Marilyn was em- grow dim, Local businesses have a package for ployed full time at Mooso- May your memory live in YOU to welcome you to town, min Union Hospital as the the prairie wind.” or to welcome your new baby! The package includes: Obituaries can be emailed to gifts, offers, giftcards and promotional items from local businesses [email protected] Contact [email protected] for your Welcome to Moosomin Gift! Monday, August 7, 2017 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 23 Pakistan: A mistake? It was never my plan to tell Pakistanis their country ans. had been a mistake. I was 19 years old at the time, in If the Hindu majority haven’t massacred the 190 mil- Pakistan for the summer with 40 other young Canadian lion Muslims of today’s India, then how were they go- university students on a trip to foster international un- ing to massacre the 530 million Muslims of an undivided derstanding. I had already realized that this was a com- Gwynne Dyer India? An estimated 10,000 people have been killed in pletely pointless exercise, but it was a free trip and I had Hindu-Muslim communal violence in India since 1950, never been out of North America before. and three of the victims were Muslims for every Hindu I also already knew that sticking up handbills in Lahore killed—but these numbers hardly compare with the im- announcing a public debate in which the visitors would mediate and long-term cost in lives of Partition argue that the creation of Pakistan had been a bad idea per capita income of India’s 190 million Muslims—who At least a million people were slaughtered in the mu- would be a very bad idea, but nobody asked my opinion. are the poorest of the country’s major religious commu- tual Muslim-Hindu massacres of 1947, when ten million So there were rent-a-crowd riots in Lahore, and the nities—is probably slightly lower than average income in people moved from India to Pakistan or vice versa. An- military dictator of the time had us all arrested and Pakistan. But it’s still worth asking if everybody would other million civilians were killed in the 1971 war that shipped up to a boys’ school in Abbotabad, empty for the have been better off if British-ruled India had not been broke Pakistan apart and led to an independent Bangla- VXPPHUXQWLOWKH\FRXOGÀQGHQRXJKVHDWVRQ3DNLVWDQ partitioned in 1947. desh. And although the four India-Pakistan wars only International Airlines to expel us all. (The same town was First of all, it was the best educated and most prosper- killed about 30,000 soldiers, both countries now have also, much later, the last refuge of Osama bin Laden, but ous part of India’s Muslim population that moved to nuclear weapons. I digress.) Pakistan in 1947. If their 20 million descendants were still One other thing. No partition would probably have Anyway, this month marks the 70th anniversary of the in their ancestral homes, average Muslim incomes in the meant no military coups in the subcontinent. India has partition of India and the independence of Pakistan, so truncated India of today would be a good deal higher. been the world’s largest democracy for 70 years, whereas maybe it’s time to revisit that aborted debate. Especially The proportion of Muslims in the population of an un- Pakistan and Bangladesh have been ruled by generals for since the 18th prime minister of Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif, divided India would have been so high that they could almost half of their independent histories. has just been forced out of power by Pakistan’s supreme not be ignored politically. If Pakistan (and Bangladesh, Could it have happened differently? Both Gandhi, for court. In all those 70 years, not one of Pakistan’s prime which broke away from Pakistan in 1971) were still part all his saintly status a profoundly sectarian Hindu leader, ministers has ever managed to complete one full term in of India, Muslims would not be 13 percent of that un- and Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the leader of the All-India RIÀFH partitioned India’s population. They would be more than Muslim League and the founder of Pakistan, were dead Pakistan is not exactly a “failed state.” It provides a 30 percent. within a year after Partition. If the British government YHU\FRPIRUWDEOHOLIHIRUDURXQGÀYHPLOOLRQSULYLOHJHG Such an India, assuming it remained democratic, could had not been in such a panic-stricken rush to get out of people, including the immensely rich Sharif family. never have ended up with a sectarian Hindu national- India, there might have been time for more moderate (Nawaz Sharif’s brother Shahbaz will take over as prime ist like Narendra Modi as prime minister. One-third of Hindu and Muslim leaders to negotiate a different out- minister as soon as he can quit his job as chief minister of the electorate would instinctively vote against him. By come. Punjab state and get elected to the National Assembly). the same token, Muslims who stood on a religious plat- Or not, as the case may be. This is purely a hypotheti- Another 30 or 40 million people have a modest but toler- form would not succeed—but lots of Muslims would be cal game, because once partition happened it was irre- able life, and the other 150 million just scrape along the HOHFWHGWRKLJKRIÀFHRQWKHLUPHULWV versible. But it would have certainly been an interesting bottom. Is this naive? Wouldn’t the evil Hindus just massacre debate. India is not rich either. Per capita income in India is the Muslims? That was, after all, the implicit reasoning Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles only about 20 percent higher than in Pakistan, and the behind the demand of a separate state for Muslim Indi- are published in 45 countries.

Wawota News Maryfield Sunrise Villa News Myrna Olson 306-739-2519 • [email protected] Alice Chaput

Ross and Donna Petterson had a busy She and Tyler Hanna will be married on Get well wishes and prayers to our re- Thank you to Lydia and Ward Fraser for past couple of weeks. On the 8th of July September 9. porter, Leora Thiessen. rides to the auditorium with her parents, they attended a wedding in Cranbrook, Roy Bortolotto and Barbara Wilkins &RQJUDWXODWLRQVWRWKHPDQ\0DU\ÀHOG Fred and Marianne Krukoff. We attended B.C. have returned home after spending two people who contributed to such a success- Lydia’s excellent powerpoint presentation Their grandson, Nelson Augustine, mar- weeks on a cruise around the boot of Italy. ful fair and 150th Canada celebration! A on the big screen: 150 Years of Canada and ried Hannah De Young. The next week- Their many stops were Venice, Du- huge crowd attended the fair and food 0DU\ÀHOG6KHLQWHJUDWHGPDSVROGSKR- end they attended the Petterson Family brovnik (Croatia), Kotor (Montenegro), ran out at several meals. There were 15 WRVDQGH[FHUSWVIURPWKH0DU\ÀHOG+LV- reunion at Thompson Lake. Ross’s sister Malta, Sicily, the Bay of Naples, Isle of Ca- horses entered in one of the showmanship tory Book. and brother-in-law Fay and Laverne Silzer pri, Sorrento, Pompeii and their last stop classes in the morning. 7KH DXGLWRULXP ZDV ÀOOHG DJDLQ RQ of Gull Lake, their daughter Sherry and was Rome. They visited many of the tour- Ruth and Freda Longman, life mem- Sunday morning, as all denominations partner Cory Lamarre and family visited. ist attractions there including the Vatican, EHUV DQG ORQJWLPH H[KLELWRUV DQG RIÀ- gathered to worship together. Fred Kru- Sherry’s son Aiden was playing provincial the Coliseum, and the Forum. cials of the Agricultural Society were able koff, 95, sang in the 25 voice choir let by ball in Moosomin that weekend. We have had our grandson Morgan to see a wonderful exhibit of handcrafts, Gordon Kliever; with Bob Darroch on Sympathy to Les and Trena Van Meer Buhr with us for the past month. He at- EDNLQJÁRZHUVDQGFKLOGUHQ·VZRUN6DV- piano. Bob Thiessen was worship leader. and family on the passing of Les’s father, tended Kenosee Lake Bible Camp and katchewan Express played to a full house His wife Mary held the children, (and the William (Bill) Van Meer of Moosomin. He enjoyed hanging out with his friends. He at the auditorium Friday night. adults), enthralled as she led the Children passed away July 22 at the age of 62 years. returned home to Morinville, Alta. last 7KH9LOOD*XLOGKDGQRÁRDWEXWWKHUH of Isreal under a purple cloud of presence His funeral service was held in Moosomin Sunday. were 35 entries in the Saturday morn- out of Egypt. Pastor Richard Klassen grew on Friday, July 28. On Thursday evening we enjoyed ing parade, which went form the school up in the area, and reminded us that we Sympathy also to Joe and Jean Brisbois spending an evening with Brittany Olson around town and past the Villa. All the are all immigrants here on earth. and Gerry Brisbois on the passing of An- of Vancouver, B.C. We met at Kenosee residents were sitting out to watch Man- Thank you to the wonderful gardeners drew Brisbois of Ile de Chine, Man. where Kenton and Stacey hosted a 25th ager Angela go by in a red ‘55 Chevrolet. RI 0DU\ÀHOG :H KDYH KDG UDGLVKHV DQG He passed away on July 16 at the age of birthday party for her. It was restored by Trevor Hadley, and beans from Fred’s garden by the haven; 75 years. His funeral is pending. I missed putting the grandparents’ driven by his daughter, caregiver Sara, so many pails of strawberries, saskatoons, JJ Lamontagne and Patsy Jacques trav- names in for Sadie Rae Elizabeth Carpen- and myself Janet Marko; The fun ride of raspberries, and salad greens simply ap- elled to Storthoaks recently. They, along ter. They are Doug Carpenter and Mary a lifetime! pear in the kitchen. I swear you all plant a with several family members, attended a Ann Schaffer and Garth and Debbie Inglis The Sunrise Villa Guild members row for the Villa! No wonder we have the bridal shower for Karris Jacques. of Rapid City. served a strawberry tea to 81 people best meals in any care facility. who signed the register with tables in the During the last two weeks we have had courtyard as well as the lounge. The pro- visitors from Montreal, Fort McMurray, ceeds will come to us for decorations and Edmonton and Wainright, Alta. and many care of the grounds. These ladies serve at from Manitoba. all the birthday parties. Alan Adair and August 1 my brother from Saskatoon, Welwyn News Laurence Kraushaar had the last two par- his daughter from Winnipeg, grandson ties. Adrienne Verys from Redvers came from Ottawa, and my son Philip joined Phyllis Harper 306-733-2155 to visit her mother Jean, 101. me for dinner.

