UNDP Guinea-Bissau Gender Analysis
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UNDP GUINEA-BISSAU Final Version GENDER ANALYSIS 01.03.2021 GUINEA-BISSAU UNDP-Consultant: Dr. Birgit Embaló, PhD [email protected] 1 Abbreviations AfDB African Development Bank AMAE Associação/ Confederação das Mulheres com Atividades Económicas (Confederation of Women with Economic Activities) AMIC Associação de Amigos das Crianças (Friends of Children Association) ANP Assembleia Nacional Popular (National Popular Assembly – Parliament) CAJ Centro de Acesso a Justiça (Centre for Access to Justice) CC Codigo Civil (Civil Code) CCA Common Country Analysis CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women CMGFD Conselho das Mulheres Guineenses Facilitadores de Dialogo (Guinean Women Council of Facilitators for Dialogue) CNAPN O Comité Nacional para o Abandono das Praticas Tradicionais Nefastas a saúde da mulher e da criança (National Committee for the Elimination of Harmful Practices and Women and Child Health) CNMT National Commission of Working Women of the National Union of Workers CPD UNDP Country Programme Document CO Country Office CRGB Constituição da Républica da Guiné-Bissau (Constitution) CSO Civil Society Organization DENARP II Segundo Documento de Estratégia Nacional de Redução da Pobreza (Second National Poverty Reduction Strategy) DRR Disaster Risk Reduction ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States ECREE ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency EU European Union EWS Early Warning System FAO United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization FGM Female Genital Mutilation GBV Gender Based Violence GDP Gross Domestic Product GEF Global Environment Facility GEEW Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women GEM/GEN Gender Marker GICJU Gabinete de informação e consulta jurídica (Office for Legal Information and Consultation) HDI Human Development Index HR Human Resources IBAP Instituto da Biodiversidade e Áreas Protegidas (Institute for Biodiversity and Protected Areas) ILAP Inquérito Ligeiro para Avaliação da Pobreza (Light Survey for Poverty Assessment) ILO International Labour Organization IMC Instituto Mulher e Criança (Women and Child Institute) IMF International Monetary Fund INASA Instituto Nacional de Saúde Pública (National Institute of Public Health) INE Instituto Nacional de Estatísticas (National Office of Statistics) 2 INEP Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisa (National Research Institute) LGDH Liga dos Direitos Humanos da Guiné-Bissau (Guinea-Bissau Human Rights League) MDG Millennium Development Goal MEN Ministério de Educação Nacional (National Education Ministry) MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey NAP National Action Plan NGO Non-Governmental Organization OGE Orçamento Geral de Estado (General State Budget) PAIGC Partido Africano para a Independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde (African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde) PBF Peacebuilding Fund PBSO Peacebuilding Support Office PNIEG Política Nacional da Igualdade e Equidade de Género (National Policy for Gender Equality and Equity) PONGAB Plataforma das ONG de Gabu (NGO Platform Gabu) PPM Plataforma Politica das Mulheres (Women’s Political Platform) RE Renewable Energy RENAJ Rede Nacional das Associações Juvenis (National Network of Youth Organizations) RENLUV Rede Nacional de Combate à Violência baseada no género e criança (National Network for the Fight against Gender Based Violence and Child Violence) RMM Rede de Mulheres Mediadoras (Women Mediator Network) REMPSECAO - GB Rede Paz e Segurança das Mulheres do Espaço CEDEAO (ECOWAS Women’s Peace and Security Network) RESEN Relatório sobre Sistema do Ensino Nacional (Report on the National Eduction System) RGPH Recenseamento Geral da População e Habitação (General Population and Housing Census) RNDDH Rede Nacional dos Defensores dos Direitos Humanos (National Network of the Defenders of Human Rights) ROAR Results-Oriented Annual Report SAB Sector Autónomo de Bissau (Bissau Autonomous Sector) SEN Sistema Estatístico Nacional (National Statistics System ) SDG Sustainable Development Goal SGBV Sexual and Gender Based Violence SWOT-Analysis Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats-Analysis UEMOA Union Économique et Monétaire de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (West African Economic and Monetary Union) UN United Nations UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS UNCT United Nations Country Team UNDAF United Nations Development Assistance Framework UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization 3 UNIOGBIS United Nations Integrated Office for Peacebuilding in Guinea-Bissau UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime UNS United Nations System UNSDCF