jd samson talks about her latest album WINDY CITY PAGE 16 THE VOICE OF ’S GAY, LESBIAN, BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 Jan. 29, 2014 vol 29, no.18 TIMESwww.WindyCityMediaGroup.com Skater competes in women’s STATE SEN. KYLE MCCARTER FILES CHALLENGE TO GAY MARRIAGE derby page 7


For Joseph L. Simonis, it wasn’t a lifelong passion realized, a per- sonal test of strength or a political statement. It was a way for her to guide the rudders of a second puberty, to hang onto a body in the process of the change. Simonis is one of the first transgender skaters to compete with the , the Chicago-based women’s derby league (Simo- nis points out that she does not typically use labels like “transgen- der.”) She is in her second year with the league and has steadily moved Joseph L. Simonis. up in the local derby scene, often unintentionally challenging tradi- Photo by Ross Forman Turn to page 8

PLANNED PARENTHOOD MARKS 40TH STAR-STUDDED ANNIVERSARY Windy City Times OF ROE V. WADE talks with two very with CEO big-name stars this carole brite week: actor Greg Kinnear (page 22) pagE 9 and former boxer Mike Tyson (on page 19). Kinnear talks about his new show, Rake, while Tyson ruminates on his one-man show and smooching Robert Downey Jr.

gay director edgar barens page 19 has an oscar- nominated page 22 documentary pagE 17 2 Jan. 29, 2014 WINDY CITY TIMES WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 29, 2014 3 this week in ay I Do WINDY CITY TIMES S TO NEWS ENTERTAINMENT/EVENTS Va.’s marriage ban; bias kills straights 4 Scottish Play Scott 13 Political figure Rebecca Sive 6 Theater reviews 14 Marriage challenge in 7 Performance artist Ron Athey 16 Trans athlete Simonis 8 Gay local film director Barens 17 PPIA marks Roe v. Wade anniversary 9 Dish: First Look preview 18 Gay Gacy survivor Patrick Dati 10 Mike Tyson on his one-man show 19 Gay in the Life 11 Billy Masters 21 ‘Rake’ actor Greg Kinnear 22 VIEWS: Rudolph; Flowers 12 OUTLINES Images on cover (left, from top): PR photo Classifieds 18 of JD Samson; official head shot of state Calendar Q 20 Sen. Kyle McCarter; photo of Carole Brite PRIMARY ELECTION by Gretchen Blickensderfer; photo of Edgar MARCH 18, 2014 Barens courtesy of HBO


LESBIAN, HICAGO’S GAY, CE 1985 THE VOICE OF C OMMUNITY SIN 14 Mson BI AND TRANS C 9, 20 jd sa Jan. 2 o.18 bout her vol 29, n talks a M WINDY CITY latest albu PAGE 16

indyCityMediaGroup.com TIMESwww.W skater competes • The only LGBT candidate running countywide.

r- realized, a pe OSIN ssion TE S long pa a way for her BY KA t. It wasDOWNLOADhe THIS! in women’s wasn’t a life en in t it ody monis, cal statem nto a b L. Si politi o hang o . kYle For Joseph r a y, t sen rength o ith the state nal test of st of a second pubert pete w FIles so o com imo- arter uide the rudders e. katers t ague (S MCC to g chang nsgender s y le Ge to s of the t tra men’s derb derby proces of the firs ased wo ls like “transgen- hallen one o-b labe C aGe is e Chicag ally use arrI Simonis , th typic ed GaY M City Rollers not v Windy adi- E 7 ints out that she does ague and has steadilyenging mo tr PAG nis po ith the le lly chall r w tentiona der.”) second yea en unin age 8 is in her cene, oft She derby s turn to p e local up in th Go to www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com

mes monis. Ti L. Si n ry Joseph s Forma Windy City by Ros ks with two ve Photo tal tars this star-studdedbig-name s eg week: actor Gr 22) (page Kinnear r mer boxe nd f or age a n (on p lanned o ks P d Mike Tys ear tal oo . Kinn , Parenth 19) show • Found “ ” by the th his new Recommended Lesbian and Gay Bar arks 40 about on M Y Rake, while Tys his IVersar tes on ann ade rumina and to download complete issues of Windy City Times and Nightspots. V. W oF roe one-man show mooching Robert th Ceo s r. WI Ite Downey J Carole br PAGE 9 Association of Chicago (LAGBAC). page 19 Then click on any ad and be taken directly to the advertiser’s Web site!

r IreCto GaY d ns Gar bare ed Car- has an os page 22 ated noMIn Y entar doCuM 7 PAGE 1 IMPARTIAL • Received the highest judicial rating possible from several bar groups including the Women’s Bar Association of Illinois. • James Crawley is, “hardworking ... has extensive practice experience... online exclusives at and is well regarded for his dedication to the law and his integrity.” [Source: Chicago Bar Association] www. .com

WindyCityMediaGroup INDEPENDENT • • Endorsed by Congressman Mike Quigley, State Representative Greg Harris, • State Representative Sara Feigenholtz, labor unions and ‘summer’ daze Democratic ward organizations. Openly gay Jay Michael (left) is on the Chicago-based reality show 100 Days of • Has a demonstrated 30-year record supporting LGBT causes Summer. and people with HIV/AIDS.

Photo from Bravo QUALIFIED www.CrawleyForJudge.org

WCT chats with Arvin Chen, Chicago House director of the held its annual FEELING THE HEAT gay film Will You ‘Absolut Wrapture’ In its latest Bent Nights column, WCT Still Love Me in Willis Tower. looks at performances by Betty Who? Tomorrow? Photo by Ed Negron and .

BOWLED OVER NORM-FITTING People in New York will have their choice of Broadway or the Super Bowl. WCT’s travel article shows what’s happening.

THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT Find out the latest about The Wanted, Boy George and Sofia Vergara.

Chicago Foundation for Women held a forum on gender norms. plus Photo of Natasha-Smith Walker, Riki Wilchens, K Sujata, Jess Kane and Anne Rickleff by Gretchen DAILY BREAKING NEWS Blickensderfer

nightspots #1110 • January 22. 2014

A PAST BLAST FROM Amy and Mitchell’s last chat NIGHTSPOTS on the couch ... for now

As the editor gets nostalgic in celebration of one decade at the helm, we present this classic Nightspots cover. See more of Kirk’s favorites on page 20. Show #557 Find Nightspots on www.WindyCityQueercast.com 4 Jan. 29, 2014 WINDY CITY TIMES ity,” said Herring, but he added his decision was “not based on my policy preferences” but “based on my thorough analysis of applicable Dramatic developments law and the constitutional questions raised by this case.” “Virginia is, in many ways, the cradle of de- mocracy,” said Herring, noting that many of in challenge to Va.’s ban the nation’s early presidents and authors of key government documents, including the consti- By Lisa Keen 1954, on interracial marriage in 1967, and on tution, were written by Virginians. Keen News Service women entering the Virginia Military Institute “Too many times in our history our citizens in 1996. have had to lead the way on civil rights while The attorney general of Virginia announced on The same legal principles that applied in our leaders have stood against them,” said Jan. 23 that his office will no longer defend the those cases apply in this case today,” said Her- Herring. “It is time for the Commonwealth to constitutionality of the state’s ban on same- ring. be on the right side of history and the right sex marriage. Referring to his 2006 vote in favor of the ban side of law.” At a press conference, Attorney General Mark on same-sex marriage, Herring was blunt. ©2014 Keen News Service. All rights re- Herring told reporters his legal analysis of the “I was wrong to stop short of marriage equal- served. state’s constitutional ban has determined the law violates the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection and due process and that it discriminates against gay people on the basis Anti-gay prejudice of sexual orientation. Addressing critics who say he should defend all state laws, regardless of whether he believes kills straights, too they are unconstitutional. Herring said that by Bob Roehr Sources: would be violating his oath and noted that his Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring. [i] Anti-gay prejudice and all-cause mortal- predecessors, including Republican Ken Cucci- Anti-gay prejudice is bad for heterosexuals’ ity among heterosexuals in the . nelli, refused to defend other state laws they health, decreasing life expectancy by about Hatzenbuehler ML, Bellatorre A, Muennig P. believed to be unconstitutional. over same-sex marriage in Virginia in recent two and a half years, according to a new Am J Public Health. 2014 Feb; 104(2):332-7. “Having determined after thorough and rig- months. Democrat Herring, who voted for the study [i] published in the American Journal doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301678. Epub 2013 orous analysis that this unconstitutional law ban when he served as state senator in 2006, of Public Health. Dec 12 infringes on Virginia families,” said Herring, “I won election last November against Republi- The analysis was based upon 20,226 de- [ii] Molecular detection of Lactobacillus have a duty and authority to protect them and can Mark Obershain, who opposes same-sex tailed interviews from the General Social Sur- species in the neovagina of male-to-female their rights. It does not mean the case will end marriage, by fewer than 200 votes. In fact, vey, conducted between 1998 and 2008, and transsexual women. Petricevic L, Kaufmann or that the ban will go undefended or unen- Herring only last August shifted his position cross-linked with the National Death Index. U, Domig KJ, Kraler M, Marschalek J, Kneifel forced. Until the courts can rule on the matter, on allowing same-sex couples to marry, telling The findings on decreased life expectancy W, Kiss H. Sci Rep. 2014 Jan 17; 4:3746. doi: [the] state registrar Janet Rainey will continue the Dispatch, “I would not want the state to parallel those made earlier with regard to 10.1038/srep03746. to enforce the current ban, but neither she nor tell my son or my daughter who they can and white prejudice toward blacks. Researchers I will defend its constitutionality.” cannot marry.” who later looked for biological underpin- The announcement comes fewer than three Just one day before Herring took office, then nings to explain why prejudice might shorten Indiana House weeks after Herring was sworn in and just one Republican Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli is- life expectancy found that persons with high amends bill banning week before a federal judge in Norfolk is set sued an official advisory opinion that the gov- levels of racial prejudice showed increased to hear arguments in the first of two lawsuits ernor “may not direct or require any agency of levels of the stress hormone cortisol when same-sex marriage challenging the ban in federal court in Virginia. state government to allow same-sex couples to they interacted with a person of the other By Matt Simonette A spokeswoman for Herring told the Rich- receive joint marital status for Virginia income race. mond Times Dispatch, “We will file a brief that tax returns.” Cortisol is a key “fight or flight” hormone Members of the Indiana House, on Jan. will change the commonwealth’s legal position Herring’s spokeswoman, Ellen Qualls, told the and can be protective in dangerous situa- 27, voted 52-43 to amend HJR-3, a bill that and we will argue along with the plaintiffs.” Dispatch, “The attorney general has a strong tions. But chronic activation contributes to would enshrine the state’s marriage ban in The state’s solicitor general is expected to interest in the courts adjudicating this matter, cardiovascular disease, which was the lead- its constitution, removing a provision that present Herring’s position when the court hears which will ultimately be decided by the United ing cause of premature death among persons forbade “civil unions or other similar arrange- oral arguments. States Supreme Court.” with the highest levels of prejudice. ments.” If passed by the House, the amended Supporters of marriage equality were elated. On Jan. 31, Judge Arenda Wright Allen of “Prior research has indicated that anti- resolution moves to the state Senate. If the “It is a critical and important development the U.S. District Court for Eastern Virginia, is gay prejudice harms the mental and physi- bill is successful there, the bill will have to when the attorney general—the keeper of the scheduled to hear arguments at a summary cal health of sexual minorities. This study pass through the legislature again in 2015 or federal and state constitution in the common- judgment hearing in Bostic v. Virginia. Famed extends these findings to show that anti- 2016 before going to Indiana voters. wealth—joins us in arguing that barring same- attorneys Ted Olson and David Boies, who led gay prejudice also negatively influences the “We are relieved that, at least for now, sex couples from marriage is clearly unconsti- the American Foundation for Equal Rights’ suc- health of heterosexuals,” wrote lead author discrimination will not be enshrined into tutional,” said Greg Nevins, counsel in Lambda cessful challenge against California’s Proposi- Mark Hartzenbuehler and colleagues at the Indiana constitution,” said Lambda Legal Legal’s Southern Regional Office based in At- tion 8, are heading the Norfolk legal team. It is Columbia University Mailman School of Pub- Marriage Project Director Camilla Taylor. lanta. Lambda and the ACLU are representing not yet known whether today’s announcement lic Health. “Indiana law already prohibits marriage for same-sex couples in one of two lawsuits cur- might require postponement of that January 30 same-sex couples, and this effort is cruel rently challenging the Virginia ban in federal hearing. Lactobacillus identified in neovagina of and unnecessary. Same-sex couples and their district courts. The initial named defendants in Bostic are male-to-female transgender women children in Indiana need the dignity and “This is a great day for the Commonwealth now State Registrar of Vital Records Janet Another study [ii] has upended the general protections of marriage, and shouldn’t have of Virginia,” said Ted Olson, who is leading Rainey and Norfolk Circuit Court Clerk George belief that a neovagina created from penile to see their lives deemed as less worthy of the other Virginia lawsuit. “Attorney General Schaefer. tissue during gender-reassign surgery cannot respect or recognition than other families. Herring’s actions today have brought Virginia The amended brief submitted by Herring un- support lactobacillus. It found the organism We congratulate the hard work of Freedom that much closer to the quintessential Ameri- der Rainey’s signature today states that “mar- in 47 of 63 (75 percent) of the transgender Indiana and the hundreds of Hoosiers that can ideals of equality under the law and the riage is a fundamental right protected by the women who participated in the study. have fought so hard for fairness and equal- freedom to pursue happiness. We are grateful federal constitution” and that current Virginia Lactobacillus is a broad family of bacteria ity. We are hopeful that this resolution, that for his leadership and look forward to working law “improperly denies same-sex couples ac- that can support healthy gut and vaginal seeks to harm gay and lesbian couples and with him to strike down Virginia’s odious mar- cess to” that fundamental right, “without legal ecology. An imbalance can lead to vagina their children, will be defeated or at least riage ban.” justification, and therefore violates the federal yeast infections and leave women more vul- delayed by the Indiana Senate.” In another development, plaintiffs’ attorneys constitution guarantees of due process of law nerable to HIV infections. Some variants of The bill seemed to have been on the fast submitted the Jan. 21 Ninth Circuit Court of and the equal protection of the laws.” the bacteria also are used in the production track after it passed to the House floor from Appeals decision in SmithKline v. Abbott that The court also granted intervenor status to of food products ranging from yogurt, to the House Elections and Apportionment Com- found heightened scrutiny is required for cases Prince William County Circuit Court Clerk Mi- beer, to sourdough bread. mittee Jan. 22. House Speaker Brian Bosma involving disparate treatment based on sexual chele McQuigg on Jan. 17, noting that plain- Previous research in a transgender popula- had the bill moved into that committee after orientation. They ask the judge to apply that tiffs did not object. tion had looked for lactobacillus using cul- it stalled in the less-conservative House Ju- reasoning in the summary judgment hearing A second lawsuit, Harris v. Virginia, led by ture techniques and had found only very low diciary Committee. “or, in the alternative,” grant a preliminary in- Lambda Legal and the ACLU, is pending before rates of occurance, about 4 percent. But this Bilerico.com reported that Andrew Markle, junction against enforcement of Virginia’s ban a U.S. District Court for the Western District. study, in Vienna, Austria, used the more sen- an openly gay Republican candidate for state against the two plaintiff couples in this case. “The Commonwealth of Virginia has too of- sitive PCR technique that amplifies the DNA representative, resigned from the GOP in re- Herring’s announcement on Jan. 23 repre- ten argued on the wrong side,” said Herring, of the bacteria. sponse to Bosma’s power play. sented a climax in an intense political drama referring to historic cases on desegregation in It only looked for the presence of various Markle wrote on his Facebook page, “As an strains of lactobacillus; it did not attempt openly gay male and a conservative, I find to measure the number of organisms or their it deplorable that the state would choose to impact on tissue health. take such extraordinary measures to disen- franchise me and my fellow LGBT brothers /windycitymediagroup and sisters.” Markle added that his campaign would continue without his GOP affiliation. 6 Jan. 29, 2014 WINDY CITY TIMES BOOKS Election Day: A Woman’s Guide to Win- tive offices, e.g., governorships or mayoralties. ning Any Office, from the PTA to the White Since only five states have a woman governor House—come about? now, and none of the big three U.S. cities have RS: I was inspired to write Every Day is a woman mayor, this is a good place for all of Political powerhouse Election Day after the 2008 election, when it us to watch, learn and be helpful. became clear that a woman [Hillary Clinton] WCT: There is a tour in support of this could run a mainstream race for the presidency, book. Why was that an important step to Rebecca Sive on the changing the political realities for women so take? positively. Clinton’s campaign also coincided RS: In the course of writing Every Day Is with a time when I was reflecting on my work Election Day, I found enthusiasm all over the as an advisor and strategist for women-led country for increasing the number of women GOP, women’s rights progressive organizations. I concluded the political leaders. At the same time, my years of time was right to share the wisdom and ex- consulting had taught me how important it is By SARAH TOCE perience of feminist political activists, so that for women to share their advice and experienc- successive generations could be motivated and es as widely—and deeply—as possible. Con- As a writer, public speaker and political strat- guided to become feminist public leaders and sequently, I was delighted to tour to support egist for women in politics, Rebecca Sive is politically influential. the book. And, I will tell you, it’s been quite setting the trend for successful female entre- WCT: Can you give us some insight about gratifying. Women everywhere are excited to be preneurs from New York to L.A., Chicago to the the contents of Every Day Is Election Day? a part of this history-making time for political Bay Area, and everywhere in between. RS: The book is advice about how to build women. Her distinct brand of no-holds-barred straight a public presence and political influence, in- WCT: Looking ahead to 2016, will we see talk coupled with serious brainpower and con- tertwined with the wisdom and illustrative another Clinton administration? stitutional wherewithal have landed her numer- stories of women, from a range of experiences RS: Last summer, I was thrilled when I read a ous awards and accolades. Rebecca is currently and backgrounds, who’ve done this already. list of women, Republican and Democrat, who on tour promoting her bestseller Every Day Is The women I interviewed—and whose stories were considered prospective candidates for the Election Day: A Woman’s Guide to Winning Any I tell—are from all over the country and of dif- presidency in 2016. Who would have dreamed Office, from the PTA to the White House. fering racial and ethnic backgrounds, holding we’d reach this day! Certainly, Hillary Clinton is Windy City Times: You’ve been named one a variety of different types of offices. Conse- at the top of any list, but until we know wheth- of the Feminists Who Changed America: quently, the book makes the case that valuable er she will run or not, it’s not possible to assess 1963-1975 (University of Illinois Press, and important political work is happening ev- further. In the meantime, we can all work to 2006). Where do you find the inspiration to erywhere, providing a political opportunity for develop the positive political climate women keep evolving and working in the women’s every woman who wants one. candidates at every level need and deserve. rights movement? Also, their (and my) advice is well-suited to WCT: If not Clinton, is there another fe- Rebecca Sive: I was inspired by my mother any woman who seeks a presence in the public male powerhouse that might be able to step and father, who were always involved in various square -whether as an elected or appointed of- up to that podium? community betterment and progressive politi- ficial, a campaign staffer, a head of an advo- RS: On lists I’ve seen—of Democratic women cal activities. In college, I read Robin Morgan’s cacy organization, a government staffer, or as who are considered front-runner possibilities in Sisterhood is Powerful, which was enlightening a business leader. The book includes a compre- 2016 (after Hillary Clinton)—are U.S. senators and inspirational. As a young woman, I learned hensive resources section, so that readers know Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren and Kirsten about feminist heroes like Ida B. Wells, Jane where to go for various kinds of information. Gillibrand. Rebecca Sive. Photo by bSMART Addams, Golda Meier, and Shirley Chisholm. I’m also pleased that my publisher is offering WCT: What is the best advice you have ever I thought I might emulate their work. I was terrific bulk order organizational discounts, so given to a candidate? also fortunate to work with Bella Abzug, Betty of their own bodies and reproductive or- that the book is affordable for book groups, RS: I think the best advice for a candidate Friedan, Addie Wyatt, and many other Second gans? clubs, training programs, etc. is the best advice for anyone who seeks pub- Wave women leaders and politicians, who con- RS: My advice is this quote from Thomas Jef- [Note: Call 800-888-4741 for bulk order orga- lic influence and power: seek the office for a tinue to inspire me. ferson: “Eternal vigilance is the price of lib- nizational discounts.] substantive reason and then be willing to give WCT: Since you were the chair of the erty.” You can’t ever take for granted the fact WCT: Who are some of your favorite “Wom- your all to that effort. Power and influence for NARAL Foundation, how does the Republi- that abortion is legal in the U.S. since, in the en to Watch in Politics” right now? their own sake don’t really help women and can male politics of today’s society sit with adult lifetime of many women activists today RS: I’m always keen on watching women run- girls. And, no one wins without understanding you? (myself included), it was not. “Eternal vigi- ning for the U.S. Senate, since the position is Every Day is Election Day. RS: My twin-issue commitments, since I first lance” means engaging in reproductive rights so important and the term is long enough for Further information about Every Day Is became a women’s-issue organizer and femi- advocacy, including only supporting political a woman—just like a man—to build up some Election Day: A Woman’s Guide may be found nist activist during college, are women’s re- candidates who are pro-choice. real accomplishments and power. I’m also very at www.rebeccasive.com. Rebecca is on Twit- WCT: Politics and women’s rights. How interested in watching women who seek execu- ter @RebeccaSive. closely are these two items related, in your opinion? RS: They are as closely related as once can Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernandez (D-24), Rep. Jay imagine since—in one of the first political Equality Illinois Hoffman (D-113), Rep. Frances Ann Hurley acts of our nation, the writing of the Constitu- PAC issues (D-35) and Rep. Thaddeus Jones (D-29). See tion—women were excluded, and it was close the full list at www.WindyCityMediaGroup. to another 150 years before an amendment to endorsements com. it (finally) gave us the right to vote. The Equality Illinois Political Action Com- WCT: You were one of the founders of EM- mittee (PAC) has issued its early endorse- ILY’s List. The tagline of EMILY’s List states: ments of legislative candidates running for McHenry County “Supporting pro-choice Democratic women office in the March 18 primary election who running for congress and governor.” Obvi- have strong voting records on LGBT issues, College to host ously, this is an important issue close to particularly regarding the freedom to marry, your heart. What inspired the creation of according to a press release. Pride conference EMILY’s List? Endorsed candidates for the Illinois Sen- Pride, the LGBTQA club at McHenry County RS: I was honored to be the first organizer of ate include Sen. Daniel Biss (D-9), Sen. John College (MCC), will host its first conference, EMILY’s List in Illinois and counted among my J. Cullerton (D-6), Sen. Bill Cunningham (D- Pride: The Changing Perception of the LGBTQ colleagues the D.C. women who initially set- 18), Sen. Don Harmon (D-39), Sen. Linda Community, on Saturday, April 12, at the col- up EMILY. When those first organizing meet- Holmes (D-42), Sen. Mattie Hunter (D-3), lege at 8:30 a.m.-4:15 p.m. The conference ings were held, it was clear (this was during Sen. Mike Jacobs (D-36), Sen. Steven Landek will be held in conjunction with the annual the period immediately following attempts to (D-12), Sen. Terry Link (D-30) and Sen. Andy drag show on Friday, April 11, which starts amend the Constitution to prohibit abortion), Manar (D-48). at 7 p.m. that more pro-choice women-electeds were State rep candidates receiving endorse- Pre-registration for the drag show and con- desperately needed. That was the motivation ments include Rep. Edward J. Acevedo (D-2), ference will be available starting in March: to create EMILY. Rep. Jaime M. Andrade Jr. (D-40), Rep. Luis the drag show and conference $25, confer- WCT: If another list were invented as a Arroyo (D-3), Rep. Maria Antonia “Toni” Ber- ence $20. On-site registration will be $25 for productive autonomy and economic security. spin-off for women right now, what might it rios (D-39), Rep. Daniel J. Burke (D-1), Rep. the conference, and $35 for the drag show Consequently, I’ve always been engaged with be called and why? Kelly M. Burke (D-36), Rep. Kelly M. Cassidy and conference. A continental breakfast and projects and political candidates who favor RS: Well, I think there are any number of (D-14), Rep. Linda Chapa LaVia (D-83), Rep. lunch will be provided. these two policy positions. It’s also important good ideas out there for women’s political or- Deborah Conroy (D-46), Rep. Fred Crespo (D- There will be three sessions during the day to remember that, particularly back in the ‘70s ganizations. Certainly, every state could use- 44), Rep. Keith Farnham (D-43), Rep. Sara with a variety of speakers discussing LGBTQ and ‘80s, some Democratic (as well as Repub- fully have an organization like EMILY’s List. Feigenholtz (D-12), Rep. Laura Fine (D-17), issues. The plenary speakers will be Chicken lican) candidates were anti-choice, requiring That would be a great boon to pro-choice Rep. La Shawn K. Ford (D-8) and Rep. Jack Lips, a gay couple from Denver who present pro-choice activists to lobby them to change Democratic women who want to run for office, D. Franks (D-63). motivational ideas in a humorous manner. positions. We need to always pay attention. since getting trained and raising money are so Others are Rep. Robyn Gabel (D-18), Rep. They will also do two sessions during the day. That won’t change! important and EMILY does both those things Esther Golar (D-6), Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth Speaker will include MCC faculty and staff as WCT: What advice might you give to young so well. (D-92), Rep. Gregory Harris (D-13), Rep. well as speakers from Equality Illinois, PFLAG women fighting the system to have control WCT: How did your book—Every Day Is and PTI (Parents of Transgender Individuals). WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 29, 2014 7

