Popeye Generally Fai.,. }' oUow H1I Adventure. Each IOWA - Generally fair lAiday; to­ dl mOrrow pnibably rair aDd _nner. MorDlnr In Tbe o.U, Jo,,"1UJ , ts I o a C i t y , M o r; n i g N e p a p e , ~ • ee F'lVE -GENTS The AuOc:lated. press IOW A CITY, lOW A THURSDA Y, AUGUST 12, 1937 ()eotral PreIs AIIaoctatloo VOLUME XXXVII NUMBER 51 8 " owa City e ot dliv. - I and wa, n district let JUdg& Tramp Begs EGYPT'S BOY KING INVESTED JA.PAlV'S NEW PUPPET STATE? Fight Menaces " Murray 4 Die as 2 Houses Collapse le In tlle To Tell 'Real' , ** ** ** ** ** Plan for Early to drlv& Fo~ndations Weakened by Heavy RaiRS; after hie Kidnap Story Occupants Trapped in Deep Water Adjournment e Gatfney • Officers Discount NE\V YORK, Aug. 11 (AP)-Four of the first to gO to the rellCue. !ted Aug, Southern Legislators patrolman person8 lost their lives and a t least Of several persons Injured, the Transient's Tale Of one otll r was known to be missing condition of Mrs. Marie Coral, 26. trrest. United in Demand For when two adjacent trame buildings who was unconllClous. W8JI deacrlbed W. Ves_ Mattson Abduction In New Brighton, S tat~n Island, as most crltlca.l. Three persons Federal Crop Loans Ise; Mur. I T"EMMON. S.D., Aug. 11 (API­ collapsed almost simultAneously tOo taken to Staten 18land hospital were ey A. O. Chief of Police Pal Jones tonight night, trapping OCCUI>llnt8 In d brls Louis Peterson, 42, suf terlng trom WA,SHjI NG TON, Aug. n (AP)- said poUce and federal authorilles and deep water. fractured ribs and po8lIlble lnternal Congressional forees. angered by were Investigating th" s lory of a Sever.. 1 Missing Injuries; James Mitchell, 72, tmc- President RoO!! velt'8 refusal to 1ranslent who, Jones aald, told Several others were believed mlss- tured ribs and possible skull trac· grant r deral crop loans until & , them he took part In the kidnaping Ing tllj rescue workers frantically ture; and Adnm Malnlck, 26, trae· osis of Charles Ma tt80n dug Into the maS8 ot wreckage. but tUI'ed IIrm and lacerations. II W Cl'Ql) control Ia.w Is ftS$UI'ed , irchild Wash., last December. a final check· up was not especled 80 Sent to Rueue blooked hill wage Ilnd hour leglslllr , Tbe man, who Jones said gave until early mOI·nlng. POlice IIQld Approximately 80 policemen and lion l()(lay. his name 8.S FloYd Hutchinson ot heavy 1'11.1/1., which (loaded the cel· firemen were sent to the scene Of ere tined The tug·of·war Mlween the presl. Alliance, Neb.. was quoted by the I... ·s, were bell,;vt'(! to ~Iave under· the crash, which levelt'(! the two M. Fair. den t and pOwerful plement8 In con· day. poll e chlet 8s asserting: mined the toundaUons. hous 8 to the ground. Fire equip. ow&. City I "I'll go crazy unless I gel some. 'rhe dead were Vlrltlnia. Uud· menl was being ulled to pump out gr 8S ibecam 80 ti I'ce that It !lnd costw one to believ" me." "Il'k, 28, a nd her 1I()tl, Joseph, :e, the cellan. thr~lltened to wr k plans tor 111\ , Jones said the mn"n was picked Virginia Hurley, S, and Adam Mal· Several per ons In the two h ou8' le co rn e~ I'arl), ruljournment and 10 throw up In a freight cs r tOday and nlrk 28, who died after belnc..... e8, each of which was occupied by rt streets. th remal nlllg days of the legls!a· charged with vagrancy. Taken to moved to a hospital. on famll), and p08slbly 80me room· jtlne was ~he jall, Jones saId, the man Patrolman Josel McBreen, 32, ere, were believed to have ellCaped U va 8I'8810n Into contusion. costs for launohed into an account of th ~ who WM seen to enter the doorway with minor InjUries. Two police. Demand LoILns reo Mattson kidnaping, declarin g he of on building wh Ich colJapsed com· men Were reported hurt probing Many southern legl81ators lin d. ',,-. and a companion abducted the Ta­ pletely, was miSSing. lIe was one through the oebrle. lip !Jehlnd a movcment to d la), the ing coma boy and thnt the companion wage and hOtlr b!l1 and comp I the end laler slew him. granting of prlce·bOlsterlng loana I Pl'O m A 11Iance came a report by Morgan's First un cotton and ot her major crops. ,Show .P ollce Chief A. A. La ing thai Hut­ LATE NEWS Charles ,\';C8t, Ihuson mall be· ,c hlnsoll was "peculiar," nnd thai he • lween the "'hlte 110use and con­ tin War. had