States/Authors Bulgaria: Snejana MONCHEVA, Natalya SLABAKOVA, Radka MAVRODIEVA Georgia: Romania: Laura BOICENCO, Oana CULCEA Russian Federation: Turkey: Fatih SAHIN Ukraine: Contact details: NAME ORGANIZATION E-MAIL ADDRESS Snejana MONCHEVA Institute of Oceanology, Varna, Bulgaria
[email protected] Natalya SLABAKOVA Institute of Oceanology, Varna, Bulgaria
[email protected] Radka MAVRODIEVA Institute of Oceanology, Varna, Bulgaria
[email protected] Laura BOICENCO National Institute for Marine Research and Development, Constanta, Romania
[email protected] Oana CULCEA National Institute for Marine Research and Development, Constanta, Romania
[email protected] Fatih SAHIN Fisheries Faculty, Sinop University, Sinop, Turkey
[email protected] Abbreviations used: Black Sea countries BG BULGARIA GE GEORGIA RO ROMANIA RU RUSSIAN FEDERATION TR TURKEY UA UKRAINE Acknowledgements: Special thanks are given to each of the author, for their participation in establishing the list of non-native phytoplnakton species for the Black Sea. 1 Contents Phytoplankton diversity: .............................................................................................................. 3 Black Sea phytobenthos check list ............................................................................................... 5 References ................................................................................................................................ 100 2 Phytoplankton diversity: Phytoplankton as the foundation of marine trophic chain is among the best