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REGIONAL ELECTIONS 2015 DISTRICT NO. NINE (Final Results) 2015-06-17 1:06 PM DISTRICT NO. NINE REGIONAL ELECTIONS 2015 (Final Results) TOTAL DIVISIONS/SUB DIVISIONS/SUB NAME OF BALLOT SERIAL POLLING STATION VALID VOTES CASTVALID REJECTED, SPOIL VOTES,TENDER BALLOTS CALCULATED VALUES DIVISION NAME DIVISION NUMBER PRESIDING OFFICER BOX NO. VOTES CHECKS OK STATISTICS (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) CHK CHK CHK CHK (2) Valid (3) (4) Total Reg. Voters % of Reg. Interim No of Polling Total APNU/ (3a) (3b) (3c) (3d) [66 out of 66 Polling Stations processed. PPP/C TUF URP Total Total Total Spolied Destroyed Tendered Total Votes Valid Rejecte Total Votes Rejected No of in Voters in Voter Polling Stations Electors AFC WOM UOV MCL MEI These contain 100.0% of total registered voters in the District Valid Rejected Votes Ballots Ballots Ballots Used Cast Votes d Votes Sum Ballot Votes cast Processed District Turnout Stations Processed Remarks with an aggregated average voter turnout of 68.3% ] 14272 3553 5764 140 66 9523 3 143 78 1 225 9748 28 2 0 OK OK OK OK 9523 225 9748 14272 100.0% 68.3% 66 66 1 KATU'UR 911112 KATU'UR PRIMARY SCHOOL Rodrigues Fabian 9001 65 1 40 3 1 45 0 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK45 0 45 65 69.2% 1 1 2 BAITOON/ SHIRRIRI 911113 (ii) BAITOON PRIMARY SCHOOL George Ronson 9002 159 66 43 1 0 110 0 1 4 0 5 115 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 110 5 115 159 72.3% 1 1 3 BAITOON/ SHIRRIRI 911113 (i) SHIRRIRI PRIMARY SCHOOL Lewis Eric 9003 47 1 32 0 0 33 0 1 0 0 1 34 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK33 1 34 47 72.3% 1 1 4 POTARINAU 91112 POTARINAU PRIMARY SCHOOL Leroy Hendricks 9004 334 53 157 2 2 214 0 3 0 0 3 217 4 1 0 OK OKOKOK 214 3 217 334 65.0% 1 1 5 SHULINAB 91113 SHULINAB PRIMARY SCHOOL Gary H Foo 9005 372 83 191 2 0 276 0 3 1 0 4 280 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 276 4 280 372 75.3% 1 1 6 KUMU 91114 KUMU PRIMARY SCHOOL Smith Jennifer 9006 183 38 92 3 1 134 0 0 4 0 4 138 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 134 4 138 183 75.4% 1 1 MOCO MOCO PRIMARY 7 MOCO MOCO 91115 Hamilton Shirley 9007 245 49 77 1 2 129 0 2 3 0 5 134 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 129 5 134 245 54.7% 1 1 SCHOOL 8 NAPPI 91116 (i) HIAWA PRIMARY SCHOOL Jeffrey Dave 9008 177 66 41 2 2 111 0 3 0 0 3 114 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 111 3 114 177 64.4% 1 1 9 NAPPI 91116 (ii) NAPPI NURSERY SCHOOL Fredericks Griffith 9009 372 99 119 5 2 225 0 6 3 0 9 234 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 225 9 234 372 62.9% 1 1 10 NAPPI 91116 (iii) PARISHARA PRIMARY SCHOOL Ng-A-Fook Jean 9010 225 65 82 0 0 147 1 4 2 0 7 154 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 147 7 