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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85142-8 - The Past is a Foreign Country – Revisited David Lowenthal Index More information INDEX Entries in bold typeface denote illustrations and photographs Abbey, Edward, 67 in humans, 213–24, 216, 240, heirs demoralized by, 185, 201, Abbo of Fleury, Passio sancti 287–8 203–4 Eadmundi, 379 and memory, 323, 404 heirs venerate, 197–9, 205, 392, Abbotsford, Scotland (Walter Scott), in nations, 230–2 406, 528, 534 177, 439 old things should look, 247–54, legacy re-tooled, 6, 200–2, 461, Abelard, Peter, 215 251 538 Accolti, Benedetto, 152 organic analogy, 211–13 re-enacted, 431, 436, 481–2, 484, accretion, 11, 122–6, 123,172–3, 282, patina, 259–68 491–2 419, 561, 575 in plants and animals, 224–6 reflects liberal child-rearing, Achebe, Chinua, 352, 427 ruins, 285 186–7 Aciman, André, 326 Ahasurias, the Wandering Jew and Amiens, France, 252 Acton, John Emerich Edward last man, 214–15 Cathedral, 175, 179 Dahlberg, Lord, 141, 345, Akunin, Boris, 38 Amis, Martin, 215 538, 600 Alabama, University of, 607 amnesia, 14, 88, 305–6, 540, 590, Adams, Brooks, 417 Alain-Fournier, Henri, Le Grand 592 Adams, Charles Francis, 199 Meaulnes, 307 childhood, 312, 319 Adams, Douglas, 359, 594 Alamo, San Antonio, Texas, 580 as statecraft, 17, 129, 138–40, 509, Adams, Henry, 45, 203, 570 Alaric, sack of Rome, 360 540–1 Adams, John, 30n32, 186, 548 Alberti, Leon Battista, 153 as therapy, 40, 149 Adamsville, Rhode Island, 502 Aldiss, Brian W., 76 anachronism, 352, 358–61, 363, 365, Addison, Joseph, 170, 235, 266 Aldrovandi, Ulisse,
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