Glossary of Timber Trade Terms Cumpiled by T

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Glossary of Timber Trade Terms Cumpiled by T Glossary of Timber Trade Terms Cumpiled by T. F O'Reilly uf Price & Pierce Ltd. ENGLISH SWEDISH GERMAN FRENCH FINNISH across the grain tvars over fibrerna quer zur sens perpendiculaire poikkisyin Faserrichtung au fiI, (sens transversal) afforestation skogsodling Aufforstung afforestation, metsiWiminen, boisement metsanviljely air drying lufttorkning Lufttrocknung sechage al'air ilmakuivatus alder al Erie aune leppa allowance for torkman Schwindmass surmesure pour kuivumisvara shrinkage in retrait au sechage seasoning allowance for stOtman,-fot, J ustierungsmass, surlongueur tasausvara trim(ming), extra justerman Messzuschlag, length tJbermass along the grain i fibrernas riktning in der sens du fiI, pitkin syita, langs fibrerna Faserrichtung (sens axial) syiden suuntaan annual ring, arsring Jahresring cerne d 'accroissement, vuosirengas, growth ring couche annuelle vuosilusto approximately, about cirka, omkring ungefahr, cirka environ, Ilthes, suunnilleen, approximativement noin arbitration arbitration, Arbitrage arbitrage valimiesmenettely skiljemannaforfarande arrival advice ankomstmeddelande Ankunftsmeldung avis d 'arrivee saapumisilmoitus as falling fallande wie es kommt tombant, qualite lankeavasti tombante ENGLISH SWEDISH GERMAN FRENCH FINNISH w 0"'" ash (common) ask Esche frt!ne (commun) saarni aspen asp Espe tremble haapa assistant bitrade, assistent Assistent aide, assistant apulainen average (subst.) medeltal Durchschnitt moyenne keskimaara, keskiarvo award skiljedom Arhitrage- rHaction valitystuomio Zuerkennung axe yxa Axt hache kirves Baltic redwood furu Kiefer sapin rouge du Nord manty band saw bandsag Bandsage scie a ruban vannesaha barge priim Leichter chaland, peniche proomu bark bark Rinde, Borke ecorce kuori bark (to) peel, barka entrinden ecorcer kuoria remove the bark bark stripping barkningsmaskin Entrindungs- machine a ccorcer kuorimakone, machine, barker, machine kuorimiskone peeler bast bast Bast liber nila battens battens Battens bastings soirot, battensit ::l 3 baulk bjalke, timmer Balken billon hirsi, pelkka, parru 0- ..,<1> beech bok Buche hetre pyokki -l belt conveyor remtransportOr Laufband, courroie-convoyeuse, hihnakuljetin .., 0- Forderband -transporteuse ""<1> bending strength, bOjhallfasthet Biegungsfestigkeit resistance a la flexion taivutuskestavyys .., '" resistance to static ~"" ;:;" bending <1> C'l 0-VI bill of exchange vaxel Wechsel effet de commerce vekseli VI .., bill of lading konossement Konossement connaissement konnossementti '<'" birch bjork Birke bouleau koivu blade blad, klinga Blatt lame, couteau tera blockboard blockboard Tischlerplatte panneau latte rimalevy blue stain blwad Blaue bleuissement sinistym inen, sinistyma board (timber) brada Brett planche lauta board foot plankfot Brettfoot pied de planche lautajalka bole, stem, trunk starn Stamm tige, grume, tronc runko boom of logs flottbom Schwimmkette, train de bois flotte puomi Baumkette, Ringfloss botany botanik Botanik botanique kasvitiede box-board ladbrada Kistenbrett bois de caisserie laatikkolauta bracking sortering Sortierung classement lajittelu broad leaved tree lovtrad Laubbaum arbre feuillu lehtipuu broker maklare Makler courtier kaupanvl1littaja bundle bunt Bund paquet de billes cercle nippu bundling buntning Bilndlung cerclage niputus butt-end rotanda unteres Stammende gros bout, culee tyvipaa buyer kopare Kaufer acheteur ostaja by-product biprodukt Nebenprodukt sous-produit sivutuote cali per (t ree kJave Kluppe com pas forestier mittasakset, kaulain cambium kambium, savring Kambium cambium, assise jalsi ~ generatrice w ~ ENGUSH SWEDISH GERMAN FRENCH FINNISH w N cancellation annullering Annullierung annulation peruutus capacity arbetsforrn~ga Leistung puissance, rendement suorituskyky, (performance) kapasiteetti