No. 22, December 2010 , the official

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In August 2009, ’s government Pakistan’s 2009, August In granted ‘self-rule’ virtue to of approving the “-Baltistan the Empowerment region by and Order”, Self thereby Governance making provisions but but chose to comment upon the larger dimension of as so stories fabricate to few a by made being attempts to jeopardise -Pakistan or China-India relations. Pakistan stated Subsequently, that China had sent in a team” to area “humanitarian in the Gilgit-Baltistan order to assist in flood relief operations. Augmenting Region: Gilgit-Baltistan The Military Preparedness? Officially known and as Gilgit-Baltistan,PoK of the part northernmost the is region was earlier referred to as the “Northern Areas” in Pakistan. the Hindu Situated Kush and between Karakoram of range mountains in the seven of consists north it south, the and in Himalayas western districts, namely Gilgit, Nagar, Skardu, Hunza and Diamir, Ghanchi Astore, Ghizer, bordering in China, the Afghan Pamirs in the north, and a 480-km-long Line of Control (LoC) in the south. denial through the press agency of Republic the of People’s China (PRC). However, Jiang Yu, described be the could what provide not Chinese did spokesperson, Foreign Ministry as a ‘denial’ of PLA troop presence in the region,

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China’s Expanding Presence in PoK in Presence Expanding China’s Red Footprints in Gilgit-Baltistan: Issue Brief Issue Monika Chansoria Since Since the publication of this report, speculation As recent reports seem to suggest, a subtle move policy-oriented in approach. Website: The Centre for Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS), New Delhi, is an autonomous think tank dealing with national security and conceptual aspects conceptual and security national with dealing tank think autonomous an is Delhi, New (CLAWS), Studies Warfare Land for Centre The and outlook in futuristic is that research conducts CLAWS terrorism. and conflict sub-conventional and conventional including warfare, land of nature of these groups…” has been rife in South Asia, forcing China to issue a potential reality that an independent Kashmir could end up as another permanent sanctuary for radical extremist terrorist organisations, given the borderlands of apprehension about the fluid security situation in the northern region, Harrison Pakistan. had previously commented, “…The Expressing Baltistan region, Selig S Harrison, a noted South Asia observer, termed the development as the unfolding of “a quiet geopolitical crisis” in the Himalayan Baltistan region of Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK). Described as an ‘influx’ of PLA soldiers in the Gilgit- New York Times York New 11,000 soldiers of the Chinese People’s Army (PLA) Liberation were reportedly deployed in the Gilgit- strategic area of Gilgit-Baltistan has added fuel to the scenario security existing the alter to threatens that fire in the region. According to a report published in deeper than the oceans.” by Pakistan to allow increased Chinese activity in the and characterised the relationship between Beijing and mountains, the than “higher was that one as Islamabad concern concern from the regional players, most significantly, Hu President Chinese further, ties the Cementing India. partnership, strategic decades-old the on light cast Jintao The debate around the China-Pak axis and that of the drawn has friends’ ‘all-weather the between relationship n d w lan arfa or re f s e t r u t d n ie e s C

