25Th District Assembly Journal
Session held at the New Amsterdam Church of the Nazarene Lot 1 Main Street, New Amsterdam, Berbice, Guyana. S.A. Saturday, November 14, 2014. Officiating Officers Rev. Dr. R. Alphonso Porter - Field Strategy Coordinator (English Field) Rev. Rajkumar “Tony” Autar - District Superintendent Rev. Abrabam Nagamootoo - District Secretary “GO, GROW, GLOW and GIVE for the GLORY of GOD” 2 DISTRICT OFFICERS General Superintendent: Dr. Gustavo Crocker Global Ministry Centre 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, Kansas, 66220, USA. Regional Director: Dr. Carlos Luis Saenz Asociacion Mesoamerica. Corregimento de Pueblo Nuevo. Hato Pintado. Ave. 12 de Octubre. Edificio PH Victoria Hills. Locales #5 y #6. Cuidad de Panama. Pamana. Tel: 507 203 3541/42/43. Fax: 507 203 3544. Field Strategy Coordinator: Dr. R. Alphonso Porter 229 Munipur Street, Prashad Nagar, Georgetown, Guyana Tel: (592) – 226-0052 District Superintendent: Rev. Rajkumar Autar Plot A Wallaba Road, Meadow Brook Gardens, Georgetown, Guyana Tel: (592) 227-4751 District Secretary: Rev. Abraham Nagamootoo Lot 224 Section B Bloomfield Village, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana. Tel: 337-1589 District Treasurer: Rev. Nandlall Budhram Lot 2 Seawell Village, Corentyne Village Tel: (592)-332-0679 District N.Y.I. President: Bro. Daniel Papannah Lot 419 Swamp section, Rose Hall town, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana Tel: (592) 337-4879 District N.M.I. President: Min. Joyce Mohamed Lot 30 Scottsburg, Corriverton, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana. Tel: (592)-335-3277 District SDMI Chairperson: Min. Vijaimattee Nagamootoo Lot 224 Section B Bloomfield Village, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana. Tel: 337-1589 DISTRICT ADVISORY BOARD Elders: Rev. Abraham Nagamootoo Lot 224 Section B Bloomfield Village, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana. Tel: 337-1589 Rev.
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