154 225 68.4% 1 1 QUARRIE/ PARIKWARINAWA PRIMARY 11 911171 (ii) D'Aguiar Frances 9011 113 5 82 0 1 88 0 0 0 0 0 88 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK88 0 88 113 77.9% 1 1 PARIKWARINAWA SCHOOL QUARRIE/ 12 911171 (i) QUARRIE PRIMARY SCHOOL February Elsie 9012 110 20 48 1 0 69 0 3 2 0 5 74 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 69 5 74 110 67.3% 1 1 PARIKWARINAWA ARAPAIMA NURSERY SCHOOL(A- 13 MOCO MOCO/ MANARI 911172A (i) Dainty Melanie 9013 294 76 59 1 0 136 0 1 2 0 3 139 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 136 3 139 294 47.3% 1 1 F) ARAPAIMA NURSERY SCHOOL 14 MOCO MOCO/ MANARI 911172A (ii) Haywood Simone 9014 335 94 88 0 0 182 0 5 4 0 9 191 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 182 9 191 335 57.0% 1 1 (G-M) ARAPAIMA NURSERY SCHOOL 15 MOCO MOCO/ MANARI 911172A (iii) Mansfield Sonia 9015 286 87 63 2 1 153 0 0 2 0 2 155 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 153 2 155 286 54.2% 1 1 (N-Z) ARAPAIMA PRIMARY SCHOOL 16 MOCO MOCO/ MANARI 911172B (i) Torres Mary 9016 300 111 49 0 2 162 0 0 5 0 5 167 0 1 0 OK OKOKOK 162 5 167 300 55.7% 1 1 Lower Flat (A-E) ARAPAIMA PRIMARY SCHOOL 17 MOCO MOCO/ MANARI 911172B (ii) Welcome Roldon 9017 321 138 53 1 0 192 0 2 1 0 3 195 1 0 0 OK OKOKOK 192 3 195 321 60.7% 1 1 Lower Flat (F-K) ARAPAIMA PRIMARY SCHOOL Demetro D'Aguiar 18 MOCO MOCO/ MANARI 911172B (iii) 9018 322 110 45 1 1 157 0 4 2 1 7 164 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 157 7 164 322 50.9% 1 1 Intermixing of DSP balloting Upper Flat (L-Q) Arlene ARAPAIMA PRIMARY SCHOOL 19 MOCO MOCO/ MANARI 911172B (iv) Joseph Kateri 9019 332 150 66 0 2 218 0 6 2 0 8 226 1 0 0 OK OKOKOK 218 8 226 332 68.1% 1 1 Upper Flat (R-Z) ST. IGNATIUS SECONDARY 20 ST. IGNATIUS 91118 (i) Adena Benn 9020 300 85 88 4 1 178 0 2 1 0 3 181 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 178 3 181 300 60.3% 1 1 SCHOOL(A-G) ST. IGNATIUS SECONDARY 21 ST. IGNATIUS 91118 (ii) Grant Alisha 9021 278 81 89 0 1 171 0 2 1 0 3 174 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 171 3 174 278 62.6% 1 1 SCHOOL (H-N) ST. IGNATIUS SECONDARY 22 ST. IGNATIUS 91118 (iii) Williams Richard 9022 290 78 91 2 1 172 0 1 2 0 3 175 2 0 0 OK OKOKOK 172 3 175 290 60.3% 1 1 SCHOOL (O-Z) 23 PIRARA/ MARAKANATA 911211 MARAKANATA RANCH HOUSE Marcello Loretta 9023 13 1 11 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK12 0 12 13 92.3% 1 1 KWAIMATTA/KARANAM 24 911213 KWAIMATTA PRIMARY SCHOOL Francis Wayne 9024 73 4 57 0 1 62 0 0 0 0 0 62 1 0 0 OK OKOKOK62 0 62 73 84.9% 1 1 BO KARASABAI PRIMARY SCHOOL 25 KARASABAI 91122 (i) Beaton Melissa 9025 383 125 136 13 3 277 0 9 3 0 12 289 1 0 0 OK OK OK OK 277 12 289 383 75.5% 1 1 (A-J) KARASABAI PRIMARY SCHOOL 26 KARASABAI 91122 (ii) Rodrigues Shelly 9026 289 73 125 9 2 209 0 2 4 0 6 215 