Creating Defence Science Research Networks for RESEARCH CAPABILITY Foreword

Victoria’s defence excellence and capabilities put us in an unrivalled position to support several key defence projects – be they aerospace, land, maritime, cyber or other joint systems.

In research and development (R&D), our state universities contribute almost a third of Australia’s investment in defence related research and twice as much as any other state.

Victorian R&D capabilities include advanced robotics, 3D printed explosives, high strength protective woven fabrics and enhanced radar detection and identification capabilities, chemical and biological sciences, and cyber security.

Australia is investing in defence capabilities at unprecedented levels and with this comes the need for advanced research to address defence and national security challenges.

These challenges are inherently complex, and their solutions require government, industry and universities to work together.

With internationally renowned researchers and state-of-the-art facilities, Victoria’s universities have much to offer those working on defence and national security matters.

The Victorian Government, in partnership with the Defence Science and Technology Group and the , established the Defence Science Institute (DSI) in 2010 to help government and industry identify the capabilities, expertise and potential solutions held in our universities that can be directed towards future priorities.

The DSI provides a single access point for all those who wish to make use of university resources, whether they be a small business, a multinational corporation, the Commonwealth Government or one of our allies.

This directory provides an overview of many of the defence and national security-related research capabilities available within Victorian universities.

I commend the capabilities highlighted in this brochure and invite those seeking innovative solutions to complex defence and national security problems to consider partnering with Victoria’s universities.

THE HON MARTIN PAKULA MP Minister for Jobs, Innovation and Trade


The universities and research centres of Victoria are recognised internationally for their research and make a significant contribution to Australia’s defence and national security research efforts. With research capabilities across an expansive range of disciplines and technologies, they are a vital resource for the Defence sector to draw on. Through their research activities, the universities and research centres also provide essential training for the Defence scientists of the future and are home to world class facilities.

Together, Victoria’s universities and research centres form a community of practice which supports Defence priorities, both short- and long-term. They work closely with each other, and with industry and government, to share knowledge and expertise in pursuit of a secure future for us all.

Universities Research Centres

1 Victorian Defence and Maritime R&D Capabilities

Victoria’s universities and research centres have a proven research record in a wide range of discipline areas applicable to all aspects of Defence operations. Their capabilities and credentials are identified in this Directory against the broad capability areas outlined below.

Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis Technologies and tools to collect, send and analyse information from Live, virtual and constructive simulation, modelling and analysis tools for use in land, sea, air and space environments. operations, training, design, scenario development, risk analysis and forecasting.

Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Tools and techniques for extracting and presenting meaningful information from Materials and processes to support advanced manufacturing, enhance operational big data sets to support effective decision making. longevity, reduce platform detection and improve ballistic and shock protection.

Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Technologies, tools and techniques ensuring network integrity and addressing Tools and technologies for increased efficiency, performance and safety in threats arising from information and communications technology dependencies propulsion and energy storage systems for land, sea, air and space use. and vulnerabilities.

Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Techniques, technologies and therapies to save lives, reduce injuries, promote Quantum-based sensor and computing technologies to increase security and improve resilience and improve performance in moderate and extreme environments. the performance of communications and computing.

Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Materials and technologies for future directed energy capabilities, propulsion, Materials, technologies and tools to design, build, launch, position, operate and dynamics, and control surfaces to support hypersonic systems in air, space and sea. safeguard satellite networks and communications.

Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment Technologies, tools and techniques for effective enterprise intelligence, Materials, tools, technologies and techniques supporting the ongoing surveillance, reconnaissance integration and interoperability. operations and maintenance of all defence and aerospace assets and activities.

Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems Tools, technologies and products to protect from a range of chemical, biological Autonomous technologies and tools for high risk, difficult or remote tasks and and radiological threats, pandemics and emerging infectious diseases. increasing efficiency and operational flexibility.

2 Modelling, Simulation Advanced Sensors & Performance & Protection Trusted Autonomous Hypersonics & Directed Propulsion & Energy Propulsion & Energy Integrated Intelligence, Big Data Processing Cyber & IT Security Multi-Disciplinary Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Energy Capabilities Energy Medical/Pharma Space Systems & Visualisation Reconnaissance Enhanced Human Technologies Technologies Surveillance & Surveillance Sustainment Processing & Analysis Quantum Systems Storage

Deakin University: Page 10

Federation University Australia: Page 16

La Trobe University: Page 20

Monash University: Page 26

RMIT University: Page 34

Swinburne University of Technology: Page 42

University of Melbourne: Page 46

Victoria University: Page 54

DMTC: Page 58

Oceania Cyber Security Centre: Page 62

Capability Status

Emerging Mature

3 Creating Defence Science Research Networks for Australia

4 Defence Science Institute

The Defence Science Institute (DSI) supports the development of Victoria’s With strong links into universities, industry and government, the DSI provides a defence technology and national security industry. Facilitating connections and broad overview of defence-relevant capabilities, facilities and priorities, across relationships between industry, universities, funders and Defence researchers, the Victoria and Australia. Practical support for engagement is provided through DSI helps the sector make use of the considerable talent found in our universities activities such as: and research centres. • Discovery workshops; Supported by the State Government of Victoria and the Defence Science and • Seed funding grants for collaborative research; Technology Group (Australia’s defence research organisation), the DSI acts on • Postgraduate student support grants; behalf of Victorian universities to help them grow their contribution to defence • Industry internship grants for research students; research. • Hosting of trade mission, funder and industry delegates; • Training for and hosting of innovation pitches focused on investment; and Taking a regional and multi-disciplinary approach to the defence and national • Participation in defence industry events. security sector, the DSI focuses on fostering defence research engagement by: Bringing together the capabilities of industry and government with academia, • Connecting defence and industry to R&D expertise; the DSI is committed to helping the sector find innovative solutions to defence • Promoting and showcasing R&D and innovation capabilities in the public and problems. private sectors; • Identifying defence-relevant research and technology development www.defencescienceinstitute.com opportunities; and • Providing advice on the local and international defence research and development environment.



Victoria leads Australia in innovation, new technologies, When UK investment giant Savill’s released its 2017 rankings R&D and advanced manufacturing. Our defence sector is an of the world’s Top 20 Tech Cities, Melbourne was rated number important part of the state’s economy, with proven expertise 14 – the only Australian city to feature. And for a tech-savvy across the spectrum of defence capabilities: aerospace, cyber talent pool, Savill’s ranked Melbourne fifth in the world. security, digital technology, land, maritime and, weapons and Victoria’s competitiveness in fast-developing technologies is munitions. internationally recognised.

One of the key pillars supporting Victoria’s defence sector is Global defence firms like Boeing and Lockheed Martin have its strength in R&D. The state has internationally recognised chosen to locate significant R&D laboratories in Melbourne, research institutes and organisations supported by a world class drawing on the pipeline of expertise to be found here. Victoria tertiary education sector. also provides innovation leadership through a matrix of complementary hubs where research and industry interact, In 2010, the Victorian Government underscored its support such as the Defence Materials Technology Centre, the CSIRO’s for the state’s university-led defence R&D by establishing the Data61 Cyber Security and Innovation Hub and the Oceania Defence Science Institute in partnership with the Commonwealth Cyber Security Centre. Defence Science and Technology Group. The Defence Science Institute brokers the interface between industry and researchers, The Victorian Government has also secured agreements to as well as leading a true community-of-practice among Victoria’s work with global research powerhouses, including Oxford eight universities, while bringing in best practice researchers University’s Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre, Israel’s Tel from other geographies when needed. Aviv University and the Commonwealth of Virginia, the biggest defence state in the US. Victoria’s global outlook supports Defence technology research is undertaken by Victoria’s tertiary strong strategic alliances. institutions, often in collaboration with Defence, industry and other national and international institutions. Melbourne, Monash, The Victorian Government, through the Department of Jobs, La Trobe, Deakin, RMIT, Swinburne, Victoria, Australian Catholic Precincts and Regions (DJPR), will continue to work closely and Federation universities all have world class research with Victorian universities, the Commonwealth Department capabilities. of Defence and defence industry to identify and support the development of new technologies to meet strategic defence Victorian universities contribute approximately 29 per cent ($3.1 industry capability requirements. billion) of national university R&D spend and approximately 38 per cent ($33.9 million) of national university defence R&D With proven expertise in delivering complex defence projects spend. It is one of Australia’s leading states for graduates and recognised globally for innovation and world class in disciplines underpinning the defence industry, including defence industry capabilities, Victoria can make an important information technology, engineering and related technologies. contribution to Australia’s future defence needs.

7 Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Recon Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Big Data Processing & Visualisation Modelling, Simulation & Analysis Advanced Sensors & Processing Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems Propulsion & Energy Storage Quantum Technologies

Contents Cyber & IT Security Space Systems Sustainment

DEAKIN UNIVERSITY______10 Deakin University______••••••••••• 12 Deakin University Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation (IISRI)______• ••••• 12 Deakin University Institute for Frontier Materials (IFM)______•••••• 13 Deakin University Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute (A2I2)______• ••••• 13 Deakin University Cyber Security Research and Innovation Centre (CSRI)______• 14

FEDERATION UNIVERSITY AUSTRALIA______16 Federation University Australia______••••••••• 18 Federation University Australia Centre for Informatics and Applied Optimization (CIAO)______•• •• 18 Federation University Australia Internet Commerce Security Lab (ICSL)______• ••••• 19 Federation University Australia Mechatronics and Reliability Engineering______•• 19

LA TROBE UNIVERSITY______20 La Trobe University______•••••••••••• 22 La Trobe University AgriBio Research Centre______•• 22 La Trobe University Centre for Technology Infusion (CTI)______• •• 23 La Trobe University Engineering & Mathematical Sciences______•••••••• 23 La Trobe University Sport & Exercise Medicine Research Centre (LASEM)______•• 24 La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science (LIMS)______••• 24

MONASH UNIVERSITY______26 Monash University______•••••••••••••• 28 Monash University Decision Superiority ______• ••••••• 28 Monash University Materials______••• 29 Monash University Vessel Performance______••• 29 Monash University Aerospace______•••••••••• 30 Monash University Centre For Additive Manufacturing (MCAM)______•••• 30 Monash University Maintenance Technology Institute (MTI) ______••••• 31 Monash University Biomedical And Pharmaceutical Sciences______•• 31 Monash University Engineering______••••••••••• 32 Monash University Information Technology______• •••••• 32

RMIT UNIVERSITY______34 RMIT University Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre______•••••••••••••• 36 RMIT University - Aerospace Research______•••••••••••••• 36 RMIT University - Autonomy & Automation ______••• • 37 RMIT University - Biotechnologies, Human Performance & Protection______• •• 37 Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Recon Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Big Data Processing & Visualisation Modelling, Simulation & Analysis Advanced Sensors & Processing Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems Propulsion & Energy Storage Quantum Technologies Cyber & IT Security Space Systems Sustainment

RMIT University - Data, Information & Communications ______•••••• 38 RMIT University - Multifunctional Materials & Advanced Manufacturing______•• • 38 RMIT University - Remote and Embedded Sensors______•••• 39 RMIT University - Space Systems ______••• 39 RMIT University - Trans-Disciplinary Design and Virtual Prototyping______••• • 40 RMIT University - Transport, Infrastructure, Power & Energy ______•••••• 40 RMIT University - Workforce Skills Development ______•••••••••••••• 41

SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY______42 Swinburne University of Technology______••••••••••••• 44 Swinburne University of Technology Data Science Research Institute (DSRI)______••••••• 44 Swinburne University of Technology Digital Research Innovation Capability Platform (DRICP)______••••••••• 45 Swinburne University of Technology Manufacturing Futures Research Institute (MFRI)______••••• • 45

THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE______46 The University of Melbourne______•••••••••••••• 48 The University of Melbourne - Aerospace______••••••••••• 48 The University of Melbourne - Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (CAREN)______• 49 The University of Melbourne - Cybersecurity______• • 49 The University of Melbourne - Medical Countermeasures______••• 50 The University of Melbourne - Melbourne Information, Decision & Autonomous Systems (MIDAS)______••••• • 50 The University of Melbourne - Multidisciplinary Materials______•••••• 51 The University of Melbourne - Maritime Systems______••• 51 The University of Melbourne - Quantum Information______•• • 52

