LECTURE PROGRAMME Tuesday, April 24, 2012 I
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LECTURE PROGRAMME Tuesday, April 24, 2012 13:30 Welcome Address A. Liese, Hamburg University of Technology/D Chair: C. Syldatk, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology/D Page 13:40 Keynote Lecture 1 Industrial Biotechnology: Directing Innovation in Chemistry B. Hauer, University of Stuttgart/D 14:10 Eco-efficient synthesis of chiral alcohols by combining 2 biocatalysis with "Smart Cosubstrates" S. Kara. Delft University of Technology, Delft/NL, D. Spickermann, C. Leggewie, evocatal GmbH, Duesseldorf/D, I.W.C.E. Arends, F. Hollmann, Delft University of Technology, Delft/NL 14:30 Phytotherapies production from olive mill waste water by 3 intensified biocatalytic membrane reactor R. Mazzei. E. Drioli, L. Giorno, Institute on Membrane Technology, Rende/I 14:50 Substrate delivery strategies for improved enzymatic 5 carotenoid cleavage C. Nacke. S. Huttmann, M. Schilling, J. Schrader, DECHEMA Research Institute, Frankfurt am Main/D 15:10 Coffee Break and Poster Viewing i http://d-nb.info/102199667X LECTURE PROGRAMME Tuesday, April 24, 2012 Chair: J. Schrader, DECHEMA Research Institute, Frankfurt am Main/D 15:40 Enzyme-catalyzed fine-tuning of the molecular weight 6 distribution of cellulose B. Lammerhirt. Hamburg University of Technology/D, A. Prediger, Leibniz University Hanover/D, M. Eckstein, Evonik Industries AG, Essen/D, L. Hilterhaus, Hamburg University of Technology/D , S. Beutel, T. Scheper, Leibniz University Hanover/D, A. Liese, Hamburg University of Technology/D 16:00 Poster Speed Lectures Part I Topic 1: New reactions 24 - 30 Topic 2: Smart screenings for the ideal biocatalyst 31-34 Topic 3: Overcoming substrate and product inhibitions 35 - 36 Topic 4: Unconventional reaction systems 37 - 43 17:00 Coffee break and poster viewing Chair: A. Liese, Hamburg University of Technology/D 17:20 Novel biocatalysts for the hydrolysis of diketopiperazines M. Perzborn. C. Syldatk, J. Rudat, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology/D 17:40 Poster Speed Lectures Part II Topic 5: Taking advantage of enzyme promiscuity 44 - 49 Topic 6: Enzyme stabilization and immobilization 50 - 58 Topic 7: Enzyme reaction cascades 59 - 63 19:00 Poster Session and Get-together 22:00 LECTURE PROGRAMME Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Chair: A. Schmid, TU Dortmund University/D Page 08:30 Engineering the thermostability of sucrose phosphorylase 8 K. De Winter. T. Desmet, A. Cerdobbel, W. Soetaert, Ghent University/B 08:50 Immobilization of enzymes on textile carrier materials 9 K. Qpwis. J.S. Gutmann, Deutsches Textilforschungszentrum Nord-West e.V., Krefeld/D 09:10 Immobilization of beta-galactosidase on membranes for 10 process intensification Y. Satvawali. S. Van Roy, Flemish Institute for Technological Research, Mol/B, P. Jochems, L. Diels, Flemish Institute for Technological Research, Mol/B, University of Antwerp, Antwerp/B, W. Dejonghe, Flemish Institute for Technological Research, Mol/B 09:30 Robust enzyme preparations for stereoselective reduction 11 A. Scholz , M. Ansorge-Schumacher, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin/D, M. Eckstein, Evonik lndustries AG, Essen/D 09:50 Combining molecular engineering andxovalent immobiliza- 12 tion for a compartmented enzymatic reaction sequence J. Simons. Hamburg University of Technology/D, M. Mosisch, A. Torda, University of Hamburg/D, L. Hilterhaus, Hamburg University of Technology/D 10:10 Coffee break and poster viewing LECTURE PROGRAMME Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Chair: J. Eck, BRAIN AG, Zwingenberg/D Page 10:40 Keynote Lecture 13 In silico design and engineering of biocatalysts for industrial biotechnology J. Damborsky, Masaryk University Kamenice, Bmo/CZ 11:10 Identification of rare aspartase variants that catalyze 14 beta-amino acid synthesis R. Schmiedel. A. Vogel, c-LEcta GmbH, Leipzig/D 11.30 Synthesis of omega-hydroxy fatty acids by bacterial 15 CYP153A monooxygenases S. Honda Malca. D. Scheps, L. Kuhnel, E. Venegas-Venegas, A. Seifert, B. M. Nestl, B. Hauer, University of Stuttgart/D 11:50 Efficient route to selective bio-oxidation catalysts: 16 Iterative approach comprising modeling, diversification and screening A. Seifert. M. Antonovici, B. Hauer, J. Pleiss, University of Stuttgart/D 12:10 Lunch break LECTURE PROGRAMME Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Chair: B. Hauer, Universitat Stuttgart/D Page 13:10 NAD(P)H-independent asymmetric C=C-bond reduction by 17 ene-reductases: Strategies to overcome co-product inhibi tion C. K. Winkler. D. Clay, G. Tasnadi, M. Hall, K. Faber, University of Graz/A 13:30 Novel whole-ceil biocataiysts for the reduction of 18 dehydrocholic acid using hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases with reduced substrate inhibition. B. Sun. M. Braun, D. Weuster-Botz, Technische