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Copyright 1915 by American Motion Picture Directory Co., Chicago, 111.


\ HE American Motion Pic- ture Directory Company presents this as its first Directory of the moving

picture business. This volume is, we trust, the forerunner of editions to follow year by year, it represent- ing pioneer work of this kind, and is subject to criticism and improve- ments. This Company will welcome suggestions and criticisms and en- deavor to improve future edijtions. It is the hope of the managers that the American Motion Picture Directory will become the standard for the business it represents.


The most perplexing question in connection with the motion picture industry is that relating to the censorship of films. The legal and ethical questions involved are many and complicated. Motion picture censorship arose out of the manufacture and exhibition of a class of pictures depicting sectional, national and class prejudices; the exploitation of notorious characters; insanity; use and effects of habit-forming drugs and narcotics; sacrilegious and allied subjects; barrooms, drinking and drunkenness; vulgarity in pictures; prolonged passionate love scenes; costuming—tights and insufficient clothing; infidelity and sex problems; women smoking and drinking; underworld scenes; opium joints, gambling; dance halls and other objectionable resorts; deeds of violence; pictures dealing with the social evil; the senseless use of weapons; treatment of officers of the law and disrespect for the law; motives and results of crime; crimes of violence against property and persons; prize fight scenes; gambling joints and other objectionable pictures. All reputable film manufacturers recognize the necessity for some form of voluntary control or legal censorship; otherwise irresponsible concerns would turn out a class of pictures which, if not prohibited, would in a short length of time discredit the whole industry, and the greatest form of amusement in the world today would gradually fall into disrepute. To curb this evil intelligently is the most important problem now confronting the manufacturers, pro- ducers and exhibitors.

The question arises—-who shall have jurisdiction covering censorship of films? Shall it be the federal

government, the state government, municipal governments through their police powers, or shall it be accom- plished in the by the film manufacturers voluntarily submitting their films to the National Board of Censorship, a voluntary organization comprised of some of the greatest philanthropists, charity workers and public-spirited citizens in the United States, or shall there be no censorship at all? The National Board of Censorship of motion pictures has given this matter profound and intelligent consideration, yet many of the large film manufacturers refuse to co-operate with them, on the ground that no philanthropic organization has a right to curtail their liberty, any more so than that newspapers, mag- azines, paintings, works of art, etc., should be submitted to a Board of Censorship before their publication or exhibition, their theory being that no Board of Censorship, legal or otherwise, has a right to anticipate that they will produce anything improper, and that each case stands on its own bottom; that after the

production of a picture or other work of art, if it is against public taste or in violation of some existing law, then that legal tribunal having jurisdiction over such matters should take whatever action might be deemed necessary. THE LAW APPLICABLE TO CENSORSHIP

The late Mayor Gaynor of thus expressed himself on the subject of censorship of motion pictures in a letter to the Board of Aldermen at the time of his veto of a motion picture ordinance: "In our fundamental instruments of government in this country, which we call constitutions, we ex- pressly guaranteed from the beginning, free speech and a free press, and prohibited the passing of any

law abridging the same. The provision in the constitution of this state on that subject, which is substantially

the same as the like provision in the constitution of the United States, and also of the states generally, is as follows: " 'Every citizen may freely speak, write, and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right; and no law shall be passed to restrain or abridge of speech or of the press.' "So universal has been the opinion that these constitutional provisions abolished all censorships of the press, and forbade them in the future, that we have been able to find only one attempt in this country to set up such a censorship before this one of yours. Our constitutional provision plainly is that publications, whether oral, printed, or by writing, or by pictures, shall not be restrained in advance, but that everyone shall be free to speak or publish what he sees fit, subject to being prosecuted afterwards for libel, immoral- ity, obscenity, or indecency therefor. There seem to be a few among us who wish us to retrace our steps,

and resort to censorship again in advance of publication, and make it a crime to publish anything not permitted in advance by the censor. Do they know what they are doing? Do they know anything of the history and literature of the subject? Do they know that the'' ceffsaj^sliip of past ages did immeasurably more harm than good? Do they ever stop to think that such .censorships now would do even more harm 4 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

than they did in past ages, in comparison with what little good they might possibly do? I do not believe the people of this country are ready to permit any censor to decide in advance what may be published for them to read, or what pictures may be exhibited to them. Our laws forbid the publication of any libelous, obscene, indecent, immoral or impure picture or reading matter. Is not that enough? If anyone does this, he commits a criminal offense and may be punished therefor. "If this ordinance be legal, then a similar ordinance in respect of the newspapers and the theaters generally would be legal. Are you of opinion that you have any such power as that? If so, you should probably begin with the newspapers and so-called high-class theatres. Once revive the censorship and there is no telling how far we may carry it. These moving picture shows are attended by the great bulk of the people, many of whom cannot afford to pay the prices charged by the theatres. They are a solace and an education to them. Why are we singling out these people as subjects necessary to be protected by a censorship? Are they any more in need of protection by censorship than the rest of the community? That was once the view which prevailed in government, and there are some among us, ignorant or untaught by past ages, who are of that view now. Are they better than the rest of us, or worse?"


Film censorship cannot be reduced to unchangeable rules. Even the principles often must be held tenta- tively until it is known whether a given principle is really no more than a prejudice. Film censorship encounters all those problems which still are obscure at the present stage of our knowledge of social ethics, of the nature of emotional response, of suggestion and of psychological reaction.


The function of motion picture censorship is to pass upon motion pictures prior to their being released to the general public, permitting only the issuance of the morally unobjectionable ones. Police censorship,

however, is one of the chief attributes of autocratic and paternalistic governments. There is involved here a fundamental principle which must not be considered lightly. It is the principle of liberty of speech and liberty of creation. The curtailment of this liberty is a matter of grave social danger. The moving pic- ture show represents expression of dramatic and of news events. In both of these, censorship is a delicate matter, and unless practiced with broadmindedness and liberality, is apt to do more harm than good. As soon as censorship passes beyond the realm of education and suggestive guidance, and becomes a matter of coercion, it is on dangerous ground. Society must, however, in some way, regulate motion pictures without permitting the establishment of a despotic form of legal censorship. THE RELATION BETWEEN THE NATIONAL BOARD AND THE TRADE INTERESTS

The National Board of Censorship was organized in March, 1909, by the People's Institute, at the request of the theatres exhibiting motion pictures in New York City. At the request of a majority of the manufac- turers of motion picture films the scope of the work became national in June, 1909. Since that date the board has gained an increasing control over the films exhibited in America, until now it is claimed this or- ganization views over 95 per cent of all films shown to the American public. The board has, since June, 1909, been administered by the People's Institute of New York, whose clerical machinery is utilized in part by the board. These members are drawn from every group, such as professional people, social workers and others interested in motion picture problems. No member of the board is engaged in any branch of the motion picture business, and no member is salaried directly or indirectly for his services.


One reason claimed for the existence of the National Board is that it supplies a means of internal trade regulation. The audiences and the public hold all manufacturers responsible for the product of any one manufacturer. A single producer of obscene or demoralizing films will bring discredit upon all the exhib- itors in a large city, and will injure the business of every manufacturer who produces for the American market. As a result of this fact, the motion picture has to rise or fall as a whole. The standing of every manufacturer is dependent to a certain extent upon the good intentions of every other manufacturer or importer.

It is claimed that this control cannot be exerted save through the admission by all business parties to some outside disinterested agency; the National Board of Censorship is simply this agency, to which they and their competitors submit for moral censorship, in order that the whole film business may not be injured through the recklessness of one or a few members of that business. The community of interest among motion picture manufacturers—even rival manufacturers—is thus a powerful aid to the board in making its verdicts effective. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTOR? 5


The principal reason, however, for the existence of the National Board is that it is the agent of public opinion in the moral regulation of photoplays. Public opinion is not represented by professional uplifters and reformers—the collection of moralists generally—but is represented by the thoughtful intelligent attitude of the great mass of mankind which is not greatly afflicted with "isms" of any sort. The members of the National Board accordingly give their thoughtful attention to the pictures and try to reflect what the people of the United States would think about any given picture were they sitting en masse to view a picture. THE PROCEDURE OF THE NATIONAL BOARD OF CENSORSHIP

The Censoring Committee, which views all pictures submitted to the board, is divided into a number of sub-divisions, each one of which gives one morning or one afternoon a week to viewing pictures. A ma- jority of those acting determines the action of the board on any picture. An appeal from the verdict of the Censoring Committee may be taken by any dissatisfied member of the committee, by the secretary, or by the owner of the film in question. The General Committee has the power of final review. Upon review the film is again exhibited before the General Committee; members of the committee of first inspection state their reasons for or against; the owner of the film presents his defense of the film; and the General Com- mittee reaches the final verdict. As soon as final action is taken, the owner of the film is notified in writing, and the notification is sent through the weekly Bulletin to correspondents of the board. In following up its verdicts to see that they are faithfully executed, the board uses a number of methods.

1. The board carries on local inspection in the New York theatres. As it is usual for the board's recommendations to be carried out in the original negative from which all copies are made, a change which appears in a film seen in New York likewise appears in all other copies of the film. 2. The motion picture trade papers contain very complete advance information about all films designed for regular releases. Films are sold through advertisements printed in these papers. In addition, special or so-called states rights films are usually sold through advertisements printed in these papers. In this way the board is able to check up the films inspected and to detect films which may not have been submitted to it for inspection.

3. The board co-operates with local censoring boards, all of whom see either all films which come to their city or a large part of them. The numerous correspondents of the board who receive its Weekly Bulle- tin, are expected to inspect films shown in their city and at least to make a special search in order to ascer- tain whether any condemned film is shown, and whether all changes recommended by the board are carried out in the films shipped to their locality. 4. The National Board also receives regular reports from several social organizations, boards of public welfare and police departments, who make it their business to inspect films listed as bearing eliminations on the Weekly Bulletin issued by the board. These organizations report to the National Board whether the changes requested in pictures have been faithfully carried out. When unfavorable reports are received, the matter is at once taken up with the manufacturer and an adjustment effected. If the board learns that any manufacturer has made a film public without submitting it to the board, or that he has failed to carry out the requests of the board regarding suppressions or alterations, this fact, unless promptly rectified, results in a complete severance of relations between the owner of this film and the board. In other words, the board reviews in advance either all of a manufacturer's product or none of it, and continues this advance inspection only so long as the manufacturer uniformly carries out the board's recommendations. Of course, even where films are not reviewed in advance, the board makes every effort to see them after they begin to be publicly exhibited, and notifies its correspondents if it detects anything objectionable.

If any objectionable film is made public, the board promptly notifies the film exchanges which might purchase this picture and the civic bodies and police agents whose duty it is in case they agree with the judgment of the board, to suppress the picture. This necessity does not arise frequently, and in every case such action of the board has resulted in a return of large quantities of film to the manufacturer and in a serious loss of money to him. Instances of this kind are increasingly rare.


In order to obtain as representative an opinion as possible, it has been the policy of the National Board on special occasions to call to its assistance the advice of men and women who are specialists in social prob- lems. In this way the board has had the benefit of the judgment of representatives of as many as a dozen social agencies of national repute in passing on films which presented unusual problems and called for the formation of new policies. The National Board has been fortunate in obtaining the co-operation of many 6 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

institutions leading in public thought when pictures offering peculiar problems have been presented to it. It was after such conferences that the National Board formulated its policy on the white slave and drug films set forth in sections elsewhere stated in these standards. WHAT THE NATIONAL BOARD CANNOT DO

' It is necessary to preface a statement of what the board does by what it does not do and cannot do. 1. The board cannot censor for any particular audience. It cannot require that the films approved by adults shall be shown only to adults. It cannot select the programs which are to be shown to children. Trade conditions are such that at present every film goes to the whole American audience, men and women, young and old. It can and does urge the establishment of children's theatres and the presentation of special children's programs.

2. The board does not enforce on motion pictures simply its own views of what is desirable or right. The board tries to eliminate its own personal equation completely. It tries to judge as to the real effect of each film on the composite audience which will witness it.

3. The board does not regard itself as a censor of taste, unless it is clear that the question of taste is an essentially moral question.

4. The board does not regard itself as a censor of accuracy, unless the accuracy in question is of a libelous kind, or will result in some concrete disaster to the person whom the inaccuracy misleads. 5. The board does not censor motion pictures from the standpoint of protecting the exhibitor or manufacturer from the consequences of producing a film which may alienate some powerful element in the community. 6. The board cannot judge films exclusively from the standpoint of children, or delicate women, or the emotionally morbid or neurasthenic, or of any one class of audience. But the board does take into con- sideration, as one of the controlling motives governing it, the fact that possibly 15 per cent of a total motion picture audience is made up of children under si.xteen. It also recognizes that adolescents who attend picture shows are peculiarly open to suggestion. 7. The board is not responsible for posters, handbills, or other advertising which may be given out concerning motion pictures. These are often sensational, sometimes misleading, and need to be controlled by local authorities all over the country; but it is impossible for the National Board to be responsible for them. 8. The board does not, in judging films, allow itself to be influenced by the moral character of

persons who may be concerned in the production or acting of the films. But the board does . retain the right to forbid the exploitation of unworthy reputations, such as morbid presentation of persons who may have been associated with famous criminal cases.


It is obvious that no matter how carefully a set of standards l^e drawn up, and how conscientious the censors be in interpreting public opinion, absolute consistency will not be attained; for the personal equation will always creep into the decisions. Dififerent temperaments will react differently, and it is futile to seek a machine-like unanimity of opinion even though all be agreed on general principles and standards. The principle the censors should bear in mind is that in case of reasonable doubt, they should give the picture the benefit of the doubt. Unless a picture be questionable, it should be passed rather than have the National Board restrict freedom of expression. Sometimes eliminations, additions, or changes or sub-titles will improve it. I THE DIFFICULTY OF CENSORING FOR ALL THE PEOPLE

The fact that the same picture goes to all audiences gives rise to some of the greatest problems of censor- ship. These audiences are composed of a conglomeration of people, ranging from three to eighty years of age, and representing social traditions and educational influences, some modern and some antiquated, some native and some foreign. Because of the present organization of the motion picture business, the board has to pass moral judgment upon pictures destined for just such a diversified public.


In censoring pictures, the National Board bears in mind the whole motion picture audience, and not simply the children, the morbid or the neurasthenic. It is sometimes alleged by certain people that a board of cen- sorship should see to it that all pictures are made suitable for children to see. While it is true that possibly AMEEICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

IS per cent of the patrons of motion pictures are children under sixteen years of age, still it would be a

calamity to reduce all pictures to the plane of the intelligence of the child. This is not the policy of the

National Board. The motion picture is a new art and requires freedom from artificially hampering restric- tions to achieve its possibilities. Many themes are suitable for adults and are a legitimate field for the motion picture art which are not entirely adapted for children. As a rule, such subjects are usually incompre- hensible to the child and hence have no particular effect upon him. The solution of proper pictures for children probably will be found in having separate theatres for children and then in presenting carefully selected children's programs.


The National Board believes that it cannot take the same position in criticising pictures for the adoles-

cent as for the child in the ages up to the teens. While it is true that in the adolescent from twelve to seven-

teen, the imagination acts quickly on the senses, still it is also true that the mind of the boy or girl gener- ally preserves, in at least recognizable form, the ideals of youth which act in varying degrees as a check against evil thoughts and evil doing. By keeping obscenity and unnecessary suggestion out of motion pictures, the National Board believes that the harm that the motion picture can do the boy or girl in the susceptible period is minimized or done away with. The board is confident that the average boy or girl in the motion picture house can distinguish

in the main good from evil when these appear on the screen, and, if youth is to learn to look rightly upon

the questionable matters of life, it should have the opportunity of distinguishing for itself what is question- able and what, is not. It is essential in all pictures in which questionable scenes occur that the main argument and effect

of the picture shall be for good. To this end the censor should see to it that the evil characters in the picture come to harm as a direct result of their evil doings and that the net effect of the picture be convincingly in favor of good. It is necessary to recognize the vast increase of knowledge in the study of adolescence during the last few years. It is, therefore, seeking the judgment of those in the United States most skilled in adolescent psychology for a definition of the influence of the motion picture on members of this period of storm and stress.


Experience has taught the National Board of Censorship that the best possibility of the work of censorship can be attained only when combined with a constructive policy. Censorship in itself alone is essentially destructive and coercive. The board has often regarded the use of this word as unfortunate. For this reason, the National Board uses its influence with manufacturers and importers of films to pro- duce only such films as in some way have real social value. By offering suggestions to the manufacturers, the National Board has been able to inspire a steady improvement in the character of the films produced. The manufacturers welcome this help from an impartial board of independent people. This work naturally

progresses slowly, but it represents substantial and effective education at the point of production. In addition to making these comments and suggestions to the manufacturers, the National Board tries to follow a constructive policy by bearing in mind the purpose of the producer and the integrity of the art creation. Frequently, the National Board, in making eliminations, adds something of material value to the art of the picture. The board expects the members of the committee to have well considered reasons for requesting each proposed elimination.


Some people have said that any picture which is truthful, which depicts any aspect of life as it really is, should be passed; that only those pictures which do not ring true to life should he condemned. This is fallacy. There are phases of life in various parts of the world which would be entirely misunderstood by American audiences. Moreover, complete knowledge probably would hurt no one, but the difficulty lies in this—that complete truth or knowledge is not given in a picture; we get only a partial vision of truth. Vice and crime often apparently triumph and lead most enjoyable existences, but it is impossible to define their influences upon any one life or to illustrate their ultimate consequences in the picture. The rami-

fications of evil are limitless. Consequently, it is impracticable to accept in film criticism the statement

that if a picture be a true representation of life, it is harmless and should be passed. 8 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY


The National Board has repeatedly stated that subjects which are immoral, indecent or innately crimi- nal cannot be allowed on the excuse that their treatment is unusual and therefore disarming. This applies particularly to farces and burlesques. There are certain types of subjects which become at once objectionable if treated in any but a serious manner. Many themes are made immoral when their true importance in the relations of society is ridiculed and shown in a farcical and burlesquing light. Marital infidelity, degeneracy and sexual irregularities are notable examples. In the drama of life these them.es are generally ones of tra- gedy, the causes or results of social forces that mankind has always struggled against, and to make of them low is not only to progress in the direction of bad taste, but also to vulgarize the presentation of life itself. The board will, therefore, act accordingly when such treatment is given these themes. So, likewise, satire should not be permitted to of¥end the moral sense in its attacks on existing customs, beliefs and manners. The National Board realizes, however, that satire has always been one of the chief forces in tearing away the conceits and hypocrisies of society in order that society may grow, and as such may be regarded as a legitimate and desirable form of expression in the new art of the motion picture drama.


The board is concerned with the effect achieved in a picture, the impression on the audience, rather than with the purpose which actuated the producer. The producer's purpose obviously will not always produce the desired effect because of lack of skill or misunderstanding by the actors, and because the motion picture patron will always interpret and understand a picture in terms of his own experience and knowledge. He will not be a philosopher and analyze and rationalize the picture in terms of abstract principle, with a view to determining the producer's purpose.

Nevertheless, it will be well for the censors always to bear in mind what the producer intends. If by sub-titles or other means he has clearly indicated his purpose at the outset, the probability of his achieving the desired effect is greatly enhanced, as the audience is put into just the frame of mind that will most readily react as the producer requires. On the other hand, the producer cannot attain his purpose by merely stating in the beginning, if the picture itself belies his statement.


Frequently it is of assistance in censoring pictures to consider whether a given incident is produced with the purpose of developing the characters of the drama or simply as extraneous matter to amuse the audience.

If the incident is essential to the plot of the story and the development of the characters of the play, it is often permissible to show scenes which in themselves are open to slight criticism, but which have sufficient value in the play to make it obligatory upon the board to pass them to avoid arbitrarily and irrationally limiting the possibilities of photoplay development. If, however, a questionable scene seems to be pro-

duced simply to amuse or thrill an audience, it must be unobjectionable from the censorship point of view.

Otherwise, it has no legitimate excuse for being and will be eliminated. Cases like this call for a nice use of judgment and frequently opinions will differ.


Pictures have to 'be adjudged as a whole with a view to the final total effect they will have upon the audiences, and the censor should remember that pictures should not be condemned because of some little incident in them. An incident which is objectionable per se is used, sometimes in such a manner in the picture that it becomes merely tributary to the principal idea which may be good. The board does not approve of a picture which lauds an evil deed as a commendable incident in bringing about a good one. On the other

hand, it occasionally passes pictures where an evil incident is instrumental in bringing about a good, provided such evil incident is not held up as being excusable or commendable. This means that the incident must be purely incidental and not one of the features of the story to be remembered, to excite or to be emulated.


The National Board holds itself in no wise responsible for the truth or falsity of the pictures or the in- cidents in them. This statement, however, should be modified somewhat. The board has ruled that it will not pass pictures which would tend to influence public opinion on questions of fact in any matter that is AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 9

before the courts for adjudication. The real ground for condemning the pictures of this type is, of course, not that they are true or false, but rather that they would tend to distort the process of law. In general, however, the board totally disregards the truth or falsity of pictures.


Many of the criticisms of motion pictures and their censorship have their foundation in local prejudice. Practically uniform though the people of the United States are in most of their ideas, political, social and moral, there are yet certain striking differences and these differences naturally are much in evidence in the comments on motion pictures. It is clear that when the treatment of a race is unduly libelous, the question of censorship is raised. Now all these prejudices and different points of view make it inexpedient to pass upon pictures in a purely rational manner according to certain principles theoretically conceived. Through the force of circumstances the board is compelled to steer a middle course in an effort to adhere as closely as possible to the rationally conceived principles for which it stands, and yet pay sufficient regard to popu- lar prejudice. By so interpreting its duty between the new art and public opinion it hopes to cause public opinion to be impressed upon the film art at the same time the film art is interpreted in such a manner aS to change public opinion. The censor who comes to the board, however, with certain preconceived prejudices, certain points of view because of his environment and previous experience, should constantly be on his guard against allowing such personal, sectional, class or professional prejudices unduly to influence his censorship decisions.


The board does not, in judging films, allow itself to be influenced by the moral character of persons who may be concerned in the production or acting of the films. But the board does retain the right to forbid the exploitation of unworthy reputations, such as the morbid representation of persons who may have been associated with famous criminal cases. If the picture is merely a news picture without dramatic plot, how- ever, it should be passed, even though the person exploited has gained an evil notoriety. Occasionally a "fake" news picture or dramatic picture, founded upon a current event, is made. In judging the merits of such a picture, it is well to consider that its effect upon the public will be different from what would be the case were the same drama entirely divorced from the event on which it may be founded. This is because it comes at a time when the public mind is in a condition where certain deeds, characters, or experiences have an unusual significance. Such a picture will often cast a glamor around the person or persons involved.

Thereby, it becomes objectionable in s'^tting up for emulation a person of unworthy character. In no case would the National Board pass a picture which glorified or excused the evil doer, or otherwise affected public opinion on a matter before the courts for adjudication.

From experience, the board holds that it must take into consideration also the methods used in adver- tising and exploiting the characters of this type of photoplay.


Occasionally a photodrama requires the presentation of an insane character. The danger in productions of this type is that the portrayal will be unduly morbid or gruesome. Consequently, the National Board has dealt severely with those films which picture maniacs on the ground that they unduly harass the emotions of the normal person and seldom serve a real dramatic purpose. The introduction of such characters is usually for the purpose of picturing a sensational and harrowing scene. The board has to distinguish between dra- matic purpose and the morbid, harrowing or gruesome. The insane character who is not a maniac is less liable to be eliminated from the picture; though if the presentation of such character be unduly unwholesome or unpleasant, it is challenged by the National Board. The tendency of the board is distinctly against this type of picture, unless some serious purpose is served and the harrowing and objectionable elements are reduced to a minimum.


The board recognizes the need of popular education as to extent and dangerous effects of habit-forming drugs and believes that motion pictures may be a medium for this purpose. The board is opposed in the presentation of this subject to the portrayal of the alluring, the gruesome and suggestive. It will allow only those scenes of the original progress and accompaniments which are dra- 10 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY matically necessary to point the moral. It also opposes those methods of using. such drugs as would stimulate curiosity and experimentation. It will critically scan any suggestions of easy methods of obtaining such drugs. It will support those subjects presented in a dignified, sincere and dramatic way which will enlighten and arouse the public to the enactment and enforcement of laws tending to the repression or prevention of illegal or immoral use or sale.


One of the things which occasionally causes the National Board to be considered inconsistent is that there are many deeds depicted in motion pictures which are sometimes a matter of custom, sometimes of taste, and sometimes of morals. Often they are one thing in one section of the country and sometimes different in another. When they appear, in the particular picture under discussion, to belong in the cate- gories of custom or taste to such an extent that they are entirely divorced from morals, they are, of course, passed by the National Board. If they raise a question of morals, they have to be considered as a matter of morals, not of custom or taste; and the action taken may be exactly opposite from the action of the board on precisely the same deed in another picture where no question of morals entered. In all these instances, however, the board tries to be consistent with its basic principles even though the action taken seems most inconsistent to the unthinking. The field of operation of the board is that of morals and not of custom or taste. SACRILEGE AND ALLIED SUBJECTS

Probably no normal person will question the decision of the National Board to repress sacrilege, even though it is perhaps as much a question of bad taste as bad morals. Deep seated in all men is the feeling of reverence for certain things or forces accounted sacred by them. Now, anything that is so vital as this is a legitimate subject for motion pictures, but because of its very nature, it requires unusually careful treat- ment. Farce, burlesque, possibly melodrama, indeed all treatment of such subjects which is actuated by levity or any other than a serious purpose is altogether out of place in this connection, and is consistently discouraged by the National Board. It is a much more difficult thing to determine just what is sacrilege. The general principle followed by the board is that those things which shock the religious sensibilities of large and representative portions of the population should be forbidden, especially if the sacrilege be intentional. This does not mean the elimi- nation of all the minor things which run counter to the religious prejudices of a portion of the people, but only those things which actually tend to weaken the religious spirit or profane sacred things or bring them into contempt or disrepute. It is not in itself sufficient ground for condemning an incident that it is not true; to condemn it, it must be shown that it will have an injurious effect upon the audience.


One of the perplexing problems in censorship is what to do with the bar-room scenes, drinking and drunkenness in motion pictures. They have their legitimate place in the motion picture drama, but the objection lies in the proportion they bear to all other scenes. Obviously this cannot be remedied rationally by enforcing censorship restrictions against some^of them, though it can be influenced no doubt by help- ful suggestions given in co-operative spirit. This is done from time to time by the board. The proportion of these scenes should be regulated in the final analysis by what the public shows it likes or dislikes. Certain types of drama require such scenes to give them realism and local color and to these in moderation the National Board can rationally take no exceptions. Such scenes must be used with discretion and made of significance in the drama. Scenes of this type are discouraged by the National Board, and, if it need be, condemned. Occasionally producers essay to use drunkenness as a source of amusement, especially as farce or bur- lesque. The board will condemn this if it afford occasion for nastiness or indecency. If, however, the farce and ridiculousness of the situation so far 'outshadow the intoxication that the latter is forgotten, pictures are sometimes passed even though intoxication is the basis of the amusement. Few producers and actors can handle the subject inoffensively and the tendency of the board is more and more to eliminate such scenes.


The board makes a constructive report to the producers each week on all films, and these comments, of course, give the attitude of the board on questions of vulgarity in specific pictures. These reports, together with the occasional bulletins issued by the board to the producers, are gradually correcting this offense against AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 11

good sense and decency. Vulgarity is not wit. Vulgarity which is divorced from immorality is not legitimate subject for censorship other than that of the slow working of public opinion, and unless the vulgarity borders on immorality or indecency, the National Board feels compelled to ignore it. The same is true of insanity also. PROLONGED PASSIONATE LOVE SCENES

One of the reforms established by the National Board has been the curtailment of those prolonged love scenes which are ardent beyond the strict requirements of the dramatic situation. The board recognizes the difference between expressions of affection and sensuality and would discuss the motives for the introduction of scenes of this latter type. If these experiences are wholesome, truthful and artistic, there is no objection to their being shown provided the net effect is not salacious. The National Board believes it is one of the purposes of censorship to keep out of the mire the great experiences of humanity so that they may not be cheapened to the extent of their losing their significance.


Questions of immorality and indecency arise in connection with nudes and unusual costuming because of the accompanying action together with the associated ideas aroused in the minds of the spectators. Savages in their native dress and surroundings and pursuing their normal functions would be suggestive to nobody, but would be suggestive if these conditions were not true, or if the savages were performing some suggest- ive dance. It is impossible to pass pictures of women almost wholly undressed, but yet displaying a lavish amount of lingerie. The same thing is true of women's dress where it is too much decollete. In both these cases, convention is disregarded and through the habit of association becomes unavoidably suggestive of inde- cency or immorality, as illustrated by wearing a bathing costume away from a bathing beach.

Frank exposure of the person is much less objectionable than the exposure which is partly hidden and partly revealed. To the adolescent youth and adult of arrested development, the mere fact that the cos- tuming of a woman displays portions of her body usually concealed awakens the imagination and becomes suggestive of immorality and indecency. Especially is this true if the surroundings in which the scantily dressed characters are placed are unusually suggestive. The producers sometimes assume that true art calls for the particular costume chosen, but if the board thinks that the art is put in to carry the immorality over, or that the immorality is more effective than the art, it considers that it is its duty to condemn this picture. INFIDELITY AND SEX PROBLEM PLAYS

The National Board has never denied that these are legitimate subjects for the motion picture, but has insisted that they be treated with seriousness and artistic reserve. In criticising this type of photoplay, the board insists that the recognized standards of sex morality be upheld.


There are certain acts which are sometimes a question of custom, sometimes of taste and sometimes of morals. One example of this is the question of women's smoking and drinking. To the women of certain nationalities and places, it is a matter of custom altogether, and the pictures would be untrue without it; to women of other places, it is a matter of taste, that is, it is no longer a question of morals with them and yet is not crystalized into custom; and to women of yet other places, it is esteemed a matter of morals. In judging such scenes, the National Board bases its action on the above theory.


The National Board requires that when scenes of the general type listed above are produced, it be in such a manner that no spectator is stimulated to put them into practice. For this reason permanent profit or enjoy- ment should not be shown as accompanying characters in these scenes; rather their true characters as being innately low, vulgar and indecent should be brought out together with the inevitable results to which they lead. Their sordid nature must be kept in the minds of the spectators, and the scenes themselves must have dramatic usefulness in the play and not be introduced as so much padding or entertainment. The public does not approve of debauches and the board will not tolerate a vicarious participation in them. The 12 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

board requires that when the portrayal of scenes of this type is necessary to the development of a legiti- mate story, it be truthful and complete so that no false notion of glamor, gaiety or romantic adventure lead anyone to misapprehend the true character of such scenes, but rather show the essential sordidness, shallow- ness, discontent and commercialism on which these scenes and the characters in them rest. If produced with a proper purpose, these scenes are usually moral in effect, but if produced merely for entertainment, they are usually immoral and should be eliminated. There is danger of the number of such scenes being multiplied until the net impression of the drama is bad and the picture will be condemned.

As a rule, it is preferable to have such scenes short, both for the sake of morality and because the art is often greatest when unessential detail is suppressed to bring out the main impression. In gambling scenes, for instance, what is sought is the atmosphere of , development of the characters and certain salient facts such as who is the winner, while elaborate or instructive details of the gambling method used will be eliminated.

In dance hall scenes where various kinds of dancing are taking place, it is well to make the scene sketchy and avoid suggestively instructive details. To prolong such scenes beyond the needs of clear exposition is to invite elimination. The board is consistently opposed to those dances where the positions of the dancers, their movements, etc., are evidently sensuous. Where vulgar flirtations and street solicitation tend to outrage the public sense of decency, they are to be condemned. In questionable resort scenes, the purpose of the producer and the effect attained must guide the censor. If essential to the story and the story itself be permissible, it would seem that such scenes should be per- mitted; but they must be handled with the greatest of care and only enough shown to make the exposition of the story clear and give the proper atmosphere. Without these scenes a comprehensive study of character development, which is one of the legitimate functions of the motion picture, would be impossible in some of the more pretentious plays. This matter, however, is so difficult to handle that it most often results in failure and consequently has to be eliminated. In principle, however, such scenes under certain conditions are per- missible, but it is a subject that the board cautions all producers against attempting. Of course, such scenes have to be made intellectually suggestive without being made physically stimulating and suggestive. The board requires that when these scenes are produced they be made unintelligible to children and innocuous to adolescents.


The members of the board recognized that moving picture houses and the vaudeville theatres are primarily places of amusement and not of serious discussion and education. They agree that the only justification for the portrayal of the social evil by motion pictures is that they shall be educational. They further appreciate that the motion picture by reason of the lack of dialogue and the necessity of emphasis on the dramatic is a difficult medium for this form of education. They agree, moreover, that education in the normal and abnormal facts of sex is fraught with danger and must be handled with tact and delicacy and given under the right surroundings to be effective. These considerations have led them to agree as follows: The board will critically examine all films presenting various forms of sex lapses, for those effects on audiences which arouse rather than minimize passion, which tend to perpetuate the double standard of moral- ity, which reveal easy ways of gratifying desire and of making money in the "trade" or which simply indi- cate the weakness of humanity or recite the dreary detail of the lives of those unfortunate members of society called "prostitutes." Since those who have worked most widely and skillfully on this problem have come to the conclusion that the most fruitful line of procedure is in the region of prevention, the board will give its support to those subjects and films which present facts in a sincere, dramatic way, leading to repression or to the removal of causes of commercial or sub-rosa prostitution. There is a place on the screen of the motion picture theatre for presentations which unquestionably indicate the causes, the dangers and the effects of sexual misconduct. Those subjects dealing with the social evil, will therefore be supported by the National Board of Censorship, which arouse fear in the minds of both sexes, which develop a hatred on the part of the audience of this ancient evil, which stimulate efforts to rescue the prostitute, and which indicate sensible and workable methods of repression or suppression. The board further states that in every instance the psychological and moral effects of the motion picture on the audience must be studied. It is difficult to indicate in advance what these will be, since so much depends on the personality, sincerity and actions both of the players and the producers. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 13


In the absence of dialogue, the motion picture drama necessarily emphasizes action and movement, including deeds of violence. The spirit of struggle at the present stage of human development is a phase of growth, both spiritual and physical, necessary to continue and advance the race, and it would be unwise to deprecate this spirit which is so native and essential to man. While representative individuals may view with aversion the actual encounter of two men in a life and death struggle, yet the board feels that violence per se has no inherent force for evil, and that if the struggle is fair and does not degenerate into excessive brutality and wanton cruelty, or show shocking detail, it should not condemn it. Nor has the board felt that it could insist that the struggle be robbed of elements of treachery and trickery nor dictate who shall win, nor what the weapons shall be, nor even who the principals shall be—though it will not tolerate the rough handling of women and children except where the life depicted is undoubtedly pioneer.


Nothing in motion pictures appears more foolish than the constant picturing of weapons such as guns, revolvers, knives, clubs, etc. Unless the action depicted, in addition to being senseless, is also immoral or criminal, the board holds that the matter should not be handled through censorship, but rather through the gradual protest of public opinion. When, however, "frontier justice" brings about results contrary to those which would be secured through the regular agents of the law, the National Board finds that almost always it must eliminate the action. Under normal conditions, it will not pass pictures which show the successful balking of the law. Some latitude should be shown perhaps to pictures of the "wild and woolly" variety where next to impossible deeds are pictured. The conditions are such that the motion picture patron would find it impossible to duplicate them, and the whole action takes in an atmosphere of rough romance.

In pictures portraying new and disorganized communities, it sometimes happens that the logical effect (that it is at times laudable to contravene the law) is lost, and the total effect of a picture—namely, that the forces of good triumph over the forces of evil—warrants the board in passing it. TREATMENT OF OFFICERS OF THE LAW AND RESPECT FOR THE LAW

The National Board urges that respect be shown for the law in action and in thought. Pictures involv- ing the law and officers of the law require careful handling. There is a certain value in showing the mis- carriage of justice, but this needs to be handled with discretion, and the work should be approached in a spirit of greater seriousness than simply that of amusements or entertainment. At the present rapid rate at which films are produced, this is a difficult thing to accomplish, and the board warns producers against attempting it. If, however, a real moral lesson is taught by the play, the board feels that it should pass it.


One of the things which should be avoided is the throwing of an atmosphere of romantic adventure around a criminal, especially if the time and place pictured suggest to the impressionable young people who see the picture the possibility of reproducing the same or similar action.

It is well to show that evil doing brings its own reward, and it is usually desirable to have the catas- trophe follow necessarily, logically and in a convincing manner and not merely have the catastrophe acci- dental or providential. Of course, if the action is convincing, it is permissible to have retribution as an act of Divine Will or Providence, but it frequently happens that the production is so crude that the Avenging Providence loses all its significance. Truth and sincerity are sine qua non in such cases. As a general rule, it is preferable to have retribution come through the hands of the authorized officers of the law, rather than through revenge, or other unlawful or extra-legal means. The taking of the law into one's own hands is a vicious suggestion. Unwritten law and frontier justice can only be frowned on by the law-respecting and dramatically capable actor and producer, and the National Board is opposed to such presentation, except as stated in section 37.


The National Board has no objection to some specific crimes, for it realizes that it should not attempt to eliminate the portrayal of all evil from motion pictures. Serious drama, as distinguished from comedy, farce, and burlesque almost always depicts a struggle between the forces of good on the one hand and the forces of evil on the other, and to eliminate either one of these elements would be very largely to elim- inate the drama itself. Usually the forces of evil are represented by a villain who commits crime and seeks 14 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

his ends through violence. Accordingly the question for the National Board is not whether it will permit the committal of crime in pictures, but rather what are the motives and results of the crime, and the manner in which they are performed. The board objects to the display of crime being suggestive, instruct- ive and gruesome; and it insists upon a sane balancing of the picture as a whole so that the final effect of the picture will be good or, at worst, harmless. The portrayal of crime should not degenerate into pandering to a morbid appetite, but should seek ends which are legitimate for the drama. The extended exposition of crime which involves tricks, skill cr unusual ingenuity is not permitted.


Every film presents special problems, but there are certain truths concerning all, and in the case of films depicting crime two of the principal points to be borne in mind by the censor are the motives and the results of the crime or crimes depicted. An adequate motive for committing a crime is always necessary to warrant picturing it. The board will insist on punishment of the criminal when his crime might be considered by the young and impressionable spectator as an excusable act. In other cases, it is desirable that the criminal be punished in some way, but the board does not always insist upon this. Careful discrimination must be made between the merits of the motive and the suggestions lurking in it as an excuse for the crime, for, under no conditions, will the board pass a picture where apparent approval is given of any cause for crime. The results of the crime should be in the long run disastrous to the criminal, so that the impression carried is that crime will inevitably find one out, soon or late, and bring on a catastrophe which causes the temporary gain from the crime to sink into insignificance. The result should spring logically and convincingly from the crime, and the results should take a reasonable proportion of the film. The motives, incidents, and results are always considered in censoring these pictures.


Crimes of violence may be roughly divided into crimes against property and those against persons. Possibly theft, fraud, forgery, burglary and robbery may be considered under the first head by a slight stretching of the use of the term. In these cases, the point to be guarded against is that no suggestively instructive and ingenious method be exploited, such as ways in which safes can be opened, checks raised, signatures forged, etc. These matters can be adequately presented by suggestion or by such distant views that it is impossible to know just what is being done. This is often accomplished also by having the scene take place in the dark, or with the operation obstructed from the view of the audience by the person of one of the actors.

Especially dangerous is the presentation of any attempt at train wrecking, and this is one of the crimes which is always eliminated by the National Board. This includes tampering with railroad apparatus.


Arson is a difficult crime to present in photoplays in such a manner that the suggestions be not a menace to the public; all details of this crime eliminated by the board as being suggestive and instructive. In general, the board will rule against films in which a clearly defined pyromaniac is shown at work. Excess- ive preparations and the actual application of the torch are not permitted in films depicting arson taking place in present-day modern surroundings. Exceptions are sometimes made in pictures dealing with disorgan- ized communities. The board has consistently ruled against arsons which are used to cover up crime, or in which human beings are burned. The National Board never permits picturing arson as a laudable deed under any circumstances, nor rarely as an act of vengeance. The tendency of the board is to eliininate it entirely, producers being constantly warned against its employment.


Crimes of violence against persons present practically the same problems, but in addition the question of gruesomeness enters and makes the work of censoring somewhat more difficult. Especially will the board condemn a picture in which the violence is that of a maniac; and indeed it will condemn any film in which a maniac is a leading character and his adventures furnish the essentials of the drama. The motion picture visualizes violence for us and presents problems which the newspaper does not have to encounter. Therefore the National Board feels warranted in suppressing detail that the press is at liberty to employ. For example, the printed word may describe an assault and murder to us with considerable thoroughness, without being

unduly gruesome, whereas, if the same thing were done in the motion picture, it would excite horror and AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 15

disgust, and unnerve the sensitive. The actual deeds of violence need to be treated with the greatest discre- tion in motion pictures, and the producer should remember that he is not writing a detailed exposition of

a crime, but is telling a dramatic story which most often does not need such detail, but merely enough to make clear what has happened. Thus in torture scenes, it is sufficient to show the torture is going to be

or has been inflicted, and it is unnecessary and objectionable to show just what the torture machine is doing, or the bodies of the victims writhing in agony.


The crime of suicide is one that is so suggestive to certain people that it needs most careful treatment by the producer, who would do well to avoid it altogether. The deed is so irreparable that even the slightest thing which can be construed as a justification of it and an incentive to it must be avoided. The board may, how- ever, consistently pass dramatic suicides—that is, suicides which are virtually necessary to the logical devel- opment of the drama, and not a means of getting rid of a character. The producer, however, who employs suicide as being the easiest method for him to get rid of a character to preserve the continuity of his drama should seek other means and use greater ingenuity to solve his problem, as such suicides are con- demned. Even in case a character probably deserves some sort of self-punishment, the board feels that the

crime of self-destruction is such a terrible one and so full of suggestions that the introduction of it into motion pictures could be justified only in extreme cases, as in a classic, a romance of another age, historic drama,

or where, being unsuggestive, it is more or less of an accident to another theme. The whole tendency of the board is to eliminate suicides. MURDER

The question of murder, including assassinations, executions, gang murders, and murders by individuals, presents few new problems to the censor and, such as these are, he can solve by recourse to general princi- ples already stated. Common sense dictates that picturing the assassination of any person who might be taken for some public character should be forbidden. Practically all execution scenes should be merely sug- gested and not given, because of their gruesomeness. In murder, the thing to be avoided is again suggest- iveness, instruction and gruesomeness. No one cares to see repeated stabbings or a body that has been mangled and such portrayals are always eliminated. Near and prolonged views of murders are objection- able, as are also pictures of labels of poisons used in murders or suicides. Indeed, the use of poisons, knock- out drops, chloroform, sleeping potions, etc., is constantly challenged by the board. Just enough of murder scenes to make the exposition clear is permitted; all else is liable to be either suggestive, instructive or gruesome and consequently to be eliminated or condemned. The producer who handles these subjects must needs employ caution, while keeping his story clear, to remain within the standards of the National Board of Censorship.


The board's standards are, of course, progressive and will change with the lapse of time; but they will develop along the lines above indicated, becoming more ideal as the motion picture art emerges in America from its present condition as a new art. Moreover, the increased experience of the producers, the develop- ment of motion picture artists, the classification of the theatres, the influence of more cultured audiences and the popular adoption of motion pictures into education, all of which are even now m process, will in time bring about conditions so different from the present that censorship may perhaps not be necessary.


There are many subjects which cannot come within the scope of federal censorship as defined by law which are the everyday subjects for criticism by a non-official, co-operative group like the National Board of Censorship. Because of its friendly agreements with the manufacturers and in its representation of public

opinion, it can easily handle many of these questions. They lie within the realm of taste. They are some- times vulgar. They may deal with questions of dress. The comedy element may be distinctly low. They may present controversial themes in delicate or indelicate ways. They may be harmful to certain elements of the communitj'. While acceptable in certain sections, they may provoke sectional prejudices. They may not come under the "ban," but deal with "low life." They may present questionable and prolonged love 16 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

scenes. They may present the three-cornered problem of infidelity. All these and many other subjects come within the scope of a board working in the interests of the public without legal standing. It can be pre- dicted with confidence that a federal board would be unable to handle satisfactorily this class of film subject.


The conditions of exhibition of plays and motion pictures in the United States make impossible any segregation of pictures which are dangerous to certain groups, while they are entirely satisfactory for others. The same picture goes to the whole American audience of men and women, young and old. This means that any censorship provision does violence to many classes of people who are abundantly able to express their objections. They would regard such censorship as an unfriendly attack.


The American public is intolerant of judgments superimposed by any class. With our American system of education there has been developed throughout the country general moral as well as intellectual inde- pendence. The people are quick to detect those things which are objectionable. Their condemnation is expressed in many ways. They refuse to read certain classes of books. They have recourse to the law. They frown upon immoral plays so that they become commercially profitless. They put the "ban" of public opinion upon individuals who break over accepted standards or attempt to spread harmful doctrine. The laws and the courts reflect such public opinions. This public opinion is not static, but is ever-changing. Since these are , there is well formulated opposition, both to the puritanical and the ultra-liberal posi- tions. It manifests itself in politics, social life, industry, morals and the church. The National Board claims that far more can be accomplished in co-operative ways than through legally appointed boards maintained under a paternalistic rather than a democratic ideal of government.


Legal censorship comes too late to obtain the greatest results from the manufacturers. They desire to market their product just as other legitimate producers have the right. Their outlay in money and time has been considerable. They have incurred expense not only in producing' the pictures, but in publicity and in the manufacture of from 20 to 100 separate films for the exchanges throughout the country. When pictures were condemned by such a federal board with legal powers, the manufacturers would develop a bit- terness and sense of opposition which would make them desire to fight the decisions, through the courts, to the limit. Without making any concessions or losing one iota of independence, a voluntary board is able to influence its decisions at a period when compromise is possible. State laws and local city ordinances already exist which more effectively handle the situation than federal censorship could do. Motion picture exhibitors who present immoral or indecent scenes can be checked by the police or mayors with suppression of films or temporary or permanent suspension of show licenses. Such laws to punish any action, publications or utterances against public morals are adequate for the pro- tection of the public. For five years the National Board of Censorship has called upon local authorities, mayors, license bureaus and police officials to suppress films which are not deemed proper for circulation on the American market. The response to these appeals has demonstrated the ability of localities to handle moral situations without any recourse to federal enactment.


The National Board frankly acknowledges that it does not reach 100 per cent of the motion picture field. It is, however, continually criticising over 95 per cent, and is increasingly proving to the irresponsible and more recent manufacturers that its endorsement is necessary. The National Board is a human insti- tution, dealing with problems of controversy which have been in existence throughout the ages of organized society. It reflects a public opinion which constantly varies. As society formulates intelligent theories and principles of conduct, it must inevitably alter its decisions. The board freely grants differences of opinion to various classes and to various constituent parts of the nation. It also agrees that some of its decisions may wrongly interpret the will of society. It does not assume omniscience.

Since the National Board is working for the entire country, it appreciates the importance of co-operative local criticism. The following plan has, therefore, been suggested and has been adopted in many cities: AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 17


The National Board issues each Saturday an entire list of motion picture subjects reviewed during the week, with the action taken upon each. These bulletins are sent throughout the country. Local authorities and censor boards are encouraged to make use of these bulletins and to concentrate their attention upon pic- tures which have been criticised for eliminations or changes, which have been condemned in toto, and for those pictures which have not been submitted to the board, but which have been listed for release and sale. The board agrees to bring pressure to bear upon the producers of objectionable and immoral films when they are reported to it. It also calls to the attention of local authorities those pictures which may be regarded as demoralizing. It urges upon local authorities the wisdom of legal action when pictures are exhibited which violate the standards of a given community. Authority is vested in mayors, licensing authorities, the police and the courts to immediately suppress such pictures. This furnishes a plan of co-operation, a flexibility and a local responsibility which are not included in the plan of the federal censorship. —


A Symposium of the Views of the Governors of Various States and Other Public Officials Relative to the Censorship of Motion Pictures

A perusal of these letters conveys a good idea of the general sentiment throughout the United States on censorship. We have made no comment on any of these communications. They express the salient arguments for or against censorship. These communications were received in response to requests from the publishers of the American Motion Picture Cyclopedic Directory as to the laws, etc., relating to the censorship of motion pictures.

ARKANSAS—FORT SMITH Gentlemen: I am sorry to say that our laws governing censorship are very meagre and we are casting about now for a proper ordinance. We believe a great amount of good and we know tliat a great amount of evil comes from moving pic- tures. The hard thing for city officials is to know where to draw the line. However, we are determined to draw it, and even though we have inadequate laws and no proper censorship, still our instruction to the chief of police and night captain is to without hesitation stop the running of any film which they think is improper. When we have settled upon an ordinance covering this matter, we will gladly supply you with a copy. Very sincerely, HENRY C. READ, Mayor.

CALIFORNIA—LOS ANGELES Gentlemen: In reply to your letter, I am inclosing herewith a copy of the ordinance governing moving picture exhib- its in our city, which will give to you the information you require. This ordinance is the result of considerable study and several amendments to the original, which, after having been put in use, were found to be defective. We feel that this present ordinance does not cover, in all particulars, the requirements to properly control the moving picture exhibits; in fact, it is a difficult thing to determine in some cases as to what picture is a proper one for exhibition to the general public. If your directory is able to provide Los Angeles with any improvement over the ordinance herewith inclosed, we would be grateful to you for a copy or sugges- tions along those lines. Respectfully yours,

F. J. WHIFFEN, Acting Mayor.


Gentlemen :

Replying to your recent letter, I would say that under the existing charter and ordinances of Hartford the mayor is considered guardian of the public's morals. He has authority to prevent, by the revocation of the license, the production or exhibition of any entertainment that he considers might prove derogatory to the morals of the people. I have considerable faith in the opinion of the National Board of Censorship of New York, and have never seen fit to censor any motion pictures once approved by that board. I believe, however, that some local censorship should be established, so that an opinion can be given —• —

AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 19 the mayor on pictures that have not been submitted to the National Board. This would give the mayor a

"backing", if he saw fit to revoke a license, and would also prevent theatre managers from claiming they were being unfairly treated, etc. Our Court of Common Council is now considering an ordinance on the subject. I enclose a copy. I am of the opinion that—with a few curtailments and amendments—the ordinance will be adopted sooner or later. Yours very truly, LOUIS R. CHENEY, Mayor.

CONNECTICUT—NEW HAVEN Gentlemen: Replying to your inquiry into regulations governing moving picture exhibitions in the city of New

Haven. I beg to enclose a copy of the principal sections of the ordinance in question. The supervision in this city is by the chief of police or a police oi¥icer delegated by him. Only such films are allowed to be shown here as have been endorsed by the National Board of Censorship. Very truly yours,


CONNECTICUT Gentlemen: — His Excellency, Governor Baldwin, has directed me to reply to your communication. The only state laws referring to the general subject of the exhibition of moving pictures are contained in the Public Acts of 1909, Chapter 205; Public Acts of 1911, Chapters 186 and 245; Public Acts of 1913, Chap- ters 134 and 195. You undoubtedly can obtain the text of these laws by reference to the Bar Library, Chicago. Briefly, they all concern the application and granting of licenses, and the general supervision is placed under the control of the superintendent of the state police, Mr. Thomas F. Egan, Hartford. It would probably

suit your purpose better if you want an expression as to the way the laws work, to communicate with Mr. Egan. Yours very truly, KENNETH WYNNE, Executive Secretary.


Hon. Woodbridge N. Ferris, Governor, Lansing, Mich. Aly Dear Governor:

With regard to the letter of the American Moving Picture Directory Company, I am giving you the following information: The moving picture law of was passed at the last session of the legislature, and was given

immediate effect, it being designed to protect the lives of the people of this state who patronize such places of amusement. The administration of the law was placed under the jurisdiction of the fire marshal's bureau, of this department, and I am pleased to inform you that the law has been rigidly enforced, and, in fact, we have devoted more time to the enforcement of this law than to any other one feature of this bureau's work. The law went into ef?ect in May, 1913, and up to date we have niade 909 inspections. Many of these are duplicates, as the law provides that we must make an inspection twice a year, and the bureau is per- mitted to charge $10 for each inspection. We have issued 554 orders requiring changes to be made either in the construction of the booth from which the pictures are thrown, or in the seating arrangements, or in the exits from the theatres, in order to safeguard life and limb. We have issued 622 licenses. We have ordered closed 62 theatres. At the outset we were met with some opposition, especially in the city of Detroit, where an injunction was secured against the department from enforcing its orders, on the ground that the local ordinances upon the subject did not give us jurisdiction. The Supreme Court dissolved this injunction, on the ground that the authority of the state fire marshal was concurrent with local ordinances, and where a local official did not enforce the law, the state fire marshal could enforce such law. Under this ruling, we have closed the second-floor theatres.

I know of no law that has been written into the statute books that is of more importance than this, because, personally, I believe if the law is absolutely complied with, even then there still exists some danger in this class of theatres where they are located within the interior of a city block. In view of the fact that these —


pictures are always shown in the dark, and in case of commotion or panic, there is no assurance that the lights would be switched on, and in view, also, of the fact that it is the natural tendency to leave a theater in the direction from which one entered it, which would take the patron through the danger, as such booths are always located over the entrance, I am of the opinion that too great caution cannot be exercised, and we have been extremely rigid in our enforcement. The law provides that in all theatres where moving pictures are shown by means of celluloid films, the booth must be of a certain construction; the aisles must be of a certain width, and the seats must be arranged in a certain manner. I am enclosing to you a copy of the law, which you can send to the American Moving Picture Directory Company.

I note from the letter that the question is asked as to what extent the law is enforced in practice, and I can assure you that there is no law in the state of Michigan that is being enforced more rigidly than this law. I am insisting that the letter of the law must be complied with, and I do not waive one iota upon a matter as important as this, when I am frequently confronted with statements of men who have had great experience in the matter of fire fighting to the ef¥ect that certain conditions that do not comply exactly with the law make the house just as safe as the law would make it. In this connection I ought to say that the matter of censorship as to the character of the pictures to be shown is one that does not come under the jurisdiction of the department, and we make no attempt to inter- fere in that regard at all, as the law does not take cognizance of that feature in any way. I am returning the letter addressed to you. Trusting that this information will answer completely the letter of the American Moving Picture Direc- torj' Company, I am, Very faithfully yours, JOHN T. WINSHIP, Commissioner of Insurance, Ex-Officio State Fire Marshal.

DELAWARE Gentlemen: In reply to your inquiry will say no laws have been passed by the State of Delaware concerning mov- ing picture shows. Very truly yours, CHAS. B. RENILERS, Governor State of Delaware.

HAWAII Gentlemen: The moving picture business here is very small and the country being small, is very easily regulated. Yours respectfully, GEORGE R. CLARK, Governor of Hawaii.

IDAHO—BOISE CITY Gentlemen: Replying to your letter will state that the city of Boise has no ordinance relating directly to moving picture shows, other than all theatres pay a license of $100.00 annually. Very respectfullly yours, NANCY E. ROBERTSON, City Clerk.

INDIANA—SOUTH BEND Gentlemen:— In reply to your letter will say that we have no specific law and ordinances affecting the exhibition of moving pictures.

I have just appointed a committee composed of men and women to thoroughly investigate our moving pic- ture shows to find out the nature of the pictures shown; the character of the audience, whether adults, youths or children, and to find out how the pictures affect the children especially. The committee has not as yet made a full investigation and study of the subject and will likely not report for at least a month. Should —


j'ou wish to have a copy of their report and an expression from me at that time, I will be glad to send it to you if you will let me know your wishes. At the present time I am of the opinion that the pictures should be censored. We are arranging to appoint a police woman and one of her duties will be to watch picture shows. Yours truly, F. W. KELLER, Mayor. KENTUCKY—LEXINGTON

Gentlemen: In answer to your letter regarding "laws and censorship" relating to moving pictures, will say that I think that there certainly should be a censorship exercised, which would be nation-wide in scope. There is such a wide difference of opinion as to what shows should be allowed that a national censor- ship will probably remove all objections. We have not attempted municipal regulation, it being understood that all films shown are censored pictures. I have often been called upon to visit shows that persons ob- jected to seriously, but I could see no harm in the plays. It seems to me that all pictures should be sent to the National Board of Censors and films not be allowed to be shown to the American public until passed upon by said board. Yours very truly,

J. E. CASSIDY, Mayor.


Gentlemen :

In answer to your letter will say that we have no censors for moving picture films. There is no question but there should be an ordinance framed governing these films. This administration is in favor of such a law. In the main, our picture houses are very good, but now and then, one that should not be permitted goes on the screen. Commissioner R. L. Bone has this matter in charge at the present time, looking towards the framing of an ordinance. Any further communications concerning this matter, please address R. L. Bone, Commissioner of Finance, City Hall, Topeka, . Very truly yours, R. L. COFRAN, Mayor.


Gentlemen: Replying to your recent letter, beg to advise that the only ordinance we have relative to moving picture

shows, is the one prohibiting the showing of lewd or indecent subjects, and also limiting standing room for capacity of all theatres. Yours very truly, SOL WEIL, Secretary-Treasurer. MARYLAND—BALTIMORE

Gentlemen: In answer to your letter I beg to state that I am not at all clear that any censorship, whether Federal,

State or Municipal, is necessary for the proper regulation of moving pictures. The moving picture parlor is dependent for its success upon the general patronage of all classes—boys and girls, the old and the young, the rich and the poor—and I think we may safely assume that the tastes of the majority of these people lean well towards clean pictures. It seems to me that this is the best pro- tection or safeguard against indecent pictures, for the financial instinct of the proprietor of the moving picture parlor will cause him to hesitate before showing any film that might be offensive to his patrons and result in consequent injury to his trade.

Personally, I have never seen a distinctly improper motion picture in my life, and if there was one occa-

sionally shown, I do not think it would justify the creation of expensive organizations with large salary lists and other sources of outlay, and many times interfering with individual rights, for trivial or insufficient reasons. Very truly yours, JAMES H. PRESTON, Mayor. — •



Gentlemen:— I have the honor to reply to j'our letter in which you ask for :-ny views on the regulation of moving- pictures in the large cities of the United States. There is no question that directly affects the interests of the people more than this one. On the proper regulation depends the future of so many men and women, that the question necessitates the closest consider- ation, and the most stringent regulation.

I am not a prude, but the possibilities for good or evil in the moving pictures is so powerful that it requires a corresponding regulation on the part of the governing bodies. I am frank to say that the moving picture industry, which has become a tremendous one in the past few years, is as selfish in the general run as owners of buildings who fail to properly equip their property with the necessary protection to life. Just as the moving picture industry, anxious for the American dollar, lays its plans to corral the dollar without any proper regard for what the pictures they present teach to the boys and girls—to future American citizens —they can teach them good or they can teach them bad things. The municipality should have direct control over whether or not they should teach good or bad. Unfortunately, St. Louis has no laws that prop- erly govern this question. It would be ideal if all of the cities had the same regulation. I am in favor of that. But, I am not in favor of any one city waiting until the other cities are ready to adopt a uniform system. That policy merely means that each one of the municipalities would be playing into the hands of those unconscionable picture show men who are seeking the dollars without any regard to the production they present. Wholesome, clean pictures can be just as entertaining, just as amusing, and just as instructive as scenes of events which tend to instruct youth in crime. Under proper conditions moving pictures are an educational blessing, but under adverse conditions, such

as are well known by practically every person who has given the question any thought, there is great possi- bility of steeping the mind of youth, both boys and girls, with things they should not know, and, knowing, merely induce them to go out and do likewise.

It is the duty of every municipality, not only to regulate the moving pictures themselves, but to see that the character of the place where the pictures are presented is such that the boys and girls can attend. There is just as much danger from this phase of moving picture shows as there is from improper views.

If this policy was carried out there would be just as much honest money in it for the men financing the moving picture industry, and it would be a great thing toward the moral betterment of the inhabitants, and

it will tend to vastly improve each one of the municipalities regulating the business in this way.

I am strongly in hope that St. Louis in the near future will regulate the industry along the lines I have indicated in this letter. Very truly yours, HENRY W. KIEL, Mayor.


Gentlemen : The city of Helena has no ordinances with reference to moving picture shows. Yours truly, D. M. McCONNELL, City Clerk.


Gentlemen : Replying to your recent letter addressed to his honor. Mayor Marx, and referred to this department, relative to regulation of motion pictures in this city, I enclose, herewith, copy of our ordinance, also blank copy of permit which is issued to the film exchanges for each film after it has been approved by our censor, who is a patrolman in civilian attire detailed for censoring of films and theatres in general. The department censor visits the exchanges and views films which he thinks may be objectionable. This plan has been in operation some time but the results are not entirely satisfactory. The commissioner of police, Hon. John Gillespie, has requested the Board of Estimates for an additional appropriation to equip a Bureau of Film Inspection.

There should be Federal censorship of films. It seems to me it could be arranged by agreement between the film producers and the Federal government to have the censoring done before the films are manufactured in a manner consistent with constitutional rights. Censorship in different cities cannot effectually remedy the trouble. A film prohibited in Detroit can still be used where censorship is less strict. There must be a final —•


censorship and it would seem that the Federal government could take jurisdiction, and certainly where so many millions of children are daily attending photo play theatres it is worthy the attention of the Federal government. Yours very truly, G. A. WALTERS, Secretary to Police Commissioner.

MICHIGAN—DETROIT Gentlemen: We have forwarded your letter to the secretary of the police department, who has supervision over moving picture theatres. Respectfully, EDWARD T. FITZGERALD, Secretary.

MISSISSIPPI—MERIDIAN Gentlemen:— Replying to your letter, I beg to advise that the city of Meridian appears to have no law governing or regulating picture theatres.

The only law that we have in the city, is in reference to the construction of the buildings, the fire risks, exits, etc. Yours very truly, T. A. McCASKILL, City Clerk and Treasurer.

MISSOURI—KANSAS CITY Gentlemen: Your communication, addressed to our mayor, Henry L. Jost, has been referred to me for reply. I am enclosing a copy of an ordinance that was passed by our city council and signed by Mayor Jost, but has not been put into effect up to the present time. The reason this ordinance has not been made effective by our mayor is because this department had been co-operating with the National Board of Censorship, of New York City, for a period of about two years and was getting effective co-operation from the local film exchanges. The mayor instructed the department to follow up the same program. This we are doing at this time. We have a law which is quite old which prohibits the exhibition of any immoral, obscene or inde- cent picture. We have been able, through the hearty co-operation of our chief of police, to secure every cut that we have asked for, and to suppress every picture that was exhibited in violation of the old ordinance. Since the 27th day of October, 1913, we have cut out approximately 2,000 feet of objectionable film, and condemned, in toto, 24 reels of film. A great deal of credit is due the managers of our five film exchanges for their attitude. If you will pardon my giving you a personal opinion, I would like to say that my experience makes me believe that sooner or later a plan of either State or Federal censorship of negatives will be necessary. It seems practically impossible for the National Board of Censorship to secure the cuts that they recommend because a large number of copies are made up and shipped to various exchanges without the eliminations being made as ordered. Yours truly, FRED F. McCLURE, Superintendent Recreation Department.

MINNESOTA—MINNEAPOLIS Gentlemen: I am pleased to comply with your request for a statement regarding the manner in which moving pic- ture theatres are handled by the administration in this city. In the matter of providing places for the exhibition of moving pictures which are safe and sanitary, ordinances have been passed by the city council which provide that the rooms used for such purposes shall meet the approval of the building inspector and fire marshal, both with respect to construction and means of exit. Under these ordinances, the buildings are frequently visited by the fire marshal, or by firemen under his direction, and at each performance there must be thrown upon the screen a certificate from said officer, announcing that the building has his approval. —••


In addition to these precautions, policemen are instructed on their rounds to see that the ordinances are complied with and especially that the places of amusement are not unduly crowded.

No ordinances or laws exist providing for the censorship of the pictures displayed. I have assumed, however, that it is a proper subject for police regulation and at the commencement of my term of office, detailed an officer to such work. He visits the picture houses and rejects films which he does not feel are proper and his work has been so satisfactory that we receive no complaints of bad exhibitions and the theatre managers themselves frequently bring to his attentioti films which they have received and regard as ques- tionable. As a general rule, he admits all films which have the approval of the National Board of Censorship. Per- sonally, I believe thoroughly in the censorship of moving picture films, but I also believe that this censorship should be so conducted as not to add greatly to the burden of expense of operating the shows, as would be the case were we to have national and also state and local boards of censorship. Yours sincerely, W. G. NYE, Mayor.


Gentlemen: I beg leave to state that the city of St. Paul or the state have no specific laws or ordinances on moving picture exhibitions. General laws make it a crime to give lewd, lascivious or obscene exhibitions, which are broad enough to cover anything coming within the definitions of those terms.

The city, however, has three women inspectors whose duty it is to inspect dance halls, moving picture theatres, theatres generally, restaurants and the like. These women have been successful, through the co- operation of the managers of the various "movies," in excluding objectionable films. Whenever a film is given which, in the opinion of these inspectors, is deemed suggestive or objectionable for any reason, the managers always willingly take it ofi. We have had only slight difficulties in this regard, and as long as the managers maintain their present attitude, the situation is handled satisfactorily. Of course in the event of any managers not being amen- *• able to reasonable regulation, then there should be adopted by the council effective ordinances to meet such situations. Yours truly, H. P. KELLER, Mayor.


Gentlemen: We have one very lengthy ordinance covering this subject and it covers all points. It has been approved by the National Board of Underwriters and the Mississippi Advisory Rating Bureau and we have found it very ef¥ective in our city. We have recently passed a resolution appointing motion picture censors. Yours truly, NELLE TURNER, Assistant City Clerk.



Replying to your letter I beg to state that we have no ordinances covering moving pictures, the three that we have here seem to be well managed and this office never has any complaint of any character. Yours very truly, A. M. PAXTON, City Clerk.


Replying to yours of March 25th, I beg to say that in this city there are no laws or ordinances directly affecting moving picture exhibitions. The commissioner of public safety, at the request of a number of citizens is now gathering data as to what other cities are doing in the way of censorship. So far as I have been able to observe in this city the pictures have been very good and the houses are run by a class of men who take a great deal of pleasure in the conduct of their houses, and there has been very little complaint. —


Personally I believe that all pictures that hold up to ridicule officers of the law, or the enforcing of the law should be censored, and I believe pictures of murders, shooting, robberies, safe blowing, and all that sort of thing that would tend to corrupt the minds of children, should be entirely eliminated. Moving picture houses are the playgrounds of the poor and medium class of people; that is, it affords an evening's amusement at a price that any one can afford and there should be nothing shown in these houses that would tend to corrupt the minds or the morals of young people. There are enough subjects that can be used of a healthy character that it is not necessary to resort to murders and holdups for entertainment. I believe that the censorship should begin with the author and not after the picture is taken. In other words, the remedy should be at the source not at the outlet, for after the picture is printed the expense has been so great in taking it that it is pretty hard to keep the houses from putting it on the market. Yours very truly, FRANK C. ZEHRUNG, Mayor.



Your communication is at hand. Our city ordinance with reference to moving picture shows is rather indefinite outside of fixing the annual license, leaving to the fire and police commissioners the right to further regulate. The fire and police commissioners have adopted resolutions which exclude the exhibiting of pic- tures on the dime novel order which contain a lot of "blood and thunder" matter which often makes a hero of the villain and tends to have a demoralizing effect on youths and children. It is my opinion that the invention of the moving picture is one of the greatest educational inventions of the age. It is now being used in many cities as the most effective system of advertising, both by manu- facturers, merchants and real estate men, and from an amusement standpoint, uplifting and educating, if the pictures shown are of that character. The fire and police commissioners of this city have appointed a lady a member of the police department, whose principal duty is that of censor of moving pictures and to advise with girls and boys who attend these places of amusement, to see that their conduct is proper and that they retire to their homes at a sea- sonable hour. Yours truly, THOMAS HOCTOR, Mayor.

NEW YORK—SYRACUSE Gentlemen: At this time we have no well defined system of censorship as to determining the character of photo- plays. This is a subject that has given us considerable trouble, as we have been unable to determine any practical means of a proper censorship. We have a considerable number of moving picture places, many of which are of high standard and do not require any particular control. We have others that we look after as best we can. We will be interested in any method that will give us closer control—that is, one that is practical and that would operate easily. We would be pleased to hear from you further and pleased at any time to answer any questions you desire. Very truly yours, W. P. HITCHCOCK, Commissioner of Public Safety.

NEW HAMPSHIRE—CONCORD Gentlemen:— Answering your letter relative to ordinances in force in this city controlling moving pictures, desire to say there are no city ordinances in effect in this city relative to moving pictures, and state laws govern. For a copy of the state laws, apply to Hon. E. N. Pearson, Secretary of State, Concord, N. H. Yours respectfully, HENRY E. CHAMBERLIN, City Clerk.


Gentlemen: In regard to your inquiry as to the attitude of the city of Raleigh toward moving picture shows, beg to advise that the city exercises supervision over the character of the pictures shown here, and when any pic- —

26 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY tures are condemned by the National Board of Censorship or in the judgment of the city are unfit to be put on, a request is made of the moving picture managers and they always are willing to eliminate any pictures that are requested. We have had very little trouble here in this respect. Very truly yours, JAS. I. JOHNSON, Mayor.


In our little city there is at present no regular ordinance governing moving picture theatres, although there is at this time a disposition on the part 'of the board of trustees to enact an ordinance governing these shows. Yours very truly, E. C. PATTERSON, City Clerk. NEVADA—RENO

Gentlemen :

I do not possess any copies of our moving picture ordinance, but will state that the same is very short, simply stating that the operating rooms must be completely enclosed and constructed of fireproof material, and that the inspection of all theatres and rooms connected thereto shall be under the supervision of the fire chief, etc. Respectfully,


Gentlemen : The mayor of this city, owing to stress of business, has been unable to answer your recent letter, and has referred the same to me. I am, of course, by virtue of my office, familiar with all of the ordinances of this city regarding the subject of your letter, and I desire to state that we have no laws, ordinances or censorships on the subject of moving picture exhibitions. The only legislation we have in this city regarding moving picture shows is that requiring fireproof houses for the picture machine, and general regulations pertaining to exits and clearing of aisles. While we have not, up to the present time, had occasion to suppress any pictures for exhibit in this

city, it is the policy of this administration, however, that in the event any picture is sought to be exhibited which, by the mayor or his advisory committee, may be considered detrimental to public morals, I am authorized to say that steps would be taken which would prevent the production of the same by holding the licensee of such house or theatre responsible, and in the event of his refusal to abide by the mayor's direction in respect to any immoral show, his license would be withheld when the same was sought to be renewed.

Speaking for myself personally, as well as for the mayor, I desire to add that it is my opinion and con- viction that motion pictures embracing wholesome educational and humorous subjects are a source of great entertainment and benefit to the whole public, but when the picture borders upon the risque or even blood and

thunder variety, it degenerates into a source of evil and becomes a menace to the public and should not be

tolerated. If proceeded under the latter circumstances, it is only a question of time when the motion picture business will be a thing of the past. Very truly yours, E. F. LUNSFORD, City Attorney. NEW YORK—ALBANY

Gentlemen:— Replying to your letter, I beg to advise you as follows: While we have no board of censorship, any picture plays which, by their title, would tend to suggest immorality or suggestiveness, are first witnessed by a committee, usually composed of the chief of police,

city officials and others interested, and if deemed to be unfit for exhibition, the manager of the theatre is notified that they must not be produced, under penalty of the revocation of his license. Very truly yours, JOSEPH W. STEVENS, Mayor. —



Your communication, addressed to the Hon. John Purroy Mitchel, Mayor, has been referred to me. In reply, I am enclosing herewith copy of the motion picture ordinance governing the conduct of such places of amusement in this city, and trust that the information desired will be found contained therein. No official censorship over motion picture films is exercised by the New York City authorities, but there is in existence a volunteer board, known as the National Board of Censorship, to which is submitted by the various film manufacturers their output for review and approval or disapproval. Respectfully, JULIUS ROSENTHAL, Chief of Bureau.


Gentlemen; Answering your recent favor, permit me to advise that Columbus has no ordinance to govern moving pictures, except as to fire prevention and in the matter of sanitary regulations. State law provided for a board of censors, but the enforcement is in abeyance, due to litigation. As mayor of Columbus, it has been my policy to be liberal in attitude toward these popular places of amusement. Official suggestion has always proved sufficient to create support in favor of any change that might prevent criticism and eliminate objection. And in this we have always had the immediate assistance and enthusiastic support of the operators. In the two years of our administration, we have had no complaints from individual or organization as to the kind of pictures exhibited, and only one or two criticisms filed as to the methods of operation, these being that on busy days the reels were run through too rapidly and the closing portions of the pictures were "cut." Our suggestion to the local association that it might be good business policy to correct this condition was received with pleasure, and so far as possible, corrected. Respectfully,


Gentlemen : The citizenship of Dayton approves of the moving picture theatres by a large majority. During my term of office they were opened on Sundays, and the patronage was excellent. Under the new commission form of government in our city, nev/ ordinances have been made governing the rate of license, etc. I do not believe that there will be any interference so far as running every day of the week. And why should there be, as a common expression as to the picture theatres is this, viz.: "They are the greatest educational institu- tions of today." Sincerely yours, EDWARD REIGGS, Ex-Mayor. OHIO—TOLEDO

Gentlemen: I am directed by the mayor to inform you the city of Toledo depends entirely upon the state statutes in reference to the censorship of moving picture films. We find that this state-wide censorship is very satisfac- tory to the citizens of our city. The mayor can see no reason why the censorship should not become national. Yours very truly, W. R. WALTERS, Secretary to the Mayor. OREGON—PORTLAND

Gentlemen : Replying to your recent inquiry relative to motion picture legislation and my opinion on that subject, I beg to state that I firmly believe Portland has as satisfactory a method of handling this problem as any city of its size in the country. We have very little legislation here, but what we have is quite effective. One short ordinance is the chief weapon of defense against objectionable pictures in so far as the law is concerned. This prohibits the exhibition of immoral, obscene or indecent photographs and empowers the police to seize a reel when the picture has been condemned. The only court of appeal is the municipal judge. —


We have a very capable board of censors, composed of women from various clubs, who have for three years and more given their services gratis as a public duty, and I have found them to be sound in judgment and fair in principle.

Speaking for the time in which I have occupied the executive office, dating from July 1, 1913, co-opera- tion with the film exchanges and the exhibitors has been the watchword, and, I verily believe, is better in the vast majority of cases than ever so much law. I realize that a city must have a check on the manager who will not otherwise heed a protest, and to him I believe in applying the ordinance; but the average exhib- itor and exchange man, I have found, is only too glad to assist the municipality in bringing about a higher standard of pictures and better conditions in the business. We have had but little trouble with condemned pictures, only once having been reversed by the court in an important case. There have been a number of appeals, but the judge has upheld the board almost invariably.

I sincerely believe that co-operation between all parties concerned is the best policy and will yield the most good.

If you will permit me, I wish to make a brief statement concerning the type of pictures which, it seems to me, the public should have. Not mentioning them by their title, I have in mind a number of films of the highest order which have played here in recent months to capacity houses; I have in mind others which have been sent here to certain exchanges and which have been condemned.

Personally, I refuse to accept the assertion of some people that it is only the suggestive, near-immoral or downright indecent picture that "pulls" a big house; to the contrary, I shall continue to believe that the large majority of our people will patronize the highest grade of photoplays and that the manager who provides these is going to build up for himself a reputation that will, reverting to the dollars and cents of the business, be worth large sums of money to him.

In a large city, it is true that a theatre may easily be filled with those who are eager to view an immoral

film; but given high grade pictures on the same screen in the same house and you will find it filled just the same, only with a better class of patrons.

I know of no more interesting or important subject than this, viewed from the standpoint of public morals and influence upon the public mind; I believe in the motion picture and think its sphere for good is limited only to the output of the manufacturer. I hope the day is fast approaching when every studio will be turning out only such films as will elevate and properly educate. Yours very truly, H. R. ALBEE, Mayor. OREGON Gentlemen;—

This is to acknowledge yours regarding laws regulating moving picture shows, and to say that we have no state laws governing this matter. Very truly yours, OSWALD WEST, Governor, Salem, Ore. Gentlemen:— Your letter addressed to His Excellency the Governor, John K. Tener, has been handed to me for reply. An act regulating the censorship of motion pictures was passed in 1911 and appropriation therefor passed in the session of 1913, under which the governor has made the appointments. The act will be

effective as of June 1, 1914. A copy of the law, the rules and regulations adopted, as well as the standards, will be issued in pamphlet form and mailed to you as soon as ready. The letter addressed by you to His Honor, Rudolph Blankenburg, Mayor of , has been handed to me for reply also.

Yours very truly, J. LOUIS BREITINGER, Chief Censor, Pennsylvania State Board of Censors.

PENNSYLVANIA—PITTSBURGH Gentlemen: Your letter to the Hon. Joseph G. Armstrong, Mayor of the city of Pittsburgh, has been referred to me. The city of Pittsburgh has no ordinances governing the moving picture business, other than laws affecting the character of the building in which moving pictures are exhibited and the licensing of the —

AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 29 house and operator of the machine. While not by ordinance, the department of public safety has charge and places its own restrictions on the motion picture business. We do not allow the exhibition of any picture that is not passed upon by the National Board of Censorship of New York City, and any picture that has not been before the said board we have a private exhibition of and determine as to the propriety of allowing the same to be publicly exhibited. We prohibit the exhibiting of any picture the basis of which is murder and which depicts premeditated crime or which has to do with white slavery or immorality. In general, no picture that will exert a detrimental influence on the well-being and good morals of the people of the city of Pittsburgh will be permitted. We insist that the motion picture houses, when in operation, must be as well lighted as possible, while not insisting upon this to such an extent as to interfere with the exhibition of the picture. We also insist vigorously on the house being made absolutely sanitary, and given a thorough cleaning every night. We also require the management of motion picture houses to inform their patrons, by the use of slides thrown on the screen, the location of emergency exits, and to indicate the same by a red light over the door of all such exits. Also slides thrown on the screen cautioning their patrons as to their conduct while in the house. We have found that our policewomen have been of very great assistance to this department in eliminating flirts and undesirable attentions of men toward young women, and in this respect I have requested the moving picture houses to have thrown on the curtain a slide notifying the patrons that when annoyed by unwelcome attentions, to hold up the hand, and that is a signal to the attendant, who immediately removes or turns over to an officer the offending person. In addition to this, we require the management of motion picture houses to exert very great care in the seating of their patrons, and so far as possible to seat unaccompanied women and young men in separate parts of the theatre, and not to allow the continuous changing of their seats from one part of the house to another. We believe that every effort should be put forth to have the film companies and the owners of moving picture houses to act in harmony with the authorities in elevating the moving picture business. We feel that without ordinances governing the motion picture houses, we have taken a very advanced step in regulat- ing them, and do not think that we could have brought about the condition that exists in the city of Pittsburgh today had it not been that we had the hearty co-operation of both the film companies and the proprietors of the motion picture houses. We believe that it is the poor man's theatre, and that we should do everything in our power to make it as clean, wholesome, elevating and instructive as possible. Yours very truly, ARCHIBALD MACKRELL, Civilian Aide.


Replying to your recent letter, I am herewith enclosing you transcript of city ordinances bearing upon the subject mentioned. We have no trouble in regulating these afTairs through our police department in this way. We have laws in regard to fire exits and entrances which cover the matter of safety, both as to crowding of the audience in the aisles and as to facility of getting out in case of fire. Very truly yours, W. H. GIBBES, Mayor. TENNESSEE—CHATTANOOGA

Gentlemen : I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor, and in reply to say that I recommended to the board of commissioners—at the suggestion of the Pastors' Association of this city—that we should have a censorship of picture shows, the actual censorship to be done through the Carnegie Library Board.

This action entails some expense, and the other four commissioners opposed the expense, not believing it necessary, and the matter was, therefore, for the time being, killed. My own idea in regard to the moving picture show is that it should be regulated with a view to the pre- vention of exhibition of pictures that will be demoralizing either to adults or children. The moving picture shows have been and can be made most advantageous from an educational point of view, and I believe should be encouraged as long as the business is kept on right lines. I believe that a censorship of pictures can be done with benefit to any community and yet without working hardship upon those whose capital is tied up in this business. Yours very truly, T. C. THOMPSON, Mayor. —



Gentlemen : Replying to your recent letter, beg to advise that the city of Charleston does not have any specific laws and ordinances affecting the exhibition of moving pictures. We believe that we have ordinances which are of sufficient breadth of interpretation to enable us to govern the exhibiting of pictures, if we consider it necessary to restrict such exhibitions. We are receiving reports from the National Board of Censorship, and while they censor pictures with a view of eliminating such features as would be objectionable and per- mitting such pictures as in their judgment should go before a mixed audience of adults, youths and children, the writer realizes that there are many pictures passing their review which should perhaps not be shown where children are permitted to see them. As the pictures generally are on exhibition but one day, it would be very difficult for the city authorities to keep in touch with the different lists of pictures to be shown, with a view of censoring the same. However, we would feel justified in refusing to permit pictures to be shown if from information at hand they would seem to be objectionable. We should be glad to join with others in a practical way of securing for the public exhibitions of pictures which would seem to be of a more elevating character. With our best wishes for your success, beg to remain, Respectfully,

J. F. BEDELL, Mayor.


Gentlemen : I will state that as yet we have no legislation upon our statute books defining what may be exhibited or not exhibited at moving picture shows. If anything obscene or of wrong character should be exhibited, I sup- pose that the ordinary police regulations of the state would justify interference. Very truly yours, JOSEPH M. CAREY, Governor.

WYOMING—CHEYENNE Gentlemen:— The city of Cheyenne has enacted no ordinances relating to the exhibition of motion pictures. In cities of this size we must of necessity depend upon the boards of censorship for the character of pictures exhibited. As we have had no official experiences along this line, I can only give you my personal opinion. Owing to the vast difference in regulating municipal affairs, owing to the different moral standards set in all parts of our country, and further considering that motion pictures are an industry of many states, it is my opinion this matter can only be controlled and regulated by national legislation; otherwise, films shown in one state or city would not be exhibited in the next, and it would cause endless trouble in attempting to establish any film circuits, and the results of local censorship would cause endless confusion. Yours truly. R. N. LA FONTAINE, Mayor.

Censorship Ordinances as Passed in Various Cities


Ordinance No. 24,187 (New Series), as Amended by Ordinance No. 26,881 (New Series)

An ordinance regulating nickelodeons, arcades and exhibitions or entertainments at which moving or motion pictures are displayed or exhibited, and fixing the penalty for violation thereof. The mayor and council of the city of Los Angeles do ordain as follows:

Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to exhibit or display or cause or permit to be exhibited or displayed, any picture, illustration or delineation of any human figure in such detail as to offend public morality or decency; or of any lewd or lascivious act, or of any other matter or thing of an obscene, indecent or immoral nature, or offensive to the moral sense; or any murder, suicide, rob- bery, hold-up, stabbing, clubbing or beating of any human being, wherein such acts are shown in gruesome detail or in a revolting manner, or in any manner objectionable to the moral sense; or to permit or allow any AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 31 person' to sing any obscene song or to converse or discourse in obscene language or to permit or allow any phonograph or other similar device to be used for the reproduction of any obscene song, conversation or discourse. Section 2. For the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this ordinance, a board of censors consisting of seven members shall be appointed, as follows: The members of such committee shall be appointed by the mayor of the city of Los Angeles, subject to confirmation by a majority of the council of said city. Each member shall serve for a period of four years. It shall be the duty of such board of censors to discover and prevent violations of this ordinance, and for that purpose such board shall inspect and examine every nickelodeon, arcade, place, exhibition or entertain- ment where pictures, illustrations or delineations are publicly exhibited or displayed and to inspect and examine moving or motion picture films used or intended to be used for any public exhibition or entertain- ment. It shall also be the duty of such board of censors to report any and all violations of any provision of this ordinance to the prosecuting attorney of the city of Los Angeles. The board of censors shall appoint a secretary, who shall be a member of said board and who shall receive a monthly salary of seventy-five ($75) dollars.

Section 3. The members of said board of censors shall have, upon demand, the right of free access to any place or room or building at which is held or given any public exhibition or entertainment at which moving or motion pictures are exhibited or displayed, conducted or carried on, or place where pictures, illustrations or delineations are exhibited, displayed or offered for sale.

Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation having in his or its possession, or under his or its charge or control, any mutascope or other mechanical device for exhibiting pictures or pro- ducing sound, or any picture, moving or motion picture film or phonographic record, used or intended to be used for exhibition or entertainment purposes in any public place to fail, neglect or refuse to exhibit, display or operate, upon demand of such board, any such mutascope or other mechanical device for exhibiting pictures or producing sound, or any picture, moving or motion picture film or phonographic record.

Section 5. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation conducting or maintaining any nickelodeon, arcade or entertainment or exhibition at which moving or motion pictures are displayed or exhibited to fail, neglect or refuse to install and maintain in any such place light sufficient in quantity so that the features of any person in such place may be distinguished at a distance of not more than ten feet from such person during the hours when such nickelodeon, arcade or entertainment or exhibition is open to the public.

Section 6. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to exhibit or display, or cause or permit to be exhibited or displayed at any moving or motion picture exhibition, or at any entertainment at which moving pictures are exhibited or displayed any picture, illustration or delineation until three days after a list of such pictures, illustrations or delineations is furnished to said board. All such pictures, illustra- tions or delineations intended or desired to be so publicly exhibited at such place and the films therefor shall be exhibited to said board of censors upon the demand of said board at any room or place designated by said board in the city of Los Angeles, at any time between the hours of 8 o'clock a. m. and 11 o'clock p. m. of any day or days, for the purpose of submitting said picture, illustration, delineation or film for the approval of said board of censors.

Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be •deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than ten ($10) dollars nor more than five hundred ($500) dollars, or by imprisonment in the city jail for a period of not less than five (S) days nor more than six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 8. That Ordinance No. 23161 (New Series), entitled, "An ordinance regulating nickelodeons, penny arcades and exhibitions or entertainments at which moving or motion pictures are displayed or exhib-

ited, and fixing the penalty for violation thereof," approved August 2, 1911, and all ordinances amendatory thereto or thereof and all other ordinances in conflict with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed.

Section 9. The city clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance by a unanimous vote and cause the same to be published once in the Los Angeles Daily Journal. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was passed by the council of the city of Los Angeles by the unanimous vote of all the members of said council present, there being not less than seven members pres- ent, at its meeting of January 23, 1912. Approved this 24th day of January, 1912. LORIN A. HANDLEY, City Clerk. GEO. ALEXANDER, Mayor. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY


Passed October 14, 1906 Section 405. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to use vulgar language or conversation upon any stage or platform or other public place, at any exhibition or performance within the limits of the city of Columbia, or to introduce any suggestive features or indecency, such as coarse jokes, indecent exposure, or the exhibition of anything that tends to shock the morals of a decent community. Section 406. Any person or persons violating any part of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined a sum of not less than twenty dollars, nor more than forty dollars, or imprisoned thirty days, at the dis- cretion of the recorder. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA

The following copy of an order of the Honorable Commissioners, District of Columbia, dated December

27, 1913, amending the police regulations, is promulgated for the information of the force: "Ordered:

"That Section 15a of Article XVI of the Police Regulations of the District of Columbia is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 15a. No proprietor, licensee, or tenant of, or exhibitor in, any theatre or public place of amuse- ment in the District of Columbia, shall exhibit, or operate, or allow to be exhibited or operated, any picture, scene, or play which shall show, exhibit, or represent a prize fight or pugilistic encounter between any per- sons or between any person and an animal, and any violation of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than forty-five for the first offense, and upon a second conviction thereof any license issued to any such person for the conduct of any such theatre or other public place of amusement shall be revoked." Officially published December 30, 1913.


Extracts from an Ordinance Providing for the Censorship of Moving Picture Films

Section 20. * * * Every person or company operating under this ordinance and in whose place of amusement or exhibition shall be displayed moving pictures, films or plates of any character, kind or de- scription, shall present the pictures, films or plates so sought to be displayed to the commissioner or superintendent of police for his inspection. Said commissioner or superintendent of police is hereby author-

ized, and it is hereby made his duty, to inspect or cause to be inspected, said pictures, plates or films, and if in his judgment they are indecent or immoral, he shall reject the same and notify the person or company operating the place of amusement or exhibition from whom said plates or films were received, that the same cannot be used; and the person or company using them after they have been rejected by the commis- sioner or superintendent of police shall be punished as hereinafter provided. Section 21. The mayor may refuse to issue license to the parties and for the purpose of aforesaid and may revoke any license already issued for good and satisfactory reasons, which shall be reported to the common council, in writing, by the mayor, at its first session following such refusal or revocation; that any party aggrieved by the action of the mayor in refusing or revoking a license may appeal to the common coun- cil and upon due consideration by said council, the action of the mayor may be reversed and the license or its revocation annulled, upon a two-thirds vote of all the aldermen elected. Section 22. Any violation of this ordinance shall be cause for revocation of any license issued, and shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of $200.00, and by imprisonment in the county jail or Detroit House of Correction for a period not exceeding six months, or either, in the discretion of the court, and in the imposition of a fine only, the court may make a further sentence, that the offender be imprisoned until such fine is paid, but for a time not exceeding that provided herein.


An Ordinance Prohibiting the Exhibition of Obscene or Immoral Pictures and Regulating the Exhibition of Moving Pictures

Be it ordained by the common council of Kansas City:

Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall exhibit any obscene or immoral picture in Kansas City, or rent, sell or give the same to any other person, firm or corporation for the purpose of exhibition. Section 2. There is hereby created the position of censor of films and pictures to be exhibited or about to be exhibited in Kansas City, Missouri. The mayor shall appoint such censor. Such censor shall receive AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 33

for his services the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month, payable semi-monthly, as other city employes are paid. There is also hereby created a board of appeals to consist of three members to be appointed by the mayor. Said members of the board of appeals shall serve without pay. One of them shall be appointed for a term of one year, one for a term of two years and one for a term of three years, and they shall hold until their successors are appointed and qualified. Whenever the term of any member expires, another member shall be appointed to serve a term of three years. Any person, firm or corporation aggrieved by any action taken by the censors may take an appeal to the said board of appeals, which board shall without delay pass upon such appeal, and the decision of said board shall be final. Section 3. Except as hereinafter provided, no person, firm or corporation shall exhibit, rent, sell or give to any other person, firm or corporation for exhibition any picture or moving picture film unless the same has been approved by said censor. Films or pictures which have been approved by any censor or board of cen- sors recognized and approved by the board of appeals provided for in this ordinance, may be exhibited with- out the approval of the censor or board of appeals. But it shall be the duty of the censor or board of appeals at any time when such censor or such board of appeals shall find that any film or picture approved by such censor or board of censors or any other censor or board of censors are obscene or immoral, to issue an order to the person, firm or corporation in whose possession such film or picture is at the time, forbidding the exhibition of such film or picture, and such film or picture shall not thereafter be exhibited

in Kansas City unless such order is thereafter revoked by said censor or board of appeals.

Section 4. It shall be the duty of the censor upon the request of any person, firm or corporation desiring to exhibit any film or picture or to rent, sell or give the same to any other person, firm or corpora- tion for exhibiting to proceed twenty-four (24) hours after the receipt of such request to examine such film

or picture, and if such film or picture is not obscene or immoral, it shall be the duty of the censor to certify his approval thereof and deliver such certificate to the person requesting the same.

Section 5. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than one dollar ($1.00) or more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each ofifense, and each exhibition of any picture forbidden by this ordinance to be exhibited shall constitute a separate offense.

Section 6. If any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of exhibiting pictures or films shall be convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, then in addition to the penalty prescribed by this ordinance the license of such person, firm or corporation to engage in such business may be revoked by said board of appeals upon reasonable notice, and after a hearing, and no license shall thereafter be issued to such person, firm or corporation until such order or revocation is revoked, however, until a hearing shall have been had before the board of appeals in the matter of the revocation of such license. At least five days' notice shall be given of such hearing. Such notice shall be in writing and served on the holder of such license by delivery of such notice to such holder, or by mailing a copy thereof to the place of business of such holder.


Ordinance Relating to Licenses for Theatrical Exhibitions, Public Amusements and Exhibitions of Any Description and Regulating the Display of Bill Posters

Section 3. No amusement, performance or exhibition shall be advertised by means of pictorial posters or placards which are lewd, indecent or vulgar or which pictorially represent the commission of or the attempt to commit any crime or bodily violence, nor unless the pictorial poster or placard by which the same may be advertised shall have been submitted to the chief of police and have received his approval. It shall be the duty of the chief of police to disapprove placards or posters the advertisement by means of which would, in his opinion, be a violation of the law or of these ordinances. Every person who shall advertise or cause to be advertised any such amusement, performance or exhibition in violation of this ordinance shall forfeit and pay a penalty of not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars for every such offense. This section shall be numbered 17a. , Section 4. The chief of police and any member of the police department who may be detailed by the chief for such duty shall have the right at any time of entering and inspecting all places where any of the amusements, performances or exhibitions referred to in Section 16 are advertised to take place or are actually taking place, and shall forbid and stop or cause to be stopped any such amusement, performance or exhibi- tion or the continuance thereof, the doing, giving or continuance of which is or would be a violation of .Section 17 of the ordinances. This section shall be numbered 17b. 34 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY


Section 6, Civic Code

Section 6. No picture films of any immoral, obscene, indecent, vulgar or of a suggestive, vulgar or indecent nature and posture, position or pose, or any film representing, portraying or describing any prize fight, murder, robbery, hold-up, hanging or execution shall be permitted to be shown, exhibited or portrayed in any manner whatsoever, at any time or place in the city of Rockford.


An Ordinance Regulating Moving Picture Exhibitions and Entertainments at Which Moving Pictures Are Exhibited

Be it ordained by the people of the city and county of San Francisco, as follows; Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to hold, conduct or carry on, or to cause or to permit to be held, conducted or carried on, any moving picture exhibition or any entertainment at which moving pictures are exhibited, without first applying for and receiving a permit therefor in writing from the board of police commissioners in the manner hereinafter provided. Any person, firm or corpo- ration desiring to obtain a permit to hold, conduct or carry on a moving picture exhibition or any entertain- ment at which moving pictures are exhibited, shall file an application in writing therefor with the board of police commissioners, specifying by street and number the place where such exhibition or entertainment is proposed to be held, conducted or carried on, which said application shall be signed by the applicant and shall contain the address of such applicant. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association or corporation to display, or cause or permit to be displayed at any moving picture exhibition or at any entertainment at which moving pictures are exhibited, any picture, illustration or delineation of any nude human figure or of any lewd or lascivious act, or of any other matter or thing of an obscene, indecent or immoral nature, or offensive to the moral sense, or (in such manner as to offend public morality and decency) any murder, suicide, robbery, hold-up, stabbing, assaulting, clubbing or beating of any human being. Section 3. In the event that any person, firm or corporation holding a permit to conduct or carry on a moving picture exhibition, or an entertainment at which moving pictures are exhibited, shall violate or cause or permit to be violated, any of the provisions of this ordinance, or shall conduct such moving picture exhi- bition or such entertainment, or the place wherein the same is conducted or carried on in an unlawful, indecent or immoral manner, or shall cause or permit the same to be conducted or carried on, the board of police commissioners shall, in addition to the other penalties provided by this ordinance, revoke the permit issued for the conducting or carrying on of such exhibition or entertainment. No permit shall be revoked until a hearing shall have been had by the board of police commissioners in the matter of the revocation of such permit, notice of which hearing shall be given in writing and- served at least five days prior to such hearing, upon the holder of such permit, his manager or agent, which notice shall state the ground of complaint against the holder of such permit or against such exhibition or entertain- ment, and shall also state the time and place where such hearing shall be had. Such notice shall be served upon the holder of such permit or agent by delivering the same to such person, or to his manager or agent, or to any person in charge of or employed in the place where such entertainment is conducted or by leaving such notice at his place of residence, with some person of suitable age or discretion. If the holder of such permit cannot be found, and service of such notice cannot be made upon him in the manner herein provided, then a copy of such notice shall be mailed, postage fully prepaid, addressed to such holder of such permit at such place of business, at least five days prior to the date of hearing. Section 4. For the purposes of enforcing the provisions of this ordinance and preventing immoral pic- tures being displayed and acts of violence being depicted in such detail as to of?end public morality and decency, an advisory committee is hereby authorized, whose duty it shall be to inspect all moving pictures being displayed or exhibited, and all moving pictures intended for exhibition prior to their being displayed. It shall be the duty of said advisory committee to prosecute or cause to be prosecuted, by proper legal proceedings, all persons, firms or corporations who violate any of the provisions of this ordinance. The public exhibition of any picture thus objected to sTiall be deemed sufficient cause for the revocation of any permit therefor previously granted by the board of police commissioners. Said advisory committee shall be constituted and appointed as follows: One member of such committee shall be appointed respectively by the mayor, one by the board of education, the board of police commissioners, the Society for the Preven- tion of Cruelty to Children, and the Moving Picture Exhibitors' Association, each member to serve during the pleasure of the officer or body making the appointment. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 35

Said advisory committee and the members thereof shall have the right to freely enter any place or building wherein moving pictures are displayed or entertainment given, at any or all times, for the purpose of inspecting any picture that may be exhibited, or in the performance of any duty required to be per- formed by this ordinance. Section 5. Any person, firm, association or corporation violating any provision or provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and. upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars nor more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than thirty (30) days nor more than six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Passed May 13, 1909.


An Ordinance Regulating the Operation of Moving Picture and Vaudeville Theatres. Section 220 of an Ordinance Entitled "An Ordinance Governing the Construction of Buildings in the City of Springfield"

Class of Pictures Prohibited

Section 226. Pictures depicting murder, assassination, robbery, lewd or immoral scenes or shows, strictly prohibited under penalty of revocation of license.


Section 233. The owner, agent, manager, janitor, and all persons in control of theatre will be individu- ally and jointly held responsible by law for any violation of these requirements. The penalty is a fine of not over two hundred dollars and closing of theatre.

License—Mayor Shall Revoke

Section 235. Upon a report to the mayor by the fire marshal, superintendent of police or the building inspector that the above section, or any order given by any of them in regard thereto have been violated, or not complied with, the mayor shall revoke the license of any such theatre so reported and cause the same to be closed.

Suggestions for a Model Ordinance for Regulating Motion Picture Theatres

No American city or state has as yet passed a thoroughly scientific law for the regulation of picture theatres. Yet motion picture theatres have become one of the important problems of moral and physical safety for which government is responsible. Their audience is ten times that of all other forms of theatre combined. They do a business of more than a hundred million dollars a year, and are the main leisure time resource of millions of wage earners. They are patronized by probably one million children a day. The following suggestions have been gathered by the National Board of Censorship of Motion Pictures through the study of methods of regulation prevalent in this country and abroad. The main body of the suggestions is taken from the report of the commissioner of 'accounts of New York and of the Mayor's Commission on Motion Pictures, which devoted a long study to the problem in New York City. Some details of regulation can be stereotyped and applied to all cities whatever. Other details will vary according to the size of the city and according to the organization of the local government. In some cases a result should be sought through state law, in others through local ordinance, in still others through admin- istrative discretion without any mandatory legislation. If the motion picture deserves to be regulated, it deserves to be regulated scientifically, and not in behalf of special business interests, or, on the other hand, through laws passed as a result of uninformed public excitement. The officials or civic committee who take the matter up should begin by mastering the existing law and any court decisions that may have been bearing on motion picture regulation. They should read, incidentally, the constitution of the state and nation for light on the question of film censorship. As the next step, there should be a thorough investigation of the shows as they are actually being operated. The 36 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY investigator should familiarize himself with the method by which films are made, distributed and exhibited; he should talk with the exhibitors; he should try to formulate an answer to the question, "What public need should the motion picture theatre be expected to meet?" The motion picture theatre is essentially a form of public service which is licensed by the community for public welfare. The same kind of scrutiny should be applied to it that is applied to any public service monopoly, newsstand privilege or park concession. In the following pages are given, first, certain general facts and principles, and then such detailed sug- gestions as are applicable in all the cities of the country.


Local, Not State Regulation—The motion picture theatre can in most particulars be better regulated by local than by state laws. The exceptions to this statement are (a) the construction of the booth enclosing the projecting machine, which can be standardized for all possible conditions, and (b) the general conduct and construction of picture theatres in unincorporated villages. Such matters as the supervision of the performance, the admission or non-admission of children, the building requirements and, generally, the hours and days of opening and closing, are matters which vary between city and city and between large and small cities. They should be attended to through local laws. Hazards Peculiar to Picture Theatres—The picture theatre presents peculiar physical hazards, but is free from some other hazards which must be guarded against in regular theatres. The main fire hazard in theatres comes from the stage with its scenery and costumes. The motion picture show has no such danger, its dan- ger being concentrated in the projecting inachine with inflammable machinery and electric wiring. This danger, if the electric connections be properly seen to, can be confined in a fireproof booth. Then there re- miains only the panic danger, which is really the most serious, and this should be provided against through exits and aisles and through the equipment of the separate booth with automatic devices, so that it will be at once hermetically sealed in case of fire within it.

These conditions, while requiring certain specific safety provisions for picture theatres, make it possible to exempt picture theatres from some of the requirements applicable to regular theatres, and this has an important bearing on the cost of construction. The Motion Picture a Form of Dramatic Art—This is too often forgotten. The motion picture as a labor-saving device is new, but the motion picture as a form of pantomimic drama is possibly the oldest form of drama in existence. Pantomime, reinforced with music, can be used to interpret any theme or plot, and the motion picture does utilize almost the whole range of dramatic topics. In addition, the motion picture is a form of journalism, of editorial discussion, and of platform discussion.

In view of this fact, motion pictures must from the outset be treated with that respect which is given to art, free press and free speech. They should not be subject to inquisitorial control or censorship before they are publicly exhibited, any more than such methods should be applied to newspapers, theatres or the

pulpit. The motion picture may within a few years become the most important vehicle of . free public discussion in America. The Motion Picture a Neighborhood Institution—The picture theatre can be made profitable even with a small audience and become a desirable family resort if objectionable features are eliminated. Therefore the laws should permit and encourage the building of picture theatres seating three, four and five hundred people and located in the residence neighborhoods. Needs for Education, Churches, Etc.—The framers of motion picture laws should be careful not to forbid, wittingly or unwittingly, the use of motion pictures in public institutions. The law regulating the construction of booths should explicitly permit the use of portable booths, which could be used in churches, schools, fam- ily restaurants, etc. The use of the motion picture in public education has been almost prohibited in New York for two years through a failure to make legal provision for portable booths. Attendance of Children—There are two problems with reference to children: 1. The programs in commercial picture theatres are not selected for children, but for a general audience of men, women and children. So long a_s trade conditions make this necessary, the film programs cannot be strictly adapted to the child mind. As soon as the schools begin to use motion pictures extensively, the theatres will be compelled to adapt to the new conditions and make a special bid for child patronage, other- wise they will lose the patronage of the children, and in large measure of the parents of children as well. 2. Unaccompanied children go in large numbers to the picture theatres. Some states have forbidden this by law, but the prohibition has not been successful. It cannot be successful so long as the American city provides for its children no alternative to the motion picture theatre except the street. Laws which prohibit the admission of unaccompanied children under any and all conditions are unenforcible and demoralizing. They contribute to the prevalent disrespect for law. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 37

Yet it is certainly true that unaccompanied children should not be allowed to go to any and all motion pic- ture theatres. A law now proposed in New York State and likely to be passed allows the admission of un- accompanied children to picture theatres where the program is strictly confined to films with the accom- panying music and recitation, but without vaudeville; where |he unaccompanied children are segregated away from adults; where a matron, licensed by the municipality, but salaried by the proprietor, is constantly pres- ent; and where the interior is adequately lighted throughout the course. Such a law would be enforcible and would give real protection. Procedure in Framing a Law—This is referred to on page 1. In lar^e cities, whether the motion picture theatres are regulated by statute or not, the following departments are compelled to make themselves respon- sible for the safety and morality: the Departments of Building, Fire, Electricity, Health, Police and Licenses. Each of these departments knows a great deal about its part of the subject, though, as a rule, unless there is a law which they are carrying out it will be found that their requirements are inadequate and conflicting. The experts from these departments should be called into consultation with the framers of jhe law.

It is equally urgent to consult with the men engaged in the production, distribution and exhibition of the films, and this includes the film operators, who are generally neglected. A competent lawyer should study the state constitution and the local laws and court decisions and should determine the amount of discretionary power which is lodged by fundamental law in the licensing authority.

It is important to preserve the discretionary power in many particulars, and if necessary to confer it by new laws.


Concentration of Responsibility—There should be a License Department, responsible for the inspection of picture theatres and the enforcement of the law, but required by law to co-operate in specified ways with the other city departments whose help is needed. The License Department should be equipped with a force of inspectors. It should be required by law to proceed according to a definite routine governing the request for the license, the inspections to be carried out before the license is granted, the public hearings which ought to be held, and the maximum period of delay in reaching a final decision in the premises. There should, if pos- sible, be an appeal from the License Bureau either to some higher administrative authority or to the courts, but to the courts should not be on questions of fact, but only on questions affecting the reasonable- ness of the decision which the License Bureau may reach. The License Bureau should be required to keep exact records, and should have a force of inspectors to make periodical inspections. These inspectors should report in writing, and the reports, as likewise the com- plaints of citizens, should be matters of public record. It should be insured by law that before the license is issued the License Bureau will at least get written reports from the Building, Fire, Health and Electricity Departments; whether the reports of these departments should be binding on the License Bureau is a matter to be decided in view of local conditions. Approval of Location— It is not desirable to forbid by statute the location of a picture theatre in any par- ticular place or to establish a zone around institutions which must not be penetrated by picture theatres. This matter should be left discretionally with the License Bureau, but a public hearing in the matter of location should be required by law.

It is generally undesirable to locate motion picture theatres in tenement or lodging houses, factories or work shops, except where the theatre is separated from the rest of the building by unpierced, fireproof walls and floors. It is of the first importance that the main floor of the theatre be not above or below the ground level. Description of Performance—The license fee should be based on seating capacit}^ Reasonable fees would be $50 or $100 for theatres seating not more than 600 people, and $250 to $500 for larger theatres. There should be two sets of building requirements, one set applicable to regular theatres with stage and scenery, and the other set applicable to picture theatres without stage and where no performances in costume are given. This discussion relates wholly to the picture theatre. Furthermore, the license should specify the type of performance which should be allowed. It is important to exclude vaudeville and human theatricals from motion picture theatres, both because of the additional fire hazard involved in vaudeville, and because of the tendency of vaudeville to become degraded, and the in-

creased difficulty of regulating the general physical and moral conduct of the show if vaudeville is allowed.

The following is a suggested definition for a motion picture performance or for the type of program to be allowed in a motion picture theatre: A motion picture theatre shall be deemed any public hall or room in the city of in which motion pictures are exhibited, and in which there is no stage or scenery. 38 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

A motion picture performance sliall be deemed a display of pictures representing characters or objects in motion without entertainment in costume and without other forms of entertainment save the accompany- ing features of music, lecture, recitation or song. Construction of Picture Theatres—The law should require that the builder of a prospective picture theatre should file with the proper authority, complete plans and detailed statements showing clearly the location and width of all exits, passageways, stairs, fire-escapes, aisles, etc., the material to be used in construction, the arrangement of seats, size of floor beams, walls, supports, etc.; the location and construction of the booth in which the film machine is to be confined; a diagram of the lot or plot showing outlets from all exits. Before being licensed the building should, as above stated, be inspected to see that plans, which will already have been presumably approved by the proper departments, have been lived up to. It is not necessary that the picture theatre be constructed of fire-proof material, but the walls and ceiling of the auditorium should be covered with some substance like expanded metal lath or wire mesh plastered with three coats of plaster; or metal on ^-inch plaster boards would suffice. If there be a basement or cellar under the theatre the ceiling of this basement should be similarly protected and it should be required that this basement be kept free except for used for heating apparatus, for coal and for the machinery con- nected with the theatre. Seating Capacity—The maximum seating capacity should never be lower than 400 and should preferably be from 600 to 1,000. For a larger seating capacity, better buildings will be constructed and a better perform- ance given at a low price. should not be allowed, seating in excess of 33j^ per cent of the total audience. These balconies should be required to have exits direct to a street or court, so that in case of panic the occupants of the Ijalconies will not pour down into the main auditorium and collide with the outgoing stream of those who have been seated on the ground floor. Exits, Stairs and Gradients—The following would be safe requirements for exits: where the main floor of the building accommodates 300 people or less, an aggregate exit width of 18 feet; where the main floor accommodates 300 or more and less than 400 people, an aggregate exit width of 21 feet; 23 feet for a floor capacity of 400 to 500; 25 feet for a floor capacity of 500 to 600 people. In the case of galleries, there should be a width of stairs not less than 10 feet in the clear where the gal- lery accommodates 150 people. This should be increased or decreased by one foot, according to the increase or decrease of 50 people from this figure. Galleries should likewise be provided with at least one line of fire- escapes leading to an open court, fire-proof passage or street, without re-entering the building. This fire- escape from the gallery should not be allowed to block the side-exits from the main floor. Fire-escapes should have balconies not less than 3 feet 4 inches in width in the clear, and not less than 4 feet 6 inches long, and from these balconies there should be staircases extending to a ground level with a rise of not less than 7^ inches and a step of not less than 10>4 inches.

To overcome any difference of level in and between corridors, lobbies and aisles, gradients of not over 1 foot in 8 feet should be required, or steps having a rise of not over 8 inches and a width of not less than 10 inches. Direct passage from the main floor to the exits should likewise be provided for by gradients, where there is a difTerence of level, and never by stairs. No exit from the or main floor should be less than 5 feet in width and there should be a main exit, visible and accessible, of not less than 10 feet in total width. The ordinance should specify that all exit doors must be kept unlocked when the theatre is open to the public, must be fire-proof and made to open outwardly, and so arranged as not to obstruct the exit or court when open. Doors leading to fire-escapes should not be less than 3 feet wide in the clear. All exits should be indicated by colored lights or signs.

Width of Aisles—All aisles in the auditorium and galleries should be at least 3 feet wide in the clear, with an aggregate aisle width of 10 feet, for places seating not more than 500; this aggregate width to be in- creased by one foot for each 50 people above 600. Chairs—Chairs should be either fastened to the floor or fastened together in rows, at least three of these rows being fastened together. Chairs should not be less than 32 inches from back to back and not less than 18 inches in width. A minimum of 4J^ square feet floor area per occupant, this being calculated in terms of the total area of the main floor and balcony, should be required, both to prevent overcrowding of the seats and to insure a proper allotment of air per person (see ventilation section).

Booths—Proper construction of booths is important. There should be provision for fixed booths, port- able booths and special exemptions for certain types of motion picture machines. Fixed Booth: All regular picture theatres or places where motion pictures are regularly exhibited should AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 39

be equipped with fixed booths. The booth should be at least 6 feet by 7, preferably 8 feet, and at least 6 feet high. For each additional machine there should be an additional 18 square feet. The booth should be built of any fire-proof material, including asbestos, iron % inch thick, brick or con- crete. If the booth is of metal it should be so insulated as not to form a short circuit in case of electrical accident within the booth, in which case the adjacent woodwork might be set afire. There should be an opening for the projection of the picture, another opening for the eye of the operator, and a door, this door to be kept closed whenever the booth is in use, by means of an automatic catch. All apertures should be equipped with drop curtains built of steel or non-inflammable material, and so arranged with fusible links

as to drop instantly in case of fire (fusible links are practically cords which break if the temperature rises above a certain point). All repairing or re-winding of films should be done either in the booth or in an adjacent fire-proof room, and all films should be stored in the booth enclosed in an approved fire-proof box, to be used for their storage. The fixed booth should have a fire-proof vent-flue leading from the booth to the outside air, equipped with exhaust ventilation, this ventilation being sufficient to exhaust not less than 60 cubic feet of air per minute for a one-machine booth, and not less than 90 cubic feet of air per minute for a two-machine booth. The booth should be equipped with small metal screened openings located near the bottom of the booth, aggregating 180 square inches for a one-machine booth and 210 inches for a two-machine booth, these being entrances for the air from the auditorium, which will be exhausted to the outside air by exhaust fans. (N. B. The requirement of forced ventilation in the booths is equally important for the public and for the operator of the machine. It is generally neglected, yet it is perhaps the most vital single feature of booth construc- tion.)

Portable Booths—Portable booths are necessary for motion picture performances, as in schools, churches, etc. They should be constructed of iron, aluminum or asbestos, the asbestos being reinforced with an iron frame-work. The portable booth should rest on an asbestos platform, this being non-conductive to electricity. The booth should be not less than 4 feet by 5 in area. It should be equipped like the fixed booth with auto- matic drop shutters over all apertures, and the door, which can safely be kept open for ventilating purposes while the show is going on, should be so arranged as to close instantly in case of fire, through the burning of a fusible link. The booth should be substantially built in such measure that it could not be pushed over in case of panic among the audience.

Conditions Where a Booth is Not Necessary—There are at present no such conditions except with refer- ence to the Home Kinetoscope machine, controlled by the Edison Company. This is a miniature machine using a lamp with amperage of only 6 and employing a non-inflammable film, and on this machine the ordinary

film cannot be run. This film is designed for use in schools and parlors. It is built to be entirely safe without any enclosure whatever, for miniature machines using inflammable films there should be required a fire-proof box, inclosing the film, arranged to close hermetically in case of fire. The wiring for the projection machines should be inspected and approved in every case by the proper department. A heavier amperage is carried over the wiring supplying light for a motion picture projection than the connections may have been calculated to carry, and this fact, unless attended to may lead to com- bustion within the walls of the building.

Heating and Ventilation—The ventilation of 'picture theatres is either wholly neglected or regulated according to archaic conceptions, in most American cities. The subject is of leading importance not only because it involves the comfort of the audience, but because a failure to properly ventilate may mean the spreading of infectious diseases at the very time when the physical resistance of the audience may be lowered through excessive humidity or overheating. There are probably no places subject to public oversight, except certain industrial plants, where bad ventilation is as much a menace to health as in motion picture theatres. This fact grows out of the small air space usually allowed per occupant in the theatre, the continuous use of the theatre for eight or nine hours a day, and the promiscuous mingling of all sorts of people in the audience. The following suggestions are combined from the report of the Committee on Motion Pictures, appointed by the Mayor of New York, which investigated at length in 1911, and the recent Report of the Committee on Standards of Ventilation for Motion Picture Show Places, appointed by the American Society of Heating and Ventilating.

It should first be emphasized that the old theories according to which a fresh air supply of 2,000 cubic feet per person was held necessary, have been completely overthrown by recent investigations here and in Europe. It is now recognized that the oxygen in air cannot be dangerously exhausted under any ordinary conditions, and that the overloading of the air with carbon dioxide practically never occurs, whereas, on the other hand, temperature and humidity are of very great importance. If it were not for the fact that audiences released bacterial and gaseous products into the air it would be theoretically possible to dispense with all ventilation; 40 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY humidity and temperature being the factors which necessitate control. An abundant air supply aids in tem- perature control during warm weather and in humidity control at all seasons. In view of these facts, the Committee of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers recommend a fresh air requirement of 900 cubic feet per hour per person. The Mayor's Committee in New York recommended a minimum of only 500 cubic feet per hour. The Committee of the American Society suggests that the minimum floor area of the auditorium, excluding aisles and public .passageways, should be 4^ square feet per occupant and that a minimum of 80 cubic feet of air space per occupant should be provided in the entire hall.

Both the above mentioned committees agree in recommending that the temperature, at the breathing-line of the audience, should not exceed 70 degrees F. nor be less than 62 degrees F., except when the outside tem- perature is sufficiently high not to require the heating of the air supply. More injury and discomfort ensues from a temperature too high than from one too low.

The proper humidity ratio will be ordinarily secured if the temperature above mentioned be maintained and an adequate air supply be provided. The New York Committee recommend forced ventilation, at least one inlet and one outlet for expelling the air being situated at opposite ends of the hall. The air within the auditorium should be kept in motion by means of fans. The motion of air within the auditorium will make for comfort through distributing the humidity and averaging the temperature, besides which it is now known that a slight stream of air against the face makes directly for comfort. The fans should point above the heads of the audience. Fresh air should not be obtained from contaminated or vitiated sources. All toilets should be adequately ventilated by exhaust ventilation. Any form of heating v/ill be generally permissible except heating by gas radiators, which are dangerous from the standpoint of fire. See page 9 for ventilating requirements for picture booths.

Sanitary Cleansing— It would be desirable to require by law that all sweeping be dustless and preferably that suction cleaning be substituted for sweeping. Carpets and other fabric floor coverings should be cleaned at least once daily. Curtains, draperies and the fabric covering of seats should be cleaned by some dustless method at least once a month.

Lighting During Performances—The interior lighting of picture theatres during the show is of absolutely first importance and is one of the easiest results to secure, though it is rarely found in actual practice. This lighting requires no patented device, no special kind of screen, no great quantity of electric current, and can be arranged with a little ingenuity by any exhibitor. The wording of the ordinance framed by the Mayor's Committee in New York may be quoted verbatim: "Lighting—Every portion of a motion picture theatre, including exits, courts and corridors, devoted to the uses or accommodation of the public shall be so lighted by electric light during all exhibitions and until the entire audience has left the premises, that a person with normal eyesight should be able to read the Snellen standard test type 40 at a distance of 20 feet and type 30 at a distance of 10 feet; normal eyesight meaning ability to read type 20 at a distance of 20 feet in daylight. Cards showing types 20, 30 and 40 shall be dis- played on the side walls, together with a copy of this paragraph of the ordinance." It is assumed, of course, that the inspectors of the License Bureau will be instructed to see that this sec- tion is enforced.

Open Air Theatres—There is no reason for limiting the seating capacity of open-air picture theatres. It should be required that the aisles must be 4 feet wide or wider, and that ready exit should be provided. Seats should be fastened together in rows, and at least three rows fastened together. A gravel floor for open-air theatres is often better than cement or wood.

Application to Existing Places— If a law is made retroactive in such a way as to put out of business an establishment that has been previously licensed by the public, and which is conducted according to the con- ditions of law which prevailed when it was licensed, it may be held unconstitutional in some states. Any law should be made retroactive in all particulars which do not involve fundamental structure, such as sanitation, ventilation, lighting, the provision of adequate exits and width of aisles, location of seats, etc. The law should go as much farther as is politically or legally possible—that is, the law-maker should lean toward the policy of making the whole ordinance retroactive.

Safeguarding Special Performances—A panic or fire from motion pictures in a church or school would be even more disastrous to life than in the ordinary theatre. Therefore, the license authority should have super- vision over all places whatsoever where motion pictures are exhibited in public. These places should be required to obtain a permit for their exhibition, and there should be an inspection before this permit is issued. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 41


This vexed question has been left till the last, and in fact it will not be satisfactorily disposed of in any city without much careful experimentation. The safeguard against demoralizing performances will always be the power of the licensing authority to revoke a license in case offensive performances are given or offensive conduct tolerated on the premises. Action by the licensing authority under this power should not be reviewable by the courts save on the grounds of reasonableness. Nothing should be done to curtail this power, and any attempt at a too minute

definition of this power may have the unexpected result of curtailing it. In addition to this power every city or state has penal laws of greater or less severity prohibiting the exhibition of demoralizing acts, pictures, etc. These laws should be brought into force before other laws are made. If, having exhausted the discretionary power of the licensing authority and the punitive power of penal provisions, a city is still not satisfied with the character of its film programs, then the question of censorship could be raised. This censorship should never under any conditions be an inquisitorial censorship, carried out before films are first publicly exhibited. Such censorship, probably unconstitutional, is intrinsically dangerous and subject both to corruption and tyrannical abuse, and violates the conception of the motion picture as a new agent for free discussion.

It is, however, possible for a city to create a special board on motion picture morality, and for this board to view motion pictures either in theatres or elsewhere, on the day they are first publicly exhibited. The films found objectionable by such a committee could then be prohibited for the city as a whole by the licensing authority under penalty of revocal of license or refusal to renew the license when it expires or penal prosecu- tion. Such methods would be found entirely satisfactory, and in addition the licensing authority could be given the explicit power to abate any objectionable film the minute it was made public.

It should be remembered that a film circulates for several months before it is seen by the whole public.

From this standpoint the film needs pre-publicity censorship less than the newspaper, for example, which is read by everybody within an hour of the time it is placed on the newsstand. National Boc»rd of Censorship—The control of the National Board of Censorship is now complete for more than 95 per cent, of all r.I -^s shown in America. There is, however, a fringe of so-called "feature" and "state right" pictures which is not rc^'ilarly inspected by the National Board. Cities could, if they desired, require the stamp of approval of the NatiOi al Board to accompany every film shown in that city and require any films not bearing this stamp to be spec-'Hy submitted to a committee of the Mayor on the day they were first publicly exhibited, this scrutiny not being " rought to bear on films that have been approved by the National Board of Censorship. Need for Co-operation—The motion picture insj, tors should be instructed by law to report on any abuses against morality or public welfare which come wlijin their notice. No picture program is confined merely to films; there are nearly always music, recitations, \.^c., and over them the exhibitor has most com- '^'ete co"<-' -ind he should be punished if they are objectionaMe. The exhibitors of a given city have ' ° films that they are to exhibit, but the mJi-'idual exhibitor is relatively helpless in

' a bad film is located, it should ! forthwith prohibited to be shown

' ' "PS with programs specially ^nblic, young and old,

-"t be a compro-


I 'HIS IS tke keynote of Essanay s tremendous success. Essanay was tlie first to realize tLat tke Jay of kap- kazarJ plays was past; tkat tke public demands pKoto- 5TAnDAPDI2t dramas and comedies witk a real plot, witk tke kigliest PHOTOPLAY/: perfection of dramatic and pkotograpkic art.

T7SSANAY stands for realism m tke making of pkoto- plays. Tke tkougkt and action of tke world, tke

world of all tke people, is interpreted ]ust as it is m mm PFALi/M reality in its pkotoplays. Scenes must ke aksolutely true to life. IM PHOTOPLAVy:

FIP5"T ^anay pkotoplay is of a kigk moral stand- ard, jissanay spares no expense to make its plays kotk Leautiful and uplifting. It rtf^ -

• ,.' mm on clfah is not uprigkt in sentitr , ,1 PHOTOPLAV ^ voi^T*, MOTION PICTURE PLAYERS

Abeles, Edw., Jesse Lasky Co., Ix>ngacre Theatre, New York City. Bertini. Miss Francesca. Geo. Kleine. 166 S. State St., Chicago, 111. Abbey. Mae, Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. Bertram. Wm., Thanhouser Co.. New Bochelle, N. Y. Abrams, Charles, 42 E. 14th St., New York City. Bessimer. Eugenie, Western Selig Polyscope, Los Angeles, Cal. Abrams, Al., Thanhouser Co., New Bochelle, N. Y. BiUington. Francelia. Majestic Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles, Cal. Adair, Belle, Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Bishop, Wm. S.. Amer. Kineto Co.. Longacre Bldg., New York City. Adler, J. P.. Lubin Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. Blackstone, Elizabeth, Whitman Fea. Co.. ClifTside. N. J. Adler. B., Thanhouser Co., New Bochelle, N. Y. Blackton, S. J.. Vitagraph Co.. , N. Y. Adams, Lionel, Famous Players F. Co.. 213 W. 26th St., New York City. Blackwell, Carlyle, Independent Studio, Hollywood, Cal. Adams, Stella. Nestor Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood, Cal. Blanche, Herbert. Solax Co.. Ft. Lee. N. J. Adollf, John, 651 Fairvlew Ave., Los Angeles. Cal. Blanchard. Eleanor, Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Aitken, Spottswood, Reliance Co., Hollywood, Cal. Blaisdell, Geo., 17 Madison Ave.. New York City. Albaugh, James. Excelsior Co.. Studio, Lake Placid, N. Y. Blaisdell, B. E.. 1807 Avenue K. Brooklyn, N. Y. Alden, Mary, Reliance Co., Hollywood, Cal. Blaisdell. Wm.. 1809 Avenue K, Brooklyn, N. Y. Aldrach, W. F.. Charlotte. N. C. . Bllnkhorn, Albert, 110 W. 40th St., New York City. Alrleh, H.. Eclair Co.. Tucson, Ariz. Blystone, Jack, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal.

AUardt, Arthur. Universal Co.. Hollywood, Cal. Boardman, True, Essanay Co., 1333 Argvle St . Chicago, 111. AUen. Eita, Kalem Co.. 235 W. 23rd St.. New York City. Boggs, Lee, 2649 E. 27th St., Sheepshead, N. Y. Ailing. James. Mutual Co., 29 Union Square, New Y''ork City. Amer, Fred C. 422 N. High St.. Columbus, O. Anderson. Mignon. Thanhouser Co., New Bochelle. N. Y. Bolder, Bobt., Essanay Co., Niles, Cal. Anderson. Edith, Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Borderick. Bobt., Famous Players, 213 W. 26th St.. York City. Anderson, G. M., Essaaay Co.. Niles. CaL Borella. Edith, Amer. F. Co., Santa Barbara, Cal. Anderson. Mary. Vitagraph Co.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Borelli, Lydia, Geo. Kleine, 166 S. State St., Chicago, 111. Anderson, Andy, Oz F. Mfg. Co.. Monica Blvd.. Los Angeles. Cal. Borzage, Frank, Mutual Co.. 4500 Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles, Cal. Anderson. Augusta. Pierrot F. Co., Tappan. N. Y'. Boss, Yale, Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. Andrada. Dave. Thanhouser Co., New Bochelle, N. Y. Bosworth, C. B., 175 W. Biver St., Wilkesbarre. Pa. Ankers. Wm.. Thanhouser Co.. New Bochelle. N. Y. Boulden. Edw.. Edison Co.. 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. Angelo. Chas.. Geo. Kleine. 166 S. State St.. Chicago. Bourke, Fannie, Thanhouser Co., New Bochelle, N. Y. Angel. Raymond. Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Bower. Arthur. Thanhouser Co., New Bochelle, N. Y. AoM, Tsuru. N. Y. Mo. Pic. Co.. Longacre Bldg.. New York City. Bowdoin, Ethel, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Arbuckle. Boscoe. Keystone Co.. Studio. Los Angeles. Cal. Bowers, Billy, Lubin Co., Jacksonville, Fla. Argus, Jos.. Thanhouser Co., New BocheUe. N. Y. Bowman, Palmer, Selig Co., Actors' Society, New Y'ork City. Arling. Chas., Pathe Freres, 1 Congress St., Jersey City, N. J. Boyle, Irene, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St.,- New York City. Artega, Art. Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Bracey, , Thanhouser Co., New Bochelle, N. Y. Aronson, qias. W., Elk Club, New York _City._ _ Bradford, G. P., Gaumont Co., 110 W. 40th St., New York City. Arnold, Lois^ Famous Players F. Co., 213 W. 26th St., New York City. -Bradshaw, Linnel, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Arthur. John, Aetna F. Co.. Longacre Bldg., New York City. Brandon, F. M., Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Asher. Max, Comedy Co., Universal Studio. Hollywood. Cal. Brandt, Edwin. Kalem Co.. 235 W. 23rd St.. New York City. Ashley, Arthur H.. Vitagraph Co.. Screen Club, New York City. Brandt. Joseph. 1600 . New York City. Ashley, James W., Candler Bldg., New Y'ork City. Brandt, Chas., 4843 Cedar Ave., West Philadelphia. Pa. Asborne, Geo., Mutual Co., 29 Union Square, New York City. Brautigam. Otto, Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. Atkinson, W., Selig Polyscope Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Bredeson. H. B.. Edison Co., Besidence, 3073 Hull Ave., Bronx. August, Hal., Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Breese. Edmund, .Tesse Lasky Co.. Longacre Bldg., New York City. August, Edwin, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Brennan, J. S., Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Austin, Jere, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Brennan, Edw., Mutual Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Augtist, Edwin, Universal Co., Hollywood. Cal. Brenon, Herbert, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Ayres. Sydney, Independent, New York City. Besidence, Aljomar Apt., 828 7th Ave., New York City. Ayres, Jas. F., Thanhouser Co., New Bochelle, N. Y. Brice, Bosetta. Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Bach, B. C, 10 Willow Ave., Westmount, Que.. Can. BJIckwell, Gladys, Mutual Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, C: Badet, Beglna, Geo. Kleine. 166 S. State St.. Chicago. 111. Bright, Mollie, Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Badgley. Mrs. G. J.. Thanhouser Co., New Bochelle, N. Y. Brisco. Lottie, Lubin Co., St. Augustine, Fla. Baggot, King, Imp Co., Screen Club, New York City. Bristol, Frank. Oz F. Mfg. Co., Monica Blvd.. Los Angeles, Cal. Bailey, Frank T.. Butte. Montor. 220 W. 42nd St., New York City. Brockwell, Miss, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Bailey, Wm.. Life Photo F. Corp.. 102 W. 101st St.. New Y'ork.City. Bronti, Adelaide. Beauty Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Cal. Bainbridge. Sherman. Bison Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood. Cal. Brooke, Van Dyke, 1112 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Baird, Leah, Titagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Brower, Bobt., Edison Co., Besidence, 2493 Valentine Ave.. Fordhara, Baldivin. Kitty, Life Photo F. Corp., 220 W. 42nd St., New York City. N. Y. Balshofer, Fred J., N. Y. Mo. Pic. Co., Longacre Bldg., New York City. Brown, N., Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Baker, Geo. G., Hotel St. George, Brooklyn Heights, N. Y. Browne, Harry C, Famous Players, 213 W. 26th St., New Y'o City. Baker, Doris, Lubin Co., St. Augustine, Fla. Brownell, J. C, Victor-Universal, Hollywood, Cal. Baker. Jos., Thanhouser Co., New Bochelle, N. Y. Brownmg, Tod. Keystone Studio. Los Angeles. Cal. Barbour, Edwin, Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Bruce. ClitTord. Pathe Freres. 1 Congress St.. Jersey City, N. J. Barnes, Justus D., Thanhouser Co., New Bochelle, N. Y. Brulalour. J. E.. Bex Film Co., care Screen Club, New York City. Barton, Grace, Lubin Co., Philadelphia. Pa. Brunton, Wm., Kalem Co., care Photoplayers' Club, Los Angeles, Cal. Bartlett, Chas., Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Bryson, James V., Universal Co.. Hollywood. Cal. Barrlngston, Herbert. Playgoers F. Co.. Lyric Theatre. New York City. Buckman. Hazel. Universal Co.. Hollywood. Cal. Barry. Viola. Bosworth. Inc.. Los Angeles, Cal. Buckland, Harry, Hepworth Amer. F. Co., 110 W. 40th St., New York Barry, Eleanor, Lubin Co., St. Augustine, Fla. City. Barry, Edw., Charing Cross. 16 Cecil Ct.. London. Eng.. W. C. Bunny, John, Vitagraph Co., Besidence, 1415 Avenue G, BrooI

Benham, Leland, Thanhouser Co , New Bochelle, N. Y. Carroll, Frank J., Flanders Hotel, New York City. Benner, Yale, Edison Co., 275 .Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. Carroll. James J., care F. J. Fountain, 15 Vandewater St York Bennett, Bobt., Unity Photo Co., 168 W. 46th St., New York City. City. Bennett, Frank F., Mutual Carter. Catherine. Co..i 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal Life Photo F. Corp , 102 W. 101 st St., New York City Bennett, Constance. Blache Fea, Inc.. Ft. Lee. N. J. Castellanl. Bruto, Geo. Kleine, 166 S. State St., Chicago, III. Bergen, Thurlow, Eclectic F. Co.. 110 W. 40th St., New York Citv. Castle, Helen, Selig Polyscope, Los Angeles, Cal. Bernard, Alexandre, Italia Co., 1011 Candler Bldg., New Y'ork City Cavanaugh, Wm. N., Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Bernard, Nan, Thanhouser Co., Hew Bochelle, N. Y. Cederberg, C. E., Hector F. Corp., 165 E. 89th St., New York City Bernstein, Jules, 46 Ft. Washington Ave., New York City. Cella, Peter. Ft. Lee. N. J. Bernstein, Isidore. Universal Co.,i Hollywood. Cal. Chandler, Bobt.. Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Berry. Audrey (child), Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Chancy, Lou.. Joker F. Co., Universal Studio. Hollvwood. f'al. Bertona, Daniel. Screen Club or 100 W. 44th St.; New York City. Chatterton. Thos.. Mutual Co.. 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles Cal Bertsch, Marguerite, Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Chanlonger, Bird. Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. m


Chadwick. Cyril. Thanhouser Co., New Eoclielle. N. Y. Dintentass. Mark, 1000 Broadway, New York City. Chamberlin. Riley. Thanhouser Co.. New Kochelle. N. 1. Dion, Hector, Adelphi Hotel. 470 W. 23rd St., New York City. Chaplin. Chas.. Essanav Co.. Niles. Cal. Ditt, Josephine, American F. Co., Santa Barbara, Cal. ( ( luis i> . \ 'n Chainriaii. itaKiai.li . Brooklyn. N. Y. Donaldson. Arthur, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Residence, 342 W. 46th St., New York City. udler Bldg.. New York City. Dorzage, Frank, Keystone Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Lcre Theatre. New York City. Dowlan, Wm., Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. W. 42ud St.. New York City. Downs, Rex, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Kochelle. N. Y. Dranet, Mile. Leontlne, Oz F. Mfg. Co., Monica Blvd.. Los Angeles, Cal. Childcis. Naomi. \ Uagraph Co.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Drew, Lillian, Essanay Co., 1333 Argyle St., Chicago, 111. Chisholin. John M.. 108 Convent Ave.. New York City. Drumm. Glenn, Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Choppen. Wm.. Lubm Co.. Philadelplna. Pa. Drumgold, Geo.. Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Lhristie. Al.. Lmiversal Co.. Hollywood. Ca Ducev. Lois. Royal Co.. 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Clair. Gertnidf. N. Y. Mo. Pir Corp.. I.miKae: Bldg.. New York City. Uiiiiacw. Nifliolas, Viiagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.

i . i , , 'i ..i Clarendon. ll;ii i rjn-i \rw k I'lnii'.ii. Mrirt, Co.. 1333 Ai'gyle St., Chicago, 111.

i r.i., I I . 'i i ' ' i I' ' Clark. Andx M -m^ , .Vngeles. Cal. * ' Universal Studio, Hollywood, Cal.

' • i . . : . : , , . i : I Clark, Jaci. r, w New \ork City. I' \. i: ; , riavcrs. 213 W. 26th St., New York City.

i . i . . St.. I Ki-.n . i;: w York City. 1 , 1 Clark. Now " , Philadelphia, Pa.

Clark. Fran. r ! Vi.wli'.*. Cal I' I I Co.. New Bochelle, N. Y.

i ; >! I Clark. Key. ^'-vk-.s. Ciil. t' , 1 0.. Los Angeles, Cal.

i. l l; I I Jaiiir , Pittsburgll I' Clark. o . Hollywood, Cal.

Clayton, JJ;;. : Mies. Cal.

I f -l. . ' m. I I. I- . Clary. Cba. Cal. . >"|ie Co., Los Angeles, Cal.

r . r,, . ,.i n.iua. -,, Clayton, i-.ilin. In Pa. i;n. iCiMv. .\ Mr;, 11 F. Co. . Santa Barbara. Cal.

. Clap. C. B., bill I. ! , « York City. IvJimaial. DuvciiiLS. Italia Co.. 1011 Candler Bldg., New York City. Clifford. Wm.. Unn > wood. Cal. Bddinger. Wallace. Playgoers F. Co., Lyric Theatre, New York City. Clmchard. Eugeni Ldison. Robert. Jesse Lasky Co.. , New York City. .loud. Dark. Maji^ii ' Edmondson. Richard. 19 Cecil Ct., Charing Cross Rd., W. C, London, v Clymer. John B.. (.ai^ j Co.. 220 W. 4211 York Eng. Crty. Edwards, Walter, Mutual Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Cobb. Lang C. Jr.. 102 \V. 101st St., New York City. Edwin, Walter Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave.. Orange, N. J. Cohn. Jack. 600 W. 175th St.. New York City. Ehfe, Wm., New York M. P. Co., Longacre Bldg., New York City. Collins. Jos. P.. Athens Hotel. 56 B. 42nd St.. New York City. Els. Alice. Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Collins. John H.. 3750 Broadway. New York City. Elmer. I'.illv. Jesse Lasliy Co., Longacre Theatre, New York City. Commings, Eobt., All Star Pea. Corp., 220 W. 42nd St.. New York City. l.li.Mi, ciaMiir,., Lubin Co.. Philadelphia, Pa.

' I Bldg., . Compton, Dixie, Bwy. Pic. Prod. Co.. Knickerbocker Theatre New 1 \ , s.ilax Co., Ft. Lee, N. J.

' I ^1 ' York City. 1 . Mdison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave.. Orange, N. J. Angeles, Cal. '1 Conway, John. Mutual Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los 1 - luver Co., 1600 Broadway, New York City.

Conway, J. W.. Snlax Co., Ft. Lee, N. J. 1-lliv. \\ . I., J.ilair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Connelly, llilm, \ii,it'ra|ili Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. EUis, Itobeil,. Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City, 1'.": Connelly. - \i.r ,.,,a, Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Eldridge, Chas. E., Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.

i Conner, .\'u ; . -i n.s. 1 Congress St., Jersey City, N. J. Emerson, Betty, Victor Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood, Cal.

Conklin. I'l . ^ c o. Studio. Los Angeles, Cal. Emerson. Chas., Thanhouser Co., New Rochelle, N. Y.

Cook. Warm.. I ii 27.") Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. EnRlf. J.« S.. Ifino Broadway. New York City. Cook. Wm., iiz 1. .\lfg Co., Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal.

Cooke. Geo. J., Jr., 207 W. 138th St., New York City. ! I : i I II' ' Lakeside Ave.. Orange. N. J. Cooley, Frank, Beauty Co, 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Cal. Coombs, Guy, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Cooper, Geo.. Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. III. ,n„, Ariz. Lakeside Ave.. Orange, N. J. Cooper, Bigelow, Edison Co., 275 " , -S.-.r, W. 23rd St.. New York City. Cooper, Miriam, Majestic Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Cal. Eye. Wi Co.. 4500 Sunset Blvd,. Los Angeles, Cal. Corwin. Mr., 235 W. 145th St., New York City. Eyton, 1 ipe Co., Los Angeles. Cal. Cortwright, Chas., Bellance Co.. Universal Studio, Hollywood, Cal. Eyting, leen Club, New York City, Cossar, John, Essanay Co., 1333 Argyle St., Chicago, 111. Fairl mhouser Twins, New Rochelle, N. Y. Costello, Maurice, Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Costello, Dolores. Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Farley. Jos. P., BH3 Columbus Ave., New York City. Costello, Helen, Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Parley. Dot, Warner's Pea. Co., 145 W. 45th St., New York City. Courtot. Marguerite, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Farnum. Dustin, Sawyer Co.. 1600 Broadway, New York City. CoughUn, Kathleen, Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange. N. J. Farnhain. Jos. W., All Star Co., 220 W. 42nd St., New York City. Cowan. Elizabeth. Advance M. P. Co., Edsecomb PI., Chicago, 111. Farrington. Rene. Mutual Co.. 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Cowl, Geo., 324 , New York City. Farren. J. J.. Victoria Theatre. Rochester. N. Y. Coxen, Ed., Am. F. Mfg. Co., Santa Barbara, Cal. Fealy. Maud. Holland Film Co.. . Mass. Cozine, Arthur. Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Fearnley. Jane. Vitagraph Co.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Craig, Mrs. Blanche. Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Feeley. M. M.. 145 W. 45th St.. New York City. Craig, Chas., Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Fazenda. Louise. Joker Co.. Universal Studio. Hollywood, Cal. Crampton, Howard. Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Figman. Max. Jesse Lasky Co.. Longacre Bldg.. New York City. Crane, Mr., Thanhouser Co., New Bochelle, N. Y. Fielding. Eomaine. Lubin Co.. Pike's Peak Studios. Colorado Springs. Crane. Prank H., Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal.; Residence, 222 W. Colo.

Crawford. Florcnro, Reliance Co , Universal Studio, Hollywood. Cal. Field. Crn . Thanlinnser Co.. Now Bnr-liclle. N. Y.

1 , . .. •,! • I I ...... 1 l;ud.. Los Angeles, Cal.

. ... 1. I . 1. 1 1 . ' II.. I 1 u-,,od. Cal.

|. , \ , 1 ,1,, Ciiih .-nil, I 1.1 J,.. I il,..Miie Ave.. Orange, N. J. M,. -iiii„.t Blvd. Los Angeles. Cal.

1 '..'4111 Cruz,.. .Mail. PHinliiT Cii, Saiila I'aula, Cal. Fi-,'iii.i . iia-. - :;ii w SI , I'ork City. Cruze. James. Thanhouser Co.. New Rochelle, N. Y. Fisher. Harry. Jesse Lasky Co.. Luneaere Bldg., New York City. Cummings, Irving, Thanhouser Co.. New Rochelle, N. Y. Filson. A. W.. Selig Polyscope Co.. Los Angeles, Cal. Cummings. Ralph. Majestic Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Cal. Fitzgerald. Dallas. Hotel Continental, 141 W. 116th St., New York City. Cunard, Grace, Universal Co,, Hollywood. Cal. — erakl. Cissy. Vitagraph Co.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Curtiss, Allen, Universal Co.. Hi)llywood, Cal. l,.s. .\I,,Mis, ri,iv,.r.al Co, ll„llvuo,„l, Cal, Daintry. Isabel, Royal Co.. 4."ino Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles. Cal. Daly, .Tames L., Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Daly, Wm. R., Screen Club. 165 W, 47th St,, New York City.

I .. \ 1 1... .11 Ml. Ill,, Residence. 205 W. 94th .St . New York City. Hollywood. Cal.

Daly. .Tos.. Life Photo F. Cmii , mi' \v mist St.. New York City. I,. \ 1,1. I iiivir.-ai Miiili,,. Hollywood. Cal,

I 27.' 1 i ! Dana, Viola, Edison Co., \ . Orange, N. J. Keiiaiice Co.. t luversal ."studio. Hollywood. Cal,

i Darkfeather, Prmcess, Kalem ' , j:;rd St.. New York City. lliaiihouser Co.. New Rochelle. N. Y.

i -I Darmond, Grace, Selig Co.. IM . Los Angeles. Cal. riianhouser Co.. New Rochelle. N. Y.

Darnell, Jean, Thanhouser Cn - . i. > , N. Y. 1 M. ii I lianhouser Co.. New Rochelle. N. Y.

Darwell. Jane, Jesse Lasky dr. l,,,iiKa i,. Jlu-atre, New York City, I Mill, 1,,, lijiiversal Co,. Hollywood. Cal. Davis. Will S., Ranco F. Co.. New York City. Fo.\e. Kail A,. Selig Polyscope. Residence. 350 W. 4eth St.. New York Davidson, Max, Komic Comedies, Keystone Studio. Los Angeles. Cal, City. Davenport. Alice T.. Keystone Co., Los Angeles. Cal. France. Alec B.. Eclair Co.. Tucson. Ariz. Davenport. Dorothy. Universal Co.. Hollywood. Cal. Franev. Wm,. Comedy Co.. Universal Studio. Hollywood. Cal. Dawley. J. Searle. Famous Players. 213 W. 26th St.. New York City, Fralich. Allan. Kalian To.. 235 W, 23rd St,. New York City.

i i ii. Dayton. Frank. Essanay Co.. 1333 Argyle St.. Chicago. 111. French, rii K in , 235 W. 23rd St,. New lork City,

De Felice. Charlotta. Vitagraph Co.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Fraunholz i n i (.'o.. Ft. Lee. N. J.

i De Forrest, Chas.. Crystal F. Co.. 430 Claremont Pkwy.. New York City. Prazer. Id i i.i. ., lucson. Ariz. Delanev. Leo. Vitagraph Co.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Fuller, 11 In, Hollywood, Cal,

i . ...[i,- i ,, I.n.s Declrv. Ben. Oz F JlfK Co, jr.ini,-a Blvd, T.ns Angeles. Cal. Furev. l- n , ,\ngeles. Cal,

1'.. i i:. - 111. i . , . . n -iiir K,.|i:ii.r.,. \\,.\]'.V I I'.il Gaden. .\i. .m. n iul,. New York City.

]ii , . ;. . i I I, , : , , , , m : . - ; Inrk City. Gail. Jan, . m

. 1 i , . 1 , v., ,, I 1 , \ i. , I'. I SI,. New York City. Gaillard, K \ Y.

I .. . . . I . 1.1' ' .. i.iii 1. 1.. i . . x 1. . n i. .... i,.|k.. 1 1. . ri . '.v Nnl.n K \, . N. \ork City. Gane. N.

i 1 II 1 1 ago 111. Gallatin, .mim m.i, \iia^i,inli "., r.rnnki n, N, Y. De Kiisselli. Rex. Universal Co,, Hollywood, Cal, Gamble, lioht, L., Allouna, I'a. li De Shon, Sabra. Eclair Co.. Tucson. Ariz. Gamble. Fred. American , Co,. Santa Barbara. Cal, DeSola. Marie. Hepworth Am F. ^nrn no w, toth St,, New York City, Garrison. Blake G.. 145 W. 45th St.. NiW York City. De Vornon. D.. Thanhouser Co.. New Rochelle. N. T. Garwood. Wm.. American F. Co.. care 31 f S. Olive St,. Los AngL^Ies. Cal. DeWolff. Edwin. Jr.. Lubin Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. Gaskill. Chas, L,. Tappan, N. Y. DeWolff. Mary. Lubin Co.. care L. B. Carleton. Philadelphia. Pa. Gasniere. Louis. Pathe Freres. 1 Congresf St.. J<>rsev City. N. J. DeWolff. Dorothy. Lubin Co.. care Jos. W. Smilev. Philadelphia. Pa. Gates. Harvey H.. 408 Audubon Ave., f ew York City. DeWolff. J. H.. Lubin Co., 2947 Bambrey St., Philadelphia, Pa. Gaudio. G.. 2340 Crotona Ave.. New lirk City. DeWolff, Edwin, Sr.. Lubin Co.. care Harry C. Meyers, Philadelphia, Pa, Gausman. J. A.. 601 W. 47th St., Nev York City. Dickenson, A. T.. Kalem Co.. 235 W. 23rd St,, New York City. Garcia. Ernest Al.. Bosworth Co.. Los Angeles. Cal. Dillon, Bdw.. Reliance Co., Hollywood, Cal. Garcia. Alberta. Bosworth Co.. Los Anceles. Cal. Dillon, Jack, Reliance Co., Hollywood, Cal. Gallagher. Rav. Powers Co.. Universal otudio. Hollywood. Cal. Dimond, Bushnell, 400 S. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Gaston, May, Reliance Co., iioiiywooa, (jai. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 45

Gartrell, Horace, Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Hesperia. Helen. Warner's Fea. Co.. 145 W. 45th St., New York City. George. Adel, Lubin Co., Pliiladelpliia, Pa. Hevener. Gerald, Lubin Co.. Jacksonville. Fla. George, Berton. Lubin Co., Ptiiladelpliia, Pa. Hickman. Chas.. Powers Co.. Universal Studio. Hollywood. Cal. Gerhardt. J. H., Dramatic Jlirror, 145 W. 45tli St., New Torlc City. Hitchcock. Eex. Titagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hesidence, 150 Moffat St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hite, C. J., Thanhouser Co., New Eochelle, N. Y. Gerrard, Douglas. Kalem Co., care Pliotoplayers' Club. Los Angeles, Cal. Hoffman, Euhy, Pathe Freres, 1 Congress St., Jersey City, N. J. Geleng. Louis. ISSOo Detract Ave.. Cleveland, O. Hoffman, Hugh, Moving P. World, 17 Madison Ave., New York City. Gereghty, Frank, Thanhcuser Co., New Kochelle, N. Y. Holmes, Rapley, Essanay Co., 1333 Argyle St., Chicago, 111. Gauntier. Gene, Gene Gauntier Fea. Plays, 515 W. 54tli St.. New York Holmes, Gerda, Essanay Co., 1333 Argyle St., Chicago, 111 City. Holmes, Helen. Kalem Co.. 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Genthe. Arnold. Eellance Co., Hollywood, Cal. Holland. Herman. McKabb Ball F. Corp., 7077 Metropolitan. New York Gettinger, Billy, Universal Co.. Hollywood, Cal. City. Gibbs, Paton K., All Star Corp., 220 W. 42nd St., New York City. Holliday. F. E.. Gaumont Co.. Flushing. L. I.. N. Y. Giegerich, J. C, 1515 E. 9tli St., Brooklyn. N. Y. HoUingsworth. A.. Eclair Co.. Tucson, Ariz. Gibbs, Frederick, Thanhouser Co., New Eochelle. N. Y. HoUister. Alice. Kalem Co.. 235 W. 23rd St.. New York City. Gilford, Ada, Titagraph Co.. Brooklyn, N. Y. HoUister. Geo.. Jr.. Kalem Co.. 235 W. 23rd St.. New York City. Gillett, Billy. Kalem Co.. 235 W. 23rd St.. New York City. Holliway, Jack, Eclair Co.. Tucson, Ariz. Gillett. K. E., Pelham Manor, New York City. HoUiway, Carol. Eclair Co., Tucson. Ariz. Gillmore, Helen. Famous Players. 213 W. 26th St., New York City. Holden. Wm.. Lubin Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. Gish. Dorothy. Majestic Co.. 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Cal Ilnm.'s, smart, Kaiiin Co, \v 101st St.. New York City.

\-:',, . Gish, LilUan, Majestic Co.. 4500 Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles. Cal. H.,t., , i;i,..,i--vn. N. Y.

> ) \i . Ghione. Emilio, Geo. Kl^ine, 166 S. State St., Chicago. 111. II" : ! .-,49 Peoples Gas Bldg., Cliicago, 111.

I i Goetz, Ben, Crj-stal F. Co.. Wendover and Park Ave.. New York City. ' i; 1S.55 7th Ave., New York City.

I. I . • Gondolfl, Alfredo, 304y2 Sherman Ave., Jersey City, N. J. w • • "iiviUe, Fla.

I' II ' Goodwin. Jack. 425 W. 57th St., New York City. 111. ^ : \i: I I Co.. 110 W. 40th St.. New York City.

Gordon, James, Screen Club, 165 W. 47th St., New York City. II..!. .1 I .... . ,!,,. ksonviUe. Fla.

II. . I ' ' Gordon, Harris, PieiTot F. Co., care Screen Club. New York City. ' , Hollywood. Cal.

, ' . ,'(... Gordon, Julia S., Titagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. 11.. I , New Eochelle. N. Y.

. Gonzales, Myrtle, Titagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. II. . 1,1..., Philadelphia, Pa.

Gottlieb, Cyril, Mutual Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. lii.ii . \. I .I1-..I1 Co,. 275 Lakeside Ave.. Orange, N. J. Gleason. Adda. Selig Polyscope Co., Los Angeles, Cal. II i.ii Co. Universal Studio, Hollywood. Cal. II.. ., Glennon. Herbert, Oz F. Mfg. Co., Monica Blvd., Los Angeles. Cal. I lA'lair Co.. Tucson. Ariz. .'ic, Cal. II. .|. . I Gould, Miss Bobbie, Oz F. Mfg. Co., Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, I W. 135th St.. New Y'ork City.

.. I . Graham, Cecil C, Midgar Fea., 133 W. 44th St., New York City. II. ' lair "Kid." Tucson. Ariz.

Graham, Arthur B., 412 Ave., New York City. II. I M ' i.iir Co.. Tucson, Ariz.

I Graham. Chas. E., Screen Club, New York City. II.. . i: i.„n Co.. New York City. Graham. Adel. Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. II'. \. V '.aiintier Studio. 515 W. 54th St.. New York City. Graham J. C, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. II. I Ihanhouser Co., New Eochelle, N. Y. Graham, Geo., Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. IIii II Krx Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood, Cal. Graig, Nell. Pathe Freres, 1 Congress St., Jersey City, N. J. Hull, ,1.1. HI,,,, l.iiliin Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. Grandon, Ethel, Rex Film Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood, Cal. Hull. L.iuisc. Lubin Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. Grant. A^alentlne, Warner's Fea., 145 W. 45th St., New York City. Huhn. Austin. E.xcelsior Co.. Lake Placid. N. T. Granville, May. Universal Co.. Hollywood. Cal. Hulette. Gladys. Edison Co.. 275 Lakeside Ave.. Orange. N. J. Gray. Bettie, Biograph Co., 11 E. 14th St., New York City. Hullifer, Tom. Am. F. Co.. Santa Barbara. Cal. Gray. Violet. Thanhouser Co.. New Kochelle. N. Y. Hunt. Chas., Eclair Co.. Tucson. Ariz. Gregory. Mildred. Lubin Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. Hunt, Fay, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Gregory. Carl L.. 301 Huguenot St., New Kochelle. N. Y. Hunt, Irene, Majestic Co.. 4500 Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles. Cal. Gregory. Fanna, Thanhouser Co.. New Hoclielle, N. Y. Hunt. J.. N. Y. M. P. Corp.. Longacre Bldg.. New York City. Greene, Walter E., 1018 Colonial Bldg., Boston. Mass. Huntly. Fred, Selig Polyscope Co., Los Angeles. Cal. Greene. Campton, Lubin Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. Huntlv, Laurv. Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Greene. Cley M., Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Hunter, Arthur, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Greenwood. Winnifred, American F. Co., Santa Barbara, Cal. Hunter, Hayes. 600 W. 178th St.. New York City. Greeson, Elsie, Selig Polyscope Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Huntington, Helen. AlbuQuerque F. Co., Los Angeles, CaL Grey, Phyllis, Titagraph Co., Brooklyn, N.. Y. Humphrey, Jane. Lubin Co.. St. Augustine. Fla. Grey, Jane. Famous Players. 213 W. 26th St., New York City. Humphrey. Minnie, Titagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Gripp, Harry, Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. Humphrey, Wm. A., Titagraph Co.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Griffen, Frank C, Lubin Co., care Screen Club, New York City. Hurst, Paul C, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Grimmer, Frank A., Thanhouser Co., New Eochelle, N. Y. Hutchinson, James, 600 W. 178th St., New York City. Ti], A'-'n-lc . Chf-ap'o. Gronell. Alfred. Essanav Co . l.ISS St Hutton, Leona, N. Y. M. P. Corp., Longacre Bldg., New York City. Guinchi, Lea. Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Hurley. .Julia E., All Star Fea. Corp., 220 W. 42nd St., New York City. Gunning, Fred, Apt. 22. 130 W. 47th St.. New York City. Ince, John E., Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Gsell. Harry. Warner's Fea.. Inc.. 145 W. 45th St., New York City. Ince, Ralph W., Bright Water, L. I., N. Y. Hackett. Florence. Lubin Co. Studio. Philadelphia. Pa. Incc. Thos. H., N. Y. M. P. Corp., Longacre Bldg., New York City. Haddock, Wm. F., 1570 E. 15th St., Flatbush, N. Y. Ingraham. Harrish, Whitman Features, 257 W. 23rd St., New York City. Hadley, Bert, Kalem Co.. 235 W. 23rd St.. New York City. Iverv, Dr. Wm. J., 343 W. 46th St., New York City. Hadley. Hopp. 35 Ft. Washington Ave.. New York City. Jacobs, Arthur D., 30 Union Square. New York City. Hale, Albert, Majestic Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. James, Gladden. Titagraph Co.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Hale, Allen, Biograph Co., care Screen Club, New York City. Jeanette. Nell, Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Hale, Creighton, The Eclectic Co., 110 W. 40th St., New York City. Jefferson, Thos.. 140 Wadsworth Ave.. New York City. Hale. Walter, Sawyer Film Co., 1600 Broadway, New York City. Jefferson, Wm. W., 119 W. 71st St., New York City. Hallam. Henry. Kalem Co.. 235 W. 23rd St.. New York City. Jensen, Eulalie, Titagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hall, Edw. G., Screen Club, New York City. Johnson. Tefft. Titagraph Co., Brooklyn. N. Y. Hall, Donald, Titagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Jones. Wm. C. N. Y. Athletic Club, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hall. Lindsay J.. 225 W. 22nd St.. New York City. Johnson, Arthur, Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Hall. J. L.. Eclair Co.. Tucson, Ariz. Jenkins. Geo. A., 5 E. 42nd St., New York City. Hall. Ella, Nestor Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood. Cal. Jones, Morgan. Princess Co.. Mutual Studio. Jms Angeles, Cal. Hall, Bobert. Eclair Co., Tucson. Ariz. .lohnston, W. A., M. P. News. 220 W. 42nd St., New York City. Hall, Franklyn. Selig Polyscope Co.. Los Angeles. Cal. .Johnston, .L W., Jesse Lasky Co., 235 W 23rd St., New York City, Hand. M. J., Eclair Co.. Tucson. Ariz. lose. Edward. Eclectic Co., Times Bldg., New York City. Handworth. Octavia. Excelsior Fea. F. Co.. 105 W. 40th St.. New York .Tolubar. Allen J., Classic Fea. Co., Friars Club, New York Ciity. City. Joste, Robert, 416 W. 33rd St., New York City, Handworth, Henry, Excelsior Fea. F. Co.. 105 W. 40th St.. New York Journon. H. C. 225 W. 42nd St.. New York City. City. Joyce, Alice, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Handvside, Clarence. All Star Fea. Coi-p., 220 W. 42nd St., New York Judson. G. C. M. P. World. New York City. City. .Julian, Rupert. Rex Co.. Universal Studio. IJollywood. Cal. <:.'. i: Hanford, Eoy, Inter-Continent F. Co., 110 W. 40th St.. New York City. Kaiii, . rare Screen Club. New York City. 1.' Hamel. Edna. Edison Co.. 275 Lakeside Ave. Orange, N. J K: .1 . l.ubin Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. .1 K . > \ . Famous Players. St.. York City. Hamilton. J.. N. Y. M. P. Co.. Lonua"re BUlg , New York City. 213 W. 26th New Hamilton, Lloyd T., Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St. New York City. K"|. |.. I ^.i.iKraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.

City. K....! M l!.. I .i..iii Co., St. Augustine, Fla. Hamilton. Shorty, N. Y. M. P. Co , Longacre Bldg.. New York Harris. .Joseph. Beauty F. Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., I.os Anreles. Cal. Kcrnaii, ilanv H.. New York M. P. Corp., Longacre Bldg., New York Harris. Mildred, N. Y. M. P. Co.. Longacre Bldg., New York City. Harris, J., Am. F. Mfg. Co., Santa Barbara, Cal. Kcene, .Tames A., United Keanograph F. Mfg. Co., Fairfax, Cal. Hartigan, P. C, Pathe Freres. 1 Congress St... .Jersey City. N. J. Keesey. Thos. R., Advance M. P. Co., Edgecomb PI., Chicago, 111. Harding, John, care Ambrosic-Amer. Co.. New York City. Keeper, Harry L., 1713 E. 14th St., Brooklyn. N. Y. Kelety. Julia D.. Primagraph F. Co.. Times Bldg.. New York City. Harding. Thos. . Nestor Co. Studio. Bayonne. N. J. Harding. Albert. Kalem Co.. 235 W. 23rd St.. New York City. Keller. E. M.. Universal Co.. Hollywood. Cal. Harron, Eobert, Majestic Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Iveller, John. N. Y. M. P. Corp.. Longacre Bldg.. New York City. Hastings, Carey L.. Thanhouser Co.. New Eochelle, N. Y. Kcllcrer. Dav, Thanhouser Co., New Eochelle, N. Y. Hawley. Ormle. Lubin Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. Kelly. Louise. Advance M. P. Co., Edgecomb PI. Chicago, 111. Hastings. Bettv. Kenmore Apts.. 1817 Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles. Cal. R, ,i.lrii.v, ,-,r,ii FullcTton Pkwy., Chicago, 111. Hauck. Eoy. Thanhouser Co.. New Eochelle. N. Y. K.li'. I' ili'. Niiiui iil I'o,. Brooklyn, N. Y.

' K.I I > Hayakawa. Sessue. N. Y. M. P. Co., Longacre Bldg.. New York City. , Brooklyn, N. Y.

. I . II 1 Hayes. Sidney. Lubin Co.. 4550 Pasadena Ave.. Los Angeles. Cal. K. , Philadelphia, Pa.

I . , \ , Haynes, Miss. Bosworth Co.. los Angeles. Cal. K. M . , 4500 Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles. Cal. ! Hazelton. .Joe. Selig Polyscope Co.. Los Angeles. Cal. K. I 1 1 Court. 207th St. and Post Ave.. New York City.

I Heame. K. G.. Eclair Co.. Tucson, Ariz. K.'i : 1. ,,iniie Co. Studio. Los Angeles. Cal. K. > \l Hedlund, Guy. Hadlyme. Conn. . 110 W. 40th St.. New York City.

i i: Hedwig. Willia. 184 Arlington Ave., ..Jersey City. N. J. K. . . iiance. M. P. Co.. Edgecomb PI, Chicago, 111.

