December 2003
HBU December 2003 40 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE From the President his year marks an important milestone in the history of Houston Baptist University – the 40th anniversary of its first entering class in 1963. To that end, we are recognizing a year-long celebration of the growth this institution has experienced over the years.T Starting with our Opening Convocation in the fall to our commencement ce r emonies at the end of the year, we will honor our past, embrace what we have become and consider how we will grow in the future. Dr . Ron Ellis, a 1977 graduate and president of California Baptist University, kicked- of f the year-long celebration as he returned to campus for Opening Convocation. Ago o d friend and proud alumnus of the University, Ron shared his HBU experience and how the relationships he built during those years made an impact on his educational journey. The Spirit of Excellence Gala and Founders’ Day Convocation also marked the occasion as our four living Founding Fathers — Senator Lloyd Bentsen Jr., Jake Kamin, Don McMillian and Dr. Stewart Morris — were honored with the Spirit of Excellence Awa r d; and all living Founding Fathers, Founding Trustees and current and past trus t e e s we r e invited to return to campus for a special Founders’ Day celebration held in their ho n o r . This issue of the HBU News begins a ret r ospective series on the changing face of the campus … from student life, academics and spiritual life to athletics and the development of the physical plant, HBU is maturing as the Christian institution envisioned by its Founding Fathers — one, however, that has remained steadfast in its mission to serve as a witness to Jesus Christ.
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