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 209 6 215 289 74.4% 1 1 (K-Z) 27 KARASABAI 91122 (vi) PAIPANG HEALTH HUT Thomas Festus 9027 85 4 63 0 0 67 0 1 0 0 1 68 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK67 1 68 85 80.0% 1 1 28 KARASABAI 91122 (iv) RUKUMUTA PRIMARY SCHOOL Joseph Alain 9028 154 7 114 1 0 122 0 4 0 0 4 126 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 122 4 126 154 81.8% 1 1 Manson Hing 29 KARASABAI 91122 (vii) TAUSHIDA PRIMARY SCHOOL 9029 121 14 71 3 1 89 0 2 1 0 3 92 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 89 3 92 121 76.0% 1 1 Albeus 30 KARASABAI 91122 (iii) TIGER POND PRIMARY SCHOOL Clinton Winston 9030 199 39 95 7 0 141 2 0 0 0 2 143 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 141 2 143 199 71.9% 1 1 31 KARASABAI 91122 (v) TIPURU PRIMARY SCHOOL Clinton Juanita 9031 146 6 107 2 0 115 0 2 0 0 2 117 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 115 2 117 146 80.1% 1 1 1\RE_District_9 Page 1 of 3 2015-06-17 1:06 PM DISTRICT NO. NINE REGIONAL ELECTIONS 2015 (Final Results) TOTAL DIVISIONS/SUB DIVISIONS/SUB NAME OF BALLOT SERIAL POLLING STATION VALID VOTES CASTVALID REJECTED, SPOIL VOTES,TENDER BALLOTS CALCULATED VALUES DIVISION NAME DIVISION NUMBER PRESIDING OFFICER BOX NO. VOTES CHECKS OK STATISTICS (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) CHK CHK CHK CHK (2) Valid (3) (4) Total Reg. Voters % of Reg. Interim No of Polling Total APNU/ (3a) (3b) (3c) (3d) [66 out of 66 Polling Stations processed. PPP/C TUF URP Total Total Total Spolied Destroyed Tendered Total Votes Valid Rejecte Total Votes Rejected No of in Voters in Voter Polling Stations Electors AFC WOM UOV MCL MEI These contain 100.0% of total registered voters in the District Valid Rejected Votes Ballots Ballots Ballots Used Cast Votes d Votes Sum Ballot Votes cast Processed District Turnout Stations Processed Remarks with an aggregated averageYURONG voter PARU turnout PRIMARY of 68.3% ] 32 KARASABAI 91122 (viii) Alfred Florence 9032 179 15 113 4 0 132 0 2 1 0 3 135 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 132 3 135 179 75.4% 1 1 SCHOOL 33 MASSARA 91123 MASSARA PRIMARY SCHOOL Moses Lenny 9033 204 31 130 2 2 165 0 2 0 0 2 167 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 165 2 167 204 81.9% 1 1 34 TOKA 91124 TOKA PRIMARY SCHOOL Dewar Marlon 9034 131 58 38 1 0 97 0 1 3 0 4 101 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 97 4 101 131 77.1% 1 1 RIGHT BANK SURAMA 35 912113 SURAMA PRIMARY SCHOOL McDonald Camelia 9035 142 99 13 2 1 115 0 2 0 0 2 117 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 115 2 117 142 82.4% 1 1 RIVER DaSilva Bremner 36 ARANAPUTA 912115 ARANAPUTA PRIMARY SCHOOL 9036 293 131 88 1 1 221 0 2 2 0 4 225 3 0 0 OK OKOKOK 221 4 225 293 76.8% 1 1 Leona 37 KAICUMBAY 912121 KAICUMBAY PRIMARY SCHOOL Kenrick Lewis 