VICTORIA UNIVERSITY______54 Victoria University______•••••••••• 56 Victoria University - Aerospace Propulsion & Fire Safety______••• 56 Victoria University Institute for Health and Sport (IHES)______• 57 Victoria University Institute for Sustainable Industries & Liveable Cities (ISILC)______•••••• 57

DMTC______58 DMTC Limited______••••••• 60

OCEANIA CYBER SECURITY CENTRE______62 Oceania Cyber Security Centre (OCSC)______•• 63 deakin.edu.au

PRIMARY CONTACT Professor Saeid Nahavandi Pro Vice-Chancellor (Defence Technologies) [email protected]


10 DEAKIN UNIVERSITY 11 Deakin University Research Fellow Darius Nahavandi Darius Nahavandi Fellow Deakin University Research Martin’s capability of Lockheed the expanded demonstrates 2018. at Land Forces Exoskeleton FORTIS DEAKIN UNIVERSITY MARITIME MARITIME UNIVERSITY DEAKIN CAPABILITY RESEARCH Advancing Defence research and innovation for more than 30 years, Deakin University works with the Australian Australian works with the Deakin University and innovationAdvancing Defence research than 30 years, for more and smart R&D solutions and provide cutting edge and commercial partners to deliver high-TRL Defence Force ADF operational advantage. technologies for first haptically-enabled robot- Systems Research and Innovation Institute for Intelligent (IISRI) built the world’s Deakin’s The UMS can simulate of land and air different types Simulator the Universal Motion (UMS). based motion simulator, for spatial It can be utilised simulator without eliciting sickness. a virtual environment, and marine vessels in vehicles, IISRI also developed automated and rigorous evaluationdisorientation techniques and motion sickness desensitisation. Action Review in simulation-based training. After to support expert trainers and instructors with only open-access pilot- Materials (IFM) is the world’s The Carbon Nexus research facility at the Institute for Frontier Research projects at Carbon Nexus enable scale research plant capable of producing aerospace-grade carbon fibres. Defence, automotive, the transition from laboratory as diverse as aerospace, to advanced manufacturing in industries wind energy and construction. Materials (IFM) at battery Deakin focuses on advanced The Institute for Frontier and commercialisation prototyping of The BatTRI-Hub facility is creating coatings and sensors. along with corrosion inhibitors, energy storage technologies, perform better and have smarter design for battery technologies which are safer, lithium-ion” “beyond emerging portability and function with better energy management systems. for new and welcomes opportunities in Defence and industrial innovation, Deakin University has a proven track record partnerships. DEAKIN UNIVERSITY Professor Saeid Nahavandi DEAKIN UNIVERSITY − INSTITUTE Professor Saeid Nahavandi Pro Vice-Chancellor (Defence Technologies) FOR INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Director 75 Pigdons Rd, Waurn Ponds VIC 3216 75 Pigdons Road, Waurn Ponds VIC 3216 Tel: +61 3 5227 1231 RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (IISRI) Tel: +61 3 5227 1231 Email: [email protected] deakin.edu.au/iisri Email: [email protected] deakin.edu.au/research/research-groups/institutes-and-centres

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Universal motion simulators, motion platforms, flight • Virtual reality and augmented reality, mixed reality, haptics • Haptically-enabled remote tele-operated robotics for • Advanced artificial and computational intelligence simulators, land vehicle simulators, tele-operation robotics • Tele-robotics for counter terrorism, cyber security medical and law enforcement applications techniques for decision support • Materials, carbon fibre research and manufacturing, high • Defence mental and physical health, cognitive load • Haptically-enabled medical training simulators • Process modelling and analysis, modelling complex systems strength and light weight materials monitoring, psychology, psychiatry, exercise and • Universal motion simulator for land, air and sea vehicles • Human performance assessment, after action review • Battery technologies, advanced battery prototyping, nutrition • High-G centrifuge simulator methodologies corrosion and protection technologies, power management • Artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analytics • VR/AR training simulators • Modelling and simulation, logistics systems, human performance assessment, after action review

INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • Institute for Intelligent Systems Research & Innovation • Faculty of Health, School of Medicine, School of Exercise • Universal Motion Simulator – world’s first haptically- • Virtual and augmented reality simulators (IISRI) and Nutrition Sciences enabled motion simulator • Human performance laboratories, eye tracking and EEG • Institute of Frontier Materials (IFM), BatTRI-Hub, Carbon • School of Psychology, School of Health and Social • High-G centrifuge simulator for pilot training systems Nexus Development • Motion capture laboratories, motion tracking • Haptics, autonomous robotics platforms • Institute of Physical Act, Alfred Deakin Institute • School of Nursing and Midwifery, School of Humanities and systems • Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute (A2I2), Cyber Security Social Science Research and Innovation Centre (CSRI) • Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment, School of Engineering, School of Information Technology TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Haptically-enabled Universal Motion Simulator (UMS) • HaptiScan – Haptically-enabled remote tele-operation • Haptically-enabled VR/AR firefighting training simulator • Carbon fibre/composite products including carbon fibre • High-G centrifuge simulator ultrasound robotic platform • Haptically-enabled Universal Motion Simulator (UMS) wheels • Haptically-enabled needle thoracostomy training simulator • OzBot and OzTouch – Haptically-enabled tele-operated • High-G centrifuge simulator • TRR – intelligent decision support tool used to assist • Haptically-enabled VR/AR firefighting training simulator robotic platforms for counter-IED • HaptiScan – Haptically-enabled remote tele-operation doctors while treating trauma patients • HeroSurg – Haptically-enabled robotic assisted minimally • Haptically-enabled VR/AR optometry training simulator ultrasound robotic platform • Honeypot technologies to detect threat actors invasive surgical system • Next generation batteries


Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage • Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems • Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems •


DEAKIN UNIVERSITY − Professor Matthew Barnett DEAKIN UNIVERSITY − APPLIED Professor Kon Mouzakis Director Co-Director INSTITUTE FOR FRONTIER 75 Pigdons Road, Waurn Ponds VIC 3216 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood VIC 3125 MATERIALS (IFM) Tel: +61 3 5227 2797 INSTITUTE (A2I2) Tel: +61 3 9246 8041 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] deakin.edu.au/ifm a2i2.deakin.edu.au

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Fibres, polymers, composites and textiles – new • Electromaterials and membranes – creating new • Simulation – improving complex phenomena prediction and • Visualisation – enhancing information delivery by employing technologies, processes and products electroactive materials synthetic training through agent and process modelling effective human computer interaction techniques • Alloy design and processing – lightweight materials for • Materials and process modelling – predicting the way • Artificial intelligence – delivering intelligent systems • Decision support systems – enabling complex decision increased fuel efficiency molecules and materials react designed to augment human capabilities making by distilling diverse data into holistic information • Biomaterials and biomimicry – inspiration from nature for • Nano and plasma technology – energy storage, surfaces/ • Bayesian optimisation – optimising black-box functions via • Learning support systems – streamlining learning through medical and textile applications interfaces, novel nanomaterials, liquid plasma probabilistic techniques to improve performance constructive alignment and activity-based experiences • Corrosion and protection – safeguarding vital infrastructure • Carbon fibre pilot scale production including precursor • Data analysis – extracting actionable and valuable insights • Augmented and virtual reality – enriching complex content and industries synthesis and composite fabrication from large or complex data streams delivery through immersion and experience design

INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • Advanced Characterisation Facility including electron • BatTRI-Hub – advanced battery prototyping, microscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance and x-ray commercialising energy storage technologies, partnership • Industry Innovation Laboratory • Internet of Things Laboratory • National Facility for Pipeline Coating Assessment – coating with CSIRO • Advanced Data Analytics and Pattern Recognition • Cyber Security Laboratory assessment and corrosion evaluation, NATA accredited • Metal Surfaces Facility – wire drawing/crossed cylinders Laboratory • High-Performance Computing Clusters • Carbon Nexus – carbon fibres, textile pre-forms & rig, surface/heat treatment testing, GDOES, nanoindentor • Motion Capture Laboratory composites for developing new technologies, processes & • Mechanical Testing Facility – high temperature tension • Augmented and Virtual Reality Laboratory products strain-rate, compression, fatigue, bend, shear, Bauschinger • Advanced Plasma Facility – including combined physical • Light Metals Facility – 300 ton horizontal extrusion press, vapour/plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition melting and metal forming, thermo-electric properties TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • TRR – intelligent decision support tool used to assist • Groundtruth – predicting deterioration of mental state and doctors while treating trauma patients developing an early-warning system • Next generation batteries • iCetana – video surveillance analytics to detect potential • EDIE – experiencing dementia via virtual reality in order to • New carbon fibre manufacturing technology and specialised security threats in large data sets educate carers machinery – energy, cost, space and time savings • iHosp – big data analytics for hospital management • Sofihub – digital assisted living and in-home monitoring for • HeiQ real silk – short polymer fibre with the key properties systems the elderly of natural silk • Ekko – extracting insights from duplex call centre • TOBY Playpad – learning and early intervention therapy for • Carbon fibre/composite products including carbon fibre recordings using natural language processing and statistics children living with autism wheels


Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage • Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities • Space Systems Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems •

13 DEAKIN UNIVERSITY − CYBER Mr Damien Manuel Director SECURITY RESEARCH AND 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood VIC 3125 INNOVATION CENTRE (CSRI) Tel: +61 439 319 603 Email: [email protected] deakin.edu.au/csri

CAPABILITIES • Big data – machine learning and security analytics • Human aspects of cyber security and decision making • Security by design for critical infrastructure and IoT • Malware analysis • Social media and information security – privacy and • Blockchain research and applications surveillance • Information assurance and privacy preservation • Cyber security information manipulation and warfare

INFRASTRUCTURE • Malware analysis lab • Robotics laboratory • Cisco Cyber Range • Australian Cyber Protection Centre • Eye tracking technology • Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) • Electroencephalography (EEG)

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Honeypot technologies to detect threat actors • SME education on cyber security resilience • Cyber security advice for executives (government and industry)


Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems


IISRI’s HAPTISCAN Haptically-enabled remote tele-operation ultrasound robot.

15 federation.edu.au

PRIMARY CONTACT Professor Chris Hutchison Deputy Vice Chancellor Research and Innovation [email protected]



Federation University Australia has unique capabilities that can be applied in defence and maritime technology development. Sensor technologies, sensor information processing, remote condition monitoring and wireless networks are areas of strength at Federation University Australia. We also undertake work in intelligent image and video analysis to extract knowledge from real time scenes remotely. This real time scene analysis underpins remote operation of drones to undertake complex tasks.

Federation University Australia has extensive real-world experience in remote monitoring of plant and equipment, and associated vibration analysis for detecting incipient faults. Our work in this area supports condition based maintenance and residual life determination, driving down costs and the risk of catastrophic failures.

Physical equipment in the defence and maritime sphere is required to operate in an increasingly hostile cyber environment. Federation University Australia’s Internet Commerce Security Laboratory works at the cutting-edge of vulnerability modelling of physical system (IoT) and cyber-attack analysis to promote confidence in the operational security of interconnected systems.

Federation University Australia is committed to working with industry and government in finding real solutions to developing and future needs.