formerly told authorities Of Great Holding gl'E's810nal IcadeL'H, hurried to Capl· g contest ,other places he was wantt'(! ror BULLETINS 101 HilI. He conferrcd with hou86 'e a nnual crimes he did 11 0t commit. I.,alng lerulel'S and they In turn wllh Chalr. sting as· ",aid the mlln had frequently been Firm Expires man O'(':onllor (D-NY) of the house will rep· a rrested tor vagrancy lind Into",I' rul 8 commllt('('. • judging 'Calion . Find Gun Cache O'('onnor then called o/t a meet· ttle Con. In Tacoma, pr. W. W . Maltson, BALTIMORE, Aug. 11 (AI'}­ Stockholders Wipe Ing or his committee schedulcd to father Of the slain boy, discounted 7 to Oe~ 'oll owln g a tip tlte nrlldy JlEUIg Out Last Vestige Of ('onsldel' giving wage and hour leg. C. Gard. Hutchlnson's IItOry. Hutchinson hud had I' pack"""e M ll v~red to a Islatlon right or way on th house was quotE'd by Jones as saying he building In lite bUHhl s dlstrtct Northern Securities floor tomorl'Ow. He dt'Clined ex, nnd his companion had visited Dr. here, police IlIl e tO(llty round a the tour As King Fllrouk wa.. I.. v~st('d In house or parUllmenl planation, buL told the house later ones a nd Mattson a (('w daYII before the kid· smllil Ilrsennl o. g .... "lIdes 81HI R" R. H. IHPPELHEV. Eft Herl' I~ a Acpn I n the Egyptian Ito"1< Ills 1.la C tl8 head or lhe nallon, he 1)el'8onally Is " whole·hellrtedly •re arl·lv· (naplng to obtain drugs, but the "".. · h llle gUll IllllllltlllltJOII . house of pRrllam~nt In 0.11'0 as The youll g king I~ RurroundM by HOBOKEN, N. j" Aug. 11 (AP)- and enlhualasltcally" (or the labol" phySician 8I11d h u could not recall Also roulld, police SlIld, Will S thll ..Ium for King Farouk, 18lyear·old bOy rlller, '''rh)lIS dlKnltllrlelll-Cenll'al Prpss "l can't IIv foreve..... said J. P. slamlards bill. 8uch a visit. He aald he believed belt IUld hulster vr all ludlaua Book J\fore VOl~8 the story "anotlH'r publicity Morgan, the elder, alter It was all Pt· state tr'/l(IIl<'r '"uNleli'd I st l\fll~' One admJnlstmtion loadel' told' temPt." I · ~·-----~------------~ ov~r, "and J. P. Morgan and com· ,.), hllllk l~lb""l'II. I' p(JI'lers the meeting hruJ wn call· Jones, expressing 110 nssurance Board Okays F(lllU'r's Deflected I pallY may be dl 801ved aller l'm ed ott b~clLuse 11rollOnents ot th& Iy lt hat H IItchlnson was on~1Pcted Shot KUls Son, 4 gone, so 1 wanted to put the North· labor legltilatlon could nol muster Itlonally !with the orlm , said, however, "he .I_ Soar Map ahowl the Immense Ilrea In orth ChIna that now II under tbe Totvard V.S. ern Pacific InlO a company with 0. Hurflclerlt votes In the committe .. ture Ijjetlm 8 to know enoug h about It to $208,740 City ,Japanele wlUtaJ'y beel. Included In the IlreA are the two ImportlU1t l"UgI'UO: ·K. Gcrmany. Aug. 11 capital large that no on would at pl'e8~ nl lo gel their bill before be WOI·th checking." " Aug. I I (AP) 1.<'roy so Chinese cities of Pelllln&, aod Tientsin, wblch have been occupied by (AP) - 'I'he (lprman flying boot the hOUB. Federal men. he said, had ~x­ EIII:('nl' Ut!mad. 4, d1!'<l today after the ,JapanMe. Pboto show8 Japanese troops entering Pelplng previ- NOI'lfnw"r r"ached Lisbon. POrtugal, ev .. r again attempt to tllke away Home house members expressed gton St. presaed belief the man was "crazy." School Budget h e hud h!','n st"uek by a bull ·t rlred ously to " protect the Japanese cono slon". t",IILY on the fh'st leg of lL lI-anH' th control." belief lhat delaying the meeting He added, however, they told him IW his ralhe.·. who wa.OJ shoollnK Manchukuo and North China under A tlltnll survey flight fur a plU!sen· 'rhus did Morgan s t torth the \Vhllll Japanese mlJltary le&clers ht would give the administration time , h), woutd Invpsllgate the pOssl. No Oblections Made rillS In the l.>Urn u( the D~mlUl (arm. Nodh Chine. gave warning that a form of Slate capltal1sm. reRemb· bullet dt'tlected by a rock g~r.mall route betwe.. n Gel'mnny reason ror cr-ntlng the mlghtv to sP('k addltlonol committee v01es. bllity he may have been cOn n ~c ted = , the undeclared war between Japan ling IWlclsm. In the meantime, and tht' Unlt('d States. posslhly by agreeing to grant crop wi 0, th case.
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