The empirical study ranked the core ser- Right-wing legislators Bail set at vices of public libraries across the globe and $2 million after was released by the Information Science Department of the Heinrich Heine Univer- file marriage challenges Naperville murder sity Dusseldorf in Germany. The study is at By Matt Simonette http://www.phil-fak.uni-duesseldorf.de/ By Matt Simonette fileadmin/Redaktion/Institute/Informa- A 21-year-old man is being held on $2 mil- tionswissenschaft/siebenlist/Lehre/PS_I2/ Legislators last week filed new bills in response lion bond after being charged with the mur- libri-2013-0024_63-4-295-319_Mainka_ to the November passage of SB10, the Illinois der of a Naperville man with whom he’d just Stock.pdf. Religious Freedom Protection and Marriage moved in, the Chicago Tribune reported. Brian Bannon is the openly gay commis- Fairness Act, which will bring marriage equality Grant Muren has been charged with mur- sioner of CPL. to the state as of June. The bills were filed by dering Charles Clarke, 55, who lived in a state Sen. Kyle McCarter, R-Lebanon, on Jan. townhouse in the 1100 block of Vail Court. 21 and state Rep. Josh Harms, R-Watseka, on Clarke’s girlfriend found his body Jan. 22. ABA meeting to Jan. 22. Clarke and Muren met through Craigslist, look at diversity, McCarter’s bill would repeal SB10 altogether where Clarke had advertised for a roommate, and define legal marriage as being between a according to Assistant State’s Attorney Tim anti-gay laws man and a woman. Diamond. Muren moved in Jan. 21, the day The Defense of Marriage Act and anti-gay The bill states, “A marriage between 2 indi- of the murder. legislation during the Sochi Olympic games viduals of the same sex is contrary to the public According to prosecutors, Muren, who is are chief among diversity law issues that will policy of this State.” charged with first-degree murder and con- be explored at the 2014 American Bar Asso- McCarter has long advocated against gay cealment of a homicide, said he attacked ciation (ABA) Midyear Meeting Feb. 5-10 in marriage. In 2011, he filed a bill that would Clarke after they’d been sexually intimate. Chicago’s Swissotel, 323 E. Upper Wacker Dr., have amended the state’s civil unions bill to Muren allegedly choked Clarke to death after and the Hyatt Regency, 151 E. Upper Wacker Catholic Charities and other faith-based orga- a long struggle, then flooded the residence Dr. nizations the right to refuse services to same- with natural gas and tried to destroy his Among the programs on the schedule are sex couples. In 2013, when SB10 was being lease paperwork in a toaster. “Hot Topics in Diversity Law,” “DOMA Over- debated in the senate, he lamented that the ruled: Implications for Health Care Plans and legislation would result in businesses such as Other Employee Benefits” and “Olympian florists and bed and breakfasts not wanting to LGBT caucus Troubles: Responses to Russia’s Anti-Gay serve gay couples ultimately having to close. panels at MPSA Legislation During the Sochi Winter Olym- Marriage equality advocates said that the bill pics.” is a play to McCarter’s conservative base in his confab April 3-6 In addition, the Stonewall Awards will take home district. The Midwest Political Science Association place Feb. 7. Three lawyers who have ad- “I think we’re all going to be happy when gay (MPSA) will hold its 72nd annual conference vanced LGBT legal issues will be recognized. and lesbian couples can legally marry,” said Ed April 3-6 at the Palmer House Hilton, 17 E. Honorees are Judge Elaine Kaplan of the Yohnka of ACLU Illinois. “This proposal won’t State Sen. Kyle McCarter. Monroe St. United States Court of Federal Claims, retired do anything to stop that.” There will be several LGBT-related caucus Justice Jim Nelson of the Montana Supreme “This is an exercise in frivolity as far as I’m beliefs.” panels at the event. Among them are “Test- Court and Stephen Whittle of Manchester concerned,” added Anthony Martinez, execu- The bill furthermore establishes that the ing Backlash: The Influence of Political In- Metropolitan University. tive director of The Civil Rights Agenda. “I term “religious facilities” applies to “places of stitutions on Public Attitudes Toward Gay See www.AmericanBar.org. think most people understand that in the cur- worship and school buildings but does not in- Rights,” “Putting the LGBT in International rent General Assembly this bill will not prevail.” clude nonsectarian educational facilities.” Human Rights,” “Why are the Kids Alright?: But Bernard Cherkasov, CEO of Equality Illi- Although SB10 states that religious orga- The Origins of Young People’s Liberalism on Or Chadash nois, said that no matter how ineffective Mc- nizations cannot be legally compelled to per- Gay Rights” and “Coming Out For LGBT Is- receives JUF grant Carter’s bill ultimately is, it underscores that form same-sex marriages, opponents to the bill sues: Issue Selection in Congressional Elec- Congregation Or Chadash’s Hidur Keshet marriage equality opponents are “not giving up maintained that the bill would open the doors tions.” program is a recipient of the first round of and they’re not closing shop.” to widespread litigation if church-owned facili- See www.mpsanet.org. $5,000 Breakthrough Fund mini-grants from He added that extremists in both houses ties did not allow them to take place there. the Jewish United Fund (JUF)/Jewish Fed- might either attempt to overturn SB10 or try “I am disappointed that the state of Illi- eration of Metropolitan Chicago. “chipping away at it, bit by bit, looking for nois has now redefined marriage by allowing Chicago Public Congregation Or Chadash, 5959 N. Sheri- smaller ways to undermine it. It was a pattern gay couples to marry,” Harms told the Paxton dan Rd., serves Chicago’s LGBTQ Jewish com- we saw after civil unions.” Record on Nov. 7. “I still firmly believe that Library named munity, as well as its friends and allies. Indeed, Harms’ legislation, HB 4263, is in- marriage is a religious institution between one Hidur Keshet will create a space for LGBTQ tended to broaden exemptions SB10 spells out man and one woman. Senate Bill 10 does not best in country Jewish individuals to connect with the ex- A new international study ranks the Chi- for religious organizations. protect any private citizen with religious ob- tended Jewish community through program cago Public Library (CPL) number one in the The bill “provides that no religious organiza- jections and businesses will be forced to host, content that links gay history, gender iden- United States and number three in the world, tion, including a school, is required to provide cater, or otherwise serve gay weddings, even if tity, and Judaism. ahead of Shanghai (5th), Singapore (7th), religious facilities for a marriage solemnization their religion forbids it.” The first round of mini-grants aims to kick- New York (9th), Beijing (13th), Hong Kong ceremony or celebration associated with the Harms referred HB4263 to the House Rules start a range of efforts quickly. The (17th) and London (30th), according to a solemnization if the solemnization ceremony Committee. goal is to award $1 million in Breakthrough press release. or celebration associated with the solemniza- Neither McCarter nor Harms returned requests Fund grants annually for new programs. tion ceremony is in violation of its religious for comment left with their offices.