I V I Henegan. Jas. T.. 18 W. 107th St.. Los Angeles. Cal. K. I I . i^-iaph Co.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Hennessy, Geo., 618 Bryson Bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. Kiiii, .siaiil. i.iii, I'laygoers F. Co., Lyric Theatre, New York City. Henley. Hobart. Imp Co.. care Screen Club. New York City. KerriKaii. Wairen, Universal Co., care Screen Club, New York City. Henry. Jenet. Thanhouser Co., New Eochelle, N. Y Kessel. A., Jr., 251 W. 19th St.. New York City. Henry. E. J.. Famous Players. 213 W. 26th St.. New York City. Kessel, Chas., N. Y. M. P Corp., Longacre Bldg., New Y'ork City. Kibby. Estelle, Players, St., Henry. Gale. Nestor Co. . Universal Studio. Ho'lywood, Cal. Famous 213 W 26th New York City. Herbert. Lillian. Titagranh Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Kilgannon, James, Aetna F. Co., Longacre Bldg., New York City. Hemer, Tiolet, Mohawk F. Co.. Times Bldg.. New York City. King, .loe. Joker Co.. Universal Studio, Hollywood. Cal. Herbling. F.. Eclair Co.. Tucson. Ariz. King. Chas. R., 262 W. 24th St., New York City. 46 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

Kingsley. Pierce. 207 W. 109th St., New York City. Marsh. Mae W.. Majestic Co.. 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los' Angeles. Cal. Kingsley, Florida, Essanay Co., 1333 Argyle St., Cliicago. III. Marshall. Boyd, Mutual Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles, Cal. Kingston, Winifred, Jesse Lasky Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Mason, Billy. Essanay Co.. 1333 Argyle St.. Chicago. 111. Kirkland, Hardee, care Lambs Club, New York City. Mason. Dan, Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. Kirke, Ollie, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Mason, Frank, Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Kirkwood, James. Famous Players. 213 W. 26th St.. New York City. Mather, Charles, Thanhouser Co., New Rochelle, N. Y. Kirtley, Virginia. Usona F. Co.. Los Angeles. Cal. Matthews, Arthur, Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa Knowland, AUce, Eclair Co.. Tucson, Ariz. Mayo, A. F., 540 W. 21st St., New York City. Knowland, Walter, Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Mayo, Christine, Aetna P. Co., Longacre Bldg.. New York City. Knowles, Harry, care Screen Club, New York City. Mayall, Hershell. Broncho Co.. 4500 Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles, Cal. Kotini, Henry, N. Y. M. P. Corp.. Longacre Bldg., New York City. McCabe, May, All Star Fea. Corp., 220 VV. 42nd St., New York City. Kraus. M. A., 14 E. 17th St., New York City. McCloskey, Brooks, Lubm Co.. Philadelphia, P?- Kunkel. Geo., Vitagraph Co.. Brooklyn, N. Y. McCoy. Gertrude. Edison Co.. 275 Lakeside Avv Orange. N. J Kyle, Wra.. Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. McCormack, W. F.. 256 Broadway, New York City. LaBadie, Florence, Thanhouser Co.. New Kochelle. N. Y. McChesney, L. W., Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. LaCroix, Emile. Witmans Fea., Cliffside, N. J. McCuUem, Bartley, Lubin Co., 4500 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Laemmle, Carl, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. McCuUough, Mr., Selig Polyscope. Los Angeles, Cal. Laidlaw. Roy. N. Y. M. P. Corp., Longacre Bldg.. New York City. McDonald, Jack, SeUg Polyscope, Los Angeles, Cal. Lancaster, John, Sellg Polyscope Co., Los Angeles. Cal. McDowell^ Claire, Biograph Co., 32nd St., Whitestone Landing, L. I., Lane, , Mutual Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Lane, Geo.. 2863 W. 20th St.. Coney Island, N. Y. McGee,' Morris, 317 W. 46th St., New York City. Lang, Peter M.. Apartment 73. 200 Ave.. New York City. McGill, Lawrence, All Star Fea. Co., Candler Bldg., New York City. Langdon. LiUian, Blograph Co., 11 E. 14th St., New York City. McGovern, Elmer J., G. N. Y. Mo. P. Corp.. Longacre Bldg.. New York Lanning, Geo., Aetna Fihn Co.. Longacre Bldg.. New York City. City. Lambert. Clara, Lubin Co.. St. Augustine, Fla. McGovern. Albert. Pathe Freres. 1 Congress St., Jersey City. N. J LaRano, Dick, Jesse Lasky Co., Longacre Bldg.. New York City. McGowan. Hughie. Vitagraph Co.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Larkin, Dolly, Lubin Co.. 4550 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles. Cal. McGowan. J. P.. Kalem Co.. 235 W. 23rd St.. New York City. Larkin, Geo.. Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. McKee. Lafayette. Seiig Polyscope. Los Angeles, Cal. Laughlin, Anna. Life Photo F. Coi-p.. 102 W. 101st St., New York City. McKee, Raymond, Lubin Co., PliUadelphia, Pa. Lawrence. Florence. Victor Co., Universal Studio. Hollywood. Cal. McRae, Henry, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Lawrence, Frank, 344 Lenox Ave., New York City. McRae, Bruce, Famous Players, 213 W. 26th St., New York City. LanTence, W. E.. Majestic Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. McRae, Duncan, Edison Co., care of Friars Club, London, Eng. Lawrence, Mae, care Morning Telegraph, New York City. Mead, Lydia, Thanhouser Co., New Bochelle, N. Y. LaSalle. Kathylyn. Life Photo F. Corp.. 102 W. 101st St., New York City. Melville, Wilbert, Lubin Co., Pliiladelphia, Pa. Law. Burton, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Melville, Geo., Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. Learn. Bessie, Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. Melchior, Louis, Gaumont Co., 110 W. 40th St., New York City. Lederer, Gretchen, N. Y. M. P. Corp.. Longacre Bldg.. New York City. Merserau, Violet, Famous Players, 213 W. 26th St., New York City. Lederer, Otto. Vitagraph Co.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Meredyth, Bess, Victor Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood, Cal. Lehman. Henry. Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Messick, Jack, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New Yoit City. Lehnberg, J. H., Thanhouser Co., New Bochelle, N. Y. Metcalfe, Earle, Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Leighton, Lillian B., SeUg Polyscope Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Midgley, Enid. N. Y. M. P. Corp, Longacre Bldg.. New York City. Leonard. Bob, Universal Co., Hollywood. Cal. Miles, David, Hotel Cumberland, New York City. Leonard, Geo.. 135_ Broadway. New York City. Miles. Herbert. 145 W. 45th St.. New York City. Leonard. Marion. Warner's ^. 130 W. 46th St.. York City. Miles. J. R., Exclusive S. Co., 220 W. 42nd St., New York City. Lerida. Florence. Gaumont So.. 110 W. 40th St., New York Cit: Millarde, Harry, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. LeSaint, E. J., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Miller, Ashley, 2826 Decatur Ave., New York City. Leslie, Arthur R., Elmwood Hotel, East Orange, N. J. Miller, Walter, Universal Co., care of Morning Telegraph, New York City. Leslie. LilUe, Lubin Co.. Residence. 1221 VV. Lehigh Ave., Phil Milligan. Wendell P., Billboard, New York City. Pa.. Mills, Thos. R.. Vitagraph Co., care of Screen Club. New York City. Leslie. Richard, Vitagraph Co.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Mitchell. Howard M., Lubin Co.. residence 1813 Porter St.. Philadelphia. Lesser, Sol L.. 234 Eddy St.. San Francisco, Cal. Lessey, Geo. A.. 1731 W. 9th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mitchelle. Rea. N. Y. M. P. Corp., Longacre Bldg., New York City. Lester. Louise, Am. Film Co.. Santa Barbara, Cal. Mindll. Phillip, 29 Union Square, W., New York City. Levering. Joseph M., Gaumont Co., Flushing, Middleton, Edw.. Apartment 69. 200 Manhattan Ave., New York City. Levine, H. Z., 233 W. 115th St., New York City. Michelene, Beatriz, Cal. M. P. Co.. San Rafael, Cal. Leviness. Carl M., Reliance Co., Hollywood, Cal. Mix. Tom. Selig Polyscope. Los Angeles, Cal. Lewis. Edgar, 400 W. 57th St., New York City. Modjeska, FeUx. International Fea. F. Co., Hollywood, Cal. Lewis, Tracey H., 1493 Broadway, New York City. Monley, Frederick, Advance M. P. Co., Edgecomb Place, Chicago, 111. Lewis, Frank, Reliance Co., Hollywood, Cal. Monroe, James E., care of H. R. Law. 502 W. 38th St., Yonkers, N. Y. Lewis. Jessie, Mutual Co.. 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. C Montage, Fred, Jessie Lasky Co.. Longacre Bldg.. New York City. Lewis, Ralph, Mutual Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles, Cal Moon, Big. Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St.. New York City. Libby. H. F., Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Moore. Frank. Oz F. Mfg. Co.. Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal Lichtman. Al., Famous Players. Times Bldg., New York City. Moore, Mat., Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Lincoln. E. K., Vitgraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Moore, Mary, Whitman Fea. Co., Cliffside. N. J. Lincoln Joseph, Kalem Co.. 235 W. 23rd St.. New York City. Moore, Owen, ReUance Co., Hollywood, Cal. Lingham, Thos.. Kalem Co.. 235 W. 23rd St., New York City Moore, Tom, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Linson. Harry, Thos. Edison, 239 Lakeside Ave., Orange. N. J. Morris, Flora, Hepworth Am. F. Co., 110 W. 40th St., New York City. Lloyd. Ethel, Vitagraph Co , Brooklyn. N. Y. Morris, Richard, Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Loewenthal. Bernard, Commer. M. P. Co., 102 W. 101st St.. nv Yor Morris, Stuart W. R.. Lubin Co.. Philadelphia, Pa City. Morrison, Arthur, Progress F. Co., World's Tower Bldg., New York City. Loftus. Cecelia, Warner's Fea., Inc., 145 W. 45th St.. New Yoi City. Morrison, James, Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. London, Samuel H., 35 Ft. Washington Ave., New York City. Moran, Lee, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. York City. Long, W. H., Reliance Co , 29 Union Square, New Mortcrief, Edward. Kalem Co.. 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Lorimer, Elsa, SeUg, Kinema Color, Dramatic Mirror, New York City. Morey, Harry. Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn. N. Y. Lorlmore, Alec. Gaumont Co.. 110 W. 40th St., New York City. Mortimer, Edwin. Universal Co.. Hollywood. Cal. Lonsdale, Harry. Selig Polyscope. Los Angeles, Cal. Morton, Walter, Box 308, Edgewater, N. J. Louis. Will. 3651 N. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Morrow, Elmer, N. Y. M. P. Corp., Longacre Bldg.. New York City Lubin. Siegmund, Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Morrow, Jane. Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lucas, Wilfred, Universal Co., 5821 Carlton Way, Hollywood, Cal. Moses, A. H., Jr., Thanhouser Co., New Rochelle. N. Y. Lund. O. A C. Eclair Co.. 225 W. 22nd St., New York City. Mullen. Eugene, Vitagraph Co.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Luther, Anna, Lubin Co. or Majestic Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa. Murray, J. S.. Thanhouser Co.. New Rochelle. N. Y Lupi, Ingazio, Geo. Kleine, 226 W. 42nd St., New York City. Muth. Dr. Geo. H.. Aeolian Bldg.. W. 42nd St.. New York City. Lyon. Frank. Edison Co.. 275 Lakeside Ave.. Orange. N. J. Musgrave. Lon, Oz F. Mfg. Co.. Monica Blvd., Los Angeles. Cal. Lyons. Eddie, Nestor Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood, Cal. Musson. Bennett, care of Screen Club, New York City. Lyston, Mrs.. Universal Co.,- Hollywood, Cal. Myers, Harry C, Universal Co.. Hollywood. Cal. Lytton, L. R., Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Myles. M. A., Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. MacCaun. Geraldine, Crystal Co.. 430 Claremont Pkwy., New York Ci Nansen. Betty. Great Northern F. C, 7 E. 14th St., New York City. MacDermott. Marc. Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. Nash. Geo., All Star Fea. Corp.. 220 W. 42nd St., New York City. Mack, Harry, Solax Co., Ft. Lee. N. J. Navarre, Victor, Baumont Co.. 110 W. 40th St.. New York City. Mackey. Enid, Mutual Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Cal. Neil. Richard R.. Edison Co., care of Lambs Club. New York City. Macklin. Albert, Lubin Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. Neill. R. R., 2676 Decatur Ave.. New York City. Mackin, John E., Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Nelson, Arthur J., Warner's Fea. Co., 130 W. 42nd St., New York City. Mackley, Arthur. Reliance Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles. Cal. Nelson, Betra, Italia F. Co., 1011 Candler Bldg., New York City. Mackley, Mrs.. Mutual Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Cal. Hotel St. James, 109 W. 45th St., New York City. MacLeod. Elsie. Edison Co.. 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. NeMoyer, Marguerite. Lubin Co., Jacksonville, Fla. Macnamara, Walter, Macnamara F. Co., 145 W. 45th St.. New Y( NeMoyer, Frances E.. Lubin Co., Jacksonville, Fla. City. Nesbitt. Mirian. Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. Residence, Macomas, B. M., Comedy Co., Keystone Studio. Los Angeles. Cal. Newton, Marie, Biograph Co., 32nd St., Whitestone Landing, L. I.. N. Y. MacQuarrie. Murdock, Universal Co., Hollywood. Cal. Newton, Jack L., Victor Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood, Cal. Madison, Cleo, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Nichols, Geo. 0., KayBee Co., Santa Monica, Cal. Maguie. Harry. Albuquerque F. Co.. Los Angeles. Cal. Nickolaus, Jn. M., Nestor Co.. Universal Studio. Hollywood, Cal. Maison, Edna, Universal Co.. Hollywood. Cal. Nillson, Alec, 165 E. 89th St., New York City. Malson. Elsie. Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St.. New York City. Nilsson, Anna Q., Kalem Co., 235 W. 28rd St., New York City. Mahan. Jn. W., 382 Wadsworth Ave., New York City. Noble, John W., care of Screen Club, New York City. Makarenko, Daniel. Lubin Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. Noel, Billy. Thanhouser Co., New Bochelle, N. Y. Maloney, Leo D.. Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., .N'ew York City. Nolan, Walter, Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Manning, Joe. Thos. Edison, Inc., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange. N. J. Norman, Gertrude, Eclectic Co., 110 W. 40th St., New York City. Mann. Frankie, Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. North, Wilfred, 204 W. 79th St., New York City. Mansfield, Lenora. Eclair Co.. Tucson. Ariz. Norris. Ed., Victor Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood. Cal. Mansfield. Ann. Eclair Co.. Tucson. Ariz. Norton, Albert, Thanhouser Co., New Rochelle, N. Y. Manzini. Italia. Italia P. Co., 1011 Candler Bldg., New York City. Norton, Steven S.. Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Manzini, Emerigo, Italia F. Co.. 1011 Candler Bldg., New York Ci Noto, Louis M., 222 W. 42nd St., New York City. Marangoni. Gina. Italia F. Co.. 1011 Candler Bldg.. New York City. Novelli. Anthony, Geo. Kleine, 166 S. State St., Chicago, III. Marc. Ahce. All Star Fea. Corp.. 220 W. 42nd St., New York City. Nye. Oscar, Mutual Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Mareoni, Mrs.. Majestic Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles. Cal. Oakman. Wheeler, Selig Polyscope, Los Angeles, Cal. Markie, Fannie, N. Y. M. P. Corp.. Longacre Bldg.. New York City. O'Beck, Henrietta. Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Marten, Helen, Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. O'Brien, Thos., Majestic Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Marten. F., Eclair Co., Tucson. Ariz. Obstfleld, Heni-y. Apeda Studio, 102 W. 35th St., New York City. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 47

O'Coninor, Edw., Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. 1. Sargent, Espes W., Box 70, Madison Sq. P. 0., New Y'ork City. O'Connor, Loyola. Yltagraph Co.. Brooltlyn. N. Y. Sargent. Maxwell. SeUg Polyscope Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Odowd, Berty, Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Sanborne. Laura. Aetna F. Co.. Longacre Bldg.. New York City. Oes, Ingrald G., 110 W. 40th St.. New York City. Santa. Thos W.. Adv. M. P. Co.. Edgecomb PL, Chicago, 111. Offeman, Emile, 225 W. 42nd St.. New York City. Santschi, Tom, Selig Polyscope Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Ogle. Charles. Edison Co.. 275 Lakeside Aye.. Orange, N. J. Sampson. Teddy. EeUance Co.. Hollywood, Cal. Olcott, Sidney. Warner's Fea.. 130 W. 46th St., New York City. Saunders. Alf. M., Colonial M. P. Co.. IS E. 41st St.. New York City. Oldknow. Wm., Atlanta, Ga. Saunders. Jackie, Balboa Fea. Co., Long Beach, Cal. O'Moore, Barry, Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. Sawyer, Laura, Dryeda Co., 213 W. 26th St., New York City. O'Nell, Frank, Titagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Scanlin, Paul, Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. O'Neill, James, Solas Co., Ft. Lee, N. J. Schunn, Harry, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. O'Neill, Wm. J., Victor Co., Universal Studio, Los Angeles, Cal. Scranton, E. V. C, Box 195, Brooklyn, N. Y. Orth, Louise. Biograph Co., 1046 41st St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Scott, Mary, Amer. F. SIfg. Co., Santa Barbara. Cal. O'SuUlvan, Anthony. 807 E. 107th St., New York aty. Scott, Walter K., Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. Otis, Elita Proctor. Live Phto. F. Corp., 102 W. 101st St.. New York Sears, Ira, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. City. Sears, W. G., Majestic Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. " ~" ^ " 1046 41st St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Seardon, Paul, 250 Madison Ave., Hasbruck Heights. N. J. :o., Hollywood, Cal. Seay, Chas. M., Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. Panzer, Paul, Pathe Freres, 1 Congress St., Jersey City. N. J. Sedgwlch, Ed, Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Parsons, Wm. E., Lubln Co., 4550 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Seigel, Bernard, Lubln Co., St. Augustine, Fla. Pates, S'ivian B.. Universal. Hollywood, Cal. Seay, Wm. E., Imp. Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood, Cal. Paton, Stuart, Imp Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood, Cal. Selbie. Evelyn, Western Essanay, NUes, Cal. Paul, Tal, Bison Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood, Cal. Senerens, Lu, Tousey Pub. Co., W. 23rd St., New York City. Pastor, J. J., 331 E. 33rd St., New York City. Sennett, Mack, Keystone Co., Hollywood, Cal., also Longacre Bldg., New Payne, Edna, Eclair Co.. Tucson. Ariz. Sevicard, Chas., Kay Bee Co., Mutual Studio. Los Angeles. Cal. Pearce, Tehna, Keystone Co. Studio, Los Angeles, Cal. Seymour. Walter, Pathe Freres, 1 Congress St., Jersey City, N. J. Pearson, T., Pathe Freres. 1 Congress St., Jersey City, N. J. York City. Pearson, Virginia. Famous Players, 213 W. 26th St.. New York City. Schade, Betty, Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Pcgg. Vester. Mutual Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Schultz, Henry G., 1219 Madison Ave., New York City Pen, Edw. J., Luliin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Shaw, Brinsley, Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa Penn, M. 0., Pathe Freres, 1 Congress St.. Jersey City. N. J. Shaw, Harold M., Screen Club, New York City. Perlolat. Geo., Victor Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood, Cal. Shay, Wm., Imp Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood, Cal. Peters. Jack, Eoyal Co., 4500 Simset Blvd., Los Angeles. Cal. Shea, Wm., Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn. N. Y. Pickford. Mary. Famous Players. 213 W. 26th St., New York City. Sherman, Ada., Eclectic Co., 110 W. 40th St., New York City Pickford. Lottie, Famous Players, 213 W. 26th St., New TTork City. Sherry,, Barney, New York M. P. Corp., Longacre Bldg., New York City. Pickford, Jack, Griffith Films, Los Angeles. Cal. Sheerer, Will E., Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Pierlot. Francis, Excelsior Co., Lake Placid, N. T. Sheerer, Mrs. W. E., Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Phillippi, Chief, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Shepard, Iva, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. PhllUps, Dorothy, Victor Co, Universal Studio. Hollywood. Cal. Shields, Ernest, Universal Co., Hollywood. Cal. PhlUlps. Norma, Mutual Co.. 4500 Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles, Cal. Shumway. Elsie. Lubln Co., 4550 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles Cal PhilUps, Ethel, Life Photo F. Corp., 110 W. 40th St., New Y'ork City. Shulter, Ed. 193 Cornelia St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Phillips, Augustus, Edison Co., care Screen Club, New Y'ork City. Sibole. Douglass. Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa Physioc, Lewis W., Pathe Freres, 1 Congress St., Jersey City, N. J. Siegman, Geo.. 511 W. 138th St., New Y'ork City. Physioc, Wray, 502 W. 38th St., New York City. Siegmann. G., Majestic Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Pollard. Harrv, Am. F. Co., Santa Barbara, Cal. Simone, Chas.. 617 Avenue E. Bayonne. N. J. Potel, Victor A., Essanay Co., 1333 Argyle St., Chicago, 111. Sindelar. Pearl. Pathe Freres, 1 Congress St., Jersey City, N J Powers, P. A., 126 W. 46th St., New York City. Sisson, Vera, Victor Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood, Cal. PoweU, Frank, Pathe Freres, 1 Congress St., Jersey City, N. J. Slevln, James, King James Hotel, New Y'ork City. Foynter, Beulah, Hector F. Co., 165 E. 89th St., New York City. Slevin. L. J.. Tappan, N. Y. Playtor. Wellington. Gerard Hotel. New York City. Smaley, Phillips, Bex Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood, Cal. Plympton. Horace G.. 11 Frances PI.. Monte Clair, N. J. Smallwood. Arthur, 18 W. 107th St., New York City. Pratt, John H., AU Star Fea. Co., 220 W. 42nd St., New York City. Smallwood, E. C, 224 W. 122nd St., New York City. Prescott, Vivian, Crystal F, Co., 430 Claremont Pkwy., New York City. Smith, A. v., Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. PresteU, Mae, Aetna Film Co., Longacre Bldg., New York City. Smith, Will C. Nicholas Power Co., 90 Gold St., New York City Price, Kate, Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn. N. Y. Smith, Sid. Selig Polyscope Co.. Los Angeles. Cal. Prior. Herbert. Edison Co.. 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange. N. J. Smith. Frank P., Lubln Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Proctor, Geo. B., M. P. News. 220 W. 42nd St.. New Y'ork City. Smith, Frank, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Purdee. Stephan. Kalem Co.. 235 W. 23rd St.. New York City. Smith, Eva, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Purdon, Kichard. Kalem Co.. 235 W. 23rd St.. New York City. Smith, Harry, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City Lubln Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. Smith, Miss Muriel, Hepworth Quinn, Alan, Am. F. Co., 110 W. 40th St , New York Quirk. BiUy, Vitagraph Co., care Screen Club, New York City. City. Baas, Paul, Essanay Co., 1333 Argyle St., Chicago, lU. Smiley, John, Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Eace. John N., Ft. Lee, N. J. Smiley, Joe, Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. HadcUff, Pomona, N. Y. M. P. Corp.. Longacre Bldg., New York City. Smiley, Frank, Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Eainford, Marie, Mutual Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles. Cal. Smyth, Thos. V., 408 W. 44th St., New York City. Kanaus, Inez M.. Victor Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood. Cal. Snow, Marguerite, Thanhouser Co., New Eochelle, N. Y Eattenbury. Harry. Joker Co., Universal Studio. Hollywood, Cal. Snow. Homer H.. Ramo F. Co., 102 W. 101st St.. New Y'ork City Eauscher. Wm. H., Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Snyder. Eaymond, 251 2nd St., Town of Union, N. J. Eaver, Harry S., Columbia Theatre, New York City. Snyder, Matt, Herbert Hotel. San Francisco. Cal. BawUnson, Herbert, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Solter. Harry L., Biverdale Ed.. Westwood. N. J. Eay, Chas., N. Y. M. P. Corp., care Photoplayers' Club, Los Angeles, Cal. Spanuth, H. A.. 145 W, 45th St., New York' City. Eazeto. Stella. SeUg Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Spear, Harry, Majestic Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal Eea, Mab (Little Miss), Life Photo F. Corp., 102 W. 101st St.. New Spedon, S. M., Vitagraph Co., BrooMyn, N. Y. York City. Spencer, Geo. S., Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa Eedmond, Elmera, Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Spencer, E. V., 563 S. Fremont Ave., Los Angeles. Cal Eeed, Dr. Ealston, 136 South St., Morrlstown, N. J. Spmgler. Harry, Life Photo F. Co., 102 W. 101st St., New York City. Beehm, Geo. E., Eellance Co., HoUywood, Cal. Standmg, Jack, Pathe Freres, 1 Congress St., Jersey City, N J Seid, Wallace, Universal Co.. Hollywood, Cal. Standing, Guy. Famous Players. 213 W. 26th St., New York aty. Eeid. Walla, Universal Co.. Hollywood, Cal. Stanley, Geo. C, Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn- N. Y. Reynolds, Harrington, N. Y. M. P. Corp., Longacre Bldg., New York Stanley, H., Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. City. Stanton, Eichard. N. Y. M. P. Corp.. Longacre Bldg,. New Y'ork City. Ehodes, Alice, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Stanwood. Eita. Jesse Lasky Co.. Longacre Bldg., New York City Kidgeley, Cleo., Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Star, White, SeUg Polyscope Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Eidgeley, Eichard, Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange. N. J. Stark, Gladys, Advance M. P. Co., Edgecomb PL, Chicago, 111 Eichmond. Chas., Jesse Lasky Co., Longacre Bldg., New Y'ork City. Starkey. W. H., 242 W. 45th St., New York City. Eick, Vivian, Amer. P. Co., Santa Barbara, Cal. Starr. Richard. Eclair Co., Tucson. Ariz. Eisser, Marguerite. Pathe Freres. 1 Congress St., Jersey City, N. J. Stedman, Myrtle, Bosworth, Inc.. 648 S. Olive St.. Los Angeles. Cal. Eitchey, J. V., 540 W. 21st St., New York City. Stem, Arthur, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Soach, Al., Oz F. Mfg. Co., Monica Blvd.. Los Angeles, Cal. Steiner, Wm., 145 W. 45th St., New York City. Eobin, J. E., W. Apt. 26. 418 , New York City. Steppling, John M., Albuquerque F. Co., 406 Court St., Los Angeles, Cal. Eoberts, Theodore, Jesse Lasky Co., Longacre Bldg., New Y'ork City. Sterhng, Ford, Ciiversal Co.. Hollywood, Cal. Eobson. Phil. 10 W. 64th St.. New York City. Sterling. Marie. Jjubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Bobbins, Wm., Bex Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood, Cal. Stem, Julius, Universal Co.. Hollywood, Cal. Eock, J. B., Schiller Bldg., Chicago. 111. Sterret, J. T., Nicholas Power Co., 90 Gold St., New York City. Bock. Wm. F.. Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Stevani, Mario E., 15 E. 26th St., New York City. Eoccardi, Albert, Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Stevens, Jesse, Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N J Bodequez, Edward, Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Stevens, Geo., Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N Y'. Boekam. E. M., 102 W. 101st St.. New I'ork City. Stewart. Anita. Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn. N. Y. Eoland, Euth, Balboa FUm Co., 540 W. 21st St., New York City. Stock. Gladys. Advance M. P. Co.. Edgecomb PL, Chicago 111 Eolands, Geo. K., 954 Hoe Ave., Bronx, N. Y. Stockdale, Carl. Essanay Co., NUes, Cal. Eonbert, Matty, Imp Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood, Cal. Stockton, Bev. E. B., 167 N. Pkwy., East Orange. N. J. Eoseman, E. F., Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Stonehouse. Euth, Essanay Co., 1333 Argyle St., Chicago, lU. Eoss, Benjamin, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St.. New York City. Storey, Edith, Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Boss, Mary. Kalem Co.. 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Storm, Gerome, N. Y. M. P. Corp., Longacre Bldg., New York City. Eoss. Thos. A., Jesse Lasky Co., Longacre Bldg., New Y'ork City. btoweU. Wm.. SeUg Polyscope Co.. Los Angeles. Cal. Bosson, Dick, Apex F. Co., 145 W. 45th St., New York City. StreUner. Moe, 71 W. 23rd St., New York City. Eottman, Victor, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Stuart, JuUa, Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Eouth, Geo., Lubin Co., 4550 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Stuart, Ralph, care Green Room Club, 139 W. 47th St.. New York City. Bowland. E. A.. 1101 Empire Bldg.. Pittsburgh, Pa. StuU, Walter H., Mutual Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles Cal Euby, Miss. Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Sturgeon, John, Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange N J Bussell, Eaymond. Apex F. Co., 145 W. 45th St.. New York City. Summ er, Frederick, Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Eussell. W. F., Thanhouser Co.. New Eochelle. N. Y. Sutton, etas. W.. Edison Co.. 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. Eyan. Sam, Electric Co.. 110 W. 40th St., New York City. Residence, 2793 Valentine Ave., New York City. Eyan, Joe, Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Swager, Barbara, Advance M. P. Co., Edgecomb PL, Chicago, 111. Eyan, Cecil. Kalem Co.. 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Swant, Marc H., Lambs Club, New York City. Samt Loup, W. V., Canadian Bioscope Co., Halifax, N. S., Can. Swayne, Marian. Melies Co., 204 E. 38th St.. New York City Sals, Marian, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Sweet. Blanche. Majestic Co.. 4500 Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles. Cal Salter, Thelma, Domino Co., 4500 Stmset Blvd., Ims Angeles, Cal. Swicard. Chas.. N. Y. M. P. Corp., Longacre Bldg., New York City. :


Sylvire, Renne, Leading Playe F. Corp., 126 W. 46th St.. Ne Waite, Virginia, Thanhouser Co., New Rochelle, N. Y. City. Walcamp, Marie, Bison Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood, Cal. Talmadge, Corista Vitagraph Co., Boroklyn, N. Y. Walker, Robt., Kalem Co.. 235 W. 23rd St.. New York City. TalmaiiKc N"riiin agraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Walker, Lillian, Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. TailgUr\ l,u,i( ir Co., Tucson, Ariz. Walker, Robert, Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Taylui " ,-iaph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Walsh, Jessie Mae, Apex Fihn Co., 145 W. 45th St., New York City. Taylii. > Ill Am. F. Co., 110 W. 40tli St.. New York City. Walsh, Raoul A., Majestic Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal.

^ Taplin. K , \ Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Walsh, Wm., Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Tedmaish, W ,1 erican F. Co., Santa Barbara, Cal. Wallace, Irene, Victor Co., Universal Co., Hollywood. Cal. Tenuani. Baiijara. Kclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Wallock, Edwin, Selig Polyscope Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Tempest, Tom, Excelsior Co., Lake Placid, N. Y. Ward. Chance. Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Tervvilllger, G. W., Lubln Co., Residence, 6600 N. 12th St.. Oak Lane. Warrenton, Julia, Albuquerque Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Philadelphia, Pa. Watermann, Ida, J'Amous Players, 213 W. 2«Ui St.. New York City. Testa. Dante, Italia Co., 1011 Candler Bldg., New York City. Wayne. Marie. Apex Film Co., 145 W. 45th St., New York City. Thanhouser Twins, New Rochelle, N. Y. Weber. Lois, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Thatcher. Field .1., Advance M. P. Co., Edgecomb PI., Chicago. 111. Webster. Wallace. Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Theby, Rosemary, Universal Co., Holly-wood, Cal. Webb. Kobt. A. (baby). Vitagraph Co.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Thomas, Edward, Flatbush, 72 Lett St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Weirman, Marie. Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Thompson, Fred A., Vitagraph Co.. Brooklyn, N. Y. West, Billy, Majestic Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Ifls Angeles, Cal. Thompson, David, Thanhouser Co., New Bochelle, N. Y. West, Mrs. Billie. Majestic Co.. 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Thompson, Margaret. N. Y. M. P. Corp., Longacre Bldg., New Y'ork West, Chas. H., Photoplayers' Club, Los Angeles, Cal. City. West, Wm. L., Edison Co., 6 Henry Ave., Mamaroneck, N. Y. Thorn by. Bob. Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. West, Josephine, Warner's Fea., Inc., 145 W. 45th St., New York City. Tincher, Fay, Komic Comedies. Keystone Studio, Los Angeles. Cal. Welsh, Wm. J., Universal Imp Co. or Screen Club, Hollywood. Cal. Todd, Harry, Essanay Co., Niles, Cal. Welsh. Wm. J., Imp Universal, Screen Club, New York City. Tooker. Wm. H., Life Photo Film Corp., 102 W. 101st St., New York Wellesley. Chas.. Vitagraph Co.. Brooklyn, N. Y. City. Wheelock. Chas., Majestic Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles, Cal. Townsend, Miss. Selig Polyscope Co., Los Angeles. Cal. White. Paul, Eclectic Co., 110 W. 40th St., New York City. Trauth, John G., 7 W. 108th St., New York City. White. Pearl, Pathe Co., 1 Congress St., Jersey City, N. J. Treman, Wanda, Chariot F. Corp., 110 W. 40th St., New York City. White, Glen J., 201 W. 127th St., New York City. Treskoff. Olga. 214 W. 110th St., New York City. White. Wm., Rex Universal, Hollywood, Cal. Tucker, Richard VV., Edison Co., care Screen Club, New York City. White, Lee, Essanay Co., Chicago. 111. Tucker. Geo. L.. Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Whitman, Velma. Lubin Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Turner. Otis. Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Whitney, Claire. Solax Co., Ft. Lee, N. J. Turner, Fred, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Whitey, Chet, N. Y. M. P. Corp., Longacre Bldg., New York City. Turner, Wm. H.. Lubin Co., Philadelphia. Pa. Wiley, T. C, 20 E. 14th St., New York City. UUman, E. A., Bison Co., Universal Studio, Hollywood, Cal. Williard, Lee, Essanay Co., Niles, Cal. Van, Beatrice. Victor Co.. Universal Studio. Hollywood, Cal. Willat. C. A., Summerset Hotel or 220 W. 43rd St., New York City. Van, Wally. Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Willat. Irving, Grand Venus Hotel, Santiago, Cuba. Van Buren, Ned. Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange. N. J. Williams, Jay C. Edison Co.. 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange. N. J. Van Buren, Mabel, Jesse Lasky Co., Longacre Bldg., New York City. Williams. Earle. Vitagraph Co.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Van Dusen, C, Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Williams. W. A.. 251 W. 129th St., New York City. Van Husan, F. A., Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Williams, Kathlyn, Selig Polyscope Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Van Potel, Earnest, Essanay Co., Niles, Cal. Williams, Malcolm, Famous Players Co.. New York City. Van Trump. Jesslyn. Majestic Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd . Los Angeles. Cal. Williams. G. A.. Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Van Zandt. Myrtle, care Morning Telegraph, New York City. Williams, Cora, Edison Co., 275 W. Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. Vail, Louise, Biograph Co.. 11 E. 14th St.. New York City. Williams, Clara, N. Y. M, P. Corp.. Longacre Bldg.. New York City. Valkyrien, Mile., Centaur Film^Co., Avenue E and 42nd St., Bayonne. Willis. Paul, Majestic Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles. Cal. N. J. Wilkins. Charlotte, Excelsior Co., Lake Placid, N. Y. Vaser. Ernesto. Italia Co.. 1011 Candler Bldg.. New York City. Wilkins, Cora, Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. Vernon. Bob. Komic Comedies. Keystone Studio, Los Angeles, Cal. Wilber, Crane. Lubin Co., Philadelphia. Pa. Vernot. Henry J.. Pathe Freres, 1 Congress St.. .Jersey City. N. J. Wilson, Ben Victor, Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Vernot, Louis, Pathe Freres, 1 Congress St., Jersey City, N. J. Wilson. Hal, Life Photo F. Corp., 102 101st St., New York City. Vignola, Robert G., Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Wilson. Kkic Jane. Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Vincent, James, Sid Olcott International Players, Actors' Society of l,. l;iir Cn., Wllsdii \l , Tucson, Ariz. America, York City. New i WilMii I I ,11 Co., Tucson, Ariz. Villa, Lucie K., Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Wllilii II i: haiice Co., 29 Union Square, New York City. Villa, Agnes W.. Eclair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Wu) .1 i: ..iith F. Co., Los Angeles. Cal. Von Meter, Harry, American F. Mfg. Santa Barbara. Co.. Cal. Wood. ii l,r-iri. I,, lair Co., Tucson, Ariz. Vosburgh. Alfred. Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Woodward. Fud. Apex Film Co.. 145 W. 45th St.. New York City. Vosburgh. Harold. New Victoria Hotel. W. 47th St., New York City. Wood. N. Z., Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St., New York City. Wadsworth. Wm.. Edison Co.. Ave., 275 Lakeside Orange, N. J. Woods, N. S.. Mutual P. Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Cal. Wall, D. v.. Life F. Photo Corp., care Screen Club, New York City. Woods, Frank B.. Mutual Film Co., or Residence, 101 W. 109th St.. Walpole, Stanley, Eclair Tucson, Co., Ariz. New York City. Walthall. Henry, Reliance Co.. Hollywood, Cal. St., York City. Wangeman. Woodruff. Elenor. Eclectic Co.. 110 W. 40th New Richard. Lubin Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. Wolcamp. Marie. Universal Co.. Hollywood, Cal. Ward. Diederick H.. Vesy St.. 20 New York City. Wolbert. Billy, Rex F. Co., 7 Maiden Lane, New Y'ork City. Warren, Edward. 415 W. llSth St., New York City. Wright. Fred. Pathe Freres, St. AugusUne, Fla. Warner. Henry B . Jesse Lasky Co.. Longacre Bldg.. New York City. Wright, Todd. Apex Film Co.. 145 W. 45th St.. New York City. 1-1.", Warner. A . 45th St., City. w New York Wynard. Edward. 539 Dean St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Watsnn \l I uiay Co.. Argyle St., Chicago. 111. 1333 Yost, Herbert, Edison Co., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J.

I Wartici 1 ii. . iiic Film Co., New York City. Younge, Lucille, Balbra Fea. Co., 802 E. Ocean Ave., Long Beach, Cal, Waynr I i,, I ,:, riioto F. Corp., 102 W. 101st St., New York City Residence, St. Anthony Apts. 1. Kr I .Marseilles. Broadway and 103rd St.. New Yo-.k I iiv- Young, Farn, Komic Comedies, Keystone Studio, Los Angeles, Cal. Walsh. irarik. Wliiinian Fea. Co.. Cliffside, N. J. Young, Clara K., Peerless Fea. Prod. Co. (Shubert Co.), New Y'ork City. Walsh. K. A.. Majestic Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Cal, Young, James. Peerless Fea. Prod. Co. (Shubert Co.), New York City. Washburn. Bryant. Essanay Co., 1333 Argyle St., Chicago. 111. Zukor. Adolph, Times Bldg.. New York City. Wade, Lillian (baby). Selig Polyscope Co., Los Angeles, Cal. MR. JAMES VINCENT Leading Man Photoplaywright Producer Actors Society of America NEW YORK PEARL WHITE CLIFFORD BRUCE,

Pearl White, the daring Pauline, who made Feature Leading Man, is a native Charles the Perils series famous, is the leading lady of of Toronto, Canada. Was leading four years, Pathe Freres stock. Pearl White is a Missouri Frohman's man late in girl and she was only five years old when first succeeding the Kyrle Bellew she appeared on the stage. "The Thief" and supporting such famous stars as Wm. Gillette. Went into moving pictures in 1913; has been with Selig, Eclectic; now with ELEANOR BLANCHARD Pathe. Has achieved a big reputa- Eleanor Blanchard was for many mont hs dr tion in romantic and classic leads. matic leading woman with the Melies Co. For His three recent releases are over two years she played the comedy leads with 'A Fool There Was" the Essanay Company of Chicago, and is at pres- 'Children of the Ghetto" and ent engaged with the Lubin forces in Philadelphia. 'The Valley of the Missing" LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE SCREEN CLUB

165 West , New York City

OFFICERS KING BAGGOTT, President. W. TARNHAM, First Vice-Pi-esident. C. A. WILLAT, Second Vice-President. JAS. KIRKWOOD, Third Vice-President. J. H. GEKHARDT, Treasurer. HOPP HADLEY, Corresponding Secretary. W. F. HADDOCK. Recording Secretary.



Abrams, Charles, 42 E. 14th St., New Yorl? City, N. Y. Collins, John H.. 3750 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. Adler, B., Thanhouser Co., New Rochelle, N. Y. Cooke, Geo. J., Jr., 207 W. 138th St., New York City, N. Y. Adolfl, John, 651 Fairview Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Cooper, Bigelow, Edison Co., Bedford Park, New York City, N. Y. Aldrach. W. F.. Charlotte, N. C. Costello. Maurice, Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Anderson, G. M., Niles, Cal. Crampton^ Howard. 406 W. 57th St., care of Whalen, New York City, Amer, Fred C, 422 N. High St., Columbus, 0. Apfel, Oscar G., 6284 Selma Ave., Hollywood. Cal. Crane, Frank H.. Hotel Marliwell. 222 W. 40th St., New York City, N. Y. Arling, Chas., 319 W. 46th St., New York City, N. Y. Cummings, Irving, care of Pathe Freres, Jersey City Heights, N. J. Aronson, Chas. Wilbert, Ellis Club, New Yorlt City, N. Y. Dailey, Jos. L., 173 W. 45th St., New York City, N. Y. Ashley, Arthur H., 415 Bainbridge St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Dawley, J. Searle, Famous Players Film Co., New York City, N. Y. August, Edwin, care of Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Delaney, Leo., Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bach, B. C, 10 Willow Ave., Westmount. Quebec, Canada. Dimond, Bushnell, 400 S. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Baggot, King, Universal Co.. New Yorlt City, N. Y. Dintenfass, Mark. 1600 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. Bailey, Frank T., Butte, Mont., or 220 W. 42nd St., New York City. Dion, Hector, Adelphi Hotel, 470 W. 23rd St.. New York City, N. Y. N. Y. Edwin, Walter. Edison Studio, Bedford Park. New York City, N. Y. Baker. Geo. D., Hotel St. George, Brooklyn Heights, N. Y. Edmonson, Richard. 19 Cecil Ct.. Charing Cross Rd., W. C. London. Balshofer, Fred J., New York Motion Picture Co. Eng. Barry, Edward, 16 Cecil Ct., Charing Cross, London, England, W. C. Ellery, Arthur, Solax Co., Fort Lee, N. J. Barry, Will L., 90 Gold .St., New York City, N. Y. Eldridge, Chas. E., 121 Post Ave., New York City. N. Y. Barker, Chas. V, Engle. Jos. W.. 1600 Broadway. New York City. N. Y. Bauer, Chas. C, 553 W. 33rd St., New York City. N. Y. Ennis. Bert, Eclair Co., 225 W. 42nd St.. New York City. N. Y. Bauman, Chas. O., Longacre Bldg., New York City. N. Y. Ennis. Harry. Beal, Frank, Hotel Wallick, New York City, N. Y. Evans, Thos. W., 216th St. and Broadway. New York City N. Y. Beaumont, Harry, Edison Studio, Bedford Park, New York City. N. Y. Eytinge, Harry B., 382 E. 199th St., New York City, N. Y. Bechtel, Wm. A., Edison Studio, Bedford Park, New York City, N. Y. Farley, Jos. B., 893 Columbus Ave., New York City, N. Y. Beck, Fred, 248 W. 35th St., New York City, N. Y. Farnham, Jos. W., All Star Feature Co., 220 W. 42nd St.. New York Beecroft, Fred J., 145 W. 45th St., New York City, N. Y. City. N. Y. Bell, Gaston, Lubin Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Farren, John J.. Victoria Theatre, Rochester, N. Y. Benham, Harry, Thanhouser Co., New Rochelle, N. Y. Feeley, M. M., 145 W. 45th St., New York City, N. Y. Benner, Yale, Edison Studio, Bedford Park. New York Citr, N. Y. Fielding, Bomaine, Lubin Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. Bennett. Robert, Unity Photo Co., 168 W. 46th St., New York City, N. Y. Finlay, Ned. Bernstein, Jules, 46 Ft. Washington Ave., New York City, N. Y. Fisclier, Chas. F., 311 W. 94th St., New York City, N. Y. Bertona, Daniel, 100 W. 44th St., New York City, N. Y. Fitzgerald. Dallas M., Hotel Continental, 141 W. 116th St.. New York Bishop, Stanley William, American Kineto Co., 1018 Longacre Bldg . City, N. Y. New York City, N. Y. Fitzmaurice. G. Blache, Herbert, Solax Co., Fort Lee. N. J. Foote, Courtenay, Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn. N. Y. Blackton, J. Stuart, Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn. N. Y. Foxe, Earl A., 359 W. 46th St., New York City. N. Y. Blaisdell, Geo. F., 17 Madison Ave., New York City, N. Y. Francis, A. B., 110 Kingsley St., Leonia, N. J., or care of Eclair Studio, Blaisdell, Roland E., Brooklyn, N. Y. Fort Lee, N. J. Blaisdell, Wm., 1807 Avenue K, Brooklyn, N. Y. Fraunholz. Fraunie, 204 Manliattan Ave., New York City, N. Y. BUnkhorn, Albert, 110 W. 40th St., New York City, N. Y. Frazer, Robt. W., Cecil Spooner Co., Bronx, N. Y. Boggs, Lee, 2649 E. 27th St., Sheepshead Bay, N. Y. Gaden, Alexander, 366 W. 46th St., New York City, N. Y. Boggs, John, 157 W. 47th St., New York City, N. Y. Gamble, Robt. L., Altoona. Pa. Bosworth, C. R., 175 W. River St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Garrison, G. Blake. 145 W. 45th St., New York City, N. Y. Bracey, Sydney, Thanhouser Co., New Rochelle, N. Y. Garwood, Wm., 317 S. Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal. Bradford, F. G., Gaumont Co., Flushing, N. Y. Gasnier, Louis. Pathe Freres, Jersey City Heights, N. J. Brandt, Joseph, 1600 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. Gasklll, Chas. L., Tappan, N. Y. Brandt, Chas., 4843 Cedar Ave., West Philadelphia, Pa. Gates, Harvey H., 408 Audubon Ave., New York City, N. Y. Bredeson, Hy. B., Edison Co., 2826 Decatur Ave., New York City, N. Y. Gaudio, G., 2340 Crotona Ave., New York City, N. Y. Residence, 3073 Hull Ave., Bronx. Gausman. J. A., 601-603 W. 47th St.. New York City, N. Y. Brenon, Herbert, Aljomar Apt.. 828 7th Ave., New York City, N. Y. Geleng, Louis, 18805 Detroit Ave., Cleveland, O. Brooke, Van Dyke, 1112 Dean St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Gerhardt, J. H., Dramatic Mirror, 145 V.'. 45th St.. New York City. Brower. Holiert. 2493 Valentine Ave., Fordham. N. Y. N. Y., Residence, 150 Moffat St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Brulatour. J. E., 31 E. 27th St., New York City, N. Y. Giegerich. C. J., 1515 E. 9th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bunny. John, 1416 Avenue G., Brooklyn, N. Y. Gillett, E. Kendall, Pelham Manor. New York City, N. Y. Burbidge, Chas. J., 212 Lennox Ave., New York City, N. Y. Goetz, Ben, Crystal Film Co., Wendover and Park Ave., New York City. Burton, Frank. 214 W. 109th St., New York City. N. Y. N. Y. Bushman. Francis X., care of Essanay, 1333 Argyle St.. Chicago. 111. Gondolfl, Alfredo, 304y2 Sherman Ave.. Jersey City, N. J. Butts, Worthy, care of Greenwich Ptg. Co., 540 W. 21st St., New York Goodwin, Jack, 425 W. 57th St., New York City, N. Y. City, N. Y. Gordon, Harris, 1690 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. Carlyle, Francis, 130 W. 44th St., New York City. N. Y. Gordon. James, The Screen Club, New York City, N. Y. Carleton, Lloyd B., 240 W. 102nd St., New York City, N. Y. Graham, Cecil C, Mldgar Features, 133 W. 44th St., New York City. Carney, Augustus, Dramatic Mirror, New York City, N. Y. Graham, Artllur Butler, 412 West End Ave.. New York City, N. Y. Carroll, Frank J., Flanders Hotel, New York City. N. Y. Graham, J. C, Mecca Bldg., New York City, N. Y. Carroll, James J,, 15 Vandewater St., care of F. J. Fountain. New York Greene. Walter E., 1018 Colonial Bldg.. Boston, Mass. City. N. Y. Gregory, Carl L., 301 Hugenot St., New Eoclielle, N. Y. Cavanaugh, Wm. N.. 320 Park Ave., Weehawken, N. J. GrifHn, Frank C. Cella, Peter. Fort Lee, N. J. Grimmer, Frank A., Thanhouser Co., New Rochelle, N. Y. Chapman, Chas. D., Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Gunning, Fred, 130 W. 47th St., Apt. 22, New York City, N. Y. Charles. .John, care of Mrs. Rosa Wliitman, Bloomingdale. N. J. Haddock, Wm. F., 1570 E. 15th St., Flatbush, N. Y. Cherry. W. I., All Star Feature Co., 220 W. 42nd St.,, New York Hadley, Hopp, 35 Ft. Washington Ave., New York City, N. Y. City, N. Y. Hale, Alan, 129 W. 46th St., New York City, N. Y. City, Y. Chisholm, John M., 108 Convent Ave., New York N. Hale, Albert W., Majestic Co., 651 Fairview Ave., Los Angeles, Cal, Y. Clapp, C. B., 807 E. 175th St., New York City, N. Hall, Donald, care of Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Clymer, John B., W. 42nd St.. care of Exclusive Supply Co., New 220 Hall, Geo. Edward, 1600 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. York City, N. Y. Handworth, Harry, Pathe Freres, Jersey City Heights, N. J. Clark, James B.. 101 Kmnire Bldg., Pittsiiurgh. Pa. Harding, Thos., Nestor Studio, Bayonne, Cobb, C. Lang, Jr., 102 W. 101st St., New York City. N. Y. N. J. Cohn, Jack, 600 W. 178th St., New York City. N. Y. Harding, John, care of Amhrosio-Amerlcan Film Co.. 15 E. 26th St. Collins, Jos. P., Athens Hotel, 56 E. 42nd St.. New York City, N. Y New York City. N. Y. 50 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

Hedlund, Guy. Hadlyme. Conn. O Connor. Edward, Edison Co., Bedford Park, New York City, N. Y. Hedwig, Willia, 184 Arlington Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Oes, Ingvald C, 110 W. 40th St., New York City, N. Y. Hennessy, Geo., 618 Bryson Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Offeman, Emile, 225 W. 42nd St., New York City, N. Y Hite, C. J., care of Thanhouser Co.. New Roclielle, N. Y. Oldknow, Wm., Atlanta, Ga. Hoffman, Hugh, care of Moving Picture World, 17 Madison O'Sumvan, Anthony, 807 iE. 175th St., New York City, N. Y. York City, N. Y. Paget, Alfred. Biograph Co., New York City, N. Y HoUiday, F. E., Gaumont, Flushing, L. I., N. Y. Panzer. Paul. 320 Park Ave.. Weehawken. N. J. PhilUps, Holmes. Stuart, care of Kamo Co., 102 W. 101st ;., New York City, Augustus. Edison Co., Bedford Park, New York City, N Y Physioc, Wray, 502 W. 38th St., New York City, N. Y. Holmes, Bapley, care of Essanay Co., Chicago, 111. Pratt, John H., 14 W. 101st St., or All Star Feature Corp., New York Hopkins, John, 506 W. 135th St., New York City, N. Y. City. N. Y. Hopp, Jos., Washington St., Chicago, 111. Proctor. Geo. DuBoIs, Motion Picture News, 220 W. 42nd St New Horsley, David, 1600 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. York City, N. Y. Hotaling, Garry, Lubin Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Plympton, Horace G., 11 Frances Place, Monteclair, N. J. Houseman, Arthur, Edison Co., Bedford Park, New Y^ork City, N. Y. Powell, Frank. Pathe Freres. Jersey City Heights. N. J. Humphrey, Wm. A., 1310 Ave. P, Brooklyn, N. Y. Powers. P. A., 126 W. 46th St., New York City, N. Y. Hunt, Jay. Kay-Bee, Santa Monica, Cal. Prior, Herbert, Edison Co., Bedford Park, New York City, N. Y. Hunter, T. Hayes. Quirk, Wm., Bogata, N. J. Hutchinson, James, 600 W. 178th St., New Y'ork City. N. Y. Bead, J. Parker, Jr., 220 W. 42nd St., New York City, N. Y. Ince, Ealph W.. Brightwater, L. I., N. Y. Race. John N., Fort Lee. N. J. Ivery, Dr. Wm. J., 343 W. 46th St., New York City, N. Y. Reed, Dr. E. Ralston, 136 South St., Morristown, N. J. Jefferson, Thomas, 140 Wadsworth Ave.. New York City, N. Y. Reehm, Geo. E.. Reliance Co., Yonkers, N Y. Jefferson, Wm. W., 119 W. 71st St., New York City, N. Y. Raver, Harry R., Columbia Theatre, New York City, N. Y. Jenkins, Geo. A., 5 E, 42nd St., New York City, N. Y. Ridgeley, Richard, Edison Co., Bedford Park, New York City, N Y. Johnson, Arthur V., Lubin Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Eitchey, J. V., 540 W. 21st St., New York City, N. Y. Johnson, Teflt, Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Eobin, J, E.^ 418 Central Park W., Apt. 26, New York. City, N Y Johnston, J. W. Eobson, Phil, 10 W. 64th St., New York City, N. Y. Johnston, W. A., Motion Picture News, 220 W. 42nd St., New York Eock, J. B., Schiller Bldg., Chicago, 111. City, N. Y. Eock, Wm. F., Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Jones, C. William, care of N. Y. Athletic Club. New York City. N. Y. Roekam, E. M., 102 W. 101st St., New York City, N. Y. Joste. Robert. 416 W. 33rd St., New York City, N. Y. Rowland, E. A., 1101 Empire Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Jourjon, Charles, 225 W. 42nd St., New York City, N. Y. Eubenstein, I. B., Judson, H. C, Moving Picture World, New York City, N. Y. Eussell, W. F., Thanhouser Co., New Eochelle, N. Y. Kaufman. Albert A., Famous Players, 219 W. 26th St., New York City Saint Loup, W. V., Canadian Bioscope Co., Halifax, N. S., Can. N. Y. Sargent, Espes, W., Box 70, Madison Sq. P. 0., New York City, N. T. Karn, Geo. E., Screen Club. New York City, N. Y. Saunders, Alfred M., Colonial M. P. Co., 18 E. 41st St., New York Karr, Darwin, Solax Co., Fort Lee, N. J. City, N. Y. Keane, James A., United Keanograph Film Mfg. Co., Fairfax, Cal. Seardon, Paul, 250 Madison Ave., Hasbruck Heights, N. J. Kendall, Preston. Inwood Court. 207th St. and Post Ave.. New York Seay, Chas. M., Edison Co., Bedford Park, New York City, N. Y. City. N. Y. Schulberg, B. P. Kent, Chas., 800 E. 14th St.. Flatbush. Brooklyn, N. Y. Scranton, E. V. G., Box 195, Brooklyn, N. Y. Kerrigan, Warren, care of Universal Film Co.. Hollvwond, Cal. Senarens. Lu, Tousey Publishing Co., W. 23rd St., New York City, N. Y. Kessel. A., Jr., 251 W. 19th St., New York City, N. Y. Shaw, Harold M.. Screen Club, New York City, N. Y. Kessel, Chas., N. Y. Motion Picture Co., Longacre Bldg., New York Shay, Wm., Imp, New York City, N. Y. City, N. Y. Shay, Wm. E., Gerard Hotel, New York City, N. Y. Kingsley, Pierce, 207 W. 109th St., New York City, N. Y. Shea, Wm., Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn. N. Y. Kirkwood, James, Remington Hotel. New York City, N. Y. Sheerer. Will E., Eclair Co., Fort Lee, N. J. Klein. Phil, Shulter, Ed., 193 Cornelia St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ICnowles, Harry, Screen Club, New York City, N. Y. Siegman, Geo., 511 W. 138th St., New York City, N. Y. Kraus. M. A., 14 E. 17th St., New York City, N. Y. Simone, Chas., 617 Ave. E., Bayonne, N. J. Laemmle, Carl, 1600 Broadway. New Y'ork City. N. Y. Slevin, James, King James Hotel, New York City, N. Y. Lane, Geo.. 2863 W. 20th St., Coney Island. N. Y. Slevin, L. J., Tappan, N. Y. Lawrence, Frank, 344 Lenox Ave., New York City, N. Y. Smalley, Phillip, care of Universal Co., Hollywood, Cal. Leonard, Geo. E.. 185 Broadway, New York City. N. Y. Smallwood, Arthur N., 18 W. 107th St., New York City, N. Y. LeSalnt, E. J., 4500 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles. Cal. Smallwood, R. C, 224 W. 122nd St., New York City, N. Y. Leslie, Arthur B., Elmwood Hotel. East Orange. N. J. Smith. Frank. Lesser, Sol L.. 234 Eddy St., San Francisco, Cal. Smith. Will C, Nicholas Power Co., 90 Gold St., New York City, N. Y. Lessey, Geo. A.. 1731 W. 9th St., Brooklyn. N. Y. Smith, A. v., Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Leviness. Carl M., Reliance Co., 537 Biverdale Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Smyth, Thomas Vincent, 408 W. 44th St., New York City, N. Y, Levine, H. Z., 233 W. 115th St., New York City. N. Y. Sniffen, F. E. Lewis. Edgar. 400 W. 57th St.. New York City. N. Y. Snow,^Homer H., Eamo Film Co., 102 W. 101st St., New Y'ork City. Lewis. H. Tracey, 1493 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. Lewis, Ralph. Snyder,' Matt, Hotel Herbert, San Francisco, Cal. Lichtman, Al., Famous Players, Times Bldg., New York City, N. Y. Snyder, Raymond M., 251 2nd St., Town of Union, N. J. Llnson, Harry. 1994 Webster Ave., New York City N. Y. Solter, Harry L., Riverdale Rd., Westwood, N. J. Loewenthal, Bernard, Commercial M. P. Co., 102 W. 101st St., New York Spear, Harry, Majestic Co., 651 Fairview Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. City, N. Y. Spedon, S. M., Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Spencer, Lorimore, Alec, 1603 World's Tower Bldg. and 110 W. 40th St., New Richard V., 563 S. Fremont Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. York City, N. Y. Splngler, Harry, 528 W. 145th St., New York City, N. Y. Standing, Louis, Will, 3651 N. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Jack. 16 W. 104th St.. New York City. N. Y. Lubin, Siegmund. Philadelphia, Pa. Starkey. W. H.. 242 W, 45th St., New York City, N. Y. Lucas, Wilfred, 5821 Carlton Way, Hollywood, Cal. Stelner, Wm., 145 W. 45th St., New York City, N. Y. Stoppling, John M., Albuquerque Lund. Oscar A. C. Eclair Co., Fort Lee, N. J. Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Stern, Julius, Mack, H. S.. 311 W. 94th St., New York City. N. Y. Imp Film Co., New York City, N. Y. Mason. Frank. Vitagraph Co.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Sterrett, J. T., Nicholas Power Co., 90 Gold St., New York City, N. Y. Stevenson, Mason. Dan, Edison Studio, Bedford Park, New York City, N. Y. Geo. M. StevanI, Mario A., St., Mayo, A. F., 540 W. 21st St., New York City. N. Y. 15 E. 26th New York City, N. Y. Stockton, Rev. E. Mahan, John, W., 382 Wadsworth Ave.. New York City N. Y. B., 167 No. Parkway, E. Orange, N. J. Streimer, Moe, W. St., McChesney, L. W., Thos. A. Edison, Inc., Orange, N. J. 71 23rd New York City, N. Y. Stull, Walter H., Reliance McCormack, W. F., 256 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. Studio, Yonkers. N. Y. Sturgeon, John M., Edison Co., Bedford McGee, Morris, 317 W. 46th St., New York City, N. Y. Park, New York City, N. Y. Swan, H., McGill, Lawrence, All Star Feature Film Co., Candler Bldg., New Yorit Mark Lambs Club, New York City, N. Y. TerwIUIger, Lubin Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Residence, 12th City, N. Y., Residence, Grantwood, N. J. 6600 N. St., Oak Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. McGovern, Elmer, J., N. Y. M. P. Corporation, Longacre Bldg., New York City, N. Y. Thomas. Edward. 72 Lott St.. Flatbush. Brooklyn, N. Y. Thompson, David, Thanhouser Co., Rochelle, McGovern, Albert, Pathe Freres, Jersey City Heights, N. J. New N. Y. Thomson, Vitagraph McGowan, Hughie, Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn. N. Y. Fred A., Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. - McKee, Raymond, Lubin Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. TIchenor, F. A., 147 4th Ave., New York City, N. Y. Trauth, Metcalfe, Earl. Lubin Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. John G., 7 W. 108th St., New Y^ork City N. Y. Tucker, Richard W., Decatur Middleton, Edward. 200 Manhattan Ave.. Apt. 69. New York City. N. Y. 2656 Ave., New York City, N. Y. Travers, R. care of Essanany Miles. David. Hotel Cumberland, New Y'ork City. N. Y. C, Co., Chicago, 111. Wall, D. v., 101 91st St., York City, Miles, Herbert, 145 W. 45th St., New York City, N. Y. W. New N. Y. Walpole, Stanley, Eclair Studio, Fort Lee, N. J. Miles, J. R., Exclusive Supply Co., 220 W. 42nd St., New York City, N. Y. Ward, Diederich, H., 20 Vesey St., New York City, N. Y. Warner, A., St., Millarde, Harry, care of Kalem Co., Pleasant View, Jacksonville. Fla. 145 W. 45th New York City, N. Y. Warren, Edward, St., Y. Miller, Ashley. 2826 Decatur Ave.. New York City, N. T. 415 W. llSth New York City, N. Warren Giles, Dumont, J. Milligan, Wendell P., Billboard, New York City, N. Y. N. Welch, J.. B. St.. Mills, Thos. R., Reliance Co., Yonkers, N. Y. W. 203 205th New York Cty. N. Y. West. L.. Mindil, Philip, 29 Union Square W., Yonkers, N. Y. Wm. 6 Henry Ave., Mamaroneck, N. Y. Wharton. Leopold D. Monroe, James E., care of H. E. Law, 502 W. 38th St., Yonkers. N Y Wharton, Theo. W., care of Essanay Film Co.. Chicago, 111. Moore. Mat. 643 W. 43rd St., Victor Studio, New York City, N. Y. Wilbur, Crane, Pathe Freres, Morey, Harry A., Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Jersey City Heights. N. J. Wiley, T. E. St., York City, Morris, W. E. Stuart, Lubin Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. C. 20 14th New N. Y. Willat, C. A.. 220 23rd St. Residence, Somerset Hotel. York Morrison, J. Woods, Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. W. New City. N Y. Morton, Walter, Box 308, Edgewater, N. J. Willat. Irving. Grand Venus Hotel. Santiago, Cuba. Moses, A. H., Jr., Thanhouser Co., New Eochelle, N. Y. Williams, C. Jay, Edison Co., Bedford Park, York City, Y". Musson. Bennett. The Screen. Cub, New York Citv. N. Y. New N. Williams, Earle, Vitagraph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Muth, Dr. Geo. H., Aeolian Bldg., W. 42nd St., New York City, N. Y. Wilson, C. H., Thos. A. Edison, Inc.. Orange. J. Nichols, Geo. O., Kay Bee Co., Santa Monica. Cal. N. Wilson, Ben F., Edison Co.. Bedford Park, New York City. Y. Nickolaus, John M.. Nestor Film Co.. Bayonne, N. J. N. Frank E., Mutual Film Co., St. Residence, Neill, H. S.. 2676 Decatur Ave., New York City. N. Y. Woods, 71 W. 23rd 101 W. 109th St., Npw York City. N. Y. Nillson, Alec. 165 E. 89th St.. New York City. ' N. Y. Wilson, Hal., E. 14th St., Brooklyn, Y. Noble. John W., Screen Club, New York City, N. Y. 1707 N. Wynard, Edward, 539 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y. North, Wilfred, 204 W. 79th St., New York City, N. Y. Yost, Herbert A.. Edison Co.. Bedford Park, New York City, N. Y. Noto, Louis M.. 222 W. 42nd St., New York City, N. Y. Young, James. Vitagraph Co.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Obstfleld. Henry, Apeda Studio. 102 W. 38th St.. New York City. N. Y. Zukor, Adolph, Times Bldg., New York City, N. Y. LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE REEL CLUB—CHICAGO


NEHLS. President. E. E, BRADFORD, V V. D. HILBRETH, Secretary. L. A. BOENING, T



Richard Travers, Essanay Film JIfg. Co., 1333 Argyle St. D. W. Russell, David Horsley, Schiller Bldg. Harvey E. Gausman, Pontiac Bldg. William Grew, Selig Polyscope Co., Western & Irving Park. Rapley Holmes, Essanay Film Mtg. Co. George L. Cox, Peoples Gas Bldg. William S. Bastar, LaSaUe Hotel. Robert Roy Barker, Photoplay Co., 30 W. Lake St. Edwin A. Hlbben, Saturday Evening Telegraph, Colonial Theatre Bldg. John J. Daily, Vitagraph Co., Schiller Bldg. WaUace F. Beery, Essanay Film Mfg. Co. Claud R. Plough, Anti-Trust Film Co., 128 W. Lake St. Eddie Redway, Essanay Film Mfg. Co. Walter R. Seates, General Film Co.. 5 S. Wabash Ave. Samuel E. Kinliead, care of George Kleine, 1G6 N. State St. Percy Walker Plummer. Amusement Supply Co., 160 N. 5th Ave. CuUen Holmes Ferrel, care of George Kleme, 166 N. State St. Ben W. Beadell, Thomas Edison, Incorp., 139 N. Clark St. Homer C. Conde, 610 Federal St. Frank E. Williams, Mutual Film Corp., 5 S. Wabash Ave. Mortan L, Vance, Vance Mfg. Co., 544 W. Lalie St. Ralph E. Bradford, Mutual Film Corp., 5 S. Wabash Ave. Merle E. Smith, George Kleine, 166 N. State St. Walter A. Daniels, National Water Proof Film Co., ,4200 W. Adams St. E. L. Hickey, Barnes Crosby & Co., Madison & Franklin Sts. Frank J. Flaherty, Universal Film Mfg. Co., 172 W. Washington St. Harry McRae Webster, Essanay Film Mfg. Co. J. Clarkson Miller, George Kleine, 166 N. State St. Joseph A. Roach, Essanay Film Mfg. Co. Len W. McChesney, Thomas A. Edison, Incorp., Orange, N. J. Frank S. Phelps, care of George Kleine, 166 N. State St. John W. Brickhouse, Continental Feature Film Corp., 5 S. Wabash Ave. G. A. Ziebarth, care of American Film Mfg. Co., 6225 Broadway. John Joseph McGrath, McGrath Co., 543 S. Dearborn St. George Berg, 6235 Honore St. Earl C. Turner, SeUg Polyscope Co., 3900 N. Claremont Ave. Edward S. Gaylor, Jr., 1523 Harris Trust Bldg. Adolph Ed. Kull, SeUg Polyscope Co., Western & Irving Park. Wm. M. Young, care of Essanay. Ott A. Schossling, Sellg Polyscope Co., Western & Irving Park. Albert V. Steis, Essanay. S. Quinn. American Standard Motion Picture Corp., 926 Consumers Bldg. Fred H. Wagner, Essanay. Otto Albert Walffen, Selig Polyscope Co., 3900 N. Claremont Ave. B. B. Nehls, American Film Mfg. Co.. 6225 Broadway. N. G. Waitkins. American Standard Motion Picture Corp., 926 Con- Oscar Eagle, care of Sellg Polyscope Co., Western & Irving Park Blvd. sumers Bldg. L. A. Boenlng, American Cinematograph Co., 617 W. Jackson Blvd. Jacques Jensen, Selig Polyscope Co., 3900 N. Claremont Ave. Warren A. Patrick, care of New York Clipper, Ashland Blk. Bryant Washburn, Essanay Film Mfg. Co., 1333 Argyle St. Omer F. Doud, care of George Kleine, 166 N. State St. Francis X. Bushman, Essanay Film Mfg. Co.. 1333 Argyle St. Don Meaney, Essanay Film Mfg. Co., 1333 Argyle St. Phil Spery, American Cinematograph Co., 617 W. Jackson Blvd. Chas. Nixon, Selig Polyscope Co., 20 E. Randolph St. Allen J. Normal, Mutual Film Corp., 117 N. Dearborn St. W. R. Rothacker, Industrial Moving Picture Co., 213 W. Erie St. Bert Ayres, Vitagraph Co., 901 Ft. Dearborn Bldg. N. Sawyer, Industrial Moving Picture Co., 213 W. Erie St. John H. Byrnes. Historical Feature Film Corp., 901 Ft. Dearborn Bldg. Chas. Andress, care of Billboard, Schiller Bldg. T. C. Montgomery, General Film Co., 17 S. Wabash Ave. Harold Vosburgh, Selig Polyscope Co., Western & Irving Park. Ralph O. Proctor, General Film Co.. 17 S. Wabash Ave. 0. F. Spahr, Enterprise Optical Co., 564 W. Randolph St. Edw. Cohen, General Film Co., 19 S. Wabash Ave. Tom QuiU, Goes Lithographic Co., 175 W. Jackson Blvd. Edwin L. Barker, International Harvester Co., 4th Fl., Harvester Bldg. Walter Early. Morning Telegraph, 110 S. Dearborn St. Charles Clark. Essanay Film Mfg. Co., 1333 Argyle St.

Frank Hough, Kleine Optical Co., 166 N. State St. Paul Subline , American Cinematograph Co., 617 W. Jackson Blvd. John Bock, Vitagraph Co., Schiller Bldg. Freeman H. Owens, Essanay Film Mfg. Co., 1333 Argyle St. 1. Eisner, Mutual Film Corporation, 5 S. Wabash Ave. Chas. E. Kaufman, Essanay Film Mfg. Co., 1333 Argyle St. Roie Claire Seery, The Mutual Film Corp., 5 S. Wabash Ave.


Southwestern Photoplay Service, El Paso, Tex. The Veritas Publishing Co., Suite 7079 Metropolitan Bldg., New York H. Hursh, 123 S. 3rd St., Harrisburg, Pa. City, N. Y. Courtney, Wentworth, 123 W. 44th St., New York City, N. Y. Ernest A. Dench. 17 Frederick Crescent. Brixton. London. S. W., Eng. Atlas Publishing Co.. 318 Atlas Bank Bldg,, Cincinnati, Ohio. Story Revision Co.. Box 350. Smethport, Pa. Ed. Gamble, E. Liverpool, 0. Complete Supply Co.. 1239 W. Lehigh. Philadelphia. Pa. Author's Mo. Pic. School, 122 S. Michigan Ave.. Chicago, 111. Photoplaywrights' Exchange, 1029 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. 111. Service Bureau, Box 22, Sallna Sta., Syracuse, N. Y. Lee A. Baugh, Oakland. Neb. Assoc. M. P. School, 644 Sheridan Rd.. Chicago, 111. Will Leonhardt, 1321 3rd Ave., New York City, N. Y. Photoplay Clearing House, 175 DuEQeld St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Cloud Pub. Co., 1100 Hartford Bldg., Chicago. 111. Consldt. Photo & Vaud. Playrights, Ashland. Ohio. The Movie Pictorial, Chicago, or New York City. Caldron Pub. Co., 175 Duffleld St., Brooklyn, N. i. Chalmers Pub. Co., Box 226, Madison Sq. P. O.. New York City. N. Y. Amer. Author's Asso., Room 604, 1535 Broadway, New York City. N. Y. Practical Pub. Co., 434-A Cent. , New fork City. N. Y. Jack Liverpool, 394 Massachusetts Ave., Boston, Mass. Photo-Play Asso., Box 109, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Mumir Pub. Co., Box 162, Brockton, Mass. The Home Correspondence School, Dept. 129. Springfield, Mass. A. Kennedy, 3309 North 17th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Rex Literary Bureau, 57 Stockton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Literary Enterprise, 3348 Lowe Ave., Chicago, 111. The P. A. Booking OfBces, Chicago. 111. L. Hoeh, 4105 Ballard Ave., Cincinnati, O. The Scenario TypewriUng Co., 6346 St. Lawrence Ave.. Chicago. 111. Louis CahiD, 793 Broadway, Fall River, Mass. J. Caputo. Box 421, Homer City, Pa. The Motograph Co., 602 Berry-Whitmore Bldg., Washington, D. C. United Press Syndicate. Dept. M. P., San Francisco. Cal. Koss Boyer, Edinburg, Ind. Enterprise Pub. Co., F. 3348 Lowe Ave., Chicago, 111. Photoplaywrights Asso. of Amer.. 8 S. Dearborn, Chicago. 111. Labberton Co., 1308 Hoe Ave., New York City, N. Y. Paul W. Bicker, 1921 Fairmount Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Fred A. Pitz, Amana. Iowa. United Play Brokerage, Fostoria, Ohio. The Author's Syndicate. 930 Tribune Bldg.. New York City, N. Y. N. Y. School of Photoplay Writing, 1531 Broadway, New Y'ork City. N. Y. Nathan Neivmann, 1547 Broadway. New York City. Dean Pub. Co., 32 E. 3rd Ave., Cincinnati, O. Stanhope-Dodge. Publisliers. 7 Pa., Larchmont. N. Y. Amer. School for Photoplay Writers, Washington, D. C. Phillips Studio. 156 5th Ave., New York City, N, Y. L. Radnor. 118 E. 28th St., New York City, N. Y. Jewett Merchandise Co., 716 Broadway, Bayonne, N. J. Perrin E. Jordan, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. VAN LORENZ INSTITUTE Albert Moore, Box 772, Chicago, 111. Percy Ewing, 6 Thatcherway, Decatur. 111. Moving Picture Acting, Dancing and Dramatic Art The Amer. Playwrite, 1440 Broadway, W. T. Price. New York City, N. Y. Penn. Assn., Heed Bldg., Dept. A, Philadelphia. Pa. Perfect instruction guaranteed—unlimited opportunities—students Chi. Photo-Playwright CoUege, Box 278, J. O., Chicago, 111. trained thoroughly —No guaranteed positions — Investigation X. Y.'s School of Photoplay Writing, 401 Astor Theatre Bldg., Broadway. invited. New York City. N. Y'. Western Photoplay Co.. 1646-M, Spokane. Wash. 238 W. 46th St. [Bryant 5144] New York City —


Efficiency Plus-

The machines used in the processing of motion picture film should—in design and construction—be of such a character as to be a positive aid in the artistic develop- ment of the motion picture. These machines should be marked by superior design and skilled workmanship by precision and accuracy. And since the functions of these machines are interde- pendent they should be so standardized as to insure economy and efficiency in their operation.

Bell & Howell Cinemachinery Meets these conditions squarely and be- cause it excels in design and construction —in precision and accuracy—in quantity and quality of output, it is at once the best and cheapest machinery in the world with which to process motion picture film.

Bell & Howell Products Have set new and higher standards in machine design and construction. Our Perforator—by reason of its general use—may be said to have established the standard of film perforation in America. Our Camera is being used in studios and in the field—in the desert and in the Arctic Regions—and is everywhere producing the best possible pictures at the minimum of cost. Our Printers are not excelled either in quantity or quality of output in their pro- duction of positive prints. AND our Film Measuring Machine—latest of our efficiency-promoting devices—af- fords to every man an opportunity to KNOW HIS FILM FOOTAGE. Bell & Howell Company Designers and Manufacturers Standard Cinemachinery 1801-1807 Larchmont Avenue, Chicago, 111. MOTION PICTURE THEATRES of the United States, Canada, Alaska, Hawaiian Islands, New Zealand and Mexico ALABAMA

ALABAMA CITY—People's Theatre. GADSDEN—Belle Theatre, 505 Broad St. ALBEETVILLE—Electric Theatre, Main St. GADSDEN—Royal Theatre, N. E, cor. Broad and Cort Sts. ALEXANDEB CITY—Pastime Theatre. GREENSBORO-Crescent Theatre. Main St., S. W. ALTOONA—Amusu Theatre. GREENVILLE—Iris Theatre. AI/TOONA—Movie Theatre. GREENVILLE—Princess Theatre. ANDALUSIA—. GUNTERSVILLE—Alamo Theatre. ANNISTON—. HARTSELLE—Scenic Theatre. ANNISTON—Theatorium Theatre, 1026 Noble -St. HUNTSVILLE—Dixie Theatre, ATHENS—Dliie Theatre. HUNTSVILLE—Theatorium Theatre. ATMOHE—Crescent Theatre. HUNTSVILLE—Washington Theatre. ATTALLA—Pleasant Hour Theatre, ith Ave. MARION—Bonita Theatre. BESSEMER—. MOBILE—Bijou Theatre. 220 Dauphine St. BESSEMER—Grand Theatre. MOBILE—Crown Theatre, 257 Dauphine St. BESSEMER—Bungalo Theatre, 1912 2nd Ave. MOBILE—Daisy Theatre. 107 Dauphine St. BESSEMER—Pictorama Theatre, 1910 2nd Ave. MOBILE—Dixie , Dixie Park. BESSEMER—Sun Theatre. MOBILE—Dreamland Theatre, 11 N. Conception St. BIRMINGHAM—Alacazar Theatre, 11911 2nd Ave. MOBILE—Keener Theatre. BIRinNGHAM—Best Theatre, 2016 2nd Ave. MOBILE—Lyric Theatre. BIRMINGHAM-Hippodrome Theatre, 3rd Ave. and 17th St. MOBILE—Mobile Theatre. BIRraNGHAM—Majestic Theatre. MOBILE—People's Theatre. BIRMINGHAM—Margarette Theatre. Woodlawn Station. MOBILE—Royal Theatre, 106 Dauphin St. BIRMINGHAM—Odeon Theatre, 1907 2nd Ave. MOBILE—Star Theatre. BIRMINGHAM—, 3rd Ave. and 17th St, MONTGOMERY—Empire Theatre, 19 Commerce St. BIRMINGHAM—Princess Theatre, 216 N. 20th St. MONTGOMERY—Empress Theatre, 5 Court Sq. BIRMINGHAM—Vaudette Theatre, 1900 2nd Ave. MONTGOMERY—Famous Theatre, 119 Monroe St. WEST BLOCTON—West Blocton Theatorium. MONTGOMERY—Grand Theatre, 210 Dexter Ave. BREWTON—Vaudette Theatre. MONTGOMERY—Lyric Theatre. BRIDGEPORT—. MONTGOMERY—Majestic Theatre, CAMP HILL—Musutorium Theatre. MONTGOMERY—Pekin Theatre, Monroe and Lawrence Sts. CARBON HILI^Pastime Theatre. MONTGOMERY-, 28 Dexter Ave. CLAYTON—Princess Theatre. MONTGOMERY—Star Theatre. COLUMBIA—Theatorium, Montford Beach. MONTGOMERY—Tip Top Theatre. CULLMAN—Esther Theatre. NEW DACATUE—Delite Theatre, 605 2nd Ave. CULLMAN—Lyric Theatre. NEW DACATUR—Masonic Theatre. CULLMAN—Princess Theatre, 319 W. 2nd Ave. OZARK—Lyric Theatre. DADE\'ILLE—Alamo Theatre. OZARK—Princess Theatre. DECATUR—Lyceum Theatre. OPP—Crown Theatre. DECATUR—Star Theatre, 406 Bank St. PRATTVILLE—Crescent Theatre. DEMOPOLIS—A Mus U Theatre. PBATTVILLE—Edna Theatre. DEMOPOLIS—Royal Theatre. EAGLAND—Pastime Theatre. DORA—Electric Theatre. BOANOKE—Scenic Theatre. DOTHAN—, 122 N. Foster St. SELMA—Academy of Music, Broad St. DOTHAN—Electric Theatre. Main St. SELMA—Bank Theatre. DOTHAN—Palace Theatre. 138 Foster St. SELMA—Picto Theatre, 921 Broad St. DOTHAN—Senn Station Theatre, 211 E. Main St. SHEFFIELD—Theato Theatre, Montgomery Ave. and 5tli St. ENSLEY—Belle Theatre, 1719 Avenue E. SYLACAUGA—New Fraternal Theatre. ENSLEY—Franklin Theatre, 1915 Avenue E. SYLACAUGA—Star Theatre. ENSLEY—Star Theatre, 1919 Avenue E, TALLADEGA—Crystal Theatre. ENTERPRISE—Bijou Theatre. TALLEDEGA—Majestic Theatre. 87 Court St. EOTAULA—Amusu Theatre, 204 Broad St. TALLADEGA—Theodram Theatre. EUFAULA—. TROY—Lyric Theatre. EUFAULA—Dreamland Theatre. TROY-Boyal Theatre. EVERGREEN-Arcadia Theatre. TUSCALOOSA—Belvider Theatre. FAYETTE—Diiie Theatre. TUSCALOOSA—Diamond Theatre. FLORALA—Electric Theatre. TUSCALOOSA—Electric Theatre, Greensboro Ave. FLORENCE—Florence Theatre, E. Tennessee St. TUSCALOOSA—Gem Theatre, 24th Ave. and 61h St. FLOBALA-Iris Theatre. TUSCUMBIA—Pastime Theatre, Sixth St. FLORENCE-Theato Theatre. TUSKEGEE—Opera House. FLORENCE—Theatorium. UNION SPEINGS—Criterion Theatre. FT. PAYNE—Picto Theatre. UNION SPEINGS-Theatorium. GADSDEN—Alamo Theatre, 510 Broad St. UNIONTOWN—Theatorium. GADSDEN—Amusu Theatre. WETUMJKA—Lyric Theatre.

BISBEE—Royal Theatre, Main St. MOEENCI—Empire Theatre. BISBEE—O. K. Theatre, O. K. St. NOGALES—Lyric Theatre, Box 107. BISBEE—Orpheum Theatre, Brewery Ave. and Review All. NOGALES—Royal Theatre. BOWIE—Riggs Hall. PHOENIX—Lamars Theatre, 13 E. Washington St. CAMP VKEDE—Camp Verde Theatre. PHOENI.V—Lion Theatre. CASA GEANDE—Auditorium. PHOENIX—Wigwam Theatre, 31 N. 1st St. CLAEKDALE—X, L. Theatre. PHOENIX—The Coliseum, cor. Monroe and 1st St. CLIFTON—Empire Theatre. PHOENIX—Plaza Theatre, 108 E. Washington St, CLIFTON—Princess Theatre. PRESCOTT—Elks Theatre, N. Cortez St. DOS COBEZIS—Opera House. PRESCOTT—Wonderland Theatre. DOUGLAS—The Dime Theatre. 10th St. PRESCOTT—Electric Theatre, cor. Tez and Monteyma St. FLAGSTAFF—Flagstaff Opera House, San Francisco and Lcroup. PRESCOTT—New . FLAGSTAFF—Majestic Theatre, Aspen, bet. Leroup and Beaver Sts. BAY—Princess Theatre. FLAGSTAFF—Electric Theatre. RAY—Sonora Town Theatre. FLOEENCE—Borderland Theatre. RAY—Juarez Theatre, Sonoro Town. GLEASON—Electric Theatre. BAY—Iris Theatre. GLOBE—Broadway Theatre, Broad St. SOLOMONVILLE—Graham Theatre. GLOBE—Elks Theatre. SWANSEA—M. P. Theatre: Theatre, GLOBE—Globe 120 Broad St. TEMPLE—Goodwin Opera House, Fifth St. . GLOBE—Marton Theatre, Broad St. TOMBSTONE—SchieCfelin Theatre, cor, 4th and Fremont S HAYDEN—Theatro Nacional, Pinal County. TOMBSTONE—M. P. Theatre. JEEOME—Opera House, Kuchler Bldg. TOMBSTONE—Borderland Theatre. KINGMAN—Elks Opera House, 4th St. TUCSON—Clifton Theatre, 32 W. Congress St. LOWELL—Lowell Theatre. WICKENBUEG—^Vulture Theatre. LOWELL—Theatorium. WILCOX—Opera House. MESA—Mesa Coliseum, Main St. WILLIAMS—Sultana Theatre. MESA—Vance's Auditorium, W. Main St. WILLIAMS—WilUam's Theatre. MESA—M. P. Theatre WINKLEMAN—Mesa Opera House. METCALF—Metcalf Theatre, WINSLOW—Electric Theatre, Front St. MIAMI—Gem Theatre, YUMA—Yuma Theatre, Main St. MIAMI—Unique Theatre. YUMA—Zeller Theatre, Main St. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY ARKANSAS

ARGENTA—Colonial Theatre, 208 Main St. HOT SPRINGS—Lyric Theatre. 624 Central Ave. AKGENTA—Eex Tlieatre. HOT SPRINGS—New Central Theatre. ABGENTA—Star Theatre. 314 Main St. HOT SPRINGS—PeMn Theatre, 420 Malvern Ave. ABGENTA—Grand Theatre, 221 Main St. HOT SPRINGS—Princess Theatre. ABK ADELPHIA—Dixie Theatre. HOT SPRINGS—Royal Theatre. 720 Central Ave. ABKADELPHIA—Arkade Theatre, Main St. HOT SPEINGS—Whittington Pk. Theatre. ABK CITY—Electric Theatre. HOXIE—Colonial Theatre. Texas St. ABKANSAS CITY—Electric Tlieatre. HOXIE—Gem Theatre. ARKANSAS CITY—Lyric Theatre. HUNTINGTON—Majestic Theatre. ASHDOWN—Grand Theatre. HUTTIG—Princess Theatre. ASHDOWN—Majestic Theatre. JONESBOEO—Gem Theatre. ATKINS—Electric Theatre, Eailroad Ave. JONESBORO—Grand Theatre, Main. BATESVILLE-New Auditorium, Main St. JONESBORO—Lyceum Main St. BATESVILLE—Opera House, Main St. JONESVILLE—Grand Theatre, Main St. BENTON—Majestic Theatre. ICNOBEL—Majestic Theatre. BENTONVILLE—Royal Theatre. LAKE CITY—Spencer's Opera House. BENTONVILLE—Princess Theatre. LESLIE—Electric Theatre. BEBRYVILLE—Carliton's Theatre. LINCOLN—Lyric Theatre. BLYTHEVILLE—Gem Theatre. LITTLE ROCK—Alpha Theatre. 704% W. 9th St. BLYTHEVILLE—Photo Play Tlieatre. LITTLE ROCK—Crystal Theatre, 118 W. Second St. BOONESVILIyE—Electric Theatte. LITTLE ROCK—Dixie Theatre. 222 Main St. BBINKLEY—Crystal Palace. LITTLE BOCK— Theatre, Forest Park. BBJNICLEY—Lyric Theatre, Cypress Ave. LITTLE BOCK—Gem Theatre. BBINKLEY-Electric Theatre. LITTLE BOCK—Lyric Theatre, 511 Main St. CAMDEN—Electric Theatre. California St. LITTLE BOCK—Majestic Theatre. CAMDEN—B. & O. Theatre. Adams and Jefferson Sts. LITTLE BOCK—Princess, 120 W. Markam St. CLARKSVILLE—Crystal Theatre. LITTLE ROCK—Royal Theatre, 405-7 Main St. CLAEKSVILLE—, S. W. cor. Square. LITTLE ROCK—Washington Theatre, 114 W. 5th St. CLARENDON—Majestic Theatre. Madison St. LITTLE BOCK—Wonderland Theatre, 119 Main St. CONWAY—Grand Theatre, Oak and Chestnut Sts. LONOKE—Magnet Theatre. CONWAY—Electric Theatre. MAGAZINE—Majestic Theatre. CONWAY—Lyric Amusement Co. MAGAZINE—Opera House. COBNING—Electric Theatre. MAGNOLIA—Grand Theatre. COENING—Gem Theatre. MANSFIELD—Pastime Theatre, Howard Ave. COENING—Starlight Tlieatre. MABIANNA— Idle Hour Theatre. CEOSSETT—Crossett Opera House, Welch and Fnch. Movies. MAEIANNA—Majestic Theatre, 122 W. Main St. DAEDANELLE—Electric Theatre, Main St. MARKED TREE—Movie Theatre. DEQUEEN—Lyric Theatre, cor. Dequeen and 4th Sts. MARKED TREE—Princess Theatre. Main St. DE QUEEN-Queen Theatre. McCRORY—Electric Theatre. DEEMOTT—Star Theatorium. MENA—Electric Theatre. DBS ABC—Pastime Theatre. MENA—Lyric Theatre. Maple and Port Arthur Ave. DES ABC-Summer Theatre. MIDLAND—Picture Theatre. EL DOEADO—Lyric Theatre. MONTICELLO—Amuse U Theatre, Allen St. EL DOEADO—Johnstone Opera House. MONTICELLO—Eosoc Theatre. EL DOEADO—Opera House. MOBBILLTON—Electric Theatre. Box 121. EL DORADO—Majestic Theatre. MURFREESBORO—Week's Theatre. ENGLAND—Dixie Theatre. NASHVILLE—Summer Theatre. Main St. EUREKA SPRINGS-Best Theatre. NETTLBTON—Orpheum Theatre. EUREKA SPEINGS—Wilke Theatre. NEWPORT-Newport Theatre. 2nd and Hazel Sts. EUEEKA SPEINGS—Electric M. P. Parlor. NEWPOET—Opera House. 2nd and Hazle Sts. FAYETTEVILLE—Lyric Theatre. 17-19 Block St. OSCEOLA—Osceola M. P. Theatre, P. O. Box 73. FAYETTEVILLi;—Ozark Theatre, Box 6. College Ave. OLA—Opera House. TAYETTEVILLE—Princess Theatre. E. Centre St. OZAEK—Ozark Theatre. FAYETTEVILLE—Vaudette Theatre. PABAGOULD—Grand Theatre. FOEDYCE—Opera House. PAEAGOULD—Lyric Theatre. 215 S. Pruett St. FOEDYCE—Orpheo Amus. Co. PARAGOULD—New White Way Theatre. FOEEMAN—Arcade Theatre. PARIS—Lyric Tlieatre. FOBEST CITY—Imperial Theatre. PARIS—Pathe Theatre. FOBEST CITY—M. P. Theatre. PIGGOTT—Pastime Theatre, N. E. cor. Sq. FT. SMITH—Electric Park Theatre. PINE BLUFF—Best Theatre. FT. SMITH—Imp. Theatre. PINE BLUFF—Elks Theatre, 310 W. 2nd St. FT. SMITH—Joie Theatre, 808 Garrison Ave. PINE BLUFF—Orphio Theatre. FT. SMITH—Lyric Theatre. 20 N. 8th St. PINE BLUFFS—Theatorium, 119 W. Second Ave. FT. SMITH—New Theatre. Garrison Ave. and N. 10th St. PLAINVIEW—Willard's Hall. FT. SMITH—Park Theatre. PRESCOTT—Electric Theatre. FT. SMITH—Yale Theatre. 804 Garrison Ave. PRESCOTT—Greeson's Opera House. GRAVETTE—Gravette Theatre. RECTOR—Crystal Theatre. GEAYSONIA—Graysonia Opera House. RECTOR-Eex Theatre, Main St. HAMBURG—Pastime Theatre. ROGERS—Gem Theatre, Box 23. HARRISON—Lyric Theatre. ROGERS-Opera House. HARRISON—New Armory Theatre. St. Venson Ave. and Spring. RUSSELLVILLE— Electric Theatre. River and Main Sts. HARRISON—Opera Theatre. SEARCY—Bijou Theatre Co. HAETFORD—Hall & McMahan, M. P. Theatre. SEARCY—Grand Theatre. P. O. Box 451. HABTFOED—New Theatre, Broadway. SILOAM SPRINGS—Midway Theatre, St. Nicholis Ave. HAETFOED—Scenic Theatre. SPRINGDALE—Opera House. HEBEE SPRINGS—Jackson Theatre, Main St. STAMPS—Brown Theatre. HELENA—Elm St. Theatre. STUTTGART—Dell Theatre. HELENA-Beech Forest Theatre. STUTTGART—Stuttgart Opera House. HELENA—Idle Hour Theatre, 515 Clierry St. TEXARKAN.A—Dixie Theatre, 223 E. Broad St. HELENA—Pastime Theatre. TEXARICANA—M. P. Theatre, 211 W. Broad St. HELENA—Royal Theatre. TEUMANN—Grand Theatre. WEST HELENA—Majestic Theatre. TUCKERMANN—Grand Theatre. HIWASSE—Electric Tlieatre. TUBEELI^Dixie Photoplay Theatre. HOPE—Lyric Tlieatre. VAN BUEEN—New Royal Theatre, Main St. HOPE—Electric Theatre. Front St. WALNUT RIDGE—Jo-Jo Tlieatre. HOPE—Tlieatorium. Front St. WABEBN—Electric Theatre. HOT SPEINGS—Auditorium. WAEEEN—Palace Theatre. HOT SPEINGS—Casmo M. P. Theatre. Whittington Park. WAEBEN—Pastime Theatre. HOT SPEINGS—Central Theatre. WYNNE—Dixie Theatre. CALIFORNIA

ALAMEDA—Alameda Theatre, Santa Clara and Pk. Sts. ARCADIA—Gem Theatre. ALAMBDA—Grand Photo Theatre. 1708 Lincoln St. ARCATA—Gem Theatre. ALAMEDA—Park Theatre. Park St. ARCATA—Pastime Theatre, 8th St.. bet. G. and H. Sts. ALAMEDA—Webster Theatre, 1519 Webster St. ARCATA—Plaza Theatre. ALAMEDA—Webster Playgraph, 1519 Webster St. AEROGA GRANDE—La Eue Theatre. ALHAMBRA—Alhambra Theatre, 27 E. Main St. AEROYA GRANDE—Tanner's Theatre. ANAHEIM—Anaheim Theatre. AETESIA—Auditorium. ANAHEIM—Fairyland Theatre. AUBURN—Casa Theatre. ANAHEIM—Mason Theatre. AUBUBN—Fairyland Theatre. ANAHEIM—Star Theatre, 111 W. Center St. AUBURN—Princess Theatre. ANGELS CAMP—Angels Theatre. Main St.. nr. 1st St. AVALON. CATALINA—Summer Ave. Theatre, Summer A'

ANGELS CAMP—Dreamland Theatre. AZUSA— Star Theatre, 112 E. Center St . ANGELS CAMP—Electric Theatre. BADEN—Martin's Theatre, Mail-San Francisco. ANGELS CAMP—Iris Theatre, S. Main St. BAKERSFIELD—Elite Theatre. ANTIOCH—Casino Theatre. BAKEESFIELD—Grogg's Theatre. 2011 Chester Ave. ANTIOCH—Lyric Theatre. BAKEESFIELD—Lyric Theatre. 1811 K. St. ANTIOCH—Majestic Theatre. BAKEESFIELD-Opera House. ARBUCKEI^M. P. Theatre. BAKEESFIELD—Parra's Theatre. 2022-24 Chester Ave. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 55


BAKERSFIELD—Pastime Theatre, 1517 19th St. FEUITVALE—Diamonu Theatre. BAKEBSFIELD—Starr Ttieatre. FEUITVALE—Fischer's Theatre. 3443 E. 14th St. BAXaOA—Balboa Theatre. FEUITVALE-Star Theatre, 14th and Bassit St. BAltBOA—Isis Theatre. FULLEBTON—Fullerton Theatre, Spadra Ave. BABSTOW—Amuse Theatre, Elm St. Block No. 1. FULLEBTON—Little Gem Theatre. Spadra Ave. BABSTOW—Fletcher Opera House. FULLEBTON—Novelty Theatre. Spadra Ave. BEAUMONT—Opera House. FULLEBTON—Bandall Theatre, BENICIA—National Theatre, 967 1st St. GABDENA—Auditorium. BENICIA—Photo Theatre. GEYSEEVILLE—Odd Fellows Hall. BEEKELEY—Berkeley Theatre, 2049 University. GILEOY—GUroy M. P. Theatre. BEBKELEY—Elite Theatre. GILEOY—World's Theatre. 30-32 Montery St. BEBKELEY—Pastime Theatre, 2483 Shattuck Ave. GLENDALE—Glendale Theatre. 521 4th St. BEBKELEY—Bex Theatre, 2135 Center St. GLENDALE—Glendale Theatre, 704 4th St. BEBKELEY—Bex Theatre, 2167 Addison St. GLENDALE—Jewell City Theatre. BEEKELEY—Star Theatre, 2055 University Ave. GLENDALE—^Majestic Theatre. BISHOP—Gem Theatre, Main St. GEASS VALLEY—Auditorium. Hill St. BLACK DLiMOND—Grand Opera House. GBASS VALLEY—Kozy Theatre. BLACK DIAMOND—Palace Theatre. GBIDLEY—Hippodrome Photoplay. BLYTHE—Airdome. GEIDLEY—J. A. White's Theatre. BLYTHE—^Elec. Theatre, Hobson Way. GUEENBVILLE—Guern eville Theatre. BEAWLEY—Electric Theatre. GUEENEVILLE—Theatorium. BBAWLEY—Gilbo Theatre. BBAVVLEY—Huddleton's Am. Palace. BBEA—Brea Theatre. HAYWAUDS—Bio Theatre. BUBBANK—Palace of Pictures. HAYWAEDS—Haywards Opera House. BUBLINGAME—Pastime Theatre. HEALDSBUEG—Hansens Opera House. CALEXICO—New Lyceum Theatre. 2nd St. HEALDSBUEG—M. & M. Nickelodeon, 339 West St. CALISTOGA—Callstoga Theatre. HEMET—Hemet Theatre. 138 Harvard St. CAPITOLA—Capitola Theatre. HILCEEST—Grand View Theatre. San Mateo Co. CAEMEL—Mission Theatre. HOLLISTEB—Bill Theatre. CAEMEL—Theatre De Carmel. HOLLISTEE—Berhervich Theatre; 5th St. CASPEE—Casper Theatre. HOLLISTEE—Electric Theatre. CHICO—Broadway Theatre, 325 Broadway. HOLLISTEE—Opal Theatre. San Benito St. CHICO—Lyric Theatre. HOLLISTEE—Opal Theatre, Masonic Temple Bldg. CHICO—Majestic Theatre. 2nd St. near Broadway. HOLLYWOOD—Hollywood Theatre. 6764 Hollywood Blvd. CHINO—Chine Theatre. HOLLYWOOD—Iris Theatre. CLABEMONT—College Arms Theatre. HOLTV'ILLE—Gem Theatre. CLOVEEDALE—Novelty Theatre, West St. HUNTINGTON BEACH—Crescent Theatre. CLOVIS—E«x Photo Theatre, 5th St. HUNTINGTON PAEK—Bex Theatre. COALING—Opera House, 3rd and D Sts. IMPEEIAI^Auditorium. COALINGA—. IMPEEIAI^McHenry Theatre, COLFAX—Colfax Theatre. IMPEEIAL—Playhouse. 805 8th St. COLFAX—Opera House. INGLEWOOD—Auditorium. COLTON—Mission Theatre. lONE—Electric Theatre. Main and lone Sts. COLUSA—Airdome. lONE—lone Opera House. Main St. COLUSA—Gem Theatre. ISLETON—Eckels Tlieatre. COMPTON—Compton Theatre. ISLETON—Isleton Theatre. CONCOED—Majestic Tlieatre. JACKSON—Grand Theatre. 44 Main St. COBONA—Electric Theatre, 7th and Main Sts. JACKSON—Eatto Theatre. COBONA—La Corona Theatre, Main St. JAMESTOWN—Bell Theatre. COEONADO—Star Theatre. JAMESTOWN—Electric Theatre. GOENING—Maywood Opera House. KENNBTT—Edison Theatre. COETE MADEBA—Corte Madera Photo" Theatre. KENNETT—Gem Theatre. Eailroad Ave. COYINA—Isis Theatre. KENNETT—Kennett Theatre. COWELL—Cowell Hall, via Bay Point. KENNETT—Mammoth Mine Theatre. CEESCENT CITY—Theatre Endert. KEEN—Lysium Theatre. CEOCKETT—Crolona Theatre. KING CITY—Novelty Theatre, Broadway. CEOCKETT—Iris Theatre, Post Office Crockett. KINGSBOTG—Family Theatre. Main St. CUTTENS—Pastime Theater, via Wasco. KINGSBUEG—Pastime Theatre. DALY CITY'—Grand View Theatre, San Mateo Co, LA JOLLA—La JoUa Theatre. DANDSBUEG—Gem Theatre, Club Boom. LA JOLLA—Orient Theatre, Glrard and Wall Sts. DAVIS—Davis Theatre. LAKEPOET—Photoplay Theatre. DAVIS—Doles Theatre. LANKEBSHIM—Mulhall Theatre. DINUBA—Electric Theatre. LAEKPPUE—Larkspur Theatre. DINUBA—Novelty Theatre. LEMOOBE—Amusu Theatre. DIXON—Acme Theatre. LEMOOEE—Lemoore Opera House. Heinlan St. DIXON—Palace Theatre. LEMOOBE—Marvinique Theatre, Heinlan St. DOWNEY—Downey Theatre. Crawford St. LINCOLN—Photo Theatre. DUNSMUIB—Garden and Lee Theatre. LINDSAY—Novelty Theatre. DUNSMUIB—Novelty Theatre. Sacramento Ave. LINDSAY-Bink Theatre. EAST AIIBUBN—Long's Theatre. LIVEEMOEB—Bell Theatre. EAST BAKEESFIELD—Lyceum Theatre. LODI—Lyric Theatre, 106 Sacramento St. EAST OAKLAND—23rd Ave. Theatre. 23rd. bet. E. 12th and E. 14th LOMPOC—Lompoc Opera House. Sts. LONG BEACH-Art Theatre, 316 Pike St. EAST SAN DIEGO—Fairmont Theatre. Pauley and University Sts. LONG BEACH—Balboa Amusement Co., 806 Security Building. EL CA.ION—Annex Theatre. LONG BEACH—Bentley Grand Theatre, on the Pike. EL CENTEO—Electric Theatre. LONG BEACH—Bijou Theatre, on the Pike. EL CENTEO—L. & S. Theatre, 536 Main St. LONG BEACH—Boston Theatre, 344 on the Pike. EL CENTEO—Tulane Theatre. LONG BEACH-Columbia Theatre, 233 Pike St. ELMHUEST—Elm Theatre. LONG BEACH—Falrland Theatre, Seaside Boulevard. ELMHUEST—Grand Theatre. 94th and E. 14th St. LONG BEACH—Joyland Theatre, on the Fike. EL SEGUNDO—Town Hall. LONG BEACH—Pastime Theatre. 311 Pike St. ELSINOEE—Star Theatre. LONG BEACH—Pickwick Theatre, on the Pike. EMERYVILLE—Heidelberg Theatre. LONG BEACH—Theatorium. 35 Pike St. ESCONDIDO—Iris Theatre, Grand St. LONG BEACH—Wigwam Theatre, 113 E. Seaside Blvd. ESCONDIDO—Princess Theatre. Grand Ave. LOS ANGELES—Academy Tlieatre. 48th and Normandie Sts. EUEEKA—Bell Theatre. LOS ANGELES—A dolphus Theatre. 320 S. Main St. EUEEKA—Colonial Theatre. LOS ANGELES—American Theatre, 452 S. Broadway. EUEEKA—Empire Theatre. E. Street. LOS ANGELES—Appollo Theatre, 48th St. and Vermont Ave. EUEEKA—Margarita Theatre, 329 E. 3rd St. LOS ANGELES—Arlington Tlieatre. Wash, and Arlington Sts. EUEEKA—Pastime Theatre. 413-17 Third St. LOS ANGELES—Arrow Theatre, Eighth St. and Broadway. EXETER—Forum Theatre. LOS ANGELES—. 5th and Olive Sts. EXETEE—Novelty Theatre. LOS ANGELES—Banner Theatre. 456-58 S. Main St. EXETEE—Una Theatre, Pine St. LOS ANGELES—Bell Theatre, 314 E. 5th St. FELLOWS—Star Theatre. LOS ANGELES—Bear Theatre, 825 W. 3rd St. FEBNDALE—Palm Theatre. LOS ANGELES—Beviones Theatre, 1st and Indian Sts. FEENDALE—Valerie Theatre. LOS ANGELES—Butler Theatre, 60S S. Hill St. FIELDS LANDING—Town Hall. LOS ANGELES—Casino Theatre, 4311 Central Ave. FILLMOEE—Empire Theatre. LOS ANGELES—Century Theatre, 523 S. Main St. FOLSOM—Folsom Theatre. LOS ANGELES-Clunes Theatre Co., 547 S. Broadway. FOLSOM—Travelle Theatre. LOS ANGELES—Clunes Auditorium. 427 W. 5th St. FOET BEAGG—Union Theatre, 258 Main St. LOS ANGELES—College Theatre. 449 S. Hill St. FOBT BBAGG—Sequoia Theatre, cor. McPherson and Laurel. LOS ANGELES—Colonial Theatre. 3915 E. 1st St. FOBTUNA—Trilma Theatre. LOS ANGELES—Columbia Theatre. 2117 W. JeCterson St. FEESNO—Empire Theatre. 923 J St. LOS ANGELES—Crescent Theatre. 1716 W. 45th St. FRESNO—Fresno Theatre. LOS ANGELES—Crystal Theatre. 2602 S. Main St. FEESNO—Iwata Opera House, 917 F St. LOS ANGELES—Crown Theatre. 527 S. Spring St. FEESNO—Klnema Theatre. J St. LOS ANGELES—Dayton Theatre, 509 Ave. 28. FEESNO—Majestic Theatre. LOS ANGELES—De Lux Theatre. Alvarado and Orange Sts. FEESNO—Pastime Theatre, 1237 J St. LOS ANGELES—Dreamland Theatre. 3021 S. Main St. FEESNO—Princess Theatre. LOS ANGELES—Electric Theatre, 212 N. Main St. FEESNO—Private Theatre, 956 China Alley. LOS ANGELES—Elite Theatre. 38th and South Pk. FRESNO—Wig^vam Theatre. 1022 I St. LOS ANGELES—^El Eodeo Theatre. 5th and Euth Sts. 56 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

Essanay Progress

^You know what "motion pictures" are today.

^You know what the "movies" were ten years ago, ^Do you know what photoplays ten years hence will be?

^Essanay long ago discarded "movies." It has passed the "motion picture" stage. It has reached the day of photodramas and photocomedies.

^Essanay has put a ban on old-time scenarios. It is writing and producing real dramas and comedies. Essanay has an expert corps of dramatists. The most famous authors and playwrights in the world are contributing to Essanay. With such writers as George Ade, Robert C. Chatfield- Taylor, Albert Payson Terhune, Mary Roberts Rinehart, James Oliver Curwood, Edwin Balmer, Henry Oyen, Edith Ogden Harrison, James Op- penheim, Maibelle Heikes Justice and Justus Miles Forman, Essanay stands at the pinnacle in photoplay art.

^Essanay is not content to be up to the times. It is looking ahead. It is now giving you the best in dramatic art, which others will reach in the future.



LOS AXGKT.ES—^Family Theatre. 3S26 Stephenson Ave. OAKLAND—Cashmore Theatre, 1141 23rd Ave. LOS AXGELES—Fischer's Theatre, 119 W. First St. OAKLAND—Claremont Theatre. 5110 Telegraph Ave. LOS A^TGELES—Gaiety Theatre, 2407 Central Ave. OAKLAND—Colonial Tlieatre, Telegraph Ave. LOS AAGEUES—, 8th and Broadway. OAKLAND—Edison Theatre, Brookdale and 38th Sts. LOS ANGELES—Gem Theatre, 649 S. Slain St. OAKLAND—FrankUn Theatre, 14th and Franklin Sts, LOS AXGELES—Globe Theatre, 202 E. 5th St. OAKLAND—Gem Theatre. 473 8th St. LOS ANGELES—Globe Theatre No. 4. 1718 S. Main St. OAKLAND—Globe Theatre, 1422 23rd St. LOS AXGELES—Happy Hour Theatre, 125 S. Main St. OAKLAND—Golden , 5788 San Pablo Ave. LOS ANGELES— Theatre, 5630 Pasadena Ave. OAKLAND—Grand Theatre, 52 San Pablo Ave. LOS ANGELES—Hippodrome, 320 S. Main St. OAKLA ND—Idora Park Theatre, 56th and Telegraph Ave. LOS ANGELES—Hoover Theatre, 9th and Hoover Sts. OAKLAND—Home Theatre, 1434 E. 14th St. LOS ANGELES—Idle Hour Theatre, 147 E. Sta. Barbara St. OAKLAND—Linden Theatre, 1051 7th St. LOS ANGELES—Idlewild Theatre, 2361 E. 9th St. OAKLAND—Lyric Theatre, 1064 Broadway. LOS ANGELES—International Theatre, 230 E. First St. OAKLAND—Majestic Theatre, 7th and Campbell Sts. LOS ANGELES—Lomax's Theatre, 4327 Central Ave. OAKLAND—Marlowe Theatre, 1005 Broadway. LOS ANGELES—Los Angeles Theatre, 340 S. Spring St. OAKLAND—Marquee Theatre, 7th and Market Sts. LOS ANGELES—Lyric Theatre, Spring St. OAKLAND-MELROSE—Melrose Theatre, 4415 E. 14th St. LOS ANGELES-Lyceum Theatre. 227 S. Spring St. OAKLAND—Mosswood Theatre, 3685 Telegraph Ave, LOS ANGELES—Manny S. Pk. Theatre, 5202 S. Pk. Ave. OAKLAND—Novelty Theatre, 1065 Broadway. LOS ANGELES—Millers Theatre, 9th and Main Sts. OAKLAND—Oakland Photo Theatre, 1532 Broadway. LOS ANGELES—Mission Theatre, 4254 Moneta Ave. OAKLAND—Oakland Theatre, Broadway and 15th St. LOS ANGELES—M. P. Theatre, 2710 San Pedro St. OAKLAND—Orpheum Theatre. 12th and Clay Sts. LOS ANGELES—National Theatre, 450 S. Main St. OAKLAND—Palm Theatre, 7th and Federal Sts. LOS ANGELES—New Adolphus Theatre, 318 S. Main St. OAKLAND—Pastime Theatre, San Pablo Ave. LOS ANGELES—New Federal Theatre, 320 N. Main St. OAKLAND—Piedmont Theatre, 40th St. and Piedmont Ave. LOS ANGELES—Normandie Theatre, 1276 W. 39th St. OAKLAND—Portola Theatre, 4916 Telegraph Ave. LOS ANGELES—O'Keefe's Theatre, 5263 Moneta Ave. OAKLAND—Regent Theatre, 1116 Broadway. LOS ANGELES—Olympic Theatre, 523 S. Main St. OAKLAND—Rockrldge Theatre, 5600 College Ave. LOS ANGELES—Optic Theatre, 446 S. Broadway. OAKLAND—Santa Fe Theatre, 5623 Grove St, LOS ANGELES—Orchestrian. 527 S. Spring St. OAKLAND—Sequla Theatre, 2526 Telegraph Ave. LOS ANGELES—Orpheum Theatre, 630 S. Broadway. OCEAN PARK—Brooks Theatre, 118 Ashland Ave. LOS ANGELES—Owl Theatre, 1042-44 Temple St. OCEAN PARK-New La Petite Theatre, Ocean Front. LOS ANGELES—Palace Theatre, 47th and Moneta St. OCEAN PARK—Princess Theatre, Pier Ave. and Ocean Front. LOS ANGELES—Pearl Theatre, 414 E. 1st St. OCEAN PARK—Willota Theatre. LOS ANGELES—Photoplay Theatre. Union and Washington Sts. OCEANSIDE—Optic Theatre. LOS ANGELES—Portola Theatre. 529 S. Main St. ONTARIO—Crescent Pictorial, 224 N. Euclid Ave. LOS ANGELES—Pico Heights Theatre, 2698 Pico St. ONTARIO—Euclid Photoplay Theatre, 137 N. Euclid Ave. LOS ANGELES—Pico Theatre, 1408 W. Pico St. ONTARIO—Luna Theatre. LOS ANGELES—Plaza Theatre, 423 N. Main St. ONTARIO—^Mission Theatre. LOS ANGELES—Play House, Garland and W. 7th Sts. ONTARIO—Ontario Pictorlum Theatre, Euclid Ave. LOS ANGELES—Photoplay Theatre, 30th and Vermont Sts. ORANGE—Electric Theatre, S. Glassell St. LOS ANGELES—Princess Theatre, 119 W. First St. ORANGE—Orange Theatre. LOS ANGELES—Queen Photoplay, 3128 S. Vermont St. ORLAND—Pastime Theatre. LOS ANGELES—Quinns Garrick Theatre, Broadway and 8th St. ORLAND—Orland Opera House. LOS ANGELES—Republic Theatre, S. Main St. OROVILLE—Gardella Theatre, 400 Meyers St. LOS ANGELES—^Kose Theatre, 529 S. Spring St. OROVILLE—Gardella Theatre, 604 Montgomery St. LOS ANGELES—Eoyal Theatre, 69th and Holmes Sts. OROVILLE—Oro Theatre. LOS ANGELES—Savoy Theatre, 5326 S. Central St. OXNARD—Roosevelt Tlieatre. LOS ANGELES—Star Theatre, 2710 San Pedro St. OXNARD—Victory Theatre, C and 5th St. LOS ANGELES—Sunbeam Theatre, 5722 Pasadena Ave. PACIFIC GROVE—^Bon Ton Theatre. LOS ANGELES—Tally's Broadway Theatre, 831-3-5 S. Broadway. PACIFIC GROVE—Colonial Theatre, LOS ANGELAS—University Theatre, Jefferson and McClintock. PALO ALTO—Jewell Theatre, High St. LOS ANGELES—Victoria Theatre, Pico and Brendo Sts. PALO ALTO—Novelty Theatre, 185 University Ave. LOS ANGELES—^Westlake Theatre, 090 Alvarado St. PASADENA—Clunes Pasadena Theatre, 61 W. Colorado St. LOS ANGELES—Wigwam Theatre, 6010 Moneta St. PASADENA—Corey Theatre, 1246 N. Fair Oaks. LOS ANGELES—^Wllshire Theatre, 2nd and Western Ave. PASADENA—Fischer's Theatre, 75 N. Oakes St. LOS ANGELES—Wonderland Theatre, 315 S. Main St. PASADENA—Pasadena Theatre. LOS ANGELES—Wood Theatre, 1624 Simset Blvd. PASADENA—Tally's Theatre. LOS ANGELES—Woodlawn Theatre, 147 E. Sta. Barbara St. PASADENA—Warner's Theatre, 28 E. Colorado St, LOS BANGS—Los Bancs Theatre. PASO ROBLES—Bell Theatre, 12th St. LOS BANGS—M. P. House. PASO ROBLES—Star Theatre. LOS GATOS—Majestic Theatre. PATTERSON—Patterson Theatre, Del Puerto Ave. LOS GATOS—Photoplay Theatre, 280 Main St, PERRIS—Perris Op. House. LOS GATOS—Thomas Theatre, Main St. PETALtTMA—American Theatre, 135 Main St. LOYALTON—Loyalton Theatre. PETALUILA—Gem Theatre. MADERA—Leggetts Theatre, Yosemite Ave. PETALUMA—Hill Opera House, cor. Keller and Washington, MADERA—Madera Op. House. PETALUMA—Mystic Theatre. iLiDERA—Unique Theatre. PETALUMA—Star Theatre, 138 Kentuclty St. MANTECA—Manteca Theatre, Yosemite and Maple Sts. PETALUMA—Unique Theatre, 4th St. iL^EICOPA—Gate City Theatre. PINOLE—Star Theatre. MARICOPA—Golden Gate Theatre. PLACENTIA—Isis Theatre. MARICOPA—Majestic Theatre. PLACERVILLE—Elite Theatre. MARYSVILLE—Grand Theatre, cor. 3rd and F St. PI/ACERVILLE—Idle Hour Theatre, MARYSVILLE—Kinema Theatre. PLACERVILLE—Orpheum Theatre, Main St. MARYS'raXE—Lyric Theatre, 213 D St. PLEASANTON—Gem Theatre. MAEYS^^LLE—Marysville Theatre, cor First and D St. POINT AREAN—Scotts Opera House. MARTINEZ—Novelty Theatre, Main St. POMONA—Belvidere Theatre, 265 Gary Ave. MAXWELL—Unique Theatre. POMONA—La Pietoria Theatre, 1033 W. Second St. MAYFIELD—Star Theatre. POMONA—Lyric Theatre, 366 W. 22nd St. MELROSE—Fremont Theatre, 86th and Bond Sts. PORTERVILLE—Majestic Theatre, Mill St. MELROSE—Melrose Theatre, 4409-11 E. 14th St. PORTERVILLE—Moore's Opera House, 154 Main St. MERCED—Canal St. Theatre, Canal St. PORTERVILLE—Novelty Theatre, MUl St. ilERCED—Colonial Theatre. PORTERVILLE—Opera House. MERCED—Merced Orpheum Theatre, Canal St. PT. RICHMOND—Point Theatre. >ULL VALLEY'—Hub Theatre. PT. RICHMOND—Royal Theatre, 316 Richmond Ave. snLL VALLEY—Ye Village Theatre. QUINCY—Quincy Opera House. MODESTO—Modesto Tlieatre, 917 10th St. RANDSBUKG—Gem Theatre Club Room. MODESTO—Star Theatre. RED BLUFF—New Empire Theatre, Walnut St., P, 0, Box 542, MOJAVE—Clark Theatre. RED BLUFF—Princess Theatre, MONTEREY—Bagby Theatre, 307 Alvarado St. RED BLUFF-Red Bluff Op, House. MONTEREY—Mark Nanna's Star Theatre, Star Theatre Bldg. REDDING—Dreamland "nieatre. 404 Butte St, MONTEREY—Monterey Theatre, Alvarado St. REDDING—Majestic Theatre, Tehama and Market Sts. MON-BOVIA—illssion Theatre, 225 E. Lime St. REDLANDS—Grand Theatre. MORON—Midway Theatre. REDLANDS—Tally's Theatre. MOUNTAIN VIEW—Glen Theatre, REDWOOD CITY—Bell Theatre, Main St. NAPA—Gem Theatre. REDWOOD CITY—Edison Theatre, 222 Main St. NAPA—, First St. REDONDO—Art Theatre. NAPA—Novelty Theatre, First and Randolph Sts. REDONDO BEACH—Pastime Theatre, NAPA—Unique Theatre, 222-4 2nd St. REEDLEY—Airdome. N-iTIONAL CITY—Orpheum Theatre, National Ave., P. O. Box ' REEDLEY—Grand Theatre. NKEDLES—New Opera House. REEDLEY—Halcyon Theatre. VF.V.ADA CITY—Broadway Theatre, Broad St. REEDLEY—Jensen Opera House. NEVAliA CITY—The Nevada, Broad St. RICHMOND—. NKWMAX—Edison Theatre. RIPON—Star Theatre. N1V\"M AN—Electric Theatre. RIVERBANK—Dreamland Theatre. NILES—Conner's Theatre. RWERSIDE—Auditorium, 1075 S. Main St. NILES—Edison Theatre. RUTBRSIDE-Loeing Opera House. OAKDALE—Star Theatre, P. O. Box 517. ROCKLAND—Electric Theatre, Main St. OAKLAND—Allendale Theatre. 2820 38th St. ROSEVILLE—Bell Theatre. OAKLAND—Alpha Theatre, 14th nr. 72nd St. ROSE'^ILLE—Doris Theatre. Vernon St. OAKLAND—Bell Theatre. 23rd and E. 14th St. SACRAMENTO—Actograph Theatre. 918 K St. OAKLAND—Browns Theatre, 857 Broadway. SACRAMENTO—Bell Theatre, 1025 Fifth St. OAKLANT)—Camera Theatre, 1071 Broadway. SACRAMENTO—Clunie Theatre. J St. 58 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY Photoplays Sell Goods

^Photoplay advertising is applicable to every manufacturing and commercial business. ^Essanay's expert dramatists write a story with a plot around your plant or your product. It gives life and action to the things you sell, from corsets to cement.

^The picture stamps itself indelibly on the mind where direct advertising leaves no impression.

^Dramatize your selling points. Take your factory to the public by interesting photoplays.

^Essanay shows you how to do this. A special de- partment is devoted to it. ^Essanay has developed the commercial film to the highest point of efficiency and consequently it is the best adapted to exploit your product by this method.

^Photoplays interest all. Get your public inter- ested and sales are sure to follow. ^Let us formulate a plan for you, to show how Essanay photoplays can profitably be used in your advertising work.

Commercial Department ILL. REG. U. S. PAT.. 1907 521 First National Bank Bldg. CHICAGO, REG. U. S. PAT.. 1907 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 59


SACRAMENTO—Empire Theatre. 423 K St. SAN FRANCISCO—Wo lington Squa ney and Washington SACKAMENTO—Fairyland Theatre, 710 K St. Sts. SACRAMENTO—Gaiety Theatre. 3002 35th St. SAN FRANCISCO—Wigwam Theatre. 247 Mission St. SACRAMENTO—Grand Tlieatre, 1117 Seventh St. SANGER—Bell Theatre. 1172 7th St. SACRAMENTO—Liberty Theatre. 617 K St. SANGER—Opera House. SACRAMENTO—Lyric Theatre, 6th St., bet. K and L. SANGER—Orpheum Theatre. Seventh St. SACRAMENTO—Majestic Theatre, 312 K St. SANGER—Theatorium, cor. 7th and N Sts. SACRAAIENTO—Mickle Theatre, 3002 35th St., Oak Pk. SAN JOSE—Empire Theatre, N. 2nd St. SACRAMENTO—Nippon Tlieatre, 328 L St. SAN JOSE—Lyric Theatre, 61 S. 2nd St. SACRAMENTO—Orpheum Theatre, 1201 J St. SAN JOSE—Premium Theatre, 125 S. 1st St. SACRAMENTO—Princess Theatre. 3416 Sacramento St. SAN JOSE—Princess Tlieatre, 32 N. 1st St. SACRAMENTO—Rays Theatre. 321 K St. SAN JOSE—Victory Theatre. 2nd St. SACRAilENTO—Sequoia Theatre, 909-11 K St. SAN LEANDRO—Best Theatre. SACRAMENTO—T. and D. Theatre DeLuxe, 613 K. St. SAN LEANDRO—San Leandro Theatre. Callen Ave. ST. HELENA—J. Galewsky and J. Goodman Theatre. Main St. SAN LUIS OBISPO—El Montrly Theatre. SALINAS—Elite Theatre. Gabilan St. SAN LUIS OBISPO—Novelty Theatre. Osas St. SALINAS—White Theatre. SAN LUIS OBISPO—San Luis Theatre. 874 Monterey St. SAN ANSELMO—Anselmo Theatre. Oak St. SAN LUIS OBISPO—Star and Crescent Theatre. SAN BERNARDINO—Auditorium Theatre. SAN MATEO—Hart's Theatre, B St., P. O. Box 478. SAN BERNARDINO—Liberty Theatre. SAN MATEO—Peninsular Theatre, B St., bet. 2nd and 3rd Sts. SAN BERNARDINO—Opera House. SAN PEDRO—Globe Theatre. SAN BERNARDINO—Temple Theatre. 618-620 3rd Ave. SAN PEDRO—Majestic Theatre. SAN BERNARDINO—Unique Theatre. 343 3rd St. SAN RAFAEI^Hitchcock Military Academy. SAN DIEGO—Alhambra Theatre. 815 5th St. SAN RAFAEL—Star Tlieatre, 824 4th St. SAN DIEGO—Bijou Theatre. 943 4th St. SANTA ANA—Bell Theatre, 308 Main St. SAN DIEGO—Come Again Theatre. SANTA ANA—Clune's Santa Ana Theatre. SAN DIEGO—Crystal Theatre, 1530 E St. SANTA ANA—Temple Theatre, 3rd and Bush Sts. SAN DIEGO—Dream Theatre, 755 5th St. SANTA BARBARA-Argus Theatre. SAN DIEGO—Garrick Theatre. 5th and B Sts. SANTA BARBARA—Kuhns Theatre. SAN DIEGO—Hillcrest Theatre. 3827 5th St. SANTA BARBARA—La Petite Theatre, 622 State St. SAN DIEGO— Isis Theatre. SANTA BARBARA—Mission Theatre, 618 State St. SAN DIEGO—Mission Theatre. 911 7th St. SANTA BARBARA-Portola Theatre. 723 State St. SAN DIEGO—New Grand Theatre. 1141 5th St. SANTA BARBARA—Riggslee Theatre, 619 State St. SAN DIEGO—Palace Theatre, 4th and E Sts. SANTA BARBARA—Tally Theatre. 904 State St. SAN DIEGO—Plaza Theatre, on Plaza. SANTA BARBARA—Victory Theatre. 619 State St. SAN DIEGO—Princess Theatre, 4th St. SANTA CLARA—Santa Clara Theatre. SAN DIEGO—Union Theatre, 739 Fifth St. SANTA CRUZ—Jewel Theatre, 161 Pacific Ave. SAN DIMAS—Unique Theatre. SANTA CRUZ—Unique Theatre, 201 Pacific Ave. SAN FERNANDO-Jewell Theatre. SANTA MARIA—Gaiety Theatre. SAN FRANCISCO—Acme Theatre. 1249 Stockton St. SANTA MONICA—Dreamland Theatre, 1434 3rd St. SAN FRANCISCO—Acme Theatre, 4083 24th St. SANTA MONICA—Majestic Theatre. SAN FRANCISCO—Bell Theatre, 538 Columbus Ave. SANTA PAULA—Electric Theatre, Main St. SAN FRANCISCO—Best Theatre, Pacific and Hyde Sts. SANTA ROSA—Columbia Theatre. 3rd and B Sts. SAN FRANCISCO—Broadway Theatre, 618 Broadway. SANTA ROSA—EUte Theatre, 518 4th St. SAN FRANCISCO—Capitol Theatre, 3556 Sacramento St. SANTA ROSA—Santa Rosa Theatre. 509 4th St. SAN FRANCISCO—Castro Theatre, 454 Castro St. SAUSALITO—Swastika Theatre. Water St. SAN FRANCISCO—Class A Theatre, 1745 Fillmore St. SAWTBLLE—National Theatre, 208 4th St. SAN FRANCISCO-Clement Theatre, 19th Ave. and Clement St. SAWTELLE—Star Tlieatre. SAN FRANCISCO—Courtland Theatre. 802 Courtland Ave. SCOTIA—Opera House. SAN FRANCISCO—Davis Theatre. 2507 Mission St. SEBASTOPOL—Analy Theatre. SAN FRANCISCO—Electric Theatre. 1326 Fillmore St. SBLMA—Klevot Theatre, P. O. Box 752. SAN FRANCISCO—Electric Theatre. 227 Church St. SELMA—Unger Opera House. SAN FRANCISCO—Electric Theatre. 1932 Union St.. nr. Laguna. SULMA— Star Theatre, 1962 High St. SAN FRANCISCO—Elite Theatre. 1110 Market St. SISSON—Pastime Tlieatre. Walnut St. SAN FRANCISCO—Empress Theatre. Market St.. bet. 5th and 6th. SOLEDAD—Dreamland Theatre. Wescot Bloc-k. SAN FRANCISCO—E. VV. Thurman. 935 Market St. SONOMA—Don Theatre. SAN FRANCISCO—Excelsior Theatre. 4734 Mission St. SOUTH BERKELEY—Lorin Theatre, 3324 Adaline St. SAN FRANCISCO—Fairyland Theatre. 445 Devisadero St. SOUTH PASADENA—Gem Theatre. SAN FRANCISCO-Fisher's Theatre. 7th Ave. and Clement St. SOUTH PASADENA—South Pasadena Theatre. 1118 Mission Rd. SAN FRANCISCO—Flag Theatre. Green and Stockton Sts. SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO—Bay View Theatre. 1101 R. R. Ave SAN FRANCISCO—Glenodeon Theatre. 2774 Diamond St. View. SAN FRANCISCO—Globe Theatre. Mission and 24th Sts. SPRECKELS—Spreckels Theatre, R. R. Ave. SAN FRANCISCO—Golden City Theatre, 2470 San Bruno Ave. STOCKTON—Colonial Theatre. SAN FRANCISCO—Golden Eagle Theatre, 1259 9th Ave. STOCKTON—Garrick Theatre. SAN FRANCISCO—Grand Theatre, 2605 lUsslon St. STOCKTON—Grand Theatre. SAN FRANCISCO—Haight St. Theatre, 1700 Haight St. STOCKTON—Idle Hour Theatre. SAN FRANCISCO—Haussliss Theatre, 1757 Fillmore St. STOCKTON—Lvric Theatre. 28 S. Sutter St. SAN FRANCISCO—Hayes Theatre, 381 Hayes St. STOCKTON—Maze Tlieatre. 214 Main St. SAN FRANCISCO—Home Theatre, 135 Raymond Ave. STOCKTON—Orpheum Theatre. SAN FRANCISCO—Ingleodeon Theatre, 973 Ocean Ave. STOCKTON— Star Theatre. 114 E. Main St. SAN FRANCISCO—Halcyon Theater, 275 Devisadero St. STOCKTON— stockini. Tliiatre. 33 E. Main St. SAN FRANCISCO—Imperial Theatre, Market St. SAN FRANCISCO—Jose Theatre, 2362 Market St. .nd California Sts. SAN FRANCISCO—Kearney Theatre, 825 Kearney St. SAN FRANCISCO—Lapetite Theatre, Sacto and Presidio Sts.

St. SI 1 1 I — 1 SAN FRANCISCO—Liberty Theatre, 4200 18th 11 I SAN FRANCISCO—Liberty Theatre, 655 Broadway. TAFT—Olympian Theatre. Centre SI SAN FRANCISCO—Liberty Theatre, Haight and Fillmore Sts. TAFT—Blaidsdell Opera House. Ccn SAN FRANCISCO—Lincoln Theatre, 6th Ave., nr. Clement St. TAFT—Comet Theatre. SAN FRANCISCO-Lyceum Theatre, 809 Kearney St. TRACY—'Hicodenn Theatre. SAN FRANCISCO—Majestic Theatre, Mission, bet. 20th and 21st. TR.M'Y— Triii v Tlipatre. SAN FRANCISCO—Majestic Theatre, 331 3rd St.

SAN FRANCISCO—Market St. Theatre, 936 Market St. Tr]..\i;i M.I . Theatre. Front St. SAN FRANCISCO-National Theatre, Post and Steiner Sts. Trui IK K I': Theatre. Front St.. SAN FRANCISCO—New Excelsior Theatre, Ocean Ave. and Harold St.. Tl lil-n, K- - \\ Inland Theatre. Ingleside. UivIAll — \ iriniy Theatre. 103 S. State SAN FRANCISCO—Old California Theatre. 498 Pacific St. UKIAH—Pastime Theatre. Box 594. SAN FRANCISCO—Oriental Theatre, 1038 Dupont St. UPLANDS—Lvric Theatre. SAN FRANCISCO—Orpheum Tlieatre, 135-159 O'Farrell St. VACAVILLE—Vacaville Theatre. SAN FRANCISCO—Pacific 1557 Hyde St. VALLE.TO—Bell Tlieatre. filO Marin St. SAN FBANCIsro— heatre, 1708 Union St. VAl,..rj»p — I'nn liKMirc, Georgia St (i^ SAN FRANrlS( - atre, 6th Ave. and Clement St.

I I I-i M I . . I 1. M , , SAN FBAM Theatre, 4621 Mission St. A .\ 1 r, Georgia St SAN FRANC I-i I ' Theatre, 1025 Market St. SAN FBAN( u l lieatre, 387 Haight St. SAN FRAN('I.-« II- Theatre, 2507 Mission St. SAN FRANCI lay Tlieatre, 24th and Bryant Sts. SAN FRANCISCO—Polk St. Theatre, Polk and Sacramento Sts. 3. 21S Georgia St. SAN FRANCISCO—Portola Theatre, 779-781 Market St. via Crockett, SAN FRANCISCO—Princess Theatre, Ellis, nr. Fillmore St. on the Pier. SAN FRANCISCO—Queen Theatre, 1537 Polk St. SAN FRANCISCO—Regent Theatre, 2251 Fillmore St. SAN FRANCISCO—Republic Theatre, Sutter and Steiner Sts. SAN FRANCISCO—Sherman Theatre, 2614 Mission St. SAN FRANCISCO—Silver Palace Theatre, 725 Market St. riO Main SAN FRANCISCO—16th St. Theatre, 16th. nr. Mission St. SAN FRANCISCO—Sunset Theatorium. 166 N. Height St. VENTURA—\entura Theatre. SAN FRANCISCO—Sutter Theatre. 2060 Sutter St. VIsALIA—Farrow Summer . Court SAN FRANCISCO—Techan Tavern Theatre. Powell and Market Sts. VISALIA—Novelty Theatre. SAN FRANCISCO—Thalia Theatre. 514 Pacific St. VISALIA—Opera House. SAN FRANCISCO—Unique Theatre. 757 Market St. WALNUT GROVE—Imperial Theatre. SAN. FRANCISCO—Vicksburg Theatre. 3867 24th St. WATSONVILLE—Brooklyn Theatre, Sub-Brooklyn SAN FRANCISCO—V-Odeon Theatre, 749 Market St. WATSONVILLE—Lyric Theatre. 316 Main St. PHOrODRAMA COMEDY

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WE MARE MONEY FOR YOU ! FRIEND EXHIE^ITOR: FIDJTOPAILYOU MUiT MAKEMOMEY! idr^Q box office receipt; are a Y2<^mt2 toyoMr Wmss.

TKeje phdofl


A .M P: R I C A X .M (J T I 0 X PI C T U R E DIRE C T 0 R Y


WATSONVILLE—Opera House. WHITTIEI^-Family TTieatrc, 124 S. Greenleaf Ave. WATTS—^Watts Theatre. WHITTIEK—Optic Tl-ieatre, 111 S. Greenleaf Ave. WEAVEEVILLE—Eecreatlon Tlieatre, Main St. WILLIAMS—Lyric Theatre. WEAVER^^LLI^PastiIne Theatre, WILLIT.S—Majestic Theatre, 314 Main St. WEED—Opera House. WILLOWS—Fairyland Theatre, 145 Tehama St. WEST BERKELEY—Varsity Theatre, University St, WILLOWS—Pastime Theatre, Tehama St. WEST OAKLAND—Palm Theatre, 7th and Campbell Sts. WILLOWS—Willows Opera House, 228 Sycamore St. WHEATLAND—Wliealland Theatre, WOODLAND—Dream Theatre. WHlTTIEP^Eerry Theatre, 111 S, Bright Ave. WOODLAND—Elite Theatre, 414 l8t St. COLORADO

AGUILAK—Lyric Theatre, FLORENCE—Opera House. AGUILAR—Opera Hoase. FORT COLLIN.S—Empress Theatre, 163 N. College Ave. AGUILAK—Princess Theatre, Main St. FORT COLLIN.S—Lyric Theatre. AGUILAR-Majestic Theatre. FORT COLLINS—Majestic Theatre, 137 College Ave. ALAMOSA—Lyric Theatre. FORT COLLINS—Orpheum Theatre. College Ave. ALAMOSA—Oliver Opera House, Main St. FOET MORGAN—Isis Theatre. 315 Main St. ANTONITO—Lyric Theatre. FOWLER—Dreamland Theatre. ANTONITO—Star Theatre. FRUITA—Majestic Theatre, E. Aspen Ave. AULT—Little Princess Theatre. GEORGETOWN—Opera House. BEHTHOUD—Moon Theatre. GLENWOOD SPRING.S—Odeon Theatre, 312 7th St. BOULDER—Gem Theatre. GLENWOOD SPRINGS—Pastime Theatre, Grand Ave. BOULDER-Rex Theatre. GOLDEN—Gem Theatre, 13th St. and Washington Ave. BOULDER—Curran Opera Hou.se, 2034 14th St. GRAND JUNCTION—Crystal Theatre, 556 Main St. BOULDER—Mission Theatre. GRAND JUNCTION—Isis Theatre. BOULDER—Touvie Theatre. GRAND JUNCTION—Majestic Theatre, 540 Main St. BRECKENRIDG15—Eclipse Theatre. GEAND JUNCTION—Orpheum Theatre, 439 Main St. BBECKENBIDGE—Breckenridgc Theatre. GREELEY—Orpheum Theatre, 706 Avenue 8. BRIGHTON—Dreamland Theatre. GEEELEY—Park Theatre, 920 9th St. BRIGHTON—Alpha Theatre. GEEELEY—SterUng Theatre, 9th Ave., bet. 9th and 10th Su. BRUSH—Enterprise Theatre. GUNNISON—Electric Theatre. BRUSH—Princess Theatre. GUNNISON—Unique Theatre, Center and Main Sts. BUENA "VISTA—Princess Theatre. HAYDEN—Parks Hall. BUBNA VISTA—New Orpheum Theatre, E. Main St. HOLLY—Electric Theatre. CANON CITY—Canon City Opera House, 614 Main St. HOLLY—Opera House. CANON CITY—Majestic Theatre, 425 Main St. HUGO—Empress Theatre. CENTRAL CITY—Opera House. HUGO—^Princess Theatre. COLORADO SPRINGS—Majestic Theatre. IDAHO SPRINGS—Opera House, Box 353. COLORADO SPRINGS—Princess Theatre, 126 E. Pike j JULESBtrEG—Foss Theatre. COIX^HADO SPRINGS—Savoy Theatre. JULESBURG—Hippodrome. COLORADO SPRINGS—Crystal Tlieatre, 11 S. Tcjon St. JULESBURG—M. P. Theatre. COLORADO .SPRINGS—Stratton Park Theatre. LAFAYETTIi—Jewel Theatre. Simpson St. CRIPPLE CREEK—Opera House. LA JAEA—La Jara Oj>era House. CRIPPLE CREEK—Star Theatre, 216 E. Bennett Ave, LA JUNTA—La Junta Theatre, 217 Colorado Ave. DEL NOBTE—Theatorium Theatre. LA JUNTA—Opera House. DELTA—Gayety Theatre, 256 Main St. LA JUNTA—Wonderiy's Theatre, Dougherty Block and Colorado Ave. DELTA—Lyric Theatre. LAMAR—Family Theatre. DENVER—Alcott Theatre. 4l8t and Tennyson St. LAMAR—Dreamland Theatre, 111 Main St. DENTEP^Alpha Theatre, 2715 W. Colfax Ave. LAMAR—Lamar Opera House, 111 Main St. DENVER—Annex Theatre, 2120 Larimer St. LAS ANIMA.S—Star Theatre. DENVER—Baker Theatre, 1445 Lawrence St. LEADVILLE—Elks Opera House. DENVER—Broadway Theatre, 18th and Broadway. LEADVILLE—Empire Theatre. DENVER—Colfax Theatre, 708 E. Colfax Ave. LEADVILLE—Isis Theatre, 517 Harrison Ave. DEN-VEE—Colonial Theatre. 1629 Curt;is St. LEADVILLE—Princess Theatre, 623 Harrison Ave. DENVER—Comet Theatre, 2553 Welton St. LIMON—Auditorium. DBN'VEH—Dreamland Theatre, 1528 Larimer St. LITTLETON—Opera House Theatre, Main and Curtis Sts. DENVER—Du Bols Theatre, 2945 Zuni St. LONGMONT—Isls Theatre, 337 Main St. DENVER—Du Bols Theatre. 8th Ave. and Broadway. LONGMONT—Odeon Theatre, 436 Main St. DEN'VEB—Ernhlem Theatre. 31st and Williams Sts. LONGMONT—Royal Theatre. DENVER—Empress Theatre, 1615 Curtis St. LOUISVILLE—Isls Theatre. DENVER—Electric Theatre, 3704 Downing Ave. LOUISVILLE—Majestic Theatre. DEN'VER^EIectric Theatre, 3843 Walnut St. LOUISVILLE—The Model, 2nd St. DENVER—11th Ave. Theatre, 11th St. and Broadway. LOVELAND—Isis Theatre. DEN'VEB-Family Theatre, 3623 W. 32nd Ave. LOVELAND—Lyric Theatre, 342 4th St. DENVEE^Famlly Theatre, 218 Broadway. LOVELAND—Majestic Theatre. DENVEP^Frollc Theatre, 2741 Larimer St. LOVELAND—Novelty Theatre. DEN-VER—Fun Theatre, 1624 Larimer St. MANCO.S—Mancos Opera House. DEN-VlsB—Gayety Theatre, 1084 Broadway. MARBLE—Luxcns Hall. DENVER—fJem Theatre, 2537 15th St. MAKBLT>-Marble Theatre. DEN^'ER—Globe Theatre, 4836 Wash St. MONTE VLSTA—Iris Theatre, 132 Adams .St. DEN-VER—Grand Theatre, 657 Jason St. MONTROSE—Crystal Theatre, 263 Main St. DENT^ER-Hippodrome, 1215 16th St. MONTEOSI->-Dreamland Theatre. DENVER-Highland Theatre, 3627 W. 32nd Ave. MONTEOSE—Gayety Theatre. DEN-VEE—Hub Theatre, California and Downing Sts. MONTEOSE—Montrose Opera House, 1st St. DENVER—Ideal Theatre, 3656 Navajo .St. MONTEOSF>-Novelty Theatre. DEN-VER—Iris Theatre, 1746 Curtis St. NEW CASTLE—Opera House, DENVER—Isis Theatre, 1632 Curtis St. OAK CREEK-Princess Theatre, cor. Main and Sharp Ave. DEN-VER-Ivy Theatre, 8th and James Sts. OURAY-Crystal Theatre, 520 Main St. DENVER—La Bona Theatre, 3358 Navajo St. OURAY—Electric Theatre. DEN-\-ER—Lux Theatre, 525 B. Miss. ,St, PAGOSA SPEINGS—Happyland Theatre. DEN-VER—Lyric Theatre. 1017 16th St. PAGOSA SPRINGS—Rex Theatre, Main St, DEN"VER—Lyric Theatre, 2287 W. Colfax Ave, PAGOSA SPRINGS—Star Theatre, DENVER-.Majestic Curtis PALISADE.S—Idle Hour Theatre, Main St, DliNViCR—Mascot Theatre 2748 Lafayette St, PALISADES—Electric Theatre. DE.WEK—Mascot Theatre 1423 26th Ave. PALISADE.S—Ideal Theatre. DEN'V'ER—My.Hti'- Th.ati-f. !4ti] and Franklin Sts. PAONIA—Gayety Theatre, Paonla St.

l- r. DEN'VER—North Si -n,. , .!216 ZunI St. PUEBLfJ—Colonial Theatre, 142 N. Union St,

DEN-^'ER—Orpli". i r. 1 :; Welton St. PUEBLO—Grand Theatre Co.. cor. 4th and Main Sts. DENVER 0/.7. I I' ' '.ili.in .St. PUEBLO—Majestic Theatre, 509 N. Main St.

i DENVER—Pat!' ; K. Colfax Ave. PUEBLO—Maze Theatre, 117 W. 4th St.

DEN-^'EH—Pelli i i JT r, w coirax , PUEBLO—Photoplay Theatre No, 1, 413 N. Union Ave. >: , ( DENVER—Prinr, l u:-J i urti PUEBLO-White City Theatre, 231 N. Union St.

DENVER—Rex i ) RICO—Silver City Theatre,

DENVER—Bex I : RIFLE—Majestic Theatre, cor. 4th St. and Railford. ... l ..; I DENVER—Royal . j RIFLE—Novelty Show Co., M. P. Theatre. DENVER—22n.J A:- Ti...»i..-. 2

• '1 SIL\l.l:i'' 1 . See Us.

EEIE—Erie Theatre. SILVI.I! I-.- I-.. . -ipfra House, ESTES PARK—Park Theatre. SOME)!.--|,-)— «,• in -III. aire. FLORENCi!—Crystal Theatre. 118 E. Main .St, SOPEI.S— Ir,t.ri,atioijal Theatre. FLORENCE—Isls Theatre, 116 E. Main St. STEAMBOAT SPRINGS—Electric Theatre, Lincoln Ave. FLOEENCIt;—Florence Theatre. STEAMBOAT SPRINGS—Majestic Theatre. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 63


STEKLING—Electric Theatre. TRINIDAD—Crystal Theatre. STERLING—Opera House. TRINIDAD-Isis Theatre. STEBLING—Princess Theatre. TRINIDAD—Maze Theatre. STERLDSIG—Sterling Theatre. TRINIDAD-Rex Theatre. TEIi,UEIDE—Cooper & Cooper, Jletropole Theatre, Box 413. VICTOR—Fox Theatre. TEULURIDE—Metropole Theatre. VICTOR—Isis Theatre. TELLURIDE—Opera House. VICTOR—Opera House, cor. Victor and 2nd Sts. TELLURIDE—Star Theatre. VVALSENBURG—Huerfano Theatre. TRINIDAD—Best Theatre. WALSENBURG—Star Theatre. TRINIDAD— Central Park Theatre, San Juan St. and Santa Fe Hy. Tlis. CONNECTICUT

ANSONIA—Opera House, Main St. ANSONIA—Pastime Theatre, 87 Main St. ANSONIA—Tremont Theatre. Tremont and Main Sts. NEW HAVEN—Bijou Dream Theatre. 26 Church St. BALTIC—Dime Theatre, Railroad St. NEW HAVEN—Bronx Theatre, 715 Dixwell Ave. BETHEL—Nicholis Opera House. NEW HAVEN—Comlque Theatre. BRANFORD—Park Theatre, 242 Main St. NEW HAVEN—De Witt Theatre, 169 De Witt St. BRIDGEPORT-Bijou Theatre, 1123 Broad St. NEW HAVEN—Dreamland Theatre. 714 Grand Ave. BRIDGEPORT—Bijou Theatre, 275 Fairfield Ave. NEW HAVEN—Garden Theatre, Dixwell Ave. and Shalton St. BRIDGEPORT—Bull's Head Theatre, 1737 N. Main St. NEW HAVEN—Globe Theatre, 845 Chapel St. BRIDGEPORT—Devon Theatre. 593 Howard St. NEW HAVEN—Grand Theatre, 174 Crown St. BRIDGEPORT—Elite Theatre, Charles and Main Sts. NEW HAVEN—Lawrence Theatre, 257 Humphrey St. BRIDGEPORT—Empire Theatre. 842 Main St. NEW HAVEN—L. H. Bossiter, 10 Aslem St. BRIDGEPORT-Hippodrome, Stratford Ave. NEW HAVEN—Life Theatre, 52 Congress St. BRIDGEPORT—Imperial Theatre, Stratford Ave. NEW HAVEN—Majestic Theatre, 563 Oak St. BRIDGEPORT-Lenox Theatre, 60 John St. NEW HAVEN—Pacific Theatre, 152 Dixwell Ave. BRIDGEPORT—Lyric Theatre, 1428 Main St. NEW HAVEN—Pequot Theatre. 86 Grand Ave. BRIDGEPORT—Main Theatre, 1412 Main St. NEW HAVEN—Moonlight Theatre. 236 Congress Ave. BRIDGEPORT—Majestic Theatre, 441 Pembroke St. NEW HAVEN—Novelty Theatre, 560 Grand Ave. BRIDGEPORT—Maplewood Theatre, Maplevvood, nr. Howard Ave. NEW HAVEN—Orpheum Theatre, 900 State St. BRIDGEPORT—Mason's Theatre, 55 Cannon St. NEW HAVEN—San Carlino Theatre, 857 Grand Ave. BRIDGEPORT—OUve Theatre, 15 OUve St. NEW HAVEN—Star Theatre. 857 Grand Ave. BRIDGEPORT—Oriole Theatre. 441 Pembroke St. NEW HAVEN—Star Theatre. 174 Congress St. BRIDGEPORT-Palace Theatre. 960 E. Main St. NEW HAVEN—Stello Tlieatre, State St. BRIDGEPORT—Park City Theatre. 1176 Stratford Ave. NEW HAVEN—White City Tlieatre, 669 Grand Ave. BRIDGEPORT—Park City Theatre. 39 6th St. NEW LONDON—Empire Theatre, 396 Bank St. BRIDGEPORT-Pictorial Arcade. 1060 Broad St. NEW LONDON—Garden Theatre. BRIDGEPORT—Plaza Theatre. Fairfield, nr. Water St. NEW LONDON—Lyceum Theatre. BRIDGEPORT—Polis Theatre. Main St. NEW LONDON—New Orpheum. Bank St. BRIDGEPORT—Roman Theatre. NEW MILFORD-Star Theatre. BBIDGEPOET—Scenic Theatre. 877 E. Main St. NORTH GROSVENORDALE—Union Hall Theatre. S S. Main S BRIDGEPORT—Seaside Theatre. 876 Main St. NORTH HARTFORD—Star Theatre. BRIDGEPORT-South Bend Theatre. R. R. Ave., bet. West and Park NORWALK—Monte Christo Theatre, 60 Wall St. NORWALK—Pastime Picture Palace. BRIDGEPORT—South End Theatre. 504 Railroad Ave. NORWALK—Pleasant Hour Tlieatre, 60 Wall St. BRIDGEPORT—State Theatre. 849 State St. NORWICH—Breed Theatre, Main and Cliureh Sts. BRIDGEPORT—Studio Tlieatre, 304 Colorado Ave. NORWICH—Colonial Theatre, 16 Main St. BRIDGEPORT—. 1259 State St. NORWICH—Poll's Theatre. Broadway and Willow St. BRISTOL—Bristol Theatre. 120 N. Main St. NORWICH—Sheedy's Auditorium Theatre. BRISTOL—Empire Theatre. PUTNAM—The Bradley Theatre, 5 Front St. BRISTOL—Gem Theatre. PUTNAM—Empire Theatre. Elm St. BRISTOL—Princess Theatre. ROCKVILLE—Palace Theatre, Market St. CHESTER—Princess Theatre. ROCKVILLE—Eockville Opera House, 53 Market St. COLLINSVILLE—Opera House. ROCKVILLE—Palace Theatre, 10 School St. DANBURT—Chas. Cusazza . ROCKVILLE—Sherman's Family Theatre, Brooklyn St. DANBURY—Empress Theatre, JIain Si. ROCKVILLE—Town Hall. 55 Village St. DANBURY—Taylor Opera House, 190 Main St. SAVIN ROCK—Orpheum Theatre. DANBURY—Vaudeville, 255 Main St. SEYMOUR—Seymour Opera House. DANIELSON—Bijou Theatre, Main St. SHORT BEACH—Short Beach Theatre. DANIELSON—Orpheum Theatre, 12 Centre St. SOUTH MANCHESTER-Armoury, Main St. DEEP RIVER—Town Hall. SOUTH NOBWALK—Bijou Dream Theatre, Washington St. DERBY—Bijou Theatre, 302 Main St. SOUTH NORKALK—Proctor Theatre. DERBY—Derby Theatre, 148 Main St. SOUTH NOBWALK-Springwood Theatre, 20 Lexington Ave. DERBY—Sterling Theatre. SOUTH NORWALK—The Club Theatre Co., Box 695. EAST GBEENVIEW—Empire Tlieatre. STAFFORD SPRINGS—Comlque Theatre. John Sena Bldg., Main GREENWICH—Congress Theatre. STAFFORD SPRINGS—Gem Theatre, 79 Main St. GREENWICH—, Greenwich Ave. STAMFORD—Crescent Theatre. GREENWICH-Island Beach Theatre, Island Beach. STAMFORD—Alhambra Theatre, 24 Eiver St. HARTFORD—Empire Theatre, 307 Asylum St. STAMFOBD—Colonial Theatre. HARTFORD—Hartford Theatre, 933 Main St. STAMFORD—Lyceum Theatre, Atlantic St. HARTFORD—Nickel Theatre. STAMFOBD—Lyric Theatre, Atlantic and Berkely Sts. HARTFORD—Poll's Theatre. STAMFORD—Vaudeville Theatre, 428 Main St. HARTFORD—Scenic Theatre, 686 Main St. TERRYVILLE—Town Hall, Main St. HABTFORD—Star Theatre, 1255 Main St. THOMASTON—Thomaston Opera House. HAKTFOBD-Y. M. C. A. THOMPSONVILLE—Majestic Theatre, Asnomtock St. HIGHLAND LAKE—Highland Park Theatre. TORRINGTON—Gem Theatre, 83 Water St. LITCHFIELD—Colonial Theatre. TORRINGTON—Torrington Opera House. MANCHESTER—Circle Theatre. Oak St. TORRINGTON—Star Tlieatre. MERIDEN—Crystal Theatre, 25 Coloney St. UNION CITY—City Theatre. MERIDEN—Polis Theatre. WALLINGFORD—Bijou Theatre, Orchard and Center Sts. MERIDEN—Star Theatre. WALLINGFORD—Bijou Theatre, 41 Wallace Bd. MIDDLETOWN—Middlesex Theatre, 151 Main St. WATERBUBY—Carroll Theatre. MIDDLETOWN—Nickel Theatre, 156 Court St. WATBEBUBY—Garden Theatre. 153 E. Main St. MIDDLETOWN—Park Theatre. WATEBBURY—Poli's Theatre. E. Main St. MILFOED—Berkshire Theatre. WATEBBURY—Waterbury Theatre. MILFORD—Colonial Theatre, 39 River St. WATEBBURY-Lakewood Park Theatre. MILFORD—Milford Photoplay. WATERBURY—Lyric Theatre. 236 S. Main St. MILFORD—Star Theatre, 12 E. Main St. WATERBURY—Star Theatre. MILFORD—Tower Theatre. Walnut Beach. WATERBUBY—Scenic Theatre. 204 Bank St. MOOSUP—People's Theatre. WEST HAVEN—Orpheum Theatre, White City, Savin Rock. MYSTIC—Optimus Theatre. WESTVILLE—Edgewood Theatre, Wlialley Ave. NATJGATUCK—Alcazar Theatre, N. Main St. WESTVILLE—Marvel Theatre, 904 Whale Ave. NAUGATUCK—City Theatre, 202 Maple St. » WILLMANTIC—Bijou Theatre, Main St. NEW BRITAIN-Russwin Lyceum Theatre, 21 W. Main St. WINSTED—Scenic Theatre. NEW BRITAIN—Wm. Fox Theatre. WINSTED—Winsted Theatre. NEW CANAAN—Opera House. DELAWARE BBIDGEVILLE—Keller's Theatre. LAUREL—Opera House. DELAWARE CITY—Ft. Dupont Theatre. LAUREL—Laurel DELMAR—Casino Theatre, Railroad Ave. LEWES—Lewes M. P. Parlor. DELMAR—TwiUght. MILFORD—Dreamland Theatre, Walnut St. DOVER—Mason Picture Parlor. 110 Loockerman St. MILFORD—Palace Theatre. DOVEB—Dover Opera House. MILFORD—Lyric Theatre. GEORGETOWN—People's Theatre. MILFORD—Casino Theatre. HARRINGTON-Harrington Opera House, 117 Railroad «!t. MILFORD—Opera House. HARRINGTON—Opera House. NEWAEK—Newark Opera House. 0


For fifty years The Morgan Lithograph Company have been making POSTERS that have created many successes in the Theatrical World.

They are NOW making a LARGE propor- tion of the POSTERS used in the Moving Picture Business. THEY KNOW HOW THEY ARE SAFE PEOPLE TO CONSULT TRY IT


DELAWARE—Continued NEWAKK—Central Hall. WILMINGTON—Empire Theatre. 10th St. REHOBOTH—Casino Theatre, 30 Surf Ave. WILMINGTON—Grand Opera House, Market St., bet. 8th and 9th. BEHOBOTH BEACH—Royal Theatre. WILMINGTON—Majestic Theatre, 703 Market St. SEATORD—Coulbourne's Theatre. Market and High Sts. WILMINGTON—Odd Fellows' Temple, S. W. cor. 12th and Walnut Sts. SEAFORD—Wright's Auditorium, High St. WILMINGTON—Savoy Theatre, W. A. Jones Co.. 517 Market St. SMYRNA—Smyrna Opera House. WILMINGTON—The Palace Theatre, 117 Market St. WILMINGTON—Auditorium, 411 Market St. WILMINGTON—Pickwick Theatre. 504 Market St. WILMINGTON—Avenue Theatre, Delaware Ave. WILMINGTON—Red Moon Theatre. 411 Market St. WILMINGTON—Bijou Theatre. 410 Market St. WILMINGTON—Victoria Theatre, 836 Market St. •ILMINGTON—Dream Theatre, 605 Scott St. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ANACOSTIA—Anacostia Theatre. 32 Nicholas Ave. WASHINGTON—Lyric Tlieatre, 621 Pennsylvania Ave. WASHINGTON—Acme Theatre, 332 Penn Ave., S. E. WASHINGTON—Lyric Theatre, 14th St., N. W. WASHINGTON—Alhambra Theatre, 519 7th St., N. W. WASHINGTON—Majestic Theatre, 9th St. and Pennsylvania Ave. WASHINGTON—American Amusement Co.. 3034 14th St., N. W. WASHINGTON—Masonic Auditorium. 13th and New York Ave., N. V. WASHINGTON—American Theatre, Penn Ave., nr. 11th St. WASHINGTON—M St. Theatre. 3229 M St., N. W. WASHINGTON—Angelo Theatre. 1602 14th St., N. W. WASHINGTON—Meader Theatre. 537 8tfi St., S. E. WASHINGTON—Anita Theatre. 3 H St.. N. W. WASHINGTON—Minnehaha Theatre. 1217 U St.. N. W. WASHINGTON—, 624 H St., N. E. WASHINGTON—Mt. Pleasant Theatre. 3036 14th St.. N. W. WASHINGTON—Arcade Theatre, 14th St. and Park Bd. WASHINGTON—Mt. Vernon Theatre, 918 9th St.. N. W. WASHINGTON—Avenue Picture Park Theatre, 13 Pennsylvania Ave. WASHINGTON—Navy Theatre, 410-12 8th St., S. E. WASHINGTON—Avenue Grand Tlieatre. 645-649 Pennsylvania Ave. WASHINGTON—New Colonial. 814 H St.. N. E. WASHINGTON—Blue Mouse Theatre, 1207 26th St., N. W. WASHINGTON-rOlympia, 908 Pennsylvania Ave., N. E. WASHINGTON—Brown's Pickwick Theatre, 911 Pennsylvania Ave., N. WASHINGTON—Olympic Theatre, 1431 U St., N. W. WASHINGTON—Capitol Park Theatre, N. Capitol and L Sts. WASHINGTON—Orpheuin Theatre. 4th and Massachusetts Aves., N. E. WASHINGTON—Casino Theatre, 620 F St., N. W. WASHINGTON—Orpheum Theatre, 9th and D Sts.. N. W. WASHINGTON—Casino Theatre, 401 E. Capitol St. WASHINGTON—Palace Theatre, 307 9th St., N. W. WASHINGTON—Chase's Theatre, 14th and G Sts., N. W. WASHINGTON—Peerless Park Theatre, 3108 Georgia St. WASHINGTON—. 1913 M St., N. W. WASHINGTON—Pickwick Theatre, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., N. W. WASHINGTON—Circle Tlieatre, 2105 Pennsylvania Ave., N. W. WASHINGTON—PoU's Theatre, Pennsylvania Ave., bet. 14th and 15th WASHINGTON—Colonial Theatre, 927 Pennsylvania Ave.. N. W. Sts. WASHINGTON—Cosmos Theatre, 919 Pennsylvania Ave., N. W. WASHINGTON—•PrincessPrincess Theatre, 1119-21-23 H St., N. WASHINGTON—Crandall's Theatre. WASHINGTON- •Raphael Theatre. 9th and O Sts WASHINGTON—Crescent Theatre. 921 Pennsylvania Ave. WASHINGTON- •Ransall's Star Theatre. 1010 3rd St.

WASHINGTON—Diamond Theatre. 1342 H St., M. C. WASHINGTON- Royal Park Theatre, 3032 14th St.. : WASHINGTON—Dixie Theatre, 8th and H Sts. WASHINGTON- •Savoy Theatre, 14th and Col. Bd. WASHINGTON—The Dunbar Theatre, 1219 U St.. N. W. WASHINGTON- •Savoy Theatre, 712 H St., N. WASHINGTON—Dunbarton Theatre, Wisconsin Ave. WASHINGTON—Scenic Theatre. 1305 Wisconsin Ave. WASHINGTON—Eastern Theatre, 515 8th St., S. 5. WASHINGTON—Schuetzen Park Theatre, Georgia Ave. WASHINGTON—EUte Theatre, George Ave., bet. M St. and Pomeroy. WASHINGTON—Standard Park Theatre, 1419 N. Capitol St. WASHINGTON—Fairyland Theatre, 1836 L St.. N. W. WASHINGTON—Stanton Park Theatre. 211 4th St. WASHINGTON—Favorite Theatre, 62 H St., N. W. WASHINGTON—Star Theatre, 1010 3rd St., S. W. WASHINGTON—Florida Theatre, 15th and Florida Ave. WASHINGTON—Surprise Theatre. 908-10 Pennsylvania Ave. WASHINGTON—Foraker Theatre, 20th St., bet. L and M Sts. WASHINGTON—Thomas' Star Theatre. 1010 3rd St. WASHINGTON—Gem Theatre. WASHINGTON—Truxton Theatre, N. Capitol and I Sts. WASHINGTON—Georgia Theatre, 3418 Georgia Ave. WASHINGTON—Truxton Theatre,. N. Capitol and Q Sts. WASHINGTON—Grand Theatre, 632 K St., S. W. WASHINGTON—Victor Theatre, 1934 14th St., N. W. WASHINGTON—Happyland Theatre, 1020 7th St., N. W. WASHINGTON—Victoria Theatre, 505 7th St., S. W. WASHINGTON—Howard Theatre. 78 T St. WASHINGTON—Virginia Theatre, 608 9th St., N. W. WASHINGTON—Idle Hour Theatre, Georgia Ave. and Park Rd. WASHINGTON—Washington Theatre, 18th, bet. U and California Sts. WASHINGTON—La Grand Theatre, 1500 N. Capitol St. WASHINGTON—Wonderland Park, Florida Ave., bet. 14th and 15th Sts. WASHINGTON—Lafayette Theatre, 1307 E St. WASHINGTON—Worthington. 4th and Pennsylvania Aves., S. E. WASHINGTON—Leader Theatre, 509 9th St., N. W. WASHINGTON—Zenith Theatre, 715 8th St.. S. E. WASHINGTON—Liberty Theatre, 1422 North Carolina St. FLORIDA APALACHICOLA—Dixie Theatre. MIAMI—M-A-R-Co Theatre, 305 12th St. APALACHICOLA—Dreamland Theatre. MIAMI—Grand Theatre. ARCADIA—Star Theatre. S. DeSoto St. MIAMI—Kinodrome Theatre. BRADENTOWN—Padora Theatre, Main St. MIAMI—Lyric Theatre, 313 Avenue G. BHADENTOWN—Poinsetta Theatre. OCALA—New Temple Theatre. BARTOW—Orpheum Theatre, 54 Central Ave. ORLANDO-Grand Theatre. 19 W. Pine St. CABRABELLA—McKissack's Theatre, cor. Marine and Clare Sts. ORLANDO—New Lucerne Theatre. CENTBALIA—Palace Theatre. ORLANDO—Pastime Theatre, Pine St. CHIPLEY—Chipley Amusement Co. PALATKA—Orpheum Theatre, 110-112 Lemon St. CLEARWATER—Amusu Theatre. PALATKA—Kalbfleld Grand. CLEARWATER—Orpheum Theatre, Cleveland St. PALMETTO—Opera House, Main St. COCOA—Co-Hey Theatre. Dellannoy Ave., cor. Travis Dock. PANAMA CITY—Family Theatre. DAYTONA BEACH—Casino Theatre. Sea Breeze Ave. PANAMA CITY—Idle Hour Theatre. DAYTONA—Crescent Theatre. 10 S. Beach St. PENSACOLA—Bonita Theatre. DE FUNIAK SPEINGS—Star Theatre. PENSACOLA—Star Theatre, S. Palafox St. DELAND—Colonial Theatre. PERRY—Princess Theatre. DELRAY—Bijou Theatre. PLANT CITY—Wonderland Theatre. DUNNELLON—Opera House. PUNTA GORDA—Dixie Theatre. FELLSMERE—Dixie Theatre. QUINCY—Lyric Theatre, P. O. Box 63. FERNANDINA—Grand Theatre, 212 Centre St. QUINCY—Pastime Theatre. FERNANDINA—Lyceum Theatre. ST. AUGUSTINE—Orpheum Theatre, 20 Cathedral PI. FT. LAUDERDALE—Dade Theatre, Brickie Ave. and Oliver St. ST. AUGUSTINE—Electric Theatre. 126 St. George St. FT. LAUDERDALE—Garden Tlieatre. ST. PETERSBURG—Rex Theatre. 167 Central Ave. FT. MEADE—Alcazar Theatre. ST. PETERSBURG—Star Theatre. 360 Central Ave. FT. MEYERS—Grand Theatre. ST. PETERSBURG—Grand Theatre. FT. PIERCE—Crystal Theatre, Pine St. ST. PETERSBURG—La Plaza Theatre. GAINESVILLE—Lyric Theatre. ST. PETERSBURG—Royal Palms Theatre. 247 Central Ave. GAINESVILLE—Younglove Theatre, 208 E. Liberty St. SANFORD—Imperial Theatre. 119 MagnoFa Ave. GAINESVILLE—Seminole Theatre. SANFORD—Star Theatre. 201 Magnolia Ave. HOMESTEAD—Dixie Theatre. SARASOTA—Griffin's Theatre. JACKSONVILLE—Phoenix Theatre, 411 W. Bay St. STARKE—Hopson Theatre. JACKSONVILLE—Frolic Theatre, 725 W. Ashley Ave. STUART—Lyric Theatre. JACKSONVILLE—Globe Theatre, 618 W. Ashley St. TALLAHASSEE—Leon Tlieatre. JACKSONVILLE—Grand Theatre, 16-18 S. Forsyth St. TALLAHASSEE—Picture Show. JACKSONVILLE—Orpheum Theatre, Main and Duval Sts. TALLAHASSEE—Capital City Theatre. JACKSONVILLE—Pastime Theatre, 215 W. Bay St. TAMPA—Favorite Theatre. JACKSONVILLE—Prince Theatre, Main and Forsyth Sts. TAMPA—Poincianna Theatre. SOUTH JACKSONVILLE—Empress Theatre. TAMPA—Alcazar Theatre. KEY WEST—Monroe Theatre. TAMPA—Montgomery Theatre. KISSIMMEE—Family Theatre. WEST TAMPA—Spanish Casino. KISSIMMEE—Pastime Theatre, Broadway. WEST TAMPA—Dre?imland Theatre. LAKE CITY'—Grand Theatre. TARPON SPRINGS—Orpheum Theatre. LAKE CITY—Idle Hour Theatre. TITUSVILLE—Magnolia Theatre. LAKELAND—Auditorium. TITUSVILLE—Opera House, 98 Julia St. LAKELAND—Star Theatre. WEST PALM BEACH—Bijou Theatre. LAKELAND—Majestic Theatre. 231 E. Main St. WEST PALM BEACH—M. P. Theatre. LAKEWOBTH—Orpheum Theatre. WEST PALM BEACH—Amusu Theatre. LIVE OAK—Dreamland Theatre, 311 S. Ohio Ave. WEST PALM BEACH—Speed Theatre, Baynan St. LOUGHMAN—Electric Theatre, P. 0. Box 83. WHITE SPRINGS—Dream City Theatre. LYNN HAVEN—Alvin Theatre. YBOB CITY—Pathe Theatre, 1604 7th St. MADISON—Amusu Theatre, Main St. YBOB CITY—Venus Theatre. MARRIANNA—Imperial Theatre. YBOR CITY—Monte Carlo Theatre. MIAMI—Arcade Theatre, 320 12th St. YBOE CITY—San Souci Theatre, 1315 7th Ave. MIAMI—Dixie Theatre, Avenue D. 66 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY


There is no business more dependent on the advertising medium for success, than the Motion Picture Theatre. ReaHzing this, ever}^ exhibitor should use the same amount of care in selecting Posters for advertising coming reels, that should be used in selecting plays. Above all, do not select paper that misrepresents. Have you noticed the new Photo-Posters made by the Central Lithograph Company of Cleveland? They are perfect photographic reproductions of photo-play scenes. SOUVENIR NIGHT will Draw an Audience to Your House when all other efforts fail HAVE YOU SEEN OUR LINE OF STAR PORTRAITS?

We are in a position to furnish you with portraits of the leading MOTION PICTURE STARS, in cabinet size, which are WORKS OF ART $6.00 (Six Dollars) for One Thousand By having a Souvenir Night once a week, on which you will furnish a portrait of a MOTION PICTURE STAR to all the audience, and advertising it with our SPECIAL SLIDES and LOBBY DISPLAYS, you can fill your house any night you may select.


