Digital Asset Exchange
DDiiggiittaall AAsssseett EExxcchhaannggee Dr. Rémi Arnaud Sony Computer Entertainment Khronos Group Promoter © Copyright Khronos Group, 2007 - Page 1 • •Founded in January 2000 by a number of leading media-centric companies, including: 3Dlabs, ATI, Discreet, Evans & Sutherland, Intel, NVIDIA, SGI and Sun Microsystems. (currently more than 100) •Dedicated to the creation of royalty-free open standard APIs to enable the playback of rich media on a wide variety of platforms and devices. •Home of 11 WG, including: OpenGL, OpenGL ES, OpenVG, OpenKODE, OpenSL, COLLADA •New WG introduced at GDC: glFX, Compositing © Copyright Khronos Group, 2007 - Page 2 CCOOLLLLAADDAA aass aa SSCCEE pprroojjeecctt •SCE project, started in August 2003 - Goal: raise the quality and productivity of content development - free the content from proprietary formats and API, bring more tools to game developers, lower the barrier to entry for small tool companies, facilitate middleware integration, bring ‘advanced’ features in the main stream, drastically improve artist productivity. •Common description language - Developers get the content in a standard form - Tools can interchange content - Developers can mix and match tools during development - Many specialized tools can be independently created, and incorporated into developer’s content pipeline •COLLAborative Design Activity, SCE brought to the same table the major DCC vendors: Discreet, Alias, Softimage •Released v1.0 specification in August 2004 •Gathered feedback, waiting for tools to provide useful
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