Gerri, Abby and Jeta Paterson of Balg- Carl and Florence Bowey went to Nel- onie recently spent a few days at the Sant- son Lake (Preeceville) to celebrate Marg ers. and Francis Bowey’s 60th Wedding An- Harvey Jamieson of Winnipeg visited niversary last weekend. Derek Bowey Visit the World-Spectator online with Murdoch James recently. He was on was there for the day. They also saw sister his way home to Winnipeg after attending Shelly and Darren Sarada and family from at the School Reunion and Rodeo in Mooso- Calgary. min. We do CUSTOM STAMP ORDERS! • Rubber Stamps • Self-Inking Stamps • Signature Stamps ORDER YOUR STAMP TODAY and we will get it to you faster than you think! • Corporate Seals Contact The World-Spectator (Rubber or Impression Seal) 306-435-2445 • [email protected] 24 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, August 7, 2017

Above and below right: Construction on the dyke south of Elkhorn. Elkhorn flood dyke project under way


Did you know? reaches ÓÇ]xää households and 75,000 people! Ph: (306) 435-2445 • Fax: (306) 435-3969 [email protected] Monday, August 7, 2017 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 25 Moosomin Rec Report Mike Schwean, Recreation Director 306-435-3622 • [email protected] Western Canadian our most senior instructors teaching. If you would like • Provide some prizes for the evening further information please contact a staff members at • Provide a $50 to $75 prize for our year end windup Senior Ladies Fastball 435-2346. In exchange we set you up at the all new sponsor Boy oh boy are you fastball fans in for a treat come booth and you can do as little or as much promoting as August 17 to 20. Ten ladies teams will converge on Moo- 2017 Uptown Friday you like! somin from all across Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan 2XUÀUVWHYHQWLV)ULGD\1RYHPEHU:HDFFHSWVSRQ- and Alberta. Night Slo Pitch League VRUVRQDÀUVWFRPHÀUVWVHUYHEDVLV+HUHLVDOLVWRIWKH Our year end tournament went last weekend at Brad- While it won’t be a Western Canadian Men’s, we are nights scheduled for 2017/18. Keep in mind we take ley Park. 2017 was a fantastic year with 12 teams en- planning on a tournament with several teams heading )ULGD\QLJKW&KULVWPDVERRNLQJVDVZHOORQDÀUVWFRPH tered in the schedule. Here is how things shook out at to Nationals the following week looking to get in some ÀUVWVHUYH the tournament. Congratulations to the Platypussies on game action. Should be an absolutely fantastic weekend Friday, November 3 WKHLU$6LGH&KDPSLRQVKLS³ÀUVWWLPHZLQQHUV of fastball! Friday, November 10 $)LQDO3ODW\SXVVLHVGHIHDW/HSLQH·V5RRÀQJ Friday, November 17 B Final: Da Captain’s Crushers defeat We Got the Runs Fastball Championships Friday, November 24 C Final: Skulmoski’s Slammers defeat I Love Lamp Friday in December we break for the Christmas Party Call for Volunteers!! D Final: Flaman’s defeat the Brew Jays Season. :HDUHYHU\H[FLWHGWREHWDNLQJRXUÀUVWUXQDWKRVWLQJ E Final: Red hot Ompapaloompas defeat the Booze Friday, January 5 a Western Canadian Fastball Championship, and it is a Cannons Friday, January 12 doozy being Senior Men’s and Ladies. F Final: Kinsmen 9:15’s defeat Team Vino Friday, January 19 We are deep in debt to the Moosomin Elks Club, The Moosomin Moose Fraternity and the Moosomin Kins- Friday, January 26 men Club for providing us with three facilities worthy Tim Hortons Outdoor Eventplex Friday, February2 of hosting a Western Canadians so thank you ever so Summer Bookings Friday, February 9 much to them. If you are interested in booking our Tim Hortons Out- Friday, February 16 1R RQWR WKH SURMHFW ZH ZLOO UHTXLUH D VLJQLÀFDQW door Eventplex this summer for a day or hour or what Friday, February 23 amount of volunteers for this project. Wide range of have you please let us know. Can be anything from a Friday, March 2 jobs from gate workers to concessions to scorekeepers to family picnic in the park to a live performance to wed- Friday, March 9 grounds and on and on. If you would be willing to help ding pictures. Simply give us a shout at 435-3622 or by Friday, March 16 us and volunteer—the weekend is August 17 to 20— email to [email protected]. Friday, March 23 then please contact me at 435-3622 or by email at msmn. Friday, March 30 [email protected] . Winter Communiplex news Friday, April 6 We have begun to make plans for the 2017/2018 win- Friday, April 13 Generals football ter season. This season the ice is scheduled to be ready Friday, April 20 Generals Tackle Football Registration is open for Fall for October 20. A few events have already been booked Friday, April 27:Wind Up Deck Party Bash Programs (Boys and Girls). into the schedule including: The Moosomin Generals are busy preparing for the October 21-22: Moosomin Sr Rangers hockey School 2017 PotashCorp fall season. A couple of thoughts with regards to the October 28-29: MNP Hockey School Weekend Sportsplex Opening Day Generals programs: December 1-3: Female Rangers Hockey Tournament We open the doors on our 2017 season on Wednesday, Ages 6-7 are welcome to join and practice with Little Regular scheduled events will begin on October 23. November 1. We cant wait for another fantastic season! Generals … game participation is based on appropriate For further information please feel free to contact the size and experience matchups. 5HFUHDWLRQ2IÀFHDWRUE\HPDLODWPVPQUHF Ages 8-11 Little Generals: Safety, Fun and Fundamen- [email protected]. What’s up at the tals focused. Convention Centre Ages 12-14 Junior Generals: Safety, Development and SHA Officials Clinic Weekends at the Convention Centre are always busy, Competition focused. Saskatchewan Hockey Association has booked an Of- late fall and winter of 2017 are no exception. Here is a list Ages 15-18 RMFL Generals: Competitive. Compete for ÀFLDOV &OLQLF IRU 0RRVRPLQ IRU2FWREHU  7KH FOLQLF of weekend special events booked in: Rural Manitoba Provincial Title. (2017 is our year! We runs from 6 pm to 10 pm at McNaughton High School. August 12-13: Wedding Reception have the foundation for a championship team) 7KHUHZLOOEHQRRQLFHRUÀWQHVVWHVWLQJZLWKWKLVFOLQLF August 19: Ag Society Show and Sale ( Plex ) The Generals are also investigating the potential of For further information please log onto SHA’s website or August 20: Wedding Reception starting a regional girls tackle program. Please contact email Trent at [email protected]. September 9: Elvis Tribute Band us to express interest in playing or being part of the pro- September 16: Wedding Reception grams development. Fall Plans for the September 22-23: Strokes and Stitches Fall Fair Find complete info and registration link at www.gen- September 29-30: Wedding Reception or contact Jason Schenn for info on his PotashCorp Sportsplex October 7-8: Wedding Reception cell at 306-434-7344, or email moosomingenerals@gmail. 2016/17 season was a wonderful year to kick start the October 14: Conexus Credit Union Christmas Event com Sportsplex. That said we have big plans in place for this October 21: Borderland Co-op Event winter as well. Ladies, Men’s and Friday Night Corpo- October 27-29: Minor Hockey - Hockey School Dry- rate Night were all huge hits and all back in 2017. We do land PotashCorp Sportsplex however want to add a Yatch Club on weekends along November 3-12: Theatrical Production Off Season Bookings with a few more tournaments. November 17: Ukraine Supper and Dance We have had inquiries about renting the PotashCorp In addition we are looking to take out the Driving November 25: Borderland Co-op Event Sportsplex from May to October. Range rooms and add a couple Kids XBOX chambers— December 2-3: Totally Tess Christmas Trade Fair We will absolutely make the facility available for pri- super cool rooms that are more moderately priced and December 9: Borderland Co-op Event YDWHERRNLQJV-XVWHPDLORUSKRQHXVDWWKH5HF2IÀFH perfect for kids’ parties! December 16-17: Meeting Booked With regards to the amenities we do have a year round On the bowling alley side we are looking at a couples liquor permit, kitchen may or may not be open but we league. We are thinking a corporate league and a men’s Parks and Rec Contacts and ladies league. We will announce as we go but expect certainly will allow out of house caters in at no cost to If you are looking to contact a member of our staff a fantastic array of programming once we open for our them. SOHDVHÀQGWKHDSSURSULDWHPHPEHURIRXWWHDPEHORZ second season at the PotashCorp Sportsplex! If for any reason you are unsure who to call or email by Swimming Pool season all means feel free to contact myself. is winding down! 2017 Christmas Parties 0RRVRPLQ3DUNVDQG5HFUHDWLRQ2IÀFHV It is hard to believe but our 2017 Swimming Pool sea- at PotashCorp Sportsplex 1-306-435-3622 son is now on the wind down. Including this Monday Don’t delay, the best dates will go quickly. If you are Mike Schwean – Director of Parks and Recreation - ZHDUHGRZQWRRXUÀQDOWKUHHZHHNVRIWKHVHDVRQ2XU interested in holding your 2017 Christmas party at the 1-306-435-7578 [email protected] ÀQDOGD\IRUSXEOLFVZLPPLQJJRHV6XQGD\$XJXVW Sportsplex, please contact Catherine at 435-3622! Catherine Jaenen – Assistant Parks and Recreation That means as of this Monday, 21 days remain is what 1-306-434-7579 has been a fantastic season! Make sure you get out and Looking for Sponsors [email protected] enjoy the remaining days. Lots of fun events planned by Randy Fyke – MCC Centre Caretaker – the staff to blow out the summer! at PotashCorp Sportsplex 1-306-435-9453 [email protected] We are once again looking for Friday Night Corporate Chad Glasser – Plex / Bradley Park Ice & Park Tech – League Sponsors at the PotashCorp Sportsplex. This 1-306-434-5244 [email protected] Swimming Pool Lesson is a great and inexpensive way to promote your busi- Corey Turpie – Curling Rink Ice Tech – Dates/Registration ness, have a little fun and make a few new friends and 1-306-435-9577 - [email protected] The last regular two week set of swimming lessons customers. For those businesses looking to “double up” Sierra Thom – Swimming Pool Manager – ends this week. If you are still interested however we do ZLWKDQRWKHUEXVLQHVVWKDWLVMXVWÀQH:KDWZHDVNIURP 1-306-435-2346 [email protected] have private lessons following this week with many of sponsors is to: Izabela dunczyk – PC Sportsplex Manager • Plan the Friday Night Golf Game (we can help) 1-306-435-2325 [email protected]