ALBANY—Crescent Theatre, 226 Broad St. FORSYTH—Forsyth Tlieatre. ALBANY—New Albany Theatre. POBSYTH—Ponder Theatre. ALBANY—KawUngs Theatre, Herman Strauss. FOBSYTH—Pioneer Theatre. AitERICUS—Alcazar Theatre. FORSYTH—Rowland Theatre, W. Johnson and N. Jackson. AMERICUS—Bijou Theatre. FT. SCREVEN—Tomo Chi Chi Theatre, Post Exchange. AKLINGTON—Grand Theatre. GAINESVILLE—Crystal Theatre. ATHENS—Elite Theatre, 154 Clayton St. GAINESVILLE—Alamo Theatre. ATHENS—Morton Theatre, Washington St. GAINESVILLE—Stringer's Theatre. ATHENS—Crystal Theatre. GRIFFIN—Electric Theatre, 106 S. Hill St. ATHENS—Lyric Theatre, 130 College Ave. HARTWELL—Elite Theatre, 46 Carolina St. ATHENS—Majestic Theatre, 120 Clayton St. HARTWELL—Favorite Tlieatre, Franklin and Decatur Sts. ATLANTA—Alamo Theatre. 38 Whitehall St. HABTWELL—Hartwell Theatre. ATLANTA—Alcazar Theatre, 99 Peachtree St. HARTWELL—Scenic Theatre. Howell St. ATLANTA—American Theatre, 100 Whitehall St. HAWKINSVILLE—Edison Picture Show. Commerce St. ATLANTA—Bijou Theatre, 37 Marietta St. HOGANSVILLE—Amusu Theatre, College St. ATLANTA—Crystal Theatre, Viaduct PI. JACKSON—Vendome, E. Side of Court House Sq. ATLANTA—Dixie Theatre, Colored, 127 Decatur St. LAFAYETTE—Palace Theatre. ATLANTA—Dixie Theatre, 86 Whitehall St. LA GRANGE—Grand Theatre. ATLANTA—Dutch Windmill Theatre, Whitehall St. LA GRANGE—Orpheum Theatre. ATLANTA—Duval Theatre, Peters St. LINDALE—Bonita Theatre, Park and 1st Sts. ATLANTA—Elite Theatre, 36 Peachtree St. LITHONIA—Princess Theatre. ATLANTA—Pavorite Theatre, 26 Merrita St. MACON—Alamo Theatre. ATLANTA—Forsyth Theatre, 76 Forsyth St. MACON—Lyric Theatre. ATLANTA—Holland Theatre, Whitehall St. MACON—Grand Theatre. 617 Mulberry St. ATLANTA—Joel Theatre, 147 Peters St. MACON—Palace Tlieatre, 620 Cherry St. ATLANTA—Lanier Theatre, Whitehall St. MACON—Temple Theatre. ATLANTA—Majestic Theatre, 30 Peachtree St. MADISON—Madison Theatre. ATLANTA—Montgomery's Theatre, 87 Peachtree St. MANCHESTER—Alpha Theatre. ATLANTA—Queen Theatre, G. A. Hatramph, 84 Whitehall St. MARIETTA—Gem Theatre, Lawrence St. ATLANTA—Vaudette Theatre, 96-98 Whitehall St. McRAE—McRae Picture Show. AUGUSTA—Arcadium Theatre. MILLEN—Miller's Opera House, Bdenfleld Bldg., Cotton Ave. AUGUSTA—Bonita Theatre, 756 Broad St. MILLEDGEVILLE—Colonial Theatre. AUGUSTA—Casino Theatre. MILLEDGEVILLE—Star Theatre, Box 104. AUGUSTA—McKinnery St. Theatre. MILLEN—Photoplay Theatre. AUGUSTA—Superba Theatre. MONROE—M. P. Theatre. AUGUSTA—Bijou Theatre. MOULTRIE-Grand Theatre. AUGUSTA—Modjeska Theatre, 810 Broad St. MOULTRIE—Moultrie Theatre. BAINBBIDGE—Grand Theatre. NASHVILLE—Opera House. BABNESVILLE—Gordon Theatre, Main St. NEWMAN—Halcyon Theatre. BLACKSHEAE—De Clide Theatre. NEWMAN—Lyric Theatre. BAXLEY—Grand Theatre. NEWMAN—Palace Theatre. 22 Court Sq. BRUNSWICK-Grand Opera House. 1528 Newcastle St. QUITMAN—Quitman Opera House. BEUNSWICK—Pastime Theatre. 1506 Newcastle St. RICHLAND—Dixie Theatre. CAIRO—Pastime Theatre. ROME—Elite Theatre, Broad St. CAIRO—Gem Theatre. Broad St. ROME—Dixie Theatre, 207 Broad St. CARDELE—Star Theatre. ROSSVILLE—Theato Theatre. CASROLLTON—Bonita Theatre. SANDERSVILLE—Pastime Theatre. CARKOLLTON—Vaudette Theatre, on Square. SPARTA—Palace Theatre. CARTEBSVILLE—Elite Theatre, 21 W. Main St. SAVANNAH—Folly Theatre. CAHTERSVILLE—Greenwood Theatre. SAVANNAH—Odeon Theatre, 134 E. Broughton St. CARTEBSVILLE-Grand Theatre. SAVANNAH—Bijou Theatre, 112 Broughton St. CEDARTOWN—Palace Theatre. SAVANNAH—Pekin Theatre, 625 W. Broad St. CEDARTOWN—Elite Theatre. SAVANNAH—Princess Theatre, 209 Broughton St.. E. CABROLLTON—Halyon Theatre. SHELLMAN—Princess Theatre. COCHRAN—Brown's Palace Theatre. SUMMERVILLE—Pictureland. Main St. COLUMBUS—Bonita Theatre. 1036 Broad St. SYLVANIA—Electric Theatre. COLUMBUS—Majestic Theatre. TACCOA—Star Theatre. COLUMBUS—American Theatre. TALLAPOOSA—Majestic Theatre. Head Ave. COMMERCE—Ellida Theatre. THOMPSON—Little Gem Theatre. CONCORD—Opera House. THOMASVILLE—Broad St. Theatre, 126 S. Broad St. CORDELE—Rex Theatre. THOMASTON—Palace Theatre. COVINGTON—Vaudette Theatre. THOMASTON—Pastime Theatre. COVINGTON—Lyric Theatre. E. S. Public Sq. TIFTON—Electric Theatre. CUTHBERT—Idle Hour Theatre. TIFTON—Pastime Theatre. CUTHBEBT—Victoria Theatre. TIFTON-Star Theatre. DALLAS—Majestic Theatre. TOCOA—Idle Hour Theatre. DALTON—Crescent Theatre. UNION POINT—Star Theatre. DALTON—New Lyceum Theatre. VALDOSTA—Grand Theatre, Central Ave. DALTON—Opera House, Hamilton and Crawford Sts. VALDOSTA—Montgomery Theatre. DALTON—Palace Theatre. VIDALIA—Amusu Theatre. DAWSON—Amus-U Theatre. Main St. VIENNA—Photoplay Theatre. DAWSON—Palace Theatre. 204 N. Main St. WASHINGTON—Princess Theatre. DOUGLAS—Alcazar Theatre. Peterson St. WAYCROSS—Grand Theatre. DOUGLAS—Colored Theatre. WAYCROSS—Gaiety Theatre. DUBLIN—Amusu Theatre. Jackson St. WAYCROSS—Opera House. DUBLIN—Gem Theatre. WAYNESBORO—Southdall Amusement Co. EASTMAN—Electric Theatre. WAYCROSS—Lyric Theatre. EASTMAN—Picture Palace Theatre. WEST POINT—Grand Tlieatre. EAST POINT—Cook's Theatre. WEST POINT—^West Point Amusement Co. ELBERTON—Elberta Theatre. WEST POINT—Vaudette Theatre. ELBERTON—Bonita Theatre, 140 Olive St. WINDER—. FITZGERALD—Grand Opera House. WINDER—Lyric Theatre. FITZGERALD—Lyric Theatre. IDAHO AMERICAN FALLS—Auditorium. CALDWELL—Huree Theatre. AMERICAN FALLS—Irene Theatre. CALDWELL—The Scenic Theatre. ASHTON—Star Theatre, Main St. COEUR D'ALENE—Casino Theatre. Sherman St. BELLEVUE—Bellevue M. P. Show, Main St. COEUR D'ALENE—Bex Theatre. Sherman St. BLACKFOOT—Auditorium Theatre. Bridge St. COTTONWOOD—Princess Theatre. King and Main Sts. BLACKFOOT-Crescent Theatre. 125 W. Main SI DRIGGS—Elk Theatre. BLACKFOOT—Isis Theatre. 151 Main St. ELK KTVER-Dream Theatre. BLACKFOOT—Orpheum Theatre, 125 W. Main St. ELK RIVER—Elk River Theatre. BOISE—Auditorium. ELK RIVER—McLivan Theatre. BOISE—Boz Theatre. EMMET—Electric Theatre. BOISE—Bijou Theatre. 921 Main St. ESTHERVILLE—Lyric Theatre, S. 6th St. BOISE—Brand's Photo. Theatre. 1009 Main St. FERRELL—Shamrock Theatre. BOISE—Empress Theatre. FILLER-Empress Theatre. BOISE—Idle Hour Theatre. GBNESSEE—Opera House. BOISE—Isis Theatre, 111 10th St. GLBNNS FERRY-Fairy Theatre, Main St. BOISE—Kaiser Theatre, 7th and Main Sts. GOODING—Arcade, Arcade Bldg. BOISE—Lyric Theatre, Main St. GRACE—Princess Theatre. BOISE— Orpheum, 9th and Grove Sts. GRANGEVILLE—Bell Theatre. BOISE—Bex Theatre. GBANGBVILLE—Lyric Theatre. BOISE—Star Theatre, 613 Main St. HAGERMAN—Park Opera House. State St. BONNERS FEBBY—Utopia Theatre, Main St. HAILBY—Hailey Opera House. Main St. BOVILLE—Boville Opera House. HAILEY—Star Theatre, Main St. BURLEY—Elysium Theatre. HARBISON—Edison Theatre. BURLEY—, Main and Oakley Ave. HARBISON—Princess Theatre. HOPE—Empress Theatre. IDAHO FALLS—Dime Theatre. 68 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

Western Vaudeville Managers' Association

MARTIN BECK, President MORT H. SINGER, Gen'l Mgr. C. E. KOHL, Managing Director

Occupying the Entire Tenth and Eleventh Floors

Majestic Theatre Building CHICAGO, ILL.

The largest, best organized and and most reliable Booking Office in the west. Successfully book- ing over three hundred theatres in the middle west. In conjunc- tion with our Vaudeville Book- ings, we have organized a new Film Department. FEATURE FILM PRODUCERS CAN FIND A READY MARKET FOR THEIR PRODUCTIONS BY ADDRESSING


IDAHO—Continued IDAHO FALLS—New Theatre. BEXBUEG-Opera House. IDAHO FALLS—Scenic Theatre. 371 Broadway. BEXBUEG—Bex Theatre. Main and Center Sts. IDAHO FALLS—Star Theatre, Park Avenue. BICHFIELD—Opera House. JEROME—^Dime Theatre. EIGBY—Lulu Tlieatre, Main St. JEBOME—Idaho Theatre, Main St. BIGBY—Orpheum Theatre. Main. bet. Clark and State. S KELLOGG—Isl3 Theatre. BUPERT—Kay Bee Theatre. KELLOGG—Princess Theatre. BUPEBT—Lincoln Theatre. KELLOGG—M. P. Theatre. SALMON—Crystal Theatre. KIMBEBLY—Opera House. SALMON CITY—Grand Theatre. LEWISTON—Dime Theatre, Main St. SALMON—Scenic Theatre. LEWISTON—Flaming Arc Theatre, 522 Main St. SAND POINT—Empire Theatre, 419 Third St. LEWISTON—Grand Theatre. SAND POINT—Gem Theatre. LEWISTON—Lyric Theatre. SAND POINT—Scenic Theatre, 203 1st Ave. LEWISTON—Majestic Theatre. SHELLEY—Globe Theatre. Centre St. LEWISTON—New Theatorium, 714 Main St. SHELLEY—Opera House. MACKAT—Louise Theatre. SHELLEY—Shelley Elec. Theatre. MAT, AD—Palmo Theatre. SHOSHONE—Opera House. MALAD—Star Theatre. SHOSHONE—Star Theatre. McCAMMON—McCammon Op. House, 203 Front St. SODA SPRINGS—Isis Theatre, Dillon St. and R. R. Ave. MERIDIAN—Dime Theatre. SODA SPEINGS—Opera House, N. Dillon St. MONTPELIEE—Family Theatre. SODA SPEINGS—Star Theatre. MONTPELIEE—MontpeUer Theatre. 9th St. SOLDIER—Soldier M. P. Theatre. MOSCOW—Orpheum Theatre, 3rd Ave. and Main St. SPIEIT LAKE—Star Theatre, 4th Ave. MOSCOW—Orpheum Theatre. Main and Wash. Sts. ST ANTHONY—Grand Theatre, Main St. MOUNTAIN HOME—Peoples Theatre, Alturas St. ST. ANTHONY—Bex Theatre. MULLAN—Crescent Theatre. ST. MAEIES—Bijou Theatre. MULLAN—Stockholm Bar and Cafe, Earl Ave. ST. MARIES—Ideal Theatre. NAMPA—Orpheum. ST. MARIES—Star Theatre. NEZ PEHCE—Opera House. ST. MARIES—Grand Theatre. OAKLEY—Orpheum Theatre. SUGAR CITY—Rex Theatre. OEOFmO—Rose Theatre. TETON—Opera House. PARIS—Lyric Theatre. TWIN FALLS—Dime Theatre, Main Avenue PAYETTE—Emma Theatre. Commercial and Boise Sts. TWIN FALLS—Isis Theatre. PAYETTE—The Edison Theatre. TWIN FALLS—Lyric Theatre, 127 Shoshone St. POCATELLO—Auditorium. TWIN FALLS—Orpheum Theatre, 131 N. Shoshone St. POCATELLO—Grand Theatre, 130 S. Main St. TWIN FALLS—Orsis. POCATELLO—Olympic Theatre. Main St. TWIN FALLS—Revier Theatre. POCATELLO—Princess Theatre, 128 S. Mam St. TWIN FALLS—Shoshone Theatre, 127 Suschune St. POTLATCH—Potlatch Theatre. VOLLMBR—Anderson Hall. PRESTON—Electric Theatre. WALLACE—Grand Theatre, Cedar St. PRESTON—Isis Theatre, P. O. Box 2. WALLACE—Masonic Temple Theatre, Hotel and 6th Sts. PRESTON—Opera House. WALLACE—Opera House. PRIEST RIVER—Opera House, 1st and Main St. WEISER—Elk Theatre. BATHDRUM—Lyric Theatre. WBISEB—Star Theatre. KATHDRUM—Rustic Theatre. WENDELL—Odeon Theatre. BEXBUEG—Elk Theatre. WINCHESTEE—Lyceum Theatre, Perce Ave., nr. Algoma S

ILLINOIS ABINGDON—Family Theatre. BLOOMINGTON— Scenic Theatre, 302 N. Madison St. ABINGDON—Opera House. BLOOMINGTON—Wash. St. Theatre. ALBION—Electric Theatre. BLUE ISLAND—Grand Theatre, 250 Western Ave. ALBION—Opera House. BLUE ISLAND—Lyric Theatre. ALEDO—Family Theatre. BLUE ISLAND—Princess Theatre, 438 Western Ave. ALEDO—South Side Theatre. 209 College Ave. BLUE MOUND—Frank Theatre. ALLENDALE—Pastime Theatre. BLUE MOUND—Nickel-O-Theatre. ALPHA—Alpha Theatre. BLUFFS—Opera House. ALTAMONT—Electric Theatre. BRADFORD—5c Tlieatre. ALTAMONT—Gem Theatre. Schwertfecer Block. BRADFOED—Lyric Theatre. ALTON—Hippodrome. BEADLEY—Orpheum Theatre. ALTON—Lyric Theatre. BEADLEY—Photoplay Theatre. ALTON—Princess Theatre. BRADLEY—Scenic Theatre. Broadway. ALTON—Temple Theatre. BRAIDWOOD—Rex Theatre. AMBOY—Green Eiver Amuse. Co. BREESE—Royal Theatre. ANNA—Colonial Theatre. 217 W. Main St. BRIDGEPORT—Empire Theatre, 11 Olive St. ANNA—Lyric Theatre. BRIDGEPOET—Iroquois Theatre, Washington St. ANNA—Miller Opera House. BBIGHTON—Amusu Theatre. A RCOLA—Areola Theatre. BBIMFIELD—Opera House. ARCOLA—Olympian Theatre. BUNKER HILL—Lyric Theatre. ARTHUR—Fleming's Op. House. BUSHNELI^Dreamland Theatre, E. Hurst and CrafTord St. ASHLAND—Lyric Theatre. BUSHNELL—Majestic Theatre. ASHLEY—Electra Theatre. BUSHNELL—Opera House. ASHLEY—Model Theatre. E. S. of 2nd, bet. Jackson and BUSHNELI^Princess Theatre, 459 W. Main St. ASTORIA—Dreamland Theatre. CAIRO—Arcade Theatre. ASSUMPTION—New Opera House. CAIRO— 1st Cairo Theatre. ASSUMPTION—Central Theatre. CAIRO—Gem Theatre. 224 8th St. ATHENS—Athens Op. House, Main St. CHAMPAIGN—Campus Theatre. ATLANTA—Gem Theatre. CAMP POINT—Photoplay Theatre. AUBURN—Bijou Theatre. CANTON—Crystal Lake Theatre. AURORA—Aurora Theatre. 13 Fox St. CANTON—Dreamland Theatre. AURORA—Fox Theatre. 48 Fox St. CANTON^Grand Opera House. 45 East Side Sq. AURORA—Palace Theatre. CANTON—Idle Hour Theatre. AUSTIN—Central Theatre. 5609-11 S. Boulevard. CANT(i.\--V:iTi,'iios Theatre. AUSTIN—Park Theatre. r.\ri{()\ M'i:in\ (")pera House. AVON—Lyric Theatre. E. Main St. N. .\ik Theatre, 249 S. West St. BABEY—Coliseum Theatre, Main St. C.\Ki;c)\i.Ai.i -()„era House.

1 BAEEY—Gem Theatre. (•.\ni;o\ 1 \ 1,1,- 'l alc Theatre, South West St. BABEY—Star Theatre. (.'.\KI l\\ 11,1,1 iMIey Theatre, W. S. of Square. BEARDSTOWN—Gem Theatre, 111 Sate St. ('.\KI l\\ II 1,1, (ipcra House, 202 S. Broad St.

BEARDSTOWN—Princess Theatre, 111 E. 4th St. <'.\IU.N I I S[,ii l^lectric Theatre. BELVIDERE—The Lyric Theatre, 401 S. Sate St. r,\UMI <:, (i, Th.atre, P. 0. 553. BELVIDERE—Majestic Theatre. C.Mi.M I — .\IaiM '1 lifatorium. BELLEVILLE—Cozy Theatre. CAKMl—Optra House. BELLEVILLE—Dreamland Theatre. 100 N. Eichjand St. CABMI—Peep Eye Theatre. BELLEVILLE—Lyric Tlieatre, Spring and 2nd Sts. CARRIER MILLS—Crescent Theatre. Main St. BELLEVILLE—Washington Theatre. CARTICEVILLE-Bonita Theatre. BEMENT—Bement Theatre. CAETERVILLE—Casino. Main St. BEMENT—Lyric Theatre. Bodman St. CARTERVILLE—Idle Hour Theatre. BENTON—Crystal Theatre. CARTERVILLE—White Palace Tlieatre, 215 S. Mahi St. BENTON—Gayety Theatre, in Op. House Bldg. CARTHAGE—American Theatre. BENTON—McFalls Auditorium. CABTHAGE—Carthage Op. House, 219 Locust St. BENTON—Opera House. CAETHAGE—Orpheum Theatre. 94 Adams St. BEELIN—Wall St. Theatre. CAEY STATION—Tomisky Theatre. BLINDINSVILLE—Dreamland Theatre. CASEY—Orpheum Theatre. 19 S. Jasper Ave. BLOOMINGTON—Castle Theatre. CEDAR POINT—Crown Theatre. BLOOraNGTON—Colonial Theatre. 426 N. Maine St. CENTEALIA—Lyric Theatre. 120 N. Locust St. BLOOMINGTON—Empress Theatre. 214 W. Washington. CENTEALIA—Pittenger Grand Tlieatre, 132 N. Locust St. BLOOMINGTON—Main St. Theatre. 412 N. Main St. CENTEALIA—Varsity Theatre. 121 W. Bradney St. BLOOMINGTON—Majestic Theatre. E. Washington St. CHAMPAIGN—Lyric Theatre. 57 N. Neil St. BLOOMINGTON—Nickle Dome Theatre. 112 W. Front St. CHAMPAIGN—Orpheum Theatre. :


Sir Gilbert Parker! Booth Tarkin^ton! Margaret Deland! Emerson Hou^h! George Randolph Chester!

These World-Famous Novelists have added their Greatest Works to the Imposing List of Colonial Productions

THE Colonial JNIotion Picture Corporation is inaugurating a notable series of P'ilm Classics. These productions will pre- sent, in elaborate photo-play form, some of the best-known book successes of recent years—novels of vital interest known to many millions of readers. Chosen from the copyrighted works of the most noted authors with especial reference to their picture ])ossibilities, and produced by eminent casts under the personal direction of Mr. T. Hayes Hunter, these subjects command imme- diate attention as Features of the worthiest type

THE SEATS OF THE MIGHTY THE GENTLEMAN FROM INDIANA A Stirling Romance of Old Quebec and "The Conquest of Canaan" By SIR GILBERT PARKER By

THE IRON WOMAN 5440 OR FIGHT A Powerful Drama of the Steel Mills A Thrilling Story of Mexican Adventure and By MARGARET DELAND Intrigue By EMERSON HOUGH

SIR RICHARD CALMADY THE BLINDNESS OF VIRTUE A Narrative of Tense Dramatic Interest A Picture with a Problem and a Purpose By LUCAS MALET By COSMO HAMILTON

ADVENTURES OF WALLINGFORD A Monthly Series of Wallingford Episodes written especially for the screen By GEORGE RANDOLPH CHESTER

TO EXHIBITORS : For information concerning the release of Colonial Film Classics, address the home office of the corporation. COLONIAL MOTION PICTURE CORPORATION 18 East 41st Street, New York AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 71


CHAMPAIGN—Varsity Theatre. CHICAGO—Crawford Theatre, 4146 W. 26th St. CHARLESTON—Aereo Theatre. S. 6th St. CHICAGO—Crescent Theatre. 2915 Milwaukee Ave. CHARLESTON—Orpheum Theatre. 54 7th St. CHICAGO—Crown Hippodrome, 26th and 40th Ave. CHATSWORTH—Dreamland Theatre. Locust St. CHICAGO—Crown Theatre. 1605 W. Division St. CHARLESTON—New Colonial Theatre, 412 6th St. CHICAGO—Crown Theatre. 2639 W. North Ave. CHAUTAUQUA—New Plasa Tlieatre. CHICAGO—Crown Theatre. 5123 Wentworth Ave. CHENOA—Rex Theatre. CHICAGO—Crystal Theatre, 715 S. Robey St. CHERRY—Star Theatre. CHICAGO—Crystal Theatre, 3140 N. Clark St. CHESTER—Opera House, Pine St. CHICAGO—Crystal Theatre. 2701 W. North Ave. CHESTERFIELD—Electric Theatre. CHICAGO—Ci-ystal Theatre. 2441 Wentworth Ave. CHESTNUT—Lyric Theatre. CHICAGO—Dante Theatre, 813-15 W. Taylor St. CHICAGO—Abbey Theatre, 723 E. 47th St. CHICAGO—Dearborn Theatre, 40 W. Division St. CHICAGO—Academy Theatre, 16 S. Halsted St. CHICAGO—Delphi Theatre. 200 31st St. CHICAGO—Acme Theatre, 3410 Ogden Ave. CHICAGO—De Luxe Theatre. 1145 Wilson Ave. CHICAGO—Adelphia Theatre, 4717 Robey St. CHICAGO—Devon Theatre, 6417 N. Clark St. CHICAGO—Admiral Theatre, 4710 Indiana Ave. CHICAGO—Diversey Theatre. 2816 Lincoln Ave. CHICAGO—Advance Theatre, 3948 Robey St. CHICAGO—Diversey Theatre. 301S W. Diversey Ave. CHICAGO—Alamo Theatre, 4710 State St. CHICAGO—Douglas Theatre. 3123 Cottage Grove Ave. CHICAGO—Album Theatre, 2342 W. Madison St. CHICAGO—Douglas Theatre. 3236 W. 22nd St. CHICAGO—Alcazar Theatre, 59 W. Madison St. CHICAGO—Dreamland Theatre, 4830 Ashland Ave. CHICAGO—Alhambra Theatre, 1920 State St. CHICAGO—Drexel Theatre, 63rd and Drexel Sts. CHICAGO—Alida Theatre. 6728 S. Halsted St. CHICAGO—Drovers Theatre, 4185 S. Halsted St. CHICAGO—Alice Theatre, 3056 Lincoln Ave. CHICAGO—Eagle Theatre. 3334 Morgan St. CHICAGO—AUen Theatre, 2879 Milwaukee Ave. CHICAGO—Eagle Theatre, 764 Milwaukee Ave. CHICAGO—Alma Theatre, 5352 Wentworth Ave. CHICAGO—Ear Theatre, 6839 Wentworth Ave. CHICAGO—Alpha Theatre, 5419 S. Ashland Ave. CHICAGO—Eden Theatre, 2409 W. Harrison St. CHICAGO—Alvin Theatre, 1612 W. Chicago Ave. CHICAGO—Edna Theatre. 4138 W. North Ave. CHICAGO—American Theatre, 520 S. State St. CHICAGO—18th St. Theatre, 1343 W. 18th St. CHICAGO—American Theatre, Madison and Ashland Sts. CHICAGO—Elba Theatre, 3115 Indiana Ave. CHICAGO—Amity Theatre, 1418 S. 40th St. CHICAGO—Electric Theatre. 31st St. and Lowe Ave. CHICAGO—Annex Theatre, 5152 S. Halsted St. CHICAGO—Elite Theatre. 6859 Wentworth Ave. CHICAGO—Appollo Theatre. 412 W. Division St. CHICAGO—Elite Theatre. 4000 Grenshaw Ave. CHICAGO—Arch Theatre. 4311 Indiana Ave. CHICAGO—EUis Theatre. 6249 Ellis Ave. CHICAGO—Archer Theatre, 2008 W, 35th St. CHICAGO—Elmo Theatre. 2404 W. Van Buren St. CHICAGO—Argyle Theatre, 4930 Broadway. CHICAGO—Emett Theatre. 4538 Wentworth Ave. CHICAGO—Argmore Theatre, 1040 Argyle Ave. CHICAGO—Emmitt Theatre. Ill Cicero Ave. CHICAGO—Ariston Theatre. 3419 Lawrence Ave. CHICAGO—Empress Theatre, 6230 Halsted St. CHICAGO—Arrow Theatre. 1538 Fullerton Ave. CHICAGO—Empress Theatre, 4109 Armitage Ave. CHICAGO—Ashland Theatre. 1656 W. 12th St. CHICAGO—Empress Theatre, 63rd St and Cottage Grove Ave. CHICAGO—Ashland Theatre. 1605 W. Chicago Ave. CHICAGO—Englewood Theatre. H3rd and Carpenter Sts. CHICAGO—Ashland Theatre, 4717 S. Ashland Ave. CHICAGO—Enterprise Theatre, 2S29 Milwaukee Ave. CHICAGO—Atlas Theatre. 627 S. State St. CHICAGO—Erwin Theatre. 2816 Lincoln Ave. CHICAGO—Atlas Theatre. 1745 W. 51st St. CHICAGO—Essex Theatre, 7117 S. Chicago Ave. CHICAGO—Austin Theatre. 5619 W. Madison St. CHICAGO—Esthena Theatre, 3709 Soutliport Ave. CHICAGO—Avenue Theatre, 3110 Indiana Ave. CHICAGO—Evelyn Theatre, 2806 W. Chicago Ave. CHICAGO—Avon Theatre, 3327 Fullerton Ave. CHICAGO—Family Tlieatre, 1925 Archer Ave. CHICAGO—Avondale Theatre. 2879 Milwaukee Ave. CHICAGO—Family Theatre. 21st and Leavitt Sts. CHICAGO—Baird Theatre. 5321 W. Madison St. CHICAGO—Fay Theatre. 2611 Lincoln Ave. CHICAGO—Banner Theatre. 1611 N. Robey St. CHICAGO—Federal Theatre. 218 E. 61st St. CHICAGO—Barry Theatre. 3114 Lincoln Ave. CHICAGO—51st St. Theatre.- 5046 S. Ashland Ave. CHICAGO—Beach Theatre. 1504 E. 51st St. CHICAGO—5c Theatre. 4656 Wentworth Ave. CHICAGO—Bell Theatre, 3064 Armitage Ave. CHICAGO—Florence Theatre, 2407 W. Chicago Ave. CHICAGO—Bell Theatre. 2407 Madison St. CHICAGO—Forum Theatre. 305 55th St. CHICAGO—Bell's Palace Theatre, 2136 Madison St. CHICAGO—Franklin Theatre, 238 E. 31st St. CHICAGO—Belmont Theatre, 2411 Belmont Ave. CHICAGO—Fullerton Theatre, 2424 Lincoln Ave. CHICAGO—Bessemer Theatre. 9128 Coiimiercial Ave. CHICAGO—Garfield Theatre, 5531 Halsted St. CHICAGO—Bijou Theatre. 114 S. State St. CHICAGO—Garfield Theatre, Garfield Blvd. and Michigan Ave. CHICAGO—Blograph Theatre. 2433 Lincoln Ave. CHICAGO—Garfield Theatre, 2844 Madison St. CHICAGO—Bismarck Theatre. 1252 Milwaukee Ave. CHICAGO—Gem Theatre, 450 S. State St. CHICAGO—Bismarck Theatre, Hermitage and Hancock Aves. CHICAGO—Gem Family Theatre, 3116 W. 22nd St. CHICAGO—Boston Theatre, 114 Madison St. CHICAGO—Glamour Theatre, 220 W. 63rd St. CHICAGO—Boulevard Theatre. 1535 W. Taylor St. CHICAGO—Glee Theatre. 4020 Lincoln Ave. CHICAGO—Boulevard Tlieatre, 5522 Ashland Ave. CHICAGO—Glen Theatre, 1434 Fullerton St. CHICAGO—Brighton Theatre, 2843 W. 38th St. CHICAGO—Glen Theatre, 2852 Armitage Ave. CHICAGO—Broadway Theatre, 4151 W. Madison St. CHICAGO—Grand Theatre, 3512 Archer Ave. CHICAGO—Brookline Theatre, 7107 S. Chicago Ave. CHICAGO—Grand Theatre, 11411 Michigan Ave. CHICAGO—Bryn Mawr Theatre, 5628 Broadway. CHICAGO—Grand Theatre, 1525 S. 40th Ave. CHICAGO—Buena Theatre. 837 Irving Park Blvd. CHICAGO—Grand Theatre, 1808 W. 47th St. CHICAGO—Bonita Theatre. 6435 S. Halsted St. CHICAGO—Grand Theatre, 1364 S. Halsted St. CHICAGO—Bonton Theatre. 116 E. 31st St. CHICAGO—Granville Theatre. Broadway and Granville Ave. CHICAGO—Bowmanville Theatre. 5137 Lincoln Ave. CHICAGO—Grant Theatre, 1404 49th Ct. CHICAGO—Bridgeport Theatre. 2837 Archer Ave. CHICAGO—Grayland Theatre. 3940 N. 48th Ave. CHICAGO—Broadway Theatre, 5206 Broadway. CHICAGO—Great Northern Hippodrome. 26 W. Jackson Blvd. CHICAGO—Bryn Mawr Theatre, 1125 Bryn Mawr Ave. CHICAGO—Grove Theatre. 2451 Cottage Grove Ave. CHICAGO—Burnside Theatre, 9304 Cottage Grove Ave. CHICAGO—Halfield Theatre. 5451 S. Halst«d St. CHICAGO—Burton Theatre. 3830 Indiana Ave. CHICAGO—Halsted Theatre. 320 S. Halsted St. CHICAGO—Butler Theatre. 518 W. 26th St. CHICAGO—Halsted Theatre. 6204 Halsted St. CHICAGO—Calleen Theatre. 718 W. 47th St. CHICAGO—Halsted Theatre. 3347 N. Halsted St. CHICAGO—Calumet Theatre, 311 E. 58th St. CHICAGO-Hamilton Theatre. 6S11 S. Halsted St. CHICAGO—Calumet Theatre. 9204 S. Chicago Ave. CHICAGO—Hamlin Theatre. 3830 Madison St. CHICAGO—Calvert Theatre. 57 E. 18th St. CHICAGO—Hamlin Theatre. 2045 W. Belmont Ave. CHICAGO—Campus Theatre. 1316 E. 61st St. CHICAGO—Harding Theatre. 4250 Elston Ave. CHICAGO—Casimer Theatre, 4750 Milwaukee Ave. CHICAGO—Harlem Opera House. Forest Park. CHICAGO—Casino Theatre. 3506 Halsted St. CHICAGO—Harmony Theatre. .575 E. 43rd St. CHICAGO—Carmen Theatre, 5056 Broadway. CHICAiin—Hanisnii Tli.atre. 503 S. Kedzie Ave. CHICAGO—Casino Theatre. Clark and Greenleaf Sts. Cini'A(;n---ii,.,.Mii ,t, TiM.atre. 13320 Erie Ave.

II . CHICAGO—Casino Garden Theatre. 103 E. Madison St. CHIi NCM , 1. inc. 55th and State Sts. \i CHICAGO—Castle Theatre. Taylor and Center Sts. rilh , icin W. 63rd St.

\ .1 , : I CHICAGO—Center Theatre, 1161 W. Madison St. (II h , .0346 W. 26th St. CHICAGO—Central Theatre. 3565 Fullerton Ave. Cfl]i'.\<:ii- ii,,i„, Mm,, nr. 3749 W. 26th St. CHICAGO—Century Theatre. 1421 W. Madison St. CIlK'ACo— llnvin. riiiiitrr. 2110 Boscoe St. CHICAGO—Charm Theatre. 4303 S. Halsted St. CHICAGO—Hub Theatre. 1742 W. Chicago Ave. CHICAGO—Chicago Ave. Theatre. 2120 W. Chicago Ave. CHICAGO—Hyde Park Theatre. 53rd St. and Lake Ave. CHICAGO—. 614 S. State St. CHICAGO—Ideal Theatre. 548 S. 48th Ave. CHICAGO—Circle Theatre. 3239 W. 12th St. CHICAGO—Ideal Theatre. 3421 W. North St. CHICAGO—Clark Theatre. 4543 N. Clark St. CHICAGO—Ideal Theatre, 1638 W. 69th St. CHICAGO—Clarendon Theatre, 3819 Clarendon Ave. CHICAGO-Idle Hour Theatre. 1356 W. Madison St. CHICAGO—Clifton Theatre. Wilson and Broadway. CHICAGO—Idle Hour Theatre. 2708 W. Division St. CHICAGO—Colonial Theatre. 26 W. Randolph St. CHICAGO—Indiana Theatre. 219-21-23 E. 43rd St. CHICAGO—Columbia Theatre. 122 N. Clark St. CHICAGO—Illinois Theatre. 3110 Wentworth Ave. CHICAGO—Columbia Theatre. 2409 North Ave. CHICAGO—Imperial Theatre. 1210 E. 63rd St.. CHICAGO—Columbus Theatre, 18th and Wabash Ave. CHICAGO—Independence Theatre. 12th St. and Independence Blvd. CHICAGO—Comedy Theatre. 308-10 North Ave. CHICAGO—Iris Theatre, 5747 W. Chicago Ave. CHICAGO—Comet Tlieatre, 925 Belmont Ave. CHICAGO—Iris Theatre. 3234 North and Sawyer Aves. CHICAGO—Comique Theatre, 206 State St. CHICAGO—Irving Theatre. 1310 Halsted St. CHICAGO—Congress Theatre. Kedzie and Harrison St. CHICAGO—Irving Park Theatre, 4835 Irving Park Blvd. CHICAGO—Corinne Theatre, 3152 W, 22nd St. CHICAGO—Irving Theatre, 3949 N. Ashland Ave. CHICAGO—Cornell Sq. Theatre, 1923 W. 51st St. CHICAGO—Isis Theatre, 5747 Chicago Ave. CHICAGO—Coronado Theatre. 3966 Vincennes Ave. CHICAGO—Isis Theatre. 3234 North Ave. CHICAGO—Cortland Theatre. 3271 Armitage Ave. CHICAGO—,Tefferson Theatre, 4762 Milwaukee Ave. CHICAGO—Cosmopolitan Theatre, 79th and Halsted Sts. CHICAGO—Jefferson Theatre, 1523 E. 55th St. CHICAGO—Crawford Theatre, 15 S. Halsted St. 72 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

To the Trade

Our motion picture laboratory at Grantwood, N. J., is the most modernly equipped plant in America. We are prepared to do your negative developing and posi- tive printing, giving you highest quality at lowest prices, consistent with perfect work. Perfect titles—Tinting and Toning a specialty. All work guaranteed—Prompt deliveries. Send for Price List and Samples.

Commercial Motion Pictures Co. Incorporated Executive Offices: 220 West , New York City

Laboratory and Studio: Grantwood, N. J.


Our high class productions, incomparable casts and superb photography have proven to the exhibitors and the public that we are manufacturers of real class "A" features.

Life Photo Film Corporation Incorporated Executive Offices: 220 West 42nd Street, New York City

Laboratory and Studio: Grantwood, N. J. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 73


CHICAGO—JeweU Theatre, 522 Division St. CHICAGO—Parkway Theatre, Dlversey Blvd. and Clark St. CHICAGO—Julian Tlieatre. Belmont Ave. and Clark St. CHICAGO—Parnell Theatre, 6717 Wallace St. CHICAGO—Kedzle Theatre, 3208 W. Madison St. CHICAGO—Pastime Theatre. 109 W. Madison St. CHICAGO—Kedzle Annex Theatre, 3214 W. Madison St. CHICAGO—Pastime Theatre, 1949 W. Division St. CHICAGO—Kedzle Theatre, 12th and Kedzle Sts. CHICAGO—Paulina Theatre, 1335 Paulina St. CHICAGO—^Kenmore Theatre, 1039 Wilson Ave. CHICAGO—Peerless Theatre, 1232 Milwaukee Ave. CHICAGO—Kenwood Theatre, 1223 E. 47th St. CHICAGO—Pickford Theatre. 108 E. 35th St. CHICAGO—Keystone Theatre, 3912 Sheridan Eoad. CHICAGO—Pilsen Theatre, 1854 Blue Island Ave. CHICAGO—Klmbark Theatre, 1308 E. 75th St. CHICAGO—Pilsen Theatre, 3204 W. 26th St. CHICAGO—^Kimball Theatre, 3419 Lawrence Ave. CHICAGO—Phoenix Theatre, 3104 S. State St. CHICAGO—Kimball Theatre, 3318 W. Fullerton Ave. CHICAGO—Plaisance Theatre, 466 N. Parkside Ave. CHICAGO—Klmbark Theatre, 6240 Kimbark Ave. CHICAGO—Plaisir Theatre. 40th and Irving Park Blvd. CHICAGO—Kozy Theatre, 38 S. Clark St. CHICAGO—, 1846 W. Madison St. CHICAGO—La Grande Theatre, 7447 Cottage Grove Ave. CHICAGO—Plaza Theatre, 300 W. North Ave. CHICAGO—Lance Theatre, 714 E. 14th St. CHICAGO—Premier Theatre, 1237 N. Ashland Ave. CHICAGO—Langley Hippodrome, 704 E. 63rd St. CHK State St. CHICAGO—La Salle Theatre. 152 W. Division St. I. -lit Theatre. 343 E. 55th St. CHICAGO—Lathuania Theatre, 3214 S. Halstcd St. h nt Theatre, 343 Garfield Blvd. CHICAGO—Lawn Theatre, 3417 W. 63rd St. rv^ Theatre, 3351 Lincoln Ave. CHICAGO—Lawndale Theatre, 3677 Grand Ave. ( ss Theatre, 7052 S. Halsted St. CHICAGO—Lawndale Palace, 2546 S. Kedzle Ave. CSS Theatre, 4225 Ii-ving Park Blvd. CHICAGO—Lawrence Theatre, 1962 Lawrence Ave. CHICAGO—Progress Theatre, 4442 S. State St. CHICAGO—Legrand Theatre. 5241 N. Clark St. CHICAGO—Baveley Theatre, 342 E. 47th St. CHICAGO—Leland Theatre, 4716 Lincoln Ave. CHICAGO—Eavlna Park Theatre, Highland Park. CHICAGO—Lexington Theatre. 715 S. Crawford Ave. CHICAGO—Bay Theatre, 329 E. 39th St. CHICAGO—Lexington Theatre, 1168 E. 63rd St. CHICAGO—Bed Star Theater, 5610 Wentworth Ave. CHICAGO—Lexington Theatre, 40th St. and Lexington Ave CHICAGO—Eegent Theatre, 3855 State St. CHICAGO—Liberty Theatre, 3705 W. Fullerton Ave. CHICAGO—Eegent Theatre, 6746 Sheridan Boad. CHICAGO—Lincoln Theatre, 3123 S. State St. CHICAGO—Bepublic Theatre, 3916 Lincoln Ave. CHICAGO—Lincoln Theatre, 1025 Lincoln Ave. CHICAGO—Eobey Theatre, 2007 W. 22nd St. CHICAGO—Linden Theatre. 3018 Belmont Ave. CHICAGO—Eogers Theatre, 2516 Fullerton Ave. CHICAGO—Linden Theatre. 743 W. 63rd St. CHICAGO—Eosalyn Theatre, 958 Belmont Ave. CHICAGO—Lion Theatre, 1714 18th St. CHICAGO—Eoscoe Theatre, 3353 Southport Ave. CHICAGO—Lion Theatre, 1238 S. Crawford Ave. CHICAGO—Eose Theatre, 3148 Southport Ave. CHICAGO—Logan Square Theatre, 2544 Milwaukee Ave. CHICAGO—Roseland Theatre, 11331 Michigan Ave. CHICAGO—Loomis Theatre, 2859 Archer Ave. CHICAGO—Eosette Theatre, 2150 W. 22nd St. CHICAGO—Lux Theatre, 108 E. 35th St. CHICAGO—Eoyal Theatre, 1369 Milwaukee Ave. CHICAGO—Lyceum Theatre, 38th St. and Cottage Grove Ave. CHICAGO—Eoyal Theatre, 1945 Sheffield Ave. CHICAGO—Lyda Theatre, 48th Ave. and Lake St. CHICAGO—Eoyal Theatre, 3446 Halsted St. CHICAGO—Lyric Theatre, 11503 Michigan Ave. CHICAGO—Eosebud Theatre, 3355 W. Chicago Ave. CHICAGO—Lyric Theatre, 256 State St. CHICAGO—San Carlo Tlieatre, 925 Polk St. CHICAGO—Mabel Theatre, 1601 Irving Pk., cor. Elston Ave. CHICAGO—Sangamon Theatre, 918 W. Madison St. CHICAGO—Magnolia Theatre, 2810 Fullerton Ave. CHICAGO—Sango Theatre, 945 Polk St. CHICAGO—Majestic Theatre. CHICAGO—Savoy Theatre, 44th Ave and Madison St. CHICAGO—Maplewood Theatre. 2811 Dlversey Ave. CHICAGO—Seeley Theatre, 2042 Eoscoe Blvd. CHICAGO—Marlon Theatre. 3446 S. Halsted St. CHICAGO—Senate 5c Theatre, 736 W. Madison St. CHICAGO—Marlowe Theatre, 6274 Stewart Ave. CHICAGO—Sheridan Theatre, 4523 Broadway. CHICAGO—Marshfield Theatre, 1650 W. 12th St. CHICAGO—Sherman Theatre, 1145 W. Garfield Blvd. CHICAGO—May Theatre. 1145 W. 69th St. CHICAGO—Silver Moon Theatre, 1813 State St. CHICAGO—May 5c Theatre, Elston, near Belmont. CHICAGO—Silver Moon Theatre, 1153 Van Buren St. CHICAGO—May Fair Theatre, 4421 Montrose Blvd. CHICAGO—South Chicago Theatre, 9223 Commercial Ave. CHICAGO—McVickers Theatre, 23 W. Madison St. CHICAGO—South Park Theatre, 411 E. 61st St. CHICAGO—Medora Theatre, 4238 Harrison St. CHICAGO—Springfield Theatre, 3855 W. 12th St. CHICAGO—Metropolitan Theatre, 5149 W. Chicago Ave. CHICAGO—St. Louis Theatre, 3517 W. Harrison St. CHICAGO—Meyers Theatre. 1812 Chicago Ave. CHICAGO—Standard Theatre, 750 N. Clark St. CHICAGO—Millard Theatre, 16th St. and Millard Ave. CHICAGO—Stanley Tlieatre, 3010 E. 79th St. CHICAGO—Mllo Theatre, 3933 N. Ashland Ave. CHICAGO—Star Theatre, 1516 W. 63rd St. CHICAGO—Model Theatre, 821 W. 69th St. CHICAGO—Star Theatre, 3835 S. State St. CHICAGO—Model Theatre, 1348 S. Halsted St. CHICAGO—Star Theatre, 8421 Burley Ave. CHICAGO—Model Theatre, 2357 Milwaukee Ave. CHICAGO—Star Theatre, 1306 S. Halsted St. CHICAGO—Mohawk Theatre, 539 W. North Ave. CHICAGO—Star Family Theatre, California Ave and Augusta St. CHICAGO—Monarch Theatre, 2123 W. Division St. CHICAGO—Star Theatre. 1453 Milwaukee Ave. CHICAGO—New Monogram Theatre, 3529 S. Halsted St. CHICAGO—States Theatre, 3509 S. State St. CHICAGO—Monroe Theatre, 55th St. and Klmbark Ave. CHICAGO—Stevens Theatre, 3952 Broadway. CHICAGO—Montrose Avenue Theatre. 2006 Montrose Ave. CHICAGO—Strand Theatre. 3031 Lincoln Ave. CHICAGO—Montrose Theatre, 4408 Milwaukee Ave. CHICAGO—Superior Avenue Theatre, 8421 Superior Ave., S. Chicago. CHICAGO—Moreland Theatre, 4745 W. Lake St. CHICAGO—Swanson Eoseland Theatre, 11305 Michigan Ave. CHICAGO—Morgan Theatre, 3317 S. Morgan St. CHICAGO—Swaiison Theatre, 2128 W. Chicago Ave. CHICAGO—Mcorsland Theater, 4743 W. Lake St. CHICAGO—Salvia Theatre, 5740 Grand Ave. CHICAGO—Mozart Theatre, 1606 W. Division St. CHICAGO—Sylvia Theatre, 2809 Sheffield Ave. CHICAGO—National Theatre. 344 E. 35tli St. CHICAGO—Teddy Bear Theatre, 31st St. and Cottage Grove Ave. CHICAGO—National Theatre, 2639 W. North Ave. CHICAGO—Temple Treatre. 3121 Lincoln Ave. CHICAGO—Newberry Theatre, 854 N. Clark St. CHICAGO—Thalia Theatre, 1215 18th St. CHICAGO—New Boston Theatre, 35 N. Clark St. CHICAGO—Theatoriura Theatre, 44 State St. CHICAGO—New City Theatre, 4547 Ashland Ave. CHICAGO—Thelma Theatre. 5255 N. Clark St. CHICAGO—New Crystal Theatre, 715 S. Eobey St. CHICAGO—Thobac Theatre, 2449 Cottage Grove Ave. CHICAGO—New Devon Theatre, 1616 Devon Ave. CHICAGO—Thomas Theatre, 2449 Cottage Grove Ave. CHICAGO—New Empress Theatre, 6220 S. Halsted St. CHICAGO—Tiffin Theatre, 4045 W. North Ave. CHICAGO—New Era Theatre, 2408 N. Western Ave. (CHICAGO—Triangle Tlieatre, 7219 Wentworth Ave. CHICAGO—New Grand Theatre, 1808 W. 47th St. CHICAGO—Trocadero Theatre, 292 State St. CHICAGO—New Home Theatre. 4815 Armitage Ave. CHICAGO—Tulane Theatre, 6108 S. Halsted St. CHICAGO—New Lyric Theatre, 276 State St. CHICAGO—University Theatre, 1913 W. Van Buren St. CHICAGO—New Model Theatre, 4151 W. Madison St. CHICAGO—U. S. Music Hall, 352 State St. CHICAGO—New Monogram Theatre. 3529 S. Halsted St. CHICAGO—Vaudette Theatre, 3044 E. 92nd St. CHICAGO—New Paris Theatre, 620 S. State St. CHICAGO—Verdi Theatre, 301 Kensington Ave. CHICAGO—New Koyal Theatre No. 3, 1369 Milwaukee Ave CHICAGO—Verdi Theatre, 2035 W. 35th St. CHICAGO—Noble 5c Theatre, 1071 Milwaukee Ave. CHICAGO—Victor Theatre, 933 E. 43rd St, CHICAGO—Normal Theatre. 69th and Halsted Sts, CHICAGO—Victoria Theatre, 511 S. 40th Ave, CHICAGO—North Shore Theatre, 6610 Sheridan Eoad. CHICAGO—Victoria Theatre, 2811 W. 22nd St. CHICAGO—Nowak Theatre, 1511 W. 18th St. CHICAGO—Victoria Theatre, 3131 Humboldt Blvd. CHICAGO—Nusho Theatre, 7251 Vlncennes Boad. CHICAGO—Victoria Theatre, 1452 Humboldt Blvd. CHICAGO—Oak Theatre, 2004 N. Western Ave. CHICAGO—Violet Theatre, 1528 W. 18th St. CHICAGO—Ogden Theatre, 1114 W. 63rd St. CHICAGO—Virginia Theatre. 210 E. 43rd St. CHICAGO—Orchard Theatre, 657 W. North Ave. CHICAGO—Virginia Theatre, Madison and Halsted Sts. CHICAGO—Oriental Theatre, 2534 W. North Ave. CHICAGO—Violet Theatre. 1528 W. 18th St. CHICAGO—Orpheus Theatre, 1609 W. 12th St. CHICAGO—Vista Theatre, 47th and Cottage Grove Ave. CHICAGO—Orsenl Theatre, 2723 N. Clark St. CHICAGO—Vltagraph Theatre. 3133 Lincoln Ave. CHICAGO—Palace Theatre, 1915 Milwaukee Ave. CHICAGO—Wallace Theatre. 622 W. 31st St. CHICAGO—Palace Theatre, 12th St. and Blue Island. CHICAGO—Warsaw Theatre. 1071 Milwaukee Ave. CHICAGO—Palace Theatre, 18th and Halsted Sts. CHICAGO—Washington Theatre,- 24 N. 40th St. CHICAGO—Palais Theatre, 1740 W. Madison St. CHICAGO—Washington Theatre, 3440 S. State St, CHICAGO—Palm Theatre, 4247 Irvmg Park Blvd. CHICAGO—Washington Theatre, 4320 Cottage Grove Ave. CHICAGO—Palmer Theatre, 11115 Michigan Ave. CHICAGO—Waverly Theatre, 525 S. Halsted St. CHICAGO—Palmer Theatre, 3224 Armitage Ave. CHICAGO—Webster Theatre, 2149 Lincoln Ave. CHICAGO—Pahn Theatre, 212 E. 58th St. CHICAGO—Weneeda Theatre, 5038 W. Chicago Ave. CHICAGO—Panorama Theatre, 5110 Prairie Ave. CHICAGO—Western Theatre, 2311 W. Lake St. CHICAGO—Paragon Theatre, 5109 Prairie Ave. CHICAGO—White City , 63rd and South Park Ave CHICAGO—Park Manor Theatre, 321 E. 69th St. CHICAGO—White Eagle Theatre, 2220 N. Eobey St. CHICAGO—Park Theatre, 2807 Division St. CHICAGO—White -^ouse Theatre, 2409 W. North Ave. CHICAGO—Park Theatre, 1149 W. 61st St. CHICAGO—White 'alace Theatre, 3271 Armitage Ave. CHICAGO—Park Theatre, 6940 N. Clark St. CHICAGO—White Palace Theatre, 1009 S. Kedzle Ave. CHICAGO—Parkside Theatre, 7048 Stoney Island Ave. CHICAGO—Wliite lose Theatre. 1418 S. 40th Ave. 74 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

A prominent exhibitor said to one of our exchange managers a short time ago: "If every reel of film that came into my place brought as much business as The Exploits of Elaine

why I'd soon be making the local millionaires jealous."

Thank you, Mr. Exhibitor, you're dead right. There has been only one other film ever made that is as profitable to show week in and week out and that's The Pathe News

The Pathe Exchange, Inc. EXECUTIVE OFFICES

25 West 45th Street, New York, N. Y.

Exchanges in Operation

Atlanta 61 Walton Street Cincinnati .... 217 East 5th Street

Dallas 202 Andrews Building Cleveland . . 622 Prospect Ave., S. E. Chicago .... 5 South Wabash Ave. Portland ..... 392 Burnside Street Vine Street Minneapolis . . . .109 Kasota Building Philadelphia 1235

New York .... 115 East 23d Street New Orleans . . . 910 Gravier Street

Boston 3 Tremont Row Washington . . 7th and E Streets, N. W.

Los Angeles .... 1 14 East 7th Street Kansas City 928 Main Street

St. Louis 3210 Locust Street Denver . . . 16th and Larimer Streets San Francisco 67 Turk Street Omaha 1312 Farnam Street Syracuse .... 214 E. Fayette Street Seattle 810 Third Avenue

Pittsburgh .... 7 15 Liberty Avenue Salt Lake City . . 68 South Main Street

Pathe Famous Feature Film Syndicate of Quebec 313 Bleury Street, Montreal, Canada 167 Prince William Street, St. John, N. B. Pathe Film Syndicate, Limited

553 Granville Street, Vancouver, B. C. ^ 382 Donald Street, Winnipeg, Man., Canada AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 75


CHICAGO—White Rose Theatre, 1813 S. State St. FINDLAY—Little Gem Theatre. CHICAGO—Willard Theatre. 51st St. and Calumet Ave. PLAT BOCK—People's Theatre. CHICAGO—White Eagle Theatre, 1G18 W. 18th St. FLORA—Casino Theatre. CHICAGO—^Wilson Avenue Theatre. Broadway and Wilson Ave. FLORA—Medley Opera House, North Ave. CHICAGO—Winchester Theatre. 1936 W. Chicago Ave. FOREST PARK—Forest Park Theatre, Madison and Circle Sts. CHICAGO—Windsor Theatre. 412 Grand St. FOREST PARK—Vaudeville Theatre. CHICAGO—Windsor Park Theatre, 2638 75th St. FT. SHERIDAN—Ft. Sheridan Theatre. CHICAGO—Windsor Theatre, 431 52nd Ave. FRANKLIN—Princess Tlieatre, Main St. CHICAGO—Wonderland Theatre, 734 W. Madison St. FRANKLIN—Royal Theatre. CHICAGO—Woodlawn Theatre. 1210 E. 55th St. FRANKLIN GROVE—New Colonial Theatre. CHICAGO—Woodlawn Theatre. 1324 E. 63rd St. FREEBUEG—Gayety Theatre. CHICAGO—World M. P. Play House, 61 Randolph St. FREEPORT—Alhanibra Theatre. CHICAGO—Yale Theatre, 366 W. 63rd St. FREEPORT—Grand Opera House. Galena St. CHICAGO—York Theatre, 632 S. Paulina St. FBEEPOET—Lyric Theatre, 135 Stephenson St. CHICAGO—York Theatre, 71 E. 22nd St. FREEPORT-Majestic M. P. Theatre, 118 Stephenson St. CHICAGO—20th Century Theatre, 3538 W. 12th St. FREEPORT-Orpheum Theatre, 77 Stephenson St. CHICAGO—20th Century Theatre, 4708 Prairie Ave. GALESBURG—Auditorium. CHICAGO—31st St. Theatre. 461 E. 31st St. GALESBURG—Baker-Dodge Amusement Co. CHICAGO HEIGHTS—Fashion Theatre, 14 Illinois St. GALESBURG-Colonial Theatre, 52 S. Prairie St. CHICAGO HEIGHTS—Princess Theatre, 1628 West End Ave. GALESBUBG—Main St. Theatre, Main St. CHRISTOPHER—New Opera House. Market St. GALESBURG—Princess Theatre. CICEBO—De Luxe Theatre. 5133 W. 25th St. GALESBURG—Spotlight Theatre. CICERO—Grant Theatre, 4817 W. 12th St. GALENA—Dreamland Theatre, 10 Main St. CICERO—Grant Theatre, 1404 49th Ct. GALVA—Princess Theatre, Market St. CICERO—Hawthorne Theatre, 5040 29th PI. GBNESEO—Armory Theatre, S. State St. CLAY CITY—Palace Theatre, Main St. GENESEO—Freeman's Hall Theatre, S. State St. CLINTON—Gem Theatre, 802 N. Side Sq. GENESEO—Wigwam Theatre. CLINTON—K Theatre. GENEVA—Geneva Theatre. CLINTON—New Lyric Theatre. GENEVA—Grand Theatre, 65 State St. CLINTON—Scenic Theatre. GENEVA—Star Theatre, 66 State St. COAL CITY—Bijou Theatre, Broadway. GENOA—Pavilion Theatre. COAL CITY—Scenic Theatre, Broadway and Division St. GEORGETOWN—White City Theatre, Clark Bldg., West St. COFFEN—Electric Theatre. GIBSON CITY—Lyric Theatre. COFFEN—Gem Theatre, S. W. Cor. Main St. GILLESPIE—Colonial Theatre. COLFAX—Central Opera House. OILMAN—Opera House. COLLINSVILLE—Eureka Theatre. GIRARD—Opera House. COLLINSVILLE—Lyric Theatre, Odd Fellows' Hall. GLEN CARBON—Imaginary Theatre, W. cor. Main St. COLLINSVIELE—Orpheum Theatre, 110 E. Main St. GLEN ELLEN—Auditorium, cor. Main and Delaware Sts. CBEAL SPRINGS—Opera House. GRANITE CITY—Family Theatre, 1837 State St. CRYSTAL LAKE—Crystal Theatre. GRANITE CITY—Washington Theatre. CUBA—Nell Theatre, Box 45. GOLCONDA—Vaudette Theatre. CUBA—Family Theatre. GRANVILLE—Fairy Theatre. DAHLGREN—Opera House. GRANVILLE—Majestic Theatre. DALLAS CITY—Dallas City Opera House. GRANVILLE—New Star Theatre. DANVILLE—Colonial Theatre. GRAYVILLE—Electric Theatre. DANVILLE—Lyric Vaudeville Theatre, 150 N. Vermilion St. GREENFIELD—Opera House. DANVILLE—Majestic Theatre, 117 W. Vermilion St. GREENVILLE-Idle Hour Theatre. 315 Main St. DANVILLE—Memorial Hall. National Soldiers' Home. GBEENVILLE—Lyric Theatre. DANVILLE—Olympic Theatre. GEIGGSVILLE—Opera House. DECATUR—Bijou Nickel Theatre, N. Water St. HARLEM—Our Picture Theatre, 237 W. 110th St.. DECATUR—Corner Theatre, 300 N. Water St. HARRISBUBG—Orpheum Theatre. DECATUR—Crystal Theatre. HAERISBUBG—West End Theatre. DECATUR—Powers Opera House. 150 S. Water St. HARRISBURG—Star Theatre, Vine St. DE KALB—Bijou Theatre, N. Main St. HARVARD-Palm Theatre. DE KALB—Elite Theatre, 353 Main St. HARVARD—Saunders Theatre, 3 N. Ayer St. DE KALB—Princess Theatre. HARVEY—Cozy Theatre. DE KALB—Haish's Auditorium, 117 N. 3rd St. HAVANA—Dreamland. DELAVAN—Bijou Theatre. HAVANA—Havana Theatre, cor. Market and Plum Sts. DELAVAN—Savoy Theatre. HEBRON—Hebron Opera House. DBPUE—Family Theatre. HEBRON—Palace Theatre. Main St. DESPLAINES—Echo Theatre, Lee St. HEGEWISCH—Hegewisch Theatre, 13328 Erie Ave. DESPLAINES—Opera House. HEGEWISCH—S. Chicago Theatre. DIVHRNON—Opera House. HERRIN—Gem Theatre. DIXON—Dixon Opera House. HERRIN—Idle Hour Theatre, Park Ave. DIXON—Family Theatre. 108 Peoria St. HERMOSA—Hermosa Theatre, 43rd and Arniitage Sts. DOLTON—Dolton M. P. Theatre. 363 Lincoln St. HIGHLAND—Columbia Theatre. DOLTON STATION—Dolton Theatre. 360 Chicago St. HIGHLAND PARK—Central Theatre, 15 Central Ave. DOWNERS GROVE—Family Theatre. HIGHLAND PARK—Highland Park Theatre. DUNDEE—Dundee Opera House, Main St. HILLSBORO—Armory Theatre, Main and Water Sts. DUQUOIN—Lyric Theatre. HILLSBORO—Hillsboro Opera House, Box 580. DUQUOIN—Princess Theatre. HILLSBORO—Schran City Theatre, Box 438. DVWGHT—Dwight Opera House. West St. HINSDALE—Hinsdale Theatre. EARLVILLE—Lyric Theatre. HOMER—Homer Theatre. EAST ALTON—Pastime Theatre. HOMER—Pastime Theatre. EAST MOLINE—Pastime Theatre. HOOPESTON—Colonial Theatre. EAST ST. LOUIS—American Theatre. 319 Missouri Ave. HOOPESTON—Princess Theatre. EAST ST. LOUIS—Cozy Theatre. 2116 Lincoln Ave. HOOPESTON—Virginian Theatre, 310 E. Main St. EAST ST. LOUIS—Empress Theatre, 2196 Collinsville Ave. HOPEDALE—Popular Theatre. Main and Grove Sts. EAST ST. LOUIS—Family Theatre, 25th and State Sts. HUNTLEY—Idle Hour Tlieatre. EAST ST. LOUIS—Gem Theatre, 10th and Trindell Sts. IPAVA—Dreamland Theatre. EAST ST. LOUIS—Gem Theatre, 414 Broadway. .JACKSONVILLE-Bijou Theatre, 313 W. State St. EAST ST. LOUIS—Lyric Theatre, St. Louis Ave. .JACKSONVILLE—Gaiety Theatre. EAST ST. LOUIS—Majestic Tlieatre, 206 Coloma Bldg. .JACKSONVILLE-Gem Theatre, 28 N. S. Square. EAST ST. LOUIS—St. Clair Odeon Theatre, 818 St. Clair Ave. JACKSONVILLE—Grand Opera House. Public Sq. EAST ST. LOUIS—Star Theatre, 10th and Trendley. JACKSONVILLE—Photoplay Theatre. EASTON—Gem Theatre, Main and 3rd Sts. JACKSONVILLE—Park Theatre. EDINBURG—Opera House. JBRSEYVILLE—Princess Theatre. EDWARDSVILLB—Orpheum Theatre, 110 East St. Louis St. JEBSEYVILLE—Reddish Theatre, 101 N. State St. EDWARDSVILLE—Wildey Theatre, 252 Main St. JEBSEYVILLE—Wonderland Theatre. EFFINGHAM—Star Theatre. .JOHNSTON CITY—Opera House. ELODRADO—S. M, Farrar Theatre. JOHNSTON CITY—Casino Theatre. ELGIN—Grand Opera House, 40 Grove Ave. JOLIET—Colonial Theatre. 319 N. Chicago St. ELGIN—Orpheum Theatre. JOLIET—Crystal Stairs Theatre, 119 N. Chicago St. ELGIN—Star Theatre, 154 Grove Ave. JOLIET—Gem Theatre, 403 N. Chicago St. ELWOOD—Opera House. JOLIET—Joliet Theatre. ELMWOOD—Photoplay Theatre. S. W. cor. Square. JOLIET—New Lyric Theatre. 206 Jefferson St. EL PASO—Grand Theatre. JOLIET—Orpheum Theatre. N. Chicago St. EMDEN—Dreamland Tlieatre. JOLIET—Palace Theatre. EVANSTON—Evanston Theatre. 1560 Sherman Ave. JOLIET—Princess Theatre. EVANSTON—Grand Theatre. JOLIET—Rextone Theatre No. 2. EVANSTON—Main St. Theatre. JOLIET—Ruby Theatre, 203 Ruby St. EVANSTON—Majestic Theatre. JOY—Jewell Tlieatre. EVANSTON—Star Theatre. KANE—Opera House, Broadway. EVANSTON—Vaudette Theatre. KANKAKEE—Gaiety Theatre, 244 Schuler Ave. FAIRBURY—Central Theatre. KANKAKEE—La Petite Theatre, 203 Cort St. FAIRBURY—Electric Theatre. KANKAKEE—Princess Theatre, 217 Court St. FAIRBURY—Empress Theatre, Main St. KANKAKEE—Star Theatre. FARMER CITY—Scenic Theatre. KANKAKEE—Royal Theatre, 69 E. Avenua. FARMINGTON-Dreamland Theatre. ICANSAS—Pastime Theatre, Buena Vista St. PARMNGTON-Electric Theatre. KEITHSBUBG—Gem Theatre, Main, bet. 3rd and 4th Sts. FARMER CITY—Opera House. KENSINGTON—Lyric Theatre. FARMERSVILLE—Opera House, N. W. cor. Square. KEWANEE—Dreamland Theatre. 76 AMEKICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY HEPWORTH FEATURING MISS ALMA TAYLOR TURNERAND FEATURING MISS FLORENCE TURNER The Former Vitagraph Star



Every Film, Whether Feature or Split Reel, Receives the Same Atten- tion to Detail, and is Produced and Staged by Star Players and Directors


We Sell any Length of Subject From a Split Reel Comedy to a Six Reel Feature for State, National or World Rights HEPWORTHFor Full Particulars, Write American Film Corporation 110 West 40th Street New York City AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 77


KEWANEE—Grand Theatre, 116 N. Main St. MT. PULASKI—M. P. Theatre, B. Side Public Sq. KEWANEE—Millard Theatre. MT. PULASKI—Scroggin Opera House. KEWANEE—Majestic Theatre, 107 W. 2nd St. MT. STERLING—Opera House, N. Capitol Ave. and North St. BCEWANEE—Olympia Theatre. MT. VERNON—Plaza Theatre. 116 S. Main St. KEWANEE—. MOWEAQUA—Lyric Theatre. KIRKWOOD—Star Tlieatre. MOWEAQUA—Princess Theatre. KNOX^TLLE-Lyric Theatre, S. Side of Square. MURPHYSBORO—Star Theatre, 1326 Walnut St. KNOXTILLE—Opera House. MURPHYSBORO—Tilford Theatre, S. W. cor. 14th and Walnut Sts. LACON—Star Theatre. NAPERVILLE—Electrical Theatre, 21 Jefferson Ave. LADD—National Theatre. NAPERVILLE—Pastime Theatre. LA HARPE—Photoplay Theatre. NEBO—Opera House. IiA HARPE—Silver Cloud Theatre. NEW BADEN—St. George's Theatre. LAKE FOREST-O'Neil Theatre. NEW BERLIN—Wall St. Theatre, Wall St. LANARK—Electric Theatre. NEWMAN—Illinois Theatre. SALLE—Avon Theatre. NEWTON—Gem Theatre. Public Sq. LA SALLE—Family Theatre, 549 Main St. NEWTON—Idle Hour Theatre, 7 E. Washington St. LA SALLE—Majestic Theatre, Gooding and 2nd Sts. NEWTON—Majestic Theatre. LA SALLE—Photoplay Theatre, 1st St. NEWTON—Star Theatre, 7 E. Washington St. LA SALLE—Royal Theatre, 1st and Marquette Sts. NILWOOD—Wonderland Theatre, N. W. cor. Marine and Dubois. LAWRENCEVILLE—Bijou Theatre, cor. State and Sugar Sts. NOBLE—Opera House. LAWHENCEVILLE—Star Theatre, Sugar St. NOKOMIS—Electric Theatre. LEBANON—Sun Theatre. OAKLAND—Grand Theatre. LEBANON—Opera House. OAKLAND—Lyric Theatre, cor. Pike St. LELAND—Lyric Theatre. OAKLAND—Pastime Theatre. LEMONT—Lemont Orpheum Theatre. OAK PARK—Oak Theatre. Oak Park Ave. and W. 12th St. LENA—Star Theatre. OAK PARK—Playhouse, 220 S Blvd. LEROY—Star Theatre. OAK PARK—Southern Theatre. LEWISTOWN—Beers Theatre. OAK PARK—Warrington Theatre, 104 Wisconsin Ave. LEWISTOWN—Electric Theatre, 15 N. Main St. OBLONG—The Alhambra Theatre, N. Range St. LEWISTOWN—Princess Theatre. OBLONG—Majestic Theatre, N. Range St. LEXINGTON—Scenic Theatre. ODIN—Prize Theatre, cor. Laurel and N. Main Sts. LIBERTYVILLE—Lyric Theatre, Milwaukee Ave. OGLESBY—Pastime Theatre. LINCOLN—Broadway Theatre, Broadway. OKAWVILLE—Columbia Theatre. LINCOLN—Chautauqua Theatre. OLNEY—Bijou Theatre, 223 E. Main St. LINCOLN—Empire Theatre, 119 Kickapoo St. OLNEY—Hyatt Opera House, Main St. LINCOLN—Lyric Theatre. OLNEY—Odeon Theatre. LINCOLN—Star Theatre. ONARGA—Palace Theatre. LITCHFIELD—Grand Theatre. OREGON—Happy Hour Theatre. LIVINGSTON-Eagle Theatre. Livingston Ave. OREGON—Star Theatre, N. 4th St. LOCKPORT—Photoplay Theatre, 933 State. OTTAWA—Crescent Theatre, 714 La Salle St. LOMAX—Lomax Theatre, 901 2nd St. OTTAWA—Gayety Theatre. MACOMB—Family Theatre. OTTAWA—Orpheum Theatre. MACOMB—Gem Theatre, 107 S. Side Square. OTTAWA—Ottawa Theatre. MACOMB—Grand Theatre, N. Lafayette Ave. PALATINE—Family Theatre. MACOMB—Princess Theatre. PALESTINE—Red Rose Theatre, S. W. cor. Main St. MADISON—Washington Theatre. PALMYRA-Palmyra Theatre. MALDEN—Pastime Theatre. PALMYRA—Dreamland Theatre, Main St. MANHATTAN—Majestic Theatre. PANA—Palace Theatre, 223 B. 2nd St. MANHATTAN—Photoplay Theatre. PANAMA—New Grand, Theatre. MANTENO—Electric Theatre. PANAMA—Panama Picture Show. MARENGO—Royal Theatre, State St. PARIS—Joy Theatre, 110 E. Court St. MARION—Family Theatre. PARIS—Luzon Theatre. MARION—Isis Theatre. PARIS—Majestic Theatre, 228 N. Main St. MARION—Marion Opera House, P. 0. Box 551, N. JIarket St. PARIS—Shoaff Opera House, W. Court St. MARION—Star Theatre, 1100 Square Hotel. PARK RIDGE—Kinmetz Music Hall. MARISSA—Gem Theatre. PAWNEE—Pawnee Opera House, N. Side Public Sq. MARISSA—Lyric Theatre. PAWNEE—Royal Theatre. MARSEILLES—Empire Theatre. PAWNEE—Samgamo Theatre, cor. 7th and Carroll Sts. MARSEILLES—Ruby Palace Theatre. PAXTON—Coliseum Theatre. MARSHALl^Pythian Temple, 505 Locust St. PAXTON—Majestic Theatre. MARSHALI^Temple Theatre. PAXTON—Varsity Theatre. MARTINSVILLE—Idle Hour Theatre. PAW PAW—Paw Paw Opera House. MARTINSVILLE—Lyric Theatre. PEARL CITY—Pastime Theatre. MARTINSVILLE—Olympic Theatre. PECATONICA—Star Theatre, General Delivery. MASON CITY—Lyric Opera House. PEKIN—Celestial Theatre, cor. Capitol and Elizabeth Sts. MATTOON—Bijou Theatre, 1809 Broadway. PBKIN—Capitol Theatre. MATTOON—Lyric Theatre, 1515 Broadway. PEKIN—Dreamland Theatre. MATTOON—K Theatre. PEKIN—Idyl Hour Theatre. MATTOON—Majestic Theatre. PEORIA—Columbus Theatre, 209 S. Adams St. MAYWOOD—Maywood Theatre. 115 55th Ave. PEORIA—Crystal Theatre. MAYWOOD—Yale Theatre. PEORIA—, 309 S. Adams St. MAZON—Mazon Opera House, Depot St. PEORIA—Empress Theatre. 413 Main St. McHENRY—Central Opera House, Green and Elm Sts. PEORIA—Garden Theatre. McLEANSBORO—Elite Theatre. PEORIA—Hippodrome, 314 S. Jefferson St. McLEANSBORO—Hippodrome. PEORIA—Liberty Theatre, 329 S. Adams St. MEDORA—Opera House. PEORIA—Lyric Theatre, 229 S. Adams St. MENDOTA—Palace Theatre. Jefferson St. PEORIA—Lyceum Theatre, 314 Fulton St. MEREDOSIA—Gaiety Theatre. PEORIA-Orpheum Theatre, 106 N. Madison Ave. MILFORD—Gem Theatre. PEORIA—Princess Theatre, Adams St. MILFORD—Star Theatre, W. Jones St. PEORIA—Rnval Tlicatie. 116 N. Adams St. MINONK—Opera House SchUtz. PEORIA^S;i,.i;, -I'licMtre, 1319 S. Adams St.

^^ i MINONK—Rose Theatre. PEORI.\ . I' ir. 314 Fulton St.

I MOLINE—Barrymore Theatre, 2nd Ave. and 16th St. PEOTO.M ! iiire. North and 2nd Sts.

' I . MOLINE—Bio Theatre. PEOTO.M , MOLINE—East End Theatre, 2319 5th Ave. PERCY— \r,A (.,»,,, 1 1,, use. MOLINE—Grand Theatre, 522 15th St. PERU—Ni. kilL-ii,/. is-^r, 4th St. MOLINE—Lyric Theatre, 1510 6th Ave. PETERSBURG—Crown Theatre. MOLINE—Mirror Theatre. 1503 6th Ave. PETERSBURG—Elite Theatre. MOMENCE—Bijou Theatre. PETERSBURG—Harris Theatre. MOMENCE—Theatorium. PETERSBURG—Rex Theatre. MONMOUTH—Majestic Theatre, 220 W. Broadway. PINCKNEYVILLE—Gem Theatre. MONMOUTH—Lyric Theatre, N. E. cor. Square. PINCKNEYVILLE—Opera House. MONTICELLO—Globe Theatre. PITTSFIELD—K. P. Opera House, Madison St. MONTICELLO—New Model Theatre. PITTSFIELD—Princess Theatre, Adam St. MONTICELLO—Varsity Theatre. PLANO—Grand Theatre. MORGAN PARK-Ridge Theatre, 2047 Morgan Ave. PLANO—Opera House Theatre. MORRIS—Empire Theatre, 304 Liberty St. PLEASANT HILL—Idle Hour Theatre, Main and State Sts. MORRIS—Grand Theatre, 217 Liberty St. PLEASANT HILI^Pleasant HiU Opera House. MORRISON—Auditorium Theatre, 106 W. Grove St., PLYMOUTH—Palace Theatre. MORRISON-Lyric Theatre. Main St. POLO—Lyric Theatre. Mason St. MORRISONVILLE—White Palace Theatre, 5th St. PONTIAC—Alcazar Theatre. 311 W. Madison St. MOUNDS—Grand Theatre. PONTIAC—5c Theatre, 228 W. Madison St. MOUNDS—Owega Theatre, Front St. PONTIAC—Photoplay Theatre, 311 W. Madison St. MOUNDS—Searchlight Theatorium, Front St. PONTIAC—Star Theatre. 207 N. Mill St. MOUND CITY—Palm Theatre, Main St. POTOMAC—Electric Theatre. MT. CARMEI^Colonial Theatre. PRINCETON-Eagle Theatre. MT. CARMEL—5c Theatre. PRINCETON—Ideal Theatre. MT. CARMEL—Gem Theatre, 402 Main St. PROPHETSTOWN—Dudley's Auditorium. MT, CARMEI^Orpheum Theatre, oth and Main Sts. PULASKI—Dreamland Theatre. MT. MORRIS—Gem Theatre. PULASKI—The Idle Hour Theatre. MT. OLIVE—Arcade Theatre, W. Main St. QUINCY—Colonade Theatre. 520 Hampshire St. MT. OLIVE—The Electric Theatre. QUINCY—Colonial Theatre, 117 N. Oth St. A ERIC AN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

Greeners Feature Photo Plays, Inc.

110-112 West 40th Street, New York, N. Y.


VAMPIRES OF THE NIGHT A MARRIAGE OF CONVENIENCE In five parts. A sensational A three part story of the West- story of Judith, The Change- ern Plains. ling. A woman of hatred. A curse forever. THE OUTLAW'S REMORSE A senstational drama of the THE GREAT GOLD ROBBERY Mexican Border, in three parts. A story of Old Father Thames, the River of a Million Myster- SHADOWS OF YESTERDAY ies. Three reels of action. A Mexican love story of the present day type. Three parts. THE VALLEY OF DEATH A three part story of the Great THE AVENGER American Desert. Full of real A beautiful five part drama. romance. Filmed in the garden spots of Italy. A MODERN MEPHISTO In six stirring parts. The devil AVE MARIA and the flesh. A monster man A sensational drama with music. who haunts his victims always. Three parts.

We have a full line of paper on each of the above features which will also be sold at bargain prices. Take advantage of this opportunity at once.



QUtNCY—Grand Theatre. 104 N. 6th St. STAUNTON-Electric Theatre, Main St. QUINCT—I^yric Theatre, 610 Hampshire St. STAUNTON—Palace Theatre. QUINCT—Nickelette, 117 W. 6th Ave. STEGEE—Lyric Theatre. QUINCY—Nickelodeon Theatre. 810 State St. STEELING—Grand Theatre. QUINCY—Quincy Theatre. 521 Hampshire St. STEELING—Star Theatre. RAMSEY—Hayes Opera House. STEWAETSON—Lyric Theatre. BANTOUL—Crystal Theatre. STONINGTON—Gem Theatre. RANTOUl—Delmonico Theatorium, Kentucky St. STONINGTON—Union Theatre. KANTOUL—Kinodrome Theatre. STEEATOE—Dawn Theatre. BANTOUIi—Opera House. STBEATOB—Lyric Theatre. KANTOUL—Princess Theatre. STEEATOE—Majestic Theatre. KAVINIA—Eavinia Park Tlieatre, Highland Park. STBEATOB—Plumb Opera House. HAYMOND—Empire Theatre. SULLIVAN—Globe Theatre. RrVEETON—Gem Theatre, Jefferson St. SULLIVAN—Theatorium. RrV'EETON—Majestic Theatre. 3rd and Washington Sts. SUMNEB—Overland Orpheum Theatre. « ROBINSON—Bijou Theatre. W. Walnut St. SUMNEE—Star Theatre. South West Ave. ROBINSON—Grand Opera House. SYCAMOEE—Lyric Theatre, 115 S. California St. BOBINSON—Lyric Theatre, 106 W. Main St. SYCAMOBE—Townsend Theatre, State St. BOCHELLE—Baines Opera House. TABLE GBOVE—Pastime Theatre. EOCHELLE—Coliseum Theatre. TAFT—Star Theatre. BOCHELLE—Princess Theatre, Washington St. TALLULA—Coliseum Theatre. EOCHELLE-Star Theatre, Washington St. TAMABOA—Peerless Theatre. BOCHELLE—^Venetian Theatre. TAMMS—Idle Hour Theatre. ROCHESTER—Rochester Theatre. TAMPICO—Burden Opera House. EOCIvEOBD-Colonial Theatre. TAYLOBVILLE—Dixie Theatre. BOCKEOBD—Lyric Theatre. 617 7th St. TAYLOBVILLE—Gem Theatre. BOCIiEOED—Olympic Theatre, 631 7th St. THAYEB—Electric Theatre. BOCKFOED—Orpheum Theatre, 118 N. Main St. TISKILWA—Star Theatre. BOCKFOBD—Palm Theatre. TOLEDO—Croys Opera House. BOCKFOBD—Princess Theatre, 322 W. State St. TOLUCA—National Theatre. BOCKrOED—Eockford M. P. Parlor, 106 W. State St. TOLUCA—White Pearl Theatre, Main St. BOCKFOBD—Star Theatre. TOWEB HILL—White Palace Theatre. BOCK ISLAND—Blackhawk Theatre. TBENTON—Boyal Theatre. Broadway and Appel St. BOCK ISLAND—Colonial Theatre. TBOY—Beider's Opera House. BOCK ISLAND—Hopp Theatre. TUSCOLA—Olympian Theatre, 29 Sale St. BOCK ISLAND—Majestic Theatre, 18th St.. nr. 2nd Ave ULLIN—Pastime Theatre. BOCK ISLAND—Watch Tower Theatre. UEBANA—Colonial Theatre. EOODHOUSE—Amuse-U Theatre. UTICA—Idle Hour Theatre. ROODHOUSE—Opera House. VANDALIA—The New Vaudette Theatre, Gallatin St. ROODHOUSE—Pastime Theatre. VEBMONT—Dugan Theatre, N. E. cor. Park St. BOSEVILLB—Dreamland Theatre, 844 Penn Ave. VEEMONT—Lyric Theatre. BOSEVILLE—Electric Theatre. VEBMONT—Opera House. BOSEVILLE—Palace Theatre, E. Penn Ave. VEESAILLBS—Opera House, 1st St. EOSSVILLE—Princess Theatre. VILLA GBOVE—Bijou Theatre. EOSSVILLE—Bossville Opera House. VILLA GBOVE—New Lyric Theatre, Main St. SALEM—White Theatre, cor. Main and South Sts. VIBDEN—Bex Theatre. SANDOVAI^Gem Theatre. V^BGINIA—Opera House. SANDOVAL—Opera House. WALNUT—Walnut Electric Theatre. SANDOVAL—Sandoval Theatre. WALNUT—Walnut Opera House. SANDWICH—Boyal Theatre. WABSAW-Dreamland Theatre, Main St. SAVANNA—Curt's 5c Theatre. Main St. WABSAW—Warsaw Theatre, Main St. SAVANNA—Fulrath's Opera House. WASHBUBN—Opera House. SAVANNA—Opera House. WASHINGTON—Lyric Theatre. N. Commercial Sq. SENECA—Grand Theatre, Main and William Sts. WASHINGTON—Magnet Theatre. SENECA—Seneca Theatre. WATEBLOO—Big Tent Theatre. SESSEB—Lyric Theatre, Box 11. WATEELOO—Majestic Theatre. SHEFFIELD—Wigwam Theatre. WATSEKA—Star Theatre. SHELBYVILLE—Cozy Photoplay, 2004 W. Main St. WAUCONDA—Lakeside Pavilion. SHELBYVILLE—Bex Theatre. WAUKEGAN—Elite Theatre. SIDNEY—Electric Theatre. WAUKEGAN—Lyric Theatre. SILVIS—Novelty Theatre, 1010 1st St. WAUKEGAN—South Side Theatre. SOMONATJK—Elite Theatre. WAVEBLY—Bijou Theatre. SOUTH CHICAGO—Bowen Theatre, 3021 E. 92nd St. WAVEBLY—Entertain U Theatre. SOUTH CHICAGO—Gaiety Theatre, 9205 Commercial Ave. WENONA—Wenonascope Theatre. SPABTA—Star Theatre, Broadway. WEST CHICAGO—Imperial Theatre. SPBINGFIELD—Amuse-U Theatre. WESTFIELD—Variety Theatre. SPBINGFIELD—Casino Theatre, 621 E. Washington Ave. WEST FBANKFOET-Arc Theatre. SPBINGFIELD—Gaiety Theatre, 509 E. Monroe St. WEST PULLMAN—West Pullman Theatre. 623 W. 119th St. SPBINGFIELD—Lyric Theatre, 223-25 S. 5th St. WEST SALEM—Opera House. SPBINGFIELD—Boyal Theatre. WESTVILLE—Eagle Theatre. SPBINGFIELD—Savoy Theatre. WESTVILLE—The Ark Theatre, 5 S. State St. SPBINGFIELD—Vaudette Theatre, 218 S. 5th St. WESTVILLE—Union Theatre. SPBINGFIELD—Vogue Theatre. WHEATON—Grand Theatre. SPEING VALLEY—Family Theatre. WHITEHALL—Bungalo Tlieatre. SPEING VALLEY—National Theatre. WHITEHALL—Vitograph Theatre, Main St. SPEING VALLEY—Opera House. WILMETTE—Village Theatre. SPEING VALLEY—Palace Theatre. WILinNGTON-Bijou Theatre. SPEING VALLEY—Bex Theatre, St. Paul St. WINCHESTEB—Lvric Theatre. ST. ANNE—Electric Theatre. WITT—Colonial Theatre, Broadway, bet. Main and 2nd Sts. ST. ANNE—Opera House, 2nd Ave. WITT—Electric Theatre. ST. CHAELES—Star. WITT—Photoplay. ST. DAVID—Star Theatre. WOBDEN—Lincoln Theatre. ST. ELMO—Gem Theatre. 'WOODSTOCK—Princess Theatre. ST. ELMO—Star Theatre. WYOMING—Lyceum Theatre, 101 Main St. ST. JOSEPH—Franklin Theatre. \VYOMING—Princess Theatre.


ALBANY—Boyal Theatre, Main St. BASS LAKE—Pearl Theatre. ALBION—Gem Theatre. BEDFOBD—Crystal Theatre, W. 16th St. ALBION—White Star Theatre. BEDFOBD—Grand Theatre, J St. ALEXANDEIA—Alexandria Opera House, BEECH GBOVE—Begal Theatre. ANDEBSON—Crjstal Theatre. ' BEECH GBOVE—Tent Show. ANDEBSON—Starland Theatre. BICKNELI^Colonial Theatre. ANDEBSON—Grand Theatre. BICKNELL—Idle Hour Theatre, Bailroad St ANDERSON—Meridian Theatre. 1035 Meridian St. BICKNBLI^Majestlc Theatre, N. Main St, ANDEBSON—Pastime Theatre, 1038 Meridian St. BICKNELL—Morodome Theatre, Main St. ANDEBSON—Eoyal Theatre, Main and 8th Sts. BICKNELL—Palace Theatre, N. Main St. ANGOLA—New Theatre, 112 W. Main St. BLOOMFIELD—Colonial Theatre. ABCADIA—Idelweiss Theatre. BLOOMFIELD—Nickelo Theatre. ATTICA—Arcade Theatre. BLOOMINGTON—Crescent Theatre. - ATTICA—Lyric Theatre. BLOOMINGTON—Princess Theatre, Harris and Grand Sts. AUBUBN—Empire Theatre, 121 W. 7th St. BLOOMINGTON—Star Theatre, 10 College Ave. AUBUBN—Hub Theatre. BLUFFTON—Grand Opera House, W. Washington St. AU'BUBN—Little Theatre, Main St. BLUFFTON—Majestic Theatre. AUBOBA—Empire Theatre. 68 Main St. BLUFFTON—Star Theatre. AUEOEA—^Lyric Theatre, 2nd St. BLLTFFTON—Wonderland Tlieatre, AURORA—Nickel 0 Theatre, Main St. BOONVILLE—Electric Theatre, S. 80 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

The Only Way

These are perilous times for the Exhibitor. One false step is likely to put him out of the running altogether, or to give his competitors a chance to gain a lead that can be made up again only by a wonderful rally or a shower of luck. The exhibitor's field has changed to a wilderness. The entrance is "wide open." It never was so "wide" before. But the honest guide that points the one sure pathway is obscured by a hundred and one new sign posts of indirection to new and strange by-paths. Many of these by-paths start with tempting stretches of fine macadam and lead to a dis- mal swamp. Others wind and twist and end up close to where they start, while some are mere blind lanes, seemingly without end, coaxing the traveler on and on until he drops of sheer exhaustion.

Right down through the center of the woods, along a safe, dry ridge, is the straight, unfaltering pathway through to the palace of success. It is worn smooth and hard with the tramping of many feet. It is broad enough for all, and easy passing for those who keep their wits about them. Yet truly, these are perilous times. The wide open gateway is the so-called "open market," the strange misleading by-paths are the over night "features," and harum-scarum programs of unskilled "manufacturers." The bewildering new sign posts are the extravagant promises of their advertisements. The dis- mal swamp is debt; the track that doubles back to where it starts is the show that works on for mere expenses, and the "blind lane" is the show that coaxes its stubborn owner on and on until he goes plum broke and stops for good and all. The one safe, smooth, well beaten pathway direct to success, the first and last one through the wilderness is Licensed Service. It was laid by the pioneers—the giants of the Motion Picture game. The first and ever the leading makers of high class films. The grand army of successful exhibitors followed this path. The guide was General Film.

General Film Company, (Inc.) 200 Fifth Avenue New York 1I ;:: 1



BOONTILLE—Forest Picture Theatre, South Side Public Sa. FRANKFORT—Ideal Theatre. BOSWEIX—Electric Theatre. Main St. FRANKIOORT—Princess Theatre. BOUBBON—Navarre Theatre. FRANKFORT—Royal Theatre. BOUBBON—Wonderland Theatre. FRANKFORT—Family Theatre, S. Side, Sq., E. CUnton St. BBAZIL—Arc Theatre, 103 E. National Ave. FRANKFORT—Family Theatre. 3 N. Jackson St. BRAZIL—Colonial Theatre, 105 E. National Ave. FRANKFORT—White Pearl Theatre. N. Main St. BEAZIL—Isis Theatre, 109 E. National Ave. FRANKLIN—Franklin Theatre. BBAZHi—Princess Theatre. 15 E. National Ave. FRANKLIN—Scenic Theatre. BBAZIL—Sourwlne Opera House, S. Walnut St. FREMONT—Star Theatre, Toledo and Wayne Sts. BBEMEN—Electric. Theatre. FRENCH LICK—Star Theatre. BBBMEN—Majestic Theatre. GARRETT—Family Theatre, Randolph St. BEOOKVILLE—Crystal Theatre. Main St. GARRETT—Pastime Theatre. Randolph St. BBOOKVILLE—National Theatre. GARRETT—Royal Theatre. Randolph St. BBOWNSBURG—Pastime Theatre. GARY—Art Theatre. 620 Broadway. BROWNSTOWN—Iroquois Theatre. GARY—Casino Theatre. Lakewood Park. BROWNSTOWN—Nickelo. GARY—Gary Theatre, 467 Broadway. BROWNSTOWN—Princess Theatre. S. Side Square. GARY—Grand Theatre, 8th and Broadway. BUNTLEK HILI^Electric Theatre. GARY—Orpheum Theatre, 801 Washington St. BUTLER—Crystal Theatre. GARY—Royal Theatre. CANNELTON—Aladdin Theatre. GAS CITY—Arcade Theatre, 234 Main St. CARLISLE—Star Theatre. GAS CITY—Colonial Theatre. CARTHAGE-Nickelo Theatre. Main St. GAS CITY—Nus Sho Theatre. 238 Main St. CHALMERS—Dreamland Theatre. Main St. GAS CITY—Rink Theatre, Main St. CHALSLEBS—King Theatre. GAYUGA—Crystal Theatre. CHARLESTOWN—Home Theatre. GOSHEN—Irwin Opera House, 120 Lincohi Ave. CHARLESTOWN—Marcom Theatre. GOSHEN—Jefferson Theatre, 216 S. Mam St. CHESTERTON—Derby Theatre. Main. cor. Valparaiso St. GOSHEN—Lyric Theatre. CHESTERTON—Lyric Theatre. GREENSBUBG—Palace Theatre, N. Side Public Sq. CLAY CITY—Star Theatre. Main St, GREENCASTLE—Lyric Theatre. CLINTON—Creation Theatre. GREENCASTLE—Princess Theatre. CLINTON—Empress Theatre. GREENFIELD—Why Not Theatre, 16 S. State St. CLINTON—Grand Theatre. 120 Main St. HAGERSTOWN—Pictureland Theatre. CLINTON—Nickeldome Theatre. HAMILTON—Star Theatre, Main St. CLINTON—Princess Theatre. HAMLET—Hamlet Theatre. CLINTON—Rome Theatre. HAMMOND—Pastime Theatre. CLINTON—White's Theatre. HAMMOND—Princess Theatre, 149 Homan St. COAL BLUFF-Star Theatre. HARTFORD CITY-Royal Theatre. COLFAX—Photoplay Theatre. HARTFORD CITY—Star Theatre, Box 133. COLUMBIA CITY—Lyceum Theatre, Main St. HEBRON—Elfland Theatre. COLUMBIA CITY—Princess Theatre. HILFORD—Gem Theatre, 100 Main St. COLUMBIA CITY—Red Mill Theatre. W. Van Buren St. HOBART—Colonial Theatre. 124 Main St. C0LU:MBUS—Crump's Opera House, Main St. HOBART—Gem Theatre. 24 Main St. C0LU-3IBUS—Lyric Theatre, 412 Washington St. HOBABT—Strattan's Opera House, cor. Main and 3rd Sts. C0LU5IBUS—New Theatre. HUNTINGBURG—Empire Theatre, 4th St. COLUMBUS—Palace Theatre. Belvedere Block. HUNTINGBURG—Princess Theatre. CONNTIBSVILLE—Auditorium. 7th, bet. Grand and Central. HUNTINGTON—Colonial Theatre. CONNERSVILLE—Crystal Theatre, 428 Central Ave. HUNTINGTON—Crystal Theatre. CONNERSVILLE—New Vaudette Theatre, 006 Central Ave. HUNTINGTON—Lyric Theatre. COVINGTON—Covington Theatre. HUNTINGTON—New Huntington Theatre, 532 N. Jefferson St. COVINGTON—Family Theatre, N 3rd St. HUNTINGTON—Palace Theatre. COVINGTON—Nickelodeon Theatre. HUNTINGTON—Princess Theatre, 20 E. Market St. CRAWFORDSVILLE—Arc Theatre, 215 E. Main St. HYMERA—Electric Theatre. CRAWTORDSVILLE—Music Hall, 120 S. Green St. HYMERA—Macat Theatre. CRAWFORDSVILLE—Theatorium. INDIANA HARBOR—Gem Theatre. 3368 Commonwealth. CROWN POINT—Electric Theatre. INDIANA HARBOR—Pictureland Theatre, 3342 Michigan Ave. CBOWN POINT—Lyric Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—Alcazar Theatre. 2176 N. Illinois St. DAIvmLLE—Royal Theatre. 17 Jefferson St. INDIANAPOLIS—Alhambra Theatre. 42 W. Washington St. DECATUR—Crystal Theatre. 220 N. 2nd St. INDIANAPOLIS—Annex Theatre. 118 S. Illinois St. DECATUR—Lyric Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—Apollo Theatre. S. East and McCarty Sts. DELPHI—Arc Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—Atlas Theatre, 19th and Martmdale Sts. DUGGER—Dugger Opera House. INDIANAPOLIS—Auditorium Theatre. Virginia Ave. DUNKIRK—Theatorium. INDIANAPOLIS—Hair's Theatre. 1044 Virginia Ave. EAST CHICAGO—Berry Tlieatre, E. Chicago and Aleott Aves. INDIANAPOLIS—Best Theatre. 27th St. and Northwestern. EAST CHICAGO—Calumet Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—B. F. Keith's Theatre. 119 N. Penn St. EATON—Electric Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—Bijou Theatre. 138 E. Washington St. EATON—Star Theatre. E. Harris St. INDIANAPOLIS—Brookside Theatre, 2328 Brookside Ave. EDINBURG—Comet Theatre, Main Cross St. INDIANAPOLIS—Casmo Theatre. 42 W. Washington St. EDINBURG—Joy Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—Castle Theatre. 2508 W. Michigan St. EDINBURG—Masonic Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—Columbia Theatre. 524 Indiana Ave. EDINBURG—Star Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—Commercial Am. Co.. 136 W. Washington St. ELKHART—Family Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—Crown Theatre. Indiana Ave. ELKHART—New Bucklen Theatre, 523 S. Mam St. INDIANAPOLIS—Crystal Theatre, 119 N. Illinois St. St. ELKHART—Venetian Theatre Co. INDIANAPOLIS—Emerald Theatre, 341 Blake " ELWOOD—Alhambra Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—Excel Theatre, 1502 Eoosevelt ELLWOOD—Lyric Theatre, E. Main St. INDIANAPOLIS—Family ' Kentucky Ave. ELWOOD—Majestic Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS— Tlieatre, 1058 Virginia Ave. ELWOOD—Princess Theatre, 1516 E. Main St. INDIANAPOLIS- iK-atre, Shelby St. and Fountain Sq.

ELWOOD—Princess Theatre. 112 S. Anderson St. INDIANAPOLIS— 1 : L'lieS N. Illinois St. E\'ANSVILLE—Colonial Theatre. 927 W. Franklin St. INDIANAPOLIS— I Ill E. Washington St.

I EVANSVILLE—Columbia Theatre. 1117 Fulton Ave. INDIANAPOLIS— . W. Washington St. EVANSVILLE—Criterion Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS- I 1. atre. 30th. and Central Ave. EVANSVILLE—Favorite Theatre. 1221 W. Franklin St. INDIANAPOLIS- i 144 Virginia Ave. EVANSVILLE—Franklin Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS— II W. Indianapolis St.

EVANSVILLE—Grand Opera House. INDIANAPOLIS— , cor. College and Massachusetts Sts. EVANSVILLE—New Grand Theatre, 217 Sycamore St. INDIANAPOLIS— III 325 W. McCarty St. EVANSVILLE—Nickelodeon. 514 Fulton Ave. INDIANAPOLIS—Iris S. Illinois St. EVANSVILLE—North Side Theatre. Indiana and Main Sts. EVANSVILLE—Olympia Theatre. 1011 W. FrankUn St. EVANSVILLE—Orpheum Theatre. 1st and Locust Sts. INDIANAPOLIS—Lillian 606 Washington St. EVANSVILLE—Riverside Theatorium. Main. bet. 1st and Water INDIANAPOLIS—Lin. (ill, 1531 S. East St.

EVANSVILLE—Savoy Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS— 1,^. 1 \\ ash and Capitol Aves. FARMLAND—Royal Theatre. Main and Henry Sts. INDIANAPOLIS— 1,M ;:. N. Illinois St.

FLORA—Star Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS— .M 1 . . . 2129 E. Michigan St. FLORA—Tokio Theatre. Main St. INDIANAPOLIS— -\. I 1- Hif. 1269 OUver St.

FLOYDS KNOBS—Princess Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—NuH sr,.|,ir I i iralre. FORT BRANCH—Theatorium. INDIANAPOLIS—Nonh Siar Tlieatre, 2451 Central Ave. FORTVILLE—The Lyric Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—, 136 W. Washington St. FORT WAYNE—Casino Family Theatre, 1212 Calhoun St. INDIANAPOLIS—Northwestern Theatre. 2648 Northwestern Ave. FORT WAYNE—Colonial Theatre, 1001 Calhoun St. INDIANAPOLIS—Orpheum. 24 W. Washington St. FORT WAYNE—Creighton Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—Park Tlieatre, Washington and Capitol Ave. FORT WAYNE—Fairfield Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—Palace of Mirth, cor. 25th and Brightwood Ave. FORT WAYNE—Gaiety Theatre. 1033 Calhoun St. INDIANAPOLIS—Pastime Theatre. 2925 E. 10th St. FORT WAYNE—Grand Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—Pioneer Theatre, 513 Indiana Ave. FORT WAYNE—Hippodrome Theatre. 112 W. Main St. INDIANAPOLIS—Princess Theatre, S. Meridian St. FORT WAYNE—Lyric Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—Royal Theatre, 16 W. Market St. FORT WAYNE—New Empress Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—Savoy Theatre, Oliver Ave. FORT WAY'NE—Orpheum Theatre. 1420 S. Calhoun St. INDIANAPOLIS—Senate Theatre, 1319 N. Senate Ave. FORT WAYNE—Palace Theatre. 4th and Wells Sts. INDIANAPOLIS—Scenic Theatre, 504 E. Washington St. FORT WAYNE—Temple Theatre, cor. Wayne and Clinton Sts. INDIANAPOLIS—Starland Theatre, 113 W. Market St. FOWLER—Dreamland Theatre, 5th St. INDIANAPOLIS—Stratford Theatre. 19th and Coll Sts. FOWLER—Electric -Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—Tacoma Theatre. Tacoma and Washington Sts. FRANKFORT—Crystal Theatre. N. Main St. INDIANAPOLIS—Talbott Theatre, 22nd and Talbott Sts. 82 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

EVERYWHERE You don't have to hunt for houses using^ General Film Service — they are everywhere — on every hand — in every city and town in America — plentiful and prosperous.

They are PLENTIFUL because exhibitors have learned the value of films which set the standard of excellence in the industry and never vary except in the way of steady improve- ment—a service that has never failed to make its releases on the dates set for them, or to make its deliveries to exhibitors on time.

They are PROSPEROUS because of the overwhelming pub- lic demand for the "brands" which make up General Film Service; a demand created by years of persistent advertising backed up by the finest pictures that the foremost manufac- turers have been able to produce.

Putting in General Film Service means that you are going the limit to provide a popular and "good" show, and your judgment is backed up by thousands and thousands of suc- cessful exhibitors.

General Film Company, (Inc.) 200 Fifth Avenue New York AMEEICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 83


Theatorium, cor. 15th and E. Broad Sts. IXDIAXAPOLIS—Triway Theatre. 1126 E. 10th St. NEW CASTLE— Princess Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—Tuxedo Theatre, Garfield and New York Sts. NEW HABMONY— Crystal Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—Victoria Theatre. 16th and Hudson Sts. NEW RICHMOND— Isis Theatre, Logan St. INDL\NAPOLIS—Tista Theatre. Oriental and Waslilngton. NOBLESVILLE— 12 W, Theatre. INDIANAPOLIS—West Star Theatre, 3001 W. Washington St. NORTH MANCHESTER—Crystal Main St. JASONVILLE Aero Theatre. NORTH MANCHESTER—Gem Theatre, 129 — Philbarg Theatre. 5th St. JASONVILLE—Lyric Theatre. NORTH VERNON— JASPER—Nickelo Theatre, Public Sq. OAKLAND CITY—Amusu Theatre. OAIvLAND CITY Theatorium. General Delivery. JEFFERSONVILLE—Dream Theatre, Main St. — JEFFERSONVILLE—Majestic Theatre. ORLEANS—Crystal Theatre. E. Side of Public Sq. ^Amusu Theatre. Ripley St. KENDALLVILLE—Princess Theatre. 134 Main St. OSGOOD— OSGOOD Opera House. KENDALLTILLE—Star Theatre. 117 N. Main St. — Little Grand Theatre. KENTLAND—Electric Theatre. OTTERBEIN— KENTLAND—Kentland Theatre. OXFORD—Crystal Theatre. KIRKLIN—Bijou Theatre. PENDLETON—Crescent Theatre, 12 W. State St. KIRKLIN—Eureka Theatre. PENDLETON—Nickel. KNIGHTSTOWN—Alhambra Theatre. PERU—Isis Theatre. KNIGHTSTOWN Grand Theatre. PERU—Palace Theatre. — Wallace Theatre. KNIGHTSTOWN—Superba Theatre. W. Main St. PERU— KNO.^'—Edison Theatre. PETERSBURG—Lyric Theatre. Opera House. Main St. KNOX—Fairy Theatre. PETERSBURG— KOKOJIO—Falrview Theatre. PLYMOUTH—Gem Theatre. Orpheum Theatre. 21S Michigan St. KOKOMO—Kokomo Site Theatre. PLYMOUTH— KOKOJIO—Pictureland Theatre. PORTLAND—Crystal Theatre, 109 N. ileridian St. Royal Theatre, Main St. KOUTS—Photoplay. PORTLAND— 20S Meridian St. KRAMER—Mudlavia Theatre. PORTLAND—Theatorium, 212 N. Opera House. S. Hart St. LADOGA—Gem Theatre. PRINCETON—Kidd 117 PRINCETON—New Star Theatre. Broadway and West St. LADOGA—Opera House Vaudette. cor. Main and Washington Sts. Theatorium, N. Main St. LAFAYETTE—Arc Theatre, 425 Main St. PRINCETON— 108 LAFAYETTE—Family Theatre. REMINGTON—Lyric Theatre. N. Railroad St. Theatre. Washington St. LAFAYETTE—Luna Theatre. RENSSELAER—Princess LAFAYETTE—Lyric Theatre. 632 Main St. RENSSELAER—Rex Theatre. Washington St. LAFAYETTE—Orpheum Theatre. RICHMOND—Arcade Theatre, 715 Main St. Lyric Theatre. LAFAYETTE—Victoria Theatre. 4th and Columbia Sts. RICHMOND— Murray's Theatre, 10th and Main Sts. LA GRANGE—Majestic Theatre. .5790 Detroit St. RICHMOND— Palace. Main St. LA PORTE—Etropal Theatre. 703 Main St. RICHMOND— 818 Phillip's Theatre. LAPEL—Electric Theatre. RICHMOND— Ridgeville Theatorium. L-iUREL—Bijou Theatre. Main St. RIDGE-^TLLE— Columbia Theatre. LAWRENCEBURG-Gem Theatre. WlUiam St. RISING SUN— Theatre. LAWRENXEBLTJC-Liedertafe! Opera House. Walnut St. ROANOKE—Family Lyric Theatre. Market St. LAWRENCEBURG—Majestic Theatre. High St. ROCKVELLE- Majestic Theatre. LAWRENCEBLTIG—Nickolo Theatre. 30 High St. ROCKVILLE— LAWRENCEBEEG—Wahlut Theatre. ROCK"\TXLE—Olympic Theatre. ROCKVILLE Hoyal Theatre. LEBANON—Grand Opera House, 216-220 W. Main St. — RUSHVILLE Mystic Theatre. LEBANON—Olympic Theatre, 122 S. Lebanon St. — Tlieatre. St. LIBERTi'—Norris Theatre, Union St. RUSHVLLLE-Palace 235 Main RUSHVILLE—Portola Photoplay, 124 W. 2nd St. LIBERTY—Union Theatre. Union St. — LIGONIEK—Crystal Theatre. KUSHVILLE ^\'audette Theatre, 303 N, Main St. Casino Theatre. LINTON—Crystal Theatre. East Side Main St. SALEM— Dreamland Theatre, S. Main St. LINTON—Dreamland Theatre. E. Vincennes St. SALEM— LINTON—Grand Opera House. SALEM—Nlckel-O Theatre. LINTON—Palace Theatre. SALEM—Little Victor Theatre, S. Main St. LINTON—Star Theatre. SALEM—Opera House. S. E. cor. Public Sq. LOGANSPORT—Ark Theatre, 326 Broadway. SALEM—Switow's Dream Theatre. LOGANSPOET—Broadway Theatre. SCOTTSBURG—New Scenic Theatre. Wardel St. LOGANSPORT—Colonial Theatre. SEELYVILLE—Arcade Theatre. Box 65. Majestic Theatre. LOGANSPORT—Grand Theatre, 312 Market St. SEYMOUR— Arcade Theatre. LOOGOOTEE—Crj-stal Theatre. SHELBURN— SHELBUEN—Sambo Theatre. LOOGOOTEE—Pastime Theatre, cor. 2nd and Washington Sts. SHELBYVILLE—Alhamlira Theatre. LOWELL—Lowell Opera HoiBe, 117 E. Center St. LOWELI^Lyric Theatre. Commercial Ave. SHELBY\-ILLE—Coza Theatre. Royal Theatre. LYNN—Empire Theatre. N. Main St. SHERIDAN— Theatre. 1L4DIS0N—Crystal Theatre. 112 E. Main St. SHERIDAN—Wiite Little Star Theatre. St. MADISON—Gray's Theatre. 112 E. Main St. SHIRLEY— Main Landis Theatre. iLiDISON—Little Grand Theatre, 107 E. Main St. SHOALS— MARION—Grand Theatre. SHOALS—Star Theatre. American Scenic. 118 S. Michigan St. MARION—Marion Theatre. 416 S. Adams St. SOUTH BEND— MARION—Mecca Theatre. SOUTH BEND—Auditorium, 207 S. Michigan St. MAETIN.SVTLLE—Blackstone Theatre. SOUTH BEND— Colonial Theatre. BEND—Majestic Theatre. 129 N. Slichigan St. MARTINS^TLLi:-—Jfetropolitan Theatre. N. Morgan St. SOUTH SOUTH BEND—Orpheum Theatre. 220 Michigan St. MARTINSVILLE-Mystic Theatre. 44 N. Main St. MECCA—Lyric Theatre. SOUTH BEND—Palace Tlieatre, 401 Chapirs St. MEDORA—Starr Theatre. SOUTH BEND—Pearl Theatre. Royal Theatre, 114 S. Michigan St. jnCHIGAN CITY—Empire Theatre, 227 FrankUn St. SOUTH BEND— SPENCER—JIajestic Theatre, 23 E. Market St. inCHIGAN CITY—Idle Hour Theatre, 429 Franklin St. SLTLLIYAN JIajestic Theatre. MICHIGAN CITY—Lyric Theatre, 703 Franklin St. — MICHIGAN CITi—Orpheum Theatre. SULLn-AN-New Lyric Theatre. MICHIGAN CITY—Starland Theatre. SUMMinTELE—Arcade Theatre. SUMNHTVILLE-Orpheum Theatre. MCHIGAN CITY—Vaudette Theatre. 211 N. Franklin St. illDDLETOWN—Nickelo Theatre. SUMMITVILLE—Nu Sho Theatre. TELL CITY—Electric Theatre. MISHAWAKA—Century Theatre, lOS W. 2nd St. MTSHAWAKA—Princess Theatre. TELL CITY—Opera House. CITY—Pastime Theatre. MITCHELL—Theatorium, Main St. TELL ilENTONE—Crystal Theatre. TERRE HAUTE—Albert Theatre, 513 Ohio St. MONON—Lyric Theatre. TERRE HAUTE—Billiken Theatre, 669 Wabash Ave. MONON—Majestic Theat-e. TERRE HAUTE—Casidy, Bridge and Paris W. TERRE HAUTK-Crescent Theatre. W.-bash Ave. MONROEVILLE-Pearl Dream Theatre, Main St TERRE Elk Theatre. 727 Wabash Ave. JIOXTICFLLO—Arc Theatre. Main St. HAUTE— JIONTICELLO—Williams Theatre. TERRE HAUTE—Fountain Theatre. 422 Wabash Ave. TERRE HAI'TE-Grand Opera House. MONTPELIER—Gem Theatre, 119 Main St. MONTPELIER—Tent Theatre. TERRE HAUTE—Herman -nieatre. 117 N. 4th St. Nickeldom Theater. St. MORGANTOWN—Electric Theatre. TERRE HAUTE— 721 Main MT. VERNON—Colonial Theatre. TERRE HAUTE—Our Theatre, 1600 S. 7th St. TERRE HAUTE—Orpheum Theatre. MT. VERNON—Empress Theatre, Main St. Theatre, MUNCIE—Andrew's Theatre. TERRE HAT'TE—Park 15th and Locust Sts. TERRE HAI'TE-M. P. Theatre. MUNCIE Crystal Theatre, 200 S. Walnut St. — Royal Theatre, Ave. JR'NCIE—Fountain Theatre. TERRE HAUTE— 1258 Lafayette MUNCIE—Grand Theatre. TERRE HAUTE—Star Theatre, 30 S. 4th St. TERRE HAUTE—Theatorium, 100 N. 4th St. MUNCIE—Lyric Theatre, Walnut St. TERRE HAUTE—Varieties Vaudeville Theatre, 739 Wabash Ave. MUNCIE—Lyric Theatre, 12 S. Mulberry St. THORNTOWN—Dreamland Theatre, Main St. MUNCIE—Majestic Theatre, 415 S. Walnut St. Electric Theatre, Main St. MUNCIE—Orpheum Theatre. THORNTOWN— MUNCIE—Royal Theatre. TIPTON—Habit Theatre. E. Jefferson St. TIPTON—Lyric Theatre. MUNCIE—Star Theatre. 216 E. -Main St. UNION CITY—Crystal Theatre, Pearl St. MUNCIE—Vaudette Theatre. 321 S. Walnut St CITY—Star Theatre. Columbia St. NEW AXBANY Home Theatre. UNION — UNION CITY—Union Grand Theatre. N'EW ALBANY-—Kerrigan Theatre. CITY—Victory Theatre. NEW ALBANY—Majestic Theatre. UNION Pearl St. Holland's Theatre. NEW CASTLE—Alcazar Theatre. UNIVERSAL— VALPARAISO-Lincoln Theatre. NEW CASTLE—Grand Theatre. VALPARAISO-Pastime Theatre. W. Main St. NEW CASTLE—St»r Theatre. E. 1339 Broad St. VALPARAISO-^Schelling Music Hall. NEW CASTLE—Royal Theatre. VALPAR.«SO—Vaudette Theatre. 302 Lafayette SL 84 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY


. n RATE and COSTLY Multiple Reel Comedies and Dramas. n n They Draw the Crowds to the Box Offices ' n — 0 True as to Detail Casts of All-Star Players n Talented Acting Correct Local Color n n No Time nor Expense Spared in their Production n ^ n It is money in the pockets of those exhibitors who book n each and every one of the SeHg Spectacular Specials.

^ Some Magnificent Pictureplays are in Preparation mum n

The Selig Polyscope Co



VAX BUHEN—Majestic Theatre. WASHINGTON—Nen Grand Theatre. 406 E. Main St. VEEDERSBUBG—Opera House. WASHINGTON—The VEVAT—Lyric Theare. Ferry St. WEST BADEN—Home Theatre. VINCENNES—Alice Theatre. WEST BADEN—Majestic Theatre. VINCENiSnES—Lyric Theatre. \Vi:STFTEI,n^Oau,mini Theatre. VINCENNES—Moon Theatre, 501 Main St. VINCENNES—Bed MiU Theatre, 5th and Main Sts. \\ l.-^'l 11 II \i 11 -I iytney Theatre. Paris Ave.

I ~ I lll;l;i II I VINCENNES—Boyal Theatre, 6th and Main Sts. \\ \ i: -I'alace Theatre. 708 National Ave. VINCENNES—Star Theatre. WABASH—Dreamland Theatre. WABASH—Eagle Theatre. WIUTIMJ—Koval Thfatie. WABASH—Logan Theatre. WILLIAMSPORT—Pastime Theatre. WABASH—Orpheum Theatre. WILLIAMSPOBT—Princess Theatre. WABASH— i'arnelle Theatre. WINAMAC—Palace Theatre. WALKEBTON—Electric Theatre. WIX.\ir.\r—Prniile's TluMtre WALKEETON—Lincoln Theatre. Washington St. WALKEBTON—Pearl Theatre, cor. Avenue F and 6t WABBEN—Star Theatre, Wayne St. WARSAW—Colonial Theatre, Center St. N. W. Public Sq. WARSAW—Boyal Theatre. WARSAW—Temple Theatre. WIXSLIiW— Klurlnc Pala.f WASHINGTON—Crescent Theatre. WOLCOTT—Electric Theatre. WASHINGTON—Grand Opera House, 411 E. Main S WOETHINGTON—Star Thea WASHINGTON—Majestic Theatre. Main St. IOWA

ACKLET—Idle Hour, Main St. CEDAE FALLS-Grand Theatre. 415 Main St. ACKLET—Photoplay House, 424 Main St. CEDAR EAPIDS—Amuse U Theatre. 310 1st Ave. ADAIE—Lyric Theatre. N. W. cor. Main St. CEDAE EAPIDS-Family Theatre. ADEL—Opera House, Main St. CEDAE EAPIDS—Lyric Theatre. ADEL—Palace Theatre. CEDAB EAPIDS—Palace Theatre. AFTON—Lyric Theatre, 19 S. Side Square. CEDAE EAPIDS—People's Theatre. AKBON—Majestic Theatre. CEDAE EAPIDS—Princess Theatre. 321 2nd Ave. ALBIA—^Kings Theatre. CEDAE EAPIDS—South Side Theatre. ALDEN—Lyric Theatre. CEDAE EAPIDS—West Side Theatre. 213 1st St. W. ALGONA—Broadway Theatre. State St. CENTEEVILLE—Majestic Theatre. ALGONA— Theatre, 115 State St. CHARITON—Temple Theatre, 111 Court St. ALLEBTON—Majestic Theatre. CHAELES CITY—Gem Theatre. ALLEBTON—Opera House. CHABLES CITY—Lyric Theatre. ALTA—Opera House. CHEEOKEE—Empress Theatre. ALTA—Orlando Theatre. CHEBOKEE—Happy Hour Theatre. 338 Main St. ASIES—Princess Theatre, 115 Main St. CHEEOKEE—^New Theatre. AMES—Scenic Theatre. Main St. CINCINNATI—Gem Theatre. ANAMOSA—Grand Opera House. CLAEINDA—Bon-Ton Theatre, W. Side of Square. ANAMOSA—Family Theatre. CLABINDA—Delpheus Theatre. ANAMOSA—Princess Theatre. Main St. CLAEINDA—Star Theatre. ANITA—Majestic Theatre. CLABION—Colonial Theatre. ANITA—Unique Theatre, CLABION—Dreamland Theatre. ANTHON—Opera House. CLABKSVILLE—Auditorium. ABCADIA—M. P. Theatre. CLABKSVILLE—Idle Hour Theatre. ABMSTBONG—Gem Theatre. CLEABPIELD—Bentley Theatre. ARNOLDS PABK—Dreamland Theatre. CLBAE LAKE—Electric Theatre. Main St. ARNOLDS PABK—Park Theatre. CLEEMONT—Colonial Theatre. ASHTON—Star Theatre. CLINTON—Amuse U Theatre. ATLANTIC—Majestic Theatre, 519 Chestnut St. CLINTON—Family Theatre. ATLANTIC—Unique Theatre, 512 Chestnut St. CLINTON—Lyric Theatre. AUDUBON—Gem Theatre. CLINTON—The Best Theatre. ' AUBELIA—Bijou Theatre, Mam St. COIN—Gem Theatre. AUBELIA—Opera House. COLFAX—Star Theatre. AVEBT—Dreamland Theatre. COLFAX—Union Theatre. AVERT—Princess Theatre. CONEAD—Phoenix Theatre. AVOCA—Bijou Theatre. COON EAPIDS—Lyric Theatre. AVOCA—Majestic Theatre. COLUMBUS JUNC—Majestic Theatre. Main St. AVOCA—Novelty Theatre. COENING—Lyric Theatre. Davis Ave. AVOCA—Unique Theatre. COBNING—Scenic Theatre. BAGLET—Pastime Theatre. COEYDON—Gem Theatre. South Side Sq. BATTLE CREEK—Dreamland Theatre. COUNCIL BLUFFS—Elite Theatre. 552 Broadway. BATTLE CREEK—Luna Dream Theatre. COUNCIL BLUFFS—Majestic Theatre. 544 Bdoadway. BATTLE CREEK—M. P. Theatre. COUNCIL BLUFFS—Nicholas Theatre. BATTLE CEEEK—Warnook Theatre. COUNCIL BLUFFS-Bex Theatre. BAXTEB—Crystal Theatre. COUNCIL BLUFFS-Eoper Theatre. BAXTEB—M. P. Theatre. COEWITH—Gem Theatre. BEDFOED—Fern Theatre No. 2. COVINGTON—Electric Theatre. BELLEVIEW—Cozy Theatre. CEESCO—Cozy Theatre. 230 N. Elm St. BELLE PLAINE—Lyric Theatre. CBESCO—Family Theatre, 104 Elm St. BELLE PLAINE—Nemo Theatre, 820 12th St. CBESTON—Comet Theatre. 211 N. Adams St. BELLEVILLE—Gem Theatre, 215 E. Main St. CBESTON—Temple Theatre. BELMOND—Lyric Theatre. CUMBEBLAND—M. P. Theatre. BLANCHABD—Gem Theatre. DANBUET—Eeview Theatre. BLOCKTON—Starland Theatre, Main St. DAVENPOET—Best Theatre. 405 Brady St. BLOOMFIELD-Idle Hour Theatre. DAVENPOET-Casino Theatre. BLOOMFIELD—Majestic Theatre. DAVENPOET—Crystal Theatre. 328 Harrison St. BOONE-Arte Opera House. 824 Keeler St. DAVENPOET—Elite Theatre. BOONE—Lyric Theatre. DAVENPOET—Friendly House. BOONE—Virginia Theatre. DAVENPOET—Grand Opera House. BEIGHTON—Princess Theatre. DAVENPOET—Grand Theatre. BBITT—Princess Theatre. DAVENPOET—Home Theatre. BEOOKLTN—Gem Theatre. DAVENPOET—Iowa Theatre, 324 W. 2nd St. BEOOKLYN—Opera House. DAVENPOET—Life Theatre. BUFFALO CENTBE—Dreamland Theatre. DAVENPOET—Majestic Theatre, 329 Brady St. BUFFALO CENTEE—Lyric Theatre. DAVENPOET—Palm Theatre, 428 Brady St. BUFFALO CENTEE—Opera House. DAVENPOET—Boyal Theatre, 127 E. 3rd St. BUFFALO CENTEE—Star Theatre. DECOBAH—Empire Theatre, Water St. BUBLINGTON—Elite Theatre. DECOBAH—Opera House, Water St. BUBLINGTON—Garrick Theatre, 121 N. 3rd St. DEEP BIVEE—Lyric Theatre, Main St. BURLINGTON—Nemo Theatre. 113 N. Main St. DBNISON—Majestic Theatre, 124 E. Broadway. BURT—Electric Theatre. DES MOINES—Amuzu Theatre. 6th and Locust Sts. BUSSET—Unique Theatre. DBS MOINES—Capitol Hill Theatre, 1542 E. Grand Ave. BUXTON—Buxton Theatre. DES MOINES—Casino Theatre, 513 Locust St. BUXTON—Vaudeville Theatre, T. M. C. A. Bldg. DES MOINES—Cupids Theatre, 1910 Cottage Grove Ave. CALMAR—Palm Garden Theatre. DBS MOINES—Elite Theatre, 607 E. Locust St. CANTBILI^Welhorn Theatre, Main St. DES MOINES—Family Theatre, 511 Locust St. CAEBOLI^Carroll Op. House, 5th St. DES MOINES—Golden Theatre, 805 Walnut St. CAEEOLL—Gem Theatre. DES MOINES—Isis Theatre, 1600 E. Grand Ave. CAEBOLL—Star Theatre, Main St. DES MOINES—Majestic Theatre, 315 8th St. CASCADE—Columbia Theatre. DES MOINES—Orpheum Theatre. 8th nr. Walnut St CASCADE—Eiverside Theatre. DES MOINES—Palace Theatre. CASET—Electric Theatre, Logan and Eussell Sts. DES MOINES—Park Theatre. 3706 6th Ave. CASET—Opera House. Logan and Eussell Sts. DES MOINES—Princess Theatre. 86 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY THE HEARST-SELIG NEWS-PICTORIAL

Is featured in all first-class thea- tres. It makes movie fans of those who usually do not at- tend cinematograph exhibitions.

Every live wire in the exhibit-

ing business needs it!




DES MOINES—Royal Theatre. 722 Locust St. KNOXVILLE—Olympic Theatre. DES MOINES—South Side Theatre. KNOXVILLE—Star Theatre. Dl;S MOINES—U. & 1. Theatre, S. Edison and Union Sts. LAKE CITY—Gem Theatre. DICKENS—Idle Hour. LAKE CITY—Grand Theatre. DOUGHERTY—Unique Theatre. LAKE CITY—Lyric Theatre. DOWS—Dreamland Theatre. LAMONI— r.iiim.inii DOWS—Omeza Theatre. LANSIXi; "p,.,;, |l,„,-r

I • I DOWS—Palace Theatre. LANSl.M. !. . hr;ilre.

>, DUBUQUE—Dreamland Theatre No. 1, 530 Main St. LAPOlfl'l ' I I r : ... Theatre, Main St.

DUBUQUE—Empire Theatre. LEHIGH I .. Main St. DUBUQUE—Lyric Theatre, 904 Main St. LEMAKS- l.hir 'llM.^iii... Main St. DUBUQUE-Majestic Theatre, 4th and Main Sts. LEMAES—Itoyal Theatre. DUBUQUE—Orpheum Theatre, 336 Main St. LEMARS—White Theatre. DUBUQUE—Princess Theatre, 863 Main St. LEMARS—Wonderland Theatre. DUBUQUE—Royal Theatre, 14th and Clay Sts. LENOX—Olympic Theatre, Main St. DUBUQUE—Star Theatre, 479 Main St. LEMARS—New Grand Theatre. DUBUQUE—The Germania Novelty Theatre, 1034 Main St. LEON—Electric Theatre. DUBUQUE—Woodland Theatre, 656 Julian Ave. LEON—Idle Hour Tlieatre, Main St. DUNLAP—Electric Theatre. LEWIS—Opera House. DUNLAP—Willup Theatre. LINEVILLE—Isabella Theatre. DUNLAP—. LITTLE SIOUX—Opera House. DYEBSVILLE—Cozy Theatre. LOGAN—Reil Theatre. EAGLE GROVE—Eagle Theatre. LYONS—Parteide Theatre. EAGLE GROVE—Idle Hour Theatre. McGregor—Delight Theatre. Main St. EAGLE GROVE—Princess Theatre. 310 W. Broadway. MALVERN—Gem Theatre. EARLY—Early Theatre. Op. House, Main St. M.J EDDYVILLE—Electric Theatre. eatre. Franklin St. ELDORA—Bijou Theatre. Marion St. k & Thorp Idle Theatre, ELDORA—Diamond Theatre, Marlon St. heatre. Franklin St. ELDOBA—M. P. Theatre. i-er Main St. ELDORA—Princess Theatre. ELDON—Majestic Theatre. Elm St. MANLY—Uvnc Theatre. ELKHOBN—Popular Theatre. MANLY—Star Tlieatre. ELKADER—Crystal Theatre. Main St. MAQUOKETA—Lyric Theatre. 124 Main St. ELKADER—Majestic Theatre. MAQUOKETA—New Pastime Theatre. EMERSON-Cozy Theatre. MAPLETON—Opria llnusc. ESTHERVILLE—New Grand Theatre. MABCUS- I. II.. Ih.iii 'I'hcatre. EXIRA—Gem Theatre, Washington and Park. MARE.XC I. 11 Til. .aire.

'I, I, FAIRFIELD—Grand Opera Theatre. MABKi.V' I i. aire. 10th St. FARMINGTON—Idle Hour Theatre, 3rd St. MARSU.U I.TdW \ 1 ial Theatre. 18 W. Main St. FOREST CITY—Lyric Theatre. MARSH ALI/KiW.X—lsi;. Theatre. FOREST CITY'—Opera House. 202 Clark St. MARSHALLTUWN—Lyric Theatre. FREDERICKSBURG—Burg Theatre. MARSHALLTOWN—Orpheum Theatre. FT. DODGE—Empire Theatre. 803 Central Ave. MARSHALLTOWN—Rex Theatre. FT. DODGE—Magic Theatre. MASON CITY—Bijou Theatre. 219 South Main St. FT. DODGE—Princess Theatre, 108 N. Sth St. JIASOX CITY—KnCT Tlieatre. 1143 N. Main St.

- 1, FT. MADISON—Empire Theatre. 627 2nd St. .M.\.^(i\ <-|TY- 1 .11111 Theatre,103 S. Main St. FT. MADISON—Grand Theatre. FT. MADISON—Orpheum Theatre.

GALVA—M. P. Theatre. .\L\.-~ii.\ ( I M I I,,. litre. 220 So. Main St. GARDEN GROVE—Castle Theatre. Main St. MASDX CJTY— W ilsnii Theatre, cor, 6th and VVasliington Sts GABNER—Opera House. MEC11ANIC8V1LLE—opera House. GABWIN—Savoy Theatre. MEDIAPOLIS—Electric Theatre. GLADBROOK-M. P. Theatre. MILTON—Dreamland Theatre. GLENWOOD—Glenwood Opera House. MILTON—Opera House. GLENWOOOD—Motiograph Theatre. MISSOURI VALLEY—Palm Theatre. 405 E. Erie St. GLIDDEN—M. P. Theatre. MONONA—Motio-Sho-Theatre. GRAVITY-M. P. Theatre. MONTEZUMA—Princess Theatre, N. W. Side of Square. GREENE—Opera House. MORNINGSIDE—Park Place Theatre. GREENFIELD—Electric Theatre. MONTICELLO—Princess Theatre. GREENFIELD—Lyric Theatre. MORNING SUN—Electric Theatre. Division St. GREENFIELD—Star Theatre. MOULTON—Crystal Theatre, Sth and Main S'ts. GBINNELI^Star Theatre. MOVILLE—Opera House. GBISWOLD—Blue Light Theatre. MT. AYR—Crystal Theatre. GRISWOLD—Opera House. MT. PLEASANT—Pastime Theatre. GRUNDY CENTER-Opera House. MT. VERNON—Star Theatre. GUTHRIE CENTER—McLuen Opera House. MYSTIC—Mystic Theatre. GUTHRIE CENTER—Motz Opera House. MUSCATINE—A-Muse-U. GUTTENBEEG—Elite Theatre. MUSCATINE—Family Theatre. GUTTENBEEG—Lyric Theatre, cor. 1st and Hurder Sts. MUSCATINE—Photoplay Theatre. HAMBURG—Empire Theatre. MUSCATINE—Princess Theatre. HAMBUBG—Favorite Theatre. Main St. MUSCATINF—Unique Theatre. HAMBURG—Lyric Theatre. NASHUA—Lyric Theatre. HAMPTON—Lyric Theatre. 119 Main St. NASHUA—Majestic Theatre. Main. nr. Woodbridge SI. HAMPTON—Windsor Theatre. NASHUA—Orpheum Theatre. Maui St. HANARDEN—Electric Theatre. Box 222. NEOLA—Phoenix Theatre. HARLAN—Lyric Theatre, 607 Court St. NEVADA—Castle Theatre. HABTLEY—Lyric Theatre. NEVADA—Electric Theatre. HARTLEY—Opera House. NEVADA—Majestic Theatre. Linn St. and 2nd Ave. HASTINGS—M. P. Theatre. NEW HAMPTON—Idle Hour Theatre. Main St. HAWARDEN—Hawarden Theatre. NEW LONDON—Alamo Theatre. HITEMAN—Scenic Opera House. NEW MARKET—Isis Theatre. HOLSTEIN—Scenic Theatre, Main St. NEW SHARON-Star Theatre. E. Main St. HOPKINTON—Electric Theatre. NEWTON—Electric Theatre. 122 McDonald St. HOPKINTON—Opera House. NEWTON—Lyric Theatre. Spring St. HUMBOLDT—Lyric Theatre. OAKLAND—Oak Theatre. HUMBOLDT—Russell Op. House, Main St. OAKLAND-Unique Theatre. HUMESTON—Lyric Theatre. ODEBOLT—Princess Theatre. HUMESTON—Princess Theatre. 0ELV\T3IN—Dreamland Theatre. 10 E. Charles St. IDA GROVE—Princess Theatre. OELWEIN—Gem Theatre. 31 S. Frederick St. IDA GROVE-rGrand Theatre. Main St. OGDEN— Scenic Theatre. INDEPENDENCE—Dreamland Theatre. ONAWA—Majestic Theatre. Iowa Ave. INDEPENDENCE—Elite Theatre. 102 E. Main St. ORANGE CITY—De Steeo Theatre. INDEPENDENCE—Gem Theatre. 103 E. Main St. ORANGE CITY—Opera House. INDIANOLA—New Lyric Theatre. West Side Public Square. OSAGE—Bijou Theatre. IOWA CITY—American Theatre. Ill S. Dubuque St. OSAGE—Lyric Theatre. 7th and Main Sts. IOWA CITY—Brown's Nickelodeon. OSAGE—Sprague Theatre. IOWA FALLS—Lyric Theatre. OSCEOLA—Lyric Theatre. IOWA FALLS—Rex Theatre. ' OSKALOOSA—Orient Theatre. 113-115 Market St. IRETON—Royal Theatre, Main St. OTTUMWA—Empire Theatre. 223 E. Main St. JEFFERSON—Busy Hour Theatre. Cherry St. OTTUMWA—Garrick Theatre, Green St. JEFFERSON—Crj'stal Theatre. 208 B. State St. OTTUMWA—Mystic Theatre, 626 Church St. JEFFERSON—Unique Tlieatre. Box 1. OTTUMWA—Pastime Theatre, 102 S. Market St. JEWELI^Isis Theatre. Main St. OTTUMWA—Princess Theatre, 229 E. Main St. JEWELL—Unique Theatre. OTTUMWA—Rex Amusement Co. KELLERTON^—Comet Theatre, Decatine St. OTTUMWA— Theatre. KELLERTON—M, P. Theatre. PAULLINA—Wonderland Theatre, Main St. KEOKUK—Colonial Theatre. 323 Main St. PELLA—Electric Palace. KEOKUK—Dodge Theatre Co. PELLA—Royal Theatre. KEOSAUQUA—Lyric Theatre. Main St. PERRY—Lyric Theatre, 1125 2nd St. KE0T.4—Princess Theatre. PERRY—Majestic Theatre, 1012 2nd Ave. KNOXVILLE—Grand Op. House, Marion iind 1st Sts. PERRY—Rex Theatre. 88 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY


The Selig Million Dollar Jungle -Zoo Recently Completed at Los Angeles, California, Furnishes the Wild Beasts that so Naturally Perform in Selig Jungle-Zoo Wild Animal Comedies and Dramas

A Selig Jungle-Zoo Wild Animal Comedy or Drama, in one reel, is released every Saturday in the year. These productions have proven universally popular and are considered as highly educational.

The Selig Company was the First with Wild Animal Productions And has been first ever since in the worthiness and dependa- bility of its Jungle-Zoo Pictureplays. They carry strong and convincing plots, beautiful backgrounds, and Wild Beasts furnish the necessary thrills.


The Selig Polyscope Company



PETEESON—M. P. Theatre. STUAET—Star Theatre Co. POCAHOXTAS—Hronek Opera House. SUMMEE—Opera House. POSIEROY—Lyric Theatre. SUTHEELAND—Opera House. POSTVn.T.K—Majestic Theatre. TABOB—GUdden Theatre. Main St. PKIMGAR—Casino Theatre. TABOR—M. P. Theatre. PULASKI—Opera House. TAMA—Idle Hour Theatre. BED OAK—Beardsley Theatre. TEMPLETON—Moon Theatre. BED OAK—Majestic Theatre, 222 Coolbaugh St. TIPTON—American Theatre. BEMSEX—Mystic Theatre, Main St. TIPTON—Gem Theatre. KICE^^LLE—Brown's Op. House. TIPTON—Majestic Theatre. EHEINBECK—Opera House. TIPTON—Nickelodeon, Cedar St. BHELXBECK—Wilkens Theatre. TIPTON—Tipton Amus. Co. BOCKPOED—Cascade Theatre. TOLEDO—Bijou Theatre. BOCKFORD—Opera House. TEAEE—Electric Theatre. BOCK BAPIDS—Castle Theatre. TBAEB—Princess Theatre. BOCK TALLEY—Opera House, Kimball and MitcheU Sts. TBIPOLI—Opera House. BOCKWELL—Lyric Theatre. UNION—Union Elec. Theatre. BOCKWELL CITY—Magic Theatre. VALLEY JUNCTION—Lyric Theatre, 5th St. EOLAND—Lyric Theatre. TILLISEA—Temple Theatre. EOLPE—Scenic Theatre. VINTON—Columbia Theatre, JefTerson St. SABULA—Gem Theatre, Main St. \TNTON—Electric Theatre. SABULA—Star Theatre. VINTON—Opera House. SAC CITY—Lyric Theatre, Main St. WALNUT—Happy Hour Theatre. SAC CITY—Opera House. WAPELLO—Family Theatre. SANBOBN—Lyric Theatre, Main St. WAPELLO—Princess Theatre. Main St. and Isette Ave. SANBOBX—Opera House, Main St. WASHINGTON—American Theatre. SANBOBN—Palm Theatre. WASHINGTON—Dreamland Elec. Theatre. SCHALLEE—Schaller Op. House, 6-8 Main St. WASHINGTON—Lyric Theatre. S. Marion Ave. SEY^IOLTR—Crystal Theatre. WASHINGTON—Star Elec. Theatre. 50 Marion Ave. SEITVIOUB—Majestic Theatre, Wall St. WATERLOO—Lyric Theatre. 219 W. 4th St. SHELDON—Bijou Theatre. WATEBLOO—Cozy Theatre. SHEUJON—Scenic Theatre, 3rd Ave and 9th St. WATERLOO—Crystal Theatre. 212 E. 4th St. SHELDON—Wonderland Theatre. 322 9th St. WATERLOO—Orpheum Theatre. SHENANDOAH—Empress Theatre. WATERLOO—Princess Theatre. 213 E. 4th St. SHENANDOAH—Zemith Theatre. WAUKON—Cota Theatre. SIBLET—Alamo Elec. Theatre. WAVERLY—Dreamland Theatre, 18 E. Bremer Ave. SIDNT;Y—Opera House. WAYLAND—Electric Theatre. SIGODBNEY—Majestic Theatre. WEBSTER CITY—Orpheum Theatre. SIOLTX CITY'—Empress Theatre. WEBSTER CITY—Armory Opera House. 721-723 2nd SIOUX CITY'—Eno Theatre, 307 W. 7th St. WEBSTEE CITY—UnlQue Theatre. SIOUX CITY—Gem Theatre, 1125 4th St. WEST BEND—Blng Elec. Theatre. SIOUX CITY—Grand Theatre, 4th and Jones Sts. WEST BRANCH—Pastime Theatre. SlOUrX CITY-Isis Theatre. WEST BURLINGTON—Rex Theatre. Broadway. SIOUX CITY—Olympic Theatre, 616 4th St. WEST LIBERTY—Iowa Theatre. SIOUX CITY—Orpheum Theatre, 615-617 5th St. WEST LIBERTY—Grand Theatre. SIOUX CITY—Boyal Theatre. WEST LLBEETY—New Theatre. SIOUX CITY—Scenic Theatre, 709 4th St. WEST UNION—Princess Theatre. SIOUX CITY—Star Theatre, 405 Jackson St. WHAT CHEEB—Eureka Theatre SIOUX RAPIDS—Wonderland Theatre, 2nd and Main Sts. WHITING—Cube Theatre. SPENCEB—Fraser Theatre, Main St. WHITTENMOBE—Electric Theatre. SPIRIT LAKE—Lyric Theatre. WILLIAMS—Lyric Theatre. SPBIN'GVILLE—Crystal Theatre. WILLIAMSBURG—Electric Theatre. ST. ANSGAE—City Opera House. WINFIELD—Electric Theatre. North Locust St. STANTON—M. P. Theatre. WINTERSET—Court Theatre. STATE CENTEE—Opera House. Main and Owasco Sts. WINTERSET—Electric Theatre. STOEY CITY—Dreamland Theatre. WINTERSET—Lyric Theatre. STOEY CITY—Grand Theatre. WINTERSET—Majestic Theatre. STEATFOBD—Opera House. WOODBINE—Gem Theatre. STEAWBEBRY POINT-Lyric Tlieatre. WOODBINH;—Wlllupp Theatre. STUABT—Avenue Electric Theatre. 'S%-YOmNG—Picture Theatre.


ABILENE—Lyric Theatre. CHEERYVALE—Orpheum Theatre. ALMENA—Dime Theatre. CHERRYVALE—Star Theatre, 215 W. Main St. ALTON—Pastime Theatre. CHETOPA—Electric Theatre. ALTOONA—Jlilton Theatre, Main St. CLAFLIN—Electric Theatre, Williamson and 2nd Sts. ANTHONY—Novelty Theatre, 115 Main St. CLAFLIN—Roesho Opera House. ARGENTINE—LjTic Theatre, 1413 S. 26th St. CLAY CENTER—Bonham Theatre. AEGENTINTJ—Puck Theatre. CLAY CENTER—Rex Theatre. ARKANSAS CITY—Gem Theatre. 116 W. 5th Ave. CLIFTON—Electric Theatre. ABKANSAS CITY—Electric Theatre. 213 S. Summitt St. CLYDE—Electric Theatre. ARKANSAS CITY—Lotus Theatre, 124 S. Summitt St. CLYDE—WUte Way Theatre. ABKANSAS CITY—Opera House. CLYDE—Wonderland Theatre. ABMOUBDALE—Cozy Theatre. COFFEYVILLE—Columbia Theatre, 125 W. Sth St. ABMOUBDALE—Photorium Theatre. COFFEYVILLE—Drexel Theatre. ATCBTISON-Colonial Theatre. 627 Commercial St. COFFEYVILLE—Jefferson Theatre, 8 W. 9th St. ATCHISON—Electric Theatre. COFFEY\'ILLE—Odeon Theatre, 8th and Walnut Sts. ATCHISON—Forest Park Theatre. COFFEYVILLE—Princess Theatre, 819 Union St. ATCHISON—Globe Theatre. COFFEYVILLE—Royal Theatre, 124 W. Sth St. ATCHISON—Graphic Theatre. COLBY—Electric Theatre. ATWOOD—Electric Theatre. COLUMBUS—McGhie Theatre, Maple St. and Ind. Ave. AXTELI^Electric Theatre. COLUMBUS—Opera House. BALDWIN—Co-Ed Theatre. 707 High St. CONCORDIA—Lyric Theatre, cor. 6th and Broadway. BALDWIN—Gem Theatre. CONCORDIA—Photoplay Theatre. 6th St. BAXTER SPBINGS—Majestic Theatre. CONCORDIA—White Way Theatre. BELLEVILLE—Rex Theatre. CONWAY SPRINGS—Opera House. BELOIT—Electric Theatre, 105 Main St. COUNCIL GROVE—Eagle Theatre. W. Main St. BLUE BAPIDS—Photoplay Theatre, E. Side of Public Square. COUNCIL GROVE—Princess Theatre. N. ilain St. BON'NER SPRINGS—^Navajo Theatre. COUSTLAND—Opera House. BURLINGTON—Newks Theatre. 3rd St. DELPHOS—Opera House. BL'RLINGTON—Electric Tlieatre. DODGE CITY—Electric Theatre, 117 Chestnut St. BURLINGAME—Panama Theatre. DODGE CITY—Rath Theatre. BURLINGAME—Shepard Opera House. DOWNS—Pastime Theatre. BURR OAK—Electric Theatre. Main St. DOWNS—Photoplay Theatre. CALDWELI^Electric Theatre. EASTON—Jacquots Theatre, 3rd and Biley Sts. CANDY—Hobson Theatre. 4th Ave. ELDOEADO—Elite Theatre. Meze Theatre. CARONA Carona Theatre. ELDOEADO— — ELLINWOOD Peoples Theatre.. CEDAR VALE Opera House. — — ELLIS—Crystal Theatre, Washington and Adams Sts. CENTEALIA—Opera House. ELLSWOETH—Elite Theatre. CHANUTE—Hetrick Opera House. ELLSWORTH—Majestic Theatre. CHANUTE—Peoples Theatre, 228 E. Main St. ELLSWOETH—Pioneer Theatre. CHANUTE—Eoof Garden Theatre. 112 E. Main St. EMPOEIA—Electric Theatre. 612 Commercial St. CHAPMAN—Novelty Theatre. EMPOEIA—EUte Theatre. CHENEY—Hobson- Theatre. BSBON—Majestic Theatre. CHEBBYVALE—Electric Theatre. ESBON—Opera House. 90 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY


Clear Photography Beautiful Backgrounds All Star Players Convincing Stories SELIG PICTUREPLAYS

Popular and Pleasing

spectacular Specials Hearst-Selig News Pictorial Diamond Specials Jungle-Zoo Animal Stories





ESKBIDGE—Opera House. LAWHENCE—The Nickle Theatre, 708 Massachusetts St. EUHEKA—Crescent Theatre. LEAVENWOHTH—Army Y. M. C. A., Box 175. EUEEKA—Gem Theatre, S. Main St. LEAVENWOETH—Ca.sino Theatre, 423 Delaware St. EUHEKA—The Electric Theatre. LEAVENWOETH—Fern Theatre, 302 Delaware St. FLOEENCE—Palace Theatre. LEAVENWOETH-Palm Theatre, 311 Delaware St. FLOBENCE—Kink Theatre. LEBANON—Electric Theatre, 141 Main St. FOBMOSA—Lyric Theatre. LEBANON—Opera House. FEANKFOKD—Opera House. LEBANON—Owl Theatre. FBONTENAC—Crystal Theatre. LEBO—Peerless Theatre. FBONTENAC—Lyric Theatre. LE HOY—Palace Theatre. FBONTENAC—Miners Theatre. LIBERAL—Lyric Theatre. FT. SCOTT—Picture Land Theatre. 7 N. Main St. LINDSBOBG—Wonderland Theatre, Main St. FT. SCOTT—Ke-x Theatre. LITTLE EIVEB—Odeon Theatre, Main St. GALENA—Globe Theatre. LITTLE EIVEH—Opera House. GALENA—illdway Theatre. LYNDON—Majestic Theatre. GALENA—Pearl Theatre, 705 Main St. LYONS—Lyric Theatre, N. S. Public Square. GABDEN CITY-Edison Theatre. 105 Grant Ave. McCUNE—Electric Theatre, Hamilton St. GABNETT—Peoples Theatre. McPHEHSON—Cozy Theatre, 114 S. Main St. GABNETT—Uneeda Theatre, 4th Ave. McPHEBSON—Isis Theatre. GLBABD—Lyric Theatre. MADISON—Opera House, cor. Main and 3rd Sts. GLASCO—Electric Theatre. MANHATTAN—Electric Theatre, 410 Pointz Ave. GLASCO—Lyric Theatre, Main St. MANHATTAN—Marshall Theatre, 326 Houston St. GLEN ELDEB—Opera House. MANKATO—Crystal Theatre, Main St. GOODLAND—Opera House. MANKATO—Gem Theatre. GOODLAND—The Only Theatre. MAHION—Auditorium. GBEAT BEND—Berlin Tlieatre. MAHION—Garden Theatre. GBEAT BEND—Elite Theatre, 2013 Laken Ave. MABION—Opera House, Main St. GBEAT BEND—Novelty Theatre, 1317 Main St. MABYSVILLE—Hex Theatre, Main St. GBEAT BEND—Palace Theatre, 2019 Forest Ave. MAEYSVILLE—Turner Hall, 8th and Caroline St. GEEENLEAF—Elite Theatre, W. S. Commercial St. MEAD—Empire Theatre. HALSTEAD—Pic. Show Theatre. MEAD—Phelps Opera House. HANOVEB—Electric Theatre. MEDICINE LODGE—Pastime Theatre. HABPEE—Elite Theatre. MALVERN—Opera House. HABPEB—Park Theatre. IVUNNEAPOLIS—Electric Theatre, 2nd St. HABPEB—Pearl Theatre. Central Ave. MINNEAPOLIS—Reel Tlieatre. HABPEB—Schrader Theatre. MOLINE—Electric Theatre. HAYS—Bute Theatre. MOEEILL—Morrill Electric Theatre, Bank Bldg. HEEINGTON—Broadway Theatre. MOUND CITY—Star Theatre. HEBINGTON—Dreamland Theatre. MOUND CITY—Tivola Theatre, Main St. bet. 5th and 6th Sts HIAWATHA—Cozy Theatre. 526 Oregon St. MULBBEBY—Opera ffouse. HLiWATHA—Ideal Theatre, 526 Oregon St. NEODOSHA—Rio Vista Theatre. HIAWATHA—Pastime Theatre, 107 S. 6th St. NEODOSHA—Crescent Theatre, 408 Main St. HIAWATHA—Eoyal Theatre. NEODOSHA—Imperial Theatre. HIGHLAND—Electric Theatre. NEOSHO FALLS—Opera House. HILLSBOBO—Educator Theatre. NESS CITY—Comet Theatre. HOISINGTON—Bijou Theatre. NEWTON—Pearl Theatre. HOISINGTON—Crystal Theatre. NEWTON—Star Theatre, cor. Main and Broadway. HOISINGTON—Magic Theatre, Skating Eink Bldg. NICKBESON—Electric Theatre. HOISINGTON—The Elite Theatre, Opera House. NICKBBSON—Palace Theatre, Main St. HOLTON—Bijou Theatre, E. Square St. NICKEESON—Pastime Theatre, Main St. HOLTON—Gem Theatre, S. Side Square. NOBTON—Auditorium Theatre. HOLTON—Perkins Theatre. NOETON—Iris Theatre. HOLTON—Boyal Theatre. NOBTON-Lyric Theatre. HOBTON—Colonial Theatre. OLATHE—Grand Theatre. HUMBOLDT—Elite Theatre. OLATHE—Lyric Tlieatre. HUMBOLDT—Star Theatre. OSAGE CITY— r„/,v Tlieatre. HUTCHINSON—B. & C. Amusement Co. OSAWATil.MII 'I'hratre. HUTCHINSON—EUte Theatre, 13 S. Main St. OSAWATd.Mli Mile, Hi Theatre. HUTCHINSON—Magic Theatre, 304 N. Main St. OSAWATiiMII w i.ihiiid Theatre. HUTCHINSON—Martin Theatre, 103 Main St. OSWEGd- .-i:ii Thrill,,

HUTCHINSON-Palace Theatre. OTTAWA— ( rvslal rinalrc. 211 S. Main St. HUTCHINSON—Pearl Theatre. 7 N. Main St. OTTAWA—Lyric Theatre, 126 S. Main St. INDEPENDENCE—Bell Theatre, 111 E. Main St. OTTAWA—Star Theatre, 107 N. Main St. INDEPENDENCE—Derdorf Tlieatre. PAOLA—Opera House, Peoria and Agate Sts. INDEPENDENCE—The Star Theatre, 101 S. Penn St. PAOLA—Star Theatre. lOLA—Electric Park Theatre. PABSONS—Bess Theatre, 212 N. Central Ave. lOLA—EUte Theatre, 2 S. Jefferson St. PAESONS—Elks Theatre. lOLA—Grand Theatre. PAESONS—Gem Theatre, 1722 Main St. lOLA—Majestic Theatre. PAESONS—Grand Theatre, 1903 Main St. IBVING—Opera House. PEABODY—Idle Hour Theatre, cor. 1st and Walnut Sts. JAMESTOWN—Eoyal Theatre, Walnut St. PBABODY—Masonic Op. House. JEWELL CITY—Wonderland Electric Theatre. PHILLIPSBUHG—Crystal Theatre, E. Side Court House So. JUNCTION CITY—Aurora Theatre, 616 Washington St. PHILLIPSBUBG—Electric Star Theatre. JTXNCTION CITY—Lyric Theatre, 603 N. Wash. St. PITTSBUBG—Crystal Theatre, 312 N. Broadway. JUNCTION CITY—Opera House, 623 N. Jefferson Ave. PITTSBUBG—Mystic Theatre, 122 E. 4th St. KANSAS CITY—Agnes Theatre, 31st and Agnes Sts. PITTSBUBG—Orpheum Theatre. KANSAS CITY—American Theatre, 506 Kansas Ave. PLEASANTON—Star Theatre; KANSAS CITY—Boulevard Theatre, 1731 Quindaro Blvd. POMONA—Electric Theatre, Franklin St. KANSAS CITY—Central Garden Theatre, 15th and Central Sts. POMONA—Garrety Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Cozy Theatre, 1717 Quindaro Blvd. PEATT—Phoenix Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Electric Theatre, 546 Minnesota Ave. PEATT-Pratt Opera House, 210 S. Ninnescah St, KANSAS CITY—Gauentier Theatre, 13th and Quindaro Blvd. QUENEMO—Globe Theatre. IfANSAS CITY—Gem Theatre, 506 Kansas Ave. BBPUBLIC CITY—Opera House. KANSAS CITY'—Liberty Theatre, 1137 Kansas Ave. EOBINSON—Electric Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Magic Theatre, 10 S. 7th St. ROBINSON—Robinson Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Maywood Theatre, Osage and Mill Sts. EOSSVILLB—Electric Theatre, in Opera House. KANSAS CITY—Midway Theatre, 7th and Central Sts. BUSSBLL—Electric Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Eainbow Hink Theatre, 5th and Minnesota St. RUSSELL—Isis Theatre, E. 8tli St. KANSAS CITY—Eoyal Theatre, 19 Central Ave. SABETHA—Electric Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Sapphire Theatre, 112 E. 12th St. SABBTHA—Boyal Theatre. KANSAS CITY'—Victor Theatre, 521 Minn. Ave. SALINA—New Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Victoria Theatre, 505 Kansas Ave. SALINA—Palace Theatre, 145 S. Sante Fc Ave. KANSAS CITY—10th St. Theatre, 1015 Central Ave. SALINA—Royal Theatre. KENSINGTON—Kensington Theatre. SCAMMON—Scammon Theatre, 3rd and Main Sts. KINGMAN—Orpheum Theatre, Main St. SCEANTON—Scranton Theatre. KINGMAN—Star Theatre. SEDAN—Electric Theatre. KINGMAN—The Crystal Theatre, Main St. SENECA—Eoyal Theatre. KINSLEY'—Palace Theatre. SENECA-Seneca Opera House. KIOWA—Electric Theatre. SBVEEY—White Way Theatre. KOBWIN—Opera House. SIMPSON—Electric Theatre. LA CYGNE—Electric Theatre, Broadway and Walnut St. SMITH CENTER—Electric Theatre, JIain St. LA CYGNE—9th St. Theatre. SMITH CENTER-Peoples Theatre. LA HAEPE—Peets Opera House, 112 Washington St. SOLOMON—Electric Theatre. LAHNED—Electric Theatre, 408 Broadway. SPBAEVILLE—Electric Theatre. LABNED—Opera House. SPBINGHILL—Opera House. LAHNED—Princess Theatre. ST. JOHN—Electric Tlieatre, Broadway and 4th Ave. LAWRENCE—Aurora Theatre, 733 Massachusetts St. ST. MARYS—Princess Theatre. LAWHENCE—Grand Theatre, 736 Massachusetts St. STAFFORD-M. P. Theatre. LAWEENCE—Little Oak Theatre. STAFFOED—Mystic Theatre. LAWEENCE—Oread Theatre. STAFFOED—Weide Theatre. LAWHENCE—Park Theatre, Woodland Park St. STEELING—Empire Theatre, Main St. LAWHENCE—Smith Hall, 635 Massachusetts St. STOCKTON—Opera House. 92 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

Just Keep Watching




SUMMEKFIELD—Crystal Theatre, Main and Bethel Sts. WALNUT—Mellick Op. House. SUMMERFIELD—Electric Theatre. WASHINGTON—Majestic Theatre, Lox Box 20. SYRACUSE—Electric Theatre. WELLINGTON—Majestic Theatre, 105 S. Washington Ave SYRACUSE—Imp Theatre, Main St. WELLSVILLE—Opera House. TONGANOXIE—Royal Theatre, 4th St. WEST MINERAL—Lyric Theatre, Lyle St. TOPEKA—Aurora Theatre. WEST MINERAL—Pastime. TOPEKA—Crystal Theatre, 418 Kansas Ave. WEST MORELAND—Opera House. TOPEKA—Grand Opera House, 610-612 Jackson St. WEIR CITY—Opera House. TOPEKA—Iris Theatre, 120 E. 7th St. WELLINGTON—Pioneer Theatre. TOPEKA—^Majestic Theatre. WELLSVILLE—Shawen Theatre, Main and 6th Sts. TOPEKA—Orpheum Theatre, 109 W. 8th St. WICHITA—Colonial Theatre, 117 N. Market St. TOPEKA—Oxford Theatre. WICHITA—Empress Theatre. TOPEKA—Princess Theatre. 826 N. Kansas Ave. WICHITA—Novelty Theatre, 410 E. Douglas Ave. TOPEKA—The Novelty Theatre. WICHITA—Princess Theatre. TORONTO-Electric Theatre. WICHITA—Star Theatre, 221 E. Douglas Ave. TROY—Leland Op. House, Ct. House Sq. WICHITA—Yale Theatre. TURON—Electric Theatre, Main St. WILSON—Majestic Theatre. WAMEGO—Columbian Theatre. WINCHESTER—Opera House. WAMEGO—Opera House. WINFIELD—Jewel Theatre, 1007 S. Main St. WATERVILLE—Electrodome, Railroad Ave. WTNFIELD—Novelty Theatre, 809 Main St. WATERVILLE—Palm Garden Tlieatre. YATES CENTER—Peer! pss Theatre, East Main St. WAKEBNEY—Garden Theatre. YATES CENTER—Star Theatre. WAKEFIELD—Electric Theatre. KENTUCKY

ADAIBVILLE—Princess Theatre. LEXINGTON—Gem Theatre. Main St. ASHLAND—Ashland Theatre. LEXINGTON—Princess Theatre. ASHLAND—M. P. Theatre, Greenup Ave. LEXINGTON—Star Theatre, 10 N. Upper St. ASHLAND—Modern Theatre. LIVBRMOKE—Criterion Theatre ASHLAND—Scenic Theatre No. 2, Winchester Ave. LOUISA—Eldorado Theatre- . f .1 1 i AUGUSTA—Odeno Theatre. Front St. LONDON—n r H I T ) 1 1 re BARBOURVILLE—Star Theatre, Knox and Walnut Sts. LONUILX- •! In. live

BARDWELL—Red Moon Theatre, Front St. LOUI.SVII.I 1 \;, riieatre.

, BELLEVUE—Avenel Theatre, 711 Fairfield Ave. LOUIS\ I Knilis Theatre, 610 S. 4th St.

i, I.I i BELLEVUE—Jewell Theatre, 327 Farfield Ave. LOUlh\lll , :,v Amusu Co., 816 E. Broadway.

LOUI.s\ II' I iKimm BOWLING GREEN-Crescent Amuse. Co. I Theatre, 209 W. Jefferson St. BOWLING GREEN-Columbia Theatre, 416 Main St. LOUIS\ ' Tlieatre. 321 Ky. Title Bldg. BROOKSVILLE—Lyric Theatre. LOUls\ I' III Theatre, 4th St., bet. Market and Jefferson. CAMPBELLSVILLE—Arena Theatre, Market St. LOUISV CAMPBELLSVILLE—Willock Opera House, 114 W. Main St. LOUIS\ liiii iu Theatre, 211 S. 4th St. CARLISLE—City Opera House. LOUISVli iiL- Tlieatre, 2010 Portland. CAKLISLE—Happy Moments Theatre, Locust St. LOUISVILLE—Ideal Theatre. 23rd and Market St. CARLISLE—Orpheum Theatre, Elm and Maple Sts. LOUISVILLE—Hippodrome. 144 W. Market St. CARROLLTON—Richland Op. House. LOUISVILLE—Hopkins Theatre, 129 W. Market St. CARROLLTON—Star Theatre, Main and 4th Sts. LOUISVILLE—Majestic Theatre. 4th Ave.. Opp. PostotHoe. CLINTON—Opera House. LOUIo"VILijE—iviary Anderson Theatre. 4th and Chestnut Sts. COEBIN—Majestic Theatre. LOUISVILLE—New Hippodrome Theatre. Market and 2nd Sts. CORBIN—Palace Theatre, cor. R. R. and Center Sts. LOUISVILLE—Norman Theatre, 2051 Portland Ave. CORYDON—Marion Theatre. LOUISVILLE—Novelty Theatre. 410 S. 4th St. COVINGTON—Casino Thfjatre, 7 Pike St. LOUISVILLE—Olympic Theatre, 326 Market St. COVINGTON—Colonial Theatre, Madison, Bet. 4th and 5th Sts. LOUISVILLE—Palace Theatre, 1239 S. Shelby St. COVINGTON—De Milo Theatre. 17th and Eastern Ave. LOUISVILLE—Preston Theatre, Preston and Camp Sts. COVINGTON—Family Theatre. LOUISVILLE—Princess Theatre, 348 W. Jefferson St. COVINGTON—Gayety Theatre, 12th and Lee Sts. LOUISVILLE—Royal Theatre. 1813 W. Broadway. COVINGTON—Hippodrome, 7th and Washington Sts. LOUISVILLE—Ruby Theatre, 914 Walnut St. COVINGTON—Holman Theatre. 1612 Holman St. LOUISVILLE—Walnut Theatre. COVINGTON—Lyric Theatre, Madison Ave. LUDLOW—Wilma Theatre. 2 Elm St. COVINGTON—New Grand Theatre, Main and Southern Aves. MADISONVILLE—Garrick Theatre, 132 Union St. COVINGTON—Pike Theatre. MADISONVILLE—Lyric Theatre. COVINGTON—Royal Theatre, 641 Main St. MADISONVILLE—Princess Theatre, Center St. COVINGTON—Royal Theatre, 1211 Scott St. MARION—Opera House. CYNTHIANA—Rohs Opera House. 43 Pike St. MAYFIELD—Dixie Theatre. DANVILLE—Theatorium, Main St. MAYFIELD—Lyric Theatre. 116 7th St. DANVILLE—Colonial Theatre, Main St. MAYFIELD—Palace Theatre. DAWSON SPRINGS—Mary Anderson Theatre, Main St. MAY SVILLE—Pastime Theatre. DAYTON—Princess Theatre, 713 6th Ave. Jf.\YFIi;i,n— Princess Theatre.

1 EABLINGTON—Idle Hour Theatre, Main St. M A ^ s \ 1 , 1 , 1 , -Gem Theatre. EDDYVILLE—Princess Theatre, Water and Main Sts. M \^s\ll,l i; Washington Opera House, 114 W. 2nd St. ELKTON—Damon's Theatre, 344 Clarksville St. Mll'i'l.l -r.oliii —Amusu Theatre. EMINENCE—Grand Theatre. .MllHU.Iv^r.dltii—Nanring Theatre. 2030 Cumberiand Ave. ERLANGER—Gayety Theatre. Mil >\VAV—Majestic Theatre, in Masonic Temple. ERLANGER—Rex Theatre, Main St. MONTICELLO—Electric Theatre. PLEMINGSBURG—Grand Theatre. MONROE—Maze Theatre. Grand St. FLEMINGSBURG—Princess Theatre. MOEGANSFIELD—Theatorium. Court St. FRANKFORT—Columbia Theatre. MT. STERLING—Tabb Theatre. FRANKFORT—Gem Theatre. 119 St. Clair St. NEWPORT—Alamo Theatre. 627 Monmouth St. FRANKFORT—Grand Theatre. NEWPORT—Coliseum Theatre. 7th and Putnam Sts. FRANKLIN—Crystal Theatre. NEWPORT—Colonial Theatre. 943 Monmouth St FULTON—Elk Theatre. NEWPORT—New Music Hall, 11th and York Sts. FULTON—Orpheum Theatre. NEWPORT—Savoy Theatre. York St. FT. THOMAS—Fort Theatre. NICHOLASVILLE—Savoy Theatre. Main and N. Cross Sts. GEORGETOWN—Alamo Theatre. OLIVE HILL—Lyric Theatre. GEORGETOWN—Opera House. 144 S. Broadway. OWENSBORO—Empress Theatre. GLASGOW—Lion Opera House. OWENSBORO—Grand Theatre. GREENSBURG—Wilcox Hall. OWENSBORO—Princess Theatre. GUTHRIE—Nelda Theatre. OWINGSVILLE—Lyric Theatre. HARLAN—Cumberland Theatre. PADUCAH—Arcade Theatre, 5th St. and Broadway. HARRODSBUEG—Melba Theatre. PADUCAH—Bijou Theatre. 516 Broadway. HAZARD—Empire Theatre. Main St. PADUCAH—Gem Theatre. HENDERSON—Lyric Theatre. PADUCAH—Kozy Theatre, 417 Broadway. HENDERSON—Nickelodeon. 120 Main St. PADUCAH—Star Theatre, 226 Broadway. HENDERSON—Princess Theatre. PAINTVILLE—Stafford Theatre. HICKMAN—Crystal Theatre. Clinton St. PARIS—Alamo Theatre, S. W. Cor. 5th and Main Sts. HOPKINSVILLE—Opera House. Box 280. PARIS—Comet Theatre. HOPKINSVILLE—Pi-incess Theatre. PARIS—Paris Grand Opera House, 9th and Main Sts. IRVINE—Opera House. PINEVILLE—Lyric Opera House. KUTTAWA—Opera House. PIKEVILLE—Royal Theatre. LAFAYETTE—Fairy Theatre. PRINCETON—Savoy Theatre. LA GRANGE—Princess Theatre, Main St. PROVIDENCE—Dreamland Theatre. LANCASTER—Lancaster Opera House, Richmond St. RICHMOND—Grand Opera House, Main St. LATONIA—Delbee Theatre. RICHMOND—Rosebud Theatre. LATONIA—New Grand Theatre, Main and Southern Ave. RUSSELLVILLE—Dixie Theatre. LAWBENCEBURG—Lyric Theatre. SHELBYVILLE—Crescent Opera House. LEBANON—Arista Theatre. SOMERSET—Gem Theatre, 103 S. Main St. LEXINGTON—Colonial Theatre. W. Main St. STURGIS—Princess Theatre. Adams St. UNIONTOWN—Theatorium. 94 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY Vitagraph BLUE RIBBON FEATURES

Vitagraph Company directs attention THEto its typically popular and high-grade plays to be released in four or more parts as Blue Ribbon Features PRODUCED UNDER PERSONAL SUPERVISION OF ALBERT E. SMITH and J. STUART BLACKTON Films Ready for Release Stage Stars to Appear THE JUGGERNAUT"—in five parts. ROBERT EDESON 'The Caveman" by With and Earle Williams. Gelett Burgess a 'Mortmain" by Ar- Directed by Ralph Ince. THE SINS OF THE MOTHERS." thur Train. $1,000.00 Vitag-raph Evening Sun Prize Winner. By Elaine Sterne. CHARLES RICHMAN in "The Heights of "DUST OF EGYPT"—in five parts. Hazard" by Rev. Cyrus Townsend Brady. By Alan Campbell. A PRICE FOR FOLLY"— in four parts. FRANK DANIELS in "Crooky Scruggs" by r.y Ceortte P. Dillenback, Paul West and "What Happened FIVE PLA'^S BY REV. CYRUS TOWN- to SEND BRADY. Father" by Mary Roberts Rhinehardt. THE ISLAND OF REGENERATION"— JOSEPH KILGOUR and VIRGINIA in six parts. PEAR- •THE CHALICE OF COURAGE"—in six SON in "The Writing on the Wall" by William J. Hurlburt. WILLIAM COURTENAY. •HEARTS AND THE HIGHWAY" DE WOLF HOPPER.

Other Blue Ribbon Features in Preparation MADAME DELPHINE." "THE GUILTY MAN." rge W. By Charles R. Dazey, author of Old GLORIOUS BETSY." Kentucky." l!y Rita Johnson ^•oung. "THE SHOP GIRL." KENNEDY SQUARE." By C. N. and A. M. Williamson; also a I'.v F. iro])kinson Smith. brilliant serial in twelve 2-reel parts, en- PLAYING DEAD" and "WHO'S WHO." titled "THE SCARLET RUNNER," by I'.v Richard Harding Davis. C. N. and A. M. Williamson. THOU ART THE MAN." And the following CYRUS TOWNSEND By Ceorge Cameron, author of "A ililli BRADY FEATURES: Bid." "THE ISLAND OF SURPRISE." HASHASHIN, THE INDIFFERENT." Now running serially in the "Red Book." By George P. Dillenback. "SIR HENRY MORGAN, BUCCANEER." NANCY HANKS." "THE FETTERS OF FREEDOM." I'.v Frank Tannehill. "THE ISLAND OF THE STAIRS." BLACK PRINCE CARL." "CAPTAIN MOLLY." By Alan Campbell. By (,co. ITazcltnn, author of "Mistress Nell." VITAGRAPHBOOK DIRECT 1600 Broadway New York rsrI :;;; .



