Medications That Are Safe During Pregnancy
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Medications that Are Safe during Pregnancy Women who are between four and 12 weeks pregnant may safely take the following over-the-counter medications. Follow all directions on the container for adult dosage/use. ~r---------~ I Problem Over the Counter ICall Your Care Provider for: c __ ; Morning sickness Vitamin 86: take 50 mg/day to start; if not Persistent vomiting; weight loss or helpful, increase by 50 mg 2 to 4 times/day inability to tolerate fluids for 24 hours until you reach a total of 200 mg/day. Do not take more than 200 mg each day. I Increase fluids. i I Mild headaches / general Try comfort measures. Severe and/or persistent headaches I aches & pains Acetominophen (Tylenol) - ~ ~""~'" I Nasal congestion due to a IOcean Mist nasal spray I cold, sinusitis or allergies I I -, Women who are more than 12 weeks pregnant may safely take the following over-the-counter medications. Follow all directions on the container for adult dosage/use. I Problem lover the Counter 1Call Your Care Provider for: '" '''''Moo "0'''"0'''''''''''" , Nasal congestion due to a Sudafed, Afrin nasal spray, Ocean Mist cold, sinusitis or allergies nasal spray I I i Cough due to minor throat Robitussin (or other brand of Guaifenesin), Persistent cough i irritation Robitussin DM or non-alcohol cough syrup (not to exceed 1 ! week's use) i I Nasal congestion and coUgh Triaminic DM (or other brand of alcohol- free and antihistamine-free decongestant I and antitussive) I I I Sore throat Alcohol-free lozenges, such as Severe or persistent sore throat Chloraseptic ! Mild to moderate diarrhea Donnagel chewable tablets, Kaopectate Diarrhea that persists for two days, is accompanied by a fever or is severe o o~, c c- o "'~,~~ '" " o ~~~ I Constipation I Metamucil, Milk of Magnesia I Severe straining 'r--H-ea-rt-b-u-rn--------r Maalox, Mylanta, Turns Gas Papaya tablets with meals, capsules of activated charcoal, Gas-X, Gelusil I Hemorrhoids Chilled witch hazel packs, sitz baths, IBleeding or severe pain Anusol HC I Insomnia ~o mg vitamin 86, warm milk and a turkey 1 sandwich ---.-----.-~""- What you can do about the stomach flu Prevention tips Wash your child's Disinfect phones, Throwaway Provide hands with warm, doorknobs, and all used tissues nutritious foods Isoapy water. Itoys regularly. immediately. to your child. , • Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen • Pedialyteo (Use under medical supervision) ~t • Hand sanitizer <;. Your pediatrician's phone number f and other emergency contact numbers ~, • Thermometers J ".;;:& =~...tj4. jj LJq;:U7J¥t·TtM§S;: ;;:;;tW.'..!5Ii¢SCM U'A9 A'h5¥Fqs;;sl~%'f.1l'f¥*#-'*'V\j&t""U... w.J.l6.'t"~k2.L,;U"*;;;;:::ema..4S¥m;sca;;a;e& :.4 USQ.Q1iW4 , M!'fo1!':".~ If the stomach flu hits despite your best efforts ... Keep your child hydrated with Pedialyte®. Monitor your child for signs of dehydration, such as: - Dry diapers - Dry lips and mouth - lack of tears while crying - Dark or concentrated urine - Sunken eyes - Extreme fussiness or sleeplessness Check for fever, which can also lead to dehydration. Give acetaminophen or ibuprofen for aches and pains (check with your doctor first). Encourage bed rest, but have lots of books handy so your child won't be bored when she's awake. Dress your child in layers so you can add and remove layers during bouts of chills and fever. Get more tips on flu prevention and care I at the Centers for Disease Prevention and t Control website, Learn more at Pedial ...,' ~ Sponsored by Abbott a Nutrition C201 0Abbott LaboraIOlies.lnc. 752921August 2010 liTHO IN USA l,. .. Infantsl Acetaminophen Concentration Change Companies are changing the concentration of their medications for infants, and there are new dosing directions for these products. What you should know: • There may be a time when both the old and new • For children under 2 years of age, no dose is provided on the concentrations of infants' acetaminophen products are in OTC label caregivers are instructed to call their doctor for stores and also in patients' homes dosing instructions What you can do: o Clarify the concentration of infantsl acetaminophen product a parent/caregiver is using e identify the product concentration and dose for your patient's weight/age from the appropriate chart below e Discuss the infants' acetaminophen concentration change during sick and well visits Infants' Acetaminophen infants i ACl:!tanlinopheli Concentrated Drops - "Old" Concentration C)1-(11 ., ,. ,';i:\ 80 mg/O.8mL Weight (lb) Age (mos) Dose (ml) Weight (lb) Age (mos) Dose (ml) 6-11 Ibs 0-3 mos 0.4mL 6-11 Ibs 0-3 mos 1.25 mL 12-171bs 4-11 mos 0.8 mL 12-171bs 4-11 mos 2.5 mL 18-231bs 12-23 mos 1.2 mL 18-231bs 