Administration and Academic Employees
Please take notice that you are viewing only one section of the Community Colleges of Spokane Catalog. Other sections of the Catalog contain important policy, procedure, calendar, and curriculum information not found in this section. The official catalog is found on online at: Administration and Academic Employees For the most current information on the credentials of our administration and academic employees, view Academic Credentials online at A B ABSALONSON, TAMI K. BAGWELL, GEOFFREY S. SCC, Computer Information Systems Instructor SCC, Philosophy Instructor A.A.S./Master Electronics Technical Certificate, Spokane B.A., University of Oregon; M.A., St John's College; M.A., Community College; Vocational Teaching Certificate, Eastern Ph.D., Duquesne University Washington University BANKSTON, ZACHARY J. AFFHOLTER, THOMAS E. SFCC, English Instructor SCC, Computer Information Systems Instructor B.A., Eastern Oregon University; M.A., Eastern Washington A.A., Spokane Community College; B.S., Eastern Washington University; Ph.D., University of Nevada, Reno University; additional study: Gonzaga University, Cuesta College, Los Angeles Community College, Spokane Falls BARKER, CHIA-LING (CHARLENE) Community College SFCC, General Business Instructor B.A., Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan; M.B.A., ALLEN, MICHAEL A. Eastern Washington University SCC, General Business Instructor B.A., M.B.A., Eastern Washington University BARSON, JENNIFER LYN SFCC, Geology Instructor AMAN, TIMOTHY R. A.A., Pierce Community College; B.S. Central Washington SCC, Librarian University; M.S., University of Nevada, Reno B.A., Washington State University; M.Lib., University of Washington; additional study: Fu Jen University, Taiwan BASSETT, SUZANNE E.
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