Universitat Munchen, Garching/D 13:50 Keynote Lecture 19 Biocatalysis goes multistep: From natural biodiversity to synthetic designer bugs J. Eck, BRAIN AG, Zwingenberg/D 14:20 Coffee break and poster viewing Chair: L. Wessjohann, Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Page Halle/D 14:50 Substrate promiscuity of a plant peroxygenase 20 C. Fuchs. W. Schwab, Technische Universitat Munchen, Freising/D 15:10 Metal-mediated promiscuous enzyme activity 21 N.R. Uda, M. Creus. University of Basel/CH 15:30 Promiscuity of a novel lipoxygenase (LOX) from Pleurotus 22 sapidus I. Plaaemann. K. Zelena, U. Krings, R. G. Berger, University of Hanover/D 15:50 Engineering the promiscuous racemising activity of arylma- 23 lonate decarboxylase from Bordatella bronchoseptica R. Kourist. Ruhr-Universitat Bochum/D, Y. Miyauchi, K. Miyamoto, Keio University, Yokohama/J 16:10 Closing remarks Poster Programme No. Topic 1: New Reactions Page P01 Development of tereocomplementary sec-alkylsulfatases 24 M. Schober. M. Toesch, University of Graz/A, T. Knaus, P. Macheroux, Graz University of Technology/A, U. Wagner, K. Faber, University of Graz/A P02 Yeast as a whole-cell biocatalyst for the selective oxidation 25 of fatty acids J. C. Guder. M. Buchhaupt, J. Schrader, DECHEMA Research Institute, Frankfurt am Main/D P03 A recombinant a-dioxygenase from rice to produce fatty 26 aldehydes using E. coli M. Buchhauot. F. Sporleder, J. Schrader, DECHEMA Research Institute, Frankfurt am Main/D P04 MenD as an unusual thiamine-diphosphate-dependent 27 biocatalyst: 1,2- and 1,4-additions M. Beigi, A. Kurutsch, University of Freiburg/D, S. Baier, G. A. Sprenaer. University of Stuttgart/D, M. Muller, University of Freiburg/D P05 Substrate specificity of a novel squalene-hopene cyclase 28 from Zymomonas mobilis M. Seitz. S. Hammer, J. Klebensberger, B. Nestl, P.-O. Syr6n, Universitat Stuttgart/D, M. Breuer, BASF SE, Ludwigshafen/D, B. Hauer, Universitat Stuttgart/D P06 Investigation of reaction parameters influencing selectivity in 29 the synthesis of chiral hydroxy ketones with carbonyl reductases C. Loderer. M. Ansorge-Schumacher, TU Berlin/D P07 Cytochrome P450 reductase from Candida apicola: Versatile 30 redox partner for bacterial P450s F. Tieves. M. Girhard, University of Dusseldorf/D; E. Weber, Universitat Stuttgart/D; M.S. Smit, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein/ZA; V.B. Urlacher, University of Dusseldorf/D Poster Programme No. Topic 2: Smart Screenings for the Ideal Biocatalyst Page P08 Enzymes catalyzing asymmetric carboligation: Directed 31 evolution of substrate scope towards potential industrial applications D. Yi. T. Devamani, W.- D. Fessner, TU Darmstadt/D P09 A microtiter plate based technique for the fast optimization 32 of electroenzymatic processes C. Lev. D. Holtmann, J. Schrader, DECHEMA Research Institute, Frankfurt am Main/D P10 Enzymatic modification of microbial alkyl-sophorosides 33 V. K. Recke. TU Braunschweig/D, M. Gerlitzki, R. Hausmann, C. Syldatk, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)/D, V. Wray, Helmholtz Centre of Infection Research, Braunschweig/D, H. Tokuda, Kanazawa University/J, S. Lang, TU Braunschweig/D P11 Biocatalytic whole-cetl-screening in microwell plates: 34 Determination of the best growth and screening-system for yeast reduction processes T. Grimm. Technische Universitat Berlin/D, BIOWORX Biotechno- logielabor Thomas Grimm, Berlin/D, R. Roller, Technische Universitat Berlin/D, A. Neubauer, BioSilta Oy, Oulu/FI, P. Neubauer, Technische Universitat Berlin/D No. Topic 3: Overcoming Substrate and Product Inhibitions Page P12 Microbial conversion of (±)-linalool to linalool oxides by 35 Corynespora cassiicola M.M.W. Etschmann. S. Bormann, M.A. Mirata, J. Schrader, DECHEMA Research Institute, Frankfurt am Main/D P13 Resting cells of recombinant E. coli show high epoxidation 36 yields on energy source and high sensitivity to product inhi bition M.K. Julsina. D. Kuhn, A. Schmid, B. Buhler, TU Dortmund/D Poster Programme No. Topic 4: Unconventional Reaction Systems Page P14 Halophilic bacteria as a source for salt-tolerating cellulases 37 and xylanases N. Staiaer. T. Frey, Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineer ing and Biotechnology IGB, Stuttgart/D, T. Hirth, Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB, Stuttgart/D, Institute for Interfacial Engineering, University of Stuttgart/D, S. Rupp, S. Zibek, Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB, Stuttgart/D P15 Expression of recombinant human flavin monooxygenases 38 and application for N-oxidation of moclobemide A. Glieder. acib GmbH, Graz/A, A. Camattari, University of Technology, Graz/A, T. Bachler, M. Winkler, acib GmbH, Graz/A P16 Artificial fusion of a two-component styrene monooxygenase 39 D. Tischler. T. Heine, C. Conrad, J. A. D. Groning, S. R. Kaschabek, M. Schlomann, TU Bergakademie Freiberg/D P17 Synthesis