Popeye Generally Fai.,.

}' oUow H1I Adventure. Each IOWA - Generally fair lAiday; to­ dl mOrrow pnibably rair aDd _nner. MorDlnr In Tbe o.U, Jo,,"1UJ , ts I o a C i t y , M o r; n i g N e p a p e , ~ • ee F'lVE -GENTS The AuOc:lated. press IOW A CITY, lOW A THURSDA Y, AUGUST 12, 1937 ()eotral PreIs AIIaoctatloo VOLUME XXXVII NUMBER 51 8 "

owa City e ot dliv. - I and wa, n district let JUdg& Tramp Begs EGYPT'S BOY KING INVESTED JA.PAlV'S NEW PUPPET STATE? Fight Menaces " Murray 4 Die as 2 Houses Collapse le In tlle To Tell 'Real' , ** ** ** ** ** Plan for Early to drlv& Fo~ndations Weakened by Heavy RaiRS; after hie Kidnap Story Occupants Trapped in Deep Water Adjournment e Gatfney • Officers Discount NE\V YORK, Aug. 11 (AP)-Four of the first to gO to the rellCue. !ted Aug, Southern Legislators patrolman person8 lost their lives and a t least Of several persons Injured, the Transient's Tale Of one otll r was known to be missing condition of Mrs. Marie Coral, 26. trrest. United in Demand For when two adjacent trame buildings who was unconllClous. W8JI deacrlbed W. Ves_ Mattson Abduction In New Brighton, S tat~n Island, as most crltlca.l. Three persons Federal Crop Loans Ise; Mur. I T"EMMON. S.D., Aug. 11 (API­ collapsed almost simultAneously tOo taken to Staten 18land hospital were ey A. O. Chief of Police Pal Jones tonight night, trapping OCCUI>llnt8 In d brls Louis Peterson, 42, suf terlng trom WA,SHjI NG TON, Aug. n (AP)- said poUce and federal authorilles and deep water. fractured ribs and po8lIlble lnternal Congressional forees. angered by were Investigating th" s lory of a Sever.. 1 Missing Injuries; James Mitchell, 72, tmc- President RoO!! velt'8 refusal to 1ranslent who, Jones aald, told Several others were believed mlss- tured ribs and possible skull trac· grant r deral crop loans until & , them he took part In the kidnaping Ing tllj rescue workers frantically ture; and Adnm Malnlck, 26, trae· osis of Charles Ma tt80n dug Into the maS8 ot wreckage. but tUI'ed IIrm and lacerations. II W Cl'Ql) control Ia.w Is ftS$UI'ed , irchild Wash., last December. a final check· up was not especled 80 Sent to Rueue blooked hill wage Ilnd hour leglslllr , Tbe man, who Jones said gave until early mOI·nlng. POlice IIQld Approximately 80 policemen and lion l()(lay. his name 8.S FloYd Hutchinson ot heavy 1'11.1/1., which (loaded the cel· firemen were sent to the scene Of ere tined The tug·of·war Mlween the presl. Alliance, Neb.. was quoted by the I... ·s, were bell,;vt'(! to ~Iave under· the crash, which levelt'(! the two M. Fair. den t and pOwerful plement8 In con· day. poll e chlet 8s asserting: mined the toundaUons. hous 8 to the ground. Fire equip. ow&. City I "I'll go crazy unless I gel some. 'rhe dead were Vlrltlnia. Uud· menl was being ulled to pump out gr 8S ibecam 80 ti I'ce that It !lnd costw one to believ" me." "Il'k, 28, a nd her 1I()tl, Joseph, :e, the cellan. thr~lltened to wr k plans tor 111\ , Jones said the mn"n was picked Virginia Hurley, S, and Adam Mal· Several per ons In the two h ou8' le co rn e~ I'arl), ruljournment and 10 throw up In a freight cs r tOday and nlrk 28, who died after belnc..... e8, each of which was occupied by rt streets. th remal nlllg days of the legls!a· charged with vagrancy. Taken to moved to a hospital. on famll), and p08slbly 80me room· jtlne was ~he jall, Jones saId, the man Patrolman Josel McBreen, 32, ere, were believed to have ellCaped U va 8I'8810n Into contusion. costs for launohed into an account of th ~ who WM seen to enter the doorway with minor InjUries. Two police. Demand LoILns reo Mattson kidnaping, declarin g he of on building wh Ich colJapsed com· men Were reported hurt probing Many southern legl81ators lin d. ',,-. and a companion abducted the Ta­ pletely, was miSSing. lIe was one through the oebrle. lip !Jehlnd a movcment to d la), the ing coma boy and thnt the companion wage and hOtlr b!l1 and comp I the end laler slew him. granting of prlce·bOlsterlng loana I Pl'O m A 11Iance came a report by Morgan's First un cotton and ot her major crops. ,Show .P ollce Chief A. A. La ing thai Hut­ LATE NEWS Charles ,\';C8t, Ihuson mall be· ,c hlnsoll was "peculiar," nnd thai he • lween the "'hlte 110use and con­ tin War. had formerly told authorities Of Great Holding gl'E's810nal IcadeL'H, hurried to Capl· g contest ,other places he was wantt'(! ror BULLETINS 101 HilI. He conferrcd with hou86 'e a nnual crimes he did 11 0t commit. I.,alng lerulel'S and they In turn wllh Chalr. sting as· ",aid the mlln had frequently been Firm Expires man O'(':onllor (D-NY) of the house will rep· a rrested tor vagrancy lind Into",I' rul 8 commllt('('. • judging 'Calion . Find Gun Cache O'('onnor then called o/t a meet· ttle Con. In Tacoma, pr. W. W . Maltson, BALTIMORE, Aug. 11 (AI'}­ Stockholders Wipe Ing or his committee schedulcd to father Of the slain boy, discounted 7 to Oe~ 'oll owln g a tip tlte nrlldy JlEUIg Out Last Vestige Of ('onsldel' giving wage and hour leg. C. Gard. Hutchlnson's IItOry. Hutchinson hud had I' pack"""e M ll v~red to a Islatlon right or way on th house was quotE'd by Jones as saying he building In lite bUHhl s dlstrtct Northern Securities floor tomorl'Ow. He dt'Clined ex, nnd his companion had visited Dr. here, police IlIl e tO(llty round a the tour As King Fllrouk wa.. I.. v~st('d In house or parUllmenl planation, buL told the house later ones a nd Mattson a (('w daYII before the kid· smllil Ilrsennl o. g .... "lIdes 81HI R" R. H. IHPPELHEV. Eft Herl' I~ a Acpn I n the Egyptian Ito"1< Ills 1.la C tl8 head or lhe nallon, he 1)el'8onally Is " whole·hellrtedly •re arl·lv· (naplng to obtain drugs, but the "".. · h llle gUll IllllllltlllltJOII . house of pRrllam~nt In 0.11'0 as The youll g king I~ RurroundM by HOBOKEN, N. j" Aug. 11 (AP)- and enlhualasltcally" (or the labol" phySician 8I11d h u could not recall Also roulld, police SlIld, Will S thll ..Ium for King Farouk, 18lyear·old bOy rlller, '''rh)lIS dlKnltllrlelll-Cenll'al Prpss "l can't IIv foreve..... said J. P. slamlards bill. 8uch a visit. He aald he believed belt IUld hulster vr all ludlaua Book J\fore VOl~8 the story "anotlH'r publicity Morgan, the elder, alter It was all Pt· state tr'/l(IIl<'r '"uNleli'd I st l\fll~' One admJnlstmtion loadel' told' temPt." I · ~·-----~------~ ov~r, "and J. P. Morgan and com· ,.), hllllk l~lb""l'II. I' p(JI'lers the meeting hruJ wn call· Jones, expressing 110 nssurance Board Okays F(lllU'r's Deflected I pallY may be dl 801ved aller l'm ed ott b~clLuse 11rollOnents ot th& Iy lt hat H IItchlnson was on~1Pcted Shot KUls Son, 4 gone, so 1 wanted to put the North· labor legltilatlon could nol muster Itlonally !with the orlm , said, however, "he .I_ Soar Map ahowl the Immense Ilrea In orth ChIna that now II under tbe Totvard V.S. ern Pacific InlO a company with 0. Hurflclerlt votes In the committe .. ture Ijjetlm 8 to know enoug h about It to $208,740 City ,Japanele wlUtaJ'y beel. Included In the IlreA are the two ImportlU1t l"UgI'UO: ·K. Gcrmany. Aug. 11 capital large that no on would at pl'e8~ nl lo gel their bill before be WOI·th checking." " Aug. I I (AP) 1.<'roy so Chinese cities of Pelllln&, aod Tientsin, wblch have been occupied by (AP) - 'I'he (lprman flying boot the hOUB. Federal men. he said, had ~x­ EIII:('nl' Ut!mad. 4, d1!'Urn u( the D~mlUl (arm. Nodh Chine. gave warning that a form of Slate capltal1sm. reRemb· bullet dt'tlected by a rock g~r.mall route betwe.. n Gel'mnny reason ror cr-ntlng the mlghtv to sP('k addltlonol committee v01es. bllity he may have been cOn n ~c ted = , the undeclared war between Japan ling IWlclsm. In the meantime, and tht' Unlt('d States. posslhly by agreeing to grant crop wi 0, th case. At Public Heari~; struck him and Ilunctured a I~ng. UOO,OOO,OOO North r n 8 urlUel I1nd hlne. would extend as lar a8 have evacuated th II' Ilours later In n 'rhe seaplane cov red th loons wllhout further ailo. 'I hug~ company 1n the early lIutumn ot the yellow river, observers be· Hankow In the mid· Tax Rate Unchangeil 1,7060 miles from 1'ravemuend, LegislatiOn to override the presf. 1901, erecting It from the ruins lIeyed that ~t became evident valley. Americans In LlPbeck's port, to LisbOn In 9 drn.t and compel the granting ot Nipponese empire Intended to hlna bE'llev this move 0. gesture TOwa. City's schOol burlget or 120R.· , hours and 32 minutes landing at ot til "Northern Pacific panic." crop loons and subsidy payments 011 Gibson To ."'ace 4:22 p.m., Greenwich mran time oft China at the Y 11 0w river. to enable the Nanking government colton and oth I' major crops <'" , " a r- at the state penitentiary a t Ft. CaywoOd' and Dr. George )[4lrated by 0. 