The Internal Colonnade of the Hephaisteion
THE INTERNAL COLONNADE OF THE HEPHAISTEION (PLATE 56) T HE unexpected discovery, in 1939, of the foundations of an internal colonnade within the Hephaisteion,' contrasting with the general practice of its designer, the " Theseum architect," and the accumulatilonof evidence that both the foundations and the colonnade were, in fact, not parts of the original scheme but were inserted (undoubtedly by the original architect himself) as an afterthought and the entire cella building redesigned in emulation of the new contemporary design for the Par- thenon may now be accepted as a definite acquisition.2 Far otherwise is it with regard to the details of the restoration, for which, apart from the very incomplete grave-riddled foundations themselves, there are only two items of internal evidence, a single marble block from the epistyle over the upper tier of columns (with a very peculiar jogged joint suggesting that it came from an end or a corner), together with a single vertical scratch line at the floor level on the north flank wall. One more extant block, or even one more scratch line, might have eliminated all the speculation to which we are condemned. On the basis of this slender evidence two main types of restoration, A with two by five column intervals and B with three by seven intervals, with minor differ- ences yielding five sub-varieties, as well as two others that have been mentioned only to be immediately discarded, have been successively published: Al, the extant epistyle placed at the southeast corner (Dinsmoor, 1941); 3 A2, again at the southeast corner 'This article was written in 1953, and immediately submitted to Bert Hodge Hill for criticism.
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