615 Main St Moosomin,SK S0G3N0 Are you getting ready to head back to school away from home? Phone 306.435.3881 Visit our office today for a free, no obligation quote on your Fax 306.435.3173 tenant pak, auto pak, and health coverage! 26 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, August 7, 2017 Embear-assing behavior I consider Winnie the Pooh to be one of the noblest You know, I never thought of it before, but the coun- gifts Canada has ever bestowed on the rest of the world. cillor is right. I’ve never seen Winnie wearing anything And make no mistake: Winnie is Canadian. As Canadian PRUHWKDQDUHG7VKLUWDQGVRPHWLPHVDOLWWOHWRTXHRQ as moose antlers, Murray McLaughlin and Margaret At- his head. Shows what a gullible and naïve Canuck I am, wood all wrapped up in a Don Cherry sports jacket. Arthur Black I guess. Yes, I know that Winnie the Pooh is an imaginary crea- 7KH3ROLVKJXDUGLDQVRISXEOLFVDQFWLW\PD\KDYHVWDUW WXUH³ ´D ÀFWLRQDO DQWKURSRPRUSKLF WHGG\ EHDUµ DV P\ HGDQLQWHUQDWLRQDOVKDPLQJVWRUPIRUIDQWDV\EHDUV7KH dictionary so disdainfully sniffs. But Winnie was a real %ULWLVK%RDUGRI)LOP&ODVVLÀFDWLRQPRYHGWRVODSDZDUQ fur-and-blood Canadian bear. He was born in the back- ing tag on Paddington when it came out (a movie about woods of Northwestern Ontario in the early part of the DQRWKHUKDOIGUHVVHGEHDU 7KHERDUGVDLGWKHÀOPFRQ last century and sold as a cub on the White River train SDFLÀFDQGSHUKDSVDWRXFKSURYLQFLDOIRUWKHZRUOG WDLQV ´GDQJHURXV EHKDYLRU PLOG WKUHDWV PLOG VH[ UHIHU platform to a Canadian soldier who was bound for Eu- stage. HQFHV DQG PLOG EDG ODQJXDJHµ UHQGHULQJ LW ´XQVXLWDEOH URSHWRÀJKWLQWKH)LUVW:RUOG:DU7KHVROGLHU/LHXWHQ Okay, Winnie was gullible and naïve. “A bear of little IRUFKLOGUHQXQGHUHLJKWµ ant Harry Colebourne of Winnipeg, was deployed, along EUDLQµDVKLVFUHDWRUZRXOGZULWH7KLQN%REDQG'RXJ Paddington Bear? Really? with his furry mascot, to England. Mackenzie with fur. I don’t want to panic the good citizens of Poland or Brit- When it came time for Lieutenant Colbourne to go to What Winnie the Pooh never was is subversive—but try DLQEXWKDYHWKH\QRWLFHGWKHQHWKHUTXDUWHUVRI'RQ the front, Winnie (so named after the lieutenant’s home to tell that to Poland. A statue of Winnie the Pooh has been DOG'DLV\DQG'DII\'XFN"0LFNH\DQG0LQQLH")URVW\ town) was donated to the London Zoo where he lived out EDQQHGIURPDSOD\JURXQGLQWKH3ROLVKWRZQ7XV]\Q the Snowman? his life, but not before captivating a little boy’s imagina- Why? Because he doesn’t wear underpants, that’s why. ,IWKH\FDQ·WKDQGOHFDUWRRQVHPLQXGLW\WKH\GHÀQLWHO\ tion—and more importantly—that of the little boy’s fa- Winnie is bear-assed, if you will. should stay out of the Canadian backwoods. ther, the writer A.A. Milne. ´7KHSUREOHPZLWKWKDWEHDULVLWGRHVQ·WKDYHDFRP Our bears don’t even wear t-shirts. ,QDZD\:LQQLHWKH3RRKSHUVRQLÀHGWKH&DQDGLDQVWH SOHWH ZDUGUREHµ H[SODLQHG RQH WRZQ FRXQFLOORU ´,W LV Arthur Black is a Canadian humorist and former host of reotype. He was friendly, helpful, steadfast, powerful but KDOIQDNHGZKLFKLVWRWDOO\LQDSSURSULDWHIRUFKLOGUHQµ CBC’s radio show Basic Black.

