The Pentecostal 1. 7

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The Pentecostal 1. 7 The Pentecostal NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BUT BY MY SPIRIT, SAITH THE LORD PRICE 10 CENTS. 'UleeMil 11.,•• • , ~. 1'i44_~ ., 9." .. , July 19, 1959 FILE COpy - ~ -. -;,J- 1. 7~ 1U11e- ~ A Most Important Question ~ Cancer Disappears ~ . Act Your Faith ~ Why, I Believe in Divine Healing THE EDITORIAL VIEWPOINT The Pentecostal EVANGEL A Sacred Symbol PUIILISHItO CONTINUOUSLY SINCIt If" JULY 19, 19S9 NUMBER 2JSB \Vhcn E\'angelist Billy Graham \,1:-.1(c{\ ),Ioscow recently he saw some things he had not expected to see. Hight in the Kremlin. Ihe seat of EDITOR .. ROBERT C. CUNNINGHAM Russia's atheistic government. he fonnd cht1rch buildings surmounted with golden crosses and embellished with religious paintings. EX ECUT1\·£ DIRECTOR J. R. Flowtr As he watched Russians looking at wall paintings of Christ in one LAYOVT EDITOR Lrslir W. Smith ancient church, he said. "That is a \'cry mO\'ing sight. Tn sec His EDITORIAL A!\SISTANT Elva M. Johnson EDITORIAL POLICY BOARD picture here in the very heart of the Kremlin is a tender. 1110001Ilg J. R. Flower (Chairman). Howard S. Bu.h, N. 0, thing. \\'hen 1 sec Him on the cross r am deeply mo\'cd. Xcvcr, Davidwn, Roy fl. We~d, Aaron A. WiI,on never did I expect to find this in the Kremlin." CONTENTS The evangeli<;t was greatly impressed also by the large golden crosses How Keith', Wish Come True .............. 3 surmol1nting the old ch urches. "Here T am standing right in the center A Most Important Question Roy H. Weod 4 of the Kremlin, and there against the sky are the golden crosses of Why I Believe in Christ," he said. "Therc is a symbol T nevcr cxpected to sec. T Divine Healing .... George E. Holmes 6 hope it has mcaning- for the futurc." Act YOlOr Faith ............ Zelma Argue 8 Somc would attach vcry little signiiicallcc to such a thing as a Why Anoint wi th Oil? Bernice M. Gerard 9 cross on a cold. dead church. They would say men would he bettcr This Present World ...... Harold C. Mintle 10 off without any goldcn crosses. inasmuch as some people "cneratc U¥ing in God's Will ........ E. S. Williams ,2 Home Miuions News .............. Rulh Lyon 14 them as objects of worship while othcrs despise them as symhols of a Th e Christian Home ................................ 16 lifeless, ritualistic religion. It is true, a cross is only a symbol. And Foreign MiSiions ~ews ............ Roy Brock 18 symbols have no power in themselves. A wedding band worn on the Sunday School Lenon .......... J. B. Bishop 20 finger is only a symbol; it cannot gila ran tee marital happiness and Will the Laymen faithfulncss. A flag hanging frolll a window is only a symbol: it Be There? ............ E. S. Christoffersen 22 cannot protect or producc loyalty in mcn's hearts. People do not Revi¥altime News ................ C. M. Ward 24 ncces5..1.rily derive the correct meaning frOIll a symhol. Therefore we News of hongelism .......... Don Mol!augh 26 Somebody Has to Poy for It .... Edwin Orr 30 are wise to refrain frOIll di!:tplaying crosses in Olir Pentecostal places Interruptions ................ Elva M. Johnson 32 of worship. Better to have Christ in our midst than to have an empty cross on our church. Bettcr a ,'ibrant spiritual experience in Ollr lives OFFICER S OF THE CENERAL COUNCIL than merely a gold cross on our lapels. Uut if any s)'mhol of Chris­ OF THE ASSEM8L1ES OF COD tianity were needed, 'lone would be better than a simple cross. The Ral"h ~1. llil:&' s (toe". Supt.). T. F. Zi""nerm~n, G. 1'. Lewis, lier! Webb. C. W. II. ScOH. J. R. cross signifies the common ground on which all Christians can meet, Flo"er. M l!. Nel~el. l\oxl Perkin. II. 5. ll".h. and it gymbol izcs the gacrificial spirit which shollld dOlninate all true N. D. Davidson, A. A. Willon. R. 11. Wead followers of the Lord. After all, the cross is the symbol God Himself chose by which to demonstrate His redeeming love to a wayward world. We believe the Dible 10 be The crOss is a symbol of God's perfect holiness. It reminds tiS ,h~ ''''j,ircd a"tI o,,,y Il\f~lhlole ~nd aUlhoril~ti\e \\'ord nf GO<!. WE ll~:U~.V I:: thai Ihcre is one that sin is so repulsive, so obnoxious and intolerable to God that the God. CI~rn"lly exi~tellt in three l,u.ons: God the Father. Goo tl,e Son. and God the Holy Gh~t. sinner must die. \\ E IlEI.l£\-F. '" the deity of OUr Lord Juus Chro,t, in lIis vi rgin Ilirlh. i" I/i•• ;"Ien Iile ill H i. At the same time, thc cross symbolizes God's measureless lo\'e for miracle_. ;n His ,i~~rion" and atoning dent\" in H i. bodily re~urrection. ill H i. ,,"cen.ion 10 the right mankind, reminding us that H e gave His beloved and only Son to be h.1nd of Ihe Father, and in IIi, peroonal future reo the sinner's Substitllte, to die on a cross of shame to save liS from cur" to th;, ~al'th in pow~r "nd glory to rul~ over Ihe naliol1s. WE I)ELlEVE Ih~t the only ",~anl eternal death. 