Industry Report Human Health Activities 2015 BULGARIA

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Industry Report Human Health Activities 2015 BULGARIA Industry Report Human health activities 2015 BULGARIA This industry report is part of your subcription access to SeeNews | CONTENTS I. KEY INDICATORS II. INTRODUCTION III. REVENUES IV. EXPENSES V. PROFITABILITY VI. EMPLOYMENT 1 SeeNews Industry Report NUMBER OF COMPANIES IN HUMAN HEALTH ACTIVITIES I. KEY INDICATORS INDUSTRY BY SECTORS SECTOR 2015 2014 2013 The Human health activities industry in Bulgaria was DENTAL PRACTICE ACTIVITIES 4,489 4,414 3,619 represented by 13,167 companies at the end of 2015, GENERAL MEDICAL PRACTICE ACTIVITIES 3,913 3,975 3,264 compared to 13,085 in the previous year and 11,095 in SPECIALIST MEDICAL PRACTICE ACTIVITIES 2,927 2,910 2,580 2013. OTHER HUMAN HEALTH ACTIVITIES 1,504 1,453 1,307 HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES 334 333 325 The industry's net profit amounted to BGN 212,589,000 in 2015. The industry's total revenue was BGN 3,404,853,000 in 2015, up by 3.95% compared to the previous year. III. REVENUES The combined costs of the companies in the Human health The total revenue in the industry was BGN 3,404,853,000 in activities industry reached BGN 3,166,026,000 in 2015, up 2015, BGN 3,275,595,000 in 2014 and 2,954,010,000 in 2013. by 4.93% year-on-year. The industry's total revenue makes up 4.22% to the Total revenue country's Gross domestic product (GDP) in 2015, compared Net sales revenue to 4.20% for 2014 and 3.84% in 2013. 3,600,000,000 3,404,853,000 3,275,595,000 A total of 92,038 people were employed in the Human 3,300,000,000 2,954,010,000 health activities industry in 2015, compared to 89,833 in 3,000,000,000 3,143,609,000 2014 and 108,306 in 2013. 3,023,953,000 2,700,000,000 2,720,108,000 Most of the companies in the industry are based in Sofia, 2,400,000,000 followed by Plovdiv and Varna. 2,100,000,000 1,800,000,000 BGN II. INTRODUCTION 1,500,000,000 1,200,000,000 In 2015 the companies in the Human health activities industry numbered 13,167, distributed in 5 sectors. 900,000,000 2,927 600,000,000 300,000,000 0 2013 2014 2015 1,504 The companies in the Human health activities market of Bulgaria earned combined net sales revenues of BGN 334 3,143,609,000 in 2015. 3,913 In annual terms, sales marked a rise of 3.96% compared to 2014. In comparison to 2013 they increased by 15.57%. In 2014 sales increased by 11.17% year-on-year. The Human health activities industry total revenue make up 4.22% to the country's GDP in 2015, compared to 4.20% for 4,489 2014 and 3.84% in 2013. Dental practice activities General medical practice activities Specialist medical practice activities Other human health activities Hospital activities In 2014 there were a total of 13,085 companies operating in the industry. In 2013 their number totalled 11,095. 