The Art of Leadership in the United Nations: Framing What's Blue
The Art of Leadership in the United Nations Framing What's Blue Publication Reference Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, The Art of Leadership in the United Nations: Framing What’s Blue, (Uppsala: Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, 2020) Contributors Fathiaa Abdalla, Maya Ameratunga, Richard Bailey, Ruth Blackshaw, Savvy Brar, Karen Daduryan, Raja Karthikeya Gundu, Ahmed Abdillahi Hashi, Marc Jacquand, Larry D. Johnson, Bela Kapur, Stephanie Koury, Ulf T. Kristoffersson, Karin Landgren, Ben Majekodunmi, Alexandre Marc, Craig Mokhiber, Klas Moldéus, Charles Petrie, Vendela Romedahl Stjernkvist, Andrew Russell, Rima Salah, Alain Sibenaler, Veronika Tywuschik-Sohlström, Irem Tumer and Kanni Wignaraja. The views and opinions expressed in these contributions are the author’s personal reflections and do not necessarily represent the United Nations nor the Foundation’s view. Furthermore, several authors chose to name specific individuals to exemplify certain leadership traits they exhibited. Others chose to use initials only or to refer only to an individual function. Any reference to specific individuals represents only the author’s perspective on the subject matter. Production Lead Veronika Tywuschik-Sohlström Editors Marc Jacquand Veronika Tywuschik-Sohlström Per Nordlund Henrik Hammargren Sigrid Gruener Text Editor Annika Östman Copy Editors Emma Naismith Johanna Mårtendal Graphic Designer Kristin Blom Photos Cover Photo: UN Photo. All other photos of art are from Dag Hammarskjöld's private collection, courtesy of Stiftelsen Dag Hammarskjölds Backåkra. Printer X-O Graf Tryckeri AB Uppsala, Sweden February 2020 ISBN 978-91-985372-3-9 The Art of Leadership in the United Nations Framing What's Blue Acknowledgements Acknowledgements This publication by the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation on leadership in the United Nations is a result of discussions with former and present UN staff members over a number of years.
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