New Film Theaters. *lUilt as an addition to the theater, from memory, except with those who ville was selected. For weeks, the irhen completed. It Is said, the Revived Old Memories. take a keen delight in recalling the was combed for a town that Rufus 1)argest of Its kind in the city. country O. Byars, who for eighteen appearance here the famous galaxy of plays, unequaled of would the ?ars has been associated with the Mr. Byars has also leased for ten yHE1 during their kind, which -poor Charlie .Hoyt closely approximate Photoplays week of the old Charles ading: colored amusement enter- > ears the Broadway Theater, In 7th Hoyt gave in his day for popular Tarktngton city of Canaan.onemythical in has from »treet between P and Q streets, with farce-comedy, "A Midnight Bell," In iseg Washington, leased 111m form, revived memories of the Most of them were laughable,entertainment.with the well known town square, not arry M. Crandall, for ten years, the a seating capacity of 750. It will be but inoffensive satires upon the foibles 'w Lincoln in U» street be- nnodernlzed in every respect and will original stage production of the play, too modern buildings, plenty of green This Week Theater, which was made National of the day. None ever brought the keen 12th and 13th, exclusively for s how first-run pictures, with excellent here at the blush to the face of innocence or a grass and foliage.and Asheville was lored patrons. The p ipe organ accompaniments. Theater many years ago. In that LOEWS seating: capacity were who feeling that the world would have lost fnally selected as most nearly filling the PALACEI 1.800. and the policy will be to Both theaters. It Is expected, will many subsequentlyproduction had It Is (Continued from First P*g».) nothing it never appeared. 1 . TODAY AND Iflow first-run features.. A dance hall, b e open about Thanksgiving. became notables of the stage. requirements of the Tarklngton script ALL WEEK ^ if the series of "l i I Chief among them was Maude doubtful Hoyt plays ever had When It came time to filming "The Adams, who made her debut on the their equal. Avenue Grand. idKheSSKS2SHSH5SSHSE5H5ESBSH52SH: of a cant of <,000 525Z5H52SE5H525Z5E525252525a525jfl stage' In the role of the minister's Conquest Canaan," Today and tomorrow, Roacoe "Fatty" daughter. She was not more than "extra" recruited from the people, Aj-buckle, in "The Dollar a Tear years of age at the time, a prettyfifteen townspeople of Asheville, was little miss with a long plait down her 's "Canaan" Man," and 8ennett's "Made in tho back. Then by Director Neill for one ofgatheredthe there was George Illch- familiar with scenes. Most of the folks were Kitchen"; Tuesday. Sydney Chaplin, in' ards, as the rube sheriff, who afterward Booth n became famous for his and his writings are willing to work for the perfectly'Ktnff, Queen and Joker"; Wednesday, AN rube THOSE Tarkington ' Gene of the thing, but when the day'snovelty Dalton, in "The Idol of the NINTH AT D ST1RRET IV. W. E Canfleld, too. Is recalledcharacters.agreed that Tarkington had in mind work was over Director Neill paid Oorothy STRiroitlaiwu Pally Fronit IS oTlofk Noon as "the country kid." with his woolen he *orth"; Thursday, Lois Weber's, a when them Qj mittens and a town of his own Indiana all at the regular extra rate of long scarf wrapped a and most of What's Worth While"; Friday. "The around his neck. Canfleld made a hit wrote "The Conquest of Canaan." Yet <5 day. them accepted >LETE the money as a souvenir of their first BEGINNING TODAY, COMf CHANCE OF BILL jt In the part, and subsequently became it