KWE 2002 Music with Solo Violin Introduction
Kurt Weill Edition, Ser. II, Vol. 2 Music with Solo Violin: Concerto for Violin and Wind Orchestra op. 12 INTRODUCTION Der neue Orpheus Op. 16 by Andreas Eichhorn This volume presents two works in full score: the Concerto for Violin and Concerto’s first movement, with its interwoven allusions to the Dies irae, Wind Orchestra, op. 12, which Weill composed between April and June could be related to this context.) By July 1924, however, Weill had found 1924; and his cantata Der neue Orpheus, op. 16—based on a poem of the a new friend in Kaiser, who was to fill the gap that Busoni would leave: he same name by Iwan Goll—for soprano, solo violin, and orchestra, com- not only wrote the librettos for three of Weill’s stage works, but he also in- posed between July and September 1925. Only a piano reduction of the troduced Weill to his future wife, Lotte Lenya, and to the Alsatian poet Violin Concerto, which Weill himself prepared, appeared in print during Iwan Goll (1891–1950), who, in addition to Der neue Orpheus, would his lifetime; not until 1965 would his publisher, Universal Edition in provide the text for the one-act opera Royal Palace. In the first months of Vienna (hereafter UE), issue a full score, albeit with a layout quite different 1924, when Weill and Kaiser had started work on a ballet-pantomime, from Weill’s. Der neue Orpheus has been available in print only as a piano- Weill also toyed with the idea of composing a violin concerto.
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