17 FEDERATION UNIVERSITY Ms Kara Douglas FEDERATION UNIVERSITY AUSTRALIA Associate Professor Alex Kruger Director Corporate Communication and Public Relations Research Director, CIAO AUSTRALIA University Drive, Mt Helen VIC 3350 − CENTRE FOR INFORMATICS AND University Drive, Mt Helen VIC 3350 federation.edu.au Tel: +61 3 5327 6124 APPLIED OPTIMIZATION (CIAO) Tel: +61 3 5327 9804 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] federation.edu.au/ciao


• Development and evaluation of injury prevention measures • e-mental health interventions including online psychological • Global, non-smooth and non-convex optimisation including • Development and application of reinforcement learning • Injury epidemiology – understanding what, who and how screening and assessment methods large systems, without the need for large scale computing algorithms for intelligent software agents • Improving policy and practice in adult and vocational • Condition monitoring and non-destructive testing • Variational analysis, optimality conditions, duality theory, • Developing tools and techniques for forensic examination of education and training techniques stability of optimisation and variational problems compromised IT systems • Landscape remediation and rehabilitation • Threat profiling – data mining techniques for identifying • Identification of and protection against malware • Human health and biomarker development cybersecurity threats • Multimedia signal processing and machine learning • Big data analytics for condition monitoring – real time and remote, information processing


• Aust Centre for Research into Injury in Sport & its Prevention • Internet Commerce Security Laboratory – advanced (ACRISP) – member IOC Medical Research Network analytical techniques for cybercrime and internet security • Advanced Industrial Analytics Laboratory – SEM with • Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CERDI) – data elemental analysis, chromatography, spectroscopy interoperability and spatial information portals • Geotechnical and geomechanical testing facilities • Centre for Informatics and Applied Optimization (CIAO) • Internet Commerce Security Lab


Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment • Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems • Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems •


FEDERATION UNIVERSITY Professor Iqbal Gondal FEDERATION UNIVERSITY Professor Steve Wilcox Director, ICSL AUSTRALIA − MECHATRONICS Deputy Dean, Engineering and Science AUSTRALIA − INTERNET GEC, University Drive, Mt Helen VIC 3350 Northways Rd, Churchill VIC 3842 COMMERCE SECURITY LAB (ICSL) Tel: +61 3 5327 6210 AND RELIABILITY ENGINEERING Tel: +61 3 5122 6176 federation.edu.au/icsl Email: [email protected] federation.edu.au/fost Email: [email protected]

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Advanced analytics for malware attack identification and • Intelligence mining from natural language • Engineering system modelling and control mitigation for cyber security solutions • Anomaly detection in autonomous systems by analysing • Sensors, signal processing and AI • Vulnerability testing for susceptibility to jamming and vibration signals • Mechatronics systems unauthorised external access • Data mining and AI schemes for pattern recognition for • Condition monitoring, structural health monitoring • Developing agents, via learning and BDI frameworks, with sensor networks information processing • Plant performance monitoring and analysis unique focus on multi-objective agents and ad-hoc teams • Robust wireless and sensor networks for uncertain • Cyber physical systems • Cyber-physical systems development and vulnerability operating conditions modelling

INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • Secure cyber security lab for the development of cyber • Robotic systems for training and prototyping − Kawasaki • National Instrument Data Acquisition Systems – including security solutions for industry RS006L, BAXTER Research Robot PXI and myDAQ • Technology park (large, non-built up area for vehicle testing) • OMRON Vision Sensors and Machine Vision Systems − • QuantumX system and Dynamic Optical Interrogator • Virtual Reality Lab (simulations) industrial scale • Industry standard data acquisition software – LabVIEW, • Flight simulator • OMRON Machine Automation Controllers − industry MultiSim, Abacus, Sysmac Studio, Inventor compatible programmable controllers

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Malware attack detection and prevention at the process • Computer forensics for child exploitation contents analysis • Pneumatically driven master-slave fingers movement injection level for a major bank for law enforcement agency control using Hall-effect sensory system • Optimal clustering for phishing attack characterisation for • Cyber physical systems vulnerability modeling for optimal • Structural health monitoring of bridges using fibre Bragg a major bank mitigation strategies sensors • Phisher attack behavior analysis for preventive measures • Real time sensor information processing for on-farm • Furnace monitoring and modelling for increased efficiency and harm minimisation process condition monitoring for an SME • Digital imaging and data processing for real-time object size identification and sorting


Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment • Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems • Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems

19 latrobe.edu.au

PRIMARY CONTACT Professor Rachel Huxley Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) [email protected]

MARITIME SIMULATOR La Trobe University and Pivot Maritime International.



La Trobe University is conducting world-class research in the defence and maritime sector. A recent collaboration with Pivot Maritime International has further enhanced La Trobe’s research capabilities working on Realistic Maritime Simulation with a major focus on automated ship navigation. The Maritime Simulator Laboratory is located at La Trobe University’s Bundoora campus and is designed for high-level research, specialist training and operational assessment.

La Trobe Maritime Simulator Laboratory investigates and develops solutions for maritime training and on deck navigation support. Some of these include Navigation rules (Colregs) visualisation for accident prediction and avoidance, ship movement risk management and analysis, improving 3D graphics for realistic simulation, optimised vessel traffic management and much more. The Maritime Simulation Laboratory provides opportunities for further collaborations with other exciting projects happening at the University.

La Trobe’s work in advanced sensors, signal processing and big data have applications in everything from driverless transport to healthcare. Imagine an automated fleet of trucks moving produce from farm to market at the moment of harvest. The farmer, who is diabetic, has a sensor in her arm that updates her health data in real time. This lets her doctor know important information without the need for invasive techniques.

Two hundred kilometres away, a fleet of drones developed with La Trobe, fight a bushfire. Protected by a fireproof coating, the drones work as a team, using modelling, simulation and analysis techniques to predict where the blaze will go next. On the ground, an experienced firefighter helps them stay on task. Up above, DLR Earth Sensing Imaging Spectrometer (DESIS) provides essential intelligence to the operation.


21 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY Ms Alison Angleton LA TROBE UNIVERSITY − Professor Jim Whelan Deputy Director, Industry Engagement Co-Director, AgriBio latrobe.edu.au La Trobe University, Bundoora VIC 3083 AGRIBIO RESEARCH CENTRE La Trobe University, Bundoora VIC 3083 Tel: +61 3 9479 1681 latrobe.edu.au/agribio Tel: +61 3 9479 1111 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Advanced electronic systems for use in extreme • On-board control systems for processing satellite imaging • Nutrition, obesity and related disorders environments data • Parasite control • Big data – data mining, memory storage, information • Nano-scale x-ray imaging and spectroscopy • Gene discovery and functional genomics retrieval, image processing, pattern recognition • Accountability, performance management and • Molecular interactions at the plant-fungal interface • Nanocharacterisation – surface science, analysis, imaging organisational processes in the public sector • Genetic and molecular factors affecting cancer metastasis and synchrotron domains • Emotionally engaging social technologies for ‘person- • Biosensors • Quantum materials for electronics, spintronics and centred’ care and well-being • Forensic science applications biosensing • Synthetic biology

INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • DLR Earth Sensing Imaging Spectrometer (DESIS) on the • Plasma and electro deposition fabrication facilities • DNA sequencing and genotyping for plants, livestock and International Space Station • Research Centre for Computers, Communication and Social microbes • Data to Decisions CRC Innovation • Specialised software for bioinformatics and complex • Surface analysis facility – ultrahigh vacuum • Centre for Public Sector Governance, Accountability and statistical analysis instrumentation, synchrotron end stations, spectrometry, Performance • Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer and multiple diffraction • Institute for Human Security and Social Change mass spectrometers • Atom-scale Research Laboratory • Controlled environment rooms for plant and pest research

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Molecular diagnostics, biological control and other • Molecular breeding for disease resistance, drought management strategies for weeds, plant, animal pests and tolerance, bioenergy and health diseases • Development of sustainable systems for animal and plant • Physiology and genetics related to plant and animal production bioactives and health


Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies • Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems • Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems • Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems


LA TROBE UNIVERSITY − Professor Aniruddha Desai LA TROBE UNIVERSITY Associate Professor Ing Kong Director, Centre for Technology Infusion Advanced Materials & Metallurgy CENTRE FOR TECHNOLOGY La Trobe University, Bundoora VIC 3083 − ENGINEERING & La Trobe University, Bundoora VIC 3083 INFUSION (CTI) Tel: +61 3 9479 1242 MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Tel: +61 3 5444 7339 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] latrobe.edu.au/technology-infusion latrobe.edu.au/school-engineering-and-mathematical-sciences

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Micro-nano electronics design, modelling and simulation • Sensory systems data analysis • High performance digital electronics design including FPGA • Design, modelling and prototyping – mechanical, • System-on-chip design, modelling and simulation • RF and digital multi-layer PCB circuit and antenna design, and embedded systems electronics, robotics and automation • Wireless sensor networks quick prototyping and characterisation • Over the horizon radar • Advanced metals for space, aerospace, defence and • Ultra-low power embedded systems • Space, satellites and demanding environments biomedical products • Signal, low-power and integrated system-on-chip design • Remote sensing using radar, satellite, fixed wing, UAV, and • Specialised simulation, design and testing – maritime, RF, • RF 6 GHz industrial chip design ground-based systems cyber-physical • Advanced image/signal processing and compression

INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • Micro/nanotechnology Realisation Facility (MRF) • National Networked TeleTest Facility (NNTF) – engineering, • Over the horizon radar (Tiger Radar) • World leading FPGA development facility • Synopsys, Coventorware, Altium and Mentor Graphics pre-production test and characterisation services • Specialists in conducting research in industry • Centre for Technology Infusion (autonomous vehicles and design suites • Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication • Access to aerospace and defence foundry (key partnership) systems) • Altera, Actel and Xilinx development platforms • ARM micro-controller IPs • Major engineering infrastructure and activities in regional / • Micro and nanotechnology • High Frequency RF lab – 18 GHz osc, spectrum analyser, • Synopsys various memory IPs central Victoria (Bendigo Campus) VNA, power analyser, battery simulator

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Intelligent Transport System – wireless technology • Tiger Radar: Buckland Park (South Australia), British improving safety at level crossings Antarctic Survey, South African National Space Agency • Smart Energy Management System – energy monitoring (SANSA) and load management • Autonomous vehicle technology • Smart-r-tag – smart asset tag for monitoring condition- • Precision FPGA, hardware and software for space platforms. sensitive items as they move through the supply chain • Cochlear signal processing


Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems • Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems •

23 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY − Professor Kay Crossley LA TROBE UNIVERSITY − Professor Andrew Hill Director, LASEM Director, LIMS SPORT & EXERCISE MEDICINE La Trobe University, Bundoora VIC 3083 LA TROBE INSTITUTE FOR La Trobe University, Bundoora VIC 3083 RESEARCH CENTRE (LASEM) Tel: +61 3 9479 3901 MOLECULAR SCIENCE (LIMS) Tel: +61 3 9479 2160 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] latrobe.edu.au/sport-and-exercise-medicine latrobe.edu.au/lims

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Prevention and management of sports and exercise-related • Neurobiology – biology and diseases associated with the • Molecular design − using molecules to solve real world injury nervous system problems across a broad range of disciplines • Development and evaluation of exercise and rehabilitation • Molecular sensing − identifying and quantifying chemical • Molecular imaging − using a broad range of methods to in health and disease and biochemical species in the environment and human characterise molecular structure and function • Large grouping of clinical disciplines focused on the body • Cancer − mechanisms of cancer initiation and progression management and prevention of injury • Infection and immunity − molecules used by infections and • Close working collaborations with elite sports and the immune response associated with this industry

INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • State-of-the-art Gait Laboratory • Ultrasound tissue characterisation (UTC) – 3D tendon • Comprehensive Proteomics Platform − suite of synergistic • LIMS Histology Facility − suite of precision instruments for • Vicon 3D motion analysis system and GAITRite walkway imaging and quantification of tendon structure capabilities for the characterisation of proteins high quality specimen preparation and sectioning • 3D foot scanner and plantar pressure analysis equipment – • Neuroplasticity Research Laboratory (NRL) – non-invasive • Centre for Materials & Surface Science − Australia’s most • Comprehensive range of different types of qualitative and Matscan, Pedar and Emed methods of measuring neuroplasticity comprehensive surface science and surface analysis quantitative mass spectrometry • Neurocom Balance Master and Humac Dynamometer • LIMS Bioimaging facility − range of high performance confocal and conventional widefield microscopes • Flow cytometry − analysis or physical collection of fluorescently labelled cells

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Reduced injury incidence by 30% in Australian navy recruits • Treating sepsis – identified mechanism of immune • Developed an ultra-thin film that enables the coding of light with prefabricated foot orthoses cell death & developed a treatment using a bile acid at the nanoscale • Developed commercial footwear for the prevention of falls derivative • Developed new imaging techniques to characterise the in older adults • Testing drug compounds that showed a reversal of interaction of protein microcrystals and x-rays • Developed and tested effective treatments for common foot, Parkinson’s Disease symptoms • Developed a surface that improves antibody orientation and knee, hip and shoulder injuries • Discovery of a novel mechanism that forces cancer cells to enhances the sensitivity of disease detection in blood self-destruct • Identification of how African Swine Fever hijacks cells to establish infection


Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems



25 monash.edu.au

PRIMARY CONTACT Mr Ken Sloan Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise) [email protected]




Monash University undertakes world-leading research relevant to the defence and maritime sector. Our research in turbulent flows, in particular turbulent boundary layer flow, includes internationally recognised expertise in laser diagnostics applied to fluid mechanics, and in direct numerical simulation of turbulent flows. Monash researchers have developed a range of measurement techniques for the study of supersonic jets to provide new physical insight into various aeroacoustic mechanisms, and have commissioned a new laboratory for the study of supersonic flow.