Tundra Chad Carpenter

Moosomin Library News Maegan Nielsen 306-435-2107

7KH/LEUDU\LVFXUUHQWO\VHOOLQJUDIÁHWLFNHWVIRUD&DQ SRC windup. All participants from any of our summer for all. ada 150 themed prize pack, including a 150 moose stuffy programming are invited to join us for supper, prizes and from Precious Packages, a tote bag, blanket and mugs. more. Contact Maegan at the Library for details. Open hours this week: 7LFNHWVDUHWLFNHWRIWKUHHIRUDQGDUHDYDLODEOHDW 7KXUVGD\DWSPZH·OOWU\WRÀQLVKRIIRXUVXPPHU Monday: Closed for Provincial holiday WKH /LEUDU\ IURP /LEUDU\ %RDUG PHPEHUV DQG DW 7KH QRYHO FKRLFH IROORZHG E\ FUDIWLQJ DQG JDPHV XQWLO  7XHVGD\DPSPDQGSP Witch’s Brew, HUB Insurance and Sew Creative. Draw pm. :HGQHVGD\DPSPDQGSP date is August 18. Programming calendars for the month of August are 7KXUVGD\SPDQGSP It’s our last week of Summer Reading club. Our early now available at the Library. Make sure to grab one and )ULGD\DPSPDQGSP OHDUQHUV ZLOO PHHW 7XHVGD\ DW  DP DQG ZH PLJKW EH register your children as some programs have limited )ROORZWKH/LEUDU\RQ7ZLWWHU#0RRVRPLQ/LEUDU\DQG making a sweet treat! Wednesday from 5-7 pm will be our space and to help us guarantee we have enough supplies )DFHERRN Inside the Drop-In Don Gillies

,W·V7KXUVGD\-XO\DQGDQRWKHUEHDXWLIXOGD\ZLWK SPADES-JULY 27 little wind. I haven’t heard a forecast but I guess it will be High-Bernice Beckett SPADES-JULY 27, 2017 hot. Our garden is very dry and a good rain is needed. I’m Low-Ramona Down High-Bernice Beckett sure the farm grains are in the same need. Low-Ramona Down ,PLVVÀYHSLQVDQGVKXIÁHERDUG%XWWLPHÁLHVIDVWDQG I haven’t spoken to Phyllis but I’m sure she will have it will soon be September. our schedule ready for distribution on the day she restarts SPADES-AUGUST 3, 2017 Spades will be played this afternoon. I’m glad we chose ÀYHSLQVDQGVKXIÁHERDUG High-Marie Brown to play canasta and spades again. ,W·V 7KXUVGD\ $XJXVW  DQG ZH SOD\ VSDGHV WRGD\ , Low-Don Gillies &DQDVWDZDVSOD\HGRQ-XO\DQGWKHUHVXOWVDUHDV KDYHQ·WKHDUGDIRUHFDVW\HWEXWLWORRNVOLNHDÀQHGD\:H follows: had a good rain which our garden needed. 7KHVXPPHULVSDVVLQJYHU\TXLFNO\DQGWKHGD\VDUH 7KHUHVXOWVIRUFDUGVKHOG-XO\DQG$XJXVWDUHDV shortening. We will be back to our normal routine in Sep- CANASTA-JULY 25 follows: tember. It’s just like our aging which is far too fast. I guess Table one: Sophie Clark, Isabel Robertson, and Velma it’s better to accept and enjoy the days we are given. Moore. CANASTA-AUGUST 1, 2017 2XUQH[WJHQHUDOPHHWLQJLVRQ6HSWHPEHU,ORRNIRU Table two: Yvonne Down, Marg Dumville, and Marie Table one: Sophie Clarke, Bernice Beckett ward to seeing all our seniors then. Hall. Table two: 1RUPD -HDQ 0LOOHU 9HOPD 0RRUH DQG See you at the Drop-In! Yvonne Down Monday, August 7, 2017 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 27 Rocanville Summer Camp Engineering Adventures On Thursday, August 3, local kids went to an Engineering Day Camp in Rocanville at the community hall where they learned how to make straw rockets, how to build skyscrapers, experimented with electronic snap circuits and built Lego robots!

From left to right: Garrett, Abby, Miley, Brynn, Avah, and Lane.

Back Row from left to right: Jaxx, Matthew, Aubrey, and Eli Front Row: Jazlyn, Cohen, and Avery

Amanda placing on the highest sticks. Garrett finding space to stand inside the tower.

Abby helping create the skyscraper. Jaxx putting together his box. 28 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, August 7, 2017

The Spy Hill and District Lions Club SPY HILL SPORTS DAYS

FAB TEC GOUGH’S Welcome to MANUFACTURING LTD. Moe’s Spy Hill Proud to Spy Hill, SK SERVICE Place support our 306-534-2213 Sports Day! Spy Hill, SK CENTRE 306-534-2014 community 306-534-4724 Spy Hill, SK Happy to • Meat Processing and Spy Hill support 306-534-2226 • Meat Products Sports Days! Spy Hill Morley Clarke • Bakery 306-534-2014 • Contractor’s Sports Days! Rooms For Rent Have 306-740-8026 Hope you enjoy a Great your time at Have a great the weekend at Weekend! Sports Spy Hill Days! Sports Days! [email protected]




WKŽdžϰ͕'ĞƌĂůĚ͕^< dĞů͗ϯϬϲͲϳϰϱͲϮϳϭϭ ǁǁǁ͘ďƌŝĚŐĞǀŝĞǁŵĂŶƵĨĂĐƚƵƌŝŶŐ͘ĐŽŵ &Ădž͗ϯϬϲͲϳϰϱͲϯϯϲϰ ŵĂŝů͗ďŵŝΛƐĂƐŬƚĞů͘ŶĞƚ Monday, August 7, 2017 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 29 Spy Hill Sports Days & Rodeo

PRESENTED BY August 12 & 13, 2017 Saturday Events Sunday Events BRUNCH CHARIOTS RACES & Horseshoes PANCAKE BREAKFAST BEER GARDENS - 12 NOON 8:00 AM-11:30 AM CHUCKWAGON RACES 8:00 AM-11:00 AM CHARIOTS RACES & Spy Hill Fire Department 5:00 PM WHHS - Curling Rink CHUCKWAGON RACES Curling Rink SLO-PITCH - ALL DAY Kids CANADA 150TH 4:00 PM RODEO PERFORMANCE Entries Text/call Corbin CELEBRATION PARADE SLO-PITCH - ALL DAY 1:00 PM-3:30 PM at 306-743-7456 10:00 AM Entries Text/call Corbin Sheep Riding & Wild Ponies Bouncer & Contact Barb at 306-745-8860 BEACH VOLLEYBALL at 306-743-7456 during intermission of rodeo to enter or for more information ALL DAY Local entries July 26th from BEACH VOLLEYBALL Text/call Lacey at SLACK - 9:00 AM 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Sandpit ALL DAY 306-740-6274 for more details 306-745-9006 or email RODEO PERFORMANCE Text/call Lacey at 306-740-6274 [email protected] 50/50 1:00 PM for more details ALL Sheep Riding & Wild Ponies BEER GARDENS - 1:00 PM EVENING ENTERTAINMENT BASEBALL - ALL DAY during intermission of rodeo FEATURING THE FIRM Entries Call Morley Local entries July 26th from In the Beer Gardens 306-534-4462 WEEKEND! 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 306-745-9006 or email SUPPER - 4:00 PM [email protected] 50/5O