United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework UNSDG United Nations Sustainable Development Group UN-SWAP United Nations system-wide Action Plan on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women UN-Women United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment UPR Universal Periodic Review WPS Women, Peace and Security Agenda WFP World Food Programme WHO World Health Organization 4 Table of Content Executive Summary 07 Chapter 1 Introduction 11 1.1 Gender equality in Guinea-Bissau and sustainable development 11 1.2 Catalytic interlinkage of the Gender Equality Goal with all other SDGs 14 1.3 Structure of the study 17 1.4 Objectives of the study 19 1.5 Methodology 20 1.5.1 Analytical Framework and Building Blocks 20 1.5.2 Gender Analysis as core approach 20 1.5.3 Data Collection 21 1.5.4 Integration of stakeholders - participatory approach 21 Chapter 2 Baseline Study of Gender Status 23 2.1 Key insights and Gender Inequality Matrix 23 2.2 Main socio-cultural factors that perpetuate gender inequality 32 2.3 Socioeconomic situation and discrimination of women 37 2.4 Gender and decision-making 55 2.5 Gender and resilience in climate change and disaster management 62 2.6 Gender mainstreaming into national policies 66 2.7 Equality in Law, access to justice and gender justice 68 2.8 Manifestations of Gender Based Violence 83 2.9 Leaving no one behind – specific vulnerable groups in gender Inequality 88 2.10 The role of women in peacebuilding and conflict management 91 2.11 Gender inequality and gender needs in health and education 96 2.12 Impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on gender 103 Chapter 3 Global and Regional Gender Equality Strategies 107 3.1 The UNDP Gender Equality Strategy (2018-2021) 107 3.1.1 Regional Gender Equality Strategies 108 3.1.2 Core principles and priority intervention areas of UNDP Gender Equality Strategy 111 3.1.3 Signature solution 6 and the centrality of gender equality in the SDGs 112 3.1.4 Gender Equality within UNDP – internal strategy 114 3.2 Best practices in the promotion of gender equality 116 Chapter 4 How to promote Gender Equality in Guinea-Bissau 123 4.1 Assessment of current UNDP programmes and practice 123 4.1.1 First Gender Strategy of UNDP Guinea-Bissau 123 4.1.2 Instruments for the monitoring and evaluation of gender equality programming and project implementation 127 4.1.3 Gender architecture at UNDP Office Guinea-Bissau 130 4.1.4 Conclusions: Where do we stay? 133 4.2 Policy recommendations: How to place gender equality at 5 the center of national development planning 137 4.3 Promotion of gender equality and women’s empowerment in future UNDP programme design 142 4.3.1 General notions 142 4.3.2 Identification of programme priority areas 143 4.3.3 New analytical and mapping techniques for holistic gender analysis 149 4.4 UNDP innovative approaches and acceleration tools to support gender transformative programming 153 Chapter 5 Recommendations for UNDP 156 5.1 Mainstreaming Gender into the implementation process of the new UNSDCF for Guinea-Bissau (2021-2025) 156 5.2 Mainstreaming Gender and Human Rights into the new UNDP Country Programme Document (CPD, 2021-2025) 161 5.3 Strategies for the economic empowerment of women 166 5.3.1 Immediate opportunities – quick win projects 166 5.3.2 Opportunities and challenges for UNDP programming in the economic sector, in order to create an environment that stimulates economic development and entrepreneurship 168 Chapter 6 Conclusive Remarks and Recommendations 175 Literature 182 Annex 1 SDG 5 Targets 193 Annex 2 Consultations 194 Tables Table 1: Gender Inequality Matrix Guinea-Bissau 25 Table 2: Distribution of seats in ANP / gender disaggregated in the Legislative elections 1994-2014 56 Table 3: Gender Strategy Guinea-Bissau 124 Table 4: Projects per UNDAF (2016-20) outcome with gender marker 128 Table 5: UNDP signature solution 6 priorities/ Gender Strategy Bissau/ National Gender Strategy (PNIEG) and common pillars/ entry points 144 6 Executive Summary The need for a comprehensive analytical study on gender equality in Guinea-Bissau is huge. The core objective of this study is to support the UNDP Country Office with an objective analysis and in-depth view on gender discrimination and gender inequalities in Guinea-Bissau, demonstrating underlying root causes and their linkage to socio-cultural norms, the dominance of patriarchal power and of traditional (rural) settings. This report presents the baseline gender status in Guinea-Bissau and proposals for UNDP how to design tailored, country contextualized strategies for the upcoming UN Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) and new UNDP Country Programme Document (CPD) that can bring forward the promotion of gender equality and women’s empowerment in Guinea-Bissau. Gender Analysis is a very valuable tool to build consistency