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> Intensive Outpatient Program 4840 N. MARINE DRIVE CHICAGO, IL 60640 1-800-888-0560 www.chicagolakeshorehospital.com 8 Jan. 29, 2014 WINDY CITY TIMES ATHLETE from cover interference from WCR as an organization. We will adhere to all WFTDA rules and regulations regarding inter-league play.” Spotlighting TGI athletes tional ideas about gender along the way. Simonis started out with Haymarket Rioters, Simonis is relatively new to the sport. She a for derby newcomers learning the was in her fifth year of graduate school at Cor- by Ross Forman We hope that these interactions will empow- basics. nell University studying ecology and evolution- er advocacy, activism, and positive change.” Megan Twibell (known as Sara Problem on ary biology when a transgender friend of hers [Note: As a disclaimer, the author switches “There are a lot of difficulties that trans the track) was the new skater program coach told her about his league in Ithaca, pronouns in the article because Joe requests people have to deal with in day to day life when Simonis started. New York. that folks use what pronouns/gender she was and athletics bring out lots of them,” Simo- “I like to say that Derby players are like “He was talking about skating, and I was using at the time.] nis said. “For example, navigating gender- Tang or wine,” Twibell said. Some players are like, ‘that’s really cool,” Simonis remembered. segregated bathrooms and locker rooms, instantly good at the sport, while others take “For me, sports were a huge thing growing up Joe Simonis was a standout, honored, multi- having people use appropriate names and longer to hone their skills. “Joe is Tang,” she for most of my life, but in particular during first sport athlete at Mundelein High School. pronouns, and generally being accepted as said. puberty, it was a huge way for me to belong in Start with football, where Simonis spent how you identify. For me, it’s nice to know Simonis showed a knack for derby from the a group of people, get a hold of my body as two years on the Mustangs’ varsity team, other people who I can talk to who might start, Twibell said. I grew almost a foot in a year,” she said. “I playing offensive guard and tight end. As have had to deal with similar experiences. Simonis also joined the , didn’t realize that’s what I was looking for but a wrestler, Simonis was a three-year varsity It’s great to have a real supportive team, a new team that competes under USA Roller I was.” athlete in four different weight classes. He league, but that only goes so far. Sympathy Sports. Simonis grew up in the small residential town even was a conference champion, sectional- only goes so far; empathy needs to be there A knee injury with the Red Hots set her back of Mundelein, Ill, the youngest of three kids. qualifying wrestler who was recruited to con- at some point. a few months, but Simonis used that time to He (Simonis prefers masculine pronouns tinue on the mat at the Division III level. “The big goal of the organization is to pro- start coaching and continue learning about the when talking about the past) took after her Simonis also was a member of the Mundelein vide space for people to come together, and sport. older brother Andrew, she says. He wrestled track and field team for a year, competing in not completely have an agenda, but let it In October, Simonis competed with the Red and played and football. Around age the shotput. Hots at the USARS National Championships. six, he started to feel different in ways that In addition, while growing up in the The team took fourth place. were hard to understand. His last year of high northwest suburbs, Simonis played baseball, This year, Simonis moved up in the ranks school, he told his parents he was gay. In grad mostly catcher and first base, and wore the at Windy City Rollers when she was drafted to school, she told them she was trans. Mustangs’ baseball jersey as a freshman and the Double Crossers, on the league’s four home She was at a dance party one night in grad sophomore. teams. school when she came across a girl promoting “I wasn’t really very out as … anything Amanda Miller (Cruel Whip on the rink) is local derby tryouts. She took a flyer, pretend- [in terms of sexual orientation or gender Simonis’ home team captain. (Miller also com- ing it was for a friend. identity], until after [playing high school] petes with Simonis on the Red Hots.) The next day she confided to a friend that sports,” Simonis said. “At that point, [being Miller called Simonis a great addition to the she had been thinking a lot about roller derby. labeled] gay probably was the closest thing, team. Part of that, she said, has been Simo- The two decided to try out together. but I didn’t do a lot of specific identity us- nis’ patience. But Simonis is also dedicated For Simonis, trying out meant navigating the age.” to learning and discussing the rules of derby, tricky waters of coming out as trans. Others perceived Simonis to be gay at the something not every player loves. Simonis read the rules. The Women’s Flat time, and she admits now to being bullied as “She has the mindset and determination and Track Derby Association (WFTDA), the interna- an athlete, particularly on the football and the understanding that you’re not going to be tional governing body of derby leagues, had a wrestling teams. awesome your first year,” Miller said. policy that would allow Simonis to compete. That’s part of the reason Simonis stepped Simonis said she is in for the long haul. That policy, which has been criticized by some away from sports when he went to college. “I have a feeling that I can be a really good trans athletes, Simonis included, requires that “I liked [sports], but I was not feeling su- skater, but I’m not there yet,” she said. a trans athlete submit a physician-signed let- per safe and comfortable,” Simonis said. Having a transgender skater has raised new ter, stating that the athlete has hormone levels Simonis graduated from Mundelein in 2002 questions for some in the league, Miller admit- that are “medically acceptable” for a female. and then the University of Illinois in 2006 ted. Simonis is not the first trans skater in the However, Simonis also knew that joining a and Cornell University in 2013. league, but like Miller, many of skaters haven’t league might not be that simple. A lot of all- And Simonis wanted back into sports a had personal experiences with transgender female leagues had yet to see trans athletes couple years ago while living in Ithaca, N.Y. people. and had yet to adopt their own policies. Simo- Enter roller derby, the seemingly perfect, “A lot of these discussions just haven’t hap- nis would likely be a test case. queer-friendly sport for Simonis, a transgen- pened before,” Miller said. “I spent about two hours writing the most der and genderqueer woman. And while Windy City Rollers has a trans nervous ridiculous email,” she said. “With derby, it allowed me to be both policy that aims to be welcoming, Miller also The process took months, and Simonis had queer and an athlete in the same space— wonders about the next steps for the league in to press the issue. After a number of meetings and not be queer in queer spaces and never becoming more inclusive. and a vote, Simonis started training with the talk about sports and be in the closet about Joseph L. Simonis. Photo by Ross Forman Wendy Vestevich sits in the executive board Ithaca League of Women Rollers (ILWR). my queerness in athletic spaces,” Simonis of WCR. She notes that the WCR policy and the Derby proved a new challenge for Simonis, said. WFTDA are different. who had never strapped on skates for sport be- She moved to Chicago last January, and be this space, build community and foster “Our policy does allow for self-identified fe- fore. now calls the Uptown neighborhood home. advocacy and activism.” male skaters to try out and be on the league for “And then to try skating while you’re racing She is 29 and a postdoctoral research fellow Simonis also is hoping the network pro- home team play,” Vestevich said. around a track and trying to hit someone, while at Lincoln Park Zoo. vides a positive image of TGI athletes, and But for skaters who wants to compete on in- not being hit, trying to keep track of how close Simonis is a skater for the Windy City Roll- she said the network is now creating original ter-league bouts, WCR defers to WFTDA policy. you are to other players and to the track… ers and the Chicago Red Hots. content, such as profiles of out TGI athletes. Miller is a representative for Windy City Roll- Getting mechanics and fundamentals right is a “It’s really empowering to be queer and an Simonis said she knows of at least 100 ers on WFTDA. In March 2011, The Chicago Out- challenge,” she said. athlete,” Simonis said. “Even though derby other “moderately competitive” athletes who fit, another Chicago derby league under WFTDA, She worked through trainings, but never is really queer-friendly, I didn’t really know are transgender, gender non-conforming or also adopted a transgender policy. Such con- made it to competition with ILWR. a lot of other trans athletes. Sure, I knew intersex. “These are people at various levels versations among different WFTDA leagues That year Simonis accepted a position at Lin- other transgender people, but most of them of athletics, from international Olympic-level have raised questions about the governing coln Park Zoo as postdoctoral fellow in Popula- were not athletes.” to small-time recreational leagues,” Simonis policy.. tion Biology, analyzing animal populations. So Simonis stepped forward to aid and said. “One of the things about me was, never “It seems that we should be getting [WFTDA] Simonis moved to Chicago and started over align those who fall under the small trans- seeing anyone like me, or anyone like who I to adjust that policy as a whole,” Miller said. in derby, this time with the Windy City Rollers athlete banner. Simonis is the founder of the thought I was, in any kind of cultural narra- Simonis conceded that being the lone trans (WCR). Trans, Gender Non-Conforming and Intersex tive, at all.” skater on the track can feel a little lonely at The WCR policy allowed for Simonis to play. Athlete Network—driven to build commu- Simonis added, “It’s weird when the gen- times. But the league has also provided her That policy was more general than the WFTDA nity, empower advocacy, and promote sports. der that you don’t really feel that you be- with an important space, both physically and policy, except for inter-league play where the The group, which currently has about 60 long to provides you to access to things that emotionally. WFTDA policy would take precedent. members from around the world, brings you want, [such as sports, in Simonis’ case], “I really enjoy being physically active, and “It is the policy of the Windy City Rollers that trans, gender non-conforming, and intersex yet the gender that you feel you belong in I’d way rather be active as part of a team than we will not discriminate based on a woman’s (TGI) athletes together to facilitate interac- more closely would cut you off from access by myself…It’s just more fun to me,” she said. sexual orientation, transgender status, or race,” tions, support each other, find opportunities to that. That’s the mindset I was in [playing “And holy hell to be welcomed into a women’s the WCR policy states. “WCR members have a and resources, and build partnerships while sports in high school], trying to reconcile all team sport is so empowering and validating, I right to maintain their own privacy, without also working across divisions to promote the of this stuff, and that’s difficult.” “The goal can’t even begin to describe it.” inclusion of all people into athletics. In ad- with this work is to hopefully make it less dition, the group’s Facebook page and web- difficult for the next generation of TGI ath- site state: “The group is not driven by spe- letes.” cific agendas or topics, but rather exists to For more information, go to: www.tgiath- facilitate interactions and build community. letenetwork.com. /windycitymediagroup WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 29, 2014 9 up on the floor of the senate and spoke out in a perspective which many men don’t have,” support of Planned Parenthood,” she said. “He he said. “I think that the emergence of more told our patient’s stories. He explained to his women in the senate, in the house and in legis- colleagues what it would mean to the women latures is a positive development. I have found of Illinois and the teens of Illinois if Planned most of my values line up pretty well with pro- Parenthood were to be defunded. He will do gressive women and we have great coalitions. everything in his power to preserve the right of They have been allies for the causes I believe women to access affordable, preventive health in.” care.” The event was capped off courtesy of an ap- Durbin remembered Emily Taft Douglas, the pearance, via Skype, of first woman Democrat elected to the Illinois alum and National Board of Planned Parent Congress and author of the 1969 biography of Advocates member Jane Curtin. “It seems as Margaret Sanger who opened America’s first though the other voices are getting very loud,” birth control clinic in Brooklyn, N.Y. In 1921, she said. “Todd Akin talking about how we can Sanger founded the American Birth Control miraculously shut down when we are being League, which later became Planned Parent- raped and we won’t get pregnant. It kind of hood. “I reflect on what Margaret Sanger did,” makes us like a crime stopper or a super-hero.” Durbin said. “Arrested many times, a woman Curtin cautioned the audience that with who understood what the dangers were. She people, like Akin, demanding to take women’s was a nurse who wanted to make sure that rights away, the honest truth must be told other women would have choices in their lives. about women’s health. “They believe that Planned Parenthood is here today and your they’re the ones who can speak for you,” she support of it continues in that great tradition: said. “They can’t. They are lacking empathy and empowering women, educating women and they are lacking information.” families on reproductive health.” For more information about Planned Paren- Outside of the Bottom Room, Durbin’s de- tood Action Illinois, go to www.ppiaction.org. tractors claimed that he should know better. “We’re here to protest the nation’s largest abor- Gov. Pat Quinn and June Rosner—the wife of Dr. Marvin Rosner, who performed the first legal tion chain, responsible for over 300,000 abor- ‘Fireside Chat’ abortion in Illinois—at Planned Parenthood’s event. Photo by Gretchen Blickensderfer tions every year,” said Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action League Eric Scheidler. “Planned with Joey Parenthood’s abortion business is growing and McDonald Jan. 29 growing while their other services are all going Activist Joey McDonald will be featured in a Planned Parenthood, down.” talk that continues the “Fireside Chat” series at But Durbin had an answer for them. “Thank the Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted St. God we live in a country where people can The event will take place Wed., Jan. 29, at civic leaders mark 40th peacefully express their views,” he said. “But 7:30 p.m. McDonald will discuss his commu- if you want to reduce the number of abortions, nity history, his life history and his community then reduce the number of unplanned pregnan- work. anniversary of Roe v. Wade cies. If you want to reduce the number of un- There is a suggested donation of $5. For more by Gretchen Blickensderfer ki; and state Reps. Barbara Flynn Currie, Scott planned pregnancies, don’t try to defund the information, see https://www.facebook.com/ Drury, Robyn Gable, Greg Harris, Camille Lilly, good work being done by Planned Parenthood.” events/604313896272075 or www.CenterOn- In 1971, two years before Roe v. Wade, abor- Sara Feigenholtz and Dan Williams. Off-stage, Durbin told WCT that more women Halsted.org. tion was legal for 10 days in Illinois. The late “Here is why we’re going to win,” Scha- in elected office is essential. “Their voices give Dr. Marvin Rosner performed the first legal kowsky said, referring to statements by Repub- abortion in the state. After a federal court licans like Mike Huckabee who she claimed had overturned a law banning first-term abortions, said that women could not control their libidos one of Rosner’s patients asked him for the pro- without the help of government. “Women all cedure. over this country aren’t going take the kind of On Jan. 23, more than four decades later and disrespect that comes in words and in legis- on the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade de- lation. We’re going to mobilize those women That’s So GAY! cision, Rosner’s wife, June, braved the freezing and, starting in 2014, we’re going to take back temperatures and a small gathering of protes- our bodies and our congress.” tors outside of the Bottom Lounge in Chicago Preckwinkle reminded the audience of the AN LGBT TRIVIA NIGHT in order to join Planned Parenthood Action Il- “national and state efforts to turn back the linois (PPIA) to mark the anniversary of the clock and take our rights away.” She added legal decision. that standing up for access to reproductive Rosner was joined by the board, staff and health care is not easy. “But some elected of- Fri., February 7 supporters of PPIA along with a who’s who of ficials are ready to step up and do the right Illinois civic leaders, including Gov. Pat Quinn thing,” she said. To that end, she presented Bountiful Eatery Chance to win and U.S. Dick Durbin. the Richard J. Phelan Profile in Courage Award 3312 N. Broadway In remembering the repercussions to her hus- to Lilly for being the chief house sponsor of prizes and have band in 1971, Rosner told Windy City Times: legislation that requires public school sexual Game starts at 7 pm “He was threatened. They painted a swastika health education classes to be complete, medi- great fun! on his hospital. The opposition called in the cally accurate and age appropriate. “It took middle of the night claiming to be from the three years,” Preckwinkle said. “Despite outra- Hosted by butcher’s union. I was so proud of him, but it geous and unfounded accusations about what “KWizmaster” featuring questions from was really scary. I was worried for my children the legislation might do, Representative Lilly the exciting new game and I was worried for him.” remained committed and shepherded the bill Kirk Williamson According to PPIA President and CEO Carole through the house in May of last year.” & Tracy Baim Brite, the organization is about keeping wom- In accepting the award, Lilly thanked PPIA en and families healthy. “We are the biggest and her colleagues. “The smile that you see preventer of the need for abortion,” she told on my face is the joy that so many people are WCT. “So we invite our opponents to come and receiving today knowing they have information join us in offering effective birth control.” to help them make better decisions,” she said. WGCI radio personality Loni Swain kicked off Off stage, Lilly remembered her fight for the the event by introducing PPIA Vice President bill. “It was a challenge, “she said. “I had no for Public Policy and Education Pam Suther- idea that something that seemed so common land. “Tonight we have a lot to celebrate,” sense to me, like education and information Sutherland said. “What if we lived in a state for young people that empowers them to make like Texas? They refused to take 30 million dol- better decisions, would be so difficult.” lars in federal funding just to let cowboy Gov. Brite honored Lilly for her courage. “It is Rick Perry keep Planned Parenthood from get- looking fear in the eyes and saying ‘get the hell ting one penny to provide birth control.” out of my way,’” She asserted. Brite denounced On the stage behind Sutherland was a line political challengers to both Lilly and the ac- For more on the event: of who she termed “champions for women’s tivities of the PPIA. “They are that special kind www.meetup.com/SceneFree/ health.” They included Cook County Board of politician we call ‘gynoticians,’” she said. President Toni Preckwinkle; U.S. Reps. Jan “Every time one of these gynoticians makes in- events/161156402/ Schakowsky, Mike Quigley, Robin Kelly, Brad accurate statements about women’s health, we Schneider and Bill Foster; Durbin; Lt. Gov. will be there to call them out.” Sheila Simon; state Sens. Heather Steans, Mi- Brite presented the Dr. Marvin Rosner Award bountifuleatery.com • thatssogaygame.com chael Frerichs, Toi Hutchinson and Dan Kotows- for Lifetime Achievement to Durbin. “He stood 10 Jan. 29, 2014 WINDY CITY TIMES 2014 Planning Calendar Gacy survivor Dati on life Windy City Times presents here some highlights of the first half of the 2014 calendar year in Chicago. Check back next week for the second half of the year. See full details and many more events in the online calendar for Windy City Times, posted here: www.windycitymedia- and new book, I Am Me group.com/gay/chicago/events/upcoming.php . Make sure to send your calendar listings to this email as soon as you have events: By Carrie Maxwell [email protected] . Groups can also post their own events here: As a 9-year-old, Patrick Dati’s life changed www.windycitymediagroup.com/gay/chicago/events/postanevent.php . forever when serial killer John Wayne Gacy raped him in the men’s bathroom of the now Saturday, Feb. 8 Saturday, Apr. 19 defunct Goldblatt’s department store on a — Equality Illinois Gala, annual Freedom Awards —Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame Celebrity Bowl to winter morning in January 1972. Gala benefit the Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame It took Dati, who is openly gay, 35 years to Sunday, Feb. 9 Sunday, Apr. 20 reveal this information; he details that event — Chicago Her HRC Presents: Va~Va~Vaudeville —Easter Sunday as well as other events that have shaped his —Miss Continental Plus & Elite Pageants 2014 life in his debut book, I Am Me: Survivor of Wednesday, Feb. 12 (through April 22) Child Abuse and Bullying Speaks Out. — Lincoln’s Birthday (state holiday) Tuesday, Apr. 22 The genesis of the book began about six Friday, Feb. 14 —Passover ends years ago when Dati’s psychiatrist suggested —Valentine’s Day that he write his thoughts down in a diary — The Vagina Monologues: Eve Ensler’s epic taboo- Wednesday, Apr. 23 so he could release therapeutically what he’d breaker —Lambda Legal’s Bon Foster Civil Rights Celebra- gone through. Dati started writing the di- — Chicago Danztheatre Ensemble and Fulton Street tion Collective ary; then about three-and-a-half years ago Thursday, Apr 24 his best friend and mentor Bob, who is a Monday, Feb. 17 ­—Dining Out For Life: Dine Out, Fight AIDS writer, asked to read and review his diary. —Presidents’ Day About three weeks later Dati got together Monday, Apr. 28 with Bob, who insisted that Dati’s story Friday, Feb. 28 —Yom HaShoah (Jewish) —Kiss for a DIFFArence Winter Ball: Celebrate, would be a New York Times bestseller that DIFFA AIDS benefit Saturday, May 3 would help save lives if he turned his diaries —Lavender University LGBTQ programs: Timothy into a book. Saturday, Mar. 1 Stewart-Winter: From Civil Rights to Gay Rights in “In March of last year Bob retired from his —Lavender University: Lourdes Torres Making Chicago job and he offered to take on the manuscript Familia from Scratch: Towards a History of Latina Patrick Dati. Photo by Carrie Maxwell Lesbian Organizing in Chicago. Monday, May 5 again,” said Dati. “He knows me better than —Cinco de Mayo anyone else in my life. We found a techni- Sunday, Mar. 2 cal writer who could take the manuscript and Gacy’s victims who found Dati’s website and —On the Red Carpet Oscar event and fundraiser for Sunday, May 11 translate it into a book format. From there reached out to him via Facebook to thank Center on Halsted —Mothers’ Day we found a publisher and the book has been him for what he is doing, however, they Sunday, Mar. 3 Friday, May 16 out for about three weeks. I’ve had a number haven’t come forward. —Casimir Pulaski Day —AIDS Foundation of Chicago Spring Event of people reach out to me and thank me for “Eighty-five percent of men and boys don’t —IDAHO Day: International Day Against Homopho- the book already.” come forward about being abused. I want to Wednesday, Mar. 5 bia, Biphobia, Transphobia The book begins with a prologue where show them don’t be ashamed, don’t be fear- —Ash Wednesday Dati shares how Bob, who is also gay, helped ful of what people think and come forward. Saturday, May 17 Saturday, Mar. 8 ­—Springfield, Illinois, Pride him break free from the constraints that Da- You can survive this,” said Dati. —A Champagne Toast to Jazz Royalty ti’s family and society put on him. Dati also Through his website www.youandmecan- —shhh…OUT! Lakeside Pride Jazz Ensemble’s An- Friday, May 23 recounts the years of anti-gay abuse and stopbullies.com, Dati noted that he has nual benefit —International Mr. Leather 2014 (through May 26) bullying that he faced at the hands of his heard from many people who have been bul- —Bear Pride 2014 (through May 26) older brother, Marco, beginning at the age of lied, abused and/or molested/raped. Sunday, Mar. 9 —Daylight Savings Time starts Saturday, May 24 5 as well as what happened to him on that An advocate for several organizations, Dati —Chicago Memorial Day Parade: Lakeside Pride fateful day when Gacy raped him. does a radio show once a month for the Na- Thursday, Mar. 13 Freedom Marching Band will march with the Dati chose the title of his book because tional Association of Adult Survivors of Child —2014 Impact Awards Chicago Foundation for Chicago Chapter of the American Veterans for Equal Abuse and is a member of the speakers bu- Women Rights reau of Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network —Grabbys gay adult film awards Saturday, Mar. 15 [RAINN].“ Where I lead with my advocacy is —Chicago Flower & Garden Show: Do Green. Do Monday, May 26 to tell people that it gets better and you Good. Navy Pier —Memorial Day need to have hope,” said Dati. —Women of the Western Suburbs Dance in Mount “My technical writer does social work with Prospect Sunday, June 1 individuals such as myself and what we are —Congregation Or Chadash Annual Purim Celebra- —United Latin@ Pride week (through June 7) tion looking to do is an educational book for par- Friday, June 6 ents, teachers and the general public about Monday, Mar. 17 —Andersonville Midsommarfest Annual summer the warning signs to look for when a child —St. Patrick’s Day street festival (through June 8) has been abused or bullied,” said Dati of —PrideFest Milwaukee (through June 8) his future writing plans. “For example, after Tuesday, Mar. 18 —Primary elections Tuesday, June 10 Gacy raped me in the third grade my grades —A Rainbow Rhapsody: shhh…OUT! Lakeside Pride dropped and that caused me to have to re- Saturday, Mar. 22 Jazz Ensemble, annual Pride Concert peat third grade. I developed obsessive com- —Frontrunners/ Frontwalkers Chicago Fun Run/ pulsive disorder [which wasn’t diagnosed Walk Saturday, June 14 until I was an adult] as a result of the rape.” —Windy City Gay Idol Semi-finals Competition at Saturday, Mar. 29 Sidetrack Along with his desire to continue writing, —Center on Halsted’s Human First Gala, Union Dati has plans to become a public speaker. Station Sunday, June 15 Today Dati shares his life with his partner, —Strike Out Hunger Bowling Benefit for Vital —Fathers’ Day Greg, and his 17-year-old daughter from a Bridges previous marriage to a woman. “My life is Thursday, June 19 Saturday, Apr. 5 —Juneteenth Day amazing. It will be two years in August 2014 —Lavender University LGBTQ programs: Anne “I am finally myself after all of these years.” since I met Greg. We met on a Sunday when I Balay Steel Closets: Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Saturday, June 21 He prefers to think of himself as a survivor, took a bike ride along the lakeshore to clear Steelworkers —Chicago Pride Fest (through June 22) not a victim. my mind since I was writing my book at the —Congregation Or Chadash Annual Gala “I really appreciate the opportunity I’ve time; I thought I had finished my last chap- Wednesday, June 25 Friday, Apr. 11 —Windy City Gay Idol Finals Competition at Mayne been given to be a voice for the LGBT com- ter, which is different now,” said Dati. —National Day of Silence/Night of Noise to call Stage munity by sharing my story,” said Dati. Dati will be holding book signings at attention to the silencing effect of anti-LGBT bully- The most important lessons Dati wants Sidetrack, 3349 N. Halsted St., on Feb. 21 ing and harassment in schools Thursday, June 26 readers to glean from reading his memoir at 6-9 p.m., and the Center on Halsted, —15th Annual 30 Under 30 Awards Thirty by Windy is not to hide who you really are as a gay 3656 N. Halsted St., on March 22 at 12-3 Saturday, Apr. 12 City Times at Center on Halsted —British Invasion: Lakeside Pride Symphonic Band person because by being closeted he made p.m. Saturday, June 28 his life miserable. “I wanted to please the I Am Me is available in both book and Sunday, Apr. 13 —Dyke March people who I thought loved me,” said Dati. Kindle formats at amazon.com and at Un- —Palm Sunday (Christian) —Proud to Run 10K run and 5K run and walk With the book Dati also wants to be the abridged Bookstore, 3251 N. Broadway. voice of all of the Gacy victims who lived and Visit www.youandmecanstopbullies.com Tuesday, Apr. 15 Sunday, June 29 —Passover begins —Pride Parade Chicago Noon, Montrose/ Broadway feel like they can’t come forward about what for more information about the book and Gacy did to them. He has heard from two of Dati. WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 29, 2014 11 Rachael Prior has worked in a variety of settings: military to corporate to independent. “I’ve found that I thrive and find happiness in the service industry,” she said. “I’ve spent years as a bartender and a server, and in managerial roles in restaurants, and wanted to expand my GAY in the knowledge and learn more about something I love to do, which is cook.” She received a certificate from Le Cordon Bleu in culinary arts and is now seeking a BA. She LIFE did her externship at The Purple Pig among various stages in restaurants around Chicago. “I find that being a cook is a very rewarding profession that tests many different aspects of Rachael Prior who I am,” Prior said. “There is nothing mundane or repetitive about it, and I continue to learn Text By ROSS FORMAN more about myself and my abilities, as well as what I need to improve every day. There are bad days as well as great days, but the bad days are what push me to be better all the time. I work for very accomplished and knowledgeable chefs and that’s the best setting anyone who aspires to get into this profession can ask for and be thankful for.” Prior said being a cook certainly has its challenges, starting with self-confidence. “The hours are long and you have to learn to sacrifice a lot of your personal life in order to get the experience you’re going to need to move forward and succeed,” she said. “I miss a lot of functions with the kids’ school and Jess and I lose a lot of time together, but thankfully she supports me and we both know it’s something I’ve always wanted to do and the reward will be great.” Prior added, “The decision to follow my heart and dive into something that isn’t exactly glamorous has been, thus far, the most rewarding experience I’ve had to date. It’s not easy by any means but for me, it’s a no-brainer. I have so much to learn in this crazy career and I’m extremely lucky to have had the experience at The Purple Pig and now at the club I’m at now being pushed every day to do better. I’m also very lucky to have a supporting family Age Favorite TV show that puts up with the long hours and loves me. Rachael (right) with partner Jessika. 36 What more could I want?” Neighborhood Favorite pizza toppings Andersonville “I love a good old fashioned veggie pizza Relationship status with fresh ingredients.” Partners with Jessika Newman, 31, a Favorite Chicago restaurants clinical liaison. The two have been dating Hopleaf, Calo’s and Tanoshii. “We like to since February 2011, and got engaged keep it simple and local—and also The New Year’s Eve 2012. Their wedding is Bongo Room or Pauline’s for weekend Aug. 31, 2014, in Springfield. brunch,” Prior said. Kids Favorite color Christopher, 6; and Lucas, 4 Green Job title Dream vacation destination Cook at a private club in downtown Cancun Chicago Little-known fact Hobbies “I can juggle and am a huge Dave Hosting dinner parties Matthews Band fan.”