30· by Erasmull C. Lindley, former I'en· char\ed that Chinese lroops had, The downpours, measuring more appOinting an additional justlce fo1'\ to the left, though sometlme8 to the No !le1'lous Injuries I'I!B ulted to Fw'mel'S who Stlld they could Hac· foot granite wan fl'olll a d P gOI'ge era! counsel tor Great Northern also surrounded /10 japanese colloll (than two Inches In some places, each member or the supreme cOurt right; but they mUll( curl; a. 8tral"ht ,the drivel'S or I'assenfl'll rs, a lthough lua ll y ~ee the land sinking" droll'- that carries waters of the lIOuth and president ot Northern Securl· ,",111 I\g tar north as Woosung, tore· d,'en hed parts ot the east and 'w ho would not retire a.t 10 yea ... tl.lled pi" could win DO pl'IJ8. all machineS' were badly damaged. ped a ~oo - root weighted rope Into tork 01 tbe Salmon dver, . Ue. In Ita later yean. In" It to close down. middle weat. of &&,e. ---. ' .. _', PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY THURSDAY, AUGUST 12,1987 DAILY. Co.,munll!m baa arisen to lICa ra THE Engllsh conser,.Uves Into Inaction. OFFICIAL DAILY BULLETIN PubU.bed eve,., momlq elllCl!llt Spanlsb 10yaUsls are frankly com­ Monday by S*iDd1lDt ~ ]D.. J ...... die mm-a1&8l'n (JALBNDAR aft ...... munlstlc: that 18 th only retUlon Tuning In IlOf1IOrattd, U UI-UI ~ ann_. .Iii.i lit n.e ..,.., '.f the Summer SelSloo, W·' Il:a.tt Iowa CIty, Iowa. England bas not aided them. Her ..... Rem8' ... ·..... GeNERAL NOTI(JR8 ant dtoPoBlt.ed International position would be .e ~ampol editor of Tile Dallt 10"_ or ...,. with Board ., ~ ...... L. JIoU. flr Iy strengthened by a 10yaUst be placed In the box provided tor tlleIr tJepoodt hi ..... ] Odll K. Patton, K. )(a.cJ!)wen. »wen victory and correspondingly weak­ . ofAees- .. The Dal/1 1-. GENERAL NOTICE: KArl I!l. LeIb. A.moII PeaJ'IIIIll, Rob­ be The Iowan bJ' 4:30 p.rn. Lenore DeYriel ened by an Insurgenl triumph. But must at DaUt tile day ert Dalbey. Ben M. Stephens, Dand , ." JI.. lINt , ••lIe Ihn: ....u- ...... NO'll ... ao. •. __ o...a ~ ..--. I Eas1l8a ~v.tlve. whO' c:ep&ed b)' ~ and 1111I8t .. Tfl'ED or LEOl· t. .. In one regal'd Frank Blaclt,-NBC • BlII\Le1'8 In his boots at the thouc:ht ..~ ,WRWP&H .... 8JgJiKD .. a ...... -.... l J'n4 at. Po-a. P'IIIIlWIIr penoa. musical director, sacrlrtc6 utlUty Donald ;r. Anderson, ot communism. has managed to to humor on his farm In Pennsyl­ A Bualneaa l4a11a.cer keep England neutral. V~ X. No... Thur...... 4l1frU"t U. 11137 As o6Ier IncldIen arl8el, tlte ~ ,'allia. The "'&esteo has two tEo I!l~ all HeOnd ~ -'I ..... mendous Pereheron horaes of - Ill­ Uon of the Brltlllh empire wlU .. , ter at (he pOlI(O(n.. al lOwa Oty. cl-edlble age a.nd elephantine like Iowa. \IIIder tile .. et -.... 01 doubtless become mrn'll eviden t. 01 Marala ., 117.. !perhaM sbe will act more [orc6fuU)' - but kee!)s them around juat bie­ General'Notica gt: In tlli future to regaIn a . little cl\U!le they're friendly and fUDay look Lng . rll .of b4!r lost prestJge. 01' perb&~ Siudent EIQ...--en...... lilt. lIerilJd ot work Ia cau.. la the pres«nt Inacth'lty Is tbe WI~eIJ~ Studenta or non-student' Interest· Inl' _ unu~ problem. Black has been appoln~d mulleal CO il ror a na 10'0 whle~ wanta Tbe A.IIIoclaled exc1usl'l$o LEE H. KANN, adviser tor tbe World'a Fall' In P"- Is 10 keep oul of war. eo In earnlA8 ~ during lb. P"­ 17 entitled .. _ Iw ....ubUcaUo ... New York, N .Y .• In 1939. of &Il newa dlaPat.ches eredlted to It . Bul one thing Is certain. Eng­ lOd [rom Aug. 8 to Sept. ao are rt nC or n.ot othecwlse -ooltecl In ..... land bas lost ber dominance or tbe> Quested to raJ)Ol'~ In lb. Elnplo~· cO IleereMi8lt.. Swimming The wheel '" fortune tbat lip'" ~r ...... looIII n_ pub. world. n wVI be dtfflcllie to re­ * * * 1ltI1!ed' herein. ment Bureau Immediately. There wUlbe recreational swim· 00 Major Bowes' Amateur Hour h pin. Moot of th_ jobs can ba wOI'ked I mlng for all women enrolled In will 8 ... fot' ft\e 13~th tltue 110· J. DI'I'OIUAL O"AB.'I'IIKl'fW on the baste or one hour at each the university. [01' those who are 8t.at0ll ~ l!ld.ltor night when the I\fajor stopa CO Roberl Sherwood Vanll8lng EdItor meal Ume. and consequently tlier.. metnt>et's ot the faculty or OOool11ls· salute alt Lake City, UtaIt, David Dentan ___ NeWII EdI&or would be no more loss ot tlme tratlve staU, {or wives of faculty hOllOr c1to,- 01 tile week. dur.... Me,hI. Jlflltu OtJ' ~tor A Lt.f Mf... .,e tJIlan that usually slvlln to lIle -' memben and graduate students his 1 o'clock CBS broadcllst • .Jobn Mooney _ sPorll Editor hOllr. . , from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. dllrlnl!' Lhe Mildred Holly __ Campus Editor Pre.HkRfial Re,r:eC I" • ~ Beuy Holt Society Editor The cooperation of aU students or week Of Aug. 9 to A ug. i3. Swim .. And acatn tile worlc of week. .JBl'ftel 8IIIItwta _ Pk~ .....r PRE S ] DEN T ROOSilVELT'S prospectlve students III ell])C!Clallyl mh.1!' on Saturday. Aug. 14 will be will take s hallt. as It does evN)' failure to attend the IIIlnate dema_ urged. sInce lUI a resul( of tbe I'ronl. 10 a.m. to 12 m . InJ8JNES8 ~AIIl'QNI "Amateur night,'· wben a. crew of clilU1ge In dilte" ot the IlUlnmel' __ ELIZABETH HALSEY Tom E. Ryan. Ch'()ula.tlon ManRlfer rats' "harmony" dinner, Tueed. .. y mO,'8 thalli 100 telepbon operaton . Acne. W. BobnlllM. omc...... r nlgbt may mean nothing at all; tabulators and accountants take Arthur R. Lorch oYer specIal telephone facllUtes In .....Istant Ad1>'ertlalng M~ again, It may mean a great deal. , Salt Lake tty and record the. votu M&I'II&ret GOrdo. It may conceivably mean tbe entire Cla88l.tled Advertlalnc ll~ or the listeners for theIr fa vorite reaUgnment of pollUcal partl~s l~ lunatenrs. T ....1IONB8 IWItorIaI Office _____ Uti the Unlteu. States. It may mean 80dIecy EdItor ______4Jft Itha eventual renunciation ot·· his By CHARLES P. 'l'EWAR'J! A IOJlI·dlstance' wlr(l, frool ~ ....· Of.. 4. jOw n party hy the cblcf executlv. eentral Ptetle (lei."'. ~e direct to tile CDS RAdiO plaYlJouae ltD N_ "JOfk, N.Y. THURSDAY. AUO. 12. 1937 of the United states. it ma.y. oe W ASHINOTON. D.C.-The 75th large as In the senale, but the course mean. AS White Hou86 aideS con.reas has be n drawing toward Inumber III conl!lderable. Moreover. '111111 CIU'I')I tile rea.lts wlotlcb Ibe /lay. that "preuure OC othcr things" Iho end or lIs first 8esalon wit h> thEi mBI onlents at. largely I.. tluen­ l\Illjot will read durlllC tbe broad> h'~ CIMing p"cvented the president from «DIn . none too 81\ luhrlOttl! an outlook tOl' )l11ll DId-tlme'·s. These genlt·y c..st .! ~ ~ I The dinner was caned In an at­ democratic peace in the hereafter. Ithlnlc they have their respective Ti";'e Again tempt to heal tho breach In demo­ , Approximately one·thlrd ot the Ihom!r dlstrl ts sewed UP tight and W Vl* WGHLIGHT * * cratic circles caused by tile cO urt ~em cranc lIenator. are In a. state a1'e corJlespondlngly diSpOsed to be Vacation advenlurers will betar , ':IRE TKRI!:E pla:ygroundll hili ... nd other controversbH legis. of InSllrrectlon aaainst tbe White Ind\lpeod nt. (,'orn a. trav Uing hobbyist tOnight al 7(la when they listen to Sylva.n­ t~ rc whom mlght otherwise tors Glasa of Vlrllinla, Wheeler ot • 1n lhe senaw and he established a ba"e b en playing In the street~ record. even tor hhnsPlr, on tho MonLana. Harrison of MI88/sslppl. • Besidcs describing various routel ~ave ap t 1n08t of th Ir time thiS Officials Decide To wage· hour 'SSUe-llgalnst the ad­ Pillman of Nevada. Smith or south Constitutional Invalid Should New. Yorker from the United States to Alaska, -",Dltner on thQ Il'l·oluuls. A com' Ca'rollna. Lewis or :0 II no.s. Ashurst . ministration. ,Move Colby College he w\ll give suggesllons tor a!de­ 'PI t program of activity walt d or Arlzon .... McKellao' ot T nnessee. The MIs.,lseIPlJl senalor Is an At J.arge tl'lpa Into the Int 1'\01'. them. a tlvlt'y consisting uf hoth heppa.rd of Texas and Ouffey or Fipd Salvation in Way of I.jife Rpc(lwJe of Tl'llins ou t·and-out 1088 to the new dealers. InstrUction and supcrvl$Pd gR.tnee· Pennsylvania.. 100. Statesmen like B'\lnators Ola98. TOJ>Al"S wsur PROGRAM , There Wel'e athletic . even I" for It W8.ll a "purely social" meeling. lly LOGAN CLE.'IIDEl''l 'C: , ~r. D. Byrd. Bailey and Oeorge havo been * * * \\'II"I·l!tI· II ,I,j·;. M~ . ( !')-COlby By JACK STINNETT 10 a.m.- IIIuslrated mwdcat fa· bo Il hoy" and girls, eve"ylblng e o~al purp08Cl ot the dinner g roup or hllnmns we All 80"111 of hllnd. and Htlh PRlonll "ollt'!:1' "n·l..Ial" ('""Ioin't move the NEW YORK."-There Is no formu· In r volt all along. bul Pat haa vorltes. Charles Eble. '"oil 0-" h S t B I • m nUOne h(ldy I'lurgponx. nl I<'alll Mm~ nf lhl' mo,,,,, wl'ather ""POrl. . wlnmllonll rOI' partlRI ,'!'­ 111l'Y deddt'd til InU"" lhc t'ollt'gr. ,lion to pourillg oU on the troubl d jllso has jumped the reservation. [avo.-Itcs. • In be. II t weaving. dancin ... 'peech "'oors. The Ie tIer Roosevelt sent thAt bo(lily l)ulld. hnve' he>pn t"C'atN~ ,m"v I or IIlI' 1 ,\r A~ InlpsUnB ItX"lr Evidently his TIcking (skimpy as It 11 :6 0 a.m.-Farm nasltes. ., .. I dill' t l dl ' I I PI Il ".~ 10 n1<"'" thl' I'ntl r ~ campuS wat ra ot lllild rn nn,atc Is 80 \.olt 12 noon- Rhythm rambl 8. lind sports. Chtldt'en hltve been. 'the dinner was read behind n many "en WIl)''1 a RlRny ,. wou II h"" a nd I hp~' ' It'rro rm~d was) by admlnilltrationiats fol' the " t n"nt times. ,I C' II I I I d.or lh.. 120 ;'I'a,··ol ,·u on" .y I ,t' t 'Ol~""n "...... se,la.te leadet'sllip r nk! /I In his 'I'h ( r 1Ij(l,rlnwt'" hili, 1111'0<' mlleR cllstant. l\l8rnltllll- It ~ -,- '"' 5:45 !