2 SeeNews Industry Report Share in GDP 4.4 4.2% 4.22% INDUSTRY'S NET SALES REVENUE STRUCTURE BY SECTORS 14.11% 3.84%4 6.55% 3.6 7.08% 3.2 2.8 2.4 6.78% 2 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 65.48% 0 2013 2014 2015 Hospital activities Specialist medical practice activities In 2015 the Human health activities industry contributed to Other human health activities GDP BGN 3,291,333,000 in Gross value added (GVA) General medical practice activities accounting for 2.13% of the total for the country's economy. Dental practice activities In the previous year, the industry's GVA amounted BGN 3,171,426,000, accounting for 2.21% of the total for the The highest growth, of 15.18%, was recorded by Dental country in 2014. In 2013 the GVA of the Human health practice activities. There was no industry's sector to report a activities was BGN 2,868,751,000, or 2.12% of the GVA for the drop in net sales revenues. country's economy. TOP COMPANIES' REVENUE BY SECTORS SEGMENT COMPANY TOTAL REVENUE NET SALES GVA BY SECTORS (BGN) REVENUE (BGN) RANK SECTOR BGN SHARE OF THE COUNTRY'S OTHER HUMAN HEALTH ACTIVITIES GVA (%) SAMOSTOYATELNA MEDIKO- 10,046,000 9,962,000 1 HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES 2,206,174,000 1.43 DIAGNOSTICHNA LABORATORIA - RAMUS 2 SPECIALIST MEDICAL PRACTICE ACTIVITIES 443,480,000 0.29 OOD 3 OTHER HUMAN HEALTH ACTIVITIES 237,860,000 0.15 MEDIKO-DIAGNOSTICHNA LABORATORIA - 9,936,000 9,933,000 CIBALAB OOD 4 GENERAL MEDICAL PRACTICE ACTIVITIES 207,402,000 0.13 BERLIN-CHEMIE AG TP 8,274,000 0 5 DENTAL PRACTICE ACTIVITIES 196,417,000 0.13 HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES UNIVERSITETSKA MNOGOPROFILNA 118,301,000 106,585,000 BOLNITSA ZA AKTIVNO LECHENIE SVETI We expect, based on the trend in the last three years, the total GEORGI AD revenue of the Human health activities industry to change at a MNOGOPROFILNA BOLNITSA ZA AKTIVNO 94,267,000 88,367,000 compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.36% in 2016. LECHENIE SVETA MARINA AD MNOGOPROFILNA BOLNITSA ZA AKTIVNO 85,060,000 80,122,000 NET SALES REVENUE BY SECTORS LECHENIE TOKUDA HOSPITAL SOFIA AD RANK SECTOR NET SALES REVENUE GENERAL MEDICAL PRACTICE ACTIVITIES (BGN) AMCSMPOMS SVETI NIKOLAY 3,877,000 3,601,000 1 HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES 2,058,574,000 CHUDOTVOREC OOD 2 SPECIALIST MEDICAL PRACTICE ACTIVITIES 443,448,000 FIRST DIALYSIS SERVICES BULGARIA AD 2,310,000 2,246,000 3 OTHER HUMAN HEALTH ACTIVITIES 222,636,000 MEDIKO DENTALEN TSENTAR - KRISTAL AD 1,475,000 1,475,000 4 GENERAL MEDICAL PRACTICE ACTIVITIES 212,980,000 SPECIALIST MEDICAL PRACTICE ACTIVITIES 5 DENTAL PRACTICE ACTIVITIES 205,971,000 MEDICAL CENTRE NADEJDA 13,958,000 13,950,000 REPRODUCTIVE SOFIA OOD ACIBADEM CITY CLINIC DIAGNOSTIC AND 12,213,000 12,117,000 CONSULTATION CENTER TOKUDA AD DIAGNOSTIC AND CONSULTATIVE CENTRE 8,724,000 8,640,000 SOFIAMED OOD DENTAL PRACTICE ACTIVITIES DENTALMEDIZINISCHES ZENTRUM SUISS 11,451,000 11,412,000 DENTAPRIME OOD DENTALEN TSENTAR EO-DENT OOD 7,416,000 7,200,000 PERFECTUM OOD 3,696,000 3,696,000 3 SeeNews Industry Report The top 10 companies in terms of total revenue in Human health activities accounted for 18.00% of the industry's total in TOP 10 COMPANIES WITH HIGHEST ANNUAL GROWTH IN 2015, 17.71% in 2014 and 18.38% in 2013. OPERATING REVENUE IN HUMAN HEALTH ACTIVITIES RANK COMPANY Y/Y GROWTH TOP 10 COMPANIES BY TOTAL AND NET SALES REVENUE IN THE 1 MEDICINE CENTER MEDCROSS OOD 24800.00% INDUSTRY 2 BALGARSKI INSTITUT PO ZAVISIMOSTI OOD 24500.00% RANK COMPANY TOTAL REVENUE NET SALE 3 MEDIKO - DENTALEN TSENTAR SVETA APOLONIA OOD 18400.00% (BGN) REVENUE (BGN) 4 GPPDP DIAMED SOFIYA OOD 9633.33% 1 UNIVERSITETSKA MNOGOPROFILNA 118,301,000 106,585,000 BOLNITSA ZA AKTIVNO LECHENIE SVETI 5 MEDICAL AND DENTAL CENTER NADEZHDA OOD 9100.00% GEORGI AD 6 AMERIMED MEDICAL CENTER OOD 6225.00% 2 MNOGOPROFILNA BOLNITSA ZA AKTIVNO 94,267,000 88,367,000 7 MEDICAL CENTER OPHTHA - NEURO OOD 5700.00% LECHENIE SVETA MARINA AD 8 MEDICAL CENTER SUNNYMED OOD 5240.00% 3 MNOGOPROFILNA BOLNITSA ZA AKTIVNO 85,060,000 80,122,000 9 D-R STANISLAVA LYUTSKANOVA - AMBULATORIA FOR 5000.00% LECHENIE TOKUDA HOSPITAL SOFIA AD INDIVIDUAL OUTPATIENT MEDICAL CARE OOD 4 UNIVERSITETSKA MNOGOPROFILNA 71,558,000 65,275,000 10 PRODENT - D-R BOYAN PAVLOV - AMBULATORIYA ZA 4800.00% BOLNITSA ZA AKTIVNO LECHENIE I INDIVIDUALNA PRAKTIKA ZA PARVICHNA POMOSHT PO SPESHNA MEDITSINA N.I. PIROGOV AD DENTALNA MEDITSINA OOD 5 UNIVERSITETSKA MNOGOPROFILNA 48,345,000 44,205,000 BOLNITSA ZA AKTIVNO LECHENIE - D-R GEORGI STRANSKI AD 6 UNIVERSITETSKA MNOGOPROFILNA 48,247,000 39,542,000 TOP 10 COMPANIES BY TOTAL REVENUE IN THE FIELD OTHER BOLNITSA ZA AKTIVNO LECHENIE HUMAN HEALTH ACTIVITIES WERE: ALEXANDROVSKA AD COMPANY BGN 7 UNIVERSITETSKA MNOGOPROFILNA 37,914,000 32,605,000 SAMOSTOYATELNA MEDIKO-DIAGNOSTICHNA LABORATORIA - 10,046,000 BOLNITSA ZA AKTIVNO LECHENIE PULMED RAMUS OOD OOD MEDIKO-DIAGNOSTICHNA LABORATORIA - CIBALAB OOD 9,936,000 8 KOMPLEKSEN ONKOLOGICHEN TSENTAR - 36,881,000 36,340,000 BERLIN-CHEMIE AG TP 8,274,000 PLOVDIV EOOD COVANCE CLINICAL & PERIAPPROVAL SERVICES LIMITED, BULGARIAN 7,942,000 9 UNIVERSITETSKA MNOGOPROFILNA 36,333,000 26,281,000 BRANCH, BRANCH OF A FOREIGN TRADER BOLNITSA ZA AKTIVNO LECHENIE SV. IVAN RILSKI EAD MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY LINA OOD 5,359,000 10 UNIVERSITY MULTIPROFILE HOSPITAL FOR 36,008,000 35,615,000 ARAYS OOD 4,995,000 ACTIVE TREATMENT SOFIAMED OOD ASAREL PANAGIURISHTE ZDRAVE AD 4,635,000 MEDICAL CENTER APHRODITA OOD 4,212,000 MILREY AD 4,089,000 The total revenues of the top 10 companies in the Human BOIRON BG OOD 3,868,000 health activities were 0.76% of GDP in 2015, compared to 0.74% for 2014 and 0.71% in 2013. The 10 largest companies in terms of total revenue in sector The top 10 by assets in the Human health activities sector Human health activities earned total revenue of BGN made up BGN 446,941,000, or 14.22% of the total net sales 63,356,000 and accounted for 1.86% of the industry's total revenue. revenue. TOP 10 BY TOTAL ASSETS IN THE INDUSTRY TOP 10 COMPANIES BY TOTAL REVENUE IN THE FIELD HOSPITAL RANK COMPANY BGN ACTIVITIES WERE: 1 UNIVERSITETSKA MNOGOPROFILNA BOLNITSA ZA 76,861,000 COMPANY BGN AKTIVNO LECHENIE SVETI GEORGI AD UNIVERSITETSKA MNOGOPROFILNA BOLNITSA ZA AKTIVNO 118,301,000 2 UNIVERSITETSKA MNOGOPROFILNA BOLNITSA ZA 60,244,000 LECHENIE SVETI GEORGI AD AKTIVNO LECHENIE ALEXANDROVSKA AD MNOGOPROFILNA BOLNITSA ZA AKTIVNO LECHENIE SVETA MARINA 94,267,000 3 ASAREL PANAGIURISHTE ZDRAVE AD 59,878,000 AD 4 MNOGOPROFILNA BOLNITSA ZA AKTIVNO LECHENIE 55,988,000 MNOGOPROFILNA BOLNITSA ZA AKTIVNO LECHENIE TOKUDA 85,060,000 SVETA MARINA AD HOSPITAL SOFIA AD 5 UNIVERSITETSKA MNOGOPROFILNA BOLNITSA ZA 40,500,000 UNIVERSITETSKA MNOGOPROFILNA BOLNITSA ZA AKTIVNO 71,558,000 AKTIVNO LECHENIE SV.
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