Lavender University is a 9-month lecture series featuring top academic and activist LGBTQs working on a wide NeXt lecture range of research and interests. It is sponsored by Windy City Times and Sat., Feb. 1, 2014, 11am-1pm Center on Halsted. BETH RICHIE Arrested Justice: Black Women, Violence, and America’s Prison Nation Beth E. Richie, PhD is an anti-violence activist and author working in several social justice movements. She is a Professor and Director or the Institute For Research on Race and Public Policy at UIC. This lecture will focus on the ways that the prison industrial complex has served to exacerbate violence against Black women. The emphasis will be on intimate partner abuse as well as systematic violence and the role that race, class, gender, sexuality and other markers of social disadvantage put Historic Event Space people in the path of the punishment industry. It will include the redemptive possibility of The Keith House is among Chicago’s oldest grand prison abolition as philosophical and practical solution. houses, in the heart of the renowned Prairie Avenue Historic District, 10 minutes from downtown Chicago. Sat., 3/1/14 Sat., 5/3/14 It resides next to the beautiful Chicago Women’s Park and Lourdes Torres Timothy Stewart-Winter Gardens, which is perfect for pictures. Making Familia from Scratch: From Civil Rights to Gay Rights in Towards a History of Latina Lesbian Chicago We can accommodate up to 90 people for cocktail style Organizing in Chicago reception and 60 for a sit-down in a single room. Also available for corporate events, retreats and meetings. Sat., 4/5/14 Anne Balay Steel Closets: Gay, Lesbian, and $ upc OMING lectureS 25 per lecture Transgender Steelworkers www.keithhousechicago.com 1900 S. Prairie Avenue Phone: 312.907.7909 https://community.centeronhalsted.org/lavenderuniversity Chicago IL 60616-1321 [email protected] 12 Jan. 29, 2014 WINDY CITY TIMES VIEWPOINT WINDY CITY I’m also arranging for my son to go to a change, like a decision by one’s child to adopt TIMES DANA friend’s house one day after school while I’m a new hairstyle, and we learn patience when VOL. 29, No. 18, Jan. 29, 2014 gone. I do the same in return when his friend’s change is slow. (“How many times have I told The combined forces of Windy City Times, RUDOLPH parents are unavailable. It seems an obvious you to clean your room?”) founded Sept. 1985, and Outlines newspaper, neighborly swap—but I realize I am blessed What we don’t often have is time. We may founded May 1987. with non-homophobic neighbors willing to en- feel guilty or frustrated that we cannot devote PUBLISHER & EXECUTIVE EDITOR trust their children to me. I wonder how many the time we’d like to social justice or political Tracy Baim parents cannot make neighborly childcare ar- causes. I say we need to readjust our expec- rangements because of homophobia, or racism, tations and do what we can, whether at the ASSISTANT PUBLISHER Terri Klinsky Creating change or ableism, or any other form of prejudice. For personal level (having a conversation with a MANAGING EDITOR Andrew Davis families struggling economically, this multi- neighbor, relative, or teacher, say) or in the BUSINESS MANAGER Ripley Caine as an LGBT parent DIRECTOR OF NEW MEDIA Jean Albright plies an already harsh burden. wider world. Make a manageable commitment ART DIRECTOR Kirk Williamson I’m heading to the National Gay and Lesbian For LGBT families, creating change starts with yourself to do one small thing, regularly, SENIOR REPORTER Matt Simonette Task Force’s Creating Change conference in with our simple visibility and ripples outward if that’s what you can manage. Write a one- Senior Account Executives Terri Klinsky, paragraph review for your favorite online book- Kirk Williamson, Amy Matheny, Chris Cheuvront, Houston, Texas, this week, which brings with as we gently or assertively challenge assump- Gretchen Blickensderfer it a host of questions: Will I feel any different tions, demand inclusion, and find ways to build store about an LGBT-inclusive children’s book PROMOTIONAL SUPPORT Scott Duff in a city whose mayor, Annise Parker, is also bridges. It continues as those ripples intersect you’ve read, for example. Leave a comment NATIONAL SALES Rivendell Media, 212-242-6863 a lesbian mom? What childcare arrangements with those of other people working for social once a week or once a month on a parenting SENIOR WRITERS Bob Roehr, Rex Wockner, Marie blog, offering your thoughts on an issue. Or J. Kuda, David Byrne, Tony Peregrin, Lisa Keen, will I make for my own son while I’m gone? justice, and builds as we try to be good al- Yasmin Nair, Erica Demarest, Kate Sosin Are there really cowgirls in Texas? What does it lies to others and teach our children to do the donate a few cans of food to your local soup THEATER EDITOR Scott C. Morgan mean to create change? same. kitchen. Of course, if we have time and inclina- CINEMA WRITER Richard Knight, Jr. As a parent, the disruption to my family’s One of my favorite examples of how to cre- tion, there are plenty of more extensive ways BOOKS WRITER Yasmin Nair ate change comes from Mayor Parker. She in- to volunteer (or be paid) to create change. But SPORTS WRITER Ross Forman schedule looms large in my mind. My spouse, ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WRITERS who is perfectly capable of taking care of our vited Houston-based mega-church evangelist we shouldn’t hesitate simply because we think Mary Shen Barnidge, Steve Warren, Lawrence son and making meals for the week, neverthe- Joel Osteen, who has said homosexuality is that our efforts aren’t enough. Ferber, Mel Ferrand, Jerry Nunn, Jonathan less works longer hours than I do. I’m hardly not “God’s best,” to offer the opening prayer As parents, too, a major part of our effective- Abarbanel ness as change agents is through our children. COLUMNISTS/WRITERS: Yvonne Zipter, Jorjet the only parent who will be dealing with this, at her inauguration in 2010. “You don’t build Harper, Meghan Streit, Charlsie Dewey, Carrie though, so I say a prayer to the gods of work- bridges with people who disagree with you by Not that we should live vicariously through Maxwell, Billy Masters, Sarah Toce, Dana Rudolph, life balance and figure out what time it will be ignoring them or pushing them away,” she told them or push them into activism if that is not Sally Parsons, Melissa Wasserman, Jamie Anne in Texas when I have to phone my son to wish San Diego Gay and Lesbian News. That’s a les- their thing. We can, however, try to raise chil- Royce, Matthew C. Clark, Joe Franco, Francesca son for all of us, whether operating in the po- dren of caring and character, trusting that they Royster, Nick Patricca him a good night. SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHERS Mel Ferrand, Hal Baim, Even while making preparations to go the litical arena or simply talking with a neighbor. will in turn work to make the world a better Emmanuel Garcia, Tim Carroll, Ed Negron, Susan conference, though, I see reasons we need If we can find a common ground—in Parker’s place in their own ways. Mattes to create change in the world. I count myself case, a desire to do good for Houstonians—we As for cowgirls in Houston, we’ll just have CIRCULATION lucky that my son’s school provides an afford- can begin to make progress. For parents, that to see. CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Jean Albright common ground may often be simply that we (My day-job employer, the National SEED DISTRIBUTION: Ashina, Allan, Dan, John, Renee, able and convenient after-care program, where Sue and Victor he can stay until my spouse gets home from her are parents who want to do the best for our Project at the Wellesley Centers for Women, WEB HOSTING: LoveYourWebsite.com (lead job. I wonder, though, how many parents must children, even if we disagree about what that is a sponsor of Creating Change this year. All programmer: Martie Marro) regularly risk leaving young children home entails. opinions here are my own, however.) alone because they cannot afford either having Not that change is easy. We parents, though, Dana Rudolph is the founder and publisher Copyright 2014 Lambda Publications Inc./Windy City Media a parent stay home or paying for childcare. I should be particularly good at dealing with it, of Mombian (mombian.com), an award-win- Group; All rights reserved. Reprint by permission only. Back issues (if available) for $5 per issue (postage included). remember that LGBT families are twice as likely for children are changing from the moment ning blog and resource directory for LGBT Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, drawings, to be living in poverty as married, opposite- they come into the world. Some are changes parents. and photographs submitted if they are to be returned, and we trigger—teaching them to ride a bike, no responsibility may be assumed for unsolicited materials. sex parents with children—and more so for All rights to letters, art and photographs sent to Windy families of color, according to UCLA’s Williams say—others happen because of the inevitable City Times will be treated as unconditionally assigned process of growing up. We encounter sudden for publication purposes and as such, subject to editing Institute. and comment. The opinions expressed by the columnists, cartoonists, letter writers, and commentators are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position ofWindy City Times. Publication of the name, photograph, or likeness of a person or organization in articles or advertising in Windy City Times is not to be construed as any indication of the LETTERS sexual orientation of such person or organization. While we encourage readers to support the advertisers who make this newspaper possible, Windy City Times cannot accept out to LGBT groups in Chicago. Education Freedom Indiana is the organization at the responsibility for advertising claims. about HJR-3 is one of the main challenges. forefront of this battle, and it has been do- (773) 871-7610 FAX (773) 871-7609 Misinformation and lies are everywhere. Some ing a fantastic job. “Reject HJR-6” signs and e-mail: [email protected] or KIM [email protected] Indiana citizens are confused and think HJR-3 stickers popped up all over the state, and af- FLOWERS would legalize gay marriage. These people tell ter our beloved lawmakers changed the name www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com me and other gay friends, “Good luck! I hope it of the proposed ban, were replaced with new podcast: WindyCityQueercast.com passes!” Others say Lambda Legal and the ACLU signs saying “Reject HJR-3.” Contrary to what are not helping us at all because they “won’t the rest of the nation may believe, there is a WINDY CITY MEDIA GROUP, 5315 N. Clark St. #192, Chicago, Illinois 60640 touch Indiana.” (This is not true, because I large and thriving LGBT community in Indiana. U.S.A Indiana contacted representatives and asked!) We have gay bars/clubs, two Pride festivals, (MAILING ADDRESS ONLY) Like many states in this country, the younger choirs, bands, dance groups, an annual Film needs you generation of Indiana is supportive of gay mar- Fest, bookstores, Indiana Youth Group, and so Windy City Times Deadline every Wednesday. Nightspots Deadline Wednesday prior to street date. riage. Many of the older citizens are not as many drag queens. Indianapolis, Fort Wayne OUT! Resource Guide ONLINE A proposed gay-marriage ban in Indiana is backward as they are made out to be, either. and Muncie are definitely the gay-friendliest www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com dragging LGBT Hoosiers back while the rest of Maybe it would be a good thing for HJR-3 to cities. www.WindyCityQueercast.com the country is moving forward. make it to the polls, so our citizens can show But some of the negative things you might Indiana law already bans equal marriage, but our lawmakers and the rest of the country how hear about our state are true, as well. For ex- “Windy City Media Group generated this isn’t enough for our lawmakers; they want we really feel. If HJR-3 is shot down, it will ample, most small towns do not offer LGBT enormous interest among their readers an amendment in the constitution. After some still be illegal for gays to marry. If it passes, youth groups or support in any way. I was one in this year’s LGBT Consumer Index dirty politics—including a name switch (from the few rights we do enjoy—such as domestic- of those kids at a small rural school afraid to Survey. Out of approximately 100 HJR-6 to HJR-3), a vote delay, and even a com- partner benefits (in some, but definitely not all come out until I was 18, and I had a friend print and online media partners who mittee change—the House Elections and Ap- companies), co-parent adoptions (technically who was disowned after he came out—and he participated in the survey, Windy portionment Committee passed the ban by a not legal here, but sometimes allowed), hos- later committed suicide. There are times I feel City was the best performing regional vote of nine to three on Jan. 22. Now it will pital visitations and even the right to plan our (perhaps incorrectly) that some LGBT people in media in the U.S. Only survey partners move to a full House vote and then to the state spouses’ funeral—could also disappear. other states don’t realize how good they have with a nationwide footprint were Senate; if it continues to pass, from there it it, and don’t know how much some of the rest able to generate a greater number of will go on the Indiana ballots in November. of us still have to struggle. Proponents of HJR- responses.” ­­—David Marshall, Research According to local news reports, red-clad op- Send letters and 3 claim they are doing this for families and Director, Community Marketing, Inc. ponents to the legislation in attendance at viewpoints to children, but they are ignoring the gay chil- the House Chambers burst out in laughter af- dren, and the children of gay parents, who are ter testimony that gay marriage would lead to Andrew@ already suffering. We are here, our families are polygamy. A gay U.S. Air Force vet was also WindyCityMediaGroup.com. here, and we need help. escorted out of the chambers for making a For more information, go to http://www.free- thumbs-down gesture. Items may be edited for domindiana.org/. We need help from anyone who’s willing. length or clarity. Kim Flowers is a YA author from Indiana. There have been people suggesting we reach See http://kimflowersbooks.weebly.com. WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 29, 2014 13 GOINGS-ON WINDY CITY TIMES’ ENTERTAINMENT SECTION

Photo by Peter Coombs COME TO THE ‘CABARET’ Cabaret (above) is in the Spotlight. See page 15. THEATER DISH MUSIC ‘Dragon’ along. Having a ‘Look.’ Jawin’ with JD. Page 14 Page 18 Page 16 Photo from The Golden Dragon Mitchell’s ice cream at First Look JD Samson. PR photo by Jonathan L. Green for Charity preview by Andrew Davis