>.m.-Radlo news highlight• . 10 do 80 fairly. mu h deceived. Urtderlylng the all' They do hav" an IIIlhnllJlY ,1m" In I'y 1',,1' orm".. 1 "nnllg'h 0 t hem to ~ "o arnot. ~.. ~ n\ '" c~,~, b"ea~t fILl' mor viciOUsly than his li:50 I). tn.-The Dlilly Iowan 01 , Many of th~ work~rs on the pr gay informality was d ep, a. IIr~. and thoB(' of IIR who (' nJOy good "how lhnt onl\' I" ,'R"" In"la,we" tlld xcu3ed for dlCAlring with anyone pleasant .smile at lhe lime Indicated. tlIe Air. SJ'ounde thte yea,' were volunteer \jerloue I!Ul·POse. ll ea.ltll most or lhe tim .. ('nnnol it do 8 Ola.,s. Byrd. ihe mOIl" to pay the ~Iayground "erlous. T~el'a Is talk, ,_ Wash lng- )They are neve r Quite sick onour::h In glvl"l Ull. ("olhy alumni and f";pmls arc car· p«'ture. He does not differ will. e ed 7 : ~~.rn .-vacn.tlon adventurlnr. ¥ .' '" " u" ,. i ~ II 1.. I\p m08t 0' 11\6 ",reW Vorli' erft'-s. Who Bailey and Gporlr are as ram- J. di~ c tor and buy neW' playgroull" Ion tOda.y ot anti-new deal demo- a-o to> bed. and n('ver (Julte wt'll ,\nolh ...· !l;xampl() y n" on '0 ( . u , ." '" PI! \JlIs IWI ever. Sylvanus Ebert, 7:30 p.m.-Evening musicale. ~.,,\jpml'nl hR" Ilea" 8 arce. It waS ~rala running on the re\lubllca~ ~nOUgh to do a. slt ' ~k h or hanl work. 1·'lollllng kl,III<'v W"-~ I\nother A ~C"'"e 01' mot·1' n('w buildingS gave I~ tUlqUAIlfled praise. BUt he I Senator " Collon Ed" Smith ot lp 7:45 p.m.-Preview. and reviews. 1:>N!p\'rrl. In tact. thllt on or the 'lIeket In 1938 congres8tolllli alec. hey h<\vo we~k ha kll and w .. ak o.mro of a ('"nliltl,," natura·lly UR \\'111 hUll'"' tlor polh'go on lIs neW t no relklw to grab unjU8t tIe_ I "th Carolina. In debate. took the Jerry Wheeler. «rel\n<1~ mlRII~ lint 1)<, op"nNI at all. ~ !n n s. Thrre 18 talk oe torming 3t.om&Chll and flt'Pllng palol". No lBo('lalcd with thlll 1),Pi! ot botly i'ilf'. a sp,,1 h('lI('vl'd n""quult' tor and If YOU k him, M WII- did, hll- IIltd fl the ROOfI eltta s of 8 p .m.-Av Marla. wonder they are "0 ortrn III III " l,'{'·' ",('II I ilL s sug· alwuys a IItlle l11ov,·ahl~ and ma y ".f II1·t~ 111'". ""c'n'" 1'1 wit, 1'0 (1)' 6 ng.. Ill! 0 urn. 'to lhe a.lmoat fatal dl911dvantaga of Uoe Ai'. r The fown. ['Ill' Rer"('ationlll 'I'n-I h"twr.", "111.1 '1'818" and ' "('"nsr"va " r,'('9tNI. ,"rlotll" quill' n. d I H ' :1 ...4 HJ.:f1 1'1 '" 'n r ", ( Ij nl'("'H' . 11 y, .... ;'\ 0, " ytar's community d,est caml)al"n rlo8D It b" nut a.tlendl"g tho (IInne,' . , I I h Enllll h IYI)hab .. t. "f II D Into party and he doesn't exacliy see 80n'S dealh Is as etfervescont III n <; ~I h ~ ~ 1m dl In"'. whpil surgf:ot'V hnd Iflfll',U'" (·h .....II1II. PW'!11!lr'III~ wlI.q nnnthrar i"\ "STJN. Tp:\, (.\1') Tpxa~ flull· op~ns. IOW'a Cit)· mUllt OD n ile 'I'urRday .... g L . II.' "'" ... '" """ '''11'''1'11 10 he Ihe - of the picture to tile eye. Or the with lhe> raJlt·oads. That Is ttle eerv rs declare {hal lhere 11£18 ('I> musiC 10 Lhe ear. period 'lViten l1le cIrCus tOOk ~o their a noticeable de line in her holer· 'Fhe watermelon. of humble 01'1- .. be Is b cause of exol'bllant nUI- national h,Mu nee. g in. Is a n exe mpll(lcaUon of what way rates. h fills observation be true. what man. I... boolng "ita nat ure. can " We merely closed lhese 1,"<0 t he ,. ason for such 8. sUdd~n produce. OrtclnaUy It was a bitter ts 4lENR,( -WDt-4E .. R. of-f'HE.. evenls togelher. colored thef1l' wi~h .ACROSS by boy. 23-Twl'ltUa lIecllne? Is It that conrlictlng gloeule. growlllg In certain Mserls I,>en ks and cl1'cUS costumes (0 I-Tomado 19- AgainBt ll- Color month of IS.L~"'D of 4U E.~MSE.Y, 1"'­ 'forces wl(hh\ the country make It .r Aifrlca. not Rppetlslllff as to 'helgh~ n the d1'amatie Inte~eat . if 'J-Tru,* 01 »-Ftvy I:J-Is not (cOn· the JewiJ\l Imposslhle for E ngland's s lalesmPn lIavor bot sought by tlilraly wan, -1M~ ENCt USH C~A.NMEL 0 We railed. It wae not beCause of & tree 21- Quake tracUd) y~r Ito ' use diplomatic pressure? An lIere,·s for Its water-s!.orlnc pro· ttA.O HIMSE.l..F SEH-r ~'( 'hokum: ·Hamlet· was a trite s~ory J-..&at.. ~ 23-Even IS-Electrl1led 24-ForemOlt U-Bronr.e (poet.i,c) particle 'examlnatlon Of the situation wUf pellllitiel!. even aa the ber"el cactus whe n Shakespeartl w rote I ~ . All 2&-"18e1tOOtfW PAFlGE.l.. Pos.... "R.O~ . 19-Fellne 28-Donkey Indicate that Ihls Iliprobably true. Is sought In America's OWDo Arid 'hokum' Is trtte untU ,It Is dressed' Den"h 24-Ulleless coin ft-A wing U-Group 2'1-81pe I After t he war. Italy went fascist Iareas. Tbe Egyptlanll ma;y bave C4U 1!.Jt N S E.V --1"0 CH AA.I H(4 In fll8Cl nating garh a nd Intt'Qduced , {tnt lS--A III!I\wl_ 27~Tttll! ot ... lItch . M-A nel",!Jor. and Mussollnl made a play tor been lhe t" cultlva~ It. al­ CROSSI~NDO"'.A.ND as a n IM'Vltable sltuatlon to iii dra­ !cooeervatlve Engllsil a upport on tbough Oiber AfrICan Illltions also ...... Nlp8ef weigh. tkt. Iy ,ather- ,. JtE:1'1oI1U( ","fit.. CO S"f" of :msttc sequence. l~ 28-'1'0 lie in Of aClNNd bit fot" wOrk the ground tllat he had saved hlB ..rew it. Unller careful nurtulre, ''There ' Ia one otber point I ~eou--( .. 13 EAc."- WAY .IMvelea. 29-A cit., In penon 33-LeUer N leountey trOUL cOm munism. English "nd through cr08sing and ,·ec ross· Iwould Uke to make, The Idea, wblcw prment Penn.yt- 22-.. ..., liberals who thus wanted to crusb ~ n g of Its various 'Straift8, It ~e­ Born e seem to ha.ye. that 011 a'n(t /WOI'It by vania Answer to plevlo.. PUUIe: l/.lm were held In cbeck by the con - vclopc& Its (N'ese..t deUclous fla~o r ,mus ic will not mix Is rldtculous. Arabi. U-Tbe IIbel- fiervaUv .. s who were for a nythl"g an(\ retreshlng substance. Not., Music will mix with anytblng. The la-PeruVIan ~"" stde eoQa 32-Doaes that was agains t communIsm. to ttowever, until It was bll.II8plante4 only Question eve r la wheth'er It I I, put It oddly. '0 the tertlle Boll of America did If-Dlett 33-Other the right kind of mualc. If It II. Again In 1935 England was morl- lit reacb Its belghts. and In MI880un tT-VociaJ organ S4-Doom It ie an aid to stimulation .. of tlte buDd In the 1lI110-Ethlopian crlels Ita r&.rest perfection 18 athleved. 01. IIIrd e motions of the populace and I~t. for two. reasons; was difficult And the DOWN Jt w~en dl 8C rlmlnaU~ ,after a ll. Ie the only exllUse' tor ( or s uc h an Imperialistic country gourmand slices .. succulent cbunk l-HaYinr It 4-Ver&a\ drama. clear under- 6-Not to op\lOse Irnperlallsm; a nd the ot 'lfoOdntlu frOm tbp brIBM red Roult"p Mamouft.. feels 8,""" 1taadIft, (preax) peace element In thl' CO U'ltry" WIUI crescent. backlld With ",reen. he I)' about tbelle tblnp. He Ie no~ In· J-IOId mtthocl I-AcIw*bIat powerrul to allow the C>( IIhoulii Il'lve ' I hank8 (",. the ~oo u~P \)enl~­ dl""l't'n& '10 pnblie opinIon • •• t1ut 01 Jll'lntllw form ., dlploRlallc threatl' t~nt ml/:ht lon d J\I\nt ~oll a nd ' Ihe Yfe-f:ivlnl( R nn~ Iltl' 1M wllllnlC; to nrpl! whl'lt ' bill the .rUcle- editorial t o wal'. So Italy again 8cor('4 I\, Ilnd rains which bav ~ bOl'll ;'nhle 0 OMl .....h\1IIt haH bIII!n' aull4"W, .. the 7- 8r&, trlu,n'ph, ' !P roduce (or b1m 80 lU\I8rb .- ' d,il'. A town In 8- 0rb-Uke "m,b, ' Wllfe and nandliome" W1IIt. , Again this year. the specter o( ca.cl'.-~ K ...... m1"stir "" . j Ma,...hu- 1000A kind ot • ~ 80IIle 1l\aiu1«J!. .. ..~ ja~ket w~rn ( ,1987 ::: - THUR DAY, AraUST 12.1937 TIrE DAILY lOW AN. lOWA CITY PAGE THRElI, Wedding Plan of Allan Barth, ETTA KErT ------,By Paul U.ubluauD lONIGHTS Qo\.r£ NI6Hr Looking Glass Irene Blankenhorn Announced ¥11TH PAM •. 1 ~SH I COl.lJ) OIOlO(XZ tea • • • • • • • • • • • Sl:> I couLP tvvzf7f Reflections L Rev. Shook To Read ~ l-~ B7 VERA BELDON utlltty CerenlOn y ill Church InneYI. At Ainsworth Sept. 4 Color hlghllghllng for drab hair Is a. recent lnnovauon in the beauty. Mr. all'] Mrs. lo'lo~'d Blankellhorn world Introduced by Emile. well- _ of rawim"'i" I!. ('lty ,,"111 .on economic problems wtli be Mrs. Present trOm Iowa liy wer lar colors eho n (0" lhl~ servIce Aug. 31l lll1ci wIll gil I', C',"IlW(,,,·JlI· Student Tells of Trip Minerva Knl,bt. t024 E. Burlington Saran Libby. Elizabeth and Esther are those which will achlev Ih6 vIII tUI' till' ""ddl"g Ih'·II . On Queen Mary 1!treeL Mrs. J . Van der zee. 130 Fer· Hunter. FranceB Wilson. MrR. Zo m • • t natural hall' to'lP8. Lovely Mr. Rll,·.h wn~ I-:rlUluut('1! t"oml ,______1 oIIOn av~nuo. will Berve 11.8 state vice· Wright. Doria SmIth and Persis yellow IIghls can be given to light Iowa (lty high "~ huul IlIlil fttt/'nded Sheldon. blondeR. golden tlntll to darker Ihe unlvl'l.,. lt)'. Ill' ,. III l'IulI'g,- of "well. r WII.8 alm081 l08t On the chaIrman of ~hl' International rela· UODll committee. hlondes and ash blondel or to thuse he shlllPl1l1f Il,"i r, ·c~ ivlng dellarl· QU~~11 Mary-but not quite. )t'e per· The homemaking division will be wIth light broWIl hull'. pient llt Un\\"p,'sit)· huspltlli. fec(ly huge." lau~hed Carolyn dIrected by Mrs. R G. Popham. 