is altogether odd that Tarkington Jther Woman"; Saturday, Will LRIIA SHAW AND CI(MPAYY PRESENT S one of the best of the large and probably their only appearance In "Honeat Butch." of Hoyt players. Mrs.aggregationAdams, agreed entirely with the plan of before the movie camera , Rogers, mother of Maude, played the part of officials to select Asheville,photoplayThe stay of Director NeiU's the minister's wife. headed by Thomas Melghan,company, Empire. . "THERE SHE (iOES AGAIN" I N. C., as the locale of this great story a replica of carnival week becameIn HilllOHOliS PI.AYI.ET All the members of the famous old Today, Edith Roberta In "Thunder A CLEVER AND , C , of "main street." Asheville. Asheville society turned .aoi, save yn ruttya mauae Aaams, WHO [aland" and Bon Chaney in "The a thousand small American out en maaste work In the picture, Wallace In GEO. W. MOOftE MILLS & may not be seen upon the stage again, Fully and It is said that James Gun"; tomorrow, BerryEmpy SMITH S have passed from sight and almost cities were considered before Ashe- Montgomery The Tale of Two Worlds"; Tuesday. Versatile andNorslty Juggler "The HiehvHla Robes" £ Flagg, the artist, and Qeorge Barr The Voice From the Dark"; A Smart Conception The Whirlia* sad Spinning Artists C McCutcheon, the novelist, who ^ere William Farnum in "When A staying In Asheville at the time, were dan Sees Red"; Thursday.Wedneslay,Frank COLLINS & DUNBAR GRACE AYERS A BRO. constant students of production dayo in "The Magniflicent Brute"; Smiles, Tunes and Dance Doings S«n»atil Bollgr-Bkitlng E«ptt» gv1 methods during the week. Neither Friday, Gladys Walton in "Short. was to work as Premiere Photodrarantlo Preaentnt:Ion All Perform*area.Offering n. willing, however, Skirts" and two-reel B Ko comedy, j "extras." md Saturday. "Snowblind" and the Local color was given the Asheville lrat episode of "The White scenes by using the Asheville county 1 Horsenan." MAY Al.LISON I UJL MAI* courthouse and a criminal case jury TRUMPING HER EVERY PREVIOUS TRIUMPH WITH just after the same jury had found j( olidays'^jg,'?? I Prices two men guilty of murder. Bepublie. 625 Reserved Aeats 25c at Daily Matinees. Except Saturday, Snndeye >r

OPOLIT I Door* Op*% . ! jus riNE ifMETB F Street at Temth 1 *,H || Train 1 Mr THIS WEEK ONLY 1 m j§ Improved ( || rHE DIRECTED s Service South ,g= I A Musterv-Romance of Hiah Societu and. Ku*n. rtinh.** I tH ^ §j ; "PRATES" Finance. Tangled t» the Moat Enthralling Love-Knot of K H MAGNIFICENT BY s Southern Railway ll the Season. A Tale That Brims With Surprises and fH S STONE 1 I johns = : Glows With Luxury I ! SDPPORTED BY ERNST S ; ^ OF System | 3 STAR BIRMINGHAM SPECIAL leaves ; A PARAMOUNT-COSMOPOLITAN PICTURE WITH P I h LUBITSCH 1 Washington dally, 3i3K» p.nt. HARRISON FORD amI EXCELLENT CAST M "PASSION" A THE = M mtnntea qnlrker to Atlanta | NORMAN KERRY AND ZENA KEEFE I 1 hoar 10 minutes quicker to | ( | EN A mGENIUS § Birmingham. | MEMPHIS SPECIAL leaves ' VT _ = ROLE = Washington dally, SilO a.m. I J WHO ear IOiOO (sleeping open p.m.>. = 3 hours IS minutes quicker to [ INFINITELY W MADE Memphis, making Immediate OJ!JIAUMJUU0CWU/JUUJUiJ000000000000009000000000000N.f. g eonneetlons (or Texas and = MORE Oklahoma points. Doable, Moooooooooooocoooooooooooooooooooooeooeooooooocrt tracked Trunk Line between M JW CRANDALL'S J8th Street at Colombia Road | 3 PICTURESQUE Washington aad Adnata. Office, 1425 F St N.W. 1 THAN HER ,, Phone Main 5633 Knickerbocker 3 MATCHLESS 1 AT 2:30 | = !! MATINEES SUNDAY AND SATURDAY DU BARRY | REPUBLIC Near 14th ; j |! Austin's (Inset Colored Mori* Hobm