The University conducts world-leading research in additive manufacturing and 3D printing that brings significant opportunities to the defence industry where bespoke parts with complex geometry are common. We are leaders in our field, with accomplishments including the world’s first 3D-printed aerospike nozzle, a world-leading 3D-printed gas turbine engine and hybrid rocket combustion chamber components constructed from carbon-fibre. In addition to our specialist capability in metals and alloys – ranked seventh in the ARWU 2018 World subject ranking – our expertise in nanomaterials, polymers, composites, corrosion, advanced materials characterisation and materials modelling, offer relevant application to the defence sector.

We hold specialist capability in autonomous systems, working with complex systems. Of note is our electronics and telecommunications research, including high-speed digital electronics, IoT Networks, Uplink/Downlink using radio frequency technologies. The Monash CyberSecurity Lab has expertise in protecting communication for various kinds of disruption. The university offers the Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering (Honours) as well as courses in Aviation Medicine. SENSILAB, MONASH UNIVERSITY SensiLab is a technology-driven, design-focused research lab based at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.

27 MONASH UNIVERSITY Dr Alastair Hick MONASH UNIVERSITY − Professor Ann Nicholson Senior Director, Monash Innovation Deputy Dean (Research) Faculty of IT monash.edu Monash University, Clayton VIC 3800 DECISION SUPERIORITY Monash University, Clayton VIC 3800 Tel: +61 3 9905 9910 monash.edu Tel: +61 3 9905 5211 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Advanced and additive manufacturing • Critical care, trauma and perioperative medicine • Data analytics, AI, machine learning • Visualisation and immersive analytics • Energy production, storage and transport • Neurosciences and mental health • Human cognitive performance • Image processing and industrial design • Mechanical and aerospace engineering • Drug delivery, disposition and dynamics • Sensors and sensor data analysis - wearable and • Human factors and safety • Wireless telecommunications • Optimisation and constraint modelling environmental • Engineering design - delivers right data at the right time for optimum decision-making under extreme environments

INFRASTRUCTURE • Ramaciotti Centre for Cryo-Electron Microscopy incl Titan • RoboCore including Tecan Freedom Evo and Fluent Krios, SEM, TEM, immuno EM, light, electron, cryo workstations INFRASTRUCTURE • Monash Energy Materials and Systems Institute • Monash Wind Tunnel Facility including low speed (MEMSI) automotive aerodynamic testing • Data Futures Institute • Industrial Design Lab • Monash Instrumentation Facility • Monash X-Ray Platform: structural characterisation of • Monash Sleep & Circadian Medicine Lab • Mechatronics • Multi-modal Australian ScienceS Imaging and Visualisation engineered and geological materials • CAVE2 - immersive visualisation platform • Human Centered AI Lab Environment (MASSIVE) • SensiLab • Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication (MCN) • CRC for Alertness Safety and Productivity

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Interactive water flow optimisation tool for urban water • Layout optimisation and interactive visualisation software • ALFA - Adaptive lighting for alertness circadian lighting utilities for plant and factory design design software • SupraG Energy: next generation capacitors for energy • Acrux: spray-on drug delivery technology • Evidence-based operator training for optimum performance storage • 2D Water: new membranes for desalination and water • Ionic Industries: graphene-based technologies purification • Oxytocin inhaler removing the need for refrigeration • 4Dx: four-dimensional x-ray imaging technology


Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage • Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies • Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities • Space Systems • Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems • Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems •


MONASH UNIVERSITY − Professor Christopher Hutchinson MONASH UNIVERSITY − Professor Julio Soria Associate Dean (Research) Faculty of Engineering Director, Laboratory for Turbulence Research MATERIALS Clayton Campus, Clayton VIC 3800 VESSEL PERFORMANCE Clayton Campus, Clayton VIC 3800 monash.edu.au Tel: +61 3 9905 5288 monash.edu.au Tel: +61 3 9905 3829 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Metals and alloys • Alloy design • Interactions between water and vessel structure for • Flow induced vibration • Corrosion • Materials modelling construction and maintenance • High performance computing and complex data • Additive manufacturing/3D printing • Integrated computational materials engineering • Fluid mechanics and computational fluid dynamics modelling • Mechanical properties • Shock dynamics • Structural health monitoring and non-destructive testing • Fatigue • Experimentation and simulation of adverse pressure • Product development testing gradients

INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • Alloy design, casting and processing • Heat treatments, including controlled atmosphere • Wave channels • Monash Maintenance Technology Institute • Corrosion testing and mitigation • Monash Centre for Electron Microscopy • High speed imaging • Computational Fluid Dynamics • Mechanical testing, including fatigue • Monash Centre for Additive Manufacturing • PIV laser systems • Computational alloy design tools • Monash X-ray platform • Vortex-induced vibration rigs

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • 3D printed nickel-based and Titanium components for • Surface precipitation for new aluminium alloy • Real-time condition monitoring systems for port aerospace applications surfaces infrastrucutre • Thermo-mechanical simulation tools for the steel industry • Dynamic precipitation in aluminium as a new processing • New steel design for automotive applications route for aluminium alloys • New Magnesium alloys for casting • Corrosion mitigation for oil and gas industry • New computational tools for thermal processing for automotive steel industry


Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Capabilities Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Capabilities Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment • Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems

29 MONASH UNIVERSITY − Professor Chris Davies MONASH UNIVERSITY − Professor Xinhua Wu Head, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Scientific Director, MCAM AEROSPACE Monash University, Clayton VIC 3800 CENTRE FOR ADDITIVE 11 Normanby Rd, Nottinghill VIC 3168 Tel: +61 3 9905 4929 MANUFACTURING (MCAM) Tel: +61 3 9905 9794 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] monash.edu/engineering/defence-research platforms.monash.edu/mcam

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Advanced fluid dynamics including water channel studies, • Alloy and composite design and manufacture, including • Additive manufacturing at full scale and near-full scale – • Post additive manufacturing process development particle imaging velocimetry additive manufacture, material protection and remediation powder bed and blown powder machines • NDE process development for additive manufacturing • Aero-acoustics, including ultra high speed schlieren • Degrees and courses, including Bachelor of Aerospace • Alloy design for additive manufacture • Process and quality control imaging Engineering (Honours) and programs in Aviation Medicine • Process design for additive manufacture • Rapid prototyping • Computational fluid ynamics,d including large eddy • Design / re-design of complex geometry parts simulation and direct numerical simulation

INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • ISO9001 certified facility including selective laser melting • Avure QIH-9 Hot Isostatic Press – up to 2000oC, up to 3000 • Monash Wind Tunnel Platform (ISO 9001 certified) machines Bar pressure, graphite and Mb furnaces, Ar processing • Monash Additive Manufacturing (ISO 9001 certified) • Concept Laser XLine 2000R -1Kw fiber laser, Al, Ti, • Trumpf TruLaser Cell 7040 direct laser deposition – 5 axis, • Laboratory for Turbulence Research in Aerospace and Ni processing, heated build platform, Ar processing twin powder, full CNC Combustion atmosphere • Monash Centre for Electron Microscopy (ISO 9001 certified) • EOS M280 SLM – 400W fiber laser, Al, Ti, Ni processing, Ar or N processing atmosphere

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Material repair and degradation mitigation strategies for • AMAERO Engineering – additive manufacturing of aerospace aerospace platforms components • Rapid component design and prototyping • Rapid component design and prototyping • Aerodynamic computational modelling • Material repair strategies for defence platforms • Energy storage devices for spin off companies


Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage • Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities • Space Systems • Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment • Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems


MONASH UNIVERSITY − Mr Gerard Chitty MONASH UNIVERSITY − Dr Svetozar (Steven) Kovacevic Managing Director, MTI Director, Research and Research Degrees, MNHS MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3800 BIOMEDICAL AND Monash University, Clayton VIC 3800 INSTITUTE (MTI) Tel: +61 3 9903 1985 PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Tel: +61 3 9905 2909 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] monash.edu/engineering/mti monash.edu/medicine, monash.edu/pharm

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Structural integrity, risk and reliability assessment of mobile • Decision support • Sleep and fatigue – effect on mood, memory and cognition, • Medical devices – prosthetics, biosensors, bionic vision, and fixed plant • Lubrication maintenance improvement and wear debris and role in disorders such as depression and PTSD mind-machine interface, anti-microbial materials • FE modelling and analysis analysis • Traumatic brain injury – studying neural genetics and • Infectious diseases – therapies targeting ‘superbugs’, • Catastrophic failure investigations and root cause analysis chemistry to develop cognitive and behavioural treatments vector-borne infections, vaccines, immune dysfunction • Instrumentation and measurement • Accident research – prevention, management and • Pharmaceuticals – drug discovery and medicinal chemistry, • Performance improvement rehabilitation of injury, transport safety technologies candidate optimisation, novel delivery mechanisms • Emergency and trauma medicine – paramedic training, • Regenerative medicine – heart and muscle development, resuscitation, disaster preparedness and management immunity, neural regeneration, stem cell regeneration INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • Remote Monitoring Centre – remote data acquisition and condition monitoring • Advanced Technology Research Platforms (ISO accredited) – • Monash Institute of Medical Engineering • Data acquisition and condition monitoring systems capable imaging, antibodies, animals incl non-human primates • Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences of monitoring performance parameters • Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute • Monash Partners Academic Health Science Centre • Embedded algorithms capable of analysing data in real • Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute • Monash University Accident Research Centre time • Monash Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences/ BrainPark

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Relenza – anti-influenza drug developed yb Biota and • Hazelwood – studying exposure to smoke from coal mine • Real-time condition monitoring systems for mine, oil and Monash, marketed by Glaxo Smith Kline fire on cardiovascular and pulmonary health gas, and port infrastructure • Cancer therapeutics – drugs for both cancer and non- • Rheumatoid arthritis – research in early detection and • Evidence-based operator training for optimum performance cancer blood disorders, licensed to Merck prevention, in partnership with Johnson & Johnson/ • Failure investigations and remediation • Bionic eye with Monash Vision Group in partnership with Janssen • Equipment performance dashboard Minifab and Grey Innovation • Ionic liquid technology – drug delivery technology acquired • Attention software – world first training program, TALI, by Capsugel aimed at increasing attention and concentration • Heads-up smartglasses for trauma resuscitation and reception, trauma reception and resuscitation software


Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems

31 MONASH UNIVERSITY − Professor Chris Davies MONASH UNIVERSITY − Ms Lynne Payne Head, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Industry Portfolio Manager, Industry Engagement ENGINEERING Monash University, Clayton VIC 3800 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Monash University, Clayton VIC 3800 monash.edu/engineering Tel: +61 3 9905 4929 monash.edu/it Tel: +61 3 9902 4628 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Advanced fluid dynamics – hydrodynamics, turbulence, • Energy storage – low emission, low energy technologies • Cybersecurity – cryptographic algorithms, trusted • Technologies for robust authentication and identification in experimental and CFD capabilities • Sensor networks, wireless networks, photonics computing, block-chain, information privacy to users uncontrolled environments with pervasive devices • Engineering alloy design and characterisation – light alloys • Biomedical engineering – implants, biomaterials, imaging • Modelling, optimisation, immersive analytics/visualisation, • Artificial intelligence – Bayesian techniques, knowledge (Al, Ti, Mg), steels, composites • Micro and nano scale mechanical devices augmented/virtual reality supporting decision making acquisition and processing, natural language • Intelligent robotics – vision systems, haptics, human/ • Materials for personnel and vehicle protection • Machine learning for monitoring and assistance systems, • Design and build custom wearable and internet of things machine interaction, decision augmentation, swarm behavioural modelling, information retrieval (IoT) technologies with mobile apps and cloud technology robotics • Data capture, analysis and visualisation of individual data • Develop advanced AR/VR technologies to support from mobile device and sensors (collaborative) data analysis and decision making

INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • Laboratory for Turbulence Research in Aerospace and • Monash Centre for Electron Microscopy – SEM and TEM • Monash Immersive Visualisation Platform – including hybrid Combustion – PIV, including holographic PIV instrumentation reality environment • Monash Wind Tunnel – ISO9001 certified, vehicle • Monash X-Ray Platform – x-ray characterisation of • Monash eResearch Centre aerodynamics at full and reduced scale engineering materials • Monash Centre for Data Science • New Horizons Research Centre – including materials • Monash Energy Materials and Systems Institute (MEMSI) – • Monash Decision Support Systems Laboratory characterisation labs, polymer and metal additive new energy technologies • Monash Swarm Robotics Laboratory manufacturing • Monash Institute of Medical Engineering – translational medtech

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Vehicle aerodynamic testing and optimisation • Asset monitoring hardware and software • Hydrodynamic modelling for optimisation of defence • Constraint and optimisation modelling programming platforms languages • Material repair strategies for defence platforms • Optimisation software − workforce planning, production • Woodside Innovation Centre schedules, freight, timetabling operations • Rapid component design and prototyping • Energy storage devices for spin-off companies


Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage • Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies • Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities • Space Systems • Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems • Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems •


3D PRINTED JET ENGINE World-first 3D-printed jet-engine created by Monash researchers.

33 rmit.edu.au

PRIMARY CONTACT Professor Michelle Gee Director, Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre [email protected]

RMIT’s student team HIVE designed and built a rocket which won the Australian Universities Rocket Competition: Thunda Down Under 2019.



RMIT University has a longstanding and trusted relationship with the Defence industry, with more than 60 years’ experience. Strong national and international partnerships with the Department of Defence, DST Group, the Defence forces, Defence Primes, SMEs and small companies have enabled the university to deliver technology, education and workforce skills development.

The Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre is RMIT’s signature Defence centre. It supports transformation and growth of Australian Defence and Defence industries across Maritime, Land and Aerospace. We have expertise in every stage of product development from ideation, proof of concept, prototype design and testing, through to manufacture and implementation. Through our commitment to industry best practice, transdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships, we are supporting the growth of Australia’s high-tech economy by integrating business and technology solutions in alignment with Defence ethics and policy.

The Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre vertically integrates across the entire university. It harnesses the expertise needed to develop Defence and Defence industry capability by delivering trusted technology, policy and business solutions, expert advice and workforce skills development.

RMIT’s Defence capability is supported by world-class facilities and research centres such as the Advanced Manufacturing Precinct, Composites Manufacturing Facility, Exertion Games Lab, Global Business Innovation and the Spatial Capability Cluster. SPACE TECHNOLOGIES RMIT’s Robotic Optical Observatory (ROO) telescope is designed to track and photograph satellites and space debris orbiting Earth, and thereby conduct research into how to better track objects in space and increase orbit predictions so that collisions can be avoided.

35 RMIT UNIVERSITY − Professor Michelle Gee RMIT UNIVERSITY − Professor Michelle Gee Director, Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre AEROSPACE RESEARCH Director, Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre SIR LAWRENCE WACKETT CENTRE 110 Victoria Street, Carlton VIC 3053 110 Victoria Street, Carlton VIC 3053 rmit.edu.au/defence Tel: +61 3 9925 6115 SIR LAWRENCE WACKETT CENTRE Tel: +61 3 9925 6115 Email: [email protected] rmit.edu.au/defence Email: [email protected]

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Australia’s largest dual-sector university, offering vocational, • Outstanding capability in electronic and telecommunications • Multifunctional materials and advanced manufacturing • Transport, infrastructure, power and energy including technical, degree and post graduate studies engineering, advanced sensors and power systems including composites technologies logistics • Research spans all Defence sectors, including maritime, • Specialised focus on human performance and protection • Space situational awareness, satellite positioning and • Trans-disciplinary design and virtual prototyping including aerospace, land, digital and human domains including high strength fabrics for combat clothing navigation and space technology life cycle analysis • A leading university in the Space Environment Research • Long history of developing and commercialising vaccine • Trusted autonomy and automation including artificial • Surveillance, sensors, information and communication Centre (SERC) Research Program technologies and wound management innovation intelligence and human-machine interfaces technologies including quantum technologies & data • A founding member of the Defence Cooperative Research • Large scale provision of Defence work-force skills including • Human performance, protection and human-machine analytics Centre on Trusted Autonomous Systems the Diploma of Aviation Maintenance Management interaction • Defence workforce education, training and development including pilot training and flight simulation INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • RMIT’s Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre houses a flight • The Centre for Advanced Electronics and Sensors (CADES) dynamics facility including wind tunnels and simulators develops new sensors, electronics and functional materials • Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre – houses a flight dynamics • Advanced Manufacturing Precinct has metal and polymer facility including wind tunnels and simulators additive manufacturing systems and 3D printing • RMIT’s Advanced Manufacturing Precinct (AMP) has metal • The Food Research and Innovation Centre has food analysis and polymer additive manufacturing systems and 3D and product development laboratories and pilot plants • Satellite Positioning Atmosphere, Climate and Environment • The Centre for Advanced Electronics & Sensors (CADES) Research Centre for space research develops new sensors, electronics and functional materials Printing • The Microscopy and Microanalysis Facility has a broad • The MicroNano Research Facility has extensive equipment range of electron microscopes and related imaging • MicroNano Research Facility has extensive equipment for • RMIT Flight Training School located at Point Cook for the design and fabrication of micro-nano scale devices techniques the design and fabrication of micro-nano scale devices • Air Traffic Management Research Laboratory and Aircraft/ • The Centre for Materials, Innovation & Future Fashion • Satellite Positioning Atmosphere, Climate and Environment • The Centre for Materials, Innovation & Future Fashion Autonomous Systems Laboratory (CMIFF) manufactures high strength & anti-ballistic fabrics Research Centre for space research (CMIFF) manufactures high strength & anti-ballistic fabrics TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • High strength protective woven fabrics that mitigate lower • Sensors that enable UAVs to fly in high levels of turbulence • World’s first Autonomously Soaring Eagle relying entirely on • Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) – high accuracy limb injuries caused by explosive devices to improve ISTAR missions updrafts to stay airborne real-time positioning • High speed photonic modulators enabling radar • Capsule sized high technology gas sensors that can • The Black Kite – a water resistant, water recoverable, • Sensors that enable UAVs to fly in turbulent environments to countermeasures to be distributed over Defence platforms transmit information wirelessly maritime Robotic Process Automation UAV improve ISTAR missions • Novel portable and rechargeable power supply based on a • Air traffic management systems • Collision avoidance radar for unmanned aerial vehicles and reversible hydrogen fuel cell to support forward operations • Models for the orbit determination of space objects – real- portable radar for Defence time precise orbit determination • Additive manufacturing and repair for Defence aircraft and hybrid composite materials and structures


Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage • Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage • Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies • Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies • Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities • Space Systems • Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities • Space Systems • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment • Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems • Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems •


RMIT UNIVERSITY − Professor Michelle Gee RMIT UNIVERSITY − Professor Michelle Gee AUTONOMY & AUTOMATION Director, Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre BIOTECHNOLOGIES, HUMAN Director, Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre 110 Victoria Street, Carlton VIC 3053 110 Victoria Street, Carlton VIC 3053 SIR LAWRENCE WACKETT CENTRE Tel: +61 3 9925 6115 PERFORMANCE & PROTECTION Tel: +61 3 9925 6115 rmit.edu.au/defence Email: [email protected] SIR LAWRENCE WACKETT CENTRE Email: [email protected] rmit.edu.au/defence

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Autonomous navigation and collision avoidance • Modelling and simulation of complex and autonomous • Advanced bio-sensors for health monitoring • Vision, auditory and cognitive functions • Design and development of robotic systems and unmanned/ systems • Human protection, performance and comfort, including high • Physical performance (strength, endurance, fatigue) autonomous systems • Operation, certification and training for UAV operators strength textiles and helmet design & evaluation. • Waste treatment and water harvesting, oxygen harvesting • Flight control and aerodynamics of autonomous vehicles, • Optimisation and operations management for autonomous • Human-computer interaction, virtual reality including micro air vehicles systems • Medical counter-measures, preventive immunology, vaccine development • Physical performance (strength, endurance, fatigue) and sports biomechanics INFRASTRUCTURE • Aircraft Systems/Autonomous Systems Laboratory INFRASTRUCTURE • Centre for Advanced Electronics and Sensors • Bio-Technology Laboratories • Food Research Innovation Centre • Centre for People, Organisation and Work • Centre for Communication, Politics and Culture • Human Factors Engineering Laboratory • Human Factors Engineering Laboratory and Human Machine • Centre for Game Design Research • Human Machine Interaction Laboratory and Virtual Interaction Laboratory • Centre for Materials Innovation and Future Fashion Experiences Laboratory • Unmanned Aircraft Systems Laboratory • Centre for People, Organisation and Work • Virtual Experiences Laboratory

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Collision avoidance radar for unmanned air vehicles • Soft armour • Vaccines against necrotic enteritis • Autonomous aerial systems for applications in complex • High strength fabrics for combat clothing • Human gas monitoring capsule urban environments • Personal protective equipment • Molecular weight armour


Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems • Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems •

37 RMIT UNIVERSITY − DATA, Professor Michelle Gee RMIT UNIVERSITY − MULTIFUNCTIONAL Professor Michelle Gee INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS Director, Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre MATERIALS & ADVANCED Director, Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre 110 Victoria Street, Carlton VIC 3053 110 Victoria Street, Carlton VIC 3053 SIR LAWRENCE WACKETT CENTRE Tel: +61 3 9925 6115 MANUFACTURING Tel: +61 3 9925 6115 rmit.edu.au/defence Email: [email protected] SIR LAWRENCE WACKETT CENTRE Email: [email protected] rmit.edu.au/defence

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Air traffic management • Machine learning • Additive manufacture (metals and polymer structures) • Integrated circuits and microsystems (ceramic, metal and • Cryptology, cyber and quantum technologies • Network design • Composite materials and light alloys – design, testing and functional materials) and embedded sensors • Data analytics • Photonics and wireless communication manufacture • Micro-nano materials – design, testing and manufacture • Geospatial information and situation awareness • Fabrics and textiles – design, testing and manufacture • Ruggedised packaging • Information, data and communication security • Impact damage mechanics and materials repair technology • Industry 4.0 (internet enabled manufacturing)

INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • Air Traffic Management Research Laboratory • Human Factors Engineering Laboratory • Advanced Manufacturing Precinct (including Centre for • Centre for Molecular and Nanoscale Physics and Micro- • Autonomous Systems Laboratory • Information Security and Network Science Group Additive Manufacturing) Nano Research Facility • Centre for Ultrahigh Bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems • Theoretical Chemical and Quantum Physics Group • Centre for Advanced Materials and Industrial Chemistry • Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic Facility (CUDOS) • Centre for Innovative Structures and Materials and Centre • Rheology and Materials Characterisation Facility and • Communication Technologies Research Centre for Lightweight Automotive Structures Vibration Spectroscopy Facility • Centre for Materials Innovation & Future Fashion (textiles) • Microscopy and Microanalysis Facility and X-Ray Structural Determination Facility