cargo last Ladung chargement, cargaison lasti casehardened yttorkad, ytMrdnad ausserlich trocken, cemente en surface pintakuiva oberflachentrocken ceilings (innan-) takbrader gehobelte lambris de pia fond sisl1kattolaudat (hyvlade) Deckenbretter cellulose cellulosa Zellulose/Zellstoff cellulose selluloosa cell-wall ceUvagg Zellwand membrane cellulaire solunseina chain conveyance kedjetrwsport KettenfOrderung transport par chaine kettinkikuljetus chain saw kedjes~g Kettensage scie it chaine coupante kettinkisaha charcoal trakol Holzkohle charbon de bois sysi, puuhiili chartering befraktning Befrachtung affretement rahtaus, laivan vuokraus charter party certeparti F rach tvertrag, chartre-partie rahtauskirja, Charterpartie sertepartia chemical (adj.) kemisk chemisch chimique kemiallinen cheque check Scheck cheque sekki, shekki ::l 3 chief, generaldirektOr Generaldirektor directeur general paajohtaja C" director-general ..,~ chief forester skogschef Ober·Forstmeister chef d'exploitation metsapliallikko ..,-l 0- forestiere '"~ chips (wood) flis Hackspane copeaux (de papeterie) hake ..,..." for pulp making '"0 chlorophyll klorofyll BlattgrOn, chlorophylle lehtivihrea o· -~ Chlorophyll cif (kostnad, cif (Kosten, c.i.f. (cost, C.LF., caf(coOt, cif (kulut, rahti ja C1 insurance and freight) forsiikring, frakt) Versicherung, Fracht) assurance, fret) vakuutus) 0- ~ circular saw cirkelsAg Kreissiige scie circulaire pyorosaha, I» sirkkelisaha ~ claim reklamation Reklamation reclamation reklamaatio, valitus, moite clean barked and bastbarkad weissgeschiil t ecorce it blanc, tiiysipuhtaaksi basted (entbastet) blanc-blanc kuorittu coarse-grained frodvuxen, schnellwUchsig, agrain grossier, it hyotykasvuinen, grovringad grobringig croissance rapide levelllustoinen cold press kallpress Kaltpresse presse it froid kylmii paino compression wood tjurved Druckholz bois de compression lyly compressive strength tryckhallfasthet Druckfestigkeit resistance it la puristuslujuus compression condition (of goods) kondition Trockenheitsgrade etat (de la kunto marchandise ) conifer barrtrad Nadelbaum conifE~re .. resineux havupuu coniferous wood barrtradsvirke Nadelholz bois resineux havupuu consumer konsument, Konsument, consommateur kuluttaja forbrukare Verbraucher contract kontrakt Kontrakt, Vertrag contrat sopimus, myyntisopimus conversion table omrlikningstabell Umrechnungstabelle table de conversion muuntotaulukko convert (to) (figures, omrakna umrechnen convertir, (les chiffres, muuntaa measurements, etc.) les mesures etc.) conveyor belt transportband Transportband courroie kuljetushihna transporteuse cord wood travat virke, Schichtholz bois d'industrie pinotavara, ohutpuu ~ klenvirke ~"'" ~ ENGLISH SWEDISH GERMAN FRENCH FINNISH IN ~ cost(s) kostnad( -er) Kosten frais, depenses kustannus, kustannukset crane kran Kran grue nosturi crosscut (to) kapa kappen tron<;onner, decouper katkoa, katkaista crosscutting kapning Zersagung, tronconnage katkominen, Absagung katkaiseminen cross-grained vresig, vresfibrig drehwilchsig, contrefil, (fil tors) kierresyinen, (spiral-grained) drehfaserig kierosyinen cubic foot kubikfot Kubikfuss pied cube kuutiojalka cubic metre kubikmeter Kubikmeter metre cube kuutiometri Customs tull Zoll douane tulli cutting (felling) avverkning Hieb, Schlag coupe, abaUage hakkaus, hakkuu dead freight dodfrakt Leerfracht fret mort, fret a vide kuollut rahti deal (dimension of pianka Planke madrier lankku sawn timber) decay rota Faule, Faulnis pourriture laho deciduous tree lovtrad Laubbaum arbre a feuilJes lehtipuu caduques ::l 3 deckload dackslast Deckladung pontee kansilasti 0- defect fel Fehler, Defekt defaut vice vika ..,<1> demurrage overliggetid, Oberliegezeit , surestaries, frais lisaseistontapiiivat, ..,-l I» overliggedagsersaUning Oberliegezeitsentscha- de stationnement lisaseison ta -aika, 0- <1> digung, Uegegelder lisaseisontakorvaus .".., I» density tathet Dichtigheit densite (du tiheys, sakeus (") .... peuplement) o· <1> description beskrivning Beschreibung description kuvaus g deviation avvikelse Abweichung deviation poikkeus 0 i(l'" diameter at stubbdiameter Durchmesser in diametre sur souche tyvilapirnitta stump height Stockhohe -< diameter, breast brosthOjdsdiameter Brusthohendurch- diametre ahauteur rinnankorkeuslapi- height (d.b.h.) messer de poitrine rnitta dimension dimension Dimension dimension koko discharge (to) avlasta, lossa entladen, lOschen decharger, debarquer, purkaa lasti discoloured fargad, blK verfarbt, blau decolore, bleute varivikainen, sininen, sinistynyt discount diskonto Diskonto, Abzug escompte, rabais diskontto dispute tvist Streit diffthend, contestation riita dock docka Dock bassin, dock satama-allas, telakka, laituri documents (shipping) skeppnings- Verschiffungsdoku- documents laivauspaperit dokumenter mente, Verladungs- (d'embarquement) papiere Douglas fir douglasgran Douglasie, sapin de Douglas douglaskuusi Douglastanne dovetail laxstjart, sink a Schwalbenschwanz queue d 'a ronde lohenpyrsto down-grade (to) nedslitta, nedsortera abstufen declasser luokitella huonom- maksi, sijoittaa alempaan luokkaan drawing date indragningsdag Ziehungstag date du tirage (d'un perimisplliva effet de commerce) drum barker barkningstrumma Entrindungstrommel ecorceuse atambour kuorimarumpu dry torr trocken sec kuiva ~ dry weight torrvikt Trockengewicht poids sec kuivapaino w a VI .j:>. FRENCH FINNISH w ENGLISH SWEDISH GERMAN 0\ drying shed torkskjul Holztrocknungs- hangar de sechage kuivausvarasto schupp en duty (import) inf6rseltull, Einfuhrzoll droit/taxe tuontitulli importtull d'importation edge (to) kanta abkanten deligner syrjlita edger kantsag Abkantsage, deligneuse, scie a syrjliyssaha Besaumungssage deligner elm aIm Ulme orme, ormeau jalava end check andspricka Endriss fente
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    Condor, 81:370375 @I The Cooper Ornithological Society 1979 OCCURRENCE AND FEEDING ECOLOGY OF THE COMMON FLICKER ON GRAND CAYMAN ISLAND ALEXANDER CRUZ AND DAVID W. JOHNSTON The Common Flicker (CoZaptes auratus) is with mangrove and buttonwood swamps. In wetter and widely distributed in the western hemi- more saline places, especially around North Sound (Fig. l), red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) predomi- sphere from Alaska to Nicaragua and to the nates, but farther inland at seasonally drier sites white West Indies (Cuba and Grand Cayman). Al- mangrove (Lagunculariu rucemosa), black mangrove though mainland populations have been (Auicenniu nitida), and buttonwood (Conocarpus er- well studied (e.g., Noble 1936, Bent 1939, ecta) combine to form a thick forest. Near North Sound Short 1965a, 1967, Bock 1971), details on these mangrove-buttonwood swamps are best devel- oped and the trees often reach heights of 18-20 m. the abundance, life history, ecology, and Open pastures. In places, the limestone forest has behavior of Colaptes aurutus on Cuba (C. been cleared for pasture. Important introduced grasses a. chrysocudosus) and Grand Cayman (C. of these pastures are Guinea grass (Punicum maximum) a. gundluchi) have not been reported. Short and Seymour grass (Andropogon metusus), with scat- tered shrubs such as Comocladia dentata and trees (196513) discussed the variation, taxonomy, such as Bursera simaruba, Roystonea sp., and Man- and evolution of West Indian flickers, John- gifera indica. ston (1970, 1975) summarized some aspects Scrub woodland. Abandoned pastures and other of the ecology of the Grand Cayman Flicker, cleared areas revert to woods consisting of species such and Cruz (1974) examined the probable as maiden plum (Comocladia pinnatifolia), red birch (Burseru simaruba), and logwood (Huematoxylum evolution and fossil record of West Indian cumpechianum).
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