VEKSAILLES—Queen Theatre. Main St. WINCHESTER—Lincoln Theatre. VTIRSAILLES—Eoyal Theatre. Main St. VVINCHESTEE—Lyric Theatre. 10 Court St. UNIONTOWN—Star Theatre. WINCHESTER—Pastime Theatre. 22 N. Main St. WICKLIFFE. Pastime Theatre. 4th St. WINCHESTER—Winchester Opera House. Cor. Main and Fairfax Sta. WILLIAMSBUEG—Dixie Theatre. Big Four Bloclt. WILLIAMSBURG—Olga Theater. WTLLIAMSTOWN—M. P. Show. WILTON—Dwelling Theatre. \\TLLIAMSTOVVN—Williarastown Opera House. LOUISIANA

ABBEVILLE—Victor Theatre. Port St. NEW ORLEANS—Audubon Park Theatre. 6053 Constance St. ALEXANDRIA—Cecelia Theatre. NEW ORLEANS—Banks Theatre. 3100 Banks St. ALEXANDRIA—Electrollte Theatre, cor. Washington and 2nc NEW ORLEANS—Bijou Theatre. 117 St. Charles. ALEXANDRIA—Orpheum Theatre. NEW ORLEANS—Blaney's Theatre Lyric. Ibenville and Burgundy. ALEXANDRIA—Pass Time Theatre. 1222 Srd St. NEW ORLEANS—Cadiz Theatre, 2118 Cadiz St. ALEXANDRIA—Rex Theatre. 2nd St. NEW ORLEANS-Carrollton Theatre. 517 S. Scott St. ALEXANDRIA-Scenic Theatre. NEW ORLEANS—Caseno Theatre, 1601 Magazine St. ALEXANDRIA-Wonderland Theatre. Johnson St. NEW ORLEANS—Casino Theatre. 928 N. Eampart St. ALGIERS—Algiers Theatre. 713 Patterson Ave. NEW ORLEANS—Coliseum Theatre, Coliseum and Thalia Sts. AMITE—Opera House. NEW ORLEANS—Colonial Theatre, 1800 Cambronne St. BALDWIN—MajesUc Theatre. NEW ORLEANS—Grossman Theatre, Carrollton Ave. and Baudin. BASTROP—Kellers Theatre. NEW ORLEANS—Crystal Theatre, 141 S. I Road St. BATON ROUGE—Columbia Theatre, 3rd St. NEW ORLEANS-Dauphine Theatre. Dauphine St. BATON ROUGE—Dreamland Theatre. 317 Srd St. NEW ORLEANS—Dixie Theatre. 1000 Canal St. BATON ROUGE—Majestic Theatre. Knox St. NEW ORLEANS—Dorothea Theatre. 5216 Magazme St. BERWICK-Dreamland Theatre. NEW ORLEANS— St, Charles St. BERWICK—Electric Theatre. 2nd Ave. NEW ORLEANS- Burgundy and Lesseps Sts. BOGALUSA—Magic City Theatre. Ave. B. cor. 2nd St. NEW ORLEAN.S' Bayou St.. bet. John and Duma. BREAUX BRIDGE—Lee Theatre. Bridge St. NEW ORLEANS 126 Canal St. CLAEKS—Auditorium. Main St. NEW OELEANS- 0 Soraparu St. COVINGTON—Parkway Theatre. NEW OELEANS- . Tulane and Dorgenois. CROWLEY—Gordon Theatre. NEW ORLEANS- Banks and Palmira Sts. CROWLEY—Grand Opera House. Parkerson Ave. NEW OELEANS—Esplanade Theatre, Esplanade and Broad Sts. CROWLEY-Palace Theatre. 206 Parkerson Ave. NEW OELEANS—Florence Theatre, 3rd and Magnolia Sts. DE QUINCY—Peoples Theatre, 719 Main St. NEW OELEANS—Fox Theatre. 4828 Magazine St. DE BIDDER—Acme Theatre. NEW OELEANS—Gayety Theatre. 1042 Eoyal St. DE EIDDEE—Bijou Theatre, North End Main St. NEW OELEANS—Gem Theatre. Eace and Annunciation Sts. DE EIDDEB—Columbia Theatre. NEW OELEANS—Grand Theatre. 1033 Canal St. DE EIDDEB—Dreamland Theatre. NEW OELEANS—Greenwald Theatre, Dauphine and Iberville Sts. DONALDSONVILLE—Gondran Theatre. NEW OELEANS—Happy Hour Theatre, 2819 Magazine St. DONALDSONVILLE—Happy Hour Theatre, 402 Mississippi St. NEW OELEANS—Happy Land Theatre. 336 Burgundy St. ELIZABETH—Sans Souci Theatre. NEW OELEANS—Harlequin Theatre. Ursuline and Claiborne Sts. EUNICE—Bailey Theatre. NEW OELEANS—Hipp Airdome. Congress and Dauphine Sts. FERRIDAY—Royal Theatre, 249 Front St. NEW OELEANS—Idle Hour Theatre, Washington and Magnolia Sts. FRANKLIN—Jewell Theatre. Main St. NEW OELEANS—Imp. Theatre. 118 Hagan Ave. FRANKLINTON—Idle Hour Theatre. Main St. NEW ORLEANS—Isis Theatre. 1515 Dryades St. GARYVILLE—Victory Theatre. NEW ORLEANS—Ivy Theatre, 1379 Annette St. GLENMORA—Pastime Theatre. NEW ORLEANS—Jewel Theatre. Lafayette Ave. and Villere. GEAMERCY—Happy Hour Theatre. NEW ORLEANS—Keystone Theatre, St. Andrew and Magazine Sts. GRETNA—Jefferson Theatre. NEW ORLEANS—Kozy Theatre, 1115 9th St. HAMMOND—Alpha Theatre. Cypress St., nr. Thomas St. NEW ORLEANS—Lafayette Theatre. 533 Barrone St. HAMMOND—Electric Theatre. NEW ORLEANS—Laurel Theatre. Laurel St., nr. Mary St. HAMMOND—Lomo Theatre No. 1. 129 Thomas St. NEW OELEANS—Louisiana Theatre. 1100 9th St. HOUMA—Bijou Theatre, Front St. NEW ORLEANS—Lyceum Theatre. 430 St. Charles St. HOUMA—Houma Opera House. NEW OELEANS—Magnolia Theatre. Magnolia and Terpsichore Sts. HOUMA—Wonderland Theater, Main St. NEW ORLEANS—Majestic Theatre. 2931 Magazine St. INDEPENDENCE—Bijou Theatre. NEW ORLEANS—Mater Dolorosa Theatre. 1226 Carrollton Ave. JEANEEETTE—Bijou Theatre. Main St. NEW ORLEANS—Nemo Theatre. 1022 N. Claiborne St. JEANEEETTE—Moral Theatre. Main St. NEW ORLEANS—Miro Wonderland Theatre. 1616 N. Miro St. JEANEEETTE—Savoy's Electric Theatre. 725 Main St. NEW ORLEANS-Napoleon Theatre. Napoleon and Camp Sts. JENNINGS—Aedennes Theatre. NEW OELEANS—New Majestic Theatre. 900 Elysian Fields Ave. JENNINGS—Dreamland Theatre. NEW ORLEANS—New Marvel Theatre. Ursuline and Dorgenois Sts. JONESBOEO—Crystal Theatre. NEW OELEANS—New Parkway Theatre. 223 Jefferson Davis Parkway. JONESBOEO—Jonesboro Theatre. NEW OELEANS—No Name Theatre. 1027 Canal St. KENNEE—Kenner Theatre. NEW OELEANS—Oak Theatre. Carrollton Ave. KENTWOOD—Atherton Theatre. F Ave. NEW OELEANS-Odeum Theatre. Frenchman and Claiborne Sts. KENTWOOD—Dreamland Beautiful Theatre. NEW OELEANS—Oriental Theatre. 517 Frenchman St. KINDEE—Classic Theatre. 4th Ave. and Sth St. NEW ORLEANS—Orpheum Theatre, 432 St. Charles St. „ . „. . LAFAYETTE—Jefferson Theatre. NEW ORLEANS—Palace Thi jg23 3j.^ gj Cleveland LAFAYETTE—Pastime Theatre, 402 Jefferson St. NEW ORLEANS—Par , Hagan Ave. and St. LAKE CHAELES—Arcade Theatre. Eyan St. NEW OELEANS—Pas 1739 Constantinople St. LAKE CHARLES—Boulevard Theatre. NEW OELEANS—I'm 18 Dryades St.

LAKE CHAELES—Dreamland Theatre. 817 Ryan St. NEW OELEANS— I I Canal St. : LAKE CHAELES—Imperial Theatre. Eyan St. NEW OELEANS— I re, 1201 St. Charles

LAKE CHAELES—Lyric Theatre. NEW OELEANS— I 412 N. Eampart St. LAKE PEOVIDENCE—Opera House. Main St. NEW OELEANS— 1 LAKE PEOVIDENCE—Pastime Theatre, Main St. NEW OELEANS— 'I LATONIA—Aerial Theatre. NEW OELEANS— 1-i LE COMPTE—Electric Theatre. NEW OELEANS— <,'!:

LEESVILLE—Lamm's Picture Palace. NEW OELEANS^ K. 1 501 Esplanade Ave.

LEESVILLE—National Theatre. NEW OELEANS— I ^ Itobertson and Esplanade Ave.

LOGANSPOET—Princess Theatre, 17 Main St. NEW OELEANS— . 3042 Laurel St. LUTCHEE—Victory Theatre, Texas St. NEW OELEANS— I N'o. 2. Frenchman and Claiborne St.

I MADISONVILLE—Happy Hour Theatre. NEW OELEANS— , 0114 Magazine St. K- MADISONVILLE—Negro Theatre. NEW OELEANS- I S. Eampart St.

I JIANSFIELD—Happy Hour Theatre. NEW ORLEANS— . Dryades nr. Jackson St.

I MANSFIELD-Jewel Theatre. NEW ORLEANS— . Frenchman and Chartres Sts. ;< MANY—Blake Theatre. NEW ORLEANS— I mOE Eoyal St. MAEKSVILLE—Dreamland Theatre. NEW ORLEANS— Tlieatre. s^i McELEOY—Dreamland NEW ORLEANS— I . 1538 Marigny St. MEEEYVILLE—Pastime Theatre. NEW ORLEANS— Sui e, 2729 Marais St. MINDEN—Grand Theatre. NEW ORLEANS—Sav 915 _N. Broad St. MINDEN—Princess Theatre. NEW ORLEANS—Shamrock Theatre, Tulane Ave. MONEOE—Grant St. Theatre. NEW OELEANS—Teddy Bear Theatre, Carrollton and Baudin Sts. MONEOE—Princess Theatre. NEW ORLEANS—Temple The Dryades and Comn MONEOE—Saenger Theatre. NEW ORLEANS— T,-i,i|.lr Tlir f-nr. Saratoga and Gravier Sts. MOOEINGSPOET—Dixie Theatre. NEW OELEANS— Tl ' in i I , .-.417 Magazine St.

I MOEGAN CITY—Dreamworld, Main St. NEW OELEANS— •! , Claude and St. Peters.

i MORGAN CITY—Evangeline Theatre. NEW OELEANS— Til : ,S14 Canal St.

II NEW IBEEIA—Elk Theatre. NEW OELEANS— 't I I M ilM.inr, Magnolia and Marengo Sts NEW IBERIA—Pastime Theatre, 105 W. Main St. NEW OELEANS—Tiiil. II- 'I hr.i i , v. CIO Canal St. NEW ORLEANS—Acme Theatre, Magazine and Erato Sts. NEW OELEANS—United Slates Theatre. 3314 Magazine St. NEW ORLEANS—Alvar Tlieatre, 3901 Dauphine St. NEW OELEANS—Victory Theatre, 141 S. Broad St. NEW ORLEANS-Alzanne Theatre. Carondelet and Toledano NEW OELEANS—. 532 Baron E. St. NEW ORLEANS—Amus U Theatre. 1762 N. Dorgenois St. NEW OELEANS—Wisdom Theatre, 733 N. Clairborne Ave. NEW ORLEANS—Arcade Tlieatre. 2517 St. Ann St. OIL CITY—Bijou Dream Tlieatre. NEW ORLEANS—Arcadia Theatre, 4819 Magazine St. OPBLOUSAS—Princess Theatre. PLAQUEMINE—Electric Theatre. 96 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY VITAGRAPH PLAYERS Appearing in the Life Portrayals Vitagraph Blue Ribbon Features And Broadway Star Features

Maurice Costello Anita Stewart Hiarie wiiiiams HfUitn otorey XVUaC X eipiCy Lorimer Johnson Arthur Cozine

Wullam onea i^Liiian waiKer Nicholas Dunaew J. Herbert Frank Van Dyke Brooke Lee Beggs Edward Elkas Joe Halpin Julia Swayne Gordon Lionel Belmore Mrs. Sidney Drew Gladden James Kate Price Sidney Drew Estelle Mardo Donald MacBride Flora Finch Wilfrid North Betty Gray Frank Le Strange Harry Morey Wally Van Nostrand Louise Beaudet Thomas Mills Tefft Johnson George Baker Paul Scardon George McGarry William Humphrey Jasper Brady Frank Currier Logan Paul Robert Gaillard Harry Davenport Jay Dwiggins Templer Saxe Ralph Ince Harry Lambart Charles Brown Cortlandt Van Dusen Mary Maurice Theodore Marston S. Rankin Drew Otto Lederer Dorothy Kelly George Cooper Darwin Karr Evart Overton Norma Talmadge Donald Hall Richard Leslie Mary Anderson Harry Northrup Antonio Moreno Anders Randolf Lillian Burns James Morrison Billy Quirk Eleanor Woodruff Ethel Corcoran Charles Eldridge Albert Roccardi Edwina Robbins Catherine Franek Hughie Mack George Stevens Eulalie Jensen Mae Halpin William Dunn Charles Wellesley Lionel Adams Marion Henry Leo Delaney Bobby Connelly Muriel Ostriche Anna Laughlin Ned Finley Adele de Garde Raymond Bloomer Karin Norman L. Rogers Lytton Audrey Berry Frank Bunny Florence Natol Myrtle Gonzalez Paul Kelly Jack Brawn Constance Talmadge Anne Schaefer Cissy Fitz-Gerald Jack Bulger Lucille Hammill Leah Baird Geo. Stanley Nitra Frazer Jane Novak Naomi Childers Jack Mower Alfred Vosbugh Wm. Duncan Zena Keefe Helen Connelly Geo. Kunkle Geo. Holt

C. J. Williams Geo. De Beck Stage Stars Specially Engaged Robert Edeson De Wolf Hopper Frank Daniels Virginia Pearson Joseph Kilgour Charles Richman William Courtney The Largest Number of Stars of any Company in the World AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 97


PLAQUHVIINE—Golden Rule Theatre. 413 Main St. SHEEVEPOET—Palace Theatre, Main St. PONCHATOULA—Ideal Theatre. SHEEVEPOET—Queen Theatre, EACELAND—Baceland Theatre. SHEEVEPOET—Saenger Amusement Co. EAYNE—Opera House M. P. Show, Adams Ave and 2nd St. SLIDELL—Clio Theatre. RAYVILLE—Princess Theatre, Louise St. SLIDELI^K. P. Hall Picture Show. EDSTON—Astor Theatre. SOUTH MANSFIELD—Olympic Theatre. EUSTON—Euston Opera House. SOUTH MANSFIELD—Queen Theatre. ST. MAETINSVILLE—Bienvenues Theatre, Main St. SULPHUE LAKE—Lauves Electric Show. SHEEVEPOET-Dixie Theatre. 202 Texas St. THIBODAUX—Marvel Theatre. SHEEVEPOET—Dreamland Theatre. VILLEPLATTE—Dardeau Theatre. SHEEVEPOET—Hippodrome, 222 Tex St. VIVIAN—Dreamland Theatre, Main St. SHEEVEPOET-Majestic Theatre, Main St. WASHINGTON—Opera House. SHEEVEPOET—Musee Theatre. 625 Milan St. WHITE CASTLE—Fairyland Theatre. Bowie St. and Eailroad Ave


MARS HILL—Dreamland Theatre. MARS HILL—Photoplay Theatre. AUBUEN—Lake Grove Park Theatre, Lake Grove Park. MATTAWAMKEAG—Bon Ton Theatre. AUGUSTA—Augusta Opera House, 292 Water St. MEXICO—Mechanics Hall, Main St. BANGOE—Bijou Theatre. MILLINOCKET—Millinocket Opera House. Penobscot Ave. BANGOE—Gaiety Theatre, Central St. MILO—Chic Theatre. BANGOE—Graphic Theatre. 177 Exchange St. NEWPORT—Crescent Theatre, Water St. BANGOE—Keith's Theatre. NEWPORT—Mystic Theatre, Water St. BANGOB—Nickel Theatre, Central St. NEWPORT—Odd Fellows Hall, Water St. BANGOE—Palace Theatre. NORRIDGEWOCK—Pastime Theatre. BAB HABBOE—Casino Theatre. NORTH EAST HARBOR—Pastime Theatre, Main St. BAB HABBOE—Star Theatre. NORTH VASSELBOEO—Citizens' Hall. Main St. BATH—Dreamland Theatre. NOEWAY—Bex |Theatre. BELFAST—Belfast Opera House, Church St. OAKLAND—Caskde Theatr'S. BELFAST—Colonial Theatre. 123 High St. OAKLAND—ChaSe Opera House. BELFAST—Star Theatre. 60 High St. OAKLAND—Memorial Hall. BIDDLEFOED—City. Opera House. City Bldg. OLDTOWN—Arcade Theatre. BOOTHBAY HABBOE—Pastime Theatre, Townsend Square. OLDTOWN—New Central Theatre. Water St. BRIDGETON—Gibbs Opera House. OEONO—Orono Theatre. Mill St. BBIDGTON—Opera House. PITTSFIELD—Bijou Theatre. BBIDGEWATEE—Town Hall. PITTSFIELD—Park St. Theatre, Park St. BROWNVILLE JUNCTION—Majestic Theatre, Main St. PORTLAND—Big Nickel Theatre, Congress St. BROWNVILLE—Pastime Theatre. Church St. PORTLAND—Empire Theatre. BRUNSWICK-Cumberland Theatre, Main and Cumberland Sts. PORTLAND—Gem Theatre, Peaks Island. BEUNSWICK—Pastime Theatre, 5 Middle St. PORTLAND—Pavilion. Temple and Federal Sts. BUCK SPOET—Opera House. PORTLAND—Portland Theatre, 11 Preble St. CALAIS—St. Croix Opera House, 5 Church St. PORTAGE—Opera House, Main St. CAMDEN—Camden Opera House, 15 Oak St. PRESQUE ISLE—Opera House. CAMDEN—Comique Theatre, Mechanic St. PRESQUE ISLE—Perry's Theatre. Main St. CAMDEN—Fairyland Theatre. PRESQUE ISLE—Presque Isle Theatre, Main St. CARIBOU—Dreamland Theatre. RICHMOND—Merry Meeting Theatre. CAEIBOU—Gem Theatre. Sweeden St. ROCKLAND-r-New Dreamland Theatre. CASTINE—Folly Theatre. Water St. ROCKLAND—Rockland Theatre, 12 Park Place. DANFOETH—Town Hall. RUMSFORD FALLS—Cheney Opera House, cor. Exchange and River Sts. DEXTEE—Park Theatre, Main St. RUMFOED—Howard Hall. 236 Hancock St. DIXFIELD—Dixfleld M. P. Theatre. RUMFORD—Scenic Theatre. DOVEE—Palace Theatre. SANFORD—Comique Theatre. EAGLE LAKE—Eagle Palace Theatre, Mill St. SANFORD—Leavitt's Theatre. Main St. EASTON—Grange Hall. SKOWHEGAN—Bijou, Water St. EASTON—Town Hall, Main St. SKOWHEGAN—Star Theatre, Water St. EASTPOET—Acme Theatre. SOUTH BERWICK—Gem Theatre. ELLSWOETH—Bijou Theatre, Main St. SOUTH BERWICK—Home Theatre. FAIRFIELD—Fairfield Opera House. Florence Ave. SOUTH BERWICK—Newachanick Hall. FAIRCHILD—Fairchild Opera House. Lawrence Ave. SOUTH BERWICK—Star Theatre, Main St. FABMINGTON—Music Hall. Broadway. SOUTH PARIS—Savoy Theatre, cor. High and Pleasant Sts FABMINGTON—Bijou Theatre. Saving Bank Hall. SOUTH PORTLAND—South Portland Theatre. High and Sawyer Sts FOET FAIBFIELD—Savoy Theatre. Main St. SOUTH WEST HARBOR—Wards Hall. FOET KENT—Gem Theatre. Main St. SPRINGVALE—Gowen's Theatre. FEEEPOET—Little Hippodrome. STRATTON—Landers Hall FEEEPOBT—Photoplay Theatre. THOiLASTON—Carmen Theatre. GAEDINEB—Coliseum Theatre. Church St. VAN BURBN—Dreamland Theatre, Main St. GAEDINEB—Echo Theatre, 293 Water St. VAN BUREN—Savoy Theatre. GAEDINEB—Gardiner Theatre, 258 Main St. WATERVILLE—City Opera House, Common St. HARTLAND—Hartland Opera House. Academy St. WATERVILLE—Silver Theatre. 14 Silver St. HOULTON—Bijou Theatre, Market Square. WELLS BEACH—Webhannett Theatre. Post Office Corner. HOULTON—Dreamland Theatre. WESTBROOK—Casino Theatre, 513 Main St. LEWISTON—Mystic Theatre, Kora Temple Hall. WESTBROOK—Star Theatre, Main and Central Sts. WEST PERU—Pavilion Theatre. WINTER HARBOR—Hammond Hall. LIVEBMORE FALLS—Pastime Theatre. WISCASSETT—New Pastime Theatre. LUBEC—Crescent Theatre. WISCASSETT—Town Hall. MACHIAS—Gem Theatre. WOODLAND—Woodland Opera House, Mill St., cor. 3rd Ave MACHIAS—Phoenix Opera House. YORK BEACH—Arcade Theatre, Main St. and Boulevard. MADISON—Pastime Theatre.


ANNAPOLIS—Amusea Theatre. BALTIMOEE—Busy Moon Theatre. 228 S. Broadway. ANNAPOLIS—Colonial Theatre. Conduit St. BALTIMORE—CarroUton Theatre. 1203-5 W. Baltimore St. ANNAPOLIS—Lyric Theatre, 22 Market Space. BALTIMORE—Celtic Theatre. 839 Greenmount Ave. ANNAPOLIS—Palace Theatre. BALTIMORE—Clifton Theatre. 316 S. Broadway. ARLINGTON—Star Theatre. Belvidere Ave. BALTIMORE-Cluster Theatre, 669 W. Baltimore St. BALTIMORE—Alhambra Theatre. 35 W. Lexington St. BALTIMOEE—Colonial Theatre, 1436y2 N. Gay St. BALTIMORE—Amusea Theatre, 414 E. Baltimore St. BALTIMOEE—Columbia Theatre, 625 Columbia Ave. BALTIMORE—Arcadia Theatre. 21 N. Howard St. BALTIMOEE—Comedy Theatre, 412 E. Baltimore St. BALTIMOEE—Arrow Theatre, 808 Third St. BALTIMOEE—Crown Theatre, 756 Columbia St. BALTIMORE—Aurora Theatre, 7 E. North Ave. BALTIMOEE—Cupid Theatre. 1130 Light St. BALTIMORE—Belnord Theatre, Philadelphia Rd. BALTIMOEE—Daly's Theatre, 936 Pennsylvania Ave. BALTIMOEE—Blaney's Family Theatre, Eutah and Saratoga Sts. BALTIMOEE—Dixie Theatre. 812 W. Baltimore St. BALTIMOEE—Blue Bell Theatre, 1713 Hardford Ave. BALTIMOEE—Dream Theatre. 582 N. Gay St. BALTIMOEE—Bonton Theatre, 563 N. Gay St. BALTIMOEE—Eagle Theatre. 407 W. Lexington St BALTIMOEE—Broadway Crescent Theatre. 314 N. Broadway. BALTIMORE—Eastern Theatre, Eastern Ave. and 7th St. BALTIMOEE—Brodie Theatre. 1118 Light St. BALTIMORE—Elktra Theatre, 1039 N. Gay St. BALTIMOEE—Bunny Theatre. 1238 Columbia Ave. BALTIMORE—Excelsior Theatre. 1358 North Ave. 98 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

Co. I Vitagraph TAKES EXTREME PLEASURE M IN ANNOUNCING O S T "THE I M P GODDESS R By Gouverneur Morris E g FEATURING S Anita Stewart and Earle Williams Directed by Ralph W. Ince J V UNDER PERSONAL SUPERVISION OF E Albert E. Smith and J, Stuart Blackton

S E RELEASED THROUGH R The General Film Company J A IN WEEKLY INSTALLMENTS L Commencing Monday, May Tenth ;



BALTIMORE—Fairmont Theatre, cor. Fairmont and Clifton. CHEWJ'i:ii'rii\\ House, cor. High and Court Sts. BALTIMORE—Falrj'land Theatre, 624 N. Chester St. CHEVY r\i \<\ -Chevy Chase Theatre, BALTIMGRE—Family Theatre, 518 S. Broadway. CRIS1--Il,l I' r pera House. BALTIMORE-Federal M. P. Theatre, 814 Light St. CRISl.'ll.l I' I Hall, P. 0. Box 7. BALTIMORE—^Flaming Arrow Theatre, 1108 E. Preston St. CRISFIIilJ'- I,' lire. 411 Main St. BALTIMORE—Frederick Theatre, Frederick Rd. crisfii;lii^m 7th and Main SU. I" BALTIMORE—Fremont Theatre, 615 N. Fremont Ave. cumberlaxi' I 'U'c. 123 Baltimore St. BALTIMORE—Garden Theatre, 7 W. Cross St. CUMBERLANl 1 BALTIMORE—Gem Theatre, 617 Duncan PI. CUMHERLANM

I Ml- ,;, I BALTIMORE—Gilmore Theatre. 314 Gilmore St. CUMBERLANl'— , I, ..aire. 25 N, Centre St. BALTIMORE—Govan's Theatre, 309 Guilford St. CUMBEBLANli— \ i. l.iiia Tin aire. Batto St. BALTIMORE-Grand Theatre, 511 3rd St. CUMBERLAND—Wlchuid Theatre. 113 Baltimore St. BALTIMORE—Great Wizard Theatre, 34 W. Lexington St. BASTON—Pastime Theatre. Dover St. BALTIMORE—Gwynn's Theatre, 3107 W. North Ave. ELKTON—Elkton Opera House. BALTIMORE—Horn Theatre, 2018 W. Pratt St. . ELKTON—G aidi-n Tl.oatre. BALTIMORI^-Hull Theatre, 1444 Hull St. FREDKUIi K— l iiv dprra House. N. Market St.

BALTIMORE—Idle Hour Theatre, N. Howard St. PREDIlKirk Ma,,, I Theatre.

i , BALTIMORE—Jewel Theatre, 719 W. Baltimore St. FROS'll;! i;,: : Opera House. Main St.

!; . BALTIMORE—Lafayette Theatre, 1433 VV. Lafayette Ave. FROS'l'r.i . r.,'., Theatre- BALTIMORE—Liberty Theatre. 5 N. Liberty St. FRO.STI'.i l!i.--.hi,; and Theatre. Main St. BALTIMORE—Lord Calvert Theatre Co.. 701 Calvert Bldg. GAITH Klis I l; Jtti—Lvric Theatre. BALTIMORE—Luna Park Theatre, W. Baltimore. GLEN ECHO—Glen Echo Park. BALTIMORE—Majestic Theatre. 320 S. Broadway. HAGERSTOWN—Academy of Music. W. Washington St. BALTIMORE-Maryland Theatre, Franklin St.. nr. Eutaw. HAGERSTOWN—Palace Theatre. 7-9 S. Potomac St. BALTIMORE—Mascot Theatre, Greenmount Ave. HAMPSTEAD—Dreamland Theatre. BALTIMORE—New Market Theatre, 613 Duncan PI. HAMPDEN—The Ideal Theatre. 903 3rd Ave. BALTIMORE—New Theatre. 214 W. Lexington St. HANCOCK—Opera House. BALTIMORE—^Northwestern Theatre. Pennsylvania Ave. HAVRE DE GRACE—Bijou Dream Theatre. BALTIMORE—No Name Theatre, Bay Shore Park. HAVRE DE GRACE—Reformers Parlor Theatre. BALTIMORE—Olympia Theatre, 2938 O'Donnell St. HAVRE DE GRACE—Willow Theatre, St. John St. BALTIMORE—Osier Hall, 1211 Cathedral St. HAYWARD PARK—Star Theatre, Mail Station, East Arlington. BALTIMORE—Oriole Theatre. 1204 Paterson Ave. HIGHLu\NDTOWN—Comic Theatre, 249 East Ave. BALTIMORE—Palace Theatre, Payette St. and Eutaw Ave. HIGHLANDTOWN—Eagle Theatre, 3610 Eastern Ave. BALTIMORE—Palace Theatre, Gay and Hoffman Sts. HIGHLANDTOWN—Patterson Theatre. BALTIMORE—Pastime Theatre, Pennsylvania Ave. HIGHLANDTOWN—Sacred Heart Hall, 1st and Foster Ave. BALTIMORE—Pastime Theatre, 2028 Greenmount Ave. LAUREL—New Theatre, Main St. BALTIMORE—Pastime Theatre, 407 W. Lexington St. LAUREL—Red Wing Theatre, Washington Ave. BALTIMORE—Patterson Theatre, 1202 Lawrence St. LBONARDTOWN—Town Hall, cor. Pope and Griswold Sts. BALTIMORE—Peabody Theatre, 19 E. North Ave. LONACONING—Evans Opera House. ' BALTIMORE—Pickwick Theatre, 1048 W. Fayette St. LONACONING—S; Hicatre, Main St. BALTIMORE—Pickwick Theatre, 115 N. Howard St. MT. AIRY— -I I. Main St. BALTIMORE—Pickwick Theatre, 312 W. Lexington St. MT. K.MVli;

St. \ -I ; BALTIMORE—Pictorial Theatre. 3310 E. Baltimore MT. S\ . Main Rd. -I BALTIMORE-PimUco Theatre. Park Heights and Bel. Ave. MT. .s.W I ma,, cor. Main and Water Sts.

BALTIMORE-Plaza Theatre, 1107 N, Broadway. MT. .s,\\ Ai;i, r I I, II,, aiii... cor. Main and Water Sts. BALTIMORE—Pleasant Hour Theatre. 2869 Fulton Ave. MONKTCIN— St. .JaliKs I'aiisli. BALTIMORE—Popular Theatre. Edmondson Ave., Ext. OAKLAND— |,;mpire Theatre, 2nd and Alder Sts. BALTIMORE—Red Moon Theatre. 20 W. Baltimore St. OAKLAND—Maryland Theatre, 3rd and Pythian Alley. BALTIMORE—Rennard Theatre, 1230 Pennsylvania Ave. OAKLAND—Pythian Theatre. BALTIMORE—Rex Theatre, 625 Columbia Ave. OCEAN CITY—M. P. Theatre, Ocean City Pier. BALTIMORE-Royal Theatre, 1727 N. Monroe St. OCEAN CITY—Pier Theatre, Boardwalk. BALTIMORE—Royal Theatre, 1916 Pratt St. OCEAN CITY—New Atlantic Casino Theatre, Boardwalk. BALTIMORE—Schanzes Theatre, North and Pennsylvania Aves. OCEAN CITY—Reed's Theatre. BALTIMORE—Schauntze Theatre, North Ave. and Fulton St. OXFORD—Oxford Theatre. BALTIMORE—South Crescent Theatre, 1110 S. Charles St. POKOMOKE—HiUman's Picture House, Willow St. BALTIMORE—Superba M. P. Parlor, 908 Columbia Ave. PORT DEPOSIT—Opera House, Main St. BALTIMORE—Star Theatre, Belvidere Ave. PRINCESS ANNE—Auditorium, Main St. BALTIMORE—Theatorlum Theatre, North Ave. and Charles St. QUEENSTOWN—Queenstown Opera House. BALTIMORE-The Aladdin Theatre, 930-932 W. Baltimore St. RISING SUN—Opera House. BALTIMORE—The Daisy Theatre, 1752 Gay St. RIVER VIEW—Biver View. BALTIMORE—The Eureka Theatre, 404 S. Fremont Ave. ROCK H.M.T..—Amiisa Hall. BALTIMORE—The Grande Theatre, Baltimore and Holiday Sts. ROCKVTI LI -i iii, Tlicatre 11 1,1 BALTIMORE—The Picture Garden, 31 W. Lexington St. ROCK\ ^, I,., , Tlioatre. BALTIMORE—The Suburban Theatre, 9th and North Ave. ROCK^Ili i ~ Ili,'atre, 117 Commerce St. BALTIMORE—Victor Theatre, Frederick and Monroe Aves. ROSSVII IJ - l;:i. Ku, Park Theatre. BALTIMORE-Victoria Theatre, 415 B. Baltimore St. SALISBi;i!Y— Salisbury Amusement Co., 307 Smith St. BALTIMORE—Waverly Theatre, 1107 York Rd. SALISBURY—Auditorium, cor. Division and Church Sts. BALTIMORE—West End Theatre, W. Baltimore & Gilmore. SALISBURY—Grand Opera House, 240 Main St. BALTIMORE—Wilson Theatre, 41 E. Baltimore St. SALISBURY—Ulman's Grand Opera, 240 Main St. BALTIMORE—Winona Theatre, 1531 E. Monument St. SMITHBURG—Opera House. BALTIMORE—Wizard Theatre, 1118 Light St. SNOW HILL—Opera House. BETTERTON—Gunner's Pier Theatre. SOUTH CUMBERLAND—Star Theatre, 140 Virginia Ave BETTERTON—Turner's Pier Theatre, Beach St. SPARROWS POINT—Lyric Theatre. BOONSBORO—Amusea Theatre, N. Main St. ST. MICHAELS—Electric Rainbow Theatre, Talbot St. BOONSBORO—Star Theatre. ST. MICHAELS—Kerb's Theatre, Talbot St. BRUNSWICK—Casino Theatre. Railroad St. WAVERLY—The Waverly Theatre, 1107 York Ed. BRUNSWICK—Casino Theatre, High St. WESTMINSTER—Pioneer Theatre, 30 W. Main St. BRUNSWICK—New Theatre. WESTMINSTER—The Star. CAMBRIDGE—Auditorium, Gay St. BOSTON—St. James Theatre, 239 Huntington Ave. CENTERVILLE—Star Theatre.


ADAMS—Taylor's Theatre, Park St. BOSTON—Eagle Amusement Co., 2225 WasUngton St. ALLSTON—Scenic Temple Theatre, N. Beacon St. BOSTON—Egleston Theatre, 3093 Washington St. AMESBURY—Crown Theatre, 67 Main St. BOSTON—Exeter St. Theatre. Exeter St. AMESBURY—Town Hall, Friend St. BOSTON—Grand Opera House, 1176 Washington St. ANDOVER—Colonial Theatre, 20 Essex St. BOSTON—Hunnington Ave. Theatre, 175 Hunnlngton Ave. ARLINGTON—Arlington Auditorium, 464 Mass. St. BOSTON—Keith's Theater, 545 Washington St ARLINGTON—Arlington Theatre. BOSTON—Loew's New Globe Theatre, 686 Washington St. ATHOL—Gem Theatre, 505 Main St. BOSTON—Loews South End Theatre. 978 Washington St. ATHOL—The Lyric. BOSTON—Masonic Theatre, Boylston St. ATTLEBORO—Bates Opera House, 4 Park St. BOSTON—Nickelodeon, 51 Hanover St. ATTLEBORO—Columbia Theatre, 20 Bank St. BOSTON—Old South Theatre, Washington St. AUBURNDALE—Norumbega Theatre, Norumbega Park. BOSTON—Olympic Theatre, 6 Bowdoin Square. AYER—Pages Hall, Main St. BOSTON—Olympia Theatre, 4 Tremont Row. BEVERLY—Larcom Theatre, 9 Wallace St. BOSTON—Orpheum Theatre. 413 Washington St. BILLERICA—Pinehurst Park Theatre. BOSTON—Pastime Theatre. 581 Washington St. BOSTON—Beacon Theatre, 47 Tremont St. BOSTON—Premier Theatre. 674 Washington St BOSTON—Bijou Dream Theatre. BOSTON—Puritan Theatre, 1714 Washington St. BOSTON—Boulevard Theatre, 691 Saratoga St. BOSTON—Queen Theatre, 634 Washington St. BOSTON—Bowdoin Square Theatre, 179 Court St. BOSTON—Roxbury Theatre Co. BOSTON—Casino Theatre, 44 Hanover St. BOSTON—Savoy Theatre. 627 Washington St. BOSTON—Dreamland Theatre, Cobb and Washington S BOSTON—Shawmut Tlieatre, Blue Hill Ave., nr. Grove Hall 100 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY ^ VITAGRAPH CO. WILL RELEASE ONE EVERY WEEK Beginning Monday, May Tenth "THE JARR FAMILY" By ROY L. McCARDELL EVERYBODY SAYS They Are the Biggest Hits and Get All Kinds of Laughs THEY WANT MORE


The Jarr Family Discovers Harlem March 8th Mr. Jarr Brings Home a Turkey March 15th Mr. Jarr and the Lady Reformer March 22d Mr. Jarr Takes a Night Off April 5th Mr. Jarr's Magnetic Friend April 12th


The Jarrs Visit Arcadia May 10th Mr. Jarr and the Dachshund May 17th Mr. Jarr Visits His Home Town May 24th Mrs. Jarr's Auction Bridge May 31st AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 101


BOSTON—Tremont Row Theatre, Scollary St. LOWELL—LoweU Opera House, 347 Central St. LONTOLL Royal Theatre, Merrlmao St. BOSTON"—Unique Theatre. 700 Washington St. — 388 BOSTOX—Washington Theatre, 720 Washington St. LOWELL—Voyons Theatre, 241 Central St. BOSTOX, EOXBUBY—Zenicon Temple, 320 Blue HiU Ave. LYNN—Auditorium, Andrews St. Central Square Theatre. Union St. EBAXT ROCK—Ocean Bluff Casino, Ocean St. LYNN— 426 BRAXT ROCK—Peterson Theatre. LYNN—Comique Theatre. Theatre, Washington St. BEIDGEWATER—Princess Theatre, Broad St. LYNN—Olympian 408 BROCKTON—Empire Theatre, Main and School Sts. MAT/DEN—Comique Theatre, 107 Pleasant St. BROCKTON—Globe Theatre. MALDEN—Maiden Auditorium, 161 Pleasant St. BROCKTON—Keith's Theatre, 1070 Main St. MALDEN—Orpheum Theatre, Balden Square. BROCKTON-McCue Cabllls Theatre, 52 Ward St. MALDEN—Majestic Theatre, Pleasant St. Plaza Theatre, St. BROCKTON—Music Hall Theatre, cor. Ward and Main Sts. MALDEN— 128 Bryant Scenic Theatre, Pleasant St. BROCKTON—New City Theatre. aiALDEN— Temple Hall. BROCKTON—Shedy's Theatre, 15 School St. MAEBLEHEAD—Abbott Grand Theatre. Mechanic St. CAMBRIDGE—AQuinias Theatre, Norfolk St. ILiELBORO— 58 CAMBRIDGE—Cambridge Olj-mpia. JIATTAPAN—Scenic Temple Theatre. 512 River St. CAilBRIDGE—Central Theatre, 639 Mass. Ave. 3IAYNARD—Colonial Theatre. Main St. cor. Nason and Sts. CAilBRIDGE—New , cor. River St. and Western. MAYARD—Co-operative HaU, Lumma Sanford HaU. CAMBRIDGE—Scenic Temple, Temple St. MEDWAY— Auditorium, Essex Sts. CENTRAL FALLS—Orpheum Theatre, 410 Dexter St. MELROSE—City Main and CHAELESTOWN—Terminal Theatre, 544 Main St. MELROSE—Globe Theatre, 445 Main St. Theatre. CHAELESTO^-N—Union Theatre, 120 Main St. MIDDLEBORO—Lyric Main St. Amusement Co. CHELSEA—Empire Theatre. 241 Broadway. MIDDLEBOBO—Wareham CHICOPEE—Pastime Theatre, 61 Cabot St. MILFORD—Lyceum Theatre. Main St. CEICOPEE FALLS—Grand Theatre, 92 Main St. MILFORD—Milford Music HaU. Main St. CLINTON—Globe Theatre, 111 High St. MILFORD—Nipmuc Park Theatre. COMO Opera House. MILFORD—TripoU Theatre. 12 E. Main St. — Town HaU. DANVERS—Danvers Institute, Monument Square. MILLBURY- Opera House. Ave. and East 3rd St. DAN^T;ES—Orpheum Theatre, 16 High St. MONTAGUE—CoUe A Dreamland Theatre. S. Water St. DEDHAM—Memorial HaU, 381 High St. NANTUCKET— DEDHAil—Westwood Paris Theatre. NANTASKET—Empire Theatre. DORCHESTER—Hamilton Theatre, 256 Bowdain St. NANTASKET—Scenic Theatre. . Theatre. Main St. DORCHESTER—Happy Hour HaU. 220 Adams St. NATCHEZ—Baker-Grand DORCHESTER—Scenic Theatre, Fields Corner. NATCHEZ—Star Theatre. Main St. DORCHESTER-Winthrop Hall. 570 Columbia Road. NEW BEDFORD—AUen's Theatre. 1512 Acushnet St. Casino Theatre. Purchase St. EAST BOSTON—Days St. Theatre. NEW BEDFORD— 822 Theatre. French St. EAST BOSTON—Magic Theatre, 127 Havre St. NEW BEDFORD—Kane EAST CAilBEIDGE—Comique Theatre. NEW BEDFORD—Hathaway's Theatre. 92 Purchase St. EAST DEDHAM—Pictorial Theatre. NEW BEDFOED—Liberty Theatre. 733 S. Water St. Tony's Theatre. S. Water St. EAST DEDHAil—Star Theatre, MUton St.. op. High St. NEW BEDFOED— 733 EAST PEPPERELI^Tarbell Opera House, Main St. NEW BEDFOED—Monte Pio HaU. Acushmet Ave. and Howland. Theatre. EASTHAMPTON—Bijou Theatre, 57 Cottage St. NEW BEDFOED—National Sawyer St. Dominique HaU. EASTHAilPTON—Majestic Theatre, 75 Cottage St. NEW BEDFORD—^New Bedford Theatre. 249-253 Union St. EASTHAilPTON—Town HaU, Main St. NEW BEDFOED—^Pastime Theatre. 957 S. Water St. EDGARTOWN—Town HaU. NEW BEDFORD—Royal Theatre. 991 S. Water St. FALL RIVER—Academy of Music. NEW BEDFORD—Savoy Theatre. 162 Union St. FALL RIVER-American HaU, 1509 S. Main St. NEW BEDFOED—The Standard. FALL Rn"ER—Casino Theatre. NEW BEDFORD—Variety Theatre. 713 S. Water St. FALL EI^'ER—Lvric Theatre. 1366 Pleasant St. NEWBURYPORT—Premier Theatre, Hales Ct.- NEWBURYPORT Star Theatre, Pleasant St. FALL EIVER—Nickelodeon Theatre. — — FALL EH'EE—Pastime Theaatre, 226 Brightman St. NEWTON ^Newton Opera House, 27 Centre St. FALL EIAT:R—Plaza Theatre. 3795 Main St. NEWTON UPPER FALLS—Auditorium, Pattee St. FALL RITER—Premier Theatre, Rock St. NORTH ADAMS—Bijou Theatre. FALL RH-ER-Puritan Theatre. NORTH ADAMS—Wilson Theatre. FALL RIVER-Savoy Theatre. 28 N. Mill St. NORTH ATTLEBOBO—Starkey's Theatre. 23 Washington St. FALL ER-EB-Scenic Theatre, 130 S. Main St. NORTH ADAMS—Empire Theatre. 59 Main St. FALL RIVER—Star Theatre, 1480 Pleasant St. NORTH BROOKFIELD— Star Theatre. FALMOUTH—Empire Theatre. NORTH PLYMOUTH—Globe Theatre. FAULKNER—Plaza Theatre. 128 Bryant St. NOETHAMPTON—Lyric Theatre. 24 Pleasant St. FITCHBUEG—Auditorium. 25 Blossom St. NOETHAMPTON—Plaza Theatre. Pleasant and Hampton Sts. FITCHBUEG—Bijou Theatre, 204 Main St. NOETHAMPTON—The Palace Theatre. 14 Masonic St. FITCHBURG—Cummings Theatre, Blossom St. NORWOOD—Premier Theatre. Washington St. FITCHBUEG—Lyric Theatre, Main St. NORWOODD—South Theatre. FITCHBLTEG—Eclipse Theatre, 160 Fairmount St. NORWOOD—ViUage Hall. Washington St. FITCHBUEG—Shea's Theatre, 13 Day St. OAK BLUFF—Pastime Theatre. 2 Lake Ave. FLOEENCE—The LiUe Theatre, N. Main St. ORANGE-Art Theatre, cor. N. B. Main St. FOXBORO—Union HaU. OEANGE—Brookside Theatre. E. Main St. FOXBORO—Star Theatre. OBANGE—Town HaU. 23 N. Main St. GARDNT;R—Gardner Theatre. OELEANS—Braus HaU. GARDNER—Orpheum Theatre. ORLEANS—Globe Hall, N. W. cor. Main St. GLOUCESTER—Olympia Theatre, 253 Main St. ORLEANS—Town HaU. Main St. GREENTIELD—Bijou Theatre, cor. Main and Miles Sts. OXFORD—Memorial Theatre. Main St. GREENTIELD—Victoria Theatre. OYSTEEVILLE—Star Theatre, Mam St. GREAT BAEEINGTON—Castle Theatre. PALMER—Forest Lake Park Theatre, Forest Lake. GREAT BAEEINGTON-Mahaiee Theatre, Castle St. PALMER—The Elite Theatre, Main St. HAVERHILL—Colonial Theatre, 195 Merrimas St. PEABODY—Peabody Theatre, Main St. HAVERHILL—Orpheum Theatre, Washington Square. PEPPERBLI^Lawrence HaU, Main St. HOLBROOK—Town HaU. PITTSFIELD—Colonial Theatre, South St. HOLTOKE—Globe Theatre, 26 SufToU? St. PITTSFIELD—Empire Theatre, 29 Summer St. HOLYOKE—Grand Theatre, 407 High St. PITTSFIELD—Majestic Theatre. 140 North St. HOLYOKE—Holyoke Opera House, Dwight St. PITTSFIELD—Spa Theatre. North St. HOLYOKE—Majestic Theatre. 205 Main St. PITTSFIELD—Tyler Theatre, 53 1st St. HOLYOKE—Mt. Tom Casino. PLYMOUTH—Opera House. Court St. HOLYOKE—Park Theatre. PLYMOUTH—Pastime Theatre. Middle St. HOLYOKF—Palace Theatre. PLYMOUTH—Plymouth Theatre, 301 Cort St. HOLYOKE—The Star Theatre. PITTSFIELD—Union Square Theatre, North St. HOLYOKE—Suffolk Theatre, Suffolk St. PROVINCETOWN—Pilgrim Theatre, 293 Commercial St. HOLYOKE—Wonderland Theatre. 301 Main St. PROVINCETOWN—Star Theatre, Commercial St. HOUGH'S NECK. QUINCY—Palms Theatre, Sea St. QUINCY—Auditorium Theatre, Hancock St. HUDSON—Hudson Opera House. Market St. QUINCY—Kincaide Theatre. Hancock St. HUDSON—Town HaU, Main St. READING—Lyceum Theatre. HYAN^aS—^Idle Hour Theatre, Main St. REVERE—Auditorium Theatre. Broadway. HYANT^IS—^Vamums Theatre. REVERE—Comique Theatre. HYDE PARK—Eagle Theatre. 43 Fairmont Ave. REVERE—Old Dream Theatre. 84 Boulevard St. HYDE PARK—Hyde Park Theatre, 1254 Hyde Park Ave. REVERE BEACH-Revere Theatre, 136 Boulevard. HYDE PARK-Videtorium Theatre. Everett Square. ROCKLAND—Rockland Opera House, Church St. IPSWICH—Ipswich Opera House, Market St. ROCKPORT—Town HaU, Broadway. .L4MAICA PLAIN—Emmett Hall, 656 Center St. ROSLINDALE—Gem Theatre. JAMAICA PLAIN—Supreme Theatre, Center St. ROSLINDALE—Rosllndale Theatre, 4255 Washington St. LAWRENCE—Broadway Theatre. ROXBURY—Omenta Theatre, 2154 Washington St. LAWRENCE- City Hall Theatre, 417 Essex St. ROXBURY—Shawmut Theatre, 364 BluehUl Ave. LAWRENCE—Nickel Theatre. SAGAMORE—Liberty Hall, Main St. LAWRENCE—Premier. 550 Essex St. SALEM—Alhambra Theatre, 124 La Fayette St. LAWRENCE)—Star Theatre. SALEM—Empire Theatre, Essex St. LAWRENCE—Victoria Theatre, 125 Broadway. SALEM-Federal Theatre, Federal and Washington Sts. LEE—Star Theatre. SALEM—Salem Theatre, 259 Essex St. LEE—Town Hall. 84 Maple St. SANDWICH—Casino Theatre. LEOMINSTER—Music Hall. SANDWICH—Town Hall. LOWELI^Academv of Mu-iic, 141 Dutton St. SCITUATE—Idle Hour Theatre. Front St. LOWELI^B. E. Keith's Theatre, Canal and Bridge Sts. SOMERVILLE—Day Street Olympia. LOWELL—Colonial Theatre. SOMER'^TLLE—Day Street Theatre. Davis Square. LOWELL—La Sala Theatre, 245 Central St. SOMERVILLE—Odd Fellows HaU, Winter HiU. 102 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

THE VITAGRAPH CO. Releases the following Broadway Star Features through the General Film Co. Special Service:


Produced Under Personal Supervision of

Albert E. Smith and J. Stuart Blackton ARE NOW RELEASED IN THREE PARTS

Every Alternate Tuesday and Saturday of Each Week

In the Regular Service of the General Film Company AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 103


SOMEKVILLE—Somerville Theatre. THORNTON—Columbia Theatre. SOilEKVILLE—Star Theatre, 372 Somerville Ave. TURNERS FALLS— Colle Opera and E. 3rd St. SOMEEVIIUE—Union Hall, Union Square. TURNER FALLS—Lyric Theatre SOMEKVILUE—Union Square Olympia. UPTON—Town Hall. Main St. SOUTHBKLDGE—Blanchard's Theatre, 91 Main St. UXBRIDGE—Town Hall. SOUTHBKIDGE—Tremont Theatre, Central Ave. VINEYARD HA\-|:\— (',ii.ii:irlt 'l ;atre. Spring St.

I' . . SOUTH DBEKFIELD—Opera HouSe. WAKEFIELD- I'l I U Mechanics St.

SOUTHBRIDGE—Vaudeville Theatre. Ill Main St. WALLASTON- I . I 1 Vassar St.

I SOUTH BOSTON—Congress Hall, 220 Broadway. WALPOLE—Elil^ J i

I 1. .1.1, SOUTH BOSTON—Imperial Theatre, 1619 Broadway. WALTHAM- , .Moody St. SOUTH BOSTON—Olympia Theatre, 429 Broadway. WALTHAM- LuaUr. 17 Elm St. SOUTH FEAMINGHAil—Priiicess Theatre. 18 Concord St. WAKE—Bijou 5 North St. SPENCER—Park Theatre. Mechanics St. WARE—Casino Theatre. 1 W. Main St. SPSINGFIELD—Bijou Theatre, 91 Worthington St. VVAREHAM—Odd Fellow's Hall. Main St. SPRmCFIELD—Broadway Theatre. WATERTOWN'—Pequossett Hall. 42 Galen St. SPRINGFIELD—Edisonia Amusement Co., Main St. WEB.STEU— JIush- Hall Theatre. 10 High St. SPRINGFIELI>—Gaiety Theatre. WELLFLKLT. I iih.n Theatre. Main St. SPRINGFIELD—Globe Theatre, 21 Main St. WENCIII \,, i,„ial Theatre. Maple St. SPRINGFIELD—Goldstein Theatre, 231 Main St. WBSTl'lllh I: ila-atre. 160 Elm St. SPRINGFIELD—Lion Theatre, 163 Main St. WESTlll l.l' \\r iii,.|d Opera House. 38 Elm St. SPRINGFIELD—Lyric Theatre. 247 N. Main St. WESTl;

' l- I . SPRINGFIELD—Polls Theatre. 286 Worthington St. \ M ! , :n-. Bay St.

I IN I SPRINGFIELD—Eiver Side Theatre. River Side Park. \ " 'I .24 Railroad St. STONEHAM—^Armory Theatre. Main and Film Ave. N "" IV, Maple St. STONEHAM—Central Theatre. 2 Central St. STOUGHTON—Pastime Theatre. 410 Washington St. Shirley St. STOUGHTON—Town Hall. 4 Pearl St. - TAUNTON—Casino Theatre. Bay and Whittenton Sts. VORi l I TAUNTON—Casino Theatre. 13 Trescott St. (VOECI .s I TAUNTON—Columbia Hall, 70y2 Main St. WOECi;:-'! TAUNTON—Park Theatre, Court St. WOECi:si TAUNTON—Star Theatre, 7 Summer St. MICHIGAN

ADDISON—Cleveland Theatre. CAPAC—Palace Theatre. ADDISON—Opera House. Main St. CARO—Temple Theatre. ADEIAN—Maple City Theatre, 31 S. Main St. CARSON CITY—Opera House. ADEIAN—New Family Theatre. CASS CITY—Eex Theatre. ADRLAN—Star Theatre, 19 S. Main St. CASSOPOLIS—Colonial Theatre. ALBION—Bijou Theatre, Superior St. CASSOPOLIS—Electric Theatre. ALBION—Princess Theatre, 121 Superior St. CASSOPOLIS—Vaudette Theatre. ALGONAC—Star Theatre. CHAELP.Vdr.x—ciiatievoix Theatre. 101 Bridge St. ( ALLEGAN—Star Theatre, 131 Brady St. CHAELKN iilX- > Theatre. ALMA—Alma Vaudette Theatre, Superior St. CHAKI.iUTi \- ,.|,' Tlieatre. ALPENA—Bijou Theatre. CHAltl, M I,, llMuse. ALPENA—Lyric Theatre. 108 E. Chislom St. CHAHljri i I, I, „,i ir Theatre. ALPENA—Majestic Theatre, 207 2nd St. CHEBoi 1 :.\.\—.\n ade Theatre. ALPENA—Palace Theatre. CHEBOYGAN—Delmonto Theatre. 423 N. Main St. AMASA—Bijou Theatre. CHEBOYGAN—Idle Hour Theatre, Main St. ANN AEBOE—Majestic Theatre, 320 Maynard St. CHELSEA—Princess Theatre. Chelsea St. AJJN ARBOR—Orpheum Theatre. CHELSEA-Sylvan Theatre. ANN ABBOE—Temple Theatre, 337 S. Main St. CHESANING—Vaudette Theatre. AU SABLE—Electric Theatre. CLAEE—Idle Hour Theatre. McEwing St. AU SABLE—Star. CLARE—Opera House. BAD AXE—Casino Theatre. CLAEE—Princess Theatre. BANGOE—Vaudette Theatre. CLARE—The Temple Theatre. BARAGA—Bijou Theatre. CLINTON—Vaudette Theatre. BATTLE CREEK-Bijou Theatre, 45 W. Main St. CLIO—Vaudette Theatre. BATTLE CREEK-Dreamland Theatre, 38 E. Main St. COLDWATER—Happy Hour Theatre. 6 W. Chicago St. BATTLE CEEEK—Family Theatre. COLDWATER—Tibbits Opera House. BATTLE CEEEK—Garden Theatre. COLDWATER—Venetian Theatre. BATTLE CREEK—New Majestic Theatre. COLOMA—Coloma Theatre. BATTLE CEEEK—Queen Theatre. CONSTANTINE—Colonial Theatre. BATTLE CEEEK—Bex Theatre. CONSTANTINE—Crescent Theatre. BAY CITY—AUadin Theatre, 619 Jefferson St. CONSTANTINE—Electric Theatre. BAY' CITY—Avenue Theatre. 23rd and Broadway. CRYSTAL FALLS—Bijou Theatre. Superior Ave. BAY CITY—Bell Theatre. 1600 22nd St. CEYSTAI^New Family Theatre. BAY CITY-Bijou Theatre. DECATUR—Champion Theatre. BAY CITY—Broadway Pleasure Theatre. DECKERVILLE—Vaudette Theatre. BAY CITY—CroTO Theatre, 605 E. Midland St. DEEEFIELD—Vaudette Theatre. BAY CITY—Family Theatre. DETEOIT—Alhambra Theatre. Woodward and Kenilworth Aves BAY CITY—Grotto Theatre. DETEOIT—Alamo Theatre. 1138 Eussell St. BAY CITY—Lyric Theatre, 7th and Washington Aves. DETROIT—American Theatre. 342 Gratiot Ave. BAY CITY—Owl Theatre, 1009 Marquette St. DETROIT—Arcade Theatre, High and Hastings Sts. BAY CITY—Princess Theatre. 708 Adams St. DETROIT—Arcadia Theatre. 2195 Gratiot Ave. BAY CITY—Royal Theatre. DETROIT—Amo Theatre. 473 Grand Eiver Ave. BAY CITY—Star Theatre. 109 Centre St. DETEOIT—Arena Theatre, Alfred and Eivard Sts. BAY CITY—Washington Theatre. DETEOIT—Baker Theatre, 562 Baker St. BAY CITY—Wenonah Theatre. 808 Water St. DETEOIT—Bell Theatre, 396 Dlx Ave. BAY CITY—West Side Theatre. 1009 Marquette St. DETEOIT—Bijou Theatre, 24 Monroe Ave. BEAVERTON—Star Theatre. DETEOIT—Bonton Theatre, 1417 Jefferson Ave. BELDING—Elite Theatre. DETEOIT—Brooklyn Theatre, Michigan and Brooklyn Sts. BELDING—Idle Hour Theatre. Main St. DETEOIT—Calvert Theatre, 2301 Woodward Ave. BELDING—Majestic Theatre, 112 N. Pleasant St. DETEOIT—Casino Theatre, 28 Monroe St. BELDING—Star Vaudeville Theatre. 301 W. Main St. DETROIT^Cass Theatre, 117 Grand Eiver Ave. BENTON HARBOR—Bell Opera House. DETROIT—Catherine Theatre, Chene and Catherine Sts. BENTON HARBOR-Bijou Theatre. DETROIT—Century Theatre, 765 Beaubien St. BENTON HAEBOE—Orpheum Theatre, 137 E. Main St. DETROIT—Circle Theatre, 502 Hastings St. BENTON HAEBOE—Princess Theatre. DETROIT—Classic Theatre, 501 Baker St. BEEEIEN SPEINGS— Star Tlieatre. DETROIT—CUfford Theatre, 1186 Chene St. BESSEMEE—Majestic Theatre. DETROIT—Colonial Theatre, 512 Gratiot Ave. BESSEMER—Temple Theatre. 102 Main St. DETROIT—Columbus Theatre. Watson and Eivard Sts. BIG BAY—Gem Theatre. DETEOIT—Comique Theatre. 231 Eandolph St. BIG RAPIDS—Vaudette Theatre. DETEOIT-Crown Theatre. Jefferson Ave. BIRMINGHAM-Family Theatre. DETEOIT—Dreamland Theatre. 1177 Gratiot Ave. BLISSFIELD—Nickelo Theatre. Adrian St. DETEOIT—Durhcs.s Theatre, 343 Grand River Ave. BLISSFIELD—Peoples Theatre. Adrian St. 1827 Michigan BLISSFIELD—Princess Theatre. DETRi I riieatre, 2548 Jefferson Ave.

WEST BEANCH—5c Theatre. DETKn 1 lieatre. 793 Gratiot Ave. CADILLAC—Ainu Theatre. DETKii li. atre, 742 Franklin St. CADILLAC—Palace Theatre. 202 S. Mitchell St. DETRI J uatre, 106 Woodward Ave. CADILLAC—Star Theatre. 110 S. Mitchell St. DETKO atre, 189 Woodward Ave. CALUMET—Acme Motion Picture. CALUMET—Royal Theatre. 305 6th St. 104 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY Vitagraph-Lubini A NEW FEATURE SERVICE BY THE OLD MASTERS, FINISHED AND READY TO BE RELEASED DIRECT FROM PROD

Vitagraph's Vitagraph's THE JUGGERNAUT 5 Parts The Island of Regeneration Colossal Railroad Wreck Sensation. With Earl Williams and Anita Stewart. Cyrus Townsend Brady's Masterpiece of Direction—Ralph Ince. Unique Romance. With Edith Storey and Antonio Moreno. Lubin's Direction—Harry Davenport THE EAGLE'S NEST e p.ns Lubin's Mr. Arden's Successful Drama. With Edwin The Sporting Duchess 6 Parts Arden and Romaine Fielding. Cecil Raleigh's Successful Comedy Drama. Direction—Romaine Fielding. With Rose Coghlan and Ethel Clayton, supported by George Soule Spencer. Selig's Direction—Barry O'Neil.

The Carpet Irom Bagdad 5 Parts Selig's From Harold MacGrath's Novel—A Tale of MILLIONAIRE BABY 5 Parts the Orient. With Kathlyn Williams, Charles From Anna Katherine Green's Fascinating Clary and Wheeler Oakman. Mystery Story. With Harry Mestayer and John Charles. Essanay's THE^sTlIM princess 4 Parts GRAUSTARK e Parts By George Ade. With Francis X. Bush- By George Barr McCutcheon. With Francis man and Ruth Stonehouse. X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne. THE PRODUCERS WHO MADEIl

itagraph - Lubin - Selig - Essanay, Inc.

CHICAGO—2d Floor Chicago Business College NEW YORK— 1600 Broadway V Adams and Wabash ATLANTA—75 Walton Street AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 105


ji Vitagraph's Vitagraph's

I The Sins of the Mothers 5 Pans CROOKY SCRUGGS s Pans Vitagraph-Evening Sun Prize The Comedy of Innumerable Laughs, I The Powerful $1,000 by Paul West. Contest Scenario Winner. With Frank Daniels. Direction C.J.Williams. With Earl Williams and Anita Stewart. Direction—Ralph Ince. Lubin's

The Valley of Lost 5 Parts Lubin's Hope THE COLLEGE WIDOW By Shannon Fife. With Romaine Fielding. Direction—Romaine Fielding. George Ade's most successful Comedy. With 'I Elaborate—Sensational—Spectacular—Drama Ethel Clayton and George Soule Spencer. Direction—Barry O'Neil. Selig's

Selig's THE TEXAS STEER 5 Pans

I THE ROSARY sPam Charles Hoyt's greatest American Comedy in which Tyrone Power, the distinguished actor, ; Edward E. Rose's soul-stirring, intense Drama, With Kathlyn Williams and her supporting assumes the leading role of "Maverick j company. Brander."

Elssanay's THE^CRIMSON WING e Pans THE WHITE SISTER 5 Pans By H. C. Chatfield-Taylor. With E. H. Cal- With Viola Allen, the world famous actress, vert, Beverly Bayne and Ruth Stonehouse. in her greatest success. THE MOVING PICTURE FAMOUS

1600 Broadway, New York City

KANSAS CITY—Boley Building, 12th and SAN FRANCISCO—Care C. P. Price-Stewan Walnut Hotel DALLAS— 1900—Commerce Street PHILADELPHIA— 1316 Vine Street 106 AMERICAN .AIOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY


DETKOIT—Fredo Theatre. 1003 Chene St. GRAND RAPIDS—, 1168 Madison Ave. DETKOIT—Fun Theatre, 318 Michigan Ave. GRAND RAPIDS—Monroe A'audeville Theatre, 63 Monroe St. DETKOIT—Garden Theatre, 727 Woodward Ave. GRAND RAPIDS—orpheum Theatre, 322-326 Monroe Ave. DETBOIT—Glol)e Theatre, Trumbull aud Grand Kiver Aves. GRAND RAPIDS—Pastime Theatre, 984 Wealthy Ave. DETKOIT—Grand Theatre, 301 Woodward Ave. GRAND RAPIDS—Ramona Theatre. DETROIT—Grand Theatre, 2240 Jefferson St. W. GRAND RAPIDS—Superba Theatre, 92 Canal St. D]:,TROIT—Grand Theatre, 771 Grand River Ave. GRAND RAPIDS—Surprise Theatre, 303 Michigan Ave. DETROIT—Hamilton Theatre, 1321 Hamilton Boulevard. GREENVILLE—Family Theatre, cor. Lafayette and Cass Sts. DETROIT—Hamtramck Theatre, 1892 Jos Campau Ave. GREENVILLE—Grange Theatre. DETKOIT—Harmonia Theatre, 746 Russell St. HANCOCK—Orpheum Theatre, 428 Quincy St. DETROIT—Harris Family Theatre, Monroe and Cadillac St. HANCOCK—Savoy Family Theatre, Quincy St. DETROIT—Highland View Theatre, 3012 Woodward Ave. HARBOR BEACH—Casino Theatre, Box 166. DETROIT—Home Theatre, cor. Chene and Boulevard. HARBOR BEACH—Temple Theatre, Huron and State Sts. DETROIT—Iroquois Theatre, 272 Holden St. HARBOR BEACH—Vaudette Theatre. DETROIT—Jeiferson Theatre, 2426 Jefferson Ave. E. HARBOR -SPRINGS-Lyric Theatre, State and Bay Sts. DETROIT—Lester Theatre, 372 Hastings St. HARBOR SPRINGS—Princess Theatre. DETROIT—Liberty Theatre, 570-72 Dix Ave. HARTFORD—Family Theatre. DETROIT—LineoUi Theatre,, 1433 Michigan Ave. HARTFORD—Gem Theatre. DETROIT—Louis Theatre, 710 Mt. Elliott Ave. HART—Palace Theatre,- Milbert St. DETROIT-Mack Ave. Theatre, 095 Mack Ave. HASTINt - DETROIT—MajesUc Theatre, Woodward Ave. i LK—Gem T DETROIT—^Market Theatre, 785 Michigan Ave. Park Theatre. DETROIT—Michigan Ave. Theatre, 996 Michigan Ave. ) i;...a| Theatre, 10 W. 8th St.

DETROIT—Mile Theatre, Mlcliigan Ave. I > ' " I lioatre, Saginaw and Main Sts. DETKOIT—Mirth Theatre, 1467 Jefferson Ave. Il'ii '.II 111-, -i.iectric Park Theatre. N DETROIT—Monarch Theatre, 1543 Michigan Ave. H u r G 11 Ti I —Lyric Theatre. DETROIT-Monroe Theatre. 56 Monroe Ave. HOUGHTON— Star Theatre. DETROIT—Mt. Elliot Theatre, 1573 Mt. Elliot St. HOWELI^Temple Theatre, Grand River Ave. DETROIT—National Theatre, 38 Monroe St. HUBBEL—Grand Theatre. DETKOIT—New Columbia Theatre, 333 Greenwood Ave. HUDSON—Arcade Theatre, 54 W. Main St. DETROIT—^New Theatre, Mack and Montcalm Sts. HUDSON—Bijou Theatre, Maple St., nr. Main St. DETROIT—Novelty Theatre, 771 Grand River Ave. liri >S( i\ -I iivmpic Theatre. DETROIT—Oakland Theatre, 636 Oakland St. Iiri'-M\ r ;niue Theatre.

DETROIT—Odeou Theatre, 445 Concord St. J'lW I 1 i;-\ II i.i-: —Vaudette Theatre.

I DETROIT—Olympic Theatre, 1490 Michigan Ave. J\l I \ ^ I n -tnectrie Theatre.

1 I - DETROIT—The Onlysho, 1381 Jefferson Ave. 1>II \^ ' '1 Olympic Theatre, 3rd St. DETKOIT—Orpheum Theatre, 1363 Mack Ave. 1"M \ I I'M , Theatre, 380 W. Main St. DETROIT—Pallister Theatre, 1640 Woodward Ave. hi\t \ I 111 mil Theatre. DETKOIT—Park Theatre, 808 Woodward Ave. ll;o\ Mill \ I.\IN—Marion Theatre, 207 E. Hughitt

DETROIT—Pasadena Theatre, Mack and Belvidere Sts. JKuN iJ \ I K—Cozy Theatre, Main St. DETROIT—Pastime Theatre, Crane and Kercheval Sts. IKi.i.X 1!I\ IJ;—Empire Theatre, Byers Bldg., Main S DETROIT—Pastime Theatre, Hamtramck St. lK(JN\VOOD—Temple Theatre. DETROIT—Pearl Theatre, 1235 Gratiot Ave. ISHPEMING—Ishpeming Theatre. DETROIT—Perrin Theatre, 030 Chene St. ISHPEMING—Lyric Theatre, Front St. DETROIT—Photoplay Theatre, Congress and Hivaid Sts. ITHACA—Royal Theatre. DETROIT—Polish Theatre, 1229 Chene St. J.\('Ksu\— l;,,ii Ton Theatre. -1 DETROIT—Quo Vadis Theatre, 360 Canfleld Ave. .Ml Is 1\ M: ..ill Theatre. I'll DETROIT—Royale Theatre, 34 Monroe St. 1 1 Ml Theatre, 159 W. Main St.

DETROIT—Savoy Theatre, 289 S. Chene St. I'll" I v Theatre.

.1 K~'i DETROIT—Sheridan Theatre, 342 Kercheval Ave. M . ^ .1 Theatre, 107 Mam St., W. -\ DETROIT—Slocum Theatre, 1981 Gratiot Aye. .lAi Ik.-ii.\- 1, lor Theatre. DETROIT—Temple Theatre, 19 Monroe Ave. JoNL.s \'1LLE—JonesvlUe Theatre. DETROIT—Theatorium, 581 Baker St. EAST JORDAN—Electric Theatre, Main St. DETROIT—Unique Theatre, 1465 Micliigan Ave. EAST JORDAN—Temple Theatre, Main St. DETROIT—Vinewood Theatre, 1179 Michigan Ave. KALAMAZOO—Acadia Theatre. DETROIT—Warfleld Theatre, 1030 Hastings St. KALAMAZOO—Colonial Theatre, 189 S. Burdick St. DETKOIT-Warren Ave. Theatre, 1182 Warren Ave. KALAMAZOO—Elite Theatre. DETROIT—Wayne Theatre, 977 Gratiot St. KALAMAZOO—Gem Theatre, 184 S. Burdick St. DETROIT—Welcome Theatre, 487 Holcomb Ave. KALAMAZOO—New Theatre, 126 W. Main St. DETROIT—Willis Theatre, W'illis and Hastings Sts. KALAMAZOO—Wonderland Theatre. DETROIT—Woodward Theatre, 148 Woodward Ave. LAKE LINDEN—Opera House. DETROIT—Zelah Theatre, Ferry and Morgan Sts. LAKE LINDEN—Grand Theatre, Main St. DONDEE—Electric Theatre, Tecumseh St. LAKE ODESSA—Diamond Theatre. DOWAGIAC—Beckwith Theatre. LANSING—Bijou Theatre. DOWAGIAC—Orpheum Theatre. LANSING—Bonetta Theatre. 223 S. Washington St. DOWAGIAC—Park Theatre, Front St. LANSING—Colonial Theatre, 118 Michigan Ave. DOWAGIAC—Pastime Theatre. LANSING—Avenue Theatre. DRYDEN—Palace Theatre. LANSING—Garden Theatre, 114 Waslungti St. DUKAND—Family Theatre. LANSING—Idle Hour Theatre. EAST TAWAS—Pastime Theatre, Newman St. LANSING—Theatorium, 204 Washington i EAST TAWAS—Princess Theatre, Newman St. LANSING—^'audette Theatre, 108 N. Was hmgton Ave. EDMOKE—People's Theatre. ]„\Pi;i 1!— MriMstlc Theatre. ELK RAPIDS—Elk Vaudette Theatre, Kiver St. I.\i i;l\M I Mir Theatre, 380 Hecla St.

I ELK RAPIDS—Theatorium Theatre. J. \ 1 i;i M I-' "iile's Theatre. EMPIRE—Happyhour Theatre. 1,1 |ii\i.iii\ -lllectric Theatre. ESCANABA—Ben's Theatre. .MAi.KlN.Vi J. LAND—Orpheum Theatre. ESCANABA—Grand Theatre, 1013 Ludlngton St. MACKINAC ISLAND—Temple Theatre. ESCANABA—The Bijou. MANCELONA—Empire Theatre, State St. ESCANABA—Opera House. MANCELONA—Owego Theatre, State St. ESCANABA—Royal Theatre, 616 Ludington St. MANCHESTER—Gem Theatre. ESSEXYILLE—Woodside Theatre. 211 Woodside Ave. MANISTEE—Electric Theatre, 55 Poplar St. EVERT—Ideal Theatre. MANISTEE—Royal Theatre, 413 River St. FENTON—Electric Theatre. MANISTIQUE—Photoplay Theatre, 121 Cedar St. FENTON—Vaudette Theatre. MANISTIQUE—Princess Theatre. FLINT—Bijou Theatre. MARCELLUS—Annex Theatre, Main St. FLINT—Dreamland Theatre. MARINE CITY—New Family Theatre, Water St. FLINT-Gem Theatre. MARINE CITY—Star Theatre. FLINT—Lakeside Park Theatre. MARLETTE—Atkins Theatre. FLINT—Lyric Theatre. 2913 Industrial St. MARLETTE—Electric Theatre. FLINT—O'Della Theatre. MARQUETTE—Grand Theatre, Washington St. FLINT—Palestra Theatre. S37 Hamilton St. MARQUETTE—Marquette Opera House. 132 Washington St. FLINT—Royal Theatre, 203 Saginaw St. MARSHALL—Empire Theatre. FLINT—Savoy Theatre. MARSHALL—Princess Theatre, 109 State St. FLINT—Superba Theatre. MASON—Pastime Theatre. FRANKFORT—Victoria Theatre. MEMPHIS—Opera House. GAYLOKD—^Bijou Theatre. MEMPHIS—Photo Theatre, Main St. GAYLOKD—Star Theatre. MEMPHIS—Vaudette Theatre. GLADSTONE—Electric Theatre. Delta Ave. MENOMINEE—Bijou Theatre, 700 Main St. GLADSTONE—Opera House. MENOMINEE—Dreamland Theatre, 2609 Broadway. GLADWIN—Star Theatre. MENOMINEE—Grand Theatre. GRAND HAVEN—Temple Theatre, 114 Washington St. MENOMINEE—Menominee Theatre, 110 Ludlngton Ave GRAND LEDGE—Crystal Theatre. MENOMINEE—Royal Theatre. 713 Main St. GRAND LEDGE—Vaudette Theatre, 209 S. Bridge St. MENOMINEE—Vaudette Theatre, 509 Main St. GRAND RAPIDS-Beecher's Theatre. 84 S. Division St. MIDLAND—Opera House. GRANT) RAPIDS—^Burton Heights Theatre. MIDLAND—Star Theatre, Main St. GRAND RAPIDS—Colonial Theatre, 750 Wealthy Ave. MILAN—Garrick Theatre. GRAND RAPIDS-Columbia Theatre. MILFORD-Star Theatre. GRAND RAPIDS-Idea Theatre. 224 Monroe Ave. MONROE—Armory Opera House. GRAND RAPIDS—Idle Hour Theatre. 188 Monroe Ave. MONROE—Family Theatre, Monroe St. GRAND RAPIDS—Leonard Theatre No. I, 42 W. Leonard St. MONROE—Gem Theatre, 52 Front St. GRAND RAPIDS—Leonard Theatre No. 2, 332 Leonard St. MORENCI—Gem Tlleatre. GRAND RAPIDS—Lyric Theatre. t;3 Canal St. MT. CLEJIENS—Bijou TheaUe. A i\I E R I C A X 31 0 T I 0 N PI C T U R E DIRE C T 0 R Y 107


MT. CLEMENS—Lyric Theatre. MT. CLEMENS—Opera House. MT. PLEASANT—Lyric Theatre. MT. PLEASANT—Star Theatre, 220 B. Broadway.

. , MT. PLEASANT—Vaudette Theatre, 20-1 E. Broadw! i;(ii:i.l:s Ii --i , Theatre. MORENCI—Electric Theatre. KO-Mi;;u—I'ala.'C llaal ri.'. MDLLIKEN—Vaudette Theatre. ROYAL OAK—Idle Hour Theatre, 3rd and Main Sts. MUSKEGON—Amuse Theatre, 37 W. Western Ave. SAGINAW—Bijou Theatre. MUSKEGON—Lyric Theatre. 115 W. Western Ave. SAGINAW—Dreamland Theatre, 408 Genesee St. MUSKEGON—Majestic Theatre. SAGINAW—Jeffries Theatre. MUSKEGON—Orpheum Theatre. SAGINAW—Paloma Theatre, 1505 S. Washington St. NAHMA—Vaudette Theatre. SAGINAW—Potter St. Theatre. 418 Potter St. NASHVILLE—Boyal Theatre. SAGINAW—Riverside Park Theatre. NEGAUNEE—Bijou Theatre. SAGINAW—Wolverine Theatre. IIS S. Hamilton St. NEGAUNEE—Star Theatre. SALINK—Opera Honsc NEWAYGO—Idle Hour Theatre. NEWAYGO—Opera House. NEWAYGO—Vaudette Theatre. NEWBEBKY—M. P. Theatre. NEWBERRY—Vaudette Theatre, cor. Helen anil Hand: NILES—Star Theatre, 301 Main St. NORTH ADAMS—Opera House. NOBTHVILLE—Opera House. NORWAY-Olympic Theatre, Raihoad St.. E. ONAWAY—Bijou Theatre. ONAWAY—Palestra Theatre. ONTONAGON—Bijou Theatre. OSCADA—Gem Theatre. OTSEGO—EUte Theatre. OTSEGO—Nickeldeon Theatre. ' 23 W. Allegan St. Theatre, .t13 Phoenix St. OWOSSO—Annex Theatre. leatre. Baltic Ave. OWOSSO—Colonial Playette, 111 N. Washington St. Theatre. OWOSSO—Family Theatre. leatre. Trimontain Ave. OWOSSO—Mission Theatre, 204 N. Washington St. ngton Theatre. 817 Fordeny Ave. OWOSSO—Pictorial Playette, 111 N. Washington St. OWOSSO—Temple Theatre, 117 W. Main St. OXFORD—Oxford Theatre. PALATKA—Bijou Theatre. PAW PAW—Idle Hour Theatre. PETOSKEY—Casino Theatre. PETOSKEY—Majestic Theatre. PINCONNING—Dreamland Theatre. PLAINWELI^M. P. Theatre. St. Joseph St. PLATKA—Opera House Theatre. PONTIAC—Eagle Theatre, 13 S. Saginaw St. PONTIAC—Pastime Theatre, 79 N. Saginaw St. PONTIAC—Pontiac Opera House, S. Saginaw St. PORT HURON—Family Theatre. PORT HURON—Majestic Theatre. PORT HURON—Orpheum Theatre. PORT HURON—Temple Vaudette Theatre, 234 Huron QUINCY'—Gem Theatre, N. Main St. QUINCY—Princess Theatre. RAMSEY—Bex Theatre. READING—Idle Hour Theatre. BEADING—Lyric Theatre, Main St.

MINNESOTA ADA Grand — Union Opera House, S. Downes A\ CAMBRI1m;i; --m,,,,,, Thratrc, Rathjens Blk. ADRIAN—Gem Theatre. I CANNOX M.I.- I Tlie AITKIN—Aitldn Electric Theatre. - (ij - I CANNOX M I , Mnu AKELY—Bijou Theatre, Gleason Ave. CASS l.Ai- II I I,. ;ilre ALBANY—Albany Theatre. . CASS L-\K II I ,11,1.. ALBERT LEA—Auditorium Theatre CEYLON- i M, I. u I I., ALBERT LEA—Idle Hour Theatre. CHASKA— Dj.cia Jli.usr ALBERT LEA—Royal Theatre, 117 W. Collegi CHATFIELD-Gem Theatre. ALDEN—Elf Theatre. CHISHOLM—Apollo Theatre. ALDEN—M. P. Theatre. CHISHOLM—Daric Theatre. ALEXANDRIA—Cozy Theatre. CHISHOLM—Philo Theatre. ALEXANDRIA—Crystal Theatre. CLARKFIELD—Opera House. ALEXANDRIA—Howard Theatre. CLOQUET—Bijou Theatre. AMBOY—Star Theatre. CLOQUET—Diamond Theatre. ANOKA—Anoka Theatre. COKATO—Opera House ANOKA—Idle Hour Theatre. rOLR.MXE—Xcw Til. 'litre ANOKA—New Theatre. APPLETON—Scenic Theatre. ATWATBR—Lyric Theatre. AURORA-Elco Theatre. AUSTIN—Cozy Theatre, Main St. AUSTIN—Gem Theatre, Main St. AUSTIN—Idle Hour Theatre, Main St. AUSTIN—Lyric Theatre. AUSTIN—Princess Theatre. AUSTIN—Star Theatre. I'l I i''i'i'' ll'iiir Theatre, Hulbert St. AUSTIN—Unique Theatre, Main St. I AVOCA—Vista Theatre. I 'I I I 1 I i I 1 1:008 Superior St. BARNESVILLE—Bijou Theatre. I'l I I I I II ' U!) E. 4th St. BAUDETTE—Lyceum Theatre, Main St. I I'l ' ' • ' " inx., 24 E. Superior St. BELLEPLAINE—Majestic Theatre. I 'I 1 I 1 I i .1 ' : . ' 1 .>15 Superior St. BELLEPLAINE Opera House. — I'l II It I lire. 12 Superior Ave. BEMIDJl—Brinkman Family Theatre. BEMIDJI—Majestic Theatre, 3rd St. I'l I.I III " :i I I. Theatre, 129 W. Superior St. BENSON Dreamland Theatre. I — I'l I I . iiii, (., II' I , 5th Ave. and Superior St. BIRD ISLAND—Crystal Theatre. Ill I.I III I 111. III. .111... 116 W. Superior St. BIWABIK—Bijou Theatre. HrLI Tll—ii.hiuii Thiatre. 17 E. 2nd Ave. BIWABIK— Theatre. Grand DULL'TH—Orpheum Theatre. 114 W. Superior St. BLUE EARTH—Converse Opera House, 6th St. DULUTH—Rex Theatre, 18 2nd Ave.. W. BLOOMING Electric PRAIRIE— Theatre. DULUTH—Savoy Theatre. 20 E. Superior St. BIG Lyceum Theatre. FALLS— DULUTH—Star Theatre. 2109 W. Superior St. BOVEY—Star Theatre, 2nd Ave. DULUTH—Sunbeam Theatre. BRAINERD—Grand Theatre. EASTON—Rex Theatre. BRAINBRD—Opera House. ELY Opera House. Theatre, — BRAINERD—Unique Laurel St. EVELETH—Eveleth Amusement Co. BUFFALO—Gem Theatre. EVELETH—Othello Theatre. BBECKENRIDGE—Grand Theatre, Front St. EXCELSIOR—Excelsior Theatre, Water St. BROWNS VALLEY—Bijou Theatre. FAIRFAX-Topin Theatre. BUHL—Rex Theatre. FAIRMONT—Crystal Theatre. 108 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY LUBIN Manufacturing Company

Manufacturers of High Class Thotoplays Six T(egular Releases Each Week Masterpieces Tieleased as Advertised

The Terfectiou of Thotography

The Most Dramatic Stories Ever Presented on the Silent Screen

EXECUTIVE OFFICES AND HOME PLANT 20th Street and Indiana Avenue, Philadelphia


BRANCH STUDIOS 4550 Pasadena Avenue, Los Angeles, California 750 Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida and at Phoenix, Arizona

Siegmund Lubin, President Lawrence S. McCloskey, 'Editor

Ira M. Lowry,Gen'i Manager and Treasurer Adrian Gil-Spear, . . . . Artist

Charles Goldsmith, .... Secretary William H. Kerry, . . Purchasing Agent Edward L.Simons, Chief Electrical Engineer Thomas F. Hopkins, Manager of Studio

Julian Tessier, Master of Machine Factory Henry B. Nugent, . . Sales Department

rmBINl H. A. D'Arcy, . Publicity Department kuBINI J. Allen Boone, Publicity Department AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 109


FAIRMONT—Haynic Theatre. MINNEAPOLIS—Saxe's Lyric Theatre. FAIBMONT—New Grand Theatre. MINNEAPOLIS—Seville Theatre. 411 Hennepin Ave. FAEIBAULT—Empress Theatre. MINNEAPOLIS—Southern Theatre, 7 Corners. FABIBADLT—Faribault Theatre, 324 Central Ave. MINNEAPOLIS—Southern Theatre, Washington and Cedar Sts. FABMINGTON—Grand Theatre. MINNEAPOLIS—Star Theatre, 20th and Lindale Sts. FEEGUS FALLS—Crystal Theatre. MINNEAPOLIS—Unique Theatre, 520 Hennepin Ave. FERGUS FALLS—Star Theatre. MINNEAPOLIS—Vista Theatre, 1403 E. Franklin Ave. FOJjEY—Opera House. MINNEAPOLIS—Western Photoplay Theatre. Co., 29 Western Ave. FOSS TON—Lyceum Theatre. MINNEAPOLIS-Wonderland Theatre. 27 Washington Ave., S. FRANKLIN—Empress Theatre. MINNEAPOLIS—Third Ward Theatre, Plymouth and Aldrich Sts. FRAZES—Crystal Theatre. MINNEOTA—Crescent Theatre. FULDA—Crystal Theatre. MONTEVIDEO—Grand Theatre, 214 1st St. GLENCOE—Crystal Theatre. MONTEVIDEO—Montevideo Opera House. GLENWOOD—Opera House Theatre. MONTICELLO—Nina Theatre. GIUBEET—Lyceum Theatre, Broadway. MONTGOMERY—Montgomery Theatre. GILBERT—Bijou Theatre. MOOSE LAKE—Majestic Theatre. GOOD THUNDER—Idle Hour Theatre. MORA-Mora Theatre. GRACEVILLE—Grand Theatre. MORA—Opera House. GRAND BAPIDS—Gem Theatre, Leland Ave. and 2nd St. MORRIS—Grand Theatre, Main St. GRAND RAPIDS—Grand Theatre. MORRIS—Jewell Theatre. HARTLAND—Electric Theatre. MORRISTOWN—Morristown Opera House. HASTINGS—Eoyal Theatre, Bermillion St. MOUNTAIN LAKE—Princess Theatre. HASTINGS—Scenic Theatre, 2nd St. MOUNTAIN LAKE—Wonderland Theatre. HERON LAKE—Grand Theatre. NEW DULUTH—Gary Theatre, Commonwealth Ave. HLBBING—Bijou Theatre. NEW PRAGUE—Savoy Theatre. HIBBING—Electric Theatre. NEW ULM—American Theatre. HIBBING—Healey Theatre, Cedar St. NEW ULM—Gem Theatre, cor. Broadway and 1st St.. N. HIBBING—Holey Theatre. NEW ULM—Opera House. HIBBING—Lyric Theatre, 710 3rd Ave. NORTHFIBLD—Gem Theatre. HIBBING—Orpheum Theatre, 3rd St. OLIVIA—Idle Hour Theatre, Lincoln, bet. 9th and 10th Sts. HIBBING—Powers Theatre. ORTONVILLE—Metropolitan Theatre. Main St. HIBBING—Princess Theatre. ORTONVILLE—Rink Auditorium. HILL CITY—Gem Theatre. OSAKIS—Osakis Opera House, S. E. cor. 7th and 2nd St. HILL CITY—Pastime Theatre. OSAKIS—Star Theatre. HOPKINS—Harrison Theatre, Excelsior Ave. OWATONNA—Gem Theatre, 118 Broadway. HOPKINS—Hopkins Theatre. PARK RAPIDS—Gem Theatre. HUTCHINSON—Crystal Theatre. Main St. PAYNESVILLE—Ideal Theatre. HUTCHINSON—Grand Theatre, 124 S. Main St. PELICAN RAPIDS—Ideal Theatre. INTERNATIONAL FALLS—Empress Theatre, 3rd St. PELICAN RAPIDS—Opera House. Mill St. INTERNATIONAL FALLS—Idle Hour Theatre. PERHAM—Bijou Theatre. JACKSON—Idle Hour Theatre. PERHAM—Savoy Theatre. JACKSON—Scenic Theatre. PINE CITY—Bijou Theatre. KASSON—Idle Hour Theatre, Main and Owen Sts. PINE CITY—Electric Theatre, 18 Main St. KELLIHER—Pastime Theatre, Main St. PINE CITY—Home Theatre. KENYON—Dreamland Theatre, Main St. PINE ISLAND—Pleasant Hour Theatre. LAKE CBYSTAI^Cozy Theatre. PIPESTONE—Gem Electric Theatre. LAKEFIELD—Scenic Theatre. PLAINVIEW—Gem Theatre. LAKE PARK—Star Theatre. PRESTON—Gem Theatre. LAMBERTON—Scenic Theatre. PRINCETON—Happyland Theatre. LE BOY—Princess Theatre, Main St. PROCTOR—Savoy Theatre. LE SUEUR—Empress Theatre. RED LAKE FALLS—Lotus Theatre. LB SUEUR—Pastime Theatre. RED LAICE FALLS—Metropolitan Theatre. LE SUEUR CENTER—Grand Theatre. BED WING—Family Theatre. 3rd St., bet. Bush and Plum Sts. LITCHFIELD—Family Theatre. RED WING—Red Wing Theatre. LITCHFIELD—Unique Theatre. BED WING—The Gem Electric Theatre, 210 Bush St. LITTLE FALLS—MUo Theatre. REDWOOD FALLS—Opera House. LITTLE FALLS—Victor Theatre. REDWOOD FALLS—Redwood Dream Theatre. LITTLE FORK—Berg Theatre. ROCHESTER—Grand Theatre. LUVBmNE—Opera House. ROCHESTER—Majestic Theatre, 212 S. Broadway. LONG PRAIRIE—Cozy Theatre. ROCHESTER-Metropolitan Theatre, 102 Broadway. MADELIA—Wonderland Theatre. ROYALTON—Opera House. MADISON—Grand Theatre, 6th Ave. RUSH CITY—Crystal Theatre. MANKATO—Grand Theatre. RUSHFORD—Elite Theatre. MANKATO—Unique Theatre. ST. CLOUD—Fifth Avenue Vaudeville Theatre. MANKATO—Wonderland Theatre, Front St. ST. CLOUD—Princess Theatre, 15 7th Ave., S. MAPLETON—Starland Theatre. ST. JAMES—Scenic Theatre. MARBLE—Star Theatre. ST. JAMES—Opera House. MARSHALL—Elite Theatre. ST. PAUL^Berry Theatre, 900 Rice St. MARSHALL—Opera House. ST. PAUL—Blue Mouse Theatre, 7th and Wabasha Aye. McINTOSH—Grand Theatre. ST. PAUI^Dayton Theatre, 825 E. 7th St. MILACA—Casino Theatre. ST. PAUL—Dreamland Theatre. Concord St. MILAN—Grand Theatre. ST. PAUI^Empress Theatre, 479 Wabasha Ave. MINNEAPOLIS—American Amusement, 401 Plymouth Bldg. ST, PAUL—Faust Theatre. MINNEAPOLIS—American Theatre, 14 E. Lake St. ST. PAUI^Gem Theater, 18 E, 7th Ave. MINNBAPOLIS—Arton Theatre, 23rd and Central Ave. ST. PAUL—Hippodrome, 176 7th St., S, MINNEAPOLIS—Bijou Theatre, 14 N. Washington St. ST, PAUL—Lyceum Theatre, 966 Payne Ave. MINNEAPOLIS—Camden Theatre. 4133 Washington Ave., N. ST. PAUI^Melba Theatre. 825 E. 7th St. MINNEAPOLIS—Central Theatre, 2007 Central Ave. ST. PAUL—Mustard Rowe Amusement Co., 105 GilflUan lilk MINNEAPOLIS—, 808 E. Lake St. ST. PAUL—Orpheum Theatre, 5th and St. Peter Sts. MINNEAPOLIS—Crown Theatre. 1923 4th Ave., S. ST. PAUI^Palace Theatre, 108 Concord St. MINNEAPOLIS—Crystal Theatre, 3rd and Hennepin Sts. ST. PAUL—Palm Theatre, 999 Payne Ave. MINNEAPOLIS—Dome Theatre, 802 N. 6th St. ST. PAUL—Park Theatre, 1595 Selhy Ave. MINNEAPOLIS—Dreamland Theatre, 319 Plymouth St. ST. PAUL—Princess Theatre, 23 7th St. MINNEAPOLIS—Eagle Theatre, 1415 4th St., S. E. ST. PAUL—Pulaski Theatre, 1002 Arcade St. MINNEAPOLIS—Elite Tlieatre, 27 Ave. and 25th St. ST. PAUI^Royal Theatre, 945 W. 7th St. MINNEAPOLIS—Elite Theatre, 2936 Lyndale Ave., S. ST. PAUL—Savoy Theatre, 118 Eaton Ave. MINNEAPOLIS—Elk Theatre, Lake St. and Minnehaha Ave. ST. PAUL—Starland Theatre, cor. 8th and Wabasha Ave. MINNEAPOLIS—Gem Theatre, 1332 Marshall St ST. PAUL—Topic Theatre, St. Anthony St. and Prior Ave. MINNEAPOLIS—Gem Theatre, 212 Hennepm St. ST. PAUL—Unique Theatre, 162 E. 7th St. MINNEIAPOLIS—Grand Theatre, 2927 Hennepin Ave. SANDSTONE—Larson Bros.' Opera, 4th and Commercial Aves. MINNEAPOLIS—Grandview Theatre, 406 Cedar Ave. SAUK CENTRE—Caighren Theatre. MINNEAPOLIS—Fairview Theatre, 2900 Washington Ave.. N. SAUK RAPIDS—Cyril Theatre. MINNEAPOLIS—Harriet Theatre. 4212 Upton Ave. SAUK CENTER—Grand Theatre, 22 3rd St. MINNEAPOLIS—Harriet Theatre, 2441 Nicollet Ave. SAUK CENTRE—Savoy Theatre. MINNEAPOLIS—lone Theatre, 309 Cedar Ave. SAUK BAPIDS—Topic Theatre. MINNEAPOLIS—Iris Theatre, 2533 Bloomington. SHAICOPEE—M. P. Theatre. MINNEAPOLIS—Lake Theatre, 31 W. Lake St. SHERBURN—Pastime Theatre. MINNEAPOLIS—Lyric Tlieatre, 720 Hennepin Ave. SILVER LAKE—Opera House. MINNEAPOLIS—Majestic Theatre, 1326 Washington Ave. SLAYTON—Gem Theatre. MINNEAPOLIS—Melba Theatre, 1305 W. Lake St. SLAYTON—Hub Theatre. MINNEAPOLIS—Miles Theatre, 7th and Nicollet Ave. SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS—Agate Theatre, 2211 8V2 St. MINNEAPOLIS—^Milo Theatre, 718 6th Ave., N. SOUTH ST. PAUI^Dreamland Theatre, Concord St MINNEAPOLIS—M. P. Theatre. Plymouth and 3rd Sts. SOUTH STILLWATER—City Hall Theatre, Main St. MINNEAPOLIS—New Garrick Theatre. SPRING VALLEY—Elite Theatre, cor. Broadway and Jefferson. MINNEAPOLIS—New Park Theatre. 721 10th St., S. SPRING VALLEY—Photoplay Theatre. MINNEAPOLIS—Novelty Theatre, 38 Washington Ave., S. STAPLES—Opera House Theatre. MINNEAPOLIS—Oddy Theatre, 1706 4th Ave., S. STAPLES-Unique Theatre. 4th St. MINNEAPOLIS—Orpheum Theatre, 7th and Hennepin Ave. STARBUCK—Dreamland Theatre. STEWARTVILLE Opera House. MINNEAPOLIS—Palace Theatre, 1530 E. Lake St. — STILLWATER—Auditorium. MINNEAPOLIS—Park Theatre, 25th and Riverside Sts. MINNEAPOLIS— STILLWATER—Grand Theatre. 112 N. Main St. People's Theatre, 2100 Washington Ave.. N. STILLWATER-Opera House. MINNEAPOLIS—Saxe Theatre, 7th St. and Hennepin Ave. THIEF RIVER FALLS—M. P. Theatre. 110 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

|llibin| iT |LUmNJ I IIRIf Manufacturing Company


Barry O'Neil George W. Terwilliger Joseph Kaufman Joseph W. Smiley Wilbert Melville John E. Ince Arthur V. Johnson Arthur D. Hotaling Edgar Jones Romaine Fielding


Ethel Clayton Velma Whitman Edwin B. Tilton Lottie Briscoe Eleanor Barry Charles Brandt Lilie Leslie Effie Potter Bernard Siegel Ormi Hawley Arthur V. Johnson Percy Winter Rosetta Brice Joseph W. Smiley Arthur Matthews Mary Charleson Romaine Fielding Gilbert Ely Octavia Handworth John E. Ince Peter Lang Louise Huff Edgar Jones Herbert Fortier Justina Huff George Soule Spencer George S. Trimble Eleanor Blanchard Earl Metcalfe James Cassady Florence Williams Joseph Kaufman Walter Law Marie W. Sterling Crane Wilbur George Clark Clara Lambert Kempton Greene Richard Wangemann Ruth Bryan Clarence Jay Elmer James Daly Frankie Mann William Cohill Billie Reeves Patsy De Forest Jack Standing Walter Hitchcock Florence Hackett Francis Joyner Jack Tucker Edith Ritchie Howard M. Mitchell William Potter Mildred Gregory Ferdinand Tidmarsh Charles Griffith Eleanor Dunn Louis Mortelle John Delson Henrietta O'Beck John Smiley Raymond Hackett Mae Hotely William H. Turner Albert Hackett



SI. WEST DULUTH—Alhambra , itre. WEST DULUTH—Colonial T TYIEK—Theatorium. WHITE BEAR—New Grand TWO HAHBOES—Star Theatre. WHEATON—Over Land and I VERNDALE—Morrell Theatre. WILLJI.Mi— II t amliUKl Tlioa VIKGINIA—Bijou Theatre. TIRGINIA—Grand Theatre. TIEGINIA—Eoyal Theatre.

I . , , ,, 1 I WABASHA—Iris Theatre. Main St. WI\U\ A ,:m . 06 MU WADENA—Germania Opera House. Wi.MiNA- Lm„ TIm, WALKER—Grand Theatre. WINONA— I'lic.wss Tlicuirc, 75 W. 3rd WARREN—Dreamland Theatre. WINDON—Wonderland Theatre, llth and WASECA—Wasenic Theatre, 102 2nd St. WORTHINGTON—Grand Theatre. WAVERLY-Luna Theatre. WAYZETTA—Opera House. NN-ELLS—Princess Theatre. ZUJIBROTA—Unique Theatre. WESTBROOK—Westbrook Theatre.


ABERDEEN—Temple Opera House. LAUREL—Bijou Theatre. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE—Pictureland Theatre. LAUREI^Dreamland Theatre, 315 Oak St. AilORY—Electric Palace Theatre. LAUK Laurel Theatre. BATBSVILLE—Bex Theatre. BAY ST. LOUIS—Bay Pictorium. LI, hi', lii- Theatre. BAY ST. LOUIS—Dreamland Theatre, Beach St. Ll.l \ M I \i II imnd Theatre. BAY ST. LOUIS—Electric Theatre. L()i: io\\ \- l.ir. ui,; Theatre.

: T(.i .\ : BELZONI—Crescent Theatre. L0( w — i 1 i U: Theatre. BILOXI—New Gaiety Theatre, Jackson and Lamuese Sts. LUMBEKTON—Kuby Theatre, Mam St. BILOXI—Dukates Theatre, 116 W. Howard St. MATHISTON—Amuse U Theatre. BILOXI—Pictorium Theatre, 614 Howard Ave. MACON—Patton's Theatre. BILOXI—Vaudette Theatre, Howard Ave. McCOMB—Loma Theatre No. 2. Mam St. BROOKHAVEN—Alamo Theatre, Box 203. McCOMB CITY—Theatorium, 225 Main St. BROOKHAVEN—Amusu Theater. McCOMB CITY—Wonderland Theatre. Main St. BROOKHAVEN—Lomo PV Theatre, 124 W. Cherokee St. MERIDIAN-Elite Theatre. 2308 4th St. BROOKSVILLE—Lyric Theatre. MERIDIAN—Princess Theatre. BROOKHAVEN—Picto Theatre. 133 Cherokee St. NATCHEZ—Baker Grand Theatre, Pearl, bet. Main and State Sts. CHARLESTON—Charleston Theatre. NATCHEZ—Concord Park Theatre. 66 W. Woodlawn St. CHARLESTON—Nusho Theatre. NATCHEZ—People's Theatre. CLARKSDALE—New Clartedale Theatre. NEW ALBANY—Dreamland Theatre. Main St. CLARKSDALE—The Dixie Theatre. NEWTON—Jackson's Theatre. CLEVELAND—Princess Theatre. OCEAN SPRINGS-M. P. Theatre. COLUMBIA—Boone's Theatre. OCEAN SPRINGS-Pictorium Theatre. COLUMBIA—Columbia Theatre. OKOLONA—Opera House. COLUMBIA—Crescent Theatre. OKOLONA—Star Theatre. COLUMBUS—Dixie Theatre. 117 N. Market St. OXFORD—Opera House. COLUMBUS—Lake Park Theatre. O.XFOED—Grand Theatre. COLUMBUS—Majestic Theatre. PASCAGOULA—Photoplay Theatre, Krebs Ave. COLUMBUS—Opera House. PASCAGOULA—Warfleld Theatre. Delmas Ave. COLUMBUS—Princess Theatre. 110 N. Market St. PASS CHRISTIAN—Idlewhile Theatre. COLUMBUS—Vaudette Theatre, 204 S. Market St. PASS CHRISTIAN—Kozy Theatre. CORINTH—Elite Theatre. PONTOTOC—Star Theatre. CORINTH—The Majestic Theatre. PONTOTOC—Gem Theatre. 215 Jefferson St. DURANT—Gem M. P. Theatre, W. Depot St. POET GIBSON—Hackett's Theatre. EUPORA—Amuz U Theatre. ROLLING FORK-Amusu Theatre. FBIARS POINT—Electric Theater. EOSEDALE—Lyric Theatre. GREENVILLE—Casino Theatre No. 1, 104 S. Poplar St. ROSEDALE—Rosselle Theatre. GREENVILLE—Greenville Opera House. 300 Main St. RULEVILLE—Electric Theatre. GREENVILLE—Princess Theatre. ROLEVILLE—Star Theatre. GREENVILLE—Bijou Theatre. TUNICA—Auditorium. GREENVILLE—Casino Theatre No. 2. 224 Washington St. SARDIS—Bijou Theatre. GREENWOOD—Criterion Theatre. SARDIS—Amuse U Theatre. GREENWOOD—Gem Theatre. SENATOBA—Opera House. GREENWOOD—Greenwood Theatre. SHUBUTA—Dreamland Theatre. S. EucHtta St. GRENADA-Majestic Theatre, Main St. STARKVILLE—Rex Theatre. S. Side Main St. GRENADA—The Gem. SUMEALL—Electric Theatre. GULPPORT—Elite Theatre. TUPELO—Comus Theatre, Broadway. GULPPORT—Gulfport Opera House. 24th Ave. and L. & N. St. UTICA—Majestic Theatre. GULFPOHT—Dixie Theatre. 26th Ave. VICKSBUEG—Bijou Theatre. Washington St. GULFPORT—Hippodrome. VICKSBUEG—Dreamland Theatre. HATTIESBURG—Crescent Theatre. 518 Main St. VICKSBUEG—Dixie Theatre. 1507 Washington St. HATTIESBUBG—Lomo Theatre, 118 Front St. VICKSBUEG—Lyric Theatre. HATTIESBURG—New Gem Theatre, 418 Main St. VICKSBUBG—Nickelodeon Theatre, Washington St. HOLLANDALE—Happy Thought Theatre, 2 Washington Ave. VICKSBUEG—Wahiut St. Theatre. HOLLY SPRINGS—Princess Theatre. WATEE VALLEY—Elite Theatre. HOLLY SPRINGS—Theatorium. WATEE VALLEY—Colonial Theatre. INDIANOLA—Electric Theatre. WATER VALLEY—Grand Theatre. INDIANOLA—Elite Theatre. WATER VALLEY—Eex Theatre. ITTA BENA—Magnolia Theatre. WAVELAND—Bijou Theatre, Main St. .TACK SON—Alamo Theatre, Parish St. WAYNESBOEO—Grand Theatre. JACKSON—Alcazar Theatre. WEST POINT—Bijou Theatre. JACKSON—Alpha Theatre, 320 N. Parish St. WEST POINT—Elite Theatre, 24 Court St. JACKSON—Dixie Theatre, 211 W. Capitol St. WEST POINT—New Theatre, 24 Court St. JACKSON—Gem Theatre. WINONA—Dixie Theatre. JACKSON—Grand Theatre. YAZOO—Lyric Theatre, 219 Main St. JACKSON—Istrione Theatre. YAZOO CITY—Pastime Theatre. JACKSON—Majestic Theatre No. 2, Capitol St. YAZOO—Yazoo Theatre, 130 Washington St. JACKSON—Twentieth Century Theatre. YAZOO CITY—Amuse U Theatre, 215 Main St. KOSCIUSKO—Amuse U Theatre. YAZOO CITY—Lomo Theatre. KOSCIUSKO—Grand Theatre. MISSOURI

ADEIAN—Eex Theatre, Main St. ALBANY—Bonton Theatre. ALBANY—Rex Theatre. BILLINGS— Star Theatre. ATLANTA—Opera House. BISMARCK-Monarch Theatre. ARDMORE—Star Theatre. BLOOMFIELD—Bloomfleld Theatre, Ma ASH GEOVE—Ash Grove Theatre. BOLCKOW—Electric Theatre, cor. Sq. ASH GEOVE—Grand Theatre. BONNE TEEEE—Dreamland Theatre. AUEOEA—Johnson's Theatre, 217 Madison BONNE TEEEE—Lyric Theatre. AVA—Wilson Opera House. BONNE TERRB—Opera House. BAENAED—Picture Show. BOONVILLE—Star Dome Theatre. BELTON—Electric Theatre. BOONVILLB—Stevens Opera House, BEVIEE—Gem Theatre. BOSWOETH—Gem Theatre. BEVIEE—Odeon Theatre. BOWLING GEEEN—Electric Parlor. BEVIEE—Palace Theatre. BOWLING GREEN—Majestic Theatre. BEVIEE—Rex Theatre, Macon St. BOWLING GREEN—Rex Theatre. 'AN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY LUBIN manufacturing Company SOME MASTERPIECES AND SPECIALS "The Third Degree" By Charles Klein "The Lion and the Mouse" By Charles Klein "Daughters of Men" By Charles Klein "The Gamblers" By Charles Klein "The Wolf" By Eugene Walter

"The House Next Door" By J. Hartley Manners "The Fortune Hunter" By Winchell Smith "Threads of Destiny" By William H. Clifford "The Eagle's Nest" By Edwin Arden "The College Widow" By George Ade "The Sporting Duchess" By Cecil Raleigh "The District Attorney" By Charles Klein and Harrison Grey Fiske "The Evangelist" By Sir Henry Arthur Jones "The Climbers" By Clyde Fitch "Mrs. Dane's Defense" By Sir Henry Arthur Jones "The Great Ruby" By Cecil Raleigh "Hearts are Trumps" By Cecil Raleigh PLAYS TO BE PRODUCED Judah By Sir Henry Arthur Jones Thais By Paul Wilstach

Zira By J. Hartley Manners and Henry Miller Two Women By Rupert Hughes Sporting Life By Cecil Raleigh The Pointsman By Cecil Raleigh The Great Millionaire By Cecil Raleigh The Flood Tide By Cecil Raleigh Cheer, Boys, Cheer By Cecil Raleigh The Bigamist By Lewis Allen The Great Wall Street Mystery By Charles Klein Hearts Aflame By Geneveur G. Haines The Great Divide By William Vaughn Moody The Deserters By Robert Payton Carter Peck's Bad Boy By George W. Peck Zora By Edwin Arden The Ladder of Life By Edwin Arden The Pilot By Edwin Arden The Truth By Clyde Fitch The Woman in the Case By Clyde Fitch ..p.^.i ILUDINJ The Man Who Stood Still By Jules Eckert Goodman The Cipher Code By Charles Klein The Next of Kin By Charles Klein The Common Law Wife By Charles Klein AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 113


BROOKFIELD—DeGraw Theatre, Brooks St. HOBNERSVILLB—Star Theatre. BROOKFIELD—South Side Theatre. HUME—Electric Theatre. BK0«1MING—Opera House. HUNTSVILLE—Capitol Theatre. BKUNSWICK—Pastime Theatre. HUNTSVILLE—Semple's Opera House. Main St. BUCKLIN—Iris Theatre. HUNTSVILLE—Star Theatre. BUFFALO—Bijou Theatre. ILLMO—Illmo Opera House. BURLINGTON JUNCTION—Opera House. INDEPENDENCE—Electric Theatre. 214 N. Main St. BUTLER—Electric Theatre, 113 W. Dakota St. INDEPENDENCE—Lewis Theatre. Maple and Spring Sts. BUTLER—Star Theatre. E. Side Sq., Main St. IRONTON—Academy Theatre. Main St. CALIFORNIA—Finkes Opera House. JACKSON—Family Theatre. CAMPBELI^Auditorium. JACKSON—Gem Theatre. CAMPBELI^Fred's Theatre. JAMESON—Opera House. CAJIPBELL—Opera House. JASPER—Princess Theatre, Grand Ave. CANTON—Gem Theatre, Clark, bet. 4th and 5th. JEFFERSON CITY—Gem Theatre. CANTON—Home Opera House. JEFFERSON CITY—Jefferson Theatre,' E. High St. CAPE GIRARDEAU—Grand Theatre, Goodhope and Frederick Sts. JEFFERSON CITY—Star Theatre Co. CAPE GIRARDEAU—Opera House. JOPLIN—Electric Theatre, 511 Main St. CAPE GIRARDEAU—Royal Theatre, 119 Main St. JOPLIN—Gem Theatre, 1401 JopUn St. CARDWELL—CiTstal Theatre. JOPLIN—Ideal Theatre, 530 Main St. CARDWELL—Vaudette Theatre, Front St. JOPLIN—Royal Theatre, 612 Main St. CARROLLTON—Star Theatre, S. Main St. JOPLIN—Star Theatre, 111-115 E. 5th St. CARTERSVILLE—Electric Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Adt Theatre, 3000 E. 31st St. CABTERSVILLE—Hoo Hoo Theatre, 317 Main St. KANSAS CITY—Almo Theatre, 34th and Main Sts. CARTHAGE—Delphos Theatre. S. Side Sq. KANSAS CITY—American Theatre, 809 Troost Ave. CARTHAGE—Elite Theatre, 403 S. Main St. KANSAS CITY—Apollo Theatre.- 3227 Troost St. CARTHAGE—Photoplay Theatre, Main, bet. 2nd and 3rd Sts. KANSAS CITY—Arcade Theatre. 720 Main St. CARUTHBRSVILLE—Pastime Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Ashland Theatre, 24th and Elmwood Ave. CENTRALIA—Gem Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Atlas Theatre, 2612 E. 18th St. CENTRALIA—Lyric Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Bencrott Theatre. 4305 Troost Ave. CHAFFEE—Majestic Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Benton Theatre, 3200 Independence St. CHAFFEE—Pullman Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Bentoniha Theatre. 3103 E. 9th St. CHILLICOTHE—Dreamland Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Auditorium Theatre, 9th and Holmes Sts. CHILLICOTHE—Majestic Theatre, 500 Clay St. KANSAS CITY—Bijou Theatre. 1111 E. 47th St. CHILLICOTHE—Star Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Bijou Theatre. 7 E. 5th St. CHULA—Electric Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Bonaventure Theatre, 2817 Independence Ave. CLARENCE—Rio Grande Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Broadway Theatre, 313 Westport Ave. CLARENCE—Star Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Broadway Theatre, 1027 Broadway. CLARKSDALE—Opera House. KANSAS CITY—Century Theatre, 12th and Central Sts. CLARKVILLE—Odeon Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Colonial Theatre. 3838 Woodland St. CLINTON—Bixman St. New Theatre. KANSAS CITY- 1.'204 Prospect CLINTON—Gem Theatre. KANSAS CITY- .s.-,6 S. W. Blvd.

COLE CAMP—Electric Theatre. KANSAS CITY— - 1703 E. 18th St. COLUMBIA—Broadway Odeon, 1006-1008 E. Broadway. KANSAS CITY- 1205 Grand Ave. COLUMBIA—Gem Theatre. 10 N. 9th St. KANSAS CITY- r, 15th and Prospect Sts. COLUMBIA—Majestic Theatre. KANSAS CITY- aire. 4704 E. 9th St. COLUMBIA—Star Theatre, 17 N. 9th St. KANSAS CITY—: e. 1508 Spruce St. COBDER—Opera House. KANSAS CITY—Emerald Theatre, 36th and Prospect Sts. CORDER—Yale Theatre, Main and Railroad Sts. KANSAS CITY—Gem Theatre. 13th and Quindaro CRAIG—Opera House. KANSAS CITY—Gladstone Theatre. St. John and Elmwood Sts. CRYSTAL CITY—CrysUl Theatre, Mississippi Ave. KANSAS CITY—Globe Theatre. 1112-14 Walnut St. CUBA—Crystal Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Handy Theatre. 3703 E. 12th St. DADEVILLE—Skydome Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Happy Hour Theatre. 15th and Brooklyn Sts. DES LODGE—Electric Star Theatre. KANSAS CITY'—Highland Theatre, 31st and Highland Sts. DES LODGE—Opera House, Main St. KANSAS CITY—Hippodrome Theatre, 12th and Charlotte Sts. DES LODGE—People's Theatre, Main St. KANSAS CITY—Illiad Theatre, 3209 Troost Ave. DE SOTO—Gem Theatre, 208 N. Main St. KANSAS CITY—Lawndale Theatre, 5616 St. John St. DE SOTO—Jefferson Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Liberty Theatre, 808 S. W. Blvd. DONIPHAN—Princess Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Limbar Theatre. 716 Independence Ave. DREXEI^Star Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Lyric Theatre, 622 Main St. DUENWEG—Shamrock Theatre, Vogel St. KANSAS CITY—Magic Theatre, 2911 Guinotte Ave. DUENWEG—Star Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Maze Theatre, 12th and Baltimore Sts. EDINA—Electric Dome Theatre. 335 Main St. KANSAS CITY—Mozart Theatre, 3316 E. 12th St. ELDON—Electric Theatre, Maple St., Stevens Bldg. KANSAS CITY—Murray Theatre, 3202 E. 27th St. ELDORADO SPRINGS—Lyric Theatre, Main St. KANSAS CITY—New Palace Theatre. 608 E. 15th St. ELSBERRY—Elsberry Electric Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Old Kentucky Theatre. 1702 E. 12th St. ELTINS—Electric Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Orpheum Theatre, 329 W. 9th St. E.KCELSIOR SPRINGS—Auditorium Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Orpheum Theatre, 9th and May Sts. EXCELSIOR SPRINGS—Casino Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Palace Theatre, 932 Main St. EXCELSIOR SPRINGS—EUte Theatre. 110 E. Broadway. KANSAS CITY—Palm Theatre, 603 E. 31st St. EXCELSIOR SPRINGS-Orpheum Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Princess Theatre. 2604 E. 9th St. FARMINGTON—Monarch Theatre. Harrison and Washington Sts. KANSAS CITY—Queen's Theatre. 15th and Wabash Sts. FAY'ETTE—Casino Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Rex Theatre. 3919 Main St. FAYETTF^Empire Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Richlynn Theatre. 12th and Central Sts. FESTUS—Idle Hour Theatre. Main St. KANSAS CITY—Roanoke Theatre. 39th and Summit Sts. FLAT Rn^EB—Opera House. KANSAS CITY—Rock Hill Theatre, 4539 Forest Ave. FRANKFORD—Theatorium. KANSAS CITY—Standard Amusement Co., 15 W. 10th St. FBEDERICKTOW'N—Gem M. P. Show, E. Main St., S. E. cor. Sq. KANSAS CITY—Star Theatre, 1615 E. 18th St. FULTON—Electric Theatre, 531 Court St. KANSAS CITY—Suiway Theatre, 807 Walnut St. FULTON—Star Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Summit Theatre, 1725 Summit St. GALLATIN—Arbelia Opera House. KANSAS CITY—Time Theatre, Southwest Blvd. GALLATIN—Chautauqua Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Troost Theatre, 1421 Troost Ave. GALLATIN—Duchess Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Twelfth Street Theatre, 211 E. 12th St. GALLATIN—Gem Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Warwick Theatre. 3927 Maine St. GALT—Isis Theatre. KANSAS CITY—Wigwam Theatre, 18th and Walrond Sts. OILMAN CITY—Opera House. KANSAS CITY—World Theatre, 1615 E. 8th St. GLASGOW—Electric Theatre, Market, bet. 1st and 2nd Sts. KANSAS CITY—Yale's Automat Theatre. 1116 Main St. GOLDEN CITY—Home Theatre, Main St. KANSAS CITY—Yale's Crystal Theatre, 1205 Grand Ave. GORIN—Colonial Theatre, Broadway and Jackson St. KANSAS CITY—Yale's Princess Theatre, 1217 Grand Ave. GOWER—Enterprise, Theatre. Whitney Ave. KANSAS CITY—Yale's Wonderland Theatre. 121 E. 12th St. GORIN—Auditorium. Broadway and Jackson St. KEARNEY—Electric Theatre. GRANBY—Idle Hour Theatre. KENNETT—Kennett Opera House. GRANT CITY—Crystal Theatre. N. E. cor. Sq. KBNNETT—National Theatre. GREENFIELD—AUadin Theatre. KENNETT—Star Theatre. GREENFIELD—Bijou Theatre. KEYTESVILLE—American Theatre Bridge and Mulberry. GUILFORD—Opera House. KING CITY—Lucile Theatre. HALE—Princess Theatre. KIRKSVILLE—Colonial Theatre. HANCOCK—Opera House, Box 142. KIRKSVILLE—Gem Theatre. HANNIBAI^-Gem Theatre. KIRKWOOD—May Theatre. HAN^^BAL—Goodwin Theatre, 205 N. Main St. KOHOKA—Picture Show. HANNIBAL—Princess Theatre. LA BELLE—Princess Theatre. HANNIBAL—Star Theatre, 212 S. Main St. LA GRANGE—Comet Theatre, Main St. HARDIN—Opera House. LA GRANGE—Orpheum Theatre. Lock Box 484. HARRISONVILLE—Star Theatre. LAALiR-Bijou Theatre. Gulf St. HAYTI—Electric Theatre. LA MONTE—Electric Theatre. HERCULANEUM—Fairyland Theatre, K. of P. Bldg., Station St. LAMAR—Elm Theatre. HERMANN-Opera House. LANCASTER—Comet Theatre. S. Main St. HIGBEE—Gem Theatre. LANCASTER—Opera House. HIGBEE—Opera House. LANCASTER—Star Theatre. Jackson St. HIGGINSVILLE—City Opera House. LA PLATA—Reesman Theatre. HIGGINSVILLE—Electric Theatre. LAREDO—Electric Theatre, Main St. HIGGINSVILLE—Gem Theatre. LATHBOP—Crystal Theatre. HORNERSVILLE—Green's Theatre. Main St. LAWSON—Electric Theatre. 114 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY LUBIN Manufacturing Company

Producing the Masterpieces of the World

Film Adaptations of Plays by the Greatest Authors



And Our Staff Writers




LEADWOOD—Star Theatre, Main St. JOSI.l'l LEBANON—Gem Theatre. Ju.'^i n LEES SUJIillT—Bink Theatre. JO.-^I I -I LEETON—Jlovie Theatre. josi r LEXINGTON—Evening Star Tlieatre. josj.ri LEXINGTON—Princess Theatre, 11th and Franklin. josi:pj Theatre, Public City Park. LIBERAL—Coliseum Theatre. JOSEPH—Lyr: LIBERAL—Idle Hour Theatre. JOSEPH—Majestic Theatre. LIBERTY—Lyric Theatre. JOSEPH—Nickel Theatre, 206 W. Missouri St. LINNEUS—Wascatow Theatre. JOSEPH—Orpheum Theatre, 501 Bdmond St. LOUISIANA—Burnett Buell Theatre. JOSEPH—Boyal Theatre, 610 Edmond St. LOUISIANA—Nickelodeon, 418 Georgia St. LOUIS—Alpine Theatre, 4431 Cote BrilUant. LUTES^ILLE—Movie Theatre, Tv7in Opera House. LOUIS—American Theatre. 2400 S. 12th St. MACON—Logan Theatre, Main St. LOUIS—Ashland Theatre. 3540 Newstead Ave. MAITLAND—Maitland Opera House, 2nd St. LOUIS—A.xhlainl Tlieatre. 3227 Ashland St. III MALDEN—Gem Theatre. LOl \-i"i I aire. 5 N. Broadway. MAIyDEN—Majestic Theatre, Madison and Laclede Sts. LOI l~ i.i i. II ,iiie, 8237 N. Broadway. MANCHESTER—Lyceum Theatre. Liil I- I. . , jcil Pine St.

I I M, I MAPLEWOOD—Maplewood Theatre, 7320 Manchester Ave. LOI I- , irk Theatre. Bellevue and Clayton Aves. MAPLEWOOD—Powhatan Theatre, 3107 Sutton Ave. L(il I- I , ,1 I laatvf. ::.->70 Beacon Ave. I- Ml MARCELINE—Crystal Theatre, Kan. Ave. LOI 1. \ Cn., 606 Washington Ave.

I I I I' MARCELINE—Empress Theatre. LO! 1 iinar and Taylor Aves.

I I I , JIARCELINE—New Cater Theatre. L(il , , ;i,-,i S. Grand Ave.

I I I MARIONVILLE—Barris Theatri Liil I , w , , riieater, 2300 Market St. MARIONVILLE—Opera House, LOI J.^ I;ii iii>ii liir,,ii.', I lorrisant and Bremen Sts. MARSHALI^Cozy Theatre. LOUl^—l;ioaduay lauiilv Tlieatre, 1440 S. Broadway. MARSHALI^Lyric Theatre, S E. Arrow St. LOUIS—Cabanne Theatre. 5817 Suburban Railroad Track. MARSHALL—Orpheum Theatre. LOUIS—Capitol Theatre. St. Louis and Vandeventer Sts. MARSHALL—Rex Theatre, N. W. N. 3rd St. LOUIS—Carroll Theatre. 1601-3 S. Broadway. MARSHALL-Scenic Theatre, Main St. LOUIS—Casino Theatre. 1618 Market St. MABSHFIELD—Gem Theatre." LOUIS—Chippewa Theatre. 3807-3809 Broadway. MABTVILLE—Empii LOUIS—Coliseum Theatre. Jeflerson and Podier Sts. ilARTVILLE—Fern Theatre. LOUIS—Columbia Theatre. 6th and St. Charles Sts. MEAI PHIS—Grand Theatre, S. Market and Johnson LOUIS—The Centennial Theatre. 13th and Chamber. MEMPHIS—Kinney Opera House. LOl'IS— ( ..mci Theatip, 2110 Market St, MEMPHIS—Metta Theatre. LOI IS -Ml. Ciihiiiiii i. I iiiiiiiton and Easton Aves, MEMPHIS—Opera House, E. Main St. LOI I- I I 2644 Franklin Ave, I' l~ I IK, MEXICO—Lyric Theatre. Washington and Liberty Sts. Loi 1 Manchester and Macklin Avi

- I MEXICO—Orpheum Theatre, W. Promenade St. L(il I - I 1,1, s, Broadway. MIAin—Bijou Theatre. Ill atre, 4472 Easton Ave. JULAN—Gem Theatre. LOL Is— 1 lip I Virginia and Primm Sts. MILAN—Star Theatre. 3rd St. LOUIS—Elghtee t Theatre, 1800 S. 18th St. MILLER—Opera House. LOUIS—Elite Theatre. 726 Park MINDEN JUNES—Opera House. ST. LOUIS—Empress Theatre. 3616 Olive St, MOB ERLY—Fourth Street Theatre. ST. LOUIS— Easton Ave, MOBERLY—Gem Theatre, 316 Reed St. itre, 2001 Obear Ave, MOBERLY—Grand Theatre. atre, 2506 Salisbury St, MOBERLY'—Opera House, 416 W. Reed St. Grand and Cass Aves, MOBERLY—White Way Theatre. itre. 2726 Cherokee St. MONETT—Bijou Theatre, 417 Broadway. afic, U15 Franklin Ave.

It 1 MONETT—Gem Theatre. 1 I,^ii0 S, Broadway, _' 1)1 MONROE CITY—Gem Theatre. , Cherokee St. MONTGOMERY CITY—Idle Hour Theatre. E. 2nd St. '^Ji; Easton Ave.

MONTICELLO—West Theatre. II I ,11 II, Grand and Cass Aves.

I .li MOREHOUSE—New Theatre. in , lterson and Gravois Sts. MOUNTAIN GROVE—Opera House. aue. 2000 Hickory St. MT. A'ERNON—Photoplay Theatre. 15 S. 6th St. MT. VERNON—Theatorium. ik Theatre. 420 Primm St, NEOSHO—Lyric Theatre, 111 W. Spring St, I'atre. 1725 Cass Ave. NEOSHO—Opera House. aii-c, 2708 N. 15th St. NEVADA—Family Theatre. in,. :;i4;i S. Grand Ave. NEVADA—Lyric Theatre, E. Cherry St. n mil Virginia St. NEVADA—Nickel Theatre, 112 Cherry St. lelTerson and Howard S

NEVADA—Photoplay Theatre, E. Side of Sq. 1 n, . Park and Compton i NEVADA—Willis Tlieatre. 112 E. Cherry St. |SL>,-, X. 9th St, NEWBERG—Tllcatniiuni, : per St. NEW FK.\.\K1.I.\— Siar Theatre, Main St. 1 NEW LI IX I KiX— 1, mainland Theatre, NEW .MAIiRin— nixie Theatre. 11, .\, NUKBdKXI.— I'lu.eiii.x Theatre, , >>.i,Mii aii.l Malfltt Sts, NOVIXG KR—Novinger Theatre. NOVINGER—Palace Theatre. 114 N.' 'eth St. ODESSA—Gem Theatre. atre, 5415 Arsenal St. ODESSA—Opera House. •e. 2812 N. Vandeventer Ave. ORAN—Redbud Theatre. aik, siiOO S, Broadway, OREGON—Royal Theatre. Nodaway St. Ill C... 545 Century Bldg. ORONOGO—M. P. Theatre. 7300 Virginia Ave.

OREGON-Gem Theatre. I lii atre. 4023 Olive St.

I ORBICK—Opera House. . 1S06 Franklin Ave, OSCEOLA—Electric Theatre. ii.ui,-, 1860 S. 13th St. PACIFIC—Royal Theatre. Theatre. Goode and Garfield Aves. PALMYTIA-Franklin Theatre. Main St. rk Odeon. 3435 Williams PI. PALJIY'RA—Opera House. Iieatre. 2212 S. Jeflerson St. PARIS—Diamond Theatre. Theatre. Chouteau PARMA—Parma I'lina House. Sts. PERRY.-.\i ,1 |. Ti,. ,:... Palmyra St.

PERRY— W i Palmyra St. Grand and Lucas Avi

I II PERRY \ III I heatre. li and Market Sts.

( I I I PIERCE I Tlieatre. 2726 Cherokee St.

I . . PIERCE \i\ , Thei I I 1 S. Jefferson St.

. II r ii PIERCE tin r atre. . .L' St, Louis Ave,

PILOT i;it.i\ I I!. Thcati -224 Salisbury St.

PLATTSI'.i I'.: . i ii, ,,.,,aia


h I II PLATT.si;i l;', Thrat , , lisant St.

I , PLATTSr.l f \l , ..n I Tlir J .\laikct St. 13 Easton Ave.

Ldi l- r.iM III I ;i(i Franklin St.

I Liil I,-. I l l i ir and Hamilton Sts.

Lul l- I III I lull, 1810 Park St.

Ldl I- n I III iiiv, U2r,4 Wren Ave. 1^ I II FCJRTAGEVlLLi:— L, .V- L. Tlaatre. L(il I ,iiic, cor, Blair and N, Market Sts,

I PRINCETON—Elite Theatre, Liil I- r I riieatre. 4652 St. Louis Ave.

RICH HILL—Leader Electric Tlieatre. P. 0. Bo.x 194. Lnl I !• anil Theatre. 8526 S. Broadway.

RICHMOND—Farris Theatre, cor. Main St. and Camden Liil K I ;,,,,, I I aire. Etzel and Clare Ave. - RiicKroRT— .Xmlitniinni Theatre. Main St. LOI is I 111 (juiiii v. 7903 S. Broadway.

Riii KI'Hii i- I;,,, I njiera House. Main St. LOUIS—Rainbow Theatre. 107 N. Broadway. ' |i\l;i I ( >T . i„,ra House. 311 N. Main St. LOUL?—Russell Theatre. 2123 S. Broadway. 2nd St, LOUIS—Salisbury Theatre, 1105 Salisbury St. Theatre, LOUIS—Savoy Theatre. 3926 Morgan St.

, Jefferson and Bowman LOUIS—Shenandoah Theatre. Grand and Shenandoah Sts. ST, .TOSEPil—Bi tre. 116 S, 4th St, LOUIS—Shenandoah Theatre. 2225 S, Broadwav, ST, JOSEPH—Ct LOUIS—Strand Theatre, 6th and St, Charles Sts, 116 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY LUBIN Manufacturing Company

THE Home Plant, situated in Philadelphia, occupies a four square half block, containing a Mammoth Studio, which will accommodate six directors and their companies, making six pictures at one time. Also the Executive Build- ing, Machine Shop, Wardrobe, Carpenter Shop, Paint Gal- leries, Garage and a beautiful Plaza.

This Plant employs over four hundred people and is one of the largest and most complete in America.

Twenty-two miles from Philadelphia is situated the Lubin Manor at Betzwood, the largest estate devoted to the making of Moving Pictures in the world. The five hundred and fifty acres of Manor is lined by two miles of the Schuylkill River, and is perfectly cultivated. Here almost any atmosphere can be secured both of land and water. The estate embraces a magnificent Manor House and Conservatory, with a building for guests. Barns, Store Houses, Stables, Studios, an enormous Factory Building and every requirement for making Pictures. The Farm is supplied with over fifty head of Texas Horses, a Herd of Jersey Cows, Deer, Prize Pigs, Sheep, Chickens, Geese, Swans, Turkeys, Pigeons, Dogs of all nationalities and Wolves.

At this estate battle scenes have been taken with over two thousand people in the pictures. The grounds are always open to the public and excursions are freely made, carrying thousands of people from the adjacent towns and Philadelphia.

ILUBINI The estate has cost Mr. Lubin over $2,000,000, and is fcLUBlNl doubtless the Utopian Moving Picture Plant of the World. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 117


ST. LOUIS—Tetina Theatre, 2010 Market St. STOUTSVILLE—Wigwam Theatre, Broadway and Jackson ST. LOUIS—The Historiograph, 3309 Olive St. STOVER-Empress Theatre. ST. LOUIS—Tower Grove Theatre, 1126 Tower Grove Ave. SULLIVAN—Opera House. ST. LOUIS—Union Theatre, Union and Eastou Aves. SUMMEBVILLE—Gem Theatre, N. E. of Sq. ST. LOUIS—Uno Theatre, 1711 Cass Ave. SWEET SPRINGS—Family Theatre. ST. LOUIS—^Vandora Theatre, 2639 Cherokee St. SWEET SPRINGS—Gem Theatre. ST. LOUIS—Virginia Theatre, Virginia and Vermont Sts. TARKIO—Cozy Theatre. ST. LOUIS—Washington Theatre, 4961 Delmar St. TARKIO—EUte Theatre. ST. LOUIS—White Way Theatre. 6th and Hickory Sts. TINA—Electric Theatre. ST. LOUIS—Tale Theatre, 4315 Manchester Ave. TIPTON—Miner's Opera House. ST. LOUIS—Yale Theatre, 3700 S. Minnesota St. TRENTON—Bee Theatre. SALEM—Lyric Theatre, 4th and Jefferson Sts. TRENTON—EUte Theatre, Water St. SALISBLTHY—Gem Theatre. TRENTON—Hubbell Theatre. SALISBUKY—Idle Hour Theatre, Broadwav. TROY—Electric Wolf Theatre. SARCOXIE—Star Theatre. TROY—Idle Hour Theatre. SEDALIA—Electric Theatre, 225 Ohio St. TROY—Troy Opera House, Main St. SEDALIA—Gem Theatre. UNION STAR—Opera House. SEDALIA—Iris Theatre. UNIONVILLE—Bon Ton Theatre. SEDALIA—Lona Theatre. UNIONVILLE—Elite Theatre, Main St. SEDALIA—Lyric Theatre, E. Sedalia. VALLEY PARK—Gem Theatre, 3rd and Benton Sts. SEDALIA—Palace Theatre, 319 S. Ohio St. VANDALIA—Gem Theatre. SENATE—DLoe Theatre. VANDALIA—Magnet Theatre. SENATE-M. P. Theatre. VERSAILLES—Royal Theatre. SENECA—Electric Theatre. WARRENSBURG—Gem Theatre. SHCESTON—Dixie Theatre. WARRENSBUBG—Princess Theatre. SIKESTON—Idle Hour Theatre. WARRENTON—Holden Theatre. SHvESTON-Unique Theatre. WARSAW—Opera House. SKIDMOEE—Royal Theatre, Elm St. WASHINGTON—M. P. Theatre. SLATEE—Biograph Theatre. Main St. WASHINGTON—Opera House. SPRINGFIELD—Aladdin Theatre, 305 South St. WASHINGTON—Unique Theatre. SPRINGFIELD—Delmar Garden Theatre, 405 St. Louis Av WAVERLY—Electric Theatre. SPRINGFIELD—Doling Park Theatre. WEBB CITY—Lake Theatre. SPRINGFIELD—Gem Theatre, College St. WEBB CITY—Lakeside Park Theatre. SPRINGFIELD—Grand Theatre, 127 Kirby St. WEBSTER GROVES—Lockwood Garden Theatre, Lockwood and Gray SPRINGFIELD—Jefferson Theatre, 216 S. Jefferson St. SPRINGFIELD—Landres Theatre. 309 Walnut St. WEBSTER GROVES—Webster Theatre, 130 Lockwood Ave. SPRINGFIELD—Princess Theatre, 408 E. Commercial St. WELLSVILLE—Odeon Theatre, Hudson St. SPRINGFIELD—Skydome Theatre, 300 W. Walnut St. WELLSVILLE—Regal Theatre. STANBERRY—Princess Opera House, 2nd and Locust Sts. WESTON—Electric Theatre. STANBERRY—Park Picture Theatre, Park St. WEST PLAINS—Catron Opera House, 112 Court Sq. STANBURY—Family Theatre. WEST PLAINS—Lyric Theatre, 8 Court Sq. STEELE—Electric Theatre. WILLOW SPRING—Majestic Theatre. STEELE—Thelma Theatre. WINDSOR—Amusu Theatre, Main St. STEWARTSVILLE—Electric Theatre. WINDSOR—Opera House. STOUTSVILLE—Opera House. WINDSOR-Victoria Theatre, cor. Tebo and Benton Sts. MONTANA

ANACONDA—Electric Theatre. 119 Main St. HAMILTON—Family Theatre, S. 2nd St. ANACONDA—Family Theatre. HARLOWTON—Imperial Theatre. ANACONDA—Imperial Theatre, 304 E. Park Ave. HARLOWTON—Lyric Theatre. ANACONDA—Grand Theatre, 207 Main St. HARLOWTON—Olympia Theatre. ANACONDA—Lyric Theatre, 318 E. Park Ave. HAMILTON—Star Theatre, 2nd St. BELT—Miners' Hall. HAVRE—Orpheum Theatre. BELT—Opera House. HELENA—Antlers Theatre. BIG FORK—Big Fork Family Theatre. HELENA—Orpheum Theatre, 13 Main St. BIG SANDY—Orpheum Theatre. Lyons cor. KALISPELI^McIntosh Opera House. BIG TIMBER—Auditorium. KALISPELL—Orpheum Theatre. BIG TIMBER—Opera House. 2nd Ave. and Hooper St. KENDELI^Nugget Theatre. BILLINGS—Acme Theatre. LAUREI^Odeon Theatre. BILLINGS—Isis Theatre, Wanamaker Bldg. LEWISTOWN—Imperial Theatre, 320 Main St. LEWISTOWN—Opera House, 112 Main St. LEWISTOWN—Princess Theatre, 112 4th Ave., S. BILLINGS—Star Theatre. LIVINGSTON-Orpheum Theatre. BILLINGS—Theatorium. Smith Blk., 27th St. MALTA—Orpheum Theatre. BOULDER—M. P. Show. MANHATTAN—Electra Theatre. BOZEMAN—Gem Theatre, 130 W. Main St. MARCBLLUS—Annex Theatre, Main St. BOZEMAN—Lyric Theatre, Main St. MEDICINE LAKE—Orpheum Theatre. BOZEMAN—Orpheum Theatre, Main St. MILES CITY—Liberty Theatre. BUTTE—American Theatre, 41 N. Main St. MILES CITY—Miles Theatre. BUTTE—Ansonia Theatre. MILES CITY—Opera House, cor. 6th and Palmer Sts. BUTTE—Casto Bros. MILES CITY—Star Theatre, 9th and Main Sts. BUTTE—Majestic Theatre. 58 Broadway. MISSOULA—Bijou Theatre. 110 W. Main St. BUTTE—Orpheum Theatre. MISSOULA—Empress Theatre. BUTTE—Park St. Theatre, 31 W. Park St. MISSOULA—Grand Theatre, N. Higgins Ave. BUTTE—Princess Theatre, W. Park St. MISSOULA—Isis Theatre, Higgins Ave. and Main St. CASCADE—Opera House. MISSOULA—Victoria Theatre. CHESTER—Orpheum Theatre, N. Main St. NEIHABT—Lyric Theatre. CHINOOK—Orpheum Theatre. PHILLIPSBUBG—Apple Theatre, Broadway. CONRAD—Alhambra Theatre. PLAINS—Theatorium. COLUMBIA FALLS—Theatorium. PLENTYWOOD—Beck's Theatre, Main St. CUT BANK—Majestic Theatre. POLSON—Theatorium. DEER LODGE—Bijou Theatre, Main St. RADERSBURG—Opera House. DEER LODGE—Lyric Theatre, Main St. RED LODGE—Alcazar Theatre, 9 S. Billings Ave. DEER LODGE—Mt. Powell Theatre, Main St. RED LODGE—Elk Theatre. Montana. DEER LODGE—Majestic Theatre. RED LODGE—Royal Theatre. DEER LODGE—Orpheum Theatre, Main St. RED LODGE—Star Theatre, 100 Billings Ave. DILLON—Grand Theatre, Bannark and Idaho Sts. ROUNDUP—Orpheum Theatre. DILLON—Pastime Theatre, Montana St. ROUNDUP—Stanley Theatre. DILLON—Scenic Theatre. ROUNDUP—Star Theatre, N. Main St. EUREKLi—Majestic Theatre. Dewey Ave. RUBY—Opera House. N. Side Main St. EUREKA—Star Theatre. SHERIDAN—Home Talent Theatre. FAIRVIEW—Auditorium. SIDNEY—Opera House. FAIRVTEW—Orpheum Theatre. SIDNEY—Orpheum Theatre. FORSYTHE—Star Theatre, Main St. STEVENSVILLE—Star Theatre. Main St. FT. BENTON—Mission Theatre. Main St. ST. IGNATIUS—Opera House. GARDINER—Opera House, Main St. THREE FORKS—Empire Theatre. GLASGOW—Orpheum Theatre. THREE FORKS—Ruby Theatre. GREAT FALLS—Alcazar Theatre, 209 Central Avi TOWNSEND—Mission Theatre, Broadway. GREAT FALLS—Crescent Theatre. 335 Central Av TOWNSEND—Rex Theatre. GREAT FALLS—Gem Theatre, 118 Central Ave. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS—Alhambra Theatre. GREAT FALLS—Stockholm Music Hall. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS-Star Theatre. 18 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY


Star of Al. Wood's "The Song of Songs" Now Playing at the Eltinge Theatre, New York

WILL BE SEEN EXCLUSIVELY IN George Kleine Film Under an agreement covering her Exclusive Motion Picture Services for a term of years

Miss Fenwick will continue her phenomenal stage career as heretofore; also appearing from time to time in features to be made in our American and recently completed Italian studios.

Miss Fenwick, we believe, is one of the most gifted artistes of the present day — and for her film engagements we confidently predict the same extraordinary success that has attended her professional achievements.

Our first production featuring Miss Fenwick will be "The Commuters," in five parts, by James Forbes, founded on the popular comedy of that name. GEORGE KLEINE 166 N. State Street, Chicago, Illinois AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 119 NEBRASKA

AINSWOKTH—Boyal Theatre, Main and 2nd Sts. KEAENEY—Isls Theatre, 2304 Central Ave. ALBIOX--Lyric Theatre, 4th St. KEAENEY—Kearney Opera House. ALBION—Eex Theatre. LAUEEL—Opera House. ALLIAjS^CE—Empress Theatre, W. 3rd St. LINCOLN—Capitol Beach Theatre. ALLIANCE—Imperial Theatre. LINCOLN— Klite Thcitre No. 1. ALMA—Crescent Theatre. LINCOLN— i;iiic T|], Nitre No. 2, 14th and O Sts. ALMA—Princess Theatre. LINCOL,\- -l.illv 'l lir.Hir.

ANSLEY—M. P. Theatre. LINCOLN I M,.- TlHKMv. ASHLAND—Bijou Theatre. LINCOLN nil I'lifalre, 1500 O St.

ASHTON—Opera House. LINCtiL.N l. i laiMl Theatre, 1330 O St. AUBUEN—Elite. LONG PINK—.star Theatre. AUBUBN—Lyric Theatre. LONG PINE—Theatorium. AUBOKA—Lyric Theatre. LOUISVILLE—Joyland Theatre. BATTLE CKEEK—Crystal Theatre. LOUP CITY—Dreamland Theatre. BATTLE CHEEK—Electric Theatre. LOUP CITY—Gem Theatre, Main St. BEATRICE—Paddock Theatre. LYON—Evening Star Theatre. BEATRICE—Summer Theatre. MADISON—Crystal Theatre. BELVIDEEE—Opera House. MADISON—Haskins Theatre. BENKELMAN—Lyric Theatre, Chief St. McCOOK—Electric Theatre, 116 Main St. BENSON—Eagle Theatre. MEENA—Princess Theatre, BENSON—Gem Theatre, 802 Military Ave. MILFOED—Opera House. BLAIE—Home Electric Theatre. Main St. MINDEN—Gem Theatre. BLAIE—Lyric Theatre. MITCHELI^Crystal Theatre. BLOOMTIBLD—Star Theatre, P. 0. Box 118. MONEOE—Palace Theatre. BLOOMINGTON—Colonial Theatre, Bloomington St. NELIGH—Auditorium. BLUE HILL—Edison Theatre. NELIGH—Palace Theatre. BEIDGEPOET—Lyric Theatre. NEWMAN GROVE—Elite Theatre. BEOKEN BOW—Lyric Theatre. NEWMAN GROVE—Lyric Theatre. BROKEN BOW—Star Theatre. NIOBRARA— Electric Theatre. BEOWNVILLE—Star Theatre, 4th St. NORFOLK—Auditorium. BRUNING—Bruning Theatre. NORFOLK—Lyric Theatre, 432 Norfolk Ave. BUEWELL—Electric Theatre. NORTH PLATTE—Keith Theatre, 414 Dewey St. CALLAWAY—Elite Theatre, Grand Ave. NORTH PLATTE—Pat Theatre, 616 B. 6th St. CALLAWAY—Star Theatre, Grand Ave. OMAHA—Alhambra Theatre, 1814 N. 24th St. CAELETON—Electric Theatre. OMAHA—Apollo Theatre, 29th and Leavenworth. CENTRAL CITY—Gem Theatre. OMAHA—Cameraphone Theatre, 1403 Douglas St. CENTEAL CITY—Lyric Theatre. OMAHA—Clune's Theatre, 2529 Farnam St. CHADEON—Chadron Opera House. OMAHA—Elite Theatre No. 1, 1316 Douglas St. CHADEON—Fairyland Theatre Co. OMAHA—Farnam St. Theatre, 1415 Farnam St. CHADEON—Gem Theatre. OMAHA—Favoiitp Theatre No. 2, 1716 Vinton St. CLAY CENTER—Lyric Theatre. Brown Ave. oM,\ll.\- I'liiiildiii 'I'll, 'aire, 2517 Franklin St. COLUMBUS—North Theatre. iiM-MM I iiiraire, 1624 N. 24th St.

I'-M Ml 1 II. COZAD^Electric Theatre. . 4116 N. 24th St.

COZAD—Palm Theatre. 'i-MAil' I iii.atre, 29th and Castellar Sts. CRAWFORD—Elite Electric Tlicatre. 'OIAII.X II.H- I I.-. CREIGHTON—Fad Theatre. OMAHA— li Tlu'iuu'. L'910 N. 16th St. CREIGHTON—Lyric Theatre. W. JIain St. OMAHA—King Theatre, 14th and Horney Sts. CRETE—Gay Theatre. OMAHA—Krug Theatre, 14th and Horney Sts. CRETE—Ronton Theatre. OMAHA—Lyric Theatre, 25th and Calwell Sts. CEOFTON—Opera House. OMAHA—Orpheum Theatre, 1934 15th St. DAVID CITY—David City Opera House. OMAHA—Palm Theatre, 1320 Douglas St. DAVID CITY—Lyric Theatre. OMAHA—Park Theatre, 516 N. 16th St. DECATUE—Gold Light Theatre. OMAHA—Parlor Theatre. 1108 Douglas St. DEWITT—Lvric Theatre, in Opera House, Main S; OMAHA—Star Theatre, 2312 N. 24th St. DUNBAR—Opera House. OMAHA—Suburban Theatre. 24th St. and Ames Ave EDGAR—Lyric Theatre. OMAHA—Wonderland Theatre. 2531 S. 13th St. ELGIN—Lyric Theatre. O'NEIL—Electric Theatre. EXETER—Auditorium. O'NEII^Royal Theatre. FAIRBURY—Majestic Theatre. ORD—Empress Theatre. FAIRFIELD-^Orpbeum Theatre. OED—Gem Theatre. FALLS CITY—Electric Theatre, Stone St. ORD—Ord Theatre. FALLS CITY—Grand Theatre. ORLEANS-Irma Theatre. Harlin Ave. FALLS CITY—Lyric Theatre. ORLEANS—Lyric Theatre. FALLS CITY—Movies Theatre, loth and Stone ORLEANS-M. P. Theatre. FLORENCE—Crescent Theatre. OELEAN.S—Mv.stin Theatre. FLORENCE—Florence Theatre. OSMONIi— l.vi^i.- Thratro. FLORENCE—M. P. Theatre. OXFOKM >U-m 'llt..>iir.-.

FLORENCE—Eex Theatre. PAWM.i M l 'I Mmuiik Picture Theatre.

FEANTKLIN-Electric Theatre, Main PEKV- . .1 tim ..irr. FEANKLIN—Pictureland, Main St. PIERCI,- I.Uir liH.iiK.. in Opera House, Main St. FEANKLIN—Lyric Theatre. PIERCK—iimia llnu.se. Main St. FEEMONT—Fremont Theatre, S. f of 5th. PILG EE—Lyric Theatre. FEEMONT—Lyric Theatre. PLAINVIEW—Orpheum Theatre. FREMONT—New Wall Theatre. PLATTSMOUTH—Hex Theatre. FEEMONT—Rose Theatre, 411 Ma St. PLYMOUTH—Electric Theatre. FRIEND—EUte Theatre. Maple St. PEAGUE—Electric Theatre. FRIEND—San Carlo Theatre. EAVENNA—Pastime Tlieatre. FULLERTON—Gem Theatre. RIVERTON—Wigwam Theatre. FULLERTON—Lyric Theatre. EULO—Electric Theatre. FULLERTON—Royal Theatre. ST. EDWAEDS—Lyric Theatre. GENEVA—Le Grande Theatre. ST. PAUI^Dreamland Theatre. GENEVA—Palm Theatre. ST. PAUL—Opera House. GENOA—Lyric Photoplay, 1000 Main St. SCHUYLEE—Janacek's Opera House. GERING—Gering Theatre. SCOTTS BLUFF—Crystal Theatre. GERING—Pastime Theatre, 10th and M Sts. SCOTTS BLUFF—Lvric Theatre. GIBBON—Gem Theater, 108 S. La Barre St. SCOTTS BLUFF—Star Theatre. GLENVILLE—Electric Theatre. SEWARD—Ildo Theatre. GORDON—Empress Theatre. SEWAED—Lvric Theatre. GOTHENBURG-Gem Theatre. S. Main St. SEWAED—Pastime Theatre. GRAND ISLAND—Empress Theatre, 107 N. Locust St. SHELBY—Jollv Theatre. West Side Main St. GEAND ISLAND—Jewel Theatre, 106 E. 3rd St. SHELTOX— Cninrt T)iratre.

GRAND ISLAND—Lyric Theatre. 118 S. Locust St. SHUHI-:i;'l -1.1,1., , i Th.-atre.

GRAND ISLAND—Mickelson Theatre, 116 State St. SIDN!.;i ... ,,i 1 1,. :lllc.

I , .,. I,. ,,11,.. GRAND ISLAND—Nickelson Theatre, 122 Pine St. SIDNJ.n I

GRAND ISLAND—Princess Theatre. SILVER ( Kt.l Iv — 11, Theatre. GEEELEY—Electric Theatre. SOUTH (i.MAIlA—Besse Theatre. 409 24th St. GREELEY—Lyric Theatre. SPALDING—Opera House. GRESHAM—Hall Theatre. SPALDING—Eitledges Theatre. GUIDE EOCK—Opera House. SPENCER-Orpheum Theatre. HAEVAED—Star Theatre. STANTON—Gem Theatre. HASTINGS—Electric Theatre. STEELING-Folly Theatre, Broadway and Main Sts HASTINGS—New Theatre. STEELING—Sterling Theatre. HASTINGS—Wonderland Theatre, 16 W. 2nd St. STEOMSBUEG—Elite Theatre, 3rd St. HAVELOCK—Gem Theatre, Indiai SUTTON—Lyric Theatre. HAVELOCK—Happy Hour Theatr SYEACUSE—Opera House, S. Main St. HAVELOCK—Joy O Theatre, 131: TECUMSEH—Lyric Theatre, Clay St. HAVELOCK—Le Grande Theatre. TEKAMAH—Lyric Theatre. HILDRETH—Ramona Theatre. TILDEN—Gem Theatre, Main St. HOLDREGE—Crescent Theatre. VALENTINE—Jewel Theatre, Main St. HOLDEEGE—Empress Theatre. VALLEY—Opera House. HOOPEE—Opera House. VALPAEAISO—Valparaiso Theatre. HUMPHREY-Lyric Theatre. VEEDIGHEE—Star Theatre. KEAENEY—Crescent. WAHOO—Bijou Dream Theatre, P. O. Box 673. f


The Last Days o Pompeii

Search the hterature of ages — from the Papyrus of Egypt to the modern novel — from Aristotle to Zola — and find, if you can, a fiction masterpiece so well adapted to the motion picture.

We promise you the steady undercurrent of a story sublime — we promise you the thrills of spectacular scenes — the panic of a multitude — the annihilation of a great and powerful city — the swirl and rush of adventure — and all staged amid settings of trans- scendent beauty.

"The Last Days of Pompeii" was made at Pompeii and Turin, Italy — practically on the site of the once

. gay and populous Pompeii — home of the idler and '^ the dreamer. A picture made at fabulous cost, em- ploying 4,000 people in the making — months of time — and the entire resources of one of the world's greatest studios.

BOOKING THROUGH THE KLEINE OFFICES NEW YORK CHICAGO ATLANTA 226 W. 42nd Street 166 N. State Street 43 Moore Building BOSTON DENVER DALLAS 597 Washington Street 405 Railroad Building 238 Saner Building LOS ANGELES MINNEAPOLIS PHILADELPHIA 701 Majestic Theatre Bldg. 210 Temple Court Bldg. 1309 Vine Street PITTSBURGH SEATTLE SAN FRANCISCO 509 Lyceum Theatre Bldg. 213 Orpheum Theatre Bldg. 634 Pacific Building



WAHOO—Bijou Theatre, P. 0. Box 747 WEST POINT—Auditorium, Main and Wa WAKEFIELD—Globe Theatre. WEST POINT—Ideal Theatre. WALTHILL—Silverlight Theatre. WINSIDE—Jewell Theatre. • WAUSA—Opera House. WOOD RIVER—Electric Theatre, 9th St. WAYNE—Crystal Theatre. 102 N. Main WOOD RIVER—Gem Theatre. WAYNE—Opera House. WYMORE—Lyric Theatre. YORK—Dean Theatre. YORK—Jollo Theatre, Lincoln St. NEVADA

AUSTIN—Wonderland Theatre. MANHATTAN—Bronx Theatre, Box 38. CARSON CITY—Grand Theatre. McGILL—Bijou Theatre. CABSON CITY—MacDonald Theatre, Carson St. McGILL—Stone's Amusement Hall. CABSON CITY—Wigwam Theatre. RENO-Coney Island Theatre. CAKSON CITY—Park Theatre, 412 Carson St. RENO—Dalehurst, Box 15. CABSON CITY—Park Theatre, 106 E. Musser St. RENO-Grand Theatre. ELKO—Bradley Opera House. RENO—Isis Theatre, Box 15. ELY—^Bijou Theatre, Aultman St. RENO—Majestic Theatre. ELY—Ely Theatre, 4th and Aultman Sts. RENO—New Luna Theatre. ELY—Novelty Theatre. RENO—Wigwam Theatre, 35-37 W. 2nd St. FALLON—Bex Theatre. RUTH—Ruth Theatre. FALLON—M. P. House. SPARKS—Reynolds Theatre. FALLON—Pavilion Theatre, Centre St. SPARKS—Star Theatre, 1038 B St. GABDENERVILLE—Valhalla Theatre, Main St. TONOPAH—Butler Theatre. GOLDFIELD—Bijou Theatre. TONOPAH—Big Casino Theatre. GOLDFIELD—Exchange Theatre. VIRGINIA CITY—Opera House. GOLDFIELD—Hippodrome. VIRGINIA CITY—Star Theatre. GOLDFIELD—Lyric Theatre, Main and Hall Sts. VIRGINIA CITY—Virginia Theatre. LAS VEGAS—Isis Theatre. WINNEMUCCA—Grand Theatre, Box 185. LAS VEGAS—Princess Theatre. WINNEMUCCA—Nixon Opera House. LAS VEGAS—Majestic Theatre. WINNEMUCCA—Opera House. LOVELOCK—Orpheum Theatre.


ANGELSEA—Royal Garden Theatre, 1st and New Jersey Aves. BOGOTA—Regent Theatre, Fort Lee Ed. ARLINGTON-Arlington Theatre, 176 Midland Ave. BOUND BROOK—Bijou Dream Theatre. ASBURY PABK—Casino Theatre, Boardwalk. BOUND BROOK-Palace Theatre, Main St. ASBUBY PABK—Criterion Theatre. BOUND BBOOK—Palace Theatre, 27 Church St. ASBUBY PABK—Garden Theatre, 1st and Kingsley Sts. BBADLEY BEACH—La Bejre Casino, Ocean Ave. ASBUBY PARK—Imperial Theatre. 211 Cookman Ave. BBANCHVILLE—Bijou Theatre, Broad St. ASBURY PARK—Lyric Theatre, 220 Cookman Ave. BRIDGEPORT—Criterion Theatre, 34 S. Laurel St. ASBUBY PARK—Main St. Theatre, 145 Main St. BBIDGBTON—Majestic Theatre. ASBURY PARK—Orpheum Theatre, 1st and Ocean Aves. BRIDGETON—Bijou Theatre, 51 N. Laurel St. ASBURY PARK—Savoy Theatre. 714 Mattison Ave. BBIDGETON—Biograph Theatre, 27 S. Laurel St. ASBURY PARK—World in Motion. BURLINGTON—Auditorium Theatre. 413 High St. ATLANTIC CITY—Arcadia Theatre, 725 Atlantic Ave. BUTLER—Bijou Dream Theatre. ATLANTIC CITY—Areola Theatre, Delaware and Atlantic Aves. BUTLER—Goldy Theatre. ATLANTIC CITY—Bijou Theatre, 1308 Boardwalk. BUTLER—Pleasant Hour Theatre. ATLANTIC CITY—Casino Theatre, 22 N. Mississippi Ave. CAMDEN—Auditorium, 27th and River Rd. ATLANTIC CITY—Central Theatre, 2426 Atlantic Ave. CAMDEN—Broadway Theatre, 1121 Broadway. ATLANTIC CITY—City Square Theatre, 1318 Atlantic Ave. CAMDEN—Casino Theatre. 403 Broadway. ATLANTIC CITY—Colonial Theatre, 1515 Atlantic Ave. CAMDEN—Crystal Palace Theatre. S. W. cor. 26th and Federal Sts. ATLANTIC CITY—Cozy Theatre, 2215 Atlantic Ave. CAMDEN—East Side Palace Theatre, 2508 Federal St. ATLANTIC CITY—Criterion Theatre, Boardwalk and Virginia. CAMDEN—Elm Theatre, 510 Elm St. ATLANTIC CITY—Creation of the World, Boardwalk. CAMDEN—Family Theatre, 2403 Federal St. ATLANTIC CITY—Exposition Theatre, Boardwalk. CAMDEN—Pastime Theatre, 823 Elm St. ATLANTIC CITY—Liberty Theatre, 617 Atlantic Ave. CAMDEN—Photoplay Garden Theatre, 5th and Market Sts. ATLANTIC CITY—Nixon Theatre. St. Charles Place and Boardwalk. CAMDEN—Rlverview Park Theatre, 27th and Harrison Ave. ATLANTIC CITY—Old Arena Theatre, Boardwalk. CAMDEN—Scenic Theatre, 4th and Pine Sts. ATLANTIC CITY—Old Vienna, Boardwalk. CAMDEN—Star PI. Theatre, 603 Broadway. ATLANTIC CITY—Palace Theatre, 1623 Artie Ave. CAMDEN—Stockton Palace, 300 N. 27th St. ATLANTIC CITY—Park Theatre, Ohio and Atlantic Ave. CAMDEN—Temple Theatre, 411 Market St. ATLANTIC CITY—Royal Theatre, 1527 Atlantic Ave. CAMDEN—White Elephant Theatre, 5th and Royden Sts ATLANTIC CITY—Savoy Theatre, Boardwalk and Ocean Ave. CAMDEN—Pyne Point Theatre, 313 State St. ATLANTIC CITY—Steeplechase Pier. CAMDEN—Boyal Theatre, 935 Broadway. ATLANTIC CITY—Steel Pier Theatre. Boardwalk and A'irginia Ave. CAPE MAY—Grand Theatre, 320 Washington St. ATLANTIC CITY—Virginian Theatre, Virginia Ave. and Boardwalk. CAPE MAY—Opera House. ATLANTIC HIGHLAND—Lyric Theatre. CAPE MAY—Sewell's Pt. Theatre. BABNEGAT—Opera House. CABLSTADT—M. P. Theatre, 38 Hackensacket St. BASKING RIDGE—Arc Theatre. CABLSTADT—Pastime Theatre, Broad and 2nd Sts. BAYONNE—Bayonne Opera House, 589 Avenue C. CAETEBET—Idle Hour Theatre. Bahway Ave. and 3rd St. BAYONNE—Bijou Theatre, 500 Broadway. CHBOME—Crescent Theatre. BAYONNE—Broadway Theatre, 511 Broadway. CHEOME—Electric Theatre. BAYONNE—Globe Theatre. 193 Broadway. CHBOME—Liberty Theatre. BAYONNE—Lyceum Theatre, Broadway and 38th St. CHEOME—Eoosveti Music Hall, Bahwav Ave. BAYONNE—Orpheum Theatre, 10 W. 23rd St. CHBOME—Star Theatre, Larch St. BAYONNE—Palace Theatre, 511 Avenue C. CLAYTON—Clayton Opera House. BAYON'NE—Park Theatre. 429 Boulevard. CLIFFSIDE—Eclipse Theatre, Palisade Ave., nr. Walker St. BAYONNE—Lyric Theatre, 523 Avenue C. CLINTON—Music Hall. BAYONNE—Park Theatre, 16th St. and Avenue A. COLLINGSWOOD—CoUingswood M. P. Theatre. 813 Haddon Ave. BAYONNE—Park Theatre, Avenue C and 1st St. CEANFOED—Cranford Theatre, Union Ave. and Alden St. BAYONNE—Biverside House. CBANFOED—Cranford Theatre, Eastman and North Ave. BAYONNE—The Empire Theatre, 508 Avenue C. CRANFORD—Elite Electric Theatre. BAYONNE—West Side Theatre, 11th St. and Broadway. DOVER—Baker Theatre, 41 W. Blackwell St. BEACH HAVEN—Beach Haven Theatre. DOVER-Bonton Theatre, 11 W. Blackwell St. BELFOBD—Belford Theatre, Main St., opp. P. 0. DOVEB—Lyric Theatre, IQVz W. Blackwell St. BELLEVILLE-Alpha Theatre, 87 Washington Ave. DOVEE—Playhouse, Morris St. BELLEVILLE—Hillside Pleasure Park Theatre, Washington Ave. DUMONT—Dumont Theatre, Madison Ave. BELMAB—Belmar Picture House. BAST OBANGB—Ampere Theatre. 217 N. 18th St. BELMAB—Happy Hour Theatre. EAST OBANGB—Halsted Theatre, Halsted St. and Central Ave. BELMAB—lona Park Theatre, 10th Ave. EAST OBANGB—Lyceum Theatre. 506 Main St. BELMAB—Seashell Theatre, 105 8th St. EAST BUTHEBFOBD—Park Theatre. 138 Park Ave. BELVIDEBE—Star Theatre, cor. Water and Market Sts. EGG HABBOB CITY—Aurora Theatre. BERNARDSVILLE—Bernard's Inn Auditorium. EGG HABBOB-Egg Harbor Palace, 217 Philadelphia Ave. BERGENFIELD—Crescent Theatre, Main and Summit Aves. ELIZABETH—Avenue Theatre, Elizabeth St.. nr. 5th St. BEVERLY—M. P. Theatre. ELIZABETH—Gaiety Theatre, 152 Broadwav. BLOOMFIELD—Empire Theatre, 596 Bloomfleld Ave. ELIZABETH—Boyal Theatre, 841 Elizabeth Ave. BLOOMFIELD—Olympic Theatre, 615 Bloomfleld Ave. ELIZABETH—Olympia Theatre. Spring St. and Elizabeth Ave. BLOOMFIELD—Playhouse Theatre. ELIZABETH—Hippodrome. Elizabeth Ave. and Broad St. RLOOMINGDALE—Rex Theatre, Main St. ELIZABETH—Proctor's Broad St. Theatre, 21 Broad St. ROONTON—Harris Lyceum Theatre, Main St. ELIZABETH—Walton Theatre, E. Jersey and 3rd Sts. BOONTON—New Bijou Theatre, 715 Main St. ELIZABETHPOET—Grand Theatre, 124 E. Jersey St. ?


Quo Vad i s Continues its unabated success as the first great motion picture masterpiece!

"Quo Vadis?" was the first motion picture to be booked as a theatrical attraction by a theatrical booking agency!

"Quo Vadis?" was the first motion picture of eight-reel length!

"Quo Vadis?" was the first motion picture to employ 3,500 people, 4o lions and a small army of stage carpenters and theatre mechanics of various kinds!

Not to see it is to miss an intellectual relish! Go See "Quo Vadis?"


NEW YORK CHICAGO ATLANTA 226 W. i2nd Street 166 N. State Street 43 Moore Building BOSTON DENVER DALLAS 597 Washington Street 405 Railroad Building 238 Saner Building LOS ANGELES MINNEAPOLIS PHILADELPHIA 701 Majestic Theatre 210 Temple Court 1309 Vine Street PITTSBURGH SEATTLE SAN FRANCISCO 509 L^-ceum Theatre Bldg. 213 Orpheum Theatre Bldg. 634 Pacific Bldg.

TORONTO — 56 King Street, West GEORGE KLEINE . T


NEW JERSEY—Continued

ENGLEWOOD—Pastime Theatre. 72-76 Palisade Ave. ENGLEVVOOD—Sauls Theatre, 27 Dean St. FAIKGKOUiXn—Liberty Theatre, Main St. FABMINGDALE—Palace Theatre, New St. liloomfleld Av FRANKLIN FURNACE—Franklin Theatre. St. FLEMINGTON—Moving Picture Parlor, Main St. NhW AKK—AnKiiiaii TiRaUc, ll3 Market FLEMINGTON—Opera House, Bloomfielcl Ave. NEWARK—Arcade Theatre, Broad and New Sts. FORT LEE—Fort Lee Auditorium, Main St. NEWARK—Belmont Square Theatre, Court and Belmont Aves. FREEHOLD—Electric Theatre. Throckmorton St. NEWARK-Belleview Theatre, 80 Belleville Ave. FREEHOLD—New Theatre, Main St. NEWARK—Bergen Theatre. Bergen St. and 16th Ave. GARFIELD—Garfield Theatre, 160 Palisade Ave. NEWARK—Bijou Dream Theatre, Military Park. GARWOOD—Garwood Theatre. NEWARK—Biograph Park Theatre, 1204 Broad St. GENOA—Lyric Photoplay. 1000 Main St. NEWARK— Carlton Theatre, Market and Halsey Sts. GENEVA—Le Grande Theatre. NEWARK-Central Park Theatre, 496 Central Ave. GLASSBORO—Auditorium. NEWARK— Clinton Square Theatre. GLEN RIDGE—School House. NlAV.MtK— I'lintonia Theatre, 436 Clinton Ave. GLOUCESTER—Palace Theatre, IS Burlington St. .M u a1!In I r.iniiial Theatre, 39 Bloomfleld Ave. GREENWOOD LAKE—Windermere Theatre. > .^lumbia Theatre, 78 7th Ave. GUTTENBURG—Casino Theatre, 25th and E. 4th Sts. \n\ \ltK t.\,ial Theatre, 282 Wasliington St. HACKENSACK—Bijou Theatre, 144 Main St. -MAN MiK I Tlieatre, 1 ,S Bruntiiall PI. ...v.:..!.! HACKENSACK—Crown Theatre, 108 Anderson St. .M W MIK • Tlirairr. uraiiKr Broad Sts. HACKENSACK—Lyric Theatre, 165 Main St. !• - HACKETTSTOWN—Opera House. : I' <-.iiii:c Ave. and Grove - I HaCKETTSTOWN—The Star Theatre. Main St. M w . l;|iiomfleld Sts. HADDON HEIGHTS—Haddon Heights Theatre.

I I HADDONFIELD—Hadonfield M. P, Theatre, Kings Highway M w , .\ve. and 18th Sts. HAMBURG—Idle Hour Theatre. HAMMONTON—Bellevue Theatre.