SCOTTISH PLAY SCOTT only realized at a workshop reading of her play at Ameri- can Conservatory Theater when a lesbian stage man- Opposites attract in ager personally thanked her for tackling the story. “There’s a fistful of plays, Aimée and Jaguar especially on Broadway, about gay men, gay men by SCOTT C. MORGAN terested in why this person and not another coming out, and almost person. How do we pick, if you pick, our love nothing about women,” Northwestern University’s production of Lil- interests—and by that I mean erotic, sexual Groag said. “That became a lian Groag’s drama Aimée and Jaguar is a world and romantic love. How does that happen? And secondary interest because premiere that isn’t quite a world premiere. It what are the perfect circumstances for a grand it wasn’t something I knew may be the first fully-staged production of this passionate love affair versus something chaste about, and I think it should based-upon-a-true-story tale of two women and sedate?” be corrected.” who fall in love under the Third Reich in World “One of the things that I like so much about And though Aimée and War II, but American Conservatory Theater in the play is it really does explore the contradic- Jaguar is often billed as a San Francisco ultimately has the right to pro- tory nature of attraction and love in the two “lesbian romance” (Hanred- duce the “professional world premiere” of Ai- central characters who are such polar oppo- dy jokes that it’s always mée and Jaguar for a future season. sites,” Hanreddy said. “If it was today, there recommended to his lesbian Nonetheless, playwright Groag, a native of would be no online dating service that would friends who are sub- Argentina, is happy to be working again with have matched them up. They were a couple scribers), Groag and Hanred- director Joseph Hanreddy (former artistic di- whose love for each other was genuine and dy are working to make the rector of Milwaukee Repertory Theater) on Ai- passionate, but objectively they virtually had case that it’s one that any- mée and Jaguar in Evanston. nothing in common.” one can identify with and The true story behind Aimée and Jaguar is According to Hanreddy, the students working understand. an intriguing one that would initially appear on Aimée and Jaguar are really enjoying the “It’s a love story between mismatched on paper. It involves Lily Wust, a experience and identifying with the characters. two women that completely German soldier’s wife and a mother of four, and “The majority of characters in the play are universalizes the notion of Felice Schragenheim, a Jewish woman living on about the students’ age and so it’s something love,” Hanreddy said. “So the edge with fake identification papers. Their that they connect to, and much of the play that straight couples or gay love affair was previously documented in a is about youth and youth being curtailed,” Aimée and Jaguar. Photo by Nick Gertonson men or anybody can watch book of interviews conducted by Erica Fischer, Hanreddy said. “The circumstances in which the way and apply what and was later adapted into a 1999 art-house they fall in love during the dying days of the the fact that her writing sometimes comes sec- they’re seeing to their own film called Aimée and Jaguar. (These were the Third Reich and the Nazi clampdown on every- ondary to her directing duties, Hanreddy sees feelings and experiences.” names of endearment that they gave each one that was deemed undesirable is sort of a her directing experience as a bonus. Aimée and Jaguar plays from Friday, Jan. other.) cauldron or crucible that just intensifies every- “I enjoy talking with her about the way in 31, through Sunday, Feb. 9, at Northwest- Both Groag and Hanreddy had seen the film, thing about life. So it shines a bright light on which we’re connecting and telling the story ern University’s Josephine Louis Theater, but their intension behind creating a stage ver- this relationship when no one, under this Allied and what the story has to say and the design 20 Arts Circle, Evanston. Performances are sion of Aimée and Jaguar was not to copy the bombing attacks that were happening every solutions,” Hanreddy said. “She has a ready un- at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, 8 p.m. Fridays and movie. And though neither artist is gay, the day, could imagine that they would survive.” derstanding of stagecraft and so I enjoy those Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays. Playwright story of Aimée and Jaguar is one that speaks In addition to being a playwright, Groag is conversations.” Lillian Groag appears in two post-show to both of them. also an esteemed international opera director Groag is also happy to be expanding the rep- talkback discussions on Jan. 31 and Feb. 2. “The first thing for me was to really write (her credits for Chicago Opera Theater include ertory for lesbian and bisexual stories in the Tickets are $25, $22 for seniors and $10 for a play about the nature of love,” Groag said Handel’s dark comedy Agrippina and his ora- theater as an unintended consequence of writ- students. Call 847-491-7282 or visit www. during a recent telephone interview. “I’m in- torio La Resurrezione). Though Groag bemoans ing Aimée and Jaguar. It was something she communication.northwestern.edu. 14 Jan. 29, 2014 WINDY CITY TIMES THEATER REVIEW stories told to moralize are often grounded in cold, hard and unflinching truths. The Golden Dragon Let’s just say that Schimmelpfennig’s The Playwright: Roland Schimmelpfennig; Golden Dragon will not be to everyone’s taste. Translator: David Tushingham The play seems crafted to deliberately alienate At: Sideshow Theatre Company at audiences with its use of choppy dialogue, spo- Victory Gardens’ Richard Christiansen ken third-person stage directions and an end- Theater, 2433 N. Lincoln Ave. ing that finds no justice for two disempowered Tickets: 773-871-3000; victims caught up in the cruel cogs of unfet- www.sideshowtheatre.org; $20-$25 tered globalization. Runs through: Feb. 23 But all these nonrealistic devices also pro- vide a complex and fascinating framework for BY SCOTT C. MORGAN a theater company to try and visualize it all onstage. I’d say that Sideshow Theatre’s pro- It’s not every day that an African-American duction, co-directed by Jonathan L. Green and male gets to act the role of a blonde female Marti Lyons, largely succeeds at speedily keep- flight attendant with a Scandinavian-sounding ing up with Schimmelpfennig’s one-act script name. But then The Golden Dragon—now hav- that has no patience for narrative stragglers. ing its Chicago premiere courtesy of Sideshow Immensely helping out to clarify the scat- Theatre Company—seems to go out of its way tershot storytelling is the nimble steering of to defy dramatic expectations and to empha- lighting designer John Kelly and sound design- size the idea that any actor can take on an- er Christopher M. LaPorte, who both give vital other’s persona via the power of storytelling. clues to who we’re with and where. William And storytelling is essentially what play- Boles’ busy unit set also aids with a solid and wright Roland Schimmelpfennig’s The Golden creatively visualized framework to contain the Dragon is all about. Five actors, performing many plot threads within The Golden Dragon. David Tushingham’s English translation, take Cast members Deanna Myers, Matt Fletcher, on all the roles of characters in and around David Lawrence Hamilton, Daria Harper and a popular pan-Asian restaurant named The Noah Sullivan do not get a lot of time to lin- Golden Dragon in a major unnamed modern- ger in their many characters. But the cast does day German city. palpably get across the pain, hurt and longing Schimmelpfennig slices, dices and mixes that festers inside the various characters. his multiple narratives like a jumbled stir-fry, The Mandrake. Photo courtesy of Guy F. Wicke In unconventionally casting roles the actors repeatedly uncovering and concealing plot normally wouldn’t play, The Golden Dragon strands involving undocumented restaurant gives them a chance to find some empathy in workers, dissatisfied customers who live nearby touches: After withdrawing into Friar Timoteo’s another person’s shoes. And that could also be THEATER REVIEW and a folk parable of the carefree cricket who church vestry, Liguria—whose motley gown what the play itself seems to be pleading with seeks help in winter from insidious ants. All The Mandrake and insatiable appetite identifies her as the its storytelling, even if there is no recourse for these stories eventually become intertwined Playwright: translated by Christopher author’s harlequin surrogate—later emerges the victims in and around The Golden Dragon. in a sinister fashion, hinting that fantastical Kidder-Mostrom from the snacking on the communion bread and wine, play by Niccolo Machiavelli and when the lovesick Callimaco (“I’m an all- At: Commedia Beauregard at the out passion stampede!”) disguises himself as Raven Arts Complex, 6157 N. Clark St. a minstrel, his song is an acoustical arrange- THEATER REVIEW even fabricate—justification for dismissal. Tickets: 800-838-3006; ment of Daft Punk’s “Get Lucky.” The scenes The approval-seeking Ileen tries to comply, www.cbtheatre.org; $25 involving Neil O’Callaghan’s unflappable valet Rasheeda Speaking but gradually falls prey to conflicting loyal- Runs through: Feb. 9 and Lina Chambers’ sunny-faced Renaissance- Playwright: Joel Drake Johnson ties—a dilemma not shared by Jaclyn, who rapping widow also project charm and imagi- At: Rivendell Theatre Ensemble, refuses to leave without a fight. BY MARY SHEN BARNIDGE nation in quantities sufficient to overcome the 5779 N. Ridge Ave. Are we to view this as a cynical diatribe on production’s overall collegiate ambience. Tickets: 773-334-7728; the tolerance of dishonesty (which the doc- If Niccolo Machiavelli hadn’t written The www.rivendelltheatre.org; $30 tor himself prescribes) in corporate-medical Prince, thereby coining the catch-phrase, “The Runs through: Feb. 15 circles? A guide to occupational survival end justifies the means,” and if weasely public through slimeball machinations, a la David officers weren’t still invoking that same slogan BY MARY SHEN BARNIDGE Mamet? Is it a history of minority-group up- in defense of their shady tactics, there would ward mobility, and will Jaclyn’s trashy Latino be no reason for us to remember a 16th-centu- Some playwrights shun agendas. They don’t neighbors someday adopt her tactics to their ry play titled The Mandrake. Nowadays, politi- CRITICS’ PICKS tell a story or teach a lesson, but simply lock own advantage? Is it a misogynistic snicker cal theorists looking to art in illustrating their a few characters into a room, assign them a at catty competitive women, with old-school ideas make film documentaries, but in 1525, The Children’s Hour, Pride Films and premise, and record the results. Actors and Ileen nudged out by ambitious Jaclyn, or a they wrote plays, the continuing popularity of Plays at Collaboraction at Flat Iron Arts directors love this kind of play, because it al- diatribe on infantile male authority figures? which are often based more in their author’s Building, through Feb. 9. Lillian Hellman’s lows them to analyze the text at great length Or is it a parable of epiphany, as Jaclyn— reputation than any inherent aesthetic value. play was all about sex in 1934, but nowa- before imposing their individual interpreta- having endured the humiliation of being This doesn’t mean that great plays can’t be days it’s about surviving the hostility of tions thereupon. Audiences, too, are enam- branded a “Rasheeda” (the current epithet founded on social sermons (consider George a homophobic community, and this smart ored of the (comfortably brief) post-show for a low-level, service-sector, working wom- Bernard Shaw). No one can say that Machia- production makes sure that we know it ev- discussions generated thereby. an of color)—comes to accept a display of velli doesn’t make a coherent case for a vir- ery minute. MSB Joel Drake Johnson’s room is the recep- affability as the price of escape from the tuous wife becoming an adulterous whore in The Little Prince, Lookingglass Theatre, tion area of a clinic, where Ileen Van Me- copy-center ghetto? order to give her infertile husband the progeny extended through March 16. There’s lots ter has been given a raise and promoted to Rivendell director Sandy Shinner and a cast he desires, with the hearty co-operation of the of theatrical spectacle to marvel at in Rick “manager” of the two-person office after led by Tara Mallen and Ora Jones as the war- would-be sperm donor and his sidekicks, along Cummings and John Scouliar’s creative eight years of mothering her smug employer ring desk-dwellers, flanked by Eric Slater and with assorted moral advisors—the hapless ma- adaptation of Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s and his needy clients. Her co-worker of six Lorraine Freund, delve the intricacies of their tron’s mercenary clergyman, frivolous mother beloved children’s book about an other- months, Jaclyn Spaulding, carries out their superficially recognizable, but ultimately in- and cuckolded spouse, himself—who also urge worldly child who meets a stranded avia- assigned duties capably, but comes up short distinct, personae for the 90 minutes before her toward patently immoral conduct for the tor. SCM on the warm-and-cuddlies, and so Dr. Wil- Johnson runs out of questions he raises, but (all together, now) greater good. Port Authority, Writers Theatre, liams wants her replaced—indeed, has never answers. The show’s publicity conve- In order to ensure that we follow every step through Feb. 16. Exquisite acting, and already picked a candidate for the soon- niently identifies its theme as “post-racial of his argument, Machiavelli leaves no opinion commonplace speech elevated to poetry, to-be vacated post. Ah, but since Jaclyn America,” however—a topic always good for unexplored, making for a text closer to Plato’s infuse this tender and introspective piece is African-American, her exit must be care- convening a quick symposium before every- symposiums than to the Roman comedy we as- about three Irishmen of different genera- fully orchestrated, and so (white) Ileen is one goes home. sociate with the period. Modern productions tions who bare their rueful souls about the instructed by her (white) boss to find—or typically adopt motifs drawn from the later women who got away. JA playwrights refining the neoclassical comic Tribes, Steppenwolf Theatre, through form—Goldoni, Moliere and, of course, Shake- Feb. 15. Our hero can’t hear, his brother speare—but despite the Commedia Beauregard can’t speak, and nobody except his girl Rasheeda company’s record of reaching across boundaries friend will listen to either one of them— Speaking. both chronological and geographical, director Nina Raine’s messy play about messy fami- Photo by Joe Lisa Cantwell appears not to trust the merits of lies has been extended to Valentine’s Day, Mazza/Brave Christopher Kidder-Mostrom’s new translation, so you have no excuse to miss it. MSB Lux instead instructing her actors to play it as flat- out live-action-cartoon farce, often at the ex- —By Abarbanel, Barnidge pense of anchoring the hijinks in an integrated and Morgan universe. The results are not without their clever WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 29, 2014 15

The Tennessee Williams SPOTLIGHT Project. Photo by Matthew Gregory Hollis

THEATER REVIEW And “experience” most aptly describes what Hawkins and The Hypocrites have done with Out actor Alan Cumming rose to fame in the United States as the star of a 1998 Broadway The Tennessee this project. Although the order of the plays revival of the Kander and Ebb musical Cabaret. Cumming will soon reprise his role of the Emcee goes against typical three-act structure and opposite Michelle Williams in a Broadway revival of the revival, but before then you can catch Williams Project doesn’t satisfy in that sense, it does work logi- Cabaret closer to home in a fine Marriott Theatre production in Lincolnshire. The Marriott largely Playwright: Tennessee Williams cally in terms of communicating themes and uses the 1998 script, which is more explicit about the characters’ sexuality, along with some At: The Hypocrites at the ideas and linking the plays together. No mat- welcome inclusions from the 1966 original version. Cabaret continues through March 16 at the Chopin Theatre, 1543 W. Division St. ter: The Tennessee Williams Project will appeal Marriott Theatre, 10 Marriott Dr., Lincolnshire. Performances are at 1 and 8 p.m. Wednesdays; 8 Tickets: 773-525-5991; to all types of theatergoers with its unique p.m. Thursdays and Fridays; 4:30 and 8 p.m. Saturdays; and 1 and 5 p.m. Sundays. Admission is the-hypocrites.com; $28-36 three-stage setup and certainly spur a number $40-$48 (excluding tax and handling fees) with discounts available for seniors and students at Runs through: March 2 of conversations among Williams’ fans both ca- select performances; call 847-634-0100 or visit www.marriotttheatre.com for more information. sual and well acquainted. Photo by Peter Coombs BY STEVEN CHAITMAN

The Hypocrites are offering three times the Tennessee in a most intriguing combination of one-act plays by the incomparable Tennessee Williams. The artistic decision to pick these three of the numerous one-acts that Williams wrote between 1937 and 1982 is left almost “42nd Street Soars entirely to the intellect, but making the con- …Pure Escapist nections is part of the fun. Director Matt Hawkins (Jeff Award winner for Entertainment” The Hypocrites’ production of Cabaret) has cre- Highly Recommended atively designed an entire full-length play ex- – HEDY WEISS / CHICAGO SUN-TIMES perience, which moves the audience through a series of three consecutive stages, each space carefully crafted and decorated. The one-acts are all stitched together in a metaphoric sort “An evening you of way through one actor, Patrick Gannon, who will not forget!” takes on three different lead roles (four if you count a gender change) that have a kind of spiritual connection to each other. – ALAN BRESLOFF / AROUND TOWN CHICAGO The Tennessee Williams Project plays its best card first – the Queen. The New Orleans-set And Tell Sad Stories of the Death of Queens is both the longest and most engaging of the “Heart-pounding, three, and centers on the story of a blossom- entertaining and ing dysfunctional relationship that is no good for either character yet tragically sweet. “Can- energetic stage dy” Delaney (Gannon) is a lonely transvestite spectacular…” landlord and interior decorator who seduces a – PHIL POTEMPA / NORTHWEST INDIANA TIMES sailor named Karl (Joseph Wiens) into being her “platonic” companion. Karl’s apparent con- fusion about his own sexual identity along with his desperate financial situation makes this a “A big, bold and volatile yet captivating relationship. Gannon is totally charming both in and out of drag, and brassy musical” the intimate configuration of the stage ampli- Highly Recommended fies both the humor and the tension in his per- – TOM WILLIAMS / CHICAGO CRITIC formance and in the entire play. Part two moves into the bizarre with The Re- markable Rooming House of Mme. Le Monde. Gannon swaps a wig for a series of fastening “Wonderful show devices to play Mint, a paraplegic living in the attic of the titular London rooming house, who to introduce gets around with only a series of rings and has youngsters to the a reputation for sexual misconduct. “Rooming House” could well be the most bizarre work of joys of Broadway” Williams’ career. In fact, it wasn’t produced un- – TOM WILLIAMS / CHICAGO CRITIC til after his death. This play utilizes physical- ity, lighting and staging to its advantage, but doesn’t last long enough for anything to settle in amidst its Little Shop of Horrors vibe. The similarly hopeless, lonely characters marred by cruel circumstances, do, however, allow it to effectively bridge the other plays. The finale, The Big Game, is set in a hospital room and uses injury and medical misfortune as a way of exploring sad but profound ideas about dreams and purpose. Although devoid of dramatic conflict, it offers more of a range of interesting characters, namely Nurse Fussy (Mary Redmon), and provides a quiet change of DON’T MISS IT! THRU FEB 9 pace, a chance to meditate a bit more on the TICKETS 630.896.6666 or PARAMOUNTAURORA.COM entire experience. 16 Jan. 29, 2014 WINDY CITY TIMES play of St. Sebastian as Adonis,” said Athey. Athey himself is an autodidactic, having no A man helps “He is also the saint who many prayed to dur- formal education or training after high school. performance ing times of the great plagues and death. I “I was part of a generation in the ‘70s that artist Ron Athey want to bring his image back.” said, ‘If you want to be an artist, then go be (right) during an Athey, again finding his muse in other medi- an artist’. You just have to go out and do it.” exhibition. Photo ums, points to the popular painting subject of Athey said he believes that the greatest ob- by Kurt Ehrmann “St. Sebastian Tended by Irene.” He said, “This stacle to art made and done in our time is stag- is a resurrection myth. It is through St. Irene’s nation: “We are all so concerned with who went washing and anointing of the body of St. Se- to school where. We begin to pay for a brand bastian that his rebirth comes about.” and forget about what it is all supposed to be While in Chicago, Athey will also be signing about. Artists need to stop waiting around for his first book, Pleading in the Blood: The Art a boring curator to give them a chance and and Performances of Ron Athey, a retrospective just collaborate and open a space. It’s all about of Athey’s body of work, spanning nearly three cultivating the local talent.” decades. Athey’s piece “Messianic Remains” can be His new book is a path in another direction. seen Friday, Jan. 31, and Saturday, Feb. 1, Athey is and always has been an indepen- at the Mana Contemporary Gallery, 2233 S. dent and self-made artist. “Branding is a dirty Throop St. His lecture and book release are word,” he said. “So many pop artists of this Tuesday, Feb. 4, at 6 p.m. at the School of era are really just destroying art. They are not the Art Institute of Chicago, 280 S. Colum- ART furthering a discussion on the evolution of the bus Dr. See www. RonAthey.com. culture in which they are being made!” Ron Athey: NUNN ON ONE: MUSIC JD Samson’s Blood ties ‘Labor’ days by Jerry Nunn