CLAWS v ic to ion 2 ry vis through CLAWS Red Footprints... for an elected legislative assembly and an elected Afghanistan, India and Pakistan come within 250 government. However, it did not grant the region km of each other. China and Pakistan have agreed to the status of the country’s fifth province. It would allow market access for bilateral trade in 11 service be important to mention here that Pakistan has been sectors as they intensify efforts to increase border in illegal occupation of the Northern Areas since trade through the . By means of a 1947, given that the erstwhile Gilgit Agency forms an Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed in June integral part of the undivided princely state of Jammu 2006 between China’s state-owned Assets Supervision and Kashmir (J&K), which belongs to India. and Administration Commission and the National In addition to the strategic importance that it has Highway Authority of Pakistan, it was decided that the for Pakistan, PoK holds immense significance for China Karakoram Highway would further be widened from as well, in its aim of stretching its strategic footprint. 10 metres to 30 metres, with its operational capacity This, in turn, can be linked to China’s infrastructure going up three-fold. During President Asif Ali Zardari’s development in Tibet so as to consolidate its hold over visit to China in July 2010, an agreement was signed the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) by means of between the China Road and Bridge Corporation roads, railways, bridges, airports, waterways, energy (CRBC) and the National Highway Authority storage, and communication networks, including wired of Pakistan for upgrading and widening of the (fibre optics) and wireless communications. Karakoram Highway Phase-2, connecting the Thakot In this context, special reference should be made bridge to Sazin, and with the China Gezhouba Group to the region’s Lhasa-/Aksai Chin/Xinjiang International Engineering Company Ltd for widening Highway, commonly referred to as China’s Western the Jaglot-Skardu road. Constructed to accommodate Highway, in that it connects Xinjiang to Tibet, heavy vehicles in extreme weather conditions, the by linking Kashgar and Lhasa (3,105 km). From repair and upgradation of the highway is slated to be Quilanaldi, the road branches off to the 15,397 ft- completed in 2012. high and subsequently becomes the As far as China is concerned, the Karakoram Karakoram Highway right upto Gilgit. The Khunjerab Highway is integral to keep Pakistan’s military Pass straddles the border between China and PoK and strength sustained against India. Keeping India is located approximately 270 km from Gilgit. Also, engaged through the channel of ‘spoiler state’ Pakistan Beijing and Islamabad plan to link the Karakoram has been Beijing’s foreign policy objective for a long Highway to Gwadar in southwestern Baluchistan time. The ongoing development projects in the Gilgit- through the Chinese-built Gwadar-Dalbandin railway, Baltistan region, which are of strategic significance which extends up to Rawalpindi. The 1,300-km-long with regard to the India-China-Pakistan triangle, are Karakoram Highway connects Pakistan’s Northern testament to this intent. Indian concerns on China’s Areas with Kashgar in China’s Xinjiang province. growing connectivity with Pakistan by means of The significance of the Karakoram Highway is in linkages through the occupied territory of J&K have the fact that it cuts through the zone between Asia already been placed on record in the 2008-09 Annual and the Indian subcontinent, where China, Tajikistan, Report of the Ministry of Defence (tabled in the Rajya Sabha). The report states that “… enhancing connectivity with Pakistan through the territory of Jammu and Kashmir, illegally occupied by China and Keeping India engaged through the Pakistan, will have direct military implications for channel of ‘spoiler state’ Pakistan has India.” been Beijing’s foreign policy objective Further, there is a large number of lateral roads leading to passes on the Indian border. The PLA troops for a long time. are speculated to be providing crucial assistance to as d w lan arfa or re f s e t r u t d n ie e s C


vi ct n o sio 3 CLAWS ry vi through

many as 767 development projects funded by China in China is expected to account for the Gilgit-Baltistan region, which include construction 80 percent of total infrastructure of dams, bridges, roads (including the construction, maintenance and expansion of the Karakoram spending in the entire East Asian Highway). This, in turn, would facilitate Beijing to region from 2006 to 2010. transport cargo and oil tankers from eastern China to Pakistan’s ports at Gwadar, Pasni and Ormara in Baluchistan just east of the Persian Gulf in 48 hours – thus, lessening the dependence and vulnerability of and China during President Zardari’s visit to China the oil supply by way of tankers from the Gulf through in August 2009. The estimated cost of the proposed the Strait of Malacca. Bunji Dam is $7 billion with a purported capacity to generate 7,000 megawatts (MW) of electricity. The China’s Infrastructure Projects in deal has been undertaken on a build-operate-transfer basis, with the entire investment made available by Gilgit-Baltistan China. Significantly, the Bunji project is just one of the Infrastructure development is considered to be eight hydel projects that are to be constructed. the foundation of a nation’s economic rise and a Moreover, Islamabad is also undertaking determining factor as far as competing in a globalised construction on the $12.6 billion Diamer-Bhasha world is concerned. China seeks to facilitate migration Dam, which will have the capacity to generate from rural to urban life not just within its territory, 4,500 MW of electricity per day. Work on the dam but beyond. According to a study conducted by is already underway and is slated for completion in Morgan Stanley in February 2009, corroborating a 2016. The dam is proposed on the Indus river – 165 2005 World Bank study, China is expected to account km downstream of Gilgit and 40 km downstream for approximately 80 percent of total infrastructure of Chilas. China has agreed to grant Pakistan $121 spending in the entire East Asian region from 2006 to million supplier credit to establish a link line between 2010, which translates to approximately nine percent the Karakoram Highway and the Bhasha Dam site of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – or nearly $350 to help transport heavy machinery needed for its billion annually. construction. China is also putting in an 85 percent Beijing’s noteworthy investments in the investment in the construction of the 165 km-long infrastructure projects in the Gilgit-Baltistan region Jaglot-Skardu road and 135 km-long Thakot-Sazin include the construction of a dry port at Sost, water- road in the region. diversion channels and telecommunication facilities. In addition, Chinese companies have been signed on The port at Sost, on the Pakistan-China border, is to construct bridges in PoK. CWE, a Chinese firm, will connected by the Karakoram Highway to Karimabad, build a bridge on the Jhelum river in Mirpur, costing Gilgit and Chilas in the south and the Chinese cities of $22 million, and another five permanent bridges are , Upal and Kashgar in the north. The port being constructed by the Xinjiang Road and Bridge at Sost holds the potential to serve as a key channel of Construction Company. Mineral exploration is being trading activity for the Central Asian states. undertaken in a major way in the Satpara district in China has also chosen to focus on the power sector PoK, in addition to another mining proposal made to exploit the huge hydro-electric power potential of by Xinjiang Surpass Mining Company Ltd, worth $6 the region. The construction of a hydro-power station million. at Bunji, in the Astore district of the Gilgit-Baltistan According to a July 2010 report published in region of PoK, holds special significance, given that the Gilgit-Baltistan Tribune, the proposal for the it was included in the MoU signed between Pakistan construction of a railway line between Xinjiang and d w lan arfa or re f s e t r u t d n ie e s C