1038 WOMAN'S CLUB The coupl" will Iiv ' In l"w>Io Ity "'or speclHI 0('('1\.11101111 the nil­ th .. '1'I'()Wbl1dgp. who returned YUterday Muscatine avenue. In charge of th~ TO HAVE PICNIC .. rtel' a sh"I'l w .. c1ulng t"11l in tural rolor of lhll hsJr may be east. tram a Ell,-opean trip wlh her moth· educ&tion of deA! lI.nd blind division will be Mr8. William L. ByWII.ler. 230 chllDKed teDl.\lOrarily by Spr8l'ing M\lmbPr8 at th Iowa. WOman'a H. Mrs. A. . ·rrowl)rldgl'. Magowan av nul'. Mrs. John E. On a. darker had ot hlghllgf.'! club and their tamllie. will picniC Mrs. TrOwbridge and her daugh· BrJggs. 3S8 Beldon aVl'rtue. lit A gold"'l blolld may. for H.e lo&,et ht'r al 6 o'clock thlB evening H. O. Keele MW'ries ~e,·. who will be a Jun!or stud nt In tl'lrst dlstrl t commitlt'<'woman brief period of OliO' tIVI'I"'''", bfo· In City park. Mra. L. n. Brown. Mary L. ll11tl'l,il/Son tile university thls rAil. landed at lawn hlsl"ry. COUle It reddl h bllJnde or light 1101 E. coltegll Blroot. Ie In cbarge brown may become Iw burn or N ••w YOl'k MOllday lind arrIVed Ilt Mrs. B nJ. F . Shambaugh. JOwt\ ot arrang m.. ntA. ]\18tory. prot. May pardee YOutz. dark brow.\ sImply by It hea \'y Attorn<'y J",rolrl O. I('-t'le. a ,hom. 1182 B. Court slre<>t. yester· r~v ryon~ atl~ndlnr 18 asked 10 ~dUlt and partn\ educatiOn. and sppllcatloll 01 eolor /lIg hligilt. graduale of the (·"liege "f Illw In dll~ momlng. bring table 8l'1'vlcf', llandwichea prof. Francis Zulli. hom economics, Mor~ ex 0 tic efr rtB may be 1936 alld SO li "r M'·. "'1(1 Mrs. Peler 'f11 I' tl'llvellers apt'nt th Ir fll'8t pn8.ke up the aIlv.u.ory committee and on cov red dl8h. achlevl'd for formal occasIons. 'Blue Keele or Dysal'l, IYIlH manlcd In 1I1u'I(>llllnp Slltllrclay 10 ~l11ry Louise week "broad In Lon'lon. arter eatl. trom IOWa. Ity. hlgh\lght~ or bl'lght 1'('<1 lints are Mrs. Ray Evans ot N rth English. d .hnd ( Il-Jut" hln"un. tll,ug hlpl' ot ~lr. und Ing r"om New york June 9 and Bayard Hollinshead u· to Ilec,' ntuat" Ih~ (llslrlct director. 18 making plana fOr one's gllWIl or mORt "IlIRlllndlllg lie. M,s. (1,.,11'1;" A. J lutchlnHUIl of lllnding In SQuthnmplnn. They spent the dl81rlct convention this fall. ~ 880'·Y. SII'~I blu., IB OSIJl'clally Marlon. Married in Illinois [,)ur "eeks on the contln~nt atter -- etfectlve whl'n Hllrtlyl'tl on whHe, Mr. J{t"!,lp WUH ~"lit1UU.tl'd. '1'001 oml'll 111 1933 llnd t' I1I< 'r,'" the col. ,<- !'osslng the r-:nglish chllnnel to RICH BUILDER Th community (·hurch ot Sa· gray or platlnnm 1111-11'. lege ot IlLW he ... •. 1)1' Is a membe" Of cnllll·. . France. vanna, \II., was th 8('''n~ Bunday In pads, th y m(il Ca.ro)yn's aunt, UKES LIVING artHnoon ot th" wpddlnK ot Mil· Atter twin" IIlll'aY"d v~ry lightly Oanm\a Etll c amnlll.. )Jrut~Aslunal . \l·S. E. A . Cook of Minneapolis. dr d Davl" and Baya"d I ]()llIl1shead on tho Burtll,'e. Ihe COIM tint la tratl'!'nlt~·. "ho ('llIlpl. will mnke ~Jlnn .. who '" nOw At home atter IN RAIL CAR tit Morrison. III. MI'. Hollln8hcad comhed through the hair to 1l"9Ule Ih ~lr hom III W" At ui>el· ty wlw,e 0. year IlbrOOd. A hll; h spOt of lhe Is a graduate ot the unlv rslty. even spreadIng. The colrru,·. Is Mr. KN·I" hn" t"'(' 11 IJr'lrllclng- luIY. lime spent In France was a ' t11ree· PJ'M'SBURGH (AP) - George The I.J'C TI ' fjvl~ tamily. Plcluredl bul Mrs. Travis and th(' boys will \'~r Ily. ~Ir s. 'rr&vls to ('onllnu~ hf'r The doubl Rtudy ot dramllll fU'tft o.lld Paul to ring c r,;mol1y was then dressed ane! fl, tinal \l1U('h dav llutol1ll1blte trip tram Paris Into Vang. wealthy pittsburgh cOntrac· jlbo\l In th,·lr nPlY hum('. 513 S. r~maln In all(ornla 011 n~xt Yl'ar. 1J(>gln til _ mf'dlclnc. performed by Ih Rev. Stullrt CI • up spray 18 aJ)p\l~d 10 Ih,· tlnl"h~t1 tor, Ilv II down by the railroad ~tudy ot I th~ ('hateau counlr,l'. Summit At ... ·tt. will 11'1l\l!' In abouL The t(Jur will tlnd 01\ apnrtmpnt worth. .11'. and Mrs. H ullinshead llalr style. It dd,·" ahnoHt Im'ned· Lodg() Will S/)01lS01' track8 In summer-\Iond like. It. TIl(' '!'rowb.-ldjfes spent the rest ot In thu pletur .. lert to right. a~ lefL on 0. wedding Irlp throug-h the jately. It'Il\lII1" th I,ah' sparkling ]0 " 'fonight at 6 !west followl ng- 0. rei' Illion alld wl'd' a.nd shiny with a dall1ly lrngl'lll1ce hospital clI.r whIch he J}urchased In I 'rotl·~.or 'rrnvl~ )lvlil return to f!'ravla and her old at 81>n. Pllul. Knight and Dunne. Paul 18 8tI1l1<\. ~wlttel · lallu. GHmany and \lOlitlnd. dtng dInner. Th y will b ut hOme which I'lIng" to It until th next n'hey did not g(, Into SPoJn. An· 1914 as his roving headquarters on 1"\\11. (,Ill' art"1" u mOnth's Itbs n • will matriculo.t at & w<"stern UIlI· Ing l",hlnd til ' othurK. Mllrll", lIuffman. ~l' ·H. IOnia In Morrison after Sellt. l. ;/Iltampoo. nouncements un their p8.asporta conetruct\on jobs. ' IWllcpr. :'11'. Hut h n"II"I'~ "lid 'rhe bl'ldegrOom has en an In· relld "nol' n 1l0W('d In 8)18111 ." Vang llked Ihe a\'cluslon of the !'1'rs. Alina, l 'urh'.I· )\ an.. in chul'~W iltructor In the II! .nrlson hlgll lllu'k III I):nlliond. th travell~rll railroad car so well that h dt'cld· at th,' 11lI LIJ<- dllllll'" 10"" City 1I(·hool tor tht! lllst flv6 years. He or IlUly"d Illlothel' week In London. I:d to mak.e I bls 8ummer hQme. C. H. Mar"t"- Gives Reb IUlh 1, ,111'''. ;.<". 110. I"nllfht attended the UnIversity ot IllinoIs. "1l ' ~ togl."Y thel'e onl! tn the win· The "hou.,," IUllurlously furnished. tag Dinner Party at 6 o'clurl, In tllP \),111 :f~lIow hall. P=o=sit=i.o,=1. =.11 IL-___P_ E_R_SO_N_A_L_S __---l 'th University ot Colorado. James II. I~'l=' a=ke=s leI·... rem.lrked arolyn. ··It rain II Is flanked by rocky hili on one MrR. ('urtl. J\nthony, hu~truclor. Mllllkl'1 university nnd the nver· In thf\ summer." side a.nd a small lake on the other. For even GuesLs will be )J'""s"nl (ur the s"CI'"t work slty ot Iowa. "hey sP~n l more lhan an«her Mr. and Mra. R. J . BnllchnagEl. '''lJ Mrs. M. C. Pruyn or Sioux lat~r In Ow '\,pning. The u)"{Wr week In SLratford. DevOnshire and The Emperor Domltlan a t Rome 1006 lIfuACatin avenue. returned {'Ity. Chllrles II. Mllruth. Ii88lstsnt I'eg· will drU\l(' the chll,·!t· r nnd hnve wI!stern England beror boarding 18 known 88 "the last at th 12 'l'ul'8h one 5911 West Liberty station. M,'" Raymond Memler. Last Times Today At DeWitt Senior Patrolman more than $20.660 a year tor lIOns avenue. ha, l,ad 88 hous >. Robert Ca.vlness and Patrofmen smashed tender repairs. from Women Gollers g uests thl. week h.er parent', J\tr. • straightening out t11at little dent Last Times where the truck backed Into your To Have Tourney, car to replacln, tbe tender aide· swiped by that reckleaa driver. Lunch Tomorrow ~ lIS .. week The Friday tournament or lhe Of five lowa CIty garages Today 10wa. Ity women golfers will ~gtn maintaining tender .repairing de. at 8:30 a.m. tom rrow. Lunch will partments. tour bU81ness plaeeB be serve YORK, AUg. 11 (AP)-Cate· \urned back the cho.lIenge of tho j ostead or golfel'S who ewing them : Drench 30,000 Fans 17th h Om~r and Gabby Hartnett·s gorlcal d nlnl8 that Btll 'l'o,·,·y has Club Organization ___ __ eIghth. the National league leading Signed 0. new onlract wIth. the GI· "e~ond place Red Sox In the A mer· Manufacture,'s ~811 mato Ihat close & n~ OnLO nODEnTSO:\' 'Cubs deteated Pittsburgh 5 to 1 be· a nts. calling fol' $37.500 plus In ThEl mu c h 'dlsruss~' 1 T club. an lean leagffe race today wIth to 3,500.000 golf clUbs a re manu· tlouble header vIctory thai att·",tcht'd GOSIIEN, N, Y.. Aug. II (AP)- foro 11.363 today to even the s rle9 193 and making him the highest ol'gantzatlon of lettermen. past artd tactured annually In Ihe United th~lt· pllce 8~tUns margIn to II 1·2 ilt one game a!lleee. salal'1 d man on any big league 8'lI.mes. States to b t around two Or thrpe I~OI' the ll1lro tlmo In Its 12·yen.r ball Field. can't squ..,lrh I'umors pI' "'~ nl. or the nlwr",lty of lOW>\, Ills!ory, thl' lIamhlelonlan, rl~he8t P(TT!;Rl)R.(lH AD. n. H. PO.A.E. lhlll l\1em"hls Bill Is .la t~d to take wlJ\ lJe con6 ld ~red III a meeting at ThfOY outlasted 'rom Yawkey'" million golf hall s, Plenty of hic­ o 1 4 0 0 ove,' job oC g n ral m IlAg r next 23 UIlIVPI'Rlty a lumni when they thT~e million dollar collection In a kory shatt d c lu bs stili lire In use [,. lVaner. ct ._." 4 Lllckshot. It __.. 3 o 0 1 0 0 year ..• That " pIU!," means $6.000 gathe,· In IOWa 'Ity St>1It. 10. H ·lnnlng' thriller to take the open· but Ihe big swing h0.8 been to postronpo tMay wMn Vaughan, • _ .... _ 1 :steel during the last six years No d~flnlte ate,,!! In the organlza· • er. to 6. and then clubbed four rain H l"l'll1~ mud" It iI11Po •• lbll· to Srhulle. If _ .... _ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ·~~::~~.na~y::m 8~~el~~~ngy!;w~":. rungers for 0. 10 to 4 victory In because steel cuts down wind reo ra('~ UVf'I" (iufwl '1'lmr- lmrk'~ trlan.. P. Wan('r, "f _._. 4 tion of th9 dub will be taken. bUt suh,·. Ib ____ 4 1 1 9 0 0 tlonals. the nIghtcap. which was cut to S(lV' 8Iatanc~. has leS8 torsion 01' twist «. skelpton plan will I)e d"afted and glllo,· Hh"pf'd m(')ng ,,1,.11/. Bruhaker. 