By Joe Franco “AIDS is always present,” Athey said about Outspoken lesbian singer/songwriter JD his work. “It wasn’t until the mid-’90s that Samson continually works on new projects Pissing off U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms is a good sign there was any effective treatment that could and is constantly touring. Her groups, MEN that you have done something with your life. prolong life. Before that, we were living under and , have gained their own unique When Ron Athey performed his “Four Scenes a cloud of death. loyal followings over the years. She has in a Harsh Life” in Minneapolis in the early ‘90s, Chicago and Athey have a long relationship, worked with notable artists like The Cars, he did not expect the backlash from Helms to as he performed one of his first collaborative and . dismantle the National Endowment for the Arts pieces at the Randolph Street Gallery in 1993. Samson appeared in the movie Shortbus, (NEA). Athey’s controversial work, along with He is now back with the Defibrillator Perfor- co-founded a performance art group called artists such as Robert Mapplethorpe, spawned mance Art Gallery and Mana Contemporary Dykes Can Dance, and released JD’s Lesbian the conservative Republican movement to de- Gallery on South Throop Street performing the Calendar with photographer Cass Bird. fund and destroy the NEA. His work has since final installment in his “Incorruptible Flesh” Nunn gave Samson a call the day her tour then and has always been on the edge of the series called “Messianic Remains.” opened on the road. intersection of fine and performance art. Athey hinted that “the piece will be a reflec- Windy City Times: Hi, JD. How have you Athey lived in Southern California and attri- tion of the preserved and sexualized corpse.” been since we talked last? Sounds like you butes his fascination with the human body as The performance begins with 20 minutes of au- have been busy. a medium to the body-conscious milieu of that dience participation—specifically, of attendees JD Samson: Oh my gosh, yes! region. “I think my fascination with the body touching or “anointing” Athey’s body. The rest WCT: We chatted at Berlin Nightclub af- is also representative of the time that I grew of the performance is meant to evoke Notre- ter your last gig here. up in and came out of—the ‘70s,” Athey told Dame-des-Fleurs by Jean Genet. The book, JS: I guess it was last year maybe. I usu- Windy City Times. “Now it is also a matter of when published in 1943 was as provocative ally go to Chicago like three times a year or AIDS and aging and my defiance against both. then as it is now with meditations on death something. I still have action in this body!” Athey also and ecstasy. “I am performing the ritual of the WCT: Talk about your new album, Labor. attributed his use of the human body as an text,” said Athey. JS: Well, our new record came out Oct. artistic medium to his captivation with passion Athey will also be collaborating with Jon Jon 22 [of last year]. Since then we have not plays. “These are plays that conjure up other and Sage Charles to bring “Sebastiane” to life. been touring that much. We have been doing moments and other places, “said Athey. “Using St. Sebastian’s image and the iconography sur- shows in town and a few choice shows out of JD Samson. the human body also gives one a feeling of how rounding the early third-century saint are not town when they come up. We put the record things transfer from one body to another.” foreign to gay culture. “This is the archetypal out ourselves so we have been really busy laborations have been happening with the doing the business side of things as well as producers. That has been pretty cool since the creative side, which has been fun but a we hadn’t really worked with different pro- new side of the project. ducers before. I love the production aspect CULTURE CLUB WCT: The latest single is “All The Way of the work so that kind of collaboration is Thru?” really stimulating to me. JS: Yes, but today there will be a premiere WCT: You have been doing a lot of Scis- of a new track as well. We are excited about sor Sunday parties in New York. Are they “   ! “HIGHLY that. We wanted to put something out before lesbian parties? Hugely compelling... RECOMMENDED! this tour so we could drum up some more ex- JS: The intention with the first party that I and thrillingly intimate” Dagger-sharp direction citement. That is what people do these days started two years ago was that it would be a – Chicago Tribune by Kimberly Senior.” they just put stuff out. lesbian tea dance. It was in the West Village – Chicago Sun-Times WCT: Do you like the dynamic of being then wound up being a total gay guy party, with a band as opposed to being a solo which is awesome. It is packed all the time HEDDA “Delectably artist? and great. I am thankful for that and now is ferocious.” JS: I really like collaboration and I am a pretty mixed. Every party is completely dif- GABLER –Time Out Chicago people-pleaser. I love getting support from ferent. Sometimes the guys come early and other people on a project. I think that is a the girls come late or mixed the whole time. BY HENRIK IBSEN TRANSLATED BY NICHOLAS RUDALL really big part of it. I love the idea of sharing It really depends on who is DJing. I have DIRECTED BY KIMBERLY SENIOR information and trying to build something always loved that vibe of it doesn’t matter PICTURED: KATE FRY. PHOTO BY MICHAEL BROSILOW. together. Maybe it comes from my history of who is here but we are all happy and hav- NOW PLAYING community work. I think that is really im- ing fun. It is a family-style feeling since it at 325 Tudor Court, Glencoe portant to me. is Sunday from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. It feels a Minutes from Chicago on the Edens or Metra It has been interesting. This band has little like church. FOR TICKETS: WRITERSTHEATRE.ORG | 847-242-6000 changed so much since the beginning. In Samson sings at the Empty Bottle, 1035 2013/14 SEASON SPONSOR CORPORATE SPONSOR the beginning it was a collaboration with N. Western Ave., on Jan. 31. Visit empty- side people from different groups. It has now bottle.com or call 773-276-3600 for tick- whittled itself down to myself and Michael ets and information. O’Neill and a rotating cast of people that See www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com for play with us onstage. I know the bigger col- the entire interview. WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 29, 2014 17 MOVIES lock people up and throw away the key. I guess folks “What you’re doing is going to help them it is my calling. These people have no voice. die with dignity.” They wanted me to do their I was brought up to question things and be story. Gay director talks political, and not take what the government GMK: What has been the impact of the ex- was saying as truth. I was also brought up to perience of being nominated on your life be compassionate. I was taught to listen—and and work as a filmmaker? that’s one of the best tools for a documentary EB: I don’t think I prepared myself for this. about Oscar-nominated filmmaker. I’m flabbergasted by this sudden attention the GMK: Did you ever feel in danger in the film is getting. Other folks who have been nom- prison? inated or won, said that my life will or might documentary EB: I wasn’t sure if I should tell the guys I change the way of getting funding, and people was gay. A week into it, I told Herky [one of will be interested in your projects. I’m bracing By Gary M. Kramer the inmate orderlies]. I can’t lie and dodge him myself. Nothing drastic has happened yet. It’s and ask them to be open with me. He said [my crazy. My friends are more flipped out than I Edgar Barens’ Prison Terminal: The Last Days of being gay] wasn’t a problem. I thought it would am. But this is actually happening. When I got Private Jack Hall is a somber and fascinating be, but it wasn’t. There are certain things that the cover letter from the Academy, it gave me short documentary film that explores a unique you don’t talk about in prison. Herky said that chills. hospice center at the Iowa State Penitentiary. he had my back, totally. He told me he told ©2014 Gary M. Kramer Chronicling the last two weeks in the life of Jack Hall, a decorated soldier who went to prison for 21 years for murdering a drug dealer, movie and the series Barens’ film prompts a reconsideration of how Gay, lesbian critics Orange Is the New Black tied for TV Drama end of life care issues are being handled for honor ‘Slave,’ of the Year, while Girls won for TV Comedy prisoners. The out filmmaker spoke with Windy of the Year. Dame Shirley Bassey won for TV City Times about his film, which opens Jan. 31 Franco, Tomlin Musical Performance of the Year for singing at the Music Box Theatre (www.musicboxthe- The Gay and Lesbian Entertainment Crit- “Goldfinger” at the 82nd in atre.com). ics Association (GALECA) has announced the 2013. “Orange” also won for LGBT TV Show Gary M. Kramer: How did you come to learn winners of its annual Dorian Awards Jan. 21 of the year. about the story of Jack Hall and the Iowa in Hollywood, Calif., according to a press re- Emphasizing the different nature of this State Prison Hospice? lease. event, GALECA named Wilde Edgar Barens: I didn’t seek Jack out from The winners were in 21 categories span- Wit of the Year and Wilde Artist the get-go; it was a random thing. By the ning film and television. of the Year. The We’re Wilde About You (Ris- time Iowa State Penitentiary approved me to In the area of film, 12 Years a Slave was ing Star Award) went to trans actress Laverne named Film of the Year over such competition Cox while received the Timeless as and Blue Is the Warm- Award. est Color. However, Matthew McConaughey of There were also awards such as Campy Flick Knight at the “Dallas” won for Film Performance of the Year of the Year (which I’m So Excited! won) and (Actor), beating co-star Jared Leto. Cate Unsung TV Show of the Year (HBO’s Getting Blanchett won for Film Performance of the On). Movies will Edgar Barens. Photo courtesy of HBO Year (Actress) for . GALECA’s annual toast—attended mainly Blue Is the Warmest Color won Foreign by members but open to winners, nominees return next Language Film of the Year honors and Bride- and their representatives—will be held Sun- groom was named Documentary of the Year. sensationalization of prisoners (e.g., MSNBC’s day, March 9, in Hollywood, Calif. See the full Television was also honored. The Liberace week. Lockup). These are people who made hor- list of winners at http://galeca.com. rible mistakes—and there are monsters—but I wanted to humanize the prisoner. This program incorporated the prisoners in hospice care. visit, I stationed myself in the infirmary, as I This one is unique and it has great ramifica- was highlighting the hospice program. I got tions by using the prisoners in this program. I to know the inmate volunteers, who are also wanted to know the inmate who was dying, why orderlies. Jack was a long-term patient. Three the inmates who helped were doing it, as well months into my stay, I realized he was one to as about the doctors and nurses. My goal was focus on, and got to know his story. He was to show these programs work, that they don’t perfect, because he could have been anybody. cost anything and they need to be expanded. GMK: What dictated your approach—you There are 75 hospices in the 1800 correctional mix interviews with observational mo- facilities, and only 25 use inmates. Long term ments—to tell Jack’s story? sentences mean that the aging prison popu- EB: It’s a hybrid [cinema] verite. I was in a lations are dying in jail. The cost of keeping quandary. I wanted to make it observational, elderly prisoners is expensive. but I need information from people. The verite GMK: You are a gay filmmaker. Was there a provides a buffer between the talking heads reason you chose not to tell a gay story? and the observational footage. People lose EB: I don’t shy away from gay issues, track that they are in a prison, but you get and some of my film work has been [for the these little reminders, like when Jack is shack- community]—I did a series of public service led. announcements—but none of my larger films GMK: What was your goal in making this are gay-themed. My next documentary started film? with a queer topic. I love doing films on crimi- EB: My first goal was to humanize the pris- nal justice. It’s become my cause. I feel that oner. What’s happening in the media is the society needs to open their eyes and we can’t