vi ct n 4 or isio y t h v CLAWS hroug ...Presence in PoK the Arabian Sea through Gilgit-Baltistan has been All these incidents, coupled with under discussion for many years. For this purpose, Chinese companies have supposedly completed a the growing Chinese footprint in pre-feasibility study on the engineering and financial the Gilgit-Baltistan region, stand aspects of the project. However, no open source witness to China’s aggressive confirmation is available that could indicate the exact status of this proposed project. engagement strategy in the region. Viewing China’s larger game plan of consolidating its hold over Tibet and Xinjiang, it is manifest that Beijing is pursuing a well-orchestrated and devious strategic rating in the South Asian region and beyond, strategy of positioning itself in a situation of advantage the Chinese position on the Kashmir issue and its in Tibet and far beyond. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway involvement in the same was indicative in October (QTR) line has contributed vitally towards reducing the 2009, when the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi military expenditure in terms of movement began issuing visas to Indian passport holders hailing of men and materials to/from the frontiers. from J&K on a separate sheet of paper, rather than Issue Brief No.Issue Brief 22, December 2010 The QTR will also permit easier movement stamping the visas on their passports, as is the norm of larger and more capable ballistic missiles with other Indian citizens. This could be construed as into the TAR. Given that approximately a crass new move to question the status of J&K vis- 2.18 percent of the 1,118-km-long railway à-vis the Indian Union. All these incidents, coupled is made up of tunnels, it was surprising with the growing Chinese footprint in the Gilgit- that once the construction of these tunnels Baltistan region, stand witness to China’s aggressive was completed, they were kept unused for engagement strategy in the region. Given China’s several months, thus inducing speculation aim of expanding its reach in the region, Pakistan’s that some of the tunnels were being used occupation of PoK and the string of political and as missile bases. In this reference, all the administrative reforms coupled with a wide array of supposed infrastructure projects being infrastructure projects in PoK undertaken by China reported in the Gilgit-Baltistan region could need to be taken cognisance of. In due course of time, be inclusive of the reported clandestine Beijing aims at enhancing consolidation of the area and surreptitious network of 22 tunnels, tacitly, especially in light of the reality that its geo- which then could be used as missile storage strategic interests and ambitions in the region are facilities. certainly on the ascent.

Conclusion Dr Monika Chansoria is Senior Fellow, Centre for Land Warfare Studies As China and Pakistan strengthen their strategic partnership, vying for superior

Views expressed in this Issue Brief are those of the author and do not represent the views of the Centre for Land Warfare Studies.

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