Major Sponsors: Admission Adults $12/Day FOR MORE INFO • RM of Spy Hill • S. Wilson Construction • Core Industrial • $20/ Weekend Contact • DJ Miller & Sons Construction • Prairie Livestock • 15 and under Travis Moore • Valley Flats Vet Service • $6/Day 306-621-9084 or • Fab Tec Mfg Ltd. • Duncans Construction • Bucks Co Tavern • $10/Weekend Dennis Gilchuck • Twin Valley Riding Club • Twin Valley Vet Clinic • Bretts Ag 5 and under FREE 306-745-9006 NO ATV’S ALLOWED ON THE GROUNDS 30 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, August 7, 2017 Ag News Rare breeds merit protection Regular readers will be aware I am a strong proponent PDLQIRUSURGXFHUVWRDGDSW" of any effort made to protect rare livestock breed genet- That is the value of maintaining the dozens of livestock ics. breeds which have been part of agriculture in a more sig- We have a tendency in the livestock sector to reduce QLÀFDQWZD\LQWKHSDVWEXWDUHIUDQNO\FRQVLGHUHGREVR the genetic base down to an ever narrower base. The Calvin Daniels lete by the farm sector today. thinking has merit in terms of marketing to be sure. While rare grains can be protected by the saving of As the genetic base narrows it stands to reason the ani- seeds stored correctly, it’s not quite so easy with live- mals hitting the market are more generally alike. stock. So when numbers get to the point of being consid- The more alike the animals are, the more they will re- ered endangered, steps need to be taken. spond in a similar fashion to a set feeding regime, the Again using the chicken as an example, there is cer- There are organizations such as Rare Breeds Canada more they can be handled on a production line in a simi- tainly a level of pressure to see the crowded barns which PRQLWRULQJ OLYHVWRFN EUHHGV FODVVLI\LQJ WKHP ÀUVW DW lar fashion, and the more consistent the product should KDYH EHHQ WKH QRUP DW WKH YHU\ OHDVW PRGLÀHG WR WKH ULVNWKHQYXOQHUDEOHHQGDQJHUHGDQGÀQDOO\FULWLFDOEXW be hitting the consumer table. point they are not seen as industrial farm prisons for the it takes a lot of effort to maintain the breeds on the list. If we look at the chicken business the vast majority of birds by at least a vocal portion of the consumer public. There are some 50 breeds on the critical list of the orga- frying birds going to market are so genetically similar Could that consumer public one day push politicians nization, including breeds originating in this country, La- one might lean toward suggesting they are carbon copies. to enact legislation which could have the fryers of the fu- combe hogs, Outaouais Arcott sheep and the Newfound- But the model relies on the premise things will not WXUHUXQQLQJIUHHUDQJHDFURVVDJUDVV\ÀHOG" land pony. change, and we must recognize change is constant, but The chicken which would thrive under free range con- But the good news—there is a recently developed tech- hardly predictable. ditions is going to be genetically different from those nology which may well be a new tool in protecting such There are always factors at play which are hard to pre- ZKLFKJURZZHOOXQGHUFRQÀQHPHQW breeds, a good news story which will be covered in next dict. But if the change were to come, will the genetics re- week’s column. Extreme weather conditions hit pastures

BY CRAIG LESTER supplementing a little bit. ing to make dry hay,” Ma- der to save that production then decide what to do,” growing regions are also Heat waves in parts of the “We’d start feeding a bale cLeod says. for next year,” MacLeod Wray says. impacted by drought, he west and excess moisture in a day just to stretch them He says producers in the says. points out, and will likely the east have left pastures out, protect the grass a little far north of the Prairies are BOTTOM LINE have crops not make grade, in various states across the bit moving forward, rather in a similar predicament. PLAN AHEAD For this year, MacLeod opening the opportunity country. than just wait until it is all MacLeod says it’s not says there are still feed for purchase by cattle pro- In some parts of the done and then have to full- TOUGH DECISIONS too early to start planning options available. Grain- ducers. southern Prairies, ranchers feed them,” Wray says. MacLeod says there ahead for next year and are keeping a close eye on Cedric MacLeod, execu- could be some tough deci- implementation of high the grass and on the sky as tive director of the Canadi- sions ahead for some ranch- performance forage pro- they hope for some rain to an Forage and Grasslands ers if conditions in the ex- duction systems, with ro- help. Association, says a much tremely dry regions don’t tational grazing and stock ESTERHAZY different situation is play- improve soon. grazing plans. SUPPLEMENTS ing out in Ontario where “Producers are going to Wray agrees and adds Irricana, Alta. rancher they have excess water. have to make unfortunate that going with the option Doug Wray says as it stands “Ontario has been com- decisions on whether to to buy feed can be expen- now, they only have enough pletely under water all year, make a cull and sell a few sive. grass to get them into mid- so that’s actually not a bad cows or move those cows “You need to be thinking September and that is why deal for pastures, (but) it is to areas where they have ahead and preparing, don’t he is now contemplating GLIÀFXOW IRU SURGXFHUV WU\ higher productivity in or- wait for it to be a wreck and Harvest underway for some Harvest is underway week. Many areas remain and Alberta borders, 100 good, 32 per cent fair, 31 for some producers in the very dry and will need per cent of cropland, hay per cent poor and 18 per Kids 8- 18 south, according to Sas- VLJQLÀFDQWUDLQWRÀOOFURSV land and pasture is short cent very poor. katchewan Agriculture’s and replenish topsoil mois- to very short topsoil mois- Producers are getting Weekly Crop Report. Less ture. For some producers ture. ready for harvest, scouting than one per cent of the in the south, crops are rap- Crops are ripening IRUSHVWVDQGÀQLVKLQJKD\ provincial crop has been idly drying down and any quickly in many areas and ing operations. combined, while slightly rainfall now will come too most range from poor to more than one per cent is ODWHWREHRIEHQHÀW good condition. ready to straight-cut. Topsoil moisture condi- Crop damage is mainly Forty-seven per cent of tions have worsened with attributed to hot tempera- Esterhazy 4-H Club would like to THANK YOU: fall rye, six per cent of win- the lack of rain and high WXUHVKDLOORFDOL]HGÁRRG ter wheat, two per cent of temperatures. Across the ing, strong winds and lack lentils and one per cent of province, topsoil moisture of rain. There are many

ÀHOG SHDV DUH QRZ LQ WKH on cropland is rated as reports of insects such 45:3c bin. Many pulse crops in one per cent surplus, 29 as aphids, diamondback southern and central areas per cent adequate, 41 per moths and grasshoppers. are being desiccated. Re- cent short and 29 per cent Haying is wrapping up ported yields so far range very short. Hay land and for many livestock pro- LANE REALTY from average to well be- pasture topsoil moisture is ducers and yields remain PROUD SPONSOR OF THE WHITEWOOD low average, depending on rated as one per cent sur- VLJQLÀFDQWO\ ORZHU WKDQ CHACACHAS RODEO IN WHITEWOOD ÀHOG DQG PRLVWXUH FRQGL plus, 23 per cent adequate, normal. AUGUST 11 - 13, 2017 tions. 40 per cent short and 36 per Pasture conditions are GRENFELL: 9 ac. - 2200 sq ft home on well treed and maintained yard with Most of the province re- cent very short. In most of currently rated as one per strong water system. ceived little to no rain last the south along the U.S. cent excellent, 18 per cent KIPLING: 244 ac. - 193 cult. ac., assess. 73,095. MOOSOMIN: 19 ac. - private waterfront setting w/panoramic view of Moosomin Lake, a site levelled off for a lake view build, just off Highway #8 MOOSOMIN: 566 ac. - 293 cult. ac., livestock handling system, scenic views of the Pipestone Valley with one quarter bordering Moosomin Lake! ROUND LAKE: 18 ac. – 1872 sq ft home located on the Hillside of the Qu’Appelle Valley with panoramic view of the Valley & Round Lake. Highway #247 access. Call for details! ROUND LAKE: 114 ac. - located in the Qu’Appelle Valley w/panoramic view of Round Lake. 18 lakefront lots, plus 7 cul-de-sac lots (power & nat. gas). Individual lots available separately. WHITEWOOD: 4 ac. - private yard site to develop w/shelter around acreage, fully serviced, just off Highway #9. WHITEWOOD: 10 ac. – along the Trans Canada Highway, 1150 sq ft home w/strong water supply. WHITEWOOD: 17 ac. - 700 sq ft home on well treed yard w/Pipestone Valley running through property, just off Highway #9. WHITEWOOD: 159 ac. - 45 cult. ac., with Qu’Appelle Valley hillside, assess. 41,400. WHITEWOOD: 159 ac. – 70 cult. ac., assess. 43,600, ½ mile off Highway #9! 75 REGISTERED SALES SO FAR IN 2017! For all of your buying or selling needs contact: JASON BEUTLER (306) 735-7811