BUY TICKETS AT JAMUSA.COM • THE CHICAGO THEATRE BOX OFFICE ALL TICKETMASTER OUTLETS • 800-745-3000 • TICKETMASTER.COM 18 Jan. 29, 2014 WINDY CITY TIMES theDISH WEEKLY DINING GUIDE IN esting facts, including that Frank Sinatra was linois are just a few of the charities the event buried with a bottle of it.) is benefiting this year. First Look for Charity preview The tuxedo-mandatory event First Look for Tickets are $250 each; see https://www. BY ANDREW DAVIS Charity will take place Friday, Feb. 7, at 7-11 chicagoautoshow.com/first-look-for-chari- p.m. at McCormick Place—the night before ty/buy-tickets. Recently, there was a media preview at McGrath the public can view the vehicles at the Chi- The Chicago Auto Show will take place Feb. Acura, 1301 N. Elston Ave., for the cuisine and cago Auto Show. Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago, 8-17 at McCormick Place. spirits that will be served at the Chicago Auto Clearbrook, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Show’s First Look for Charity. Hospital of Chicago, and Special Olympics Il- If the preview’s any indication, the attendees at First Look will have a lot more to look for- showed that Connolly is a welcome addition. ward to than eye-popping vehicles. Luxbar (take two) The tuna tartare is the best I’ve had in ages There were tasting stations, with samples of and the Skuna Bay salmon (with farro and items such as Bub City’s pulled pork and cole BY ANDREW DAVIS grilled mushroom vinaigrette) was cooked per- slaw, along with its chocolate peanut-butter fectly. However, I must admit that my favorite cup; and Devon Seafood’s shrimp ceviche Images from the Chicago Auto Show’s First Look The Gold Coast eatery Luxbar (18 E. Bellevue items were the side dishes: the creamed kale (shrimp with poached sweet potatoes, fresh for Charity preview. Photos by Andrew Davis St.; www.luxbar.com) has retained a lot of and the candied sweet potatoes. corn and black bean salsa, and served with things but has made a big change: There’s a Other attractive options include the prime white corn chips). Among other restaurants of- new executive chef, Shaun Connolly, who has ribeye beef bourguignon, which was quite sa- fering tasty items were ZED451, Roy’s, Mitch- worked at Rockit Ranch Productions, Night- vory. (The versatility of the menu, however, is ell’s Premium Ice Crea & Candies, and even the wood, Epic, Terragusto and Takashi, among evident, with dishes ranging from Lake Supe- Mid-USA Falun Dafa Association (which offered other stops. rior whitefish to corned-beef hash.) There are honey noodles). Regulars shouldn’t worry—Connolly has also some tantalizing burger choices—fitting Regarding spirits, I may have fallen in love left the restaurant’s famous fried chicken and for an eatery in the Gibsons Restaurant Group. with a new brand of vodka: American Harvest, Snickers pie (a monstrous concoction of pea- In addition, bartender Choo paired our items an organic brand from the same company be- nuts, vanilla ice cream, snickers pieces, hot with drinks such as the Grapefruit 4 Ways and hind Grey Goose. Also, there were Gentleman fudge and caramel sauce) alone. However, he The Serum. Also, one would be remiss not to Jack and Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel; and Tres has incorporated his own experiences—and try Choo’s Famous Winter Remedy, a concoction Agaves Tequila. (An aside: Jack Daniel’s rep Ar- tasteful penchant for simplicity—into the of strained rye whiskey (soaked in apples for mando Zapata filled my head with many inter- menu. two weeks), raw sugar and other ingredients. 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Buying – Selling – Leasing – en out your chaos, help you make sense of your chaos coat of paint, or a facelift for you bathroom. “A+” Landlord/Tenant – Building/Remodeling. Contact The and finally clean what is no longer chaos. Can we help with BBB. Licensed-Bonded-Insured, One year War- Law Office of David G. Frueh, 3843 North Broadway you? Bonded and insured. Chestnut Cleaning Ser- ranty. Free Estimates! Andy OnCall 773-244-9961. Street. (312) 492-4261. [email protected]. vice: 312-332-5575. www.ChestnutCleaning.com 847-328-3100 www.getandy.com (9/10/14-26) www.FruehLaw.com (4/16/14-52) (11/20/14-52) WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 29, 2014 19 NUNN ON ONE: PERFORMANCE White were you truly surprised when Robert Downey Jr. kissed you? MT: Well, it was a surprise. The director want- ed me to really hit him and I didn’t want to. He Mike Tyson on raising said, “You gotta real do this shit, man! If you want to be an actor then you have to smack the shit out of him!” It did look real, didn’t it? pigeons and kissing WCT: People think it was real. MT: It was real—a real smack. When he was on the floor he was kicking me and I yelled, “Ow!” Robert Downey Jr. WCT: He’s a character in real life. I met him at a dinner. WCT: Do you have a favorite movie of his? MT: People don’t realize he has had an amaz- MT: Jungle Fever. ing comeback. His comeback is right up there WCT: That’s a good one. What has been a with mine. surprise reaction from the audience so far WCT: Yes, and truly great to see. You are with the Undisputed Truth? up for an NAACP Image Award with Undis- MT: Some people said it has changed their puted Truth for Outstanding Variety Series [lives]. I am sure people have experienced Or Special. things in the show but have not felt comfort- MT: Yes, I am nominated. I was watching the able talking about it. I am not trying to glorify preview on television and Jamie Foxx was on myself. A lot of it is about being honest and there. I was like, “Whoa!” telling all of my flaws and how I have overcome WCT: Congrats on that, Mike! my adversities. MT: Thank you. WCT: I was surprised you had been bullied WCT: Do you want to have more updates when you were younger and that was covered to this show or make a whole other show in the show. someday? by Jerry Nunn MT: Oh, yeah. Any way a human being can be MT: I would like to do another show and pro- abused they got me. There are some really evil duce shows. It is going to be interesting. Mike Mike Tyson—the man, the myth, the legend— people out there. Tyson: Undisputed Truth took on a life of its is the former heavyweight champion of the WCT: With being on Twitter you probably own. We are in at least ten other countries, world holding the record for holding multiple have to deal with some haters even these countries that don’t even speak English! We are titles at only 20 years old. He was later induct- days. going to try to put a hold on this and do some ed into the International Boxing Hall of Fame MT: Hey, that doesn’t bother me. I can deal new stuff but we will see. and the World Boxing Hall of Fame. with that but there people right there with WCT: Have you had a favorite place you This native New Yorker appeared in the Hang- physical confrontation in life that would do have travelled to so far? over movies, playing himself and entertaining anything to a human being that can be done. MT: Mannn, I have been to a bunch. I was a whole new generation in the process. Mike Tyson. WCT: Is it hard reliving these stories night just in Dubai and back. I think we are going to A pigeon lover by heart with fists of gold, after night? England, France, the Netherlands and Scandi- Tyson wanted to set the record straight in his MT: When I did my book it was really hard. navian countries. I can’t even believe it! own words with a one-man Broadway show. WCT: We will make sure they go to a good When I was on stage it wasn’t too hard because WCT: To think this whole idea for this Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth went on a 36- home. [Tyson laughs.] Did you have fun at I was being very objective. It wasn’t me Mike Truth project came out of you seeing Chazz city national tour that brought him to Chicago the Golden Globes? It looked like you had Tyson but a guy performing Mike Tyson’s life. Palminteri’s one man show A Bronx Tale in last year. Directed by Spike Lee, the piece dis- a blast. WCT: So talk about writing the Undisputed New York. plays both his professional and personal life on MT: I had a ball! Truth book. MT: Yeah—isn’t that crazy? The person that stage through confessions. HBO featured the WCT: You just ran around and met celebri- MT: Writing the book I had no idea it would was inspired is now bigger than the person that show on a television special this past Novem- ties all night? get the fan response that it did. It became an inspired him. Nobody knows who Anne Sullivan ber to rave reviews. MT: Yeah. I hung out with them and took international best seller in quite a few coun- is but everyone knows who Helen Keller is. It Last summer he created a boxing promotion pictures with them. tries. I was just very grateful for that. is like that! company called Iron Mike Productions with a WCT: Do you have a favorite Hangover mo- WCT: You are returning to Chicago at the Get ready for Tyson to talk your ear off huge roster of fighters to continue his tradi- ment from the movies? UIC Pavilion Feb. 7 as a boxing promoter. Saturday, Feb. 8, at The Venue, 777 Casino tion. MT: I liked the second one when I was sing- How is that project going for you? Center Dr., Hammond, Ind. See www.horse- Tyson returns to our neck of the woods with ing and dancing. That was funny! MT: It is starting off slow but it’s picking up. shoehammond.com/shows.html. his show giving audiences another chance to WCT: You live in Vegas, so do you gamble I am just grateful because being Mike Tyson it For more on the upcoming Friday Night see his big hit in person. Get to know the king when you visit a casino like Horseshoe? picked up quicker. It is normal for it to start Fight in Chicago, visit www.ironmikeproduc- of TKO in this Nunn on One interview. MT: Not at all. Not even a little bit. off slow. tions.com. Windy City Times: Hi, Mike. WCT: On the improvised movie Black and WCT: Who are you promoting? Mike Tyson: Hey, buddy. What’s going on? MT: I have many. There’s a guy named Erick- WCT: I saw your show at the Cadillac Palace son Lubin who was a prospect for the Olympics Stardust will be Queer Fest America comix Theatre when you were last here. How was in 2016 but he signed with me. He’s real talent- Jan. 30 ‘Out at Darren Marshall and Kate Cullen as well as your experience being in Chicago? ed. I got Claudio Marrero, who is a 126-pound- Matt Duhaime from the band Moxie Motive, MT: I have some close friends in Chicago. It CHM’ event looks er who is fighting in there. Psycho Sister, Spizzarri, Tutu and the Pirates was just great to be able to spend time with I am just really looking forward to all of this and a solo performance by Tooth_Eye. them. at house music that is coming forth. There will be a crew of Chicago History Museum’s “Out at CHM” Queer Fest America is sponsoring the WCT: How has the show developed since new fighters and it just all looks good. series will kick off its 11th season with “The 21-and-over event. The cover charge is $5; that time? WCT: That must be the fun part—to go out House That Chicago Built,” a look at house proceeds will benefit The Crib, a homeless MT: It changes all the time. It just depends and recruit people. music and its relationship with the LGBTQ youth shelter. on the people. MT: Absolutely. community. WCT: Do you feed off the audience? WCT: Are you still vegan? The talk will take place Thursday, Jan. 30, MT: A hundred percent, yes. I ad-lib a great MT: I am not vegan but I am kind of like it. at the museum, 1601 N. Clark St. There will Orchestra, pro-gay deal. It is scripted some but there are now I don’t drink milk or stuff like that. I do eat be a reception at 5:30 p.m. and program at more ad libs than the script! violinist at Harris some fish. 6:30 p.m. WCT: Are you more comfortable speaking WCT: I have a vegan animal-loving friend DJ Alan King, one of Chicago’s original in front of people now? Theater Feb. 7 that I brought to your show at the Cadillac, house music DJs and a member of the crew MT: It is funny that you say that because if I The Grammy-winning chamber orchestra and it meant a lot to her with all of your pi- The Chosen Few, will lead the discussion, was giving a speech in a room about business I Kremerata Baltica—led by violinist and Ar- geon references. When did your attachment joined by other house music DJs and artists. don’t know if I would do as well at entertaining tistic Director Gidon Kremer—returns to the to pigeons start? Admission is $15 for members and $20 for somebody as I do at talking about my life. It Harris Theater for Music and Dance, 205 E. MT: When I was 8 years old. One of my first non-members; see https://services.chicago- is two different things. When I went to Hong Randolph St., on Friday, Feb. 7, at 7:30 p.m. fights happened over a pigeon. Someone stole history.org/auto_choose_ga.asp?area=129. Kong to give a speech for a multibillion-dol- The orchestra will perform works by Benja- my bird and killed him! lar corporation, it was different. There wasn’t min Britten, Mieczyslaw Weinberg, and Dmi- WCT: That’s terrible. You have pet pigeons an entertainment perspective in the air, you tri Shostakovich, including Shostakovich’s currently? Bowie tribute to know? provocative and seldom-heard comic opera MT: I will always have some until the day I WCT: How did Spike Lee help you develop benefit Crib Antiformalist Rayok. die. the show? Stardust The David Bowie Tribute Band will Kremer’s advocacy for human rights and WCT: What are their names? MT: He just made it where I am by myself. perform Friday, Feb. 14, at 8 p.m. at the Un- social justice has been well-documented MT: They don’t have names. It is just what You see before I had a rock band with me, a derground Lounge, 954 W. Newport Ave. in recent months, including speaking out you do to have them. I can’t explain it. When vocalist, and a classical piano player. I am do- Now in its 16th year of production, Star- against Russia’s anti-gay law. I am dead and 90 years old, I will have pi- ing it all by myself now. dust features vocalist, Lair Scott, as Ziggy Tickets for the performance are $15-$30; geons with me. Someone is going to have to WCT: So he just told you didn’t need all the 2000 and includes Tooth_Eye, Alex James visit www.HarrisTheaterChicago.org or call come take them from me when I die. It is like extra stuff? and Ross Markers. Appearing along with 312-334-7777. a culture. MT: Yes. 20 Jan. 29, 2014 WINDY CITY TIMES

Chorus performs. 1:30 pm, Blake Little and elections Everyone is welcome. Make special program featuring Little, curators a difference in the local bisexual commu- and gay rodeo participants. 3 pm Infor- nity and around the world. 7:00pm Cen- mal gallery talks with visitors 12:30pm ter on Halsted 3656 N Halsted http:// CALENDAR - 5:00pm Eiteljorg Museum 500 West www.centeronhalsted.org Washington Indianapolis, IL 46204 317- Brought to you by the 636-9378 http://www.eiteljorg.org. Saturday, Feb. 8 combined efforts of Request Concert One-woman, wordless Auto show Admire new vehicles at the Chi- play about an intensely solitary woman. cago Auto Show, where exhibits are spec- Through Feb. 2 4:00pm The Side Project tacular due to the large size of McCormick Wed., Jan. 29 and a Jewish girl living on fake IDs and Theatre 1439 W Jarvis Ave http://www. Place convention center. 9:00am McCor- thesideproject.net Tickets: http://www. mick Place West Building 2301 S. Indiana Affinity volunteer orientation Please bring uncertain of her next meal. Written by thesideproject.net Ave. http://www.chicagoautoshow.com a dish and/or beverage to share. For ques- Northwestern alumna Lillian Groag and CAKE Chicago, LGBTQI Arts Showcase: A tion about the group, contact Peaches directed by Joseph Hanreddy, the play was Equality Illinois Gala, annual Freedom night of Comedy and Music Hosted by: Hosted by Colonel (IL) Jennifer at [email protected] 6:30pm adapted from a book of interviews by Erica Awards Ripley Caine. Featuring: Congress of Star- RAISING CAINE Pritzker, IL ARNG (Ret.). Transgender Chi- - 7:30pm Affinity Community Services Fischer, author of “Aimee and Jaguar: A lings, comedian Ashley Thornton, Jackass cago filmmaker Lana Wachowski will be 1424 E. 53rd St. Suite 306 http://www. Love Story, Berlin 1943.” Through Feb. 6. Magnets are an all-female indie rock pow- Saturday, Feb. 1 presented with the 2014 Equality Illinois affinity95.org 8:00pm , http://www.northwestern. er trio 7:00pm The Red Line Tap, 7006 Freedom Award. Chicago Urban League Inside Leather History, A Fireside Chat edu/newscenter/stories/2014/01/north- N Glenwood https://www.facebook.com/ Ripley Caine (above) will be honored for spreading the message with IML Den Daddy Joey McDonald Live western-premieres-new-play-aimee-and- CakeChicago will host CAKE Chicago of fairness and equality. The league is on-stage interview to discuss his personal jaguar.html Ron Athey Athey is an iconic figure in con- also involved with the Chicago Black Gay history and Leather community involve- at The Red Line Tap, temporary art and performance. He, Jon Men’s Caucus and supports activities at ment. $5 suggested donation. 7:30pm Saturday, Feb. 1 7006 N. Glenwood Ave. John, and Sage Charles will perform, Se- the Center on Halsted in Chicago’s Lakev- Center on Halsted 3656 N Halsted St., Frontrunners/Frontwalkers Chicago Fun bastiane, and Jon John will show a work iew neighborhood. The evening begins at http://www.centeronhalsted.org Run/Walk A club for lesbians, gay men, of his own, The 2 of Us. Online donations 6pm with the Silent Auction Cocktail Party Red Cup Party Every Wednesday. Featur- bisexuals, transexuals and friends who of $30 earn a ticket. Advance tickets on- and ends at Midnight with the post-dinner ing DJ Cooper Thomas and tasty drink are interested in running and walking line. These performances contain extreme dance. 6:00pm Chicago Hilton and Tow- specials. 9:00pm Scarlet Bar 3320 N together along Chicago’s great open lake- images and subject matter. 8:00pm ers 720 S Michigan Ave Tickets: http:// Halsted St., http://www.scarletbarchi- front, meeting twice weekly, on Saturdays Mana Contemporary, 2233 S. Throop St., www.eqil.org/Gala2/gala2.html cago.com at 9am and Tuesdays at 6:30pm 9:00am Totem Pole in Lincoln Park https://www. Chicago http://www.DFBRL8R.org Tick- Mary’s” every Monday night at 8pm Congregation Or Chadash Congregational ets: http://ronathey.eventbrite.com Havdala followed by dinner, fol- Thursday, Jan. 30 facebook.com/groups/52950773133/ downstairs in the dining room, with your Dinner lowed by games and entertainment with The House that Chicago Built The 11th Actors Training Center Presents Actors host, Velicity Metropolis calling the balls. trivia contests, other activities. Dinner season of Out at CHM launches with an Trifecta with Steppenwolf, Goodman Sunday, Feb. 2 You know this ain’t your church bingo! 12th annual “Breaking into the Busi- by the Pita Inn at a cost of $15 per per- exploration of Chicago’s role in the birth and Chicago Shakespeare Casting Di- 8:00pm Hamburger Mary’s 5400 N Clark ness” Carole Dibo, artistic director of the son. 6:30pm Congregation Or Chadash and impact of house music and its rela- rectors Each student will work a classi- http://www.hamburgermaryschicago.com Actors Training Center (ATC), is offering a at Emanuel Congregation 5959 N Sheridan tionship to the LGBTQ community. The cal monologue with Bob Mason (Chicago one-day workshop for those who want to Rd http://www.orchadash.org program includes a live DJ set and a con- Shakespeare Theater), and a comedic and Tuesday, Feb. 4 break into Chicago TV, theater and film. versation with DJ Alan King of the legend- dramatic monologue with either Adam Ron Athey lecture Iconic figure in the Guest speakers will include top industry ary DJ crew “The Chosen Few.” 5:30pm Belcuore (Goodman Theatre) or Erica development of contemporary art and Sunday, Feb. 9 professionals. 10:00am - 2:30pm The Second Sunday of - 9:30pm Chicago History Museum Daniels (Steppenwolf Theatre). Learn to performance. In his frequently bloody Chicago Prime Timers Wilmette Theatre 1122 Central Ave. Wil- each month open social. Prime Timers are 1601 N Clark http://chicagohistory.org/ respect the demands of each medium and portrayals of life, death, crisis, and forti- mette, IL 60091 847-251-8710 http:// older gay or bisexual men (and younger planavisit/upcomingevents/out-at-chm what the Casting Directors who make Chi- tude in the time of AIDS, Athey calls into www.wilmettetheather.com Tickets: men who admire mature men). Our mem- Tickets: https://services.chicagohistory. cago theater happen look for in an audi- question the limits of artistic practice. A http://www.wilmettetheather.com bers are men who choose to have their org/auto_choose_ga.asp?area=129 tion. 9:30am - 5:30pm The Wilmette book signing will immediately follow with Ethical Humanist Society of Chicago Meet- social lives enriched by the diverse activi- Red/White: A Wine-Tasting Benefit Sam- Theatre 1122 Central Ave. Wilmette, IL Pleading in the Blood: The Art and Perfor- ing every Sunday from 10:30 to noon, ties in which our members engage. Those ple fine wines from around the world 60091 847.251.8710 http://www.wil- mance of Ron Athey . 6:00pm The School featuring a speaker on a variety of topics- wishing to enjoy alcoholic beverages are while helping out homeless animals in mettetheather.com Tickets: http://www. of the Art Institute of Chicago Columbus -personal ethics, education, psychology, asked to bring their own bottle. Set-ups Chicago. 7:30pm - 9:00pm Fine Wine wilmettetheather.com Auditorium, 280 S. Columbus Dr., Chicago politics, philosophy, medical care, equal are $1. Social hour is followed by a din- Brokers, 4621 N. Lincoln Ave., http:// Lavender University LGBTQ programs: Ar- http://www.saic.edu/vap/current/ron- rights, the environment, etc., followed ner and a program at 7pm. $20 for mem- www.reddoorshelter.org/events.php Tick- rested Justice: Black Women, Violence athey.html by a coffee hour. Free and open to the bers or non-members. Non-members and ets: http://www.reddoorshelter.org/ and America’s Prison Nation How prison Frontrunners/ Frontwalkers Chicago A public. Also Sunday School, weddings, guests are always most welcome. 6:00pm events.php industrial complex has served to exacer- club for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, service projects, book group, film group. Ann Sather - Belmont 909 W Belmont Ave bate violence against Black women. Beth transexuals and friends who are interested Friday, Jan. 31 E. Richie, PhD is an anti-violence activ- 10:30am - 12:00pm Ethical Humanist in running and walking together along http://www.chicagoprimetimers.org Society of Chicago 7574 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago Her HRC Presents: Va ~ Va ~ Majesty Of Flesh: Ron Athey Defibrilla- ist and author working in several social Chicago’s great open lakefront, meeting Skokie , IL 60077 http://www.ethicalhu- Human Rights Campaign’s 3rd tor Gallery in collaboration with Hook justice movements. Lavender University twice weekly, on Saturdays at 9am and Vaudeville! man.org annual Vaudeville extravaganza with tit- Torture Gallery and Mana Contemporary is a 9-month lecture series featuring top Tuesdays at 6:30pm 6:30pm Totem Pole Scott Duff hosts LGBT radio talk show illating comedy, burlesque beauties, and present Incorruptible Flesh: Messianic Re- academics and activists in the LGBTQ in Lincoln Park https://www.facebook. LGBT-specific talk show “Out Chicago” on fabulous entertainment by Chicago’s best. mains followed by a reception/talk-back. community, working on a wide range of com/groups/52950773133/ politics, entertainment, celebrity gossip Tickets include an annual HRC member- See Feb. 1 for a second event 8:00pm research topics and interests. 11:00am 11:00am - 1:00pm WCPT 820 AM ship. Must be 18+ to attend, 21+ to drink. - 11:00pm Mana Contemporary, 2233 - 1:00pm Center on Halsted 3656 N Hal- Wed., Feb. 5 VIP 6 p.m. General 6:30 p.m. Performances S. Throop St., Chicago 773-609-1137 sted http://www.windycitymediagroup. Pride Films and Plays LGBT filmmakers 7 p.m. $20. VIP $35 includes early entry, http://www.dfbrl8r.org/exhibit/ron-athey com/lgbt/Lavender-University-launches- Monday, Feb. 3 discussion Pride Films and Plays invites Chicago Bisexual / Queer Community premium floor seating, free 50/50 raffle Tickets: http://ronathey.eventbrite.com LGBTQ-programs/43375.html Chicago LGBT filmmakers for an informal movie night Every other Monday, a movie ticket. 6:00pm - 10:00pm Mayne Stage Aimee and Jaguar A new play based on a Rodeo Pride: Photography exhibit featur- gathering and discussion. RSVP online that deals with bisexuality in some way 1328 W Morse Ave Tickets: http://action. true love story in World War II Germany. ing gay rodeo circuit Blake Little: Pho- 7:00pm Location, 1411 W. Wilson Ave., 7:00pm Center on Halsted 3656 N Hal- hrc.org/site/Calendar?view=Detail&id=11 As war-torn Berlin crumbles, a romance tographs from the Gay Rodeo, which tells Chicago https://www.facebook.com/ sted http://www.centeronhalsted.org 6501&autologin=true kindles between a mother of four with a the story of an often ignored part of Amer- events/265874480231175/ HamBINGO Join Mary’s for “HamBINGO husband away fighting for the Nazi cause, ican Western culture. 12:30 pm,Indy Men’s Bisexual Queer Alliance Chicago meeting

for Best Pop Solo Performance for her global Same-sex hit “Royals,” and Song of the Year went to “Royals” songwriters Joel Little and Ella Yellich O’Connor—Lorde’s real name. weddings, Kacey Musgraves won for Best Country Album for Same Trailer, Different Park, upsetting Tay- robots mark lor Swift, who was favored for Red. During the show, Musgraves performed “Follow Your Ar- Grammys row,” which contains the lyrics “Make lots of The 56th Grammy Awards, held Jan. 26, will noise/Kiss lots of boys/Or kiss lots of girls/If be remembered for two mute Frenchmen and a that’s something you’re into.” mass wedding ceremony involving same- and The performances paid tribute to music’s opposite-sex couples. past as well as its future, and featured sev- The French dance-music duo Daft Punk’s Ran- eral unique collaborations. Among other high- dom Access Memories took honors as Album lights, Robin Thicke performed with Chicago; of the Year, while the album’s hit single “Get Daft Punk with Pharrell Williams, Rodgers, and Lucky” was Record of the Year. The act also Stevie Wonder; Kendrick Lamar with Imagine earned the Best Pop Duo/Group Performance Dragons; Carole King and Sara Barielles; and award with Pharrell Williams and Nile Rodgers. Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr—a reunion of Williams (as well as album co-producer Paul the surviving members of the Beatles. Williams) spoke on behalf of Daft Punk, who Among other winners, prevailed wore helmets and essentially are mute robots in the Best Comedy Album category for Calm in public. Down Gurrl, and Kinky Boots won for Best Mu- However, for many (including members of the sical Theater Album over Matilda: The Musical From left: Macklemore, Mary Lambert, Madonna, Ryan Lewis and Queen Latifah at this year’s LGBTQ community), the highlight of the Gram- and Motown The Musical, according to Grammy. Grammy Awards ceremony. mys was Macklemore and Ryan Lewis (along com. with Mary Lambert) performing its equality event with 33 couples of various sexual ori- Macklemore and Ryan Lewis won three rap See the full list of winners at www.Grammy. anthem “Same Love”—which was followed by entations. Madonna then sang a slowed-down categories and was honored as Best New Artist. com. Queen Latifah officiating a group wedding version of her 1980s hit “Open Your Heart.” Seventeen-year-old New Zealander Lorde won WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 29, 2014 21 BILLY MASTERS Your In-Town Winter Escape