12-23 mos 3.75 mL 24-351bs 24-36 mos 1.6 mL 24-351bs 24-36 mos 5 mL Dosing schedule continues to provide approximately 10-15 mg/kg for children in the 10th-90th decile for weight.: Infants' Acetaminophen Concentrated Drops Infants' Acetaminophen Oral Suspension The enclosed dropper is designed to provide The enclosed syringe is designed to provide, 0.4 mL (40 mg) increments 1.25 mL (40 mg) increments Remind parents • Infants' Acetaminophen Concentrated • Keep medicines out of the reach of children and caregivers: Drops are 3x more concentrated than • Never give adult medicines to children Acetaminophen Oral Suspension • Use only the dosing device that comes with the product o Always read and follow the label 1. Temple AR. Pediatric dosing of acetaminophen. Pediatr Pharmacal. (New York11983;3(3·4):321-327. CHOKING/CP LEARN AND PRACTICE CPR (CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION) a:: J~LONE WffH .;~ CtHlD'JiiHO is (H()I{H\}(l,,, fH£5t:UE EFfORTS. ::L 911 OR YOUH LOCAL YOU SHOULD START FIRST AID FOR CHOKING IF ••• DO NOT START FIRST AID FOR CHOKING IF••• !2 The child cannot breathe at all (the chest is not moving up and down). e! The child can breathe, cry, or talk. The child cannot cough or talk, or looks blue. " The child can cough, sputter, or move air at all. The The child is found unconscious. (Go to CPR.) child's normal reflexes are working to clear the airway. fOR INFANTS YOUNGER THAN 1 YEAR lNrA.NT If the infant is choking and is unable To be used when the infant is unconscious or when breathing stops. to breathe, cough, cry, or speak, follow these steps. Have someone '1 OPEN AIRWAY 2 RESCUE BREATHiNG call9ll, or if you are alone call 911 .' Open airway (tilt head, lift chin). " Position head and chin with I; Take 5 to 10 seconds to check ifthe child as soon as possible. both hands as shown--head is breathing after the airway is opened. gently tilted back, chin lifted. Look for up and down movement ofthe Take a normal breath (not a deep 1 GIVE FIVE BACK SLAPS chest and abdomen. Listen for breath breath). sounds at the nose and mouth. Feel for ;;. Seal your mouth over the infant's breath on your cheek. If opening the mouth and nose. airway results in breathing, other than " Give 2 breaths, each rescue breath an occasional gasp, do not give breaths. over 1 second with a pause '" Ifthere is no breathing look for a foreign between breaths_ Each breath object in the mouth. If you can see an should make the chest rise. object in the infant's mouth, sweep it out If no rise or fall after carefully with your finger. Then attempt , the first breath, /. ,: 0- ,:~ \ Alternate rescue breathing. Do NOT try a blind repeat steps /-IA~ \ backslaps finger sweep ifthe ~~ , 1 an.d 2. If still / ~-;,!\< " and chest object is not seen, ~. ~J no rise or (- -~';:' \ because itcould be thrusts until G~ fall, continue \.._ pushed farther ~. ;~~\"'~;i the object : with step 3 -~-....l") ,'f. (.. ,).. ~-'_,_ into the throat. : (below). -::.. 'f-l /:.. is dislodged /-p \f.j) ' or the infant ,-j~ becomes unconscious. :2 GIVE FIVE CHEST THRUSTS Ifthe infant ; 3 CHEST COMPRESSIONS becomes • " Place 2 fingers of 1 hand on the breastbone just below the nipple line. : a Compress chest 1/3 to 1/2 the depth of the chest. " Alternate 30 compressions with 2 breaths. f, Compress chest at rate of 100 times per minute. Be sure someone calls 911 as soon as possible. If you are alone, call 911 or your local emergency number after 5 cydes of breaths and chest compressions (about 2 minutes). If at any time an object is coughed up or the infant/child starts to breathe, cali 911 or your local emergency number. Ask your pediatrician for information all choking/CPR '. instructions for oider children and for information on American Academy of Pediatrics ; an approved first aid or CPR course in your community. DEDICATED TO THE HEALTH OF AI.L CIIILDREW This publication has been developed by the American AcadLmy of Pediatri(~, nle authors, cdjtors~ and (ontrjbuto(~ .Ul' e)(pert authorities In the fJekj of pediatrics. No commercial involvement of any lUnd h.15 been solicited or accepted in Compliments of the developl1l<!nt of thl' public.tion. The information contained in this pUblication ~ou'd not be used as a substitute for the medical Cilre and advice of yoor Abbott pediatrician. There may 00 variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts Jnd 74110/MAY 2010 circumstances. Nutrition LITHO IN USA 0406 "I 2006 Amcnc.1n Academy ofP(,>(jjatriC5 Childproofing Your Home: General Tips: Keep all medicines and chemicals out of reach of children Install smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors in hallways and bedrooms on each level of house Keep a bottle of ipecac in the home in case of poison emergency.