a gue/ngl publication lampedusa and melilla southern frontier of fortress europe european united left/nordic green left european parliamentary group European United Left/Nordic Green Left rue Wiertz 43 1047 Brussels Tel. +32 2 284 26 83 / 26 86 Fax: +32 2 284 17 74 www.guengl.eu Text corrections: Edoardo Boggio Marzet, Myriam Losa, Nora Chaal, Gay Kavanagh, David Lundy, Charles Canonne Photos: Julia Garlito Y Romo, Chiara Tamburini, Mette Tonsberg, Luisa Morgantini, Feleknas Uca, Tobias Pflüger, David Lundy For further information about this publication, please contact:
[email protected] Produced by the GUE/NGL Website & Publications Unit Contact: Gay Kavanagh —
[email protected] | David Lundy —
[email protected] Design & layout: Liz Morrison Printing: Arte Print, Brussels 2 lampedusa and melilla southern frontier of fortress europe contents Preface by Francis Wurtz 5 Introduction by Giusto Catania 6 lampedusa 8 First visit by a European Parliament delegation to the temporary holding centre 8 Europe and migrants — Palermo conference 12 “The real Lampedusa”: hearing with Italian journalists Fabrizio Gatti and Mauro Parissone 18 Lampedusa: what the papers said 19 melilla 20 Report of the GUE/NGL delegation visit to Melilla 20 Melilla: what the papers said 23 annexes 24 Annex 1: European Parliament resolution on Lampedusa 24 Annex 2: Report from the Justice and Home Affairs Committee Delegation on the visit to the Temporary Holding Centre in Lampedusa 26 gue/ngl 3 “What is the Mediterranean? All in all, it is one thousand things. Not one landscape but many landscapes. Not one sea, but a succession of seas.