Port Isabel Rotary Club District 5930, Area 9 Est. 1936 http://portal.clubrunner.ca/8285 MARCELLO’S ITALIAN RISTORANTE FRI. FEB. 10, 2017 SERVICE ABOVE SELF

ROTARY BOARD 2016-2017 (Debbie High District Governor) Bettina Tolin President John Magee Treasurer Jacqui Dempsey Youth Service DeeOnda Ahadi Past President Diana Delgado Secretary Cristin Howard Club Service Roberto Rodriguez President Elect/Membership Jim Enholm Community Service Sherman Lee International Service Kent mallquist President Elect Nominee Bob White Sgt. At Arms Lonnie Gillihan Vocational Service Aux. Board: Ralph Ayers Pilot, Lonnie Gillihan Print/Distribution, Norris Fletcher Programs/Calendar, Albert Perez Foundations, Paul Cardile Song Master

ROTARIAN SPEAKER NEXT WEEK’S ROTARIAN of the Pam Dean (We think) Jacqui Dempsey (Youth Services) WEEK TOPIC REMINDERS & NOTICES Pam “Pam’s Big Surprise” Don’t forget to bring a bottle of wine Dean (Your guess is as good as ours) & an Item for the Raffle at the Fish Fry

LAST WEEK Our club assembly was not well attended but a group discussion of the upcoming Fish and Shrimp fry was productive....and, we exchanged flags with a visiting Rotarian from Rogers, Arkansas. CLUB NEWS Second posting: Amalia Vincent has been proposed for membership in our club. If you have any questions regarding her membership please speak to President Bettina.

Our annual Fish and Shrimp Fry, at Schlitterbahn, is only 8 days away. Sponsor support has been good. The long range AccuWeather forecast is predicting a sunny day with temperatures in the 70's for February 18...good news! In an effort to boost our profit this year, we are expanding our raffle to include items solicited from local businesses, generous donors and maybe even your attic (Good stuff only, PLEASE) in addition to the bottle of wine we each donate every year. You will need a Solicitation Information sheet to give to donors and a Raffle Data sheet to document the items donated, the value of each item donated, and the name of the donor/business, for use at the drawings. (Both have been e-mailed to you by Lonnie) All donated items and data sheets should be collected and turned in no later than Wednesday of next week. During the Fish Fry, drawings will be held every 15 minutes between noon and 1:45 pm. We will need help at the point of (ticket) sale, help with a display table and transporting items to the drawing site on time. Additionally, we’ll need help spotting people in the crowd holding winning tickets, delivering the items to them and verifying their tickets. WE NEED YOUR HELP AND COOPERATION! The more items we have to raffle, the more our guests will be inclined to purchase tickets, believing the odds are in their favor...so it is imperative we obtain as many donations as possible. Please study the list of potential donors and sign up to visit as many as you can in the next five days. Thanks for all you do.

PICTURE of the WEEK PROGRAM AND EVENTS CALENDAR CELEBRATIONS FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES 17 - Jim Enholm None 18 - Fish & Shrimp Fry, 11am-2pm, Schlitterbahn 23 - Club Social, 5:30pm, Isla Grand BIRTHDAYS 24 - Jim Enholm 4 - Carolyn Cardile MARCH 6 - Ralph Ayers 2 - Board Mtg., Noon, Marcello’s Today, 1893 - Jimmy Durante 3 - Albert Perez “Good night Mrs. Calabash.” 10 - Jeff Hughes

THOUGHT for the DAY: You know you’re getting old when going out is good...but coming home is better!

JOKE of the WEEK: Phil, a smart and handsome young man, dressed in the latest fashion, walked into the local bar after work and noticed a beautiful young woman gazing at him without blinking her big eyes. Phil felt flattered so he walked up to the woman and said in his deepest voice, “I'll do anything you wish, beautiful lady, for just $10 but on one condition.” The woman appeared to be trapped in the moment and asked as if in a trance, “What's your condition?” Phil answered, “Tell me your wish in just three words.” There was a long pause, the woman opened her purse, counted out the money and handed it to the man along with her address. She then looked deeply into his eyes and whispered, “Clean my house.”