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Air traffic management systems • Additive manufacturing and repair for Defence aircraft • Data mining and analytics • Anti-ballistic soft armour for Defence • Information collection and fusion • Advanced nanostructured fabrics • User authentication, risk evaluation and threat detection • Hybrid composite materials and structures • Credit card fraud detection


Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies • Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems • Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment • Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems


RMIT UNIVERSITY − REMOTE AND Professor Michelle Gee RMIT UNIVERSITY − SPACE SYSTEMS Professor Michelle Gee EMBEDDED SENSORS Director, Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre SIR LAWRENCE WACKETT CENTRE Director, Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre 110 Victoria Street, Carlton VIC 3053 110 Victoria Street, Carlton VIC 3053 SIR LAWRENCE WACKETT CENTRE Tel: +61 3 9925 6115 rmit.edu.au/defence Tel: +61 3 9925 6115 rmit.edu.au/defence Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Antenna design • Nano-photonics and photonic integrated circuits • Atmospheric modelling and monitoring • Space equipment and clothing • Broadband signal processing • Remote sensing • Orbital mechanics • Space situation awareness and space weather • Embedded sensors and smart skin structures • Sonar systems • Remote sensing • Space vehicle dynamics and attitude control • Photogrammetry • Satellite tracking and positioning • Space debris monitoring and modelling

INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • Applied Electromagnetics and Radiation Physics Group • Micro-Nano Research Centre • Satellite Positioning Atmosphere, Climate and Environment • Centre for Advanced Electronics and Sensors • RF Antenna Laboratory Research Centre • Centre for Molecular and Nanoscale Physics • 400 mm optical telescope • Centre for Ultrahigh Bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems (CUDOS)

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Orbit determination of space objects • Portable radar for DefendTex • Distributed continuous wave radar system • Next generation space weather forecasts • Human gas monitoring capsule • Bragg grating fibre sensors for structural health monitoring • High accuracy real-time positioning • Composite conformal antennae development • Power lines – bush fire inspection • Multi-static sonar systems


Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities • Space Systems Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems •

39 RMIT UNIVERSITY − Professor Michelle Gee RMIT UNIVERSITY − TRANSPORT, Professor Michelle Gee TRANS-DISCIPLINARY DESIGN AND Director, Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre INFRASTRUCTURE, POWER & ENERGY Director, Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre 110 Victoria Street, Carlton VIC 3053 110 Victoria Street, Carlton VIC 3053 VIRTUAL PROTOTYPING Tel: +61 3 9925 6115 SIR LAWRENCE WACKETT CENTRE Tel: +61 3 9925 6115 SIR LAWRENCE WACKETT CENTRE Email: [email protected] rmit.edu.au/defence Email: [email protected] rmit.edu.au/defence

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Autonomous systems • Aeroelasticity, aerodynamics and hydrodynamics • Ship anti-fouling • Modelling and simulation • Energy harvesting, alternate fuels, renewable energy and • Structural health monitoring (vehicles and infrastructure) • Optimisation and operations management emissions reduction technology • Vehicle dynamics • Rapid prototyping • Hypersonic flight systems • Virtual prototyping • Robotic systems • Remote and portable power systems, including hydrogen • Virtual design fuel cells and solar (photo voltaic) cells

INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • Autonomous Systems Laboratory • Air Traffic Management Research Laboratory • Flight Simulation Laboratory • Centre for Advanced Electronics and Sensors • Aircraft Systems/Autonomous Systems Laboratory and • Internal Combustion Engines Laboratory • Centre for People, Organisation and Work Flight Test Range • Human Factors Engineering Laboratory • Human Factors Engineering Laboratory • Australia-India Research Centre for Automation Software • Cognitive Human Machine Interaction Laboratory Engineering • Unmanned Aircraft Systems Laboratory • Centre for Innovative Structures and Materials • Virtual Experiences Laboratory

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Autonomous aerial systems for applications in complex • Ship dynamics and hydrodynamics • Platform technologies for space, atmosphere and climate urban environments • Composite structure design • CRC-P hypersonics fuel • Hydrogen fuel cells for portable power systems • Computational aeroelasticity and dynamic load predictions • Alternative power packages for land vehicles • Airworthiness procedures and training


Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage • Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems • Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities • Space Systems Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment • Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems • Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems •


RMIT UNIVERSITY − WORKFORCE Professor Michelle Gee SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Director, Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre 110 Victoria Street, Carlton VIC 3053 SIR LAWRENCE WACKETT CENTRE Tel: +61 3 9925 6115 rmit.edu.au/defence Email: [email protected]

CAPABILITIES • Trade, technical and professional skills and qualifications in • Business management and project management STEM disciplines • Short courses tailored for industry requirements • Post graduate teaching and research • Digital manufacture (Industry 4.0) • Commercial Pilot training (including flight instructor • Post-Defence transition to civil employment training)

INFRASTRUCTURE • College of Business • College of Design and Social Context • College of Science, Engineering and Health • Flight Training School (Pt Cook) • School of Vocational Engineering, Health and Sciences

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Reliability Engineering for ADF Engineers • Master of Engineering (Airworthiness) • Aviation Maintenance Management Program • Advanced Diploma in Defence Procurement • Aviation Maintenance Engineer Program • Small Business Management Transition Program • Army Logistics Training • ADF Aviation Skills Upgrade Program


Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Professor Adrian Mouritz and the new multifunctional material radial braiding machine used to develop new, self-healing composite repair technologies. Professor Mouritz explores ways Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage • ships can be repaired while still in action using a polymer that can be squirted directly onto Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies • cracked or damaged fibre composite structures to immediately repair damage. Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities • Space Systems • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment • Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems •

41 swin.edu.au

PRIMARY CONTACT Professor Aleksandar Subic Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Development) [email protected] SWINBURNE’S FACTORY OF THE FUTURE FACILITY SUPPORTING INDUSTRY 4.0 RESEARCH



Our research spans the breadth of the maritime industry and its interrelated system of organisations, infrastructure, people, skills, information and activities. Swinburne has a proud pedigree in applying advanced manufacturing and materials research, utilising our world-class fabrication and testing facilities, to support the effective sustainment of Australian naval capabilities. Swinburne has partnered with multiple Primes and SMEs to develop new corrosion monitoring and control technologies, as well as development of additive manufacturing and innovative repair methods to increase operational availability and reduce cost of sustainment. For maritime operations, our researchers work with the industry to understand how decisions are made in complex, fast-paced and safety-critical environments such as operations control centres and ship bridges; and how to develop training solutions that provide near real-time feedback for individualised learning needs. Through Swinburne’s digital innovation research ecosystem, our globally recognised researchers work closely with the maritime industry in areas such as data analytics, advanced visualisation, AI/ machine learning, and cybersecurity. Swinburne is also recognised as a leader in Industry 4.0 technology, business model, and operations improvement implementation, and is actively supporting industry efforts in digital twin, manufacture, and supply chain innovation as it looks towards the ‘Shipyard 4.0’.



SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY Mr James Davern DATA SCIENCE RESEARCH Professor Timos Sellis Business Development Manager Director, DSRI OF TECHNOLOGY John Street, Hawthorn VIC 3122 INSTITUTE (DSRI) John Street, Hawthorn VIC 3122 swinburne.edu.au Tel: +61 3 9214 5374 Tel: +61 3 9214 8344 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] swinburne.edu.au/research-institutes/data-science/about/

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Australian leadership in Industry 4.0 research and • Digital research ecosystem with multiple labs sponsored by • Data science and cybersecurity translation to Australian supply chains internationally recognised industry partners • Novel methods for handling and analysing large and • Materials testing and certification facilities for metal and • Advanced data curation (collection, analytics, visualisation) complex data sets composite structures capabilities • Scalable hardware and software architectures • Advanced manufacturing and repair research and • Integrated human factors / digital technology research for • Data visualisation infrastructure, including nanofabrication advanced training system development • Machine learning and statistics • ARC Training Centre: Surface Engineering for Advanced • Quantum technology research for computing; measurement • Spatio-temporal database systems Materials (SEAM) and sensors; communications and information networks

INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • Industry 4.0 Test Lab and SME Hub • High temperature processing facilities • Swinburne Supercomputer National Facility – Green II • Factory of the Future, including advanced manufacturing • High speed impact and hydraulic test facilities • Swinburne Virtual Reality Theatre – stereoscopic 3D and 4K and robotics capability • Design Factory Melbourne, part of international network of projection, colloquium system, Dolby • Digital research labs for AI, cybersecurity, data curation, 20 design centres • Cisco Networking Laboratory blockchain, IoT • MR / VR / AR facility enabling full movement capture for • Swinburne University Centre for Computing and Engineering • Energy Transformation Lab: 11m wave channel; microfluids large spaces Software Systems room; autonomous vehicle testing tank • Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Optical fibre and electrical sensors for corrosion • Ballistic and blast resistance of structures • Corrosivity of Australian naval bases • Integrated virtual sight and 3D hearing capability • Bolt Electricity Storage Technology (BEST) - graphene • NDT techniques for in-field inspection of ceramic ballistic supercapacitor protection • Advanced training system development integrated with biosensor inputs


Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage • Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies • Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems • Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment • Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems • Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems •



Waurn Ponds, VIC 3216 VIC Ponds, Waurn

+61 3 5227 1231 5227 3 +61 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY

SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY OF Professor Yang Xiang MANUFACTURING FUTURES Professor Bronwyn Fox TECHNOLOGY − DIGITAL RESEARCH Dean, DRICP RESEARCH INSTITUTE (MFRI) Director, MFRI John Street, Hawthorn VIC 3122 John Street, Hawthorn VIC 3122 INNOVATION CAPABILITY PLATFORM Tel: +61 3 9214 8683 Tel: +61 3 9214 5343 (DRICP) Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] swinburne.edu.au/research/our-research/digital-capability-platform/ swinburne.edu.au/research-institutes/manufacturing-futures/

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Agent-agent intelligent negotiation for collaborative learning • Computer vision, image processing and video analytics, text • Advanced manufacturing, visualisation, modelling and • Bio-devices and biotechnology and optimisation mining and analytics, time-series analytics prototyping • Surface science • Adaptive cyber defence utilising AI / machine learning • Distributed machine learning, including deep learning, • New manufacturing processes for next generation materials • Solar materials • Scalable trustworthy system security, including IoT devices ensemble learning and transfer learning • Design driven manufacturing innovation • Business modelling and industrial automation and cloud-based services • Automating and optimising decision-making based on • Robotics and mechatronics • Advanced data visualisation and contextualisation for 2D large-scale distributed, incomplete and imprecise data and 3D displays, VR/AR headsets and cloud-based systems • Development and integration of advanced IoT devices and robots, including real-time data analysis INFRASTRUCTURE • Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre INFRASTRUCTURE • Centre for Design Innovation • Factory of the Future • Advanced data visualisation laboratory • Design Factory Melbourne • Big data laboratory • Microfabrication and microanalytical facility • Cybersecurity laboratory • Nanofabrication laboratories • Internet of Things (IoT) laboratory • Polymer processing and testing laboratories • Software systems laboratory • Direct metal deposition facility


Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems • Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment • Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems • Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems

45 unimelb.edu.au

PRIMARY CONTACT Professor Len Sciacca Enterprise Professor – Defence Technologies [email protected]

CAREN: ENHANCED HUMAN PERFORMANCE Australian first Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (CAREN) Laboratory using biomechanical technology and virtual reality to treat real-world injuries.



The University of Melbourne conducts world-leading research into technologies and approaches which enable national defence systems to succeed in an increasingly complex security landscape.

Our internationally recognised systems include airflow and turbulent boundary analysis, fuel and propulsion systems, control and automation systems, all making use of cutting-edge laboratories. We have capability in autonomous systems research and expertise in swarm technologies, with large indoor test facilities. The University of Melbourne is also involved in satellite systems for earth monitoring and optical astronomy. Our research is critical to optimising the performance of aircraft dynamics, drag reduction, high speed aircraft control surface performance, offshore platforms, landing troops and amphibious operations, the performance of radar and sonar systems, and the through-life support of naval and aerospace platforms.