3b __.. 3 41 1 1 lOathing has bee n (lone-"yd"­ 'en IIIIIInll'8 by da,rkn se. lind gets gl'eatcr dlstancp. • tluhmllted to ",II loW', letterm~n. 11 Th" 1'<1., ..... hringl ng tog"UlPr 12 of Young. ss _ .. _._ .. 3 o 0 4 3 0 saY8 Secretary Eddl Brnnnick of FIt·~t game: Ilandl<'y. Zb __._ 4 Is hop('(\ to hol _____ 3 o 0 0 1 0 Terry eventIH,lly. if not n oxt seMon. tooti)all game to tak .. rul'lhe" step!!. on your caddy-you s hould hire 0. orf shortly uC(er nll"n when", heavy Hwlfl. 11 ,_.. __.. _._ 0 o 0 0 0 0 will 8 t~11 into front ortlce role at rosetti, 8Il __...... 8 2 1 3 6 I lruck In this cas - then yOllr hag l·o.ln"to,.l1\. following hl.l nl"ht's bigger salary lUul lllUno "is s uccess· 1'be meellnK on Sept. J 0 wJ}} be Rotre. ;)b ._._ .. _.. _.. 6 1 1 1 2 1 j pal't or lho 'klck off 'day' program 'should Include not less than 23 h e tl I" ~d 1'o\als - .. -. - .. 32 1 5 24 10 0 or ItS field I)oss oC Giants •• , Big, J)lMngg.lo, cf .... _ .. 5 2 2 3 0 0 8 ow r8. 'k11'0 0 OVN' '0 a,~ .-Baltrd for Olckahot In 8th. QPhrllf, II> _...... _ ... 7 0 3 10 0 0 clubs. Irona: numbers 1, Ii. 2. 24. O"lU1I'" county l·apltol. gest IIIHJUlgerhd shalteUII III!lJor that 18 hN~ Pfll'h y~a,' OIL the fh'st day of foolhall p,'arllce. A dInner Dlck~r . r _.. __._ .. 7 0 0 10 1 0 3. 4. 44, 5. 6. 66. 7. 76. 8. 88. D. ('JII CAG O AD. It, n. PO.A.E, 1t~lIuC8 lu.ve Imd ill years will likely powell, If _ ... __.... 7 1 4 6 0 0 will be held In towa Union. one wedse. putlor; woods, numhors 1 Thr nlllna!;,cment AtIIl han hopeM llack, 31) .... _.__ 4 Z 2 1 3 0 take plRee alter Ihls yelU"8 shooting Luzprl, 2b _ ...._ 6 0 l 6 3 0 :Of many to be hrld th"oughout the H oag, rt _ .____ . _ 6 0 Z 3 0 0 to 6. oC elo!;,lng Ilt least tWI> ,·/lCPR. hut F,'''Y. MS _. ___ 4 0 I 0 lO is O\'er . - - You ClU' alr~ady hear state at the same lIntp. Iren.·lch. l-t _._ 0 1 0 1 0 0 Average wel,l\'hl Of drlve,'s u sed wh~n Lt,I' Rhowe,." continurc\ at tre. Hplwnn. 2b ---... 4 1 3 0·] (I that "nvil chorus. Here's Who Rlftllng. p __._. 4 0 1 0 0 0 by the big money tournam~nt PI'()S 'lurnt Inl",,,,ol. Cm' the next two ~~t~'~: ~ :::::=: ~ ~ ; ~ ~ Tlporf on Tommy l'al'r may be tUrphy, p ---. I 0 0 0 lOis 13& ounces. The no long r mys­ I.... ttermnn Interest~d In the pro­ hour". the nlh'e progmm Wit-" 1l"8~. 'LLv a""clla, 1b __ 3 0 0 5 0 0 that JaCk DcmllSIlY alretldy has Splklrk, • _._. _ 1 1 1 0 0 0 motion of 10wlt alhlrlics who have 'Makosky, ]> ___" 0 0 0 0 0 0 terlous John Montagu of ca.uro,·· "nl1(,{1. 'I'"dllY'~ I,rllgr,un wlil ,,~ Calan. It _,,_. __. 4 1 2 7 0 0 been persuaded to h~lp that bally. /1greed to como here fot· the pre· lIIalone. II __.. _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 nla wJelde the heavl .t 0110 know'1 rat'NI tomorl'ow with rj'hur="daY'8 Ma'·lY. ct ___ ._._. 3 0 0 3 0 0 hon by predicting Jlrltleher looks BrYnnt. II - ...- .. -.-.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " hard to hit" and may have "good lImlnary meeUn'l' a,'e: !'"orest ol~n. ------pn this side ot ~hc Atlantic-a 19& - ca,~1 l1ul ov~r until Fl'ld[IY an!1 thO '("otale __._ .. 58 8 16 42 13 2 Sloux City: .John VoSS. .oun er. Hany Cooper U8 s 0. 16 cha nce" to upset Chaml.lon Joo I),.. 1m x- Jlatled for Murphy In 14th. T()taiR ~._. 33 5 11 27 6 1 'cuncol' to make UP for hi s lack o( Score bv Inllings: Louis ... Demlmey. who dId sJm· Clt~' . 0". F. A . Barn.. s. Cherokee; 'rl", 1,.'~t"onP,"l'nt callie as II. BOS'I'ON A8. ll.. n, POAE. weIght. Walter] fagen and Orne Pittsburgh ._._. __...... 010 000 000-1 liar good turn tOI' Jim Braddock be· Ronald Rod. Waterloo: Leyland E. ~,Iller dl~ILl>IJlIllltm"nl to 8()1l\ 30,000 h!l'a~o _.... __ ... __._ 110 001 02x-6 Skell ey, D~g Moines, Lawrence A. 1 ...... r, 1 1 3 Ing shnft Is 42~ iI10h~8. Bobby Young to Suhr. LHt on ballCs ~ 6 0 A f~1V mlnlll". nne,· till' fllml Challman, "r .... _ .. 5 I 1 3 o 0 Crulckehnnk. wee S\'ot (1'001 Rich. Glenn Devine Defeat Geor~e I'ltt;;hurgh 6. hlca.go 5. BallO on G "tlrman Jim to mllke hIli syndl. 01'. T,. p. Rlaltn.. , MOl'nt Pleasant: lIlIIlOlllH'/'1l\('nt, the 1l10Ht ~{\'Vl-I'~ or BerK. c _ .. __.. _.. __ 4 0 o 8 o 0 mond. va.. has one meo.surlng 44 ",., bnll~-of! Swirt 1. Bryant 2. Htrlfck cate selection and Ihen bet the W . A. i\fC<'uliollgh , 'linton; 1. J, l'olPllllo. • _ ..... _...... 0 1 0 0 lIl" cia .,~ "tMIll" "rllkl' In "II It~ out-'by Swift 1. Bryant 7. lUts­ I. o o Inch~s-one oC the long at usrd. other way ... Picking Joe LouIs Ba11'oll, J ow,. City; C. Jlastlnn D\'ilIlutrl~. c _ ..... 2 0 olf Lucall 11 in 7 1·3: ofe SwIft none o 7 1 0 Ko er In City Golf Tourney fll",v nnrl "lIm~ clOW'1 in torrentll, to win Is like hUl'klng latc Kllute .Garner; Rny MUl','hy. Des Moines: Doerr, 2b __ ._._.. _ .. 0 0 o 0 o 0 Thp swing to /ltcel shane has In 2·3 Innings. Pass d bali Hart· tumlng till' tl'flI'k Inlo a RI'a, ..r ~IOII. Rockno'R fool hall team!! .,. You V. C. Shutti(>Wn'·lh. ~dal' Rallld~; Grove, IJ _._.. _ ... _. 2 0 o 0 o 0 been l'apld. In til 1928 natloll,,1 IlclL LoginI\' J)ltchel'- Luc&8. Dallcssand,·o, •• _. 0 0 0 0 The Lllfltl'M Ald'" large r ' frl'shm~nt Ull1plt~ - Baltanfant. Klem and cOllld ..... Idllll' go WI'OIl~. JOhn Fuh'·man. Duh""ue: 0". L. L. o o oppn Ch~lllonshlp. all but fout Wilson p _ ...... 2 0 1 0 3 0 ix Mort> Player t .. nt WOH hl"wn dOWII , 011)(',·,. wav<'r· Sf:ant. l'. S. t 1I11ls rlllllllpiollsl,llJS at 1.... lghlon. 11'01'1 Dodge: \V. gal'l HaI~ playe"e pml)loYl'd hlekol'y s hatls. Today's Hurlers l·f1 whllr IhouSllml1l of dl~apllolntetl TlmlO'-1 :5 3. Fb"pst Hills thi~ year h ll.vc record Jl1\-1 1.863. , Nl'nV YORl(. Aug. 12 '{AI'}-- rails ,,"maIU",1 In lilt' granrt"tand. , lOl'('igu entry. says SerretRry Ed M()lncs; "'11118 A. Glasgow. Clarinda: . -.Ran (or .B<>rg In 9111. the cove't (' OP(' n with steel In 1931 , Probablt· pile' here In th" major wn.llin/l' for thl' .lol'm to llhate I",· Moss. with players [rolll England. Clyct" Cho.rltoll, D~ " MolneB: an ~ ·'-Balt d rOl' ,,.ove In Dth. In his memorable mo.ra l hon with At Country Club Stpre by Ihnlngs: leagueA today: ror" wrndlnr:r thelt· way out of UlIl Grrlllany. Fnmco, Polalld and Cltilo MRx KadeRky, Dubuqua. von .Ellm. Hagon was one New lork _.200 000 200 000 04-8 'aUonal t"afrtc-jamnwd track. Cards Rally due to COll1llcte. Booton _ ... _ 010 000 201 000 01-6 first to go to at II Jllac· On of '''WII. City'" ht>.1 known WQl! I John AI'nold Heydler. ex·National Summary: Run8 batted In - DI. Smith the Illst big time ItOHers fell hy the wny.llle ytRIPr· Fl"ooklyn at Pl1l1adPlpbla (2)- 'I'hr IlOmhlNonlnn lo.sl post· league prpxy who h.as been making 1Illll!"gi0 2. G~h.-11f 2, Rol[c 2, sel· pro to change. Mac eWalliled trom flay In the lhil'(l day of th,·lowa. l'anlwpll nnd Autehe!' va. Lamll1ltl'r jJonrrl 111 1!'31 wllt'n «nlulllrt BuliN' In Last Inning Marion Miley Runs k irk. Re,'g, Crame,.. McNall'. Chap­ ull fOr lost time On the tou"lsl tralls /lIs beloved hlt'kory In 1936. takIng And PI\!l.qpau or Mulen.hy. won nrt(lj,' ralll hlld hNrl up thr man. Illgglns. Two base hlls-Dl· elly Area golf lollmOlnpnt a.q Glenn 80. ton al Npw york-Gahlpt· a" and talrwa)'s 81nce LUl'Olng over b!s Away With W(Jml!ll" .Maggio, Powell 3. Croselli. Ru Cti nil' • .n 8Pt Qf stoel shafted <'IuhR On th' pvrpt fo,. Iwo day•. p,·PV!Oll Aly. In D vlnp cluhbptl hiM way to a 5 and BllAh V8. CMll .. mnn. To Beat Reds office to I"ord .I!'rlck, hop~s baseball R o lr~, l..azze,·I, Foxx. Three 00.. northwest tOUl' alld scoring 28 at 1927. tI,,· y,~,tr In"olo. Worlhy w II Western (;Qlf Meet hIt ~rhrlg. &-DIMagglo. 3 vleto,-y ovp,· (;porge KO. ,'. The PIUshll,. h at hlt'llgO: Branrlt V8. m('fl will give that Cooperstown the lowest rounds or his brllila"t vl..t"rl'H'K. 0. w'.... k·/I I'l1ln llt flyn!.· ,[eNalr, Chapman . Sacrlflce-Laz­ "h II of ("me·' 0. better foundation of zed. Doublo plays-Rolfe to Laz· 'career In seven tournaments. To. match wllH one IIf Iwu playr In Rlop. I,OIl1I)a.rrll. c - ..- ..... 4 1 2 3 0 0 Nap LaJoie. and par 76 and bit kM It up with & Neiv ork __.... .400 006 0- 10 13 1 clllSest maLch of th dRy with a I· .R('rOl·~ the rich stako Wf).8 post. Riggs. 3b - ... --... 4 0 11 ! 06 0 . 78 Ye&t .. rday, c.o.nnl'Ctrd with .. J1oston __._._ .. 101 .200 0- 4 10 1 is 0. constant worry to the manu- un vIctory over Paul Andp"80n. Bob Travi Hurt Karnpourl.!!. 2b - .. 4 1 ., 0 9 11 • ( aIled end 7th. darkness.) Ita c[urers. The woOd usuaUy u sed ,. pon(>d , till rarl:; a''I'lvals eRtabllshed Mille ,'. S8 _.. _.__ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 paldl". and Wright. "'Ito 8till 39' 3 -78 today to ~ltCh t e •. In tIn clubheada Is pel'llimmon. Lewis der"aterl Aloo,·t Sidwell. a aJl(1 PauJ Bow."r·R D!'80ta or BOSlon 11.8 ;\1yerll. 88 ._._.. ___ 3 0 2 1 6 0 are li v lng, wel'e among gl'eatest Iiol/! mark with a 232 1010.1 Il.nd a 1 ;most of which comes from tlie 2, and Roscoe 'l'aylor wOn a 5 and As Senators Ihp firm ("vorllc to win hoth th R. Davis, p --.. 3 0 1 0 0 0 early plllY rs and organizers .