9037 112 60 28 2 0 90 0 2 0 0 2 92 2 0 0 OK OKOKOK 90 2 92 112 82.1% 1 1 38 KATOKA 912122 (i) KATOKA PRIMARY SCHOOL Michael Desmond 9038 307 29 207 1 0 237 0 6 3 0 9 246 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 237 9 246 307 80.1% 1 1 39 KATOKA 912122 (ii) SEMONI PRIMARY SCHOOL Fredrick Sylvester 9039 88 6 57 3 2 68 0 4 1 0 5 73 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK68 5 73 88 83.0% 1 1 40 ANNAI 91213 (i) ANNAI PRIMARY SCHOOL Chintaman Bharat 9040 321 100 130 1 0 231 0 2 3 0 5 236 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 231 5 236 321 73.5% 1 1 KWATAMANG PRIMARY 41 ANNAI 91213 (iii) Mack Jefferson 9041 239 46 137 0 1 184 0 2 0 0 2 186 1 0 0 OK OKOKOK 184 2 186 239 77.8% 1 1 SCHOOL 42 ANNAI 91213 (ii) RUPERTEE NURSERY SCHOOL Brown Marlyn 9042 206 58 89 1 1 149 0 1 0 0 1 150 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 149 1 150 206 72.8% 1 1 Moses Judith 43 ANNAI 91213 (iv) WOWETTA PRIMARY SCHOOL 9043 183 34 105 0 3 142 0 3 1 0 4 146 1 0 0 OK OKOKOK 142 4 146 183 79.8% 1 1 Karaen CRASH WATER PRIMARY 44 YAKARINTA 91214 (i) Peters Nash 9044 127 4 95 1 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK100 0 100 127 78.7% 1 1 SCHOOL 45 YAKARINTA 91214 (ii) YAKARINTA PRIMARY SCHOOL Joel Phyllis Mary 9045 290 34 181 0 0 215 0 1 2 0 3 218 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 215 3 218 290 75.2% 1 1 46 YUPUKARI 91215 (ii) QUATATA PRIMARY SCHOOL John Nadine 9046 107 30 47 1 0 78 0 2 0 0 2 80 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 78 2 80 107 74.8% 1 1 47 YUPUKARI 91215 (i) YUPUKARI PRIMARY SCHOOL Li Maisie 9047 307 92 115 4 3 214 0 4 3 0 7 221 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 214 7 221 307 72.0% 1 1 48 RUPUNAU 912212 RUPUNAU PRIMARY SCHOOL Haywood Odesa 9048 161 20 99 1 1 121 0 0 0 0 0 121 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 121 0 121 161 75.2% 1 1 49 DADANAWA 912221 DADANAWA RANCH HOUSE Mohabir Sunita 9049 31 14 7 1 0 22 0 1 0 0 1 23 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK22 1 23 31 74.2% 1 1 50 SAND CREEK 91224 SAND CREEK PRIMARY SCHOOL Alfred Michael 9050 335 53 176 0 2 231 0 1 0 0 1 232 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 231 1 232 335 69.3% 1 1 51 SAWARIWAU 91225 (ii) KATOONARIB PRIMARY SCHOOL Julie Paulo 9051 197 48 88 0 3 139 0 5 2 0 7 146 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK 139 7 146 197 74.1% 1 1 52 SAWARIWAU 91225 (i) SAWARIWAU PRIMARY SCHOOL Lennox Henry 9052 315 45 127 3 0 175 0 3 1 0 4 179 1 0 0 OK OKOKOK 175 4 179 315 56.8% 1 1 53 MARUDI 912321 MARUDI TENT Rodrigues Wallace 9053 27 8 2 1 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 OK OKOKOK11 0 11 27 40.7% 1 1 54 SHEA 91233 SHEA PRIMARY SCHOOL Gomes Orville 9054 228 32 109 3 0 144 0 3 2 0 5 149
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