The University of Melbourne is home to a suite of world class research facilities such as large-scale air-wave interaction tanks; wind tunnels (including a high Reynolds number tunnel); ice, wind and wave modelling; access to real-world ocean infrastructure; and high-performance computing for aerodynamic and hydrodynamic simulation and modelling. At our new site at Fishermans Bend, the University is working with Defence Science and Technology Group, defence and other industries, and collaborating universities to create one of the most advanced maritime and aerospace research facilities in Australia, if not the world. The Fishermans Bend site will include autonomous systems experimentation facilities to support a new generation of platforms. BIO21 MOLECULAR SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE (BIO21 INSTITUTE) The Bio21 Institute is a multidisciplinary research centre specialising in medical, agricultural and environmental biotechnology.

47 THE UNIVERSITY OF Professor Len Sciacca THE UNIVERSITY OF Professor Len Sciacca Enterprise Professor – Defence Technologies Enterprise Professor – Defence Technologies MELBOURNE Grattan St, Parkville VIC 3010 MELBOURNE − Grattan St, Parkville VIC 3010 research.unimelb.edu.au Tel: +61 3 8344 6954 AEROSPACE Tel: +61 3 8344 6954 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] eng.unimelb.edu.au/industry/defence-technologies

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Cognitive radio frequency systems – antennas, radar, signal • Cognitive science – decision making, perception, attention, • Experimental and numerical studies of complex • Optimal diesel engine and gas turbine engine performance processing learning aerodynamics and turbulent flows • Turbulent boundary layers – simulations, measurements • Data science – managing large datasets, data mining, • Bionics, neural interfaces, speech and vision processing, • Flow control, drag reduction strategies, aero-acoustic and control natural language processing, cloud computing neuroengineering control • Alternative fuels in gas turbines • Energy technologies – conventional and alternative fuels, • Military law, ethics, regulation of military technologies • Swarming of UAVs, multi-agent dynamics, networked • Interaction of ocean waves and structures energy efficient sea and air vehicles • Mechanopharmacology, cell/tissue/organ on a chip dynamic systems, data-driven control • Nanoscience & materials – synthesis & nanoscale technology for drug screening • Computational modelling for the design of lightweight alloys fabrication, molecular modelling & assembly of advanced by additive manufacturing materials INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • Melbourne Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration – • Particulate Fluids Processing Centre – rheometry, thermal, • Large-scale wind-tunnel facilities with flow diagnostic • Air-sea interaction (tow tank) facility proximate remote sensing for research data acquisition spectroscopic, particle and surface analysis capabilities • Ice-air-sea interaction facility • Materials Characterisation & Fabrication Platform – • Surface & Chemical Analysis Network • UAV swarm test facility • Optical engine advanced instrumentation, analysis and characterisation • Australian Integrated Multimodel EcoSystem (AIMES) – • High pressure combustion rigs, with detailed laser-based • Constant volume engine chamber test facility • Magnetic Resonance Platform – detailed information on intelligent transport technology for smart cities flow, temperature and combustion species diagnostics topology, dynamics and 3D structure of molecules • Asia-Pacific Centre for Military Law • Proven in-house computational aerodynamics, • Advanced Microscopy – atomic force, helium ion, aeroacoustics, aerothermal and combustion simulations fluorescence, electron, optical

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Australian Defence Apparel – Boron carbide ceramic • Moglabs – precision lasers • Measuring and analysing vortex dominated flows for wings lightweight body armour • MineOptima – software for the design of underground of fixed wing aircraft and helicopters • ASICS – shoe design to combat osteoarthritis of the knee tunnel networks • Flow control for drag reduction • Integra Systems – PunchIT Coil Line production system • An@tomedia – self-paced learning program for the anatomy • Autopilot design for high speed air borne vehicles for • PolyActiva - improved polymer implants for medical of the human body defence applications • Distributed UAV control for defence • Rio Tinto – Scheduling software for managing remote mining operations


Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage • Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage • Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies • Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies • Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities • Space Systems • Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems • Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems •


THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE − Professor Len Sciacca THE UNIVERSITY Professor Len Sciacca COMPUTER ASSISTED REHABILITATION Enterprise Professor – Defence Technologies Enterprise Professor – Defence Technologies Grattan St, Parkville VIC 3010 OF MELBOURNE − Grattan St, Parkville VIC 3010 ENVIRONMENT (CAREN) Tel: +61 3 8344 6954 CYBERSECURITY Tel: +61 3 8344 6954 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] eng.unimelb.edu.au/industry/defence-technologies eng.unimelb.edu.au/industry/cybersecurity

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Replicate and measure real life movement within a range of • Network security and cryptography applied scenarios • Anomaly and network intrusion detection • Measure real-time physical consequences of sensory inputs • Authentication and authorisation and outputs preceding intended and unexpected movement • Distributed computing and peer to peer networks • Analyse cognitive and physical impacts of equipment design • Network fault diagnosis • Test and improve equipment to avoid injuries • Information security management • Network auditing and accounting

INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • Multi-sensor and multi-sensory stimulating biomechanical • Academic Centre of Cybersecurity Excellence laboratory • Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems Laboratory • Electromyography (EMG), electroencephalography (EEG) and (CLOUDS) functional near-infrared spectroscopy (FNIR) • Spartan High Performance Computing-Cloud Hybrid System • Immersive virtual reality-based environment


Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems •

49 THE UNIVERSITY OF Professor Len Sciacca THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE − Professor Len Sciacca Enterprise Professor – Defence Technologies MELBOURNE INFORMATION, DECISION Enterprise Professor – Defence Technologies MELBOURNE − MEDICAL Grattan St, Parkville VIC 3010 Grattan St, Parkville VIC 3010 & AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS (MIDAS) COUNTERMEASURES Tel: +61 3 8344 6954 Tel: +61 3 8344 6954 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] eng.unimelb.edu.au/industry/defence-technologies eng.unimelb.edu.au/industry/defence-technologies

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Public health preparedness and emergency response • Networked dynamical systems • Epidemiology for disease surveillance and management • Human centric autonomous systems • Basic research to product • Legal and societal implications for autonomous systems • Clinical research and international health • Sensor and information processing • Vaccines, drug discovery, drug delivery and diagnostics • Control system design and implementation • Environmental modelling and monitoring • Advanced sensor design − nano and micro sensors • Synthetic and systems biology • Robust communications and sensor networks

INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • Significant databases of pathogens and genetic information • Swarm land and UAV laboratories • Containment facilities • Multi-modal robotics • Several research based hospitals • Robotic manipulators (Hand)

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Significant contributions to international bodies such as • Optimal platform and controller designs for defence industry WHO • World first web mapping system • Addressed several tropical diseases − including malaria • Mine planning algorithm for world’s largest iron ore mine • 35 clinical trials for viral infections − including HIV, Hep B, • Radar on chip technology Hep C and cytomegalovirus • Developed polymer based drug for antimicrobial resistant pathogens


Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies • Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems •


THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE − Professor Len Sciacca THE UNIVERSITY OF Professor Len Sciacca Enterprise Professor – Defence Technologies Enterprise Professor – Defence Technologies MULTIDISCIPLINARY MATERIALS Grattan St, Parkville VIC 3010 MELBOURNE − MARITIME Grattan St, Parkville VIC 3010 Tel: +61 3 8344 6954 SYSTEMS Tel: +61 3 8344 6954 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] eng.unimelb.edu.au/industry/defence-technologies eng.unimelb.edu.au/industry/defence-technologies

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Integrated computational materials and engineering • Biofunctional, nano-medicine and medical implant materials • Metocean modelling • Environmental modelling and monitoring • Blast protection materials • Auxetic, meta and nano-photonic materials • Spectral wave modelling and prediction • Gas turbines for land/sea/air • Advanced diamond science • Organic electronic materials • Fluid-structure interactions • Diesel engines and alternative fuels • Drag reduction surfaces • Floating ice-wave-ship interactions • Ceramics, polymers and metals • Airflow over ships and structures

INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • Materials characterisation and fabrication platforms • Advanced instrumentation, analysis and characterisation • Comprehensive metocean databases • Constant volume chamber • Clean-room nano and micro device fabrication • Melbourne Trace Analysis for chemical, earth and • World’s largest wave-air water tank • Wind tunnels • Melbourne Advanced Microscopy including electron and environmental sciences • Diesel engine test rigs • Ice-wave-air tank biological optical platforms • Bio21 Magnetic Resonance Platform • Octane rating engine • Advanced fluorescence imaging • Informatics, Melbourne Computation

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Ceramic powder based rotors • Reduced drag on bio-fouled ships • Ceramic armour for personal protective systems • Parametric hurricane models for off-shore industries • Blast protection modelling for defence environments • Optimised submarine engine performance for DST Group • 3-D printing of polymers, metal alloys and biomaterials


Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage • Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage • Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment • Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems

51 THE UNIVERSITY OF Professor Len Sciacca Enterprise Professor - Defence Technologies MELBOURNE – QUANTUM Grattan St, Parkville VIC 3010 INFORMATION Tel: +61 3 8344 6954 Email: [email protected] physics.unimelb.edu.au/research/By-Area/quantum-information

CAPABILITIES • Quantum computing and information processing • Quantum device modelling and algorithms • Quantum electronics (including dots and arrays) • Quantum probes and sensing • Quantum optics and imaging • Quantum electrodynamics

INFRASTRUCTURE • ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation & • Orsay Physics focussed ion beam system with crossed Communication e-beam SEM unit • Low-energy, nanometre-depth ion implanter (0.01 - 15 keV) • Leiden Cryogenics closed-cycle, cryogen-free dilution • MeV Ion Beam facilities − NEC 5U Pelletron (charging refrigerator potentials up to 5 MV) • Optical quantum measurement system • Optical quantum measurement system • Electron beam (EBL) and photolithographic processing facilities


Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies • Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems


SKYHOPPER An artist’s impression of SkyHopper, a space telescope being designed to explore stars and galaxies near and far. Picture: SkyHopper team 53 vu.edu.au

PRIMARY CONTACT Professor Vasso Apostolopoulos Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research [email protected]

APPLIED ECOLOGY RESEARCH Applied Ecology researchers of Victoria University are particularly well recognised in the areas of inland and coastal wetland management, impacts of marine tourism, orchids and waterfowl.



Victoria University (VU) is leading the way in human centric research with broad capabilities ranging from cell biology research to human performance research. The Institute of Health and Sport (IHES) houses a $65 million facility for human biomechanical testing, motor control, exercise science and genetics testing. Further research facilities such as environmental chambers and an altitude hotel provide specialist capabilities for longitudinal experiments on human performance in various temperature, humidity and atmospheric conditions. The fully equipped $52 million state of the art laboratories at Western Centre for Health Research and Education at Sunshine Hospital, a collaboration between VU, the University of Melbourne and Western Health, is primed for biological research with work focused on development and testing of vaccines and drugs for chronic diseases from cells, animals to translational clinical research. The planned $1.5 billion Western Health, Footscray hospital opposite the VU Footscray Park campus will provide deeper integration with biomedical research focused on critical chronic diseases and disorders.

VU is fast building networks with defence, having successfully delivered projects in fire protection in submarines, human performance such as exoskeleton testing and genetics for future generation soldiers. The intrinsic focus on humans means that VU is well poised for collaborative Navy and Submarine research projects with a human focus, such as decision making in combat, team performance, mental health, diseases, human movement and human ergonomics on battle platforms. VU is a member of the recently established DST Research Network for Undersea Decision Superiority which focuses on human performance and decision making in submarines. HUMAN FOCUSED TECHNOLOGIES FOR DEFENCE Victoria University has extensive facilities for testing and assessing human performance under a wide range of conditions.

