___________________________________________________________________________________________Pulsed power applications Long-Pulse Excimer and Nitrogen Lasers Pumped 1 by Generator with Inductive Energy Storage A. N. Panchenko, A. E. Telminov, and V. F. Tarasenko High current electronics institute, 2/3, Academichesky Av., Tomsk, 634055, Russia, Phone (3822)492-392, Fax (3822)492-410, E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract – Laser and discharge parameters in lasers with efficiency up to 4-5% with long pulse mixtures of rare gases with halogens driven by a duration. On the other hand, it is difficult task to pre-pulse-sustainer circuit technique are studied. expand the output pulse duration of lasers on gas Inductive energy storage with semiconductor mixtures containing fluorine donor (XeF, KrF, and opening switch was used for the high-voltage pre- ArF and other lasers) due to fast discharge collapse5, 6. pulse formation. It was shown that the pre-pulse Alternative way of the pre-pulse formation is the with a high amplitude and short rise-time along use of inductive energy storage. In this pumping with sharp increase of discharge current and technique part of energy stored in a primary capacitor uniform UV- and x-ray preionization allow to form is transferred into circuit inductor of the pumping long-lived stable discharge in halogen containing generator and than using special device named gas mixtures. Improve of both pulse duration and opening switch to the load. Historically, laser output energy was achieved for XeCl-, XeF- and application of inductive energy storage (IES) was KrF excimer lasers. Maximal laser output was as studied using exploding wires7 or plasma erosion high as 1 J at intrinsic efficiency up to 4%.