BMTTODAY.MON.'M | Today, Tomorrow and Taosdsy "Passion" Pauline Ptndorlok is First National Presents the Incomparable Star of | "SALVAGE" IS DAI A MCADI Ranald Lloyd Comedy Vkfi1 iikvan River |trH jiy& 40-Mile Trip ; Ernst iAibitsch Master-Drama, in Which Bar ^ J In Another Peerless 11 TODAY AT 2:30 II Art, Her Personal Fascination and Her Amazing Versatility Ars a Ob the Historic- Potomac Given Even Wider Scope Than i» the Colorful Story of Du Barry. ^ 11J French Version s THE STEAMER a Magnificent Visualization of the Original ' ' of Prosper I 1 1 MerimeCs Tivid Story of "Carmen." a Hint MopsImIap Leaves 7th St. Wharf at 2:10 J p.m. today . returning to J BLOOD" 11 at 0:15 "GIPSY Washington p.m., i ill > | i I Supplemented by ( § topping at MARSHALL HALL J Fine dinner J of the enroute. eer»ed { Selected Comedy.Pathe News.Symphony.Topics Day | mmii on steamer. ll.QO-tl.SO. < II W. 'Jffi I Tues.-Wed..David Powell in "Appearance*?' J | "Ladies' Pets".Prisma, "Where Bloom" . n 5 Comedy, Poppies ; Marshall Hall | Steamer Charies Macalestcr j Washburn in "The Road to Londoti" \ > ( Thars.-Fri..BryantADDED COMEDY BIT, "BACK PROM TBB FRONT" Leam 7th St. Wharf a J JJ M IIUKS Today.ISiSO a.m., 2iM aad tdt I at | J ^ | EE You Will Gasp at Her Daring.Laugh at Her Milnicry.Cry, Perhaps, || MM far I *1 \4f*4-~L Ph/!«mi F/w /\f<**\M% wAtHPrnrnv*! FIKRUT I a Daniels in "The March Hare" | 3 Res WU WW JJJ l/C# r/MWfW/fV to the the s Saturday.Bebe. ori«>TBBD oviinrrnwv / >prniPflTPA OO ^ Her y of A Appeal W«WM«W< Sacrifice.and VAKICjAJ o Lf -do I ui A xt z rcA J uiviio DJ RESORT =E Screen's Most Wonder)cul Star in a Marvelously Trwid Picture, Based on = AMl'IKEIIBirr J : 88 ' DANCING |I ADAPTED FROM 'AGATHA'S AUNT" == the French V the Cigarette Girl of Old Seville. A Dtlletoia Cmtrr Ckkkn Haarr SamS tor B1JW at Ut , Mai shall Hall Dtalac Ella. RANDALL'S THEATER Farta, tie; war tax, 4c; | MUSICAL1PROGRAM total, 6Sc- Come and SV SUN..MON..TUES. "Wm I. 5 IN SCENE AND STRENGTH have a good time. | f 1 STUPENDOUS I J HARE" 1 FAMOUS MALIro ORCHESTRA = j i BEBE BABIELS in "THE MARCH ! 1 = CONCERT OVER-:rURE ATMO:SPHERIC PRELUDE DAJCIHQ. ROBERT B(9JVD GOTTA |i ||| = LLOYD in "AMOHO THOSE PHESEHT" | 1 "CARMEN" GYPSY AIRS" j | j HAROLD CONDUCTOB | H SAKASATE S Washington Studio of Dance, | ;; | == By BIZET By en llth aw. Opaa 1:00-11:00. 4 private eai > i BV~ WED..THURS. 'WE $ Overture: iond," By Thomas NDER PODNOS, VMim = UteJt ! | "Raym AND MM. ACBKR STUDIO. 11Z7 ' SY1MPHOWY . PROP. Encore Number: "You: Eyes Have Told IWe So" METROPOLITAN I ^UUSON, Bimmm 10th at. aw..rues Meade? aad Pride?. a ; in "THE BEACH OF DREAMS" | |[S Fin*** Oi p.a. Private lliaau bp appetaUaent. STAR CAST (Washington'* ' SUPPLEMENTARY COMEDY HIT, "READY TO BERYE" \ | &11ae Berth «T0>. Betahltahed Mod: I | DIVERTISSEMENTS = N. MIRSKEY, Condoctor iffiu SYMPHONIC ENSEMBLE J 1329 M n.w.£*aDAVISON'S^ > WW FRI..SAT. "Wm | lU Lataat atepe."Toddle." AimpKar? Tape ! Teach paa ta Oaace cerrectlp la a tew leaesaa COMEDY.MARIE PREVOST IIi "CALL A COP" Strict!? prima. Aap hear. Piraal eeeeaa. :; PABLIHE FBEBERJCK io "SALVAGE" || BRUCE SCENIC."THE BONNIE BRIER COUNTRY" Cit&rinc Salle, A NEW COMEDY SCREAM, "HEY, RUBE I* | 1 CHRISTIE "NOTHING LIKE ir.PATHE NE*S .TOPICS OF THE DAY I T40 Oth St. N.W. Praak EMM. | COMEDY, the latest la liaetS f_: j - EXCLUSIVE SHOWING FOX NEWS We teach 4aa»la». S tar the eaaMMr. Ceoleat piece la citr. Lin arte. IbtlhllM. f aoooonanonnooaBBOOOOflCPOMpOOpOOOQPOOOOOOOOOOBOOOOi iiiiniiiiiiiiinuiniiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiuiiiinm u, um. aUietlr i v-