AAAN (Arab American Action Network): See Also Abudayyeh
Index AAAN (Arab American Action Network): pan-Arab nationalist secularism of, 109, 192; See also Abudayyeh, Hatem; ACC; and on religious sectarianism vs. Arab unity, the ACC, 65–67, 210n10; and AMP, 74, 58–59, 61–62; social background of, 62–63 82–83; and black-Palestinian solidarity, 20; Abu Jahl, 97 Café Intifada, 138–39; and continuity of Abu Jihad, 205n12 secular nationalism, 59, 188; and Intisar’s Abunimah, Ali (The Electronic Intifada founder), secular-religious identity synthesis, 152, 92, 93, 213nn13,17 153, 156, 157; and the Islamic shift, 6–7, 133, ACC (Arab Community Center) (markaz): 140, 156, 218n13; and Nawal’s nationalist- failure to move to suburbs, 68, 86; fire Islamic synthesis, 138–42; and Odeh’s and closure (1991–1992), 67; founding and immigration fraud trial, 186; and persistence closure of, 65–67; and GUPS, 71; and Intisar, of secularism, 59, 83–84; programming, 79, 153, 154; and Nashashibi, 143, 145, 148, 156; 138–39; social class basis of, 81–82, 195–96; outreach and Youth Delinquency Program, strategic alliances, 79–80; and UPWA, 66, 81 66, 148; as pan-Arab Palestinian secular- Abudayyeh, Hatem (son) (1987–2001 nationalist milieu, 6, 14, 26, 65–67, 80, 145; generation): and the AAAN, 79–83, 210n18; secular-Islamic reformist collaboration of activists as “Marxists in hijab”, 133; education (Muhannad), 114–17, 216n9; and UPWA, 72; and work, 63; impact of the Gulf War on, volunteer orientation of, 69, 74 80–81, 84; on inability of Mosques to provide accommodation: characteristics of, political advocacy and community support, 152–53, 157–58; early identity-formation 79, 82; and intergenerational reproduction of processes, 153–54; “Islam in me exploded” secularism, 80, 83–84; on moving AAAN to post-9/11, 155–57; vs.
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