Genomic Discovery of an Evolutionarily Programmed Modality for Small-Molecule Targeting of an Intractable Protein Surface
Genomic discovery of an evolutionarily programmed modality for small-molecule targeting of an intractable protein surface Uddhav K. Shigdela,1,2, Seung-Joo Leea,1,3, Mathew E. Sowaa,1,4, Brian R. Bowmana,1,5, Keith Robisona,6, Minyun Zhoua,7, Khian Hong Puaa,8, Dylan T. Stilesa,6, Joshua A. V. Blodgetta,9, Daniel W. Udwarya,10, Andrew T. Rajczewskia,11, Alan S. Manna,12, Siavash Mostafavia,13, Tara Hardyb, Sukrat Aryab,14, Zhigang Wenga,15, Michelle Stewarta,16, Kyle Kenyona,6, Jay P. Morgensterna,6, Ende Pana,17, Daniel C. Graya,6, Roy M. Pollocka,4, Andrew M. Fryb, Richard D. Klausnerc,18, Sharon A. Townsona,19, and Gregory L. Verdinea,d,e,f,2,18,20 Contributed by Richard D. Klausner, April 21, 2020 (sent for review April 8, 2020; reviewed by Chuan He and Ben Shen) The vast majority of intracellular protein targets are refractory toward small-molecule therapeutic engagement, and additional Author contributions: U.K.S., S.-J.L., M.E.S., B.R.B., K.R., Z.W., M.S., D.C.G., R.M.P., A.M.F., R.D.K., S.A.T., and G.L.V. designed research; U.K.S., S.-J.L., M.E.S., K.R., M.Z., K.H.P., D.T.S., therapeutic modalities are needed to overcome this deficiency. J.A.V.B., D.W.U., A.T.R., A.S.M., S.M., T.H., S.A., K.K., J.P.M., E.P., R.D.K., and G.L.V. performed Here, the identification and characterization of a natural product, research; M.E.S., D.T.S., and A.M.F.
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