•• fiv e strOke lead ove,· MlnnealloU" ~ decision OV('L· George Devine. IToti lngRwarth , p .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 P t It " Cleveland Wins !lOuth, but 1t'8 getting scarcer than 01) nlng- mile and th rao!', Clecld d V. Davis. •• __.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Alison. great hitler and manager of at y B r . bogey tlgures In hotel oham. In the only "th.,· match of thd On tho basls of the two belli In Cuylrr. ••• _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 old Chicago While 'tockings. was Mt88 B~rg . who rallied fOr 0. aep' plonstlp. Ultimately a compOSite day L. B. Pape n thl~n blasted OUt Down Athletics thrl'c heats. The bo.y 80n of Peler Walkpr, •••• _ ... 1 0 0 0 0 0 flret to outfit team stylishly and .allonal 74, a new women'" dOrtI· D~u~le.Header Will have to be us d. I\. 6 and 5 de cl~lo n over ROber~ Yolo. IL $7,fiOO Investment as 0. Lalle club 1M bes~ hotels ••. Ward petLtlve course record. yesterdlLY \slngleman. The mat(,h wllS In lh. Newsome 811 --- 4 1 1 2 3 0 Score by InnIngs: 20 Car y. 21) - .. - .. _- 4 0 0 4 25 00 II. syndlcMe Il1fJvJc cr'/./wlUrR 01111 IfN't. owne,' fir Ihe XPIV york Yank. :;'hlomas. p -._- 2 0 ---'-:_-'0°0 0 BOlletll, p .... _._... 3 0 1 1 or "e "on . • ---- r, g ~ ~ g 0 SCtl.ncLolnnu~~... ~OO~ oog~=~ l!ottoo,lcy, • .. .. _.. J 0 0 0 0 0 othe rs to bring Hal 1{lIth to Jloll y· e~ft," HMt said. ".My Iloreunal 111..,1- ICi nk. " _._.__ .. _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Summary: Runs batted In-Ram· ------wood to maflllge a Pllclfle 'oast {'rencp Is ror the Ouklanrl franchise ' ------pourlS 2. Gutterldge. Bordagaray. S. Totals _._.. _.. 33 2 7 24 14 0 I ag~e basohRiI clut. In 1938. lJ{.ocause of lbc Yllnk,'t'M' connect'on 'l'f)tnls -.-. - 3~.... 41 7 24 7 0, ~fartln . Two baseRJ hl~flze 2. G . • - Balled fo,' Bonettt In 9lh. · - I:latl~ Cor 1'holl1= n Tth. Davis. Myers, ggs. T . Moore. . , Raft. deellnlng to d l~ l ose hi s as- wllh Il." ______.... _ 'I'hre I)a.se hlt~. Ma1'tln. Good· Alt. R. H. PO.A.E. WAI'IHI N(,II'ON .HI. R. tt. PO.A.K . man. Homr run-Kampourls. Stolen Almada. or ____ 3 lIy Ihe ,' ....d .. led I·... l l>a~t'-Bordagaray. Sacrlfict'-Borda' Lary. 8S __._. __ 3 1 2250 o 1 4 1 0 Ra"ebaJrs ootling "Big Six" went garay. Doubl!' j)lay~ _ !\lyers to Kroner. 2Jj ___ 4 o 14.. 0 l.ewIR. 3b __"' __ 4 1 1 0 1 I 'I'l'!lvls. lIH ___ .. 2 1 1 1 3 0 through ye~tel'day wi t h 0 tl I 0. a ,·sella; . S. l\fa"Un to Brown to Averill. cC .. __ .. _ .. 4 1 0 ~ 0 0 Major LeagH~ Standings Mihalic. 88 ____ 2 I 1 1 4 0 chang... a lthough cecil 'rravls of .MI~ . .Left on bru!e&-IClnclnnall : Tr'bsly. Ib _ .. _.. _ 4 o 1 700 Sl. Loul.. I J. Base on bnJla-o(t Solters. It _ .... _~_ .. Simmons. If _._. 4 o 1 4 \l' 0 I he Senators, leading In the Am rl· R . Davis 3, J ohneon 1. Struck oui 1 1 1 1 0 Stone. rt ._._.. ___ 3 Campbell. rC __ 4 2 II 1 0 0 I 1 3 0 0 can I ~ag ue . lost grou nd to second - hy R. Dll.vls 2. JohnSO n 4. HII:8 otf A~lERICAN' LEAOUE AL LEAOUE ,,"uhel. ib _. __... 4 Weatherly, rr _ .. _. 0 0 100 1 I 8 Lod Gehrig. while Ducky - R. Dltvl810 In 8; Holllngswo.·th o M rl!t·, 2b __ . __ •. ~___ 3 g ~ pla c~ ott aale. 2b ...... _ .... . 1 120 W L Pet. 08. W L Pet. 08. o R. Fe",·ell. c _._. 3 o 0 ! 1 0 1I1~\Vlck of the Cal'dlna ls gained a In I Inning. Wild pltcll- R. Davis. ~t1ak . c __..... _ 2 2 800 Nel" York ... _._.69 29 .704 Cb lcago . ___.. _ 6. 36 .644 o W. IPerrell. II _... _. 3 o 1 0 0 0 1..0"lng p.'1 fl9 22t 28 84 .880 DlLvenport·Sloux CIty ~rl 8 lORt Johns 1\'r", Y~ "k a t RoAlon (2). B"ookl}' n at PhUlId& lphl"l (2) - P. . I"crrcll . LO. lng pltcher - - I<'ellcr. Thomlll!. Grhl'l!l'. Yankoes 100 376 94 141 .376 nIg ht In a genuine Blugfeot. 14 to !l ~ond If8mo: Chlellj!'o at OCtrolt (2). Boston at New York. .IOWA C,ITY RA \ ~LWAY " becl Umplres - Owens and Moriarty. P.Waner. Hues 99 400 68 150 .376 7, oomblnlng Tbe80nga and Wolre Score by 1nnlngs: R H E tit. Louts at Cleveland. Pittsburgh at Chicago. Bt. Louis ~_ .. 41I1Q 001' 001~a 10 I Time--2 :03. DI I k "4 3r 45 • for 15 hlie, Including fol.\.l' d ubl~" PblUUle/tJhllC 4t Washington. Only ~am es .scheduled, Attendanco-'-tOO. lI{ag 0, yan ~ v n 104 1 . 71 ,CI~velAnd _ .. _061 0lJ3 12.11.- 7 12 2 I r . - ---- 'llIU1tSD'AY, AtJGIJST 13.1937 'mE DAILY IOWAN'. J!?I!~ t'nT -

'I>$th BIlby' DoI~ W t l1 port~ to be "weU and out of dan- of & heart aJlment.~ur81!o" ClIP'- When "pr Alla.n POe revWwe4 Goodwill Uiravan Leaves ATLANTA ( P~Born rivB min· &,Pl'M M. )'esterd y. lIer lllOther, orated lnun~la.t"l,.. d Uv r til books, be of\pn Included dlIparaa_ Thisjll - ITT!NG PRETTY' ulCli arter the death of hor motb"!". M~ . Leroy Parker. 21, wae brOugbt Ing remarkll about tb8 authora' Morning To Boost 4-H Show ~====:::::::::==~~§~~gl Be" n ])Qund baby girl was ro- to ths ho pltAl JUly 31, and d1~ child. charact!IrL

; 100 Busines Men DIAL And Officials Will Man Breaks Arm In Fall Dow~ '191 Participate in Tour Iowan Want Ads Get Results • Bonneted In stra\v hats a nd wear' IItrord ~Imer. 301 River 8tr~t. Ing 4,H' du.b (: mblems. nearly 100 Incurred II> severe ann U\'acture ] CfWa City busln .. ss men and otriclals .yt'8terday when h e feil down a TYPEWRITERS wlll leave at 8 o'clOCk tblll morning' tt1gh or ateps leading to tbe base­ Iqr a goochvlJl toUI' ot s urrounding Classified Advertising Rates ment of the Dey building. comrnunille, to pubh'l"", the JObn· lYPEWRITERS RfNIiD son countY' 4-11 club and lJOClety f Mn. DaIsy Moore. wbo Willi also Ask about our special ~ o rse show nexl Wednesday. Thurs­ desceJ1dlnlr the . Irs, slipped and Student Rental Pureha8e day and Friday. Charle" A. BOw' WW\ Cell against Palmer. He knock­ Plan rnan. secretary of t he cham ber ot ed orf balance and fell down lhe Qae%lv I 'l'wo tMJte I Thfta Day. I J'our D!!! I .,..,. ~. I Stll Day. commerc ~. announced last night. sleps, striking his arm agaJnst the ~.: I. Cull ~e Cuh IClaarp Cuh Charpl c.h ICbar&t'1 C8eh Char.. , c.ah Two large ho"N' ot the straw ROYAL cement noo,·. lA .Jt" .U .J01 .41 .l1li .511 ·.1 .n 1 .14 ... 1 . ~ chapeaux. will be dl",t"lbuted Just ~ . ... • .. The UPII r part or bill ann was _t .11 .JI .ss .80 .T'7 I. .W 1 .ut .98 .10 lYPEWRITER SHOP • lore the caravan of 30 cars a nd ...... brQken near lhe JOInt. .. Iia .It .71 .70 .'0 .S! 1.03 I ""1.11 1 1.1. 1 ..0 1.18 trUCks leaves t rOm lho Press·Clt!zen • .. 122 Iowa ave, (near Iowan) .tt . 1.14 1.04 1 1.30 J 1.18 1 1.4& 1 u. 1.&1 1.4• block on ,'lash I ngton street. . 111 I ...... l iii. .II Ul 1.\0 1.1. US 1 1.61 1 1.41 I 1.7' 1.81 1 1.91 t .74 Al tome; William R. Ha,·t. presl, .. 1 LOST AND FOUND •11 1.4. 1.30 UJ 1.411 1 1.1 • 1 1." I %.0% 1 1M 2.32 1 U! Il ~ n t or the chamber or commerce. Police To Get .. .. • iPolice Chlee W . H. B ntler. and ,Ill. ,'II t." 1M 1.11 1.'11 I J.Il. 1 I.M 1 "'1 lUI ut I un LOST: KAPPA arOMA FRATER-":f- .. Ily pi n. Reward. • County A/:'ent E mmett C. Ga"dbe!' bera Of lh., crt.",· of tho whaling .~ .It 1.1'1 1.70 1.11 1 U! 11.16 I U4 1 "8ft 1 Uti 1.14 1 1.111 to ETJ-ipmfDt For .. Dally Iowan. wtll speak briefly In each lown a.fler ship ".Ha.wk" 61~t1n In the mouth 1111 L. .. U. 1.10 1.18 I 1.14 I 1.12 I 2.1",.",%. • I a.t5 Utl which programs to,' lho s how will _Ia t,at 1.10 1.80 , 1.11 W I 1 U. l-".8 1 1.11 1 1.1'.1 1M 1.".1 1.14- J,OST: OMICRON NU SORORITY be dl~trlbuted. aM 1.11 I UI I ue I 1.'4 1 .... I 1.1' I ..7. I I.. Broaacasting I . ~ 1·.L,·.' .. l. pin. O . O . 'S3 on j)f.ek. ~ward_ Music will be provided by part of ; " . .Bring to Dally 10.... 8A busln_ Ihe Seoteh bagplper's corps ot the tho aU81Jlr offIce. unlve l'Slty band. 'fho"e maklrlg the Transmitter and • Fign Wal·~. Ifio"· I' I.holo sb(lw8 trip a re Richard Feddersen, Rotk,t Ev"lyn Math~r s. Juv nil motion LOST: ALPHA cm S'rGMA FHA­ lHamJlton. Rol)erl Eaton. Mao For'Car Will Amount p'cturo Rtat·. ~lsll'lI n In tho t mlty pin. Reward. Bring to ISba"'ers. Howard Klus and OIulrlea To- $800, Bender ay or the wbal . Dnlly Iowan busIness office. Gray, a ll bagpl PerS. and l'::dward • • • • • • • • • • • Ellis and Dua ne lIfeanS. drummers. LOST: PA fa 01' SHELL-ruM TOI"9. City will have police radio STUDENT SUPPLIES CliEANING AND PRESSING • Stollf,lng tlr'sl at Solon. the tour WANTED- BICYCLES gIUBe.. Dial 8415 01' JPxt. 480. tra nsmltllnc and rectlvlnc equip· Marine Exhibit • will swlng east to We:ot Branch, WANTED: (11 R L' S BICYCLE. ment within 00 day~. hl.. r or Po­ l\Jf'dlum slz. Call !lch nor at ______TRANSPORTATION _ through Newport and lIfor ~qe. cut lice W. H . Bender annOunced last TUDENTS In City Today ron SUMMER Olnty's Trailer camp, Coralville, WANTED: FA SENOI!:RS TO TUESIS REQUI~ENTS :~~~Sl~~ ~:~, eK~:~ t~e:::ac~e~~e~~ night. N w YQrk City. Share expense•. man at nOon. A 50·watl translllltter. ae"wl ApprOved Bond Pa.-. CLOTHES TYPING Ni w car . Dial 9413. (SPecI~( Price RMIIl BOX88) A tU"ker dinner will be consumed equipment.. an' extra crystal t and 68-Ton ea on!'ler, tor HIII'~ G C&rlloJl.. 