55 VICTORIA UNIVERSITY Professor Vasso Apostolopoulos VICTORIA UNIVERSITY − Professor Vasily Novozhilov Vice-President Research (Acting) Professor, ISILC vu.edu.au Ballarat Rd, Footscray VIC 3011 AEROSPACE PROPULSION & Rm 4203 Bld4, Hoppers Ln, Werribee VIC 3030 Tel: +61 3 9919 4001 FIRE SAFETY Tel: +61 3 9919 8612 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] vu.edu.au

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Artificial intelligence and data mining for biomedical • Design of smart electronic systems integrating nanomaterial • Development and testing of new technologies for • Rocket engine combustion analysis – ZN theory and CFD informatics, cybersecurity and environmental modelling sensors, artificial intelligence in wireless comms suppression of fires in spacecraft and satellites methods • Water and wastewater treatment – desalination & low • High radio frequency wireless system design, testing and • Solid propellants non-steady combustion modelling – ZN • Development and testing of water mist based suppression pressure membrane systems, small-scale & industrial measurement theory and CFD methods systems for fires involving aviation fuels systems • Solid propellant combustion testing – performance of • Development and testing of suppression systems (water • Thin film membrane design and characterisation for water existing and new propellant formulations mist based and others) for protection of aircraft engines purification • Modelling and testing of hybrid propulsion systems for • Collaboration with Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency spacecraft launch/maneuvering (JAXA)

INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • Grid computing facilities and laboratories • Facilities for thin film materials fabrication, physical and • Comprehensive range of small scale testing equipment for • Facilities for tissue research, from cells, tissues to live optical testing, electrical characterisation and modelling thermal and combustion properties of solid propellants animal testing • Laboratory and pilot membrane facilities for flat sheet, • Large scale high pressure (100 bar ) water mist fire • Cell culture, biomaterials testing, advanced cell imaging and hollow fibre and ceramic membranes suppression system diagnostics • Fluid mechanics and hydraulics laboratory − pluviometers, • 3 MW Cone Calorimeter and ISO room for fire testing • Specialisations in enteric, nervous systems and vaccine flowmeters, water quality monitoring development • Telecommunications laboratory − wireless system design and RF signal propagation measurement (110 GHz)

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Baseband coding for IEEE 802.11 b/g/n standards • Low pressure water mist fire suppression technologies


Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage • Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage • Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities • Space Systems • Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance • Sustainment • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems


VICTORIA UNIVERSITY − Professor Michael McKenna VICTORIA UNIVERSITY − INSTITUTE Professor Stephen Gray INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH Executive Director, IHES FOR SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRIES & Executive Director, ISILC PB139, Ballarat Rd, Footscray VIC 3011 LIVEABLE CITIES (ISILC) C409d, Ballarat Rd, Footscray VIC 3011 AND SPORT (IHES) Tel: +61 3 9919 4499 Tel: +61 3 9919 8097 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] vu.edu.au/research/institute-for-health-sport vu.edu.au/research/institute-for-sustainable-industries-liveable-cities

CAPABILITIES CAPABILITIES • Mechanisms of health disorders and developing appropriate • Nutrition, health and performance • Modelling of fire and explosion dynamics − ignition, • High frequency wireless RF measurement and interventions • Cellular research, biologics, drugs, vaccines flammability, spread, flashover, deflagration, and detonation characterisation capabilities e.g. 5G communication • Impact of human behavior, social and policy changes that • Counter terrorism research focused on human behavior and analysis applicable to ordinance technologies that will be used in Shipyard 4.0 contribute to changes in health techniques to detect violent extremism • Developing fire retardant functional polymerics and • Thin film fabrication and testing for membrane and sensor • Techniques to enhance human sport performance in • Mental Health and Substance misuse thermally resistant intumescent paints for fire protection on technologies e.g. seawater purification training, competition and business Navy platforms • Cryptography and artificial intelligence for improved cybersecurity in computer networks

INFRASTRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE • Biomechanics laboratory for human movement testing and • Molecular biology capabilities for food, drug and DNA • Fire testing facility including large scale structural fire test • Materials analysis facilities including microscopes, XRD, measurement testing furnace, cone and 3MW calorimeters FTIR, TGA/DSC, porosimetry, surface change, particle size • Biochemistry laboratory for tissue biopsies and gene testing • PC2 laboratories for cellular research, drug development • RF measurement and characterization into 60 GHz region • Motor control laboratory for human performance testing and vaccines • Thin film sensor fabrication and haracterizationc • Environmental chambers for human performance testing • Animal facilities for pre-clinical testing under pressure, temperature and humidity variation

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Implementation of low pressure water mist fire suppression • Membrane processes for containment removal from waste TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS systems water • Fire risk assessment for future submarines • Image processing for material anomaly prediction • Platform technology for vaccine development • Determinants and risk factors of chronic diseases and their • Smoke detector locations & effective notification via their • Drug design and development complications interconnection • Novel animal models of diseases, for testing and screening • Molecular biology, immunology, cell biology, chemistry, • Technology for membrane integrity monitoring drugs bioinformatics, exercise science


Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis Advanced Sensors & Processing • Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage • Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment • Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems

57 dmtc.com.au

PRIMARY CONTACT Mr Miles Kenyon Program Development Manager [email protected]

DMTC project team members install a HVOF-coated hydraulic actuator on the flight deck of HMAS Canberra. This field trial involved the installation of stanchion piston rods with new coatings to demonstrate enhanced corrosion protection and minimal surface degradation. Image Credit: Department of Defence POIS Yuri Ramsey.



DMTC, through its industry and research partners, has a demonstrated track record in developing industrial capabilities in naval shipbuilding and associated sectors, and is well placed to provide significant expertise to a reinvigorated Australian naval and maritime sector. DMTC has a demonstrated track record of delivering a range of key production, fabrication, manufacturing and sustainment technologies.

A new contract has been signed confirming DMTC’s role as an Industrial R&D partner for the National Naval Shipbuilding Enterprise through the SEA 5000 Program Office in Defence.

Under the new contract, DMTC will produce a Naval Shipbuilding Horizon Study that will align with Defence’s existing strategy for science and technology in the maritime domain. This will reaffirm the close working relationship that already exists between DMTC and DST Group.

The Horizon Study will inform and guide the selection of projects to be delivered under DMTC’s project definition and management model.

The study will focus on technology requirements and prioritisation in areas including, but not limited to: advancing mission system technologies (examples being corrosion prognostics, composite materials and sonar among others); and industrial and supply chain developments to ensure Australian industry is equipped and competitive in supporting the sovereign national shipbuilding program.

WELDING CAPABILITY New welding techniques including wire arc welding are among the additive manufacturing technologies being advanced and adopted by industry through DMTC’s nationwide network of industry and research partners.

59 DMTC LIMITED Ms Bronwynne McPherson Executive Coordinator dmtc.com.au Level 2 24 Wakefield Street, Hawthorn VIC 3122 Tel: +61 3 9214 4447 Email: [email protected]

CAPABILITIES • Enhancing Defence capability through collaborations with • Technology focus areas include maritime fabrication, land innovative industry and research partners systems, aircraft sustainment & medical countermeasures • Breadth and depth of capability & experience in materials • Award-winning approach to program development, project and manufacturing technology solutions management and delivery • Involvement of Defence customer in all projects ensures • ISO 9001:2015 accredited quality management and relevance of project outcomes business system • Co-investment model leverages resources from all partners • Active in all states across Australia and accelerates tech development

INFRASTRUCTURE • Access to a wide range of infrastructure & facilities at • Blast modelling and research facilities industry and research partners across Australia • Additive manufacturing research equipment • Test and evaluation facilities • Laboratories and research trial sites

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Focus on adoption and commercialisation by industry • Ceramics, hard and soft body armour • Automated off-line programming for manufacturing • Fuel cell and dismounted power generation • Welding technology and techniques for high-strength steels technologies • Corrosion management and control systems


Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis • Big Data Processing & Visualisation Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences • Cyber & IT Security Propulsion & Energy Storage • Enhanced Human Performance & Protection • Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems • Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment • Medical/Pharma Technologies • Trusted Autonomous Systems


A corrosion prognostic monitoring system was installed onboard HMAS Parramatta in September 2018 as part of a DMTC-led field trial. Project Leader and Associate Professor from Swinburne University of Technology, Scott Wade, (right) is pictured here showing Chief Petty Officer Marine Technician Todd Newman the corrosion testing kit during the installation in the Gas Turbine Room onboard HMAS Parramatta. Image credit: Department of Defence ABIS Tara Byrne

61 OCSC Oceania Cyber Security Centre


PRIMARY CONTACT Mr Kartic Srinivasan Executive Manager [email protected]


OCEANIA CYBER SECURITY Mr Kartic Srinivasan Executive Manager CENTRE (OCSC) Goods Shed, Village St, Docklands, VIC 3008 www.ocsc.com.au Tel: +61 (0) 411 790 101 Email: [email protected]

CAPABILITIES • Security by Design for Critical Infrastructure and the Internet • Network Security – automation & monitoring; event of Things detection, analytics • Verification – security, automated software, software • Big Data – machine learning & security, security analytics vulnerability detection, protocol verification • Robust and Resilient Automation and Industrial Control • Advanced Cryptography – ID-based, post-quantum, Systems homomorphic, low-resource, blockchain • Cyber Physical Systems Vulnerability Modelling • Social Media and Information Security – privacy, surveillance

INFRASTRUCTURE • Access to a wide range of infrastructure through partner universities, research organisations and industry • Part of the Victorian cyber security cluster at Docklands

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS • Focus on working with industry and government on keeping information secure and future-proofing the community • Provision of advice on current and future cyber security threats • Training and education on the latest security protection tools and techniques • Development of tools and techniques for use by industry and government


Advanced Sensors & Processing Modelling, Simulation & Analysis Big Data Processing & Visualisation • Multi-Disciplinary Material Sciences Cyber & IT Security • Propulsion & Energy Storage Enhanced Human Performance & Protection Quantum Technologies Hypersonics & Directed Energy Capabilities Space Systems Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Sustainment Medical/Pharma Technologies Trusted Autonomous Systems

63 Support for Industry-University-Government Collaboration

Government support is available to support industry-university-government collaborations and industry innovation from State and Commonwealth Governments. Resources and programs of interest to the defence sector include:

Business Victoria APR.Intern Program Cooperative Research Centres Association www.business.vic.gov.au aprintern.org.au crca.asn.au Business Victoria provides information and access to resources APR Intern places postgraduate students in industry to work The CRC Association promotes collaborative research between for helping anyone start, run or grow their business in the State on short-term (3-5 month) university research collaborations industry and universities and is a particularly helpful resource for of Victoria. This includes grants, vouchers and assistance focused on transforming business. The program operates those who might be thinking about being involved in a CRC bid. programs to boost productivity, improve skills and increase nationally across all sectors and all disciplines. growth. Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre for Defence Industry Capability (CDIC) www.arc.gov.au Defence Science and Technology (DST) www.business.gov.au/centre-for-defence-industry-capability The ARC’s main university-industry collaboration vehicle is the www.dst.defence.gov.au The Australian Government CDIC is working with industry Linkage Projects competitive grant program for projects up to As Defence’s science and technology arm, DST collaborates and Defence to build a world-class, globally competitive and five years in length. The ARC also administers the Industrial widely with industry. DST programs such as Small Business sustainable Australian industry supporting Defence capability. Transformation Research Program which has two streams: Innovation Research for Defence (SBIRD) and ON Prime: Via the Defence Innovation Portal, the CDIC hosts the Defence Research Hubs and Training Centres. Defence are focused on identifying and supporting early stage Innovation Hub and the Next Generation Technologies Fund, innovation. focused on development and research respectively. CSIRO Australian Government GrantConnect Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) www.csiro.au www.grants.gov.au www.business.gov.au/assistance/cooperative-research-centres-programme With a long history of working with industry, CSIRO runs GrantConnect provides a searchable, centralised publication The Australian Government CRC Program supports a number of programs aimed accelerating innovation and point for forecast and current Australian Commonwealth collaborations between industry, universities, research increasing collaboration between industry and research Government grant opportunities across departments and organisations and government. The Program supports both organisations. These include Innovation Connections, STEM+ agencies. long and short-term collaborations through the Centre grants (up Business and CSIRO Kick-Start to 10 years) and the Project grants (up to 3 years).

64 65 Learn more about us at defencescienceinstitute.com [email protected] Learn more about us at defencescienceinstitute.com [email protected] Creating Defence Science Research Networks for Australia