THE HILL OF WITCHES It is a special place – the periphery of mystical and real world, where imagination comes alive and creativity rouses up. A forester Jonas Stanius from Juodkrante after feeling such atmosphere had conceived an idea that masters could carve fairy-tale characters and the legends existing in these fields for ages and after such extraordinary dwellers the hill of witches would revive. The whole ensemble consists of more than 80 oak sculptures as a gift to Lithuania and visitors. Object: nature, wooden sculptures exposition Season: all year round Adress: Juodkrantė Opening hours: outdoor object, without opening hours Prices and tickets: free entry, no need tickets. STONE SCULPTURES PARK AT THE QUAY Exposition has been created during 1997-1999 international symposiums of sculptors called “Soil and water”. It consists of 31 sculptures, which were created by the artists from Lithuania, Great Britain, Sweden and other countries. Object: nature, stone sculpture exposition Season: all year round Adress: Juodkrante‘s quay Opening hours: outdoor object, without opening hours Prices and tickets: free entry, no need tickets MEMORIAL MUSEUM OF THOMAS MANN Thomas Mann first visited Nida in 1929 after his visit in Rauschen. Recalling his visit there he wrote in his Essay of life: "We spent several days in the fishing village of Nida and we were so impressed by the inexpressible beauty and uniqueness of its surroundings that we decided to build a permanent residence in this fair place". Object: historical museum Season: all year round Adress: Skruzdynės str. 17, Neringa, Nida Contacts: +370 469 52260, e-mail:
[email protected] Website: Opening hours: June 1–September 15 I–VII 10.00–18.00, September 16–May 31 II–VI 10.00–17.00 Ticket prices: adults – 4 Lt, children, students – 2 Lt Tickets: buy tickets at the entry of the museum.