1'&IIIIIl at the Oukw'Ood pavilion with tho 11 reI' Iver tor the police car vr 1'0 'S " 1'YPINO. TBEA IS. REASONA BLEl. TRAILERS ol'der~ yesterday by t clly. The crpentula ~atll .. e Typowrlterll to Ront- ~ / I Can Always N t work. Dial 6147. 1188lslance or the Iowa City n otarY the Rock I lanll rlpl1()t, will 1><' ol",n WIUJAMS club whl9h will join the pa.·ty there. cost. 1ncludlng Insta llation. will be Traveling Attraction to th puhll t",lay n(1 tomvrrow / r--::J\ Bo Crisp And sligh t1y more than $800. FOR SALE- FURNITURE FOR SALE [n the II (ternoon lhe caravan w1ll from noon until 10 p.m. IOWA SUPPLY IBwi ng nOr th to Oxford. TIffin and Cool If Clea.ned At Trailen, obeAp 1JII8d cant. '-' At the sarno tlmo lin alJIJllcatlon Iowa ('ltlAnK will l"'lay he glvpn A Sr. .ront. SR .tn" Apll monster nn(1 F R SALE: FURNITURE . DrAl NOrth I.lberty. [t Is expected that It au to parts. Rlldlators. Genera· was made for a gOY rnmenl b" oad- I\n OIJpul'lunltv t(l .. , th' "M;lm· ·'lo\e."\Wl\llna. 1111' mprmttid" nrc (PA' 3931. tora. 600 uSeG Tlrell, all 1Iiset. , will arrive back In 10IVa City about casling permit. moth Marine I IIIlIJod. 01111'" "p(,", turrs nr th allrn{'lIon. l.'IWl. David ROOMS FOR RENT LeVORA'S VARSITY Goody & 3:30 to allow time tor bualness men Receiving set8 will also be Install· Ho,'pd It} the IOwa City V~tPl'an8 J , Barnett. "el~ra ll whnllng com. Tire Battery WANTED TO RENT 216 S. CilntQn st. 10 spend an hour In the'" o/TlcclI eector Harold Monk. A Fl. Washlnr;ton IItreet. g en era 1 IIa uling, pprmlt to build a one·stall garage WAN TED TO .R E N T: R E iii 1- FOR REN~ TUR1!lE ROOli dance with lou r bedronorns. W8JI· W"," Issued to the lit r8. r ,. BU"n8 FOR pENT: LA.ROE DOU13I,l'l }'urlljture Moving, apartments anlt kitcben down. estllte. room IlI1d sleeping porch. Dial Bid . Sopt. 1. Dial a160. s lalrs, two room .. and k1tchen up. 0428. rating ami torage. stairs. OIOlle In. 120 Ill. H1 rrlson. PLANT SER.VL E DIal. 9731. Iowa City Police FOR RENT: ONE DOUBL]1) MAHER room. Women. Close In. Dial S P RAY lNG, PRUNING AND !' 0 R R Jl N T: PUR NIB 11 E D Officers A.llotted 2029. olher types or plant aeNice. modern kparlment. Electrlo re­ BROS. R06e h'ellls made to ordllr. Definite 'Beats' TRANSFER & STORAOlll Lal'8Cn trtll' rAUon. OppoJite pOIItoftlc.. FOR RENT: LARGE FRONT Plant Servlc. Dial 2683. AJso atoreroom tor rent. IOWa. Apta.. DIAL 3793 room. COOl. elose In. Low rent. Dial a62Z. 10wllo Oity' pollre ortlcel1l wth USED CARS now patrol tJl bllslntl!l~ dlBlrlct 'Dlnl 0429. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ APARTMENT FOR RENT: !'UR- on de(inil e "beal s" ",,"r III new FOR RENT: FURNISDED ROOM. 11 ,FOR SALE: MODEL A FORD n I 8 he d - unfurnlll Md. Ia LONG DrSTAN' III and g"nnral s)'stem which. "'ent Into effect room8, private bath, lCelvlnl.tor. yestt'rday, Night Captain An garage. D I 6488. h/lullnjf. FurnJturo movoil, crated roadster 1929. Dla.l G8t8. CI.- In . Dial 2389, 6811. Schnoebelen announced last nlllht. and Slllpped. FOR RENT: TWO ROOMS. ONE FURNl'f ]~E Formerly no de rinile areas were THOMPSON'S TRANSb~ER CO. FOR RENT SEPT. 1: FURNISH­ DIal 6694 assigned 10 ID'y one orlTeer. FOR. SALE: VOUfrE FURNITURE. ed apartment. Four large rooms. FOR RENT: !JINOLE OR On the dllY shifL wj II be ,,"trol. Studio couch. bM room 8ult. bath, . I~eplol porch. 319 Nortb (\ ublo. Men. 613 N. Linn street. men Garrett Byrne, Ben lIaLJ1Jer, rrES lUn ing set. lc. DI",I 4311. 932 Capitol IItt'!!el. Franl. Burns and Assistant Cbler FOR RENT: DOUBLE ROOM I\[arkpt str et. Joe [)olezal. Those on night duty TRAILER SITES RENT: FUR· cloll8 In. $8. 116. S. Clinton. nlshN! a partment. Olle room w III be Patrolmen "tIoplaTtd By day or week FOR SA LE: and kJt h nett tumlllhed aPli.rt- Prinkle, E. J, RuPpert, Jerry ROOKS FOR LADIES. CLOSE IN. Also Garden tools. glS8.S ja.''8 25 ntB 418 N. Ollbert Btreet. Hall lind J..a.wrence 1111111 . 116 N. Cltnton .treet. Dla.l &336. Trailers for r nt or sale a. d~ . Victrola. radio, I'" pi All parked cal'll .. III be c:heeked Dial 33 2. regularly !WItt all 'II pMrolHd FOR RENT: COOL, ATTRACTIVE DlNTY'S !'OR RENT: TWO-ROOM FUR· throughout the day, Police Chief 111 ....1. or doubJ!). rooms. DIal 4729. TraJler CA mp, Coralville nlah6il ap&ftment M4 fa"'" WEARING APPAREL 620 E. Wa.blnrton IItreet. W. H. Bender warned. FOR RDNT: DOUBLE OR AT, FUr ONE ROOM FURNlB'HED APT., Bingle room& DIal 5175. AUTO SERVl E collar. fut' trim. )J"oIt. batb, Sept. ,-. Common- SAVE MONEY ON AUTO AND ,cheap. ondltlon. Iz wealth. 6925. FOR RDNT: ROOMS. CLO!rE IN. window glll.SS, glazing and palnt· 16. APartment 4, Za E. o ll e~B ______Dial 4n32. 283 E. Bloomington. lng. W. J. 1lIId~nbrand. Dial street. FUIR1N'I SHED DOWNSTAIRS BOAT 6U7. apartment. ~~o ur large rOOIIlll UPHOLSTl!l)UNQ and sleeping porcb. DI.al 2666. • FITZGERALD BOAT HO USE. GUARANTEED FbRNlTURJD Up- FOR REl'IT: NJ:CI!lLY FURNI9H- Dial 6262. holslerllllJ a.nd retlntsblng. DIal .. aputment, .... Dial 1111. INSTRUCTION 4050. .Tohn MacDonald (fol'lllR~ II" 0 R R E N'1': p'oUR _ ROO l( with McNamara'.). a~rtmell" ClolI4I ta. Dl&1 5880. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION. ;\ til ('ON[)I'fIONI '0 Dial HOME APPLIANCES FOR RENT: THRJlIII OR FOUR HpJlnhl~ nwn wit h fair Muratlon I9OIJIII. ~ tw:nlsbed. 711 FOR SALE: ICE REFRIGERA.· .,.,.,.., .tp..... who Ill'" lIlerhnnlrally IncllllP(f an~ t lrRln spare tlm() FOR RlltJT: SMALL I'URNJBHED Very III I~a "n planning. ~811mallng. fn ­ li'Olt SALE- TRAILERS .partments. reaaonable, "1t\E SOUND 0'" 'NAve s Cia.. In. DIIlI &t1l. Nl/Wl ng and stl'vldng work. \VI'Ilf' Before You FOR SALE: 1931 HOUSE TRAIL· SLAPPING A~A'NST Klvlllg age. IJl'el!ll' nt occupation, etc. er. RelUlonable. 1630 Morning FOR RENT: APARTMENTS. AP­ tllillel!" Jnstltute, co. Da ll y Iowan. Start on "THE HOUSE side drive. pcovB$ Cloae III. '2~ 8. Du­ That Vacation buque .trect. II M~E HELP WANTED 1------A Check Here Wi\} ~'OR SALE: CABIN 'I'RAI LEn. " STEi\by WORK - GOOD PAY. S e or Inquire J''rllzler Camp. FOR RIilNT: TWO R OOM APAR'l· Reliable man wanled to call On MeaD Dial 4791. ment and sleeping room. Dial a Rite Start 9347. (a nncrs III J Ob l18011 county. No experlenco or capital required. HOUSES FOR RENT po 0 R It.ll N T : F J R S or FLOOR Make up to ,J Z a day. Wrlle Mc­ TOWN PUMP apartment. CJ08e In. 111 No. CHn­ NI!:SS Company, Dept. S, Freeport, 22 1 E. folie«e St. FOR RENT: FIVE ROOM NEW- ton street. Dial 13K. ]11. Jy decorated hOU DO. Mod" r n. ~======~ Reasonable. Write NR cO. Dally FOR RENT: FOUR - ROOM STEADY WORK ~GO OD PAY· FEMALE HELP WANTED IowaD. apartment. Sleeping porch. Rea- R liable man wanted to call on sonable. 01111 5291. rarm\lrs In Johnson county. NO ex- WAN'I'ED: GIRL FOR GENERAL FOJt RENT: FURNISHED HOUSE hOll spwork. Part or full time _ Dial ~90.. J'U1UII18HI:D TWO-ROO» APT. pe"lenc or capltai r qulred. Make &VI 81lmmer. • • . up to ,12 a day. Write !IIcNESS !)Ial 6957. and private bath. 0111.1 256. , com pan)', DePt. S. Freepo.·t, Ttl. WAN'rED: WO;,tA.."I FOR GEN- FOR RENT: ROOMING HOUSE FOR RENT: APARTMENTS. eral housework, Wrlfe Box 652. Bungalow apartments. Dial '164. Two roo- DIU WI. HELP WANTED Daily Iowan.. FOR t'!1lINT: TWO-ROOM APART- WAN T E> 0: STU 0 EN T FOR HOUEfE FOR RENT. OooD. (10 ANCING SCHOOL menu. Dial .748. I board Job. APply In person. ste'l D N. Van Buren. Dial 6342 . men's care. DANCING SCHOOL. BALLROOl(,1 EMPLOYMENT WANTED roR. a_It'Po rUl8T O L.6.8 1 I\frtl. Eunice Joh ns TAILORING tanlJO, tap. DIal 17t7. BurIlWJ ~ l)1li1 Mil III' Illt. boteL Prot. HoqbtOL Tenll essee's original "child" bride. WANTED: WORK BY DAY OR WANTED-LAUNDRY ' nlne-year,old Mrs. Eunice Johns. TAILORING-BrG SALEl DOGS bou r. Dial .18'. I Whaee marriage last JaTll.tary to a Y OU'TIl invited to QUI' Special WANTBD-B~J!lN'J: LAUNDRY. Salo on taller.mads custom suits ReuoIuIIIlII. I1W dtU.,I'f. J)lal 22-year.old mountain lad provoked and overcoe.ts. Big Price Cut aDd FOR SALE: BOSTON TERRIER WOMAN WANTS WORK BY natjan·wtde Inte,'est, Is In the news Extra Trousers I'r.... With Each puppies. Dial 6812. . day or by bour. Dial i539. 22". Work CUU'&Dteed. again- this Ume because slle was Suit. IWltcood by her teacher at a. !Jude FRANK PALIK. TAILOR FOR SALE. NICE !lETTER DOG. WANTED TO BUY WAN'fIIDI' LAONDRY. REA90N· Pet. Dial 4218 . ilc:hool nellr Sneedville. According WONDER WAAT PAPA BOB8L.!! WILL. [>0 WIo4£.-.a Over Whet.tone's Drug Store able. cau. and deliver. Dial 1481. 108'4 I!l. Wuhinr;toll St. to the teacher, Mr.. , Johns jumped JOE COM ~S HOME FOR A V ISIT... BEEN PLUMRJNG WAN TED: PORTA'ar.. FJ TYPE. from plnrr to plncl' In lh .. Rchool · ,·ms wrltl'r. WlIIing 10 pay rf'AlIOnnblo FRUlTS AGUNNE.R DELIVERY SERVICE room and WOllldn't stRY s tili. MrR. O~ ~E BA'Tif1..ESHIP ~jNS OMN'A·'-=::;::;::::;::;~~i WANTmI) - I'LUMOIN\} AND prlcD. Must be n fair cnocl1tlGA. roa. &(W • CARLOAD OF CAREY!) DlilLIVERY, TRANS· Johns hll.8 I rt th scbool. IOP~ FOR F~ "fIiAaS ? ? headng. La...,.. Co. 117 .. WMJt. Preferably & Royal. Wrte, stllte I Missouri peaob.,., 627 brcllard ., becauee or the .W\[cbioll'. ~ .:. ret';' bana~ ntal"mo. iIII'tOD. I'boD, "7~ ~~ C.W.1t. Datil' Iowa crw. DIIl_ ' .'

