S Etary of Def Get 17Fidllv Three-Hour Gemini
VOL. 2, NO. 11 MANNED SPACECRAFT CENTER, HOUSTON, TEXAS MARCH 20, 1963 NASA, Grumman Sign $387 Million Contract The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has siqned a 8:387,900,000 contract with the Grmnman Aircraft Engineering Corp. of Bethpage, New York to develop the lunar excursion module of the Apollo spacecraft. The contract spells out the terms under which Grumman, on a cost-plus-fixe`d-fee basis, will design, fabricate and deliver niue LEM ground test vehicles and 11 LEM flight vehicles. The ctmtract also covers operational support to be provided NASA by (;rumman. Selection of Grunnnai1 fOl" contract negotiation to deveh)p Faget Is Speaker the`LEM, a spacecraft de- signed to land American astro- At Science Fair; nauts on the moon in this Awards Presented _._._,d....._,_..,.,.,.,,,,_do. November 7, 1962. Maxime A. Faget, assistant Contract negotiations were director for engineering and completed without issuing an development, spoke Saturday interim or "letter" contract. at tim Greater Houston S('ie`ncc Joseph G. Gavin, vice-presi- Fair, which was sponsored by dent and LEM project director the Engineers Council of of Grumman, and R. O. Piland, DEFENSESECRETARYRobert S. McNamara and MSC Director Robert R. Gilruth hurry toward the Houston and The Houston deputy project manager for the FarnsworthoChambers control room Thursday evening where McNamara and a group of defense Post ill cooperaLion with the` LEM in the MSC Apollo Pro- officials were given a briefing on the Gemini program. McNamara arrived in Houston Thursday Houston [nde`pendent School ject Off:ice, he`0.de`dtile' ne'goti- night for about three hours after being delayed almost 24 hours by bad flying weather.
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