Saskatchewan’sLANE Farm REALTY & Ranch Specialists ™ WITH OVER 35 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS! Ph: (306) 569-3380 • [email protected]

43:5c 45:1c 45:1c Monday, August 7, 2017 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 31

PAYMENT METHODS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES VISA, MasterCard, Cheque, Cash Based on 25 words ALL CLASSIFIEDS REQUIRE PRE-PAYMENT Phone: Mail: 1 week: $11 + GST 3 weeks: $24 + GST 306.435.2445 wBox 250, Moosomin, SK, (44¢/word) (32¢/word - $8/week) Classified Deadline: S0G 3N0 Fax: Online: 2 weeks: $18 + GST 4 weeks: $28 + GST 306.435.3969 (36¢/word - $9/week) (28¢/word - $7/week) Noon Thursday E-mail:[email protected]


AG FAIR Boardwalk Apt. Taking Red and Black Simmental, The Nuvision Commodi- Garage space needed long Agricultural Fair Saturday, applications. Newly renovated Black Angus and Black Sim/ ties, St. Jean MB, buying feed term in Moosomin area for August 19, Moosomin Con- unfurnished one and two bed- Angus long yearling bulls grains, wheat, barley, peas, smaller car, starting in August. vention Centre 113 Wright Rd. room suites, in Moosomin. Text for sale. Brian McCarthy, oats, off grades grain. 204- Call 306-435-9152. 44:2c Exhibits 1-4:30 pm. Tea 2-4 pm. or call 306-434-8838 after 6 306-435-3590 or cell 306-435- 758-3401 or 204-746-4028. Silent auction and 50/50 draw. p.m.. 6:tfc 7527. 36:tfc Call Dan Sabourin. 42:tfc Looking for accommoda- Admission $5. 45:2c ° TRAVEL TRAILERS tion in Moosomin disabled ° FIFTH WHEELS couple needing to be close to ST. ALBAN’S ° BERKSHIRE PONTOON SEE MORE COMMUNITY EVENTS AT a doctor, wishing to house sit CHURCH BBQ BOATS for snowbirds. Please contact St Alban Anglican Church 306-575-9498. 44:4p ° SUZUKI OUTBOARDS WWW.WORLD-SPECTATOR.COM BBQ beef supper fundraiser. ° CANADIAN HAULER $20.00. Wednesday, August 30. Advance tickets only. ENCLOSED TRAILERS Phone 306-435-6446 for ° SUZUKI ATV’ S tickets. 45:2c YAMAHA GOLF CARS ° SALES & SERVICE 100TH BIRTHDAY ° PARTS & ACCESSORIES CELEBRATION ° KNOWLEDGEABLE STAFF Please help us celebrate +HOS:DQWHG Dorothy Mielitz 100th Birthday. Ph. 306-453-6773 Afternoon tea and dance, View our products at: August 12, 2017, 1:30-4:30 p.m.. Cake served at 4:00 Carlyle, Sk. p.m. at the Drop-In Centre, McAuley Country Grocery & Café 6222Carleton St. No gifts, Manager Position and Full/Part Time Staff please. 44:2p McAuley Country Grocery & Café is a community owned co-operative. VACATION BIBLE We are open 7 days per week, with licensed dining room, grocery SCH0OL FOR SALE store, and vendor. McAuley is a small, community minded hamlet, Moosomin St. Mary’s Church Vacation Bible School. with affordable housing and many other great advantages. August 7 - 11. 9 a.m. - noon. We are looking for a leader to manage and oversee operations and Ages 4-10. Contact Lisa at Four Behlen 2100 bushel staff of the grocery store and café and help us grow our business. grain bins, bolted to cement 306-434-9624. Everyone wel- Wage negotiable according to experience. come! 42:4c floors. Call 306-739-2866 or Employment Opportunity 306-646-7836. 44:2p For more information or to submit your resume please MARYFIELD email [email protected] TSL is seeking a self-motivated and organized team player to fill a AUDITORIUM MOVIES HELP Or call Alana at 204-722-2199 45:2c full-time office administrative position, main duty to be Accounts This week’s movie at the Receivable. Experience with accounting software, Microsoft office, data Maryfield Auditorium. Friday, WANTED entry, and reception are definite assets. Training will be provided to the August 11 & Sunday, August successful candidate. Offering a competitive compensation package 13 Despicable Me 3. Show- Looking for one full time with wage being dependent upon experience. Immediate start date. Fax time: 8 p.m. Friday (doors open resume to 204-556-2686 or e-mail to [email protected]. 7:30) and 3 p.m. Sunday (doors and several seasonal workers. HELP WANTED open 2:30). Adults $6, Stu- Duties will include operating dents $5, Children $3. 39:tfc combine, swathing, hauling DAD’s Repair & Parts Ltd. is a new 44:2c grain, everyday farm tasks. Wage is based on experience. heavy truck and trailer repair shop HAPPY Class 1 drivers license an opening in Moosomin and ANNIVERSARY asset. Experience preferred but willing to train a suitable is hiring the following positions: candidate. Farm located close to Moosomin. Contact Mark McCorriston 306-435-6811. Journeyman Mechanic or 44:2p Experienced Mechanic Harvest Help required. FULL TIME Blaine Salmon Phone 306-435- 3514 or 306-435-9214. 43:3p Parts Person Employment Opportunity FULL TIME HOUSE Best Western Plus Moosomin is now FOR RENT Service Writer/Receptionist hiring for: FULL TIME Two bedroom house for rent Daughters, Brenda and Bar- in Moosomin. Please contact Housekeeping bara and grandsons, Austin and Jylenn or Charlie at 306-435- Competitive Wages Colin are proud to announce 4211. 45:tfc the 60th anniversary of Jim Full benfits package available Positions and Mary Driver on August Three bedroom bungalow for 14. Congratulations to the rent in Moosomin, 1300 square E-mail resume to Please apply to “Pancake Man” and the “Avid feet. Available early August. duplicate bridge player”. Best For more Info call Ken Botterill dadsrepairoffi[email protected] Jhane at the Hotel wishes for many more years of 306-435-4115 or 306-435- nurturing your beautiful flowers 0111. 45:3p 306-435-4700 and growing your family trees. 45:1p SUITE 405 Moose Street | Moosomin, SK FOR RENT 44:2c %HHQPHDQLQJWR VXEVFULEH" Affordable 60+ one bedroom 306-435-2422 • 306-435-7339 Life Lease Apartment (Bolton 3ODFH

– CONDITIONS OF ADVERTISING ACCEPTANCE – All advertising is subject to the publisher’s approval. It is agreed by The World-Spec- whether such error, or non-insertion is due to the negligence of its servants or oth- tator and any advertiser using or requesting the space that the publisher shall not be erwise. Advertiser must assume responsibility for errors in any advertisement which liable for damages in the event of non-insertion of, or errors in, advertisements in is supplied to The World-Spectator in hand-written form, or given over the telephone. excess of, or beyond the amount paid for space actually occupied by the non-insertion The World-Spectator is responsible, subject to conditions as noted above, for ONLY or by that portion of the advertisement in which the error or non-insertion occurred, the first incorrect insertion. Classifieds require prepayment before being inserted. 32 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, August 7, 2017 Monday, August 7, 2017 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 33