0; 1t."'1: clc""sed I'om ~iu i. ,hrou~h rtpt"tan~c and bltb in the pr...::iou< 1.0100{ 01 (hm,t. The cross is also a symbol of the way of salvation-the only way WE IlFL1E\,E Ihat .. generation by the H ol y Spirit if ahsolutely u.~ntial for pe'sonal ,alvation. by which a sinner Illay come to God and receive from Him a clean WE IlEf.!EV£ that Ihe redemrti,'e .work 01 Christ 01' the ~rOH provide~ /tea/;"II' 0 the /"""an l)(l(jy in heart and a new life. The cross signifies that the price of our re­ ~",w.r to behe,·;n(f !''"Hr. WI:: DELI EVE that demption has been paid in full. It speaks of divine grace by which Ihe lhpti~'" of the 1I0ly Spirit. ac~ordi"g to Acts 2; •. i. a-i,'en to believtn who uk for il- WE IlE· man may know he is reconciled to his Maker. LlEV£ "' the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit by whose indweUing the Chrillbn i. enabled to live Would that all the people in the Kremlin might realize these a holy life. WE DELIEVE in the r esurrection of both the i3ved and Ihe lost. Ihe O"e 10 e~trlasti,,& truths when they gaze up at those golden crosses! life aud the OIher 10 C\'erlasti"g d~mna t ion . THE PENTECO'TAl. EVANCEL i. puhli.h<:<l weekly by 'be Goo~l P~bl"b;n! IIouo<:, }',uo-I&-SO (or ,~= ''''L BUNDLE RATE (minimum <>I foy, s"b.u;p';on•• n In.ilM 4J4 Wut Paeific S,,~ •. Spri o.-/i.ld J. Mo., U.S.A.-Tboo. p, Ztmmermon , 'o<ut;ve ,n .be "me .dd.... )-78c ktr lJ .'«h. U75 10< • ,car. "n e."" oub..,rip,knl. Di'o<lor of Fublicuion •. FOREICN LANDS (u«p' Canod. and PUAS <ou""i.. · ) SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION_ .a.oORIii:SlIE,S IN THE U.s. AND U. S. POSSESSIONS: SINGLE SUBSCRIPnON-----$Z.SO $'4_25 lor O!)< .1... ·-1&-25.1'" '''-0 r<ara-SIl,25 lor .hr... BUNDLE R."TE (minimum 0/ fm- one 1 ••,-f'.'5 for ,_ 7."_V ro lor tltt« ,UfO_ SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY lour ouboc"p,.,~ ••.• 11 "':"ed '0 'he .ame .ddr ...l-9l< fo, ,hi".,," ....ko. U.50 I"" 'J<". OFFER-$l flO /<>r ! ...n'l ....k. _ BUNDLE RATE (minimum <>I lou, oubKrip!iono, a" on ••ch a"b~"phon. PpA5--U. S. •.... awl, I", on ,-,nm";., io 'he P",ul ~ion moi1<:<1 ' 0 ,be ume address)-&<: lor lJ ....h. U-25 lor 0 1Car, on ~h oubKriptiocl. 0/ tbe A", ••teas and Spa,n. Sec 1OU' I'ootrn • .,., for • Ii .. <>I tb .... CANADIAN ADDRESSE!: SINCLE SUBSCRJPTION-U.OO ko, on. 1<ar-$S.7~ lor ".0 Print..! in the U.S.A. Se<ond 01, .. pootalre paid .\ SprinrH.ld, Mio..,.., •. 2 THE PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL How Keith's Wish Came True Nine-year-old Keith Brown longed to run and play with the other boys, but there seemed to be no hope whatever that his wish would come true-until God intervened. M IRACLES DO nAPPEl'l Ar-;o THERE vinced that the boy would get well, is one little fellow by the name of says Rev. J. Franklin Lenentine, his Keith Brown who knows about them pastor. first hand. Then on \Vednesday, April 15, Keith Keith is the nine-year-oId son of and his parents along with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown of Gonic, David, 12, and his sistcr, I\[artha, 13, N. H. Two years ago littlc Keith lay went to an evening prayer meeting at in his bed without much hope of ever the church. 1\lrs. Carrie B. Huns­ walking and running again like other berger of Fort Wayne, Ind., was there children. He suffered from a disease in a rcvival campaign. Keith BrOwn and his mOlher Irighl) ore happy kno\vn as Legg-Perthes. Mrs. Hunsberger had prayed for the over his wonderful heol'ng. EvangelIst Corne The blood was not getting to the sick and the maimed on previolls oc­ B. Hunsberger holds the crutches KeIth used ball of his leg where it fits into the casions, and a numbcr of them had before God miraculously healed his legs m April.
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