JGR – revised 3 Di Bucci et al. Tectonic evidence for the ongoing Africa-Eurasia convergence in Central Mediterranean foreland areas: a journey among long-lived shear zones, large earthquakes, and elusive fault motions Daniela Di Bucci (1), Pierfrancesco Burrato (2), Paola Vannoli (2), Gianluca Valensise (2) 1) Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, Via Vitorchiano, 4 - 00189 Roma, Italy 2) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Via di Vigna Murata, 605 - 00143 Roma, Italy Corresponding Author: Daniela Di Bucci Dipartimento della Protezione Civile Via Vitorchiano, 4 00189 - Roma, Italy Phone.: ++39-06-68204761 Fax: ++39-06-68202877 e-mail:
[email protected] 1 JGR – revised 3 Di Bucci et al. Running title: Africa-Eurasia motion: tectonic evidence from Central Mediterranean Index terms: 8123 Dynamics: seismotectonics 8107 Continental neotectonics (8002) 8111 Continental tectonics: strike-slip and transform 8158 Plate motions: present and recent (3040) 8175 Tectonics and landscape evolution Keywords: Molise-Gondola shear zone, Vizzini-Scicli shear zone, Gargano Promontory, Hyblean Plateau, slip reversal, Italy. 2 JGR – revised 3 Di Bucci et al. Abstract We investigate the role of the Africa-Eurasia convergence in the recent tectonic evolution of the Central Mediterranean. To this end we focused on two sectors of the Adriatic-Hyblean foreland of the Apennine-Maghrebian chain as they allow tectonic evidence for relative plate motions to be analyzed aside from the masking effect of other more local tectonic phenomena (e.g. subduction, chain building, etc.). We present a thorough review of data and interpretations on two major shear zones cutting these foreland sectors: the E-W, Molise-Gondola (MGsz) in Central Adriatic, and the N-S, Vizzini-Scicli (VSsz) in Southern Sicily.