15:tfc Trent MacMillan WANTED (306) 434-9399 Military uniforms, badges, medals, equipment, lead sol- Jarvis Olsen diers also LP records, 78 RPM (306) 645-4299 records, older cameras and photographic equipment. Call Water/Sewer, Sand/Dirt/Gravel Products, Ed James after 6 p.m. at 204- Demolition, Land Clearing, Prep. and Landscaping 845-2630. 27:tfc ( ) ˆϐ‹ ‡ǣ 306 645-4299 SERVICES DIRTWORKS Concrete Crew Construc- LTD tion will be working around the Moosomin area first week of August 2017. Anybody needing any concrete done could call Moosomin, Rocanville and Area Concrete Crew Construction WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD AND VISA 204-727-4928 attention Garth. Sidewalks, driveways, ICF basements and all flat work. 44:2c Home repair, renovate and redesign. Specialists in wood heat and certified WETT inspec- tors. References available. A&L Hagedorn 306-435-7295 or 306-435-3958. 10:tfc TRINITY BETHEL Glasser’s TV Service. ST. ANDREW’S Repairs for electronics, com- LUTHERAN puters, etc. Experienced PRESBYTERIAN UNITED CHURCH technicians. Fully equipped CHURCH service shop. Phone 306-435- 501 Mark Ave. CHURCH MOOSOMIN 3040, fax 306-435-2662. 49:tfc Phone 306-435-2317 804 GORDON ST J.B. Tree Trimming. Tree Offi ce: 306-435-2155 OOSOMIN trimming and removal and SATURDAY 306-351-2466 M , SK sewer services. Jim Barry AUGUST 12, 2017 Welcome All c-306-434-7371 or h-306-435- 7:00 PM Rev. Lip Boon Lee Sunday Worship 2982. 56:tfc WITH PASTOR SUNDAYS 10:30 a.m. E.MIELKE 10:00 a.m. Offi ce: (306) 435-2731 IN MEMORIAM bethelmoosomin.2 LEE: In loving memory of Margaret Lee, April 24, 1938 - August 11, 2016. Your life was a Blessing Your Memory a Treasure ATTEND THE MOOSOMIN RIVER You are Loved Beyond Words OF LIFE CHURCH Missed beyond Measure Pastor: Allan Lautamus Forever in our Hearts CHURCH 1501 Broadway Ave. —Love Rod, Heather, Kevin (306) 435-2798 (Church) and family, Scott and Carla. Leave message 45:1c OF YOUR CHOICE Sunday Service 11:00 a.m. THIS SUNDAY! Wednesday Night Healing Service 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. SASK GATEWAY ANGLICAN PARISH Come. No obligation. We will Rev. Dr. Trish McCarthy pray for you. God can heal you. Phone 306-435-3002 God can change your situation. EVEN THE SMALLEST email [email protected] EVERYONE ADS GET NOTICED NOON! Sunday, August 13 WELCOME Sunday, August 13 Call 306.435.2445 Deadline Classified

St.St .Alban’s, Alban’s, Moosomin Moosomin @ THURSDAYS 11:0011:00 a.m. a.m. Morning Morning Prayer Prayer - Sheilagh-Sheilagh Garrett Garrett St.St .Thomas, Thomas, Rocanville Rocanville 11:3011:30 a.m. a.m. Joint Joint Worship Worship St.Paul’s St.Paul’s United United MOOSOMIN BAPTIST THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITIES OF St. Mary’s Moosomin CHURCH St. Alphonsus Rocanville A place for St. Andrew’s Wapella everyone Father Joseph Kuruvilla Box 9 Moosomin, Sask, S0G 3N0 Parish Offi ce: 306-435-2993 • Fax: 306-435-2650 Sunday Worship August 12 & 13 10:30 a.m. 19th Sunday Ordinary time Lead Pastor: Moosomin Rocanville Wapella Dr. Mel Konkel Sunday Sunday St. Andrews Saturday 11:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Pastor of 7:30 p.m. Outreach and Family Ministry Alisa Powers Youth Pastor: Attend the church Kevin Dyck of your choice 1117 Main Street Ph: 306-435-2455 this sunday! 34 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, August 7, 2017 your business Directory


BOCK & OSMAN & Rocanville RemedialHours: Massage COMPANY COMPANY Monday - Friday Out 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. inFront LAW OFFICE 113 Ellice Street Rocanville, SK PREMIER REALTY LAW OFFICE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Lynnette Bock, B.A., J.D. • Massage Therapy • Teeth Whitening Rolna Pranke 0DUFHO'H&RUE\ Rick Beckett ESTERHAZY OFFICE Commissioners Spy Hill, Sask. Residential • Commercial • Spa Therapies • Nail Tech (306) 435-7343 (306) 534-4511 500 Maple St. Sheena D. Metzger, LL.B. Angela Hutchinson - RMT Cell: (306) 745-7755 Agriculture 306-435-6718 Serving Moosomin & Area! 306-745-3952 Erin Tilley Bolton, LL.B. Jill Duncan - RMT Specializing in farm & ranch property Serving Moosomin & Area Collaborative Lawyer 306-740-6002 RE/MAX Blue Chip Realty Cell: 306-434-7900 ROCANVILLE OFFICE Kelsey Duncan - Nail Tech 269 Hamilton Road Yorkton, 306-435-6705 S3N 4C6 2IÀFH 124 Ellice St. MAIN OFFICE: MOOSOMIN Call to inquire about evening (306) 783-6666 [email protected] (Andrew Agencies) 1103 BROADWAY AVE. and weekend bookings! Friday Afternoons (306) 435-3851; DENTISTRY CHIROPRACTOR 306-645-4552 Fax 435-3962 (PDLORIÀFH#RVPDQODZFD Shelley’s MOOSOMIN CHIROPRACTOR BRANCH OFFICES: Kneedles & Knots ADVERTISE ACUPUNCTURE AND MASSAGE Dr. Brian Grassick ADVERTISE TODAY! Wawota: Tuesday 306-435-4020 DENTAL CENTRE 906 Main Street Kipling: Wednesday 602 Birtle Street Call 905 South Front St. General Dentistry & Orthodontics 0RRVRPLQ6. TODAY! 0RRVRPLQ6. (306) 435-4250 Redvers: Thursday TOLL FREE: 1-800-935-3330 6*, :&%$FFUHGLWHG 306-435-2445 (306) 435-3330   FHOO Call Evening appointments and JLIWFHUWLÀFDWHVDUHDYDLODEOH OFFICE HOURS $OVR2IÀFHV,Q Therapists Monday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. REDVERS 306-435-2445 6KHOOH\3ULWFKDUG6]DUR] Tuesday to Friday: AND ARCOLA ACCOUNTING $UYHOOH/HVOLH 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. $PEHU6NXOPRVNL &KDUOHQH(DVWRQ EMERGENCIES: .DUL,NHUW Dr. R. Austin: 1DWDVKD6WUQDG 306-434-7172 Dr. K. Olafson: FULL COLOR 306-435-9630 Dr. L. Landa: 306-434-5363 holistic Health [email protected] BUSINESS CARDS Ready in one business day! BODY MOOSOMIN STARTING AT $48 (250 CARDS) TALK DENTAL CLINIC Call 306-435-2445 for more information Health Care Dr. Pat Biglow-Lecomte, 11:52c Designed by your body D.M.D. PLUMBING & HEATING &RPSUHKHQVLYH Moosomin *HQHUDO'HQWLVWU\ DAVIDSON 804 Main St. %URDGZD\$YH Kola FINANCIAL SERVICES Rocanville Wellness Centre 0RRVRPLQ6DVN 7D[SUHSDUDWLRQIRUIDUPHUVVPDOO 94 Ellice St. 2IÀFH+RXUV Plumbing Ltd. EXVLQHVVHVPRQWKO\ERRNNHHSLQJ Debra Brown CBP CAREY’S Virden, MB. 1202 Broadway Avenue 306-643-4914 0RQGD\)ULGD\ Plumbing & Heating Contractor PLUMBING 1.800.236.7656 Moosomin, Sask. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. RANDY A. DAVIDSON Service Technician & HEATING LTD. Direct: 204.748.1200 306-435-3886 Telephone: 435-3080 or Free Estimates Residential and BDO Canada LLP ADVERTISE TODAY! Toll Free:1-800-668-3080 Commercial EMERGENCY: 306-435-2901 Phone 306-745-2486 Call (204) 556-2392 Ask for Mike or Deb [email protected] Box 1901 • Esterhazy SK • S0A 0X0 306-435-2445 +DUROG.ODVVHQ Fax: 306-745-2252