HAJIMONTON—Lyric Theatre. Bellevue Ave. I :; Broad St. HAMMONTON—New Palace Tlieatre. 207 Bellevue Ave. -M.WAliK M .11. ij,, i-.ioad St. HAVELOCK—Le Grande Theatre. NLWAKIv— l.Jl,. Ildui IlKaii... .-,117 s. Orange Ave. HIGH BRIDGE—Eldorado Theatre, Main St. NEWARK—Impeiial Tlieatre, ISO Springfield Ave. HIGHLANDS—Water Witch Casino. NEWARK—Liberty Theatre. 184 Ferty St. HIGHTSTOWN—Electric Theatre. NEWARK—Lincoln Theatre. 402 Bellville Ave. HIGHTSTOWN—Hightstown Opera House, Chur. Stockton Sts. NEWARK—Lincoln Theatre, 525 S. Orange Ave. HOBOKEN—Bishop's Theatre. Washington and 1st Sts. NEWARK—Leader Theatre, 990 S. Orange Ave. HOBOKEN—City Theatre, 1st and .lackson Sts. NEWARK—Lorraine Park Theatre, Ifith St. and Central Ave. HOBOKEN—Eureka Theatre, 259 1st St. NEWARK—Lyceum Dream Theatre, 385 Springfield Ave. HOBOKEN—14th St. Theatre. 14th St. and Park Ave. NEWARK—Lyric Theatre, 209 Market St. HOBOKEN—Hippodrome, 420 Washington St. NEWARK—Majestic Theatre, 99 Springfield Ave. HOBOKEN—Jefferson Theatre. 465 1st St. NEWARK—Majestic Theatre, 534 Springfield Ave. HOBOKEN—Lyric Theatre, Hudson St. JEWARK- HOBOKEN—Metropole Theatre. 324 River St. NEWARK—Odeon Tl 100 Springfield HOBOKEN—Park Theatre, 354 5th St. NEWARK—Orpheum e. 69 Pacific St. HOBOKJIN—Pastime Theatre. 607 Washington St. NEWARK—Orplieum -e. 347 Broad P HOBOKEN—U. S. Theatre, 617 Washington St. NEWARK—Park Tli.

IBVINGTON—City Theatre. NEWARK-Park \ .

IRVINGTON—Irving Theatre, 1055 CUnton Ave. NEWARK—Pai a I IRVINGTON—Public Amusement Park Theatre. Springfield and NEWARK—Pla\ IRVINGTON—Star Theatre. 43rd and Springfield Sts. NEWARK—ProLldi , JAMESBURG—Liberty Theatre, Railroad Ave. NEWARK—Ross .Viii JAMESBUBG—Opera House. .\ EWA RK—Rosev i I le tre. 459 C JAMESBURG—People's Theatre, Willow St. NEWARK—Roval Th 491 Broa: JERSEY CITY—Academy of Music, 4 Gregory St. NEWARK—Savoy Th 605 Oran JERSEY CITY—Ampere Theatre, 1130 Summit Ave. NEWARK— Scenario JERSEY CITY—Auditorium, 299 Central Ave. XI.AVAHK— Star I'ai JERSEY CITY—Apollo Theatre. Wilkinson and Jackson Aves JERSEY CITY—Bay View Theatre, Bay View Ave. JERSEY CITY—Brunswick Dream Theatre, 131 Brunswick St. JERSEY CITY—Casino Theatre, 554 Newark Ave. JERSEY CITY—Comedy Theatre, 481 W. Side Ave. JERSEY CITY—Danforth Theatre, 144 Danforth St. JERSEY CITY—Fairview Theatre, Fairview and Monticello. JERSEY CITY—5c Academy, 342 Central Ave. JERSEY CITY—Gem Theatre. 444 Jackson Ave. JERSEY CITY—Hippodrome. 152 Monticello Ave. .lERSEY CITY —Hippodrome. 388 Central Ave. ) George b^t.'"" JERSEY CITY—Keith & Procter's J. C. Theatre, 174 Newark 458 George St. JERSEY CITY—Monticello Theatre. 80 Monticello Ave. JERSEY CITY—Nickolet Thealre, .^2 Newark Ave. JERSEY CITY—Orpheum Tli. iiir.v .-,si summit Ave. 1' . JERSEY CITY—Orpheum TIm , ( iiiers. JERSEY CITY—Plaza Th. :.i v> .we. and Union Si Bergenline and

JERSEY CITY—Princess 'll! ' i.al Ave.

JERSEY CITY—Regent Thn, ,, jT- i i,-n„ Ave. and Boardwalk. JERSEY CITY—Tuxedo Tliiuu.-. .^4s .\i«aik Ave. JERSEY CITY HEIGHTS—Star Theatre. 445 Central Ave. Asbury Ave. KEARNEl —Grant Theatre. 4 Johnston Ave. k and Morrl KEYPORT—Armory Theatre. Id Day Sts. KEYPORT—New Casino Theatre. Ist and Broad Sts. KEYPORT— Sinf Tliratre. Front St. Theatre. 199 Main St. i;i TlMutic. Ave. LAKEWOnii- 115 Clifton I Theatre. 335 Main St.

L.\KEWii(M. \1 : , Casino, 305 6th St. Theatre. 149 William St.

, LAKEWiKil I i Theatre. 104 Clinton Ave. V Theatre. Freeman S LAMBEIi'I\ 11.1,1 ! .i-.u,t Hour Theatre. Chur 'h St.

LAMBERTMLLi;— I St. Amusement Palace. 14 Union Si LINCOLN—Lyric Theatre. Central Blvd. LINDEN—Linden Opera House. Noon Ave. LITTLE FERRY- Crescent Arcade Theatre. LODI—Star Theatre. Main St. LONG BRANCH—Broadway Theatre. 135 Broadway. LONG BRANCH—Lotus Theatre, Brighton and O-ean Aves. LONG BRANCH—Long Branch Opera House, Washington St.. LONG BRANCH—Parker Theatre, 160 Broadway. MADISON—Electric Theatre, 75 Main St. MADISON—Savoy Theatre, Waverly PI. and Elmer St. I T K \— I p 1 ILANASQUAN-New Theatre, South St. PATERSON—Home Theatre. MANASQUAN—Unger Theatre. PATERSON—Paterson Show MATAWAN—Dreamland Theatre. PATERSON—Pleasant Hour MATAWAN—Lyric Theatre. PATERSON—Regal Theatre. MAYS LANDING—Mays Landing Opera House. PATERSON—Roval Theatre. MEDFORD—Auditorium PATERSON—Star Thea 137 Main St. MERCHANTSVILLE—Little Theatre. PATFRSON—Star Thca 49 Albion Ave. METUCHEN—Lyric Theatre. PATERSON—Strand Tl re. 128 Main S MILLVILLE—Alhamhra Theatre. Vine St. PATERSON—The Srnii " 6 Ml AHLLVILLE-Levoy Theatre, 130 High St. P^TPRSON- MT. HOLLY—Dreamland Theatre. 31 High St. PAULSBORO—M:i MT. HOLLY—Opera House." PERTH AMBOY-

MILLVILLE—Casino Theatre. Union Lake Park. PERTH AMBOY i n MILLVILLF—Hand Theat'-e, High St. PERTH AMBOY- <;::,,, mLLVILLE—Union Lake Park Theatre, Union Lalie Park. PERTH AMBOY— Hall MORRISTOWN—Bijou Theatre, 14 Washington St PERTH AMBOY—Male; 1 24 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY THIRTEEN! No producer of Features ever offered Thirteen Consecutive Releases more carefully made, more worthy that much- abused term, "Masterpiece" — more truly representative of

the idealistic in pictures !

If You Haven't Played Them All See the Kleine Manager Nearest You

"STOP THIEF" "DU BARRY" In Six Parts, with Mrs. Leslie Carter in the title role, sup- In Five Parts, featuring Mary Ryan, Harry Mestayer, and a ported by Campbell GoUan, Richard Thornton and Ham- cast of the original stars. Founded on the Cohan & Harris ilton Revelle, all of the original cast. A magnificent film success, by Carlyle Moore. box-office winner. A founded on the stage play, now booking heavily throughout the country. "OFFICER 666" "JULIUS CAESAR" In Six Parts. A magnificent spectacle, featuring Anthony In Five Parts, featuring Howard Estabrook, Sidney Sea- Novelli and a cast of 20,000 people. A masterpiece in every ward, Dan Moyles and others of the original stage cast. Founded on the Cohan & Harris play by Augustin Mac- Hugh. One of the most delightful comedies on the Ameri- "ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA" can market. In Eight Parts. No finer work has ever been projected. One of filmdom's greatest contributions to the world of "THE NAKED TRUTH" art. Featuring Anthony Novelli. In Five Parti, featuring f.yda Borelli. A beautiful story, beautifully told. A box-office magnet of demonstrated "BETWEEN SAVAGE AND TIGER" capabilities. In Six Parts. A splendid story of adventure in India. One of the greatest wild animal subjects ever made. "THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEII" In Six Parts. A beautiful him version of DuKver-r.,ytton's "SPARTACUS" immortal storv. Immenselv spectacular—always a money- In Six_ Parts. A mammoth spectacle—twin sister to "Quo getter. Vadis?" A tale of early Rome, dramatic and powerful. "EUROPEAN ARMIES IN ACTION" "FOR NAPOLEON AND FRANCE" In Four Parts. Timely views of the great armies and In Six Parts. A story of France and the great Napoleon. monarchs involved in the mighty war. A money-getter. Big battle scenes. A delightful love tale. Featuring Anthony A capacity house feature. Novelli. "QUO VADIS?" "THE LION OF VENICE" Unquestionably the most widely-known motion picture in In Six Parts. Made at Venice, Italy. A story of the existence. The feature that did more to alter conditions 14th Century, rich in dramatic action. An educational and in the picture business than any other single influence. .\ historical maiterpiece. master's work. BOOKING THROUGH THE KLEINE OFFICES NEW YORK CHICAGO TORONTO 226 W. 42nd Street 166 N. State Street 56 King St., W. BOSTON DENVER ATLANTA 597 Washington Street 405 Railroad Bldg. 43 Moore Bldg. LOS ANGELES MINNEAPOLIS DALLAS 701 Majestic Theatre Bldg. 210 Temple Court Bldg. 238 Saner Bldg. PITTSBURGH SEATTLE PHILADELPHIA 509 Lyceum Theatre Bldg. 213 Orpheum Theatre Bldg. 1309 Vine Street


NEW JERSEY—Continued

akUn Sts. TEENTON—Cozy Corner Theatre, 667 Princeton Ave. TEENTON—Empire Theatre. 118 N. Warren St. PEKTH AilBOY—Proctor's Theatre. TEENTON—Market St. Theatre, Market St, PERTH ASIBOY—Boval Theatre, 131 Smith St. TEENTON—New Bijou Theatre, 1116 Chestnut St, PHILLTPSBUKG—Gem Theatre. 446 S. Main St. TEENTON-Nickolet Theatre, 134 Broad St. PHILLIPSBURG—Tuxedo Theatre. 370 S. Main St. TEENTON—Eoyal Theatre, 110 S, Broad St. PITMAN—Park Theatre, Pitman and W. Jersey Aves. TEENTON-State St. Theatre, 209 E. State St. PLAINFIELD—Lyric Theatre. 202 W. Front St. TEENTON-The Savoy, 505 N. CUnton St, PLAINFIELD^—Proctor's Theatre, Front St. TEENTON—Star Theatre. 7 S, Broad St. PLEASANTVILLE—Decatur Hall. TEENTON—Taylor Opera House, S. Broad St, PLEASANTVIULE—Hubins Theatre. Main St. TEENTON—Trent Theatre, Warren St. PLEASANTVILLE—People's Theatre. TEENTON—Victoria Theatre, 518 Hamilton Ave. POINT PLEASANT—Empire Theatre. Bay Ave. UNION HILL—Auditorium Theatre, 15 Bcrgenline Ave. POINT PLEASANT—Gem Theater. Arnold Ave. UNION HILI^Bijou Theatre. Bergenline Ave. PORT MOBBIS—Biograph Theatre. UNION HILL—, 283 Bergenline Ave. PORT MORRIS—Hunt's Theatre. Main St. UNION HILL—Eagle Hippodrome Theatre, 407 Lewis St. PT. PLEASANT—Gem Theatre, Bay Ave. UNION HILL—Hudson Theatre, New York Ave. and Lewis St. PT. PLEASANT—Ungerer Theatre. UNION HILI^Palace Theatre, 142 Bergenline Ave. PRINCETON—Arcade Theatre, 138 Nassau St. UNION HILI^Park Theatre, 263 Park Ave. PRINCETON—Princeton Theatre. 27 Witherspoon St. UNION HILI^Pastlme Theatre, 4th St. and Broadway. BAHWAY—Auditorium. 9S Irving St. VEBONA—Verona Lake Park Theatre. RAHWAY—Empire Theatre. VINELAND—Auditorium. N, S. of Plum. nr. 6th St. BAH'WAY'— Theatare. fl6 Irving St. VINELAND—Grand Theatre, 431 Landls Ave. RAHWAY—New Lyric Tkeatre, 136 Mam St. VINELAND—Edgar's Biograph Theatre, Landis Ave. RAHWAY'—Bahway Opera House. VINELAND—Lyric Theatre, 517 Landis Ave, RAMSEY—Ramsey Casino Theatre. Main St. WASHINGTON—Jewel Theatre, RARITAN—Barltan Theatre, Anderson St. WASHINGTON—Opera House, Belvidere and Washington Aves. BED BANK—Empire Theatre. WASHINGTON—Skella Theatre, RED BANK—Lyric Theatre. WEEHAWKEN—American Theatre, 162 Park Ave. BED BANK—Majestic Theatre. WESTFIELD—Playhouse, 125 Elm St. RRHRSIDE—Crystal Palace Theatre. WESTFIELD—Westfleld Theatre, 116 Elm St, BIDGEFIELD PARK-Park Theatre. Bergen Pike. nr. Bidgefleld Ave. WEST END—Lyric Theatre, 1st Ave. and Atlantic Hts. BUTHEBFOED—Criterion Theatre. 40 Ames Ave. WEST HOBOKBN—Criterion Theatre. 126 Patterson Ed. BIDGEWOOD—Eidgewood Opera House. WEST HOBOKEN—Assembly Hall. 100 Summit Ave. EIDGEWOOD—Eidgewood Playhouse Co. WEST HOBOKEN—City Theatre. 530 Spring St. BIVEESIDE—Riverside Auditorium. WEST HOBOKEN—Colonial Theatre. 734 Demott St. EOSELLE—Borough Hall M. P. Theatre. W^ST HOBOKEN—Empire Theatre, 126 Paterson Plank Ed. SALEM—Bijou Theatre. WEST HOBOKEN—Pastime Theatre, 607 Spring St. SALEM—Dreamland Theatre. W. Broadway. WEST HOBOKBN—Savoy Theatre. SALEM—Le Ray Theatre, 1 Walnut St. WEST HOBOKEN—Summit Hippodrome. 2 Summit Ave. SALEM—Salem Amusement Park, 130 W. Broadway. WEST HOBOKEN—Syms Theatre. 609 Syms St, SALEM—Salem Opera House, 5 Walnut St. WEST NEWAEK—Prospect Theatre. 794 Summer Ave. SEA BRIGHT—Gofer's Theatre, Ocean Ave. and Surf St. WEST NEW YORK—American Theatre. Bergenline Ave. and 20th St SEA HEIGHT—Star Theatre. WEST NEW YOEK—Family Theatre, 6th and Bergenline Aves. SEWAED—Lyric Theatre, WEST NEW YOEK—Home Theatre, 17th and Adams Sts. SEWAEEN—The Biograph, Boynton Beach. WEST OEANGE—Play House. 8 Valley Bd. SOMEBVILLE—Palace Theatre, 210 Main St. WEST OEANGE—Triangle Theatre. 335 Valley Bd, SOUTH AMBOY—Imperial Theatre. WESTWOOD—Westwood Opera House. SOUTH AMBOY—Theatorium, 112 David St. WOODBUEY—Green's Opera House, SOUTH ErVEB—Bonton Theatre, Main St. WOODSTOWN—Humphrey's Theatre, SOUTH EIVEE—Star Theatre. WILDWOOD—Cozy Theatre. Poplar Ave. and Boardwalk. SPEING LAKE—Brighton Theatre. WILDWOOD—WUdwood Hippodrome. Boardwalk. SUilMEEVlLLE—Bijou Theatre. 65 W. Main St. WILLIAMSTOWN—Opera House. Main St. SUMSnT—Model Theatre. WOODBINE—Woodbine Theatre. SUTMMIT—Summit Opera House. Boulevard and Springfield Ave. WOODBEIDGE—Pleasure Park Theatre. Hackensack St, SUSSEX—Hornbeck's Opera House. WOODBEIDGE—Wanawanda Theatre, Green St. SWEDESBORO—Lyric Theatre. WOODBEIDGE—Woodbrldge Theatre. 'TOM'S BIVER—Tom's Eiver Amusement Co.. Main and Washington Sts. WOODBUEY—Broad St, Theatre, Broad St. TRENTON—Band Theatre, Morris and Chestnut Aves. WOODCLIFF—Woodollff Theatre. Broadway and 28th St. TEENTON—Bijou Theatre, 23 N. Warren St. WOODLYNNE—Woodlynne Park Theatre. TEENTON—^Broad St. Theatre, Broad St. YORK—Dean Theatre. TEENTON—Centre Theatre. 422 Centre St. YORK—JoUo Theatre. Lincoln St, NEW MEXICO

ALAMAGOEDO—The Alcazar Theatre, 917 Pennsylvania Ave GALLUP—Gallup Electric Theatre, ALBUQUEEQUE—Crystal Theatre. 219 S, 2nd St, GALLUP—Orpheum Theatre. Ballroad Ave, ALBUQUEEQUE—Orpheum Theatre, GIBSON—Gibson Electric Theatre. Coal Camp. ALBUQUEEQUE—Pastime Theatre, LAS CRUCES—Grand Theatre. ARTESIA—Electric Theatre. LAS VEGAS—Mystic Theatre. AETESIA—Majestic Theatre, MAGOLLON—Midway Theatre. CANYON—Electric Theatre, PORTALES—Cozy Theatre. Saunders Bldg, CAELSBAD—People's Theatre. Western Ave. and 6th St. POETALES—Gem Theatre. CLOVIS—Lyceum Theatre, Box 582, RATON—Coal Camp Theatre, CXX)VIS—Majestic Theatre, RATON—Coliseum Theatre. CLOVIS—Orpheum Theatre, Main St., Blk. 49. RATON—Lyric Theatre. 136 S. 2nd St. COAL CAMP GIBSON—Gibson Electric Theatre. EOSWELL—Pastime Theatre. DAWSON—Dawson Opera House. ROSWELL—Princess Theatre. DEMING—Comet Theatre, 117 Silver Ave. SAN ANTONIA—Opera House. DEMING—Crystal Theatre. 114 W, Pine St, SANTA FE—Kays Theatre. DEiaNG—Dime Theatre, Golde Ave. SANTA FE—Opera House. N. Golistee St. EAST LAS VEGAS—Browne Theatre, SANTA RITA—Orpheum Theatre. EAST LAS VEGAS—Las Vegas Amusement Co., P. O. Box SILVER CITY—Gem Theatre. EAST LAS VEGAS—Photoplay Theatre. 614 Douglas Ave. SILVER CITY—Princess Theatre. 315 Bullard St. FAEMINGTON—Opera House, SOCORRO—Opera House, GALLUP—Empress Theatre, TUCUMCARI—Evans Opera House. 2nd St. NEW YORK

ADAMS—Picture Show. ALBANY—Proctor's Theatre, 45 Pearl St, AKRON—Star Theatre. ALBANY—Star Theatre, 52 S. Pearl St. ALBANY—Albany Grand Theatre, Clinton Sq, and N. Pearl St. ALBANY—White Way Theatre, 158 Pearl St. ALBANY—^Broadway Theatre. 515 Broadway. ALBION—Bijou Theatre. ALBANY—Central Theatre, 94-96 Central Ave. ALBION—Dreamland Theatre, ALBANY—Clinton Square Theatre, Clinton Sq. and Clinton Ave. ALBION—Hippodrome Theatre. ALBANY—Colonial Theatre, 310 Central Ave. ALDEN—Liberal Hall Theatre. Main St, ALBANY—Fairyland Theatre, 234 S. Pearl St. ALDEN—Opera House Theatre. ALBANY—HiUcrest Theatre, 2nd Ave. AMITYVILLE—Lyceum Theatre. -Park Ave. ALBANY—Hudson Theatre. 276 Hudson Ave. AMITYVILLE—Opera House. Park Ave. ALBANY—Imperial Theatre Amusement Co.. 9 Osborne St. AMITYVILLE—Star Theatre, ALBANY—Majestic Theatre, 49 S. Pearl St, AMSTERDAM—Amsterdam Opera House. 97-£ ALBANY—Orpheum Theatre, 363 Clinton Ave. AMSTERDAM-Crystal Theatre. ALBANY—Palace Theatre, 146 S. Pearl St. AMSTERDAM—Ideal Theatre, Market St. ALBANY—Parkway Theatre, Madison Ave. AMSTERDAM-Lyceum Theatre, 133 Main St. ALBANY—People's Theatre. 124 Lark St. AMSTEBDAM—Premier Theatre. E. Main St. ALBANY-Pearl Theatre. 307 Central Ave. AMSTERDAM—Unique Theatre, 119 E. Main ; ALBANY—Proctor's Annex, 69 Peart St. AMSTEBDAM—Wonderland Theatre. 126 AxMERICAN ^rOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

Kleine Optical Co. 166 North State Street, Chicago, Illinois GEORGE KLEINE, Pres. Incorporated 1897

The Oldest and Largest JVholesaler and Retailer of Motion Picture Apparatus in America

A Scientifically Constructed Condensing Lens

The advent of the Kleine White Label Condenser has caused a sen- sation. On account of the high quality optical glass and the great care that is exercised in grinding the surfaces more light and a u'hiter light is obtained.

Guaranteed Do Not Fuss Not to Around with Discolor. Condensers that are No Light is Moulded from Lost. Ordinary Glass Ground from the Highest Such Condensers turn all colors of the rain- Grade bow and therefore ab- Optical Glass sorb a lot of the good light vou pay for.


inch Diameter, 6]/., iy2, 8>^, 10^, inch Focus . $1.25 4^ inch Diameter, 5^ inch Focus ...... $1.75 Use the Kleine White Label Condenser—the Condenser that Never Turns Color—and Obtain a Clearly Defined Spot and a Brilliant

White Light :: :: :: :: :: AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 127

NEW YORK—Continued

AA'DOVER—Opera House. BROOKLYN—Auditorium, 383 Myrtle Ave. ANDOVEE—Sherwood Theatre, Andover St. BEOOKLYN—Auditorium, 897 Fulton St. ANGOLA—Happy Hour Theatre. BEOOKLYN—Avon Picture Palace, 1219 Bedford Ave. ANGOLA—Star Theatre. BEOOKLYN—Bay Ridge Theatre, 7509 3rd Ave. ABCADE—Gem Theatre. Main St. BROOKLYN—Bedford Casino, 867 Bedford Ave. ADDISON—Grotto Theatre. BROOKLYN-Belvedere Theatre, 4505 3rd Ave. AJvTWEEP—Casino Theatre. BROOKLY'N—Berkley Theatre, 778 Union St. ASTORIA—Arcade Theatre, 347 Steinway Ave. BROOKLYN—Beverly Theatre, 598 Coney Island Ave. AST0RL4—Arena Theatre, Plant and Flusliing Aves. BROOKLYN—Blaney Theatre. 437 Bedford Ave. ASTORLi.—Astoria Schuetzcn Park, Broadway and Steinway Ave. BROOKLY'N—Brooklyn Comedy Theatre. 194 Grand St, ASTORLi—Broadway Theatre, 96 Broadway. BEOOKLYN—Brighton Theatre, 2441 Pitkin Ave. ASTORIA—Casino Garden Theatre, 321 Steinway Ave. BROOKLYN—Broadway Lyceum Theatre. 837 Broadway. ASTORIA—Favorite Theatre. 353 Pierce St. BROOKLYN—Brooklyn Theatre. 245 Franklin Ave. ASTORIA—Ideal Theatre, 155 Main St. BROOKLYN—Bunny Theatre. 314 Flatbush Ave. ASTORIA—Meriden Theatre, 16 Newtown Ave. BROOKLYN—Bunny Theatre, 314 4th Ave. ARDSLET—Lyceum Hall, Ashford Ave. BEOOKLY'N—Bushwlck Theatre, 1402 Broadway. ATHENS—Brook's Opera House, Main St. BEOOKLYN—Carlton Theatre, 292 Flatbush Ave. ARVERNE—Arverne Pier Theatre. BroadwaU;, foot of Vernan Ave. BEOOKLYN—Casino Theatre, 1475 Fulton St. AVOCA—Gem Theatre, Main St. BROOKLYN—Canoe Theatre, 2377 Pitldn Ave. AVON—Park Theatre. BEOOKLYN—Casmo Theatre, Flatbush Ave. and State St. AUBURN—Annex Theatre. BEOOKLY'N—Central Theatre. 349 Central Ave. AUBURN—Burti Auditorium, 39 Water St. BEOOKLYN—Chelsea Theatre. 40 Flatbush Ave. AUBURN—Burt Glen Opsra House. BEOOKLYN—Chester Theatre. 1671 Pitkin Ave. AUBLTIN—Cornell Theatre, 11 Green St. BROOKLYN—Chauncy Theatre. 1779 Broadway. AUBURN—. BROOKLYN—Clinton Theatre, 895 Fulton St. AUBURN—Jefferson Theatre. BROOKLYN—Claredon Theatre. 1105 Flatbush Ave. AUBURN-Motion World Theatre. 133 Genesee St. BROOKLYN—Cleveland Theatre. 2386 Pitldn Ave. AUBURN—Morgan Theatre. BROOKLYN—College Theatre. 1039 Myrtle Ave. AUBURN-Theatorium, 8 State St. BROOKLYN—Columbia Theatre, 1344 Jamaica Ave. AUSABEL FORKS—. BROOKLYN—Columbia Theatre. 61 Grand St. AUSABEL FORKS—Kamps Theatre. BROOKLY'N—Cold Theatre. 637 Broadway. BABTLON-Alhambra HaU, Deer Park Ave. BROOKLYN—Colonade Theatre. 544 Nostrand Ave. BABYLON—Babylon Theatre. Graham Ave. BROOKLYN—Comedy Theatre, 2949 Fulton St. BAINBRIDGE—Lyric Theatre. Main St. BROOKLYN—Comedy Am. Theatre, 194 Grand St. BALDWIN—Baldwin Theatre. BROOKLYN— Colonial Theatre. 991 Fulton St. BALDWIN—Southard Hall. Merrick Rd. BROOKLY'N—Colonial Theatre, 7415 5th Ave. BALSTON—Art Theatre, 126 Milton Ave. BROOKLYN—Colonial Theatre, 1746 Broadway. BATATIA—Dellinger Theatre, 105 Main St. BROOKLYN—Comedy Crescent Theatre, 3386 Fulton St. BATAVIA—FamUy Theatre. BROOKLY'N—Concord Theatre, Fulton and Richmond Sts. BATAVIA—Opera House, 105-7 Main St. BROOKLYN—Consumers Park, Washington Ave., nr. Malbone. BATH—Casino Theatre, Liberty St. BEOOKLYN—Crescent Theatre, 5115 5th Ave. BATH—Gem Theatre. BEOOKLYN—Crescent Theatre. Flatbush Ave., nr. Fulton St. BATH—New Bath Theatre, cor. Liberty and Steuben. BEOOKLYN—Crescent Theatre, 2125 Jamaica Ave. BATH BEACH—Bath Beach Coliseum, Bay 23rd St. and Bath Ave. BEOOKLYN—Criterion Theatre. Bedford Ave. and St. John PI. BATH BEACH—Bob Stone's Playhouse, 2077 S6th St. BEOOKLYN—Criterion Theatre. 570 Sutter Ave. BATH BEACH—Plaza Theatre. ISO Bay 19th Ave. BROOKLY'N—Cosey Corner Theatre. 163 Hamburg Ave. BAYSHORE—Carlton Opera House. BROOKLYN—Court Theatre, Adams St., nr. Myrtle Ave. BAYSHORE—Casino Theatre. BROOKLYN—Covert Garden Theatre, Nostrand Ave. and Union St. BAYSHORE—Forester Theatre. BROOKLYN—Crown Theatre, 500 Atlantic Ave. BAYSHORE-Orpheum Theatre. BROOKLYN—Crystal Palace Theatre, 148 Greenpolnt Ave. BELilONT—Happy Hour Theatre. Main St. BROOKLY'N—Decatur Theatre, 612 Hamburg Ave. BELLPOET—Comet Theatre. BROOKLYN—DeKalb Theatre. DeKalb and Brooklyn Aves. BAY'SIDE—Bayside Theatre. Bell Ave., nr. Montauk. BROOKLY'N—Dreamland Theatre. 4410 3rd Ave. BAYSIDE—^Hillside Lyceum. Bell Ave. BROOKLYN—Driggs Palace. 208 Driggs Ave. BENSONHURST—Park Theatre. 21st and Cropsey Aves. BROOKLYN—Ditmas Theatre. 115 Ditmas Ave. BERGEN BEACH—Casino Pier Theatre. BROOKLYN—Dorchester Theatre. S28 Coney Island Ave. BINGHAMTON—Clinton Theatre, 161 CUnton St. BROOKLYN—Dreamland Theatre. 282 Smith St. BINGHAMTON—Court Theatre. 36 Court St. BROOKLYN—Duffleld St. Theatre. 249 DuESeld St. BINGHAMTON—Crescent Theatre. 23 Crandall St. BROOKLYN—Eagle Theatre. 4505 3rd Ave. BINGHAMTON—Glenwood Theatre. 284 Clinton St. BROOKLYN—Eagle Vaudeville House. 1724 Pitkins Ave. BINGH,\iITON—Hippodrome Theatre. 36 Court St. BROOKLY'N—Eden Theatre. Atlantic Ave. BINGHAMTON—Keeney's Theatre. BROOKLYN—Eden Theatre, 409 5th Ave. BINGHAMTON—Kunkle Theatre. Vestal St. BROOKLYN—Electric Annex Theatre. 1155 Broadway. BINGHAMTON-Lyric Theatre, 134 Water St. BROOKLYN-Electra Theatre. 271 75th St., Bay Ridge. BINGHAMTON—New Happy Hour Theatre, 3S Clinton St. \I,YX— n.rtra Theatre, 7418-20 3rd Ave. ! BINGHAMTON—Robinson St. Theatre. ^ I \ I trie Theatre. 1160-62 Broadway. BINGHAMTON—Star Theatre. 51 Chenango St. Theatre, 2587 Atlantic Ave.

' BINGHAMTON—Stone Opera House. 449 Chenango St. 1 ' . ry St. Amusement Park, 123 EUery St. BINGHAMTON—Symphony Theatre. 109 Chenango St. ^1.". \ -I, .Hide Theatre, 5422 3rd Ave. BINGHAMTON—Temple Theatre. 301 Chenango St. vLY.N — i:ivy Theatre, 252 S. 4th St. ELASDELL—Blasdell Amusement Co., Lake Ave. BROOKLY'N—Emerald Theatre, 195 Graham Ave. BOONTILLE—Comstock Opera House Theatre. BROOKLY'N—Empire Theatre, Broadway and Ralph Ave. BOONVILLE—Mam St. Theatre, Main St. BROOKLYN—Empire Theatre, 1108 Sumter St. BOMBAY—New Hall. BROOKLYN—Empire Theatre, 2587 Atlantic Ave. BOLH'AR—Dreamland Theatre. Main St. BROOKLYN—Empire Theatre, 525 Grand Ave. BOLTON LANDING—Navajo Theatre. BROOKLYN—Erie Basin Theatre, 296 Van Brunt St. BREWSTER—Town Hall. BROOKLYN—Evergreen Theatre. Covert and Myrtle Aves. BRIDG'^POBT— Crescent Theatre. So Main St. BEOOKLY'N—Ethel Theatre, 895 Fulton St. BROCKPOET—Crescent Theatre. King St. BROOKLYN—Falrview Theatre, Putman and Fairview Aves. BEOCia>ORT—Globe Theatre, Main St. BEOOKLY'N—Family Theatre, 3188 Fulton St. BEOCKPOET—Lyric Theatre. BEOOKLYN-Farragut Theatre, 1371 Rogers Ave. BEOCTON—Star Theatre. BEOOKLYN—Flushing Palace Theatre, Flushing Knlck George. BEOWN STATION-^Eeservoir Theatre. BROOKLYN—Flatbush Amusement Park Theatre, 15 Flatbush Ai BEONX—Belle Paree Theatre. 416 E. 149th St. BROOKLY'N—Flatbush Auditorium, 114 E. 114th St. BEONX—Elmmere Theatre. Ave. BROOKLYN—Farrogott Theatre, Flatbush Ave. and Avenue F. BEONTi-Park Tlieatre. 1469 Mllkins Ave. BROOKLY'N—Flatbush Theatre, 1089 Flatbush Ave. BEONS—Eegent Theatre, 1045 Westchester Ave. BROOKLYN—Fifth Avenue Electric Theatre, 5815 5th Ave. BEOOKLYN—Abbey Theatre, 466 3rd Ave. BROOKLYN—, 5th Ave., cor. 4th St. BROOKLY'N—Academy Theatre. 1415 Myrtle Ave. BROOKLY'N—Fifth Avenue Hippodrome, 214 5th Ave. BEOOKLY'N—Acme Theatre. 4805 3rd Ave. BROOKLY'N—Fort Hamilton Theatre, 9108 5th Ave. BEOOKLYN—. 3355 Fulton St. BROOKLYN—Fulton Auditorium, 2049 Fulton St BEOOKLYN—Albany Theatre. .Johns PI. and Albany St. BROOKLYN-Fulton Amusement Palace, 1747 Fulton St. BROOKLYN-Albany Park Theatre. 1500 Fulton St. BROOKLYN— Theatre, 911 Fulton St BEOOKLY'N—Albany Park Theatre. Albany Park and Kingston Ave BROOKLYN—Folly Theatre. 15 Debevoise St. BEOOKLYN—Alcazar Theatre, 1282 Flatbush Ave. BROOKLYN—Fourth Avenue Show House. 470 4th Ave P.EOOKLTN—Alhambra Theatre. 216 Fulton St. BROOKLYN—Fulton Theatre, 1283 Fulton St. BEOOKLYN—Amusement Palace Theater. 2818 Jamaica Ave. BROOKLYN—Gaiety Theatre. Broadway and Ixjrlmer St EROOKLY-N—Aeroplane Theatre, 439 Fulton St. BEOOKLY'N—G. & M. Theatre. Buchwick Ave. and Flushing. BEOOKLYN-American Theatre. 910 Manhattan Ave. BEOOKLY'N—Gates Avenue Amusement Co., Gates and Beid Aves. BEOOKLYN—American Theatre. 866 Sutter Ave. BROOKLYN—Globe Theatre. 7-9 Sumter St. BEOOKLYN—Amoranth Theatre, 42nd St. and 13th Ave. BROOKLYN—Graham Palace Theatre. 71 Graham Ave. BEOOKLYN—Amphion Theatre, Bedford and Division Ave. BROOKLYN—Grand Theatre, 741 Grand St. BROOKLYN—Arcade Theatre. 350 Myrtle Ave. BROOKLY'N—Grand Theatre. 4918 3rd Ave. BEOOKLYN-Argyle Theatre. 1217 Bedford Ave. BROOKLY'N—Grand View Theatre. Woodward and Woodbine Ave BEOOKLYN—Arena Theatre, 172-174 Flatbush Ave. BROOKLY'N—Greenpolnt Theatre, 825 Manhattan Ave BROOKLYN—Arlington Theatre. 361 Arlington Ave. BROOKLYN—Green Point Star Theatre, 257 Driggs Ave BROOKLYN—Astor Theatre. 632 Tanderbilt Ave. BROOKLYN—Garfield M. P. Garden. 269 5th Ave. BROOKLYN—Atlantic Theatre. 2646 Atlantic Ave. BROOKLYN—Garden Theatre, 393 Grand St. BROOKLYN Gayety Theatre, BEOOKLYN—Atlantic M. P. Theatre. 70 Atlantic Ave. — Throop Ave. BROOKLYN—Globe Theatre, 228 15th St. BEOOKLYN—Atlantic Theatre. 7th Ave., cor. 52nd St. BROOKLYN—Glenwood Theatre. 1520 Flatbush Ave. BEOOKLYN—Atlas Theatre. 5011 3rd Ave. BROOKLYN—Gotham Theatre. 2662 Fulton St. BROOKLYN-Auditorium. 15 Park St. BROOKLYN—Grand Opera House. 12 Elm PI 128 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

A Theatre Built

OR Remodeled

BY Diegley & Campbell Contractors For all Kinds of Buildings

Address City Hall Square Building

Phone Centra! 5222 Chicago, 111.

Plans Furnished or Send Us Your Plans For Estimates AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 129

NEW YORK—Continued

BROOKLYN—Graham Arcade Theatre. 3S5 Graham Ave. BROOKLYN—Park Theatre, 529 Park Ave. BROOKLYN—Grant Theatre. 1374 Bedford Ave. BROOKLYN—Park Theatre, Broadway, CUnton and Washington Sts BROOKLYN—Greenpolnt Theatre, 1825 Greeiipoint Ave. BROOKLYN—Park Theatre, 69th and Utrecht Ave. BROOKLYN—Greenwood Theatre, 302 9th Ave. BROOKLYN—Parkway Theatre, 1586 Bushwick Ave. BROOKLYN—Hamburg Hippodrome, 44 Hamburg Ave. BROOKLYN—Parkway Theatre, Schenectady Ave., nr. Johns PI. BROOKLY'N—Hamilton Theatre, 576 3rd Ave. BROOKLYN—Parkville Theatre, 1028 Gravesand Ave. BROOKLYN—Happyland Theatre, Columbia and Nelson Sts. BROOKLYN—Pastime Theatre, 689 Knickerbocker Ave. BROOKLYN—Happyland Park Theatre, Myrtle Ave. and Harmon St. BROOKLYN—Pastime Theatre, 869 Myrtle Ave. BROOKLYN—Havemeyer Theatre, 165 Haveraeyer St. BROOKLYN—Payton's Lee Ave. Theatre, 170 Division St. BROOKLYN—HerUck Amusement Park Theatre, 2237 Pitkin Ave. BROOKLYN—People's Pleasure Palace. 1676 Broadway. BROOKLYN-Highway Theatre, N. E. cor. E, 14th St. and Kings High- BROOKLYN—Phillips Lyceum. Montrose Ave. and Leonard St. BROOKLYN—Photoplay Theatre. 13 Kosciusko PI. BROoSyN—Hillcrest Theatre, 15th St. and 9th Ave. BROOKLYN-Photoplay Theatre. 188 21st St. BROOKLYN—Hippodrome, 1740 Fulton St. BROOKLYN—Photoplay Theatre, 98 5th Ave. BROOKLYN—Hippodrome. 158 Myrtle Ave. BROOKLYN—Picture Theatre, 100th St. and 4th Ave. BROOKLYN—Holler Amusement Theatre. 13 Kosciusko PI. BROOKLYN—Plctureland Theatre, 13 Chauncey St. BROOKLYN—Homestead Theatre, Central Ave. and Cooper St. BROOKLYN—Pictureland Theatre, 1468 Broadway. BROOKLYN—Hudson Theatre, 207 Myrtle Ave. BROOKLYN—Peerless Theatre, 5612 5th Ave. BROOKLYN-H. & B. Theatre, 419-21 7th Ave. BROOKLYN—Plaza Theatre, 168 High St. BROOKLYN—Halsey Theatre, Halsey St. and Broadway. BROOKLYN—Plaza Theatre, 166 Park PI. BROOKLYN—Hanover Theatre, 571 Fulton St. BROOKLYN—Plaza Theatre, Flatbush and 7th Ave. BROOKLYN—Happy Hour Theatre, 234 Columbia St. BROOKLYN—Pleasant Theatre. 239 Lee Ave. BROOKLYN—Harrison Ave. Theatre, 104 Harrison Ave. BROOKLYN—Pleasant Hour Theatre. 309 Columbia St. BROOKLYN—Homerest Theatre, Avenue U and Coney Island Ave. BROOKLYN—Pleasant Hour Theatre, 127 5th Ave. BROOKLYN—Huntington Theatre, Huntington St. and Hamilton Ave. BROOKLYN—Pleasureland Theatre, 1272 Broadway. BROOKLYN—Idle Hour Theatre, 257 Prospect Ave. BROOKLYN—PoUteani Theatre, 116 Hamburg Ave. BROOKLYN—Irving Theatre. Myrtle, Irving and Grove Sts. BROOKLYN—Princess Theatre, 404 Gates Ave. BROOKLYN—Italian Theatre, 260 Bushwick Ave. BROOKLYN—Princess Theatre, 3186 Fulton St. BROOKLYN—Joyland Park, 1416 Myrtle Ave. BROOKLYN—Prospect Palace. 570 5th Ave. BROOKLYN—Idle Hour Theatre, 308 St. Nicholas Ave. BROOKLYN—Prospect Theatre. 72 Rogers Ave. BROOKLYN—Imperial Theatre, 645 3rd Ave. BROOKLYN— Theatre. 478 Prospect PI. BROOKLYN—Imperial Theatre, 520 Graham Ave. BROOKLYN—Prospect Summer Theatre. 273 Prospect Ave. BROOKLYN—Imperial Theatre, 869 Halsey St. BROOKLYN—Prospecta Theatre, 269 Prospect Park, W. BROOKLYN—Imperial Theatre, 1302 60th St. BROOKLYN—Public PI. Theatre, 555 Graham Ave. BROOKLYN—International Theatre, 100 Union St. BROOKLYN—Quincy Theatre, Ralph Ave., cor. Quincy St. BROOKLYN—Jefferson Casino, 474 Hamburg Ave. BROOKLYN—Redempt Auditorium, 6tli Ave. and 59th St. BROOKLYN—Jefferson Theatre, 811 Myrtle Ave. BROOKLYN—Rex Theatre, 534 Gates Ave. BROOKLYN—Jones Theatre, 870 Fulton St. BROOKLYN—Ridgewood Hippodrome, 498 Ralph St. BROOKLYN—Kerman's Vaudeville House, 1724 Pitkins Ave. BROOKLYN—Ridgewood Amusement Co., 189 Eldert St. BROOKLYN—Kosciusko Theatre, 1134 Broadway. BROOKLYN—Ridgewood Amusement Palace, 490 Woodward Ave. BROOKLYN—Kosciusko PI. Theatre, 13 Kosciusko PI. BROOKLYN—Ridgewood Casino, 383 Knickerbocker Ave. BROOKLYN—Keeny Fulton St. Theatre, 972 Fulton St. BROOKLYN—Royal Theatre, 237 Ralph Ave. BROOKLYN—Kings Highway Casino, Kings Highway and E. 12th St. BROOKLYN-Bockaway Hippodrome, 2067 Fulton St. BROOKLYN—LaughUn Lyceum Oval, Jackson St. and Kingsland. BROOKLYN—Rockaway Theatre, 547 Rockaway Ave. BROOKLYN—Luna Theatre, 213 Columbia St. BROOKLYN—Ronly Theatre, 1880 Fulton St. BROOKLYN—Leonard Theatre, 222-24 Leonard St. BROOKLYN—Royal Theatre, 15 Willoughby St. BROOKLYN—Lewis Theatre, 3 Lewis Ave. BROOKLYN—St. George Theatre. 222 Cort St. BROOKLYN—Liberty Theatre, Liberty St. and Stone Ave. BROOKLYN—St. Marks Park, 1320 St. Marks Ave. BROOKLYN—Lincoln PI. Theatre, Bedford Ave. and Lincoln PI. BROOKLYN—Saratoga Auditorium, 2026 Fulton St. BROOKLYN—Linden Theatre, 815 Flatbush Ave. BROOKLYN—Savoy Theatre, 420 Tompkins Ave. BROOKLYN-Loew's Bijou, 26 Smith St. BROOKLYN—Savoy Theatre, 852 Flatbush Ave. BROOKLYN—Loew's Warwick Theatre. Jerome and Fulton Sts. BROOKLYN—Savoy Theatre, 282 Smith St BROOKLYN—Louraine Theatre, 140 7th Ave. BROOKLYN—Savoy Theatre, 200 N. Sth St. BROOKLYN—Lyric Theatre, 519 Palmetto St. BROOKLYN—Scenic Theatre, 508 Atlantic Ave. BROOKLYN—MacLan's Theatre, 4518 3rd Ave. BROOKLYN—SheU Theatre, 2851 Atlantic Ave. BROOKLYN—Magnet Theatre, 473 Grand St. BROOKLYN—Shore Road Theatre. 100th St. and 4th Ave. BROOKLYN—Majestic Theatre. 651 Fulton St. BROOKLYN—Star Theatre. 389 Jay St. BROOKLYN—Majestic Theatre, Seneca Ave. and Greene St. BROOKLYN—Sunset Theatre, Bushwick, cor. Flushing. BROOKLYN—Marathon Theatre, 188 Prospect Park, W. BROOKLYN—Sterling Theater, 125 Sth Ave. BROOKLYN—Margareth Theatre. 112 Beverly Rd. BROOKLYN—Sunset Theatre, 4705 5th Ave. BROOKLY'N—Manhattan Theatre, Manhattan, nr. Eagle St. BROOKLYN—Star Theatre, 121 Graham Ave. BROOKLYN—Marcy Theatre, Marcy Ave. and Broadway. BROOKLYN—Star Theatre, 630 Bergen Ave. BROOKLYN—Mardi Gras Theatre, Nostrand and Clarkson Ave. BROOKLYN—Star Theatre, 555 Grand St. BROOKLYN—Marion Theatre. 1404 60th St. BROOKLYN—Star Theatre, 13th and 39th Sts. BROOKLYN—Mazan's Theatre, 1302 60th St. BROOKLYN—Stuyvesant Theatre. 680 Gates Ave. BROOKLYN—McDonough Theatre, 958 Marcy Ave. BROOKLYN—Summer Theatre. 18 Summer Ave. BROOKLYN—MeWUe Theatre. 551 Court St. BROOKLYN—Surprise Vaudeville, 1703 Pitkin Ave. BROOKLYN—Meserole Theatre, Meserole and Gurnsey Sts. BROOKLYN—Sutter Theatre. 436 Sutter Ave. BROOKLYN—Metropolitan Theatre. 1026 Flushing Ave. BROOKLYN—Sylvia Theatre, 513 50th St. BROOKLYN—Meeker Theatre, 186 Meeker Ave. BROOKLYN-Third Avenue Theatre, 566 3rd Ave. BROOKLYN—Meserole Park Theatre, Meserole and Leonard Sts. BROOKLYN—Thompson Theatre, 569 Sterling PI. BROOKLYN—Metropolitan Theatre, 168 Manhattan Ave. BROOKLYN—Throop Theatre, 963 Myrtle Ave. BROOKLYN—Metropolitan Music Hall, 1770 Pitkin Ave. BROOKLYN—Tompkins Theatre, 54 Tompkins Ave. BROOKLYN-Milton Photo Theatre, 417 Grand St. BROOKLYN—Touraine Theatre. 140 7th Ave. BROOKLYN—Mirror Theatre, 799 McDonough St. BROOKLYN—Tuxedo Theatre. 1520 Flatbush Ave. BROOKLYN—Mt. Morris Auditorium, 621 Sutter Ave. BROOKLYN—The Remsen Theatre, Court and Hemsens Sts. BROOKLYN—Midwood Theatre, Avenue J. bet. 13th and 14th Sts. BROOKLYN—Unionville Theatre. Bay 36th St. and Cropsy. BROOKLYN—Montauk Theatre, Bath Beach. BROOKLYN—Universal Theatre, 84 Hamilton Ave. BROOKLYN—Moon Theatre, 3904 Ft. Hamilton Ave. BROOKLYN—Union Theatre, 600 Union St. BROOKLYN—Myrtle Theatre, 1374 Myrtle Ave. BROOKLYN—Union Theatre, 131 Union Ave. BROOKLYN—Myrtle Auditorium, 389 Myrtle Ave. BROOKLYN—, 895 Fulton St. BROOKLYN—Mystic Theatre. 5110 3rd Ave. BROOKLYN—Van Buren Theatre, 1216 Broadway. BROOKLYN—National Theatre, 7211 loth Ave. BROOKLYN—Van Cortland Park Theatre, cor. Myrtle and Anton BROOKLYN—National Vaudeville Park Theatre, Fulton and Chestnut Sts. BROOKLYN—Van Dome Theatre, 4th St. and 7th Ave. BROOKLYN—Nassau Theatre, Nassau Ave., nr. Manhattan. BROOKLYN—Variety Theatre, 116 Graham Ave. BROOKLYN—Nassau Theatre, 337 Grand St. BROOKLYN—Van Sicklen Park Theatre, Van Sicklen Ave. BROOKLYN—National Theatre, 1723 Nostrand Ave. BHOOKLY^N—Victoria Theatre, St. Johns PI. BROOKLYN—Naval Family Theatre, 211 Sands St. BROOKLYN—Varrazzano Theatre, 266 3rd Ave. BROOKLYN—New Linden Theatre, Flatbush Ave. and Linden. BROOKLYN—Variety Theatre, 18 Summer Ave. BROOKLYN-New Lotts Theatre, 380 New Letts Rd. BROOKLYN—Venetian Gardens, 261-263 Prospect Ave. BROOKLYN—New Park Theatre, 529-531 Park Ave. BROOKLYN—Vesonio Theatre, 227 Union Ave. BROOKLYN—Nickelodeon, 113 Manhattan St. BROOKLYN—Villa Elena Theatre, 24 Garfield PI. BROOKLYN—Nugent's Casino Theatre. 499 Grand St. BROOKLYN—Warren Theatre, 98 5th Ave. BROOKLYN—Novelty Theatre, S. 4th St. and Biggs Ave. BROOKLYN—Warwick Theatre. Fulton and Warwick Sts. BROOKLYN—New Grand Theatre, 310 Grand St. BROOKLYN—Warwick Theatre, Jerome and Fulton Sts. BROOKLYN—North Pole Theatre. 565 Metropolitan Ave. BROOKLYN—Washington Theatre, 747 Bergen St. BROOKLYN—Ocean Hill Park Airdome, 2114 Fulton St. BROOKLYN-Washington Theatre, 296 5th Ave. BROOKLYN—Olympic Theatre. 98 Greenpolnt Ave. BROOKLYN—Washington Theatre, 656 Union Ave. BROOKLYN—Orpheum Theatre. 578 Fulton St. BROOKLYN—Washington Theatre, 344 Sth Ave. BROOKLYN—Osiris Theatre, 6020 5th Ave. BROOKLYN—West End Theatre, 52nd St. and New Utrecht BROOKLYN—Owl Theatre, 626 Broadway. BROOKLYN-Willoughby Theatre, 256 Knickerbocker Ave. BROOKLYN—Paradise Theatre, 436 5th Ave. BROOKLYN—Whitney Theatre. Myrtle St. and Fresh Pond BROOKLYN—Olympic Theatre, 342 Adams St. BROOKLYN—Wyckoff Arcade, 249 Wyckoff Ave. BROOKLYN—Oriole Theatre, DeGraw and Henry Sts. BUFFALO—Aerial Theatre, High and Michigan Sts. BROOKLYN—Oxford Theatre. Flatbush Ave. and State St BUFFALO—Alhara bra Theatre. 681 Fillmour Ave BROOKLYN—Palace Theatre. 886 DeKalb Ave. BUFFALO—Allendale Theatre. Allen, nr. Wood St BROOKLYN—Palace Theatre. 423 14th St. BUFFALO—Amherst Theatre. 1848 Niagara St. BROOKLYN—Palace Theatre, 419 7th Ave. BUFFALO—Amuse Theatre. 1820 Genesee St BROOKLYN—Palace Theatre, 1898 Fulton St. BUFFALO—Art Theatre, 1225 Sycamore St. BROOKLYN—Paramount Theatre, 412 Knickerbocker Ave. BUFFALO—Broadway Lyceum Theatre, 330 Broadway. BROOKLYN—Park Palace Theatre. 268 Knickerbocker Ave. BUFFALO—Bijou Theatre, Main St. and N. Division BROOKLYN—Park Theatre. 455 7th Ave. BUFFALO—Casino Theatre, Genesee and Kehr Sts. BROOKLYN—Park Theatre. 552 5th Ave. BUFFALO—Cazenovia Theatre, 2110 Seneca St. 130 A I\[ E R I C A X :M 0 T I 0 N PI (' T R E D T R E C T 0 R Y

A Typical Studio Liglited with Cooper Hewit i I. amps


American Film Co. Gene Gauntier Feature Menchen Chicago, III. Players, Inc. Paris. France Biograph Company New York Pathe Freres New York Gens de Lettres Jersey City, N. J. C. Buderus Paris, France Hanover, Germany Pathe Freres Vincennes, France Historical Feature F. Co. Carlton Motion Picture Chicago, 111. Laboratories Peerless Features New York Imperial M. P. Co. Producing Co. New York Fort Lee, N. J. Centaur Film Co. Bayonne, N. J. Kalem Company Ramo Films, Inc. York Florida Flushing, N. Y. Colonial M. P. Corp. New and New York H. Robert Law Scenic Studios Reliance M. P. Co. New York Conness-Till Film Co. Ltd. New York Toronto, Canada Life Photo Film Corp. Selig Polyscope Co. Crystal Film Co. New York Chicago, 111. New York Lubin Mfg. Co. Universal Film Mfg. Co. Essanay Film Mfg. Co. New York and California Chicago, III. Philadelphia Famous Players Film Marion Leonard Film Willat Studios and Company Company Laboratories, Inc. New York Brooklyn Fort Lee, N. J. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 131

NEW YORK—Continued

BUFFALO—Central Park Theatre. Main and Fielmors. BUFFALO— Colonial Theatre, Genesee and Gray Sts. BUFFALO^Como Theatre, Como and Triangle Sts. BUFFALO—Edisonia Theatre. Utica and Brayton Sts. BUTFALO—Elite Theatre. 867 Genesee St. BUFFALO—Elk St. Theatre. Masaue St. BUFFALO—Ellen Terry Theatre, Grant St. and Potomac Ave. BUFFALO—Empire Theatre, Main Ferry. -Columbia Hall. BUFFALO—FUlmore Palace Theatre, 1262 Fillmore Ave. BUFFALO—FiUmore Theatre, 681 Fillmore Ave. BUFFALO—Grand Theatre, 267 Main St. BUFFALO—Grant Theatre, 363 Amherst St. BUFFALO—Habit Theatre. Michigan and Dodge Sts. BUFFALO—Happy Hour Theatre, .=527 Main St. BUFFALO—Family Theatre, 433 Washington St. BUFFALO—Globe Theatre, 1555 Main St. BUFFALO—Jefferson Theatre. 1249 Jefferson St. BUT-FALO-Jubilee Theatre, 1886 Niagara St. BUFFALO—Kehr Theatre. Broadway and Shepard St. BUFFALO-Keith's Columbia Theatre. BUTFALO—Lafayette Theatre. Washington and Broadway. BUFFALO—La Grant Theatre. 179 Grant St. BUFFALO—Liberty Theatre, Jefferson, nr. Utica St. BUFFALO—Lovejoy. Palace Theatre, 1202 Lovejoy St. BUFFALO—Marlowe Theatre. Virginia West Ave. BUFFALO—Mirror Theatre. Plymouth and Connecticut Sts. BUFFALO—New Academy Theatre. 247 Main St. BUFFALO—New Theatre. 649 Main St. BUTFALO—New Arcadia Theatre, 439 William St. BUFFALO-Masque Theatre. Ell; St. md Paris Blv, TFALO—Oakda Seneca BUFFALO—Olynii.ir Tl .imrsee St.

i BUFFALO—Orial I St.

BUFFALO—Owl 'll i n,-rson St. ,. BUFFALO—Park 11, ,, I uiiida and Briggs A BUFFALO—Park Tli.a.i,,. 1 '.u l..i,lf.

BUFFALO—Pastime Theatre. 4'.ll Grant St.. nr. For I ^lll: \ ^ I - •in: 101 W. Market St. 11,;,, BUFFALO—Princess Theatre. 286 Grant St. IMII;'. ' [lour Theatre, State St.

I , BUFFALO—Premier Theatre. 2331 Main St. .\H'I l; 1 , 111.'. Port Hendry. BUFFALO—Bed Jacket Theatre, 774 Seneca St. BUFFALO—Begent Theatre, 1363 Main St. :.ssi:.\ 1(11 .\T\— I.Jki'. Placid Club. BUFFALO—Savoy Theatre, William and Kroetner Sts. 'AIRPORT—Biiou Tlieatre. BUFFALO—Shea's Theatre. FAR BOCKAWAY—Columbia Theatre, Central BUFFAIX)—Sheldon Theatre. Walden Ave. FAR BOCICAWAY—Far Rockaway Theatre. Jaii d Mott Sts. ' BUTFALO—Sherman Amu-^sement ' FAR ROCKAWAY—Harrison's Theatre, 272 Central Ave.

BUFFALO—Sycamoiv Tlnut,,. I FAR ROCICAWAY—Idle Hour.

BUFFALO—Sylvia T; ,m, I FAR ROCKAWAY—Manhattan Casino. Mott Ave.

I i BUFFALO—Strain I FARMINGDALE—Opera House, Main St.

i i BUFFAIX)—Temi.l, , FAYETTEVILLE—New Theatre.

1 1,, 1".;. BUFFALO—Tri-It I, . FISHKILL-ON-HUDSON—Academy of Music. 245 Main BUFFALO—Unlqu., 'nHaiir, i li and Pulasky Sts I'^LORAL^i'.SIiK—Lyiii- Aira.U- Theatre, Tulip Ave. BUFFALO—Variety. 74(] FiUim. .--1 l-l I 1 1 \i i:m.;,.|\i,,,, L\,-,iiii, BUFFALO—Wonder Theatre. 47 ; Theatre. 45 Broadway. CALEDONIA—Burgess Hall. Sta CAMBKIDGF—Majestic Theatre. and Park Sts. CAMBBIDGE—Mystic Theatre. CAMDEN—Camden Opera House. CAMDEN—Gem Theatre. CANAJOHAKIE—Mohawk Theatre. CANAJOHAHIE—Wagner Opera House. Church and Cliff Sts. CANANDAIGUA—Bijou Dream Theatre. 40 Main St. CANANDAIGU A—Temple Tlieatre. Main St. CANASTOTA—Music Hall. 122 Centre St.

CANASTOTA—Sherwood Opera House. Sherwood Blk. ' nii'r. Main St. CANARSIE VILLAGE—Canarsie Theatre, ,51(i Rockway Av< I' i,i M Tlieatre. Broadway. CANISTEO—Monarch Theatre, 21 Depot St. ii\ aioiihii lliMii Casino, 96th St. and 3rc CANISTEO—Photoplay Theatre. Main St. CARTHAGE—Ideal Theatre, 38 State St. m; TON—Nassau Theatre.

CARTHAGE—Hippodrome. 127 State St. I Craod Theatre, Litchfield St,

CARTHAGF—Mystic Theatre. I -Roval Theatre. CARTHAGE—Opera House. IDLE—Gem Theatre. CARTHAGE—Temple Theatre. Odd Fellows' Temple, -Fredonia Theatre, Temple and Church Sts. CARTHAGE—Wonderland Theatre. CATSKILI—Melida Theatre. Main St. FREEPORT. L -American Theatr CATTARAUGUS—Palace Theatre. FEEEPORT. L Main St." CATTARAUGAS—Star Theatre. PREEPORT, L ', 38 Brooklyn Ave. CEDABHURST—Lawrence Theatre. FHI'.EPORT. I. Grove St. and Olive Blvd.

CENTRE MORICHES—Opera House. 1 Rl I PORl I House, S. Main St CENTRAL VALLEY—Nearns Opera House. FHIENDSHIP- CHAMPLAIN- Theatre. rruTON— Still CHARLOTTi:- Th< CHATEATCA la House. CHATEAl i, \ nil World Theatre. 62 Seneca chatha:\i Theatre, 480 Exchange St, CHA-niAM ia Theatre, Central Sq. --Park Theatre, 10 Park St. CHATH.\.\1 ' CHERRY I K Hour Theatre, Main St.

' CHERRY , Theatre, Wall St. CITT ISl \ lid Scenic Theatre, 3rd Ave.

J CLA YT( \ I CI.IFTiiN ~l

a- Theatre. Main St. 69 Breslin Ave. Mai) • Theatre. Remseen St. lie. 45 Main St. Theatre. Main St. Opera House. COLLEGE POINT—Regent Theatr 230 13th St Theatre, 172 George St. COLLEGE POINT—Cnllege Point .yceum. 402 13th St. Opera House. Main St. CONEY ISLAND— I'.rwi Iv Tin at n Coney Island Ave. Iieatre. Main St. CONEY ISLAND- I'", -I II, .h,, on the Beach, I'lieatre. Main St.

> ,, , CONEY ISLAND- ! r ve. 828 Coney Island Ave. iiida Theatre,

i CONEY ISLAND- ' i I'heatre. 33rd St. and Surf Ave. itre, 16 Bufl'alo St.

CONEY ISLAND- x I ,,,| I'licatreatre, Bowery. litre. Madison Co. COOPF.RSTOWK— I'auMi, iipma House.

! COOPERSTOWN—Star Tlieatre. Main I Hall, Sheater St. CORNING—Newman's Theatre, 4 W. CORNING—Opera House. 110 Pine St, CORNING—Princess Theatre, Main St. CORONA—Eldorado Theatre, 76 45th '. ll.xituisiix — Lyr.iiiii Tlieatre, Halstead Ave. CORONA—Hyperion Theatre. National HAVEKSTRAW— .Majestic Theatre. New Main CORONA HEIGHTS—National Theatre HAVERSTRAW—Waklren Opera House. —


The first magazine of general circulation to realize the importance of the motion picture industry. The only general magazine that recognizes motion pictures as a constant editorial factor. The only general magazine that has had some article or story of interest to motion picture enthusiasts in every issue for the last three years. The magazine that originated "What Happened to Mary" and "Who Will Marry Mary" and the two greatest contests ever held "One Wonderful Night" and the "Favorite Actress" contests. The first magazine to print motion picture advertising. The only magazine whose every effort has been toward the better- ment and promotion of the motion picture industry.


NEW YORK—Continued

HAVERSTRAW—Wash Hall Annex. LYNBROOK—Batos Opera House. L. I.— Union, nr. Atlantic Av HtMPSTEAU—Crescent Theatre, i!74 Front &t. LYNBROOK. Lynbrook Lyceum Theatre. HEMPSTEAD—Fulton Theatre, Main St. LYNBROOK—Prospect Amusement Co., P. O. Box 514. HEMPSTEAD—Karl Theatre. LYNDONSVILLE—Stokes Opera House. HERKIMER—Grand Theatre, 136 N. Main St. LYONS—Knapp Theatre. HERKIMER—Opera House, N. Main St LYONS—Memorial Theatre, Williams St. HERKIJIER—Richmond Theatre. Main St. LYONS FALLS—MeAlpine St. Opera House, McAlpine St. HICKSVILLE—Grand Central Theatre, Main St. MADRID—Bijou Theatre, Main St. HIGHLAND MILLS—Improvement Co. Hall. HIGHLAND FALLS—Highland Falls Opera House. HOLLEY—Orpheum Theatre, Fuller Blk. E. of Public Square. MALONE—Novelty Theatre. Auditorium Theatre, Mamaroneck Ave. HOLLEY—Opera House, E. Side of Public Square. MAMARONECK— 225 Grange Hall, Maple Ave. HOMER-Crescent Theatre, 27 S. Main St. MARION— L. I.—Columbia Theatre, Gra HOMER—Grand Theatre. MASPETH, 61 Wonderland Theatre. MASPETH, L. I.—Flushing Airdome, Flushii HOMER— Theatre, Mulle HOOSICK—Lyric Theatre, Classic St. MASPBTH, L. I.—Idle Hour HOOSICK FALLS—Star Theatre. MASPETH, L. I.—Marlondale Theatre. HONEOYE FALLS—Amusement Theatre. MASSENA—Imperial Theatre. 10 Mill St. HORNELL—Lyric Theatre. MASSENA—Star Theatre, Main St. HORNELI^Grand Theatre, 73 Main St. MASSENA SPRINGS—Wonderland Theatre, Main St. HORNELL—Shattuck Opera House. MATTEAWAN—Dreamland Theatre. Main St. St. " MATTEAWAN—Good Theatre. Main St. HORNELL—Star Theatre, 54 Canister ' HUDSON FALLS—Scenic Temple Theatre, 219 Main at. MATTITUCK—Playhouse. MBCHANICSVILLE—Casino Theatre, Park Ave. HUDSON—Playhouse, Warren St. 240 Proctor's Theatre, Park Ave. HUDSON—Star Theatre, 510 Warren St. MECHANICSVILLE— Bijou Theatre, Wall Si. MBCHANICSVILLE-Rex Theatre. HUNTINGTON— and Saratoga Aves. HUNTINGTON—Bijou Theatre, Main St. MECHANICSVILLE—Venetian Theatre. William HUNTINGTON—National Amuse. Hall. MECHANICSVILLE—Wonderland Theatre. Canal St. HUNTINGTON—Star Theatre, New York Ave. MEDINA—Scenic Theatre. ILLION—lUion Opera House, 9 1st St. MEDINA—Elco Theatre. 539 Mata St. INTERLAKEN—Boyer Opera House, Cayuga St. MEDINA—Temple Theatre. Inwood Theatre. MEXICO—Happy Hour Theatre. INWOOD— „ „ . c-. IRVINGTON ON HUDSON—Auditorium, 78 Mam St. MEXICO—Town Hall. Town Hall. ISLIP, L. I.—Star Picture Parlor. MIDDLEBURY— Theatre. ITHACA—BiUiken Theatre, cor. Tioga and Green Sts. MIDDLEPOBT—Star State St. ITHACA—Happy Hours Theatre, Tioga and Seneca Sts. MIDDLETOWN—Alhambra Theatre. ITHACA—Lyceum Theatre. MIDDLETOWN—Vau's Theatre, 1420 Montgomery St. ITHACA—Manhattan Theatre, 110-120 Cayuga bt. MIDLAND BEACH. S. I.—Midland Beach Theatre. Boardwalk, ITHACA—Star Theatre, 118 Scenic St. MILFOBD—Temple Theatre. JAMAICA—Comedy Theatre, 390 Fulton St. MILLBROOK—Bernard's Theatre, JAilAICA—Jamaica Playhouse, 312 Fulton St. MILLBROOK—Veribest Theatre. JAMAICA—Lyric Theatre, 252 South St. MINEVILLE—Star Theatre. Main St. JAMAICA—Terrace Theatre, 1021 Jamaica Ave. MILLERTON—Opera House. JAMESTOWN—Colonial Theatre, 623 East 2nd St. MINEOLA—Mineola Palace Theatre. 91 2nd Place. JAilESTOWN—Gem Theatre, 26 Willard St. MOIRA—Opera House. MONROE—Firemans Opera House. JAMESTOWN—Lyric Theatre, 205 3rd St. — JAMESTOWN—May's Theatre, 309 Main St. MONTICELLO ^Lyceum Theatre. 185 Broadway. JAMESTOWN—Mozart Theatre. MONTICELLO—Monticello Theatre. 80 Monticello Ave. JAMESTOWN—New 5c Theatre, 38 Main St. MONTICELLO—New Monticello Casino. Broadway. JAMESTOWN—Reo Theatre. MONTICELLO—Peerless Theatre. Broadway. JAMESTOWN—Samuels Opera House. MORAVIA—Star Theatre. Main St. JAJIESTOWN—Star Theatre, 108 E. 2nd St. MORIAH—World in Motion Theatre. JOHNSTOWN—Grand Opera House, 20 Market &t. MORRIS PARK—Park Theatre. 4712 Park Place. JOHNSTOWN—Fulton Theatre, 6 Main St. MORRIS PARK—Plaza Theatre. 4110 Park Place. JORDON—Hippodrome. MORRIS PARK—Peerless Theatre. Lefferts Ave. Washington St. KATONAH—Katonah Tlieatre. MORRISTOWN—Lyric Theatre, 14 Palace Theatre, Park Place. KEENE—Scenic Theatre. Main St. MORRISTOWN— 18 KEESEVILLE—Adirondack Theatre, 10 Main St. MT. KISCO—Mt. Kisco Opera House. Maple Ave. KEESEVILLE—Jack's Photoplay, Front St. MT. MORRIS—Bijou Theatre. Main St. KEESEVILLE—National Theatre. MT. MORRIS—Casino Theatre. Photoplay Theatre, Front St. MT. VERNON—Columbus Theatre. 3rd St. and 8th Ave. KEESEVILLE— Ave. Elite Theatre. MT. VERNON—Crescent Theatre, 3-5 S. 5th KENMORE— Douvres Theatre, 4th Ave. KINGSTON—Bijou Theatre, 326 Wall St. MT. VERNON— 30 S. MT. Imperial Theatre, 22 S. 4th Ave. KINGSTON—E. Dubois Theatre. VERNON- Bijou Dream, S. 4th St. KINGSTON—Star Theatre. MT. VERNON—Proctor's KING'S PARK—King's Park Opera House. MT. VERNON—Savoy Theatre, 45 S. 4th Ave. LACKAWANNA—Happy Hour Theatre. MT. VERNON—Strand Theatre. LACKAWANNA—Savoy Theatre, 310 Ridge Kd. NAPANOCH—Mechanic's Hall. LANCASTER—Empire Theatre. 8 Central Ave. NAPLES—Yaw's Amusement Hall. Main St., East Side. E. Union St. LANCASTER—The Star Theatre. 29 W. Main St. NEWARK—Crescent Theatre, 11 Union St. LAKE GEORGE—Park Theatre. NEWARK—Newark Opera House, LAKE PLACID—Bijou Theatre. NEWARK—Victoria Theatre, 257 S. Orange Ave. LAKLE PLACID—Electric Theatre. NEW BERLIN—Gem Theatre, Main St. cor. and Jersey Sts. PLACID Savoy Theatre. NEW BRIGHTON-New Brighton Theatre, Hill LAKE — Richmond Terr. LAKE PLACID—Star Theatre. NEW BRIGHTON— Star Theatre, 501 , „ , , Proctor's Family Theatre, 17th St. and 3rd Ave. NEWBURGH—Academy of Music, Broadway and Grand St. LANSINGBURG— Cohens Opera House, Broadway. LAWRENCE—M. P. Theatre. NEWBURGH— LEROY—The Theatorium. NEWBURG—Imperial Theatre. Colden St. LESTERSHIBE—Endwell Theatre. NEWBURG—New Palatine Theatre, 16-18 Lander St. LIBERTY—New Lyric Theatre. 3 North ilam St. NEWBURG—Royal Theatre. LINDENHURST—National Theatre. NEWBURG—Star Theatre, 16 Lander St. LINDENHURST—Washington Hall. NEW ROCHELLE—Dillon Park Theatre. Boston Post Road. Hugenot St. LITTLE FALLS—City Theatre. NEW ROCHELLE—La Bochelle Theatre. ROCHELLE—Loews Theatre, 180 Mam St. LITTLE FALI/S—Gem Theatre. NEW — LITTLE FALLS—^Family. NEW ROCHELLE ^Little Theatre. LITTLE FALLS—Hippodrome Theatre. William St. NEW ROCHELLE—North Ave. Theatre. 290 North Ave. LITTLE VALLEY—Star Theatre. NEW BOCHELLE—Princess Theatre. Drake Ave. Lrv'ERPOOI^Elite Theatre. 1st and Tulip Sts. NEW ROCHELLE—Union Ave. Theatre. 215 Union Ave. LLVEKPOOL—Lake Shore Theatre. NEW YORK—Abbey Theatre, 869 Longwood Ave. LOCKPORT Golden Palace Theatre. NEW YORK—Acorn Theatre. S. B. cor. 135th St. and Broad. — Houston St. LOCKPOBT—Hippodrome. 59 Main St. NEW YORK—Academy Theatre. 287 E. LOCKPORT—Hodge Opera House. NEW YORK—Academy of Music. 14th St. and Irving PI. LOCKPORT—Majestic Theatre. 66 Main St. NEW YORK-Adelphi Theatre. Broadway and 89th St. St. and Ave. LOCKPORT—Temple Theatre. Wahiut St. NEW YORK—Aeroplan Theatre, 110th 8th LIVONIA—Pictureland Theatre. NEW YORK—Alhambra Theatre, 2106-10 7th Ave. LIVINGSTON MANOR—Livingston Opera House. NEW YORK-American Theatre, 8th Ave. and 42nd St. Long Beach Play House, Boardwalk. NEW YORK—Amsterdam Theaatre, 114 W. 65th St. LONG BEACH— , , , . LONG ISLAND CITY—Academy Theatre, N. E. cor. Beebee and 1st Ave. NEW YORK-Amusement Palace Tlieatre. 6.6 Columbia St. LONG ISLAND CITY—Arcade Theatre, 345 Steinway Ave. NEW YORK—Ansonia Theatre, 3116 Jerome Ave. LONG ISLAND CITY—Casino Theatre, 321 Steinway Ave. NEW YORK—Argus Theatre, 385 3rd Ave. LONG ISLAND CITY—Comfort Theatre, 142 Vernon Ave. NEW YORK—Astor Theatre. 133 2nd Ave. Jackson Ave. LONG ISLAND CITY—Oriole Theatre, 21 NEW YORK—Atlas Theatre. 1888 3rd Ave. Palm Garden Theatre, 561 Steuiway Ave. LONG ISLAND CITY— NEW YORK—Arcade Theatre, 1426 Broadway. ISLAND CITY—Princess Theatre, 333 Steinway Ave. LONG YORK-Arence Theatre, 1444 1st Ave. CITY—Plaza Theatre, 4710 Park Place: NEW LONG ISLAND YORK-Atlantic Garden. 50-54 Bowery. ISLAND CITY—Queensboro Theatre, Hunter Ave. and Ready. NEW LONG YORK—Auditorium Theatre, 172 W. 23rd St. LONG ISLAND CITY—Vernon Theatre, Vernon Ave. and 4th St. NEW LONG ISLAND CITY—Webster Avenue Theatre, 7S Webster Ave. NEW YORK—Auditorium, 182 Lenox Ave. YORK—Auditorium Theatre, 80 W. 125th St. LONG ISLAND CITY—Whitestone Auditorium, 16th. opp. L. I. K. R. NEW Audubon Theater. Broadway and 165th St. LOWVILLE—Bijou Theatre, State St. NEW YORK— Avenue Theatre. 2735 3rd Ave. LOWVILLE—City Opera House. NEW YORK— Theatre. Avenue A. LYNBROOK—Arcade Theatre. NEW YORK—Avenue A 51 134 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

Scenario Writers ~ Moving Picture Producers

This is Invaluable to You A Synopsis of the World's Greatest Books

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PLOTS and STORIES of over 3000 Books


Synopsis of the World's Greatest Books

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You cannot afford to he without it



NEW YORK—Continued

NEW YOBK—Avenue C Theatre, 110 Avenue C. NEW YOEK—Hon-;!.. 1 E. Houston St.

' NEW YORK—Batten- Theatre, 24 Washington St. NEW YORK—H 11^ i 130th St. and Broadway. NEW YOBK—Bayard Theatre, 30 Bowery. NEW YOBK—Hn.l 3 Hamilton PI. NEW Y'ORK—B. B. Theatre, 221st St. and White Plains Ave. NEW YOBK—Idlr 1 E. Houston St. NEW YORK—Beauty Theatre, 125th St. and Amsterdam Ave. NEW YOBK—In.i.rn, 116th St. NEW YORK—Bedford Theatre, 2811-13 Webster Ave. NEW YOBK—Jaiin.s St. NEW YOBK—Belmont Theatre, 4430 3rd Ave. NEW YOBK—Jeffcrs I'heatre, 214 E. 14th St. NEW Y'OBK—Bijou Theatre, Broadway and 30th St. NEW YOEK—Joyland Theatre, 1017 3rd Ave. NEW YORK—Bijou Dream, 14.5 W. 23rd St. NEW YOEK—Jumel Theatre, 201S Amsterdam Ave. NEW YORK—Bonci Theatre. 2035 2nd Ave. NEW YOBK—Keenys The.itre. 31st St. and 3rd Ave. NEW YOBK—Bleecker Theatre. 157 Bleecker St. NEW YORK— Krssh-i's 'rii.'aiiv. s. W. 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. NEW YORK—, 2135 Boston Rd. NEW YOUK -Kiny Tin-, nils 3rd Ave.

. I NEW YORK—Bridge Tlieatre, 118 Park Bow. NEW YdKK Up. im , . Pii', 231st St. and Broadway.

NEW YORK—Breezy Hill Theatre, 212th St. and White Plains. NEW YoKIk 'I I:. I 5th St. NEW YOBK—Broadway Garden Theatre, 145th and Broadway. NEW Yoltl^ kc iil r.ih Ave. Theatre, Broadway and 28th St. NEW Y'OBK—Bowring and Theatre, 17 Battery Place. NEW YOKK—Ivnirk, aire, 879 Prospect Ave. NEW YORK—Bridge Theatre, 17S Delancey St. NEW YOBlv—Lafaye 131st St. and 7th Ave, NEW YOBK—Broadway Theatre, Broadway and 40th Ave. NEW YORK—Lenox Theatre, Lenox Ave. and 111th St. NEW Y'OBK—Bronx Savoy Theatre, 604 E. 187th St. NEW YORK—Lenox Amuse. Co., 1334 3rd Ave. NEW YOBK—Bronx Centre Theatre, 827 Westchester Ave. NEW YOEK—Liberty Theatre, 408-10 E. 116th St, NEW YOBK—Bronx Lyceum Theatre, 481 Willis Ave. NEW YOBK—Liberty Theatre, 365 Ist Ave. NEW YORK—Bronx Theatre, 150th St. and Melrose Ave. NEW YOEK—Lincoln Sq. Theatre, 1947 Broadway. NEW YORK—Bunny Theatre, 3589 Broadway. NEW YOEK—The Lincoln Theatre. 58 W. 135th St. NEW YORK—Bryant Theatre, 223 W. 42nd St. NEW YORK—Loth Theatre, 1828 Amsterdam Ave. NEW YORK—Budje Theatre, 118 Park Row. NEW YORK—Lenox Garden Theatre, 110th St. a St. Nicholas. NEW YORK—Burland Theatre, 985 Prospect Ave. NEW YORK^Loew's Yorkville Theatre, 157 E. 86th NEW YOBK—Casino Theatre, 144 2nd Ave. NEW YOEK—Loew's Theatre Enter., 260 W. 42nd St. NEW YOBK—Casino Theatre, 2175 3rd Ave. NEW YOBK—Loew's 7th Ave. Theatre, 124th St. and 7th Ave. NEW YOBK—Caruso Theatre, 124 W. Houston St, NEW YOBK—Loew's Theatre, Ave B and 5th St. NEW YOBK—Carmine Theatre, 23 Carmine St. NEW YOEK—Loew's Blvd. Theatre, Southern Blvd. and Westchester NEW YOBK—Cassesse Theatre. 196 Grand St. NEW YOBK—Loew's Orpheum Theatre, S7th St. and 3rd Ave. NEW YOBK—Cassesse Theatre, 331 Bowery. NEW YOBK—Lynch's Theatre, 1519 2nd Ave. ?IEW YOBK—Cassesse Theatre, 178 1st St. NEW YOBK—Lyric Theatre, 4367 3rd Ave. NEW YOBK—Castles Theatre, 152 Bleecker St. NEW YOBK—Lyric Theatre, ISOth St. and 3rd Ave. NEW YOBK— Central Opera House, 217-219 E. 67th St. NEW YOBK—Lyceum Theatre, 90S 3rd Ave. NEW YOBK—Catherine Theatre, 76 Catherine St. NEW YOBK—Madrid Theatre, 1070 3rd Ave. NEW YOBK—Cencil Spooner Theatre, 163rd St. and S. Blvd. NEW YOEK—Manhattan Photoplay Theatre, 109th St. and Manhatlan. NEW YOBK—Central Park West Am. Co., 36-38 Cathedral Parkway NEW YOBK—Manhattan Pleasure Palace, 40 Manhattan St. NEW YOBK—Central Theatre. 110th St. and 8th Ave. NEW YOEK—Manhattan Theatre, 10-12 Forsyth St. NEW YOBK—Circle Theatre, Broadway and 60th St. NEW YOBK—Madison Theatre, cor. Madison Ave. and 102nd. NEW YOBK—City Theatre, 114 E. 14th St. NEW YOBK—McCurn & Weissman Theatre, 605 Sth Ave. NEW YOBK—Chatham Theatre, 5 Chatham Square. NEW YOEK—McKinley Sq. Theatre. 1317 Boston Bd. NEW YOBK—Chelsea Theatre, 129 Sth Ave. NEW YOBK—Madison Sq. Garden, 4th Ave. and 26th St. NEW YOBK—Chinese Theatre, 507 Doyer St. NEW YOBK—Madison Theatre, 51 B. 99th St. NEW YOBK—City Hall Theatre, 93 Park Bow. NEW YOBK—Maiori Theatre, 237 Bowery. NEW Y'OBK—Claremont Theatre, 510 E. 174th St. NEW YOEK—Majestic Theatre, 15 2nd Ave. NEW YOBK-Clinton Court Theatre. 154 CUnton St. NEW YOBK—Malbin Theatre, 380 Grand St. NEW YOBK—Clinton Star Theatre, 80 Clinton St. NEW YOEK—Manhattan Theatre. 1239 Broadway. NEW YOBK—Coleman's Theatre, 745 Winchester Ave. NEW YOEK—Manhattan Opera House, 315 W. 34th St. NEW YORK—Colonial Theatre, 789 Winchester Ave. NEW YOEK—Mecca Theatre, 261 W. 116th St. NEW YOBK—Columbia Theatre, 631 Sth Ave. YORK—Melrose Theatre. 398 B. 165th St., Bronx. NEW YOEK—Columbus Theatre, 899 8th Ave. Viiltx .Mi-tropolis Theatre, 2644 3rd Ave. NEW YOBK-Columbus Theatre, 875 Columbus Ave. \(iltl\ Metropolitan Theatre, 134 Essex St. NEW YOEK—Coliseum Theatre, 2169 8th Ave. \ (litis Mi-tropolitan Temple, 7th Ave. and 814th St. NEW YOBK—Colonial Theatre, 1887 Broadway. VdltK Miners Bronx Theatre, 3024 3rd Ave. NEW Y'OBK—Comedy Theatre, 2365 Westchester Ave. NEW YDKK— Model Theatre, 945 Freeman St. NEW YOBK—Comedy Theatre, 46 E. 14th St. NEW YOBK—Morris Park Theatre, 665 Morris Park Ave. NEW YOBK—Comedy Tlieatre, 3754 3rd Ave. NEW YOBK—Moorish Garden Theatre, 110th St. bet. Biverside Drive NEW YOBK—Comet Theatre, 1013 Boston Bd. Bronx. and Broadway. NEW YOBK—Comet Theatre, 2355 Westchester Ave. NEW YOBK—Muller's Theatre, 154th St. and 3rd Ave. NEW YOBK—Comet Theatre, 100 3rd Ave. YORK— Murray Hill Theatre, Lexington Ave. and 42nd St. nt:w YOBK—Crescent Theatre, 38 W. 135th St. VnRI- Movies Theatre, 248 W. 14th St. NEW YOBK—Cyprus Theatre, 138th St. and Cyprus Ave. ViiltK Mv.edia Theatre, 156 St. and German PI. NEW YOBK—Dixie Theatre, 125 E. 116th St. VdltK Mvstic Theatre, 266 W. 135th St. NEW YOBK—Dome Theatre, 2148 3rd Ave. 11 IKK Nemo Theatre, 110th St. and Broadway. NEW YORK—Dreamland Theatre, 129 E. Houston St. ViiKlv- New Grand Theatre, 310 Grand Ave. NEW YORK—Drurj- Lane Theatre, 615 8th Ave. NEW YOBK—New 3rd Ave. Theatre. 1703 3rd Ave. NEW YORK—Eden Amuse. Co., 117 W. 125th St. NEW YOBK—New Bridge Theatre, 17S Delancev St. NEW YORK—East Side Theatre, 153 Monroe St. NEW YOBK—New City Hall Theatre, 93 Park Bow. NEW YORK—Eldorado Theatre, 2035 2nd Ave. NEW YOBK—New Comedy Theatre, 114 W. 65th St. NEW YORK—Empire Theatre, 517 9th Ave. NEW YOBK—New Family Theatre, 551 Sth Ave. NEW YOBK—Empire Theatre, 2363 Sth Ave. NEW YOBK—New Madison Theatre, 1714 Madison Ave. NEW YOBK—Empress Theatre, 550 W. 181st St. NEW YOBK—New Theatre, 1519 2nd Ave. --NEW YOBK—Sth Ave. Theatre, 312 Sth Ave. NEW YOBK—New Plaza Theatre. 108 Delancey St. NEW YOBK—Essex Theatre, 133 Essex St. NEW YOBK—Niblo Garden Theatre, 170th St. and 3rd Ave. NEW YOBK—86th St. Theatre. 162 E. 86th St. NEW YOEK—Nickoland Theatre, 768 Westchester Ave. NEW YOBK—Elite Theatre 133 2nd Ave. NEW YOBK—Nickoland Am. Co., 3220 3rd Ave. NEW YOBK—Eldorado Theatre, 1297 Wilkins Ave. NEW YOBK—North Star Theatre, 1250 5th Ave. n£w YOBK—Empress Theatre, 104 W. 116th St. NEW YOEK—Novelty Theatre, 214 Bowery. NEW YOBK—Fair Theatre, 122 E. 14th St. NEW YOBK—Odeon Theatre, 256 W. 145th St. NEW YOBK—Excelsior Theatre, 1S22 Westchester Ave. NEW YOBK—Ogden Theatre, 958 Ogden Ave. NEW YOBK—Family Theatre. 551 Sth Ave. NEW YOBK—Ohio Theatre, 958 Ogden Ave. NEW YORK—Family Theatre. 117 E. 125th St. NEW YOEK—Olympic Theatre, 14th St. NEW YOBK—Franklin Theatre, 440 Lenox Ave. NEW YOEK—Orient Theatre, 16 Bowery. NEW YOBK—58th St. Theatre. 154 E. 58th St. NEW YOEK—Orpheum Theatre, 126 2nd Ave. NEW Y'OBK—59th St. Theatre, 313 W. 59th St. NEW Y'OBK-ISOth St. Theatre, 645 E. ISOth St. NEW YOBK—Florence Theatre. 331 Bowery. NEW YOBK—Osceola Theatre, 258 Stanns Ave. NEW YOEK—Fordham Theatre, 2508 Webster Ave. NEW YOBK—Palace Theatre, 47th and Broadway. NEW YOBK—Fordham Hippodrome, 2301 Arthur Ave. NEW YOBK—Palace Theatre, 845 2nd Ave. NEW YOBK—Fox's Theatre, 126 E. 14th St. NEW YOEK—Palace Theatre. 1968 Amsterdam Ave. NEW YOBK—Gaiety Theatre, 797 3rd Ave. NEW YOEK—Paradise Theatre. 360 B. 167th St. NEW YOBK—Gaiety Theatre, 1746 Amsterdam Ave. NEW YOEK—Park Theatre, 451 B. 169th St. NEW YOBK—Garibaldi Theatre, 35 B. 4th St. NEW YOEK—Park Theatre. 93 Ave. B. NEW YOBK—Garden Theatre, Webster Ave, 197th St. NEW YOEK—Park View Grand Theatre. 6 E. 109th St. NEW YOEK—Garden Theatre, 742 Tremont Ave. NEW YOEK—Park Bow Theatre, 31 Park Row. NEW YOEK—Gem Theatre. 406 E. 13th St. NEW YOBK—Parkway Theaatre, 36-38 Cathedral Park. NEW YOBK—Globe Theatre, 210 B. Houston St, NEW YOBK—Parkway Theatre, 36 W. 110th St. NEW,.YORK—Golden Gate Theatre, 128th St. and Broadway. NEW YOEK—Park West Theatre, 107 W. 99th St. NEW YOEK—Golden Rule Theatre. 125 Bivington St. NEW YOEK—Pelham Theatre, 558 Pelham Ave. NEW YOEK—Gotham Theatre. 165 E. 125th St. NEW YOBK—Peerless Theatre, 314 E. 138th St. NEW YOBK—Grand Central Theatre, 699 3rd Ave. NEW YOEK—Peoples Palace, 1196 2nd Ave. NEW YOBK—Grant Theatre, 11 W. 116th St. NEW YOEK—Peoples Becreation Co., 1451 Broadway. NEW YOBK—Greenwicli Theatre, Christopher and Hudson Sts. NEW YOEK—Peoples Vaudeville Theatre, 2172 3rd Ave. NEW YOBK—Greeley Sa. Theatre. 6th Ave. and 30th St. NEW YOBK—Phoenix Theatre, 350 B. Slst St. NEW YOEK—Imperial. 4222-24 3rd Ave. NEW YOBK—Photodrome Theatre, 683 6th Ave. NEW YOEK—Hamilton Park Theatre. 357 E. Houston St. NEW YOBK—Photoplay Theatre, 529 6th Ave. NEW YOEK—Hampton Theatre. Sth Ave. and 27th St. NEW YOEK—Photoplay Theatre Co., 42nd St. Bldg.. Room 2001. Hammerstein's Victoria. 42nd St. and 7th Ave. NEW YOEK— NEW YORK—Photoplay Theatre, 1770 3rd Ave. NEW YOEK—Harlem 5th Ave. Theatre, 1312 Sth Ave. YORK—Photoplay Theatre, 9Sth 3rd Ave. NEW YOEK—Harlem Music Hall, 209 W. 125th St. NEW and NEW YOEK—Harrv Howard Theatre, 180 CUnton St. NEW YORK—Photoplay Palace, 176th St. and St. Nicholas Ave NEW YOEK—Heights Theatre, ISlst and Wadsworth Ave. NEW YOEK—Pictorium Theatre, 941 E. 180th St. NEW Y'OBK—Herald Sq. Theatre, 35th and Broadway. NEW YOBK—Pioneer Theatre, 555 Sth Ave. 1 36 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY


Mr. Lew Dockstader, who has for many years swayed the world of Minstrelsy, has

added new laurels to his wreath of- popularity by his recent advent into moving pictures. Under the management of The Famous Players Co., Mr. Dockstader presented "Dan," a beautiful story of the "Old South," and registered a great success both for himself and The Famous Players Co.

Mr. Dockstader has abandoned Minstrelsy for the present and is appearing in Vaudeville in a highly amusing and original sketch. A31ERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 137

NEW YORK—Continued

NEW YORK—Playhouse, 68th St. and 3rd Ave. NIAGARA FALLS—Orpheum Theatre, Main St. NEW YORK—Plaza Theatre, 128 5th Ave. NORTH BEACH—North Beach Casino, nr. Maple Ave. NEW YORK—Pleasant Hour Theatre, Grand St. NORTH TONAWANDA—Oliver Theatre, 358 OUver .-M. NEW YORK—Puritan Theatre, 122 E. 125th St. NORTH TONAWANDA—Park Theatre, Groundy St. NEW YORK—Plaza Music Hall, 59th St. and Madison Ave. NORTH TONAWANDA— Webster Theatre, Webster St. NEW YORK—Progress Theatre, 1894 3rd Ave. NORTH TROY—Bijou Theatre, cor. 12th St. and 5th Ave. NEW YORK—Proctor's Theatre, 112 E. 25th St. NORTH TROY—Powers Opera House, 3rd Ave. and 171h St. NEW YORK—Proctor's Theatre, 58th and 8rd Ave. NORTH TROY—Proctor's Theatre, 3rd Ave. and 17th St. NEW YORK—Prospect Theatre, 706 Prospect Ave. NYACK—Lyceum Theatre, Main and Franklin Sts. NEW YORK—Queen's Theatre. 983-5 3rd Ave. NYACK—Broadway Theatre, Broadway. NEW YORK—Rainbow Theatre, 1439 3rd Ave. NYACK—Nyack Auditorium. Franklin and Main Sts. NEW YORK—Red Star Theatre, 1691 Park Ave. NORTH BEACH—Meriden Picture Palace. Bowery Bay Road. NEW YORK—Regal Amuse. Theatre, 2028 3rd Ave. NORTHVILLE—Gem Theatre. Main' St. NEW YORK—Regan Theatre, 60 W. 116th St. NORTHVILLE— Star Theatre. Division and 2nd Sts. NEW YORK—Regent Theatre, 116th St. and 7th Ave. NORWICH—Bijou Theatre. NEW YORK—Regina Theatre, 2287 2ud St. NORWICH-Happy Hour Theatre. NEW YORK—Reliable Theatre, 1538 Madison Ave. NORWICH—New Chenango Theatre. NEW YORK—Ridge Theatre, 87 Ridge St. NUNDA—Casino Theatre. NEW YORK—Republic Theatre, 1004 Westchester Ave. OGDENSBURG—Eagle. 56 Ford St. NEW YORK—Rex M. P. Theatre, 579 Prospect Ave. OGDENSBURG—Hippodrome, 64 Ford St. NEW YORK—Rivington Casino, 158 Rivington St. OGDENSBURG—Star Theatre, Isabella St. NEW YORK—Riverside Theatre, 182 W. 102nd St. OLEAN—Gem Theatre. NEW YORK—Riverside Theatre, 96th St. and Broadway. OLEAN—Lang's Dreamland Theatre, 128 State St. NEW YORK—Riverview Theatre. 100th St. and Broadway. OLEAN—Opera House, State St. NEW YORK—Rose Theatre, 182 W. 102nd St. OLEAN—Star Theatre, Union St. NEW YORK—Roma Theatre, 181 Bleecker St. OLCOTT—Castle Theatre. NEW YORK—Roma Theatre, 2074 2nd Ave. ONEIDA—Madison Theatre, 64 Madison St. NEW YORK—Roma Theatre, 178 1st Ave. ONEIDA—Park Theatre, Vanderbilt Ave. NEW YORK—Hose Theatre, 2172 3rd Ave. ONEONTA—Casino Theatre, 214 Main St. NEW YORK—Rose Theatre, 1141 Prospect Ave. ORISKANY—Summit Park Theatre. NEW YORK—Rosehill Theatre, 472 2nd Ave. ORISKANY—McLaughUn Theatre, NEW YORK—Royal Theatre, 235 Ave. A. OSSINING—Alhambra Theatre. NEW YORK—Royal Theatre, 2285 8th Ave. OSSINING—Barthenon Theatre, Main St. NEW YORK—Royal Garden Theatre, 145th St. and Broadway. OSSINING—Electric Theatre, 205 Main St. NEW YORK—Royal Italia Theatre. 2000 1st Ave. OSSINING—Hall's Theatre. NEW YORK—Royal Theatre, 109 W. 23rd St. OSSINING—Olive Opera House, Main St. NEW YORK—Royal Theatre, 1st Ave. bet. 106th and 107th. OSWEGO—Bijou Theatre," 106 E. Bridge St, NEW YORK—Rutger Vaudeville, 39 Rutger St. OSWEGO—Eureka Photoplay Theatre, J 66 West 1st St, NEW YORK—San Carlina Theatre, 140 SulUvan St. OSWEGO—Hippodrome, W, 2nd and Bridge Sts. NEW YORK—Second Ave. Theatre, 655 2nd Ave. OSWEGO—Richardson Theatre, cor. 1st and Oneida Sts. NEW YORK—S. & A. Theatre. 118 Manhattan St. OSWEGO—Tioga Theatre, Main St, NEW YORK—San Carlina Theatre, 140 SulUvan St. OSWEGO—Star Theatre, 55 W. Bridge St. NEW YORK—Savoy Theatre, 34th St. and Broadway. OVID—Broadway Theatre, Main St, NEW YORK—Savoy Theatre, 3425 3rd Ave. OVID—Dreamland Theatre, Main St, NEW YORK—Schuyler Theatre, 251 W. 82nd St. OYSTER BAY—Lyric Theatre, Audrey Ave. NEW YORK—Seabury Theatre, 170th St. and Seabury Ave. OZONE PARK—Empire Theatre, Broadway and Oakley St, NEW YORK—72nd St. Play House, 72nd St. and 1st Ave. PEARL RIVER—Carnival Theatre, NEW YORK—Seventh Ave. Theatre, 2226 7th Ave. PALMYRA—Crystal Theatre, Cuyler St, NEW YORK—Sherwood Amuse. Co., 144 Fulton St. PALMYRA—Opera House. NEW YORK—Sorrento Theatre, 180 Thompson St. PATCHOGUE—Unique Theatre, 134 Ocean Ave. NEW YORK—St. Anns Theatre, 315 St. Anns Ave.' PEEKSKILI^Colonial Theatre. 1033 Park St. NEW YORK-Star Theatre, 136 3rd Ave. PBEKSKILL—Crystal Theatre, N. Division St. NEW YORK—Star Theatre, 1716 Lexington Ave. PEEKSKILL—Dreamland Theatre. 952 Main St. NEW YORK—Star Music Hall, 482 3rd Ave. PEEKSKILL—Electric Park Theatre. NEW YORK—Strand Theatre, 47th and Broadway. PEEKSKILL-Hudson Theatre. South St. NEW YORK—Spring St. Theatre, 39 Spring St. PBEKSKILL—Shady Lake Park Theatre. NEW YORK—Star Theatre, 304 8th Ave. PERRY—Alhambra Theatre. Borden Ave. NEW YORK—Steiner's Theatre, 133 Essex St. PERRY—Auditorium. NEW YORK—The Crown Theatre, 115 W. 116th St. PERRY—Temple. NEW YORK-ThaUa Music Hall, 236 Broome St. PENN YAN—Sampson Theatre. Jacob St. NEW YORK— Theatre. 1446 Broadway. PHILMONT—Empire Opera House. Main St. NEW YORK—Time Theatre. 786-88 Courtland Ave. PLATTSBURG—Palace Theatre. NEW YORK—Tiffany Theatre. Tiffany and West Aves. PLATTSBURG—Plattsburg Theatre, Marine St. NEW YORK—Tichler's Theatre, Rivington. nr. Clinton St. PLATTSBURG—Star Theatre, 10 Clinton St. NEW YORK—Tremont Theatre, 1942 Webster Ave. PLEASANTVILLE—Family Theatre. Bedford Road. NEW YORK—Tuxedo Theatre, 650 3rd Ave. PLEASANTVILLE—Mt. Pleasant Tlieatre, Bedfo.d Road. NEW YORK—University Theatre. Jerome Ave. and Kings Bd. PORTCHESTER—Oakley Theatre. NEW YORK-Union Theatre. 387 Grand St. PORTCHESTBR—Opera House, King St. NEW YORK—Union Theatre. 505 W, 42nd St. PORTCHESTER-Hudson Theatre, 139 N. Main St. NEW YORK—Variety Theatre. 1536 Broadway. PORTCHESTER—Proctor's New Theatre. 143 S. Main St. NEW YORK—Varieties Theatre. 112 3rd Ave. PORT HENRY—Bijou Theatre. NEW YORK—Vaudette Theatre, 2567 Decatur Ave. PORT JERVIS—Family Theatre. NEW YORK—Venice Theatre. 209 Park Row. PORT JERVIS—New Theatre, 40 Essex St. NEW YORK—Vesey Theatre. 11 Park Row. PORT JERVIS—Orpheum Theatre, 61 Front St. NEW YORK—Victor Theatre. 1185 1st Ave. PORT RICHMOND—Empire Theatre. NEW YORK—Victor Theatre, 931 Intervale Ave. PORT RICHMOND—Leo Varieties Co., Empire Theatre BIdg. NEW YORK—Victoria Theatre, 42nd and 7th Ave. PORT RICHMOND—Plaza Theatre, 2036 Richmond Terr. NEW YORK—Victoria Theatre, 112 Cannon St. POTSDAM—Joyland Theatre, 4 Mam St. NEW YORK—Victoria Theatre, 581 W. 181st St. POTSDAM—Star Theatre. NEW YORK—Victoria Theatre, 596 E. 134th St. POUGHKBEPSIE—Arlington Theatre, 237 Main St. NEW YORK—Waco Theatre, 118 Rivington St. POUGHKBEPSIE—Best Tlieatre. NEW YORK—Wadsworth Theatre, Wadsworth Ave. and ISlst St. POUGHKBEPSIE-CoUingwood Opera House, 35 Market St. NEW YORK—Wards Theatre, 2375 Washington Ave. POUGHKBEPSIE-Duchess Theaatre. 69 Main St. NEW YORK—Washington Hall, 167th St. and Amsterdam Ave. PRATTSBURG—Auditorium. Main St. NEW YORK—Wasliington Theatre, 537 W. 145th St. PULASKI—Theatorium. NEW YORK—Washington Theatre, 149th St. and Amsterdam Ave. PYRITES—Jolly Theatre. NEW YORK—West Side Theatre, 209 W. 85th St. —Queens Theatre. Broadway and Liberty Ave, NEW YORK—Webers Theatre, 1215 Broadway. RANDOLPH—Garden Theatre. 32 Main St, NEW YORK—Westchester Theatre, 2319 Winchester Ave. RAVENA—Happy Hour Theatre, Central Ave, NEW YORK—Westchester Hippodrome, 1423 Williamsbridge Rd. RAYMONDVILLE—Pictureland Theatre, NEW YORK—W. Harlem Amus. Park, 2683" 8th Ave. RENSSELAER—Bijou Theatre. NEW YORK—Willett Opera House, 58 Willett St. RENSSELAER-Central Theatre, 19 3rd St. NEW YORK—WilUams Bridge Theatre, 3682 White Plains Rd. RENSSELAER-Columbia Hall Theatre. Broadway. NEW YORK—Willett Vaud. House, 58 Willett St. RED HOOK—Fieldman's Theatre. NEW YORK—Windsor Vaud. Theatre, 15 Bowery. RICHFIELD SPRINGS—Elks Theatre. NEW YORK—Windsor Theatre. 412 Grand St. RICHMOND HILI^Amus. Palace Theatre, 2818 Jamaica Ave. NEW YORK—Winter Garden. 158-160 E. 86th St. RICHMOND HILL—Crescent Theatre. 2125 Jamaica Ave. NEW YORK—WlUlamsbrldge Novelty Theatre. 719 E. 217th St. RICHMOND HILL—Dreamland Theatre, Oxford and Jamaica } NEW YORK—Wonderland Theatre. 1520 Broadway. RICHMOND HILL—Garden Theatre, Jamaica Ave. NEW YORK—World Am. Co.. 118-120 Rivington St. RICHMOND HILL—Library Square Theatre, 304 Lefferts Ave NEW YORK—York Theatre, 189 8th Ave. RICHMOND HILI^Maple Theatre, 2923 Jamaica Ave. NEW YORK-Yorkville Hippodrome. 78th St. RHINEBECK—Gaiety Theatre, E. Market St. NEW YORK—Yorkshire Theatre, 1081 3rd Ave. BIDGBWOOD—Irving Theatre. NEW YORK-YorkTllle Casino, 210 E. 86th St. RIVERHEAD—Lyceum Theatre, Peconic St. NEW YORK MILLS—Star Theatre, Main St. ROCHESTER—Astor Theatre, 265 Bay St. NIAGARA FALLS—Arcade Theatre. 31 Falls St. ROCHESTER—Beechwood Theatre. 272 Jefferson Ave. NIAGARA FALLS—Columbia Theatre. 1020 E. Falls St. ROCHESTER—Bellni Theatre, 400 State St. NIAGARA FALLS—Elite Theatre, 1920 Main St. ROCHESTER—Bijou Theatre, 22 Commercial St. NIAGARA FALLS—Grand Theatre. ROCHESTER—Dreamland Theatre, 324 State St. NIAGARA FALLS—Hippodrome Theatre, 1823 Pine St. ROCHESTER—Eagle Theatre. NIAGARA FALLS—Lumherg Theatre, 38 Falls St. ROCHESTER—Fmpress Theatre, 915 N. Clinton Ave. NIAGARA FALLS—Majestic Theatre, 9 Falls St. ROCHESTER—Family Theatre. South Ave. NIAGARA FALLS—Niagara Theatre. 28 Falls St. ROCHESTER—Fairyland Theatre, 135 State St. 138 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

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NEW YORK—Continued

ROCHESTEE—Genesee Theatre, 110 South Ave. —Elm Theatre, John and Ennis Sts. ROCHESTEB—Grand Theatre, S Plymouth Ave., N. STATEN ISLAND—Happyland Park Theatre, South Beach. ROCHESTEE—Hippodrome, 293 Main St. STATEN ISLAND—Odeon Theatre, Tompkinsville St. ROCHESTEE—Imperial Theatre, 207 Lyle Ave. STILLWATER—Star Theatre, Main St. ROCHESTEE—Knickerboclier Theatre, Main, cor. Walter St. Sl'SPIvXSKiN I'.RIDGE—Grand Theatre, 1919 Main St. ROCHESTEE—Lyric Theatre, 611 Clinton Ave. N. .SYlt.\< I SI Mr.izar Theatre, 1332 Grape St. ROCHESTEE—Manhattan Theatre, 272 Jeftersou Ave. s'l i; \< 1 ~i Theatre, 1140 S. Salina St. ROCHESTEE-JIaryland Tlieatre, 688 Clinton Ave., N. SI K M I -1 I It Park. BOCHESTER—Metropolitan Theatre, 408 Brown St. I si l;:ii,iiv Theatre, 327 Irving St. ROCHESTEE-Palace Theatre. 986 Joseph Ave. S\U,\('I s|j--i;:t:-,iuble Theatre, 207 B. Genesee St. BOCHESTER—Panama Theatre, Michigan and Sherman Sts. SIRACLSI.—Butternut Theatre, 706 Butternut St. BOCHESTEff—Panama Theatre, 76 Llnnit St. SYRACUSE-Celtic Theatre, cor. Lowell and Genesee Sts. ROCHESTER—Plaza Theatre, 112 Webster Ave. SYRACUSE—Colonial Theatre, 1234 S. State St. BOCHESTER—Plymouth Theatre, Plymouth and Magnolia Sts. SYRACUSE—Crescent Theatre, 449 N. Salina St. ROCHESTEE—Princess Theatre, 702 South St. SYRACUSE—Grand Opera House, E. Genesee St. ROCHESTEE-Regent Theatre. SYRACUSE—Dreamland Theatre, 110 Onondago St. BOCHBSTEE—Eosegarden Theatre, 536 Portland Ave. SYRACUSE—Franklin Theatre, 137 South Ave. EOCHESTBE—Savoy Theatre, Central Park and Niagara St. SYEACUSE—Happy Hour Theatre, 224 N. Salina St. BOCHESTER—Star Theatre, S. Ave., nr. Grape St. SYEACUSE—Hippodrome, 354 S. Salina St. BOCHESTEB—Star Theatre, 674 South Ave. SYEACUSE—Irving Theatre, Genesee St. BOCHESTEE—Star Theatre, 34 Commercial St. SYEACUSE—Langon Theatre. 1105 S. Gettis St. BOCHESTER-Temple Theatre, 37 Clinton Ave. S. S'iRACUSE—Lafayette Theatre. 2624 S. Salina St. BOCHESTER—Victoria Theatre, Clinton Ave. BIRACUSE—Larned Theatre. 136 B. Genesee St. ROCHESTER-mite Eagle Theatre, 982 Hudson Ave. SI' RACUSE—Lincoln Theatre. 615 Hawley Ave. ROCK AWAY—Arena Theatre, Boulevard nr. Fairview Ave. SYR.M'i'si:- 'I'lH.iiirf. 203 N. Geddes St. Side. 111., BOCKAWAY BEACH—, Ocean Pier Ave., Sea SVliMTsi I,,, I In, lire. 243 W. Fayette St.

I , , , BOCKAWAY BEACH—Atlantic Theatre, 64 Boulevard. SYl: M I -I I

I "I i BOCKAWAY BEACH—Coliseum Theatre, Seaside Station. -I . iire. Midland and Newell Sts. BOCKAWAY BEACH—Empire Theatre, 487 Boulevard. .s\lt\( i SI \i I!,,,, Ill, Cortland and Salina Sts. Station. SYli.Vi 'I'lu ROCKAWAY BEACH—Fulton Theatre, Hammel L SK- - .\"\elu aire. 213 W. Fayette St. ROCKAWAY BEACH—Hippodrome, i Hollywood Ave. SYRACUSE—Park Theatre. 1003 Park St. BOCKAWAY BEACH—Lyric Theatre, 53 5 Boulevard. SYEACUSE—Playhouse. 475 Westcott St. BOCKAWAY BEACH—Pastime Theatre. Seaside and Ocean Aves. SYEACUSE—Plaza Theatre. S. Salina St. BOCKAWAY BEACH—Rookaway Theatre, 547 Eockaway Ave. SYRACUSE—Rex Theatre. 462 N. Salina St. BOCKAWAY BEACH— Tlieatre, Boardwalk. SYK.\<'T;si:—Savoy Theatre. 316 S. Warren St. EOCK^SaLLE CBNTEE—Family Theatre. SYUA) I SI, SrMiiour Theatre. Seymour St. BOCKVILLE CENTER—Lyric Theatre. S'lKM i -I -iiiiier Park Tlieatre. \i EOCKVILLE CENTEE—Magnet Theatre. S'l K I -I - .iiliKlit Theatre. 318 South Ave.

BOMB—Casino Theatre, 135 James St. tfVKAi I SI. SMhliu Theatre. 839 N. Salina St. BOME—Coloni al. SYK.\CL Sh,-'luiii Hall. S. Salina St. ROME—Family Theatre, W, Dominick St. SYRACUSE—Zou Theatre. 1205 E. Fayette St. BOJIE—Lyric Theatre. TANNERSVILLE—Rudolf Theatre, Main St. BOMB-Star Theatre, 128 N. James St. TARRYTOWN—Alpine Hall Theatre. ROUSE'S POINT—Contures Opera House. TARRYTOWN—Music Hall. 11 Main St. SACKETTS HARBOR—Gaiety Theatre, TARKYTIIWN— Union Opera House, Orchard St. and Central Ave. ST. BAYEIDGE—Park Way Hippodro Hamilton Park THiilsAMi I SLA.\DS—Thousand Islands Park Theatre. 58th St. TIi oNDi Kim: \ I'airyland Theatre, W. Exchange St. ST. JOHNSVILLE—Hyland Opera House, Center St. ]-lc (i\hi.Ki;i: \ Casino Theatre. f| 1( 1 1 I . \ I ST. JOHNSVILLE—Lyric Theatre. 1 \ tuon Opera . House, W. Exchange St. SACANDAGA PARK—Sacandaga Park Theatre. TlruM.i lJM^: \ Wigwam Theatre, 99 Exchange Ave. SAG HARBOR—George's Theatre. TONAW wii A iiiHiid Theatre. SAG HAEBOR—Star Theatre. Tii\ \\\ \ \ I >A I :eiii Theatre. ST. REGIS FALLS—Pastime Theatre, Main St. l ii\\\\ \ \ I 'A li'iiiple Theatre. SARATOGA SPRINGS—^Broadway Palace Theatre. 398 Broadway. T(i.\A\\.\.\|i.\- sr.Miic Theatre. SAEATOGA SPRINGS—Lyric Theatre, 452-54 Broadway. ToAll'l\U\.s\ ILLK—Odeon Theatre, 463 Tompkins Ave. SARATOGA SPRINGS-Wonderland Theatre, 450 Broadway. TOTTEN VILLIO—Palace Theatre. SAEATOGA—Pontiac Theatre, 433 Broadway. TRIBES HILL—Town Hall. SALAJIANCA—Andrews Theatre, Main St. TROY—Alpine Theatre. 70 Hoosick St. SALAMANCA—Dreamland Theatre, Jlain and Church TROY—Empire Theatre, 59 Congress St. SALAMANCA—Mystic Theatre. TROY—Gardner Hall Theatre, 3167 6th Ave. SALAiLANCA—Rink Theatre. TROY—Hippodrome, Rensselaer Park. SALEM—Star Theatre, 50 Main St. TROY—Lyceum Theatre, Federal St. SAEANAC LAKE—Berkley Theatre. TROY'—Majestic Theatre, 101 3rd St. SARANAC LAKE—Bijou Theatre, 11 Broadway. TROY—Novelty Theatre. SABANAC LAKE—Colonial Theatre. TROY—Plaza Theatre, River St. SARANAC LAKE—Crescent Theatre. Broadway. TROY—Proctor's Lyceum, Federal St. SAUGEETIES—Opera House. THUMANSBURG—Happy Hour Theatre. Main St. SAUGEETIES—Orpheum Theatre. TUCKAHOE—Tuckahoe Lyceum Theatre, Breckenridge, nr. Main SI SAVANNAH—Star Theatre. TUPPiCE LAKE—Family Theatre, Park St. SAYVILLE—Novelty Theatre, Eailroad Ave. UNADILLA—Idle Hour Theatre, 3 Depot St. SAYVILLE—Unique Theatre. UTICA—Alhambra Amusement Co., 108-110 Bleecker St. SCHOHAEIE—Kilmer's Opera House. UTICA—Bender Theatre. SCHOHAEIE—Schohai-le Opera House. UTICA— Empire Theatre, Bleecker St. SCHAGHTICOKE—Opera House. UTICA—Family Theatre, 892 Bleecker St. SCHAGHTICOKE—Peerless Theatre, Foot of Main St. UTICA—Idle Hour Theatre, 629 Bleecker St. SCHENECTADY—American Theatre, 776 Albany St. UTICA—Lumberg Theatre, Washington, nr. Lafayette St. SCHENECTADY—Art Theatre, 432 State St. UTICA—Majestic Theatre. SCHENECTADY—Brandyivine Park Theatre, Elm and Albany Sts. UTICA—Mirth Theatre. SCHENECTADY—Empire Theatre. UTICA—Orpheum Theatre, 34 Lafayette St. SCHENECTADY—Pearl Theatre, 213 Crane St. UTICA—Savoy Theatre, 634 Bleecker St. SCHENECTADY—Happy Hour Theatre, 138 Center St. UTICA—Star Theatre, 644 Bleecker St. SCHENECTADY—Majestic Theatre. UTICA—Theatorlum, 206 Genesee St. SCHENECTADY—Orpheum Theatre Co.. Inc., 409 State St. VALATIE—Opera House. SCHENECTADY—Proctor's Theatre, State St. WALDBN—Didsbury Theatre, 53 Main St. SCHUYLEBVILLE—Bijou Theatre. WALTON—Lyric Theatre. SCHUYLEBVILLE—Liberty Theatre. WALTON—Majestic Photoplay Theatre. SCOTIA—Temple Theatre. Mohawk Ave. WALTON—Walton Opera House. SEABREEZE—Hotel Oxford Theatre. WAPPINGERS FALLS—Bijou. SENBCA FALLS-Lyric Theatre, 64 Falls St. WAPPINGERS FALLS—Cohen's Opera House. Spring St. SENECA FALLS—Johnson Opera House. Falls St. WAPPINGERS FALLS—Hippodrome, Market St. SENECA FALLS—Star Theatre, 35 Falls St. WARRENSBUEG—Family Theatre. SHARON SPRINGS—Sharon Academy, 24 Mam St. WARRENSBUEG—Fairyland Theatre. SHARON SPRINGS—Star Theatre. WAESAW—Amusement Palace Theatre, Main St. SHERBUENB—Opera House. WABSAW—Oatka Theatre. SHORTSVILLE—Echo Theatre. WATEETOWN—Antique Theatre, 235 Court St. SIDNEY—Bright Spot Theatre, 32 Main St. WATEETOWN—Bijou Theatre, State St. SILVER SPEINGS—Crescent Theatre, Main St. WATEETOWN—Lyric Theatre. SOLVAY—Orpheum Theatre, 102 Cogswell Ave. WATFRTOWN—City Opera House, 152 Arsenal St. SOUTHAMPTON—Crescent Theatre. WATEETOWN—Photoplay, 239 Court St. SOUTH BEACH—Happyland Park Theatre. WATEETOWN—Victoria Theatre, 11 Public Sq. SOUTH TBOY—Monroe Theatre, 397 2nd St; WATBEVILLi'—Dreamland Theatre. SPAEKHILL—Sparkhill M. P. Theatre. WATEEVLIET—Fairyland Theatre. SPEING VALLEY-Amity Opera House, Church St. WATEEVLIET—San Souci Theatre, 110 16th St. SPRING VALLEY—Lyceum Theatre. WATEEVLIET—Star Theatre, Broadway. SPRING VALLEY—Spring Valley Theatre. WARWICK—Demarest Opera House, 1st and South Sts. St. Gem Theatre, B. Main ^ Oakland Theatre. . WARWICK— SPRINGVILLE— , ^ SPRINGVILLE—Godard Theatre, Franklin and Mechanic Sts. WATBRFOED—Waterford M. P. Theatre, Broad St. STAFLETON—Leos Park Theatre. WATERLOO—Star Theatre, Main St. STAPLETON—Royal Garden Theatre, Bay and Cross Sts. WATKINS—Glen Theatre. STAPLETON—Stapleton Theatre. WATKINS—Opera House, 4th St. STAMFORD—Rip Van Winkle Theatre. Harper St. WAA'BRLY—Gem Theatre. STATEN ISLAND—Apolio Theatre, 2951 Richmond Ter. WAY^ERLY—Grand Theatre, 315 Broad St. 140 A I\[ E R I C A X .A! O T T 0 N PICTURE DIRECT 0 R V

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NEW YORK—Continued

WAVERLY—Theatorium Theatre. 362 Broad St. WILLIAMSON—Star Theatre. Main St. WAYLAND—Weinhart Opera House. Main St. WOODBOURNE—Woodbourne Theatre WELLSVILLE—Baldwin Theatre. WOODHAVEN—Forest Park Theatre, 1118 Jamaica Ave. \VEIiS%1LLE—Lyric Theatre, 132 N. Main St. WOODHA^'EN—Inwood Theatre, 1344 Jamaica Ave. WELLSVILLE—Star Theatre. WeUsrtlle Ave. WOODHA\TEN—Manor Theatre. 17b6 Jamaica Ave. WEBSTER—Webster Amusement Co., North Ave. WOODHAVEN—Woodhaven Auditorium, Grafton and Morris Sts. WEST BRIGHTON—Castleton Theatre. WOODLAWN—Parkway Theatre, 1161-67 Jamaica Ave. WEST BRIGHTON—New Cosmopolitan Theatre. WORCESTER—Weiting Theatre. Main St. WEST BRIGHTON—New Plaza Theatre, 1173 Castl YONTCEHS—American Theatre, 191 Iverdale Ave. WESTFIELD—Imperial Theatre. YONKERS—Broadway Theatre. 4628 Broadway, S. WESTFIELD—Majestic Theatre. 14 Market St. YONKERS—Broadway Theatre. 484 S. Broadway. WESTFIELD—Main St. Theatre, 39 Union St. YONKERS—Central Theatre. 269 N. Main St. WESTFIELD—Westfleld Photo Drama, 30 Main St. YON'KERS—Crescent Theatre, 788 McLean Ave. WESTPORT—Memorial Hall. YONTfERS—Getty Square Theatre. Getty Sq. WHITE PLAINS—Electric Theatre, 4S Railroad At YONKERS—Hamilton Theatre. 911 Main St. WEIITE PLAINS—Strand Theatre, Main and Wall YONKERS—Hollywood Inn Theatre. WHITESTONE—Unique Theatre, 19th St. and 8th YONKERS—Log Cabin Theatre. 272 Riverside Ave. WHITEHALI^New Lyric Theatre. Broad St. YONKERS—Model Theatre. 100 Elm St. WHITEHALL—Whitehall Theatre. Broad St. YONKERS—Orpheum Theatre. Neperhan and New Main Sts WHITEHALI^World in Motion, Saunders St. YONKERS—St. Joseph's Theatre. Ashburton and St. Joseph Sts WINTIELD—Orpheum Theatre, Tompkins Ave. YONKERS—Warburton Theatre, Warburton Ave. WINFIELD—Palace Theatre. NEW HAMPSHIRE

BELMONT—Hall's Opera House. LPLBANON—Lyric Theatre. BERLIN—Gem Theatre, 137 Main St. LITTLETON—Premier Theatre, Main St. BRISTOI^Lyric Theatre. LITTLETON—Star Theatre, Cottage St. CLAREMONT— Star Theatre. LOCKPORT—Lockport Opera House. COLEBHOOK—Halcyon Theatre. ilANCHESTER—Crown Theatre. Hanover St. CONCORD—Conn's Theatre. School St. iL\NCHESTER—Empire Theatre. CONCOBD—White's Opera House. 136 Main St. MANCHESTER—Lyric Theatre. 41 Hanover St. DERRY—Scenic Temple. Railroad Ave. MANCHESTER—Nickel Theatre. 30 Hanover St. DOVER—Dover Opera Hotise. City Bldg. MILFORD—Comique Theatre. DCVBR—Orpheum Theatre. MILFORD—Eagle HaD. DOVEE—Star Theatre. 4 Broadway. MILFORD—Grange Hall Theatre. EAST MANCHESTER—Empire Theatre. Massaresic and Belmont Sts. jnLFORD—Star Theatre. Putnam St. EXETER—Exeter Opera House. NASHUA—Colonial Theatre. Main St. EXETER—Opera House. Water St. NASHUA—Nashua Theatre. 34 Elm St. FARMINGTON—Dreamland Theatre, 14 Central St. NEW MARKET—Town Hall, P. 0. Box 348. FABMIKGTON—Scenic Theatre. NEWPORT—Newport Casino. Belknap Ave. FRANKLIN—Pastime Theatre, rear Young's Hotel. NEn-PORT—Scenic Theatre. GREENVILLE—Fairyland Theatre, Main St. PENACOOK—Wonderland Theatre. Exchange Hall, 44 Main St. GREEN\^LLE—Hartshorn's HaU. Main St. PETERBORO—Gem Theatre. GROVESTON—Star Theatre. Main St. PETERBOEO—New Theatre. HAMPTON BEACH—Bijou Theatre. Hampton Beach Casino Bldg. PITTSFIELD—Pleasant Theatre, Main St. HILLSBORO BRIDGE—Dreamland Theatre, Depot St. PORTSMOUTH—Opera House, Chestnut St. JEFFERSON-Liberty Hall. PORTSMOUTH—Premier Scenic Temple, High St. KEENE—Dreamland Theatre, 19 Roxbury St. ROCHESTER—Scenic Theatre, Adams Sq. KEENE—Majestic Theatre. SOMERSWORTH—Somersworth Theatre. LACONIA—Colonial Theatre, Main St. SUNCOOK—Queen Theatre. Main St. LACONIA—Moulton Opera House. Main St. TILTON—Pastime Theatre, Hill's Blk. LAKEPOBT—Odd Fellows' Opera House. WEST MANCHESTER—Granite Square Theatre, 200 Granite St. LANCASTER—Amuse U Theatre. Main St. WHITEFIELD—Graves Theatre. Main St. LANCASTER—Opera House. Main St. WOODSVILLE—Palace Theatre. Main St. NORTH CAROLINA

ALBEilARLE—Carolina Theatre. 2nd Ave. ALBEMARLE-Gem Theatre, 2nd St. ASHEVILLE—Classic Theatre. Patton Ave. GREENSBORO—Elm Theatre, ASHEVILLE—Majestic Theatre. GREENSBORO—Ottoway Theatre. 217 E. Elm St. BEAUFORT—Victoria Theatre. Front and Turner Sts. GREENVILLE—Amuzu Theatre. BELHAVEN—Dreamland Theatre. GREENSVILLE—Gaiety Theatre. Main St. BELHA'VEN—Marj-land Theatre. GREENTILLE—Opera House. BURLINGTON—Burlington Theatre. HAMLET—New Theatre. CHAPEL HILL—Pickwick Theatre. Mam St. HENDERSON—Princess Theatre. Main St. CHARLOTTE—Amuse U Theatre. HENDERSON—Palace Theatre. CHARLOTTE—Auditorium Theatre, College and 5th Sts. HENDERSONVILLE—Grand Theatre. 316 N. Mam St. CHARLOTTE—Casino Theatre. 22 N. Tryon St. HEN-DERSOmaLLE—Palace Theatre. 502 N. Main St. CHARLOTTE—Edisonia Theatre. 200 N. Trj'on St. HICKORY—Hub Theatre, 1008 Union Sq. CHARLOTTE—Ottoway Theatre, Tryon St. HIGH POINT—Eagle Theatre. 126 S. Main St. CHARLOTTE—Piedmont Theatre. HIGH POINT—Royal Theatre. CHARLOTTE—Princess Theatre, 23 W. Trade St. HILLSBORO—Gem Theater, Nash St. CHARLOTTE—Theato No. 2. 211 W. Trade St. HILLSBORO—Grand Theatre, .Nash St. CHARLOTTE—The Star Theatre. 27 W. Trade St. HILLSBORO—Pastime Theatre. Nash St. CLAYTON—Palace Theatre. KINGS MOUNTAIN—Pastime Theatre. CLIFFSIDE—Cllffside Theatre. N. Main St. KINGSTON—Crystal Theatre. CLIFFSIDE—Show House. KINGSTON—Dixie Theatre. 119 N. Queen St. CLINTON-^Cllnton Theatre. LA GRANGE—Star Theatre. CLINTON—Electric Theatre. LAURINBURG—Gem Theatre. S. W. cor. Main St. CLINTON—Gem Theatre. Wall St. LEXINGTON—Gem Theatre. CLINTON—Opera House. LEXINGTON—Liberty Theatre. CONCORD—Grand Opera House. LEXINGTON—Star Theatre. S. W. cor. Main St. CONCORD—Hub Theatre. LILLINGTON—Long Theatre. CONCORD—Main Theatre. LINCOLNTON—Bijou Theatre. E. Main St. CONCORD—Marsh Theatre. LOUISBURG—Gem Theatre. CONCORD—Theatorium, 20 S. Union St. LOUISBURG—Movie Theatre. COOLEEMEE—Park Theatre, 27 Main St. LUMBERTOWN—Opera House. DL'NN—Opera House. LUMBERTOWN—Pastime Theatre. Elm St. DURHAM—Arcade Theatre. 214 E. Main St. MARION—Savoy Theatre. DURHAM—Grand Theatre, 211 Main St. JLAXTON—Gem Theatre. Main St. ELIZABETH CITY—Gaiety Theatre, 101 Poindexter St. MAXTON—Theato Theatre. ELKIN—ElMn Theatre. MONROE—Amuse-U Theatre. ENFIELD—Grand Theatre. Whitfield St. MONROE—Lyric Theatre. FABMVILLE—Pastime Theatre. MONROE—Opera House. Box 533. FAYETTEVILLE—Colored Opera House. MONROE—Pastime Theatre, 7 E. Franklin St. FAYETTEVILLE—Lafayette Theatre. MOORESVILLE—Crystal Theatre. FAYETTEVILLE—Lyric Theatre. MOREHEAD CITY—Palace Theatre. FAYETTEVILLE—New Dixie Theatre, 220 Hay St. MORGANTON—Hobbie Theatre. Union St.. N. W. GASTONIA—Crescent Theatre. 105 Main St. MOHGANTON—New Theatre. GASTONIA—Lumina Theatre. 224 W. Main Ave. MORGANTON—Piedmont Theatre. GASTONIA—Theato Theatre. 125 Main St. MT. AIRY—Elite Theatre. GOLDSBORO—Crystal Theatre. 121 Walnut St. MT. AIRY—Princess Theatre. Maui St. GOLDSBORO—Pocahontas Theatre. MT. OLIVE—Mt. Olive Theatre. 142 A :M E R I C A N 0 T r 0 N P I( ' T U R E DIRECTOR Y


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MT. OLIVE—Opera House. SALMA—Hough and Ready Opera House. >IT. OLrV'E—Pastime Theatre. SANDFOED—Lyric Theatre. NEWBERN—Athens Theatre, 80 Pollock St. SCOTLAND NECK—Opera House. NEWBEEN—Newbern Ghent Park A. SHELBY—Grand Theatre, Gldney Blk. NEWBEEN—Star Theatre, 59 Broad St. SMITHFIELD—Dixie Theatre. NEWTBEEN—Victoria Theatre. STATESVILLE—Crescent Theatre. NEWTON—Dixie Theatre. TARBOEO—Gayety Theatre, Main St. NOBWOOD—Pastime Theatre. TARBORO—Eoyal Theatre, 417 Main St. OXFOED—Dixie Idlewhile Theatre. THOMASVILLE—Lee Theatre, Salem St, OXPOED—Opera House, Hlllsboro St. THOMASVILLE—Piedmont Theatre, Salem St. OXFOED—Orpheum Theatre. WADESBORO—Educator Theatre. PLYMOUTH—Gaiety Theatre, Main St. WADESBORO—Lyric Theatre. PLYMOUTH-Lyric Theatre. WAKE FOREST—Gem Theatre. EALEIGH—Alamo Theatre. WALLACE—Pastime Theatre. BALEIGH—Gaiety Theatre, 10.5 Fayetteville St. WALLACE—Wallace Theatre. EALEIGH—Grand Theatre, 117 Fayetteville St. WASHINGTON—DLxie Theatre. EALEIGH—MetropoUtan Theatre. WASHINGTON—Gaiety Theatre. RALEIGH—Revelery Theatre. WASHINGTON—Gem Theatre, Gen. Del. Bo.\ 2 EEIDSVILLE—Grotto Theatre, GUmer St. WASHINGTON—New Theatre. ROANOKE EAPIDS—People's Theatre. WAYNESVILLE—Waynesville Theatre. ROCKINGHAM-Lyric Theatre. WAYNESVILLE—Waynewood Theatre. ROCKINGHAM-Wonderland Theatre. WILLIAMSTON—Gayety Theatre. ROCKY MOUNT—Grand Theatre, Main St. WILLIAMSTON—New Theatre. ROCKY MOUNT—Imperial Theatre. WILMINGTON—Grand Theatre, 25 N. Front SI EOCKY MOUNT—Masonic Theatre. WILMINGTON—Lyceum Theatre. EOPEE—Opera House. WILMINGTON—Lyric Theatre. BOXBOEO—Grand Theatre. WILMINGTON—Victoria Theatre. EOXBOEO—^Realistic Theatre. WILSON—Amuzu Theatre, 102 Nash St. SALESBUEY—Gem City Amusement Co. WINDSOR—Gem Theatre, Granby St. SALESBUEY—Grubb Theatre, 205 S. Main St. WINSTON-SALEM—Auditorium. SALESBUEY—Eoyal Theatre. WINSTON-SALEM—Elmont Theatre. SALISBUEY—BlJou Theatre, 115 N. Main St. WINSTON-SALEM—Nlssen Park Theatre. SALISBURY—Main St. WINSTON-SALEM—Pilot Theatre. SALISBURY—Palace Theatre. NORTH DAKOTA

ALEXANDER-Starland Theatre. HANKINSON—Grand Theatre. ANETA—Pastime Theatre, Main St. HARVEY—Arcade Theatre. BEACH—Beach Opera House, Grant St. HARVEY—Bijou Theatre. BEACH—New Theatre. Grant St. HILLSBOBO—Hillsboro Opera House, Main BELFIELD—Opera House. HOPE—Bijou Theatre, Main St. BISMARCK—Grand Theatre, 109 Main St. JAMESTOWN-Bijou Theatre, 210 5th Ave. BISMARCK—Orpheum Theatre. 412 Slain St. JAMESTOWN—Opera House. BOTTINEAU—Grand Theatre. .JAMESTOWN-Orpheum Theatre, 210 5th A BOWMAN—Cozy Theatre. KENMARE—Lyceum Theatre. CANDO—Cando Opera House, Park and Tower Aves. LA MOURE—Stoddard Opera House. CANDO—Photoplay Theatre, Main and Tower Ave. LANGDON—Electric Theatre. CARRINGTON—Bruenlng Opera House. LANGDON—Lyceum Theatre. CARRINGTON—Grand Theatre. LARIMORE—Lyric Theatre. CAVALIER-Bijou Theatre. LEEDS—Empress Theatre. COOPEESTOWN—Gem Theatre. LIDGERWOOD—Opera House. COOPEESTOWN—Opera House, Lemnam Ave. LISBON—Scenic Theatre, Main St. COGSWELL—Opera House. MNNEWAUKON—M. P. Show Theatre. DEVILS LAKE—Colonial Theatre. MINOT—Arcade Theatre. DE^^ILS LAKE—Grand Opera House. raNOT—Grand Theatre. DICKINSON—DlcMnson Opera House. MINOT—Orpheum Theatre, S. Main St. DICKINSON—Lyric Theatre. MOTT—White City Theatre, EDGELEY—Red Front Theatre, Castle St. —Dreamland Theatre. ELLENDALE—Idle Hour Theatre No. 2. NEW EOCKFORD—Rex Theatre. ELLENDALE—Lyric Theatre. OAKES—Grand Theatre. ENDERLIN—Grand Theatre. PARK RFVER-Grand Theatre. ENDEELIN—Idle Hour Theatre. RAY—Bijou Theatre. FARGO—Bijou Theatre, 106 Broadway. EUGBY—Bijou Theatre. FAEGO—Grand Theatre. HUGBY'—Lyric Theatre. FAEGO—Ideal Theatre, Broadway. STANLEY—Stanley Theatre. FAEGO—Orpheum Theatre. TIOGA—^Bijou Theatre. FAEGO—Savoy Theatre. VALLEY CITY—Bijou Theatre. FINLEY—Finley Theatre, Central Ave. and 4th St. VALLEY CITY—Eex Theatre. GRAND FORKS—Bijou Theatre. WAHPETON—lola Theatre. GRAND FORKS—Gem Theatre. DeMers Ave. WILDEOSE—Bijou Theatre. GRAND FORKS—Grand Theatre. N. 3rd St. WILLISTON—Grand Theatre. Broadway. GRAND FORKS—Metropolitan Theatre. WILLISTON—Orpheum Theatre, 46 Main St GRAND FORKS—^Photoplay Theatre. WILLISTON—Star Theatre, 33 S. Main St. GRAND FORKS—Royal Theatre. 420 DeMers Ave. WILTON—Gala Theatre, Main St. GRAFTON—Bijou Theatre, Hill Ave. WISHEK—Pleasant Hour Theatre. HANKINSON—Grand Opera House. OHIO

ADA—Lyric Theatre, P. O. Box 772. AMHEEST—Empire Theatre. Church St. ADA—Odeon Theatre. N. Mam St. ANDOVER—M. P. Theatre. Main St. ADD! STON—Pastime Theatre. ANSONIA—High St. Theatre. High St. AKEON—Alhambra Theatre, 911 E. Market St. ANTWERP—Star Theatre. AKEON—Bank Theatre. 16 S. Main St. ANTWERP—Wonderland Theatre, Main St. AKEON—Colonial Theatre. ARCANUM—Opera House. AKEON—Empress Theatre, 8th and Howard Sts. ARLINGTON—Globe Theatre, Main St. AKEON—Grotto Theatre. ARLINGTON—M. P. Theatre. AKRON—Ideal Theatre, 244 Wooster St. ASHLAND—Grand Theatre. AKRON—Luna Theatre. 84 S. Howard St. ASHLAND—Opera House. AKEON—Majestic Theatre. 1565 S. Main St. ASHLAND—Princess Theatre. AKRON—Main Theatre. Main and Exchange Sts. ASHLEY—Dreamland Theatre. AKRON—National Theatre, 120 S. Main St. ASHLEY—Exhibit Theatre. S. High St. AKRON—Pastime Theatre. 86 Main St., S. ASHLEY—Princess Theatre. W. Main St. AKRON—Plaza Theatre, Everett Bldg. ASHTABULA—Lyric Theatre. 119 Bridge St. AKRON—Plaza Theatre. Main and Market Sts. ASHTABULA—Majestic Theatre. AKRON—Rex Theatre. 105 N. Howard St. ASHTABULA—Mecca Theatre. Main St. AKEON—Star Theatre. 52 S. Howard St. ASHTABULA—Theatorium, Main St. AKEON—Thornton Theatre, 774 S. Main St. ATHENS—Columbia Theatre. AKEON—Vaudette Theatre, 292 S. Main St. ATHENS—Grand Theatre, W. Washington St. AKEON—Winter Theatre, 645 S. Main St. ATHENS—Electric Theatre. ALLIANCE—Edisonia Theatre, 546 B. Main St. ATTICA—Princess. ALLIANCE—Ideal Theatre. BAINBEIDGE—M, P. Theatre. ALLIANCE—Lyric Theatre. 215 E. Main St. BAINBEIDGE—Pasthne Theatre, Main St. 144 AMERICAN M0TI(3N PICTURE DIRECTORY

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BAKBERTOX—America Theatre. CINCINNATI—Heucks Theatre, 1213 Vine St. BABBERTON—Pastime Tlieatre, 103 Tuscarawas Ave. CINCINNATI—Hippodrome, 9th and Baymiller St. BAEBERTON—Pondo Tlieatre. CINCINNATI—Home Theatre, Western and Poplar Sts. BARNESVILLB—Acme Theatre, Main St. CINCINNATI—Ideal Theatre, 1228 E. 3rd St. BARNESYILLE—Arch St. M. P. Show. CINCINNATI—Lubln Co., 140 W.. 5th St. BAKNESVILLE—Diamond Theatre. CINCINNATI—Lytle Park, 4th and Lawrence Sts. BABNESVXLLE—Moore's Opera House. Church Ave. CINCINTSTATI—Main Theatre, 1439 Main St. BARNESVlIiLE—North Star Theatre. Main St. CINCINNATI—Mars Theatre, Gilbert nr. Hewitt St. BATAVIA—Comet Theatre. Main St. CINCINNATI—Marvel Theatre, 1829-31 Elm St. BEDFORD—Gem Theatre. CINCINNATI—Mohawk Theatre. 268 W. McCicken Ave. BELLAIRE—Elk Grand Theatre, .3161 Belmont St. CINCINNATI—National Theatre. 8th Ave. and Depot St. BELLAIRE—Liforama Theatre, 236 32nd St. CINCINNATI—National Theatre. 8th and Depot Sts. BELLAIBE—Olympic Theatre, Belmont St. CINCINNATI—National Theatre, 1034 Freeman Ave. BELLAIRE—Star Theatre, Belmont St. CINCINNATI—New Lyceum Theatre, Central Ave. nr. 5th St. BELL CENTER—Royal Theatre, Railroad St. CINCINNATI—Nordland Plaza Theatre, 2621 Vlneland Ave, BELLEEONTAINE—Grand Opera House, 110 Court St. CINCINNATI—Ohio Theatre, 216 W. 5th St. BELLEFONTAINE—Royal Theatre. CINCINNATI—Orpheum Theatre, 945 E. McMillan St. BELLEFONTAINE—Volk's Theatorium, 126 W. Columhus St. CINCINNATI—Orpheum Theatre, Peebles Cor. BELLEVILLE—Elk Theatre, Main St. CINCINNATI—Orpheum Theatre, 231 W. 5th St. BELLEVUE—CoUseum Theatre, Center St. CINCINNATI—Pekln Theatre, 534 5th St. BELLETUE—Family Theatre. W. Main St. CINCINNATI—Peoples Theatre. 11th and Vine St. BELLEV'UE—Mystic Theatre, 116 Main St. CINCINNATI—Pleasam Theatre, cor. Vine and Elder Sts. BELLEVUE—Royal Theatre, W. Main St. CINCINNATI—Princess Theatre. 1431 Central Ave. BELMONT—Belmont Theatre, Jefferson St. CINCINNATI—Rialto Theatre, 3046 Colerain Ave. BETHESDA—Park Theatre, in Epworth Park. CINCINNATI—Royal Theatre. 939 Freeman Ave. BLANCHESTER—Johnsonia Theatre. CINCINNATI—Valley Theatre, Harrison Ave. BLOOMVILLE—Royal Theatre. CINCINNATI—Victor Theatre. 1112 Harrison Ave. BLTjFFTON—M. P. Theatre. CINCINNATI—Warsaw Theatre. Warsaw and Austerlitz Sts. BLOTFTON—Nemo Theatre, N. Main St. CINCINNATI—W. End 5c Family Theatre. 788 State Ave. BLUFFTON—Star Theatre, 70 Main St. CIRCLEVILLE—Exhibit Theatre, W. Main St. BOWLING GREEN—Arcade Theatre. CIRCLEVILLE—Metropolitan Theatre. 106 W. Main St. BOWLING GREEN—Everybody Theatre. N. Main St. CLEVELAND—Aladdin Theatre. 5608 Superior Ave. BRADFORD—Star Theatre, Main St. CLEVELAND-Alamo Theatre. 3107 ScoviU Ave. BRADNER—Alcazar Theatre. CLEVELAND—Alco Theatre, 3823 W. 25th St. BREMEN—Cameraphone Theatre, Main St. CLEVELAND—Alhambra Theatre. 10403 Euclid Ave. BREJIEN—M. P. Theatre. CLEVELAND—Alvin Theatre, 2352 Ontario St. BREWSTER—Theatorium. CLEVELAND—American Theatre, 232 Superior Ave. BRIDGEPORT—Star Theatre. CLEVELAND—Angela Theatre, 9103 Buckeye Ed. BRIDGEPORT—Union Opera House, Lincoln Ave. CLEVELAND—Apollo Theatre, 2711 B. 93rd St. BROOKVILLE—Grand Theatre. CLEVELAND—Arion Theatre, 13013 Kinsman Rd. BRYAN—Grand Theatre. CLEVELAND—Art Theatre, 8716 Hough St. BRYAN—Theatorium. CLEVELAND-Avenue Theatre, 96th St. and W. Madison Ave. BUCHTEI^Buchtel Theatre, Marinitte St. CLEVELAND—Avenue Theatre, 422 EueUd Ave. BUCYRUS—Majestic Theatre, 126 S. Sandusky St. CLEVELAND—Brilliant Theatre, 1408 E. 55th St. BE CYRUS—Marlowe Theatre, 220 S. Sandusky Ave. CLEVELAND—Broadway Am. Co., 4825 Broadway. BUCYRUS—Orpheum Theatre. CLEVELAND—Broadway Theatre, 4628 Broadway. BUCYRUS-The Hippodrome. CLEVELAND-Bronx Theatre, 1730 E. 9th St. BUCYRUS—Wonderland Theatre. CLEVELAND—Buckingham Theatre, 3007 Central Ave. BUTLER—^Family Theatre, cor. Main and College Sts. CLEVELAND—Bunny Theatre, 7023 Lexington Ave. BYESVILLB—Luna Theatre, Depot St. CLEVELAND—Camera Theatre, 3302 Payne St. CADIZ—Cadiz Opera House, 129 W. Market St. CLEVELAND—Cameraphone Theatre, 736 Euclid Ave. CALDWELI^Nickelodeon Theatre. CLEVELAND—Cameraphone, 206 Superior Ave. CALDWTELL—Victoria Theatre, North St. CLEVELAND—Carlyon Theatre, E. 124th and Superior Ave. CAMBRIDGE—Colonial Theatre, Wheeling Ave. and 6th St. CLEVELAND—Carusa Theatre, 8716 Hough Ave. CAMBRIDGE—Electric Theatre, Main St. CLEVELAND—Casino Theatre, 4316 Woodland Ave. CAMBRIDGE—Lyric Theatre. CLEVELAND—Castle Theatre, 8008 Wade Park Ave. CAMBRIDGE—Orpheum Theatre, 634 Wheeling Ave. CLEVELAND—Center Theatre, Pearl and Archwood Sts. CANAL DOVER—Bees -B's Theatre, 205 Factory St. CLEVELAND—Center Theatre, 375 W. 25th St. CANAL DOVER—Big Four Opera House. CLEVELAND—Clark Theatre, 4516 Clark Ave. CANAL DOVER—Grand Theatre. CLEVELAND—Cleveland Adver Club. 10531 Orville Ave. CANAL DOVER—Pike Theatre. CLEVELAND-Columbus Theatre, 4027 Murray Hill Rd. CANAL FULTON—Fultoni an Theatre, Canal St. CLEVELAND—Columbia Theatre, 6241 Broadway. CANTON—Alhamhra Theatre. CLEVELAND—Colonial Theatre, 5705 Superior Ave. CANTON—Auditorium City Hall. CLEVELAND—Colombo Theatre, 2026 Murray Hill Ave. CANTON—Majestic Theatre, East Tuscl St. CLEVELAND-Comet Theatre, 11301 Superior Ave. CANTON—Nickelodeon Theatre, 22.5 East Tuscarawas St. CLEVELAND—Corlett Theatre, 12903 Miles Ave. CANTON—Odeon Theatre, 225 East Tuscarawas St. CLEVELAND—Del Mar Theatre, 71st and Central Sts. CANTON—Orpheum Theatre. CLEVELAND—Dome Theatre, 5608 Superior Ave. CARBONDALB—By-Heck Theatre. CLEVELAND—Dreamland Theatre, 703 Euclid Ave. CABDINGTON—Dreamland Theatre, Main St. CLEVELAND—Durham Theatre, 66th and Lexington Ave. CARDINGTON—Lyric Theatre, W. Main St. CLEVELAND—Duchess Theatre. 5716 Euclid Ave. CAREY—Gault House. CLEVELAND—East Cleveland Theatre, Va^^ser and Euclid Aves. CAREY—Royal Theatre, Findlay St. CLEVELAND—East Side Wonderland, 3107 Scovllle Ave. CENTERBUBG—Crystal Palace Theatre, Main St. CLEVELAND—Fdisonian Theatre, 2399 W. 11th St. CHAGRIN FALLS—Falls Theatre, Pearl St. CLEVELAND—Edison Theatre, 5327 Fleet Ave. CHAUNCEY—Electric Theatre. CLEVELAND—Eleetra Theatre, 5703 St. Clair Ave. CHEVIOT—De Villa Theatre. CLEVELAND—Elysee Theatre, 3841 Payne Ave. CHEVIOT—Twin City Theatre. CLEVELAND—Elysium Theatre, Central and E. 77th St. CHICAGO JUNCTION—Mystic Theatre. Myrtle and Maple Sts. CLEVELAND—Empress Theatre, P2nd and Lorain Ave. CHILLICOTHE—Apollo Theatre. North Paint St. CLEVELAND—Enjoy U Theatre, 7700 Lake Ave. CHILLICOTHE—Orpheum Family Theatre, cor. Paint and 4th Sts. CLEVELAND—Erie Theatre, 3118 Woodland Ave. CHILLICOTHE—Queen Theatre, 78 N. Paint St. CLEVELAND—Euclid Beach Tlieatre, Eu'-nd Bea-h Park. CINCINNATI—Arcade Theatre, 3516 Beading Rd. CLEVELAND—Fuclid-Doan Theatre, 10211 Euclid Ave. CINCINNATI—Aragon Theater, Vine and Mulberry Sts. CLEVELAND—Ezella Theatre. 7007 Superior Ave. CINCINNATI—Auditorium Theatre, 7th and Elm Sts. CLEVELAND—Fairyland Theatre, 8910 Wade Park Ave. CINCINNATI—Avenue Theatre. 122 W. 5th St. CLEVELAND—Fairyland Theatre. 1885 W. 25th St. CINCINNATI—Avenue Theatre, McLean and Harrison Ave. CLEVELAND—Family Theatre. 2355 B. 63rd St. CINCINNATI—Avon Theatre, 816 Rockdale Ave. CLEVELAND—Frontin Amuse. Co.. Wofidland nr. 55th. CINCINNATI—B. F. Keith's Theatre, 511 Walnut St. CLEVELAND-Fun-Land Theatre. 10529 St. Claire Ave. CINCINNATI—Bijou Theatre, 30 E. 5th St. CLEVELAND—Garfield Theatre. 12355 Euclid Ave. CINCINNATI—Broadway Theatre, 12th and Broadway. CLEVELAND—Garibaldi Hall. 2223 Murray Hill Ave. CINCINNATI—Burnet Theatre, Rockdale and Burnet Ave. CLEVELAND—Gem Theatre. 3841 Payne Ave. CINCINNATI—Carrel Theatre, 4023 Eastern Ave. CLEVELAND—Gem Theatre. 9518 Cedar Ave. CINCINNATI—Casino Theatre, 806 W. 9th St. CLEVELAND—Glenside Theatre, 8323 Woodland Ave. CINCINNATI—Casino Theatre, Clark and Linn Sts. CLEVELAND—Globe Theatre, 5217 Woodland Ave CINCINNATI—Centralla Theatre, 1319 Central Ave. CLEVELAND—Globe Theatre, 55th and Woodland Ave. CINCINNATI—Cincy Theatre, 728 E. McMillan St. CLEVELAND—Golden Eagle Theatre, 5412 Detroit St. CINCINNATI—Coliseum Theatre, Pearl St. and Broadway. CLEVELAND—Gordon Park Theatre, St. Clair Ave. CINCINNATI—Colonial Theatre, 126-130 W. 5th St. CLEVELAND—Gordon Square Theatre, 65th and Detroit Ave. CINCINNATI—Crescent Theatre, 4600 Edgewood Ave. CLEVELAND—Gordon Theatre, 6512 Lorain Ave. CINCINNATI—Elm Theatre, 1711 Elm St. CLEVELAND-Harvard Theatre. 8414 Broadway. CINCINNATI—Empire Theatre, Vine St. CLEVELAND—Grand Central Theatre, 7110 Central Ave.

CINCINNATI—Erie Theatre, Erie Ave. and Edwards Rd , Hyde Park. CLEVELAND—Hiram House. 2723 Orange Ave. CINCINNATI—Fairvlew Theatre, Pair View Heights. CLEVELAND—Home Theatre, cor. Superior and 105th St. CINCIN'NATI—Family Theatre, Vine St. bet. 5th and 6th. CLEVELAND—Ideal Theatre. 3959 St. Clair Ave. CINCINNATI—Findlay Theatre Co., 823 Findlay St. CLEVELAND—Keiths Hipoodrome, 720 Eu-lid Ave. CINCINNATI—Freeman Theatre, 1548 Freeman Ave. CLEVELAND—Knickerbocker Theatre, 8313 Euclid Ave. CINCINNATI—Gaiety Amuse. Co., Gaiety Theatre. CLEVELAND—Kinsman Sunbeam Tlieatre. 7101 Kinsman Road CINCIN'NATI—Gaither Theatre, 410 W. 5th St. CLEVELAND—Lakewood Theatre. 15000 Detroit St. CINCINNATI—Gem Theatre, 214 W. 5th St. CLEVELAND—Liberty Theatre, 3711 Fulton Rd. CINCINNATI—Grand- Theatre, 2030 Madison Road. CLEVELAND—Lincoln Theatre. 3378 W. 25th St. CINCINNATI—Grand Theatre. Vine St. CLEVELAND—Lorain Theatre, 4601 Lorain Ave. 146 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

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CLEVELAND—Luna Pastime Theatre, cor. Harvard and E. CLEVELAND—Luna Pastime Theatre, 4063 Marceline Av CLEVELAND—Madison Theatre, 9513 W. Madison Ave. CLEVELAND—Majestic Theatre, 1771 W. 25th St. CLEVELAND—The Mall Theatre, 206 Superior Ave N. E CLEVELAND—Marvel Amuse. Co., 2780 W. 25th St. COLUMBUS—Won, l> CLEVELAND—.Maytield Theatre, E. 120th and Mayfield S t HI MBL s GR( A CLEVELAND—Metropolitan Theatre Co., 715 Rose Bldg. ( JH MIU S CR( \ CLEVELAND—Monica Theatre, 4150 Lorain Ave. C JL{ MI US GKO^ CLEVELAND-Monarch Theatre, 10314 Euclid Ave. CONNEAUT—Acade CLEVELAND—National Theatre, 5202 Clark Ave. CONNEAUT—Hepub CLEVELAND—New Broadway Theatre, 4628 Broadway. CONNEAUT—Star ' CONNEAUT—Theati CONTINKNTAL—Ai

CLEVELAND—Ohio Theatre, 5809 St. Clair CLEVELAND—Olympia Theatre. 3357 E. 55th St. CLEVELAND—Opera House, 410 EucUd Ave. 540 Main St. CLE%rELAND—The Oriole Theatre. 3233 Central Ave. ^^>^ iN( 1 )N—M p Ti CLEVELAND—Orpheum Theatre, 8910 Wade Park Ave. ^ OMNC 1( N—Refe t 11 CLEVELAND—Orpheum Theatre, 1886 E. 9th St. CRESTLINE—Gr,and Thi-atn CLEVELAND—Palace TheaUe, 17th and St. Clair Sts. CLEVELAND—Palace Theatre, 1314 Buckeye Ed. CLEVELAND—Paradise Theatre, 3107 Scoville Ave. nd Portage Sts. CLEA'ELAND—Paris Theatre, 2612 Lorain Ave. CLE:^rELAND—Park Theatre, 1205 Starkweather Ave. S. W. CLEVELAND—Park Theatre, 93rd and Harris Sts. CLEVELAND—Parlor Theatre, 2064 E. 55th St. CLEVELAND—Pastime Theatre, 11604 Detroit Ave. CLEVELAND—Payne Ave. Amuse. Co., 3841 Payne Ave. CLEVELAND—Pearl Theatre, 4256 Pearl Road. CLEVELAND—Peerless Theatre, 1643 St. Clair Ave. CLE'VTELAND—People's Theatre, 3718 Woodland Ave. CLEVELAND—Penn St. Theatre, 5409 EucUd Ave. St. CUEVELAND—The Perry Theatre, 2202 Woodland Ave. E. 4th CLEVELAND—Pictorium Theatre, 13434 Euclid Ave. 304 E. 5th St. CLE'\'T;LAND—Plaza Theatre, 1710 E. 55th St. 138 S. Main St. CLEVELAND—Princess Theatre, 229 EucUd Ave. E. 5th St. CLEVELAND—Priscilla Theatre, Chester Ave. and E. 9th St. 381 Springfield SI CLEVELAND—^Professor Theatre, Liberty and Professor Sts. r)4 Jefferson »t. CLEVELAND—Prospect Theatre, Prospect Ave. 131 W. .'^rd St. CLEVELAND—Quiucy Theatre, 8312 Quincy Ave. CLEVELAND—Randall Theatre, 4150 Lorain Ave. CLEVELAND—Rex Theatre, Warner and Goodman Sts. CLEVELAND—Ridge Theatre, 3116 W. 73rd St. CLEVELAND—Royal Theatre No. 3, 422 Euclid Ave. CLEVEI^ND—Savoy Theatre, 7010 Superior Ave. CLEVELAND—Star Theatre, 711 Euclid Ave. CI£\TELAND—Starlight Theatre. 125th and St. Clair Sts. CLEVELAND—Superior Theatre, 8607 Superior Ave. CLEVELAND—Temple Theatre, 2320 E. 5oth St. CLEVELAND—Tabor Theatre, Broadway and Barkwell St. CLEVELAND—Troy Theatre, 8352 Fulton Rd. r \1 N— CLEVELAND—Union Theatre, 8024 Union St. DAYTON—We CLEVELAND—Vandora Theatre. 6308 Fleet Ave. 1 \ 1 \— CLEVELAND—Variety Theatre, 6308 Fleet Ave. DAYTON—W. CLEVELAND—Vassar Theatre, 13434 Euclid Ave. DAYTUX- -W, CLEVELAND—Victor Theatre, 7806 Lorain Ave. CLETVELAND—Victoria Theatre, Quincy Ave. nr. Bolton St. CLEVELAND—Victoria Theatre, 2364 E. 89th St.

CLEVELAND—Virginia Theatre, 810 E. 152nd St, . CLETOLAND—Washington Park Theatre, 5212 Fleet Ave. CLEVELAND—Wonderland Theatre, 3077 W. 25th St. CLEVELAND—Woolsey Theatre. 1073 E. 79th St. N. Sanduslw St. CLYDE—Family Theatre. Main St. N. SandusK-v St. CLYDE—Royal Theatre. Mam St. CLYDE—Theatorium Theatre, 106 Main St. COLLEGE CORNER—Alhambra Theatre, Park Square. COLUMBIANA—Globe Theatre. Main St. COLUMBUS—Alliambra Theatre, 2159 N. High St. COLUMBUS—America Theatre, 1165 Parsons Ave. COLUMBUS—Apollo Theatre, 5th Ave. and High St. DE.\X1S1>.\- Ciainl Tlnaiic. COLUMBUS—Arch City Theatre, 917 Mt. Vernon Ave. DENNISON—Hex Theatre. COLUMBU!;-Bee Theatre, Long and Grant Aves. DESHLEB—Crown Theatre. E. Main St. COLUMBUS—Bell Theatre. 76 Parsons Ave. DRESDEN—Wonderland Theatre. Main St. COLUMBUS—Bijou Theatre, City Park Ave. DUNKIRK—Star Theatre. Main St. COLUMBUS—Colonial Theatre. Broad and High Sts. EAST COLUMBUS—East Columbus Theatre. 5th and Postal Aves. COLUMBUS—Columbus Theatre, 174 High St. EAST LIVERPOOL—American Theatre. 118 E. 6th Ave. COLUMBUS—Columbus Theatre, 390 W. Goodale St. EAST LIVEBPOOI^Ceramic Theatre. COLUMBUS—Dixie Theatre. 894 W. Broad St. EAST LIVERPOOL—Diamond Theatre. COLUMBUS—Dunbar Theatre. 1287 Mt. Vernon Ave. EAST LIVERPOOI^Electric Theatre, 121 E. 6lh St. COLUMBUS—Empire Theatre, 2334 W. Broad St. EAST LFVERPOOI^Dreamland Theatre. COLUMBUS—Fairy Theatre. Innis Ave. EAST LIVERPOOI^Lyric Theatre, W. 4th St. COLUMBUS—Goodale St. Theatre, 408 W. Goodale St. EAST PALESTINE—Nickelodeon. COLUMBUS—Grand Opera House. EATON—Star Theatre, Box 57, 129 Baron St. COLUMBUS—Grand Theatre, E. State St. EATON—Theatorium, Main St. COLUMBUS—Highland Theatre, 5th and Highland St. EDGERTON—Theatorium. COLUMBUS—Hippodrome, 77 N. High St. EDON—Lyric Photo Play Theatre. COLUMBUS—Idle Hour Theatre, 912 N. High St. ELYRIA—American Theatre, 1338 Broad St. COLUMBUS—Keith's Theatre, 30 E. Gay St. ELYRIA—Dreamland Theatre. 537 Broad St. COLUMBUS—Lilly Theatre. 631 S. 3rd St. ELYRIA—Elyria Theatre, 234 2nd St. COLUTVEBUS-Livingston Theatre. Livingston and Parson St. ELYRIA—People's Theatre. COLUMBUS—Lyric Theatre. 20 N. High St. ELMWOOD—Elmwood Theatre, Main Ave. COLUMBUS—Majestic Theatre. 61 S. High St. ELMWOOD PLACE—Arcade Theatre, 405 Main St. COLUMBUS—Marathon Theatre. Innis and 4th Sts. ELMWOOD PLACE—Valley Theatre, 412 Main Ave. COLUMBUS—New Theatre. Goodale and High St. FAIRPORT HARBOR—Family Theatre. COLUMBUS—Orpheum Theatre. 971 Mt. Vernon Ave. FAIRPORT HARBOR—Majestic Theatre, 2nd St. COLUMBUS—Orpheum Theatre, 182 N. Garfield Ave. FAYETTE—Orpheum Theatre. COLUMBUS—Owl Theatre, Fulton and Parsons Sts. FINDLAY—Lyceum Theatre. COLUMBUS—Pastime Theatre, 17 S. High St. FINDLAY—Mystic Theatre, 510 S. Main St. COLUMBUS—Pastime Theatre, Barthman nr. Parsons St. FINDLAY—Royal Theatre. COLUMBUS—PeWn Theatre, 488 Goodale St. FLETCHER—M. P. Show. COLUMBUS—Photoplay Theatre, 1597 N. High St. FOREST—Forest Theatre. COLUMBUS—Princess Theatre, 18th and Main Sts. FOREST—Star Theatre, 112 Lima St. COLUMBUS—Royal Theatre, 251 E. Main St. FORT RECOVERY—Hokes' Theatre. COLUMBUS—Schiller Theatre, 281 E. Schiller St. FOSTORIA—Crown Theatre, 208 S. Main St. COLUMBUS—Sherman Theatre, 77 Innis St. FOSTORIA—Elite Theatre, 137 E. Tiffin St. COLUMBUS—Southern Theatre. FOSTORIA—Unique Theatre. COLUMBUS—Star Theatre. 8130 N. High St. FRANKLIN—American Theatre. ~ " " COLUJiCBUS—Summit Theatre, 21.S8 FRANKLIN—Electric Theatre, 39 JIain St. )


— surpassing quality — is the word tliat the mind always associates with the pictures seen on QUALITY the Peerless Day and Night Screen.

Brilliant, pure white and black; sharply de- fined pictures please the audience, and they will come back again to see them. THAT IS WHAT THE EXHIBITOR WANTS.


no West 40tli Street New York City

Beautify Your Theatre With Artificial Floral Decorations

GIVES artistic atmosphere. It produces charm, and gives ITan appearance of culture that delights your patrons, produces tone and class. It is a profitable patronage building invest- ment. We have every imaginable floral effect and Botanical Production of America and Europe. We can furnish fire-proof material wherever necessary. Electric lighted plants and flowers a specialty. We quote absolutely the lowest prices ever offered on RELIABLE goods.


( Incorporated 504 South Fifth Avenue Chicago, Illinois AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 149


FRANKLIN—Miami Theatre, 10 S. Main St. LORAIN—Wonderland Theatre, 433 Broadway. FKANKLIN—Victoi-ia Theatre, Main and 5th Sts. LOUDONVILLE—Comique Theatre, Water St. FREDERICKTOWN—Blackborn Electric Tlieatre, Main St. LOUISVILLE—Empire Opera House, Main St. FREEMONT—Bijou Dream Theatre. W. State St. LOUISVILLE—Empress Theatre, Main St. FREEMONT—Gem Theatre, State St. LOVELAND—Dreamland Theatre. FREEMONT—The Jewel Theatre, 214 Front St. LOVELAND—Opera House. GALLIPOLIS—Gallipolis Theatre, 426 2nd St. LYNCHBURG—Lyric Theatre, Main St. GAIiLIPOLIS—Greenland Theatre, 416 2nd Ave. LYNCHBURG—Orpheum Theatre. GALION—Grand Theatre, 109 S. Market St. MADISON—Madison Theatre, Main St. GALION—Mystic Theatre, 231 E. Main St. MADISONVILLE—Colonial Theatre, Main and Ward Sts, GALION—Princess Theatre, E. Main St. MADISONVILLE—Grand Theatre. GARRETTSVILLE—Picture Parlor, Main St. MADISONVILLE—Unique Theatre. GARRETTSVILLE—Opera House, High St. MANCHESTER—Lyric Theatre. GENEVA—Family Theatre. MANCHESTER—Manchester Theatre. GEORGETOWN—Dreamland Theatre. MANCHESTER-Sunbeam Theatre. GERMANTOWN—By Jo Theatre, Center St. MANSFIELD—Alvin Theatre, 14 E. 3rd St. GIBSONBURG—Royal Theatre, 32 Madison Ave. N. \V. MANSFIELD—Arb6r Theatre, 34 Bast 4th St. GIBSONBURG—Star Theatre, Main St. MANSFIELD—Arris Theatre, 5 N. Main St. GIRARD—Luna Theatre. MANSFIELD—Royal Theatre, 77 N. Main St. GLENCOE—Gleneoe M. P. Show. MANSFIELD—Star Theatre, Main St. GLOUSTER—Original Theatre. Old Opera House Bldg.. Main St. MANTUA—Picture Parlor, Main St. GLOUSTER—Grand Theatre. Hight St. MARBLE HEAD—Auditorium, Main St. GREENFIELD—Colonial Theatre. 249 Jefferson St. MARIETTA—Grand Theatre, 138 Putnam St. GREENFIELD—Electric Theatre, Washington St. MARIETTA—Lyric Theatre. GREENFIELD—Theatorium, 220 Jeflferson St. MARION—Columbia Theatre. GREENSPHINGS—Majestic Theatre. Main St. MABION—Marion Theatre Co. GREENVILLE—^Bijou Dream Theatre. 418 Broadway. MARION—Princess Theatre, 590 W. Center St. GREENVILLE—Majestic Theatre. 114 W. 3rd St. MARION—Wonderland Theatre. GREENVILLE—National Theatre, Broadway. MARION—Sun Theatre, W. Center St. GREENVILLE—Pastime Theatre; MARTIN'S FERRY—Lyceum Theatre, 18 S. 4th St. GREENVILLE—Trainer's Opera House, W. 3rd St. MARTIN'S FERRY—Miller's Theatre. GROVER HILL—Vaudette Theatre. MARTIN'S FERRY—Pastime Theatre, 321-3 Hanover St HAMILTON—Eagle Theatre, Court and Reley St. MARTIN'S FERRY—Snodgi-ass Theatre, S. 4th St. HAMILTON—Grand Theatre, 203 S. 3rd St. MABYSVILLE—Dreamland Theatre, 5th St. HAMILTON—Jewel Theatre. MARYSVILLE—Grand. HAMILTON—Jefferson Theatre. MARYSVILLE—Opera House. HAMILTON—Lyric Theatre, 321 High St. MASSILLON—Dreamland Theatre. HAMILTON—The Princess Theatre. State and High Sts. MASSILLON—Grand Theatre, 52 E. Main St. HAMILTON—Queen Theatre. Front and High Sts. MAUMEE—Dreamland Theatre, Lynn St. HAMILTON—Royal Theatre, 35 Main St. MAYNARD—Star Theatre, 6 Church St. HAJIILTON—Wittman's Star Theatre, 215 Court St. McCOMB—Royal Theatre, Main St. HAMLER—Arcade Theatre, Randolph St. McCONNELSVILLE—Bijou. HARRISON—Hippodrome. McCONNELSVILLE—Twin City Opera House. HARRISON—The Lyric Theatre, Market St. MECHANICSBURG—Princess Theatre, Main St. HARRISON—Mystic Theatre, Market St. MEDINA—Moving Picture Show, Barnard Block. HARRISON—Palm Theatre. MEDINA—National Theatre, Public Square. HICKSVILLE—Huber Opera House. MENTOR—Bijou Theatre. HICKSVILLE—Crescent Theatre. MIAMISBURG—Grand Theatre. HICKSVILLE—Theatorium. MIAMISBURG—Star City Theatre, 6 Main St. HILLSBORO—Dreamland Theatre Co., 159 W. Main St. MIDDLEPORT—Family Theatre, Mill St. HILLSBORO—Forum Theatre. MIDDLEPORT—Opera House. HILLSBORO—Orpheum Theatre, 123 S. High St. MIDDLETOWN—Big Dome Theatre, W. 2nd St. HILLSBORO—Orpheum Theatre, 137 N. High St. MIDDLETOWN—Broadway Theatre, 216 S. Broadway. HILLSBORO—Theatorium Theatre. MIDDLETOWN—Eagle Theatre. HUBBARD—Pastime Theatre. MIDDLETOWN—Gordon Theatre, 3rd and Canal Sts. HURON—Opera House. MIDDLETOWN—Grand Theatre, 117 E. 3rd St. HURON—Smith Zoltners Theatre, Main St. MIDDLETOV.'N—Sorgs Opera House, Main St. IRONTON—Opera House. MIDVALE—Home Theatre. JACKSON—Pastime Theatre. MILFORD CENTER—Dreamland Theatre. JACKSON CENTER—Corgill Theatre. MILFORD CENTER—Dreamland Theatre, P. O. Box 72 JACKSON CENTER—Pike Theatre. 1 W. Pike St. MILLERSBURG—Ruby Theatre, Main St. JACKSON CENTER-White Star Theatre. MINERVA—Opera House. JACKSONVILLE—Jacksonville Theatre. MINERVA—Princess Theatre. Margaret St JAMESTOWN—Dixie Theatre, Limestone St. MINGO JUNCTION—Palace Theatre, P. O. Box 299. JAMESTOWN—Electric Theatre, W. Washington St. MINGO JUNCTION—Pettibon's Theatre. JEFFERSON—Pastime Theatre, cor. Chestnut and Walnut Sts. MINISTER— Crescent Theatre. 4th St. JEFFERSONVILLE—M. P. Theatre. MONTPELIER—Gem Theatre. JOHNSTOWN—Dreamland Theatre. MONTPELIER—Pastime Theatre. Main St. KENMORE—Akins Palace Theatre, East Boulevard. MOXTPELTER—Roval Theatre. KENT—Fairyland Theatre, 119 E. Main St. M(i\ll(i|':\TI,T,i; I'iniiiii,. Theatre. Main St. KENT—Kent Opera House, Main St. |j]_y^j!yi VIM 35 ^^^"^ KENTON—Gem Theatre. ''"'"I'r i'''^'"'*''^'

M'l' III Al I Mi, ,11, KENTON—Grand Theatre. in 1 Ihcatre, 3rd and Main Sts. KENTON—Idle Hour Theatre. MT II li.\ 1,111 \ iir.ilihy 5c Theatre, Main St. KENTON—Lyceum Theatre, N. Detroit St. MT. (ilt.M!— Van Hclft (ipera House. KENTON—Palace Theatre. MT. STERLING—Passwater Theatre, London St. KINGS MILLS—Library Theatre. MT. VERNON—Grand Theatre, Public Square. KINGS MILLS—Plaza Theatre. MT. VERNON—Lyric Theatre, City Square. LAFFERTY—Star Theatre. MT. VERNON—Hippodrome, 202 S. Main St LAKE VIEW—Lake View Theatre, 148 S. Pine St. MT. VERNON—Wliite Palace Theatre, 216 S. Main St. LANCASTER—Edisonia Theatre, 161 W. Main St. MT. VICTORY—Nickel Theatre, W. Main St. LANCASTER—Gem Family Theatre. S. Broad St. MURRAY CITY—Exhfbit Theatre, Main St. LANCASTER—Lyric Theatre. NELSONVILLE—Majestic Theatre. LEBANON—Grand Theatre. NELSONVILLE—Pearl Theatre. LEBANON—Royal Theatre. NEVADA-Amusu Theatre, Main St. LEESBURG—Johnsonia Tlieatre. N. Fairfield St. NEWARK-Bijou Theatre, 19 W, Main St. LEETONIA—Family Theatre, Main St. NEWARK—Empire Theatre. LEETONIA—Star Theatre. NEWARK—Grand Theatre, 31 S. Park Place. LEIPSIC—Mystic Theatre. NEWARK—Orpbcnm Theatre. 4th and W. Church Sts.