QUOTE for the DAY: “Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” - George Bernard Shaw STUFF YOU NEED TO KNOW Feb. 10, 1897: The Times began using slogan "All the News That's Fit to Print." One of the country’s premier newspapers, it was founded on September 18, 1851 and has continuously published in ever since. It sold for one penny (equivalent to 29 cents today) The NYT has won 117 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other news organization. Diehard New Yorker’s swear by it while many others around the country today swear at it. Regardless of how you feel, it is undeniably one of the great publications in the United states with the 2nd largest circulation behind the Wall Street Journal. On September 14, 1987, the Times printed the heaviest ever newspaper, at over 12 pounds. It was one of the last newspapers to adopt color photography, especially on the front page. Believe it or not, its founder, journalist and politician Henry Jarvis Raymond (1820–69), was a Whig Party member and later second chairman of the newly organized Republican Party National Committee. The inaugural edition attempted to address speculations on its purpose and positions with the following: “We shall be Conservative, in all cases where we think Conservatism essential to the public good;—and we shall be Radical in everything which may seem to us to require radical treatment and radical reform. We do not believe that everything in Society is either exactly right or exactly wrong;—what is good we desire to preserve and improve;—what is evil, to exterminate, or reform.” Over time, it acquired a reputation for even-handedness and accurate modern reporting. However, a 2007 Rasmussen survey reported that 40% of the public saw the paper as having a liberal slant, 20% no political slant and only 11% believed it has a conservative slant. Editor Margaret Sullivan responded, "It's a modified yes with a lot of nuance in it" when asked whether or not The Times has a liberal bias. Only two of its Op-Ed page editors claim conservative credentials while seven opinionated columnists are proudly liberal. has not endorsed a Republican for president since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956. Since that year it has endorsed every Democratic nominee. In the past 50 years, the Times has frequently been accused of failure to report many major issues, printing “News” articles promoting advertisers, Plagiarism, printing quotes out of context and much more. While it remains one of the few papers that still prints the full text of many political speeches, it seems to many that instead of printing "All the News That's Fit to Print," it now looks for all the fits that are news to print. One wag was quoted saying, “I no longer read the Times because I don’t read fiction.” You decide! (It ain’t one penny anymore. It’s $2.50 daily, $5.00 on Sunday) USELESS FACT OF THE DAY: Men spend almost twice as much on Valentine’s Day as women. This year, the average man will spend $156, while the average woman will only spend $85. More than one-third of men would prefer not receiving a gift. Less than 20% of women feel that way. Around Valentines Day, condom sales are 20 -30% higher than usual and more at-home pregnancy tests are sold in March than any other month. (It next Tuesday - don’t forget) ROTARY SERVING HUMANITY MINUTE (Reprinted from THE ROTARIAN, February 2017) The Rotary club of Vacoas, in the Indian Ocean island nation of Mauritius, celebrated its silver jubilee with a burst of activity - six events in one week in May 2016. The ambitious schedule kicked off with a “Mega Health Day” in which more than 600 people in the village of St. Pierre received free health screenings and consultations. The following days included parties and community service activities. The festivities were coordinated to get the “population of the island to notice projects carried out by Rotary,” says Nishta Jooty, president-elect of the club. She adds that at least 20 club members lent a hand at each event. “Everybody participated in each project with their heart and passion.” (Mauritius is the most densely populated country in Africa with 614 people per square kilometer. It is a model of true democracy for every African country. It's also one of Africa’s great destinations, located in the middle of the turquoise Indian Ocean, 705 miles east of Madagascar, 2,264 miles north east of South Africa. It is known for its beaches, lagoons and reefs and mountainous interior. - Ed.)