• J PAGE SIX .... THE DAlLY IOWAN, IOWA CITY THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1937 Board Names Five New Teachers for Iowa City Schools ,------,~------. DIU Iltnee 1» eollele!l or eoIInel!r. Four Selected Appointed TURNS OVER OLD JOB ij Board Drops Inl or other t.eclInicaI courses, EW DATES SET and th_ who Intend to enter FOR EXAMINING • I~ 41J()U~1) I!=:======such schools should eject It For Posts In '=====~ Ttl!: Geometry As while In high achool," Iv"r A. LOCAL DRIJlERS F- Opsl.1t.ll, superintendellt or achools l &aid. • Grade Schools TVW,.., RequiredStudy Announcement l h a t g ometlly New dales tor dl'lv/>I's license e~ ­ would " probably" be lecll ve was aml nLL tlone we,'e annOunced y ster. with mild Iw:t apl·lng. but fina l {Lc llon da>, by Highway Pa tl'o lm ~ n R. W, Resignations Of Votes To Install \\as not l.1kt'n until lasL nJght. &lERLB If a hn and F . C, R lc h ard~ n , Who Opstad. 'I'. K H ~ k . hig h school Tbree Instructors Vocations Course a re testing applicants at tho HILLER pdnelpal. and membl>rs of the Accepted by Board In High School m il t heJ1la tlcs Ht a fr recommended the Johnson county courthOuse. JlrOposal. The examlnallons may be Laken Five new Instructol"l! who will on a ny Monday, a nd starUng Aug. C~lt'r The one·year CO urSe In plane New COUI'1le U:a II In the Iowa City v ubllc geonH'try wIll no longer be required A new high 8c hOoI course, VOCa ' 24. ~ve l 'Y second T uesda y a lso, The Halr the charactt'r 01 chools dur ing rile com ing ycnr, for grnduaUon from the Iowa City lions. will be In8talled, the boal'd test" a rp given belween 8 :30 a, m. wpre a nnounced by th city l!C hOOI book, II you've ever noticed, 18 on high school. It was decided In . t d Ided, The couroe. which will be and 4:30 'P ,m, In the gl'and jlll'Y boo rd al Its meeling IllSt nIght, the C'ard slrned by Its readers, • , night nt a monthly meeling or Ihe elective. will expla in the wOrklrlg rOOm In the cO u r thou s~, F ou r will teach In th'" grad., schools Ali the pOpular books are 81gned efty s~ h oo l board, conditions of dlrferent professlons !II orP I han 60 nud t h otlwr In the 8"nlor high wllh the names 01 the bright ones The second· year mat hema Ucs lind jobs. chool, be who monopolize t~ conyer. cours" will stili offered but will The course. 'which will consist E II.,abeth W lnblgler of :'I1 1)fl' aoelal hp 1) laced on an elective basis, AI · prinCi pally of t ~it t boo k work a nd satlon, PI' the Istest, cleverest Cedar Rallids Man mouth, III., who wlil t~ach 1.'ng' !:pllru will be the onl y mathematics lectures will be taught b y F red Ush In Ihe hl'h 8chool. waH a grad· cral'lu.•• The lillle. read .olumes Cllurfle rfqulred tor gradul\ tlon, J ones, Pla.ns cali tor repr ese ntatl~ e8 Gels Driving Fine Ullle s tudent a t the universit y here 01 delicate worth are borrowed b,. orne Retained or the dlfrerent workers to address last yea r, She r elv d a B,A, de. tbose rare personll who ...e aeldo,n Student" will not escap geometry the Class regarding theIr occupa· Geol'!:e E, Waite Jr., of flnV~ Henry SaIJln 's n ~w Inte,-nwdl"te selve.! lor the hard way-to wft, nhoYt' as h(l turned (Jv t'r hlH pu",)· 1I~!1I"'hlnt (l!ll-f \.If llull('f It Starts Today grail InStructOr. l\1ary 1Iamllton ot worklnr one's wlU' thrOugh-will lion ot nIght captJlln tv Art Schno(~ J\1.aquoketa. taught nt ElwOQd nnd see Ihe IIlht. , . So far'. 1 can ...... • • • • • • • • • • • Welc h junior hIgh ot Ames and lI&e It Is no M"anla,-e to work Thursday, August a ltended Iowa Stale Tellche,'tI col· 81ght houl'1l • day, 8tudy five, at· I ge, tend cla8llt'll five to get. IOn edll· Hard W.or~ But He IJike It JUlUllla. fl ess cation. 12th JuanIta M. Jless or Ellston, . prl. ( rl'll" y g l'ade t acher at Jloosevelt I And contrnry to comfortable, ** ** ** ** ** 8choQI. a llended Des l oln~8 unl· popular beller thoBe who grlnd H ert>', J Ql! Dolt>zal, 11·Y ear Vel el'ml 01 verslty a nd Iowa Slat Teachpl"s their way throulfh don't make college and has ,taught al Mllrol',I, consistently hIg her g rade poln\s Iowa City Police For'i'e 1'::1181o n, DeB Molncs and ('0111'01', thnn those who needn'[ work. 'rhe school bonl'd last night ac­ (Editor's Noll': This IN Ihe sec' ffl'"1 tiunl1pd 1\ ~hll'id , hI' Rail!, I' cepLed the "Ignatlan. or t h,' e Earn.l'our·Owll ond In a 8 ~rl es 01 tj!liJy arU ~ l cH "'I'udu.y, W(~ nl'" lhp hOlil~ of the teachers, lara Gladys VOR", thlt'd· This en.rn· your·own way Id a Is Inlroclurlng tlte nt Ol mberlj 01 thll W .. are walking In(unnatlon 8'I'Que Instruclo,. at Henl'y Sabin; muc h Ilk e the 0011, now fortuna tely 10w& U IY I)OUC ~ "" pII rl ",P ili. NUL a duy gO('S hI' thal Mary McGUire, speclal'room teach, ~n l he wan , tha t a college d gree Toilay's a rllrle dt'""ls wll II A ~ ' £'!' Ilt 11 0,." O! Mann, and J 1<'I(' n hss ureH a hlg her·paylng jOb, , , ~I ytant ('hlet .., I'oll" e .'ot' I)o l ~. We are nol :I' kr'" (ur Illr""lTIllli\ CRANE PROGRAM 'h.. dAp- 1011 30'8 wb-. 'WI1.sole'" jllstant hlet J oe Dolezltl ot th" ' 11 above, j)ole •.a l has b 11 a me mber ..... "V ~.. • .. tilt' Ill"t lO 1'1.0.... I nllver for&eL coUe~e · delreed ones tramped the; Iowa Ci t y polle department, Illy nl'"t S\lI"lde ,'"",,. J olWIl"d the At a n Intonna.1 me~ll"g of t he of the tl0plutu1ent since 1923. The streets hopl .... for any )dnd of a "People who a:u to ).)ed "I lU an.] r0Cll88 bllHt when he explained, th ~vo lutl on or the tOl'('e from un ('il .1 h . Ollll!l "HI~e l' : ' hl£'ago, d,'ew up a plnn tor lawn. Work in 2ud District ". hope that within my lifetime elghl.man g roup to a 12·mlln de· 'I'(' n tn l~ huurs a dny, SCV~ ll Ity two yearS a go. half the youth o( Alllerlc~ will partmenl, and soon will 8~ two daYR LL wl'ek was tlw w,,,.klng day A It~ralio n work Oil more than hlllr The board wJII continue action on ! paRS Ihrough. COlle,-e and 0811 m ore me n added to t he squad. In tho )Iollee depa.rlment when of Ihe s toves In northwe8t I()we. the diagram a t It. next me ell nil', to Of Utese will pass through grod, During most ot his servlte 1)(}k~.Il1 tirsl cl.. · ... ell a nlghtslick- City, the second d istrict to be con· b ~ h ld Sepl, 7. uate khool , ~ , It .. the fUDcUon 8111£'e M joined the 104'81 ror... . 011 ana no vo('atlol1s \v('rp given, NQ\V , verted for nn t urlll gll8 by the Iowa. of edUcation to pour all our Aug, 2, 1926, Dolezal lIa.q bee ll 011 JlClIJ('!, 1ll 1' 1I Ill'(' glv(' n one Uny or CIty Light and Power ompa ny, This is going to be the greatest August Overcoat and Topcoat Sale we've Marrlago L.ll·ellses clwUlzln~ heritage Into OUr "Igor. night .Iuly. III 1929 he WO" IIp' nl"hl ofr dilly oUI'lng Ihe week all<\ was completed yeslerday, R. T. Da, ever held becau e we've made big special purchases for it. H. N, Miller, clerk ot cOllrt s, OilS stock. that the glfl8 of the IlO'nled Itlght cllplllin flU(l h"ld n'" Iv ~ I:; uays' vucatlon wlUl pay, vis. aupervlsol', IItlld l&at nlarht. Issued e. marriage lleel1~e yesterdoy earih llUIy be Dlore widely dlstrl , fil II pOKilioll ul1l1l last May wh n, , l)ole.lIl ably SUlllllwd Ul' bis As you know women buy fur coats in August because they ~ve money to Re .. Powell, 23 . a nd Mary WII. 'J'he next dlstrl t to .be /! hangsd buted and Ihat our riches lila,. his wire IlI'olllpting him. he II.S I'efl II hI" ILll \l llllthit iuns: lI a ms, 19, both of Orand Island, o\'cr haH not been definitely decldsd flower Into finer mannen, morai. to he trallslorred to £lil Y dul y. " I \\('nl j"t!> lit!' \1 01'11 with the by so doing, and there's no reason why men can't be offered the same N iJ, upOn, he .wde.J. and art." .For the last three months ' he h08 h" 'I ~ or IIulllllllr it IIII' Iii Job, 1 privilege. ~n a8s18tant chler oC police. hlll)O L ,'[lll I1lwltys . t'lY On the Tod Lltel'lli"7 I The policema n Of today hns UII' J(Oh nIHI CI U'l'y Out 1116 wl. lw!I Of We made large advance purchases, of new topcoats and overcoats for AERIAL ARTISTS The latest literary fling 18 a d ergone a chll nltt' s ince the day he , till) ,,",yor tll,,1 file dl1.. r," this coming season at big reductions and we are pa ing these great murder·myatery book made up ot • "buys" on to you during this sale. IL the real cluea Involved In the Calle, , .. Pasted Into th book a.rll flnge r· H you need a new topcoat and overcoat, we suggest you buy them now prints, telegrams, wisps of hair. at these very special prices and you'll save up to 25% over this fall's photographs of thOile concerned, prices. A tremendous selection in all the newest fabrics---styles and scraps of leUe rs and the rest. I patterns-the best of quality-expertly tailored by America's best manu­ At the end you put two and two Iacturers--the famous Alpagora topcoats and overcoats are included in together, and If you are lucky. ar. !rIve at the solution of the mystery, this special sale, , , , The book I've seen In the local ~hOP8 18 lftled "File on Bolitho 'Blane"-and It'. II. stinger, , . You But NOW! .mIght enjoy the bOOk It you like blood· stalns. , _. There are several I Included, GROUP I GROUP n But the amadn, part 01 the boo.k I, Its JIOIIIIlblUtlett, • , ThInk 01 the book I thaJ. eould be writ· 85 ten (t) with little or no &rouble. $23 , , , AnyoD& who wanled to dis. tln'.... h hlmlleU •• :!. III!COncl Er· n_t Hemingway could ,ather up GROUPID GROUP IV & stu lied 11811, ..... aulocraPhed copy of the Mae WflBt opus "Sex," " couple 01 exPloded bul· letl, and there )'ou'd be, , , Or 85 The "Twentieth Century FlIerS,"IIS shown abol'e, Joe Slegrleat, did lor Noel . Ooward, lor example, .. a erial troupe with the s e lls'Sterling to be the worl(\'s youngeat aerIal picture of Fred Astaire a.nel .. $33 circus coming to Iowa CllY Aug. 27, fl yer. Is one of the group. t,.pewriter with an over· developed I·ke,.. , , Or fOr Ihill coillmn, • again, how about A ul.htly.wom pair 01 binoculars and .. detadl· USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN Children's Educational Exhihit Coupon IIltIe key.hoIe',., YOU can ..... the Innalte literary poIIlIlbUlllea of fhis coupon and five cents wiD admit any boy or rirl, tbe Ide&. Use our layaway plan during this sale. A small deposit will hold any coat !lot over 12 years of age, to see , for you. Come in and ask about this layaway plan. The Big Whale Educational Exhibit, F<e Kumor That story about one or the WILL The Deep Sea Annex aud Serpen'ina clgaret companies .Ivlnlr .1.000 it on a special built 100 ft. railroad ear the wrapper number under the rev­ EXHIBIT IOWA CITY . enue stamp contains five Identical 2 - DAYS AND NIGHTS - 2 Near The Rock Islaud Depot digits lan't straight, 1 flnll. , . The numbera merely Identify the .print· ThuJ'8day, Aug. 12 - Friday, Aug. 13 'er'8 "run" on which the pack was Starts Tomorrow prl nted. , , The tale that It you This eourtesy given the children find the name ot an ' automobile Auspices Vets of Foreign Wars of Iowa City exclusively by underneath tbe Itamp, the car named will be yours II also one of Ex1)ibit Located Rock I l~nd Depot "~ thoee cream·pufr rumors that just THE DAILY IOWAN spring up. , , I understand the 0 . i " Ex IOWA CITY'S' BEST STORE FOR MEN AND BOYS cllaret company La receiving thou. hibit pen Adullss OU8 Sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wan ~~-~~~*~repo~ ~ __...... ~oo~10~m.~_~ ...... __ ..Ih ______-: I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]