LEWISBURG—Idle Hour Theatre. NEW BREM.W— i T,.«ii Theatre, Washington St. LEWISBURG—Opera House. NEW COMI:ksT(i\\ \ I Mv Opera House. Church St. LIBERTY CENTER— Star Theatre. NEW com UsTiiw \ iiiai.d Theatre. Bridge St. LIMA—Dreamland Theatre. 10 Public Squa-e. NEW HOI,l,.\M. \I,/,,,|, Theatre. Main St.

LIMA—Empire Theatre, N. W. cor. Public Square. NEW LEXI.XC'lu.x -SI,, I Theatre. LIMA—Lima Family Theatre, Public Square. NEW MATAMOKAS— \i.-atorium Theatre. Front St, LIMA—Lyric Theatre, 222 N. Main St. NEW MATAMORAS—Palace Photo Theat-e. Main St. LIMA—Royal Theatre, 60 Public Square. NEW PHILADELPHIA—Bijou Theatre, Public Square. LIMA—Orpheum Theatre, W. Market St. NEW PHILADELPHIA—Hippodrome Theatre, Pike Ave. LIMA—Star Theatre, Public Square. NEW PHILADELPHIA—Theatorium Theatre, Court St. LISBON—Gayety Theatre. NEW RICHMOND-Alamo Theatre, ITnion and 2nd Sts. LISBON—Orpheum Theatre, Market St. NEW STR4ITSVILLF—The Gem Theatre, Box 72. LISBON—Smiley Opera House. NEWTON FALLS—Star Theatre. LOCKLAND—Grand Theatre. NEW VIENNA—Dreamland Theatre, Main St. LOCKLAND—Seemoor Theatre. NILES—Bijou, 29 Main St. LOGAN—Logan Opera House, 88 W. Main St. NILES—Opera House, 90 Furnace St. LONDON—Princess Theatre, 47 S. Main St. NILES—Stafford TheatrcFurnaee and Park Sts. LONDON—Wonderland Theatre, 62 S. Main St. NORTH BALTIMORE—Crown Theatre, Main St. LONDONVILLE—Dreamland Theatre, Main St. NORTH AMHERST—Amuse U Theatre LORAIN—Broadway Theatre, 520 Broadway. NORWALK—Electric Theatre, 2 E, Main St. LORAIN—Majestic Theatre. Broadway. NORWALK—Opera House, 1 Monroe St. LORAIN—Opera House. Broadway. NORWALK—Sun Theatre, 24 N. Main St. LORAIN—Pastime Theatre, 412 Broadway. NORWOOD—Little Nemo Theatre. Montgomery and Cleam LORAIN—The Amuse-U, 520 Broadway. NORWOOD—Norwood Theatre, Main St and Maple Ave. 150 A ERIC AN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

ART FLOWERS C. C. WILKENING Palms, Flower Boxes (Inc.) Decorations of all Descriptions Authors ' Photo -Play Agency

220 West 42nd Street Candler Building, Suite 1805 New York

Representing the Leading American and Shown in Catalogue No. 526 English Authors and Dramatists

Referetices: 4th Floor, Building Ward The Authors' League of America 12-22 North Michigan Ave. Chicago, 111.

We Manufacture Everything in Moving Picture Apparatus

Specialists in Monarch Economizers Electric Heating, Motion Picture Machines Inventions Developed, Repaired, Bought, Sold Rheostats and Transformers and Exchanged

Estimates Submitted for Entire Equipment of Theatres

General Electric Utilities Company 145 West 45th St. Telephone 4269 Bryant NEW YORK r



OAK HABBOR—Boyal Theatre, Main St. iiicatrc, 72 S. Washington St. OAKLEV—Madison Tlieatre. ' I I I —Cupias Theatre. OAKTJEY—Park Hall Theatre. ' I I' Y—Gem Theatre, Main St.

OBEELIN—Family Theatre, 36 E. College St. ' I I' Y—President Theatre. OBEELIN—Highland Theatre, 34 S. Main St. I.iii.- Theatre. 1546 Western Ave. OBEELIN—Eex Theatre, E. Main St. TULI';i>(i— .\i s Theatre. Dorr St. OEEVILEE—Grand Theatre. TOLUDO—All itorium Theatre, Main and 6th Sts. OEEVILEE—Fau-yland Theatre. TOLEDO—lii 11 Theatre, 1412 South St. OTTAWA—Bijou Dream Theatre. TOLUDO—Br idway Amuse Co., 1225 Broadway,

OTTAWA—New Grand Theatre. ir I iiriiiiv. iNcoraska Ave. OXFOED—New Oxford Theatre, 11 Colledge Ave. 210 Asliland Ave. PAINSVILLE—Queen Theatre, Main St. ' I i ir. 443 Summit St. EAST PALESTINE—Grand Theatre. II 'II". St. Clair St.

BAST PALESTINE—Opera House. i i' iin-. Woodvllle and E. Broadway.

PAULDING—Amusu Theatre. I iHMiir, 422 Summit St. PEEEYSVILLE—Wayne Theatre, Main St. till Theatre, 1528 Broadway, PIONEEE—Vaudette Theatre. iiihiiid Theatre, 302 Avondale Ave. PIQUA—Bijou Theatre. 110 Ash St. " Theatre. 3021 Lawrence Ave. PIQUA—Princess Theatre. PIQUA—Zigs Theatre. 31." N. Main St. n'ss Theatre'. 406 Summit St. PLAIN CITY—Gem Theatre. ig Theatre. 801 Indiana Ave. PLAIN CITY—Dreamland Theatre. 1 I J — na Theatre. PLAIN CITY—Happv Hour Theatre. TOLKDO—(ia ty Theatre, 831 Broadway. PLAIN CITY—Star Theatre, N. Chillicothe St. m I — Theatre. .111 Oak St. POMEEOY—Electric Theatre, Front St. III'. nu(j Adams St. POET CLINTON—Arcadia Theatre. Oak St.

I ' POET CLINTON—Lion Theatre, W. 2nd St. ' r.iif) summit St.

PORTSMOUTH-Arcana Theatre, 619 Chillicothe St. 1 Adams St. PORTSMOUTH—Bradys Theatre. I :;iiR Fassitt St. PORTSMOUTH—Columbia Theatre, 32 Gallia St. PORTSMOUTH—Lyric Theatre, 426 Chillicothe St. PORTSMOUTH—Nickelodeon Theatre, 9 W 2nd St. PORTSMOUTH—Orpheum Theatre, 614 Cuillicothe St. PORTSMOUTH—Scenic Theatre, 11th and Hutchlns St. ' PORTSMOUTH—Sun Theatre. 835 Gallia St. PRAIRIE DEPOT—Hippodrome, Main St. PROSPECT—Wonderland Theatre. i.>orr and 22nd Sts. KA"\'ENNA—Lee Theatre, Prospect St. iiaK and Navarre Sts. BEADING—Robinson Theatre. 766 Oak St. BIPLEY—New York Theatre. )3 La Grange St. BITTMAN—Opera House, Main St. :4 Lawrence Ave. BOSEVILLE—Princess Theatre, 3rd and Main Sts. 7 Paine Ave. ST. BEBNABD—Eagle's Opera House. 1418 Cherry St. ST. BERNARD—St. Bernard Nickelodeon. 806 Starr St. ST. CLAIESVILLE—Star Theatre. !18 Washington St. ST. MARYS-Edison Theatre. 109 W. Spring St. 25 Summit St. ST. MARYS—Faiiyland Theatre. 208 W. Spring St. TOLEDO—Temulc Tlieati 1 Monroe St. ST. MARYS—Boyal Theatre. TOLEDO—Victory Tlieali 414 Adams St. ST. PABIS—City Hall Theatre, Springfield St. TOLKDO—White Eagle 1 2857 La Grange St. ST. PABIS-Lyceum Theatre, Main St. TOLEDO—Wonda Tlieatr 13BY Nebraska Ave. ST. PABIS-Union Opera House. Main St. TORONTO—Alvin Theatre. 4th St ST. PABIS-Lyceum Theatre, Springfield St. TORONTO—Edisonia Theatre. SABINA—Best Theatre. TORONTO—Eex Theatre SABINA—Park Theatre. TBOY—Gem Thea S. Market St. SABINA—Pastime Theatre, Howard St. TEOY—New Tin

SALEM—Broadway Theatre. TBOY—St :i I 'ni. SALEM—Nickelodeon Theatre. UBBANA- I [111'

SALEM—Highland Theatre. UBBANA- I M, 110 S. Main St. SALEM—^Eoyal Theatre, 21 E. Main St. URBAN.\ w

II ( I SALINEVILLE—Theatorium. tTLKl('lls\ I Theatre. SANDUSKY—Auditorium. itorium Theatre. SANDUSKY—Gem Theatre, 636 Market St. V Theatre, 210 S. Sandusky SANDUSKY—Ivanhoe Theatre. SANDUSKY—Lyceum Theatre, 1115 Washington St. SANDUSKY—Opera House. SANDUSKY—Boyal Theatre, 641 Water St. VAN WERT—Arcade Theatre. SANDU SKY—Sandusky Theatre, cor. Water and Jackson Sts. VAN WERT—Auditorium. SANDUSKY—Star Theatre, 124 Columbus Ave. VAN WBET—Princess Theatre, 132 E. Main St. SANDUSKY—Star Theatre, 733 Market St. VERMILION—Crystal Theatre. Division St. SANDUSKY—Theatorium, 710 Market St. VERSAILLES—Gem Theatre. SEBBING—Opera House, loth St. VERSAILLES-Olympia Theatre. SHAWNEE—Home Theatre. WADSWOETH—Star Theatre. Mench Block. Main St. SHELBY—Wonderland Theatre. WAPAKONETA—Brow Opera House. SIDNEY—Gem Theatre. WAPAKONETA—Gem Theatre. SHAWNEE—Orpheum Theatre. Main St. WAPAKONETA—Olympia Theatre, Auglaize St. SIDNEY—Lyric Theatre. N. Main Ave. WAPAKONETA—Princess Theatre. 40 Auglaize St. SIDNEY—Boyal Theatre. N. Main St. WAERBN—Crescent Theatre. SIDNEY—The Grand Theatre, N. Main St. WARREN—Dreamland Theatre. 7 Park Ave. SIDNTIY-Wall Theatre. WARREN—The Grand Theatre. 33 Main St. SOMEESET—Gem Theatre. WABBEN—Opera House, High St. SOUTH LOBAIN—London Theatre, 29th and Vine Sts. WASHINGTON COUBT HOUSE—Colonial Theatre, 229 E. Court St. SOUTH LOBAIN—Paris Theatre, 2842 Vine St. WASHINGTON COUHT HOUSE—Fayette Theatre, Fayette St.

SOUTH LOBAIN-Pearl Theatre, 2840 Pearl Ave. WASHINGTON COUBT HOUSE—Palace Amuse. Co. Theatre, E. Court I SPENCEEVILLE—Boyal Theatre. Broadway. WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE—Wonderland Theatre. 253 Court St. SPRINGFIELD—Alhambra Theatre, 11 S. Limestone St. WAUSEON—Princess Theatre, S. Fulton St. SPRINGFIELD—Columbus Theatre, 119 S. Limestone St. WAUSEON—Royal Theatre. SPRINGFIELD—Dreamland Theatre, 12 E. Main St. WAVBRLY—Dreamland Theatre. 21 Emmett St. SPRINGFIELD—Hippodrome, 57 W. Main St. WA'VERLY—Waverly Theatre. Emmett St. SPRINGFIELD—Lagenda Theatre. WELLINGTON—Picture Parlor Theatre. W. Main St. SPRINGFIELD-Lyric Theatre. WEELSTON—Palace Theatre, 1st St. SPBINGFIELD—Majestic Theatre. WELLSTON—Va. Theatre. SPRINGFIELD—Pastime Theatre, 114 S. Limestone St. WELLSVILLE—Academy Theatre. SPRINGFIELD-Sun Theatre. WELLSVILLE—Family Theatre, 515 Main St. SPRINGFIELD—Wonderful Theatre, 17 W. Main St. WELLSVILLE-Grand Theatre. STEUBENVILLE—Alvin Theatre. WESTERVILE—Orpheum Theatre. STEUBENVILLE—Bijou Theatre, 159 N. 4th St. WEST JEFFERSON-Exhibit Theatre. Main St. STEUBENVILLE—Dreamland Theatre, 323 Market St. WEST JEFFERSON—Opera House. STEUBENVILLE—Grand Opera House. WEST LIBERTY—Star Theatre. STEUBENVILLE—Minerva Theatre, 110 S. 4th St. WEST UNITY—Bijou Theatre, North St. STEUBENVILLE—Nixon Theatre, 507 Market St. WILLIAMRP.TiRG—American Theatre. STEUBENVILLE—Olympic Theatre. WIT,T,I,\MS1'.|-It0—Opera House. STEUBENVILLE—Palace Theatre, Box 580. wriJ.iM cillf.Y—Hiawatha Theatre, 14 Erie St. STEUBENVILLE—Rex Theatre. \VII,MI\i;i'(i\ -i.'ub Theatre. W. Main St. STRIKER—Elite Theatre. \Vll,Ml.\iri'(i.\ -La Max Theatre. SYCAMORE—Klahr Opera House. Wl.XCIl i;sTI';i!—Arcono Theatre, Main St. SYCAMORE—Palace Theatre. WOODSFIELD—Dixie Theatre, Main St. STRUTHERS—Amuse U Theatre, 158 Bridge St. WOODSFIELD—Photoplay Theatre. PLAINS—Pearl Theatre. WOOSTEE—Alhambra Theatre, Public S(i. TIFFIN—Grand Opera House, S. Washington St WOOSTEE-Wallace Theatre, E. Liberty St. TIFFIN—Lyric Theatre. XENIA—Bijou Theatre, 10 Green St. TIFFIN—Mystic Tlieatre. 44 S. Washingti XENIA—Dreamland Theatre. 28 W. Main St. XENIA—Opera House. YELLOW SPEINGS—Opera Hou-.e, Davton St. "


Navarre Hotel Cosmos Features John F. Garrety, Gen. Mgr. PRESENTS

Seventh Avenue and 38th St. BROADWAY STARS NEW YORK IN Broadway Successes

New and Fireproof Forthcoming Productions European Plan Julius Steger in "The Fifth Commandment" Janet Beecher in "Fine Feathers"

Helen Ware in "The Price"

Julius Steger in "The Master-of-the-House Accessible — Qu iet — Elegant And Others Equally as Prominent

Watch for Early Release Dates 350 Rooms ^ 200 Private Baths Cosmos Feature Film Corporation

Within 10 Minutes of the Leading ARTHUR H. JACOBS, Pres. Theatres, Shops and Clubs Longacre Building, New York

Quality Counts in the Long Run Film Rewinding Absolutely Eliminated

by the THE INSTALLATION OF Feaster Film Feed Device MIRROROIDE (3-F)

Universally conceded to be the world's best Manufactured by

projection surface, means : An increase in patronage. A difference in your earnings. MIRROROIDE is guaranteed for five years. It Byron Chandler can't crack, peel or oxidize. It's water proof, and proof against any climatic conditions. INCORPORATED Made in two surface finisfies, medium and heavy Matte. Three tints—silver white, silver flesh, pale gold. 687 Boylston Street Perfect projection; free from haze, glare and eye strain, regardless of how close or angle your seats BOSTON are placed. Just to show you —get our large Free Samples. Judge with the eyes God gave you. The 3-F simply takes the place of the present upper magazine and instead of feeding the The J. H. Genter Company, Inc. film from the outside of the reel, takes it from the center without the necessity of rewinding. Newburgh, N. Y. For full particulars concerning this device and Mirroroide Bronzes, Any Color. Sample information regarding territory rights, ad- Can 25 Cents, Postpaid. dress Byron Chandler, Inc., Boston, Mass. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 153


YELLOW SPRINGS—Princess Theatre. Dayton St. YOUNGSTOVTO—Palace Theatre, HE. Federal St. YOUNGSTOWN—Bijou Theatre. Federal St. YOUNGSTOWN—Park Theatre, 21 S. Champion St. YOUNGSTOWN—Dreamland Theatre, 1326 S. Market St. YOUNGSTOWN—Eex Theatre, 135 W. Federal St. YOUNGSTOWN—Hazelton Dome Theatre, 1735 Wilson Av( ZANESVILLE—Casino Theatre, 32 S. 5th St.

YOUNGSTOWN—Home Theatre, 20 E. Eobison Ed. ZANESVILLE—Grand Theatre, cor. Main and 6th 1 Y'OUNGSTOWN—Grand Opera House, Central Sq. ZANESVILLE—Hippodrome, 320 Main St. YOUNGSTOWN—Idora Park Theatre. ZANESVILLE—Imperial Theatre. YOUNGSTOWN—Luxor Theatre, 135 E. Federal St. ZANESVILLE—Orpheum Theatre. 01 N. 4th St. YOUNGSTOWN-Market St. Theatre. ZANESVILLE—Weller Theatre. YOUNGSTOWN—Grpheum Theatre, 213 W. Federal St. OKLAHOMA

ADA—Empress Theatre. GOTEBO—Star Theatre, S. E. cor. Main St. ADA—Majestic Theatre. GRANDFIBLD—Gem Theatre. AFTON—Electric Theatre. Main and 1st Sts. GUTHRIE—Gem Theatre, 112 W. Harrison Ave. ALINE—Picture Theatre. GUTHEIE—Highland Theatre, 111 W. Harrison Ave. ALTA—Lotus Theatre. GUTHEIE—Lyric Theatre. ALVA—Majestic Theatre, 619 Barnes Ave. GUTHEIE—Opera House. ALLEN—Opera House. GUYMON—Dime Theatre, Main and 5th Sts. ALTUS—Cozy Theatre. HAILEYVILLE—Electric Theatre, Main St. ALTUS—Wigwam Theatre. HAMILTON—Electric Theatre. ANADAHKO—Nusho Theatre. HAETSHOENE—Bell Theatre, N. S. Penn Ave. AEDMOEE—Colonial Theatre. HASKELL—Electric Tlieatre. AEDMOEE—Crystal Theatre. HASKELL—Haskell Theatre. ABDMOEE—Dreamland Theatre. HASIvELL—Princess Theatre. AEDMOEE—La Pictorial Theatre. 110 Main St. HEAVENER—Scenic Theatre. AEDMOEE—Majestic Theatre, 219 W. Main St. HELENA—Electric Theatre. AEDMOEE—Theatorlum, 212 W. Main St. HENNESSEY—Electric Theatre. ARAPAHO—Thelma Theatre. HENRYETTA—Amuse Theatre. ASHLAND—Picture Show. HENRYETTA—Epic Theatre. ATOKA—Auditorium. HENRYETTA—Yale Theatre, Main St. ATOKA—Opera House. HENRYETTA—Lyric Theatre. BAETLESVILLE—Grand Theatre. HOBAET—Cozy Theatre, 301 S. Lincoln St. BAETLESVILLB>—Odeon Tlieatre, 205 .Tohnstone S HOBAET—Yale Theatre, S. Main St. BAETLESVILLE—Yale Theatre, S. Dewey St. HOLDENVILLE—Lyric Theatre. Box 188. BEGGS—Grand Theatre. HOLLIS—Lotus Theatre, S. S. of Main St. BEGGS—Gem Theatre. HOMINY—Main Theatre. BENNINGTON—Majestic Theatre. HUGO—Broadway Theatre. 110 N. Broadway. BENNINGTON—Picture Show. HUGO—Dixie Theatre. 120 Duke St. BIGHEAET—Lyric Theatre. HUGO—M. P. Theatre. BINGEE—Picture Show. HUGO—Orpheum Theatre, Broadway, bet. Duke and Johiisoi BLACKWELI^Majestic Theatre. HUGO—Theatorlum. BLACKWELL—Orpheum Theatre. IDABEL—Dome Theatre. BLANCHABD—Picture Theatre. IDABEI^Electric Theatre. BOSWELL—Orpheum Theatre, Main St. IDABEL—Lyric Theatre, Main St. BEISTOW—New Star Theatre. IDABEL—Star Theatre, Main St. BEOKEN ARROW-Crystal Theatre. Main St. KIEFEE-Electric Theatre, 18 Ohio Ave. BROKEN BOW—Electric Theatre. KIEF EE—Gem Theatre. BROKEN BOW—Lyric Theatre. KIEFEE—Idle Hour Theatre. BROKEN ARROW—Mission Theatre. KINGFISHER—Electric Theatre, Main and Euclid Sts. CADDO—Electric Theatre. KONAWA—Cozy Theatre. CALVIN—^Picture Show Theatre. KIOWA—People's Theatre. CARMEN—Lyric Theatre. KIOWA—Star Theatre. CARNEGIE—Majestic Theatre. KREBS—Victor Theatre. CHANDLER—Odeon Theatre. LAWTON—Metropolitan Theatre. CHECOTAH—Lyric Theatre. LAWTON—Monarch Theatre. CHECOTAH—Majestic Theatre, Gentry Ave. LAWTON—Yale Theatre. 414 Davenew St. CHELSEA—Bijou Theatre. LAMONT—Elite Tlieatre. CHELSEA—Electric Theatre. LEXINGTON—Mystery Theatre. CHEROKEE—Crystal Theatre. LONE WOLF—Electric Theatre, Main St. CHEROKEE—Gem Theatre. MADILI^Majestic Theatre. CHEEOKEE—Star Theatre. MANGUM—Yale Theatre. CHICKASHA—Kozy Theatre, 315 Chickaslia Ave MARIETTA—Majestic Theatre, Main St. CLEVELAND—Grand Opera House. MARIETTA-Opera House. CLEVELAND—Pythian Theatre. MARSHAX.L—Picture Theatre. CLINTON—Dreamland Theatre, 50S Main St. McALESTER—Iris Theatre. COALGATE—Majestic Theatre. McALESTEE—Lake Park Theatre. COALGATE—Yale Theatre. McALESTER—Liberty Theatre. COLLINSVILLE—Cozy Theatre. McALESTER-Majestic Theatre, 18-20 E. Choctaw Ave. COLLINSVILLE—Eoyal Theatre. McALESTER—Yale Theatre. Mansfield Bldg., Choctaw SI. COMANCHE—Electric Theatre. MEDFOED—Alvo Theatre. Main St. COEDELL—Idle Hour Theatre, Market St. MEDFOED—Opera House. COWETA—Jewel Theatre. MEDFOED—Star Theatre. CRESCENT—Crescent Opera House. MIAMI—Auditorium. CRESCENT—Gaiety Theatre. MIAMI—Dreamland Theatre.

CROWDEE—Gaiety Theatre. MIAMI—Lyric Theatre. 4th . and Vine Sts. GUSHING—Family Theatre. MIAMI—Odeon Theatre. 5th and Main Sts. CUSHING—Folly Theatre. MINCO—Opera House. CUSHING—Nifty Theatre. MOEEIS—Imp. Theatre. CUSTEE CITY—Princess Theatre. MOEEISON— Electric Theatre. DAVIS—Electric Theatre. MOUNDS—Yale Theatre. DAVIS—Ideal Theatre. MOUNTAIN PARK—Crystal Theatre. DAVLS—Olympic Theatre. MOUNTAIN VIEW—Opera House. DELAWARE—, Main St. MUSKOGEE—Gaiety Theatre, 322 Court St. DBWAR—Bijou Theatre. MUSKOGEE—Muskogee Amusement Co. DEWEY—Coliseum Theatre, Delaware St. MUSKOGEE—Pastime Theatre. DEWEY—Yale Theatre. MUSKOGEE—Wigwam Theatre No. 2, 218 N. 3rd St DRUMRIGHT—Idle Hour Theatre. MUSKOGEE—Yale, 200 N. 2nd St. DUNCAN—Electric Theatre, Main St. NBWICIRK—Cozy Theatre. DUNCAN—Gem Theatre. NEWKIEK—Todd's Theatre, 6th and Main Sts. DURANT—Orpheum Theatre. NORMAN—Empire Theatre. DUSTIN—Idle Hour Theater. NORMAN—Grand Theatre, Main St., Framing Bldg. DUSTIN—Lyric Theatre. NORMAN—Mystic Theatre. Main St., Framing Bldg. ELK CITY—Electric Theatre. NORMAN—Orpheum Theatre. EL RENO-El Reno Theatre. NORTH McALESTEE—Victor Theatre. ENID—Electric Theatre, 108 W. Randolph St NOWATA—Electric Theatre, Cherokee Ave. ENID—Majestic Theatre, lOT S. Grand Ave. OCHELATA—Pastime Theatre. ENID—Eoyal Theatre. O'KEENE—Electric Theatre. Er^flD—Wonderland Theatre. OKEMAH—Jewel Theatre. EUFAULA—Princess Theatre. OKLAHOMA CITY—Dixie Theatre, 117 W. 4th St. FAIRVIEW—Edwards Opera House. OKLAHOMA CITY—Dreamland Theatre, 304 W. Main St. PAIRVIEW—Odeon Theatre. OKLAHOMA CITY—Folly Theatre, 123 W. Grand Ave. FEEDEEICK—Electric Theatre. OKLAHOMA CITY—Lyric Theatre, 207 W. 1st St. FEEDEEICK—Gem Theatre. OKLAHOMA CITY—Majestic Theatre. 113 W. Grand Ave. FT. GIBSON—Lyric Theatre. OKLAHOMA CITY—Olympic Theatre, 112 W. Main St. FT. SILL—Murray Theatre. OKLAHOMA CITY—Orpheum Theatre. 220 W. Main St. FT. TOWSON—Orpheum Theatre. OKLAHOMA CITY—Overholzer Theatre. 213 W. JlaiTi St, GAGE—Pastime Theatre. OKLAHOMA CITY—Star Theatre. 217 N. Broadwav. GEARY—Opera House. OKMULGEE—Dixie Tlieatre. —


Chicago Transparency Co. EGAN SCHOOL Wholesale and Retail Music and Drama Lantern Slides r Vocal, Piano, Drama —- and Excels — : — — : in the < Dancing and Moving~ Stereopticon following 77: ; ; Picture Acting [

Room 54 Egan Building Los Angeles, Cal. 143 N. Dearborn St. Chicago, 111.


We Install "Screen Clocks" in XYLOPHONES, MOVING PICTURE Picture Theatres EFFECTS and DRUMMERS' SUPPLIES The only 100 per cent Efficiency Our Special PICTURE SHOW Snare Drum was a Advertising Medium WINNER from the day it was first marketed.

Send for the DRUMMER'S VADE MECUM, the most complete catalog of Drummers' Supplies ever published. Screen Clock Advertising Co. Incorporated THE DIXIE MUSIC HOUSE 1476 Broadway, New York 105 WEST MADISON STREET, CHICAGO

Prof. Burton Lewis Rockwood Grant Carder Slide Co. "The Silver Tongued Orator." Educator, Orator and Humorist. Manufacturers of Stereopticon Lantern Slides of Every Description Lecture films of religious and edu- cational nature. Inspector for Penn- 310 Morgan Building, Portland, Oregon sylvania State Motion Picture Censor- ship Board. Platform experience covering thirty-six states and four TITLE Canadian Provinces.- BEST SLIDES feature"''" I Under Direction SONG Educational Extension Society of the U. S. PLAYERS' COMMERCIAL CATALOGUE FOR THE ASKING

Feature Film Building Our Service is Quick Enough to Astonish You

1126 Vine Street Philadelphia, Pa. Largest Slide Advertising Agency on the Coeist

Moving Picture Mailing Lists MAKE MOVIES AT NIGHT 20,519 covering United States and Canada, price $40.00 or $3.50 per thousand by states RADIUM FLARES THE NEW LIGHT 1125 Film Exchanges $ 4.00 109 ^Fanufacturers and Studios 1.00 Allows you to make MOVING PICTURES at night the same as in 210 Moving Picture Machines 1.50 the bright sunlight. 3688 Moving Picture Theatres in foreign A boon to producing companies for scenes in dark comers. Commercial Men, you can now get those interiors that used to bother countries 10.00 you so. 221 Film Exchanges, Great Britain 3.00 Railroad Wrecks, Night Parades. Banquet Scenes, Public Meetings or 168 Supplies and Accessories, Great Britain.. 3.00 any old thing made at night as easily as day. is always Ask for further information. Light can be carried in the hip pocket, and on the job. FRANK E. NORTON, Distributing Agent TRADE CIRCULAR ADDRESSING CO. 166 West Adams Street NORBIG FILM MFG. COMPANY Phone Franklin 1182 Chicago 1745 Alessandro Street Los Angeles, California AMEBIC AN MICTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 155


0KMUIX3EE—Electric Theatre. OKMULGEE—Graphic Theatre. 106 W. Tth St. Olympic Theatre. OKirULGEE— . OKMULGEE—Princess Theatre. 211 W. Main St. OKMULGEE—Yale Theatre, 113 Main St. OLUSTEE—Cozj' Theatre. PAULS VALLEY—Yale Theatre, Pauls Ave. PAWHUSKA—Jackson Theatre, W. Main St. PAWNEE-Model Electric Theatre, cor. 6th and H Sts. 113 Mam St. PERKINS—Idle Hour Theatre. PERKINS—Electric Theatre. 11-103 Main St. PERRY—Grand Opera House. PERRY—Princess Theatre. PERRY—Theatorium, 322 6th St. Ti l\i,,M . I 219 Main PONCA CITY—Mission Theatre. 117 W. Grand Ave. TUL.-^A—l\ul,a ThL^attc. PONCA CITY—Wonderland Theatre. TULSA—Princess Theatre. POTEAU—Comet Theatre. TULSA—Wonderland Theatre. 118 Ma PRAGUE—Picture Show Theatre. TUTTLE—Picture Show Theatr PURCELL—Mystic Theatre. VERDEN—Verdenian Theatre. PURCELL—Odeon Theatre. VIAN—Lyric Theatre. RAMONA—Lyric Theatre, 10 Main St. VINITA—Auditorium Theatre. RINGLING—Gem Theatre. VINITA— Electric Theatre, 222 Wilson St. ROFF—Dreamland Theatre. BUSH SPRINGS—Electric Theatre. RYAN—Picture Show, SALLISAW—Wonderland Theatre, Chickasaw and Oak Sts SAND SPRINGS—Family Theatre. 22 Wilson St. SAPLTLPA—Grand Theatre. SAPULPA—Lyric Theatre. 17 S. Main St. SAPULPA—Scenic Theatre. Main St. SAPULPA—Thompson Theatre. Main St. ,, SATBE—Auditorium Theatre. WALTEHS (, I SCHULTEK—Empress Theatre. WAPA.N'l i K \ M-,i,,|,i, Theatre. SENTINEI^Lyric Theatre. WAPANl l K.\- l!„vul ii.eatre. SHAWNEE—Majestic Theatre, 119 N. Bell St. WAURIKA— l.nir TliLSitre. SHAWNEE—The Cozj- Theatre. 12 W. Main St. WAYNOKA— iidison Electric Theatre. Missouri SHATTUCK—Pastime Theatre. WEATHEBFOKD—Princess Theatre. SKIATOOK—Lyric Theatre. WEATHERFOBD—Star Theatre. SPIRO—Crystal Theatre. WRLEETKA—Orpheum Theatre. Main St. STIGLER—Lyric Theatre. Wi;sT\ ILLI. —Opera House. STILLWATER—Alamo Theatre, 716 Main St. W I WiiK \ I ,,hv Theatre.

1 I STILLWATER—Camera Theatre. 719 JIain St. \\ I l.l; 1 k l 1\ ..zv Theatre. STILLWATER—Opera House. W li i:i KIi'\ IK'Ima Theatre. S. Main St. STILWELI^Motion Theatre. n. S. Main St. STRATFORD—Electric Theatre. The STRATFORD—Lyric Theatre, Hyden Ave. Th. STROUD—Cozy Theatre. STROUD—Empress Theatre, 142 N. 2nd St. SULPHUR—Orpheum Theatre, 1st St. OREGON

ALBANY—Huh Theatre. FOREST GROVE—Royal Theatre, Pacific Ave. AMITY'—Martinett Theatre, Boches Bldg. FOREST GROVE—Star Theatre. ASHLAND—New Dreamland Theatre. FOSSIL—Fossil Theatre. ASHLAND—Opera House. FREEWATER—Wigwam Theatre. ASHLAND—Star Theatre, E. Main St. GARDENER—Gardener Theatre. ASHLAND—Vining Theatre. GEARHART PARK—Auditorium. ASTORIA—Columbia Theatre. GOLD HILL—Biograph Theatre. ASTORIA-Crystal Theatre. GLENDALE—Auditorium. ASTORIA—Jewel, 510 Commercial St. GRANTS PASS—Lyceum Theatre. ASTORIA—Star Theatre, 507 Commercial St. GBESHAM—Scenograph Theatre. ASTORIA—Welch Theatre. HARRISBURG—Jay Theatre. ATHENA—Dreamland Theatre. Main St. HARRISBURG—Rose Theatre. BAKER CITY—Grand. HEPPNER—Rink Theatre. BANDON—Bijou Theatre. Atwater St. HEPPNER—Star Theatre. Main and Willow Sts. BANDON—Great Theatre. Front St. HILLSBOKO—Arcade Theatre. BANDON— Star Theatre. HILLSBORO—Grand Theatre. BAY CITY—Opera House. HILLSBORO— Crescent Theatre. BEAVERTON—Beaver Theatre. HILLSBORO—Hillsboro Opera House. BEND—Bend Theatre. HOMESTEAD—Gem Theatre. BEND—Dream Theatre. HOOD RIVER—Gem Theatre. BEND—Odeon Theatre. HOOD RIVER-The Oak. BEND—Star Theatre. Wall St. INDEPENDENCE—Isis Theatre. BROWNSVILLE-Star Theatre. INDEPENDENCE—Star Theatre. BURNS—Tonawama Theatre. lONE—M. P. Show. CANYON CITY—Orpheum Theatre. IONF;—Sparks Theatre. CARLTON—Carlton Opera House. Park St. JOSEPH—Electric Theatre. CENTRAL POINT—Electric Theatre. JUNCTION CITY—Crescent Theatre. CENTRAL POINT—Opera House. KERN PARK-Brownie Theatre. CENTRAL POINT—Savoy Theatre. KLAMATH FALLS—Central Theatre. CLATSKAINE—Electric Theatre. KLAMATH PALLS—Sparks Theatre. CLATSKAINE—M. P. Theatre. KLAMATH FALLS-Star Theatre, 52l Main St. CLATSKAINE—People's Theatre. KLAMATH FALLS—Temple Theatre. COBURG—Coburg Electric Theatre. Main St. LA GRANDE—Isis Theatre. CONDON—American Theatre, Oregon St. LA GRANDE—Sherry's Theatre, Adams Ave. CORVALLIS—Crystal Theatre. LAKEVIEW—Arcade Theatre, Cort and Waters Sts. CORVALLIS—Idlewile Theatre. LAKEVIEW—Snider Opera House. CORVALLIS—Majestic Theatre. LEBANON—Arcade Theatre. COTTAGE GROVE—Arcade Theatre. LEBANON—Empire Theatre, Main St. COVE—Cove Theatre. LENTS—Isis Theatre. DALLAS—Grand Theatre, Court St. LEBANON—Lebanon Opera House. DALLAS—Star Theatre. LINTON—Star Theatre. Linton Rd. DALLAS—Vaudette Theatre, Mam St. MADRAS—Madras Picture House. DUFUR—Ballard Theatre. MARSHFIELD—Empire. ELGIN—Gem Theatre, Front St. MARSHFIELD—Grand Theatre. ENTERPRISE—Crystal Theatre. Main St. MARSHFIELD—Orpheum Theatre. 131 Front St. ENTERPRISE—Lyric Theatre, Main St. MARSHFIELD—Royal Theatre. ESTACADA—Family Theatre. Broadway. MARSHFIELD—The Dime Theatre. ESTACADA—Star Theatre. Main St, McMINNVILLE—Imperial Theatre. EUGENE—Aloha Theatre, 561 Willimette St. McMINNVILLF-—Palace Theatre. EUGENE—Dreamland Theatre, Willimette St. McMINNVILLE—Star Theatre. 3rd. nr. F St. EUGENE—Electric Theatre. MEDFORD—Isis Theatre. 210 Main St. EUGENE—Folly Theatre. MEDFORD—Star Theatre. Box 532. EUGENE—Rex Theatre. MERRILI^Merrill Theatre. EUGENE—Shell Theatre. MILTON—Crystal Theatre. FALLS CITY—Gem Theatre, Main St. MILTON—Dime Theatre. FLORENCE—Rita Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Milwaukee Theatre. I F



MT. ANGEl^Kex Theatre, Charles and 1st Sts. PORTL.\ND—Orpheum Theatre, Marquam Bldg. MT. AN'GEl^Star Theatre, Charles and 1st Sts. PORTLAND—Pacitic Amusement Co. iMYKTLE POINT—Favorite Theatre. PORTLAND—Palace. 251 1st St. MYRTLE POINT—l.'nique Theatre, Spruce St. PORTLAND—Pantagcs Theatre. N. W. cor. Broadway and NEVVBEHG—Gem Theatre. PORTLAND—People's Theatre, Park. nr. Wasliiugton St. NBWBERG—M. P. Theatre. PORTLAND—Pictureland Theatre, 674 Alberta St. NEWBERG—Star Theatre. PORTLAND—Portsmouth Theatre, 812 Lombard St. NEWPORT— Colonial Theatre, N. W. cor. Front St. PORTLAND—Precilla Theatre. Union Ave. and Alberta St. NEWPORT—Royal Theatre. PORTLAND—Savoy, 389 E. Burnside St. NEWPORT—The Brownie Theatre. PORTLAND—Star Theatre, Washington St. NORTH BEND—Joy Theatre. PORTLAND—Sunnyside Theatre, lOiSVz Belmont St. NORTH BEND—Lyric. PORTLAND—Sunnyside Theatre. 1003 E. Morrison St. NORTH BEND—Star Theatre. Sherman Ave. PORTLAND—The Oaks Theatre. NORTH POWDER—Bungalow Opera House. PORTLAND—Tivoli Theatre, Williams Ave. and Russell St. NORTH POWDER—Scheurer's M. P. Theatre. PORTLAND—Union Theatre, Russell and Union Sts. OAKLAND—Opera House, 2nd and Oak Sts. PORTLAND—Victoria Theatre, 665 Alberta St. ONTARIO—Dreamland Theatre, Oregon St. PORTLAND—Woodlawn Theatre. 468 Delnim Ave. ONTARIO-Maze Theatre, Main St. PRAIRIE CITY—Electric Theatre, Main St. ONTARIO—The Star Theatre. Main St. PRINEVILLE—New Lyric Theatre. OREGON CITY—Star Theatre. RAINIER—Rainier Theatre. OREGON CITY—Theatre Grand. RAINIER—The Grand Theatre. PAISLEY—Paisley Theatre. RAINIER—Wade Theatre. PENDLETON—Alta Theatre Co. REDMOND—Sparks Theatre. PENDLETON-Orpheum Theatre. ROSEBURG—Antlers Theatre. PENDLETON—Pastime, Main St. ROSEBURG—Crescent. PHILOMATH—Palace Theatre. Main St. ROSEBURG—Gem Theatre. Jackson St. PINEVILLE—Emporium Theatre. ROSENBURG—Golden Theatre. PORTLAND-Acme Theatre. 265 Russell St. ROSEBURG—Majestic Theatre. PORTLAND—Alberta Theatre. 716 Alberta St. ROSEBURG—Novelty, Jackson St. PORTLAND—Albin a Theatre. E. Russell St. ROSEBURG—^Roseburg Theatre. PORTLAND—Allen's Theatre. 1st and Grai.t Sts. SALEM—Bligh Theatre, 447 State St. PORTLAND—Auditorium, The Oaks Park. SALEM—Ely's Theatre, 467 State St. PORTLAND—Baker Theatre. 11th and Morrison Sts. SALEM—Globe Theatre. PORTLAND—Bakeronian Theatre, 131 6th St. SALEM—Star Theatre. Main St. PORTLAND—Boston Theatre, 47th and Sandy Rd. SALEM-State Theatre. 467 State St. PORTLAND—Brooklyn Theatre, Milwaukee and Carl. SALEM—Vaudette Theatre. 375 Court St. PORTLAND—Casino Theatre, 285 Burnside St. SALEM—Wexford Theatre. PORTLAND—Cineograph Theatre, 30 Grand Ave.. N. SALEM—Ye Liberty. 142 Liberty St. PORTLAND—Circle Theatre. 126 4th St. SEASIDE—Critic Theatre. PORTLAND—Classic Theatre, E. Morrison and Grand Av. SEASIDE—East Side Theatre. PORTLAND—Crown Theatre, 251 Alder St. SELLWOOD—Alpha Theatre. PORTLAND—Derby Theatre. Derby and Kilpatrick. SELLWOOD—Isis Tlieatre. PORTLAND—Diamond Theatre. Alder St.. nr. 2nd. SELLWOOD—Star Theatre. PORTLAND—Dixie Theatre. 126 oth St. SHERIDAN—Arcade Theatre. PORTLAND—Dream Theatre. Morrison St. SHERIDAN—New Grand Theatre. Bridge St, PORTLAND—Dreamland Theatre, The Oaks Park. SHERWOOD—Star Theatre. 1st and Washington Sts. PORTLAND—Echo Theatre. SILVERTON—Gem Theatre. PORTLAND—Elite Theatre. 1316 Sandy Blvd. SPRINGFIELD—Bell Theatre. Main St. PORTLAND-Empire Theatre. 1141 Albina Ave. SPRINGFIELD—Electric Theatre. PORTLAND—Enipiiv Tlicatie. L'.Sl) G.a .d Ave. STAYTON—Stayton Electric Theatre. PORTLAND—Fill/ T|.r;,tlr, .'l r.iir-si.le St. SUMTER—Sumter Electric, cor. Main and Hill Sts.

I ' PORTLAND—I II I . 1 -I TILLAMOOK—Gem Theatre. Main St.

c, I -i, PORTLAND— I \ii ,i|i„i Ave. TILLAMOOK—Lyric Theatre. PORTLAND— I : we. TILLAMOOK—Star Theatre. P. 0. Box 282.

I . , PORTLAND—(in,, i„ i; ; ST. JOHNS—Multnomah Theatre. 108 Jersey St. PORTLAND—G I, in II « ash Sts. THE DALLES—The Casino Theatre. 312 2nd St. '1 PORTLAND—Globe In . lohe Bldg. TOLEDO—Dime Theatre.

PORTLAND—Grisohou I iiiidy Blvd. TROUTDALE—Troutdale Theatre.

. PORTLAND—Hippodnii 1 UNION—Cosy Theatre.

PORTLAND—Home Th- i UNION—Electric Theatre.

PORTLAND— l.lrii I 1 UNION—Union Opera House. PORTLAND— 1.1 n I VALE—Bungalo Theatre. PORTLAND— I, M I VALE-^rand Opera House.

. 1 \ PORTLAND— .\ I Ink and Washhigton VALE—M. P. Theatre. PORTLAND— .\ I ill,, suirk and W. Park. VALE—Star Theatre. lliani i.lili, PORTLAND—New . nr.. Washington Si WALLOWA—Morelock's Opera House. 1st St. PORTLAND—Nob Hill 'J L;3rd and Kearney Sts. WOODBURN—Bungalow Theatre. WOODBirRN—Electric Theatre. Front St. WOODBURN—Cozy Theatre. Front St. PENNSYLVANIA

ACOSTA— A.-..M,. TiM-ptre. AUSTIN—Grand Theatre. Main St. AVOCA—Grand Theatre, Main St.

I |,|. AKKn.\ I. I ,,'iiie,'Main St. AVOCA—Pleasant Hour Theatre. Main St.

I. . ALBliiN \ I III if state St AVALON—Avalon Theatre. 546 California

l..\ ! II, ALLE(;ll 1,1 I litre AVONDALE—Avon Theatre. ALLEGHENY.--. iM.i.h 'rhniii.' BANGOR—Broadway Theatre. Broadway.

i i ALLENTOVVN- \ J I . 1 1 ;imilton Sts BANGOR—Broadway Theatre. 31 Broadway

' • I ALLBNTOWN- . 7 Hamilton St. BANGOR—Music Hall.

1 1 , I , . ALLENTOWN- I .ii,,l Linden Sts. BANGOR—Opera House. ALLENTOWN— r-it' ,1 lln.iiir. :iii;; Hamilton St. HARNESBORO—Gaiety Theatre. Philadelpliia Ave. ALLENTOWN— l(e,;eiu Tlieulie, BAKNESBORO—Grand Theatre. ALLENTOWN—\ ictor Theatre. fi34 Hamilton St. BARNESBORO—Pastime Theatre. Philadelphia Ave. ALLBNTOWN-Washington Theatre, 614 Washington BARNESBORO—Rex Theatre. Philadelphia Ave. ALIQUIPPA—Main Theatre. Main St. BEAVER—Beaver Nickelodeon. 3rd and College Ave. ALIQUIPPA—Pastime Theatre. Main St. BEAVERDALF— Province Theatre. ALTOONA—BOou. 1118 11th BEAA'i;)! I'Wl.l.s-.Miiiiii, 1,111 Theatre. ILTOONA—Casino Tlieatr 1th Ave. ALTOONA—Gamble Theatre. ALTOONA—Ideal Tlieatre. ii, I I ,,ii, I .11, ALTOONA—Ovphenm Theatre. 1206 BELLIJ iiM . IJisllOp Allegheny Sts. Ai,T(Hi\-.\ — I'll. .hue Tlieatre. 1504 BELLIOl'ONTl— Lviie Tli.-alrc. BELLEF(.INTE—Scenic Theatre. High BELLBVUE—Avenue Theatre. 529 Lin BELLE VERNON-Bijou Theatre. 2nd BELLWOOD—Star Theatre. Main St. .Merchant St. BERLIN—Pastime Theatre. Main St. AMl'.Ull",! I' BERNICE—Mildred M. P. Theatre. B AMY\ II II ^1 BERWICK—Opera House. Front St.

ANN\'lll.i I APOLLd - W ARCADIA— .\ I. BETHLEHEM—Broad Theatre. Broad bet. Centi

ARCHIBALD— I BETHLEHEM—Gem Theatre. 205 S. Union St. ARCHIBALD- BETHLEHEM—Market House Theatre. ASHLAND—Ci. BETHLEHEM—National Theatre, 72 Broad St. ASHLEY—Hip BETHLEHEM—Palace Theatre. ATHENS— SI ar ' BIBDSBORO—Auditorium Theatre. AIIDBNREID— eatre, 6 E. Wain BIRDSBORO—Hippodrome. Main St. AUDENREID—Lyric Theatre, BLACKLICK—Palmer's Opera House, :Main St. \(



BLAIRSVtLLE—Lyric Theatre, Market St. BT.A TBSYILLE—Dreamland Theatre, Market St. . RI.ATR SYTT.1.F—Pastime Theatre. BLAIRSVrLLE—Star Theatre, 1st St. BLOOMSBURG—Columbia Theatre, Center St. Front St. BLOOMSBURG—New Lyric, 7 Main St. CKESSdX Front St. BLOOMSBURG—Victoria Theatre. CURWE.\.~ re. State S BLOSSSBURG—Blossburg Opera House. CLRWl BLOSSBURG—Lyric Theatre. (.\\W\ I BOSWELL—Morrison's Amusell, Main St. DAGUS -M ie, Centerville. BOYERTOWX—Lyric Theatre. DALLASTUW Theatre. BRADDOCK—American Theatre, 616 Braddock Ave. DALTON—Motion Picture Theatre. BRADDOCK—Family Theatre. DANIELVILLE—Blue Ridge Traction Theatre BRADDOCK—Grand Theatre. 614 Braddock Ave. DANVILLE—Luna Theatre. Mill St. BRADDOCK—Knickerbocker Theatre. 833 Braddock Ave. DANVILLE—Opera House. Mill and Mahonii BRADDOCK—Nickelodeon, 833 Braddock Ave. DABB1—Harrigan s Theatre. Chester Pike. BRADDOCK—Rex Theatre, 628 Braddock Ave. DARRAGH—Keystone Theatre. BRADFORD—Bradford Theatre. DAWSON—Bijou Dream Theatre. BRADFORD—Grand Theatre, 31 Main St. DAYTON—Lyric Theatre. BRADFORD—Star Theatre, 11 Main St. DELMONT—Delmont Theatre. BRADFORD—Theatorium, 29 Main St. DELTA—Delta M. P. Parior. BBAUGHTON—Braughton Theatre. DELTA—Lloyd Hall. National Pike. BRIER HILL—Brier Hill Theatre, DENVER—Opera House. " BRIDGEVILLE—Russell's Theatre. DERBY-Derry Tlieatr.

BRISTOL—Bristol Theatre. 206 mil St. DICKSON , Main St,

BRISTOL—Colonial Theatre, Wood and Peun Ave. DICKSON i.ie. 40 Main : BRISTOL—Family Theatre, 103 MDl St. DONORA- McKean Ave. BRISTOL—Riverside Theatre, Radclifle St. DONORA- BROCKWAYA'ILLE—Theatorium. DORMON'I BROOKTILLE—Electric Theatre. DORRAN BROOKYILLE—New Orpheum Theatre. DOWNINC -Wun BROWNSVILLE—Arcade Theatre, Market St. DOY'LESTOWN—Armory Theatre. BRYN MAWR—Bryn Mawr Theatre. DOYLESTOWN—Princess Theatre, Donaldson St. BULGER—Bulger Theatre. DU BOIS—Avenue. BUNOLA— Star Theatre. DU BOIS—Carleton Theatre. BUTLER—Alameda Park Theatre. DU BOIS—Empire Theatre. BUTLER-Lyric Theatre. DUNBAR—Colonial Theatre, Railroad St. BUTLER—Orpheum Theatre, Main St. DUNCANNON—Lyric Theatre, Market St. BUTLER—, Main and Cunningham. Dl XCANNON—Photoplay Theatre. CALIFORNIA-Bailey Theatre, Wood St. DUNLO—Dunlo Theatre. CALIFORNIA-Daisy Theatre. DUNMORE—Capitol Theatre, 211 E. Drinker St. CALIFORNIA—Ideal Theatre, Wood St. DUNMORE—Dunmore Nickelet Theatre, 120 Chestnut St. CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS—Idle Hour Theatre. DUNMORE—Savoy Theatre, cor. Mortimore and Willow. CANONSBURG—Canonsburg Opera House, Pike St. DUQUESNE—Grand Theatre. CANONSBURG—Idle Hour Theatre, 30 W. Pike St. DURYEA—Happy Hour Theatre. Main St. CANONSBURG—Lvric Theatre, 175 Pike St. DURYEA—Pastime Theatre. CANONSBURG—Majestic Theatre. DUTCH HILL—Grand Theatre. CANONSBURG—Pleasure Amuse. Co., Theatre. EASTON—Able Opera House. Front St. CANTON—Crawford Theatre. EASTON—BushKll Park Theatre. 1126 N. Hampton St. CARBONDALE—Gem Theatre. EASTON—Circle Theatre. CAHBONDALE—Grand Opera House. EASTON—Island Park Theatre. CARBONDALE—Ideal Theatre. EASTON—Jewel Theatre. Opera House Bldg., Northaniptnu St. CARBONDALE—Majestic Theatre, 7th Ave. and Main St. EASTON—Neumeyer Theatre. 451 Northampton St. CAHBONDALI^Peoples Theatre, 19 S. Main St. EASTON—Orpheum Theatre. CARBONDALE—Star Theatre, 3.5 S. Main St. EASTON—Pearl M. P. Theatre. 1303 Lehigh St. CARBONDALE—Victoria Theatre, 31 S. Main St. EASTON—Star Theatre, 679 Northampton St. CARLISLE—Carlisle Opera House, N. Pitt St. EASTON—Third St. Theatre, 32 S. 3rd St. CARLISLE—Orpheum Theatre, 43 W. Main St. EAST BRADY—East Brady Opera House. CARLISLE—Theatorium. BAST MAUCH CHUNK—Orpheum Theatre. CARMICHAELS—Ross Theatre. E. DOWTJINGTON—Bijou Theatre, Lancaster Ave. CARNEGIE—Arcade Theatre. 138 Main St. E. GREENVILLE—Palace Theatre, 325 W. 4th St. CARNEGIE—Grand Theatre. 4th Ave. E. PITTSBITRG—Blaneys Theatre. Collins Ave. CARNEGIE—Star Theatre, 5 4th Ave. E. PITTSBURG—Lyric Theatre, Penn Ave. CARRICK—Carrick Theatre. E. PITTSBURG—Lyric Theatre, 712 Linden Ave. CARBOLLTOWN—Nixon Theatre. EAST STBOUDSBURG—Grand Opera House, Courtland St. CATASAUQUA—Bijou Theatre. Front and Walnut Sts. EAST STROUDSBLTRG—Lyric Theatre, Washington and Crystal CATASAUQUA—Bijou Dream Theatre. 735 N. 2nd St. EBENSBURG—Colonial Theatre, High St. CATASAUQUA—Pastime Theatre. 231 Front St. EDWARDSVILLE—Eureka Theatre. CATAWISSA—Opera House. 401 MaiM St. ELDRED—Dreamland Theatre. CEMFNTON—Arcade Theatre. ELIZABETH—Grand Theatre, 2nd St. CENTRALIA—Grand Theatre. Locust Ave. ELIZABETHTOWN—Majestic Theatre, S. Market St. CHAMBERSBURG—New Theatre, Main and King Sts. ELIZABETHVILLE—Star Theatre. CHAMBERSBURG—Rosedale Theatre, 40 N. Main St. ELLWOOD CITY—Opera House. CHAMBERSBURG— Star Theatre, 147 E. Market St. ELKLAND—Lyric Theatre. Buffalo St. CHARLEROI—Lyric Theatre. 433 McKean Ave. ELK LICK—Dreamland Theatre, Grant St. CHAHLEROI—Palace Theatre. ELLSWORTH—Ellsworth Amuse. Hall, Lackawanna Ave. CHARLEROI—Star Theatre, 422 Fallowfleld Ave. EMAUS—Lyric Theatre. CHESTER—Biograph Theatre. 407 Market St. EMAUS—Palace Theatre. CHESTER—Grand Theatre, 313 Market St. EMLENTON—Play House, Allegheny St. Bridge cor. CHESTER—Majestic Theatre. 500 Market St. EMLENTON—Theat. .\llegheny St. Bridge CHESTER—Vulcan Theatre. 1824 W. 3rd St. EMPORII'M- i:ir,|.niiu Th atre. 4th St.

II I CHESTER—Washburn Theatre, 7th St. nr. Edgemont Ave. EMPORIUM < South St. CLARION—Avenue Theatre. EMSWOR'lll 'I :re. Beaver St.

CLARIDGE—Dreamland Theatre. EPHRAT.\ I I

Ci.ilin, ,11,1 I . 1 '.I CLARION—Orpheum Theatre. ERIE— , 8th St. CLARK SUMMIT—Aljo Theatre, Si ate St. ERIE—Venice Tlaiitic 1013 State St. CLAYSVILLE—Clavsville Theatre. ERIE—Elite Theatre. Llth and Parade Ave CLEARFIELD—Globe Theatre, Market St. ERIE—Erie Dispatch. CLEARFIELD—Opera House. ERIE—Marvel The 1026 Parade St. CLEARFIELD—Star Picture Parlor. P. O. Box 26. ERIE—The Grand Theatre, 1111 State .St. CLIFTON HEIGHTS—Fairyland Theatre, 501 Baltimore Ave. ERIE—Victoria Theatre, 1009 State St. CLINTONnLLE—Lyric Theatre. ERIE—Wilkay Theatre, Parade St. CLYMER—Gaiety Theatre. ETNA—Grand Theatre, 348 Butler St. CLYMER—Pasrime Theatre, Franklin St. ETNA—Pastime Theatre. COALDALE—Family Theatre, 2nd St. EVANS CITY—Palace Theatre. COALPORT—Grand Theatre. EATIRETT-Crescent Theatre. COATESVILLE—Opera House. FACTORYVILLE—Factoryville Theatre. COATFSVILLE—Palace Family Theatre, Main St. FACTORYVILLE-Happy Hour Theatre, Academy St COLUMBIA—Columbia Opera House, Locust St. FALLS CREEK—Star Palace Theatre. COLUMBIA—Happv Hour Theatre, Locust St. FARRELL—Colonial Theater. COLLTMBIA—Star Theatre, 409 Locust St. FARRELL—Dome Theatre. CONENAUGH—Peoples Palace Theatre, Greeve St. FARRELL—Rex Theatre. Idaho and Lee Sts. CONIFER—Royal Theatre. F.\YETTE CITY—Bell Theatre. Market St. CONNEAUT—Nava Jo, Main St. F.WFTTE CITY—Grand Opera House, Main St. CONNELLSVILLE—Arcade Theatre, Main St. • FAYETTE CITY—Nickelodeon, 5th Ave. CONNELLS\TLLF,—Soisson Theatre. FAYETTE CITT— Star Theatre. CONSHOHOCKEN—Little's Opera House, Fayett St. FORD CITY- M r TlM .irc. ,.. i:: COPLAY—Dreamland Theatre, 2nd and Keystone Alley. FOREST cru, . .Main St. CORAOPOLIS-Lyric Theatre. Mill St. FOREST 1 rn Ui. I .Mi'ilv. Main St. CORRY—Amuse U Theatre, 32 N. Center St. FOREST cm i:iaiici 'Iheatre. Main St. CORBY—Amusement Palace. FOREST CITV — I'astiiiu Theatre. CORRY—Continuous - Theatre. S. FORK—Lvric Theatre. Maple St. CORRY—Lvric Theatre. 48 W. Main St. FRACKVILLE—White's Theatre. COUDERSPORT— Star Theatre. FRANKLIN—Dome Theatre. 13th St., Box 246. 158 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY


FRANKLIN—FraultUii Opera House, Buffalo St. JOHNSONBUEG—Bijou Dream Theatre, 122 Clini FRANKLIN—Orpheum Theatre. JOHNSTOWN—Family Theatre.

FREEDOM-Dreamland Theatre, 650 3rd St. JOHNSTOWN—Globe Theatre, Main and Bedford ! FREELAND—Grand Opera House, cor. Eidge and Luzerne St. JOHNSTOWN—Grand Theatre. FREELAND—Lyric Theatre, Front St. JOHN«TOWN—Lyric Theatre, Fairfield Ave. FREELAND—Peoples Theatre. JOHNSTOWN—Majestic Theatre, 316 Main St. FREEPOHT—Seitz Opera House, 4th and Market Sts. JOHNSTOWN—Nemo Theatre, 416 Main St. GALETON—Main St. Theatre, 37 Main St. JOHNSTOWN—Park I'amily Theatre, Main St. GALLITZIN—Dignan's Theatre. JOHNSTOWN—Stadium Theatre, 523 Main St. GALLITZIN—Victoria Theatre. JOHNSTOWN—Victoria Theatre. GARRETT-Garrett Theatre. IvANE—Family Theatre. GETTYSBURG—Dreamland Theatre. ICANE—Star Theatre. GETTYSBURG—New Photoplay Theatre, 100 Baltimore St. KANE—Happyland Theatre. GETTYSBURG—Pastime Theatre. KANE—Temple Theatre. GETTYSBURG—Walter's Theatre. KEISTER—Motor Theatre. GILBERTON—Kerrigan's Theatre. KITTAN1N6—Electric Theatre, Market St. GILBEBTON—Regal Theatre. KITTANING—Grand Theatre. GIBARDVILLE—Lyric Theatre. KITTANING—Lyceum Theatre, 213 Market St.

GLASSPORT—Garrick Theatre. . KULPMONT—Kulpmont Theatre. GLEN CAMPBELL—Empire Theatre. KNO.X'VILLE—Happy Hour Theatre. GLEN CAMPBELI^Star Theatre. Glenwood Ave. KULPM(>NT--1>a

GREAT BEND—Happy Hour Theatre, Main St. LAM -III;. I .'ir. 168 N. Queen St.

i I ! GREENSBURG—Bijou Theatre, Pennsylvania Ave. LA.N' . 1 : .-,06 Manor St.

GREENSBURG—Casion Theatre, 106 Penn Ave. and Pitt St. LANCA.- I I I! IMi'i I hi. anr. GREENSBURG—Grand Theatre. LANCASTI-.K— Kl-]]!, Thi-alrL-. GREENSBURG—Lyric Theatre. LANCASTER—Scenic Theatre, North Queen St. GREENSBURG—Oakford Park Theatre. LANCASTER—7th Ward Theatre, S. Duke and Chester St. GREENSBURG—Princess Theatre. LANCASTER—Wonders Theatre, W. King and Prince Sts. GREENSBURG—St. Clair Opera House. LANSDALE—Jenkins M. P. Show. GREENSBURG—Temple Theatre, 115 N. Penn Ave. LANSFOED—Bijou Theatre, Eidge St. GREENCASTLE—Gem Theatre. LANSFORD—Sharp's Opera House. GREENCASTLE—Star Theatre, E. Baltimore St. LATROBE—Grand Theatre. GREENVILLE—Laird Opera Theatre, N. W. cor. Main and Race Sts. LATROBE—Twilight Theatre, 319 Main St. GREENVILLE—Olympic Tlieatre, 199 Main St. LATROBE-Unique Theatre. GREENVILLE—Star Theatre. 199 Main St. LEBANON—Academy of Music. GREENVILLE—Yong's Theatre, 156 Main St. LEBANON—Electric Theatre, 7th and Lehman St. GROVE CITY—^Family Theatorium. LEBANON—Family Theatre, 8th St. GROVE CITY—Lyric. LEBANON—Grand Theatre, 9th and Willow Sts. GROVE CITY—Majestic Theatre. LEBANON—Hippodrome Theatre. HALLSTEAD—Hallstead Opera House, Main St. LEBANON—Jackson Amuse. Enterprise. HALIFAX—Royal Theatre, Marltet St. LEBANON—Scenic Theatre, cor. 8th and Cumberland St. HAMBURG—Empire Theatre, 318 State St. LEECHBURG—Bijou Theatre, 228 Marltet St. HAMBURG—National Tlieatre, 133 State St. LENNE MILLS—Lenni Amusu Hall. HANNASTOWN—Electric Theatre. LEWISBURG—Orpheum Theatre, 3rd St. HANOVER—Hanover Vaudeville Theatre, 49 Baltimore St. LEWISTOWN—Orpheum Theatre. HANOVER—Opera House, Chestnut St. LEWISTOWN—Pastime Theatre, 36 B. Market St. HAiSIOVER—Star Theatre, 14 Carlisle St. LEWISTOWN—Temple Opera House, Main St. HARRISBURG—Arena Theatre. 1919 N. 3rd St. LIGONIER—Twilight Theatre. HARRISBUBG—Apollo Theatre. 1007-9 N. 3rd St. LILLY—Pastime Theatre, Cleveland Theatre. HARRISBURG—Colonial Theatre. LINESVILLE—M. P, Parlor, Main St. HARRISBURG—Hippodrome, 333 Market St. LIVERPOOL—Photoplay Theatre. HARRISBURG-Lenny's Photoplay Theatre, 5 S. 13th St. LITTLEST©WN—Palace of Amus.. S and 10 Hanover St. HARRISBURG—Opera House. LOCK HAVEN—Family Theatre, Main St. HARRISBURG-Orpheum Theatre. LOCK HAVEN-Martin Theatre. Main St. HARRISBURG—Photoplay. 221 Market St. LYTiENS—Dreamland Theatre. HARRISBURG—Royal Theatre. LYKENS—Lykens Theatorium. 214 Main St. HARRISBURG—Savoy Theatre, Federal Square. LYKENS—Twin Arch Photoplay. HARRISBURG—Star. MADERA—Pastime Theatre. HARRISBURG—^Vaudeville Opera House. MADEEA—Roval Theatre. HARRISBURG—Victoria Theatre. MAH.AXdl en"!—Family Theatre. Center St. - HASTINGS—Opera House. MAlI-\\ii'\ ( I M liaiers Opera House. HAWLEY—Dreamland Theatre. MAllwiiN iin l-alace Theatre. 38 S. Main St. HAWLEY—Hippidrome, Main St. MALTI-.i l.wi. Iliratre. HAZELTON—Diamond Theatre. MALTI;-! ~ -.M, ! 'fhratre. Back R.I HAZELTON—Family Theatre. MANAYr.N'K— Knipiiv 'nnan. M;nii St. -11.. HAZELTON—Grand Opera House. MANAYUNK—Casino , . i-;,, \[aln St.

I ' HAZELTON—Hazel Park Theatre. MANAYUNK—Grand . I ! Main St.

I . HAZELTON-Lyric Theatre, 14 E. Broad St. MANAYUNK—Lyric 'I i a., Miiia St. - HAZELTON—Lyric Theatre, 35 E. Main St. MANHEIM—Comique. I . mn ,im| HAZELTON—Palace Theatre, 21-31 S. Wyoming St MANHEIM—Victor Theaiia-. Icidiiiand St. HAZELWOOD—Star Theatre, 4829 2nd Ave. ILiNOE-Family Theatre. HEILWOOD—Star Theatre, Main St. MANOE—Manor Theatre. HERMINIE—Electric Theatre. MANNHEIM—Opera House. HIGHSPIRE—Bijou Theatre. MANSFIELD—Theatorium. 8 Hoard Ave. HIGHSPIRE—Photoplay Theatre. MAEIi:tt,\—Photoplay Theatre. HOLLIDAYSBURG—Logan Theatre. MATts- lo,:,n-i, Theatre. HOLLIDAYSBURG—Lyric Theatre. MAlt^ <:^n, llM.rir HOLMESBURG—Holme Theatre. MA1!I"\ I .h.ii Theatre. HOMER CITY—Empire Theatre, Main St. MAK\ 1 1,1.1 -i.:ik.ii Theatre. HOMESTEAD—Palace Theatre. MASONTi iW N— Iris Theatre. HOMESTEAD—Stahls Crescent Theatre, 303 fth Ave. MASONTOWN—Rex Theatre. HOOATERSVILLF.—Main St. Amuse U Theatre. MAUCH CHUNK—Flagstaff Park Theatre. HOUTZDALE—Wonderland Theatre. MAUCH CHUNK—Mauch Chunk Opera House. Broadway. HUNTINGDON—Lyric Theatre, 8th and Washington Sts. McADOO—Blaine Theatre, Blaine St. HUNTINGDON—Opera House. McADOO—Lion Theatre. Tamaqua St. IMPEBIAI^Imperial Theatre. McADOO—Sun Theatre. INDIANA—Globe Theatre, 727 Philadelphia St. McDonald—Dreamland Theatre. N. W. cor. Barr and Slain ,« INDIANA— Star Theatre. McDonald—Casino Theatre. Lincoln Ave. IRWIN—Imp Theatre, Main St. McDonald—Lincoln Theatre. IRWIN-Irwin Amuse. Co. McDonald—Wonderland Theatre, P. O. Box 461. IRWIN—Lyric Theatre, Main St. McKEESPOBT—Altmeyer Theatre, 219 5th Ave. TAMESTOWN—Gem Theatre. McKBESPOET—Avenue Theatre, 524 5th Ave. .TEANETTB—Auditorium Theatre. McKEESPORT—Casino Theatre, 5th Ave. JEANETTE—Cadallac Theatre, 414 Clay Ave. McKEESPORT—Orpheum Theatre, 5th and Walnut St. JEANETTE—Eagle Theatre. McKEESPOET—Pastime Theatre, Locust St. JEANETTE—Star Family Theatre, 302 Clay Ave. McKEBSPOET—Savoy Theatre. 512 5th Ave. .TENKINTOWN—Auditorium. MoKEES ROCKS—Grand Theatre. Helen St. ,7EBMYN—Crystal Theatre. Main St. Mc-KEES ROCKS—Lyric Theatre, lOR Chartieres Ave. .TERMYN—Palace Theatre. McKEES ROCKS—Mars Theatre, 342 Helen St. .TEROME—Klare's Theatre. McKEES ROCKS-North Side Theatre. Munn and Georgia Sts. .TERREY SHORE—Bio Theatre, 113 N. Main St. McKEES EOCK—Pastime Theatre. 314 Helen St. JERSEY SHORE—Family Theatre, Main St. McIiEBS EOCK—Star Family Tlieatre. 523 Chartieres Ave. JERSEY SHORE—Majestic Theatre, Main St. McKEES ROCK—Temple Theatre. 411 Chartieres Ave. JERSEY SHORF—Martin Theatre. McKEES ROCK—Victor Theatre. Island Ave. JERSEY' SHORE—Pastime Theatre. Allegheny St. MEADVILLE—Academy of Music. JERSEY SHORE—Uno Theatre. 113 North Main St. MEADVILLE—Amusement Enterprises. JESSUP—Dreamland Theatre, Church St. MEADVILLE—Lyceum Theatre. 245 Chestnut St. .TBSSUP—^Family Theatre. MEADVILLE—Mar .TESSUP—Happy Hour Theatre. Churk St. MEADVILLE—Pho JOHNSONBUEG—Lyric Theatre, Market St. MEADVILLE—Traction Park Theatre. JOHNSONBURG—Opera House. MECHANICSBURG—Franklin Theatre, Market and Main Sts JOHNSONBURG—Baird Amusement Co., 640 Horner St. MECHANICSBDRG—Star Theatre, 5 E. Main St. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 159


MEDIA—Pastime Picture Parlor, 17 E. State St. MERCER—New Orr Theatre, S. Pitt. :MERCER—Opera House. JIERCER—Star Tlieatre. N. S. Pitt St. ilERCERSBUHG—Star Theatre, Seminary St. JIEYERSDALE—Amuse-U-Tlieatre, Center St. nd Seneca Sts, MEYERSDALE—Donges New Theatre. MEYERSDALE—Reich's Auditorium, 234 Broadway, MEYERSTOWN—Auditorium. MIDDLETOWN—Auditorium, cor. Union and Emaus Sts. 24 Seneca St, MIDDLETOWN—Luna Ring Theatre, Emons St, MIDDLETOWN—Majestic Theatre, Union and Bronx St, MIDDLETOWN—Realty Theatre, 720 W. Emaus St. MIDLAND—Crucible Theatre, Midland Ave. MIDLAND—EUte Theatre. MIDLAND—Grand Theatre. MITFLINTOWN—Idle Hour Theatre. MILDRED—Bernice Theatre, Main St. MILFORD—Mllford Theatre. 4th and Catherine Sts. MILLERSBUBG—Electric Theatre. (ILV1'1IA.\ i— I'. House, Suquanna St. MILLERSBUBG—Lyric Theatre, Center St. OLYPHANT—Lyric Theatre JHLL HALI^Star Theatre. OBWIGSBURG—Casino Theatre. Center St. MILLSBORO—Hawthorne Theatre. ORWIGSBURG—Orpheu7n Theatre. MILLVALE—Colonial Theatre. ORWIN—Orwin Nickellette Theatre. MILLVALE—Family Theatre. 516 Grant Ave. OSCEOLA MILLS—Osceola Theatre. MILLVALE—Pastime Theatre, 222 North Ave. OXFORD—Gem Theatre, 60 S. 3rd St. inLLVALE—Reliable Theatre. OXFORD—O.xford Theatre, 64 S. 3rd St, MILTON—Bijou Theatre, 53 Broadway. PALJIEETON—Jewell Theatre, MILTON—Family Theatre, N. Front St. PALMERTON—Nickelodeon Theatre, MILTON—Pictureland Theatre. PALMYRA—Brandts Theatre. Main St, MILTON—Riverside Park Theatre. PARKERSBURG—Lyric Theatre, MINERS MILLS—Bijou Theatre, 72 Main St. PARILEHS LANDING—M, P, Theatre, River Ave, MINERSVILUS—Bijou Theatre, E. Sunbury St. PARKERSBURG—Parkersburg Opera House, MINERSVILLE—Buck Run Theatre. Theatre. 306 George Ave, MINERSVILLE—Opera House, 3rd and Sunberry, illNOOKA—Magnet Theatre, 315 Main St. MINOOKA—Majestic Theatre, Main St. MONACA—Olympic Theatre, Penn Ave. .MONESSEN—Grand Theatre. MONESSEN—Liberty Theatre. MONONGAHELA—Anton Theatre, cor, 3rd and Main Sts. MONTGOMERY—Lyceum Theatre. MOXTGOMEBY—Montgomery Opera House, Houston Ave. JIONTROSE—C-Nic Theatre, Public Ave. id Chester Ave,

MORTON—Faraday Hall. . 2617 W. Cumberland St. MOTOURSVILLE—Gem Theatre, Broad St. id and Allegheny St, MT. CARMEL—Ballantine Theatre. 16 Oak St. and Ontario Aves. MT. CARMEL—Majestic Theatre, Oak St.

• I ' i- MT, CARMEL—Theatorium, 112-14 Oak St, * ' < me, 6015 Market St, MT, GRETNA—Kauffman's Auditorium, Cbatauaua Grounds.

i:. I MT. GRETNA—Park Auditorium. M' : ,'iL'iid and Girard Ave.

I I MT. JEWETT—Star Theatorium. \i , .'N46 N. 22nd St.

\ I MT. JOY—Garden Theatre. ' .-..jSI N. 6th St, li MT. JOY—Star Theatre. \ I M ir. 6th and Arch Sts, MT, MORRIS—Star Theatre. Buchanan St. \ \ii iiiniiiim, 41st and Westminster Sts. MT. OLFVER-Alhambra Theatre, 141 Southern Ave. PIJ1L.\1>IJ iiu. 210 N. 8th St, MT. OLH^ER-Coliseum Theatre, 219 Southern Ave. PHILADKl \ii lii'.i nun Tlieatre, 2nd and Germantovvn Ave, MT, OLIVER—St, Clair Theatre. PHILADIOl Am 1.1 Theatre, 628 Moore St, MT, PLEASANT—Cox's Theatre, PHILADl',1 \w,,n, Tlieatre, 7250 Woodland Ave, SIT, PLEASANT—Dreamland Theatre, 318 E. Main St, PHILADl; \ I'lii'iiin.. 50th and Haverford Aves, MT, PLEASANT—Grand Opera House, 667 Main St. PHILADl:i ^ iii' iii^. L'uth and McKean Aves, MT, PLEASANT—Lyric Theatre, 507 Main St. PHILAlli;i I Arcade. 5039 Baltimore Ave,

PllILAl)i:i I MT. UNION—Luna Theatre. " , 5026 Baltimore Ave,

I, I I. I r,i ilCNCY—Muzley Opera House. PHILADl'.l , Co, Theatre, 51st and Haverford Ave, MUNCY—The Palms Theatre, Main St, pnir,.\r>i:i iM-rkn ihrjiir. 1729 Snyder Ave. JIYERSTOWN—Keystone Theatre, L, Box 314. I'.clKradu Tlicafre. Belgrade and Franltfort Aves, NANTICOKE—Casino Theatre, E. Main St. -I'.ellevue Am. Parlor, 27th and Cumberland Sts. NANTICOKE—Dreamland Theatre. 15 N, Market St, -liellevue Am. Parlor, M. P. Theatre. 27th and Cura- NANTICOKE—Family Theatre. 125 Main St, NANTICOKE—Palace Theatre, 145 E, Main St, -Penn Theatre. 6338 Woodland Ave. NANTICOKE—Wonderland Theatre, 108 E, Main St. -Bijou Theatre, 49th and Woodland Ave. NANTY GLO—Globe Theatre, PHILADELPHIA- -Bijou Theatre, 1931 S. 3rd St. NANTY GLO—Star Theatre. PHILADELPIIIA- -Bijou Theatre, N. 8th St. NARBEBTH—Narberth Theatre. PIIILADELPHIA- -Bijou Dream, cor. 8th and Market Sts. NATRONA—Dreamland Theatre. PHILADELPIIJA- -Bijou Dream Theatre. 1223 Chestnut St. NAZARETH—Dreamland Theatre, S, Main St. PHILADELI'll -r.lu.' P.ill Dream, 7216 Woodland Ave.

NAZARETH-Royal Theatre, PHILADIOM'II I \ i-i I'alace Theatre, 4221 Germantown Ave, NTIWBBRRY-Lyceum Theatre, 4th and Diamond Sts, PHILADKl.l-lil \ I'.i nl St. Theatre, 3625 N, Broad St,

NEW BETHLEHEM—Casino Tlieatre, Main St. PHILADI LI M I \ I'l I'i SI Palace. 527 S, Broad St, NEW BETHLEHEM—Citizens Opera House, Main St. PHIL.\Di:i.ni I \ Tlieatre, York and Hope Sts, NEW CASTLE—Acme Theatre. PFiri,.\i>i,i,riii \ !<• h ! |-:il;iiv 'I'll.';.! IV. 2011 Frankford Ave,

. .1'!.,, NEW CASTLE—Cascade Amnse. Co., S. Mill St. , r...,,, 7 Ktian St.

i NEW CASTLE—Dreamland Theatre, S. Mill St. ' • • ! . I .iiikford Ave.

I . ' ' : liil NEW CASTLE—Family Theatre, S, Mill St, . 60tll Sts.

1 ! ( NEW CASTLE—Dream Theatre. , , ji.ii:; .miiantown Ave.

I NEW CASTLE—Grand Theatre, i I I I.;.") I'rankford Ave.

NEW CASTLE—Harry Hick's Theatre, 104 Long Ave, PHILADELPHIA- -I I lAie and Marshall Sts. NEW CASTLE—Lyric Theatre, 66 Long Ave, I>HILADELPHI.\- -I ii I i im Theatre, 1207 E. Chelton Ave.

' I I NEW CASTLE—Theatorium. I'lIILADELPHIA- -'II ' i:;23 Locust St.

1 NEW CASTLE—Majestic, PHILADELPHIA- 1 - N. 8th St. NEW CASTLE—Pastime Theatre, 121 E, Washington St, PllILADELPllTA- ' r.iiior. 3614 Longhsore St.

i NEW CASTLE—Star Theatre, Washington St. PHILADELPIIIA- ll ! )::o .Shackamaxon St. NEW BRIGHTON—Empire Theatre, I'llILADELPIITA- lit Palace. 42nd and Aspen Sts.

NEW BRIGHTON—Lyric Theatre, 822 3rd Ave, PHILADELPHIA- 1 .1025 Moyamensing St. NEWELI^Newell Theatre, PHILADELI'IITA- •_'7th and Columbia Sts. NEW KENSINGTON—Alhambra Theatre. PHILADELI'Hl A- Ill I'alace, 2119 Germantown Ave.

\ i ' NEW KENSINGTON—Colonial Theatre, PHILADICLI'MI v \ . 3rd St. NEW KENSINGTON—Columbus Theatre, 853 5th Ave. PHILADELI'M I \ I M S Broad St.

1 NEW KENSINGTON—Rex Theatre, PHILADEI.I'II I \ 1 1-8-30 Lancaster Ave.

NEW KENSINGTON—The Grand Theatre. 5th Ave, PHILADELrill A < ill. 6334 Woodland Ave.

NEW KENSINGTON—Wicks Theatre. 5th Ave, PHILADELPII1A-- I :i:>u; N. 5th St.

NEWMANSTOWN—M, P, Theatre, P, 0, Box 1, PHILADELPHIA- 1 :;:;4 South St,

NEW MILFORD-Family Theatre, Main St, and Montrose Ave, PHILADBLPHIA- I 7 til and Morris Sts,

NEW OXFORD—Crystal Theatre, PHILADELPHIA- i i liir, 2946 Frankford Ave, ,'. NEWPORT—Pastime Theatre. PiriLADELPnlA- I 1 Levering St.

NEWPORT—Star Theatre, PIIILADELFITIA- 1 703 Coskey St. NEW SALEM—New Salem Arcade, ]>HILADEI,PIIIA- liir, 36th and Haverford Sts.

NORHISTOWN—Colonial Tlieatre. Main and Arch Sts, PFTILADELPIIIA- 1 iiir. 4502 Lancaster Ave. NORRISTOWN—Empire Theatre, Main and Cherry Sts, I'lIILADELPIIIA- 11 IV. S35 Market St. NORRISTOWN—Lyric Theatre. PHTLADELPHIA- 11. ill', 84th St. and Eastwick Ave. NORTH EAST—Crescent Theatre, Main St, PHILADELPHIA- iir lii.aiie. 2914 Kensington Ave. NORTH EAST—Opera House, PHILADELPIIIA- lie Theatre. 8th and Washington Aves. NORTHUMBERLAND—Palace Theatre, PIIILADELPIIIA- ric Theatre. 713-15 Christian St. NORTHUMBERLAND—Pastime Theatre, Water St, prriLADELPiriA- Theatre, 2917 Torresdale Ave. n



rHILADELPHIA—Empire Theatre, 2844 Frankfoid Ave. PHILADELPHIA—Panama Palace, 1426 S. 4th St. PHILADELPHIA—Empire Theatre, 1111 Market St. PHILADELPHIA—Park Eureka Theatre, Marshall and Hunting Park Sts. PHILADELPHIA—Empire Theatre. 4650 Frankford Ave. PHILADELPHIA—Park Theatre, 31st and Ridge Ave. I'HILADELPHIA—Erie Theatre. Cth and Erie Sts. PHILADELPHIA—Parkway Theatre, 40th and Poplar Sts. PHILADELPHIA—Erie Theatre. N. E. cor. Marshall & PHILADELPHIA—Pastime Theatre, 7216 Woodland Ave. PHILADELPHIA—Eureka Theatrr, .•;;)n M^niu-t St. PHILADELPHIA—Pelham Theatre. Germantown Ave. and Sharpnack. PHILADELPHIA—Fairfield Palar. r,. . PHILADELPHIA—Penn Art Theatre. 2329 Ridge Ave. PHILADELPHIA—Fairmount 'Jl.. and Fraukliii SI PHILADELPHIA—Penn Family Theatre. 2332 Ridge Ave. I'HILADELPHIA—Fairmount Di, . i i and Parkside Av PHILADELPHIA—People's Theatre. 2467 Kensington Ave. PHILADELPHIA—Family Theati- - umbia Sts. PHILADELPHIA—Pike Theater. 6th and Pike Sts. PHILADELPHIA—Family Them I. mberland St. PHILADELPHIA—Port Breeze Casino, Point Breeze Ave. and Earp St. PHILADELPHIA—Family Thi-an. n,. PHILADELPHIA—Poplar Theatre. 905 N. 6th St. PHILADELPHIA—Federal Aud PHILADELPHIA—Paschall Theatre, 71st and Woodland Ave.

PHILADELPHIA—15th St. TIm ; PHILADELPHIA—Premier Theatre. 6011 Market St. .HIL.\DELPHIA— .52lld St. Tin ,, .52nd St. PHILADELPHIA—Princess Theatre. 508 South St. PHI Ibert Sts. PHIL.\hl.I.PIlI.\- I'liiMcss Theatre. 1018 Market St. ehanna Ave, PHII-.Md l.l'lll.\ K.-.i,i Tiieatre. 1632 Market St. PHII.M'I l.l'lll \ K. V II,,,, lie. Ridge Ave. and Oxford St. l.l'lil .PHll.Ai.i \ i;,. I Tiieatre. Richmond, nr. Clearlield. PHiI„\l>l.l.l'lll.\ Ki.Ik.. .We, Theatre. 1734 Ridge Ave. PHILAHEIJ'HIA — Iti.iKe Theatre. 25th St. and Ridge Ave. PHILADELl'HIA—Friendship Tli tre. 4601 Liberty Ave. PHIL,\DELPHIA—Kittenhouse Theatre. 53rd and Haverford St. PHILADELPHIA—Frolic Theatre 52nd and Wyalusing Avi PHILADELPHIA—Royal Amusement Parlor. 1461 N. 52nd St. PHILADELPHIA—Fulton Theatn 8th and Fulton Sts. PHILADELPHIA—Royal Palace Theatre, 958 S. 3rd St. - - PHILADELPHIA—Fvcent Amuswi nt Co.. 17th and Federal PHILADELPHI.A—Knval Theatre. N Orthodox- and Tacony. ^HILADELI'HIA—(Ja PHI 'I'la'afi... ;J716 Grand Ave.

I . nn.i '•_'.; PHILADELPHIA—Gem 'M.. J I m m iowu Ave. PHI) 11, ,ii. 2 Ridge Awe.

I > -i . ; PHILADELPHIA—Gem . ,. >i i.vhall and Market Sts.

.. . PHILADELPHIA—Gciiii I . - :cimantow:i i I ;•.! N. 2nd St. i. PHILADELPHIA—Giraid \.. , ,1 <;irard A I 11,,.,,,. Laltimore Ave.

" I i^iiaid PHIL.Md.l.l'lll.' II ll. PHILADELPHIA—Giraid I'ala.. llnnii. i an. . 1412 S. Broadway. PHILADELPHIA—Gladstone Tiieatre. 17 \ p -;is PHILADELPHIA Penn Theatre, 1227 N. 10th St. ..' PHILADELPHIA—Glen M. P. Tiieatre. I PHILADELPHIA—Spr Theatre, 5949 Spruce St.

PHILADELPHIA—Globe Theatre. N. \V . : \l,ii PHILADELPHIA—Standard Theatre. 1124 South St.

i-i i PHILADELPHIA—Grand Opera House, M i;. PHILADELPHIA—Stanley Theatre, 1614 Market St.

PHILADELPHIA—Grand Show.s Tlirali. l and PHILADELPHIA—Starlight Theatre. 5509 N. 5th St. .-^i, PHILADELPHIA—Grand Theati. I j .1 m. PHILADELPHIA—Star Theatre, 2715 N. 5th St.

PHILADELPHIA—Grand Theaii. . " i St. PHILADELPHIA-Star Theatre, 439 N. 2nd St.

PHILADELPHIA—Grand Theati. \ i .We. PHILADELPHIA—Strand Theatre, 12th and Girard Ave.

i ) PHILADELPHIA—Grand Thealr. , . , - , St. PHILADELPHIA—Tacony Palace Theatre, 3623 Longshore St.

PHILADELPHIA—Grand Theatiu. Tm i i i- \v., PHILADELPHI.\—Tbeatorium Theatre, 2233 N. Front St.

- i i. si PHILADELPHIA—Grav's Ferrv I'ala. i . . d PHIL.M'I M'lll.x llie Haverford Theatre, 60th and Haverford Sts.

i n -11 I I . .\ PHILADELPHIA—Great Northern PaUu . r PH1I \ he Lyric Theatre, 2121 Germantown Ave.

PHILADELPHIA—Hamilton Theatre, fidiii i h PHll.Md I I IIIN llie New Tioga Palace, 3544 N. 17th St. -i PHILADELPHIA—Hart's Theatre. Farnktm l 1 \ Sl^ PHll Aid l.i ni \ _.jiid St, Theatre, 22nd and Berks Sts.

PHILADELPHIA—Hippodrome. 2yth and (i.xfn.d si,. PHll.M'l M'lll \ I Mi. 111,. Theatre. 1219 Market St. PHILADELPHIA—Hoffman Theatre, 3601 :Ah St. PHII.AI'I I.|-Ill\ \, I'alace Theatre. 5704 Germantown Ave. PHILADELPHIA—Howard Theatre. 3405 N. Front St. PH1I,\ \ 1. ..,1,, llieatre. 913 Market St.

,, I PHILADELPHIA—Hunt Amusement Co., 2256 N. 2nd St. PHI). A 11 I \ w II ...... i Palace Theatre, 24th and Brown Sts.

PHILADELPHIA—Ideal Tiieatre. 0th and .Taoksnn Sts. PHII,\|.| I rm\ w,,., ,. I'lia.e Theatre. Germantown and Wayne.

PHILADELPHIA—Imperial Tliealrr. ikmi, and W.ilinii Sts PHIl, \ I d I I'll I \ W rh. alre. Wavile St, and I,

PHILADELPHIA—Imperial Thean. K, , iii-i-,H PHlLMd i.riii \ \\ \ ,..» s,,.,,aii., i'i...ai>.., .-,.-,::( Vine St.

: sis I. 1::'.. PHILADELPHIA—Jefferson Tli. an n PHii.Ai.i nil \ \\ Ti... 1 wlhh.,,, si.

' bl'lll \ r..,,,, I l.,,,,, PHILADELPHIA—Jackson Thrai . PHlL.Md W.lli,,,,, , I..;:; ,i,.ev Ave.

: ' I . > PHILADELPHIA—B. F. Keith n PHl],.\ld.ld'lll \ W II;,, ..I H„ ai,.., 1 till I'.Ml, PHILAD].,LI'HL\--\\A,>innit! Tliealie. Hn.l an.l lt....ean.l .Sts. - PHILADELPHIA—Ye Ijltra Theatre. S1(I3 Ridge Ave. PHILADELPHIA—York Palace Theatre, 2629 W. York St. PHILLIPSBURG—Grand Theatre, Front St. ..11... PHiLAi-i i.riii A i„ I n,. PHILLIPSBURG—Grand Theatre, Main St.

PHILAI.IOH'Ill.X^l.ea.l. . II.,!,. 11 PHILLIPSBURG— Til x.d.. Theatre, S. Main St.

I ... - PHILADELPHIA-LchiLd, , ,.. PHILLIPSBUm; I. iland. Front St.

I , .. PHILADELPHIA—Lib. n 1 II PHILLIPSBt Ki. > i.i.krt Theatre, Front St.

PHILADELPHIA—Le.. r I PHOENIXVlLl.i . . , , Ml. aire, 231-233 Bridge St.



.... l PHILADELPHIA— Lin. I PINE GROVE—Hippodrome.

l . i , PHILADELPHIA—Lin I PINE GROVE—Laf a Lot Theatre.


. PHII,ADELPIIIA— Uj. ii I 1 , PITTSBURGH—Acropolis Theatre, 4829 2nd Ave.

11,..,.,. i PHILADELPHIA—Logan I PITTSBURGH—Adarry Theatre, 4803 Penn Ave.

. PH ILA DELPHIA—Lubin A u il 1 1 . , PITTSBURGH—Alhambra Theatre, Mt. Oliver.

I'HILADELPHIA—Lubin Casiti.. i . PITTSBURGH—Al Theatre. 640 Hillsboro St. '11.. PHILADELPHIA—Lubin Savoy ,. -Market^ PITTSBURGH—Arcadium Theatre, 5th Ave.

PHILADELPHIA—Luna Park M I' i PITTSBURGH—Arsenal Theatre, Main and Butler Sts. PHILADELPHIA—Luzerne Tlicair... Kio.s ,\ IL'tii St PITTSBURGH—Avenue Theatre, 4711 Liberty St. PHILADELPHIA—Lubin Palace C... 1214 JIarket St. PITTSBURGH—Baldaurf Theatre, 2335 Arlington Ave. PHILADELPHIA—Lvric. 2120 S. 6th St. PITTSBURGH—Beaver Theatre. 1821 Beaver Ave.. N. E. PHILADELPHIA—Lvric Theatre. 72.H Girard Ave, PITTSBURGH—Bijou Dream. 6021 Penn Ave., E. E. PHILADELPHIA—Lvric Tiieatre. 2nd and Morris Sts. PITTSBURGH—Biiou Theatre, 2139 5th Ave. PHILADELPHIA — Lvri.. Tb.ati.. ITlo ir.iskv Ave. PITTSBURGH— r.i I. .11 Tliiatie. Brushton and Franltstown. PHILADELPllI.V -I.M-i. Tli.;.li. SIC, S imh SI PITTSBURGH l;.. .1 ,,.1 U. rrv, 1724 Beaver Ave. ,,., 11,. , i . PHILADELPHIA \1 - r.'.: l^ . ngton Ave. PITTSBURGH : Theatre, 1600 5th Ave.

,. . . PHILADELPH l,\ M I ,M . ..,,,l...rlaiid St, PITTSBURi:il Theatre, 10-12-14 North Ave. PHILADELPI1I,\ M, \l I- r, ,, .I-:; Gemiaato PITTSBURGH II..,.,,... 304 Federal St.

PHILADELP111.\ — .Maikcl Si .Xi.a.l.. .',J2i; .Market St. PITTSBURGH- ( 1 rihatie. 4116 Penn Ave.

PHILADELPHIA—.Metropolitan (Ipeia llmise. Broad and Pc PITTSBURGH— c ,,i..iiial Theatre, Wyne, Blddle and Penn Aves. PHILADELPHIA—Metropolitan Tiieatre. 3054-6-8 Frankfn PITTSBURGH—Colonial Theatre, 2009 Carson St. PHILADELPHIA—Midget Biiou Theatre. 41-4.'? S. 52nd S. PITTSBURGH—Colonial Theatre, 1733 Lourie St., N. S. PHILADELPHIA—Mirror Theatre. 1326 S. 5th St. PITTSBURGH— Crescent, 5107 Butler St. PHILADELPHIA—Model Theatre. 425 South St. PITTSBURGH—Crown, 2726 Penn Ave. PHILADELPHIA—Mystic Palace Theatre. 2242 Ridge Ave. PITTSBURGH—Crystal Amusement Co., 906 Peoples Bank Bldg. PHILADELPHIA-National Palace Theatre. 5th and Reed PITTSBURGH-Crystal Theatre. Smithfleld St. PHILADELPHIA—National Theatre. 19th and Callowhill PITTSBURGH—Diamond, 1120 Carson St.. S. S. I'HILADELPHIA—North Penn Auditorium, 2807 Dauphiiie PITTSBURGH—Dome Theatre. 5133 Butler St. PHILADRLPHIA—New Penn Art Amusement Co., 2713-1.= PITTSBURGH—Dreanilaiiii. 517 Brushton Ave. PHILADELPHIA—Nicetown Amusement Parlor, 4301 Gern PITTSBURGH—Duoues,,, li.iehi. Tli.atre. 27 Norton Ave.

PHILADELPHIA—Nickelette Theatre, 913-15 Market St. PITTSBITRGH—Duqn. I Pennsylvania Ave. I'.i.. , PHILADELPHIA—Nixon Theatre, 24 S. 52nd St. PITTSBURGH—Dunn. , 434 4th Ave.

, PHILADELPHIA—Northwestern Theatre, 23rd and Columb PITTSBURGH—Eagl.. Ii , Ji,;;, ,.ili Ave. PHILADELPHIA—Olney Theatre, 5th and Olney Aves. PITTSBURGH—Eagle 'jli.aii,. L'niii Centre St. PHILADELPHIA-Olympia Theatre, Broad Bel. Bainbiidge. PITTSBURGH—Eden Amuseiiieiil Cn.. 1602 Carson St. PHILADELPHIA-Olympia Theatre, 8th and Catherine Sts. PITTSBURGH—Elmore Theatre, 2312 Centre Ave. PHILADELPHIA—Orpheum Theatre. 42 W. Chelten Ave. PITTSBURGH—Empire Theatre, 222 Collins Ave. PHILADELPHIA—Orthodox Theatre, 1616 E. Orthodox St. PITTSBURGH—Fairyland Theatre, 835 Warrington Ave. PHILADELPHIA—Owl Theatre, 23rd and South Sts. PITTSBURGH—Fairyland, 107 Washington Ave. PHILADELPHIA—Owl Theatre, 2807 N. 5th St. PITTSBURGH—Family Theatre, 2836 Carson St. PHILADELPHIA—Pagent Theatre, 22nd and Berks Sts. PITTSBURGH—Family Theatre, 341 5th Ave. PHILADELPHIA—Palace Theatre, 29th and York Sts. PITTSBURGH—Federal Theatre. 224 Federal St., N. S. PHILADELPHIA—Palace Theatre. 247 N. 11th St. PITTSBURGH—Forbes M. P. Theatre, 11 Oakland Ave. PHILADELPHIA—Palace Theatre. Church and Market Sts. PITTSBURGH—Friendship Theatre, 4601 Liberty Ave. PHILADELPHIA—Palace Theatre. Kensington and G Sts. PITTSBURGH—Fulton Theatre, 59 Fulton St. PHII^DELPHM-Palace Theatre. 2926 Richmond St. PITTSBURGH—Gem Photoplays, 6280 Frankstown Ave. PHILADELPHIA—Palace Theatre. 3703 Longshore St. PITTSBURGH—Gem Theatre, 1711 5th Ave. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 161


PITTSBURGH—Gem Theatre. 722 E. Oliio St. PUNXSUTAWNEY—Gem Theatre. PITTSBUKGH—Globe Theatre. 631S Frankstowu Ave. P U NXSUTAWNEY—Jefferson. PITTSBURGH—Gould Theatre. 719 E. Ohio St. PUNXSUTAWNEY—Majestic Theatre. Fuidley St. PITTSBUKGH—Happy Hour Theatre. McClurg Ave. QUAKEHTOWN—Broad Theatre. Broad and Belmont Ave. PITTSBURGH—Harris Theatre, Diamond St. QUAKERTOWN—Colonial Theatre. PITTSBURGH—Hippodrome. 221 5th Ave. QUAREYVILLE—Opera House. PITTSBURGH—Homewood Theatre. 811 Homcwood Ave. RACCOON—Home Theatre. PITTSBURGH—Ideal. 610 E. Ohio St., N. S. RANKIN—Grand Theatre. PITTSBURGH—Ideal Theatre, 309 Larimer Ave. READING—Auditorium. 5th and Penn Sts. PITTSBURGH—Idle-a-Whlle, 21 Boggo Ave. READING—Beram Baptist Theatre. 9th and Windsor Sts. PITTSBURGH—Idle Hour Theatre, 348 5th Ave. READING—Empire Theatre. 739 Pemi St. PITTSBURGH—Imperial Theatre, 41 Climax St. BEADING—^Family Theatre. 833 Market St. PITTSBURGH—It Theatre. 415 Climax St. READING—Grand Opera House. 348 Penn Ave. PITTSBURGH—Ivory Theatre. Beechview. BEADING—Hippodrome. 6th and Penn Aves. PITTSBURGH—Jewel Theatre, 1201 Spring Garden Ave. READING—Majestic Theatre. Front and Oley Sts. PITTSBURGH—Kanyon Opera House, Sandusky and Penn Aves. READING—Motion Library Amusement Co. PITTSBURGH—K. & K. Opera House, 1217-19 Carson St. READING-New Bijou, 7th and Penn Sts. PITTSBURGH—Kenyon Theatre, 819 Federal St., N. S. BEADING—Palace Theatre, 732-738 Pennsylvania Ave. PITTSBURGH—^Kursall Theatre, Frankstowu and Penn Aves. READING—Hex Theatre. 1731 Cotton St. PITTSBURGH—Liberty, 6113-6115 Penn Ave. READING—Royal Theatre, Spring and Church Sts. PITTSBURGH—Liberty Theatre. 4736 Liberty Ave. READING—Sam Toy Theatre, Front and Green Sts. PITTBSURGH—Lion Theatre. 1421 East St., N. S. READING—Savoy Theatre. PITTSBURGH—Lyric, 6215 Frankstown Ave., N. S. READING—Star Theatre, 134 S. 10th St. PITTSBURGH—Lyric Theatre, 436 Beaver Ave. RED HILL—Pastime Theatre, cor. bth and Mam SU. PITTSBURGH—Lyric Theatre, Boggs Ave. and Wyoming St. RED LION—Kelly's Theatre. PITTSBURGH—Majestic Theatre, 1215 5th Ave. RED LION—Opera House. PITTSBURGH—Majestic Theatre, 737 E. Ohio St.. N. S. RKNOVO—Dreamland Theatre. Erie Ave. PITTSBURGH—ilaxim Theatre, 25 Shiloh St. KUNOVO—Family Theatre, 6th St. PITTSBURGH—Mehrose Theatre, 656 Preeble Ave.. N. S. BENOA'O—Renovo Theatre, 151 5th St. PITTSBURGH—Metropolitan Theatre. 1800 Center Ave. REPUBLIC-Prmcess Theatre, Main St. PITTSBURGH—Model Theatre. 4513 Butler St. REYNOLDSVILLE-Adelphia Theatre. PITTSBURGH—Morris Theatre, 677 Preble Ave.. N. S. RBYNOLDSVILLE—Family Theatre. PITTSBURGH—Movies. 6280 Frankstown St. REYNOLDSVILLE—Wonderland Theatre. PITTSBURGH—Mystic Casino, 55 Shiloh St. BIDGWAY—Ridgway Opera House. Main St. PITTSBURGH—New Palace Theatre. 2726 Penn Ave. RILLTON—RUlton Picture Show. PITTSBURGH—Nickelodeon. 435 Smithfleld St. ROCHESTER-Majestic Theatre. Brighton Ave. PITTSBURGH—NLson Theatre. 6th Ave. ROCKWOOD—^Photoplay Theatre, Mam St. PITTSBURGH—Novelty Theatre, 217 Federal St.. N. S. ROSCOE—Palace Theatre, Wayne St. PITTSBURGH—Oakland Theatre, 209 Atwood St. ROSCOE—Star Theatre. PITTSBURGH—Onyx Theatre, 2113 Carson St. ROYERSFORD—Star, 63 Main St. PITTSBURGH—Palace Theatre, 1505 Carson St. RURAL VALLEY—Central Theatre. Main St. PITTSBURGH—Palace Theatre, 625 Brj-n Mawr Ed. S.4.GAiI0RE—Park Theatre. Iveystone Park. PITTSBURGH—Palace Theatre, 863 E. Ohio St. SAYRE—Star Theatre. 233 Desmond St. PITTSBURGH-Palace Theatre, 614 Homewood Ave. ST. CLAIR—Lyric Theatre. PITTSBURGH—Park Theatre, Butler St. ST. CLAIR—Metropolitan Theatre. PITTSBURGH—Park View Theatre, 403 E. Ohio St. ST. CLAIR—Palace. 2nd St. PITTSBURGH—Park View Theatre. Howard and Alexis Sts. ST. CLAIR—Post Theatre. PITTSBURGH—Pastime, 715 Homewood Ave. ST. MARYS—Lyric Theatre. PITTSBURGH—Pastime Nickelodian. 623 Herron Ave. ST. MARYS—Temple Theatre. Brussels St. PITTSBURGH—Pastime Theatre, 441 Market St. SALISBURY—Empirr. Tli.mrr. Muiii and Division Sts. PITTSBURGH—Pastime Theatre, Warrington St. SALTSBURG—Gran.l Th. ,n,, PITTSBURGH—Pastime Theatre, 110 Washington Ave.. N. W. SAYRE—Happy II Ill S. Elmer St.

i PITTSBURGH—Perrj'sville Theatre, 2117 Perrysville Ave.. N. S. SCHUYLKILL H.W l N ' iinatre.

PITTSBURGH—Regal Theatre. 438 Market St. SCHUYLKILL H.\\ I 1;, iM„.ia House.

• PITTSBURGH—Royal Theatre. 1715 Carson St. SCIIT-YUCTT.T, UWI I m .-^i. John St.

I , I PITTSBURGH—St. Clair Theatre. 326 Arlington Ave. |?i'IM "il.ls I.I : ll\\i iii.lue 'Theatre. Main St. PITTSBURGH—Schenley Theatre, Oakland Ave.

' I Si I ri'\i PITTSBURGH-Seemore Theatre, 1415 Irwin Ave. ' '>i'!;t House. Broadway. PITTSBURGH-Sheridan SQuare Theatre. Sheridan and Penn Aves. PITTSBURGH—Shiloh Theatre. 55 Shiloh St. PITTSBURGH—Smith's Theatre. 4930 2nd Ave. SCRANT(.iN—Auditorium, 1821 N. Main St. PITTSBURGH—South Side Hippodrome. 1915 Carson St. SCRANTON—Bijou Theatre. 327 Lackawanna Ave. PITTSBURGH—Star Theatre. WyUe Ave. SCRANTON—Columbia Theatre. Adams Ave. PITTSBURGH—Star Theatre, 309 Larimer Ave. SCRANTON—Cozy Nook Theatre, 705 Pittston Ave, PITTSBURGH—Star Theatre, Frankstown and Station St. SCRANTON—Eagle Theatre, 139 W. Market St. PITTSBURGH—Teach Theatre. Craig and Forbes Sis. SCRANTON—Happy Hour Theatre, N. Mam Ave. PITTSBURGH—Temple Theatre. 138 Federal St. SCRANTON—Hippodrome, 406 Lackawanna Ave. PITTSBURGH—Theatorium, 4411 Butler St. SCRANTON—Lyceum Theatre. 212 Penn Ave. PITTSBURGH—The Ideal, 59 Washington Ave. SCRANTON—Lyric Theatre. S. Washington Ave. PITTSBURGH—The National, 811 Homewood Ave. SCRANTON—Majestic Theatre. Penn Ave. PITTSBURGH—Union Theatre, 656 Preble Ave.. N. S. SCRANTON—Manhattan Theatre, Lackawanna Ave. PITTSBURGH—Union Theatre, 1320 Rebecca St. SCRANTON—Nickelette Theatre. 112 W. Market St. PITTSBURGH—Union Theatre. Smithfleld St. SCRANTON—Orpheum, 220 Lackawanna Ave. PITTSBURGH—Valleyodeon Theatre. Taggart St. SCRANTON—Poll's Theatre, Wyoming St. PITTSBURGH—Variety, 1717 Beaver Ave.. N. S. SCRANTON—Wonderland Theatre, 126 Pennsylvania Ave. PITTSBURGH—Victoria Theatre, Liberty Ave. SCRANTON—World Theatre, 214 N. Main St. PITTSBURGH—West End Amusement House, Main St. SELINSGROVE—M. P. Theatre. Market St. PITTSBURGH—West End Family Theatre. 148 S. Main St. SEWICKLEY—Gypsy Queen Theatre. 516 Broad St. PITTSBURGH—Wilbur, 719 Homewood Ave. SEWICKLEY—Lyric Theatre. 436 Beam St. PITTSBURGH—Windle Theatre, Beaver Ave. SEWICKLEY—Pastime Theatre. PITTSBURGH-Winner Theatre, E. Ohio St., N. S. SEWICKLEY—Victor Theatre, Beaver Ave. PITTSBURGH—Wonderland Theatre, 221 5th Ave. SHAMOKIN—G. A. R. Opera House, Independence St. PITTSBURGH—Wonderland Theatre. 2817 Penn Ave. SHAMOKIN—Grand Theatre. 35 N. Market St. PITTSBURGH—Ysabel Theatre, 5139 Penn Ave. SHAMOKIN—Majestic Theatre, 107 W. Independence St. PITTSTON—Bohemian, 72 N. Main St. SHAMOKIN—Savoy Theatre. 324 B. Independence St. PITTSTON—Dreamland, 22 N. Main St. SHAMOKIN—Theatorium. 9th and Independence Sts. PITTSTON—4 Bros. Theatre, 25 S. Main St. SHAMOKIN—^Victoria Theatre. 8th and Independence Sts. PITTSTON—Hippodrome Theatre. SHARON-Alpha Theatre. 219 State St. PITTSTON—Princess Theatre. SHARPSVILLE—Alvin Theatre. PLYMOUTH—Hippodrome, 135 E. Main St. SHARON—Luna. 237 W. State. PLYMOUTH—Palace Theatre, 26 W. Main St. SHARPSBURG—Comfort Theatre, fi02 Main St. PLYMOUTH—Star. 148 E. Main St. SHARPSBURG—Onaipa Theatre, 803 Main St. PORTAGE—Colonial Theatre. SHARPSVILLE—Avon, 7 N. Walnut St. PORTAGE—Globe Theatre. SHARPSVILLE—Colonial Theatre. PORTAGE—Grand Theatre. SHARPSVILLE—Pastime Theatre. PORTAGE—Lyric Theatre. Main St. SHAWMUT—Theatorium. Mam St. PORT ALLEGANY—Star Theatre, E. Mill St. SHEFFIELD—Princess Theatre. E. Centre St. PORT CARBON—Lubin Family Theatre. Pike St. SHENANDOAH—Arcade Theatre. PORTLAND—Star Theatre. SHENANDOAH—Black Diamond Theatre. Oak and Slain Sts. PORT MARION—Port Marion Opera House. .Tanes St. SHENANDOAH—Columbia Park Theatre. Columbia Park. PORT MARION—Vaudeville Theatre. Penn St. SHENANDOAH—Lyric. 6.t W. Centre St. POTTSTOWN—Arcade Theatre. 240 High St. SHENANDOAH—M. P. Theatre. 323 S. Chestnut St. POTTSTOWN—Colonial_Theatre. 214_ High St. SHICKSHINNY—Dreamland Theatre, Union St. SHINGLEHOUSE—Star Theatre. .tte Sts. SHIPPENSBUBG—New Opera House. 21 S. Earl St. POTTSTOWN—Princess. High and Charlotte Sts. SIEGFRIED—Dream Theatre. POTTSVILLE—Columbia Theatre. 5 N. Centre St. SLATINGTON—Marshall's Opera House. 223 Church St. POTTSVILLE—Hippodrome. SLIGO—Happy Hour Theatre. POTTSVILLE—Lion Theatre, Center and Mahantugo St. SMITHTON—Smithton Opera. 1st St. POTTSVILLE—New Majestic Theatre. SMITHTON—Star Theatre, W. Morland. cor. 1st St. POTTSVILLE—Slater Theatre. SOMERSET—Bijou Theatre. Main St. POTTSVILLE—Tumbling Run Park Theatre. SOMERSET—Diamond Theatre. POTTSVILLE—Victor Theatre. SOMERSET—Opera House. PRICEBURG—Dreamland Tlieatre. SOUDERTON—Electric Mirror Theatre. 162 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY


S. BETHLEHEM—Bijou Theatre, 22 Srd St. in Theatre, 238 W. Chestnut St. S. BETHLEHEM—Columbia Theatre, 542 Broadway. WAS I .idium Theatre. 79 N. Main St. S. BETHLEHEM—Lehigh Orpheum Theatre, 24 E. 4th St. WA- 1 iU Theatre, 98 W. Chestnut St. SOUTH rOEK—Lyric Theatre, Maple St. WA.- ni Theatre, 86 W. Chestnut St. SOUTH FOBK—Palace Amusement, 381 Main St. WASI mo Vaudeville Theatre. 81-83 N. Main St. SOUTH SHAEON—Dreamland, 518 Idaho St. WASl Theatre, 68 N. Main St. SOUTH SHAEON—Gem Theatre. WATSONTOWN—Dreamland Theatre, Mam St. SOUTH SHAEON—Gem Theatre. WAUMPUM—Waumpum Opera House. SOUTH SHAEON—Lyric Theatre. WAYNESBOBO—It Theatre, Centre Sq. SOUTH SHAEON—Nixon Theatre, cor. Idaho and Spearman WAYNESBUEG—Eclipse Theatre. 435 Main St. SOUTH SHAEON—Eex Theatre. WAYNESBURG—Majestic Theatre. SOUTH SCEANTON—Globe Theatre. WAYNESBUEG—Opera House. SPEING CITY—Gem Life M. P. Theatre, Main St. WAYNESBUEG—Waynesburg Opera House. STAB JUNCTION—Star Family Theatre. WEATHEELY—Star Theatre, Carbon St. STATE COLLEGE—Pastime Theatre. WELLSBORO—Auditorium, Pearl St. and Bast Ave. STEELTON—Ney's Theatre, 160 S. Front St. WBLLSBOBO—New Dreamland Theatre, 106 Main St. STEELTON—Orpheum Theatre. WELLSBORO—Pastime Theatre, Wahiut St. STEELTON—Standard Theatre, 126 N. Front St. W. HAZELTON—Hersker Theatre. STONEBOEO—Coliseum Theatre. W. HAZELTON—Poll Theatre, 26 Broad St. STOYESTOWN—Custer's' Theatre, Main and Coiiemah Sts. WEST CHESTEE—Grand Opera House. STEOUDSBUEG—Bijou Theatre, Main St. W. CHESTEE—Idle Hour Theatre. STEOUDSBUEG—Lyric Theatre, Crystal St. WEST CHESTEE—Palace Theatre, Church and Market Sts. STEOUDSBUEG—Nickelete Theatre, 731 JIain St. WESTGEOVE—Daisy Hall. STEOUDSBUEG—Stroud Theatre. WESTFIELD—Grand Theatre. SUGAE NOTCH—Rome Theatre. WEST NATICOKE—Dreamland Theatre. Main St. SUMMIT HILL—Dermott Theatre. WEST PHILADELPHIA—West Philadelphia Hippodrome, 62 lid Wa SUMMIT HILI^Lyric Theatre. nut Sts. SUMMIT HILI^Orpheum Theatre. Switch Back Hotel. WEST PITTSTON—Bijou Dream Theatre, Wyoming Ave. SUMMIT HILL—Summit Hill Theatre. WEST SCEANTON—Leader Theatre. 105 Main St. SUMMIT HILI^Switch Back Pavilion. WHITE HAVEN—Aloysius Theatre. SUMMIT HILL—Theatorium, Front St. WHITE HAVEN—Electric Theatre. Basin St. SUNBUEY—Island Park Theatre. WHITE MILLS—Florence Theatre, Main St. SUNBUEY—People's Theatre. WHITE MILLS—M. P. Show. SUNBUEY—EoUing Green Park Theatre, Boiling Green Park. WHITE BOCK—Rink Theatre. SUSQUEHANNA—Hogan's Opera House, Main St. WILCOX—Happv Hour Theatre. SWISSVALE—Lyric Theatre. 7367 Denniston Ave. WILKESH.ARHI':— Alhambra Theatre, on the Square. SWISSVALE—Star Theatre, 2023 Noble St. WILKI>I- \Ki;i; r.iiou Dream Theatre, 51 Public Sq. TACONY—Liberty Theatre, 3544 Longshore St. WILKI -i;\1;ki i iv,stal Theatre, 203 Barney St.

TAMAQUA—Liberty Theatre, 5 Broad St. WlLls I -i.MiKI 1 iisino Theatre, E. Market St. TAMAQUA—Bee Theatre. WlLlv I -r. m:i;i I'lvamland Theatre, S. Main St.

TAMAQUA—Family Theatre, 111 E. Broad St. WILIx I m:i:i i.iiipire Theatre.

TAMAQUA—Lyric Theatre. WILKI -i.\Ki;i I amily Theatre. 146 S. Main St. TAMAQUA—Victoria Theatre. WILKI -i:\i;l;i il.ights Theatre. 246 E. Market St.

TAEENTUM—Dreamland Theatre, Corbet St. WII-K I -i; m;i:i iimne Theatre. 290 Scott St. TABENTUM—Gem Theatre. WILKK>r.\KKI,Majestic Theatre. 206 S. Main St. TAEENTUM—New Star Family Theatre, Corbet St. WILKKSJJAKUK—Nesbitt Theatre. 164 S. Main St. TAEENTUM-Nbcon Theatre, Corbet St. WILKESBARRK—Poll's Theatre, S. Main St. TAYLOE—Thomas Theatre, Union St. WILKESBAEEE—Star Theatre, 66 E. Market St. TEEEE HILI^Terre Hill Theatre. WILKESBARRE—SterUng Theatre, Hazle St. THEOOP—Hurney Theatre. WILKESBABEE—Sun Theatre. TIDIOUTE—Gem Theatre, Main St. WILKESBABBE—Unique Theatre, The Square. TIONESTA—Pastime Theatre. WILKESBAEEE—Uno. 9 E. Northampton St. TITUSVILLE—Grand Opera House. WILKINSBUEG—Colonial Theatre, 913 Wood St. TITUSVILLE—Ideal Family. WILKINSBUEG—Eowland Theatre, 907 Wood St. WILLIAMSBUEG—Grand Theatre, Box 636. WILLIAMSPOET—City Theatre. TOWANDA—Lyric Theatre. WILLIAMSPOET—Family Theatre, 231 Pine St. TOWANDA—Eink Theatre. WILLIAMSPOET—Hippodrome. TOWEE CITY—Dreamland Theatre. WILLIAMSPOET—Lycoming Opera House, 125 W. 3rd St. TOWEE CITY—Palace Theatre. WILLIAMSPOET—Lyric Theatre. Ill W. Srd St. TOWEE CITY—Tower City Opera House, Grand Ave. WILLIAMSPOET-Orpheum Theatre, 36 E. Srd St. TEAFFOBD CITY—Trafford Theatre. Main St. WILLIAMSTOWN—Midway Park Theatre. TEEMONT—Ti-emont Amusement Co. WILLIAMSTOWN—Opera House. TUNKHANNOCK—Pastime Theatre. WILLIAMSTOWN—Palace Theatre, Market St. TEESCO—Lyric Theatre. WILLIAMSTOWN—Star Theatre. TUETLE CEEEK—Colonial Theatre. WILLOW GEOVE—Casino Theatre. TUETLE CEEEK—Drexel Theatre. WILLOW GBOVE—Willow Grove Park. TUETLE CEEEK—Lyric Theatre, Penn Ave. WILMEEDING—Grand Theatre. TYEONE—Aladdin Theatre, 10th St. WILMEEDING—Imperial Theatre. TYEONE—Bijou, Pennsylvania Ave., bet. lltli and 12th Sts. WAMPUM—Wampum Theatre. TYEONE—Wilson Theatre. WINDBEE—Lyric Theatre. UNION CITY—Auditorium, 1 S. Main St. WINDBEE—Pastime Theatre, 504 15th St. UNIONTOWN—Colonial Theatre. 85 N. Main St. WISSAHICKEN—Wissahickeu Theatre, Ridge Ave. and Lauriston St. UNION CITY—Cooper's Opera House. WOODLAWN—Dome Theatre. 150 Franklin Ave. UNIONTOWN—Dixie Theatre. WOODLAWN—Family Theatre. UNIONTOWN—Imperial Theatre, 30 E. Main St. WOODLAWN— f:r:iTiil Tlir.-iive. 210 Franklin St. UNIONTOWN—Lyric Theatre, E. Main St. W0OI'IA\V\ I II iiImiii:; 'I'i raire, Franklin Ave.

I ~i I! 1 UNIONTOWN—Penn Theatre. WRIiiii 1 Ihi-atre, 202 Hellam St. - \ Ill" UNIONTOWN—Eex Theatre. w^^Il.ll I UNIONTOWN—West End Theatre, W. Main St. WY\ Ml \l ' II VANDEEBELT—Nickelet Theatre, Main St. YATI -i-m|;m I |i„,,,ie.

I VANDEEBILT—Midway Theatre. YA'li -i-.iii;m I llieatri.', Main St.

VANDEBGEIFT-Casino Theatre. Washington Ave. YOM \MiMi. I ,,,,iay, 4th St.

VANDEEGEIFT—Kisld Theatre, 115 Grant St. YORK I : i: Market St.

-.1 "VANDEBGEIFT-Marmac Theatre. Y(i1;k - Tlieatre. 101 N. George St. VANDEEGBIFT HEIGHTS—Imperial Tlieatre, 314 Longfellow St. YORK - ii|» la IKi.i e. VEEONA—Dreamland Theatre, E. Eailroad Ave. YORK—Orpheum Tlieatre. VEEONA—Pleasant House Theatre. YORK—Scenic Theatre. VINTONDALE—Electric Theatre. YORK—Alhambra Theatre, 10 W. Philadelphia St. WANAMIE—M. P. Theatre. YORK-Auditorium, S. Beaver St. WAEEEN—Columbia Theatre. YOEK—Hippodrome. WAEEEN—Library Theatre. YOEK—Jackson, 54 N. George St. WAEEEN—Harald Theatre. YOEK—The Wizard, 43-45 E. Market St. WAEEEN—Woodard Theatre, 219 2nd St. YOUNGSTOWN—Luxor Theatre, 259 E. Federal St. WAEEEN—Theatorium, 222 Hickory St. ZELIENOPLE—Opera House. ZELIENOPLB—Star Theatre.


AECTIC—Gem Theatre, 09 Bernard St. EAST PEOVIDENCE—Lyric Theatre, 34 Brow St. BLOCK ISLAND—Empire Theatre, Fountain Sq. MANVILLE—Opera House. BEISTOL—Opera House, Bradford St. MANVILLE—Star Theatre. BEISTOI^Pastime Theatre. NABEAGANSET PIEE—Arcadiura Hall. CENTEEDALE—Casino Theatre. Smith St. NAEEAGANSET PIER—Casino Theatre. CENTEEDALE—Star Theatre. NARRAGANSET PIER—Pastime Theatre. CENTEAL FALLS—Orpheum Theatre, 410 Dexter St. NAEEAGANSET PIER—Rex Theatre. Narraganset Ave. CONINICUT—Shawomet Theatre, West Shore Ed. NAEEAGANSET PIEE—Scenic Theatre. CEESCENT PAEK—Casino Theatre, Main St. NATICK—Eoyal Theatre, Main St. EAST GEEENWICH—Iroquois Theatre. NATICK—Star Theatre, Main St. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 163


NEWPORT—Bijou Theatre, 192 Thames St. PROVIDENCE—Nickel Theatre, 318 Westminster St. NEWPOBT—Colonial Theatre, Thames St. PROVIDENCE—Pastime Theatre, 1911 Westminster NEWPORT—Newport Opera House, Tour St. PROVIDENCE—Verdi Theatre. Alwett Ave. OAKLAND BEACH—Casino Theatre, Buttonwoods Ave. BIVERPOINT—Opera House. OLNEYVILLE—Pastime Theatre. RIVBBPOINT—Thornton New Family Theatre. PASCOAG—Empire Theatre, Main St. RIVERSIDE—Star Theatre. Riverside Sq., Bullock A PAWTUCKET—Pastime Theatre, High and Exchange Sts. ROCKY POINT—Casino Theatre. PAWTUCKET—Scenic Theatre, 127 Mathewson St. TIVERTON—Star Theatre, Main St. PAWTUCKET—^Bijou Theatre. 30 Broad St. WAKEFIELD—Royal Theatre. PAWTUCKET—Crown Theatre, N. Main St. WAKEFIELD—Star Theatre. PAWTUCKET—Music Hall, 233 Main St. WAKEFIELD—Wakefield Opera House. PAWTUCKET—Slater Theatre. 115 N. Main St. WARREN—Bijou Theatre, 135 Main St. PAWTUCKET—Star Theatre. WARREN—Star Theatre. PROVIDENCE—Bijou Theatre. 156 Westminster St. WESTERLY—Bliven Opera House, 100 Main St. PROVIDENCE—Bullock's Theatre. 34 Richmond St. WESTERLY—Central Theatre. PROVIDENCE—Colonial Theatre. WICKSFORD—Odd Fellows' Hall. PROVIDENCE—Imperial Theatre, Westminster St. ^W°" Theatre. 273 Main St. PROVIDENCE—Keith's Theatre, 260 Westminster St. WOONSOCKET—Lynch's Theatre. 41 Main St. PROVIDENCE—La Sirena Theatre. 375 Atwell Ave. WOONSOCKET—Smith's Theatre. PROVIDENCE—New Union Theatre. 15 Union St. SOUTH CAROLINA

ABBEVILLE—Grand Opera House. Public Sq. GREENVILLE—Lyric Opera Theatre. N. Main AIKEN— House. GREENWOOD—Ethelyn Theatre. Theatre, AIKEN—Orpheum 1910 Richland Ave. GREENWOOD—Lyric Theatre. Bleich ANDERSON— Amusement Co. GREENWOOD—Majestic Theatre. ANDERSON—Hudnell Theatre. GREENWOOD-Rex Theatre. ANDERSON—Lyric Theatre. GREER—Dixie Theatre. ANDERSON—Majestic Theatre. N. Main St. KERSHAW—Kershaw Palmetto Theatre. ANDERSON— Theatre, N. Main St. LAURENS—Idle Hour Theatre. ANDERSON—Star Theatre. LAURENS—Opera House. Main St. Sci. BAHNWELI^Lyric Theatre. LAWRENCE—Opera House. BATESBURG—Ideal Theatre. LEXINGTON—Main Theatre. BENNETTSVILLE—Lyric Theatre. MULLINS—Star Theatre. CHARLESTON—Princess Theatre. CHARLESTON NEWBERRY—Arcade Theatre, Main —Wonderland Theatre. 253 King St. NEWBERRY—Newberry Theatr CHESTER—Dreamland Theatre. Main' St. 105 Wyler St. NEWBERRY—Theato. Main St CHESTER—Electric Theatre. 132 Gadsden St. ORANGEBURG—Palace Theatn CHBBAW—Lyric Theatre, 14 W. Russell St. Market and 2nd Sts. PBLZER—Dixie Theatre. CLINTON—Casino Theatre, Pitts and Broad Sts. PIEDMONT—Star Theatre. CLINTON Casino Theater, — N. S. Main St. ROCK HILL—Elite Theatre CLINTON—Opera House. ROCK HILL—McElwee's COLUMBIA—Grand Theatre, Theatre. 1619 Main St. ROCK HILL—Palmetto Theatre COLUMBIA—Ideal Theatre. ROCK HILI^Pastime Theatre DARLINGTON—Alamo Theatre. FLORENCE—Auditorium, ^^''^ '^^-"-^'^ 23 W. Evans St. l?ii?iSigirgri?J'^='"T'he"al'^='''''- FLORENCE—Imp Theatre. SPARTANBURG—Lester Theatre FLORENCE ^Princess — Theatre. SPARTANBURG—Magic FLORENCE Majestic Theatre, 115 Ma"noliaJ.ua„noua bt.St — Theatre. SUMTER—Lyric Theatre. FLORENCE—Uwana Theatre. UNION—Edesonia GAFFNEY—Opera House. Theatre, Gadberry St WILLIAMSTON—New Theatre. GAFFNEY—Star Theatre. Limestone St. YORKVILLE—Amuse U Theatre GREENVILLE-Bijou Theatre, Main St. YORKVILLE—Idle Hour Theatre, Dobsons Cor GREENVILLE—Colonial Theatre. N. Main St. SOUTH DAKOTA

ABERDEEN—Aberdeen Theatre, 200 4th St. LEAD—Opera House. ABERDEEN—Cozy Theatre. LEAD—Princess Theatre. 16 W. Main St. •fSS55S^N—Idle Hour, 504 S. Main St. LEAD—Reo Theatre. ANDOVER—Waage Theatre. LEMMON—Star Theatre. ARMOUR—Gem Theatre. MADISON—Berlin Theatre. i^WJ'^;z¥^^ ^"""^ Theatre, 420 Main St. MADISON—M. P. Theatre. 15i;felE9S5SCHE—Dreamland Theatre, JIaple St. MADISON—Ruby Theatre. BERESFORD—Jewell Theatre. MITCHELL—Maynard Theatre. 303 Main St. BERESFORD—Idle Hour Theatre. MT. VERNON—Scenic Theatre. BONSTEELS—Picture Theatre. PARKER—Idle Hour Theatre. BRITTON—Dreamland Theatre and Opera House PARKER—M. P. Theatre. BROOKINGS-Fad Theatre PARKER—White Lily Theatre. Sour Theatre. PHILLIPE—Bijou Theatre. CANTON—Lyric Theatre. PIERRE—Bijou Theatre. 280 Pierre St. CARTHAGE—Opera House. PIERRE—Crystal Theatre, Pierre St. SS^HS^RLAIN-Electric Theatre. Main St PLATTE—Brownie Theatre. S^^I?^^I'^IN—Empress Theatre. Main St PLATTE—0. K. Photoplay Theatre. Main St. £9^;9¥l?~l',"^^^''eatre. Main and Water Sts. PLANKINGTON—Opera House. DALLAS—M. P. Theatre. RAPID CITY—Bijou Theatre. DEADWOOD—M. P. Theatre RAPID CITY—Crystal Theatre. Main St. RAPID CITY—Dreamland Theatre. 609 Main St. DE SMET—Cozy Theatre. RBDFIELD—M. P. Theatre. EDGEMONT—Electric Theatre. SALEM—Movie Theatre. EGAN—New Theatre. SIOUX FALLS—Jewel Theatre. 106 N. Phillips Ave. ELK POINT—Gem Theatre. SIOUX FALLS—Majestic Theatre. ELK POINT—Lyric Theatre. SIOUX FALLS—Olympic Theatre, 132 Phillips 'Ave. ELK POINT—Yale Theatre. SISSETON—Opera House. FAITH^M. P. Theatre. SIS SETON—Unique Theatre. FAITH—Star Theatre. SPRINGFIELD—Gem Theatre. FREDERICK—Gem Theatre Main St STURGIS—Majestic Theatre. Main St. Princess Theatre. Deadwood St. STURGIS— Theatre. CFnnp^^^^?^^r;^^?i^''"<= STURGIS—Star Theatre. Main and 2nd Sts. Rs5S^??^^*^P=»la<=erF??^l^™7?'''l T*'^='*^^'Theatre. STURGIS—Sturgis Opera House. Main St. GROTON—Cosy Theatre. TYNDALI^Cozy Theatre. GROTON—Elite Theatre. VIENNA—Opera House. HECLA—Funny Hour Theatre WAGNER—Cozy Theatre. HETLAND-Bijou Theatre WATERTOWN—Foto Pla Theatre. 109 S. Maple St. HOT SPRINGS—M. P Theatre WATERTOWN—Idle Hour Theatre, 212 E. Kemp Ave. WATERTOWN—Metropolitan OP^'-'' House. Slain St. Theatre, 120 N. Maple St. hPtLI^t"^?^^^^^''" WATERTOWN—Prtacess h}^tS^'^?~°""'"''

ALAMO—Wapco Theatre. KNOXVILLE—Majestic Theatre, 315 Gay St. ATHENS—Dixie Tlieatre, Jaclison St. KNOXVILLE—Park Theatre. ATHENS—Palace Tlieatre. KNOXVILLE—Bex Theatre. BRISTOL—Columbia Theatre, 13 5th St. LA FOLLETTE—Dewim Opera House, Tennessee SI BRISTOI^Fairyland Theatre, !i04 State St. LEBANON—Lyric Theatre. BROWNSVILLE—Electric Theatre. LENOIR CITY—Taudette Theatre. BUNTYN-Liberty Theatre. LEWISBURG—Gem Theatre. E. S. Public Sq. CHATTANOOGA—Alhambra Theatre. LEWISBURG—New Dixie Theatre. CHATTANOOGA—Crescent Theatre. McMlNNVILLE—Star Theatre. CHATTANOOGA—Crystal Theatre, 230 E. Main St. MEMPHIS—^American Theatre. Union and Cooper Sts. CHATTANOOGA— Colonial Theatre. MEMPHIS—Bijou Theatre, Main and Linden Sts. CHATTANOOGA—Dixie Theatre, 213 E. Oth St. MEMPHIS—Colonial Theatre, 98 N. Main St. CHATTANOOGA—Eagle Theatre, 312 W. ath St. MEMPHIS—Daisy Theatre, 151 Beale St. CHATTANOOGA—Gem Theatre. MEMPHIS—DeSoto Theatre No. 2, 868 Arkansas St. CHATTANOOGA—Grand Theatre, 109-11 E. 9th St. MEMPHIS—Favorite Theatre. 687 Orleans St. CHATTANOOGA—Imperial Theatre. MEMPHIS—Majestic Theatre No. 1, 158 N. Main St. CHATTANOOGA—Leader Theatre, 222 E. 9th St. MEMPHIS—Majestic Theatre No. 2, 87 N. Main St. CHATTANOOGA—The Wide Awake, 703 Market St. MEMPHIS—Majestic Theatre No. 4, 137 S. Main St. CHATTANOOGA—Theato, 702 M-arket St. MEMPHIS—National Photoplay Theatre Co., 922 Exchange Bldg. CHATTANOOGA—Tip Top Theatre. 301 E. 9th St. MEMPHIS—Orpheum Theatre. Main St. and Beale Ave. CLARKSVILLE—Electric Theatre. MEMPHIS—Pastime Theatre, Beale Ave. and 3rd St. CLARKSVILLE—Elite Theatre. MEMPHIS—Pastime Theatre, 2nd St. and Beale Ave. CLARKSVILLE—Lillian Theatre. MEMPHIS—Pastime Theatre, 253 N. Main St. CLARKSVILLE—Pastime Theatre. MEMPHIS—Rex Theatre, 260 McElmore St. CLEVELAND—Annex Theatre. MEMPHIS—Royal Theatre. 947 Peach St. CLEVELAND—Moneta Theatre. 7 IS 32nd St. MEMPHIS— Sul.iirh.'Lii Thratrc. Cooper and Yong Sts. COLUMBIA—Dixie Theatre. COLUMBIA—Opera House. MU Theatre. COLUMBIA—Silver Crescent Theatre. COOKEVILLE—Hipp Theatre. COOKEVILLE—Savoy Theatre. Maxwell Blk., Main St. NAS St. COPPERHILL—Bonita Theatre. Tlieatre. Church St. COVINGTON—Dixie Theatre, Pleasant Ave. NASllVILLI.;— .Majestic Theatre, 418-28 Cedar St. COVINGTON—Lyric Tlieater. P. O. Box 162. NASHVILLK—Orpheum Theatre, 208-10 7th Ave. COVINGTON—Pastime Theatre. NASllVll^Lt:—Peerless Amusement Co. DAYTON—Opera House. NASHVILLE—Princess Theatre. DICKSON—Elite Theatre. NASHVILLE—Rex Theatre, 214 5th Ave. DYERSBURG—Lyric Theatre. NEWBERN—Casmo Theatre. DYBRSBURG—Palace Theatre. NEWBERN—Dixie Theatre, Main St. ETOWAH—Crescent Theatre, Tennessee Ave. NEWBERN—Electric Theatre. BLIZABETHTON—Star Theatre. NEWBERN—Ruby Theatre. FAYETTEVILLE—Idle Hour Theatre. NEWPORT—Gay Theatre. FAYETTEVILLE—Princess Theatre. Centre S. Side Publii NEWPORT—Roadman's Theatre. GALLATIN—Palace Theatre. PULASKI—Best Theatre. Main St. GALLATIN—Pastime Tlieatre, Water St. PULASKI—Lyric Theatre. GREI5NFIELD—Lyric Theatre. RIPLEY—Dix Til.' HARRIMAN—Majestic Theatre. ROf-KWi HARBIMAN—Vita Theater. 42G Roane St. BOni.K- nd Depot Sts. HUMBOLDT—Electric Theatre. SHt;i.i-.i HUMBOLDT—Elite Tlieatre. s^^;l,l.^ No. 2. HUMBOLDT—Opera Theatre. SMI JACKSON—Elite Theatre. 114 Liberty St. SMlTllVILLi:—Elrvciiih Ward Theatre. JACKSON—Lyric Theatre. SPARTA-Dixie Theatre. JACKSON—Harlow Theatre. SPRINGFIELD—Royal Theatre. JELUCO—Palace Theatre, Main St. TELLICO PLAINS—Tellico Amusement Theatre. JOHNSON CITY—Edisonia Theatre. ' TIPTONVILLE—Criterion Theater. JOHNSON CITY—Grand Theatre. TIPTONVILLE—Opera House, Main St. KENTON—Lyric Theatre. TRENTON—Colonial Theatre. ' KINGSPORT— Electric Theatre. TRENTON—Star Theatre. KNOXVILLE—Bijou Theatre. TULLAHOMA—Crystal Theatre. KNOXVILLE—Empire Theatre. TULLAHOMA—Pathway Theatre. KNOXVILLE—Gabje Picture Co.. 717 Main Ave., W. TULLAHOMA—Wigwam Theatre. KNOXVILLE—Gay Theatre. Cliilhowee Park. UNION CITY—Gem Theatre. KNOXVILLE—Gem Theatre. WATERTOWN—Crescent Theatre. KNOXVILLE—Grand Theatre. WINCHESTER—Dixie Theatre, Sth Ave.


ABILENE—Rex Theatre. BRADY—Lyric Theatre. General Delivery Box 628. ABILENE—Gem Theatre. BRENHAM—Electric Palace Theatre. ABILENE—Jewel Theatre, Box 596. BRENHAM—Family Circle Theatre. 20 Alamo St. ABILENE—Royal Theatre, 143 Pine St. BRENHAM—Bex Theatre, Main St. ALBA—Rex Theatre. BREMOND—Dixii' Thrairr, Main and Franklin Sts. ,|.,,', ALICE—Electric Theatre. BRIDGEPOU't II, II.,,, I Theatre.

, ALTO—Empire Theatre. BBOWNSVll I.I , ulre.

ALTO—Majestic Theatre. BROWNSVIM I I, Ih.Mtre.

ALVIN—Star Theatre. BROWNSVIIJ.I. I I,.,,,, tlieatre. Washington St. AMARILLO—Deandi Theatre. 408 Taylor St. BROWNSVILLK— (;,a„,l Theatre. 1210 Elizabeth St. AMARILLO—Grand Opera House. 617 Polk St. BROWNSVILLE—Washington Theatre. ARANSAS PASS—Live Oak Tlieatre. BROWNWOOD—Dixie Theatre. ARLINGTON—Palace Theatre. BBOWNWOOD—Majestic Theatre. ATHENS—Armory Theatre, West Side Sq. BRYAN-Dixie Theatre. ATI>ANTA—Grand Theatre, Main St. BULL.vnn— il.ipnv Hour Theatre. '.r AUSTIN—Casino Theatre, 702 Congress Ave. BURK I i:\ iTr :\lajestic Theatre.

AUSTIN—Cozy Theatre. 119 W. 6th St. BtiltLI IN I'l iiM , Theatre.

AUSTIN—Elk Theatre, 818 Congress Ave. CALI'W I 1:1 li,u, Theatre. AUSTIN—New Theatre. AUSTIN—Yale Theatre. 616 Congress Ave. BAIRD—Royal Theatre. BALLINGER—Cosy Theatre. 127 7th St. BALLINGER—Queen Theatre. BARTLETT—Clark St. Theatre. Clark and Dalton Sts. BARTLETT—Lyric Theatre. CENTt;l(— hi.M,' III W. Side St. BAY CITY—Grand Opera House. CHILDRKSS—Le Grande Theatre. Avenue BAY CITY—New Dixie Theatre. CHILDRESS—Majestic Theatre, Avenue D. BEAUMONT—Crystal Theatre. CHILLECOTHE—Majestic Theatre. BEAUMONT—Electric Theatre. Pearl St. CISCO—Folly Theatre. BEAUMONT—Imperial Theatre. 273 Crockett St. Cisrn—OiHia TTiii|.ir BEAUMONT—People's Theatre. Bonham St. BEAUMONT—Tlvola Theatre. BEEVILLE—Vendome Theatre. 606 Washington St. BELLS—Bells Amusement Co., S. Main St. BELTON—Cupid Theatre. CLA1(KS\ 11,1.1, - I, I,-, 1 hcatre. BELTON—Happy Hour Theatre, Cross Ave. CLARKSVILLl'^l..vn.' Tlieatre. BIG SPRINGS—Colonial Theatre. CLEVELAND—Dixie Theatre. ^ BLOOMING GROVE—Majestic Theatre, S. Fordvce St. COLEMAN—Dixie Theatre. 114 College <»ve. BLOSSOM—Princess Theatre. COLLINSVILLE—Opera House. West Side Sq. BOGOTA—Roberts Theatre. COMANCHE—Majestic Theatre. N. Main St. BONHAM—Best Theatre, S. Side Sq. COMMERCE—Dreamland Theatre. Main St. BONHAM—Mystic Theatre. COMMERCE—Lyric Theatre. BOWIE—Imperial Theatre. COOLEDGE—Dixie Theatre. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 165


COOPEE—Dixie Theatre. HILLSBOEO—Star Theatre. 103 Franklin St. COOPER—Dreamland Theatre. Park and Main Sts. HONDO—Lyric Theatre, Elder Bldg. COOPEE—Lyric Theatre. HOUSTON—Cosy Theatre. 1018 Texas Ave. COOPEE—Pastime Theatre. HOUSTON—Crescent Theatre. 602 Main St. COBPDS CHBISTI—Lyric Theatre, Star St. HOUSTON—Crown Theatre. 305 Main St. COBSICANA—Cozy Theatre. 120 W. Collins St. HOUSTON—The Dixie Theatre. COESICAKA—Hippodrome, W. 5th Ave. HOUSTON—Empire Theatre. 1103 Congress Ave. COBSICANA—Lyric Theatre. HOUSTON—Gem Theatre. 505 Main St. COBSICANA—Majestic Theatre. 110 W. ColUns St. HOUSTON—Majestic Theatre. Texas and Milam Sts. COBSICANA—Queen Theatre. HOUSTON—Palace Theatre, 514 Milan St. CBOCKETT—Eoyal Theatre. HOUSTON—Pastime Theatre. 211 Main St. CUEBO—Princess Theatre. 222 Esplanade St. HOUSTON—Pierce Theatre. CUMBT—Lyric Theatre. HOUSTON—San FeUpe Theatre. 611 San Felipe Ave. DAINGEEriELD—Lone Star Theatre. HOUSTON—Vaudette Theatre. 417 Main St. DALLAS—Bioscope Theatre. 304 Elm St. HUBBABD—Crystal Theatre. DALLAS—The Candy Theatre. 323 Elm St. HUBBAED CITY—Palace of Amusement. DALLAS—Crystal Theatre. 370 Elm St. HUMBLE—Dixie Theatre. DALLAS—Dalton Theatre, 1511 Main St. HUNTSVILLE—Dixie Theatre. DALLAS—Dme Theatre. 1315 EUn St. HUNTSVILLE—Opera House. DALLAS—Empress Theatre. HUTTO—Opera House. Main St. DALLAS—Feature Theatre, Main St. ITASCA—Pastime Theatre. DALLAS—Forest Theatre. JACKSONVILLE—John's Theatre. DALLAS—. Central Atc. and Swis; JASPEB—Dixie Theatre. DALLAS—Hippodrome. JEFFEBSON—Gem Theatre. DALLAS—King Theatre. 4314 Elm St. JEFFEBSON—Opera House, Lafayette and Market Sts. DALLAS—Nickelodeon Theatre. 367 Main St. KAUFMAN—Wonderland Theatre, N. E. cor. Sq. DALLAS—The Old Mill. KEMP—Star Theatre. DALLAS—Queen Theatre. KINGSVILLE—Kellogg Theatre. DALLAS—Selograph Theatre. 1505 Sanger Ave. KINGSVILLE—Lyric Theatre. DALLAS—Washington Theatre. KINGSVILLE—Mexican Theatre. DECATUE—Majestic Theatre. KIBBYVILLE—Cooper Opera House. DE KALB—Lyric Theatre, cor. Eunnels and Front Sts. LADONIA—Dreamland Theatre. DE LEON—De Leon Picture Show, Texas Ave. lADONIA—Sunset Theatre. DELHAET—Texas Grand Theatre. 233 Denrock Ave. LA GBANGE—Cozy Theatre. P. O. Box 312. DEL BIO—Dixie Theatre. LAMPASAS—Airdome. DEL BIO—Princess Theatre. LAMPASAS—Opera House. DEL BIO—Texas Theatre. LAMPASAS—Boyal Theatre. DEL BIO—Vendome Theatre, Perry St. LA POBTE—Sylvian Theatre. DENISON—Aladin Theatre. LAREDO—Electric Theatre. Hidalgo St. DENISON—Idle Hour Theatre. 315 Main St. LAREDO—Deondi Theatre. DENTON—Dreamland Theatre. LABEDO—Dixie Theatre. Farragut St. DENTON—Majestic Theatre, N. Court Sq. LAREDO—Dreamland Theatre. 2002 W. Farragut St. DOUCETTE—Hoo Hoo Theatre. LABEDO—Electric Palace Theatre. Salina Ave. and Farragut St. DUBLIN-Empire Theatre, 315 Patric St. LABEDO—Laredo Theatre, Lincoln St. DUNLAT—Dells Theatre. LAREDO—Minerva Theatre, Lincoln St. EAGLE T.AKF,—Dixie Theatre. LABEDO—Eoyal Theatre, 1201 Hidalgo St. EAGLE LAKE—Lyric Theatre. Public Sq. IjABEDO—Salozano Theatre. Lincoln St. EAGLE LAKE—New Grand Theatre, Main St., nr. P. ( LABEDO—Star Theatre. Box 332. EAGLE PASS—Dixie Theatre. LEXINGTON—Dixie Theatre, EDNA—Cozy Theatre. LtNDALE—Electric Palace Theatre. EDNA—Marion Theatre. LIVINGSTON—Happy Hour Theatre. EL CAMPO—Cozj- Theatre. LLANO—Llano Opera House. Box 166. ELECTBA—Alrdome. LOCKHABT—Palace Theatre. ELECTBA—Summer Garden Theatre, Main St. LONE OAK—Best Theatre. ELECTBA—White City Theatre. LONGVIEW—Century Theatre. ELGIN—Enterprise Theatre, cor. Main St.. N. E. LONGVIEW—Grand Theatre. EL PASO—Bijou Theatre. 144 El Paso St. LUBBOCK—Lyric Theatre. Box 808. EL PASO—Empire Theatre. 213 S. El Paso St. LUFKIN—Cozy Theatre. EL PASO—Wigwam Theatre. LUFKIN—Hoo Hoo Theatre, 104 Cotton Sq. ENNIS—Airdome. 1104 N. Kaufman St. LUFKIN—Palace Theatre. ENNIS—Lyric Vaudeville Theatre. 107 1st Ave. LULING—Opera House. FEEEIS—Matiograph Theatre. MADISONVILLE—Star Theatre, Main St. FOBNET-Childress Theatre. MABFA—Opera House. FT. STOCKTON—Happy Hour Theatre. MAELIN—Dixie Theatre, 120 Live Oak St. FT. STOCKTON—Lyric Theatre. MAELIN—Majestic Theatre, Bailroad St.. nr. Coleman St. FT. STOCKTON—Majestic Theatre. Nelson St. MAELIN—Star Theatre. 119 Winter St. FT. WOBTH—Egypt Theatre. MAESHALI^Elk Theatre. 216 S. Washington St. FT. WOETH—Grand Theatre. MAESHALI^Eex Theatre. FT. WOBTH—Healy Theatre. Oil Houston St. MABT—Dreamland Theatre. FT. WOBTH—Hippodrome. MAET—Majestic Theatre. 315 Texas Ave. FT. WOETH—Isis Theatre. MAET—Orioles Nest Theatre. FT. WOBTH—Orpheum Theatre, 1511 Main St. MABTINDALE—Lyric Theatre. FT. WOBTH—Palace Picture Show. 1010 Main St. MASON—Alamo Theatre, S. of Public Sq. FT. WOETH—Phillips Tlieatre. McALLEN—Colonial Theatre. Main St. FT. WOETH—Scenic Theatre, 911 Houston St. McGBEGOB—Majestic Theatre. FT. WOBTH—Venice Theatre. 1208 Main St. McKINNEY—Ellis Theatre. FEANKLIN—Gem Theatre. McKINNEY—Happy Theatre. FEOST—Frost Theatre. McKINNEY—Lyric Theatre. GAINESVILLE—Isis Theatre. McKINNEY—Pope Theatre. GAINESVILLE—Majestic Theatre. MEMPHIS—Opera House. GAINESVILLE—Opera House, Busk and Main Sts. MEMPHIS—Princess Theatre. GALVESTON—Casino Theatre, 2111 Market St. MEEKEL—Lyric Theatre. GALVESTON—Dixie Theatre, 2120 Market St. MEBTZON—Electric Palace Theatre. GAL^VESTON-Leader Theatre, 2211 Market St. MEXIA—Citizens' Opera House, Sherman St. GALVESTON—Majestic Theatre. 2112 Market St. MIAMI—Pastime Theatre. GALVESTON—Queen Theatre. MINEOLA—Quitman Theatre. GALVESTON—Vaudette Theatre, 2103 Market St. MINEOLA—Star Theatre. GANADA—Bex Theatre. MINBBAL WELLS—Coney Island Theat.e. GABEISON—Electric Theatre. MINEEAL WELLS—Crazy Theatre. GATESVILLE—Eoyal Theatre, MINERAL WELLS—Empress Theatre. GEOEGETOWN—Nusho Theatre. 719 Main St. MINEEAL WELLS—Gem Theatre. GILMEE—Arcade Theatre. 310 Marshall St. MINEEAL WELLS—^Majestic Theatre. GIDDINGS—Opera House. MINEEAL WELLS—Yale Theatre, N. Wichita St. GOLIAD—Majestic Theatre. N. E. cor. Public Sq. MISSION—Electric Theatre. GEAND SALINE—Princess Theatre, 19 W. Frank St mSSION—Mission Theatre. Boulevard St. GBANDVIEW—Majestic Theatre. MONTAGUE—Opera House. GBEEXVILLE—Colonial Theatre. MOODY—Alamo Theatre. GBEEN%aLLE—Palace Theatre. MOODY—New Theatre. GEEENVILLE—Pastime Theatre. MT. CALM—Electric Theatre. GBEENVILLE—Savoy Theatre. MT. PLEASANT—Lyric Theatre. 2nd and ClarkviUe Sts GEANGEE—Majestic Theatre. MT. PLEASANT—Majestic Theatre. GEOESBECK—Opera House. MT. VEENON-Lyric Theatre. GEOVETON—Groveton Opera House. Eallroad St. MT. VEENON-Wakefield Theatre. HALLETTSVILLI^Dreamland Theatre. NACOGDOCHES—Crown Theatre. HALLETTSVILLE—Opera House. NACOGDOCHES—Ideal. Theatre. 117 Main St. HEABNE—Happy Hour Theatre. Magnolia St. NACOGDOCHES—New Show Theatre. HE>EPSTEAD—Gladys Theatre. NACOGDOCHES—Vaudette Theatre, 105 E. Main St. HENDEESON—Happy Hour Theatre. NAVASOTA—Dixie Theatre. HEBEFOBD—Star Theatre. 307 Main St. NAVASOTA—Grand Theatre. HICO—Cozy Theatre. Main SO NAVASOTA—Lyric Theatre. HIGGINS—Pastime Theatre. NAVASOTA—People's Theatre. HILLSBOEO—Best Theatre. NEW BEAUNFELS—Happy Hour Theatre. HILLSBOBO—Cozy Theatre. NEW BEAUNFELS—Opera House. HILLSBOEO—Dixie Theatre, E. Franklin St. NEWTON—Electric Theatre. HILLSBOBO—Majestic Theatre. E. Franklin St. 166 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY


NOCONA—Electric Theatre, 527 Main St. SONOEA— Crystal Theatre. OAKWOOD—Idle Hour Theatre. SOUE LAKE—Electric Palace Theatre. OLNET—Majestic Theatre. STAMFOED—^Ideal Theatre. ORANGE—^Bljou Theatre. STAMFORD—Majestic Summer Garden. OEANGE—Skydome, Front St. STEPHENVILLE—Dreamland Theatre. OKANGE—Vaudette Theatre, 206 5th Are. STEPHENTILLE—Happy Hour Theatre. PADTICAH—The Dixie Theatre. STBPHBNTILLE—Majestic Theatre. PAIiBSTINE—Gem Picture Parlor. STEAWN—Strawn Opera House. PALESTINE—Lyric Theatre. SULPHUR SPRINGS-Jefferson Theatre. PALESTINE—Majestic Theatre. SUNSET-Allen's Theatre, 1 Main St. PALMEB—Palmer Theatre. SWEETWATER—Crystal Theatre, Box 525. PAMPA—^Pastime Theatre. SWEETWATER—Dreamland Theatre. PAEIS—Grand Theatre. SWEETWATER—Lyric Theatre. PARIS—Jewel Theatre. TAYLOR—Candy Jim's Theatre, 305 Main St. PARIS—Little DDde Theatre, 118 Clarksville St. TAYLOR—^Dixie Theatre, 407 Main St. PARIS—Lyric Theatre, 110 S. Main St. TAYLOR—Grand Theatre, Elizabeth St. PARIS—Lyric Theatre, N. S. Square. TEAGUE—Dreamland Theatre, Main St. PARIS—^Majestic Theatre. TBA6UE—Empire Theatre. PARIS—Princess Theatre, E. Side of Square. TEAGUE—Majestic Theatre. PEARSALI^PearsaU Photo Play, Ehn St. TEAGUE—Opera House. PECOS—Casino Theatre. TEMPLE—Crescent Theatre, 117 1st St. PECOS—Music HaU. TEMPLE—Gem Theatre, 6 S. Main St. PILOT POINT—Grand Theatre. TEMPLE—Grand Theatre, 27 S. 1st St. PLAINYIEW—Mae H Theater. TERRELI^Empire Theatre, 115 Francis St. PLAINVIEW—Opera House, 130 Covington St. TEEEELL—Lyric Opera House, 117 Moore Ave. PLANO—Palace Theatre. TEEEELL—National Theatre. PLANO—Star Theatre. TEXAEKANA—Brown's Theatre. 208 W. Broad St. POET ARTHUR—Elks Theatre. TEXARBIANA—Dixie Theatre. PORT ARTHUR-Isis Theatre. TEXAEKANA—Grand Opera House. PORT ARTHUR-Lyric Theatre. TEXARKANA—Nelson's Theatre, 211 W. Broad St. POET AETHUE—New Olympic Pliotoplay, 421 Proctor St. TEXAS CITY—Cozy Theatre. 3rd St. and 1st Ave., N. POET LAVACA—Park Theatre, Bluff St. TEXAS CITY—Crystal Theatre. POST—Colonial Theatre. TEXAS CITY—Pastime Theatre. QUANAH—Empire Theatre. Main St. TEXAS CITY—Star Theatre, 3rd St. and 1st Ave., X. QUANAH—Lyric Theatre. THOBiSTDALE—Opera House. QUANAH—Majestic Theatre, Johnson St. THORNTON—Ideal Theatre, 20 Travis St. QUITMAN—Quitman Theatre. THURBER—Thurber Opera House. EEPUGIO-Fidelity Theatre. TIMPSON—Cozy Theatre. EICE—Majestic Theatre. TRINITY—Dixie Theatre. RICHMOND—Playhouse Theatre. TRINITY—People's Theatre. RISING STAR—Happy Hour Theatre, Main St. TYLER—Electric Palace Theatre, 106 N. CoUege Ave. BOBSTOWN—Majestic Theatre. TYLEB—^Hippodrome, W. Ferguson St. ROCKDALE—Cozy Theatre. TYLEE—Lyric, E. Ferguson St. ROCKDALE—Dixie Theatre. TYLER—Majestic Theatre. EOCKDALE—^New Princess Theatre. TYLEE—Opera House. ROCKPORT—Lone Star Theatre, cor. Magnolia and North Sts. TYLEE—Queen Theatre. EOCKPOET—Opera House, Magnolia and North Sts. TYLEE—Bapeads Theatre. EOGEBS—^Llon Head Theatre. TYLEB—Theatorium, Spring St. EOSENBUEG—Cozy Theatre. UVALDE—Dreamland Theatre. EOXTON—Grand Theatre, Main St. UVALDE—Grand Opera House, Main St. EOXTON—Majestic Theatre. VAN ALSTYNE—Princess Theatre, Main St. EOYCE CITY—Crystal Theatre. VENUS—Venus Cascade Theatre. EUNGE—Lyric Theatre. VEENON—Dreamland Theatre, Pease St. RUSK—Lyric Theatre. VICTOEIA—Electra Theatre, 121 Constitution St. SABINAL—Elite Theatre. VICTOEIA—Plaza Theatre. SABINAL—Wigwam Theatre. VICTOEIA—Princess Theatre, 204 Main St. ST. JOSEPH—Dreamland Theatre. WACO—Alabel Theatre, 606 Austin Ave. SAN ANGELO—Crystal Theatre, Choncho Ave. WACO—Alamo Theatre, Austin St. SAN ANGELO—Lyric Theatre. WACO—Cozy Theatre, 604 Austin St. SAN ANGELO—Queen Theatre. WACO-Cozy Theatre, 120 N. 6th St. SAN ANTONIO—Crescent Theatre, 223 E. Houston St. WACO—^Dixie Theatre, 407 Austin Ave. SAN ANTONIO—Dreamland Theatre, 443 E. Commerce St. WACO—Dreamland Theatre, 113 Bridge St. SAN ANTONIO—Empire Theatre, 109 W. Houston St. WACO—Hippodrome. SAN ANTONIO—Grand Theatre. WAXAHACHIE—Dixie Theatre. SAN ANTONIO—^Hidalgo Theatre, Commerce and Santa Rose. WAXAHACHIE—Empire Theatre, South Side Sq. SAN ANTONIO—Juarez Theatre, 815 W. Commerce St. WAXAHACHIE—New Theatre. SAN ANTONIO—Pike Theatre, 105 W. Houston St. WAXAHACHIE—Queen Theatre. SAN ANTONIO—Plaza Theatre, 329 Alamo Plaza. WEATHEEFOED—Dreamland Theatre, N. W. cor. Public Sq. SAN ANTONIO—Royal Theatre, 218 E. Houston St. WEATHEEFOED—Princess Theatre. SAN ANTONIO—Wigwam Theatre. WELLINGTON—Dreamland Theatre. SAN ANTONIO—Wonderland Amusement Co., ,506 E. Houston St. WELLINGTON—Electric Theatre. SAN ANTONIO—Zaracosa Theatre, 314 E. Houston St. WELLINGTON—Gem Theatre, 175 Main St. SAN AUGUSTINE—Cozy Theatre. WEST—Star Theatre. SAN AUGUSTINE—Opera House. WHAETON—Auto Park Theatre. SAN BENITO—^Pastime Theatre, Boulevard. WHAETON—Gem Theatre. SANGEE—Lyric Theatre. WHAETON—Majestic Theatre. SAN MAECOS—Majestic Theatre. Plaza St. WHARTON—Opera House. SAN MAECOS—Opera House. V7H1TESB0E0—^Majestic Theatre, 101 E. Main St. SAN MAECOS—Thorp's M. P. Theatre. WHITEWEIGHT—Acme Theatre, Main St. SANTA ANNA—Opera House. WHITEWRIGHT—Scenic Theatre. SARATOGA—Star Theatre. WICHITA FALLS—Colonial Theatre. SEALT—Sealy Electric Theatre, Sealy St. WICHITA FALLS—Folly Theatre. SEYMOUR-Majestic Theatre. WICHITA FALLS—Gem Theatre, 713 Ohio Ave. SHERMAN—Empire Lyric Theatre. WICHITA FALLS—Lydia Margaret Theatre, 717 Indiana Ave. SHERMAN—Grand Theatre. WICHITA FALLS—Lyric Theatre. SHERMAN—Jewel Theatre, N. Side Sq. WICHITA FALLS—Majestic Theatre. SHEEMAN—Jungeloo Theatre. WICHITA FALLS—Wichita Tlieatre. SHEEMAN—King Theatre. WILLS POINT—Majestic Theatre. SHEEMAN—Queen Theatre. WINNSBORO—Electric Theatre. SHEEMAN—Sherman Opera House, N. Travis St. WINNSBOBO—Star Theatre, Crosby Bldg. SHEEMAN—Topic Theatre. WOLF CITY—Sunset Theatre. SHINEE—Gem Theatre. YOAKUM—Bijou Theatre. SILSBEE—^Pastime Theatre. YOAKUM—Dixie Opera House. Lott St. SINTON—Alherta Theatre. YOAKUM—0. K. Theatre, May St. SMITHYILLE—Princess Theatre, Box 408. YOAKUM—Queen Theatre. SNYDEE—^New Dreamland. YOEKTO'WN—Opera House. SOMERVILLE—Lyric Theatre. UTAH

AMEEICAN FOEK—Liberty Theatre. 178 Main St. BRIGHAM—Gem Theatre. BEAVEE—Isis Theatre, General Delivery. BRIGHAM—Florence Theatre. BEAVER—Orpheum Theatre, J St. BRIGHAM—Joie Theatre. BINGHAM—Palace Theatre. CASTLE DALE—Lu Bel Theatre. BINGHAM—Princess Theatre. CEDAR CITY—The Gem Theatre. BINGHAM CANYON—Monarch Theatre. ELSINOEE—Opera House. BINGHAM CANYON—Queen Theatre, Canyon Ed. EPHEAIM—Family Theatre. BINGHAM JUNCTION—Bonton Theatre. EPHEAIM—Opera House, Mam St. BOUNTIFUL—Surprise Theatre. EPHBAIM—Pavilion Theatre. BRIGHAM—Alta Theatre. EUREKA—Crescent Theatre, Main St. BRIGHAM—Brigham City Opera House, 487 Depot S EUREKA-1. O. O. F. Opera House. BRIGHAM—Electric Theatre. FAIEVIEW—Zenith Theatre, 30 W. Main St. r



FOUNTAIN GBEEN—Melba Theatre. OGDEN—Oracle Theatre, 2470 Washington Ave. GAELAND—I^ric Theatre. OPHIE—Opera House. GOSHEN—Gayety Theatre. PABK CITY—Dewey Theatre. GUNNISON—Casino Theatre. Main, bet. Center and 1st. PAEK CITY—Florence Theatre, 324 Main St. HELPER—Elp Theatre. PARK CITY—Star Theatre. HELPER—Liberty Theatre. PAEOWAN—Bex Theatre. HYKUM—Eex Theatre. PAYSON—Gayety Theatre, Depot St. KAMAS—Opera House. PLEASANT GREEN—Palace Theatre. LAYTON—La Tonia Theatre. PRICE—Isis Theatre. LEWISTON—Eex Theatre. PBICE—Rex Theatre. LOGAN—Lyric Theatre. 28 S. Center St. PROVO—Ellen Theatre. Centre St. LOGAN—Oak Theatre, 25 N. Main St. PROVO—Majestic Theatre, Academy Ave. LOGAN—Eevier Theatre. PROVO—Princess Theatre. Centre St. and Academy Ave. LOGAN—Bex Theatre. PROVO—Eex Theatre, Box 341. MAMMOTH—Electric Theatre. EOBINSON—Robinson Theatre. MAMMOTH—Hassell's Hall. SALINA—Opera House, B St. MANTI—Manti Theatre. SALT LAKE CITY—Isis Theatre. 65 E, 3rd St. MIDWAY—Opera House. SALT LAKE CITY—La Vista Theatre, 226 State St. MHiFOKD—Odeon Theatre. SALT LAKE CITY—Liberty Theatre, 162 S. State St. MTT.FORD—Orpheum Theatre. SALT LAKE CITY—Majestic Theatre, 1st St. and South St. State. MTT.FOED—Pal Theatre. SALT LAKE CITY—Orpheum Theatre, 54 W. 2nd S. St. MOAB—Ides Theatre, S. W. cor. P and Q Sts. SALT LAKE CITY—Pantages Theatre, 50 E. Broadway. MONEOE—Empire Theatre. MOBONI—Kozy Theatre. MT. PLEASANT—Elite Theatre. SMITHFIELTi— 's Picture Show, Main MUEBAY—Happy Hour Theatre. SPANISH n.l:K Theatre, Main St. NEPHI—Emro Theatre. SPRING tin ( ii B St.. nr. 3rd St.

