TITLE PAGE Crustal seismic structure beneath Portugal and Southern Galicia (Western Iberia) and the role of Variscan inheritance Idalina Veludo(1), Nuno A. Dias(2,3,*), Paulo E. Fonseca(3), Luís Matias(3),Fernando Carrilho(1), Christian Haberland(4), Antonio Villaseñor(5) 1. Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, I.P., Rua C ao Aeroporto, 1749-077 Lisbon, Portugal 2. Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa – ISEL,Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, R. Conselheiro Emídio Navarro, 1959-007 Lisbon, Portugal 3. Instituto Dom Luiz, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande, Ed. C1, Piso 1, 1749-016, Lisbon, Portugal. 4. GeoForschungsZentrum – GFZ, Potsdam, Germany. 5. Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera, ICTJA-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain. *Corresponding author: Nuno Afonso Dias. Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, R. Conselheiro Emídio Navarro, 1959-007 Lisbon, Portugal.Tel.:+351 218 317 135; Fax+.:351 218 317 138; E-mails:
[email protected];
[email protected] Other E-mail addresses:
[email protected](I. Veludo);
[email protected] (L. Matias);
[email protected] (P. E. Fonseca);
[email protected] (F. Carrilho); haber@gfz- potsdam.de (C. Haberland);
[email protected] (A. Villaseñor) 1 1 1. Introduction 2 3 Mainland Portugal comprises most of the Western portion of the Iberian Peninsula, in a 4 complex geodynamic setting associated with the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary. The crust in 5 this area is the result of a complex assemblage history of continental collision and extension: 6 in the Lower Paleozoic, the collision of an unconstrained number of continental blocks 7 resulted in the Variscan Orogeny, the main event of formation of the Iberian lithosphere (e.g.