“My son is being raised by two gay men. A of Robert/Noel II, I’ve noticed a trend. First, lot of people don’t know that. Evan is at home they are all condom-free. And he shows amaz- in Chicago, and I’ve had two gay men raising ing versatility—he’ll get fucked lying on his him. And they are the most wonderful men back, lying on his stomach, sitting on the dick and I couldn’t be more proud for him to see and, on at least one occasion, by more than that.”—Jenny McCarthy tells the world about one man. While I commend his mom for stand- what great surrogate parents her gay friends ing by him and telling reporters, “I’m proud of are to her son in Chicago when she’s filming my son,” has she seen the videos? Is she really The View in NYC. proud of him? OK, he looks good (far better It may be early in 2014, but I’d like to re- out of clothes than in), but is no one teaching mind you of a prediction I made in my year-end safe sex anymore? Is it really not a big deal? column for 2013. This was directed at readers Troublesome. who feel like same-sex marriage isn’t moving Less troublesome (but still upsetting) is the fast enough. (Those of us over 35 are able to situation over at Lifetime. Allegedly, the net- recognize how swiftly things are changing.) work providing television for women (and gay /SidetrackBar Back then, I predicted that gay marriage would men) will not be asking the Charmed One to re- be a federal law within five years. Shortly after turn as host of Project Runway: All-Stars. While that prediction, two more states crept to the Alyssa Milano’s uncomfortable and stilted de- brink of legalizing it, and another is about to livery was widely acknowledged, there are rum- join them. Equality Florida announced that SIX blings that she was even more difficult behind same-sex couples are filing a lawsuit against the scenes—which is surprising because I’ve the state, claiming that being unable to legally always found her to be an absolute delight. I’ll We’ll turn up the heat marry violates the Constitution “by denying have to get an unbiased opinion and ring up so join us as we shed the layers them the legal protections and equal dignity Shannon Doherty. of Winter and absorb Tropical that having the freedom to marry provides.” That loud yawn you heard Jan. 19 were oo- beats & Tropical flavors! dles of gay men (and some others) watching the premiere of Looking on HBO. Truly, there was nothing really bad about the show. It just was so boring—I couldn’t believe it was only 30 minutes. By comparison, Lincoln FLEW by! And, I’m sorry, but never has being gay looked so dull. Even the cast of Oz looked like they were having more fun. I’m told that subse- quent shows will get better, and certainly there is a precedent for a weak pilot kicking off a great show. But if this is the one episode they 3349 N . Halsted spent the most time writing and filming, then SidetrackChicago.com I’m gonna need to re-up my Adderal prescrip- Valet Parking Available tion to get through it. Our “Ask Billy” question this week comes from Jenny McCarthy (pictured on the cover of Victor in Mississippi: “Have you been watching this season of ‘Splash!’ from the UK? Who is Dan her book Love, Lust & Faking It) has a gay events—pop culture, politics, and matters of Osborne? He’s GORGEOUS! They say he’s a reality couple helping her with her kids. Britten Film Festival the heart—in a lively discussion from four star, but I’ve never heard of him. He looked like distinctive points of view. he was really packed into that leopard Speedo— at Columbia The Gay Agenda recently released its sec- You wanna get my attention? Write a story even Tom Daley was staring at it!” ond episode, where the hosts discuss nature about a hot boy being condemned for having Ah, yes, Splash!—the UK show that spawned College Feb. 6 The Benjamin Britten Film Festival, pre- vs. nurture as well as GLAAD, and interview sex online, throw in an inaccurate headline, a dreadful domestic edition. Of course, we sented by The Chicago Chamber Musicians comedian and actress Fawzia Mirza (Kam Kar- and I’m hooked. I don’t know who published didn’t have the lovely Tom Daley coaching the (CCM), continues its 2013/2014 centen- dashian). The episode is available for view- this piece, but the headline said, “Students “stars.” And therein lies the other difference— nial birthday celebration for the composer ing on the show’s YouTube channel, The Gay rally around 18-year-old Florida high schooler the Brits get a gorgeous reality star, we got on Thursday, Feb. 6, with a free showing of Agenda Live!, at http://bit.ly/1chTGdP. failed for doing gay porn.” This article further Louie Anderson. Dan Osborne is on The Only Moonrise Kingdom at 7 p.m. at the Columbia explained that once knowledge of the boy’s Way Is Essex, a UK show termed as “an award- College Film Row Cinema, 1104 S. Wabash porn activities reached the school administra- winning scripted reality show”—which means Ave., on the eighth floor. Orchid show tors, he was suspended, “causing him to fail it’s like most reality shows here that don’t Often considered the most prominent Brit- his high school diploma.” Is it possible to fail admit to being scripted. (It’s often compared ish composer of the 20th century, Britten in Glencoe one’s diploma? You may fail a class, thus not to Jersey Shore and The Hills.) Dan is a 6’5”, (1913-1976), who was gay, is widely known Feb. 15-March 16 receiving a diploma. But, of course, I’m split- 22-year-old model (lots of undie campaigns) for his operas and orchestral works. ting hairs. Let’s get to the meat (so to speak) and friends with most of the people on his The Orchid Show will take place at the Chi- Other events will include “Let’s Make An cago Botanic Garden, 1000 Lake Cook Rd., of the story. reality show. I guess he’s like The Situation, Opera” (Feb. 8 at the Music Institute of Since the lad has identified himself, I feel but with a three-digit IQ! And, yes, he’s quite Glencoe, from Saturday, Feb. 15, through Chicago, 1702 Sherman Ave., Evanston, at Sunday, March 16. completely comfortable sharing his deets with gorgeous. Straight, has a kid with his ex-girl- 4 p.m.), “Benjamin Britten: A Time There you. Robert Marucci is a senior at Cocoa High friend, loves gay people. When asked about Among other things, there will be classes, Was…” (Feb. 8 at 7 p.m. at the Music Insti- hula dances (Feb. 15-16), a weekend market- School. He claims to have started doing porn the leopard Speedo, he said, “I didn’t choose tute), and The Hidden Heart: A Life of Ben- to help support his family. He started making them trunks, no. At first I was like, ‘No way, place and a rare-book exhibition. jamin Britten and Peter Pears (Feb. 22 at 1 See www.ChicagoBotanic.org. videos in September online under the name that’s not happening. And in the end, I ended p.m. at Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted “Noel II”—he wasn’t even the First Noel! Some up wearing them. After ‘Splash!’, I’m keeping St.; April 17 at Columbia College Film Row students found out and, as you’d expect, they them. I’m going to wear them on my next holi- Cinema, 1104 S. Wabash Ave.). ‘Dallas Buyers told two friends, and they told two friends, and day—I’m taking them to Dubai with me.” Right See www.chicagochambermusic.org. so on, and so on (this is from a commercial there you see yet another difference—would Club’on DVD, that was big in the Captain & Tennille days). Sitch know where Dubai is? If you think Dan Allegedly, some students were teasing and looked hot in his Speedo, you should see him ‘Gay Agenda’ at Blu-Ray Feb. 4 bullying him and when the school administra- out of them—as we’ll show you on BillyMas- The film Dallas Buyers Club—which fea- tion got wind of the situation, he was expelled ters.com. Creating Change tures Golden Globe winners Matthew Mc- for “unspecified conduct violations.” If there When boys are making a splash in and out Conaughey and Jared Leto—will be out on was bullying, it paled in comparison to the of their Speedos, it’s definitely time to end confab Jan. 30 Blu-ray™ Combo Pack including Blu-ray™, The new Chicago LGBT web series The Gay outcry upon his expulsion. A large percent- yet another column. For all your gossip needs, DVD, DIGITAL HD with UltraViolet™ and On Agenda will be making an appearance at the age of students staged a protest—both at check out www.BillyMasters.com—the site that Demand Feb. 4 from Universal Studios Home National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s 26th the school and on their Facebook profiles. The knows where to find the boys and the booze. Entertainment. National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creat- school explained that they had to investigate If you have a question, dash it off to Billy@ In the movie (based on a real-life situa- ing Change in Houston, Texas at a live taping the situation and were now happy—virtually BillyMasters.com and I promise to get back to tion), Texas cowboy Ron Woodroof (McCo- Thursday, Jan. 30, at 10 p.m. giddy—to welcome Robert back to school. you before Gunn shows Milano who’s the boss. naughey) sees his life overturned when he’s The hosts of The Gay Agenda (Mary Morten, It might sound like all’s well that ends well, So, until next time, remember, one man’s filth diagnosed as HIV-positive and given 30 days Jim Bennett, Tony Alvarado-Rivera and but that’s never enough for moi. I had to do is another man’s bible. to live. Shannon Downey) take on contemporary my own full investigation. Of the five videos 22 Jan. 29, 2014 WINDY CITY TIMES the show has some cool colors in it like Sam, and its early incarnation, attracted some really smart people, so I’m grateful for that. Greg Kinnear: Q: With all the projects you are offered, how do you pick which one to do? GK: I’m a guy who likes to work a lot. We may Playing a tool on ‘Rake’ have to have some debate about that. I guess I’ve done a lot of movies, but a lot of them by Jerry Nunn defenders of people—particularly, people that aren’t leads, the roles that have demanded we all recognize as guilty or think are guilty. enormous amounts of time. I guess an illusion Greg Kinnear joked his way onto television way Yet they’re an essential part of the balance of might be that that’s always the case. It’s been back in 1991 as the first host of Talk Soup on justice. a balance of work, for sure that I’ve enjoyed. E! He began a movie career three years later on We’ll be doing a lot with this role to cham- Q: Is it frustrating or annoying when peo- Blankman, then followed that with a remake of pion people’s perceptions of defense attorneys. ple say, “It’s just Greg Kinnear being Greg Sabrina but it was his role as gay painter Simon Q: That would not be a fun job. Kinnear?” Bishop that got him Oscar-nominated for Best GK: There is a gambling element to being GK: Well, I can’t really drill down too deep Supporting Actor in James L. Brooks’ As Good somebody who is going to take on the job of on other people’s perceptions of myself. I felt As It Gets. constantly trying to represent and prop up like in terms of my interest on this particular Things took off for Kinnear after that, with people who might be somewhat shady. That role that it would be fun to play, that it would You’ve Got Mail, Nurse Betty and Someone Like notion is probably part of how they got the be something that could evolve and something You. He depicted Hogan’s Heroes’ Bob Crame rap, but I think it’s to try and find the balance that might be a nice starting point in an on- in Auto Focus and attached himself to Matt of being colorful, being at times despicable, ward journey and where it will go. Damon in Stuck On You, playing a conjoined but also being somebody who does believe in I don’t know what a Greg Kinnear role looks twin. He co-starred in Little Miss Sunshine and something. like or is. I guess if I do the role then it is that. popped up in the hit Baby Mama before playing We’re on episode 10 now and there have There’s at least in the starting place of who John F. Kennedy in The Kennedys. been cases where there are people who for sure this guy is and my hope for what he can be. I He returns to TV on Fox’s Rake, playing the audience is going to want to not be found was attracted to it and wanted to do it because a bumbling criminal defense lawyer named innocent and at times they are and at times of what I saw on the page and less about how I Keegan Deane. The series is based on the Aus- they’re not. could define or redefine people’s perception of tralian series of the same name and follows the Q: Sounds like a fun show to work on. me. That was just not the mandate here. lawyer as he battles everyone around him such GK: I think the real cool thing about the show Q: Well, come visit us in Chicago some- as his ex-wife, judges and even the IRS. is most of the people I represent are guilty and Greg Kinnear. Photo from Fox time. Windy City Times participated in a confer- the truth is that’s the way it is in the system. If GK: Oh, I will indeed. ence call with the actor on the phone before you’re innocent or there isn’t enough seriously GK: Yeah, that’s a good question. Well, lis- Rake holds court every Thursday on Fox. the series premiered. compelling evidence to put you up against the ten: In terms of its format, one of the most state, chances are it’s never going to go to trial Q: Hi, Greg. First off, how do you relate to significant changes that we’ve had to embrace and, of course, trial is where all the fun stuff this character on Rake? is being on a network where, I think, we have Lycasek buys Greg Kinnear: We’re both horrible gamblers. happens. 44 minutes and the Australian show was like 59 The most obvious connection is that I have no We do some cases that go to trial. But we minutes; that time change has been a real dif- Chicago condo skills in that department and he seems to be also do cases that all are negotiated in back ficult sort of readjustment that has been some- tortured by his own lack of ability as well. rooms and sort of quietly handled between for $850K thing we’re conscious of. Believe me, I wanted people negotiating. And that’s another kind of Gold medal-winning figure skater Evan Q: Do you have similarities with Keegan? to do a nice tip of the hat to the Australian GK: I don’t know about similarities. The truth cool aspect of the show. But there are color- Lysacek has paid $850,000 for a two-bed- show because I really admired it, but the hope is I don’t know that there’s a lot. I think it’s ful characters in this world. I’ve seen many of room, 1,600-square-foot condo unit on the is for all of us to try to find our own DNA and what really attracted me to the character when them and they’re a treat to watch. 45th floor of a high-rise building just off kind of develop our own vibe here. I saw the Australian show. The kind of the zone I haven’t seen anybody quite like this guy North Michigan Avenue, according to The Q: So the [U.S. version of] Rake is its own they were playing in, not only the ensemble but I’m looking. Chicago Tribune. kind of show. nature of the show, but just this, Keegan him- Q: Has your view of the court systems Lysacek, 28, won the Gold medal in the GK: I would say a lot of it is its own thing self with the inability to not of his changed after doing the show? 2010 Olympics and also won the 2009 and has kind of organically found its own own way and his kind of needs, wants, and GK: We have lawyers working on the show World Figure Skating Championships. Be- place. So, I don’t know what the percentage addictions all sort of snowballing around him and just through conversations and stories cause of an injury, he is skipping the 2014 would be to give you for that, but maybe 40 constantly. It’s just that notion of two steps that we work on, the truth is that you learn Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. percent comes from the Australian show, but I forward, three steps back seemed like a fun that there is not a straight through line on any think the rest of it feels very different. I feel zone to play in, not that I don’t have my own of these cases, that they’re all varied. Many of like the balance is good. little bag of self-destructive traits. We all do. them never go to trial or the ones that do have Lakeside Pride Q: How is it working with Sam Raimi, from But he has them in such a flawless rate, such a whole different expectation than the ones Spider-Man and the Evil Dead movies? has recording of an ease of his ability to miscalculate and to set that don’t in terms of the outcome and how GK: I worked with Sam a few years ago in a off little personal landmines around his life so they’re negotiated. movie and I was very nervous. We were doing equality show regularly that it really seemed like a fun area So much of the process seems inconsistent to the show and we didn’t have a director for the Lakeside Pride Music Ensembles an- to play around in. me. I don’t think it’s a bad thing. Maybe it’s a pilot. I was so terrified. I’m friends with Sam, nounced its first digital album release, I hadn’t played an attorney before so one reason that the legal world has, over the years, but I really didn’t know if that was crossing a Stand Up! A Musical Celebration of Equali- that was dealing with that kind of world had so many films and television shows about line and my wife was the one who said, “Just ty, featuring the Lakeside Pride Symphonic seemed like a great plan. it. There’s just a great sort of imbalance to the ask him, all he can do is say no.” I asked him, Band with conductors Kyle Rhoades and process, an imbalance to the outcome and jus- Q: Did you have to study up on attorneys, he read the script and he loved it. In fact, he Jason Duran. tice is not always served fairly for sure. That’s then? has gone on and done another show for us and This special commemorative download GK: Well, specifically [regarding] defense been made very clear talking to a lot of the helped us with some other pieces along the was recorded live during a one-night-only characters, there’s quite a pantheon of very, guys we have access to. We try and represent way. He has really become an ally to Rake and concert Nov. 9, 2013, in the auditorium of very colorful types in this world, both men that fairly in the show, I think. I’m grateful to that because, obviously, he’s Nettelhorst School in Lakeview. and women. There’s an inherently despicable Q: How much does this version of Rake my friend, but he’s also a great artist. I think See www.Lakeside Pride.org. rap that I think defense attorneys get as the borrow from the Australian version? Mulryan & York Attorneys At Law JOSEPH RICE INTERIORS, INC. 4001 N. Wolcott CHICAGO Chicago, IL 60613 (773) 271-2361 www.josephriceinteriors.com (773) 248-8887 Specializing in Drapery Treatments WINDY CITY TIMES Jan. 29, 2014 23

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