NEPHI—Luna Theatre. SPRINGY] 1,1 I I leatre. Main St. NEPHI—Nephi Opera House. SPRINGVILI.I — III re. Main St. OGDEN—Crystal Theatre, Washington Ave. springfii.;li)— .-^i re. Main St. OGDEN—Globe Theatre, 2530 Washington St. WELLSVILLE—Opera House. OGDEN—Isis Theatre, 2510 Washington Ave. WELLSVILLE—Wellsville Theatre. VERMONT

ARLINGTON-Town Hall, Main St. MONTPELIEE—Savoy Theatre, 26 Main St. BABBE—Dreamland Theatre, 225 Main St. MORRISVILLE—Bijou Theater, Portland St. BETHEI^Bascom Theatre, Main St. MT. PLEASANT—Melba Theatre. BRATTLEBOBO—Empire Theatre. EUiot St. NEWPORT—Theatorium, 5 Central St. BBATTLEBOBO—Island Park Theatre. NORTHFIELD—Pearl Theatre. BEATTLEBOEO—Princess Theatre, Elliot St. PEOCTOES—Village Hall. BELLOWS FALLS—Dreamland Theatre. BANDOLPH—Star Theatre. BELLOWS FALLS—Grand Theatre, 55 Rockingham St. EICHFOED—Lyric Theatre, 1 River St. BENNINGTON—Liberty Theatre, Silver and Main Sts. EUTLAND—Colonial Theatre Co., 107-109 West BOULTNBY—Opera House, Main St. EUTLAND—Playhouse, Center St. BUKLINGTON—Bijou Theatre. 196 College St. EUTLAND—Butland Opera House, Merchants Bow BURLINGTON—Casino Theatre. 18 Church St. ST. ALBANS—Bellevue Theatre. BUELINGTON—Majestic Theatre, Bank St. ST. ALBANS—Empire Theatre, 22 Kingston St. DEEBYLINE—Casino Theatre, Main St. ST. ALBANS—Waugh's Opera House. Main St. EAST AELINGTON—Forester's Hall, N. Main St. ST. JOHNSBUEY—Globe Theatre, 21 Eastern Av FAIBHAVEN—Wilson Grace Opera House. Main St. SWANTON—Fullards Hall. GUNNISON—Casino Theatre, Main, bet. Center and 1st Sts. VEBGENNES—World in Motion. HEBDWICK—Idle Hour Theatre, Mill St. WATEEBUBY—Waterbury Opera House. Box 19. LYNDONVILLE—Star Theatre, Depot St. WINDSOB—Lyric Theatre. MANCHESTEE—M. P. Arcade. Main St. WINOOSKI—New Nickel Theatre, Main St. MIDDLEBUEY—Grange Hall Theatre. Merchants Bow. WOODSTOCK—Gem Theatre. MONTPELIEB—Comique Theatre. Main St. VIRGINIA

ALEXANDEIA—Opera House, 500 Kings St. FEEDBRICKSBUEG—Casmo Picture Palace. ALEXANDBIA—Sui-prise Theatre, Kings St., nr. Washington St. FEBDEEICKSBUEG—Dreamland Theatre, Main St. ALTAVISTA—Vista Theatre. FOBTEESS MONEOE—Army Young Men's Christian Assoc! APPALACHIA—^Princess Theatre, Main St. FEONT BOYAL—Murphy Opera House, BEDFORD CITY—Grand Theatre, Bridge St. GATE CITY—Dreamland Theatre. BEDFOED CITY—Star Theatre. GLAMOEGAN—Olympia Theatre. BEBKELEY—Castle Theatre, 205 Berkeley Ave. GEAHAM—Gem Theatre. BBBKELEY—Virginia Theatre. Berkeley Ave. HAMPTON—Kecoughton Theatre. N. King St. BEEBYVILLE—Clark Opera House, Church St., nr. Main. HARRISONBURG—Edisonia Theatre, N. S. Public Sq. BLACKSTONB—Lyric Theatre, Main and Broad Sts. HABRISONBURG—Palace Theatre, N Main St. BIG STONE GAP—Amuse Theatre. HARRISONBURG—Princess Theatre. BOISSEVAIN—Star Theatre. HARRISONBURG—Virginia Theatre, BEISTOL—Columbia Theatre. LEXINGTON—Savoy Theatre, Main and Henry Sts, BEISTOL—Eagle Theatre. 503 State St. LEXINGTON—Star Theatre. BBISTOL—Picture Theatre. LUAY—New Casino Theatre, Main St., nr. the Bridge. BUENA VISTA—Dixie Theatre. LYNCHBUBG—Belvedere Theatre. 821 Main St. BUENA VISTA—New Home Theatre. LYNCHBUEG—Ford M. P. Theatre, 90,S 5th St. BUENA VISTA—Park Theatre. LYNCHBURG—Gaiety Theatre, 1020 Main St. CAPE CHABLBS—Casino Theatre. LYNCHBUEG—Trenton Theatre. CAPE CHABLBS—Globe Theatre, Strawberry St. MANASAS—Town Hall. CAPE CHABLBS-Parsons Theatre. MANCHESTEE—Pastime Theatre, 1435 Hull St. CHAELOTTESVILLB—Jefferson Theatre. MARION-Picture Theatre. CHABLOTTBSVILLE—Eex Theatre, Main St. MAETINSVILLE—Globe Theatre, Walnut St. CHAELOTTESVILLB—Star Theatre, 112 Commerce St. MINEEAL—Odd Fellows' Home. CHAELOTTESVILLB-Victoria Theatre. NEW MAEKET—Photoplay Parlor, Main St. CHATHAM—Cyril Theatre. NEWTPOBT NEWS—Academy of Music, 3300 Washington SI CHINCOTEAGUE—M. P. Theatre. NEWPOET NEWS—Nickelodeon, 26th and Washington Ave. CLIFTON FOEGE—Arcade Theatre. NEWPOET NEWS—Olympic Theatre, 310 Washington Ave. CLIFTON FOEGE—Masonic Opera House, P. O. Box 47, Main St. NOEFOLK—Academy of Music, Main St. COEBUBN—Star Theatre, Grand St. NOBFOLK—Arcade Theatre, 119 City Hall Ave. ' COLONIAL BEACH-Colonial Beach Pavilion, Irving St. NOBFOLK—Colonial Theatre, Tazewell St. COVINGTON—Hippodrome. NOBFOLK—Columbia Theatre, 80 Main St. COVINGTON—Lyric Theatre, NOEFOLK—Dixie Theatre. 198 Granby St. COVINGTON—Masonic Theatre, 214 Main St. NOEFOLK—Elite Theatre, 292 Main St. CLINTWOOD—Amusu Theatre. NORFOLK—Globe Theatre, 439 Church St. CEEWE—Amusu Theatre, Carolina St. NORFOLK—Fotosho Theatre, 242 Main St. CBOZET—Lyric Theatre, Miller Circle. NORFOLIC—Star Theatre, 646 Church St. CULPEPPEE—Olympic Theatre, Box 121. NORFOLK—Pekin Theatre, 310 Queen St. DAMASCUS—Emporium Theatre. NORFOLK—Victoria Theatre, 206 Granby St, DANVILLE—^Bijou Theatre. NORTH DANVILLE—Art Theatre. DANVILLE—Dixie Theatre. NORTON-Amusu Theatre, Park Ave. and 8th St. DANVILLE—Gaiety Theatre, 312 Main St. NOETON—Lyric Theatre. DANVILLE—Majestic Theatre. Main St. OCEAN VIEW—Ocean View Casino, DANVILLE—North Danville Theatre. PENNINGTON GAP—Burke Theatre, DUBLIN—Starlight Theatre. PETEESBUEG Academy Theatre, EAST RADFORD—^Dreamland Theatre. Norword St. — ELKTON—Dreamland Theatre. PETEESBURG—Lyric Theatre, 58 N. Sycamore St, FAEMVILLB—Amusement Theatre. PETERSBURG— Theatre, FAEMVILLE—Opera House. PETEESBURG—Victor Theatre, 168 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY


PETEESBUEG—^Virginia Theatre. N. Sycamore St. EOANOKE—Electric Parlor, 12 Campbell St. PHOEBUS—American Theatre, Mellon St. EOANOKE—Jefferson Theatre, Jefferson St. PHOEBUS—Eoyal Theatre. EOANOKE—American Theatre. POCAHONTAS—Opera House. EOANOKE—Eoanoke Theatre, 16 Campbell Ave. POCAHONTAS—Theatorlum. BUBAL BETBEAT—Mystic Theatre, Main St. POBTSMOUTH—Columbia Theatre. SALEM—Gem Theatre. PORTSMOUTH—Dreamland Theatre, 303 High SI SALEM—Silent Prayers Theatre. POBTSMOUTH—Hippodrome. SALTVILLE—Saco Theatre. POBTSMOUTH—Ideal Theatre. SOUTH BOSTON—New Theatre. POBTSMOUTH—Olympic Theatre. SOUTH BOSTON—Temple Theatre, Wm Ave. and Main St. POBTSMOUTH—Orpheum Theatre, High St. STAUNTON—Art Theatre, 119 E. Main St. POBTSMOUTH—Palace Theatre, Court St. STAUNTON—Beverly Theatre, Main St., nr. New St. PULASKI—Elk Theatre. STAUNTON—New Theatre, Main and Market Sts. PULASKI—Thespean Theatre. STONEGA—Amusu Theatre. EICHMOND—Albion Theatre, 211 N. 3rd St. STEASBUBG—Empire Theatre, Main St. EICHMOND—Dixie Theatre. 18 W. Broad St. STEASBUEG—Mocoho Theatre. EICHMOND—Empire Theatre, 126 W. Broad St. SUFFOLK—Colored M. P. Theatre. EICHMOND—Little Theatre, Broad St. SUFFOLK—Lyric Theatre, Main and Saratoga Sts. EICHMOND—Lubin Theatre, 808 E. Broad St. TAZEWELI^Amusu Theatre, Main St. EICHMOND—Park Theatre. TAZEWBLI^Family Theatre, Main St. EICHMOND—Pastime Theatre, 1124 Hull St. WAYNESBOBO-Dreamland Theatre, E. Mam St. EICHMOND-Bex Theatre, 7th and Broad Sts. WAYNESBOEO—Star Theatre. EICHMOND—Theatorium, 500 E. Broad St. WELCH—Welch Theatre. EICHMOND—Virginia Theatre, 711 E. Broad St. WEST POINT—Wonderland Photoplay, 7th and D Sts. EICHMOND—Wonderland Theatre. 611 E. Broad WINCHESTEE—Auditorium Theatre. Market and Water Sts. BOANOKE—^Alamo Theatre. WINCHESTEE—Empire Theatre, N. Market St. EOANOKE—American Theatre. WISE—Grand Theatre. EOANOKE—Amusu Theatre, 10 E. Jefferson St. WOODSTOCK—Casino Theatre. EOANOKE—Bijou Theatre. WOODSTOCK—New Theatre. EOANOKE—Casino Theatre, Mountain Pari;. WYTHEVILLE—Acme Theatre, cor. Church and Spring Sts. EOANOKE—Comet Theatre, Jefferson St. WYTHEVILLE—Star Theatre, Main St. and 4th Ave. WASHINGTON

ABEBDEEN—Bijou Theatre. 109 Heron St. EVEEETT—Star Theatre. ABEEDEEN—De Weir Theatre. FEENDALE—Empress Theatre. ABEBDEEN-Dream Theatre. FOET WARDEN—Post Exchange. ABEEDEEN—Empire Theatre. 26th and Hume Sts. FRIDAY HAEBOB—Star Theatre. ABEBDEEN—Bex Theatre, 210 E. Heron St. GAEFIELD—Princess Theatre. ABEEDEEN—Starland Theatre, 809 Heron St. GEORGETOWN—Mission Theatre, Duwamish Ave. ANACOBTES—Dream Theatre, 5th St. GOLDBAR—Goldbar Theatre. ANACOBTES—Empire Theatre, 7th and Commercial Sts. GOLDENDALE—Star Theatre. ANACOBTES-M. P. Theatre. GEANDVIEW—Lois Theatre. AELINGTON—Opera House, Eailroad Ave. GEANGEE—Majestic Theatre. AELINGTON—Gem Theatre, Eailroad Ave. GEANITE FALLS—Electric Theatre. Granite St. AUBUEN—Grand Theatre, Main St. HAEEINGTON—Harrington Theatre. AUBUEN-Star Theatre. 1st St. HILLYARD—Best Mato Theatre. BALLAED—Ballard Theatre. 5132 Ballard Ave. HILLYARD—Class A Theatre. BALLARD—Palm Theatre, 5346 Ballard Ave. HILLYAED—Photoplay Theatre, 419 Market St. BALLAED-Tivoli Theatre, 5346 Ballard Ave. HOQUIAM—Arcade Grand Theatre. BAKEE—Concrete Theatre. HOQUIAM—Dream Theatre, I St. BBLLINGHAM—Curns Theatre, 105 Holly St., W. HOQUIAM—Novelty Theatre. BELLINGHAM—Grand Theatre, 127 W. Holly St. ILWACO—Bell Theatre, 681 Main St. BELLINGHAM—Panama Theatre. Elk St. INDEX—Index Theatre. BLAINE— Crystal Theatre, Washington St. lONE—lone Theatre. BLAINE—Ivan L Theatre. Washington Ave. IRONDALE—Clausen's Opera House. BOTHELI^Bothell Theatre. ISSAQUAH—Princess Theatre. Majestic Theatre. BEEMEHTON—Bijou Dream Theatre. KALAMA— ^ „^ , , » BEEMEETON—Pastime Theatre. KALAMA—Star Moving Picture and Illustrated Song Theatre. 1st St. BUCKLEY—M. P. Theatre. KELSO—The Edison Theatre. BUELIN6T0N—Grand Theatre, 216 Fairhaven Ave. KENNEWICK—Princess Theatre. BUELINGTON—Bex Theatre. KENT—Dream Theatre, Railroad Ave. CAMAS—Camas Opera House. KENT—Hazel Theatre, Eailroad Ave. CAMAS—Grand Theatre. KENT—Lyric Theatre, Eailroad Ave. CAESON SPBINGS—Midway Theatre. KENT—Scenic Theatre, Meaker Ave. CASHMEBE—Granger Theatre. KIEKLAND—Jackson Theatre. CASTLE BOCK—Dreamland Theatre, Front St. LACONNER—Acme Theatre, Front and Morris Sts. CATHLAMET—Lobby Theatre. LEAVENWORTH—Scenic Theatre. 9th and Front Sts. CENTEALIA—Bijou Theatre. LITTLE FALLS—Grand Theatre, C and 7th Sts. CENTEALIA—Grand Theatre. LYNDEN—Dream Theatre. CENTEALIA—Eose Theatre. LYNDEN—Electric Theatre, Front St. and 2nd Ave. CHAELESTON—Colonial Theatre, Wykoff Ave. LYNDEN—Lynden Theatre. Majestic Theatre. B St. CHBHALIS—Bell Theatre. MABTON— . CHEHALIS—Dream Theatre. MALDEN—Columbia Theatre, Broadway and Mam bt. CHEHALIS—Empress Theatre. MALDEN—Crescent Theatre. CHELAN—Chelan Opera House. MAECUS—Marcus Grand Theatre, Mam St. CHELAN—Euby Theatre. MAEYSVILLE—Grand Theatre, Front St. CHENY—Ardee Theatre, Normal Ave. and Main St. McCLEABY—Majestic Theatre. Main St. CHENEY—Opera House. MEDICAL LAKE—Lyric Theatre. CHEWELAH—Empress Theatre, 2nd St.. E. METALINE FALLS—Bell Theatre. CHEWELAH—Leuer Opera House, Main and Park Sts. MONEOB—Dream Theatre. CLE ELUM—M. P. Theatre. MONBOE—Grand Theatre. COLFAX—^Bungalow Theatre. MONEOE—Monroe Theatre. COLFAX—Pastime Theatre. MONTBSANO—Elite Theatre. COLFAX—Eidgeway Theatre. MONTESANO—Montesano Opera House. COLUMBIA CITY—Valley Theatre, 4905 Eainier Blvd. MONTBSANO—Peerless Theatre. Main St. COLVILLE—Opera House. MT. VERNON-Pastime Theatre. COLVILLE—Colville Theatre. Main St. MT. VERNON—Rex Theatre. 609 S. 1st St. COLVILLE—Paramount Amusement Co. NEWCASTLE—Newcastle Theatre. CONCERTE—Concrete Theatre. NEWPORT—Fids Opera House. 4th St. COSMOPOLIS—Orpheum Theatre, 3rd and F Sts. NORTH BEND—Movies Theatre. DAVENPOET—Casino Theatre. NOETH YAKIMA—Majestic Theatre, 215 Yakima St. DAVENPOET—Cineograph Theatre. OAKESDALE—Gem Theatre. DAVENPOET—Edison Theatre. ODESSA—Dime Theatre. DAYTON—Columbia Show Shop. OKANOGAN—Hubs Theatre. DAYTON—Dreamland Theatre. OLYMPIA—Acme Theatre, Fourth St. DEER PAEK—Arcadia Theatre, Slater Bldg. OLYMPIA—Lyric Theatre, 121 E. 4th St. DEER PARK—Olsen's Hall. OLYMPIA—Bay Theatre, 5th Ave. and Washington St. DUVALI^Duvall Theatre. OLYMPIA—Bex Theatre. EDMONDS—Union Theatre. OEOVILLE—Lyric Theatre. ELLENSBUEG—Isis Theater. 109 K. 3rd St, OBOVILLE—Orpheum Theatre. ELLENSBUEG—Queen Theatre. 418 Pearl St. PACIFIC—Erickson Theatre. BLMA—Gem Theatre, Main St. PALOUSE—Bell Theatre. ENUMCLAW—Opera House. PASCO—Crystal Theatre, Lewis St. EPHRATA—Kaminski Opera House. • PASCO—Empire Theatre. EVERETT-Acme Theatre. PE ELL-,-Orpheum Theatre. EVEEETT—Gem Theatre, 2918 Hewitt Ave. PB ELI^Pe Ell Theatre. BVEEETT—Gi'and Theatre, 1509 Hewitt Ave. POMEEOY—Grand Theatre. EVEEETT—M. P. Theatre. POMEBOY—Seeley's Opera House. EVEEETT—Orpheum Theatre, 1615 Hewitt Ave. POET TOWNSEND—Eose Theatre. EVEEETT—Princess Theatre. PRESTON—Ereckson Hall. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 169


PBOSSEK—Bijou Theatre. SEDEO WOOLLEY—Princess Theatre. PKOSSEE—Majestic Theatre, 6th St. SEQUIM—Olympic Theatre. PKOSSBB—Princess Theatre, Front St. SHELTON—Lyric Theatre, Eailroad Ave. PULLMAN—Star Theatre. Main St. SHELTON—Novelty Theatre, Eailroad Ave. PULLMAN—The Ivy Theatre, 113 Main St. SHEEIDAN—Orpheum Theatre. PUTALLUP—Dream Theatre, Grand Opera House Bldg. SNOHOMISH—Princess Theatre, 1st and A Sts. PUYALLUP—Nickelodeon Theatre. SOAP LAKE—Soap Lake Theatre. PUTALLUP—Palace Theatre. SOUTH BELLINGHAM—Kulshan Theatre. 1205 11th St. PUYALLUP—Park Theatre. SOUTH BEND—Dime Theatre. Water St. PUTALLUP—Star Theatre. SOUTH BEND—Lyric Theatre. PUTALLUP—Stewart Theatre, 3rd Ave. and Meridian St. SOUTH BEND—Star Theatre. KAVENSDALE—Eavensdale Theatre. SOUTH TACOMA—Idle Hour Theatre, 5411 Union Ave. BAYMOND—Lyric Theatre. SPOKANE—American Theatre. Post St. and Trent Ave. BENTON-Lois Grand Theatre, Wells St. SPOBIANE—Arcade Amusement Co., 412 Eiverside Ave. BENTON—Benton Theatre. SPOKANE—Casino Theatre, 813 Eiverside Ave. REPUBLIC—Casino Theatre. Main St. SPOKANE—Clem Theatre, 717 Sprague Ave. BITZTILLE—Elite Theatre. SPOKANE—Empress Theatre. 259 Eiverside Ave. EOSALIA—Lyric Theatre, Maul St. SPOKANE—Gem Theatre, E. 2014 Sprague Ave. ST. JOHN—Lyceum Theatre. SPOKANE—Isis Theatre, 117 Howard St. SEATTLE—Acme Theatre, 1420 1st St. SPOKANE—Lyric Theatre, 10 Washington St. SEATTLE—Alaska Theatre, 2nd Ave. SPOKANE—Majestic Theatre, 118 Washington St. SEATTLE—Alhambra Theatre, 5th and Pine Sts. SPOKANE—New Spokane Theatre, 1st St. bet. Post and Wall St. SEATTLE—Avenue Theatre, 5411 Meridian Ave. SPOKANE—Pantages Theatre, Howard St. SEATTLE—Ballard Theatre, 5132 BaUard Ave. SPOKANE—Bex Theatre, 326 Eiverside Ave. SEATTLE—Bijou Theatre, 1324 1st Ave. SPOKANE—Unique Theatre. 509 Main Ave. SEATTLE—Broadway Theatre, Pike St. and Broadway. SPEAGUE-Crescent Theatre. SEATTLE—Circuit Theatre, 908 2nd Ave. SPEAGUE—Dreamland Theatre. 1st St. SEATTLE—City Theatre, 1206 2nd Ave. STANWOOD—Folly Photoplay, Main and Market Sts. SEATTLE—Class A Theatre, 1506 3rd Ave. STANWOOD—Palace Theatre. SEATTLE—Clemmer Theater, 1414 2nd Ave. STAEBUCK—Pastime Theatre. SEATTLE—Colonial Theatre, 1515 4th Ave. STAEBUCK—Bex Show. SEATTLE—Crown Theatre, 1016 1st Ave. STEVENSON—Buby Theatre, Kussell and 2nd Sts. SEATTLE—Dream Theatre, 701 1st Ave. SULTAN—City Theatre. SEATTLE-Electric Theatre, 513 King St. SUMAS—Eose Theatre, Cherry and 2nd Sts. SEATTLE—^Fremont Theatre, 3414 Fremont Ave. SUMNEE—Dream Theatre. Bank Bldg. SEATTLE—Good Luck Theatre, 2425 Jackson St. SUMNEE—Sumner Theatre, Kincaid Ave. SEATTLE—Grand Opera House. SUNNYSIDE—Lyric Theatre. SEATTLE—Greenwood Theatre, 8503 Greenwood Ave. SUNNYSIDE—^Princess Theatre. SEATTLE—High Class Theatre, 210 2nd Ave., S. TACOMA—Bijou Theatre, 1109 S. C St. SEATTLE—Home Theatre, 1409 23rd Ave. TACOMA—Crown Theatre, 2412 N. 30th St. SEATTLE—Imperial Theatre. 706 1st Ave. TACOMA—Dream Theatre, 907 C St. SEATTLE—Imp Theatre, 1420 1st Ave. TACOMA—Gem Theatre, 3201 Portland Ave. SEATTLE—Isis Theatre, 703 1st Ave. TACOMA—Majestic Theatre, 907 C St. SEATTLE—Jackson Theatre, 519 Jacltson St. TACOMA—Pantages Theatre, Pacific Ave. SEATTLE—^Lake Union Theatre, Fremont Ave. TACOMA—Park Theatre, 3506 McKinley Ave. SEATTLE—Lois Theatre, 1118 2nd Ave. TACOMA—Bex Theatre, 3805 S. Yakima Ave. SEATTLE—Majestic Theatre, 2nd Ave. and Spring St. TACOMA-Shell Theatre, 1324 Pacific Ave. SEATTLE—Manhattan Theatre, 1222 Howell St. TACOHA—Star Theatre, S. 38th Park Ave. SEATTLE—Melbourne Theatre, 1220 2nd Ave. TACOMA—Tacoma Theatre, 9th and C Sts. SEATTLE—^Mission Theatre, 5615 Duwamish Ave. TACOMA—Washington Theatre. 2606 6th Ave. SEATTLE—Occidental Theatre. 209 Occidental Ave. TENINO—Lotus Theatre, cor. Olympia and Sussex St. SEATTLE—Odeon Theatre. 1412-14 2nd Ave. TOPPENISH—Olympic Theatre. SEATTLE—Olympus Theatre. 2644 California Ave. TOPPENISH—Savoy Theatre. SEATTLE—Olympian Theatre. 1325 E. Madison St. VANCOUVEB—Grand Theatre. SEATTLE-Palace Theatre. 116 1st Ave., S. VANCOUVEE—Palace Theatre. 606 Main St. SEATTLE—Pantages Theatre. 2nd and Seneca Sts. WAITSBUEG—Empire Theatre. SEATTLE—Princess Theatre, 4905 Bainler Ave., Columbia City WALLA WALLA—Arcade Theatre, 115 W. Main St. SEATTLE—Savoy Theatre, 1422 1st Ave. WALLA WALLA—Dime Theatre, 4 W. Main St. SEATTLE—Society Theater, 201 N. Broadway. WALLA WALLA—Lyric Theatre. SEATTLE—Tilikum Theatre. 317 Pike St. WALLA WALLA—New Dime Theatre, 21 W. Main St. SEATTLE—Union Theatre, 1409a 3rd Ave. WATEBVILLE—Nifty Theatre. SEATTLE—Victor Theatre, 135 1st Ave.. N. WHITE SALMON—Leo Theatre, Main St. SEATTLE—^Washington Theatre. 717 1st Ave. WILBEE—Big Inner Theatre, Main St. SEATTLE—Ye College Playhouse. 4322 14th Ave. N. E. WINLOCK—Metropolitan Theatre. SEATTLE—Tesler Theatre. 1815 Tesler. YACOLT—Peoples Theatre. SEDBO-WOOLLET—Dream Theatre. ZILLAH—Wonderland Theatre. SEDBO WOOLLEY—Hazel Theatre, 215 State St. WEST VIRGINIA

ALDEBSON—Palace Theatre. Main St. ELM GROVE—Orpheum Theatre. ANSTED—Lyric Theatre, cor. Maple and Florence Sts. EVERETT—Grand Theatre. BECKLEY—Carter Opera House. FAIRMONT-Colonial Theatre. BECKLEY—Lyric Theatre. FAIBMONT—Dixie, 230 Main St. BELINGTON—Grand Theatre. FAIEMONT—Hippodrome, Main St. BEEKELEY SPEINGS—Central Opera House. Fairfax St. FAIBMONT-Loop Park Theatre. BEBKELEY SPEINGS—Photoplay House. Fairfax St. FAIBVIEW—Electric Theatre. BEBWIND—Berwind Theatre. PAYETTEVILLE—Dreamland Theatre. BLUEFIELD—Elks Opera House. FAYETTEVILLE—Gem Theatre. BLUEFIELD—Lyric Theatre. 21 Bland St. GLEN JEAN—Opera House. BOOMEE—Princess Theatre. Main St. FOLLANSBEE—M. P. Theatre. BUCKHANNON—Buckhannon Opera House. FOLLANSBBE—Star Theatre, Main St. BUCKHANNON—Lyric Theatre. P. 0. Box 56. GABY—Opera House. BUCKHANNON—Wonderland Theatre, Main St. GRAFTON-Dixie Theatre. CAMBEON—Dixie Theatre. GEAFTON—Hippodrome. 14 E. Main St. CAMEEON—New Cameron Tlieatre. GUYANDOTTE—Idle Hour Theatre. 3rd Ave. CENTEAL CITY—Gayetv Theatre. HINTON—Fairyland Theatre. 310 3rd Ave. CHABLESTON—Colonial Theatre. 213 Capitol St. HINTON—Masonic Opera House. CHABLESTON—Majestic Theatre, 14 Somers St. HINTON—Parker's Pavilion Theatre. CHABLESTON—Opera House, George and Liberty Sts. HINTON—Plaza Theatre. CHABLESTON-Boyal Theatre, 237 Capitol St. HOLDEN—Golden Opera House. Cooledge St. CHABLESTON-Virginian Theatre. HUNTINGTON—Colonial Theatre, 914 4th Ave. CHABLESTON—Wonderland Theatre. HUNTINGTON—Elks Theatre. 1028 4th Ave. CHABLESTOWN—Casino Theatre. HUNTINGTON—Grand Theatre. 940 3rd' Ave. CHAELESTOWN—Elk Theater, Elk City. HUNTINGTON—Hub Theatre. CHABLESTOWN-Bex Theatre. HUNTINGTON—Idle Hour Theatre. 3rd Ave. CHAELESTOWN—Star Theatre. HUNTINGTON—It Theatre. CHELYAN—M. P. Show. HUNTINGTON—.Jewel Theatre. 832 16th St. CHESTER-Eock Springs Theatre. HUNTINGTON—Plaeade Theatre. CLAEKSBUBG—Odeon Theatre, Pike St. HUNTINGTON—Boyal Theatre. 1935 3rd Ave. CLABKSBUEG—Palace Theatre, Box 122. JENKINS JONES—Picture Show. CLAEKSBUBG—Tradera's Opera House. KEYSEB—Music Hall or Opera House. National Bank Bldg.. Main DAVIS—People's Opera House. KEYSEE-Pickwick Theatre. DAVY—Palace Theatre. KEYSTONE—Hippodrome. ECCLES—Dreamalnd Theatre. KIMBALL—Star Theatre. ECCLES—Bccles Theatre. KINGSTON—Lights Theatre. ECCLES—Lyric Theatre. LANES BOTTOM—Camden Theatre. ELKINS—Grand Theatre, Davis Ave. LEEWOOD—Leewood Theatre. ELKINS—New Avenue Theatre. Davis Ave. LEEWOOD—Wonderland Theatre. ELKINS—Okay Theatre, 201 Davis Ave. LEWISBUEG—Hipp Theatre. ELKINS—Opera House. LOGAN—Bennett Theatre. ELM GEOVE—Majestic Theatre. LOGAN—Grand Theatre. 170 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY


LOGAN—Palace Theatre. PLYMOUTH—M. P. Show. MABSCOTT—Midway Theatre. PRINCETON—Palace Theatre. MABSCOTT—Opera House. PRINCETON—Princeton Theatre. MacDONALD—Di.xie Theatre. PRINCETON—Royal Theatre, Mercer St. MANNINGTON—Idle Hour Theatre. PT. PLEASANT—Lyric Theatre. MANNINGTON—Pastime Theatre. Market St. RED STAR—Dreamland Tlieatre. MANNINGTON—Virginia Theatre, Market St. BICHWOOD—Star Theatre. MABLINTON—Amusu Theatre, cor. 8th and Camden Ave. RONCEVBETE—Amusu Theatre, Mam St. MABTINSBUEG—Casino Theatre, 200 Block, W. King St. ROWLESBURG—Red Front Theatre, Church St. MAKTINSBURG—Central Opera House. Martin St. ROWLESBURG—Star Theatre. MAETINSBURG—Royal Theatre. RUSH RUN—Star Theatre. McMECHBN—Theatorium. 6th St. SALEM—Auditorium, River St. McAXPIN—Opera House. SALEM—New Lyric Theatre. MASONTOWN—Empress Theatre, 124 Main St. SCARBORO—Dreamland Theatre. MIDDLBBOURNE—Wonderland Theatre, Main St. SHEPHERDSTOWN—Family Theatre, German St. MINDEN—Lyric Theatre. SISTERSVILLE—Dreamland Theatre. MONONGAH—Coliseum Opera House. MONONGAH—Victoria Theatre. MONTGOMERY—Fountain Theatre, Fountain Sq, and Front St. SPENCER—Lyric Theatre. Main St. MONTGOMERY—Hub Theatre, Railroad Ave. ST. ALBANS—Grand Theatre, Main St. MONTGOMERY—Opera House. SUMMERLEE—Gem Theatre. MONTGOMERY—Princess Theatre. SUTTON—Elk Theatre. MONTGOMERY—Wonderland Theatre. TAMS—Golden Gate Theatre. MORGANTOWN—Arcade Theatre. TERRA ALTA—Lyric Theatre. MORGANTOWN—Hippodrome, 367 High St. THOMAS—Cottrel Opera House. MORGANTOWN—Swisher Theatre, 398 Main St. THOMAS—Star Theatre, East Ave. MOOREFIELD—Moorefleld Theatre. THURMOND—Amusu Theatre. MOUNDSVILLE—Fairyland Theatre, 200 Jefferson Ave. WARWOOD—Gem Theatre. MOUNDSVILLE—Park Theatre. WEIBTON—Lyric Theatre. MOUNDSVILLE—Theatorium, 323 Jefferson Ave. WELLSBURG—Lyric Theatre, 707 Charles St. MT. HOPE—Dixie Theatre, Main- St. WELLSBURG—Palace Theatre. MT. HOPE—Royal Theatre. Main St. WEIRTON—Star Theatre. NEWBURG—Crystal Theatre, 76 Main St. WESTON-Hippodrome, 101 Main Ave. NEW CUMBERLAND—Ward's Theatre, Chester St. WEST HUNTINGTON—Ida Theatre, 716 14th St. NEW MARTINSVILLE—Fairyland Theatre, North St. WEST HUNTINGTON—New Gayety Theatre, Jefferson Ave. and 12th St. NEW MARTINSVILLE—Princess Theatre, 245 Main St. WEST UNION—Exhibit Theatre. NORTH FORK—Star Theatre. WHEELING—Brunswick Theatre. OAK HILL—Royal Theatre. WHEELING—Castle Theatre. 2702 Chapline St. PADEN CITY—Fendoy Theatre. WHEELING—Colonial Theatre, 1.520 Market St. PAGE—^People's Theatre. WHEELING—Colonial Theatre, 615 Main St. PANTHER-Wildcat Theatre. WHEELING—Court Theatre, 12tli and Chapline Sts. PARKERSBURG—Camden Theatre. 7th and Market Sts. WHEELING—Garden THeatre. PARKERSBURG—Hippodrome, 209 5tli St. WHEELING—Hippodrome, 672 Jacob St. PARRALI^Atlas Theatre. WHEELING—^Virginia Theatre. PARSONS—Juanita Theatre, Walnut St. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS—Amusu Theatre. PAW PAW—Paw Paw Photopla Theatre. WILLIAMSTOWN—Grand Opera Theatre. PENNSBORO—Gaiety Theatre. WILLIAMSON—Hippodrome, 2nd Ave. PIEDMONT-Opera House. WILLIAMSON—Star Theatre. PIEDMONT—Victoria Tlieatre, Ashley St. WINDING GULF—Opera House. PIEDMONT—Sam Toy Theatre. WINONA—Lyric Theatre. PHILIPPI—Ideal Theatre. Main St. WISCONSIN

ALGOMA—Little Gem Theatre. EDGERTON—Lyric Theatre. ALMA—Alma Theatre. EDGBETON—Scenic Theatre. AMERY—Gem Theatre, Main St. ELKHAET—Opera House. AMERY—M. P. Theatre. ELKHORN—Family Theatre. ANTIGO—Palace Theatre. ELROY—Opera House. ANTIGO—Opera House. FENNIMORE—Electric Theatre. APPLETON—Appleton Theatre. FLORENCE-Bijou Theatre. APPLETON—Bijou Theatre. FOND DU LAC—Ideal Theatre. 16 W. 15th St. APPLETON—Elite Theatre, 838 College Ave. FOND DU LAC—Royal Theatre, 50 S. Main St. APPLETON—Majestic Theatre. FT. ATKINSON—Crystal Theatre. APPLETON—Merrimac Theatre. College St. FT. ATKINSON—Empire Theater. S. aiain St. ASHKOSK—Star Theatre. FT. ATKINSON—Lyric Theatre. ASHLAND—Bijou Theatre. 310 W. 2nd St. GILLETT—M. P. Show. ASHLAND—Grand Opera House. GRAND RAPIDS—Grand Theatre. 1st St. ASHLAND—^Majestic Theatre. GRAND RAPIDS—Ideal Electric Theatre. AUGUSTA—Princess Theatre. GREEN BAY—Comet Theatre. BANGOR-Majestic Theatre. GREEN BAY—New Bijou Theatre. BAYFIELD—Bayfield Opera House. GREEN BAY—Orpheum Theatre. BAYFIELD—Princess Theatre. Eittenhouse Ave. GREEN BAY—Royal Theatre. 103-105 S. Washington BEAVER DAM—Davidson Opera House. Beaver I HARTFORD—Empire Theatre. Main St. BEAVFR DAM—Grand Theatre. HARTLAND—Victor Theatre. BELOIT—Grand Twin Theatre. 219 Grand Ave. HAYTON—Pastime Theatre. BBLOIT—Lyric Theatre. E. Grand St. HAYWABD—Unique Theatre. BELOIT—Star Theatre. E. Grand Ave. HILLSBORO—Photoplay Theatre. HURLEY—Electric Theatre. HURLEY—Temple Tlieatre. BLACK RIVER FALLS—Arcade Theatre. IRON RIVER-Bijou Theatre. BRILLION—Milwaukee Opera House, opp. Northweste JANESVILLE-rApollo Theatre. BEODHEAD—Cozy Theatre. JANESVILLE—Daniels Janesville Co. BEODHEAD—Opera House. JANESVILLE—Electric Theatre. W. Milwaukee St. BEUCE—Isis Theatre. JANESVILLE—^Royal Theatre, 210 Milwaukee St. BURLINGTON—Crystal Tlieatre, Chestnut St. JEFFERSON—Idle Hour Theatre. 109 Main St. BUELINGTON—Orpheum Theatre, -Geneva St. JUNEAU—Dreamland Theatre. CASHTON—Loyal Theatre. KAUKAUNA—Crystal Theatre. CEDAEBUEG—Chimes Theatre. KAUIiAUNA—Electric Theatre. CEDAEBURG—Scenic Theatre. KAUKAUNA—5-cent Theatre. CHETEK—Grand Opera House. KENOSHA—Bijou Theater. 209 Wisconsin St. CHIPPEWA FALLS—Lyric Theatre. KENOSHA—Burke Theatre. CHIPPEWA FALLS—Majestic. KENOSHA—Century Theatre. CHIPPEWA FALLS—Victor Theatre. KENOSHA—Columbia Theatre. CLINTONVILLE—Electric Theatre. S. Main St. KENOSHA—Grand Theatre, 215 Market Sq. CEANDON—Crandon Theatre. KENOSHA—Orpheum Theatre, 154 Market St. CEANDON—Princess Theatre. KENOSHA—Rhodes Opera House, 164 Market St. CUBA CITY—Auditorium. KENOSHA—Star Theatre, 115 Milwaukee Ave. CUDAHY—Coliseum Theatre. KENOSHA—West Side Theatre, HalUnab and Market S CUDAHY—Electric Theatre. KEWAUNEE—Palace Theatre. CUDAHY—Empire Theatre. KIEL—Kiel Opera House. CUMBEELAND—Unique Theatre, 2nd St. KIEL—Pastime Theatre. Main St. DAELINGTON—Unique Tlieatre, Main St, KILBOURN—Crystal Theatre. DUEAND—Grand Theatre. LA CROSSE—Bijou Theatre, 115 S. 3rd St. DUEAND—Opera House. LA CROSSE-Casmo Theatre. 303 Main St. EAST TROY—Opera House. LA CROSSE—Dome Theate. EAU CLAIRE—Lake Valley Theatre. LA CROSSE—Electric Theatre. EAU CLAIRE—Lyric Theatre. 211 S- Darstow St. LA CROSSE—Lyric Theatre, 318 Main St. EAU CLAIRE—Orpheum Theatre, N. Barston St. LA CROSSE—Majestic Theatre, 115 S. 3rd St. EAU CLAIRE—Palace Theatre, Boston St. LADYSMITH—Gem Theatre. Lake Ave. EAU CLAIRE—Unique Theatre, S. Barstow St. LAKE GENEVA—Lake Geneva Opera House. Broad and AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 171


LAKE GENEVA—Majestic Theatre. Main St. NEW LONDON—Photoplay Theatre. LAKE MILLS—New Majestic Theatre, Lake St. NEW LONDON—Wonderland Theatre, S. Peail St. LANCASTER—Orpheum Theatre. NEW RICHMOND-Gem Theatre, Main St. LODI—Electric Theatre. OCONOMOWOC—Crystal Theatre, E. Milwaukee Si. MADISON—Fuller Opera House. Mifflin St. OCONTO—Bijou Theatre, Superior Ave. MADISON—Gem Theatre, 1923 Winnebago St. OCONTO—Grand Theatre. MADISON—Grand Theatre, 204 State St. OSHKOSH—Bijou Theatre, 165 Main St. MADISON—Olympic Theatre. OSHKOSH—Rex Theatre, 171 Main St. MADISON—Orpheum Theatre, 115 Monoa Ave. OSHKOSH—Star Theatre, 1121 Oregon. MADISON—Ortoa Theatre. OSHKOSH—Superba. 171 Main St. MANITOWOC—Crystal Theatre, 404 N. Sth St. OWEN—Idle Hour Theatre, Main St. MANITOWOC—Opera House. PARK FALLS—Opera House. MANITOWOC—Vaudette Theatre. Sth and York Sts. PARK FALLS—Rex Tlieatre. MARINETTE—Cozy Theatre, 1826 Hall St. PARK FALLS—Savoy Theatre. MARINETTE—Crystal Theatre. PESHTIGO—Star Theatre. MARINETTE-Lake Side Theatre. PLATTBVILLE—Gem Theatre, 312 Main St. MARINETTE—:^..yric Theatre. PLATTEVILLB—Lyric Theatre. MARINETTE—Marinette Theatre. PORTAGE—Crystal Theatre, De Witt St. MARINETTE—Marinette Bijou Theatre. PORTAGE—Empire Theatre. MARINETTE—Princess Theatre. PORTAGE—Home Theatre. MARION—Opera House. PT. WASHINGTON—Neuwear Theatre. MARSHFIELD—Adlers Opera House. PT. WASHINGTON—Opera House. Grand Ave. MABSHFIELD—Unique Theatre, Main St. PRAIRIE DU CHIEN—Liberty Theatre, Bluff St. MAUSTON—Majestic Theatre. PRENTICE—Prentice Opera House. MEDFOHD—Gem Theatre. PRESCOTT—Opera House. MEDFORD—Savoy Theatre. RACINE—Amuse Theatre, 306 Main St. MELLON—Bijou Theatre. Bennet St. RACINE—Bijou Theatre, 421 Main St. MELLEN—Opera House. RACINE—Gem Theatre, 236 Main St. MELLEN—Temple Theatre, Main St. RACINE-Imperial Theatre, 205 Main St. MELLEN—White Theatre. RACINE—Orpheum Theatre, College St. MENASHA—Square Theatre, 180 Main St. RACINE—Palace Theatre, 305 Main Ave. MENOMONIE—Grand Theatre, Broadway. RACINE—Racine Opera House. MERRILL—Cosmo Theatre. EACINE JUNCTION—Grand Theatre. MERRILL—Cozy Theatre. RACINE JUNCTION—Majestic Theatre. MERRILL—Grand Opera House. RANDOLPH-Crystal Theatre. MERRILLAN—Opera House. RANDOLPH—Opera House. MILWAUKEE—Alhambra Theatre, Grand Ave. BED GRANITE—Eagle Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Apollo Theatre, 1140 Teutonia Ave. REEDSBURG—Orpheum Theatre. Main St. MILWAUKEE—Armory D Theatre, Richard and Center Sts. RHINELANDER—Majestic Theatre. 5 Brown St. MILWAUKEE—Ave. Theatre. 107 Howel Ave. BHINELANDER—Opera House. MILWAUKEE—Bell Theatre, 14th and North Ave. RHINELANDER—Palace Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Casino Theatre, 290 Brady St. RIB LAKE—M. P. Theatre. MILWAUKEE-Casino Theatre, 7th and Walnut Sts. RICE LAKE—Lyric Theatre, 233 Main St. MILWAUKEE—Central Theatre, 648 3rd Ave. RICE LAKE—Unique Theatre. MILWAUKBE—CUmax Theatre, 20th and Fond du Lac Sts. RICHLAND CENTER—Lyric Theatre. lO.v Center .St. MILWAUKEE—Colonial Amuse. Co., 1512 Vliet St. RIPON—Armory Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Columbia Theatre, 1023 Walnut St. RIPON—Electric Theatre, Main St. MILWAUKEE—Comet Theatre, 54th and North Ave. RIPON-Ripon Theatre, 241 Main St. MILWAUKEE—Cozy Theatre, 290 Brady St. SEYMOUR—Palace Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Crystal Theatre. 178-180 2nd St. SHARON—Morris Opera House. MILWAUKEE—Eagle Theatre, 514 12th St. SHAWANO—Palace Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Electric Theatre, 621 3rd Ave. SHEBOYGAN—Butterfly Theatre. MILWAUKEE—EUte Theatre, 364 Green Bay Ave. SHEBOYGAN—Fairyland Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Empire Theatre, 587 Mitchell St. SHEBOYGAN—Majestic Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Enjoy Theatre, 52nd and National Ave. SHEBOYGAN—Sheboygan Opera House. MILWAUKEE—Fern Theatre, 964 2nd St. SHEBOYGAN FALLS—Bijou Tlieatre. Hcrtzherg Block. MILWAUKEE—Gem Theatre, National Ave. SHEBOYGAN FALLS—Rose Theatre, Guxette Bldg. MILWAUKEE—Gem Theatre, 381 Grove St. SHULLSBURG—Gem Theatre. MILWAUKEE—General Amuse. Co.. 2619 Vliet St. SHULLSBEEG—Opera House. MILWAUKEE—Grace Theatre, 1207 National Ave. SHELL LAKE—Auditorium. MILWAUKEE—Globe Theatre, 12th and Walnut Sts. S. MILWAUKEE—Eagle Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Grand Theatre, Locust and Holton Sts. S. MILWAUKEE—Grand Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Happy Hour Theatre, 782 Muskego St. S. MILWAUKEE—Mojuvate Theatre. 10th and Madis MILWAUKEE—Home Theatre, 2817 Clybourn St. SPARTA—Cozy Theatre, So. Water St. MILWAUKEE-Ideal Theatre. 1451 Fond du Lac Avt. SPARTA-Unique Theatre, Main St. MILWAUKEE—Idle Hour Theatre, 11th and Washington Ave. SPOONER—Dreamland Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Iris Theatre, 2505 Fond du Lac Ave. SPOONER—Palace Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Juneau Theatre, 1st and Mitchell Sts. SPOONER—Rex Theatre. raLWAUKEE—Liberty Theatre. 2621 Vliet St. SPOONER—Yale Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Licola Theatre. 578 Lincoln Ave. SPRING GREEN—M. P. Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Listen Theatre, 2420 Lisben Ave. SPRING VALLEY—Orpheum Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Lyric, 181 3rd St. STANLEY—Grand Opera House. MILWAUKEE—Majestic Theatre, Majestic Bldg. ST. CROIX FALLS—Bide a Wee Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Majestic Theatre, 219-221 Grand Ave. STEVENS POINT—Delo Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Miramar Theatre, Oakland, nr. Folsom. STEVENS POINT—Gem Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Mojeska Theatre, 7th and Mitchell St. STEVENS POINT—Ideal Theatre. 416 Main St. MILWAUKEE—Murray Theatre, Thames and Murray Sis. STEVENS POINT—Pastime Theatre, Strongs Ave. MILWAUKEE—New Star Theatre, 197-199 3rd St. STOUGHTON—Globe Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Olympia Theatre, 1449 Fond du Lac .\ve. STOUGHTON—Lyric Theatre. Main St. MILWAUKEE—Olympic Theatre, 704 Walnut St. STURGEON BAY—Electric Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Orpheum Theatre. 203 Grand Ave. STURGEON BAY—Opera House. MILWAUKEE—Orpheum Theatre. 3rd and Wells Sts. SUN PRAIRIE—Pastime Theatre. Main St. MILWAUKEE—Owl Theatre, 1908 Fond du Lac Ave. SUPERIOR-Alcazar Theatre, 707 Tmvir St. MILWAUKEE—Palace Theatre, 361 Grove St. SUPERIOR-Bijou Theatre. 1100 T.iufr St. MILWAUKEE—Paris Theatre, 22nd and Center Sts. SUPERIOR—Broadway Theatre, 1702 .nroadwav. MILWAUKEE—Park. 471 Mitchell St. SUPERIOR—Lyric Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Pastime Theatre, 2612 North Ave. SUPERIOR—Parior Theatre, 1110 To.ver St. MILWAUKEE—Princess Theatre, 184-186 3rd St. SUPERIOR-Peoples Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Pulaski Theatre, 648 3rd Ave. SUPERIOR—Princess Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Rainbow Theatre, 2720 Lisbon Ave. TOMAH—Unique Theatre. 110.-, Supi i !i.r Ave. MILWAUKEE—Rex Theatre. 5203 National Ave. TOMAHAWK—Princess TIi™?..-. 1 1 Wisconsin Ave. |v ...M , MILWAUKEE—Royal Theatre, 1222 12th St. TWO RIVERS—Empire TIm ,

'I li i MILWAUKEE—Silver City Gem Theatre. 30th and National Av TWO RIVERS—Empire i-" . w'nshington St. - MILWAUKEE—Strand Theatre. 510 Grand Ave. TWO RIVERS—Opera II. lu.. . i^iii MILWAUKEE—Theatorium, 136 Grand Ave. WASHBURN—Temple Tlicalir, MILWAUKEE—Union Theatre, 903 Klnnicklnnic Ave. WATERLOO-Idle Hour Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Vaudette, 183 3rd St. WATEETOWN—Class C Theatre. MILWAUKEE—Victoria Theatre, 11th and Winnebago Sts. WATERTOWN—Colonial Theatre. MILWAUKEE—^Wagner Theatre, 13th and Forest Home Sts. WATERTOWN—Empire Theatre. MINERAL POINT—Lyric Theatre, High St. WATERTOWN—Majestic Theatre. 114 Main St, MONROE—Crystal Theatre. WAUKESHA—Park Theatre. 339 Broadway. MONROE—^Electric Theatre. WAUKESHA—Unique Theatre. 322 Main St. MONROE—Monroe Theatre. WAUPUM—Scenic Theatre, 426 Main St. MT. HOREB—Opera House. WAUSAU—Bijou Theatre, 111 Scott St. MUSCODA—Star Theatre. WAUSAU—Grand Opera House. NEILLSVILLE—Gaiety Theatre. WAUSAU—Majestic Theatre. NEOPIT—McCalls Theatre. WHITE HALI^White Hall Theatre. NEOPIT—New Hall Theatre. 2nd St. WHITEWATER—Opera House. NEW LONDON—Iris Theatre, Co., S. Pearl St. WITTONBERG—Kersten Opera House. 172 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY WYOMING

AFTON—star Theatre, Washington and 5th Sts. HOLMES—Rambler Mines Theatre. BASIN—Acme Theatre, Center Main St. LANDEE—Nixie Theatre. Main St. BASIN—Electric Theatre. LANDEE—Elnk Theatre. BASIN—Elite Theatre. Main St. LARAMIE—Empress Theatre. BUFFALO—Electric Theatre. LARAMIE—Lyric Theatre. BUFFALO—Theatorium. LAEAMIE—0. K. Theatre, 314 S. 2nd St. CASPEB—PeU Theatre. NEW CASTLE—Edison Electric Theatre. CHEYENNE—Amuse Theatre. RAWLINS—Doll Theatre. CHEYENNE—Atlas Theatre, 11-13 16th St. RAWLINS—Lyric Theatre. CHEYENNE—Capitol Ave. Theatre, 1609 Capitol Ave. RAWLINS—Princess Theatre, cor. 5th and Buffalo Sts. CHEYENNE—Lyric Theatre. RAWLINS—Star Theatre, Cedar St. CHEYENNE—Pioneer Park Theatre. BOCK SPRINGS—Grand Opera House. CODY—Cody Opera House. ROCK SPRINGS—Oracle Theatre. CODY—Star Theatre. SHERIDAN—Grand Theatre. CODY—Temple Theatre. SHEEIDAN—Orpheum Theatre. DOUGLASS—Ideal Theatre, 3rd St. SHEEIDAN—Pastime Theatre. 45 S. Main St. EVANSTON—Isis Theatre, Main St. SUPEBIOE—Opera House. EVANSTON—Luna Theatre. THEEMOPOLIS—Acme Theatre. Broadway, nr. 5th St. GREEN EIVER—MoonUght Theatre, E. E. Ave. THERMOPOLIS—Matheny Theatre. GREEN RIVBE—Star Theatre. THEEMOPOLIS—Topic Theatre. HANNA—Opera House. THOENTON—M. P. Theatre. HARTVILLE—Fletclier's New Theatre. UPTON—JoUo Theatre.


AMEHEEST—Empress Theatre. MISHEL—H. G. Lockhart. Esq. AEMSTEONG—Armstrong Hall. MISSION CITY—Bictor Theatre. ATHABASCA LANDING—Star Theatre. MACLEOD—Empress Theatre. BRANDON—Empress Theatre, Rosser Ave. MEDICINE HAT—Corona Theatre. BURLINGTON—E. W. Vanscheiver. MEDICINE HAT—Dreamland Theatre. BRIDGEBUYS—Crown Theatre. MUNSON—Electra Theatre. BEANGFOED—Gem Theatre. MEDICINE HAT—Monarch Theatre. BEANDON—Starland Theatre. NEW WESTMINSTER-Edison Theatre. BANFF—Harmony Hall. NEW WESTMINSTEE—City Theatre. BANFF—Lux Theatre. NELSON—Gem Theatre. BELLEVUE—C. W. Johnston, Esq. NEW WESTMINSTEE—Eoyal Theatre. BEOOKS—Gaiety Theatre. NORTH VANCOUVER—Empire Theatre. CEANBEOOK—Eex Theatre. NORTH VANCOUVER—Gem Theatre. CEANBEOOK—Opera House. NATAL—J. D. Barnes. Esq. CHILLIWACK—Lyric Theatre. NELSON—Starland Theatre. CALGAEY—Bijou Theatre. NANAIMO—Orpheum Theatre. CALGARY—The Empress. NANAIMO—Opera House. CALGAEY—General Film Co., 81-S5 McDougall Blk.. 8th Ave. NANAIMO—Crown Theatre. St.. E. GALT—Mr. Leon Schupe. Box 146. CALGARY—Globe Theatre. OKOTOKS—Empress Theatre. CALGAEY-Princess Theatre. PRINCE ALBERT—Empress Theatre. CALGAEY—Sherman Grand Theatre. POET AETHUE—Lyceum Theatre. CAMEOSE—David Theatre. PEINCE EUPEET—Westholme Theatre. CALGARY—Regent Theatre. PRINCE RUPERT—Prince Eupert Theatre Co.. Empress Theatre. CLARESHOLM—Rex Theatre. PRINCE RUPERT—Majestic Theatre. COLEMAN—Opera House. PENTICTION—Empire Theatre. CASTOR—Peltin Theatre. PINCHER—N. S. Macleod. CHASE—E. E. Moller. Esq. REGINA—Regina Theatre. DUNCANS—R. C. Picturedrama Co., Opera House. REVELSTOKE—Star Theatre. CORONATION—Star Theatre. RAYMOND—Eex Theatre. DAWSON—Orpheum Theatre. EEDCLIFF—Amuse U Theatre. DAWSON—D. A. A. Theatre. EEDCLIFF—Maple Hall. EDMONTON—Empire Theatre. BED DEER—Empress Theatre. EDMONTON-Bijou Theatre. BED DEEB—Lyric Theatre. EDMONTON—Dreamland Theatre. SASKATOON—Umpire Theatre. EDMONTON—Garland Theatre, Jasper Ave. SAULT STE. MAEIE—Bijou Theatre. EDMONTON—Orpheum Theatre. ST. CATHEEINE—Griffin's Theatre. EDMONTON—Empress Theatre. SAEINA—Princess Theatre Co. EDMONTON—Royal Theatre. ST. JOHN—General Film Co.. 87 Union St. EDMONTON—Rose Theatre. ST. JOHN—Gem Theatre, 42-43 Waterloo St. EDSON—Idyl Hour Theatre. STRATHOONA—Gem Theatre. ESTEVAN—Orpheum Theatre. TORONTO—General Film Co., 7 Frost St., S. E. FARNHAM—Princess Theatre. Box 176. TORONTO—Y'ork Theatre. 812-816 Yonge St. FERNIS—Orpheum Theatre. TORONTO—Onoka Theatre. 56 Danforth Ave. FERNIS—Isis Theatre. TORONTO—General Film Co. FT. WILLIAM—Starland Theatre. TORONTO—George Kleine Attractions, 76 Adelaide St., W.. Tel GOLDEN—Lyric Theatre. Bldg. GRAND PEAIEIE—J. B. Taft, Esq. TRAII^Rex Theatre. GROUARD—Wegh & SchaefTer. TEAII^Eden Theatre. HULL—National Biograph Tlieatre, 175 Main St. TAKEE—Eex Theatre. HULL—Eldorado Theatre, Main St. TOFIELD—Variety Theatre. HAMILTON—Lyric Theatre. VALLEYFIELD—The Valleyscope Co. HAMILTON—Princess Theatre. VICTOEIA—Victoria Theatre. HANNA—Moving Picture Theatre. VICTOEIA—Opera House. HIGH RIVBE—Electra Theatre. VICTORIA—Empress Theatre. HOSMEE—Tom Lippo. Esq. VICTORIA—Crystal Theatre. HAEDISTY'—Chas. Harris, Esq. VICTOEIA—Majestic Theatre. KA1MLO0P.S—Empress Theatre. VEENON—Empress Theatre. KAMLOOPS—Maple Leaf Theatre. VANCOUVER—Sun Theatre. Powell and Dunlevy Sts. KAMLOOPS—Opera House. VANCOUVER—Star Theatre, Main St. KELOWNA—Dreamland Theatre. VANCOUVER—Province Theatre. Granville St. LADYSMITH—Opera House. VANCOUVER—Princess Theatre. Hastings St. LADNER—Mr. Tom Keogh. VANCOUVER—Orpheum Theatre. LACOMBE—Comet Theatre. VANCOUVER—National Theatre. Hastings St. LACOMBE—Bex Theatre. VANCOUVER—Maple Leaf Theatre. Granville St. LETHBBIDGE—Bijou Theatre. VANCOUVER—Majestic Theatre. Hasings St. LETHBEIDGE—Empress Theatre. VANCOUVER—Granville Theatre. Granville St. LBTHBRIDGE—Sherman Theatre. VANCOUVER—Kinemacolor Theatre, Granville and Dunemuis Sts LETHBRIDGF—Starland Theatre. VANCOUVER—Family Theatre. Granville St. LLOYDMINSTER—Star Theatre. VANCOUVER—Grandvlew Theatre. Commercial St. MORSE—Empress Theatre. VANCOUVER—Globe Theatre. Granville St. MONTREAL—Alcazar Theatre. 1040 St. Catherine St., E. VANCOUVER—General Film Co.. 429 Render St. MONTREAL—The Kinetograph. 243 Blenry St. VANCOUVER—Fraser Ave. Theatre. Eraser Ave.. S. MONTREAL—Imperial Theatre Program, Imperial Theatre BIdg. VANCOUVER—Falrview Theatre, Granville St. MONTEEAI^The London Theatre. 299 St. Catherine St.. W. VANCOUVER—Fariraont Theatre. 19th and Main Sms. MONTEEAL—King George Theatre. VANCOUVER—. Granville St. MONTON—Eastern Amusement Co. VANCOUVER—Crystal Theatre. Hastings St. JIERRITT—Sunshine Theatre. VANCOUVER—Bijou Theatre, Carrall St. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 173


VEHMTLLION—Royal George Thea WINNIPEG—General Film Co., 22-32 Phoenix Blk. VLAIBMOHA—Opera House. WINNIPEG—Gaiety Theatre, cor. Colony and Portage. VEBMILLION—Lyceum Theatre. WINNIPEG—Furby Theatre, 599 Portage Ave. VEGBEVILLE—Empress Theatre. WINNIPEG—Columbia Amusement Co., 606 Main St. VERMTLLION—Park Theatre. WINNIPEG—Colonial Amusement Co., Main St. WALLACEBURG—Family Theatre. WETASKIWIN—Angue Theatre. WINNIPEG—Walker Theatre. WAINWBIGHT—Elite Theatre. WINNIPEG—Starland Theatre. YOBKTON"—Empire Theatre. WINNIPEG—^Province Theatre. YOUNGSTOWN—Rex Theatre. ALASKA

CORDOVA—Empress Theatre. JUNEAU—Orpheum Theatre. GIBBON—Post Exchange. VALDEZ—Majestic Theatre. FAIRBANKS—Tanana Theatre. NOME—Alaska Dream Theatre, 1st Ave. WBANGELI^Bink Theatre. SKAGWAY—Nugget Theatre, Broadway and 3rd St. KETCHIKAN—Dream Theatre. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS

HONOLULU—Royal Theatre, 163 Panahl HONOLULU—Scofleld Barracks. HONOLULU—Savoy Theatre, Hotel St. HONOLULU—Poplar Theatre. HONOLULU—Liberty Theatre. NEW ZEALAND MEXICO

AUCKLAND—C. Bouzard & Co. ENSENADA—New Theatre. CANANEA—Cananea Theatre. NACAZARI—Montezuma Copper Co.

MUSIC OPERA MICA FOR SLIDES Anton F. Scibilia SELECTED FROM CLEAR MICA Concert and Operatic Manager AND CUT TO SIZES WANTED 1402 Broadway Phone 408S Greeley Low Prices New York City Grand Opera Tabloids; entire companies with T T FT VJC fir rTiA/fPAXTV scenery and costumes complete. Concert artists, soloists, duets, trios and quar- 180 No. Dearborn St. CHICAGO, ILL. tettes.. Orchestras, stage musicians, bands and musical novelties adapted for high class picture theatres, productions, clubs, etc. OPERA MUSIC FANS AND BLOWERS For Theatre Ventilation 1-^ • 1 O Phone Fried & Co. ILG ELECTRIC VENTILATING CO. zin. CHICAGO

Designing Show Cards Cartooning * Q , rr-t^ o Illustrating °aDn CI^JlgDS Theatre Novelty Supply Company Theatrical Work a Specialty Originators and Manufacturers "SLIDE INK" "KURTIN KUVER" 1544 Broadway (ii^rst.) New York, N. Y. "THEATER RECORDER" "OPERATORS EYE PROTECTORS" 1304 W. Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois Make $100«-» Monthly

Writing Motion Picture Plays in Spare Time The Handy Wooden Poster Frame Does away with the troublesome brass frames. Our new, easy method, endorsed by Scenario Editors, The price is less than one-third — and gives a neater appearance. assures success. We revise and criticise your plays Write for prices free of charge. Write for particulars. Floyd County Lumber Company New Albany, Indiana The Photo Play Ass'n, wKieti^rre'k. 174 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY


Acme Fea. Film Co., 501 Powers Bldg., Chicago. Gauntlet Fea. Players, Gene, 515-19 W. 54th St., New York City. Advance Mo. Pic. Co., 549 Peoples Gas Bldg., Cliicago. General Film Co.. 393-95 Oak. Portland. Ore. Aetna F. Mfg. Co., Longacre Bids., New York City. General Film Co.. 3610a OUve. St. Louis, Mo. Alamo Motion Picture Co., 516 Hicks Bldg., San Antonio. General Film Co., N. E. Corner 7th and E. N. W., Washington, D. C. Albany Fea. Film Corp.. The, Albany, N. Y. Gloria American Co., 110 W. 40th St., New York City. AlbuquerQue_ F. Mfg. Co., 406 Coiirt_ St., Los Angeles, Cal. Gold Seal F. Co.. Hollywood, Cal. Gold Seal F. Co., 1600 Broadway. New York City. New York Grant Carder Slide Co., The, Morgan Bldg., Portland, Ore. All Star Feature Corp., 220 W. 42nd St.,' New York City. Great Northern F. Co.. 110 W. 40th St., New York City. Allen Feature Film Corp., 60 Union, Providence. Greater New York Film Kental Co., 120 The Bastable, Syracuse, N. Y. Alliance Films Corp., 11th Fl. Leavitt Bldg., 126 W. 46th St., Greater New York Film Eental Co., 434 9th, Washington, D. C. York City. Greater N. Y. Fihn Eental Co.. 313 Case Mead Bldg., Providence. Ambrosia-American Co., 15 E. 26th St.. New York City. Griffith Corp., David W., The, New York City. American Fea. Film Co.. 406 Schiller Bldg.. Chicago, lU. Greene's Fea. Photoplays. 501, 110 W. 40th St., New York City. American Feature Film Co., 524, 214 N. 6th, St. louls. Mo. Gunby Bros., Inc., 145 W. 45th St., New York City. American Film Mfg. Co., 6227 Broadway, Chicago. Gunby Bros., Inc., Eidgefleld Pk., N. J. American Flm Mfg. Co., Western Studio. Cal.. Santa Barbara, Cal. Hector F. Corp.. 165 E. 89th St., New York City. American Llfeograph Co., 1033 E. Yamhill, Portland, Ore. Hepworth Amer. F. Corp.. 110 W. 40th St.. New York City. Anglo-American F. Corp., 126-130 W. 46th St.. New York City. Historical Fea. F. Co.. Ft. Dearborn Bldg.. John F. Byrnes, Chicago. 111. Appolo Film Mfg. Co., 29 Union Square. New York City. Holland Film Mfg. Co.. 105 Lawrence Ave., Boston, Mass. Appolo Film Mfg. Co., Studio, Los Angeles, Cal. Imp Co., 573 11th Ave., New York City. Armat Moving Picture Co., Hutchins Bldg., Washington, D. C. Imperial M. P. Co. of N. Y., 1476 Broadway, New York City. Atlas Mfg. Co., 414, 313 N. 9th St.. St. Louis. Mo. Independent Film Co., Plaza Theatre, San Antonio. Atlas Mfg. Co., 2649 Gravois Ave., St. Louis. Mo. Independent Film & Supply Co., 413 Edmond, St. Joseph. Mo. Austor-Servlan Film Co., 220 W. 42nd St., Eoom 914. New York Independent Western Film Exchange, 6466 Broadway, Portland, Ore. AU-Comedy Films. The, New York City. Industrial Mov. Pic. Co., 223 W. Erie St.. Chicago, 111. Balbia Amus. Produc. Co., Long Beach, Cal. Industrial & Domestic Film Co., 804 House Bldg., Pittsburgh. Balboa Fea. Film Co., 540 W. 21st St., New York City. International Feature Film Co., 333 Oak, Portland. Biograph Co., 11 E. 14th. New York City. International F. F. Corp., New Birks Bldg.. Montreal, Can. 101 Bison Co., 251 W. 19th St.. New York City. Interstate Films Company, 419-21 9th N. W., Washington, D. C. Bison Film Co., Hollywood, Cal. Itala F. Co., of America, Candler Bldg., New York City. Blair Vivontoscope Co., Wilmington, Del. Italian Amer. F. Corp., 1482 Broadway, New York City. Blanche American Features, Ft. Lee. N. J. Joker Fihn Co., 1600 Broadway, New York City. Blanche Features Co., New York City. Joker Film Co., Hollywood, Cal. Bon-Eay Film Co., Woodside, L. I.. New York. Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd St.. New York City. Bosworth F. Mfg. Co., 648 Olive St.. Los Angeles, Cal. Kalem Co., Studio, Santa Monica, Cal. Bosworth F. Mfg. Co., 110 W. 40th St, New York City Karzm & Mills, 621-719 E. Washington & 214 S. 6th, Sprmgfield, 111. British-Amer. F. Mfg. Co., New Birks Bldg., Montreal, Can. Kay-Bee Co., Longacre Bldg., New York City. Broncho-Mo. Pic. Co., Longacre Bldg., New York City. Keanograph Co.. Fairfax, Cal. Brovra's C. V. Film Exchange. 202 Book Bldg., San Antonio. Keystone Film Co.. Longacre Bldg.. New York City. Burns, Wm. J., International Films, Inc., New York City. Kinemacolor Co. of Amer.. 1600 Broadway, New York City. Cal. Mo. Pic. Corp., Studio, Cal., San Eafael, Cal. Kleine, George, 166 N. State St., Chicago, 111. Cal. Mo. Pic. Corp.. San Francisco, Cal. Kleine, George, 1476 Broadway, New York City. Canadian Bioscope, 220 W. 42nd St., New York City. Knickerbocker Indus. & Educ. Film Co., New York City. Canadian Bioscope. 108 Pleasant St., Halifax, N. S., Can. Komic F. Mfg. Co., 29 Union Square, New York City. Capital City F. Mfg. Co., 412 Locust St.. Des Moines, la. Laemmle Film Service, 333 Oak, Portland. Carlton M. P. Laboratories, 29 Union Square, Ne\v York City. Lasky. Jesse Co.. 220 W. 48th St., New Y^ork City. Carlton M. P. Laboratories, 537 Eiverdale Ave.. Yonkers. N. Y. Leading Plyrs F. Corp.. 126 W. 46th St.. New York City. Carlton M. P. Laboratories, 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Lewis Pennant Co., Mfrs. & Importers, 220 W. 42nd St., New York City. Centaur Film Co., 1600 Broadway, New York City. Liberty Mo. Pic. Co., Germantown, Philadelphia. Centaur Film Co., Studio, Bayonne, N. J. Life Photo F. Corp., 102 W. 101st St., New York City. Central Feature Film Co., Eoom 4, Gaiety Theatre Bldg., Springfield Los Angeles M. P. Co., 137 E. Ave. 49, Los Angeles, Cal. Cheyenne Fea. Film Co., 1482 Broadway, New York City. Lubin Mfg. Co., 20th and Indiana, Plilladelphia. Champion Film Co., Ft. Lee, N. J. Lubin Mfg. Co., 154 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. Chicago Fea. Film Co., 4108-22 Lincoln Ave.. Chicago, 111. Majestic M. Pic. Co., 29 Union Square, New York City. C, & I. Film Mfg. Co., 432 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Majestic M. Pic. Co., 4500 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Colonial Film Co., 620 F. N. W., Washington. Major F. Mfg. Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Colonial Film Mfg. Co., 226-30 W. 35th St.. New York City. McCuUagh. J. S., 333 Oak. Portland. Ore. Col. W. F. Cody. Hist. Pic. Co.. 521 1st Natl. Bk. Bldg.. Chicago. Melles Co., 204 E. 38th St., New York City. Comet Co.. 344 E. 32nd St., New York City. MiUer Bros., 101 Eanch, Guthrie, Okla. Commercial Mo. Pic. Co., 220 W. 42nd St., New York City. Monarch Film Mfg. Co., 403 Grand Ave., Foster Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. Commercial Mo. Pic. Co.. Studio, Grantwood. N. J. Multicolor F. Imp. Co.. 15 E. 26th St., New York City. Consolidated Film & Supply Co., Orpheum Theatre Bldg.. San Ant Mutual F. Corp., Studio, Los Angeles, Cal. Connecticut Film Mfg. Co., 902 Chapel St., New Haven, Conn. Mutual Film Corp., 428 9th N. W.. Washington. Cosmo Fea. Film Corp., 1333 Tine, Philadelphia. Mutual Film Corporation. Benoist Bldg., St. Louis, JIo. Cosmo Fea. Fihn Corp., 126 W. 46th St.. New York City. Nash Motion Picture Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Cosmofotofilm Co., 110 W. 40th St., New York City. Nestor Film Co., Bayonne, N. J. Crystal Film Co., 430 Claremont Parkway, New York City. Nestor Film Co.. Hollywood. Cal. Co-operative Education F. Co., Charleston, W. Ta. New Majestic, New Eochelle, N. Y, De Luxe Fea. F. Co., 71 W. 23rd St., New York City. Northern Sales Co., The. 1325 Nicholas Bldg.. Toledo. Domino Mo. Pic. Corp., -Longacre Bldg., New York City. Northwestern Fea. Film Co., 329 Oak, Portland. Domino F. Film Co., 29 Union Square, New York City. Oz Film Co., Santa Monica Blvd. and Gower, Los Angeles. Cal.

Duhem Mo. Pic. Mfg. Co., 700 Hayes St., San Francisco. Cal. . Sid-Oloott International Productions, New York City. Du-Hull Mfg. Co., 905 Chemical Bldg., 721 Olive, St. Louis, Mo. Paramount P. Corp., 110 W. 40th St., New York City. Eclair Film Co., Tucson, Ariz. Pacific Mutual Film Corp., 389 Oak, Portland, Ore. Eclair Film Co., 225 W. 42nd St., New York City. Pathe Freres, Bk. of Com. & Savs. Bldg., Washington, D. C. Eclectic Fea. Film Co., 3210 Locust S^., St. Louis. Pathe Freres, 1 Congress St., Jersey City, N. J. Eclectic Ftre. Film Ex.. Bk. of Com. & Savs. Bldg., Washington, I Pathe Weekly, Bound Brook, N. J. Eclectic Film Co., 110 W. 40th St.. New York City. Peerless Feature Prod. Co., Ft. Lee, N. J. Eclipse-Urban F. Co.. Studio, Hollywood, Cal. Perpetual Motion Picture Co., 230 Prudential Life Bldg., San Antonio. Edison, Thos. A., Inc., 275 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. Photoplay Libraries, Nashville, Tenn. Educational Film Co., 1343 F. N. W., Washington. Pilot Film Corp., 120 School St., Yonkers, N. Y. Edwards Motion Co., 1415 St. Louis Ave., St. Louis, Mo. PoDular Photo Plays Corp.. Manhattan. New York City. Elect Theatre Supply Co., 7th & E. Jf. W., Washington. D. r' Powers F. Co., 422 W. 216th St., New York City. Esperanto Film Mfg. Co., 501 Equiti'" Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Powers F. Co., Hollywood. Cal. Essanay Co., 521 First National Bank' Bldg., Chicago, 111. Princess F. Mfg. Co., 29 Union Square, New York City. Essanay Co., 1333 Argyle St., Chicago, 111. Prismatic Film Co., Inc., New York City. Excelsior Film Co., Lake Placid, N. Y. Progressive Investment Co., 64 7th, Portland. Exhibit Eamo Films, Inc., Columbia Thea. Bldg., New Y'ork City. Eaphael, The, 1409 9th N. W.. Washington. D. C. Famous Feature" Film' CoT.' 505, "2Tl^N. Eegent F. Mfg. Co.. New York City. Famous Players F. Co., 213, 229 W. 26th St.. New York Git; Eellance Co., 29 Union Square, New York City. Feature Photoplay Co.. 220 W. 42nd St.. New York City. Eex Co., 1600 Broadway, New York City. Feature Film Co., 403-406 Kendrick Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Rex Co., Hollywood, Cal. Feature Film Co. of America, Eochester, N. Y. Eolin Film Co., 406 Court St., Los Angeles, Cal. Feature Film Mfg. Co., 11th & Pa. Ave.. Washington. D. C. Koyal Film Mfg. Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Feature Film Mfg. Co., 11th and Penn Ave., Washington, D. C Eoyal F. Mfg. Co., 29 Union Square, New York City. Fea. & Educ. F. Co.. Cleveland. O. Selig .Polyscope, 20 E. Eandolph St., Chicago, 111. Film Supply Co. of Oregon. 385y2 Alder. Portland. Ore. SeUg Polyscope, Los Angeles, Cal. Fireproof Film Co., Eochester, N. Y. Solax Co., Ft. Lee. N. J. French-Amer. Film Co., Times Bldg., New York City. Special Event F. Mfg. Co., Edgewater, N. J. French-Amer. Prod. & Mfg. Co., 433 N. Clark St., Chicago. Star Film & Supply Co.. 413y2 Edmond, St. Joseph, Mo. Gardner, Players, Helen, Southern Hotel, New York City. Sterling F. Mfg. Co., 145 W. 45th St., New York City. Frontier F. Mfg. Co., Hollywood, Cal. Sterling F. Mfg. Co., Hollywood, Cal. Frontier F. Mfg. Co., 1600 Broadway, New York City. St. Louis Motion Picture Co., 25th and Montgomery, St. Louis. Mo. Gaumont F. Co., 110 W. 40th St., New York City. St. Paul Film Eenting Agency, 403-406 Kendrick Blk., St. Paul. Gaumont F. Co., Ft. Lee, N. J. Talking Moving Picture Co., Inc., 603 Kirk Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y. Gaumont Co., 705 Buchanan St.. San Francisco. Cal. Taylor, J., H. A., & E. S., 76 Dorrance, Providence, E. 1. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 175

Thanhouser Co., Eichmond, Va. United Studios Corp.. New York City. Thanhouser Co., New Bochelle, N. T. United States Fea. F. Co., Oreville. Cal. The Dryeda F. Corp., Yorkers, N. Y. Victor Co., 573 11th Ave., New York City. The Beauty F. Co., 29 Union Square, New York City, Victor Co., Studio, CoytesviUe, N. J. The Beauty F. Co., Studio, Los Angeles, Cal. Vitagraph Co.. 115 Nassau, New York City. Thomas, W. F., 1343 F, N. W., Washington, D. C. Vitagraph Co., E. 15th and Locust Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Thomas & Bauman, Stock Exchange Bldg. , Portland. Warner Feature Film Co.. Benoist Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. Thompson, E. B., 1343 F. N. W., Washington, D. C. Warner Feature Film Co.. 418 9th N. W., Wasliington, D. C. Toledo Film Exchange Co., 439 Huron St., Toledo, Ohio. Warners Features, 130 W. 46th St.. New York City. Universal F. Co., Mecca Bldg., New York City. Washington Film Exchange. 419-21 9th N. W., Washington. D. C. Universal Ike F. Co., 1600 Broadway. New York City. West Coast Film Co.. 226% 2nd. Portland, Ore. Universal Ike F. Co., Hollywood, Cal. World Special Films Corp., Navarre Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Universal Film Co., 2116 Locust, St. Louis, Mo. World Special Films Corp.. 811 B. N. W.. Washington. United Fihn Co., 226% 2nd, Portland, Ore. Zodiac F, Mfg. Co., Los Angeles, Cal. United Photoplays Co.. 348, 29 S, LaSalle St., Chicago, 111.


Northwestern Fea. Film Co., Denver. ALABAMA Notable Fea. Film Co., 1641 Stout, Denver. Rocky Mtn. F. Exchg. Co., 320 Charles Bldg., Denver. Dixie Film Co., Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Birmingham. Swanson Film Exchange, 301 Railroad Bldg., Denver. Sou. Film Exchange, Birmingham. The Box Office Attraction Co., 928 Main, Denver. Southern Amus. & Supply Co., 1916 2nd Ave., Birmingha Warner's Features, 303 Ideal Bldg., Denver. Southern Film Exchange, 811 Farley Bldg., Birmingham. Western Pic. Thea. Supply Co., 312 Nassau Bldg., Denver World Film Co., 217 Ideal Bldg., Denver. ALASKA CONNECTICUT Thorn, A. K., Fairbanks. Park Film Exchange, 15 Fairfield- Ave., Bridgeport. Universal Film Exchange, 850 Chapel, New Haven. ARKANSAS Yale Motion Picture Co., 94 Church, New Haven.

Capital Film Service Co., 112 W. Markham, Little Rock. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Ensor, J. & Co., 215% W. 2nd, Little Rock. Southern Film Exchange, 106 So. Cross, Little Rock. 622 f: N. W.. Washington, D. C. -- Universal Film & Supply Co., IT N. 6th, Ft. Smith. - -w.^ Washington. Eclectic Fea. F. Exchg.. 7th and E. Sta. N. W., Washington. Feature Film Co., 405 11th N. W.. Washington. General Film Co., 503 7th N. W., Washington. ARIZONA Greater N. Y. Film Rental Co., 434 9th N. W., Washington. Interstate Films Co. (Wash Brch.), 419 9th N. W., Washington California FOm Exchange, Lewis Bldg., Phoeni: Kalorams Film Co., 1332 V, N. W., Washington. Multograph Co., 602 11th N. W.. Washington. Paramount Film Exchange. 428 9th N. W.. Washington. Universal Film Mfg. Co., 1121-22 Woodward, Washingtgn. CALIFORNIA Washington Film Exchange, 426 9tb N. W., Washington.

Apex Feature Service. 802 S. Olive. Los Angeles. CiL Fea. Film Corp., 210 W. Tth, Ixjs Angeles. FLORIDA California Film Exchange, 730 S. Olive. Los Angeles. California Film Exchange, 110 East 4th, Los Angeles. Bean Consolidated F. & Supply Co., Jacksonville. & Tugwell, 406 S. Main, Los Angeles. Exhibitors F. & Supply Co., Jacksonville. Eclectic Fea. F. Exchange, 114 E. 7th, Los Angeles. General Film Co., 356 St. James Bldg., Jacksonville. Emmick, E. H.. 406 S. Main, Los Angeles. Great Northern Special, Jacksonville. T. B. Film Exchange. E. Main. Angeles. 406 Los Mackey, J. H., 31 E. Ashley, Jacksonville. F. V. Film Exchange. 110 E. 4th. Los Angeles. Montgomery Feature Film, Grand Theatre Bldg.. Jacksonville General Film Co.. 822 So. Broadway. Los Angeles. Seminole Film Sup. Co., 17 The Baldwin, Jacksonville. Golden Gate Film Exchange, 514 W. 8th, Los 'Angeles. Consolidated F. & Supply Co., Tampa. Masterpiece F. Mfg. Co., 1111 Van Nuys Bldg., Los Angeles. Mutual Film Corporation, 405 Curry Bldg., Tampa. M. F. C. of Can., Ltd.. Waterloo. Los Angeles. N. Y. Motion Picture Co.. 1719 AUessandro, Los Angeles. Pacific Fea. Film Co., 521 W. 8th, Los Angeles. Pacific Mutual Film Corp., 411 W. 8th, Los Angeles. GEORGIA Pathe Freres Film Exchange, Los Angeles. Progressive Mo. Pic. Co., Marsh-Strong Bldg., Los Angeles. Apex Fea. Service. 417 Rhodes Bldg.. Atlanta. Rambeau Co., Broadway, Los Angeles. FUm 536 Bartlett, Al., Film Co., 217 Marietta, Atlanta. Sunset Film Exchange, So. Main. Angeles. 432 Los Consolidated Film & Supply Co.. 609 Rhodes Bldg.. Sunset Mo. Pic. Co.. W. 2nd. Los Angeles. 129 Eclectic Fea. F. Exchg.. 61 Walton. Atlanta. Utah Moving Picture Co.. Story Angeles. 714-15 Bldg.. Los General Film Co.. Marietta. Atlanta. Warners Features, 78 527 W. 8th, Los Angeles. Mutual Film Corp., 61 Walton, Atlanta. West Coast Studio, 1807 Alesandro, Los Angeles. Motion Picture Center. 65 Walton, Atlanta. World Film Corp., S. Olive, 733 Los Angeles. Peck, W. H., Rhodes Bldg.. Atlanta. St. Louis Moving Picture Co., 334 W. Main St., St. Paula. Southern Paramount Pic. Co.. 65 Walton, Atlanta. Pic. F. Amer. Mo. Renting Co.. San Francisco. United American Film Co., Brown -Randolph Bldg., Apex Feature Service, Pantage Thea. Bldg., San Francisco. Warner's Features, Rhodes Bldg., Atlanta. Atlas Novelty Film 319 Co., 95 Market. San Francisco. Macon Film Exchange, 461 30th, Macon. Brock. C, 70 Turk. San Francisco. California Film Exchange, 54 7th, San Francisco. Colgate Feature, 234 Eddy St., San Francisco. Duhem Moving Picture Co., 652 Oak St., San Francisco. ILLINOIS Electric Fea. Film Bxchg.. 70 Turk St.. San Francisco. Frisco Fea. Film Co.. 1239 Van Ness Ave.. San Francisco. Abo Feature Film Co., 17 N. La Salle St., Chicago. General Film Co.. 138 Eddy. San Francisco. Acme Feature Film Co., 37 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Golden Gate Film Exchg., 234 Eddy. San Francisco. Acorn Moving Picture Co., 538 S. Dearborn St.. Chicago. Independent Film Exchg., 116 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco. Advance Motion Picture Co., 950 Edgecomb PI.. Chicago. Kemp, Edward H., 833 Market. San Francisco. Advance Motion Picture Co., 122 S. Michigan Ave.. Chicago. Metcalf, G. A.. 153 Eddy, San Francisco. Alexander Film Co.. 918 W. Madison, Chicago. Miles Bros., Inc., 1145-1147 Mission St., San Francisco. Allardt Fea. Films, 32 W. Randolph, Chicago. Pacific Pea. Film Co., 234 Eddy, San Francisco. Almo Feature Film Co.. 36 W. Randolph. Chicago. Pacific Mutual F. Corp., 162 Turk, San Francisco. Alvin Feature Film Co.. 167 W. Washington St.. Chicago. Photoplayer Co., 130 Kearney, San Francisco. America's Feature Film Co., 64 W. Randolph, Chicago. Progressive Mo. Pic. Co.. 642 Pacific Bldg.. San Francisco. American Commercial Film Co., 30 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. The Box Office Attraction Co., 1907 Golden Gate Ave.. San Francisco. American Film Mfg. Co., 6225 Broadway, Chicago. Union Film & Supply Co., 124 Golden Gate Ave.. San Francisco. American Standard Motion Picture Co., 220 S. State St.. Chica Amusement Supply Co., 160 N. 5th Ave., Chicago. Anderson Fea. Film Service, 169 W. Washington, Chicago. COLORADO Animated Advertismg Co.. 1025 Lawrence Ave.. Chicago. Anti Trust Film Co., 128 W. Lake, Chicago. A. O. B. Fea. Film Co., 223 W. Erie, Chicago. Colgate Film Co., 206 Nassau Bldg., Denver. Atlas Educational Film Co., 5 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Colorado Cinematograph Co., 622 Kittredge Bldg., Denver. Atlas Moving Picture Co., 508 S. Dearborn. Chicago. Colorado Mutual Film Corp., 21 Iron Bldg., 1031 17th, Dcnv Bell & Howell Co.. 217 W. Illinois. Chicago. Denver Film & Supply Co.. 403 Nassau Bldg., Denver. Bernstein, J. M.. 219 S. Dearborn. Chicago. Eclectic Fea. F. Exchange, Nassau Bldg., Denver. Bllnkhorn Photoplays Corporation. 514 Mailers Bldg.. Chicago. Film Rental Brokers, 506 Nassau Bldg., Denver. Bond. Geo. W.. Co.. 20 E. Randolph. Chicago. General Film Co., 1450 Champa, Denver. Box Office Attraction Co.. The, Mailers Bldg.. Chicago. Interstate Film & Supply Co., 302 Nassau Bldg., Denver. Braun Feature, 807, 37 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Nat'l Exclusive F. Exchg., 22 Iron Bldg., Denver. C. & G. Fea. Film Serv. Co., 350 N. Clark, Chicago. 176 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

Celebrated Players Film Co., 64 W. Randolph. Chicago. Western Film Brokers, 37 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago. Central Feature Film Sup. Co., 8 S. Dearborn, Chicago. World Film Corp., 703 Powers Bldg., Chicago. Central Feature Co., 407 Schiller Bldg., Chicago. World Special Fihn Corp.. 37 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Chicago Feature Film Co., 4120 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Mound City Amusement Co., 307 Woolner Bldg., Peoria. Chicago Film Exchange, 172 W. Washington, Chicago. Youth Photo Play Co., 105 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Chicago Film Title Co., 1247 N. La SaUe St., Chicago. Peoria Special Fea. F. Co., 320 Masonic Temple Bldg., Peoria. Chicago Mov. Pic. Supply Co., 37 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Cline. Eugene, 187 N. LaSalle, Chicago. Commercial Filmers, 1101 W. Randolph St., Chicago. INDIANA Commercial Motion Picture Mfg. Co., 2436 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. Consolidated MoT. Pic. Corp.. 122 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. Central Film Service Co., 317 Waverly Bldg., Evansville. Continental Fea. Film Co.. 5 S. Wabash Ave.. Chicago. Drollinger Film Exchg.. 309V4 U 2nd. Evansville. Consumers Fea. F. Co.. 710 Kesner Bldg., care of W. P. Cooper, Chicajo. Magnet F. Mfg. Co.. Evansville. Consumers Feature Film Exchange, 167 W. Washington St., Chicago. M. F. C. of Ind.. Keene Bldg.. Evansville. Cook Film Service, 536 S. Dearborn, Chicago. Central F. & Sup. Co.. 113 W. Georgia. Indianapolis. Dalton & Reeves. 330 E. 35th, Chicago. Empress Fea. F. Co., 1517 Merchants Bank Bldg.. Indianapolis. Danzier, Chas.. 167 W. Washington, Chicago. Motionscope Co.. 107 S. Capitol Ave.. Indianapolis. Dearborn Amusement Co., 64 W. Randolph, Chicago. Municipal & Commercial Film Mfg. Co., 256 Lemcke Annex, Indianapolis. Dearborn Novelty Co., 537 S. Dearborn, Chicago. Mutual Film Corp.. Keystone Theatre Bldg., Indianapolis. Del Re Film Co., 536 S. Dearborn, Chicago. Mutual Film Corp., 150 N. Illinois Bldg,, Indianapolis- Eclectic Feature Film Exchange. 5 S. Wabash Ave.. Chicago. Peerless Film Co.. 34 Willoughby. Indianapolis. Economical F. Service, 606 Schiller Bldg., Chicago. Scdeg Fea. F. Co.. Indianapolis. Educational F. Service. 702 Rector Bldg.. Chicago. The Ex. Office Attraction Co.. 1214 3rd Ave.. Indianapolis. Ellandee Feature Film Co.. 68 W. Washington St., Chicago. Lyric Film & Supply Co.. 27 S. 6th. Terre Haute. Empire Motion Pic. Exchg.. 140 N. Dearborn, Chicago. Enterprise Optical Co., 564 W. Randolph, Chicago. IOWA Essanay Film Mfg. Co., Studio, 1333 Argyle St., Chicago. Essanay Film Mfg. Co., Office, 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. Luther, H. W., CenterviUe. Exclusive Fea. Film Service, 167 W. Washington, Chicago. Central Film Service Co., 302 Central Office Bldg., Davenport. Exhibitors Fea. F. Booking Co., 29 S. State, Chicago. Reliance Film Service Co., 53 McCullough Bldg.. Davenport. Exhibitors Film Exchg., 172 W. Washington, Chicago. Victor Animatograph Co., 216% E. 3rd, Davenport. Express Film Service Brokers, 606 Schiller Bldg.. Chicago. Advance Mo. Picture Co., 406 Goodwin Block. Des Moines. Players Film Service, S. Ave., Chicago. Famous 37 Wabash Blache Fea. Service. 403 Obs Bldg., Des Moines. Feature Film Sales Co., W. Washington. Chicago. 172 Capital City Fea. F. Service. 420 Clapp Block. Des Moines. Feature Film Co., W. Washington, Chicago. 16S Capital City Film Co.. 400 Observatory Bldg.. Des Moines. Federal Fea. Film Sup. Co., S. Dearborn, Chicago. 8 Gammon, D. F., 207 Commercial Bldg., Des Moines. French-American Producing Mfg. Co., The, N. Clark St.. Chicago. & 433 General Film Co., 421 Walnut. Des Moines. Fulton, Elmer E., Lake, Chicago. 154 W. Herrick Fea. F. Co., 807 Observatory Bldg., Des Moines. G. G. Fea. Film Service Co., S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. & 37 International Fea. F. Service, 420 Clapp Block. Des Moines. Gem Film Exchange, 37 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Laemmle Film Service. 311 Hubbel Bldg., Des Moines. General Feature Film Co., S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. 5 Laemmle Film Service. 421 Walnut, 2nd Floor, Des Moines. General Film Co., 15 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Mack Fea. Film Co., 416 6th Ave., Des Moines. General Film Co.. 139 N. Clark St.. Chicago. Miller, W. J.. Mov. Pic. Bureau, 417 Good, Des Moines. Ave.. General Film Co.. 429 S. Wabash Chicago. Mutual Film Corp., Cohn Bldg., Des Moines. General Special Fea. F. Co.. 37 S. Wahash Ave.. Chicago. Page Amusement Co., over 412 Locust. Des Moines. Graphic Feature Film Co.. 167 W. Washington. Chicago. Ramo Films, Inc., 519 Utica, Des Moines. Graphoscope Mfg. Co.. S. Dearborn St.. Chicago. 38 Superior Film Mfg. Co.. 714 Grand Ave.. Des Moines. Harding, Jas.. S. Dearborn. Chicago. 433 Union Film Co.. 216 5th, Des Moines. Historical Feature Film Co., 105 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Boyle, J. E., 830 Main, Dubuque. Hoke. Geo. H., N. State, Chicago. 165 Camel Barren Co.. Lake City. Hume. T. D,. 608 S. Dearborn. Chicago. X. L. Feature Film, 103 S. Main. Mason City. H. & H. Film Service Co.. 117 N. Dearborn St.. Chicago, I-C-U Film Co.. 209 S. State St., Chicago. Ills. Film Service Co., 537 S. Dearborn, Chicago. KANSAS Independent Film Exchange. 37 S. Wabash Ave.. Chicago. Jawhawker Film Renting Co.. Barnes Bldg.. Wichita. Industrial Mov. Pic. Co.. 223 W. Erie. Chicago. 417 Mutual Film Exchg., 417 Barnes Bldg.. Wichita. International Educ. & Ind. F. Co.. 38 S. Dearborn. Chicago. Biteservice Film Exchg., Main, Wichita. International Feature F. Co.. 167 W. Washington. Chicago. 155 N, Universal Film Supply Co., 1.S5 N. Main. Wichita. Interstate Fea. Service. 59 E. Madison, Chicago. & Wichita Film & Supply Co., 122 N. Market, Wichita. Jamieson Feature Film Attraction Co., 538 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. Kineraacolor of America, 538 S. Dearborn. Chicago. Kleine Optical Co., 166 N. State St., Chicago. KENTUCKY Kinograph Co., 3842 W. Madison, Chicago. Lake Side Film Exchg., 37 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Central Film Service Co., 403 S. 4th Ave.. Louisville.

r. W:iviir I'.Mi; . Laemmle Film Service Co., The. 205 W. Washington St.. Chicago. Globe Film Service Co., Louisville. Independent Mov. in i \\!,,i\im nidg., Louisville. Lea-Bel Feature Film Co.. 68 Washington St.. West. Chicago. Pic. I. Exclusive I i i"- - Itli, Lumiers-Jougla Co.. 38 S. Dearborn, Chicago. K. & Nat'l Louisville. Mack. T. A.. 148 N. Dearborn, Chicago. Kinemacolor Co. of Am- '.m nh, Louisville.

Louisville ' ' - iii Tvler Louisville. M. &. F. Fea. Film Serv. Co., 37 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Film and Supi' Bldg., .Iriii i.Mih. Majestic Film Service Co., 5 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Owl Film Co.. 414 W. l.

Palmer & Hamoud, 412 E. Lexington, Baltimore. Motograph Co.. 3301 Lindell Ave., St. Louis. Pearcc & Scheck, 415 E. Baltimore, Baltimore. Murphy, P. C, 134 Papin, St. Louis. Steen's Feature Film Exchg., 104 N. Gay. Baltimore. Mutual Film Corp., 11 Pine, St. Louis. Trl-State Feature Film Co., 710 Baltimore. Baltimore. Royal Fea. Films Co., 202 N. 9th, St. Louis. Union Features. 7 Clay, Baltimore. Swanson-Crawford Film Co.. 14 N. 9th. St. Louis. The Box Office Attraction Co., 3632 Olive, St. Louis. Union Features, 203, 509 Chestnut, St. Louis. MASSACHUSETTS Universal Film & Sup. Co., 2116 Locust, St. Louis. Warners Feature Film Co.. 610, 202 N. 9th, St. Louis. Amer. Tea. F. Co., 162 Tremont, Boston. Worlds Special Film Corp., 804y2 Pine, St. Louis. Boston rum Renting Co., 665 Washington, Boston. Boston Mov. Picture Co., 147 Columbus, Boston. Dadmun Co., 1 Washington, Boston. Eastern Feature Film Co., 230 Fremont, Boston. MONTANA Eastern Fea. Film Co., Inc., 57-59 Church, Boston. Boston. Eclectic Fea. F. Exchg., 3 Tremont, Mutual Film Corp., Illinois Bldg., Butte. Exclusive Fea. Film Corp., 9 Cambridge, Boston, Pacific Film Exchange, Butte. Boston. Famous Players Film Co., 31 Beach, Swanson, W. E., Film Co., Butte. Fry, Saml. F., 32 Boyleston, Boston. General Film Co., 64 Washington, Boston. Greene, W. E., Film Exchg., 228 Fremont, Boston. Machat Feature Film Co., 15 School. Boston. NEBRASKA Majestic Feature Film Co.. 224 Tremont. Boston. Marson. E. D.. Co., 597 Washington, Boston. Mutual Film Corp., 1106 Boyleston, Boston. Nebraska Feature Co., 1210 P, Lincoln. New Eng. Univ. Film Exchg., 1100 Boyleston, Boston. Continental Feature Film Co., 1417 Harney, Omaha. Novelty Feature Film & M. P. Sup., 228 Tremont. Boston. Eclectic Fea. F. Co., 1312 Farnam. Omaha. Standard Feature Film Co., 665 Washington, Boston. General Film Co., 208 S. IP.th. iim.ili.i. u The Box Office Attraction Co., 10-12 Piedmont. Boston. Independence Film Exchni rjLV I J 1 2 Farnam, Omaha. i Tremont Film Co., 483?4 Tremont, Boston. Laemmle Film Service " - i Omaha.

i ( Warners Feature, 665 Washington, Boston. Midland Transparency, .'li;: i: i ihama. Wetmore, B. O., 3 Tremont Bow, Boston. Mutual Film Corp.. 141i; 1 World Special Film Corp., 1074 Washington, Boston. Omaha Film E.xchange. liV - II i. i uiialia. Mutual Film Corp., 179 Dwight, Sprinsfleld. Paragon Feature Film Co.. W , i.. \V. Bldg., Omaha. Nicholas Power Co., 254 Main, Springfield. Progressive Film Exchange, 1417 Farnam, Omaha. Universal Film Exchange, 317 Main. Springfield. NEW JERSEY MICHIGAN strand Film Co., Atlantic City. Globe Slide & Film Co., Albion. Whitman Fea. Co., Cliffside. Cadillac Film Co., 92 Griswold St.. Detroit. Eclair Film Co.. Fort Lee. Detroit Feature Film Co., 11 Butler Bldg.. Detroit.* Wellats studios. Ft. Lee. Detroit Univ. FiUn Exchg.. 89 Griswold, Detroit. Cosmo Fea. F. Co., 800 Broad. Newark. Fea. & Educational F. Co., 305 Equity Bldg., Detroit. Metropolitan Mo. Pic. Co.. 7 Nelson Bl., Newark. General Film Co., 69 Griswold, Detroit. Modern Film Co.. 22 Clinton, Newark. Gleichman. Phil., Natl. Film Co., 71 Griswold, Detroit. National Fea. Film Service. 185 Market, Newark. Mershick, E. J., 71 Griswold, Detroit. Newark Feature Film Co., 195 Market. Newark. Mich. Film & Sup. Co., Union Trust Bldg., Detroit. Newark Film Exchange, 195 Market. Newark. Mutual Film Corp., 97 Woodward Ave., Detroit. N. J. Feature Film Co.. 800 Broad. Newark. Nat'l Educational Film Co., 305 Equity Bldg., Detroit. Picturegraph Co., 820 Market, Newark. Photo-Show Sep. & Sup. Co., 305 Equity Bldg., Detroit. Royal Fihn Exchange, 286 Market. Newark. Union Film Co., 299 Baker, Detroit. Universal Film Exchange of N. Y.. 288 Market, Newark. The Casino Co.. Em. 2211, Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit.* World Special Film Corp.. 286 Market. Newark. Mutual Film Corp., 7 Hawkins Blk., Grand Eapids. Edison, Thomas A., (Inc.). Orange, N. J. Anti-Trust Film Co.. 5 New Hawldns Blk.. Grand Bapids. Universal Film Exchg., 5 Hawkins Blk.. Grand Rapids. Central Film & Supply Co., 117 S. Franklin, Saginaw. NEW YORK

MINNESOTA General Film Co. 737 Broadway. Albany. Eex Film Exchange, 7 Maiden Lane. Albany. Berdie, Robt. F., 105 W. 1st, Duluth. American F. Exchange. 630 Halsey. Brooklyn. Duluth Film Exchg.. 2 Edison Bldg., Duluth. Brooklyn Film Exchange. 138 Stanhope. Brooklyn. Marshall Thea. Circuit. Duluth. Colessus Film Co.. Brooklyn. Northwestern Film Co., 410 Columbia Bldg., Duluth. Fuller. Chas. L. Co.. 472 Fulton. Brooklyn. Zenith Feature Film Co.. J. F. Cubberly, 506 Lyceum Bldg., Duluth. Interborough M. P. Co., Brooklyn. Acme Film Co.. 105 Temple Ct., Minneapolis. Morch. Jno.. 138 Stanhope. Brooklyn. Cohen, Wm., 50314 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis. Oxenham, C. H.. 630 Halsey. Brooklyn. Eclectic Fea. Film Exchg., 4th and Hennepin. Minneapolis. Unique Feature Film Co.. 590 , Brooklyn. Electric Fea. Film Exchg., Minneapolis. UtiUty Co., 1733 W. 9th, Brooklyn. Empire Co., The Motion Picture, 1006 W. Lake, Minneapolis. G. F. Garbe Fea. Fotofilm Co.. 310 Mutual Life Bldg., Buffalo. Famous Plyrs. Star Fea. F. Serv., 440, 445 Temple Ct., Minneapolis. Mutual Film Corp.. 272 Washington. BulTalo. Great Northern Film Co., Kansas Bldg., Minneapolis. Victor Film Service. 85 Church. Buffalo. Independent Film Exchg., 105 Temple Court, Minneapolis. Wiltwyck Feature Film Co.. 43 Garden St., Kingston. Laemmle Film Service. 252 A Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis. Dragon Film Co., Long Island City. Minneapolis Fea. Film Co., 100 Temple Court, Minneapolis. Genter, J. H., Co., Newburgh. The Box Office Attraction Co., Minneapolis. Gester, J. H., Co., 2-4 Water, Newburgh. World Special Film Corp., 410 Temple Ct., Minneapolis. Thanhouser Co., New Eochelle, N. Y. Warner Feature Film Co., 352 Temple Ct.. Minneapolis. ABC Feature Film Co., 381 6th Ave., New York City. Mutual Film Corp.. 440 Temple Court, Minneapolis. Acme Exchange, 133 3rd Ave., New York City. West. Mot'n Picture Exhibitors, 6.54 Temple Ct. (Adv. Assn.). Minneapolis, Acme Film Co., 130 W. 37tlt, New York City. Feature Film Co., 27 E. 7th, St. Paul. Actograph Co.. 8 Union Sq., W., New York City. General Film Co., 707 Hennepin, St. Paul. Advanced Feature Film Co.. 683 6th Ave.. New York City. A. E. E. Realty Corp., 11 W. 45th. New York City. Aetna Film Co.. Longacre Bldg.. New York City. MISSOURI Ajax Motion Pic. Film Co., 120 W. 31st, New Y'ork City. Alco Film Corp., 218 W. 42nd, Alco Bldg.. New York Clt,v. General Film Co., 622 Main, Kansas City. Al Dia Feature Co.. 220 W. 42nd, New York City. Eclectic Fea. F. Exchg., 928 Main, liansas City. All Star Feature Corp., 220 W. 42nd. New York City. Kansas City Fea. Film Co., Gaiety Theatre, Kansas City. All Star Film Eental Co.. 126 W. 4Cth. New York City. Morgan, J. W., 1310 Walnut, Kansas City. American Film Brokers, 5 W. 14th. New York City. Mutual Film Corp.. 214 E. 12th, Kansas City. American Film Eelease Co.. 147S Broadway. New York City. Navajo Film Co., 504-5 Gumbel Bldg.. Kansas City. American Kineflx Co.. 35 Nassau. New York City. Stebbins. C. M.. 1028 Main, Kansas City. American Kineto Corp., 1018 Longacre Bldg., New York City. T. & B. Film & Supply Co.. 1032 Union Ave., Kansas City. American Llfeograph Co., 142 W. 14th, New York City. The Box Office Attraction Co.. 928 Main, Kansas City. American Mo. Pic. Co., 101 Beekman, New Y'ork City. Universal Film & Supply Co., 12th and McGee, Kansas City. American Photoplay Corp., 1415 Broadway, New York City. Universal Film Exchange. 1310 Walnut. Kansas City. Anglo-American Film Corp., 126 W. 46th, New York City. Western Film Exchg.. 15 W. 10th, Kansas City. Anima Film Eental Co., 1903, 112 W. 40th. New York City. Worlds Leader Fea. Film Co., Gloyd Bldg., Kansas City. Annex Film Co.. 220 W. 42nd St.. New York City. Independent Film & Supply Co., 413% Edmond, St. Joseph. Anson. G. W., & Co., 100 3rd Ave., New York City. Star Line & Supply Co., 413 Edmond,- St. Joseph. Apex Film Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. All Star Fea. Film Co., 821 Chestnut St., St. Louis. Arctic Film Co., 220 W. 42nd. New York City. American Feature Film Co., 604y2 Chestnut. St. Louis. Atlantic F. Co.. 145 W. 45th. New York City. Amusement Supply Co., 414, 604% Chestnut, St. Louis. Aviation Film Co., 334 5th Ave., New York City. Atlas Mfg. Co., 1407 Locust, St. Louis. Australasian Films. Ltd., 15 E. 26th, New York City. Columbia Film Co., St. Louis. Baird. C. E., Co., 24 E. 23rd, New York City. Consolidated Fea. Film Co., 1407 Locust, St. Louis. Barrisco Fea. Film Co., 145 W. 45th. New York City. Dalton & Wolf, Beers Hotel, Grand and Olive. St. Louis. Beating Back Film Co.. New York City. Dickson F. Exchg., 604 Chestnut, St. Louis. Beacon Film Co.. Inc., 145 W. 45th St., New York City. Du Hon Co., 905, 721 Olive, St. Louis. Behrend Mo. Pic. Supply House, 440 4th Ave., New York City. Electric Feature Film Exchg.. 3210 Locust, St. Louis Belmar Mfg. Co., 1451 Broadway, New York City. Ecker Bros. Co., 604 Olive, St. Louis. Berg, Jacob, 145 W. 45th St., New York City. General Film Co., 3610 Olive, St. Louis. Big Fea. Film Co., The, 1600 Broadway. New York City. Goebel, Otto E., 1405 Walton Ave., St. Louis. Big Productions F. Corp.. The, New York City. Haynie, W. L., 24 S. 11th, St. Louis. Biograph Co., 807 E. 175th, New York City. Missouri Film Co., 517, 721 Olive, St. Louis. Boughton, Henry L.. 151 W. 42nd. New York City. 178 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

Blinkhom, A., 110 W. 40th, New York City. Hetz, Lewis, 302 E. 23rd, New York City. Brady, A., 71 W. 23rd, New York City. High Grade Feature Film Co., 612, 220 W. 42nd, New York City. Broncho Motion Picture Co., 60 Wall, New York City. Historical Film Co., 1 Madison Ave., New York City. Carnival Fea. Film Co.. 145 W. 45th, New York City. Hochstetter Utility Co., 40 E, 12th, New York City. Castle Film C, The, New York City. Hodkinson, Wm., H., Gen. Mgr., 110 W. 40th, New York City. Cebble & Stone, 97 Water, New York City. Hollaman, R. C, 23 E. 14th, New York City. Centour Film Co., 1600 Broadway, New York City. Horsley, David, 147 4th Ave., New York City. Champion Film Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Hudson Mo. Pic. Co., 41 Broadway, New York City. Chariot Film Corp., 110 W. 40th, New York City. Ideal Film Service, Inc.. 145 W. 45th, New York City. Charte» Oah Feature Film Co., 145 W. 45th. New York Cttj'. Imperator Film Co., 135 W. 44th. New York City. Cheyenne Fea. Film Co.. 1482 Broadway, New York City. Imported Film Co., 102 W. 101st, New York City. Cinematographic Film Studio, 31 N. 8th Ave., New \ork City. Improved Feature Film Co. of America. 42 E. 14th, New York City. Clapham, A. J., 130 W. 37th, New York City. Independent Film Service Co., 10 Wall, New York City. Colonial Film Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Inter Continent Film Co., 110 W. 40th, New York City. Colonial Mov. Pic. Co., 18 E. 41st, New York City. International Fea. Plot. Co., 1402 Broadway, New York City. Columbus Film Co., 110 W. 40th. New York City. International Feature F. Co.. 145 W. 45th, New York City. Comet Film Co., 344 B. 32nd, New York City. International Film Traders. 5 W. 14th, New York City. Commercial Mo. Pic. Co., 145 W. 45tb, New York City. Interstate Film Co., 214 W. 42nd, New York City. Conner, W. P., 1555 Broadway, New York City. Inter-Urban Amusement Co., 110-112 W 40th, New York City. Condor Films Exchange, 154 3rd, New York City. Italia Film Co. of America, 220 W. 42nd, New York. Consolidated M. P. Sales Co., 97 Water, New York City. Italian Film Co., 701 7th Ave., New York City. Continental Feature Film Co., 219 6th Aye., New York City. Italian-American Film Corp., 1482 Broadway, New York City. Cosmos Feature Film Co., 1472 Broadway, New York City. Ivan Film Productions, 32 Union Square, New York City. Cosmofoto Film Co., 110 W. 40th, New York City. Ives. Harold, Company, Inc., 1 Madison Ave., New York City. Crescent Mo. Pic. Co., 110 W. 40th, New York City. Jungle Film Co., 1600 Broadway, New York City. Crescent Film Co., 701 7th Ave., New York City. Kaiser Fihn Co., 110 W. 40th, New York City. Criterion Fea. Film Co., 110 W. 40th, New York City. Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd, New York City. Criterion Kaw Film Co., 135 W. 44th, New York City. Kellman's Feature Films. 145 W. 45th, New York City. Crown Feature Film Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Kennedy Features Film Co., Inc.. 110 W. 40th. New York City. Crown Motion Pic. Supply Co., 166 3rd Ave., New York City. Keystone Film Co., Broadway and 42nd, New York City. Crystal Film Co., 430 Wendover Ave., New York City. Keystone Film Co., 1478 Broadway, New York City. Dante Motion Picture Mfg. Co., 143 W. 40th, New York City. Kineto Film Traders, 32 Union Sq., B., New York City. De Luxe Feature Film Co., 71 W. 23rd, New York City. Kinograph Co. of America, 145 W. 45th, New York City. Direct from Broadway Fea. Co., 46 W. 24th. New York City. Kinetograph Co., 41 E. 21st, New York City. Directors Film Corp., 135 Broadway, New York City. Kinematophone Co., 1482 Broadway, New York City. Downtown Amusement Co., 4 St. Marks PI., New York City. Kleine, Chas. B., 19 E. 21st, New York City. Dramascope Film Co., 110 W. 40th, New York City. Knickerbocker Film Co., 95 Liberty, New York City. Eaco F. Mfg. Co., 1402 Worlds Tower Bldg., New York City. Knoppleman. Benj., 51 W. 14th, New York City. Eagle Feature Film Co., 12 Union Square, New York City. Kovar, Harry I., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Eagle Film Co., 71 W. 23rd, New York City. Laslty, Jesse L., Fea. Play Co., Longacre Bldg., New York City. Eastern Feature Film Co., 12 Union Square, E., New York City. Laurel Spectacle F. Co., New York City. Eastern Film Co., 835 Broadway, New York City. Leading Players Film Co., 126 W. 46th, New York City. Eclair Film Co.. 225 W. 42nd, New York City. Leonard Marion Film Co., 1600 Broadway, New York City. Eclectic Fea. F. Exchange, 115 E. 23rd, New York City. Lion Feature Fihn Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Eclipse-Urban F. Co.. 1600 Broadway, New York City. Longacre, Mo. Pic. Corp.. New York City. Edison, Thos. A., 643 W. 43rd, New York City. Ludwig Diller, 110 W. 40th, New York City. Educational Mo. Pic. Corp., 299 Broadway, New York City. Lux Film Mfg. Co., 110 W. 40th, New York City. Educators Film & Service Corp., 1476 Broadway, New York City. Luniere-Jougla Co., 75 5th Ave., New York City. Efficiency Film Service. Inc., 120 W. 31st, New York City. Life Photo Film Co., 102 W. 101st, New York City. Bisenstein & Co., D., 145 W. 45th, New York Ciiy. Majestic Feature Film Co., 7 E. 14th. New York City. Eisler, Benj., 35 Nassau. New York City. Majestic Mo. Pic. Co., 540 W. 21st, New York Cit>. Electric Film Co.. 110 W. 40th. New York City. Macot Film Co., 505 5th Ave., New York City. Emley Feature Film Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Mako Film Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Empire Film Co., 150 E. 14th, New York City. Mann, Geo. W., 145 W. 45th. New York City. Equitable F. Prod. Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Manhattan Slide & Film Co., 23 E. 26th, New York City. Bssambee Film Co., 127 E. 23rd, New York City. Mayor & Schneider, 145 W. 45th. New York City. Eureka Film Co.. 32 Union Sq.. New York City. McEnnery. James, 220 W. 42nd. New York City. European Fea. Film Corp., 220 W. 42nd. New York City. Mclntire Richter, 23 E. 14th. New York City. Evans Film Mfg. Co., 416 W. 216th St., New York City. McNamara Fea. F. Co.. New York City. E. V. Trading Service Co., 708, 71 W. 23rd, New York City. Meake. Jno. W., 145 W. 45th, New York City. E. & W. Transfllm Bureau, 110-112 W. 40th. New York City. Mecca Fea. F. Corp., 126 W. 46th. New York City. Excelsior Illustrating Co.. 61 W. 14th, New York City. Melies Mfg. Co., 204 E. 38th. New York City. Exclusive Features. Inc.. 71 W. 23rd. New York City. MelUs. L., 234 E. 38th, New York City. Exclusive Feature F. Co.. 26 E. 21st, New York City. Mestrum, Henry, 385 6th Ave., New York City. Exclusive Film Service Corp., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Metropolitan F. Co., 6th Fl. World's Tower Bldg., New York City. Exclusive Supply Corporation, 220 W. 42nd, New York City. Mfrs. Film Agency, Inc., 220 W. 42nd. New York City. Ex. Office Attraction F. Rental Co., 130 W. 46th. New York City. Middleton-Garrison Feature Film Co.. Inc.. 135 W. 44th, New York City. Faultless F. F. Co., Inc., New York City. Midgar Features Co.. 135 W. 44th. New York City. Famous Feature Film Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Milano Fihn Co., 145 W. 45th. New York City. Famous Players Film Co., Times Bldg., New York City. Minerva Fea. F. Co.. New York City. Famous Players Exchange, 71 W. 23rd, New York City. Mohawk Film Co., Times Building, New York City. Features Film Co., 108 E. 12th, New York City. Monopol Film Co., 145 W. 45th. New York City. Features Ideal Corp., 126 W. 46th, New York City. Montauk F. Prod. Co.. New York City. Feature Photoplay Co., 220 W. 42nd, New York City. Moore. P. B., Times Building. New York City. Federal Feature Film Co., 22 E. 21st, New York City. Motion Drama Co., 220 W. 42nd, New York City. H. E. & J. C. Feldman, 1482 Broadway, New York City. Motion Pic. Patents Co., 8 5th Ave.. New York City. FideUty Film Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Motion Picture Service Bureau, 116 W. 39th, New York City. Films Co., 85 Christie, New York City. Moving Picture Film Exchange. 235 W. 26th. New York City. Film Exchange, 61 W. 14th, New York City. Mullin & Fisher. 110 W. 40th. New York City. Film Exchange Corp., 60 Wall, New York City. Multicolor Film Imp. Co., 15 E. 26th. New York City. Films Lloyds. 220 W. 42nd, New York City. Mundstuck Features, 909 Longacre Bldg., New York City. Film Producing Agency, 1402 Broadway, New York City. Mutual Educational Film. 225 W. 42nd, New York City. Film Releases of America, 110 W. 40th, New York City. Mutual Film Corp.. 71 W. 23rd. New York City. Film Saving Co.. 145 W. 45th. New York City. National Educational Film Co., 151 W. 42nd, New York City. Film Supply Co. of America, 133 W. 44th, New York City. National Mov. Pic. Supply Co..' 199 3rd Ave., New York City. Fireproof Film Co., 110 W. 40th, New York City. Naples Film Exchange, 114 4th Ave., New York City. Freund's Feature Films, 145 W. 45th, New York City. New Era Fea. Co., New York City. Furman, Robt. T., 610, 145 W. 45th, New York City. New York Feature Film Co., 126 W. 40th, New York City. Garrison Film Co., Inc., 1402 Broadway, New York City. New York Photoplay Publicity Co., 151 Clinton, New York City. Gaumont Co., 110 W. 40th. New York City. Nicholas Power Co., 90 Gold, New York City. Gem Film Co., 575 11th Ave., New York City. N. Y. Film Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Gem Mov. Pic. Co., 1600 Broadway, New York City. » N. Y. Film Exchange. 115 Nassau, New York City. General Film Co.. 200 5th Ave., New York City. N. Y. Motion Picture Co., 451 W. 19th. New York City. General Film Producing Co., Inc., 1402 Broadway, New York City. N. Y. National Exclusive F. Exchange. 145 W. 45th, New York City. Gennert, G., 24 E. 13th St., New York City. Nonpareil Fea. F. Co., New York City. German-American Cinematograph «Sr F'. Co., 219 2nd Ave., New York. Northern Sales- Co., 1 Madison Ave., New York City. Gero, Louis, 110 W. 40th, New York City. North American Film Corp., 145 W. 45th. New York City. Globe Feature Film Co., 110 4th Ave., New York City. Noxall Film Syndicate. 220 W. 42nd, New York City. Gloria American Co., 110 W. 40th, New York City. Orpheum Fea. F. Co., 220 W. 42nd, New York City. Golden Gate F. Exchange, 614 Chandler Bldg.. New York City. Ostrom, Bernard B., 67 E. 12th, New York City. Goldman Film & Photo Co.. 1416 Broadway. New York City. Pan American Film Co., 110 W. 40th, New York City. Colgate Feature Service. 220 W. 42nd. New Y'ork City. Pasqual's American Co., 110 W. 40th, New York City. Gordon, W. L., 205 W. 34th. New York City. Pathe Freres, 56 Beaver, New York City. Great Eastern Film Exchange Co., 21 E. 14th, New York City. Pearl Mo. Pic. Co., 1476 Broadway, New York City. Great Northern Film Co., 110 W. 40th, New York City. Pennlno, Frank, 7 E. 14th, New York City. Great Northern Fea. Film Co., 42 E. 14th, New York City. Penser, Charles, 5 W. 14th. Ne* York City. Great Northern & Nordisk Film Co., 7 E. 14th. New York City. People's Film Exchange. 260 W. 42nd, New York City. Great Northern Spec. F. F. Co., 700 Lincoln Bldg., New York City. Perfection Film Co., 345 W. 45th, New York City. Greater N. Y. Film Rental Co.. 116 E. 14th. New York City. Photo Cines Co., 24 E. 13th. New York City. Gunby Bros.. Inc.. 145 W. 45th, New York City. Photo-Drama Co.. 220 W. 42nd, New York City. Hagy S. Features. 239 W. 52nd, New York City. Photo-Historic Film Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Halberg, J. Hy., 36 E. 23rd, New York City. Photo Novel F. Co., The, New York City. Hamilton Square Photoplay Co., New York City. Photo Play Operating Co., 23 Park Row, New York City. Harvard Film Corp., 231-233 10th Ave., New York City. Photo Record Co., 38 W. 40th, New York City. Heela Film Co. of America. 461 4th Ave.. New York City. Picture Playhouse F. Co., 110 W. 40th. New York City. Hedsig FUm Co., Inc., 231 10th Ave.. New York City. Picturegraph Co., 39 E. 20th, New York City. Heisinger, R., 11 Broadway, New York City. Pilot Films Corp., 220 W. 42nd. New York City. Hepworth American Film Corp.. 110 W. 43rd. New York City. Pioneer Film Amusement Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 179

Playgoers F. Co., 213 W. 42rid, New York City. NORTH CAROLINA Popular Photoplays Corp., Longacre Bldg., New York City. Popular Plays and Players Co., 1600 Broadway, New York City. erstate Film Co., Charlotte, Premier Fea. F. Co., The. 146.5 Broadway. Rm. 502, New York City. itual Film Corp., Commercial National 1 Ik, Charlotte. Premagraph Film Co., Times Bldg., New York City. liv. Film Co.. 307 W. Trade. Charlotte. Primgrat Film Co., Times Bldg., New York City. Carolina Film & Fea. Co., Greensboro. Princess F. Mfg. Co., New York City. Progress Film Co., 110 VV. 40th, New York City. Progressive M. P. Corp., Times Bldg., New York City. OHIO Punch Co., 540 W. 21st, New York City. Canton Film Exchange, S. Market, Canton, Eaising. The Me. Film Co.. 145 W. 45th. New York City. 129 Moving Pic. Supply Co., S. Market, Canton. Kamo Films. Inc., 102 W. 101st, New York City. & 240 Animated Adv, Film Co., E. 5th, Cincinnati. Kaw Film Co., 15 B. 26th, New York City. & 11 Bigger Bigger, Main, Cincinnati. Baymond F. Co., The, New York City. & 448 Cincinnati-Buckeye F. Co., 236 W. 4th, Cincinnati. Bead. Parker J., Jr., 116 W. 31st. New York City. Cincinnati Feature Film Co., W. 4th, Cincinnati. Real American Film Co., 200 5th Ave., New York City. 236 Cincinnati Film Exchange, 4th, Cincinnati. Segal Feature Film Co., 145 W. 45th. New York City. 236 W. Cincinnati Mo. Pic. Co., Liberty, Cincinnati. Begal Films Co.. 381 6th Ave.. New York City. 220 W. Eclectic Fea. F. Exchange, E. 5th, Cincinnati. Eentax F. Co.. The. 110 W. 40th, New York City. 217 Electric Fea. F. Exchange, E. 5th, Cincinnati. Renowned Plyrs. F. Co., 500 Candler Bldg., New Yorl; City. 217 Exclusive Film Serv. Co., 4th and Plum, Cincinnati. Bepubllc Film Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Fea. & Educ. Film Co., 104 Prospect Ave., Cincinnati. Bex Morton Picture Masterpiece Co., 573 11th Ave., New York City. General Film Co., 1022 Superior Ave., Cincinnati. Rermore Mo. Pic. Co., New York City. General Film Co., 7th and Walnut, Cincinnati. Rolands Fea. F. Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Imperial Fea. Film Co., 5th, Cincinnati. Roma-Amer. Film Co.. 145 W. 45th, New York City. 109 W. Imperial Feature Co., 216 W. 5th, Cincinnati. Royal Feature Film Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Lake Shore F. Supply Co., Prospect Ave., Cincinnati. Royal Feature Film Co., 21 E. 14th, New York City. & 108 McMahon & Jackson Co.. 236 W. 4th, Cincinnati. Rubenstein, L. J., 217 E. 24th. New York City. Modern Feature Film Co.. 7th Ave., Buby Feature Film Co.. 145 W. 45th, New York City. 109 Cincinnati. Motion Film Co.. Opera PI., Cincinnati. Ruby Twlnplex Studio. 217 E. 24th, New York City. 17 Mutual Film Co., 17 Opera PI.. Cincinnati. Ryno Film Co., Inc., 220 W. 42nd, New York City. Ohio Motion Pic. Co., 5th and Vine, Cincinnati. Sapho Fea. Film Co., 150 E. 14th, New York City. Selig Polyscope, S. E. cor. 7th and Walnut, Cincinnati. Savoy Film Exchange, 221 0th Ave., New York City. Warner's Features. Ill W. 5th, Cincinnati. Sawyer. Inc.. 1600 Broadway. New York City. World Special Film Corp.. 2241/2 E. 4th. Cincinnati. Schneider. Bberhard. 219 2nd Ave.. New York City. Box Office Attraction Co.. Columbia Bldg., Cleveland. Schofield. H. C. 71 W. 23rd. New York City. Central Photo Players Agency. Leader-News Bldg., Cleveland. Scott & Van Altena. 59 Pearl, New York City. 340 Electric Fea. F. Exchange, 622 Prospect Ave., S. E., Cleveland. Sedeg Feature Film Co., W. 45th, New York City. 145 Great Northern Special, Cleveland. Sensational Events Film Co.. 1531 Broadway, New York City. National Exclusive Film Exchange, 1638 Columbus Rd., Cleveland. Shepard, D. H., 28 Union Sg. E., New York City. Oliver Mov. Pic. Supply Co., 647 Euclid Ave., Cleveland. Sheri-y, Wm. L., Fea. Film Co.. 126 W. 46th. New York City. Victor Film Service Co., 850 Prospect Ave., Cleveland. Simplex Projector Agency. 317 E. 34th, New York City. Western Beserve Film Co., 717 Williamson Bldg., Cleveland. Simson, A. L., 113 W. 132nd. New York City. Buckeye-Lake Shore Film Co., 422 N. High, Columbus. Smallwood Fihn Corp.. 39 W. 32nd, New York City. Cincinnati Victor Film Co., 40 S. 3rd, Columbus. Smith, Wm. C, Nassau, New York City. 115 Columbus Thea. Equip. Co., Columbus. Social Uplif. F. Corp., New York City. Feature Film Co., W. Broad, Columbus. Special Event Film Co.. 248 W. 35th. New York City. 9% General Film Co., 26 W. Naughten. Columbus. Special Event F. Mfg. Co.. 216 W. 42nd. New York City. Wyandotte Film Exchange Co.. Broad. W.. Columbus. Special Film Co.. 5 W. 14th. New York City. 9% Cincinnati-Buckeye F. Co..~ Dayton. Spitz, Berthold, 108 W. 116th. New York City. Dayton Film Exchange Spiegel's Feature Films, E. 14th, New York City. 20 Edwards -Zetler Fea. F, Standard Feature Film Co., 71 W. 23rd, New York City. Murphy. C. J.. Elyria. Standard Film Printers Corp., 220 W. 42nd. New York City. Ashbrock. H. B., 414 Summit. Toledo. Star Feature Film Renters Co., 145 W. 45th. New York City. Imperial Film Co.. 107 Chamber of Comm. Bldg.. Toledo. Stellar Photoplay Co.. 1476 Broadway. New York City. Seneca Fea. Film Co.. 1134 Nicholas Bldg., Toledo. Sterling Camera Film Co., W. 45th. New York City. & 145 Superior Film Supply Co.. 412 Superior. Toledo. Sunset Film Co.. 32 Union Sq. E.. New York City. Tournament Film Co.. 527 Spltzer Bldg.. Toledo. Supreme Feature Film Co., 64 B. 14th. New York City. United Feature Film Co., 559 Spltzer Bldg., Toledo. Tercentenary Fea. F. Co., New York City. The Beauty F. Co., 29 Union Square, New York City. The Big Fea. Film Co.. 1600 Broadway. New York City. OKLAHOMA The Economy Film Co., 105 4th, New York City. The Great Players F. F. Corp., 909 Longacre Bldg., New York City. Muskogee Amusement Co., Muskogee. The Howard F. Corp., 231, 33 10th Ave., New York City. Wagner .F. & Amusement Co.. Muskogee. The I. S. P. Co., 220 W. 42iid, New York City. Camp. C. H. Fea. Film Co., Oklahoma City. The World Film Corp.. 130 W. 46th. New York City. General Film Co., 211 W. 2nd, Oklahoma City. Thea. Reproduction Photo Co.. 259 W. 42nd. New York City. Great Western Film Exchange, 322% W. Grand, Oklahoma City. Theatre Film Co.. 12 Union Sq. E.. New York City. Industrial Motion Pic. Co., 713 Colcord Bldg., Oklahoma City. The Theatre Film Co., 71 W. 23rd, New Y'ork City. Monarch Film Exchange, Oklahoma City. Towns & Cities Film Co., 502 W. 38th. New York City, Mutual Film Corp., 25 Hudson, Oklahoma City. Twentieth Century F. F. Co., 216 W. 42nd. New York City. Oklahoma Photo Supply Co., 225 California Ave.. Oklahoma City, Okla. -- • Trans-Oceanic Films. Inc.. 145 W. 45th, New Y'ork City. Oklahoma Film Exchange, 116% — - • True Feature Co., 110 W. 40th. New York City. United Motion Picture Co., 112% Union Features, 126 W. 48th, New York City. Universal Film & Supply Co., 11 Unique Film Co.. 110 W. 40th. New York City. Southern States Film Co., Oklahoma City. United Educ. & Indus. F. Corp.. 116 Nassau. New York City. Adklnson, J. W.. Perldns. U. S. Film Co.. 145 W. 45th. New York City. Universal Film Mfg. Co., 573 11th Ave., New York City. OREGON Universal Film Mfg. Co., Broadway and 48th, New York City. Universal Film Co., 1600 Broadway, New Y'ork City. American Lifeograph Co., 22 Union Ave., Portland. Universal Film Exchange of N. Y., Ill E. 14th. New Y'ork City. Bair, E. S., 512 Bothschlld Bldg., Portland. Variety Features Film Co., 1482 Broadway, New York City. Eclectic Fea. F. Exchange, 392 Buruside, Portland. General Vesuvlan Film Co., 57 Thompson, New York City. Film Co., 68 Broadway, S.. Portland. Golden Gate F. Exchange, Oak, Victory Co., 220 W. 42nd, New York City. 329 Portland. Independent Western F. Exchange, 66 Broadway, S., Portland. Vista Film Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Newman Film Exchange, 526% Washington, Portland. York City. Vita Film Co., 145 W. 45th, New Newman Motion Picture Exchange, 450 70th, Portland. Vitagraph Co. of America, 116 Nassau. New York City. Northwestern Feature Film Co.. 329 Oak. Portland, Ore. Vitascope Co.. 10 E. 15th, New York City. Pacific Coast Fea. Co., 417 Rothschild Bldg., Portland. Vivaphone Eastern Exchange, 110 W. 40th, New York City. Pacific Mutual Film Corp., 72 Broadway, S.. Portland. Wagner, E. H. Dania Biofllm Co.. 38 Park PI.. New York City. Rex Amusement Co., 125 7th, Portland. Warner's Features. 130 W. 46th. New York City. Sills, J. C. 543 Vancouver Ave., Portland. Waterloo Film Co., 145 W. 45th. New York City. United Film Co., 393 Oak, Portland. Van Scoy, W. A.. Swetland Bldg., Portland. Weinberg's Feature Film Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. 612 Warner's Features, 333 Oak. Portland. Weinberg & Sanwick, 26 E. 21st, New Y'ork City. Welster Co., 233 Whitaker, Portland. Weiss, Alfred, Ave., 219 6th New York City. West Coast Film Co., 512 Rothschild Bldg., Portland. Western Film Exchange, 145 W. 45th, New York City. Yamatograph Co., 304 Couch. Portland. White Specialty Co., 124 E. 14th, New York City. Whyte M. Pic. Enterprises, 110 W. 40th, New York City. Whyte Whitman Co., 36 E. 23rd, New York City. PENNSYLVANIA Wil-Ker Films, 1482 Broadway, New York City. Keystone Fea. F. Co., Erie. Wlllat Film Corp.. 42nd. 220 W. New York City. Interstate Film Co.. Harrisburg. Corp.. World Film 130 W. 46th. New York City. Mutual Film Corp., 9 N. 4th, Harrisburg. World's Best Fihn Co.. 145 W. 45th. New York City. Keystone Fea. F. Co., Johnstown. Worlds Best Special Film Cop., 110 W. 40th, New York City. Thomas, G. R., Monessen. Genesee Film Co.. Rochester. Abrams, Ben, 1202 Race St., Philadelphia. Pa. Gordon Photoplay Co., Rochester. American Cinema Film Co.. 1202 Vine. Philadelphia. Sehg Polyscope Co., 501 Central Bldg.. Rochester. American Feature Film Co.. 211 N. 13th. Philadelphia. Smith. L. C, Bochester. American Mono-Service Co.. Drexel Blvd.. Philadelphia. Smith, L. C, Schenectady. Amsterdam Fea. F. Co.. 1235 Vine. Philadelphia. Anlma Photo Play Library. 1325 Vine St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Box Office Attraction Co., Eckel Theatre Bldg., Syracuse. Artistic Feature Film Co.. 211 N. 13th, Philadelphia, Pa. Eclectic Fea. F. Exchange, E. Fayette. 214 Syracuse. Atlantic Feature Film Co., 1331 Vine St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Pilot Film Corp., Yonkers, Attractive Features, 211 North 13th, Philadelphia. Standard Filmprint Corp., 120 School St.. Yonkers. Barrett. John L.. Abbott Bl., Philadelphia. Pa. 180 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

Biddle, Thos., 143 N. Sth, Philadelphia. Pittsburgh Mov. Pic. Machine & F. Co., Ave.. Pittsburgh. Bittner, Oscar H.. 212 4th 1204 Kace St., Philadelphia. Pa. Richards Features. Cameraphone Bldg.. Bonnethum. Geo. W.. Pittsburgh. 23 N. 9th, Philadelphia. Pa. Bothleder & Schwalm, 616 Lyceum Bldg.. Pittsburgh. Booger, Wm. F., 36th and Haverford, Philadelphia, Pa. Sun Motion Picture Co., 413, 347 5th Ave., Pittsburgh. Booger, P., Market, Wm. 825 Philadelphia, Pa. Weiland Feature Film Co., 115 4th Ave., Pittsburgh Bradenbaugh, C. A., 236 N. Sth, Philadelphia. Western Film Bradenbaugh, Co., 127 4th Ave., Pittsburgh. Geo. W., 902 Vine St., Philadelphia. Wonderland F. Exchange, George Bldg., CalehuCf Supply Pittsburgh. Co., 50 N. Sth, Philadelphia. World Film Corp.. 127 4th Ave.. Pittsburgh. Campbell, Chas. K., 13th. 211 N. Philadelphia, Pa. World's Famous Film Co.. 115 4th Ave.. Pittsburgh. Carrick, V. R., Vine, 1306 Philadelphia, Pa. D. L. Film Service. 303 K. E. Exchange Bldg., Scranton. Continental Feature Film Co., 9th and Filbert, Philadelphia, Pa. Keystone Film Supply Co., 110 Washington Ave., Continental Film Exchange, Scranton 902 Filbert, Philadelphia. National Feature Co.. 110 Washington Ave., Scranton Cosmos Feature Film Corp.. 1333 Vine, Philadelphia, Pa. Rockwell, Geo. B., 415 Real Est. Exchg. Bldg., Scranton. Crown Feature Film Co.. Vine, 1126 Philadelphia, Pa. Rockwell-Knapp Film Service, 307 E. B. Exchange Bldg., Scranton Davis. Geo.. Frankid. Philadelphia. 4652 Pa. Exhibitors Film Exchange, 61 S. Penn Ave., Wilkes-Barre. Day and Night Screens. Inc.. 3641 German. Philadelphia. Pa. General F. Co., 47 Penn Ave., Wilkes-Barre. Eagle Film Exchange. Vine. Philadelphia. 1304 Mutual Film Exchange, 61 S. Penn Ave., Wilkes-Barre. Eastern Booking Offices. 1333 Vine, Philadelphia. U. S. Mot. Pic. Corp., Wilkes-Barre. Eaton Fea. F. Co.. Abbott Bldg., Philadelphia. Eclectic Fea. F. Exchange, 1235 Vine, Philadelphia. Electric Thea. Supply Co., 303 Abbott Bldg., Philadelphia. RHODE ISLAND Empire Film Exchange, 1233 Vine, Philadelphia. Fairmount Fea. Film Co., 23 N. 9th, Philadelphia. Providence F. Exchange, 76 Dorrance, Room 414, Providence. Famous Players Exchange. 1331 Vine, Philadelphia. B. I. Film Renting Co., 76 Dorrance, Providence. Federal Film Co.. 1125 Vine. Philadelphia. Taylor T., Y. A. & E. S., 76 Dorrance, Providence. Ford Feature Film Co.. 1126 Vine. Philadelphia. Pa. Franklin Feature Film Co.. 1325 Arch. Philadelphia. Pa. Gane's Film Cement Co., Ring and Main, Philadelphia, Pa. SOUTH DAKOTA General Film Co., Vine, Philadelphia. 1308 Mutual Film Corp., Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Sioux Falls, Globe Fea. Film Exchange, 1202 Race, Philadelphia. Greater N. Y. Film Rental Co., 1339 Vine, Philadelphia. Green & Altman, 2134 Germantown. Philadelphia. Pa. TENNESSEE Hausman. Ward B.. 1029 W. Rising Sun. Philadelphia. H. B. B. Motion Picture Co.. In.. 2231 Vine. Philadelphia. Boswell Film & Amusement Co., 624 Falls Bldg., Memphis. Hirschfleld. Ham'. 1028 Arch. Philadelphia. Consolidated Film & Supply Co., 226 Union Ave., Memphis. Imperial Film Exchange, 1223 Vine, Philadelphia. General Film Co., Lotus Bldg., Memphis. Improved Fea. F. Co., of Amer., 1208 Vine, Philadelphia. Mutual Film Corp., Kallaber Bldg.. Memphis. Independent Film Serv. Co., 231 N. Sth, Philadelphia. Drury. C. C, 430 Union, Nashville. International Film Mfg. Co.. 235 N. Sth, Philadelphia. Interstate Film Co., 1306 Vine, Philadelphia. Jennings, W. N. Co., 1305 Arch, Philadelphia. TEXAS Kahnweiler, Vine, M. S., 1223 Philadelphia. Pa. Mutual Film Corp., 302 E. 4th, Amarillo. Keen-O-Scope Co., 247 N. 11th. Philadelphia. Pa. Universal Film & Supply Co., Amarillo. Keystone Feature Co.. 1202 Rose. Philadelphia. All Star Film Service, Dallas. Korson, Louis. Sth, Philadelphia. 159 N. Apex F. Service, 311 Andrews Bldg., Dallas. Kossover, Louis S., 13th, Pliiladelphia, 211 N. Pa. Big Four Feature Co., 315-16 Praetorian Bldg., Dallas. LaveUe. H. F., Vine, Philadelphia, 1223 Pa. Box Office Attraction Co., 1907 Commerce, Dallas. Duff, Osborne, Philadelphia, Law C, 204 Pa. Bragg. J. R.. 301 Plateau Bldg., Dallas. Law, Jas. D., Osborne, Philadelphia. Pa. 204 Consolidated Film & Supply Co., 1900 Commerce St., Dallas. Liberty Fea. Exchange. F. 1126 Vine. Philadelphia. Dallas Film Corp., 1905% Commerce, Dallas. Liberty Motion Picture Co.. Inc.. 20 E. Herman. Philadelphia. Pa. Eclectic F. F. Exchange, Andrews Bldg., Dallas. Liberty Pic. Inc.. E. Mo. Co.. 20 Herman. Philadelphia. Exclusive Fea. Film Co., 303 Boston Bldg., Dallas. Libros Bros.. 1126 Vine. Philadelphia. Pa. General Film Co., 1917 Main, Dallas. Lowry. Ira Morrell. and Indiana, Philadelphia. Pa. 20th Gilbert, Francis J., 1929 Main St., Dallas. Lubin Film Service Co.. 1308 Vine. Philadelphia, Pa. International Fea. F. Co., 302 Plateau Bldg., Dallas. Lubin Mfg. Co.. 20th and Indiana. Philadelphia, Pa. Kleine, George, Attractions, 1312% Commerce, Dallas. Lucas. Arthur. 9th and Filbert. Philadelphia. Pa. Mutual Film Corp., 1807 Main, Dallas. Lukins. Arthur, 251 N. 13th. Philadelphia, Pa. Pan-American Featuies, 302 Flateau Bldg., Dallas. Lyric Pictures, Croskey. Philadelphia, Pa. Motion 1740 N. Shaughnessy, E. P., 1005% Main St., Dallas. Mann, Geo. M. Co., 1333 Vine, Philadelphia, Pa. Southern Feature Film Program Assn., 1902 Commerce, Dallas. Metropolitan F. F. Exchange. Vine, Philadelphia. 1305 Southwestern Film Supply Co., 213 Andrews Bldg.. Dallas. Monarch Film Exchange, 149 N. 9th, Philadelphia. Tandy. Everett C, care of Southern F. F, Assn., Dallas. Multicolor Film Improving Co., 1126 Vine, Philadelphia, Pa. Texas Film Corp., 1917 Main, Dallas. Mutual Film Corp., 3rd PI., 902 Filbert, Philadelphia. Texas Film Exchange, 1310 Elm, Dallas, Natl. Fea. Film Co., 126 Vine, Philadelphia, Texas Paramount Pics. Co., Dallas. Novelty Amusement Co., 303 Abbott Bldg., Philadelphia. Thrash. B. D., Film Co., 1917 Main. Dallas. Peerless Ave. Ridge Philadelphia. Motograph Co., Rex and Ave.. Warner's Fea. Inc. of Texas. 40S Andrews Bldg.. Dallas. Phila. Moving Picture Supply Co.. 1233 Vine. Philadelphia. Pa. World's Spec. F. Corp. of N. Y.. 204 Andrew's Bldg.. Dallas. Philadelphia Palescope Exchange. 1420 Chestnut. Philadelphia. Consolidated Film & Supply Co.. 805 Miles Bldg.. El Paso. Philadelphia Film Exchange. 121 N. 9th. Philadelphia. El Paso Film Service Co.. 311 S. El Paso, El Paso. Plotke, J. B., 1331 Vine, Philadelphia. Pa. Mutual Film Corp., 534 Trust Bldg., El Paso. Prince Feature Film Co.. 605 Abbott Bldg., Philadelphia. Swanson, Wm. H., Film Co., 103 Mesa Ave., El Paso. Quaker City Fea. Film Exchange, 804 Cherry, Philadelphia. U. S. Amusement Co., 705% Houston, Ft. Worth. Riday. Jos. T., 1740 N. Croskey. Philadelphia. Pa. Southern Film Service, Ft. Worth. Schaefer, Fred G., 1610 N. 2nd. Philadelphia. Cross, Theo. H., 317 Mason Blk., Houston. Schwalbe. H.. 1308 Vine. Philadelphia, Pa. General Film Co., 807 Franklin Ave.. Houston. Solo. Louise 207 S. 9th. Philadelphia. Pa. Enterprise Film Co., 421 Southern Pac. Bldg., Houston. Stietel. Michael. Heed Bl.. Philadelphia. Pa. Inter-State Film Co., Moore Burnett Bldg., Houston. Stern, Saml., 109 N. 10th, Philadelphia. Opltz, W. C, Mo. Pic. Supp. Hse., 415% Main. Houston. Swaab F. Serv. Co., 1327 Vine. Philadelphia. Southern Film Service. Houston. St. Regis Corp., St. Gerard Blvd., Philadelphia. Unique Film Service. 318 Mason Blk.. Houston. Tenant Mo. Pic. Co., Philadelphia. Consolidated Film & Sup. Co., San Antonio. Tri-State Star Feature Co., 119 S. 4th, Philadelphia. Perpetual Motion Picture Co., San Antonio, Texas. Union Feature Film Co., 1204 Race. Philadelphia. Texas Film Exchange, Central Office Bldg., San Antonio. Union Film Service, 143 N. Sth, Philadelphia. Southwest Film Co., Waco. United Fea. Film Exchange, 15 N. 10th, Philadelphia. Uno Mfg. Co., 204 Osborne, Philadelphia. Pa. Vernon Film Co.. 1134 Vine, Philadelphia. UTAH Warner's Fea. Film Co., 1202 Race, Philadelphia. Chicago Film Exchange. Atlas Blk.. Lake Zaiss, Gustave, 2920 Wharton, Philadelphia. Pa. 322 Salt City. Cline. Eugene, Box Office Attraction Co., 1210 4th Ave., Pittsburgh. 306 Brooks Arcade, Salt Lake City. Continental Feature Film Co.. 420 Penn Ave.. Pittsburgh. Colgate Feature Co., 519 Judge Bldg., Salt Lake City. Co-Operative Film Exchange. 127 4th Ave.. Pittsburgh. Pa. Eclectic F. F. Exchange, 6S S. Main, Salt Lake City. General Film Co., Floral Ave.. Salt Cut Rate Film Co.. 109 4th Ave.. Pittsburgh. 264 Lake City. Golden Gate Exchange, Eclectic F. F. Exchange. 715 Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh. F. 518 Juc^ge Bldg., Salt Lake City. Service, Exh'lbitors Service Co., 121 4th Ave., Pittsburgh. Laemmle Film 151 S. Main St.. Salt Lake City. Famous Players Film Service, 404 Ferry, Pittsburgh. Mountain States Features. 201 Boston Bldg.. Salt Lake City. Film Corp.. Mclntyre Bldg.. Lake City. Feature Film & Cal. Lt. Co., 125 4th Ave., Pittsburgh. Mutual 314 Salt Notable Feature Co.. Boston Bldg.. Salt Lake City. General Film Co., 119 4th Ave., Pittsburgh. Film 303 Swanson. H.. Film City. Grit Film & Supply Co., Pittsburgh. W. Co.. 221 Mclntyre Bldg.. Salt Lake Guckert, Frank R., 167 4th Ave., Pittsburgh. Hatch, J. F. Film Co., 109 4th Ave., Pittsburgh. VIRGINIA Ideal Feature Film Co., 400 Ferry St., Pittsburgh. Imperial Fea. Film Co., 121 4th Ave., Pittsburgh. Independent Display Co., 416 Ferry, Pittsburgh. Independent Film Exchange, Inc., 415 Ferry St., Pittsburgh. Pa. International Educ. & Indust. F. Co., 303 Bessemer Bldg., Pittsburgh. WEST VIRGINIA International Fea. F. Co.. 336 Wabash Bldg., Pittsburgh. Keno Feature Film Co., 101 4th Ave., Pittsburgh. Charleston Film Exchange, Frankenberger Bldg., Charleston. Liberty Film Renting Co., 105 4th Ave., Pittsburgh. Kevstone F. Co., Charleston. Norris Machine Co.. 1322 Sherman Ave., Pittsburgh. Pa. United Film Co., 231 Capitol St.. Charleston. Pennsylvania Columbia Film Co.. 436 4th Ave.. Pittsburgh. W. Va. Film Exchange. 25 Bradford Bldg.. Charleston. Peerless Film Exchange. 125 4th Ave.. Pittsburgh. McCray & McCray. Fairmont. Pittsburgh Illustration Co.. Blackwell Bldg.. Pittsburgh. Pa. Parker Feature Film Co.. Hilton. Pittsburgh Photoplay Co., 412 Ferry St., Pittsburgh, Pa. General Film Co.. 181 Granby, Norfolk. Photo-Play Advtg. & Spec. Co.. 123 4th Ave., Pittsburgh. Bigger & Bigger, Wheeling. Photoplay Fea. Co., 412 Ferry, Pittsburgh. Mutual Film Corp., 1502 Market, Wheeling. Pittsburgh Calcium Lt. & F. Co.. 715 Empire Bldg., Pittsburgh. Universal Film Excbange, Wheeling. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 181

WASHINGTON Globe Film Service Co., 120y2 Wall, Spokane. Independent Western Film Exch., 611 Trent. Spokane. Mutual Film Corp., 408 E. 1st Ave., Spokane. Amalgamated Film Exchange, 3rd Ave., Seattle. 813 Northwestern Feature Film Co.. 905 Main, Spokane. Box Office Attraction Co., Ideal Bldg., Seattle. Northwestern F. P. Co., 905 Main, Spokane. Dobts Totom Film Co.. 419 New York Block, Seattle. Pacific Mutual Film Corp.. 408 1st St., Spokane. Eclectic F. F. Exchange, 310 3rd Ave. Seattle. Pacific Mutual Film Corp., 408 1st, Spokane. Educational Film Co.. Am. Bank Bldg., Seattle. 914 Spokane Film Exchange, 120 Wall, Spokane. Feature Film Co., 326 Eplor Blk., Seattle. FUm Supply Co.. 1301 5th Ave., Seattle. General Film Co., 819 3rd Ave., Seattle. Golden Gate F. Exchange, 1216 3rd Ave., Seattle. WISCONSIN Imperial M, P. Exchange, Central Bldg., Seattle. Levy, Eugene, 501 Hinckley Blk., Seattle. Advance Theatrical Exchange, 173 3rd. Milwaukee. Mutual Film Corp., 1929 2nd Ave., Seattle. Chicago Film Exchange. 402 Mathews Bldg., Milwaukee. Northwestern Feature Film Co., 1216 3rd, Seattle. Consolidated Feature Film Service, 305 Merrill Bldg.. Milwaukee. Pacific Film Exchange. 1214y2 3rd Ave., Seattle. General Film Co., 313 Merchants & Mfrs. Bank Bldg.. Milwaukee. Pacific Mutual Film Corp.. 1929 2nd Ave., Seattle. Jacobs, O. H., 306, 133 2nd, Milwaukee. Progressive Motion Picture Co.. Central Bldg., Seattle. Kreinert, C. L., 114 Huron, Milwaukee. Bandolph Film Co., 203 Sullivan-Considme Bldg., Seattle. Milwaukee Film Exchange, Milwaukee. Rex Film & Amusement Co., 610 Eitel Bldg., Seattle. Monarch Film Co., 313, 403 Grand Ave.. Milwaukee. Warners Fea. Film Co., 600 Union St., Seattle. Universal Film Exchange. 203 Manhattan Bldg., Milwaukee World Film Corp., 3rd Ave., Seattle. Western Film Exchange, 305 Enterprise Bldg.. Milwaukee. Film Supply Co., 211 Jones Bldg.. Spokane. Wolverine Feature Film Co., 402 Manhattan Bldg., Milwaukee. General Film Co.. 120 Wall. Spokane. Davis Film Exchange, Watertown.

FILM EXCHANGES IN CANADA ALBERTA ONTARIO Night Ave., W., Calgary. Imperial Mo. Pic. Exchange of Ont.. Berlin. Imperial Mo. Pic. Exchange of Ont.. Gait. All Feature, Ltd., 56 King St., W., Toronto. Amalgamated Mov. Pic. Shows, 58 Colliorn, Toronto. Canadian Film Co.. 11 Richmond W.. Toronto. Crystal Palace Film Exchange, 141 Vonge, Toronto.

BRITISH COLUMBIA Dominion Fea. F. Co., 62 Richmond, E. , Toronto. Famous Plyrs. F. Serv. of Can.. Mgr. Mr. P. Kaufman, Toronto. Canadian Film Exchange, Vancouver. Gaumont Co. of Canada, 4 Queen E., Toronto. Canadian Universal F. Co.. 516 Holden Bldg.. Vancouver.. General Film Co., 7 Front E.. Toronto. Consolidated Film Co., Vancouver. Kinemacolor Co. of Canada. 94 Bay. Toronto. Gaumont Co. of Can., Vancouver. Maple Leaf Exclusive F. Exchange, 27 Melinda, Toronto. Famous Plyrs F. Serv. of Can., Mgr. Mr. S. B. Taube, Vancouver. The Connes-Till F. Co., Ltd.. Huber River, W. of Toronto. General Film Co., Vancouver. Warners Features. Inc.. 37 Yonge, Toronto. Mutual Film Corp. of Can., Vancouver. Murphy, W. H., Vancouver. QUEBEC NOVA SCOTIA British Amer. F. Mfg. Co., New Birks Bldg., Montreal. Canadian Univ. F. Co.. 295 St. Catherine. Montreal. Canadian Univ. P. Co., 37 Union St., St. John. Gaumont Co. of Canada, Montreal. Famous Plyrs. F. Serv. of Can.. St. John. General Film Co.. Montreal. Gaiunont Co. of Canada. St. John. International Fea. F. Corp., 201 New Birks Bldg., Montreal. General F. Co., 122 Germain. St. John. National Film Co. of Can.. Montreal. Canadian Bioscope Co., Halifax. The Equitable Film Exchange of Mon.. 591 St. Catherine. W., Warners Features. Inc.. 360 St. Catherine W.. Montreal. MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN Canadian Univ. F. Co.. 206 Westman Chambers, Regina.

SUPPLY AND ACCESSORY MEN IN THE UNITED STATES ALABAMA CONNECTICUT Southern Amus. Supply Co.. Ave., & 1916 2nd Birmingham. Austin Organ Co., Hartford. Film Renovating Co.. Hartford. ARKANSAS Russell & Erwin. New Britain.

Universal Film & Supply Co.. 17 N. 6th St.. Ft. Smith. VVeldon Williams, Ft. Smith. Southern Film Exchange, 106 South Cross St., Little Bock. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA

Herman, J. F.. 1420 Pa. Ave.. Washington. CALIFORNIA Phantascope Mfg. Co.. Bond Bldg.. Wasliington. American Photoplayer Co.. Berkeley. Bison Film Co., Hollywood, Los Angeles Day and Night Screens, Inc., Los Angeles. FLORIDA Los Angeles Slide Co., 432 S. Main St., Los Angeles. Nestor Film Co.. Hollywood. Los Angeles. Consolidated F. Supply Co., Jacksonville. Norblg Film Mfg. Co., 1745 Alessandio St., Los Angeles. & Sup. Co., Utah Moving Picture Co.. 714-15 Story Bldg., Los Angeles. Seminole Film 17 The Baldwin, Jacksonville. Consolidated F. Supply Co., Tampa. American Photopla'yers Sales Co., 130 Kearney St., San Francisco. & Breck, Geo., 70 Turk St., San Francisco. California Film Exchange, 54 7th St., San Francisco. Day and Night Screens, Inc., San Francisco. GEORGIA Duhem Motion Picture Co., 952 Oak St., San Francisco. Elbert, J. D., 2583 Sutter St., San Francisco. Golden Gate Film Co., 234 Eddy St., San Francisco. Bartlett Film Mfg. Co., 217 Rhodes Bldg.. Atlanta. Service. Kiewert Co., Charles L., 143 2nd St., San Francisco. Apex Film 314 Rhodes Ave.. Atlanta. Mann's Artificial Floral Co., 1648 Ellis St., San Francisco. Consolidated Film & Supply Co., 611 Rhodes Bldg., Atlanta. Parker Supply Co.. 2654 Mission St.. San Francisco. Day and Night Screens, Inc., Atlanta. Preddy, W. C. 669 Height St., San Francisco. Hakily Mfg. Co., 09 Walton St., Atlanta. Vitaslid,Co., 70 Turk St., San Francisco. Lucas, H. K., 69 Walton St., Atlanta. Fifty and Fifty Co., 86 Walton St., Atlanta. COLORADO Sphinx Film Co., 86 Walton St., Atlanta.