Able Moosomin Mini Eavestroughing Ltd. Towler 306.532.4496 - Wapella Construction • Screw Piles S T O R A G E 204.725.2294 - Brandon JOURNEYMAN CARPENTER • Excavation OFFERING: Three sizes of heavy gauge UÊ È½ÊÝÊ£Ó½Ê>˜`Ê£ä½ÊÝÊÓ{½Ê-̜À>}iÊ1˜ˆÌÃÊÊ steel continuous trough: Home Renovations • Septic Tanks Ê >ÌʙäxÊ*>ÀŽÊÛi°]Ê œœÃœ“ˆ˜]Ê- • 5” Residential Interior & Exterior UÊ ˜`œœÀʜÀÊ"ÕÌ`œœÀÊ,6É œ>ÌÉÊ 0ITMRI´W6SS½RK Ê /œÞÊ-̜À>}i°Ê*>Ûi`Ê>VViÃÃÊLiÌÜii˜ÊÊ • 6” Commercial New Construction BUYING A MOBILE 74)'-%0->-2+-2 Residential & Commercial Ê œœÃœ“ˆ˜Ê>˜`Ê,œV>˜Ûˆi • 7” Commercial HOME OR RTM? UÊ i>Ìi`ÊÃ̜À>}iÊ>Û>ˆ>LiÊ>ÌʜÕÀÊÊ Call us to save money on your setup! Ê œÕ̇œv‡Ê̜ܘʏœV>̈œ˜ Call today for a free estimate! *-&6)+0%777,-2+0-2+ 306.435.7595 GIVE US A CALL OR TEXT ANYTIME 306-434-6886 FOR PRICES AND AVAILABILITY We have five machines – two more 306.435.2710 this year – to provide faster service. 'EPP6SREX Tony Huggard • Fleming, SK 133731-27/ [email protected] 306-434-7217

TERPRIIN Cell: 306-435-9508 S E om Box 1878 S Free: 1-800-880-4533 E-mail: [email protected] Moosomin, SK DALE FLYNN 306-435-3313 S0G 3N0in, SK FLY 306-435-3631 NN 306.434.9057 dalefl[email protected]

Devon Taylor JOHNSTON’S [email protected] 306.434.9665 FULL-COLOR CUSTOM PRINTED AllanAllan JJohnstonohnston 3UHVLGHQW‡*UDLQ%URNHU‡0DUNHWLQJ us on Facebook: 32%R[:HOZ\Q6.6$/ om/onlylocalfood READY IN ONE BUSINESS DAY! :HEZZZDMDJUDFRP (PDLODOODQ#DMDJUDFRP QUADRA DEVELOPMENT CORP. in Systems Installations - Concrete - Erection - Repair - Demolition 250 ...... $48 Spruce Hill Farms DALE LONSETH 500 ...... $90 -2851(<0$1$*0(&+$1,& Sales Manager BUSINESS /,&(16('&86720$33/,&$725 STEVEN DONALDell) %R[0RRVRPLQ6.6*1  F FHOO Box 56 Rocanville, SK S0A 3L0 Ph/Fax: 1-800-249-2708 1000 ...... $125 Rocanville, SK S 0A 3L0 Ph/Fax:x: 1-1-1 80800800-2400-2424499279-2709-2708 27027088 VMGRQDOG#UIQRZFRP : 3306-645-452606-645-4526 -Cell CellCell:: 30306-306-435-962706-6 - [email protected] 435435-9435-9635-9696622727-d d dd.lonsellonlonsenseethth@th@[email protected]

ROOTS CALL 306.435.2445 If you have water SUREOHPVSOHDVHFDOO CARDS Steven McAllister \ȐɕɜɬȨȽȇorist GZD\$YH‡0RRVRPLQ6.& Greenhouse#VDVNWHOQHW Monday, August 7, 2017 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 35

SUBSCRIBE & WIN Subscribe NOW or Renew your subscription and you could win $1000! We will make the next draw on September 30

Renewing is easy! Simply call 306-435-2445 with a credit card, renew online at, or clip out the subscription renewal form on this page and mail it to us to with payment.

Mail this form with payment to: Box 250, Moosomin, SK, S0G 3N0, or call us at 306-435-2445 with your Visa or MasterCard!

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Shop at these participating Moosomin Stores and enter to win DJLIWFHUWLÀFDWHIURPHDFKSDUWLFLSDWLQJEXVLQHVV Draw Date: September 6, 2017

We have the brands YOU need! Your Community Saxx, S’Well, California Moonrise, Builder Hurley, Park and Buzz, Eliasz and Ella, Volcom, Billabong, RDS, RVCA, North Enter at all Face, Mavi, Silver Jeans, Kushies, Moosomin Dex Kids, Under Armour 709 Main St. — Moosomin, SK Kids and more! locations 620 Main St. • Moosomin, SK Borderland 306-435-2725 306-435-3499 MULLETT’S HARDWARE 306-435-3919 Moosomin Mini Mall 306-435-3836 and Boutique 604 Gordon St. – Moosomin, SK Moosomin, SK

Years of 3 Business Evolution Hair Studio Mullett’s Hardware PATIO LAWN PATIO Toms · Ten Tree · LOLE · El Naturalista · Fig FULL SERVICE SALON 1987 - 2017 SETS MOWERS GLIDERS Kensie · Kavu · Tonic · Park & Buzz 701 BIRTLE ST. • MOOSOMIN, SK IN STOCK IN STOCK IN STOCK Good Works Humanity Bracelets · Charm City 306-435-2443 % % % Boon & Cloud B baby products · AND MUCH MORE! 15 OFF 10 OFF 10 OFF Fully Appointed Travel Agency Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. RONA.CA Open Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

7 days a week Sew Creative 11am - 11pm & Interiors See us for all of your sewing Pickup and Delivery & decorating needs! 506 Main St, Moosomin Asian Food Mart Large selection 630 Main St. Moosomin, SK 622 Main St. • Moosomin, SK of fabric and notions. Moosomin, SK 100% Locally Owned (located in the basement of the sew creative building) We also specialize in World-Wide Money Transfers Hunter Douglas 306-435-2227 (306) 435-3345 •1-800-330-3484 window fashions. 306-435-2890 HEATHER TRUMAN Order online at OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK: 306.435.2518 Monday - Saturday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 622 MAIN STREET MOOSOMIN SK


8 $18.99 8 Pieces of Chicken PCS. 1 Medium Fries

12 $26.99 12 Pieces of Chicken PCS. 1 Large Fries Moosomin, SK • 306-435-3906

16 $33.99 16 Pieces of Chicken Hardwood • Laminate • Tile Main Street PCS. 1 Extra-Large Fries Fries Carpet • Linoleum • Vinyl Moosomin, SK 20 $39.99 20 Pieces of Chicken PCS. 1 Extra-Large Fries Fries We do Kitchen Craft Cabinets 306-435-3040

Hours: CELEBRATION 7 a.m. - 10 p.m.

–FORD SALES– FURNITURE • BEDDING • appliances 7 days a week Home of The Burger Family® and world- Service • Parts • Autobody • Detailing famous ice cold root beer! 1-800-880-4533 • (306) 435-3313 #1 Highway East • Moosomin, SK TUESDAY WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY Moosomin, SK 10 A.M. - 8 P.M. 10 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. 11 A.M. - 3 P.M. (Next to the Canalta Hotel) 815 BROADWAY AVE. 306-435-2154 MOOSOMIN, SK (306) 435-3266