IN AND AROUND THE CITY CENTRE A B C D E F G H I 4.1 LOCAL GOVERNMENT TO THE BESANÇON VESOUL STRASBOURG Tramway Line ADMINISTRATION TAXIS RADIO FRANCHE-COMTÉ NANCY Tel. 03 81 88 80 80 TGV TRAIN STATION Railway Shuttle Connecting Viotte and A36 MULHOUSE Taxi Stands : RN57 the Franche-Comté TGV Train Stations TOWN ADMINISTRATION CENTRE OTHER USEFUL ZAC • Rue du Palais de Justice 1 Miserey BELFORT 2, rue Mégevand Valentin • Besançon Franche-Comté TGV Train ADDRESSES MONTBÉLIARD Railway Line TGV 25034 Besançon cedex Salines 4 Station Tel. 03 81 61 50 50 Park and Take a Shuttle • Besançon-Viotte Train Station MICROPOLIS 53 +R (CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION CENTRE) VALENTIN • Jean-Minjoz Hospital 3 bld Ouest TRAIN STATION 3 A36 GREATER BESANÇON COMMUNITY BESANÇON-VIOTTE TRAIN STATION BP 2019 4, rue Gabriel Plançon Tel. 36 35 (34 cts/mn) 25050 Besancon cedex 25043 Besançon cedex Tel. 03 81 41 08 09 2 PARIS 54 Tel. 03 81 65 07 00 Information for the Franche-Comté TER LYON École Fax 03 81 82 29 60 RN57 (TER: regional trains) TORCOLS BELFORT
[email protected] FRANCHE-COMTÉ UNIVERSITY DIJON Valentin Tel. 0800 802 479 (free call from a landline) POINT DU JOUR 1, rue Claude Goudimel MONTBÉLIARD D75 PALENTE Tel. 03 81 66 66 66 PRACTICAL INFORMATION (Select Franche-Comté) Orchamps Marnières PREFECTURE D683 BESANÇON FRANCHE-COMTÉ 8 bis, rue Charles Nodier 55 ORCHAMPS TGV TRAIN STATION 3 Tel.