Denver Film & Supply Co., 403 Nassau Bldg., Denver. Ford's. Denver. IDAHO Interstate Film * Supply Co.. 302 Nassau Bldg.. Denver. Schaefer Tent & Awning Co., 1421 Larimer St., Denver. Moscow Electric Supply Co., Moscow. 182 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

ILLINOIS Huntinghouse, R. G., 81 W. Lake St., Chicago. Illinois Thea. Supply Co., 128 N. LaSalle St., Cliicago. Illinois Film Service Co., 537 S. Dearborn, Chicago. Peter & Volz, Arlington Heights. Illinois Electric Co., VentUators, 160 Whiting St., Chicago. Aagard Hoffman Mtl. Ceiling Co., 1574 Clybourn Ave., Chicago. Indestructo Trimks Works, 143 W. Austin Ave; Chicago Abbott Metal Ceiling Co., 19 N. Morgan St., Chicago. Industrial M. P. Co., 223-233 W. Erie St., Chicago. A. B. Co., Feature Film, 17 LaSalle St., Chicago. Interstate Feature Films, 59 E. Madison St., Chicago. Acme Metal CeiUng Co., 753 W. Van Buren St., Cliicago. Inventors Specialty Co., 620 Ashland Bldg., Chicago. Acme Drummer's Supply Co., 2813 W. 22nd St., Chicago. Indiana Curtain Advtg. Co., 173 W. Madison St., Chicago. Ackerman Quigley Lithographing Co., 115-121 W. 5th Ave., Chicago. Ivettler, Carl, Wig Co., 56 W. Washington, Chicago. Acme Fea. Film Co., 501 Powers Bldg., Chicago. Ivleine Optical Co., 166 N. State St., Chicago. Advance M. P. Co., 549 Peoples Gas Bldg., Chicago. Kerr, D. M. Mfg. Co.. Tents. 278 W. Madison St.. Chicago. Alston Show Co., 50 W. Washington St., Chicago. Kimble Electric Co.. Fan Specialists. 633 N. Western Ave.. Chicago. Al Dia Fea. Film Co., 220 W. 42nd St., Chicago. Klintz & Co.. A.. 215 W. Superior St.. Chicago. AUardt Adv. Co., Advertising, 36 W. Randolph St., Chicago. Lavezzi Macliine Works, 940 Herndon St., Chicago. American Cinematograph Co., 617, 631 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Lacmmle Fihn Serv., Song Slides, 204 W. Lake St., Chicago American Seating Co., 215 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Lea Bel Fea. Fihn Co., 902 Schiller Bldg., Chicago. American Seating Co., 14 E. Jackson Blvd.. Chicago. Lewis Pennant Features, Banners. 168 Washington St.. Alexander Film Co., Madison, W. Chicago. 918 W. Chicago. Lmicte, Fred. Hobbs Bldg., Chicago. American Film Mfg. Co., Broadway, Chicago. 6225 Loftis Bros. Co., 69 W. Madison, Chicago. American Motion Slide Co., SUdes. Bank Bldg., Chicago. 611 Nafl Leavitt Stationery Co., 208 N. 5th Ave., Chicago. American Slide & Poster Co., First National Bk. Bldg., Chicago. Lyon & Healy, 21-42 E. Adams St., Chicago. American Optical Co., Peoples Gas Bldg., Chicago. Ludwig & Ludwig, Drums, 2250 W. 20th St., Chicago. Amusement Supply Co., Gen. M. P. Sp., 5th Ave., Chicago. 160 N. MalecM, B. L. & Co., 337 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Anti- Static Co., Elec. Pans, Melrose St., Chicago. 744 Marx Bros. Sign Co., FrankUn and Huron, Chicago. Andrews, A. H., Chairs, 115 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Mcintosh Stereopticon Co., Atlas Block, E. Randolph. Chicago. American Fea. Film Co., Schiller Bldg., Chicago. 30 406 Moore. Hubbell & Co.. 713 Masonic Bldg.. Chicago. American Standard Mo. Pic, 926 Consumers Bldg., Chicago. Murray & Co.. Inc.. 640 Meridian St., Chicago. Ansell Ticket Co., 154-156 K. Erie St.. Chicago. Malecld & Co., Louis, 337 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Arcus Ticket Co., S. Dearborn St., Chicago. 412 Manville. Johns. H. W. Co.. Chicago. Anti-Trust Film Co., Lake St., Chicago. 128 W. Marks Brothers, 3005 N. Washtenaw Ave.. Chicago. Argus Ticket Co., Tickets, Dearborn St., Chicago. 416 Menlo Moore. 1205 Majestic Theatre Bldg., Chicago. Arcliitectural Decorating Co., Jefferson Chicago. 1600 S. St., Metropolis Feature Films, Mailer Bldg., Chicago. Author's M. P. School, 122 S. Michigan, Chicago. National Waterproof Film Co., Water Pr., 4200 Adams St., Chicago Arcus Ticket Co., Plymouth Ct., Chicago. 633 National X-Ray Reflector Co., 22 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Baldwin Brass Works, Buren, Chicago. 525 W. Van Melies, Geo., 1945 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. Barnes of N. T. Due, N. American Bldg., Chicago. ll04 Mac Exchange, 140 S. Dearborn, Chicago. Battershall Olesen, Chicago. & 39 W. Adams St., National M. P. Mfg. Co., 2216 Sedgwick, Chicago. Bartola Keyboard Sales Co., M. Inst., Schiller Bldg., Chicago. National Waterproof Film Co., 4200 W. Adams, Chicago. L., Ave., Chicago. Baumann, & Co., 357 W. Chicago Nichols, Grace L., 143 N. Wabash. Chicago. Bell Howell Co., Mo. Pic. Camera, Larchmont Ave., Chicago. & 1803 New York Costume Co.. 140 N. Dearborn St.. Chicago. Bolte & Weyer, 125 Center St., Chicago. Nicholas Power Co.. Chicago. Bilhorn Bros., Lake St., Chicago. 136 National Film Service. 37 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Brayton Mfg. Michigan, Chicago. Co., 6 N. Northern Feature Film Co., 405 Schiller Bldg., Chicago. Inc., Chicago. Burke & James, 240, 258 E. Ontario St., Norton, Robert C, 1945 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. Merchandise Lights. Dearborn St.. Chicago. Capital Co., 440 S. N. & T. Supply Co.. Mach. & Supplies, 714 Paul-Gale Greenwood Bldg Chicago Fea. Film Co., 4108-22 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Chicago. Chicago Metal Covering Co.. Dis. Fr.. Carpenter St.. Chicago. 406 Ozone Pure Airifier Co., Disinfec, 536 S. Clark St., Chicago. Chicago M. P. Supply Co.. 538 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. Oxweld Acetylene Co., Peoples Gas Bldg., Chicago. Chalmers, McElroy Co., Slide-Ink, Ashland Ave., Chicago. 5505 One Drop Oil Co., Oil, 2222 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Chase Electric Signs, N. End Wells St. Bridge, Chicago. Oxford Premium Co., Premiums, 182 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. Desplaines Chicago. Chicago Calcium Light Co., 16 N. St.. Optigraph Mfg. Co., 564 Randolph St., Chicago. Harrison Bridge. Chicago. Clow. Jas. B.. & Sons. Drinking Cups, St. Photo Art Co., 166 N. State St., Chicago. Columbia Transparency Co.. 19 S. 5th Ave.. Chicago. Pathescope Co. of Amer., 1306 Marquette Bldg.. Chicago. Consolidated Electric Sign Co.. Fulton & Jefferson. Chicago. Peltz & Carsen, 1507 N. Clark, Chicago. Commercial Filmers. 1101 W. Eandolph St.. Chicago. Parisian Mfg. & Renov. Co., 4940 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Cortez. F. Chicago. Wilson & Co., 323 W. Lake St.. Plastic Relief Co.. 941 N. Halsted St., Chicago. Cross Printing Co.. 501 S. Dearborn. Chicago. Pettibone Bros. Mfg. Co.. 105 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Cusack. Thos.. Co., Harrison and Loomis Sts., Chicago. Premier Title Co.. 330 E. 35th St.. Chicago. Central Feature Film & Prod. Co., Em. 407, 167 Washington, Chicago Pyrene Co. of Am.. 175 W. Jackson Blvd.. Chicago. Chicago Duplex Ventilator Co., Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Chicago. Paris Mfg. & Film Renov. Co., F. CI., 4940 Wentworth Ave., Chicagi National Bk. Bldg.. Chicago. Chicago Pipe & Organ Co.. 1145 1st Photoplay Co., Inc., 10 W. Lake St., Chicago. Advertising Bldg.. Van Buren St., Colonial Co.. Postal Tel. 140 W. Peerless Piano Player Co., 316-318 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Chicago. Richard Guthmann Co., 116 Bm. 36, S. State St., Chicago. Cloud Publishing Co.. 1101 Hartford Bldg., Chicago. Regina Music Box Co., 222 S. Wabash, Chicago. Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago. Remick Jerone, H. & Co., 22 W. Monroe. Chicago. Consumers Fea. Film Co. 710 Kesner Bldg.. Chicago. Reynolds. B. F., Co., 412 N. Dearborn, Chicago. Cleine. Eugene. 187 N. LaSalle St., Chicago. Safety Electric Co.. 15 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Crystal Daylight Curtain Co., 50 E. 26th St., Chicago. Schaffner, T. C, 130 N. State St.. Chicago. Cobum Organ Co., 220 N. Washtenaw Ave., Chicago. Saluform Products Co., 1112 W. 37th St.. Chicago. Cox, Eugene, 1734 Ogden Ave., Chicago. Selig Polyscope Co.. 20 E. Eandolph. Chicago. Institute PI.. Central Prtg. & Eng. Co.. N. Franklin & Chicago. Security Electric Lamp Co.. 12-14 S. Jefferson. Chicago. S. Halsted St., Chicago. Chicago Artistic Metal Clg. Co., 126 Semon Bache & Co.. 1501 Sedgwick St.. Chicago. Costume Co., Washington St.. Chicago. Cameron Theatre 24 W. Seebury Piano Co., J. P., 209 S. State, Chicago. Plyrs. Schiller Celebrated Film Co.. Bldg.. Chicago. Selby, J. F., 216 S. Jefferson St., Chicago. St.. Chicago. Chicago Costume Works, 24 W. Washington Stange, Alf., FUm Cement, 15 S. Leavitt St., Chicago. Ave., Chicago Feature Film Co.. 4120 Lincoln Chicago. Stafford, E. H. Mfg. Co., 218 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Chicago Film Title Co., 161 Goethe St., Chicago. Standard M. P. Co., 5 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Commercial Filmers, 137 Green St., Chicago. Standard M. P. Co., 4532 Champlain Ave., Chicago. St., Chicago. Danzlnger, Chas., 107 W. Washington Sinn, Clarence E., 1.501 Sedgwick St.. Chicago. Novelty Co.. S. Dearborn St.. Chicago. Dearborn 537 Shure. N. Co., 237-241 Madison, Chicago. Deagan. J. C. 1776 Berteau Ave.. Chicago. Sosman & Landis. 417 S. Clinton St., Chicago. Decker Bros. Co.. 1223 Miller St.. Chicago. Superior Fea. Decorators' Supply Co.. Decorations. 2549 Archer Ave., Chicago. Film Co., 500 Powers Bldg., CMcago. Diebold Safe & Lock Co.. 122 S. 5th Ave., Chicago. Standard Fea. Film Co., 1620-5 Wabash, Chicago. Dinlgan & Bartels, 119 N. Clark St., Chicago. Schiller Fea. Fihn Co., 605 Schiller Bldg., Chicago. Dixie Music House, The, 105 W. Madison St., Chicago. Shapiro, Berstein & Co., 119 N. Clark St., Chicago. Eagle Frame Co., 506 N. Carpenter St., Chicago. Summy, Clayton F. & Co., 64 E. Van Buren, Chicago. Eclectic Film Co., 5 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Takito Owago & Co.. 156 W. Lake St., Chicago. Educational Film Service, 702 Rector Bldg., Chicago. Taylor Co., C. A., 39 E. Randolph St., Chicago. Ventilating Whiting St., Chicago. Electric Co., 154 The Newman Mfg. Co., 106-108 W. Lake St., Chicago. Enterprise Optical Mfg. Co., 570 Randolph St., Chicago. Theatre Brokerage Exchange, 440 Dearborn St., Chicago. Exhibitors' Film Exchange, 172 W. Washington St., Chicago. The De Berrl Scenic Co.. 140 Lake St.. Chicago. Bssanay Film Mfg. Co., 521 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg., Chicago. W. Federal Sign System, Lake & Desplaines. Chicago. The Bell & Howell Co.. 1803 Larchmont Ave.. Chicago. Plberoid Trunk Works, 4621 Broadway, Chicago. Theatrical M. P. Exchange, 140 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. Fine Art Novelty Co., 39 W. Adams St.. Chicago. Thomas, V. W., 143 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Frankenstein. Sam. Calcium Lt. Wks., 139 N. Market St.. Chicago. Ticket Selling and Regis. Mach. Co., 154 W. Lake, Chicago. Friedley Voshardt Co.. 733 Halsted St.. Chicago. Tietzel Scenic Studios. 528 W. 25th. Chicago. Garner Ventilating Co.. 705 W. Fulton St., Chicago. Transpero Fluid Co.. 2453 Homan Ave.. Chicago. Fulton, E. E., 152 W. Lake St., Chicago. United States Exchange, 115 S. Dearborn, Chicago. LaSalle Chicago. Gairing, C. F. & Co., Photo Supplies, 128 N. St., Union Film Co., 166 W. Washington, Chicago. General Film Brokers, W. Washington, CWcago. 167 U. S. Tent & Awning Co., 229 Desplaines, Chicago. G. & G. Feat. Film Service, 37 S. Wabash, Chicago. U. S. Factories Co., 525 Great Lakes Bldg.. Chicago. Gidley's, 334 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Vaudeville Corp., Chicago. Gordon & Morrison, 199-201 E. Madison St., Chicago. Film 406-408 Schiller Bldg., Globe Photo Service. Security Bldg.. Chicago. Venus Mfg. Co., 21 W. Illinois, Chicago. Grieter & Coulson. 504 Venetian Bldg., Chicago. Victor Talking Mach., Steger Bldg., Chicago. Haller Sign Works. 708 S. Clinton St.. Chicago. Western Song Slide Serv., 118 N. La Salle, Chicago. Hahn. Ed.. 358 W. Madison St.. Chicago. Western Vaud. Managers' Assn.. Majestic Bldg.. Chicago, Harris, S. H.. 3333 W. Grand Ave.. Chicago. Witmark. M.. & Sons, 64 W. Randolph, Chicago. H. & H. Film Service Co.. 117 N. Dearborn. Chicago. Western Uniform Co., 214 S. Clark, Chicago. Historical Fea. Film Co.. Ft. Dearborn Bldg.. Chicago. Wurlitzer, 329-331 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Hoke. M. Geo., Supply Co., 76 N. State. St.. Chicago. Youngblood, F., 67 MeVickers Theatre Bldg., Chicago. Horsley, David, Schiller Bldg., Chicago. Appolo Concert Co.. Metropole Hotel. Danville. Hoyt, Devel S., 1 Huron St., Chicago. Howell Sales Co.. 746 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg., Chicago. Seybold Piano & Organ Co.. Elgin. Hume Pipe Organ Co.. 608 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. The Open Market Film Co., 406-408 Schiller Bldg.. Springfield. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 183

INDIANA MISSOURI Nelson Ivansas City. N. T. S. Co., Box 305, Dept. W, BrookvUle. Best Slide Co., 311 New Bldg., Fort Wayne Electric Works, 1402 Broadway, Fort Wayne. Butts Advertising Co., 15 W. 10th, Kansas City. Boffs Marrill Pic. Co., Indianapolis. Kansas City Slide Co., 1015 Central, Kansas City. Central F. & Sup. Co., 113 W. Georgia, Indianapolis. Kansas City Mach. & Sup. Co., 813 Walnut, Kansas City. Exhibitors Film Insurance Co., 421 Sals Bldg., Indianapolis. Magic Slide Co.. 12th and Grand Ave.. Kansas City. Indianapolis Calc. Light Co., 116 S. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis Stebbins, C. N., 1928 Main, Kansas City. Leedy Manufacturing Co., 1033 E. Palmer, Indianapolis. Chromotype Co., 804 Columbia Bldg., St. Louis. Holcomb & Hoke Mfg. Co., 1460 Van Buren, Indianapolis. Erker Bros. Optical Co., 608 Olive, St. Louis. Tonnegut Hdwe. Co., Indianapolis. Lears Theatre Sup. Co., 509 Chestnut. St. Louis. Mathews Scenic & Sign Co., 318 S. Mulberry, Muncie. Swanson-Crawford Film Co.. 723-734 Century Bldg., St. Louis. Muncie Film & Supply Co., 202 E. Main, Muncie. Universal Film & Sup. Co.. 2116 Locust. St. Louis. Peabody School Furn. Co., North Manchester. Aftermore Sales Co., 956 10th Ave., Terre Haute. Lyric Film & Suply Co., 27 S. 6th, Terre Haute. NEW JERSEY Excelsior Drum Works. Camden. IOWA Victor Phonograph Co., Camden. Champion Film Co., Fort Lee. Amusement Supply Co., Kooms and Solax Co., Fort Lee. Unique Amusement Supply Co., Cooper-Heweitt Electric Light Co., Hoboken. Hapids. Pathe Freres, 1 Congress, Jersey City. Victor Animatograph Co., 157 Victor Bldg., Davenport. Unicorn M. P. Adv. Co., Hoboken N. F., Hoboken. Davenport Film Exchange, Davenport. General Lubricants Co., MUford. Day & Night Screens, Inc., Des Moines. Schneider, Emil, Inc., 298-306 South. Newark. Capital City Film Co., Clapp Block, Des Moines. Pressed Asbestos Products Co., Newark. Des Moines F. & Supply Co., 217-219 Utica Bldg.. Des Moine Fischer Bros. & Co., Newark. Des Moines Slide Co., 301 Clapp Block, Des Moines. Electric Motor & Equip. Co., Newark. Herrick Feature Film Co., 810 Observatory Bldg., Des Moines. Film Renovating Co., 383 Malsey, Newark. Laemmle Film Serv. Song SUdes, Des Moines. Sommer Badge Co., 239 Halsey, Newark. McCullum, L. C, & Co., Des Momes. Edison. Thos. A.. Co.. West Orange. Superior F. Mfg. Co., 13th and Crocker, Des Moines. Boyle, J. E., 530 Main St., Dubuque. NEW YORK Central M. P. Printing Co., Mason City. Tangley Mfg. Co., Muscatine. Choate, W. A.. Albany. Auburn Film Co., M. P. Sup., Genesee and Exchange, Auburn. Canfield Gas Engine Co., Binghamton. KANSAS Associated M. P. Press Publ., 250 Kingston Ave., Brooklyn. Bath, C. F.. Abilene. Bellevue Chem. Co., 137 Duffleld St., Brooklyn. Electric Appliance Co., BurUngton. Camerson M. P. Co., Machines, 61 Poplar, Brooklyn. Wichita F. & Supply Co., 117 N. Topeka Ave., Wichita. Fuller, Chas. L.. Distributing Co.. 472 Fulton, Brooklyn. Mayland, B. H., & Son., 54 Willoughby, Brooklyn. Sanitary Supply Co., 1093 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn. KENTUCKY Sorenson, P., 18 Dunham Pi., Brooklyn. Stolz, Fred, 279 Cooper. Brooklyn. Meyer, William, 35 Pike, Covington. Utility Transparency Co., 1733 W. 9th, Brooklyn. Greeb, Frank M., Scenic Co., 408 5th, Louisville. White Star Chem. Co., 319 Dean, Brooklyn. Henry Pilchers' Sons, 914-20 Washington Ave., Louisville. Heywood Bros. & Wakefield, Buffalo. Louisville Film & Supply Co., 216 Tyler, Louisville. The Burnham Studios, S. & SI., 26-28 Erie. Buffalo. Donaldson Litho. Co., Newport. Wiltwyck Feature Film Co., 43 Garden, Kingston. Genter, J. H., Co., Newburgh. New Majestic, New Rochelle. LOUISIANA Thanhouser Film Corp., New RocheUe. Abbott Coin Counter, 107 Williams, New York City. Acme Gas & Electric Fixture Co., 24 Downing, New York City. Acme Ceiling Co., 512 E. 118th, New York City. Adler, Wm., 105 W. 39th. New York City. Aetna Electric Co.. 258 Broadway. New York City. MARYLAND Agfra Raw Film Supply Co., 215 Water, New York City. Allison & Hadaway, 235 Broadway, New York City. Emerson Tower Bldg., Balti Cut Out Slide Co., American M. P. Sup. League, 24 E. 23rd, New York City. Slide Co., Lobe. Baltimore. Imperial Song 203 American Vitagraph Co., 116 Broadway. New York City. Gay, Baltimore. Moving Pic. Sup. Co., 15 American Pennant Co.. Banners, 429 Broadway, New York City. Cumberland. Barnett. E., American Seating Co., Chairs, 15 E. 32nd, New York City. Hagerstown. MoUer, M. P., American Theatre Supply Co.. Curtains. 220 W. 42nd, New York City. American Film Brokers. M. P. Machines. 5 W. 14th, New York City. Ambrosio American Co., 15 E. 26th, New York City. MASSACHUSETTS All Star Feat. Corp., 220 W. 42nd, New York City. Andrews Co., A. A. Thea.. 1165-1167 Broadway. New York City. Howard Clock Co., 373 Washington, Boston. Antipyros Co., Fireproofing, 170 Greene, New York City. Marson, E. D., 507 Washington, Boston. Anglo-American Film Corp.. 126 W. 46th. New York City. Reel Tickets, Somerville Sta., 87 Albany St., Boston. Art Supply Co., 209 Lafayette, New York City. Sotry Scenic Co., Somerville Sta., Boston. Armstrong Lithograph Co., 22 E. 21st, New York City. Sommer Badge Co., 523 Colonial Bldg., Boston. Apex Film Corp., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Sturtevant Co., Hyde Park, Boston. Atlas Mfg. Co., Fire Extinguishers, 129 Reade, New York City. Sun Ticket Printing, Boston. Atlas Paint Co., 101 Park Ave., New York City. Trimont Press 87 Albany, Boston. Atlas Seating Co., Theatre Chairs, 501 5th Ave., New York City. Nye, Wm. F., New Bedford. Austin Edwards Raw Film Co., 24 E. 13th, New York City. Schneider, Chrl., & Co., E. 257 Main, Springfield. Australasian Film, Ltd., 15 E. 26th, New York City. Trainer, G. W., Mfg. Co., Springfield. Automatic Ticket Selling Cash Register Co., 1476 Broadway, New Yc Co., State, Springfield Hendee Mfg. 864 City. Advance Whip Co., Westfleld. Babcock Fire Extinguisher Co., 39 Pearl, New York City. Lynch, E., 531-532 Slater Bldg., Worcester. W. Badger Co., 123 William, New York City. Baird M. P. Mach., 24 E. 23rd, New York City. 'MICHIGAN Balboa Feature Fihn Co., 540 W. 21st, New York City. Barnett, Ira, Novelties, 61 Beckman, New York City. Bayley Co., Electrical Supplies, 2 E. 13th, New York City. Globe Slide & Film Co.. Albion. Beacon Film Co., 110 W. 40th, New York City. BelUnger Music Co., Battle Creek. Behrind Supply Co., 440 4th Ave., New York City. Vaughan Change & Check System, Battle Creek. Bender, Geo., General M. P. Supplies. 82 Centre. New York City. Detroit. Amusement Sales Co. , Woodward & V\ arren Av( Berlin AniUne Works. Chemicals. 215 Water, New York City. Clough-Warren Co., Detroit. Berni, A., 216 W. 20th. New York City. Detroit Motor Car Supply Co., Detroit. Berni, Organs, 220 W. 14th, New York City. Detroit Engine Works, Detroit. Berk Bros., 529 Broadway, New York City. Delaney Specialty Mfg. Co., Detroit. Betts, Edw. H.. Insurance. 45 William, New York City. Fuller, Claflin, Elks' Temple, Detroit. Berger Mfg. Co., 160 11th Ave., New York City. Strelinger, Chas., Box 2, Detroit. Beseler, Chas., Co., 110 E. 23rd, New York City. The Automatic Ticket, 815 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit. Birns, Wm.. Inc., 70 W. 38th, New York City. Western Calc. Light Co., Detroit. Birnberg, Chas., Badges, 10 E. 23rd, New York City. Steel Furn. Co., Grand Rapids. Birch, Field & Co., 110 W. 40th, New York City. Excelsior Studios & Theatre Supply Co., 816 Vine, Kalamazoo. Bosch, Henry. Co., Decorators, 890 Broadway, New York City. Central Film & Supply Co.. Saginaw. Bowman, E. S., 515 Longacre Bldg., New York City. Independent Film & Supply Co., 413y2 Edmond, St. Joseph. Biograph Co., 11 E. 14th, New York City. Boecker, Ernest, 231 10th Ave., New York City. Bohm. Dr. L. K.. 5 Beekman, New York City. Blinkhorn. A.. 110-112 W. 40th. New York City. Brady. Arthur, 124 E. 14th, New York City. MINNESOTA Bronx Centre, W. Chester and 160th, New York City. Brooklyn Chair Co., 428 W. 28th, New York City. National Employment Supplies, 417 W. Michigan, Duluth. Brown-Schramm Co., 1133 Broadway, New York City. Electric Curtain Co., 1708 E. Franklin Ave., Minneapolis. Broncho Motion Picture Co., Longacre Bldg., New York City. Laemmle Film Serv. Song Slides, Minneapolis. Brudder, Geo., Electric Fans, S3 Centre, New York City. National Novelty Co., 513 S. 3rd Ave., Minneapolis. Brulatour, T. E., 31 E. 27th, New York City. Northwest Comop. Board Co., Minneapolis. Bunnell, J. H., Co., 32 Park PI., New York City. The Theatre Record Pub. Co., 252 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis. Billboard Pub. Co., Heidelberg Bldg., New York City. Feature Film Co., 37 W. 39th, St. Paul. Canton Steel Ceiling Co., 221 11th Ave., New York City. 184 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

Carlton M. P. Laboratories. 29 Union Sq., Xew York City. Kelley, James. 21 Ann, New York City". Cary, Edward E., 59 Park Pi., New York City. Keller Printing Co., 722 Broadway, New York City. Carlton M. P. Laboratories, 537 Eiverdale Ave., New York City. Keasbey & Matliiesen, 100 John, New York City. Chalmers Pub. Co.. Box 226. Madison Sq. Sta., New York City'. Kennedy, David, 2 W. 45th, New York City. Change Receptacle Co., 109 John, New York City. Keystone Film Co., Longacre Bldg., New York City. Cheyenne Feattire Film Co., 1482 Broadway, New York City. Kinemacolor Co. of America, 1600 Broadway. New York Ciity. Ciiichester Chair Co., 20V Canal, New York City. Kinograph Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Cemento Flooring Co.. 1123 Broadway. New York City. Kismet Fea. Film Traders. 145 W. 45th. New York City. Centaur Film Co., 1600 Broadway, New York City. Klelne, C. B., 385 6th Ave.. New York City. Clapham, A. J., 132 W. 37th, New York City. Kliegl Bros.. 240 W. 50th. New York City. Columbia Metal Box Co., Booths. 226 E. 14th, New York City. ilCnight, H. P.. 140th and Moot Ave.. New York City. Columbia Fire Extinguisher Co.. 174 Centre, New York City. Tioch. Geo. J.. 57 W. 28th. New York City. Commercial M. P. Co.. 101 W. 101st. New York City. Koch & Droge Piano Co.. 1096-1098 Broadway. New Y'ork City, Cinema Camera Co.. M. P. Cameras. llVa W. 112th, New York City. Koerting & Mathiesen. 22 E. 21st. New York City. Comet Film Co., 344 E. 32nd. New York City. Koster, H. C. & Co.. 21 Park PI.. New York City. Corcoran. A. J., Inc.. llVz John, New York City. Krause Mfg. Co., 14 E. 17th, New York City. Cosmos Electric Co., 136 Liberty, New York City. Langrock Bros., 182 E. 124th, New York City. Cosmos Specialty Co., Premiums, 320 Broadway, New Y'ork City. Lantern Slide Mat Co.. 627 Greenwich. New York City. Cousins, H. A., Co., 516 W. 25th, New York City. Lamb. Thos.. 644 8th Ave.. New York City. Continental Elec. Mfg. Co., 136 Liberty, New York City. Lash. Leo.. Co., Broadway and 42nd. New York City. Criterion Feature Film Co., 110 W. 40th. New York City. Latham, E. B.. & Co.. 4 Murray, New York City. Crown M. P. Supply Co.. 149 E. 15th, New York City. Leavitt, J. M., & Co., 714 8th Ave., New York City. Crocker-Wheeler Co.. Motors. 30 Church. New York City. Len Spencer's Lyceum. 46 E. 14th, New Y'ork City. Current Events Slides Co., 553 W. 33rd, New York City. Levi Co., 1560 Broadway. New York City. Crystal Film Co., 430 Claremont Parkway. New York City. Levy, Chas., 507 W. 45th. New York City. Day & Night Screens, Inc., 291 Broadway. New York .City Lifeograph Co., 142 E. 14th, New York City. Davis Bros.. 95 Liberty, New York City. Liebe's Electric & Mfg. Co.. 2i E. 21st. New York City. Daughin, Wm., Brass Bailings. 141 43rd. Nev York City. Life Photo Film Corp., 102-104 W. 101st, New York City. De Commerce, J.. 46 E. 14th. New York City. Lumiere Jangla Co., 75 5th Ave.. New York City. Decorative Plant Co., 832 Broadway, New York City. Lux Mfg. Co.. 54 Grove. New York City. Defender Fire Extinguisher Co., 174 Centre. New York City. Macbeth. Evans Glass Co.. 143 Madison Ave.. New York City. Dramatic Mirror. 145 W. 45th. New York City. Magee, M.. & Son. 147 Fulton. New York City. Diehl Mfg. Co.. 90 Prince, New York City. Majestic M. P. Co.. 29 Union Sq., W., New York City. Dykes Lumber Co.. Building Material, 137 W. 24th, New York City. Manhattan Slide Co.. 23 E. 26th, New York City. Eclair Film Co., 126 W. 46th, New York City. Manhattan Electric Supply Co., 17 Park PL. New York City. Eclipse Electric Arc Light Co., 31 E. 30th, New York City. Manhattan Slide & Film Co., 23-25 E. 26th. New York City. Ehlers, Robert, & Co., 125 E. 46th, New York City. Masko Film Co.. 145 W. 45th. New York City. Electrone Auto Music Co., 127 W. 65th, New York City. Marion. Louise M.. 466 W. 23rd. New York City. Electrine Co., 17 Battery PI., New York City. McLaren. Jas. A.. 100 W. 35th, New York City. Eltonhead. E. Y., 1480 Broadway, New York City. McDougell, A. T. R„ 71 W. 23rd. New York City. Empire State Engraving Co., 190 William. New Y'"ork City. Mecca Theatre Film Corp.. 126 W. 46th. New York City. Epes. Winthrop Sargent, Box 70. Madison Sq. Sta., New York City. Melies Films. 204 E. 38th. New York City. Brnemann Photo Kno Works, 114 5th Ave.. New York City. Metropolitan Film Co.. 6th Fl.. World's Tower Bldg., New York City. Exhibitors' Herald Feature Co.. 24 Vandester, New York City. Mestrum, Henry, 385 6th Ave., New York City. Excelsior Slide Co., 61 W. 14th, New York City. Meyer, Chas., 101 W. 13th, New York City. Excelsior Illustrating Co.. 219 6th Ave., New York City. Metropolitan Fire Extmguisher Co.. 173 W. 81st. New York City. Evans Film Mfg. Co., 422 W. 216th. New York City. Metropolitan Premium Co.. Woolworth Bldg.. New York City. Ezo Mfg. Co.. 220 W. 42nd. New York City. Menger & Ring, 442 W. 42nd. New York City. Famous Players Film Co., 213-29 W. 26th, New York City. Mohawk Film Co., Times Bldg., New York City. Feature Adver. Co., 209 Paciflc, New York City. Motion Pic. Patents Co.. 80 5th Ave.. New York City. Feature Ideal Corp., 126 W. 46th, New York City" M. P. Apparatus Co.. 810 Broadway, New York City. Federal Electric Sign System, 229 W. 42nd, Ne York City. M. P. News, 220 W. 32nd, New York City. Film Saving Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City Morning Telegraph. Putnam Bldg.. New Y'ork City. Film Lloyds, 220 W. 42nd, New York City. Mutual Film Corp.. 71 W. 23rd, New York City. Film Supply Co. of America, 133 W. 44th, New York City. Mott La Gaize Co.. New York City. French-American Film Co., Times Bldg.. New York City. M. P. Camera, cor. 5 W. 14th. New York City. Ford Uniform Co., 339 W. 42nd, New York City. M. P. Certf. Co.. 1476 Broadway. New York City. Fricker, Fred, 209 W. 48th. New York City. Mina. G.. 2 1st. New York City. Frorup, L. E.. & Co., 252 Greenwich, New York City. Multicolor Film Imp. Co.. Inc.. 15 E. 26th, New York City. Ganfleld Gas Engine Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Music Publ. Exchange. Inc.. Len Spencer's Lyceum. New York City. Gaumont Co., 110 W. 40th, New York City. Nadel & Schimmel. 132 Park Row. New York City. Gauntier Studio. 515 W. 54th, New York City. National M. P. Supply Co.. 199 3rd Ave.. New York City. Gallot. G. F., 70 Christopher, New York City. National X-Ray Reflector Co., 6 E. 39th, New York City. Gennert, G., 24 E. 13th, New York City. National Disinfectant Co., 306 E, 59th, New York City. General Film Co., 200 5th Ave.. New York City. National Photo, Inc., 71 W. 23rd, New York City. Gem Film Co., 575 11th Ave., New York City. Netschert, Frank. 39 Barclay. New York City. General Film Exting. Co.. 1 Liberty. New York City. Newman Mfg. Co.. 101 4th Ave.. New York City. Gem Flower & Decor. Co.. 228 W. 49th, New York City. Novelty Slide Co., 20 E. 14th, New York City. Gilman Mfg. Co., 1'05 John, New York City. Novelty Slide Co.. 67 W. 23rd. New York City. Gerstle's, Henry. 45 Broadway. New York City. Novelty Artificial Flower Co.. 205 E. 58th, New York City. Gilmore Mfg. Co.. 105 John, New York City. Nicholas Power, cor. 90 Gold, New York City. Gloria American Co., 110 W. 40th, New York City. N. Y. Ticket Co., 254 W. 118th, New York City. Goerx American Optical Co.. 317 E. 34th. New York City. N. Y. Poster Mounting Co.. 157 W. 32nd, New Y'ork City. Goldberg Display Fixtures, 130 W. 24th, New York City. N. Y. Film Co., 12 Union Sq., New York City. Goldmaker. Jas.. Co., 83 Warren. New York City. N. Y. M. P. Co.. Longacre Bldg.. New York City. Grand Central Iron Works. 212 E. 52nd. New York City. N. Y. Slide & Adv. Co.. 14th. New York City. Greater N. Y. Slide Co.. 136 3rd Ave.. New York City. N. Y. Flower Decorating Co,. 75 W. 44th, New York City. Greater N. Y. Slide Co.. Academy of Music Bldg.. New York City. N. Y. Calc. Light Co., 410 Bleecker, New York City. Great Northern Film Co., 110 W. 40th, New N. Y. Chair Co.. 164 Mulberry. New York City. Greene's Features Photo Plays, Suite 501, 110 Oeschlaeger Bros.. 110 E. 23rd. New York City, Gunby Bros., 199 3rd Ave., New Y'ork City. Oinema Camera Co,. New York City. Gunby Bros., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Orpheum Feat. Film Co.. 220 W. 42nd, New York City. Hagy. E. H.. 239 B. 23rd, New York City. Ozane Co., 23rd and North River, New York City. Hallberg, J. H., 36 E. 23rd, New York City. Pasquali American Co.. 110 W. 40th. New York City. Harris, Chas. K., Columbia Theatre Bldg., Ne- York City. Pathescope. Aeolian Hall. New York City. Hart Booking Co., 226 W. 14th, New York City. Patten-Brown Co., 143 Prince, New York City. Hepworth American Film Corp.. 110 W. 40th, New York City. Peerless Piano Plaver Co., 14 E. 33rd, New York City. Hetz, L.. 302 E. 23rd. New York City. Peiffer, S., 1368 Broadway. New York City. Hodkinson. Wm. W.. 110 W. 40th. New York City. Penser, Chas., 5 W. 14th, New York City. Hochstetter Utility Co.. 40 E. 12th. New York City. People's M. P. Amusement, 1475 Broadway. New York City. Hasbrouck Flooring Co.. 501 E. 70th. New York City. Perfection Film Co., 345 W. 45th, New York City. HoUday Novelty Co., 27 E. 4th. New York City. Photo Play Coupon Corp., 33-39 W. 34th, New York City. Hubbs. W. B.. 32 Union. New York City. Platsbaun. E.. 39 Broadway, New York City. Hudson Electric Supply Co.. 49 Barclay, New York City. Picture Theatre, Equip,, 21 E, 14th. New York City. Hunton. Fell ElUott. 1326 Broadway, New York City. Power Nicholas Co.. New York City. Hymes. Sol, 79 Maiden Lane, New York City. Porter, B, F.. 1465 Broadway, New York City. Horseley, David. 1600 Broadway, New York City. Popular Plays & Players Co.. Mecca Bldg., 1600 Broadway, New York Imp Film Co.. 573 ilth. New Y'ork City. City. Imperator Film Co.. 135 W. 44th. New York City. Playgoers Film Co., 213 W. 42nd, New York City. Incandescent Screen Sales Co.. 96 Maiden Lane. New York City. Prieur. R.. 10 E. 15th. New York City. Individual Drinking Co., 220 W. 19th, New York City. Progress Film Co.. 110 W. 40th. New York City. International Cinea Clari C. H., 1441 Broadway. Theatre Bldg.. New Pryibil P. Machine Co.. 512-524 W. 41st, New York City. York City. \ Pyrene Mfg. Co., 92 Pine, New York City. International Film Traders. 2 W. 14th, New York City.V Punch Co.. 540 W. 21st. New York City. International Photo Traders, 235 5th Ave., New York City. Radium Gold Fibre, 218-220 W. 42nd. New York City. Inter-Ocean Sales Co., 110 W. 40th St.. New York City. Ramo Films, Columbia Theatre Bldg.. New Y'ork City. Itla Film Co. of America, Candler Bldg., New York City. Rapid Safety Fire Extinguisher Co.. 92 Pine, New York City. Italian- American Film Corp., 1482 Broadway, New York City. Raub, John A.. 1328 Broadway. New York City. Ives, Harold, Co., 1 Madison Ave., New York City. Raw Film Supply Co., 215 Water. New York City. Janusch Mfg. Co., 496 E. 134th, New York City. Reel Life. 71 W. 23rd. New York City. Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Co., 220 W. 48th, New York City. Reliable Photo Supply House. 139 Delaney. New York City. Johns-Manville Co., H., 41st and Madison, New York City. Raynor. E.. 1476 Broadway. New York City. Kahnweiler & Sons, 260 Front, New York City. Reiss. L.. & Co., 325 Park Row. New York City. Kalem Co.. 235-39 W. 23rd, New York City. Remick, Jerome H., 1416 Broadway. New York City. Katin M. P. Supply Co.. 138 3rd Ave.. New York City. Reliance Co.. 29 Union Sq.. New York City. Kathodion Bronze Works. 501 5th Ave.. New York City. Rex Co.. 573 11th, New York City. Kaybee M. P. Co.. Longacre Bldg.. New York City. Reisinger, Hugo. 11 Broadway. New York City.


Keadsboro Chair Co.. 63 5th Ave., New York City. OHIO Rex Fire Extinguisher Co.. 74 Cortland. New York City. Eolands Fea. Film Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Miller,- A. J., & Co., Bellefontaine. Bobbins & Meyers, 145 Chambers, New York City. Coyle Curtain Co., Canton. Royal Elec. Motor Co., 154 Broadway, New York City. Canton Metal Ceiling Co., Canton. Howe & Sons, 280 Broadway, New York City. M. P. & Supply Co., 240 Market, Canton. Rudolph Bros., 553 W. 33rd, New York City. Hardesty Mfg. Co., 227 Tuscarawas Ave., Canton. Ryan, Geo., 182 E. 124th, New York City. Ruby Twlnplex Studio, 217 E. 24th, New York City. Safety Fire Extinguisher Co., 291 7th Ave., New York City. Cincinnati Calc. Light, Cincinnati. Sanger & Jordan. 1430-32 Broadway, New Y'ork City. Carlyle & Finqh, 224 N. Clinton, Cincinnati. Sarkady, Schoen & 10 W. 18th, New York City. De Camp, Benj., 908 Neave Bldg., Cincinnati. Schneider, Eberhardt, 219 2nd Ave., New York City. DeMoulin Bros., Cincinnati. Seman, Bache & Co., West and Hubert, New York City. Fechheimer Bros., Cincinnati. Simplex Projector Dis. Co., 1465 Broadway, New York City. Herfurth. John. Cincinnati. Singing Picture Ave., City. Co., E. & E., 295 Madison New York Hennegan & Co.. Cincinnati. Sing Service Union, York City. SUde Co., 28 New Lake Shore F. & Supply Co.. 108 Prospect Ave.. Cincinnati. Scott & Tan Altena, 59 Pearl, New York City. Marsh. William. Lombard Bldg.. Cincinnati. Singer Bros.. Bowery, York 82 New City. National Lamp Co.. Nela Park. Cincinnati. Singer Decoration E. Ave.. City. Co., 380 Houston New York Wurlitzer. R.. Co.. Cincinnati. Adv. Agency, City. Seeman 116 W. 32nd, New York Zettel & Rapp. Johnston Bldg.. Cincinnati. Simpson. A. L., 132nd, City. 113 W. New York A. B. C. Poster Co., Cleveland. Y'ork Shapiro, Bernstein & Co., 1416 Broadway, New City. Acorn Refining Co., Cleveland. Sharlow 42nd, York City. Bros., 442 W. New AUendorf Co., Cleveland. Smith & Brown, 220 W. 46th, New York City. Atkins, D.. Cleveland. Smith, Ernest, 25 Broad, New York City. Bright, H. V., Sharon Bldg., Cleveland. Song Slide Service. Union. New York City. 13 Central Photoplayers Agency, 340 Leader-News Bldg., Cleveland. Soltman, E. G., 29th, York City. 134 W. New Cleveland Electric Sign Co., Cleveland. Spectrograph Co., Wooster, 42nd, York City. 33 220 W. New Glidden Varnish Co., Cleveland. Special Universal Co., E. 145th. New York City. Motor 379 Morgan Lithograph Co., Cleveland. Special Event Film Mfg. Co., W. 31st, New York City. 216 Ohio Transparency Co., 409 Superior Bldg., Cleveland. Sprague Electric Co., 527 34th, New York City. W. Oliver Moving Supply Co., 657 Euclid Ave., Cleveland. Special Event Film Mg. Co., W. 31st. New York City. 216 Schroeder Artificial Flower Mfg. Co., 6023 Superior. Cleveland. Standard Ticket Co., Pearl, New York City. 181 The Theatre Specialty Co., 1232 E. 3id, Cleveland Speed Controller Co., Inc., William, York City. 257 New Visco Motor Oil Co., Cleveland. Steel Furniture Co., 5th Ave., New York City. 150 Zeidler Drum Co., Cleveland. Steinber, Ludwig, 112 Grand, New Y'ork City. Armbruster & Sons, 249 Front. Columbus. Stereopticon Clock Co.. 38th, York City. 209 W. New American Slide Co., Columbus. Stern, Co., 3rd Ave., York City. Benj., 1894 New Columbus Piano Co., Columbus. Steingert, B. 14th, York City. 207 New Columbus Theatre Equip. Co.. Columbus. Sterling Co., 45th, New York City. Camera 145 W. Elliot. Fred. Columbus. Stein. M., Cosmetic Co., 31st, New York City. 120 W. Rex Film Renovator Mfg. Co.. 272 N. 3rd, Columbus. Stern Poster Supply Co., 43 E. 21st, New Y'ork City. & Schnell's Scenic Studios, 581 S. High, Columbus. Stolp. Oscar, Fletcher, New York City. 22 Wyandotte Film & Supply Co., 9% W. Broad. Columbus. Strauss Co., 48th. New York City. & 209 W. Willey, M. C, Columbus. Sweeney, S. G., Printing Co., 32nd and E. River, New York City. National Cash Register Co., Dayton. Sydco Amusement Co., 331 Madison Ave., New York City. Pyrene Mfg-. Co., 1358 Broadway, Dayton. Szelica's Weekly Features, 11 112th, New York City. W. Automatic Coung Cashier Co., Hamilton. Taylor, F. 42nd, York City. C, 249 W. New Lancaster Glass Co., Lancaster. Taylor, A., Trunk Works. W. 38th. New York City. C. 131 Latschaw, E. R., & Co., Marietta. Davids Co.. Van Dam. New York City. Thadeus 95 Foos Gas Engine Co., 809 Linden Ave., Springfield. Specialty Mfg. Heidelberg Bldg.. New York City. Theatre Co., Bobbins & Meyer, Springfield. Savoy Film Exchange, 6th Ave., New York City. The 221 The Myers-Carey Studios, 4th and Market, Steubenville. Stirrup Mfg. Co., Greenwich. New York City. The 257 American Ticket Co,, Toledo. Film Exchange, W. 39th, New York City. The 37 Marvin Novelty Co., 1418 Cherry. Toledo. The Continental Fea. F. Corp., 29 Union Sa., New York City. Superior Film Supply Co., 412 Superior, Toledo. The Grifford Picture Mach. Co.. 7 E. 42nd. New York City. Thai & Aftel, Toledo. The National Board of Censorship, 70 5th Ave.. New York City. Troy Slide & Sing Co., Troy. The N. Y. Studios. 1001 Times Bldg.. New York City. Warren Mfg. Co.. 599 N. Park Ave., Warren. The Mott-Le-Gaige Animated Advr. Co.. Candler Bldg.'. New York City. The H. C. Miner Litho. Co., 342 W. 14th, New York City. The Wyanoak Publ. Co., 136-146 W. 52nd. New York City. OREGON The United Electric L. & P. Co., 130 E. 15th. New York City. The United Electric L. & P. Co., 1170 Broadway, New York .City. Trans Fihn Co.. 145 W. 45th. New York City. Twentieth Century Fea. Film Co.. New York City. Underwriters Fire Extinguisher Co., 280 Broadway, New Y^ork City. Universal Electric State Lighting. 240 W. 50th. New York City. PENNSYLVANIA Universal Film Mfg. Co.. Broadway. New York City. 247 United Ticket Supply Co., Allentown. United States Film Co.. 145 W. 45th. New York City. Union Features. 126 W. 46th. New York City. Variety Fea. Film Co., Broadway. New York City. 1482 Public Service Co., Harrisburg. Vero Educational Co., 110 W. 40th, New York City. Fidelity Elec. Co.. Lancaster. Victor Film Co.. 11th Ave.. New York City. 573 Aschenbach & Miller. 3rd, Philadelphia. Victor Animatograph. 125 W. 43rd. New Y'ork City. Brandenburgh, 802 Vine, Philadelphia. Vogel, H. C, Co., 12 Walker, New York City. Bennett. Chas. H,, 50 N. 9th, Philadelphia. Von Tilzer, Harry, Music Publ. Co., 125 W. 43rd, New York City. Brunswick Co,, 1039 Race, Philadelphia. Von Tilzer, Will. 145 W. 45th, New York City. Calehuff Supply Co., 1301 Race, Philadelphia. Wallett, Carl, 220 W. 42nd, New York City. Chair Exchange. 1535 Chestnut, Philadelphia. Watchman's Clock & Supply Co., 9 Church, New York City. Day Night Screens, Inc., Philadelphia. Warner's Features, 46th, New York City. & 130 W. Eagle Projection Vine. Philadelphia. Waterson Berlin & Snyder Strand Theatre, New York City. Co., 1304 Gentel, Albert, 1503 Columbia Ave., Philadelphia. Welte, M., & Sons, 273 5th Ave., New York City. Gerber, M., Philadelphia, Western Elec. Co., W. and Bethune, New York City. 729 S, Harbach Co., 9th, Philadelphia. Webb Talking Pic. Co., 220 W. 42nd. New York City. & 112 N. Lapin, Sam, Gratz, Philadelphia. Wheeler, DeWitt, 2287 Loring PI., New York City. 1740 N. Multicolor Film Imp. Inc., Vine. Philadelphia. Whitehead & Hoag Co., 253 Broadway, New Y'ork City. Co., 1126 Miller, Costumer, 11th, Philadelphia. White. Jas. H., Longacre Bldg., New York City. 236 S. North American Slide Co., N. 9th, Philadelphia. White Specialty Co., 71 W. 23rd, New York City. 23 Rudolph Bros., 5th, Philadelphia. Whyth M. P. Enterprises. 110 W. 45th', New York City. 19 N. Schaeffer, Fred, 2nd. Philadelphia. Whyte, Whitman, Co., 36 E. 23rd. New York City. 1610 N. Philadelphia. Woolf's Hypozone. 2 Rector. New York City. Shaw Card Co., 419 Heed Bldg., Stern 10th, Philadelphia. Wiatt, G. W., 7 Beekman. New York City. Mfg. Co.. 109 N. World's Film Corp., 37 W. Wabash, New York City. Swaab Song SUde Service, 129 N. 8th, Philadelphia. World's Best Film Co., 145 W. 45th, New York City. Shoemaker & Busch, 525 Arch, Philadelphia. Wurlitzer, Rudolph, Co., 109 W. 40th, New York City. Tenneson, B., Co., Dock St.. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Y'erkes Sound Effects. 130 W. 24th, New York City. Van Home & Son, Niagara Musical Inst. Co.. Organs, North Tonawanda. Williams, Brown & Earle, 918 Chestnut, Philadelphia. North Tonawanda Musical Instrument Works, North Tonawanda. Economy Film Co., 105-4 Avel, Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. Lang Mfg. Co., Bewinders, Oleon. Feature Film Calc. Light, 125 4th Ave., Pierrot F. Mfg. Co., Bappan. Grit Film & Supply Co., 107 4th Ave., Pittsburgh. General Ave., Pittsburgh. Bausch & Lamb Optical Co., 611-703 St. Paul, Rochester. Sales Co., 347 5th Bros. Daggs Mfg. Co., Rochester. McKenna Brass Co., Pittsburgh. Defender Supply Photo Co., Rochester. National Tic. Dispens. Mach, Power Bldg., Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester. Photoplay Advtg. & Spec. Co., 123 4th Ave., Gundlach Manhattan Optical Co., 808 Clinton. Rochester. Pittsburgh Calc. Lt. & F. Co., 715 Empire Bldg., Pittsburgh. Hess Co., Make-up Outfits. 140 Edinburgh, Rochester. Pittsburgh Photoplay Co., 412 Ferry, Pittsburgh. Langslow Co., Ticket Choppers, Rochester. Radium Light Co., 705 Pennsylvania Ave., Pittsburgh. Rochester Brass & Wire Works Co., 76-78 Exchange, Rochester. The Automatic Ticket Selling & C. Reg.. 5923 Alder, Pittsburgh. Ave., Pittsburgh. Taylor Shantz Co., 224 Mill, Rochester. Veiland Film Co., 115 4th Bland Adjustable Display Frame, Schenectady. Sweeley's Photo Supply House, 514-16 Erie Ave,, Renova. .Tones, L. F., & Co., Carbon Holders, Schenectady. Golden Rags Screen Co., Scranton. General Electric Co., Schenectady. Smith. L. C, Co., 125 Lafayette, Schenectady. Syracuse Scenic Co.. 906 Fayette, Syracuse. Union Forge & Tool Co.. Utica. RHODE ISLAND Pilot Films Corp., 120 School. Yonkers. Standard Film Print Corp., 120 School, Yonkers. & Sharp Mfg. Co., Providence. 186 AMEKICAN MOTION PIGTUEE DIRECTORY

TENNESSEE WASHINGTON Consolidated Film & Supply Co.. 412-20 Front, Memphis. Day & Night Screens. Inc., Seattle. Day & Night Screens. Inc.» Memphis. Film Supply Co., Spokane. Western Slide Coating Co., Spokane Theatre Bldg., Spokane. TEXAS WEST VIRGINIA Consolidated Film Supply Co.. 1900 Commerce, Dallas. & McGray & McGrav. Fairmont. Western Automatic Music Co., 706 Commerce, Dallas. Tri-State Film & Supply Co., City Bank Bldg., Wheeling. Wilmans, Robert, 706 Commerce, Dallas. Day & Night Screens, Inc., El Paso. Unique Film Service, Suite 208, Princess Theatre Bldg., Houston. WISCONSIN Wyndham Robertson, 1016 Preston Ave., Houston. Southern Film Co., 207 3rd, San Antonio. American Show Print Co., Milwaukee. Keiwert, Chas., Co.. 114 Huron, Milwaukee. Mechanical Appliance Co., Milwaukee. VERMONT Monarch Film Mfg. Co.. 403 Grand Ave., Foster Bldg., Milwaukee. North Western Adv. Co., 411 Merrill Bldg., Milwaukee. Lelaiid, S. B., 94 Statt, MontpeUer. Western Film Exchange, 301-6 Enterprise Bldg., Milwaukee. Wisconsin Seating Co., New London. The Bartolas Musical Inst. Co.. Oshkosh. VIRGINIA Trainer W. C. Mfg. Co.. Oshkosh. Oshkosh Metal Product Co., Oshkosh. N. & T. Supply Co., 714 Paul Gale Greenwood Bldg., Norfolk. Davis Film Exchange, Watertowil,


The Canadian Film Exchange, Ehna Block, Calgary, Alberta. British-American Film Mfg., New Birks Bldg., Montreal. Quebec. Planet Show Printing and Engraving House, Chatham, Ontario. International Feature Film Corp., New Birks Bldg., Montreal, Quebec. Mutual Film Corp., Perkins Block, Manitoba. Canadian Bioscope. Halifax, Nova Scotia. Gaumont Co., Aikins Block, Manitoba. Mutual Film Corp., 15 Wilton Ave., Toronto, Ontario. ^


BEOOKLYN. N. Y. ADVERTISING WEST HOBOKEN. N. J. Economy Electric Co., 217 Fulton. Louis A. Cleaveleux. CHICAGO, ILL. Fox. Arthur W.. 83 Schermerhoiii. Ginoris Mfg. Co. Sorensen. P.. Dunham PI. AUardt Adv. Co., 36 W. Bandolph St. 18 BEOOKLYN, N. Y. KANSAS CITY, MO. NEW YOEK. N. Y. Louis Gehring. 137 Manhat Ave. Alexander, F.. Electric Mfg. Co., 75 Ful- Butt's Advertising Co., 15 W. 10th St. Stolz. Fred.. 279 Cooper .si ton (Miniature). HOBOKEN, N. J. BUFFALO. Austrich Unicom M. P. Adv. Co. Arc Lamp Co.. 209 W. 3Sth. Buffalo Flower Bogue Works. NEW YOEK CITY, N. Y. Eelctric Co.. Chas. J.. 513 W. 29th. LINDENHUKST, N. Y. Globe Theatrical Advertising Co., 1480 John S. Krueger. Broadway. NEW YOEK CITY, N. Y. St. Seeman Advertising Agency, 116 W. 32nd A. Friedrich, 50 W. 3rd. ExceUo Arc Lamp Co., 30 W. 20th. St. Fox A. Hirsh & Co., 28 W. 3Sth. Bros. & Co., 128 Lafayette. A. Hockheimer, Hagstedt. Chas.. 77 E. 52nd. 708 Broadway. A. Hurwitz & Co., Bond. Hamburger Co.. Felix (Imp.) (Flaming). 8 A. J. Kimmerle & Co., Imperial Electrical Mfg. Co.. 4 Murray 629 Broadway. A. W. Maas & Co., ADVERTISING FILMS AND Kaufman Mfg. Co., A. G., 83 Eeade. 1 Bond. Alfred L. Simon KeUer & Co.. P.. 465 Greenwich. & Co., 725 Broadway Alpi Co.. SLIDES KUegl Bros.. 240 W. 50th St. & 28 W. Houston. American Bud Co., Koerting & Mathiesen. 22 E. 21st St 542 W. Broadway. Art. Fern DATENPOBT, IOWA. Llebe's Electric & Mfg. Co.. & Novelty Co., 467 Broadway 22 E. 21st St. Aug. Bentkamp, Victor Animatograph Co. Kossiter. MacGovern & Co.. West. 7 Washington PI. 90 B. KANSAS CITY. MO. Warren Electric Co., 15 Frankfort. Praskln, 213 Greene. Best Slide Co., Indiana Bldg. Western Electric Co.. 463 West Barattini & Tosi, 529 W. Broadway. Kansas aty SUde Co., 1015 Central St. SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Benj. G. Behrman, 663 Broadway. NEW YOEK, N. Y. General Electric Co. Bercowitz & Burras, 37 W. 3rd. Excelsior Illustrating Co., 219 6th Ave. SYRACUSE, N. Y. BerUner-Brown & Meyer, 696 Broadway. (Advertising Slides, Lecture and An- Crouse-Hinds Co. Blumenthal & Co., F., 693 Broadway. nouncement Slides). ASHEVILLE. N. C. Bond Flower & Feather Co.. 51 Bond. Piedmont C. Greater New York Slide Co., Academy of Electric Co. Thalhelm Co.. (Imptrs. ) 11 W. 4th. Music Bldg.. 14th St. CINCINNATI. OHIO. Camisa Bros.. 507 W. Broadway. Ave. CeciUan Fibre Harold Ives Company. Inc., 1 Madison ' Flower Co., 124 E. 41st. Lee Lash Company, Long Acre Bldg., Broad- CLEVE&^\%^S!''™' Chas. Spllka & Co.. 718 Broadway. way and 42nd. Adams-Bagnall Electric Co.. Stanton and D. Guardincerri. 509 W. Broadway. Manhattan SUde & Film Co.. 23-25 E. 26th. C. P. Crossing. David Henley's Sons. Novelty SUde Co., 67 W. 23rd St. La|anke. Eobert F., 724 Prospect Ave., David Lichtenstein & Co., 63 E. 8th. Perfection SUde Co., 1560 Broadway. David Silva. 625 Broadway. WASHINGTON C. H.. OHIO. National Mchry. & Wrecking Co., 1916 Decorative Plant Co., 832 Broadway. Cleveland SUde Co. Scranton Ed., S. W. Diker & ZUevltz. 4 Washington PI. DEFIANCE, OHIO. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. Divizia, Lazarus & Co., 189 Greene St. Crescent SUde Co., 115^^ West Grand Ave. '^'-l--'!'- Drake Bros., 5 W. 37th. PHILADELPHIA, PA. MANSF&%I%^'"'' Dupay & Galbina, 526 W. Broadway. Ideal Electric Mfg. North American SUde Co., 23 N. Ninth St. Co. (Enclosed for Direct B. B. Goodman & Co.. 14 E. 32nd. and Alternating Current) EAST E. J. Muhllng Co., 534 W. Broadway. PITTSBUKGH, PA. Engle & Zemier, 698 Broadway. ARCHITECTS PHiiI§l£f?^"i! Engel. Hess & Co., 596 Broadway. PA F. Dreyfus Electrical Mfg. Co., 529 Broadway. DETEOIT, MICH. Co., 1228 N. 31st. F. B. Pletscher, Garden 187 Mercer. FuUer Claflin, Elks' Temple. SS"?, ' and Kennedy. Flora Mfg. Co., Broadway. Philadelphia Electric Mfg. 1181 LENOX, N. Y. & Co., 1228 N Frank Netschert, Barclay 31st (Open and Enclosed). 39 St. Hulett, Ealph M. Frederick L. Melis, W. 3rd. Queen-Gray Co., 618 Chestnut. 135 NEW YOEK CITY, N. Y. Friedlander Mfg. Co., 175 Wooster St. Lamh, Thos., 644 Eighth Ave. ' ^O'""*" G. CardmeUl, 136 Bleecker. Meyers, Woolworth Bldg. &ld^l''nca&nt?- N.. PITTSBUEGH, PA. G. Eamazotti Son & Co., 31 Barrow. CINCINNATI, 0. Keystone G. & M. Sardi, 704 Broadway. Benj. Bldg. Electric & Mfg. Co., 200 Barbeau De Camp, C. 908 Neave Gen. Flower & Decorative Co.. 228 W. 49th Zettel Eapp, Johnston Bldg. A"oU & Pow"er Bldg""' St. CLE^'ELAND, 0. Supply Mfg. Co. Geo. Legg. 40 W. 32nd. 0., Lombard Bldg. (Enclosed). Marsh, WiUiam Gerstenzang Bros., Broadway. „^'<''^'IiS_Co., 31 Terminal Way. 542 W. COLUMBUS, O. Goodkind & Eobinson. 718 Broadway. ElUot, Fred W. Guerin & Lavanaux, 51 W. 3rd. TOLEDO, O. Gunzendorfer Bros., 690 Broadway. Thai & Aftel. H. Siccard & Co., 66 W. 3rd. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS H. & E. & S. Myers, 688 Broadway. ARC LAMP MANUFACTURERS Harrison & Co.. 237 Mercer. SAN FEANCISCO, CAL. Harry S. Morris Co., 3 Washington PI. Hugo Meyer & Co., 163 W. 23rd. LOS ANGELES, CAL. Mann's Artificial Floral Co., 1648 EUis St. J. Goldman & Co., 14 W. 4th. International Electric Co. ' CHICAGO, ILL. CHIclGa'ttL.''""" J. KaUscher. 623 Broadway. J. Marrow-Kose Co.. 699 Broadway. Central Electric Co., 266 5th Ave. ^^rican Decorating Co., 1405 Irving Park Electric AppUance Co., 134 W. Jackson J. Scheuer & Co., 53 B. 10th St. J. Stein Co., 11 Bond. Blvd. Botanical Decorating Co., 504 S. 5th & Ave H. Bailey Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Wabash Ave. and Carl Netschert, 12 to 20 N. Michigan Ave Jas. & Co., 34 W. 3rd. PI. Jos. H. Lieval, 199 Wooster St. Eldredge (Arc). Chicago Artificial Flower Co., N 4815 ' Gregory Electric Co., 16th and Lincoln. Crawford Ave. * Joseph Frey, 71 Washington Square, So. LustreUte Co., 160 N. 5th Ave. ^ 2516 W. L. D. Sugar. 203 Greene. McMurtry & Co., J. E.. 749 W. Park Ave. '^'"Sson'^l^" L. De Flna. 50 S. Washington Sq. MetropoUtan Electrical Supply Co., ISO W. David Gibrlch, 836 N. Eobey St. L. Henry & Co., 723 Broadway. Joseph Lake. HelUnger Co., 1813 Milwaukee Ave. L. Pragger, 116 W. 32nd. National Stamping & Electric Works, 426 Katie D. Levy, 1606 Blue Island Ave. L. S. SeUgman, 507 W. Broadway. S. Clinton. Kemper Bros., Artificial Flower Co., 4601 N Lehman 10 Bond. AUTtOEA. DvD. Karlov Ave. Livenstein, Eisenberg & Co., 560 W. Broad- Aurora Electric Co. L Baumann & Co., 359 W. Chicago Ave way. Markovits FT. WAYNE, IND. Bros. & Co., 2240 W. Division St Lonsdale & Slelcher, 17 W. 3rd. Fort Wayne Electric Works. M. Goldberg & Co.. 1515 Milwaukee Ave. M. Stein, 26 Bond. WILTON JUNCTION, IOWA. Co., Suite 966, McClurg Manhattan Flower & Feather Co.. 51 Bond. Warner Arc Lamp Co. Bldg Max Herman & Co.. 707 Broadway. Prepared Puffing Co.. 4601 N. Karlov Ave Max Meuer & Sons, 65 Bleecker St. Eichard Gebhardt, 2823 Lincoln Ave. Morris Goldzier, 657 Broadway. BALTIMOEE. MD. Schack Artificial Flower Co.. 1739 Milwau- Morris Katz, 688 Broadway. Lee Electric Co.. 210 N. Calvert. kee Ave. Mosher & Ittelson. 714 Broadway. BOSTON, MASS. ^^'^'^^ N. Y. Flower & Feather Co., 207 Wooster National Electric Co.. 1015 Beacon. BALmiOEE?°Sj°'=^' St. Eidlon Co., Frank, 253 A. ^- Nathan Schrelber, 692 Broadway. Stuart-Howland Co., 133 Federal S: - Nathan Flaxman, 2 Bond. United Electric & AppUance Co., 1529 Co- ^ National Flower & Feather Co., 19 E. 4th. lumbus ""'"^^ Ave. (Incandescent). BOSTON'S. New York Flower Decorating Co., 75 W. KALAMAZOO. MICH. B. J. Munn & Bros. 44th. American Arc Lamp Co. (Enclosed) ST. LOUIS. MO. ST. LOUIS, MO. Novelty Artificial Flower Co., 205 E. 58th G. Cepparulo. 810 Lucas Ave. St. Paris Lamp Mfg. Co., 2934 OUve. - Pareti Bros.. Broadway. ?BBE, N. J. 534 W. PLAmp'ffi^\?:'°r Philip Bros.. Crocker-Wheeler Co. Adelson & 40 W. 32nd. Louis Casenove. Probst Ariificial Flower Co.. 246 E. 57th St. .


R. Llndlieira & Son, 653 Broadway. CINCINNATI, OHIO. Riegel & Boos Co., 693 Broadway. BANNERS L. M. Prince, 108 4th, Robert Chest, Est., 663 Broadway. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Bogge & Holden, 621 Broadway. Joseph B. Levey. 1429 W. Koyal Decorating Co., 15 W. Houston. NO. BENNINGTON, VT. S. Gerard, 714 Broadway. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. H. C. Wh Co. Samuel Danzlger, 639 Broadway. American Pennant Co., 459 Broadway. Schrier & Strauss. 682 Broadway. Koster, H. C, Co., 21 Park PI. Standard Flower & Feather Co., 20 W. 3rd. Stewart, Hees Co., 30 W. 21st. Traphagen & Lorey, 41 E. 8th. BOOTHS CANVAS Tompkins Kinsey, 729 Broadway. & SOMERVILLE, N. J. V. Badinelle, 167 Wooster. BOSTON, MASS. Janson, C. A., 525 Colonial Bldg. Cott-A-Lap Co. Taglio & Bros., P., 82 W. 3rd. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Vannucchi Co.. W. Broadway. C. W. Trainer Mfg. Co., 514 Atlantic Ave. & 534 John Boyle & Co., 112 Duane. Victor 3rd. (Asbestos). Emanuel, 66 W. Lamb, Finlay & Co., 256 Church St. Fix, Great Jones. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Walzer & 35 Rehm c& Co., 214 Washington. Weisenberger & Moch, 652 Broadway. Columbia Metal Box Co.. 226 E. 144th St. H. Johns-Manville Madison Ave. Western Flower & Feather Co., 63 Bleecker. W. Co., and 41st (Asbestos). Williams, Syratt & Monhenick. 4 Washing- Sharlow Bros., 42nd St. ton PI. 442 W. Strauss Co., 209 48th St. Wm. Buhrig Co., 219 E. 34th. & W. CARBONS Wm. Conte, 71 W. 3rd. Wm. Seligman & Co., 63 W. Houston. Wurzberger & Hecht, 5th Ave. and 19th. BROKERS—THEATRE Zucker & Josephy, 717 Broadway. CHICAGO, ILL. Clint EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL. CLEVELAND, O. Hume, D. T., & Co,, 608 Dearborn St. Co., American Carbon & Battery Co. Schroeder Artificial Flower Mfg. 6023 Liniclis, Fred, Hobbs Bldg. NEW YORIv CITY, N. Y. Superior St. Theatre Brokerage Excliange, 440 Dearborn PHILADELPHIA, PA. Binney & Smith Co., 81 Fulton. St. Cary Church. A. H. Butler & Co., 706 Arch. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Edw. E. Co., 30 Arch. Excello Arc Lamp Co., 30 W. 20th. I. Stern & Sons, 710 Eltonhead. E. Y., 1480 Broadway. Isreal Cherry. H. M. Hirschberg. 39 E. 20th. Wagman, 832 Hart Booking Co., 226 W. 14th St. 5th. Hugo Beisinger, 11 Broadway. J. T. Thorn Co., 214 S. Spencer's Lyceum, Len, E. St. 46 14th Greenwich. Jennie & Lizzie Baxter, 731 Arch. Sanger & Jordan. 1430-32 Broadway. L. E. Frorup & Co., 232 Lord Electric Co., 105 W. 40th. Julius Ponthus, 44 N. 7th. Steingert, 207 E. 14th St. Western Electric Co., 463 West. Loeb & Mullin, 621 Cherry. Taylor, F. C, 249 W. 42nd St. Max Blum. 123 N. 7th. SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Merz Co., 432 Market. Genl. Electric Co. W. K. Patton, 704 Arch. BUILDING MATERIALS WTDLLSVILLE. N. Y. PITTSBURGH, PA. Pure Carbon Co. McKain Co., 320 42nd St. (Compo Board) CLEVELAND, OHIO. National Carbon Co., W. Madison and High- MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. land Ave. ASBESTOS MATERIALS Northwest Compo Board Co. LANCASTER, OHIO. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Consumers Carbon Co. BOSTON, MASS. Dykes Lumber Co.. 137 W 24th St KANE, PA. Trainer, G. W., Mfg. Co. Soltman, E, G., 134 W. 29th St. Raven Carbon Co. PITTSBURG, PA. NEWARK, N. J. Pressed Asbestos Products Co. Westinghouse Elec. Mfg. Co., Westinghouse NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. CALCIUM LIGHTS Bldg. Johns-Manville, H., 41st St. and Mad- MILWAUKEE, WIS. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Chas. L. Kiewert Co., 114 Huron. Indianapolis Calcium Light Co., 116 S. DETROIT. MICH. CARBON- -HOLDERS Western Calcium Light Co. AUTHORS ST. LOUIS, MO. SCHENECTADY, Brker Bros.. 608 Olive St. & Co., 409 State St. BROOKXYN, N. Y. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. Dench, Ernest A. New York Calcium Light Co.. 410 Bleecker EAST LIVERPOOL, 0 CEMENT FOR FILMS Gamble, E. L. CINCINNATI. O. Cincinnati Calcium Light Co., 108 4th St. Capitol Ave. BADGES CHAIRS NEWARK, N. J. CAMERAS SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. Halsey St. Sommer Badge Co., 239 Spencer Desk Co., 68 Post. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. NORWALK, CONN. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, ILL. Chas., E. 23rd St. Birnbeerg, 10 Peerless Mfg. Co. (Photo). Peter & Volz Co. Langrock Bros., Broadway. 1478 CHICAGO, ILL. CHICAGO, ILL. Rvan, Geo., E. 124th St. 182 American Cinematograph Co., 617 W. Jack- Alexander H. Revell & Co. Whitehead Hoag Co., 253 Broadway. & son Blvd. Andrews, A. H., 115 S. Wabash Ave. Bell & Howell Co., 1801 Larclimont Ave. Ansel Hales, 334 S. Wabash Ave. (Studio and Field Motion Pictures). Chicago Wire Chair Co., 619 N. La Salle. Burke & James, 240 E. Ontario. Childs Chair & Wheel Co.. 334 S. Wabash "ITHi-f-rk-rc • I 2™ ^" acknowledged Jl/UltUia. specialist on motion pic- Chicago Ferrotype Co., 1539 W. Harrison. Jonas A. Anderson, 370 W. Indiana. Colonial Chair Co., 1746 N. Maplewood Ave. tures. Can model a feature to fit any pa- U. S. Cinematograph Co., 617 W. Jackson Crocker Chair Co.. 1414 S. Wabash Ave. per. Special articles written. Everything Blvd. Eaton Chair Co.. 841 W. 22nd. except fiction. Advertising films devised. BOSTON, MASS. Ford & Johnson Co.. 1435 Wabash Ave. Simon Wing & Co., 100 Cambridge. Herhold Chair Co.. 1025 W. Erie. ERNEST A. DENCH SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Heywood Bros. & Wakefield Co., 2653 Ar- (The Writer with New Ideas) Vilflex Camera Co. thlngton. ROCHESTER, MINN. Heywood Bros. & Wakefield Co., 1415 S. 326 Decatur St., Brooklyn, New York. Conley Camera Co. Michigan Ave. JERSEY CITl:, N. J. John A. Dunn Co., 2901 LaSalle. Max Bauer. Johnson Chair Co., 900 S. Michigan Ave. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Johnson Chair Co., 4401 W. North Ave. WRITE PLAYS, ACTS,ETC. Commercial Copying Co., Eagle Bldg. (Blue Jacob & Joseph Kohn, 1410 S. Wabash Ave. l^^^^ Prints, Tracings, Manuscripts, etc.. Pho- Marble & Shattuck Chair Co., 600 S. Mich- and markets $1. SCENARIOS revised tographers), igan Ave. en $1 each, 6 for $5. My Big Hall Camera Co., 14 Dunham PI. Marque Furniture Co., 609 N. La Salle St, NEW YORK. N. Y. Midland Chair & Seating Co.. 1435 S. Wa- Allison & Hadaway, 235 Broadway. bash Ave. C. P. Goerz Amer. Optical Co., 317 E. 34th. Milwaultee Chair Co.. 910 S. Michigan Ave. Eastman Kodak Co., 235 W. 23rd St. (New Murphy Chair Co. of Illinois, 2434 S. West- Eas York Branch Eastman Kodak Co., whole- sale only). Northwestern Chair Co., 208 N. 5th Ave. Expo Camera Co., 256 W. 23rd. Royal Metal Mfg. Co., 1821 Dearborn St. FRANK HENRY RICE G. Gennert, 24 E. 13th (Amateur; Pro- Richards Chair Panel Co., 1548 E. 57th. fessional). Stafford Mfg. Co. Gloeckner & Newby Co., 171 Broadway. Standard Chair Co.. 1319 Micliigan Ave. Literary Agent Motion Picture Apparatus Co., 810 Broad- Standard Chair Co.. 123 W. 45th PI. 145 45th way. Thonet Bros., 14 E. Jackson Blvd. West Street Photo Cines Co., 24 E. 13th St. ELGIN, ILL. NEW YORK Robt. H. Ingersoll & Bro., 315 4th Ave. Woodrufl' & Edwards Co. Sterling Camera Co., 145 W. 45th St. NORTH MANCHESTER, IND. Motion Fiction Rights to Books and Plays Whyte. Whitman Co., 36 E. 23rd St. Peabody School Furniture Co. ROCHESTER, N. Y. BOSTON, MASS. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. (Photo-Micro- Herbert J. Harwood's Sons, 69 Pearl. RICHARD R. NEILL graphic) CONCORD, MASS. Eastman Kodak Co. (Enlarging, Film. etc.). Allen Chair Co. LEADS and DIRECTOR Gundlach-Manhattan Optical Co. (Plate, GARDNER, MASS. Film and Panoramic). Heywood Bros. & Wakefield Co. LAMB'S CLUB, NEW YORK CITY Seneca Camera Mfg. Co. E. H. Mahoney Chair Co. AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY 189

RAPIDS, MICH. GBAND COSTUMES American Theatre Supply Co.. 105 N. Main Haney School Furniture Co. Steel Furniture Co. CHICAGO, ILL. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Cameron Costume Co., The. 24 W. Washing- Minneapolis OfBce & School Furniture Co. ton. Chicago Costume Works, Dearborn. KANSAS CITY, MO. 143 N. Gilmore Mfg. Co., 105 John St. Chicago Theatrical Costume Camegonde Mfg. Co., 307 Delaware St. Co., 24 W. Imperial Curtain Co., 7th Ave. & 47th St SPRINGFIELD, MO. Washington, Lash Lee Studios, 1476 Broadway. Moore Mfg. Co. Dietz, Herman. 819 N. Clark. ST. LOUIS, MO. Antoni Dobrzanski, 1703 W. 18th PI. Lears Seating Co., 205 Hauser St. Dress Suit Rental Co., 1213 Masonic Temple. SOMERVIIXE, N. J. Gldley, Charles W., 334 S. Wabash Ave. The A. B. CorneU Co. Gidley, Chas. W., 0801 Wentworth Ave. DECORATIONS—ELECTRIC TRENTON, N. J. Lange, Mrs. C, 2238 Lincoln Ave. N. J. School & Church Furn. Co. Lundt, CamiUo, 414 N. Clark. LIGHT ALBANY. N. Y. GREENVILLE, ILL. Choate, W. A. De Moulin Bros. & Co. (Burlesque; Lodge; MERIDEN, CONN. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Regalia). Handel Co. CHICAGO, ILL. B. W. Reid & Co., 272 Kent Ave. ANDERSON, IND. BUFFALO. N. Y. Ward-Stilson Co. (Lodge.) Washington and Franklin. Heywood Bros. & Wahefield. BOSTON, MASS. DETROIT. MICh" NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Curtis & Weld. Phelps Mfg. Co., 265 Jefferson Ave. A. H. Andrews Co., 1161 Broadway. KALAMAZOO, MICH. NEW YORK CITY, N Y Alfred American Seating Co.. 15 E. 32nd St. Henderson Ames Co, (Lodge, Society, etc.). Wolff & Co., 29 Park PI Bims, Wm., 70 W. 38th St. KANSAS CITY, MO. Gudeman & Co., 37 W. 36th. Storage Brooltlyn Chair Co.. 428 W. 28th St. Chas. P. Shipley Saddlery & Merc. Co. (Wild Battery Supply Co., 239 E. 27th. Chichester Chair Co.. 207 Canal St. West). Ehlers. Kobt., & Co., 125 B. 46th St. ALBANY, N. Y. New Yorlt Chair Co., 164 Mulberry St. Cotrell & Leonard. (Academic). Baub, John A.. Chair Co.. 1328 Broadway BROOKLYN, N. Y. Keadsboro Chair Co., 63 Fifth Ave. Greater New York Metal Bed Co.. 133 Floyd. DECORATIONS—INTERIOR Sikes Chair Co., 480 Lexington Ave. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. M. Eeischmann & Sons, 14 E. 32nd. Adler, Wm., 105 W. 39th St. AND EXTERIOR A. Koehler THOMASVILLE, N. C. & Co.. 9 E. 22nd (Theatrical). CHICAGO. ILL. Fur Co. Aaron B. Mergentheim, 14 E. 32nd. CANAL DOVER, OHIO. Adler & Ast., 13 E. 22nd. BALTSoRrMl"'''''' -""^Le.. Hardesiy Mfg. Co., B. Schneider & Sons, 130 E. 7th. ^^^^ CINCINNATI, O. Crown Embroidery Works, 38 W. 26th NEvv'^^R^- E. Third (Ladies). f^". ^.^r- Bennett Seating Co.. 26 St. Bosch, Henry, MINERVA, OHIO. Dazians Theatrical Emporium. 142 W. 44th. Co., 890 Broadway. Cousins. H. A., Co., Minerva Hdwe. Mfg. Co. (Metallic). Dr. J. Parker Pray Co., 12 E. 28rd. 516 W. 25th St. Decorative Plant Co.. WARREN. O. Eaves Costume Co., 226 W. 41st (Theatri- 832 Broadway. Graves. Robert, Ave. Warren Mfg. Co.. 599 N. Park Ave. cal). 483 Fifth Harris Mfg. Co.. 223 E. 38th. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Francesca J. Texter, 164 W. 48th (Theat- Koch, Geo. J.. 57 W. 28th St. Chair Exchange, 1585 Chestnut St. rical). McLaren, READSBORO. VT. Goodman & Baum, 114 W. 26th. Jas. A., 100 W. 35th St. New York Decorating Readsboro Chair Mfg. Co. Kaufman Costume Co., 25 W. 31st. Co., 102 4th Avo. Singer Decoration NEW LONDON. WIS. Orange Mfg. Co., 261 W. 36th (Theatrical). Co., 380 E. Houston St. The Wisconsin Seating Co. Schneider-Anderson Co., 16 W. 46th. PORT WASHINGTON, WIS. (Tlieatrical). DECORATIONS— Wisconsin Chair Co. Warnock Uniform Co., 19 W. 31st (Theat- PLASTIC rical). CINCINNATI. OHIO. RELIEF CHEMICALS Wm. Beck & Sons, 10 Garfield PI. HARTFORD, CONN. Cincinnati Begalia CHICAGO, ILL. Co., 1986 Central Ave. C. B. Root. (Secret Society). Transpero Fluid Co., 2453 Homan Av CHICAGO, ILL. Pettibone Bros. Mfg. Co., 626 Main (Secret Architectural Decorating Co., 1600 S. Jeffer- BROOKLYN. N. Y. Society, Theatrical). Bellevue Chem, Co.. 137 DufBeld St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. Decorators' Supply Co., Archer Ave. and Leo. Miller, J. Horace. 236 W. 11th St. Berlin Aniline Works. 215 Water St. Plastic Relief Mfg. Co., 941 N. Halsted. Van Home & Son BOSTON, MASS. Film Chemical Co., 105 E, 14th St. MILWAUKEE. WIS. Emmel & Rose Co., 383 Albany. Carnival Costume Co., 267 W. Water. ST. LOUIS. MO. CLOCKS F. A. Seifert Plastic Relief Co., 2625 Day- BOSTON, MASS. CURTAINS—ASBESTOS Howard Clock Co., 373 Washington St. BEOOKLYN, N. Y. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. G. A. Forman, 654 Gates Ave. Stereopticon Clock Co., 209 W. 38th St. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Watchman's Clock & Supply Co.. 9 Chu Righter & Kolb, 420 Madison Ave. St. G. E. Walter, 157 E. 44th. BOSTON, MASS. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Tognarelli Voigt C. W. Trainer Mfg. Co., 139 Pearl. & Co.. 2310 Chestnut. SOMERVILLE, MASS. MILWAUKEE. WIS. O. L. Stoey Scenic Co. (Inc.). Hafermann Decorating Co. COIN COUNTERS NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Milwaukee Orname Carving Co., 423 Asbestos Felting Works, 79 Maiden Lane. BATTLE CREEK. MICH. C. W. Trainer Mfg. Co., 89 Pearl. Vaughan Change System. & Check H. W. Johns-ManvlUe Co., Mad. Ave. & 41st. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. DECORATIONS—THEATRE Abbot Coin Counter, 107 William St. Change Receptacle Co., 109 Liberty St. AMBLER, PA. HAMILTON, 0. Keasbey & Mattison Co. Automatic Coin Cashier Co. ERIE, PA. Decorators' Supply Co., Archer Ave. and Leo. H. F. Watson Co. Plastic Relief Mfg. Co., 941 N. Halsted CONDENSERS—ELECTRIC NOBRISTOWN, PA. BOSTON, MASS. American Asbestos Co. Emmel & Rose Co., 383 Albany. D. PHILADELPHIA, PA. SOMERVILLE, MASS. WASHINGTON, C. Double Service Packing Wm. A. Heine. Co., 244 Chestnut. O. L. Stoey Scenic Co. (Inc.). D. C. Humphry's Co., CRESCO, lA. 913 Arch. KALAMAZOO, MICH. Ehret Magnesia Mfg. Co,, Land Title Bldg, Electric Specialty Co. Excelsior Theatre Supply Co.. 816 W. Vine. BOSTON, MASS. ST. LOUIS, MO. F. A. Automatic Appliance Co., 162 Columbus Ave. CURTAINS—STEEL Seifert Plastic Relief Co., 2625 Day- MUSKEGON, MICH. ton. Amer. Electric Fuse Co. BROOKLYN, N. Y. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. G. & W. Halbert. 455 Fulton. Golden Radium Condenser Co., 71 W. 23rd NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. Henry Fachs, St. T. H. Harris Co., 3333 Grand Ave. 240 W. 27th. McDougall, A. T. B,, 71 W. 23rd St. F. P. Smith Wire & Iron Works, 56 W. Rigliter & Kolb, 420 Madison Ave. J. & H. Bunnell & Co., 20 Park PI. Lake. Foote. Pierson & Co., 160 Duane. Union Elevator & Mach. Co., 215 W. On- DEVELOPING Wm. Marshall, 709 Lexington Ave. tario.

Western Electric Co., 463 West. Variety Mfg. Co , Sacramento & Carroll. PHILADELPHIA. PA. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. James G. Biddle, 1211 Arch. Jas. G. Wilson Mfg. Co., 3 W. 29th. Electric-Dynamic Co. of Philadelphia. Arcade ST. PAUL, MINN. Commercial M. P. Co., 101 W. lOlat St. Evans Bldg. Perkins Mfg. Co., University and Fairvlew Film Mfg. Co.. 422 W. 216th St. Leeds & Northrup Co., 4001 Stenton Ave. Gunby Bros.. 145 W. 45th St. Queen-Gray Co. (Inc.), 618 Chestnut. Thompson-Levering Co., 244 Arch. DIMMERS SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. CURTAINS—THEATRE Drendell Electrical & Mfg. Co.. 169 Erie CONTRACTORS National Electric Supply Co. SOMERVILLE, MASS. O. L Btopy Scenic Co. (Inc.). ST. LOUIS, MO. 190 AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY

LYNN, MASS. DRUMS NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. CampbeU Electric Co. Acme Gas & Electric Fixture Co.. 24 Down- MUSKEGON, mCH. CHICAGO, ILL. ing St. Aetna Electric American Electric Fuse Co. Acme Drummer's Supply Co., 2813 W. Co.. 258 Broadway. Art Supply Co.. Lafayette St. BRONXVrLLE. N. Y. 22nd St. 209 Kathodion Bronze Works. Fifth Ave. Ward Co. -Leonard Electric. Ludwig & Ludwig. 2250 W. 20th St. 501 NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Maleclri, L. B., & Co.. 337 Wabash Ave. W. Universal Electric Stage Light Co., 2i0 CAMDEN, N. J. ELECTRIC SIGNS 50tli. Excelsior Drum Worte. Western Electric Co., 463 West St. CLEVELAND, 0. SCHENECTADY, N. T. Zeidler Drum Co. General Electric Co. PHILADELPHIA. PA. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Lapin, Sam, 1740 N St. St. , . , Novelty Elec. Sign Co., 165 Eddy Wirt Electric Specialty Co., Lena and Armat. DENVER, COLO. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Ellis Electric Sign ^ ^ , Co. Cutler-Hammer Mfg. Co., 12th and St. Paul ECONOMIZERS—ELECTRIC CHICAGO, ILL. Ave. (Lamp). Advance Sign Co., 567 W. Harrison St. Independent Electric Mfg. Co., SSG Green- American Sign Co., 305 N. Michigan Ave. A. Klmiz & Co., 528 W. Jacteon Blvd. Chase Electric Signs. N. End Wells St. Bridge. DISINFECTANTS Chase Electric Co., Washington and Franklin. ECONOMIZERS—MOTION Chicago Electric Sign Co., 160 W. Lake. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. PICTURE MACHINE Consolidated Electric Sign Co., 1501 Sedg- Standard Disinfectant Co. Cusack Co., Thomas, Harrison & Loomis Sts. LOS ANGELES, CAL. FORT WAYNE. IND. , . E.-B.- Electric Sign Co., 209 N. Jefferson. Sweep Co., 164 Long Beach Ave. Cedar Fort Wayne Electric Works (of General Elec- Enameled Steel Sign Co., 222 N. State. (Drip). tric Co.). Federal Sign System, Lake & Desplaines Sts. Pacific Coast Beef & Provision Co. Federal Electric Co., W. Lake and N. Des- Purolene Disinfecting Co., 956 S. Broadway. CAL. EFFECTS plauies. S.4.N ERANCISCO. ^„ Haller Sign Works, 708 S. Clinton. Rodgers, Peel; Small, Inc., 709 Missouri & CHICAGO, ILL. P. Pause & Co., 404 W. Erie. St. Atlas Model Worte, 13 W. Illinois St. COLO. Bawson & Evans Co., 710 Washington Blvd. DENVER, Edw. J. Baker, 13 W. Illinois St. Tripp & Co., 33 N. 5th Ave. American Antiseptic Co., 2115 Zuni. Acme Drummer's WESTPORT, CONN. Supply Co., 2813 W. Universal Mfg. Co., 25 W. Illinois. 22nd St. U. S. Gas & Elee. Sign Co., 2921 W. C. B. Dolge Co. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Madison St. Kmbalmers' Supply Co. Charles Isaac Newton, 305 W. 15th. Western Sand Blast Mfg. Co., 1027 W. WASHINGTON, D. C. „ , „„„ Radio Theatrical Equipment Co.. 110 W. Madison. (James M. Place. Prop.), 239 Kretol Co. 40th St. Zero Sign Works, Superior. Tar). Marx 215 W. N. Capitol (Coal Universal Electric Stage Light Co.. 240 W. NORTH CHICAGO. ILL. GULL POINT, FLA. 50th St. Turpentine Co. Atwater Mfg. Co. Pensacola Tar & Terkes Sound Effects. 1465 Broadway. SPRINGFIELD, ILL. TAMPA, FLA. PHILADELPHIA, PA. W. J. Horn System (Inc.). Fenole Chemical Co. Gentel, Albert, 1503 Columbus Ave. EVANSVILLE. IND. ATLANTA, GA. National Electric Advertising Co. Frederich Disinfectant Co. MABION, IND. Bag Cotton Mills. Fulton & ELECTRIC FANS Chicago Glass Novelty Co. Piedmont Disinfectant Co. LA. ELL. NEW ORLEANS, ABINGDON, WASHINGTON, D. C. Electric Mfg. Co., 926 Lafayette St. Spring Handle Co. National Electrical Supply Co., 1338 N. Y. BOSTON. MASS. CHICAGO, ILL. Ave., N. „ „„„ ^ , W. Amer. Electric Sign Co.. 58 EUery. American Sanitary Products Co., 863 Orleans. CHICAGO, ILL. Wood. A. C. & M. L. FeUdn Co.. 69 Long Wliarf Central City Chemical Co., 1521 N. Kimble Elec. Co., 633 Northwestern W. Adams. Ave. St. Chicago Germicide Co., 1625 Central Electric Co., 268 5th Ave. DETBOIT. MICH. Adams Co., 234 S. La Salle (Pine Oil). F C Electrical Appliance Co., 701 W. Jackson Chas. Amos & Co.. 153 Elizabeth. W. Interstate Sanitation Co., 62 E. Lake. Blvd. Phelps Mfg. Co., 265 Jefferson Ave. Sales Agency, 1137 Bryn Mawr Ave. Ogo Fairbanlcs, Morse & Co., Wabash Ave and Stecker Electric & Mach. Mfg. Co., 34 Pure Airilier Co., 536 S. Clark St. Ozone Bldredge PI. Bates. Pickens & Hamilton Co., 1441 S. State. INDIANAPOLIS. IND. JACKSON, MICH. Plunkett Chemical Co.. 2540 Cottage Grove. Indiana Fan Co. Buby Mfg. Co. Bed Cross Hygienic Co., 1376 W. Lake. ST. LOUIS, MO. KALAMAZOO. MICH. Rochester Germicide Co., 20 W. Kinzie. Century Electric Co.. 19th and Olive. Amer. Sign Co. Salutorm Products Co., 1112 W. 37th St Commercial Electrical Supply Co., 15th and ST. PAUL, MINN. Sanitas Disinfectants Co.. 30 E. Randolph. Pine. Geo. F. Peglow. Universal Utilities Co., 538 S. Clark. Emerson Electric Mfg. Co., 2032 Washington Western Display Co.. 97 E. 5th. West Disinfecting Co., Inc., 305 N. Mich- ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. igan Ave. BELLEVILLE, N. J. Valentine Electric Sign Co. W. B. McCloud & Co., 320 W. Kinzie. Eck Dynamo & Motor Works. IOWA. NEWAEK, N. J. DES MOINES, ELIZABETH, N. J. Electric Motor Equipment Co. McCollum & Co. & L. C. Diehl Mfg. Co. N. Y. CITY, N. Y. BBOOKLYN, NEW YORK NEWARK, N. J. Advertising & Mirrorgraph Co., 105 Liberty. Hymes, Sol.. 79 Maiden Lane. J. M. Seymour, Jr., 43 Lawrence. Geo. H. Bice Co., Sterling PI. National Disinfectant Co., 306 B. 59th St. & 481 FULTON, N. Y. YOEK CITY, N. Y. Ozone Co., 23rd St. & North River. NEW Hunter Fan & Motor Co. Empire Electric Sign Co., E. 118th. Rochester Germicide Co., 37 Warren St. 162 NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. Federal Sign System, 231 W. 42nd. Spray Ozone Co., 205 Third Ave. Brudder, Geo.. 83 Center St Fricker, Fred, Pearl St. Woolf's Hypozone, 2 Rector St. 278 Liebe's Elec. & Mfg. Co.. 22 W. 21st St. Pennefather, Broadway. BROOKLYN, N. Y. J. S. 1402 Sprague Elec. Works, 527 W. 34th. J. Bussell Co., Pearl. White Star Chem. Co., 319 Dean St. W. 294 Typhoon Fan Co., 1544 Broadway. Metropolitan Engineering Co., 30 W. 42nd. SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Natl. Electric Sign Co., 1476 Broadway. General Electric Co. Opal Sign Co., 344 Broome. DISPLAY FRAMES CLEVELAND, OHIO. Strauss & Co., 442 W. 42nd. Adams Bagnall Electric Co., Stanton St. and Universal Electric Stage Light Co., 240 W. CHICAGO. ILL. C. P. Crossing. 50th. Bartells, P. T.. 102 N. Fifth Ave. ^ ^^^5 SYBACUSE, N. Y. Chicago Metal Covering Co.. 2833 W. Lake day?J)^n':'''SIi!)^^" Art Sign Co. D. L. St. Bates & Bro. AKBON, OHIO. Dayton Fan Eagle Frame Co., 406 Carpenter St. & Motor Co. (A. C and D. C ) Colonial Sign & Insulator Co., Prospect, The Newman Mfg. Co.. 108 W. Lake St. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. Corner W. 3rd, N. W. BATTLE CREEK. MICH. Robbins & Myers Co. ALLIANCE, OHIO. Buechner Mfg. Co. (Metal Adv.). WAEREN, OHIO. Alliance Sales Co. SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Peerless Electric Co. CADIZ, OHIO. The Bland Adjustable Frame Co., 110 S. EAST PITTSBURGH, PA. Cadiz Electric Co. Church St. Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. CLEVELAND, OHIO. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. LANCASTER, PA. A. & W. Electric Sign Co., Prospect, Corner Goldberg Display Fixtures, 130 W. 24th St. Fidelity Electric Co. W. 3rd, N. W. J. B. Palmenberg's Sons, 710 Broadway. MILWAUKEE. WIS. Cleveland Electric Sign Co. Menger & Ring, 442 W. 42nd St. Bayley Mfg. Co., 732 Greenbush. COLUMBUS, OHIO. National Photo., Inc., 71 W. 23rd St. Yoerger, Butterworth Sign Co, Newman Mfg. Co., 101 Fourth Ave. DAYTON, OHIO. CINCINNATI. O. ELECTRIC FIXTURES Eailroad Sign Co. Newman Mfg. Co., 715 Sycamore St. BEAVEB FALLS, PA. Ingram-Richardson Mfg. Co. 12 N. La Salle PHILADELPHIA, PA. St. Brilliant Mfg. Co., 1037 Bidge Ave. DRINKING CUPS Cooper Hewitt Electric Co., 343 S. Dear- PITTSBURGH, PA. born St. Dawes Mfg. Co. Decorators Supply Co., Archer Ave. and Leo Royal Electric Co., 30 S. 16th. s, Harrison St. Bridge. BEADING, PA. Weber Illuminating Sign Co. \VILKESBAEBE, PA. De Mun Sign Co. PBOVIDENCE, B. I. Providence Electric Mfg. Co. . .


KNOXVrLLE, TENN. WIS. BOSTON. MASS. MILWAUKEE. Portland Greenwood Advertising Co. Imperial Films Co.. 133 Second St. Badger Fire Extinguisher Co.. 32 MEMPHIS, TENN. LONDON. ENGLAND. (Chemical) Motley Bros. Electric Co. The United Kingdom Film Co. E. B. Badger & Sons (Chemical). LA CROSSE, WIS. Callahan Co.. 127 Purchase. Milk Pacific Electric Co. General Fire Extinguisher Co.. 79 MILWAUKEE, WIS. (Automatic). FILM CEMENT (Cliem- Milne Electric Co. Henry K. Barnes. 234 Devonshire Saxe Sign Co. CHICAGO. ILL. Stange, Alf.. 15 S. Leavltt St. Knight' & Thomas. Inc., 99 State. Central Construction Co. CUMBERLAND. MD. Walworth Mfg. Co., 132 Federal. SEATTLE, WASH. Barnett. I. E. HAVERHILL, MASS. Co. Clirls Sign & Wall Paper Co. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. Haverhill Fire Appliance Film Saving Co.. 145 W. 45th St. HUBBARDSTON, MASS. Stem, Benj. A., 1894 Third Ave. J. E. McWilliams & Son. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES LAWRENCE, MASS. C. N. Perkins Co. CHICAGO, ILL. FILMS—FIREPROOF BAY CITY, MICH. Anti Static Co., 744 Jlelrose St. United States Fire E.\tinguisher Co. MOSCOW, IDAHO. DETROIT, MICH. Moscow Electrical Supply. Gray-Hawley Mfg. Co., 037 Jefferson Ave. BUELINGTON, KAN. Ireland & Matthews Mfg. Co., 79 Iron. Electric AppUance Co. MNNEAPOLIS, MINN. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. FILMS—RAW Northern Fire Apparatus Co. Bayley Co., 2 E. 13th St. KANSAS CITY, MO. Behrind Supply Co., 440 Fourth Ave. OMAHA. NEBR. Geo. C. Hale (Hand). Midland Transparency Co., 314 Ramge Bldg. Co. Bunnell, .T. H., Co., 32 Park PI. Prior Brass Mfg. Goldmark, Jas., Co., 83 Warren St. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. ST. LOUIS, MO. Hudson Electric Supply Co., 49 Barclay St. Agfa Raw Film Supply Co., 215 Water St. Missouri Lamp & Mfg. Co.. 114 Elm. Latham, E. B., & Co., 4 Murray St. Brulatour, T. E., 31 E. 27th St. Pyrene Co. of Missouri, 112 N. 4th. Manhattan Electric Supply Co., 17 Park Horsley. David, 1600 Broadway. Robinson Fire Apparatus Co.. 4268 N. 20th. PI. White, Jas. H., Longacre Bldg. Stempel Fire Extinguisher Mfg. Co., 4250 N. ROCHESTER, N. Y. ROCHESTER. N. Y. 20th. Taylor, Shantz Co., 230 Mill St. Eastman Kodak Co. W. A. Zelnicker Supply Co.. 325 Locust. PHIL.\DELPHIA, PA. LACONIA, N. H. WilUams, Browne & Earle, 918 Chestnut St. Esty Sprinkler Co. FILM RENOVATING NEWARK, N. J. Henry W. Landao. 104 N. J. R. A. Ave. FEATURE FILMS RAN FRANCISCO. CAL. National Metal Stamping & Mfg. Co.. Mul- Parker Supply Co., 2654 Mission St. berry and Murray Sts. OHOVILLE, CALIF. CHICAGO. ILL. TRENTON. N. J. Went- U. S. Feature Film Co. Paris Mfg. & Film Renov. Co.. 4940 Tlie James B. Hunt Mfg. Co. CHICAGO, ILL. worth Ave. BROOKLYN. N. Y. Abo Feature Film Co., 229 Erie St. PORTLAND. ME. Iron Clad Mfg. Co.. 929 Flushing Ave. Essanay Film Co.. First Natl. Bk. Bldg. Mortimer Film Cleaner Co.. Fidelity Bldg. (Chemical). Historical Feature Film Co., 105 W. Mon- MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. BUFFALO. N. Y. roe St. Twin City Film Renovating Co.. 110 Tem- Buffalo Chemical Fire Extinguisher Co.. 67 Imperial Films Co. ple Ct. Carroll. International Feature Film Co., 167 W. NEWARK. N. J. Everready Mfg. Co.. 40 Pearl St. Washington St. Film Renovating Co.. ,S85 Malsey St. Stephens Mfg. Co.. 67 Carroll. Jamleson Feature Film Attraction Co., 538 NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. Western Inspection Co., 45 N. Division. Hochstetter Utility Co.. 40 E. 12th St. S. Dearborn St. ELMIBA. N. Y. Schiller Feature Film Co., 64 Randolph St. PHILADELPHIA. PA. American-La France Fire Engine Co. (Chem- Multicolor Film Improving Co.. 126 "Vine St. Feature Film Sales Co.. Ltd., 168 W. Wash- ical). ington St. General Feature Film Co., Powers Bldg. W. N. Y. Selig Polyscope Co., 20 E. Randolph St. FILMS—WATERPROOF Extinguisher Co. The Napoleon Feature Film Co., 68 W.

Washington St. _ _ . 1 Madisou BOSTON, MASS. (Powder). Phoenbt Feat. Film Corp., 164 Federal St. A. C. Rowe & Son. 280 Broadway (Hand). ST. PAUL, MINN. Atlas Mfg. Co., 129 Reade- St. Feature Film Co.. 27 E. 7th St. Automatic Fire Alarm Co.. 416 Broadway ST. LOUIS, MO. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS (Automatic). Lears Theatre Supply Co., 509 Chestnut St. Automatic Sprinkler Co. of America. 123 FORT LEE, N. J. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. William. Blache Features. Inc. M. J. McNally. 281 2nd. Babcock Fire Extinguisher Co., 39 Pearl St. LAKE PLACID, N. Y. Pacific Fire Extinguisher Co. Badger Co., 123 Williams St. Excelsior Feature Film Co. DENVER, COLO. Bruno Grosche. 5 Jones Lane. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. Bogue-Wensley Lead Co., 1809 Blake. Chas. D. Durkee & Co., 3 South. A. Blinkhorn, 110 W. 40th St. HARTFORD, CONN. Columbia Fire Extinguisher Co.. 174 Center. All-Star Features. Inc., 220 W. 42nd St. Hall-Thompson Co. Croker Nat. Fire Prevention Engiueeriug Co.. Bosworth, Inc.. 110 W. 40th St. NORWICH. CONN. 562 5th Ave. (Chemical). Canadian Bioscope Co.. 220 W. 42nd St. Hammond Process Co. (Dry). David Kahnweiler's Sons. Dover and Front. Child Players Co. of America. 4-5 W. 34th. WASHINGTON, D. C. Defender Fire Exting. Co.. 174 Centre St. Colonial Motion Picture Co., 18 E. 41st St. H. J. M. Howard Mfg. Co., 148 Pierce St.. D. W. Diggs, 601 W. 26th (Chemical). Continental Feature Film Corporation, 29 N. W. Electrene Co.. 17 Battery PI. Union Square. CHICAGO. ILL. Fabric Fire Hose Co.. Duane and Church. Cosmofoto Fihn Co., 110 W. 40th St. American-La France Fire Engine Co., 815 Fyricide Mfg. Co., 500 5th Ave. (Dry). Cosmos Feature Film Corp.. 1472 Broadway. S. Wabash Ave. General Fire Exting. Co.. 1 Liberty St. Commercial Motion Picture Co.. 220 W. Arthur Harris & Co., 212 Curtis (Hand Harris Safety Co.. 1133 Broadway. 42nd St. Pump). Henry G. Vogel Co.. 12 Walker. Criterion Feature Film Mfg. Co.. 110 W. Babcock Fire Ex. Co., 815 S. Wabash (Hand H. W. Johns-Manville Co.. Madison Ave. 40th St. Grenades). and 41st (Dry Powder and Liquid Chem- Dragon Features, 110 W. 40th St. Chicago Fire Apparatus Co., 89 Lake (Hand ical). Eclair Co.. 225 W. 42nd St. Pump) International Sprinkler Co.. 123 William St. Eclectic Film Co., 110 W. 40th St. E. E. McMorran & Co., 162 N. Clinton John Simmons Co.. 110 Centre. Famous Players Film Co., 213 W. 26th St. (Chemical). Metropolitan Fire Extinguisher Co.. 173 W. Film Attractions, 145 W. 45th St. F. Cortez Wilson & Co., 323 W. Lake. 81st. Gaumont Co., 110 W. 40th St. Harden Hand Grenade Fire Extinguisher Minimax Co.. 63 Wall (Hand). Great Northern Specialty Feature Film Co.. Co., 6213 Wentworth Ave. Nathan Mfg. Co.. 106th and E. River. 700 Lincoln Bldg. Justrite Mfg. Co., 328 S. Clinton St. Nat. Metal Stamping & Mfg. Co. Italia Film Co.. 220 W. 42nd St. Liberty Mfg. Assn., 30 W. Lake St. Phoenix Fire AppUance Co.. 43 W. 34th. Jungle Film Co.. 1600 Broadway. Liquid Carbonic Co., Madison and Franklin. Pyrene Mfg. Co.. 1358 Broadway. Jesse Lasky Co.. 1472 Broadway. National Fire Extinguisher Co.. 217 W. Underwiters Fire Exting. Co.. 280 Broad- Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Co.. W. 48th Superior. way. St. Pyrene Fire Extinguisher Co.. 175 W. Jack- S. F. Mayward & Co., 39 Park Pi. (Chem- Kennedy Features. Inc.. 110 W. 40th St. son Blvd. ical). Lewis Pennant Features. 220 W. 42nd St. Bockwood Sprinkling Co.. 134 S. LaSalle. Rapid Safety Fire Extinguisher Co.. 92 Pine. Life Photo Co.. 102 W. 101st St. Waggoner Sanitary Fire Bucket Co.. 25 W. Rex Fire Appliance Co.. 72 Cortlandt. Motion Drama Co.. 220 W. 42nd St. Lake (Chemical). Safety Fire Extinguisher Co., 291 7th Ave. Mundstuk Features. 1480 Broadway. W. H. Salisbury & Co.. 105 S. Wabash. Woodhouse Mfg. Co., 50 W. Broadway. Mexican War Film Corporation. 71 W. 23rd PEORIA. ILL. ROCHESTER, N. Y. St. Kinsey & Mahler Co. Buckland Fire Extinguisher Co. Picture Co.. 42nd St. and ILL. New York Motion qUINCY. Home Chemical Co., 107 Adams (Liquid Broadway. Geo. H. Stahl. and Powder). Photo-Drama Co.. 220 W 42nd St. BUTLER. IND. Syndicate Film Company. 71 W. 23rd St. Craun Mfg. Co. SYRACUSE, N. Y. The Big Feature Film Co.. 1600 Broadway. INDIANAPOLIS. IND. Edw. D. Bates. Union Features. 225 W. 42nd St. Cooner & Fortune Co. (Cliemical). Inter State Sales Co. Universal Film Mfg. Co.. 48th and Broad- LOGANSPORT. IND. UTICA, N. Y. Obanchain & Boyer. O. J. Childs Co. (Chemical). Tirtorv Co.. 220 W. 42nd St. KANSAS CITY. KAN. CHARLOTTE, N. C. World Special Film Co.. 110 W. 40th St. Anderson Coupling & Supply Co. DALLAS. TEXAS. BALTIMORE. MD. National Fire Appliance Co. Southern Feature Film Assn.. 1902 Com- Maryland Chemical Co.. 404 N. Greene. AKRON, OHIO. Pyrene Mfg. Co., Ke.vser Bldg. Automatic Sprinkler Co. .


CINCINNATI. OHIO. GENERAL M. P. SUPPLIES CLEVELAND. OHIO. Chas. Nuhring & Bro.. 1212 VTaliiut. Adams-Bagnall Electric Co., Stanton and Barker Mfg. Co. (Chemical). SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. C. P. Crossing. Mogul Fire Extinguisher Co., Opera PI. Laganke. Robert P., Ave., 121 Preddy. W. C, 669 Haight St. 724 Prospect (On wheels). CHICAGO. ILL. Walter Plum. M. Thompson & Co., 1425 Amusement Supply Co., 160 N. 5th Ave. National Mchry. & Wrecldng Co.. 1916 OHIO. Seranton Rd.. COLUMBUS, Chicago M. P. Supply Co., 538 S. Dearborn S. W. Inst. Lighter Co.. E. Main. 55 St. DEFIANCE. OHIO. Seagrave Co., High, S. of H. V. K. R- Bystrom Gas Lamp Co. Illinois Theatre Supply Co., 128 N. . Salle ( Chemical). MANSFIELD. OHIO. C. H. Sutphen. KANSAS CITY, MO. Ideal Electric Mfg. Co. OHIO. DAYTON, Stebblngs, Chas. M., 1028 Main St. EAST PITTSBURGH, PA. Larkin Mfg. Co. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. Pyrene Jefferson St. The Co., 32 S Fuller, Chas. L., Distributing Co., 472 Ful- PHILADELPHIA, PA. Electrical TOLEDO. OHIO. ton St. Mfg. Co., 1228 N. 31st. United Mfg. Co. NT;W YORK CITY, N. Y. Helios Mfg. Co., Garden and Kennedy. PA. Philadelphia Electric Mfg. ALTOONA, Bender, Geo., 82 Centre St. & Co., 1228 N. Chas. Grubb. Edmund Crown M. P. Supply Co., 149 E. 16th St. 31st. PA. Queen-Gray Co.. Chestnut. LEBANON, Hetz, L.. 302 E. 23rd St. 618 Amer. Chemical Co. Picture Theatre Equipment Co., 21 E. 14th Toerring Co. (Inc.), C. J., 2119 Toronto. PHILADELPHIA, PA. St. PITTSBUBGH, PA. Bro., 25th and \Miarton Sts. Keystone James Boyd & Rudolph Bros., 553 W. 33rd St. Electric & Mfg. Co., 200 Barbeau. John H. Clay, 1320 Eidge Ave. Schneider, Eberhardt, 219 Second Ave. Pittsburgh Electrical & Mach. Wks., Arrott National Inspection Co., 25th and Wharton. Bldg. Speed Controller Co., Inc., 257 Williams St. Power Underwriters Fire Extinguishers, 416 Walnut. Supply Mfg. Co. Triplett, I. M., 6 N. Columbia St. PITTSBUBGH, PA. Union Electric Terminal White Specialty Co., 71 W. 23rd St. Co., 31 Way. Fire Extinguisher Supply Spring & Co., 1414 UTICA, N. Y. SEATTLE.. WASH. Garden. Automatic Union Forge & Tool Co. Cyclojector Co.. 2202-2204 2nd Pittsburgh Lamp Brass & Glass Co., Centui-y PHILADELPHIA, PA. Ave., S. Bldg. (Chemical). MILWAUKEE, WIS. Calehuft Supply Co.. Inc.. 1301 Race St. Pittsburgh Fire Extinguisher Co., Fultbn Kiewert Co., Chas. L., 114 Huron. PROVIDENCE, R. I. Bldg. Keller P., Browne & Sharp Mfg. Co. & Co , 465 Greenwich. READING, PA. ROANOKE, VA. Rossiter, MacGovern & Co.. 90 West. Allen Chemical Co. (Powder). Theatre Supply Co. Warren Electric Co., 15 Frankfort. YORK, PA. FAIRMONT, W. VA. Western Electric Co., 463 West. Spangler Mfg. Co. McGray & McGray. PROVIDENCE, R. I. Allen Fire Department Supply Co., 159 LAWYERS Aborn. GLASS General Fire Extinguisher Co., 272 W. Ex- CALIFORNIA change (Automatic Sprinkler). NEW YORK, N. Y. DALLAS, TEXAS. Brown, Schramm Co.. 1133 Broadway. Atlas Metal Worlcs. Macbeth, Evans Glass Co.. 143 Madison Ave. SAN FRANCISCO. Henry G. Dinkelspiel, Claus New Process Roofing & Supply Co. (Chem- Seman, Bache & Co.. West & Hubert St. W. 802 els Bldg. ical). PHILADELPHIA. PA. RICHMOND, VA. Pennsylvania Wire Glass Co., 915 Pennsyl- ILLINOIS Alcatraz Co., 629 E. Main. vania Bldg. CHICAGO. SPOKANE, WASH. Ferguson & Goodnow, 1450 Otis Bldf Pacific Fire Extinguisher Co. CHARLESTON, W. VA. HOME MACHINES INDIANA Kanawha Fire Apparatus Co. (Hand). EVANSVILLE. MILWAUKEE, WIS. NEW YORK, N. Y. Paul H. Schmidt, 214 Main St. Davis Bros., 95 Liberty St. Badger Chemical Co., St. (Dry INDIANAPOLIS. 143 Reed Aeolian Bldg. Powder, Liquid Chemical). Pathescope. Holtzman & Coleman. 1540 Lemcke RACINE, WIS. ^VEST ORANGE, N. J. 115 N. Pennsylvania St. Edison, Thos. A., Co. Racine Iron & Wire Wks. (Chemical). IOWA DES MOINES. FIRE ESCAPES LAMP MANUFACTURERS Coffin & Hippee, 417 Hippee Bldg. LOS ANGELES. CAL. CHICAGO, ILL. International Electric Co. Central Iron Works. Lake and Sangamon Sts. CHICAGO. ILL. Bldg. Cowles, J. T., & Co., 532 S. Green St. Central Electric Co.. 266 5th Ave. 529 Palace Enos Fire Escape Co., 520 N. Sangamon St. Electric Appliance Co.. 134 W. Jacltson Blvd. MISSOURI Hanke Iron & Wire Works, 800 N. Albany Fairbanks. Morse & Co., Wabash Ave. and KANSAS CITY. Eldredge (Arc). New & Krauthoff, Gloyd Bldg. Johnson, Chas., Son, 320 W. Grand Ave. & Gregory Electric Co., 16th and Lincoln. Piatt & Marks, 715 Commerce Bldg. Landon, E. R.. Iron & Wire Works, 166 N. Lustrelite Co., 160 N. 5th Ave. May St. McMurtry & Co.. J. E., 749 W. Park Ave. NEW YORK Union Foundry Worta. 1427 First National Metropolitan Electrical Supply Co.. 180 W. NEW YORK. Bank Bldg. Lake. Black, Varian, Bigelow & Somers, 44 Pine NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. National Stamping & Electric Wks.. 426 S. St. Grand Central Iron Works, 212 E. 52nd St. Clinton. House, Grossman & Vorhaus, 115 Broadway. Le^T. Chas.. 507 W. 45th St. AURORA, IND. Louis H. Porter, 140 Nassau St. Aurora Electric Co. ROCHESTER. Fort Wayne Electric Works. Burns & Burns, 509 Wilder Bldg. FIREPROOFING WILTON JUNCTION, IOWA. Warner Arc Lamp Co. OHIO ASHLAND, KY. CINCINNATI. Wellman Electric Mfg. & Supply Co. Brink, Fourth Natl. Bank Bldg. BOSTON, MASS. COLUMBUS FLOOR COVERING National Electric Co., 1015 Beacon. Williams, Williams, Taylor & Nash, Rug- Ridlon Co., Frank, 253 A. gery Bldg. NEW YORK CITY, N. T. Stuart-Howland Co., 133 Federal. Cemento Flooring Co.. 1123 Broadway. United Electric & Appliance Co., 1529 Co- OKLAHOMA Hasbrouck Flooring Co.. 501 E. 70th St. lumbus Ave. HUGO. Kennedy. David. 2 W. 45th St. BALTIMORE, MD. Hammonds oc Hammonds, Over Hugo Na- tional Bank. CLEVELAND. O. Lee Electric Co.. 219 N. Calvert. Acorn Refining Co. KALAMAZOO. MICH. SHAWNEE. Lydick Eggerman. American Arc Lamp Co. (Enclosed). & ST. LOUIS, MO. PENNSYLVANIA FRONTS Paris Lamp Mfg. Co., 2934 Olive. ALLENTOWN. AMPERE. N. J. M. P. Schantz. Room 5. Lentz Bldg. Crocker-Wheeler Co. ALTOONA. BROOKLYN. N. Y. H. F. Walters. Economy Electric Co.. 217 Fulton. PHILADELPHIA. Fox. Arthur W., Schermerhorn. FURNITURE 83 J. Howard Eeber, 412 Mutual Life Bldg.. Sorensen. P.. 18 Dunham PI. 1001 Chestnut St. ATLANTA, GA. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. PITTSBURGH. Fielder & Allen Co. Alexander, F.. Electric Mfg. Co.. 75 Fulton Morris. Walker & Allen. 160S Common- CHICAGO. ILL. ( Miniature ) wealth Bldg. E. W. A. Howies. 327 Austrich Arc Lamp Co., 209 W. 38th. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. Bogue Electric Co., Clias. J., 513 W. 29th. SOUTH CAROLINA Excello Arc Lamp Co., 30 W. 20th. COLUMBIA. Fox Bros. & Co., 128 Lafayette. Barron. McKay. Frierson & Moffatt, 1001 Hagstedt, Chas.. 77 E. 52nd. Union National Bank Bldg. GAS OUTFITS Hamburger Co., Felix (Imp.) (Flaming). Imperial Electrical Mfg. Co., 4 Murray. TEXAS CHICAGO, ILL. Kaufman Mfg. Co., A. G., 83 Reade. BEAUMONT. Dearborn Novelty Co.. 537 S. Dearborn St. SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Sol. E. Gordon. Fairbanks. Morse & Co., 900 S. Wabash General Electric Co. EL PASO. SYRACUSE, N. Y. Loomis & KnoUenberg, 516 Trust Bldg. Moore.' Hubbell & Co., 713 Masonic Bldg. Crouse-Hinds Co. Oxweld Acetylene Co., Peoples Gas Bldg. ASHEVILLE, N. C. UTAH DETROIT. MICH. Piedmont Electric Co. SALT LAKE CITY. Detroit Engine Works. CINCINNATI, OHIO. Booth. Lee. Badger, Rich & Parke, 608 Bos- Strelinger, Chas. E. Creaghead Engineering Co., 340 Main. ton Bldg. A ^1 B R I C A N M 0 T I ON PI (J T U R \'] I ) I R I^: G T 0 R Y

MOTORS Colonial Motion Picture Corp. 41.st. LAWYERS J. Corak, 1427 Prospect Ave. WASHINGTON. CHICAGO, ILL. Crown Motion Picture Supplies, 149 E. 10th. Bodine Electric Co., 564 W Randolph St. Day & Night Screens, Inc., 291 Broadway. Globe Electric Co., 6340 Stony Island Ave. De Commerce, J., 46 E. 14th. Mutual Electric Co., 21st and Morgan Sts. Duplex Motion Picture Corp., 50 West. WISCONSIN Reynolds Electric Co., 422 S. Talman Ave. Duplex Motion Picture Corp.. 30 Church. LA CROSSE. Roth Bros. & Co., Adams & Loomis Sts. Edison Kinetophone Co., l6 5th Ave. ST. LOUIS, MO. Educational Motion Pictures Corp., 299 McCoimell & Scliweizcr, Batavian Bit. Bldg. CSHKOSH. Emerson Electric Mfg. Co. Broadway. LINCOLN, NEB. Empire Photo Play Corp., 39 W. 32nd. Bouck & Hilton. Cushman Motor Works, 2115 North St. F. & S. Manufacturing Co., 564 W. 23rd. CANADA WEST ORANGE, N. J. Feature Photoplay Co., 220 W. 42nd. TORONTO. Edison, Thos. A., Co. Charles Friedman, 414 E. 149th. NEW YORK, N. Y. Leo Gerechter, 1052 S. Blvd. Maedoiiald Macintn,sli, Tannei & -Gates Bids,, Crocker, Wheeler Co., 30 Church St. Gorman-Araer. Cinematograph & Film Co., Adelaide 26 St., W. Diehl Mfg. Co., 90 Prince St. 219 2nd Ave. Patten-Brown Co., 143 Prince St. Gloria American Co., 110 W. 40th. Robbins & Meyers, 145 Chambers St. Greater N. Y. Slide Co., Academy of Music LENSES Royal Electric Motor Co.. 514 W. Broadway. Bldg., 14th St. Western Electric Co., West and Bethune SDb. Gunby Bros., 145 W. 45th. AUGUSTA, GA. CINCINNATI, OHIO. S. G. Halbrook, 1416 Broadway. Kreps & Stelling (Imp.). Carlyle & Fynch, 244 E. Clinton Ave. Haring & Blumenthal, 30 Union Sa. CHICAGO. ILL. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. Haring & Blumenthal, 20 W. 22nd. Burke & James, 240 E. Ontario. Robbins & Meyers. L. Hetz. 302 E. 23rd. Kleine Optical Co., 166 N. State St. Nathan Hirsh, 109 W. 23rd. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Imperial Motion Picture Co., 1476 Broad- AUendorf Co. MOTION PICTURE FILMS YORK CITY, N. Y. NEW CHICAGO, ILL. Incandescent Screen Sales Co., 96 Maiden G. Gennert, 24 E. 13th. La. American Film Mfg. Co., 155 N. Clark. C. P. Goerz, American Optical Co.. E. Ives Ave. 317 Mfg. S. Dearborn. Harold Co., 1 Madison 34th. /Essanay Film Co., 38 Producing & Mfg. Co.. Katin Motion Picture Supls. Co., 138 3rd. ROCHESTER, Y. /French-American N. 918 W. Madison. The Keystone Press, 12 E. 15th. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Kinemacolor Co. of America, 1600 Broad- Crown ^ Sellg Polj'scope Co., 20 E. Randolph. Optical Co. IlrtSlANAPOLIS, IND, way. Gundlach Manhattan Optical Co., Clin- Kinemacolor Co. of America. SOS Motionscope Co., 107 S. Capitol Ave. 1600 Broad- ^Municipal & Commercial Film Mfg. Co., 250 way. WoUensak Optical Co. ^ Lemcke Annex. C. B. Kleine, 385 6th Ave. DAVENPORT, IOWA. Geo. Kloino, 1476 P.roa.lw.iv. Victor Animatograph Co. Belli .1 K'iMi|,|,rliii:,M (ill, Ave. MrC; \ 'M. \ ,, , , Ave. LIGHTS BOUND BROOK, N. J. / Pathe Freres. ILL. FORT LEE, N. J. CHICAGO, Merc;! ii,,i|iii!. I-M , iji;:) JJroadway. Bolte Weyer, 125 S. Center St. Eclair Film Co. & H. Jic.^iriiiii. ::sv. (;iii Au-. Capitol Merchandise Co., 440 S. Dearborn ORANGE, N. J. ^Thomas A. Edison (Inc.). Motion Picture Camera Co., 5 W. 14th. Motion Picture Investment Co., 381 0th Ave. Cooper Hewitt Electric Co., Dearborn BlNGHAMTON, N. Y. 343 S. Motion Picture Patents Co., 80 5th Ave. St. Ansco Co. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Motion Picture & Dramatic Co., 145 W. National X-Ray Reflector Co., 229 W. Jack- 45th. son Blvd. Acme Film Co., Inc., 130 W. 37th. rBiograph Co., 807 E. 175th. National Moving Picture Supply Co., 145 ST. LOUIS, MO. W. 45th. Columbia Incandescent Lamp Works. ^ Comet Film Co., 344 E. 32nd. Eclair Film Co., 42nd. New Bra Motion Picture Plan, 217 E. 24th. HOBOKEN, N. J. 225 W. G. Gennert, 24 E. 13th St. N. Y. Motion Picture Corp., Broadway and Cooper Hevfitt Elec. Light Co. 42nd. NEW YORK, N. Y. German-American Cinematograph & Film Co., 2nd Ave. Nicholas Power Co., 90 Gold. Lux Mfg. Co., 54 Grove St. 219 Great Northern Film E. Novelty Slide Co., 20 E. 14th. National X-Ray Reflector Co., 6 E. 3f)th St. Co., 7 14th. Hochstetter Utility Co., E. Novelty Slide Co., 145 W. 45th. Universal Electric Stage Lighting Co., 240 40 12th. David Horsley, Pathescope Co., 141 W. 36th. 50lh St. 147 4th Ave. W. People's Moving Picture & Amusement Co., CLEVELAND. OHIO. --Kalem Co., 235 W. 23rd. ' Knickerbocker Film Co., 95 Liberty. 1475 Broadway. National Lamp Co., Nela Park. B. F. Porter, 1465 Broadway. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Lumiere-Jougla Co., 75 5th Ave. Monopol Film Co., 145 W. 45th. Nicholas Power Co., 90 Gold. Bennett, Chas. H., 50 N. 9th St. Picture Theatre Equipt. Co., 21 E. 14th. PITTSBURGH, PA. w York J' aivd 42nd. R. & E. Singing Picture Co., 295 Madison Radium Light Co., 705 Pennsylvania Ave. Pathe Freres, 56 Beaver. Ave. Nicholas Power Co.. 90 Gold. Wm. E. Raynor, 1476 Broadway. B. Prieur, 10 B. 15th St. Reliance Motion Pictures, 537 Biverdale MAKE-UP OUTFITS Rex Motion Picture Masterpiece Co., 573 11th Ave. Rexmore Motion Picture Co., 25 W. 42nd. Special Event Film Co., 248 W. 35th. Robert Richter, 23 E. 14th. Universal Film Mfg. Co., Broadway and F. Schwanhausser, 110 E. 23rd. 48tb. Samuel Schwartz, 115 W. 116th. ^Vitagraph Co. of America. 116 Nassau. Ernest Shipmen, 110 W. 40th. Warner's Features. Inc., 126 W. 46th Siegel & Dietz, 2169 8th Ave. METAL CEILINGS NEW ROCHELLE. N. Y. Simplex Projector Dis. Co., 1465 Broadway. Thanhouser Co. Song Slide Service Co., 12 Union Sa. NEW YORK, N. Y. ROCHESTER, N. Y. Song Slide Service Co., 28 Union Sq. .Acme CeiUng Co., 512 E. 118th St. Feature Film Co. of America Spectograph Co., 33 Wooster. Canton Steel Ceiling Co., 221 11th A Fireproof Film Co. Tliomas & Baumann, 99 Nassau. CANTON, OHIO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Vanoscope Co., 220 W. 42nd. Berger Mfg. Co. ^Lubin Mfg. Co., Indiana and 20th. Variety Photo Plays Co., 110 3rd Ave. Canton Metal Ceiling Co., 1952 Harr Victor Animatograph Co.. 1 Madison Ave. Vitagraph Co. of America, 116 Nassau. MOTION PICTURES Vitascope Co. of America, Inc., 145 W. 45th. Washington Moving Picture Theatre, 557 W. MOTION PICTURE COLORS 145th. Webb Talking Pictures Co., 220 W. 42nd. Wedepict Motion Picture Corp., 115 Broad- way. 23rd. Amer. W. R. Wilkerson, 1482 Broadway. Phonet-O-Scope Co., 1919 Broadway. Carl A. Willat, 220 W. 42nd. Amer. Vitagraph Co., 116 Nassau. Ammex Motion Picture Mfg. Co., Inc., '>20 LEONARD WALKER W. 42nd. MOTION PICTURE MACHINE & C. R. Baird & Co., 24 E. 23rd. Fred J. Balhofer, 251 W. 19th F. H. Barron, 217 7th Ave. MANUFACTURERS M. P. Behrend Supply House, 440 4th Ave ATTORNEYS Biograph Co., 807 E. 175th. WASHINGTON, D. C. Nathan E. Bloch, 126 2nd Ave. Phantoscope Mfg. Co. Broncho Motion Picture Co., Broadway and WEST ORANGE, N. J. AND 42nd. Edison, Thos. A.. Co. Bronx Centre, W. Chester Ave. and 160th. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Buettner & Buettner. 10 E. 14th. Cameron Co., M. P., 61 Poplar St. COUNSELLORS Frederick Bunde, 18 B. 125th. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. Cijljo'i^^ Motion Picture Laboratories, 29 Hallberg, J. H., 36 E. 23rd St. Motion Picture Apparatus Co., 810 Broad- Carllon Jlotion Picture Laboratories, 537 way. BANK REFERENCE AND RAMO Riveidale Ave. Nicholas Power Co., 90 Gold St. Chromo-Kinetograph Co., 222 W. 42nd. Porter, B. P., 1465 Broadway. FILMS, INC. Precision Machine Co.. 317 B. 34th St. Proctor, B. K., 123 Liberty St. Simplex Projector Dis. Co., 1465 Broadway, Corner 42nd. PITTSBURGH, PA. 1 35 BROADWAY, N. Y. CITY C. & I. Film Mfg. Co.. 432 Wood St. .


B. K. ElUott Co., 108 6th. MOTION PICTURE Exhibitors' Display & Poster Co.. 417 4th. OPERA CHAIRS Famous Players Film Service, Inc., 404 CAL. 'MACHINES AND SUPPLIES Ferry. SAN FRANCISCO, Spencer Desk Co.. 68 Post. Feature Film Calcium Light Co., 125 4th. & ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, ILL. WASHINGTON, D. C. General Film Co., Pgh. Calcium Branch, Peter Volz Co. Motion Picture Co.. The. Hutchii & Armat 121 4th. CHICAGO. ILL. Bldg. General Film Co., Duq. Branch, 436 4th. American School Furniture Co.. 218 S. Wa- Thompson, Ezra I F, N. W. Guckert, Frank R., 4th. 167 bash Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. Hatch, J. Frank. Fihn Co., 109 4th. American Seating Co., 218 S. Wabash Ave. Amusement Supply Co., 107 N. Dearborn. Hommel Ludwig & Co.. 422 1st Ave. A. H. Andrews Co.. 115 S. Wabash Ave. Atlas Moving Picture Co., 508 S. Dearborn. Industrial & Domestic Film Co. Lbrty., 2534 Royal Metal Mfg. Co.. 2318 S. Western Ave. Bell & Howell Co., 1803 Larchmont Ave. 5th. Dearborn. E. H. Stafford Mfg. Co.. 218 S. Wabash Dearborn Novelty Co.. 537 S. Keno Feature Film Co., 101 4th. Ave. Mtg. Co., Kan- Enterprise Optical 83 W. Keystone View Co., Wabash Bldg. ELGIN. ILL. Keystone Vivaphone Co., 404 Ferry. Woodruff & Edwards Co. Exhibitor Film Exchange. 172 W. Wash- Phg. Moving Picture Mach. & Film Co.. 115 NORTH MANCHESTER. IND. ington. 4th. Peabody School Furniture Co. Eleine Optical Co.. 166 N. State. Richards Features, Cameraphone Bldg. BOSTON. MASS. Laemmle Film Service. 204 W. Lake. Sun Film Mfg. Co., Oliver Bldg. Herbert J. Harwood's Sons, 69 Pearl. Moore & Hubbell Co.. Masonic Temple. Warner's Features, Inc., 406 Ferry. CONCORD, MASS. Stereopticon Co.. 30 E. Eandolph. Weiland Feature Film Co., 4th. Mcintosh 115 Allen Chair Co. Motion Picture- Scope Co., Peoples Gas Bldg. Western Film Co.. 127 4th. GARDNER, MASS. Polyscope Co., 20 E. Randolph. Wonderland Film Exchange. George Bldg. Selig Heywood Bros. & Wakefield Co. Famous Film Co.. 4th. DAVENPORT, IOWA. World's 115 E. H. Mahoney Chair Co. Victor Animatograph Co. World Film Corp., 127 4th. GRAND EAPIDS, MICH. Mfg. Supply Co., Jenkins ' DES MOINES, IOWA. Myer & 5147 Haney School Furniture Co. Benjamin, Arcade. Blache Feature Service, Sam 403 Steel Furniture Co. Obs Bldg. KNOXVILLE, TENN. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Capital City Feature Film Service, 420 North American Film Corp., 411 W. De- Minneapolis Office & School Furniture Co. Clapp. pot St. SPRINGFIELD, MO. Capital City Film Mfg. Co., 420 Clapp St. HOUSTON, TEXAS. Moore Mfg. Co. Supply Co., E. C. Opitz, W. C, 411 Moore-Burnett Bldg. Des Moines Film & SOMEEVILLE, N. J. Utica Robertson. Floor, LiBeau, Secy, and Mgr., 217-19 Wyndham, 5th Settegast Tlie A. B. Cornell Co. Bldg. Bldg. BEOOKLYN, N. Y. Film Service, 420 SEATTLE, WASH. International Feature E. W. Eeld & Co.. 272 Kent Ave. Clapp. Film Supply Co., 1301 5th. NEW YOEK CITY, N. Y. The, Walnut General Film Co., 3rd. Laemmle Film Service, 421 819 A. H. Andrews Co., 1161 Broadway. (2nd Floor). Kleine, Geo., Attractions, Orpheum The- M. Eeischmann & Sons, Lederman, 14 E. 32nd. Laemmle Film Service, D. B. atre Bldg. THOMASVILLE. N. C. Mgr., 3rd Floor, Hubbell Bldg. Northwestern Feature Film Co., 1216 3rd. Cramer Furniture Co. Miller, W. J., Moving Picture Bureau, 417 Pacific Film Exchange. 1214y2 3rd. CANAL DOVEE. OHIO. Good. Pacific Mutual Film Corp.. 1929 2nd. Hardesty Mfg Mutual Film Corp., E. S. Ballantyne, Mgr., Progressive Motion Picture Co.. Central MINEEVA. OHIO Room 10, Cohen Bldg. Bldg. READSBORO. VT. Newton Theatre Supply Co.. Victor Newton, Eandolph Film Co., Sullivan-Consldine Bldg. Beadsboro Chair Mfg. Co. Warner's Features, Inc., Mgr., 227 Good Blk. 600 Union. Minerva Hdwe. Mfg. Co. (Metallic) Superior Film Mfg. Co., C. W. Kramer, World Film Corp., 1214y2 3rd. NEW LONDON. WIS. Mgr., 13th and Crocker. Pacific Film Exchange, 216-218 Seneca. The Wisconsin Seating Co BALTIMORE, MD. Seattle Stage Lighting Co., 21 Madison Blk. POET WASHINGTON. WIS. Black & Desker Mfg. Co., 113 S. Calvert. Warner's Feature Film Co.. 404 Epler Bldg. Wisconsin Chair Co. DULUTH, MINK. MILWAUKEE, WIS. National Employment Co., 417 W. Michigan. Globe Electric Co., 195 Broadway. Smith & AUen Co., 309-311 W. 1st. Advance Theatrical Exchange, 173 3rd. KANSAS CITY, MO. WATEETOWN, 'WIS. ORGANS Chas. M. Stebbins. 1028 Main. Davis Film Exchange Co. ST. LOUIS. MO. LOS ANGELES, CAL. Melbeck Motion Picture Machine Wks., 1225 Murray M. Harris Co. (House. Theatre and Chestnut. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Chemical Pipe). Sears Theatre Supply Co., 509 Chestnut. HARTFORD. CONN. BEEKELEY, CAL. Austin Co. ORANGE. N. J. Organ (Church. Pipe). American Photo Player Sales Co. MANSFIELD DEPOT. CONN. Thomas A. Edison, Inc. CHICAGO. ILL. Y. T. McCollom. BROOKLYN, N. Bartola Keyboard Sales Co.. Schiller Bldg. Cameron Picture Machine Co., 61 Poplar. Mansfield Organ Pipe Worlis. Deagan. J. C., 1770 Berteau Ave. (Bells- FLUSHING, N. Y. MERIDEN. CONN. Wilcox & White Co. (Symphony Orchestral). Gaumont Co. & Liebich, 3555 Lincoln Ave. NEW YOEK CITY, N. Y. NEW HAVEN. CONN. Llfeograph Co., 142 E. 14th. Hall Organ Co. (Church. Pipe). American Lvon & Healey, Adams & Wabash Ave. American Film Brokers. 5 W. 14th. B. Shoninger Co. (Cabinet Reed). CAilDEN. N. J. Mach. WASHINGTON. D. C. American Moving Picture Co.. 102 Victor Phonograph Co. J. F. Herman, 1420 Penn. Ave., N. W. Beekman. NEW YOEK, N. Y. Biograph Co., E. 175th. WILMINGTON, DEL. 807 Smith & Brown. 220 W. 46th St. Edison, Inc., 5th Ave. Brown Organ Co. (Pipe). Thos. A. 10 Welte. M.. & Sons, 273 Fifth Ave. Gunby Bros., 199 3rd Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Adam Schaaf, 700 W. Madison. T. H. McAlester, 49 Nassau. North Tonawanda Musical Instrume Pathe Freres, 56 Beaver. A. L. White Mfg. Co., 215 Englewood (Par- Works. lor, Chapel, Folding). Nicholas Power Co., 90 Gold. CINCINNATI. OHIO. Precision Machine Co.. 317 E. 34th. Bilhorn Bros., 136 W. Lake (Folding Reed). Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. Cable Co., 301 S. Wabash. Eberhard Schneider. 219 2nd Ave. DALLAS. TEXAS. Selchow Eighter Co., 620 Broadway. Foley & Williams Mfg. Co., 19 W. Jackson. & Western Automatic Music Co.. 1810 Ma Vitagraph Co. of America, 116 Nassau. Geo. P. Bent Co., 211 S. Wabash (Cabinet Reed). Wele. M . & Sons, 273 Fifth Ave. CLEVELAND. OHIO. H. Faber, 325 S. Robey (Foldmg). Buckeye Stereopticon Co. MUSIC PUBLISHERS Hume, H. D., Co.. 608 S. Dearborn St. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. Lyon & Healy, Wabash and Adams (Cabinet. Muskogee Amusement Co., The. Muskogee, CHICAGO. ILL. Reed, Pipe) Okla. The Dixie Music House, 105 W. Madison St. Melville Clark Piano Co., 17 Van Buren. POETLAND, OEE. .Terome H. Eemick & Co., 22 W. Monroe St. M. Schulz Co., 711 Milwaukee (Parlor. American Lifeograph Co., 22 Union. BATTLE CREEK, MICH. Chap3l). Film Supply Co. of Oregon, SSSVz Alder. The Arthur Bellinger Music Co. Newman Bros. Co., Chicago and Dlx (Cabi- General Film Co., 68 7th. NEW YORK, N. Y. net Eeed). Hauck, H. C, 612 Swetland Bldg. Shapiro. Bernstein & Co.. Broadway and Eudolph Wurlitzer Co. Independent Western Film Exchange, 64 7th. 39th St. Tryber Piano Co., 36 S. State. Newman Film Exchange, 52fiy2 Washington. Williams Organ & Piano Co., 14 W. Wash- Newman Motion Picture Exchange, 4507 ington. 70th, S. E. NOVELTIES W. W. Kimball Co.. Wabash and Jackson Pacific Film Co., 404 Eothchild Bldg. (Church. Caliinct. Reed, Pipe). Rex Amusement Co., 125 7th. EAST ST. LOUIS. ILL. 513 S. 3rd Ave. Century JDg. Co. Sills, J. G.. 543 Vancouver. NEW YORK. N. Y. Scoy. A., Swetland Bldg. ELGIN. ILL. Van W. 612 Hdlidav Novelty Co.. 27 E. 4t.h St. West Coast Feature Film Co., 404 Eoth- Seybold Reed F ie Organ Co. Marion, Louise M., 466 W. 23rd St. FLANAGAN, ILL. child Bldg. TOLEDO, OHIO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Jansen & Joosten. Mervin Novelty Co., 1418 Cherry St. Phila. Moving Picture Supply Co., 1233 FEEEPOET, ILL. Vine. S. M. Swan. Williams, Brown & Earle, Inc.. 918 Chest- OIL—LUBRICATING HIGHLAND, ILL. Wicks Pipe Organ Co. Harold Ives Co., Inc. CHICAGO. ILL. MOLINE, ILL. Lubin Mfg. Co., 20th and Indiana. On Drop Oil Co.. 2222 W. Monroe St. J. Peterson Co. Horbocht & Co., 112 N. 9th. NEW BEDFORD. MASS. PEKIN, ILL. PITTSBURGH, PA. Nye. Wm. F. Hinners Organ Co. American Poster Mounting Co.. 444 Liberty. NEW YORK, N. Y. ROCK ISLAND, ILL. Bennett Organ Co. (Pipe). C. & I. Film Mfg. Co., 432 Wood. Ezo Mfg. Co.. 220 W. 42nd St. Continental Feature Film Co., 420 Penn. CLEVELAND, OHIO. FOET WAYNE, IND. Cut Rate Film Co., 109 4th. Visco Motor Oil Co. Packard Co. Eclectic Feature Film Exchange. 715 Lib- MARIETTA. OHIO. MISHAWAKA, IND. erty. Latschaw. E. E., & Co. Louis H. Van Diiiker. . .


PERU, IXD. CINCINNATI, OHIO. POSTERS Chute & Butler Co. Baldwin Co.. 142 W, 4th. BUELINGTON, IOWA. Cable Piano Co., 137 W. 4th. CHICAGO, ILL, Burlington Pipe Organ Co. Foley & Williams Mfg. Co., 123 W. 5th Central Printing & Engraving Co., Franklin ABILENE, KAN. (Church). and Institute PI. C. F. Batb. Rudolph Wtnrlltzer Co. NEW Y-ORK, N. Y. LEATENWOETH, KAN. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Armstrong Lithograph Co., 22 E. 21st St C. W. Parker (JliUtary Band). Votteler-Hettche Organ Co., Abbey Ave., Arthur Brady, 124 B. 14th St. LOUISVILLE, KY. Corner W. 14th (Church). General Film Co., 200 Fifth Ave. Adler llfg. Co., Chestnut, N. Come ilARIETTA, OHIO. Krause Mfg. Co., 14 E. 17th St, 29th. Stevens Organ & Piano Co. New York Poster Mounting Co., 157 W. Beckwith Organ Co. XORWALK, OHIO. 32nd St. Henrr Pilcher's Sons, 90S Mason Ave. A. B. Chase Co. CINCINNATI, OHIO. FOECROrX, ME. ORR-VILLE. OHIO. Hennegan & Co. Hughes & Son Piano Mfg. Co. (Cahlnet A. J. Shantz Sous & Co. (Church). CLEVELAND, OHIO. Eeed). SALEM, OHIO. A. B. C. Poster Co. BALTniOEE, MD. Wirsching Organ Co. Central Lithograph Co., 113 St. Clair Ave., Adam Stein, 66S W. German (Church). TOLEDO. OHIO. N. E. Shimek Bros., 930 N. Broadway (Hand). miitney & Currier Co. The Morgan Lithograph Co.. St. Clair Av9. HAGEKSTOWN, IID. DARBY', PA. and Third St.. N. E. M. P. MoUer & Co. Christopher Elfler (Pipe). MILWAUKEE, WIS. BOSTON, MASS. ERIE, PA. American Show Print Co., 282 6th Ave. A. B. De Courcy & Co., 634 Harrison A. B. Felgemaker (Erie Organ Co.). (Church Pipe). A. Gottfried & Co. (Church). Ernst M. Skinner Co., 215 Sydney. TeUers Organ Co. (Church). PREMIUMS Hutchings Organ Tremont (Church). LEBANON, PA. Co., IS CHICAGO. ILL. Trazee Organ Co., 520 MiUer Organ & Piano Co. (Cabinet Heed). KimbaU, SmaUman & Oxford Harrison. MOUNT PENN. PA. Premium Co.. 1S2 N. Dearborn St. Shure, N. Co.. iladison and Franklin Sts. Mason & Hamlin Co., 492 Boylston (Eeed). E. E. Palm. KENDAL GEEEN, MASS. PHILADELPHIA. PA. NTEW YORK, N. Y. Cosmos Specialty Co., Broadway. Hook & Hasting Co. (Church, Pipe, Eesl- Bates & CuUey, 1827 S. 11th (Church). 320 Metropolitan Premium dence. Self -Playing Pipe). Chas. E. Haskell, 1520 Kater (Pipe, Co.. Woolworth Bldg. MELROSE. MASS. Church). James Cole & Co. (Church). W. H. Dentzell, 3637-41 Germantown. BEADING, MASS. PITTSBLTIGH, PA. PROJECTORS Sam'l Pierce Organ Pipe Works. IngersoU Construction Co.. 324 4th Ave. SPBINGFIELD, MASS. YORK, PA. CHICAGO, ILL, Mcintosh Stereopticon Co., E. Randolpli Steere Son Co. Weaver Organ Piano Co. (Cabinet 30 & Organ & Reed). (Opaque). WALTHAM, MASS. HOUSTON, TEXAS. DAVENPORT. IOWA. Hutchings Organ Co. Southern Piano & Organ Factory. Victor Anlmatograph Co. (Post Card Jfotion E. W. Lane Co. BR.iTTLEBOHO. VT. & Picture). WEST BOTLSTON, MASS. Caipsnter Co. (Cal)inet Reedi. ORANGE, N. J. Geo. (Church). Estey Organ Co. (Cabinet Reed. W. Eeed Church, Stratton Mfg. WESTEIELD, Pipe). Co. MASS. CITY, Y. Howard Emmons (Church). ST-\I^'TON. VA. NEW YORK N. Acme FUm Co., 130 W. 37th. Edwin B. Hedges. W. W. Putnam & Co. WOECESTER, MASS. julw-JlUKee. WIS. ROCHESTER. N. Y. Bausch Lomb Optical Co. Tunstall. Bigger TunstaU Co. Hann-Wangeriu-Weickhardt & & Co., 112 Bur- SCHENECTADY. N. Y. ADEIAN. MICH. rell (Pipe). General Electric Co. Clough & Warren Co. Otto Hausmann Pipe Organ Co., 1208 Kinni- DETROIT, inCH. UTICA. N. Y. Bossert Co. Clough & Warren Co. (Cabinet Eeed). Wm. Schuelke, 2219 Walnut (Church). PHILADELPHIA. PA. Farrand Organ Co.. 12th and G. T. Ey. Rose Mfg. Co.. Arch. (Reed. (Church, Parlor). 910 SOUTH HATEN, IDCH. NORTH BENNINGTON, VT. H. C. White Co. Casavant Freres (Pipe). PENNANTS KANSAS CITY, MO. Alexander Christman (Pipe). LOS ANGELES, CAL. NORTH ST. PAUL, MINN. Pacific Pennant & Novelty Co., 244 New PUBLICATIONS High. P. S. Wick Co. BROOKLYN, N. Y. ST. LOUIS, MO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Associated M. P. Press, 250 Kingston Ave Geo. Kilgen & Sons, 3S19 Laclede (Pipe). A. H. Hendler & Co., 1001 Market. EUery 3Ifg. Co.. NEW YOEK, N. Y. DOVER, N. J. 585 Market. M. Newman, Billboard Pub. Co., Heidelberg Bldg. Wm. S. Wright. 883 Market. CHICAGO, ILL. Chalmers Pub. Co., Box 226, Madison Sq. GARWOOD, N. J. Sta. Voety Organ Co. Chicago Flag & Decorating Co., 1354 Wa- Dramatic lUrror, 145 W. 45th St. JERSEY CITY, N. J. Ladies' World, The, Fourth Ave. Darid Jones (Pipe). Fme Art Novelty Co., 39 W. Adams. 251 Jlotion Picture News, BROOKLYN, N. T. F. Sternthal. 358 W. Madison. 220 W. 42nd St. Motion Picture World. Madison Reuben Midmer Son, Fulton (Church, Mericau ArmadUlo Curio Co., 160 N. .5th Box 226. & 375 P. Pipe). Sq. 0. Morning Telegraph, Putnam Geo. W. Badger. Bldg. Eeel Life, 71 W. 23rd St. BT.FF.ALO, N. T. illNNEAPOLIS, MINN. Viner Son, Lansing. & 36 Thoen's Pennant Factory. 32 S. 6th. ITHACA, N. Y. NEW YOEK CITY, N. Y. RAILINGS—BRASS The Autophone Co. (Mechanical Roller). Holiday Novelty 5Ifg. Co., 27 E. 4th St. CHICAGO, ILL. CITY, Langrock Bros., 35 Ormond PI. LONG ISLAND N. Y. PALMYRA, PA. Baldwin Brass Works, 525 W. Van Buren. Eifeit & Stoehr (Church). National Pennant Co. Chicago Metal Sing Co., 519 W. Van Buren. MEEEICK, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Wlnslow Bros. Co., 46th and 47th Aves. and Geo. W. Badger (Pipe). Rudolph Bros., 19 N. Harrison. NEW YOEK CITY, N. Y. LOUISVILLE, KY. A. Berni, 216 W. 20th. E. A. Stege Mfg. Co., 238 W. Jefferson. AeoUan Co., 27 W. 42nd (Cabinet Eeed, EALTIMOEE, MD. Mechanical) Gibson & Kirk Co., 517 E. Montgomery. Charles Maier. 3638 Park Ave. ST. LOUIS. MO. E. Boecker, 299 10th Ave. PHOTO SUPPLIES St. Louis Brass Mfg. Co., Jefferson & Wash- G. Mlna. 2 1st St. CHICAGO, ILL. BITFALa°N. T. J. H. & C. S. Odell & Co., 409 W. 42nd. Enterprise Optical Co., 546 W. Randolph St. Zero Valve Brass .loseph Muzzlo & Son. 178 Park Row. & Mfg. Co., 417 Chicago. Gairing. C. F., & Co., 128 N. La Salle St. M. Welte & Sons, 273 5th Ave. NEW YORK CITY'. N. Y. Photo Art Co.. 166 N. State St. Daughin. St. Mason & Hamlin Co., 313 5th Ave. (Cabinet Wm.. 141 43rd NEW YOEK, N. Y. Frankel Display Needham Piano Co., 449 W. 53rd (Cabinet Fixture Co., 177 Hudson. Gennert, G., 24 E. 13th St. Hopkins & Co.. 198 W. Broadway. Reed). nieschlaeger Organ Bros., 110 E. 23rd .St. Howard & Morse. 45 Fulton. & Orchestrion Co. N. Y. Reed). BOCHESTEE, Janusch 3Ifg. Co., 496 134 St. Defender Photo Supply Co. Kathadion Bronze Schundler. Van Auken & Co.. 24 State. Works, 501 Fifth Ave Votey Organ Co.. 27 W. 42nd. JIarme Mfg. & Suppts' Co., 158 South. Stolp, Oscar, 22 Fletcher St XOETH TONAWANDA. N. Y. U. T. Hungerford Brass & Copper Co., 497 Niagara Musical Instrument Co. (Band). PIANOS—AUTOMATIC Pearl. North Tonawanda Musical Instrument Worla CHICAGO, ILL. W. H. Parkerton. 1450 W. ISth. (Mmtary Band). ROCHESTER. N. Y. Seebury. Piano Co., 900 Republic Smith Organ Co. Snow Wire Works Co., 76 Exchange. Eudolph WurUtzer Mfg. Co. (Automatic BIdg. KANSAS CITY, MO. CINCINNATI, OHIO. Playing) Newman ilfg. Co., 71* Sycamore. Berry & Wood Piano Player Co. OHIO. TONAWANDA, N. Y. NEW YORK, N. Y. COLUMBUS, GOUe Machine Co. Columbus Wire & Iron Works. The Electrova Co., 117 Cvrus Ave., UTICA, N. Y. CINCINNATI, OHIO. PITTSBURGH, PA. Clarence E. Morey McKam Bros. Brass Co. (Church). The Rudolph WurUtzer Co. PHILADELPHIA, PA. HIGH POINT, N. C. John L. Gaumer & Co., 22nd and Wood. SMpman Organ Co. POST CARDS—PLAYERS CHATTANOOGA, TENN. ALLIANCE, OHIO. Standard Iron & Wire Works. Gutfleisch & Shopp (Pipe). WIS. Hillgreen, i^aue & Co., (Church). 1 Metal Products Co. 196 AMERICAN MOTION PlOTdTJE 1) T R P] C! T 0 R Y

RAILINGS—THEATRE NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Law Scenic Studios, 502 W. 38th St. SOUVENIRS CHICAGO, ILL. Lee Lash Studios. 1476 Broadway. DENVER, COLO. Vail Scenic Construction Co., 24tl: BiMwin Brass Worte, 525 W. Van Bureii. 320 W. H. H. Tammen Co. Barbee Wii-6 & Iron Works, 170 N. Dear- CHICAGO, ILL. born. Advertising Novelty Co., 420 S. Whv BOSTON. MASS. T. F. McGann & Sons Co., 104 Portland. Crowe Name Plate & Engraving Co.. 1749 CINCINNATI. OHIO. Grace St. Newman Mfg. Co., 717 Sycamore. SCENIC PAINTERS AND Takito. Owazo & Co.. 156 W. Lake St. PITTSBURGH, PA. U. S. Factories Co., 525 Great Lake Bldg. Pittsburgh Brass Mfg. Co., Penna. BIdg. DEALERS IN SCENERY, ETC. MUSCATINE, IOWA. Union Novelty Mfg. Co. ATTLEBORO, MASS. RAILS—HAND CHICAGO, ILL. Robblns Co. Sosman & Landis Co., 417 S. CUnton St. BOSTON. MASS, U. S. T. & A. Co.. 229 N. Desplaines St. Tichnor Bros., 251 Causeway. CHICAGO, ILL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NORTH ATTLEBORO, J. G. Braun, 600 S. Paulina (Steel). MASS. Frank M. Green Scenic Co.. 408 Fifth St. F. S. Gilbert. Imperial Brass Mfg. Co., Corner Harrison ST. LOUIS. MO. and Center Ave, (Automobile Foot and CAMDEN. N. J. St. Louis Float & Scenic Co., 513 Elm St. Thos. Kobe Kails). Parry's Sons Co.. (Metal). Toomey & VoUand Scenic Co.. 2312 Market NEWARK. F. P. Smith Wire & Iron Works, 5G W. N. J. St. Art Metal Works. Mulberry. Lake. OMAHA. NEB. 7 Western Brass Mfg. Works, 2007 Marshall ITHACA, N. y. EnkeboU Art Co.. 5305 N. 27th St. Ithaca Sign Works. (Brass and Bronze). NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. QUINCY. ILL. LOCH SHELDBAKE. N. Y. The New York Studios. 1001 Times Bldg. S. R. Divine Son. Van Doom Co. & SYRACUSE. N. Y. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Syracuse Scenic Co.. 906 E. Fayette St. Bigelow-Cheney Wire Worte. A. C. Bosselman & Co., 114 E. 16th. CINCINNATI. OHIO. Willis-DuBois Co., 150 Nassau. DETROIT, MICH. Tlie Wm. Beck & Sons Co. HILL, Iron Works, PINE N. Y. J. B. BoUes & Wire 4th and John Herfurth, 2183 Boone St. Porter. COLUMBUS, OHIO. T \\\t:itSVji,LEi N. Y. Detroit Sliipbuilding Co. (Brass Dept.). M. Armbruster & Sons. 249 Front St. CITY, N. Y. NEW YORK Schnell's Scenic Studios. 581 S. High St. Estey Wire Works Co., 59 Fulton. STEUBENVILLE. OHIO. DAYTON, OHIO. The Myers-Carey Studios, Fourth and Mar- City Forge c& Iron Works (Brass). ket (Enameled Pins. Fobs. Etc.] EBRING. (UlIO. RECTIFIERS SCREENS CHICAGO, ILL. Amer. Battery Co., 1132 Fulton. J. F. Ashbrook, 2639 Emmett. TOBYHANNA, Wm. Meyer Co., 825 W. Washington. Tobyhanna Souvenir & Nov. Mfg. Co. Victor Electric Co., 30 E. Randolph. CHICAGO, ILL. (Wood). BOSTON, MASS. Sosman & Landis, 417 Clinton St. Electric Economy Co., Hyde Park. Burke & James, 240 E. Ontario. ST. LOUIS. MO. SHEEBYVILLE. IND. STEREOPTICONS Phoenix Auto Supply Co., 3974 Olive. Mirror Screen Co. Wagner Elec. Mfg. Co.. 6400 Plymouth. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. EW YORK. N. Y. Chas. Beseler Co.. E. NEWARK, N. .T. Electric Curtain Co., 1708 E. Franklin Ave. IIC 23rd St. Mohawk Elec. Mfg. Co., 43 Lawrence. ST. LOUIS, MO. Jeature Advertising Co ORANGE. N. J. American Theatre Curtain Co.. 105 N. Main Edison Storage Battery Co. St. SPECIALTIES 'I'homas A. Edison, Inc.. 273 Lakeside. JAMESTOWN. N. Y. NEW YOBIC CITY, N. Y. Watson Mfg. Co. Western Electric Co., 403 West. NEW YORK, N. Y. ROCHESTER, N. Y. American Tlieatre Supply Co., 220 W. 42nd

Murphy Electricity Rectifier St. I. Co. . -lirrialty Mfg. Co. SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Day & Night Screens, Inc., 291 Broadway. General Gilman Mfg. Co., 105 John St. Electric Co. iieral Specialty Co., 409 Morgan St. CINCINNATL OHIO. Simpson, A. L.. 113 W. I32nd St. Electric Stogare Battery & Mfg. Co., 130 NEWBURGH, N. Y. Opera PI. (For ohanghig Alternating to Genter, J. H.. Co.. Newburgh, N. Y. SWITCHBOARDS Direct Current). CANTON. OHIO. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Coyle Curtain Co. li.WCTSCO. CAL. Auto Supply Mfg. Co., 2366 Woodbill Rd. "'I'll i;]cctrlo & Mfg. Co., 109 Erie. Electric Products Co.. 6536 Carnegie Ave., "I \rw Bedford Copper Co. - Rupreciit Electrical Co., 7117 Cedar. SLIDES n K. >LiSS. -M Mccle Switchboard Co. (ALSO SEE ADVERTISING FILMS AND s dlY. MO. REELS SLIDES) Iviii.re Electric & Mfg. Co. uRK CITY. N. Y. CHICAGO, ILL. CHICAGO, ILL. !s. Penneteather. 1402 Broadway. Bell & Howell Co., 1803 Larchraont Ave. American Motion Slide Co., Gil Natl. Bid;!, sal Elec. Stage Light Co., 240 W. YORK. Y. American Slide & Poster Co.. 1st Natl. 50th NEW N. TOLEDO. OHIO. Mfg. Co., The. 257 Greenwich St. Bank Bldg. DAVENPORT, IOWA. F. Bissell Co. Victor Animatograpli Co. EAST PITTSBURG. PA. BALTIMORE, MD. & Mfg. Co. Cut-out Slide Co., Emerson Tower. KANSAS CITY, MO. \Iach. Won Ideal Slide Co., Box 943. REGULATORS Kansas City Slide Co.. 1332 Grand Ave. ST. LOUIS. MO. Chromotype Co.. 804 Columbus Bldg. NEW YORK. N. Y. THEATRE CHAIRS Current Events Slide Co.. 553 W. 33rd St. Excelsior Slide Co., 61 W. 14th St. REWINDERS Gallot. G. P.. 70 Christopher St. ch Furn. Co. Greater New York Slide Co.. Academy of OLEON, N. Y. Music Bldg. Lang Mfg. Co. "s. Chas. K., CoUimbia Theatre Bldg. TICKETS SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Mil E. 2fith NEW BRITAIN. CONN. L. C. .Smith Co. 7 W. 23rd St. Russell Erwin. CLINTON. OHIO. 59 Pearl St. & FORT ILL. Fredericks Auto Rewi 12 Union Sfiuar CHICAGO. An.scll Ticket Co.. 154 E. Eric St. Arcus Ticket Co.. 033 PIvmouIh C RHEOSTATS Band. McNallj & Co., 536 S. Clark FORT WAYNE. IND. Works of Ge YORK. N. Y. Slide Co.. 23 N. 9th St. NEW Keller Printing Co.. 722 Broadway. New York Ticket Co.. 254 W. 18th St Standard Ticket Co., 181 Pearl St. SCENERY SLIDE INK TOLEDO, OHIO. CHICAGO. ILL. American Ticket Co, De Berri Scenic Co.. 140 W. Lake St CHICAGO, ILL. ALLENTOWN. PA. Richard Guthmaiin Co., 1314 Studio United Ticket Supply Co. SOMEBVILLE, MASS. PHILADELPHIA, PA. O. L. Stoey Scenic Co., Inc. (Stage). Globe Ticket Co.. 112 N. 12th. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. * SHAMOKIN. PA. Twin City Scenic Co. (Theatre). National Ticket Co. )

1 ( A M E R I C A N M 0 T [ () N V I C T 1 R V I ) I K R ! T 0 II Y 107

TICKET CHOPPERS NRW YORK. N. Y. Zulu Mfg. Co., 20 S. Clinton. Ford Uniform Co., 339 W. 42nd St. ROCK ISLAND, ILL. S.iLEM. MASS. Russell Uniform Co., 1600 Broadway. Griswold Mfg. Co., (Slot). Paul B. Patten. M. Cowen & Co., 787 Broadway. ANDERSON. IND. DETROIT. MICH. ICmil J. DiTfoos, 5 University PI. Ideal Mfg. Co.. (Postage Stamp, Safety Match). Amusement Sales Co., 005 Woodward Ave. SYRACUSE, N. Y. Onondaga Indian SHELBYVILLE. IND. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Wigwam Co. CINCINNATI, OHIO. Vandegrift Morris. InKeisoU-Band Co., 11 Broadway. & ROCHESTER. N. Y. Feechheimer Bros. Co.. 4th and Pike. TERRB haute, IND. Pettibone Vigo Mfg. Langslow Co. Bros. Mfg Co., 626 Main. Co., (Popcorn). CLEVELAND. OHIO. CLEVELAND, OHIO. DAVENPORT. IOWA. Bloch St. S. Vending H. V. Bright, 1120 Prospect Ave. Co., 2082 E. 6th & W. Machine Co. PHILADELPHIA, PA. COLUMBUS, OHIO. BOSTON, MASS. The M. C. Lilley Grover Haskell, Albany. Globe Ticket Co., 112 N. 12tli. Co. & 381 PHILADELPHIA, PA. Price Collar Button Machine Co.. 42 Chaun- S. Abrahams & Co., 427 N. 13th. TICKET HOLDERS D. Klein & Bro., 927 Market St. WORCEST'ER. MASS. Jacob Reed's Sons, 1424 Chestnut St. Hobbs Mfg. Co.. (Merchandise, Postage, CHICAGO, ILL. RACINE, WIS. Stamp, Postal Card). Cassady-Fairhank Mfg. Co., GlOG La Salle. Badger Mfg. Co. ALBION. MICH. NKW YORK CITY, N. Y. Morse Vending Machy. Co. Cushman & Denison. 240 W. 23rd. DETROIT. MICH. VACUUM CLEANING Caillie Bros. Co.. 1300-40 2nd Ave. (Coin). TICKET COUNTING Caillie Perfection Motor Co.. 1300 2nd MACHINERY Ave. (Slot). Puritan Machine Co., 57 10th St. Dearborn. Schermack Mfg. Co.. 22 State. Voelkner & Harry Mfg. Co.. 202 W. Wood- bridge. TICKET ISSUING MACHINE Alca Vacuum Cleaner Co.. KALAMAZOO, MICH. Amer. Rotary Valve Co.. 200 5th Ave. Bennett & Co. (Cigar). CHICAGO, ILL. Aquavac Co., Ill 5th Ave. LANSING, MICH. Fulton, E. B., 156 W. Lake St Berger Mfg. Co., 160 11th Ave., Corner True Blue Gum Co. Ticket Selling & Registering JIacliine Co. 22nd. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Ave, 154 W. Lake St. Dumore Vacuum Cleaner Co., 503 5th National Novelty Co., 513 S. 3rd (Slot). NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Dunns Impvd. Vacuum System. 110 W. 34th. ST. LOUIS, MO. Amer. Stamp & Ticket Vending Mach. Co., Duntley Pneumatic Sweeper Co., 25 W. Temco Mfg. Co.. 1900 Morgan (Ticket). 80 Maiden Lane. Universal Specialty Co., 1407 S. 7th. Automatic Ticket Selling Co., Longacre Bldg. dept., 295 5th OMAHA, NEB. DAYTON, omo. Ave. Ideal Machine Co., 110 N. 8th. National Cash Register Co. Duplex Vacuum Cleaner Co.. 1193 Broadway. NEWARK, N. J. PITTSBURGH, PA. Electric Cleaner Co.. 101 Park Ave. Automatic Clock Co., 227 High (Slot). National Ticket Dispensing Machine Co. Eureka Sales Co., 131 W. 42nd. D. S. Plumb, 77 Norfolk (Specialty, Clock- Phipps Power Bldg. Everybody's Vacuum Cleaner Co.. 58 W. work, Automatic Slot). 15th. BROOKLYN. N. Y. TRANSFORMERS Frants Premier Suction Cleaner Co.. 47 P. A, Becker. 132 Cumberland. W. 34th. Public Service Cup Co., Bush. Terminal Home Vacuum Sweeper Co., 168 Mad. Ave. (Paper Cup). Hoover Suction Sweeper Co.. 1328 Broadway. Railway Automatic Sales Co.. 219 3Gth. Indirect Vibrating Cleaning & Mfg. Co., 47 Rotary File & Machine Co., 200 Diamond. W. 34th. NEW YiiKIC CT'IY. \ Y. Inc.. Innovation Electric Co.. Hudson. I TRUNKS 585 All. ,: \ ii - Co.. 237 E. 45th. Invincible Renovating Co., Park I. Elec. 101 i i; , , CHICAGO, ILL. -Ml : inan, 1476 Broadway. Works. Broadway. •<,<- Cup Co.. 27 W. 23rd. Fiberoid Trunk 4G21 J, E. Flanner. 102 W. 142nd. 1 I I ll, 1 1 , Kuntzendorf & Co., 100 W. Van Buren St. A 1 i ,t Ticket Vending Machine McNamara Trunk Works, J. H., 100 W. Sales Monroe St. Gun Chocolate Co.. 200 5th T.. 221 W. Madison St. Wilt. Chas. .1 K" -M I ,30 Church. Taylor Trunk Co., C. A.. 28 E. Randolph Automatic Operating Co.. 68 Murray, Bronx Novelty Co.. 922 Washington Ave. \ iiriiuiii 1 Ir.uii i- I'o.. Htidsou. ir;lKh 587 Clifford C. Peirce, 123 Liberty. 215- New York Vacuum Cleaner Exchange, E. W. Peck Co., 24 Walker. Grand. 217 Electric Photo Co., 100 Broadway. Ohio Co.. 13 Park Row. Ferris-Haas & Co., 150 Nassau. Perfect Cleaner Co., Hudson. Vacuum 384 G. & H. Sales Co., 1790 Broadway. Pick, Broadway. Rudolph 66 Individual Drinking Cup Co., 220 W. 19th. Clnr. Co., W. 34th. Premier Vacuum 48 Interstate Vending Co., 1476 Broadway. Reeves Vacuum Clnr. Co., 206 Broadway. TURNSTILES M. & S. Automatic Vending Mach Co.. 233 Rex Cleaner Co., 1193 Broadway. Broadway. Richmond Cleaner Co., Broad- CHICAGO. ILL. Suction 1480 National Drinking Cup Co.. 438 Broadway. Iron F. P. Smith Wire & Works, 56 W. N. Y. Coin Operated Mach. Co., 799 Green- Lake St. W."h^' Ringgold Co., 334 5th Ave. Cleaner Co., Inc., W. NEW YORK, N. Y. Roto Vacuum 308 Public Cup Vender Co., 220 W. 19th. American Passementerie Factory. 102 Greene. 133rd. Public Supply Co., 1907 Park Ave. Electric Co., Madison . Appliance 108 J. W. Fiske Iron Works, 78 Park PI. Santo Robertson Sales Co.. 32 E. 23rd. Perry Turnstile Co., 80 Church St. Sanitary Drinking Cup Co., 47 W. 34th. Spencer Turbine Cleaner Co., 1182 Broad- CLEVELAND. OHIO. Square-Deal Operating Co.. 192 Bowery. Prospect Ave. (Regis- way. H. V. Bright, 1120 Sweet Mint Co.. 68 Murray. Universal Vacuum Clnr. Mntnanco Co., 295 tering & Coins Controlled). U. S. Automatic Vending Co., 1476 Broad- PITTSBURGH. PA. 5th Ave. way. 2."1 Bank Vacuna Sab s Co . 5th Ave. Edgar M. Moore & Co., Fanners U. S. Stamp Dist. & Sales Corp., 1476 Bldg. Vacuum .\:ir,., ri.-mint ((!,, 38 Park Row. Broadway. Vacuum ii : int; Co., Flatiron Universal Cigar Vending Co . 304 E. 54th. Bldg.. Ill, ! I 5th Ave. Vending Machine Co.. of Amer.. Inc.. 14 UNIFORMS ,,. in. 56th. Vacuum n 125 W. B. 13th. Vacuum i'Iim n.. 168 Madison LOS ANGELES, CAL. Weighing & Sales Co.. 200 5th Ave. J. S. Weisz. PENN YAN. N. Y. Vacuum Cleaning Bureau, 1946 Broadway. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Combination Vender Co. Vacuum Cleaning Company, Fifth Ave. D, A. Easton & Co.. 117 Geary. 281 CINCINNATI. OHIO. Galley 11 William EUery, 588 Market. Helmet Co., 28 Opera PI. Vacuum Standard Cleaning Co., 1 Madison CHICAGO, ILL. Sicking. Barnard Co., 1931 Freeman. Greenwood- Atldnson- Armstrong Co., 57 E. CLEVELAND. OHIO. Woodbury Va Co., 141 W. 36th. Jacltson Blvd. United Vending Machine Co.. Caxton Bldg. James H. Hirsch & Co., Jackson Blvd. & (Coin operated for perfumes, confec.. Franklin. matches, mdse., photos, card printing, A. L. Singer & Co., 172 W. Adams. VENDING MACHINES etc.. also automatic stampnig for key Western Uniform Co., 202 S. Clark St. rmgs. etc. GREKNVILLE. ILL. NEW HAVEN, CONN. COLUMBUS. OHIO. Tie Moulin Bros. & Co. New England Vending Machine Co. Columbus Vendnig Co. ANDERSON. IND. NEW LONDON. CONN. Rex Mfg Co,

,T.,-,( f Ward-Stilson Co. Stan . ph \'eiiding Cabinet). BOSTON. MASS. Fred M. Batcheldcr Co., GS Harrison Ave. .1., E. Ravenswood Ave

Burton, Pierce Co., 68 Essex St. : Tool Co., 210 N. Ann SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Co. (Peanut, Match Mutell Regalia Co. ligan. DETROIT, MICH. !n Co., 222 N. Stat Greenwood-Atkinson-Armstrong Co., 75 Woodward Ave. II I ,'.T B. 43rd. (Gum, Peanut, ST. LOUIS, MO. VENTILATORS 111 '\"r'''tu,-A Cu Baldwin Mfg. & Supply Co., 70S N. 7th. . IS'6 N. La Salle. RED BANK, N. J. Milts NoviUy Co., Green and Jackson Blvd. Sigmund Eisner. Savage Bros. Co., 321 W. Michigan AChew- CHICAGO. ILL. P.ROOKLYN, N. Y. ing Gum). / Ug Electric Co.. IGO Whiting St. National Uniform & Cap Co., 401 Gold. Star Gum Co., 51 W. Van Burel^ Reynolds. B. & F.. Co.. 412 Dearborn St. N. Y. United Patent Uniform Co., 366 Hamilton Watling Mfg. Co.,, 728 W. Jackso{Jackso) Blvd.1 NEW YORK. (Coin Operating) Typhoon Fan Co.. 1544 Broadway. INDEX









SUPPLY AND ACCESSORY MEN IN CANADA . 186 Classified Business Directory PAGE PAGE

Advertising 187 General Motion Picture Supplies . . . 192

Advertising Films and Slides . . . . 187 Glass 192 Architects 187 Home Machines 192 Arc Lamp Manufacturers 187 Lamp Manufacturers 192 Artificial Flowers .187 Lawyers 192 Asbestos Materials 188 Lenses 193 Authors 188 Lights 193 Badges 188 Make-up Outfits 193 Banners 188 Metal Ceilings 193 Booths 188 Motion Picture Colors 193 Brokers—Theatre 188 Motion Picture Films 193

Building Materials (Compo Board) . . . 188 Motion Pictures 193 Calcium Lights 188 Motion Picture Machine Manufacturers . . 193 Cameras 188 Motion Picture Machines and Supplies . . 194 Canvas 188 Motors 193

Musical Instruments . . . Carbons 188 . . . 194 Carbon—Holders 188 Music Publishers 194 Cement for Films 188 Novelties I94 Chairs 188 Oil—Lubricating I94 Chemicals 189 Opera Chairs I94 Clocks 189 Organs I94 Coin Counters 189 Pennants I95

Condensers—Electric ...... 189 Photo Supplies I95 Contractors 189 Pianos—Automatic 195 Costumes 189 Post Cards—Players 195 Curtains—Asbestos 18*5 Posters I95

Curtains—Steel . . . . ^ . . 189 Premiums I95 Curtains—Theatre 189 Projectors I95

Decorations Electric Light 189 Publications . . . . . — ...... 195

Railings . Decorations Interior . . . and Exterior 189 Brass . — ... — . . .195 Decorations—Plastic Relief .... 189 Railings—Theatre 196 Decorations—Theatre 189 Rails—Pland 196 Developing 189 Rectifiers 196 Dimmers 189 Reels 196

Disinfectants . . . .• . . . . 190 Regulators 196 Display Frames 190 Rewinders 196 Drinking Cups 190 Rheostats 196 Drums 190 Scenery 196 Economizers—Electric 190 Scenic Painters and Dealers .... 196

Economizers—Motion Picture Machine . . 190 Screens 196

. . . Effects , .190 Slides 196 Electric Fans 190 Slide Ink 196 Electric Fixtures 190 Souvenirs 196 Electric Signs 190 Stereopticons 196 Electric Supplies .191 Specialties 196 Feature Films 191 Switchboards 196 Film Cement 191 Theatre Chairs 196 Films—-Exchanges 180 Tickets 196 Films—Fireproof 191 Ticket Choppers 197 Films—Manufacturers 174 Ticket Holders 197 Films—Raw 191 Ticket Counting 197 Films—Renovating 191 Ticket Issuing Machine 197 Films—Waterproof 191 Transformers 197 Fire Escapes .192 Trunks I97 Fire Extinguishers 191 Turnstiles . I97 Fireproofing 192 Uniforms 197 Floor Covering 192 Vacuum Cleaning Machinery . . . .197 Fronts 192 Vending Machines 197 Furniture 192 Ventilators 197 Gas Outfits 192 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS

PAGE Authors' Photo Play Agency, New York, N. Y. 150 Bell & Howell Co., Motion Cameras, Chicago, 111. 52 Berlin Aniline Works, New York, N. Y. 138 Eleanor Blanchard, Player, Philadelphia, Pa. 48 The Botanical Decorating Co., Art Flowers. Chicago, 111, 148 Clifford Bruce, Player, Bayside, Long Island 48 Burlington Route, Chicago, 111 144 Grant Carder Slide Co., Portland, Ore. 154 Central Lithograph Co., Posters, Cleveland, Ohio 66 Chalmers Publishing Co., New York, N. Y. 146 Bryon Chandler, Inc., Film Feeds, Boston, Mass. 152 Chicago & Northwestern Ry., Chicago, 111. 140 Chicago Transparency Co., Slides, Chicago, 111. 154 Colonial Motion Picture Corp., New York, N. Y. 70 Commercial Motion Pictures Co., New York. N. Y. 72 Cooper Hewitt Electric Co., Lights. Chicago, 111. 130 Cosmofotofilm Co._, New York, N. Y. 146 Cosmos Feature Film Co., New York, N. Y. 152

Day & Night Screens, Inc., New York, N. Y. . 148 Ernest A. Dench. Author, Brooklyn, N. Y. 188 Diegley & Campbell, Contractors, Chicago, -III. 128 The Dixie Music House, Drums, Bells, etc., Chicago, III. 154 Lew Dockstader, Player, New York, N. Y. 136 Egan School Music and Drama, Los Angeles, Cal. 154 Essanay Co., Films, Chicago, 111. -56-58-60-61 L. L. Fleig & Co., Slide Mica, Chicago. 111. 173 Floyd County Lumber Co., Frames, New Albany. In 173 Fried & Co., Show Cards, New York, N. Y. 173 E. L. Gamble, Author, East Liverpool, Ohio General Electric Utilities Co., Equipments, New.Yo 150

General Film Co., New York, N. Y. . 80-82 The J. H. Center Co., Inc., Mirroroide, Newburgh, N. Y. 152 Greene's Feature Photo Plays, Inc., New York, N. 78 Hepworth American Film Corporation, New York 76 Ilg Electric Ventilating Co., Chicago, 111. 173 George Kleine, Films, Chicago, 111. -120 122-124 Kleine Optical Co., Condensing Lens, Chicago, 111. 126 The Lamb Publishing Co., New York, N. Y. 134 Leonard & Walker, Lawyers, New York, N. Y. 193 Life Photo Film Corp., New York, N. Y._ 72 Lithogravure Co., Posters, Cleveland, Ohio 66 Lubin Mfg. Co., Films, Philadelphia, Pa. -112 14-116 132 Ladies' World, New York, N. Y. . The Morgan Lithograph Co., Posters, Cleveland., Oh 64 146 Moving Picture World, New York, N. Y. . Navarre Hotel Co., New York, N. Y. 152 Richard R. Neill. Director, New York, N. Y. 188 Carl Netschert, Art Flowers, Chicago, 111. 150 Norbig Film Manufacturing Co., Los Angeles. Cal. 154 Frank E. Norton, Flare Lights, Los Angeles, Cal. 154 Pathe Exchange, Films, New York, N. Y. 74 The Photo Play Assn., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 173 Frank Henry Rice, Literary Agent, New York, N. Y 188 Rock Island Lines, Chicago, 111. 142 Professor Burton Lewis Rockwood, Lecturer, New York 154 Anton F. Scibilia, Operatic Manager, New York. N. Y 173 Screen Clock Advertising Co., New York, N. Y. 154 -86- -90-92 Selig Polyscope Co., Films, Chicago, 111. 173 Theatre Novelty Supply Co., Chicago, 111. 154 Trade Circular Addressing Co., Chicago. 111. Van Lorenz Institute, Acting, New York, N. Y. 51 48 Tames Vincent, Player,. New York, N. Y. . 94-96- 98-100-102 The Vitagraph Co., Films, New York, N. Y. 104-105 A^itagraph-Lubin-Selig-Essanay, Inc., Films, New York 68 Western Vaudeville Managers' Assn., Chicago, 111. . Pearl White, Player. Jersey City Heights, N. J. C. C. Wilkening, Inc, Authors' Agency, New York, N 150